Tom Lescher – New Paradigm Astrology, Webinar 6 Good morning webineers! This is webinar #6. We’re doing very well with this course. I’d like to thank you for your enthusiasm. I’m glad that everyone is gung-ho, charging full boar into astrology because it’s amazing. Particularly during these times, it helps us to get a perspective on the madness that is going on around us on a day-to-day basis. I thank God for astrology every day! The Houses Let’s get started. We’re on the houses. Let’s give ourselves a pat on the back. We’ve made it through the signs and the planets. The houses are the fields of human experience. We talked about the planetary lights; the planets are the lights, the psycho-spiritual function. Mars is desire, Mercury is communication and thinking, Moon is my innermost child, mother and feeling. So we have these functions within us. The King, the Warrior, the Lover, the Magician; these archetypes that we carry within us are these different voices inside of our heads, our hearts and our souls that call us this way and that. In

Tom Lescher New Paradigm Astrology, Webinar 6€¦ · Tom Lescher – New Paradigm Astrology, Webinar 6 ... Mercury is communication and thinking, ... house by looking at the sign,

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Tom Lescher – New Paradigm Astrology, Webinar 6

Good morning webineers! This is webinar #6. We’re

doing very well with this course. I’d like to thank you for

your enthusiasm. I’m glad that everyone is gung-ho,

charging full boar into astrology because it’s amazing.

Particularly during these times, it helps us to get a

perspective on the madness that is going on around us on

a day-to-day basis. I thank God for astrology every day!

The Houses

Let’s get started. We’re on the houses. Let’s give

ourselves a pat on the back. We’ve made it through the

signs and the planets. The houses are the fields of human

experience. We talked about the planetary lights; the

planets are the lights, the psycho-spiritual function. Mars

is desire, Mercury is communication and thinking, Moon

is my innermost child, mother and feeling. So we have

these functions within us. The King, the Warrior, the

Lover, the Magician; these archetypes that we carry

within us are these different voices inside of our heads,

our hearts and our souls that call us this way and that. In

psychology they call them sub-personalities. The inner

critic, inner judge, inner father, inner child, it’s all inside

there. You can look at these planets as being that way,

and those planetary lights go through the signs, which

are the filters. So there’s 12 different ways of thinking

about something, 12 different attitudes, 12 different

approaches. The House is where it’s happening; the


1st House

1st house: me, I, my, my identity, I am. When we look at

these different houses, the ‘where’ is an externalization

of an internal experience. They are this internal

experience which is then projected out to create the

Maya, the external reality. The 1st house is instinct.

We’ve talked about Aries and Mars. This 1st house is my

impulse, instinct, the “I am”. The internal experience is

“I am” and the external experience of that, given by the

ascendant, is your physical body, your appearance. But

it’s not just your physical body, it’s your magnetic field,

your aura, how you enter and come into the world. It’s

what other people experience you as. Some people refer

to the ascendant as the front door. It’s your front door,

the 1st thing that people see.

The Ascendant and Physical Appearance

When we rectify charts, a lot of the time you can just

look at a person and know they are a Cancer rising. They

have eyes that look like Moons, and a big, round face.

Look at me, Leo rising, I have the mane flying! Of

course your aura is modified by the work you

consciously do, but in general, the baby is born with blue

eyes, (Aquarius or Libra rising perhaps). Aries rising has

the angular jaw like the warrior.

The ascendant is the physical appearance, the aura, the

magnetic field. It’s not just physical; it’s also your

energy. Your Water rising is going to be people that kind

of flow into the room. They are like a tall glass of water

that just got poured into the party. Of course, your Fiery

ascendant people are going to barge into the room like a

firestorm. The Earth people just don’t come into the

room. The Earth people host the party and everybody

comes into their house so they don’t have to move. Just

kidding! (*laughing)

Empty Houses and Planets in Houses

When you have a planet in a house, it is like having your

house rented. When you drive by that house, if it’s

empty you talk to the owners. The owner of a house is

the planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the house.

The first house is ruled by the Ascendant and the next

sign going counterclockwise rules the second house etc.

If the house is empty you look for information about that

house by looking at the sign, house, and aspects of its

ruler. If there are planets in the house, just like a house

being rented, the occupants will tell you more about the

house than the rulers (owners).

Saturn in the 1st House

The 1st house is your Identity, your “I” or “Self”. It is

enter or face the world, your spontaneous, unconscious

instincts and desires. Saturn in the 1st house will

represent a “Self” that is serious, concerned with

material security and therefore ambitious. Remember

that Saturn is the Elder, the objective, grounded

authority. When it falls in the 1st house the 1st half of

life is a lot harder than the 2nd half. Once you are grown

up people listen to you like an adult; Saturn is the adult,

so it’s hard to be a kid when you’re so mature,

responsible and dutiful. Saturn in the 1st house people

hang out with the older folks; the 5 year old that hangs

out with Mom and Dad, the bridge club, the adults

because they are this walking adult from early on. In the

2nd half of life, as you mature and get older, people stop

treating you like you’re a little kid and you don’t know

anything. They treat you like you inwardly feel, like you

inwardly are. “I am Saturn, I am an adult, I can handle it,

talk to me reasonably about serious matters and listen to

me because I know what I’m talking about.” Saturn in

the 1st house reflects an ambitious soul that may have a

hard time relaxing, letting go, and playing as a child.

Saturn in the 1st house is a little bit like a Saturn/Mars

conjunction. Because Mars rules the 1st house you can

kind of look at it this way. Venus rules the 2nd house. If

you’ve got Jupiter in the 2nd house, it’s like a

Venus/Jupiter conjunction. This is another way of

interpreting and looking at these things. In basic

astrology, we’re just giving you little hints and tools and

you will refine your skills over years of practice.

Saturn in the 1st house is “I want to go, I want to get

there, I want to stand tall, I have a lot of integrity, I am

Saturn.” So you are a good boss. You know how to

delegate responsibility and how to take responsibility.

Moon in the 1st House

Let’s look at the Moon in the 1st house. It’s like a

Moon/Mars conjunction. The Moon in the 1st house is “I

am the Moon, I change, I flow, I’m sensitive, I feel,

sometimes I’m scared and innocent, and young. Other

times I am the mother and I want to hold, nurture and

support. I come into this world with my heart, my

feelings and the desire to connect emotionally.” This

Moon in the 1st house is going to be very emotional, and

the Moon changes. Here one hour, there the next. The

Moon is responsive and reacts. So Moon in the 1st house

is going to be a person who is reactive. This 1st house is

your basic, primal, instinctive self. I am.

Pluto in the 1st House

“I am Pluto. I am a volcano. I’m holding, building.”

Sometimes they are tall, dark and handsome. Actually

Pluto and Scorpio are not always necessarily handsome

or beautiful. It’s more often rough, rugged features like a

volcano. Think of Pluto. Pluto is a shadow magnet. If

you’ve got Pluto in the 1st house, you trigger people.

Pluto is the force of magnetism, so Pluto in the 1st house

is a magnetic, large personality/field that attracts people

who are seeking transformation. Pluto on the ascendant

or Pluto in the 1st house has these eyes that penetrate

and gaze into you. Like Dracula… “COME to me!” The

eyes that draw you in and see through you, that attract

people who are unconsciously or consciously looking for

transformation. Look at counselors, therapists, shamans

and healers. These are intense people. They look at you,

and you feel the hypnotic gaze, you are drawn into their

field because you need transformation and change. These

are Plutonian forces. What is the I am? Pluto can be

crisis, identity crisis. Pluto is the force of death and

resurrection. Stick it in the 1st house and what do you

have? You die and you’re born again. You go through

this and it falls apart, over and over, again and again.

I happen to have Pluto in the 1st house and I know this.

(*laughing) I keep saying, “I’m not going to start over

again, this is it.” And then, I find myself starting over

again. I keep saying, “No this is it, I’ve got it now.” I

was a gypsy, then an electronics engineer, and then a

teacher, an astrologer, carpenter, father, son. You go

through identity after identity.

Sun in the 1st House

Let’s look at Sun in the 1st house. “I am that I am that I

am. I don’t need excuses or reasons, I simply am. The

Sun in the 1st house is powerful. It is the leader, pioneer.

I am going to start and create. It’s a fiery planet in a fiery

house. Look at it as a Sun/Mars conjunction. “I’m going

to go, go, go.” Sometimes too much Sun can scorch. It

can be a pretty narcissistic, self-oriented type of an

aspect. “Huh, you mean there’s other people? I was just

practicing batting balls. Sorry to break all your

windows.” The 1st house puts things out. It’s a Yang,

masculine, outward, going, creating, pushing… and then

every once in a while, there will be a reaction, response

or backlash. There are lunar people out there who will


No Judgments

We don’t want to stereotype anything here. You have to

look at the whole chart. Every planet has a function, a

place. Sun in the 1st house is also going to have a Moon

somewhere, and everybody has a 12th house. If you

think you’re so great, everybody’s got a Saturn!

Everybody has ups and downs that are all part of a

pattern, a whole, your soul intention and your soul

purpose. This is not you. We come back to the idea that

we are infinite spiritual beings and we put on these

birthcharts like we put on costumes for a play. We are

coming in for a lifetime on planet Earth, and we decide

to be this for this lifetime; to explore this, to research

that. The birthchart is not who you are. It is the intention

that your soul has for this lifetime, and this is the

difference between the soul and the spirit. We are spirits,

and we’ve got these souls. So don’t limit your reality to

your birthchart, and don’t take that quote out of context,

because it sure doesn’t sound very good for an astrologer

to be saying. (*laughing) I’m just saying that it’s all

purposeful and look at the whole thing. Don’t judge

according to this planet and that house.



Let’s get to the 2nd

house. The 2nd

house is an Earth

house, a fixed house. It’s that seed that sprouts. That

creative impulse in Aries grounds, needs to survive, the

seed needs to get some dirt. We’re on Earth! 2nd


has to do with survival, making it in a physical body, on

a physical planet, in a 3rd

dimensional time-space

continuum. It is where the rubber hits the road. That 2nd

house internally is “what I value, what is important to

me.” It is my physical body also, but even deeper than

that, let’s say the 2nd

house is what my physical body can

do. It’s my talents, capacity, what I have, the tools I

have to me survive within this physical body and world.

Therein, it is also tied in with the physical expression of

our sexual nature which is pro-creation. The 1st house is

“I am,” and that Martian quality, wants to radiate. Mars

is the hunter, 1st house. 2

nd house is, “I manifest this in a

physical act.” The 1st house is a Fire house, it is

inspiration, imagination, impulse, and instinct, that then

leads to the 2nd

house and manifests into tangible, visible

results. What do we see? What comes out of that

impulse? If you’re angry in the 1st house, the 2

nd house is

your fist. (*laughing)

You have an impulse in the 1st house to do something,

make something or go somewhere. The 2nd house then

is the money you use to travel, to make it happen. 1st

house; “I want to look good.” 2nd

house; “I’m going

shopping for some clothes that really reflect my sexy

self.” Where do our talents and capacities come from?

1st house is “I want to make music.” 2

nd house is “I buy a

violin, a guitar or a piano.” Then my talent or capacity is

that I learn how to play them in the 3rd

house/Gemini. 2nd

house is the violin. The first house desire to play it

coupled with the 2nd

house physical instrument then

leads to the 3rd

house of learning how to play it. Do you

get the flow and interaction of the houses then?

Jupiter in the 2nd


Let’s put some planets in the 2nd house. Jupiter conjunct

Venus; think of it, Venus is the ruler of the 2nd house.

You’ve got a Jupiter/Venus conjunction. “I expand, I

feel good, I evolve through physical abundance, through

being receptive, through gathering resources and

becoming more self-reliant” It’s a Yin house. These

houses go back and forth from Yang to Yin, and cycle

through Fire, Earth, Air, andWater. The second house is

a feminine house; it’s about receiving. Venus is a

feminine planet, it’s the receptive. So Jupiter in the 2nd

house is going to draw in a lot, draw in abundance. It’s

also going to have a lot of capacity and talent. It is going

to be able to survive. Jupiter is about beliefs. It is the

guru within us. So the belief that the person has is going

to have a tremendous influence upon their physical well-

being, their ability to survive. Let’s say Jupiter in the 2nd

house is squared by Saturn in the 5th

house, opposite

Pluto in the 8th

house. There will be a whole dynamic

that affects these. So you can’t simply say that

everybody with Jupiter in the 2nd house is going to be a

multi-millionaire but you can say that part of their

evolutionary path involves expanding in a physical way,

making their dreams/beliefs manifest in physical

realities. It also reflects a healthy sense of self-worth

which naturally attracts wealth to it. They may not take

a job that doesn’t pay them what they feel they are worth

whereas another person may sell themselves short in

comparison. This can therefore lead to an accumulation

of wealth.

Saturn in the 2nd


Saturn is the teacher and in the 2nd

house of survival, it

says, “You want to survive? You need stand up, take

responsibility, be the boss, grow up. You can’t wallow in

tears, but stand and be tall, step into your wisdom, have

the integrity.” Saturn can work on a number of different

levels, and a lot of times it deals with the shadow: what

is repressed, avoided, denied and projected outside of

ourselves. Saturn is the Lord of Karma. Saturn is the

externalization of my authority. So Saturn in the 2nd

house can be someone who has adopted other people’s

values. “I listened to Mom, Dad, teachers and society

and my values, my core beliefs are like I’m judging

myself (Saturn), I’m evaluating myself (2nd


according to what they do, who they are, what society

says is valuable.”

Basically, Saturn in the 2nd

house says, “You can’t do

that, you’ll fall short, you’re not going to fit in, you’re

not the consensus, you’re not the norm.” Saturn is the

norm, it is the establishment. Saturn in the 2nd house is

“I am not the norm, I am not the establishment.” As a

little kid and in our 20s, we’re looking around trying to

fit in and see what everybody else is doing. We’ve got

peer pressure. We’re trying to listen to what people we

respect said, and trying to follow instructions and

recipes. It fails, falls, and doesn’t work. Sometimes that

can be extreme.

Conversely, Saturn in the 2nd house can be someone

who makes a lot of money. They joined the system, they

adopted false values. They become the real estate tycoon

and the big corporate monster. But they still have

Karma. Saturn in the 2nd house says, “You need to

throw off the external world, the established world, and

you need to start from scratch and build your own

foundation that is solidly and truly your Self.” And this

takes time.

If you don’t, and you buy into false values, then you may

have money and be materialistically successful. You

may get all the outer trappings of success and be

inwardly unfulfilled, unhappy and not know why. Until

it all falls apart and you back up, start from scratch, you

may not build up your new set of values leading to a

“true” (or individualized) sense of self-worth.

It can indicate that it takes you some time to discover

your uniqueness and you are unsuccessful following

external instructions. But when you develop new

capacities and talents you can succeed immensely!

Saturn in the 2nd

house says, “Get your butt out there and

play the game! Go to the school. I need to work my way

through the established steps. If I want to be a therapist,

this society says I need a degree. I’m going to go to

school and get a degree.” Saturn doesn’t let you cut

corners. When it’s in the 2nd

house and you want to

really get established and get a good sense of self-worth,

you want to get some money in the bank, you have to

pay some dues, go through the steps and climb the

mountain. Then you’ll receive the authority and respect

of your peers, of the establishment, of the outside world.

You have proven yourself in their eyes.

Neptune in the 2nd


Neptune in the 2nd house: Neptune is very unconscious.

It’s not an easy planet to have in the 2nd

house. It’s not

physical, it’s not material, and it’s not about 3rd

dimensional reality. So why would I give myself a

Neptune in the 2nd house? Some of you might ask

yourself that. Well, let’s look at it. Neptune in the 2nd

house is a big task. “I am going to make the invisible

visible. I am a magician. My infinite spiritual self is

coming down into my physical body, my physical

possessions.” This type of an individual is not

necessarily going to have an easy time in this society,

because Western civilization doesn’t have that much

value for Neptune. Neptune is music, dance, art, the

invisible, the inaudible, the magical mystery tour.

This is an interesting thing… I had a very good astrology

teacher a long time ago tell me, “You are in your houses

until your Saturn return. After your Saturn return, you’re

in your signs and that Neptune goes more into the sign.”

Our beginning of life, when the external authority and

rules are out there affecting us… this Neptune in the 2nd

house is going to start off the evolutionary process. A lot

of times money runs through their fingers like water.

Neptune, the God of the oceans, it’s like easy come easy

go. There’s this innocent, open, naïve, “oh yeah, money,

whatever, it will always be there, it will always happen, I

don’t really care about money, I’m not materialistic. You

need some money, here you go! Oh I ran out of money,

could you pay me back that money that you owe me?

What do you mean you don’t have it?” Neptune is where

you’re sleeping a little bit, and those first 28 years, if it’s

in the 2nd house, they are sleeping about money.

You may also be sleeping about your own inner

capacities and inner talents. Inner worth is very

intangible, and it’s like you are a magician, musician,

artist, and you have to own, believe and love that part of

yourself in order to attract abundance. Don’t forget: the

money in our bank account boils down to how worthy

we feel, how much we truly love ourselves, how much

we feel we are worth. That’s reflected in what’s coming

to us. Neptune in the 2nd house can feel like “I am an

angel of light, but I don’t feel like anybody is paying any

attention to angels these days. They are all so busy with

their briefcases, suitcoats, ties, white picket fences,

trying to buy fancy, expensive cars. I don’t really feel

valued. I may have some self-love, but I still may not

feel like I’m worth anything to anybody else. So I may

charge $20 an hour for my astrological chart readings

that change people’s lives because that’s all I think they

will pay me.” So Neptune in the 2nd house can sell

themselves' short and give themselves away because

they don’t feel connected with the material world. So

you see how these things work?

Pisces Ruling the 2nd


That can also be Pisces ruling the 2nd house, especially

if there are no planets in the 2nd house. Pisces ruling the

2nd house is like a Neptune/Venus conjunction. Don’t

forget the dual nature of Venus. There’s the Taurus side

of Venus; the money side. You look at transits and

progressions of Venus, where Venus falls. Venus has to

do with money. It’s not just love and relationships. You

get into money astrology, financial astrology, and Venus

is all about the money. She’s not just a dancer!

So Pisces ruling the 2nd house, like a Neptune/Venus

conjunction, this is also very dreamy. I’m thinking of the

dancer, the wild one, the innocent, the beautiful but very

ethereal and platonic. In bed, sexually, Venus/Neptune,

Neptune in the 2nd house is a spiritualization of the

body. It can be very platonic love. “I’m not a wham bam

caveman. I’m a sensitive lover. I want massage, and I

want to go slow. I want to cuddle and be held with the

music and incense. Don’t just come on to me. I’m a

Venus/Neptune. I’m very subtle and sensitive. I’m easily

overwhelmed.” Neptune is like whoa! “I don’t need a

caveman coming at me with a club.” Venus/Neptune is

“I play the harp in the back of the symphony.” A picture

is worth a thousand words. I should just get pictures of

these things and you can make sense of them yourself.




Let’s go on to the 3rd

house. Gemini, Mercury, we talked

about those. It’s the left-brain. Linear, logical, how I

think, how I learn, how I integrate, navigate, make my

way from point A to point B. 3rd house is Google Maps,

Mapquest, how I get from here to here. 3rd house is the

stage, it’s where it happens. The 3rd house will describe

how you communicate. It’s the lower school. 9th

house is

higher school, university, traveling abroad, philosophy.


house is how you did in math and science. How you

got through grade school. Were you a good tape

recorder? Did you spit back to the teacher everything

that the teacher spit at you? It’s the computer. It’s

yes/no, right/wrong, light/dark, plus/minus. Just get

there, get through it. It’s also the now. What’s going on

right here and now right at the tip of my nose. Gemini/3rd

house/Mercury pays attention to here and now. So the 3rd

house is also your neighborhood, your next door

neighbors. I’ve always had trouble with neighbors. I’ve

always had issues with barking dogs next door and

terrible situations with neighbors. I have Neptune in the


house. I get overwhelmed with all of these neighbors.

Neptune in the 3rd



house is your lower school experience. Neptune in

the 3rd

house, I used to daydream and space out all

through grade school, look out the window, wish I was

gone. It’s how you think, how you communicate. I’m

alright talking about astrology, spiritual stuff, the

invisible world. When I try to sit down and write a book,

it’s a whole different ball game. So the 3rd

house brings

it into the here and now.

Multiple Planets in the 3rd


A lot of planets in the 3rd

house, it’s about teaching,

communicating, networking. All those multi-level

marketers, telemarketers, they are 3rd

house people. The

phone is ringing. I went to a concert the other night and

saw all these phones up in the air recording the concert. I

couldn’t even see the stage. When I looked over people’s

heads all I could see was these phones. It’s technical. It’s

also current. These are the gadget men and women. “I’ve

got to have the latest. I need the newest. OMG Windows

8 is out! I’ve only got Windows 7. I might be missing

something. I’ve got to have Windows 8.” It’s right here

now, stay current, stay up to date, get the latest

information, interact with your immediate environment.

As such then, it’s also brothers and sisters. Mercury/3rd

house is siblings. That’s good enough for now. This is

not all-inclusive. This is basic astrology 101.




house: home, roots, family, early childhood

experience. Let’s look at the inner and the outer. So 3rd

house; the inner, internalization aspect of it is how I

think, and the externalization is everything else that I

said. 4th

house: how do I inwardly feel? Where is my

inner sense of emotional, feeling, security? Inner

experience, outer experience = home, roots, family,

childhood. Was I breastfed or fed on the bottle? Was I

fed a bunch of GMOs? That’s huge. That’s big stuff! My

inner child, how I emotionally bond, how I emotionally

connect with other people, with my environment.

So this 4th

house is my emotional needs and when it’s

about security, let’s not forget the opposite: insecurity.

The 4th

house and planets in the 4th

house describe our

fears, what we are afraid of, what freaks out our inner

child. It is our past, our memory that gets triggered by

present people and activities. Sometimes 4th

house can

get lost. It’s very introverted. “I’m in my inner feelings.

I’m not even here now. Somebody slammed a door and

that reminded me of when I was 2 years old. That

slamming door just took me back to when my sister

slammed the door in my face. Now I’m feeling all these


Lots of Moon, Cancer, 4th

house you get lots of feelings.

These feelings are the personal unconscious emerging up

into consciousness to be integrated, digested and

processed. Part of the life purpose, what you came here

to do. It is where you stand. As far as houses then, if

you’re looking at a chart and somebody’s house burned

down, they had a flood, their plumbing has problems,

you look to the 4th


Planets in the 4th


Saturn in the 4th

house can also be that you make your

business about real estate. You might work out of the

home. It’s also the physical house. Jupiter transits the 4th

house, you build an addition onto your house; you

expand your house. It’s not just natal but also transits.

We’ll get into transits with Astrology 102.

But the 4th

house, lots of planets in the 4th


describes the type of childhood that you had. Mars in the


house, that’s no fun. You had to fight your way

through childhood. You have a lot of anger, emotional

anger that is triggered. You had some nasty experiences

as a child. You could have separation anxiety from mom.

Mars is the sword that cuts; separation anxiety around

age 2. Some separation occurs between you and your

mother that creates an inner anger and frustration that

takes years to understand and grow through.

If no planets in the 4th

house, you want to go to the sign

that’s ruling the 4th

house. I’ve got Scorpio ruling the 4th

house, no planets, I go to Pluto. Stick Pluto in your 4th

house, that’s what’s going on. Feel into that Scorpio

archetype. That’s what’s going on in that house for you.

Whatever planet or sign is there, in the natural

horoscope, we know that the Moon rules the 4th


because the Moon rules Cancer. If you have Scorpio

ruling your 4th

house, you can look at it a little like you

have a Pluto/Moon conjunction. If you’ve got Aries

ruling your 4th

house, it’s like you have a Mars/Moon

conjunction. If you’ve got Capricorn ruling your 4th

house, it’s like you have a Saturn/Moon conjunction.

Astrology is a blending of archetypes on different levels

in different ways. It’s putting keywords and key phrases

together into sentences. That’s what the next two

webinars will be about, and that’s what Stephen Forrest

does with The Inner Sky. He makes sentences: the what

(planet), how (sign), and where (house) makes an

astrological sentence.




house: inner experience. The internal heart of the 5th

house is Leo/Sun, I create, I demonstrate, I re-create, I

play, I perform, I expand, I shine, I radiate myself out

into the world in my solar unique way. So the 5th


has to do with gambling, speculation, fun, recreation, the

stage, performing, and children. Children are a pro-

creation, so children are an expression of myself. It’s the

house of children. It’s where I come out on stage, where

I’m seen, where I want to be the King or the Queen, I put

myself out there, I play, I get attention, I have fun, I

mess around.

Planets in the 5th


You put Saturn in there and you don’t mess around. “I’m

sorry, play is very serious here. We’re not just playing

around. I am seriously expressing myself. I want to be

heard. This is important.” Put Pluto there and it gets even

heavier. “This is very, VERY important and if you don’t

listen I’ll chop your head off.” Just kidding. (*laughing)

The 5th

House and Love Affairs

Love affairs is another thing that falls in the 5th


What is that about? The definition of love affairs is

you’re in a relationship, a marriage, a committed

relationship and you’re not getting enough attention. The


house: “I’m on stage, I want applause, I want a clap, I

want to be loved, don’t reject me, roll out the red carpet,

I’m here, smile, I said something, hello!” 5th

house needs

to be seen. A love affair is when your partner, your one

on one, monogamous relationship is not getting you

enough positive attention/kudos. They aren’t paying

enough attention to you. You’re not seen enough. You’re

not feeling appreciated or special. There’s that need to

feel special, to feel like the King or the Queen. So it’s

like, “Ok, this other person who was at the movie theater

the other night smiled and winked at me and made me

feel special. You’re not making me feel special, so I

reach out to this other person.”

This is how this thing about love affairs came to be

associated with the 5th

house. The 5th

house is more

short-term. It’s play, fun. The 5th

house is square the 8th

house, Leo is square Scorpio. Scorpio is the

commitment, the long-term. Fifth house is the romantic,

candlelight dinners and romance. It’s experiencing

yourself through the response of other people and the

environment. You know yourself through your creations,

so Leo/5th

house/Sun is creating, creating to know

yourself. Then people look at your creations and give

you feedback. These Fire signs: Aries just puts itself out

there. It’s a mystery unto itself. It needs Libra to give the

feedback. Leo needs Aquarius, the whole fricken planet,

the whole community to give it feedback to see itself, to

know itself through its creations.




house/Virgo/Mercury: health, integration, sickness,

work, co-workers, employees, mentors, apprentices,

aunts, uncles, your daily routine, health and hygiene. The

bottom line is the internal experience. Virgo is the sign

of the initiation of the individual into the social group or

social order. It falls between Leo: the sign of self-

consciousness and self-awareness of my creative

capacity needing to get to Libra: other people,

partnership, relationship and society at large. Virgo is the

initiation of the Leo into the Libra; self meets other. I

described Virgo as the bridegroom or the bride preparing

for the wedding. It’s this place where we get it together;

integrate. That very often implies purging, purifying,

perfecting, my physical body. It’s an Earth house, it’s an

Earth sign. It’s get the body together. It is my health. It’s

the physical expression.

Neptune in the 5th


With Neptune in the 5th

house, or Neptune in Leo you

could have some illusions, some fantasies or dreams

about who you are and what your life purpose is. “I

think everybody needs pens made out of paper. My

creative expression is going to be making paper pens.”

But maybe nobody needs or wants paper pens. Then in

the 6th

house you will experience a humbling of yourself

or some critical feedback that says “Hey, you need to

make those pens out of something stronger so they last.”

You may need to improve or modify your original

creative effort and this happens in the 6th


The Virgo Realm of Experience

This is a place where we see if our creations are needed

by other people. It’s the house of work. “I am integrating

into my environment, society, and relationships. I need

to perfect, analyze, do market research. Virgo is going to

tell you if everybody needs paper pens or not. If they

don’t then you need to go back to the drawing board.

You need to inwardly process, integrate, analyze,

calculate, and figure out what when wrong. “Why wasn’t

that successful? I borrowed thousands, made thousands

of paper pens and lost my shirt.” Virgo is the

bookkeeper, it is the accountant that’s figuring and

analyzing. Your paper pen company is going broke.

So we get feedback from our bodies and from our

analysis and our calculations and other people. They

help bring us into places of better control and greater

awareness. I always look at that 6th


as the beaver chopping down those trees, building the

dam, affecting nature, working at nature, directing

nature, influencing nature, creators of culture. There

would be no skyscrapers, Golden Gate Bridges or

Titanics without Virgo. Pisces is fine to live on the beach

and drum naked and swim with dolphins. Eat the fruit

off the tree, dig up the wild roots, God will provide.

Virgo is like, “Hey! Let’s build a shelter or a skyscraper.

I’m tired of walking into town. Let’s build a bicycle or a

car. Let’s do something. Let’s take what we’ve got and

do something with it.” Virgo is the tinkerer. I’m going to

mess with this, I’m going to improve it.” Virgo is about

improving and perfecting, performance, taking the

creation from the 5th

house and working with it.

House Stepping

The 3rd

house is brothers and sisters, and the 6th

house is

aunts and uncles from the Mother’s side. This is because

the 4th

house is Mom. When you take the 4th

house as the

1st house, the 6

th house is the 3

rd house from the 4


house. So it’s your Mom’s brothers and sisters, which

are your aunts and uncles.

Let’s take another one. 4th

house is Mom, 5th

house is

Mom’s money because the 5th

house is the 2nd


from the 4th

house. Do you see how these types of things

go? So everything will fall into a house. Every aspect,

event in your life, person in your life, possession, every

anything that happens will fall into a house of your chart.

This is called “House Stepping” and we will return to

use it over and over again in different ways.



So back to the 6th

house: health, hygiene, and our diet.

Look at what kinds of food you’re eating, what kind of

exercise are you getting? This is where you’re going to

perfect that body of yours in order to impress Libra/the

other. What is your daily routine like, your activities?

Are you sitting in front of a computer all day and your

muscles are wasting away into nothing? You’re not

getting any exercise, so you don’t have any energy? You

don’t charge out to meet your partner, neighbor, or other

people because you’re tired, weak and not getting

exercise or eating the right food. When we have planets

with “hard” aspects, or Pluto, Chiron, Neptune, or Saturn

perhaps in the 6th

, it will give us indications as to what

the person needs to establish and maintain good health

and what challenges they will face around their physical


Neptune in the 6th


Diet, exercise, perfecting my body, getting my physical

well-being together. Neptune in the 6th

house is

notorious for misdiagnoses. You go to the straight-laced

doctor looking at your physical body like it’s a car. He’s

looking for what organ to replace and what drug to give

you. Neptune in the 6th

house says, “No, it’s my whole

psychic condition, my astral body and how these are all

connected. I have to go to the witch doctor and really

figure out, integrate these different worlds.” Neptune

always brings in the other world. When it’s in an Earth

house, it’s like you have to some way integrate your

multi-dimensional, spiritual reality with your physical

Earthly experience. That is both challenging and leads to




The 7th

house is good because now we can play around

with polarities! The 1st house is “I am.” The 7

th house is

“You are.” It is “The other,” whoever is out there, be it a

business partnership, romantic partnership, life

partnership, or an enemy. I’ve discussed this with Libra

a little bit. It is the part of ourselves that we are so out of

touch with, we project it out onto the other, into the

outside world and we have it come at us. We don’t even

experience it as ourselves, but as somebody else. So the

astrologer looks at your 7th

house, planets in the 7th

house and describes your partners, the type of people

you’re attracted to and who are attracted to you. It’s

what goes on and what goes down in your partnerships

and relationships.

Multiple Planets in the 7th


If you have a lot of planets in the 7th

house, partnerships,

other people, and relationships are a key element in your

evolutionary process. You are coming in here maybe to

be a counselor, work with other people, learning from

other people, sharing with other people. The 7th

house is

also the scales; coming into balance. We talk about

partnership: 50/50. It’s bringing these relationships out

of codependency into intra-dependency, inter-


You’ve got the Sun in the 7th

house, Mars, Venus, all

these planets in the 7th

house; very often it is “I’m here

for you” Especially the Moon’s nodes or the Moon in the


house. “You are my life purpose. You are the reason

for my being. “Look at all the love songs. Karen

Carpenter, “You Light Up My Life.” You, you, you! “I

need you, can’t live without you, I am you.” This is

where you can go overboard. You have to balance out

the 1st and 7

th houses, Aries and Libra.

Sun in the 7th


Sun in the 7th

house; I shine in partnership. “When I’m

with somebody, that’s where I shine.” I talked about the

polarities with Venus and Mars. If you’ve got Venus in

the 7th

house, it indicates that you have a way of

knowing, of feeling into the other. You put yourself in

the other person’s shoes, you feel the other person’s

feelings, you know what the other person needs, you’re

all about the other person. You want to balance that 7th

house energy with the 1st house.

Uranus in the 7th


When you have Uranus in the 7th

house, you’ve got some

extreme unpredictable, weird partnerships. Weird stuff

goes on, and you are here to invent new forms of

relationship. Unpredictable things happen. You get crazy

partners; hot one day, cold the next, here one day, gone

the next. There’s always that instability. But that

instability leads you to new awareness, new

understanding, and remarkable new approaches to


If you’ve got Aquarius over there, you get eccentric

partners, unusual types of people, unusual relationship

conditions. This isn’t just romantic, this can also be

business; business partners who walk off with all the

money, all the clients or all the business. The reverse can

also happen. You get a Jupiter/Uranus going on in there,

and thank God for that partner! That partner blew your

mind and opened you up. Jupiter/Uranus is Expand

through the Internet. Jupiter/Uranus in the 7th


indicate that you met your spouse on Matchmaker.com!


I don’t want to over-emphasize it, but as long as we’re

with Uranus in the 7th, it can also indicate that I am out

of touch with my Uranus. “I’m out of touch with how

different I really am, how much of a genius I really am. I

see it in everybody else. I see it as out there. It’s my

partner who’s amazing, a genius, a fanatic, extreme, or

unpredicatable. I don’t see it in myself. I project it onto

the other and experience it coming to me.”

Uranus there indicates that it is time to liberate yourself

from a dependency upon what other people think of you.

Judging yourself according to other people’s opinions,

break out of the flock, the herd, or the mold. And you

will attract others who will show you just how that is

done….. examples of how to be different, live different

and not be intimidated.

In the 7th

house we learn through our projections. The

more you can own the planets in your 7th

house, the more

you can take on who your partner really is or what they

are bringing. Pluto in the 7th

house is “my partner is

trying to kill me, the old me, to transform me. If I come

to a place where I realize that the purpose of my

relationships is to help me to transform I can accept that

it is my soul intention and not blame or hole them

responsible – see? I really need to change. I’m creating

a situation where I need to do big things, tap into deep,

deep stuff. So I attract a deep, deep partnership reality.”

Mercury in the 7th


Mercury in the 7th

house, put Gemini over there in the 7th

house, you’re a Sagittarius rising. “We like to talk,

window shop, travel, go places. I need stimulation. I

need an intelligent partner, someone who’s good at

business, someone who knows how to get around, has it

together, isn’t spacey or abstract. One thing that bothers

me is dumb people. My spouse is sharp. He/She’s a

writer etc.”




house: opposite of the 2nd

house. 2nd

house is my

values, 8th

house is other peoples values. 2nd

house is my

capacity, talent and money. 8th

house is other people’s

capacities, talents and money. 2nd

house, “It’s mine, I’m

in control.” 8th

house, “I can’t control you, the world, the

banks, the insurance companies.” 8th

house is forces

beyond my control. Banks, taxes, inheritance, insurance,

settlements, corporate money, other people’s money,

shared money.

This is the realm where we meet Uncle Sam and the IRS.

You’re not going to fight the IRS. Some people try.

(*laughing) This is where the individual that has been

built up from Leo through Libra meets the dragon, the

devil, the underworld, the “wild, wild world.” It’s the

predator and the prey, the mouse and the lion. “I have to

stand up against the tsunami, the bank. I have to muster

and master all my forces, my whole self to face this!”

Scorpio/Pluto is the eagle, not just the scorpion. It’s

where we come into mastery. That involves a

death/resurrection experience, a humbling experience,

really getting down, vulnerable and open, looking at the

deeper sources, processes, roots of what’s holding me

back, what I’m afraid of. 8th

house is the house of sex

and orgasm. Scorpio, Pluto is this merging and uniting

that “whether I am confronting this force I can’t control,

or merging with it, my evolutionary process involves

deep, internal, alchemical change as one product of

every intimate relationship.

Our sexual impulse is one way we extend beyond

ourselves. It is the polarity of Taurus and the 2nd


ourselves, our inner processes, emotions, needs,

feelings. The I/Me/My and mine. But we all experience

an impulse, a desire to connect with someone or

something outside ourselves that we feel we want and

don’t have. One reason we talk to the opposite sex is that

we are stirred/motivated by this magnetic impulse or

desire to connect with them on a physical level.

So this sexual impulse and desire is a very powerful

magnetic force of attraction that signals there’s an

evolutionary process here, a Karma here, a pathway of

growth, a transformation or transmutation through the

mixing and blending of our chemistry with that of

another. Alchemy is when we mix two together and we

get something different than either out of it as a result.

This 8th

house is the house where we kind of lose

ourselves. Those two chemicals mix together and you

don’t have pure Hydrogen or Oxygen anymore, you have

H20; water. You lose yourself in the 8th

house. You die

to your old self when you merge. You exchange sexual

fluids, you bring something into you and you give

something away. You are no longer the same. It’s death.

Bye bye to the past, to the old.

Multiple Planets in the 8th


If you’ve got lots of planets in the 8th

house, there is this

innate knowing that you are here to process and work

with, whether through confrontation or union, other

people and other forces you can’t control. It can also be

money; big money. “I’m the branch manager for Bank of

America. I deal with other people’s money.” It’s about

power and sometimes force and manipulation. It’s the

arena where it happens. If you get a divorce, the 8th

house has to do with who gets what; the car, the house,

the money, custody. Sometimes, the lawyers need to step

in to figure out the shared possessions and help

determine where the lines need to be drawn.




house. We come out of the 8th

house. The 8th

house is

“Why. Why me? Why this? Why now? 9th

house is the

answers to the questions. It's the house of philosophy,

the meaning of life, understanding, truth, bigger, wider,

broader picture, connecting more dots to your picture,

understanding things. You merge out of the tunnel, the

cave, or purgatory. The 8th

house is hell and purgatory;


house is I come out of it purged, different than I went

into it. I am liberated, I understand, I expand. There was

a point and a purpose to it, and now I understand why.

Your natal chart is how you are pieced together, and the

9th house tells us what beliefs we have that piece our

reality together to give meaning to our lives. Everybody

has their own belief system. “I believe that you must be

saved by Jesus Christ, or you will not go to Heaven. So

much of my life experience is filtered by that belief. It’s

a filter that I run everything through.” 9th

house also has

to do with judgments, the beliefs that I hold, the truth

that I stand for. It’s a mutable house. It’s right-brained.

Gemini and the 3rd house is the left brain.


house is the right brain. “I am

constantly expanding, intuiting, understanding bigger

and bigger pieces of the puzzle. Let’s not forget the Holy

Ghost and God the Father. There’s a trinity there. Aha!

And that trinity leads me to studying angels and

archangels. I start studying angels, and pretty soon they

start appearing to me and talking to me. They are telling

me different things than the priest told me. So I’m

expanding my understanding of angels.”

We are always learning and expanding, changing our

beliefs. So Jupiter, 9th

house expansion is “I was a born

again Christian, and then I went to Tibet.” 9th


foreign lands, foreign journeys, gurus, traveling, airports.

“So I met this Hari Krishna at the airport, and Wow that

guy just blew my mind! I was a born again Christian, but

now I’m a Hari Krishna. Then the Hari Krishna goes

down to South America and takes some Ayahuasca and

becomes a Shaman etc... This is how we are constantly

growing, expanding, and learning whether it is in a

university (9th house) or sitting at the foot of a guru (9th

house). The 9th

house, it's ruler and the planets in it tell

us about the beliefs and religion and philosophy that a

person has.

We talked about the 3rd

house as representing the city,

neighborhood, "busyness," and computers/gadgets. The


house, Sagittarius is the cowboy that roams the wild

range, herds cattle, is out in nature. "I drink my

campground coffee strong. I chase the wild mares and

wild stallions through the woods and through the

mountains.” The 9th house is the great outdoors,

Outward Bound, rocky mountain high. It’s living in the

country. A strong Sag or 9th house is a free spirit, maybe

athletic, loves nature and the outdoors and needs a lot of

personal space.

The bottom line of the 9th house that ties it all together is

"natural law." Nature holds the meaning of life, truth,

freedom, and is the best foundation for human cultural

laws and religions that result in the 10th house, the 2nd

from the 9th. The second house always has to do with

the manifestation of the first house. If we make the the

9th house the first then the 10th house (as we will see)

socio-cultural laws are the manifestation of the truth that

we come to or realize in the 9th house.

The Chart is the Soul’s Intention

Just because you have this chart, doesn’t mean your life

is that way. It means that your life was intended to be

that way. You can fight like a bulldog, like a donkey

sticking his four feet in the mud. “I don’t want to go

there. Somebody told me that was wrong, and I listened

to somebody else instead of my own soul blueprint. I’ve

got Sagittarius on the 4th,

and I’m living in downtown

New York city. I’m not happy about it but I just can’t

seem to get out of there.” That’s part of why it’s great

that you’re studying astrology, and you can counsel

people. That’s where the counseling comes in. It’s like

get your ego mind in alignment with your unconscious

spiritual intention that’s laid out right here like a

blueprint in your astrological birthchart.

Nature, anthropology, multi-culturalism. It’s the people

that bring money to the orphans in Africa. Salvation

Army people, Peace Corps people, Sagittarius people are

combining different religions, different cultures,

different societies. They got it all going on. They are

your ex-patriots. Down there in Bali, I think I met more

Sagittarian people than anywhere else. Many people

from all over the world with strong beliefs about what

was right and what was wrong and they gathered

together there where they feel supported by a culture that

is so spiritual and built around their spiritual beliefs.



The 10th

house is the opposite of the 4th

house. The 4th

house is your innermost personal process, and the 10th

house is your outermost public persona. It’s your

reputation, the job you hold, the office you fulfill, the

way people look to you, what people expect of you, how

much you are an authority out there in the world.

Where/when you are not functioning in that capacity, it

symbolizes/describes your boss, your employer, the

government, external authorities, the ones who make the

laws you have to abide by. It is a house of karma ruled

by Saturn, the Lord of Karma. There are unchangeable

laws. There’s gravity. Gravity is a 10th

house experience.

What goes up comes down.

Life is not always fun. The 10th house has to do with our

duties and responsibilities. In the old days, it was the

Father. Nowadays it can be the Mother. Single mothers

may be the 4th

house and the 10th

house. I do associate

Moms and Dads more with the Sun and the Moon rather

than the 4th

and the 10th

house anymore because you

have to talk to your client and ask who laid down the

law. Let’s look at it. Mom is unconditional love. Mothers

love their kids no matter what. Father’s love is much

more conditional. It’s more Saturnian: prove yourself,

stand up, get a job, be responsible. It kind of pulls you

out of your child, out of your inner world. In the case of

a single mom, she may need to be both which is an

extremely challenging job!

As a teacher I remember representing another external

authority. The teacher takes the child away from the

mother and the family, and gives that child to the world.

The teacher is the go-between, the medium. Sometimes

parents have a hard time with teachers because they are

taking their little baby away. Saturn takes us out of our

child and matures us. After the teacher there is the

employer, or the government, or the church, or the

army... the list of external authorities goes on and on.

Multiple Planets in the 10th


The 10th house represents the office that we hold or the

responsibilities that we have to the world at large. It is

the persona that project or the mask that we wear when

out in the public. A lot of planets there and you may

confuse your mask, what your persona is, what the

outside world says you are, with your 4th

house -

who/what you really are. It’s kind of tricky. This whole

thing of maturity, inner, outer, all this reflection, this is

what’s so much fun about coming into these bodies, and

living in this Maya world of the 3rd

dimension. “What’s

me, my persona, my mask and how is it different from

the truth? How can I more adequately express my true

self?” This is the 10th

house: it is about integrity. “How

can I come into integrity and express my core 4th


truth out in the world, and will I make any money at it?”

Let's recall that the 10th house is an earth house and that

it is, with Cancer and 4th house, the "Security Axis" in

the chart. Cancer and the 4th house have to do with

emotional security and Capricorn and the 10th have to

do with material security which many seek through the

acquisition of money.




house: Aquarius, opposite of 5th

house. 5th

house is

my creations, my need for attention, myself. 11th


think of it, Aquarius: Uranus, friends, groups,

associations, globalization, politics, science, technology,

totally non-personal, totally non-attached, very cerebral,

inventor, inventions, genius, 3rd eye, future. In old

astrology they call it the house of hopes and wishes, and

that is really to do with future purpose. The Sun in the 5th

house is my purpose. “This is my purpose. I’m creating

this.” That 11th

house is my future purpose. So that’s

where my hope or my wish comes in. It’s where I’m

aiming my arrow. It’s where I’m headed. It’s what’s

driving me, pulling me forward. In the present you have

the past pushing you and the future pulling you - there's

no escape ha ha! The future is like a black hole, a vortex,

sucking us up and in.

Multiple Planets in the 11th


Lots of planets there, you are a global, planetary citizen.

A lot of your soul intention is to do with zillions of

people and big corporations, big enterprises, politics, lots

of community work, depending upon the planets of

course. Moon there, South node of the Moon there, that’s

your past, where you’re coming from. Sun there, Venus

there, Mars there, that’s where you are, and there will be

a lot of activity. You are a rebel.

The 11th

house is also the house of liberation and

deconditioning. It’s coming out of the 10th

house. 11th

house is also a little bit of retirement. 2nd

house from the


house, it’s the money from the business. So

transiting planets, when they go through the 10th


and go into that 11th

house you experience the results of

what you did out in the world. You can either expand

upon it in a new, larger way or break free from it and

have a new vision, new path.

The 11th house is also the house of "friends and

acquaintances" in old astrology (now the buzz word is

community). A lot of your friends and acquaintances are

the result of the business you do in the outside world.

We meet people through our work and they become our

friends, often because of shared values (2nd from the

10th) or visions of the future.




house. We have exactly 13 minutes to do the 12th

house, and there’s no way we can do the 12th

house in 13

minutes because the 12th

house is infinite! It’s Pisces!

Very simply, just to get it out there, it has to do with

what goes on behind the scenes, the collective

unconscious. It’s where I meet the collective. It’s my

egoless self, my spiritual self, my ultimate fantasy,

dream, or imagination about who I am or how I am

connected to the spiritual world. Therefore, the

externalization of that is it’s the house of dreams, house

of meditation. In the physical world it’s the Ashram, the

cave, the mountaintop, the bedroom, the bed where I’m

sleeping and dreaming, the hospital.

Think of the collective unconscious. It is reflected in our

large institutions; educational institutions, medical

institutions, religious institutions, governmental

institutions etc. There are more Presidents of the United

States born with the Sun in the 12th

house than any other

house. They are the head of the government, a huge,

massive institution.

In another way, on another level, you may not become a

famous representative of the collective unconscious.

You may hide away, run away, or "ascend" toward a

spiritual, otherworldly consciousness. It’s the house of

selflessness. It’s the opposite of Virgo. Virgo is effort

and working on the dam, doing, doing, doing. 12th


is the house of the martyr, of the victim, sacrifice,

selfless giving and serving. These Presidents are servants

of the public. Yes, they may get a lot of money and

prestige, but I see more Presidents get gray hair in 4

years than anybody else I’ve ever seen. I don’t think

they are really having that good of a time, even though

they often smile a lot, eh?

Multiple Planets in the 12th


You have to look at the inner experience, and the inner

experience of the 12th

house is “I am out of touch with

myself. I don’t know myself.” A lot of planets in the 12th

house can symbolize that you are a mirror of the

collective unconscious. It’s very challenging to get to the

bottom, core of your being because the bottom, core of

your being is a wormhole out into infinite, spiritual


We know Pisces and Neptune has to do with addictions

and escapism. That’s why it’s also jails, prisons,

hospitals, mental institutions, and places where you go

nuts. It’s the sewer system. A lot of planets there can be

people working with the sewers of New York City.

There’s a certain dreamy, unconsciousness there. It can

also be just oblivious. I’m oblivious to my surroundings.

I’m not really even here on this plane, in this body, in

this moment. I’m somewhere else, so I can have my

hands in nasty garbage all day. I’m not all the way here.

The 12th

house is also places that would disgust or freak

out other people. There’s a place for everything. So the

garbage dump or the sewerage treatment plant is a 12th

house place. Everything has a house. Everything has a

place in your astrological chart.

Q & A

Q: Can you speak about intercepted houses?

A: Yes. I don’t have a lot to say about intercepted

houses. I don’t pay that much attention to intercepted

houses myself, but I can repeat what I’ve heard from

other teachers and other people who do. I look at the

cusp of a house as where the inside meets the outside. If

you have 2 signs that are not on a house cusp, they’re not

getting "externalized." It’s more of a challenge to

connect those signs/planets to the outside world. It’s

more of an internalized experience. If you’ve got 2 signs

that are intercepted in opposite houses, then you’ll have

somewhere else in your chart where 2 other opposite

signs will rule 2 houses instead of one. If I’ve got Leo

ruling the 9th

and 10th

house, that makes my Sun that

much more important when interpreting the chart.

In chart interpretation, you work a lot with the planet

that’s ruling the house. There will be more of an

emphasis on those planets ruling 2 houses of the chart,

and there’s going to be a little less emphasis on signs

that are intercepted.

Another interpretation is that you have either one of two

things happening; look at the chart and the person. Look

at their evolutionary stage, and take all factors into

consideration. They have either not worked with those

two signs and that polarity and it’s buried, or they've

mastered it.

Put that into your chart interpretation, and tell me how it

goes for you. This is a research project. Astrology is

evolving through each one of you. As you do astrology

and take on astrology, you are expanding our

understanding of astrology. That’s what I love about this

science/art. It’s evolving very rapidly. We’re not dealing

with Newtonian physics here so much as quantum.

Another thing to keep in mind is that when there is an

intercepted sign, the house is more than 30 degrees, so

that’s a big house. A transiting planet, like Jupiter

perhaps, that orbits every 12 years and spends a year in a

sign, is going to spend more than a year in that house.

You’re going to have a few more experiences in that

realm or area of life.

Q: Can you give a brief explanation of Saturn in


A: (*Laughing) Oh, because it’s transiting now. We have

this Mercury/Saturn transiting through Scorpio so let's

talk (Mercury) about Saturn. It’s going to be there for

2.5 years, and Saturn in Scorpio is it’s time to grow up

and own our shadows using other people, partnerships,

relationships, and our deepest intimate connections to

reveal back to us our stuff that needs to be transformed

and changed. We have a couple years of really deep

work. We're out of time now but I will be going more

into this in the next webinar series when we deal with

the transits and chart interpretation. Thank you for being

here today.

Aloha. Namaste. So Much Love.