TOILET MANNERS Toilet can be germ ridden places & enough care is not to adopt hygienic practices we can contribute to the spread of many types of disease So, if you mess it; clean it Nobody likes to clean up someone else’s mess, so it makes sense for everyone to clean up after themselves throughout the day to maintain a high standard of hygiene & cleanliness. ( clean up your own mess) Avoid messing the toilet seat. If you do, Clean up after yourself properly Stand close enough to the seat, so you don’t dribble on the floor. Concentrate when you pee so you don’t wet the seat, walls or floor. Remember to flush the toilet after use.

Toilet Manners

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Toilet can be germ ridden places & enough care is not to adopt hygienic practices we can contribute to the spread of many types of disease So, if you mess it; clean it Nobody likes to clean up someone elses mess, so it makes sense for everyone to clean up after themselves throughout the day to maintain a high standard of hygiene & cleanliness. ( clean up your own mess) Avoid messing the toilet seat. If you do, Clean up after yourself properly Stand close enough to the seat, so you dont dribble on the floor. Concentrate when you pee so you dont wet the seat, walls or floor. Remember to flush the toilet after use. The toilet brush is for cleaning the inside of the toilet bowl after you have used the toilet.(check whether you need to use it) Dont leave it for someone else to clean up for you after you. Be hygienic ALWAYS