Today’s Target’s 12/3/2013 YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: Understand background knowledge prior to reading “The Odyssey” HOMEWORK: In your notes section define the following: Epic Hero Homeric Simile Invocation Imagery

Today’s Target’s 12/3/2013 YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: Understand background knowledge prior to reading “The Odyssey” HOMEWORK: In your notes section define

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The Odyssey

Todays Targets 12/3/2013YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: Understand background knowledge prior to reading The Odyssey

HOMEWORK: In your notes section define the following:Epic HeroHomeric SimileInvocationImagery

Unit FocusEssential Question:What shapes an individuals identity?

Well what do you need to know? I am an infamous warrior who has been gone for 20 years, traveling to magical islands, visiting the underworld and fighting off mythological monsters.nbd. #kindofabigdeal2The Judgment of ParisEris (Discord) - unpopular and not invited to an important weddingRevenge with an apple For the FairestAphrodite goddess of loveHera main goddessPallas Athena war and wisdomZeus wanting no part sends them to ParisAphrodite offers most beautiful woman in the worldHera Lord over Europe and AsiaAthena great general conquering Greece

For the FairestHomers Poems The IlliadWritten about Helen. Runs off from her husband Menelaus to be with Paris (Troy). Menelaus wasnt the biggest fan of this. Thus the saga of the Trojan war begins

BeginningsHelen Greek princess / most beautiful woman in the worldMany sought her hand = pactMenelausChosen as husbandInvited Paris into his home host / guestParis steals Helen and takes her to TroyAgamemnonCommander in Chief of Greek armySacrifices daughter to appease Artemis

The WarAchillesGreatest Greek hero of his timeKills Hector and disgraces bodyHectorTrojan Prince and heroIliad (Ilium or Troy) endsAchilles deathApollo, siding with the Trojans, guides Paris arrowAchilles heelParis is later killed with the dead Hercules arrows (shot by new owner)

The Trojan HorseOdysseus came up with plan emerging as the Greek heroAt first didnt want to fight in warEstablishes self during war and earns Achilles armorComes up with plan to trick the Trojans: the Trojan horse, a giant, hollow, wooden structure.The planBuild a horse and put best warriors insideAll the Greeks pretended to sail away and left SinonTrojans fooled with Sinons lies Laocoon tried to help but . . .Trojans bring the horse into the wallsThat night, the Greeks conquered Troy

Like this . . .

And the result . . .

The AftermathThe Greeks destroyed Troy, a favored cityRather than give thanks to the Gods, they committed many dastardly actions, one being a sacrilege to Athenas altarAthena and Poseidon, above all, were angry and got their revengeRevenge lasted the longest for OdysseusFirst Greek value: respect the gods

The OdysseyOdysseus struggle to return home to Ithaca from the Trojan War in Troy20 years absence from homeGods intervene positively and negatively


Characteristics of an Epic Heroan impressive heroan important setting (known and unknown)a journey of importancesupernatural forcesglorification of the hero at the endbased in a culture or society

Amazing, I am all of these thingsValues of the GreeksHospitalityLoyalty to home and familyRespect for the Gods

Terms to KnowEpic HeroHomeric SimileInvocationImagery

The Odyssey: Central Themes, Motifs, and SymbolsThemesOne needs to experience struggles before he can fulfill his duty.Slyness/sneakiness at times can be more powerful than strength.There are consequences when one is tempted to be unlawful.

MotifsDisguisesStorytellingHomecomingSymbolsOdysseus bed

The Odyssey: Key CharactersOdysseus (Epic Hero)Penelope (Odysseuss wife)Telemachus (Odysseuss son)Athena (Goddess of wisdom)Calypso(Sea nymph)Poseidon(God of the sea)

While ReadingBe sure to define unknown vocabulary. Be sure to annotate by using Post-it tabs to track important themes, motifs, characters, figurative language, imagery, etc., and the values of the Greeks.

Todays Targets 12/5/2013YOU WILL BE ABLE TO:HOMEWORK: Todays Targets 12/9/2013YOU WILL BE ABLE TO:HOMEWORK: Todays Targets 12/10/2013YOU WILL BE ABLE TO:HOMEWORK: