8/8/2019 Toddler Book http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/toddler-book 1/19 Behaviour Toddler behaviour Encouraging good behaviour: 12 tips Discipline Connecting and communicating Communicating with toddlers Development An overview of toddler development Health Common health issues Daily care Toilet training Teeth, sun care, dressing and bathing Nutrition and fitness Nutrition basics Healthy eating and exercise habits Play and learning Learning through play Reading and play ideas Safety Keeping your toddler safe Sleep Sleep needs and bedtime routines Getting up after bedtime and moving to a 'big bed' © 2009 Raising Children Network. All Rights Reserved. Page 1/19

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BehaviourToddler behaviourEncouraging good behaviour: 12 tipsDiscipline

Connecting and commun icatingCommunicating with toddlers

DevelopmentAn overview of toddler development

HealthCommon health issues

Daily careToilet trainingTeeth, sun care, dressing and bathing

Nutrition and fitnessNutrition basicsHealthy eating and exercise habits

Play and learningLearning through playReading and play ideas

SafetyKeeping your toddler safe

SleepSleep needs and bedtime routinesGetting up after bedtime and moving to a 'big bed'

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Your toddler has a lovely surprise in store for you. When you ask

her to do something, she may actually do it! By this age, many

children start to control their urges, change their behaviour and

do as mum or dad asks. Not all the time, of course.

The name for this wonderful ability is self -regulation. It is one of

life's most important milestones.

Here are some things to keep in mind about toddler behaviour:

Toddlers are naturally curious about their w orld. They learn by testing andexperimenting with everything around them. Constantly telling her 'no' can pour cold

water on this natural curiosity. You may want to try some other ways to change

behaviour you don ’ t like.

Allow exploring. Try to create situations where your child can explore life withoutlots of 'don'ts' and 'nos'. For example, if it's not acceptable to blow bubbles in her milk

during lunch perhaps she can go outside later and blow bubbles in water. Put your

favourite things out of reach so you don't have to tell your child not to touch them.

Let's make a trade. If she is sucking on your favourite scarf, replace it with a lessprecious but equally tasty item (see our tips on how to use d istraction).

Offer two choices. Most children like to have some control over their world. Byoffering her two choices (either of which you are happy with), you can guide her to

the result you would like. So, if you think she needs to do a wee, you could say,

‘Would you like to go on the potty or the toilet now? ’

Change the environment. When she wants to 'help' in the kitchen, move her awayfrom the hot oven and give her a wooden spoon and a pot to bang.

Show her how you feel. If she happens to pull your hair, pull a sad face and say'ouch'. If she keeps doing it, avert your eyes and withdraw a little. Using 'I'

statements helps, like 'I don ’ t like it when you pull my hair'. She will recognise her

own emotions in yours, like a mirror, and be able to feel for you.

Avoid rew arding bad behaviour. Your attention is a powerful reward for your child.Avoid giving it when your child is doing something you don't like. Putting your child

down (if you are holding her) or walking away from her are good ways of not giving

attention if your toddler keeps doing something you don't like after you have askedher to stop.

Explain the consequences of her behaviour so she can figure out why something iswrong. This helps give her a better understanding of the world around her.

Toddler behaviour

Your baby has blossomed into a bundle of curiosity with an enquiring and demanding mind

of her own.

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Manage transitions carefully. At this age, children can find it hard to change fromone activity to another. Some extra time, sensitivity and planning can help.

These 12 tips encourage good behaviour in children of all ages.

1. Children do as you do . Your child watches you to get her clues on how to behave in the

world, so, as a role model, use your own behaviour to guide her. What you do is often

much more important than what you say. If you want your child to say ‘please ’ , say it

yourself. If you don ’ t want your child to raise her voice, keep your voice at a reasonable

level too.

2. Keep promises . When you follow through on your promises , good or bad, your child

learns to trust and respect you. So when you promise to go for a walk after she picks up

her toys, make sure you have your walking shoes handy. When you say you will leave the

library if she doesn ’ t stop running around, be prepared to leave straight away if she

continues. No need to make a fuss about i t – the more matter of fact, the better.

3. Get down on to their level . Kneeling or squatting down next to children is a very powerful

tool for communicating positively with them. Getting close allows you to tune in to what

they might be feeling or thinking. It also helps them focus on what you are saying or asking

for. If you are close to her and have her attention, there is no need to make her look atyou.

4. ‘ I hear you. ’ Active listening is another tool for helping young children cope with their

emotions. They tend to get frustrated a lot, especially if they can't express themselves well

enough verbally, so when you repeat back to them what you think they might be feeling , it

helps to relieve some of their tension and makes them feel respected and comforted. It can

diffuse many potential temper tantrums .

5. Catch her being ‘ good ’ . This simply m eans that when your child is behaving in a way thatyou like, you can give her some great positive feedback, for example, ‘Wow, you are

playing so nicely. I really like it when you keep all the blocks on the table ’ . That works

better than ‘waiting ’ for the blocks to come crashing to the floor before you take notice and

bark, ‘Hey, stop that! ’ . This positive feedback is sometimes called ‘descriptive praise ’ . Try to

say six positive comments (praise and encouragement) for every negative comment

(criticisms and reprimands). It also pays to remember that children will seek out negative

attention if the only alternative is no attention at all.

6. Choose your battles wisely . Before you intervene in anything your child is doing, ask

yourself if it really matters. By keeping instructions, reques ts an d negative feedback to a

minimum, you create less opportunity for conflict and bad feelings. Rules are important, but

reserve them for the most important things.

Encouraging good behaviour: 12 tips

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7. Keep it simple . If you can give clear instructions in simple terms , your child will know

what is expected of her. ( ‘Please hold my hand when we cross the road. ’)

8. Responsibility and consequences . As children get older, you can increasingly give them

responsibility for their own behaviour and the chance to experience the natural

consequences of that behaviour. You don ’ t have to be the bad guy all the time. Forexample, if she forgot to put her lunch box in her bag, she will go hungry at lunch time. It is

her hunger and her consequence and it won ’ t hurt her to go hungry just that one time.

Sometimes, with the best inten tions, we do so much for our children that we don ’ t allow

them to learn for themselves. At other times you need to provide consequences

for unacceptable behaviour. For these times, it is best to ensure that you have explained

the consequences and that your children have agreed to them in advance .

9. Say it once and m ove on . Nagging and criticising is boring for you and doesn ’ t work. Your

child will just end up tuning you out. Try to avoid idle threats . Your child will very quickly

work these out and ignore them. The best way is to let them know what you think once

and then take action if you need to set limits or back up a rule.

10. Make her feel important. Children love it when they can contribute to the family. Start

introducing some simple chores or things that she can do to play her own important part in

helping the household. This will make her feel important and she ’ ll take pride in helping out.

If you can give your child lots of practise doing a chore, she will get better at it and will

keep trying harder. Safe chores help them feel responsible, build their self -esteem and help

you out too.

11. Prepare for challenging situations . There are times when looking after your child and

doing things you need to do will be tricky. If you think about these challenging situations in

advance, you can plan around her needs and talk to her about why you need her

cooperation. Then she is prepared for what you expect.

12. Maintain a sense of humour . Another way of diffusing tension and possible conflict is to

use humour . You can pretend to become the menacing tickle monster or make animal

noises. However, humour at her expense won't help; young children are easily hurt by

parental ‘teasin g ’ . Humour that has you both laughing is great.

The word ‘disci pline ’ actually means ‘ to teach ’ and not necessarily to punish . If you use the

above strategies, you will probably never need to punish your child in the old -fashioned sense.

Smacking is not an effective or acceptable punishment for a child, no matter what age. Hitting

doesn ’ t change a child ’ s behaviour for good. It might stop their behaviour momentarily, whilethey try to figure you out, but they will soon become confused when they copy your behaviour

and get in trouble for it. It doesn ’ t give them the opportunity to learn about related

consequences or solve their ow n problems . Instead, it can make them fearful, insecure and


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resentful . Some parents may hit their child because they are trying to relieve their own tension

or stress in a situation. For more help with managing stress and angry feelings, try reading

Feeling stressed and When you feel you might hurt your child

When to say ‘ N o ’

Often, a child behaves ‘badly ’ because they know it will get attention (and for children of all

ages, negative attention is better than no attention at all). So paying too much attention to badbehaviour often actually encourages it.

If your toddler is aware of the ‘right ’ behaviour, she will only respect you if you follow through

with th e matter -of -fa ct c onsequence that you agreed on earlier. If she is not aware, then a firm

‘No ’ or ‘Stop that now ’ is something your toddler should understand, but save these expressions

for when it really counts or in dangerous situations. Even though your child may be walking and

talking now, and even though she stopped in her tracks the last time you said ‘No ’ , that doesn ’ t

mean she will stop every time, so you still have to make sure you have a firm but comfortable

grip of her hand when crossing the road or in other potentially dangerous situations.

If you ever become concerned or very frustrated by your toddler's behaviour, seek professional


Connecting and communicating

Toddlers are listening to every word w e say (even if we don ’ t

notice it). They understand a lot more than we first think possible.

They can be very sensitive and get grumpy or burst into tears at

the way you said something or laughed at them.

A toddler ’ s world is one of big emotions mixed with communication

skills that just can ’ t keep up. Their feelings can sometimes be too

much for them, but they can ’ t find the words to tell you what ’ s

wrong. They are torn between their fear of being separated from

you and their longing for independence. And their brains are just

grasping the idea that they can change how the world works.

They are driven to communicate so they can ge t help with everyday needs, but also to fee l

secure, understood and accepted by their family.

Children really need to be heard and , once heard, understood . This can be very difficult for

toddlers who can ’ t fully express themselves. It can lead to lots of frustration which can lead to

tantrums .

Tips for good communication

Really tune in to what your child is trying to say. Notice the emotions behind it.

Communicating with toddlers

W ith a lot of attitude and not too many w ords, a toddler needs your help to be understood.

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Make regular time to communicate with him in your own special way. Even tw ominutes every half hour makes a difference .

When your toddler comes to you, try to drop whatever you're doing to talk – it islikely he only really needs your undivided attention for a minute or two.

Get down on his level to talk to him by kneeling or squatting next to him.

Try to let him finish his sentences before interrupting, no matter how meanderingthey might be.

Read to him and tell stories. Picture books help children learn about language .

Always be honest . Children are brighter than many of us think. When we lie to them,we lose their trust.

Toddler talk

Stuck for words, a toddler will use actions to communicate what he wants. He may tug on your

pants to be picked up, shake or nod his head and use clear gestures to tell you to go away. If

you have introduced a few baby language signs, he might start using them by 18 months and

even make up some of his own – look out for those moments of creative brilliance and join him in

making up a couple that you can share as your own secret code. One favourite is the 'I love you'

sign which can help smooth goodbyes and be ‘spoken ’ from afar.

When your toddler relies on body language, you can help develop his talking. Repeat what you

think he wants in w ords and explain your response. For instance, ‘You want to be picked up

but mummy ’ s got something in her hand, so you can hold my other hand ’ , or ‘I can see you don ’ t

want that. What about this? ’

Positive talk

By talking out loud about everything, even your chores as you do them , you can help build his

vocabulary and language skills.

We all like being told what we can do, rather than what we shouldn ’ t do. Your toddler is just the

same. For example, rather than saying 'Don ’ t run in the house', you can say 'Please walk when

you ’ re in the house'. ’ Don ’ t yell ‘ can become 'Please talk quietly'.

DevelopmentAn overview of toddler development

Curious toddlers develop their most important skills by playing and experimenting.

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Development is a journey, not a race. Your toddler will probably

develop in fits and starts. One week, he may proudly learn to kick

a ball and name three body parts. Then nothing happens for a

while. The development process soon kick -starts again.

W hat your toddler may be doing

All children develop at different rates. Your toddler may dawdlewith some milestones. Don ’ t worry, they nearly always catch up.

You know your toddler best so if you are worried about his

development, speak to your GP or baby health nurse.

Below is a guide to some of the milestones for children aged 1 -3. For more detailed month -by -

month information, see What your toddler may be doing . You will also find advice on when to

seek help about a toddler ’ s late development .

By 12 months, he can:

pull up to standing position

get into a sitting pos ition

cruise (move from place to place, always holding on)

clap hands (play pat -a -cake)

indicate wants in ways other than crying

By 18 months, he can:

use two words (by 16½ months)

drink from a cup

By 2 years, he can:

take off an article of clothing

'feed ’ a doll

build a tower of four cubes

identify two items in a picture by pointing (by 23½ months)

By 2½ years, he can:

use 50 words or more

combine words (by about 25 months)

follow a two -step command without gestures (by 25 months)

By 3 years, he can:

identify four pictures by naming

wash and dry hands (just more than three years of age)

identify a friend by naming

throw a ball overhand

speak and be understood half the time

carry on a conversation of two or three sentences

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use prepositions (by, to, in, on top of)


Colds and other mild illnesses are part of growing up and there is

not much a parent can do to avoid them. Fluids, comfort and rest

are usually the best remedy. Keep an eye on your toddler and, if

you are worried, there is no harm in asking a health care

professional for advice.

Signs of serious illness

The signs of serious illness in a toddler are the same as for

babies and can be found in the ‘nutshell ’ guide to baby health .

Illness can quickly wo rsen in a toddler , so always call your

doctor if you are worried.

Common health issues

Asthma. One in five Australian children suffer from asthma which sounds like awhistling wheeze when your child breathes out. An asthma attack can be very

distressing for both child and parents. If you think your child has asthma, see your

doctor about a management plan.

Croup. This is caused by a virus and usually comes after a cold. Children withcroup cough like a barking seal. Most cases of croup can be managed like a cold. You

know your child best so, if you are worried, see your doctor.

Chick enpo x. This itchy virus causes red blisters on the body which children find

impossible not to scratch. Once the chickenpox virus has run its course, it then staysdormant in the body and can return many years later as ‘shingles ’ . It is contagious,

so you will need to keep her away from other children until the last blister has healed

over. The easiest way to avoid chickenpox is to have your child immunised.

Chickenpox vaccine is offered free at 18 months of age.

Vomiting and diarrhoea are common in toddlers because they tend to put everything(including fingers) in their mouths. Offer her small amounts of clear fluid (water, oral

dehydration fluid or flat lemonade diluted one - to - four with water if she won ’ t drink

water alone) regularly until the problem passes. If you are worried that she is

not getting better, ask your health care professional for advice. Find more about

vomiting and diarrhoea .

Bladder infection. Also called a urinary tract infection , this is more common in girls.You may notice she needs to wee more often and may be ir ritable or have a

Common health issues

Toddlers seem to be constantly catching something. Colds, coughs, sniffles and even fevers

are quite common.

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mild fever . For girls, wiping front to back will prevent most bladder infections.

Treatment is with oral antibiotics so see your doctor.

See the A-Z Health Reference for other common health issues that may affect your toddler.

Health tips for toddlers

1. Make sure immunisations are up to date

Immunisation protects us against bacteria and viral nasties, such as measles and diphtheria,

that are potentially serious and even life threatening. Immunisation is considered essential

protection for your child. Toddlers can be immunised by a GP or at a baby health centre at:

12 mont hs

18 months

24 months

The Maternity Immunisation Allowance is only payable once you have followed the immunisation


2. Don’ t give unprescribed medications

Normal household medicine can be deadly to toddlers. That ’ s why it is important not to give any

medication to your child unless it is prescribed for her by your doctor. Some herbal remedies can

also be da ngerous, so it ’ s best to che ck with a doctor to be safe.

3. Keep her air clean

‘Secondhand smoke ’ can cause serious health risks to non -smokers. If someone in your house

smokes, they can protect your child by always smoking outside. Avoid using chemical household

sprays, like insect repellent or cleaning products, when your toddler is in the room.

Daily care

Some children are ready to sit on the potty at 18 months. Others

don ’ t show any ‘ready ’ signs until they are closer to three. All

children are different and things will go more smoothly if you can

wait until your toddler shows an interest.

Toilet t raining may take days or months . You may want to start

during summer when you can let her run around naked or with no

pants. With pants off, toddlers can really start ‘connecting the

dots ’ about when they need to go to the potty.

Eventually, all children get the hang of making it to the toilet in

time. The key is to stay relaxed and not push your child.

Tellin her you are roud of her will make her feel reat about every toilet trium h.

Toilet training

Helping your toddler learn how to use a toilet, dress and brush her teeth soon leads to that

proud day when she declares ‘ I can do it myself! ’

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Washing hands

Learning to wash hands is a good habit that will come in handy when your child starts using the

toilet. In addition to washing hands after using the potty, encourage your toddler to wash her

hands before meals, too. A pump action soap dispenser is easier for her to handle than a

slippery bar of soap.


No -one wants to take their two -year -old to the dentist for anything other than a friendly

inspection. The best way to prevent tooth decay is to go easy on sugary food and drink. Sugar

rots teeth and is no substitute for healthy, nutritious food . Also try to limit fruit juice as it may

dissolve the tooth enamel surface . Whole fruit is better for them and water is what they needmost.

To brush teeth, use a smear of toothpaste (try different flavours if necessary) on a soft bristle

toothbrush, in the morning and last thing before bed at night.

Adult fluoride toothpaste is not recommended for children under two as too much may cause

grey discoloration on their permanent adult teeth. Low -fluoride toothpaste is available in child -

friendly varieties (lots of sparkles and great flavours) at the supermarket.

Sun care

For good health, children need a small burst of sun (even more subdued, reflected light works),

as little as 15 minutes, each day. In Australia, the sun ’ s burning UV radiation is strongest from

September to April, between 10 am and 3 pm. So try to plan outdoor activities for early morning

and late afternoon.

Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world and children ’ s skin burns much more

easily than adult skin. Sunscreen, protective clothing and a spell in the shade are the best ways

to keep her safe from sunburn . Remember to choose a sunscreen containing the invisible

reflective shield of titanium dioxide or zinc because the regular chemical absorbers are just not

as protective.


It won ’ t be long before your little fashion model wants to try dressing herself . Let her have a go,

offering help only when she asks for it. Pants with elastic waists, open -neck tops and cardigans

are the easiest to put on. Also look for clothes with big buttons (not too many) and toggles that

are easy for little hands to grasp.


Bathtime is play time for your toddler, pouring water, filling cups, splashing. Even though she

can sit securely in the bath now, never leave her alone in the bathroom as she may slip or turn

on the hot tap. Remember that drow ning is quick, silent and can happen in very shallow

Teeth, sun care, dressing and bathing

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Nutrition and fitness

Nutrition can be an anxious subject for some parents. You may

worry about whether your child is eating enough good food. You

may wonder whether he is overeating or becoming unhealthy.

The following guidelines and tools may help you understand how

to best help your child.


Children go through growth and activity spurts, so sometimes

they are really hungry and sometimes they eat like birds. As long

as you offer nutritious food, you can trust your child's appetite to

get the balance right . Forcing children to eat (even strongly encouraging them to eat more) can

often backfire. It also helps to remember that sweets, chips and biscuits can interfere with their

natural appetite for nutritious food. Let their appetite be the guide.

Five basic nutritional needs

If you have the following five areas covered, you can't really go wrong. The key is that you

decide what to offer your children, and they decide how much of that they will eat. (This

technique is called division of responsibility .)

1. Protein builds bodies and keeps children strong and healthy. Try peas and beans (any

kind, including frozen baby peas and canned baked beans), eggs, fish, chicken, meat, milk,

yoghu rt and low - fat cheese.

2. Vegetables and fruit contain nutrients and fibre important for a healthy body inside and

out. The more colourful, the better. Offer vegies like broccoli, green beans, carrots, sweet

potato, tomatoes, spinach, and cucumber (with skin). Also try colourful fruits such as

peaches, apricots, pears and apples. (Wash fruit and leave the skin on.)

3. Starchy carbohydrates provide energy.The more fibre they contain, the slower they burn.

Try fibre -enri ched bread, wholegrain rice, couscous, pasta, corn bread, pancakes and low -

sugar cereal.

4. Good fats with lo n g - chain polyunsaturated fatty acids build brain and nerve cells. These

good fats are found in fish (tinned or fresh), avocado, and vegetable oils such as those

made from olives or canola (but try to avoid deep frying in these delicate unsaturated oils).

5. Tap water is the cheapest and best source of fluids. It is also fortified with fluoride for

strong teeth. (If you do give juice, always mix it half and half with water.)

Foods to avoid

It 's fine to offer dessert at the end of a meal, and sliced fruit is the healthiest option. If you

Nutrition basics

These guidelines and practical tools help ensure your children stay fit and healthy.

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want to serve something special, go for vanilla ice -cream or banana bread. Save the seriously

sweet stuff, like chocolate, for special occasions like birthdays.

1. A child's system can't handle foods h igh in salt , sugar or caffeine (found in cola drinks).

Soft drinks and fruit juice are expensive, high in sugar and bad for tee th. If you want to

offer juice, mix it half and half with water.

2. Fast- fix foods. These foods are low in fibre and nutrients and high in sugar and/or fat.

They include hot chips, potato chips, doughnuts, biscuits and cookies, cakes, chocolate and

sugary sweets. The fat in most of these foods is the less -healthy type, including trans fat .

Just say 'no' and, instead, let your child get hooked on good snacks, like grated or thinly

sliced carrot and sweet baby peas served frozen in a cup.

Worried - too much or not enough?

Knowing the way your tummy 'talks to' your brain can help you deal with concerns about

undereating or overeating.

1. Delayed reaction. Our brains only realise we are full about 20 minutes after the food hitsour stomachs.

2. Tummy clock. Feeling hungry is partly determined by your child's ‘stomach clock ’ – how

much he ate yesterday at the same time. Big meals at regular times actually encourage a

big appetite next dinnertime, so you can use that to your advantage either way. You can

encourage children who undereat at mealtimes to eat more by limiting ‘grazing ’ (or random

snacking). On the other hand, regular healthy snacks can be a great way to reduce

overeating at mealtimes.


If you are concerned that your child has a tendency to overeat, you can try slowing it down.

Offer half a normal portion of food and then, if he finishes it, offer the second half of his meal 10 minutes later (sometimes this will give his brain a chance to catch up with

his stomach).

Offer the most nutritious stuff (lean protein and vegetables) first (this is called ‘foodsequencing ’ ). He doesn't need to eat everything on his plate but only offer him a

normal portion of starchy carbohydrates (like pasta, bread or potatoes) after he has

finished the more nutritious foods. (Given the choice, children tend to go for the

bread and pasta first, which can fill them up before they get to the more nutritious



You may feel your child is consistently not eating enough at mealtimes. If he tends to sit happily

for about five minutes and then starts fidgeting and loses his appetite, there are some

strategies you can try.

Use food sequencing to get the good stuff into him first (during that precious windowof opportunity).

Let him wolf down the food as fast as he wants (to let his stomach outrun his brainso he'll fill up a bit more). His stomach clock can help too. If you can make mealtimes

the same every day, he is more likely to be hungry at that time of day.

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Children watch what you are eating. So you can help them adopt good eating habits by eating

well yourself. If you load up with hot chips and cola, that ’ s what they will want too.

Some children reject a new food 6 -10 times before they taste it and love it. Eat itenthusiastically yourself and, if it is still rejected, try again in a few weeks or a few months.

There is no hurry but don ’ t give up as her tastes can change. Find out more about offering new

foods .

Healthy food for toddlers

For good food made easy, try these finger foods for toddlers .

Pack a goodness punch by including lots of your child ’ s nutritional needs in one dish.Try Everything fried rice , an omelette with the lot, shepherd ’ s pie, b aked beans on

w hole grain toast or pasta bolognaise with a meat and vegie sauce.

For more on good food, read Choosing good food .

Seven tips for happy mealtimes

1. Be relaxed about it, even if your child is not eating.

2. Mix it up a bit. Sitting at the same table for every meal can be hard going. Try a picnic in the

backyard or take dinner down to the beach or park occasionally.

3. Try not to give in to whingeing for alternatives to the meal you have prepared.

4. Offer nothing until the next scheduled mealtime or regular snack time (they'll get the hang

of it).

5. Schedule snacking to leave a good space before mealtimes (at least ½ -1 hour).

6. At dinner, try offering the protein and the colourful vegies first, when they are most hungry.

7. Be calm, firm and consistent.

Toddler exercise

Encourage your child to be physically active and you're helping to establish a healthy lifelong

habit . Exercise gives your toddler strong bones and muscles, a healthy heart, lungs and

arteries, and improved coordination , balance, posture and flexibility. It reduces their risk of

getting overweight or obese and of developing heart disease, cancer or diabetes down thetrack.

Being overweight is unhealthy and uncomfortable – and very unpleasant for a young child.

Eating salty chips while watching TV is a recipe for child obesity. Try limiting TV time to 30

minutes, followed by an outdoor activity (like a walk to the park). Keep snacks healthy – a

banana, a handful of healthy crackers, thinly sliced carrot or celery sticks are all good options.

Play and learning

Healthy eating and exercise habits

Learning through play

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toddler ’ s imagination. Finger painting, potato prints and brush painting are all fun. He

will also enjoy scribbling with crayons and pencils (on paper, on walls or whatever

you fancy).

Water fun . In the bath or paddling pool, he will love emptying and filling containers.Drow ning is quick and silent, even in a small amount of w ater , so don ’ t leave him

alone even for a moment.

Pretend play . By the time they are three, toddlers love dressing up in your oldclothes, shoes and jewellery. They like to play house and create their own world with

a doll ’ s house or farmyard of animals.

Outdoor play . Climbing and running are favourite activities for older toddlers.Running means falling so be prepared for occasional spills and tears. Sandpits

provide hours of sifting and digging fun.

Books and songs . Singing and reading expand your toddler's vocabulary and helphim learn to talk. He loves sharing a burst of ‘Incey wincey spider ’ (in Baby Karaoke)

or exploring the pages of The Very Hungry Caterpillar .

Discovery . To see how things work, he will open and close drawers, push buttons onthe DVD player and post all sorts of objects into all sorts of holes. To avoid saying

‘no ’ to all his discovery play, remove access to valuable items. Make up a ‘magic box ’

full of interesting things, like reusable stic kers, shiny paper , stacking cups, a pop -up

book, old cards, crayons, dominoes and a small peg puzzle. Sneak in some new items

occasionally so he gets a surprise the next time he opens it.


Toddlers really want to do things for themselves. This built - in urge

worked fine when we lived in caves. Then the most dangerous

thing a toddler could do was learn to wipe his own bottom. But

now, with toasters, microwaves and powerpoints, sharp knives

and roads with cars, doing it themselves has greater dangers.

Toddlers get into places that you wouldn ’ t expect to find a

possum. They experiment with everything. Until they are five or

six, most don ’ t understand the dangers. And, because they are

still finding their feet, they seem to be constantly bumping,

tripping and falling down.

SUPERVISION IS THE ONLY RELI ABLE PREVENTION . By removing sources of danger, you

can also give your toddler the freedom she needs to explore.

Keeping your toddler safe

To w atch your toddler all the time, you w ill need to grow eyes in the back of your head. In

the meantime, sensible safety rules will do the trick.

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Safety inside the hom e

The best way to toddler -proof your home is to get down to her level and look about. What can

you see down there that might be dangerous? To avoid constantly telling her ‘no ’ , remove

anything you don ’ t want touched. Here are some other tips:

Toddlers love to climb so secure your furniture, especially bookcases and TVs.Keep chairs away from windows and balconies.

Turn off space heaters when you leave the room.

When your toddler is out of your sight for a couple of minutes, you may want to checkwhether he's discovered something intriguing but dangerous.

Curtain tie -backs and window blind cords can strangle a curious toddler. Removethem or hook them well out of reach.

When you make a well deserved cup of coffee, keep it away from little fingers.

Install a safety gate at the top of stairs and teach her to come down stairsbackwards.

Keep medicines, cleaning fluids and other poisons locked away in high cupboards.

Turn down your hot water system to 50° C to avoid scalding.

Keep a well stocked first aid kit and keep it out of her reach.

Check your fire alarms regularly.

Deadlocking doors when you are inside the house prevents you getting out if there isa fire. Only deadlock when you are away from home.

In the kitchen

A dangling toaster cord is tempting to pull so keep appliance cords from hanging overthe edge of the bench.

When cooking, turn saucepan handles inwards and use the back stove elements(rather than the front ones) when possible.

Keep washing up liquid, insect sprays and other chemicals locked away and up high.

Remove stools or chairs that help her reach dangerous items, like knives or glasses.

In the bathroom

Never leave your toddler alone in the bath, even for a second. Drowning is both quickand silent. If you need to leave the bathroom to get something, get her out of the


Heat bath water to between 37 °C and 38°C.

Lock medicines up high, out of reach.

Safety outside the hom e

Toddlers are fast and quiet. One minute, she is standing by your side, the next she is over at

the duck pond or heading for the carpark. By always keeping your eye on her outdoo rs, youcan avoid dangerous accidents. When out walking, holding hands or using a pram can keep her

from darting onto the road. Swimming pools and open water are danger zones for a curious

toddler. Remember, drowning is swift and silent.

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Keep these other pointers in mind:

When outdoors , remember the sunscreen and a hat. Toddlers burn very easily .Keep up the habit of wearing a hat for all outside play. Remember that some clothing

lets through more radiation than SPF30 sunscreen does.

In the car . Always buckle her up in the proper car restraint for her size. Children left

in cars overheat very quickly so don ’ t be tempted to leave her while you pop into theshop. Always take her with you.

In the garden . A secure garden fence allows your toddler to play safely in yourbackyard. Just watch she doesn ’ t figure out how to open the gate. If your garden is

not fenced, make sure she can ’ t open the doors to go outside without you.

In case of emergency

They don ’ t happen every day but accidents do happen. Be prepared by keeping a list of

emergency phone numbers in your mobile or by the phone.

It ’ s w ise to take a first aid course , particularly if you live in an isolated area or are often with

your toddler on your own. The Parenting in Pictures guides to choking and CPR are also worth

printing and sticking on the fridge.


Once asleep, most toddlers sleep through most nights without

waking mum or dad. But, at this age, getting them to bed in the

first place can be a challenge. Toddlers love to test their

independence. A firm and consistent bedtime routine will win

them over.

Toddler sleep schedule

A common daily sleep schedule looks like this:

Some toddlers like to w ake up w ith the birds at 5.30 am or 6 am. Unfortunately, there isn ’ t

Time Schedule

7 am Wake up

1 pm Nap of no more than 2 hours

3 pm Wake up

7 pm Bedtime

Sleep needs and bedtime routines

Toddlers need 10- 12 hours sleep a night. Most of them can do w ith an hour or two in the

middle of the day as w ell.

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much you can do about it. Putting her to bed later in the hope that she may wake later doesn ’ t

tend to work. She may still wake up early and be grouchy from too little sleep. If you live with an

early riser, you may want to move your bedtime forward too.

And if your toddler ’ s day nap is too long or too late in the day, she may not be ready for bed

until late at night.

Bedtime routine

A consistent bedtime routine helps prepare a child for sleep. Most toddlers are ready for bed

between 6.30 pm and 7.30 pm. This is a good time as they sleep deepest between 8 pm and


A routine might look something like this:

6.30 pm : Brush teeth and change nappy

6.45 pm : Quiet time (read a book or tell a story)

7 pm : Into bed and kiss goodnight

If your child takes a dummy to bed , you may consider saying goodbye to it at around three

years old. For tips on how to do th is, see Letting go of the dummy .

Your toddler may go through a stage of calling out from her bed or getting up after you have

said goodnight. Try these tips:

Avoid boisterous play — before bedtime, as it may make it harder for her to settle.

Establish a consistent, calming bedtime routine .

Before leaving the room, check that your child has everything she needs and remindher to stay quietly in bed.

Try not to respond to her calls after you have turned the light out, no matter howloud the protests. If you respond, she will try the same thing again next bedtime.

If she gets out of bed, you can:

return her to bed firmly and quietly over and over until she doesn ’ t get up

again or

return her to bed once and, if she gets up again, close her door and

ignore all further protests.

Find the strategy that works for you and stick with it. Read more about using these

strategies in Call ing out and getting out of b ed .

If your toddler shares her bedroom with a b rother or sister, you may need to delay your other

child ’ s bedtime by half an hour until your toddler is settled and asleep. With luck, your toddler

will very quickly get the message that bedtime is for sleeping, and the disruption to all will be


In calling out, your child may actually need som ething . If she has done a poo, change her

Getting up after bedtime and moving to a 'big bed'

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nappy with the lights dim and no talking. If she is scared of a monster under her bed, a quick

check by you (with the light off) can confirm the room is monster - free and your toddler may then

settle. If she is scared of the dark, think about using a night - light.

Moving to a ‘big bed ’

Most children move from a cot to a bed somewhere between two and three -and -a -half years

old. But there is no hurry, particularly as some young toddlers become trickier to manage in abed. Of course, you may need to move her if she has started climbing out of the cot or needs to

use the potty at night, or if you need the cot for a new baby.

Moving to a ‘big bed ’ is a cause for celebration . You may want to redecorate her room at the

same time (with her input naturally!) and involve her in choosing a bed. A safety rail on the side

will stop falls.

For more tips on making a successful move, read Moving to a ‘big bed' .