SPECIE S OCCU RRENCE LEGEND* A bund ant Co mmon Uncommon Rar e Ir regul ar Accident al G ' . .... ...... ....- .;!'-: The Department M the Air Fort'c and the NmiunaJ Fish IIml WilrJhfe Fuundatlon are l'()t1perUlitig on an irllemalional program (0 promOiC cllIN:fval ion nfnt:otropical IIHgrntory birds. For LntOnllOlllon. call DuD I \ i ! AIR FORCE NATURAL RESOURCES PROGRAM Th e United States Air Force has the responsibility of manag in g more than nine million acres of valuable public land s. To ens ure success, the Air Fo rce has deve loped a netwo rk of de di cated professionals who work in coordinat ion wit h loca l, regional and na t.i onal a ut h or ities. T hei r ch a ll enge is to fi nd a balance in requi rements for mi lit ary mi ssion, se c urity and envi- ro nmental habi tat prot ect ion. This effor t requires th e coop era ti on a nd suppo rt of th e Air Force and its neig hbors. Th e primary goal is to guarantee the quality of pub lic land s und er Ai r Forc e ste wardship. Con se rvation pro grams on Air Force bases include fi sh and wildlife conservation, fores tr y, ag ri c ul tural la nd lease, ha bi tat mana gement and outdoo r re cre- ation. Air Force Reso urce Ma nagers and nearby communi ti es, working together,have made greatstrides in fostering en vi ronm ental awareness th ro ugh e duc a- tion and coopera tion . Th e A ir Force supports partners hips with many res ou rce group s; Ne otrop ical Migrator y B ird Co nser- vati on , Ducks Un li mi ted, North Am eric an Wat erfowl Man agement Plan, Wet lands Pro tection and Enhance- ment and the Na ti ona l W atchabIe Wildli fe pro gra m. You are invited to visit Air Force lan ds . Come see how " Edwards Air Force Base is the finest flight test and res earch center in the world, known for its ability to co nduct aerodynamic tests and rotal weapons systems eva lua ti ons. The Ai r Force Fli ght Test C enter, (A FFTC) v,tas the site of the supersonic breakthrough . AFFTC has also been a vital pan of the space program from the X-IS research rocket to the space shunle. Edwards AFB covers 470 square miles located in the A meiop e Valley of the Mojave Desert, about 100 miles northeast of Los Angeles California. Much of the land at AF FTC remains undeveloped desert with original na ti ve plants and wildlife. Major plant communities are Joshua tree woodland, 20 %; creosote shrub, 30%; saltbush sc rub , 35 %; mesquite woodlands, 1%. The remaini ng op en land consists of dry lakebeds and clay pans, features that originally attracted the Air Force for aircr af t: tests and landings. Excelle nt bird watching ar- eas are found at Pime Ponds, South Sewage Pond, Branch Pond, three lake beds and many clay pans. The active \yet season for the dry lakes and pans coincides with Spring migration. Common life cycle activity may be observed throughout the area. Combined with the large amount of undisturbed Mojave desert, habitat is provided for more than 200 species of birds. Public access for bird watching at Edwards Air Force Base must be authorized. Request access letters by writ- ing to: Natural Resources Management Office,S East Popson Ave., Edwards AFB CA 93524-1130. For more information call (805) 277-1401. Please report all sightings. E DWRRDS RFB Moh aue North Gate (lJ I Vl: "'" .k Main Gate Ro sa.mond 61 / Bl vd. South Gate Lanca s ter BIRI)S RI) \1R .'() I{( "f: \S (',\LIF()R:\( \ --i Legal'Y OITkc at (7011604-177:1 Of NFWF 31 (202) R57·01(.6. "' "/ --- we ar e doing with our part of Americ a. ------ to Los Rng eles GHE4.T BU" f If [ RO,\ III'WIII<.: ill JOSH LA TREE {lilli ' " "_I K! 'II/{J Aml ('r.\"rm

to - Piute Ponds

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Page 1: to - Piute Ponds

SPECIES OCCURRENCE LEGEND* Abund ant Common Uncommon Rare Ir regular Accidental

G ' ~ ...............­


The Department M the Air Fort'c and the NmiunaJ Fish IIml WilrJhfe Fuundatlon are l'()t1perUlitig on an irllemalional program (0 promOiC cllIN:fval ion nfnt:otropical IIHgrntory birds. For LntOnllOlllon. call DuD

O-'~ I \ i !


The United States A ir Force has the responsib ility of managing more than nine mill ion acres of val uable publ ic lands. To ensure success, the Air Force has developed a network of dedicated professional s who work in coord ination with local, reg ional and nat.i onal a uthorities. T hei r chall enge is to fi nd a balance in requi rements fo r mi litary mi ssion, sec urity and envi­ronme ntal habi tat protect ion. Th is effort req uires the cooperation and support of the Air Force and its neig hbors . The primary goal is to guarantee the qualit y of public lands under Ai r Force stewardship.

Conservation programs on Air Force bases include fi sh and wildli fe conservation, fo restry, ag ricul tural land lease, habi tat management and outdoor recre­ation. Air Force Reso urce Managers and nearby communities , working together, have made great strides in fos te ring environmental awareness th rough educa­tion and cooperation .

The A ir Force supports partnerships with many resource groups; Neotrop ica l Migratory B ird Conser­vati on , Ducks Un limited , North American Waterfowl Management Pl an , Wetlands Protection and Enhance­ment a nd the Nati onal W atchabIe Wi ldli fe program. You are invi ted to visit Air Force lands . Come see how

" Edwards Air Force Base is the finest flight test and research center in the world, known for its ability to

conduct aerodynamic tests and rotal weapons systems evaluations. The Ai r Force Fligh t Test C enter, (AFFTC) v,tas the site of the supersonic breakthrough. AFFTC has also been a vital pan of the space program from the X-IS research rocket to the space shunle.

Edwards AFB covers 470 square miles located in the Ameiope Valley of the Mojave Desert, about 100 miles northeast of Los Angeles California. Much of the land at AF FTC remains undeveloped desert with original na tive plants and wildlife. Major plant communities are Joshua tree woodland, 20%; creosote shrub, 30%; saltbush scrub, 35 %; mesquite woodlands, 1%. The remaini ng open land consists of dry lakebeds and clay pans, features that originally attracted the Air Force for aircraft: tests and landings. Excellent bird watching ar­eas are found at Pime Ponds, South Sewage Pond, Branch Pond, three lake beds and many clay pans. The active \ye t season for the dry lakes and pans coincides with Spring migration. Common life cycle activity may be observed throughout the area. Combined with the large amount of undisturbed Mojave desert, habitat is provided for more than 200 species of birds.

Public access for bird watching at Edwards Air Force Base must be authorized. Request access letters by writ­ing to: Natural Resources Management Office,S East Popson Ave., Edwards AFB CA 93524-1130. For more information call (805) 277-1401. Please report all sightings.


North Gate

(lJ;"""~. IVl: "'" .k

Main Gate

Ro sa.mond 61/ R~~~n,,!l Blvd.

South Gate Lanca ster

(~II.~(_1Kl~IS1' ().~ BIRI)S

1~:I)\Y~\ RI) \1 R .'() I{( "f: I~, \S

(',\LIF()R:\( \

--i Legal'Y OITkc at (7011604-177:1 Of NFWF 31 (202) R57·01(.6. "' "/--- we are doing with our part of America.-----­

to Los Rng e les GHE4.T BU" f If [ RO,\ III'WIII<.: ill JOSH LA TREE {lilli ' " "_I K! 'II/{J Aml('r.\"rm

Page 2: to - Piute Ponds


Am('riclIl \Xfigeon

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BuH"-bre:.lstetl \ ;H1 <-i lliDCr

'-i I j.,,, I Feo I I\h'l Ap' 1 ,\b~' lJu"9 J"lyl i\"S I ' epd Ou lNud Dec ClLt llr.\,( 'rm

Rock \Y/ren

I ...; I Jan IFehIM"I AI" Ii\to,.,U"n'iJ"le IAug IS' pd (lctiN,,,1 Dc~


Rm g-neckcJ I)uck

Rulf Sh ort-hil lt-d DlJ\\j( Lht' r I ~ ~

Rt'wilk"~ \X' rm

Huu.<;e \X ' tn, C re::l1crSQUp I o ng· bi ll ed Do witcher

f--­ J\'br~h \'(' ['l'lI




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\,\/ il ...OIl Pilaian lpc

Red-nec ked Ph.l l. ln~

Red Ph,u.truIX"

t- f:2J:;'!: -+-

Colden -crowned Kingkl

Ru[n--cn m lwd J\i rldl:t

Hluc-\!ra~' (~ n;m.•l{(_h.. r

\'('l~[t:rn Hlm'bird


28 Au\!.

Bu llkhead L~Jghlllg Cull SW:l.i l hOIl \ rhru.sh -

WEATHER: ____ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ J-i l)oded ,\It' rg;Hl~t'r

( ' orlllllml ~ l ('rg-.m"":l

2() Ap r.

I-+­rr ,lIlkJ IIl ' ~ Gu ll

Honal'.1rtc' ~ Cull ~. llamit ThrLL~h

America n Robin -+­

l\OTES: R\.\J · hrt-:L\l cd ~ l ('r~anwr

Ru ddl" Dlilk

2. 'i \\;1f HccrJn, ln ll 's (;ull

Rillg­hilkd t ;ull 1- '1- V,lri'-G T hrll_\h

i\:,mhcl"n ~ l lx.ki n l!.bi rd

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Harm:.: ( ;u ll

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l(lr~[t'f\ T ern

l (, lune. 2H ){'Llt.

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:\,l"h, 11k, \'( -J. rb ll:r

) 'dlll" \X'.lrbln

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t ~lI1g~';Jr('J <.. }wl

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Hn rnit \'CuhlL'T

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Rcd ·dl rn,UI'-'d JA),JIl

Cnrnmon Loon

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\.. U~ I.! \ llulllJnlnghlrd

RlIt(llI~ HurnnHngh lrd

!kItL'l..1 Kingti,her

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( ~rc";I1E'5J~

,')oo>,\", Eg[Sl

Link Blm: l--! cn:m

Callk· h.'. rel

Grc-en Heron

"7 Jun.

.~ FI-~-- l




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1(, AI)ri l



B1JL.k-crownal N i,ght j-b'vn Ilud,o";.m(;,x1w,, IO-L2,iJ~' -~~8=S= ~,l\'\ Phoch.: !:.'\;J I~~o.m()\\ +--+-­\':\ 'h']H' F::I coo Jbi~ IIFul·v'ou\. '~?'~~~~in'\! Lh~k 20 A UH.

+-+-­ 1,Ia,hl<JCodw" ]{wJdy TUrt1)l ol l1l'

-~~ I I

.I~ As.h-l hr\l:11cd Flv~ .lIl.ht'r

Cl~in ' ~ Ki nghird 2_1,24 Juh (~o ldl"1l-l f( WJn('C! ,)parrnw

\,\:hll:: CfO WIlL'J S P,l[fOW t lo,nciuSI,...""n } NOY.i 2 7 D t"{:. B];],k 1 u rn'I()Jl (' 3IAug')(' \'(I('"""tern K ingbird H "trr i ~ ' Sp,l rrO\\ 2 10a.8 l )

Greau:r \X,I hlte-fno tlIcd Goose


RCll. Kn(ll

~;mderling "--­--;==­

Horned La rk

Pur pk Marrin D:lr~IJlll1co

Lapland l..on!!S1)ur 210(1 +--+-­

R!.)8!; ' ~G(l«>e ~9 . 24 No\ .\cm ip:tlmatcd S~IJ \J piper r­ Trl'l' \ \\.111 0\\ ChOll lu(-colbrcd Long:; e ur

Cm.."lrl JGoos.:: Wes tern :':mdpir><:: r \'iolt:l -gr(:l'n S\\'~lI l o\\' Rcd-WIll£l,([ Blackbird

\X.Jo-::ldIlOoc'J,.. I ( .1.'1. & 24 Nm·.

C recr,· ,;!"1I'lI I!L.J ·I­....-a Red-ni:c k....d S{) m

I KobC S:I.rlJpiIX'f

13 July 'f--­

No. Rough-wint!.oo Swallow

B;'I n k ~w:l1!ow -+-+­TrKo]on:u BlJ.ckb ird

\X' Cioltrn 1\1e-J.dowbrk ~ +-+­

M.r!l :l.Id W11i CC-Jl.Ullped S,mJ~1ipl'r !") Aug Cl ifF Sw:Jlov, I 'dlm\ · hc:Jd ed Blackbi rd

~~1Pjm;u) Bluc-\\Y,.gcd Td

B;)ird ' ~ \ aJldpiptf

IPectoral S:mdp~J~

Bar n S\vallo\\

\,\/csrern :-:'cru h-j:lr Rrl'"\\'cr's. Blackbird

G r(':lt· raikd C rackle

Cinrc.1T1 () n Td

i,Non:km SIWN del


~lw"p-r.l.llet1 ,") ;1 nJpipn 8 ~ ' ! a}


I CLlrl("w ~andpiper 2~~ -24J \.l !)' · 94 I I ~.-l

l _ ;== t-­~

Common ItIH' ]]

l'.tolllllJi n Chickadee


_) 1 ALlg II Brown-heaJed C..owbi rd

Bullock's Oriole

1 Scon'~ O rio le -+-+­
