Hi there Year 2! How are you all? We really hope you are well and happy. We are all doing well, although we do miss you all soooooooo much! Your emails (and weekly phone chats) make us smile and we are all so impressed with the work that you’re doing. The standard of what we are seeing is just so good. Thank you. How’s the recycling going? We’ve received some brilliantly persuasive letters about this topic; we think it’s going to be very tricky for Mrs Castell to refuse! We are continuing our work on the environment as this week’s home learning is all about the Rainforest. We are very much looking forward to seeing what amazing pieces of work you produce this time! Once again, there have been a few of you who have worked super, super hard on a variety of things this week. A big well done to Jack and Mia for taking on the challenge to learn to tie their shoe laces and succeeding! William made a very cool air raid shelter in the garden for VE day – we loved that! Eleanor and Jack made the most amazing paper structures that stood up and Lincoln (and his Daddy) have impressed us so much with their Facebook science lessons – thank you! Lincoln, as well as Joey, have also been mixing their school work with Beavers badges, which is such a good idea. This might be something that more of you could do! It was also lovely to receive emails from Conor, Theo, Emilia and Elissa this week-it was so good to see what you’ve been up to and Lacey, your cards were very much appreciated! Bye for now lovelies, take care, keep smiling and keep being your awesome selves. Love From Mrs Scott-Simons, Mrs Wilson, Miss Wright and the rest of our fabulous year 2 team. X

to see what you’ve been up to and Lacey, your cards …...WEEK 9 w/b 18.05.20 Main theme-Forest Friends: This week’s focus is on forest friends, in particular, looking at the rainforest

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Page 1: to see what you’ve been up to and Lacey, your cards …...WEEK 9 w/b 18.05.20 Main theme-Forest Friends: This week’s focus is on forest friends, in particular, looking at the rainforest

Hi there Year 2!

How are you all? We really hope you are well and happy. We are all doing well,

although we do miss you all soooooooo much! Your emails (and weekly phone chats)

make us smile and we are all so impressed with the work that you’re doing. The

standard of what we are seeing is just so good. Thank you.

How’s the recycling going? We’ve received some brilliantly persuasive letters about

this topic; we think it’s going to be very tricky for Mrs Castell to refuse! We are

continuing our work on the environment as this week’s home learning is all about the

Rainforest. We are very much looking forward to seeing what amazing pieces of work

you produce this time!

Once again, there have been a few of you who have worked super, super hard on a

variety of things this week. A big well done to Jack and Mia for taking on the

challenge to learn to tie their shoe laces and succeeding! William made a very cool air

raid shelter in the garden for VE day – we loved that! Eleanor and Jack made the

most amazing paper structures that stood up and Lincoln (and his Daddy) have

impressed us so much with their Facebook science lessons – thank you! Lincoln, as

well as Joey, have also been mixing their school work with Beavers badges, which is

such a good idea. This might be something that more of you could do! It was also

lovely to receive emails from Conor, Theo, Emilia and Elissa this week-it was so good

to see what you’ve been up to and Lacey, your cards were very much appreciated!

Bye for now lovelies, take care, keep smiling and keep being your awesome selves.

Love From

Mrs Scott-Simons, Mrs Wilson, Miss Wright and the rest of our fabulous year 2 team.


Page 2: to see what you’ve been up to and Lacey, your cards …...WEEK 9 w/b 18.05.20 Main theme-Forest Friends: This week’s focus is on forest friends, in particular, looking at the rainforest


w/b 18.05.20

Main theme-Forest Friends: This week’s focus is on forest friends, in particular,

looking at the rainforest. Mrs Pluck has attached the PowerPoint for you to go through to

find some fun rainforest facts. There is also a lovely activity where you can sort out

different rainforest animals into their animal groups. If you want a further challenge, feel

free to create a fact file on one of the animals in the PowerPoint.

There are also some videos for you to watch on rainforests that have some key information

and facts in them. Make some notes whilst you are watching and use them to write different

types of sentences about the rainforest.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEsV5rqbVNQ&safe=true – Virtual Field Trip- Amazon


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMdD6TTDZ_g&safe=true – Explore the Rainforest-

Ecology for Kids

On BBC Bitesize, there is Rainforest habitat video with a quiz to follow.


There is also a video on green plants and animals in the rainforest too.


Page 3: to see what you’ve been up to and Lacey, your cards …...WEEK 9 w/b 18.05.20 Main theme-Forest Friends: This week’s focus is on forest friends, in particular, looking at the rainforest

Maths: Recapping addition and subtraction using White Rose (online) We would like you to recap some of your addition and subtraction work. Visit the website

once again (see the link below) and like before, each lesson has a short video that you can

watch, then click on to ‘Get the Activity’. Don’t forget to date and number your work! There

are 5 lessons each week, so you can do 1 lesson a day!



If you want a further challenge with your maths work, BBC Bitesize are uploading a daily

maths lesson on different maths areas. Feel free to choose which of these you want to have

a go at. Here is the link to make it easier for you.


Reminder! – Please remember to show all your workings out.

Art: Watch this clip https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/art-and-design-ks2-

henri-rousseaus-surprised/zrdyd6f. Can you link your Rousseau style art to your English work

on Dylan the orangutan? Feel free to use whatever art materials you want to e.g.: pens, chalk,

paint, collage etc.

Page 4: to see what you’ve been up to and Lacey, your cards …...WEEK 9 w/b 18.05.20 Main theme-Forest Friends: This week’s focus is on forest friends, in particular, looking at the rainforest

English: 1) Be creative and continue the story about Dylan (we’re a teeny bit in love with

Dylan! )

It was another stiflingly humid day in the rainforest. The rain was a welcome and refreshing

break from it. Dylan could hear a rumble of distant thunder: a sure sign that this was just

the beginning of the storm. Holding a large leaf over himself, he sat comfortably on the tree

stump. Raindrops drummed on the flat surface of the leaf like impatient fingertips, but Dylan

didn’t mind.

He stared into the forest, wondering when his companions would return…

With help from a grown up (if needed) look up any unfamiliar words first and then think

about what you learnt from this story opener. Think about your senses (touch, taste, smell,

sight, sound) and how the writer uses some of these to capture an image in our heads.

Use your fabulous imaginations and include some of these senses to help describe what

happens in the story. REMEMBER those capital letters and full stops too! There is a

‘RAINFOREST WORD MAT’ (see attachment) that you could use for some awesome WOW

words, which you might like to include in your writing.

Page 5: to see what you’ve been up to and Lacey, your cards …...WEEK 9 w/b 18.05.20 Main theme-Forest Friends: This week’s focus is on forest friends, in particular, looking at the rainforest

English: 2) ‘Sick sentences!’ If you don’t fancy writing a story this week, why not try this


These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better. Can you help?

He held the leaf. It was raining. He could hear the storm. He could see


Reading: Differentiated 60 second reads on ‘The Rainforest’

Why not learn some interesting facts and improve your reading

skills, by having a go at the reading comprehension (see

attachment). There are 3 differentiated reads, which you

can identify by the stars (*, ** and ***), plus the answers are

attached too for you to mark your own work. Remember to read

the questions carefully, think about what you are being asked to

do and where you can find the information. HAPPY READING!

Bug Club: Remember that there are lots of helpful activities on Bug Club to improve your

spelling, punctuation and grammar. This week we have added some new activities; Past and

Present Tense (Grammar), Types of Sentences (Punctuation) and Homophones (Spellings).

There are also plenty of books on there for you to have a look at.

Why don’t you have a go at setting your writing

out on one of these super-cool ‘trioramas’? Look

at the link below to see how to make one; there

are pictures too, to help guide you through it!



Page 6: to see what you’ve been up to and Lacey, your cards …...WEEK 9 w/b 18.05.20 Main theme-Forest Friends: This week’s focus is on forest friends, in particular, looking at the rainforest

PE: Throw and Catch games


Space: Change the distance between each other

Task: Throw to the side of the player to make it harder to reach - Start with your hands behind your back

Equipment: Size of the ball/equipment -

People: bring in a defender or a scorer.

Espresso: There are some nice videos on the rainforest. If you type ‘Rainforests’ or

‘Amazon Forest Fires’ into the search bar, you will find some super clips.

Activity one (in pairs)

The first task is to catch a large object e.g. a large pillow case

filled with socks. Push straight, towards your partner’s hands.

Keep your eye on the object at all times. Once you have managed

that, start throwing to each side, then challenge yourself by

passing it higher up. Let’s see if you can clap before you catch

the object!

Click the short link below to see Activity one in action (as well as

activities 2 and 3)


Have fun exploring the

beautiful rainforest
