.. . -- ' . I ( '. . :( 2! M. SE.I.Bti, · utul J8W.USr, Water Street, Ha1·hot- Grate. ... I - ! . . butport ordeJ•:J )i ven p1'0n7-pt and car e ful attentwn. and other ltlltJ:f :, ·. mm/t; to ol'( lt J •. -- -- -·F -- -- - - -- - -- - -- - , .. 'voLtlD XXXIX. IDil •.u I .,.., 18C0Dd· order.- WUl 1tt IOld eb•p If appUecl lor a\ =._ Jl!l' •' &be 8rUD.UD WW J'l&, WorkmanebiP"1i1 aidB&yle. ·, Oaa&om won of all kinda ptr:formed aa -- prioee aDd wilb de.pe&cb. Oa&pon olden reoehe prompt. auentlon Gl n ue a call. I(IMQM Oardl ma1 be bad oo appllca- oMioo. WATER ST., HARBOR GRACE. W.A.lfriD :- Farmen' 10n1 or other lad..wlool ol fair educa&ioo &o wbcm 1110 a moe&b would be au lodoce- meo&. I ooald alao eop1e al <' ladle. U tbelr OWD home.. T. B. LIN800TJ', Toroato. AGDTB :-' GUmpaee of the Uoaeen.' lleotMd- book. &11e eo&in leld cl tiolded&Dd E•ery· body GldeD. llarYetoul Wlllka&iooa. P.QIIIIM&UI flee &o oaa., ..... Buo- a.n.CJAUIIIIOM OouuY,IAd., Torooto. HARBOR GRACE, NFLD., FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1 89 . [SINGLE COPIES T WO OE.'\TS.) ... ..-- l'i . . ' . NawfiDdland . RailWay. IFLD. RAILWAY - Our 1:1pr iug's stock of Qrcs:.; Good11 will -- ' SHORTIST Sf! VQU.GX ill QillCKIST ROUTl be receh·ed to-morrow, : uul we invite inspectiqt'· CHARGE IN TillE. ---. Flannelettes, Coal Dusts .- Cotton Lambskins, On and after Tburaday, 7lb inst , Chupett Paasen,er and Freight Rates between ,. . Train• will be run •• follow• :- . Special line of Black Crepons and Coatings. LuVB AaAl\'E. Newfoundland, Canada 8 ........ H bo G 9 --Just n lot of- - a. .... ar r race p. m. and the um· ted States . 8 a. m. 9 p.m. , . · " ARRIVE New, Room P..,ers - all and prices. 12 o'clock St. 5 p.m. BOY'T lUlL STllJSHIP / Train• w\lllea ,Je 'Jobo' a, con· J ALl · necUng with JJ; •· Bruce and goinJt '' a. m. on Mondays ana ;t·/i· •• Ill · , u C( E.:_,'' -' · J. OHN C. Returning wiU leave Exploils at ____ 8 a.m. on-wedneedaye and Satur- f Water Street, Harbor G:: :ace. connecting wilh •· s. Bruce'• \rain WbiU>ourne, arriving at Sl. John '• at )O p.m. · Capt. P. Delaney. R. G . . REID. Choice New Seeds· April6tf Mila Bdwa79 On and after April, 15th inat, chargee on all Goods forwarded or received over the Railway will btt by weight (not measurement) sub- ject to cluaification. Shippers will pleaee state on their ahipl>ing bill s conteoll or each package. Example- ! cue Dry Coods. 1 cue 1 barrel .. 1 barrel Qr Flour, AI Ule cue may . R: G. REID. lk. Joba .. , Apdllt. : • Bobt. Allan&Co. lO..... ...... Square, MONTREAL, • • • CANADA. BxponeN or Jlour and Produce. aerrlDgand ou. lldeata ol Benbtg, Sal- ltfttal..,.lnmr prompt and careful aUentioo. ,_,.ligltl . &rniaanca prompt Do You Need_.;.; A Turkey, A Goose, !&! Fowls, m Freah Beef, Freah Pork, or anything in that line If you do, call at J.E. Walker's Bom•made lOCke 30 ell., usual for lbe lamo111 indeetruct· lble t.mp Wlob-warran&ed lo bam for 8 yean withou' trimming. CaD be ... DOD applicat.lon to 1. E. Walker. _. Oppollte lbe Boo' and Shoe _ Factory. THIS I a man who desires pa_yinf poet don and eua good I you are at pnMD\ employed Ula\ need not pN!eD' J«* from aendlnc ue a pc?SI. card to learn what we can do for JOU. We han \he largest, moat complete and \horouchly up·todate nurHri• in the Domioioo. Tbere b a lafJely iocreuinc for Nurwry St.oek. .AU SuppliM Hnt ; the trial COIU p fttlllai"9 i J10U gd your pay ewrr Saturday. I( y;,u cannot cive full time to our lnt .. ta we can arrange libera l terms wiU._you Cor part lime. We grow a full llbe of Fruit Treee, He rry Buebe s, Flowerin_g Shrubs, Orna- mental Trees, Hedging, Bulbi! Roaee and Seed Potatoes. Al\ our alook cuaranleed and wa rranted lo live. Write and tell us you are open Cor an offer and we will make you " population you will want to ac- cept E. P. BLACKFORD & CO. Toronto, Onl. ..J. E. W AL.KER bee• to intimate he will be prepared lo fill orders, in April, for all kinde of ftarthn and Ji'lotur ,f)wl,, &ralc/xrry andothtr Plar!U, &:c. Th e Beede are from a re liable Americ an house, And th eir q uality can be depentled on. Th ey were 111ed lut aeason, and proved to be all that. c ould be d esired . .-Quality guara nteed. Ordere booked now. J. E. WALKER, Op. Boot & Shoe Fc\y. Hlghest Class at Lloyds. Trnin (wi th Sleeping C1\rS nUnched} will le ave Newfoundland Railwny St ntion, St. J ohr.'s, nt 3 n.. m., on Monday and Thundny of ench week, with the S. S. Bruce at Placentia. and Intercoloni l\l R nil wn.y t Nor th Syd ney. S. S. Bruce will lenve · orth Sydn ey on arrival of Intercolonial Tmin every ru1d Friday even- ing for Plncentia, qonnecting with Sp ecinl 1\In il Trnin £or St . John' s. · RATES-Harbor Grace to North Sydney, 1st Class, - $13.00 " - '' . " 2nd Class, - $7.00 Pueengere can O(OUpy Ca rs Suo dav nnd Wednesday nigh ts from 9 o'clock. -.For Ti ckets, Pnssenger a nd F reigh t Rates apply to any 8'--tlon Agent along the line of Rnilway, or to R. G. REID,&. Jol m.'s. 8001:8 and S H 0 ES. Child's Laced Boots. Child's Strnp !;hoes. Ladies' Laced Shoes. Ladies' Tnn Lnced Shoee. Ladies' Ladies' House Shoes. Gents' Glaze Shoes. · w. bns j ust received from lendi ng English nnd Amcl'icnn homes. Garden .Seeds of nndoubted quali ty nnd it{ exce ll ent cumliliou. .Al so, 1iulotlly B uy Scetl. Lot ol de urnij_) Seed -a uJOurleJfu( yrowe;· 'I l'fJ it. Central Drug Store, S treet: ll nrbol' 4oo · SA.tT. cHEAP FROM sToRE. --AL '0,-- ... .. ' . Several Fishing Scho<?ners AT A BARCAIN. -==='.' · Windoto f or Prices. " Ladies' Gloves, Window Net and Room Papers Paterson . & FoStc:it, Water Street, Harbor .Grace, -------.- '==-- T. Coals · !: Pr¢>visiqn _ ,s !, --- - -- - NEW SEEDS ! --1898, COALS J . We te nd er our sincere t hm1 ks to our Customers lor the larg e and increnSP.d nccorded us 11\st and respectfully solicit, 'tbr the present se n. son their continu ed We have just received ex S. S. Barcelona from Eoglnnd our CARDEN, ACRICULTURAL AND FLOWER SEEDS. As they hnve heen procured from lending Engli sh lk!edemen, they can be depended upon f or their fresh· ness nnd reliabili ty. · Also n smnll qunn tity of Choice EXTRA EARLY POT A Water St .,- W . H. THOM'PSON eo.-Br. Grctce. - Ar e now off ering n. gencrnl oSi!OI'tment 6f-- Staple and Fancy Dry Goods , Provisions, .c------ ..... Store Goods zdC'\ nt ve ry low prices for Cash. We hnve on lu\ nd, n lnr,;e Stock of Ready-Made Shirts, Inside Clothing, Flannel- ettes, and Grey Flannel, Fawns, Linsevs, Boots. House Shoes, and ,iot American Trunks. nll of which will be 110ld 1\l. lowettt. pri ces. I --1 W_ ATER STREET, HARBOR CRACE. I Boston Kerosene Oil - 115 and 150 test, FLOUR-all Grades. Best Barbados Molasses. Pitch, Oakum, Nails, nthracite Ceal. BREAD, PORK, · BEEF. d Tea, Sugar, Rice, Butter, &c· -- -- - MUNN ·& Co., Harbor·Grace ---- - ') THIS WILL INTEREST YOU I - .... The Celebrated "K" Brand of TEAS ARE THE BEST. •. Tho oxtl'llordinary 1\ ICCt'U allachcd lO ou r hue bc1•o lll\lllt1l· nltt· ly by the iotri nt io mtrit of goode otrlm·d. Wt- nek yuu to nDr"'K" 'l'F.AS without pri'JUdict- ""'' witl•ont p!\rtittliL)', nn:l \'rt\1 will tii• tom·inrt-tl or t hl.' ir ('Xtt'AonUnary Vlllnl'. No • ·•ch \'1\.hll' Ill 1\1>11 ('E\'1.():\ 'J' t- :AS '""ever bef'n nlft'r•'tl In 1'\'ewfuundlanll, wt' 11imply •ok yov ft 1 r" tri ..l ordt-r, 10 W6 m ay prove to you their f'XCCJlti Onlll qm•lhy aull rtt •l eler llng mer it. They 11ro r•eL gnioi n{: n 1\hich cn-nf tbu rnn. n akcpti cal a dmit on comparison 11 tkau ·\'cd. liJ" 0oS'T TIIROW ,\\\' ,\\' by t.:<lilllt. l'lbC'Whe>re. Our tlr(' nil bonghL flnsL hand Cor caeh in the rrlnciptol •••'lrkcl!l ol th•• wmld, hy mesne 11lono can good nlua Ito 111 the uctunl \\' 1• rwll·you in 3, 5 or lO.Ib. aiN i gh t n IU(.)tl null l 'IJ Rl-: TEA· al :!.1! Ct'nta l t.. noel CJ::\'I,ON der Cu l etrcngth and llavor, 1\t 38 tcn1111b. nnll thu YIN!' 'I' 'I I- ; .\ thllt \:lln hu imported 11ml or superb 1\L ·I · ccuta 11 •. cuul iu 1 ·1 "'ul 1 lb l'11rkt>t•, Ill 30. -10 llml fiO ccnla lt.. S.md ue 1111 cirllc r "ith t>Mu to ccl\'cr ct»t .. r 'tt·" anti Freight, ami be con•incwd. G-· KNOWLING, Wa.ter Street , - - St. John's, Nfld. . ..

to ol'(ltJ•. h~otcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...Before Retiring •••• take Ayer's Pills, a nd you will sleep better and wake in bettet condition

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Page 1: to ol'(ltJ•. h~otcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...Before Retiring •••• take Ayer's Pills, a nd you will sleep better and wake in bettet condition

. . .


' . I


'. . :(

2! M. SE.I.Bti,· ~MM-r utul J8W.USr, Water Street, Ha1·hot- Grate. ... I - ! . .

butport ordeJ•:J ) iven p1'0n7-pt and careful attentwn. J~eddiu,_g' and other ltlltJ:f:,·.mm/t; to ol'(ltJ•. --~ -- ---·F ---- - - -- - -- - -- - ,


'voLtlD XXXIX.

IDil •.u I .,.., 18C0Dd· sani'O~ ~ order.­WUl 1tt IOld eb•p If appUecl lor a\

=._ Jl!l' •' &be 8rUD.UD

WW ~ J'l&, WorkmanebiP"1i1 aidB&yle. ·,

Oaa&om won of all kinda ptr:formed aa -- prioee aDd wilb de.pe&cb. Oa&pon olden reoehe prompt. auentlon

Gl n ue a call. I(IMQM Oardl ma1 be bad oo appllca­


W .A.lfriD :- Farmen' 10n1 or other lad..wlool ~ ol fair educa&ioo &o wbcm 1110 a moe&b would be au lodoce­meo&. I ooald alao eop1e al<'• ladle. U tbelr OWD home..

T. B. LIN800TJ', Toroato.

AGDTB :-' GUmpaee of the Uoaeen.' lleotMd- book. 8wee~ &11e eo&in leld cl tiolded&Dd au~. E•ery· body GldeD. llarYetoul Wlllka&iooa. P.QIIIIM&UI flee &o oaa.,..... Buo­a.n.CJAUIIIIOM OouuY,IAd., Torooto.

h~ot •



..--~ l'MBJ+:R l'i .


. '

. NawfiDdland. RailWay. ~~~e-=-~~w Dress7Goo_d~ IFLD. RAILWAY • -· - Our 1:1priug's stock of Qrcs:.; Good11 will -- ' SHORTIST Sf! VQU.GX ill QillCKIST ROUTl be receh ·ed to-morrow, :uul we invi te inspectiqt' ·

CHARGE IN TillE. ---. Flannelettes, Coal Dusts.- Cotton Lambskins, On and after Tburaday, 7lb inst, Chupett Paasen,er and Freight Rates between ,. .

Train• will be run •• follow• :- . • Special line of Black Crepons and Coatings. LuVB AaAl\'E. Newfoundland, Canada

8 ........ H bo G 9 --Just l'e~i,·cJ. n lot of--a. .... ar r race p. m. and the um· ted States . 8 a. m. Pl:lc~lia 9 p.m. , • ~ . • · "

ARRIVE LEAv~:. New, Room P..,ers- all gr~des and prices. 12 o'clock St. ~ohn'a 5 p.m. BOY'T lUlL STllJSHIP / • Train• w\lllea,Je St~ 'Jobo'a, con· J ALl · ~

necUng with JJ; •· Bruce and goinJt ' '

¥h~~~;!. a. m. on Mondays ana ; t·/i· •• Ill· , u C(E.:_,''-' · • J.OHN C. ~UNN,-Returning wiU leave Exploi ls at ____

8 a.m. on-wedneedaye and Satur- ~ f Water Street, Harbor G:::ace. da~• connecting wilh •· s. Bruce'• \rain a~ WbiU>ourne, arriving at Sl. John'• at )O p.m. · Capt. P. Delaney.

R. G . . REID. Choice New Seeds·


Mila Bdwa79 On and after April, 15th inat,

chargee on all Goods forwarded or received over the Railway will btt by weight (not measurement) s ub­ject to cluaification. Shippers will pleaee state on their ahipl>ing bills conteoll or each package.

Example-! cue Dry Coods. 1 cue Co~ton. 1 barrel G~~iea . . 1 barrel ~ Qr Flour,

AI Ule cue may "· . R: G. REID.

lk. Joba .. , Apdllt. : •

Bobt. Allan&Co. lO..... ...... Square,


BxponeN or Jlour and Produce. ~mgonw., aerrlDgand ou.

lldeata ol Benbtg, Sal­.~-. ltfttal..,.lnmr prompt and careful aUentioo. ,_,.ligltl. &rniaanca prompt

Do You Need_.;.; A Turkey, A Goose, Duck~:~,

!&! Fowls, m Freah Beef, Freah Pork, or anything in that line

If you do, call at

J.E. Walker's Bom•made lOCke 30 ell., usual ~80-~, for lbe lamo111 indeetruct·

lble t.mp Wlob-warran&ed lo bam for 8 yean withou' trimming. CaD be ... DOD applicat.lon to 1. E. Walker. _. Oppollte lbe Boo' and Shoe _ Factory.

THIS I -~~~!'~~- a man who desires

pa_yinf poet don and eua good wap~l I you are at pnMD\ employed Ula\ need not pN!eD' J«* from aendlnc ue a pc?SI. card to learn what we can do for JOU. We han \he largest, moat complete and \horouchly up·todate nurHri• in the Domioioo. Tbere b a lafJely iocreuinc d~mand for Ht~~M-Grwm Nurwry St.oek.

.AU SuppliM Hnt Fr~ ; the trial COIU p fttlllai"9 i J10U gd your pay ewrr Saturday.

I( y;,u cannot cive full time to our lnt .. ta we can arrange liberal terms wiU._you Cor part lime. We grow a full llbe of Fruit Treee, Herry Buebes, Flowerin_g Shrubs, Orna­mental Trees, Hedging, Bulbi! Roaee and Seed Potatoes. Al \ our alook cuaranleed and warranted lo live.

Write and tell us you are open Cor an offer and we will make you " population you will want to ac­cept

E. P. BLACKFORD & CO. Toronto, Onl.

..J. E. W AL.KER bee• to intimate (ba~ he will be prepared lo fill orders, in April , for all kinde of ftarthn and Ji'lotur ,f)wl,, &ralc/xrry

andothtr Plar!U, Rnu~, &:c. The Beede are from a reliable

American house, And their quality can be depentled on. They were 111ed lut aeason, and proved to be all that. could be desired .

.-Quality guaranteed. Ordere booked now.

J . E. WALKER, Op. Boot & Shoe F c\y.

Hlghest Class at Lloyds.

~Special .M~il Trnin (with Sleeping C1\rS nUnched} will leave Newfoundland Railwny Stntion, St. J ohr.'s, nt 3 n.. m., on Monday and Thundny of ench week, connec~·ng with the S. S. Bruce at Placentia. and Intercolonil\l Rnil wn.y t North Sydney. ~Returning; S. S. Bruce will lenve · orth Sydney on

arrival of Intercolonial Tmin every Tn~sd1ty ru1d F riday even­ing for Plncentia, qonnecting with Specinl 1\Inil Trnin £or St. John's. ·

RATES-Harbor Grace to North Sydney, 1st Class, - $13.00 " - '' . " 2nd Class, - $7.00

Pueengere can O(OUpy Sleepin~ Cars Suodav nnd Wednesday nigh ts from 9 o'clock. -.For Tickets, Pnssenger and Freight Rates apply to any 8'--tlon Agent along the line of Rnilway, or to

R. G. REID,&. Jolm.'s.

8001:8 and S H 0 ES.

Child's Laced Boots. Child's Strnp !;hoes. Ladies' Laced Shoes. Ladies' Tnn Lnced Shoee. Ladies' Butt~ned Boot~. Ladies' House Shoes. Gents' Glaze Shoes.

~G. ·w. ANDRE~ bns j ust received from lending English nnd Amcl'icnn homes.

Garden a~~~~ ·;~-~~r .Seeds of nndoubted quali ty nnd it{ excellent cumliliou.

.Also, 1iulotlly Buy Scetl. ~A. ~Jc~itd Lot ol ~ltplw.nl ~trt de 1·urnij_) Seed -a uJOurleJfu( yrowe;· 'I l'fJ it.

Central Drug Store, ~Wn.ter Street: llnrbol' Gmce.~

FO~SALE· I 4oo · ro1~s ~Aiiiz~ SA.tT.

~oLD cHEAP FROM sToRE. --AL '0,-- ... ..

' .

Several Fishing Scho<?ners AT A BARCAIN. -==='.' ~ ·-- ·

~&c Windoto for Prices. " -~

Ladies' Gloves, Window Net and Room Papers Paterson . & FoStc:it, ~xtra cheap.~ Water Street, Harbor .Grace, ~fld. -------.-

'==-- • T. JO~ES,ti~e Coals·!: Pr¢>visiqn_,s !, --- - -- -

1898~--NEW SEEDS ! --1898, COALS J ~~{·~vr~~c~:.f.~eby·~~~;'.'C?3~~~~n~·~:~:;,~~ . '-=::::::::> CHEAP.~

We tender our sincere t hm1ks to our Customers lor the large and increnSP.d ~:~upport nccorded us 11\st ~~eason, and respectfully solicit , 'tbr the present sen.son their continued ~atronnge.

We have just received ex S. S. Barcelona from Eoglnnd our


As they hnve heen procured from lending English lk!edemen, they can be depended upon for their fresh· ness nnd reliability. · •

Also n smnll qunntity of Choice EXTRA EARLY POT A TOE.~.

Water St.,- W . H. THOM'PSON ~ eo.-Br. Grctce.

- Are now offering n. gencrnl oSi!OI'tment 6f--

Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Provisions, ~nd .c------..... Store Goods zdC'\

nt very low prices for Cash.

We hnve on lu\nd, n lnr,;e Stock of

Ready-Made Shirts, Inside Clothing, Flannel­ettes, ~·te and Grey Flannel, Fawns, Linsevs, Boots. House Shoes, and , iot American Trunks.

nll of which will be 110ld 1\l. lowettt. prices. I --1


Boston Kerosene Oil- 115 and 150 test, FLOUR-all Grades.

Best Barbados Molasses. Pitch, Oakum, Nails, A·nthracite Ceal.


Tea, Sugar, Rice, Butter, &c· --~----------- -- -- -MUNN ·& Co., Harbor·Grace ---- - ') ·~-

THIS WILL INTEREST YOU I -.... The Celebrated

"K" Brand of TEAS ARE THE BEST. •.

Tho oxtl'llordinary 1\ICCt'U allachcd lO our nth'l'rtieln~t hue bc1•o lll\lllt1l· nltt· ly by the iotrintio mtrit of goode otrlm·d. Wt- nek yuu to ctunu<~rt• nDr"'K" 'l'F.AS without pri'JUdict- ""'' witl•ont p!\rtittliL)', nn:l \'rt\1 will tii• tom·inrt-tl or thl.'ir ('Xtt'AonUnary Vlllnl'. No • ·•ch \'1\.hll' I ll IJI.l-::\1>1-~1) 1\1>11 ('E\'1.():\ 'J't-:AS '""ever bef'n nlft'r•'tl In 1'\'ewfuundlanll, ~tntl wt' 11imply •ok yov ft1r" tri .. l ordt-r, 10 tha~ W6 m ay prove to you their f'XCCJltiOnlll qm•lhy aull rtt•l elerllng merit. They 11ro r•eL gnioi n{: n rt-pu~tion 1\hich cn-nf tbu rnn.n akcptical mu1~ admit on comparison 11 tkau·\'cd.

liJ"0oS'T TIIROW ~IOSF.\' ,\\\',\\' by t.:<lilllt. l'lbC'Whe>re. Our 'I'~~AII tlr(' nil bonghL flnsL hand Cor caeh in the rrlnciptol •••'lrkcl!l ol th•• wmld, hy ."~~ hie~• mesne 11lono can good nlua Ito ~:lv4.•n 111 the uctunl run~nmrr. \\'1• rwll·you in 3, 5 or lO.Ib. a iN ight tin~. n 1-'HAGit,\ ~T. IU(.)tl null l'IJRl-: TEA· al :!.1! Ct'nta lt.. A perf«tbltndnfJNDI\N,CIJI ~A noel CJ::\'I,ON T~:,\ ,Of wun derCul etrcngth and llavor, 1\t 38 tcn1111b. nnll thu YIN!' 'I' 'I I-; .\ thllt \:lln hu i mported 11ml or superb c 1ur~lity, 1\L ·I · ccuta 11 •. cuul iu 1 ·1 "'ul 1 lb l'11rkt>t•, Ill 30. -10 llml fiO ccnla lt.. S.md ue 1111 cirllc r "ith t>Mu to ccl\'cr ct»t .. r 'tt·" anti Freight, ami be con•incwd.

G-· KNOWLING, Wa.ter Street, - - St. John's, Nfld.

. ..

Page 2: to ol'(ltJ•. h~otcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...Before Retiring •••• take Ayer's Pills, a nd you will sleep better and wake in bettet condition



\ .. .·


Before Retiring ••••

take A yer 's Pills, a n d you will sleep better and wake in bettet condition for the day's work. Ayer's Cathartic Pills have no equal as a pleasant and effect­u a l remedy for constip ation , b iliousness, sick headache, a n d all liver troubles. They are sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with­o ut the annoyances experienced in the use of so many of the p ills on the market. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Cathartic P ills. When other pills w on' t help you, Ayer's is


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The modem stand­ard Family Medi­cine : Cures the -common every-day illso. y. .-THE-

Miscella.neous. _ m - WU- BBGUli.-TRB I'OBllAL

DBOLAlLA'fiO • •

. Tho opening of boallll~iu betw~en ).10 United S1111ca anti Spa!n began on \ionday l .. t, Conpeu br.\•ang fo.rmally decla red war. The firal a~aoae of the U S Volunteer Dill p:o,•adre that nil able-.hodied malo clth:cna of lh!l United Stales aod peraone of fo~igo but~ who ahnll ~,·e 1l!'olarcd their fO(entton to bccomo citizens of the U"'LL-d Slllll'l, uoder nnd in purauancu of the ht W'll lhl'reof, between the •ges of 18a~d .fS yean, •rc ho n:by ded11red ~ conaututc the nnlionAI forces, 11ndl wnh ~l!Ch t·X· CC!ptione And undt-r sue 1 cond1U0na .. may bu preacrlbcd ~y I&W, ahn.ll bl' lillblo tO' t)Cr(orm m ahrary duty 111 the •er~ic:c of tho United S~lu.

. ..,.. ........................ ...... ..... ~_ ....... ,, __ _ ...,....,... u....,. ..... .,.... ..

Secrel~~ry Alger aald that if III!Y em· b11rraument ahould .be ex~rlt'ncud II)· th"l WAr J)r))l!rtm1•nl, it would be - .. --.......... -. an makin~: n c;holcc ur tho necCfury __ _ number of troop• from the ,·ery large New York, Aprii21.- A epceialto ihe numbtr of Jnen who "r~ expecled t.o World !rom London aaye : "Now that offer their ler,•icce. 'l1lo deparlmenl "'"' ia rcgii,Jdcd only u a tnauer of daya, hu !already obacrvcd indlcauona Llan~ keen interet~ bae dc,·elotled in com mer· at leila~ a million men arc rrady lo cia! and polhice.l circlta rrapectiog lho voluntcl'r to upbolll lho honor of the cxercieo of the rf,;h~ or aellrch of ncu.-fl t ral v-· ela for contraband of war ))1.111· ~.~c t~xl of tho Pre.idcnt's uhiruatum aeuedby tho Unilcd Statn and ~palo was as followa :- ae non·eignatorica of the declaration •of

Woodford, Minia~r. Madtid.- You Paria. hk\'0 been fumiahed with tho Lf.'X~ or Lord Charlt'a Bcrt>eford \\'IU tho liret a joint ruo lntion Vt..ted by tlto Cun· to call allenlion lo the 1ubjec~ In P~~' ~:rtllll of the United St.atu on th~ J!>lh ijQmr nL and he h ... furnished the World inat.-•ppro,•ed to-dny in relation to with the following furlher 1lale.men~ tho pacJilcation of tho leland of quba. of tho viewe he intend& to preu on tho In obedience to the act, tho Preatden~ governmNil immedi'lfl'ly: direete you to immwialeJy commu'!i· "Our 11o,·emmenL ~1oulll endeay~r. to Cillo lO lhe goven>menL or Spain aald find ou~ definitely before hoauhuea ~olution, wu h the formal demand of commence ~helher the \JniLed Sta~ea lho gonrnment of the Unlled St.ate. or Spain or bolb, · inl~nd lo e~ercaae U1•~ the government uf "Jlllin al. once tltelr undoubtectlegal r1gbL to atn;onmt relinltuith ita auU1orily to~ul govt'rn· caplnre goode of 11\elr opponent~, car· mept in tho laland of Cub& and with· ried under a neutral fl•g, al~o wbe~her draw ita land and naval forcee from the)" contemplate employing prtva· Cuba and Cuban waLen. teen. . dl

m taking Lhle etep tho Uniled Statee "Our relatione whh botb are frten Y hereby diaclaim '"Y ditp<lllition or In· and even f( they decline to mako auch tent ion Lo excreiae •overtignty, jurie· deeiarallona ae thoec I auggcet, they ~llclion or control ovrr eaid leland, ex· abould bo .. ked what reg•nl u con· ~pl !or lbc paoitlcation thereof, a~d traband or war. . . aaaerta ita detcrmioaL{ou, when lbal"U •• :\ly advice it we ehoufd not1nvtte accomplial.led, to lea"e the ~;overnruen~ a ro'l' before .;king all pouiblc Jlro­and conlrol or the ialand t.o ita people cauLlons LoJ avoid one. I cannot O\'er­undtr auch rreo and indo~ndCll~ gov· rate tho gravity of U1ia matter. It crnment 111 thty may eet•blitb. might cud In a moe~ eedoua buelnc!l lf by tho hour of noon on Saturday for us to acttle and perhapa lead nit I·

ne1t.., the 23rd day of April, ioatan~. ruatcly to a dcc!Aralion of wnr. lbcre be not co1'nmunicall'd to lbla gcw· "Thia mnL be unden lood : If a mer~ ernmeut by tb•L or Spain A full and chant •teamer or American ehipahould eati•f,.ctury rnponse to tbia dem•nd offer any reaittance to being searched, and reeolution, whereby the ~>nds or eho would bo put down ae •n adhert'ru V\!IICO in Cuba aball bo AMIJftd, tho of the othtr belligerenl. 'ho would Pre ei.len~ will proceed without further then be liable to lie takt'n l.Otbo uearetl nuticu to ua11 lho power (.od anthorily pnll' porL and both the a hlp and car110 tnjuloed and confo:rred upon him by mlahL be auld thert. the aaid jolnL naolution l<1 auch ex~eot "I bopo Lhala re11lisa1ion of Lhe poe· aa may be ncecuary t.o carry the ume eibllitiea which may happen eo ehurtly int.o dfect. (Sianed), SuER.iiiA~. will cauae ua to renounco Lho dcclara·

A Ke) WrtL dtllpalch of the 2;!•!d ti<•n of P•rit. lL Ia wrapped in 10 much iuel. llllh-d tbaL lhl' llnitttl ~lea cnu e- myiC4'1')' &hat 1 oontider h would ine'l'it· . , ,a ..• , : : .. , 1 , , : the Spanith abiJ be ~~ in Lhe ooune of war-

! • '· '.l 1 , '1J toot, hav· like CJp\'r&u ona. •1 rJ a fJ, umber. ~he "I ha•e alway• held tbal wo ahould

t Tb 1.- "'"''~~•"' T•d1'181'abty u1 ~lme or pe•c•·

U r. anCA Co,· I J ... • ··e ~~N ra~her tbt•n havo w do eo dishoourably in llrn,. of war." .

A Halir•x telegram of tho 20th wel. A W ... }lin1L0n te&ecram of the 2Jet aaid that tlu.• Brllith cruiaer ' ~ndel•Li·

iaa&. aald &bat arranaemen&a hue been able • leavea aL alx o'cloclt .tlua ~vcn· Lalit in t.be G reaLt. Conllngrn­tion the .. um

-854l,ood and the


complehod under SecreLary Alan'• foe under 1eatt-d unlen. l lll behov.od direC&ion :Cor call\n:ou& 100,000 of tbo her deetina&Jon 11 &rbadoa. Troupe mill &Ia of the COQIILI')', &o aid the "'IU· may 80 Olr4aer. IL h r<'pory:d lbat lar anny in the operaU•- LO COIU~l thrre Ia an upriaing of the nall .. ca. &be 8palllab cnc:u&Uon ol Cuba. Tbo rl ""' Tl Mad id co namiM>r of m'!n required from each London A1• I ..... - 1e r r· Sl4&e, l(it uld, will be in tho propor· reepondeo'& of lhe' Daily Mail' taya :­·•011 •'-aHia popula&ioa ~an &o tllaL Two arlet.ocratic f•millea of B•rot'hlllll .. - ----'' ha•e contrlbu&«< t600,000 Lo Lhu oa&Jou· ol &be whole ouoD&rJ. A-nr &o alauL--...Ir..: Cor the DaY''· Tho pro· &ble 1aLio New Yodt 8&aae wil& Le call· ...:n ' 'b t.«l 1 _. apaa 1o fumlab 10,100 mea. Yinoe nl i11111ya baa conl~ u H •·

000,000 peeet.aa. Tbe Jntt-.;net or Auti · A •Madrid ..,W of llle J2Dcl t.e( llollacablcal Pany will band . ovor tiro

eiW ._ aa.t P"r~bUntlaorb IDdeotndeJJd anbecrip&Jon il 11 r•iaing td. ......... ChMial ~ ndala&er or for &!le ao••mmen~ in caae or war; bu~ wr,ao eill~-.. -.... Tbne aboaict &hue be no boetUhiea &be money '~ ICIIIdld wkh ~ left Oidia will be preeented &o Dun Carloa.' '1_/::....,) for,a d..UnaliOD lladrld, Apri121, UO p~a.-Enthuei· ~ ..Uo proce~~~ICIDI are DWYIDC tbrough

..J a& lift, Jrelllid, embark aL 0~ &he ftmoval of the Amnloau ~ 011 Lite DUwara 011 -.... wbleb waa &browo dowo and

A Jlalllu .. ...._of &he li&b IDaL &be piioolpaletreo!ll. The mob ltather­deda ... Lba& die• :Ia lJa&&allon of tbe ed lo lroo& o1 tiro buildina of tbe ~uil· ..,...__ ........... oblo ur. .. uNn« Oo. '"' IM•""

ijlliljiror.. 1o U.laetatloD • .-.ed to b ill. The traamenta wtorc --~........ Yal ol"&be ~blp bm~ Lbe tbell earrhd t hrough the 1t~ete by •

a..uait011 will embatk for Ja· obee:iog mob to the milhery club, male&. Tbe DUwara Ia due to arrhe where &lie memben appt'arrtlnpon tht> here on Kay 8. balcony and en&bu•i .. ticall>: ~~ee~

Thn I mperial War Departmea& Ia the demonetraLora, ahCiuting · \ 1va Ee· taklog ~""1 pc.lble alep &o ttrenct.hen J>&na ,,. and " Down with the Yanket'l !" Brlthb 'aairiinnt and coaling atatlona The Potiee mind with toe <'rGWd and on thla aide of the Atlan&Jc. Strong re· allow~ the demonalration to go on ioforwmenla of Royal ArtiOery will be whhouL reetrain~ aent to all the OO&llng etatlona, and Tho ehil conmor of Mt~dritl, Senor Great Britain will be ready when boa· A~tullera, lnatoad of problbillng,, •llc:>w· tiUtlt'l break out.. The coal tuppl>: at ed ~mplele Jl~rty or action, mmgltog all atationt in tbe We.L Indite Ia belllft amonc the demonatrat.ora. U11 wa•

trgely replenlahed, and the doekyanl loudly cht'llrec!, eepeclally during the llh<~ril.iea brre are calllna f<'r tenden American c.cutcheon apr11111uae. lio

ur 111pplylng a quantity or cOil for aald: ·• Tho Spaniah hon Ia rou1ed irnmedlate <IIlli very. Tho c:oaJ Ia tore- from hit elumber. Ho will shako hit plenleb the at.ock at the dockyard aod mane and diapeno lhr re.l of tho brute ll t. belio,·ed may be inLeoded for ablp· crea~ion." mtntlo the We~L lndie. fn ca•e or • Tbo dtmoaalriUon lbcn contioued, 11. protraet.ed atrursle. A Halifax dealu part of the mob proJ)OiinK to demon· w11 to-day award.~ L,hc eontncl for etnte in frcl\i. or Lhe Amt•rice.n le~tat.ion, aupplying lfer MaJeaLY e dockyard wllb which la now under tbe Britlab O•g. Lwo thoueaod tona of 1Leam coal, Lobe La Corrnpondencia Eep1111a augg~lll nerd by the warahlpe. tho expulaion of aU !orc igiK're, eepecual·

A ~ew York apecial of Ap~l 22 to 1y the nowepaper oormpondt!nla, Worl•l newapaJ>tr from Madnd aal~: •• wboec presence Ia dangerous. It aay• 111e Rrhieh chArged' aff•im, acting lll lbo ceneol'lhip fa inadequate, .. Lh11 th.- •h• rnCI', on ltave of lho Ambae.u· corree.pondt!nte have "otbe.r me-01 of tl11r 011lltd on Foreign Mini•tf'r Oullon keeping up thtlr oalumultl ~tg~tinn and' uotiftffi him lhatOreat Ddt.aln con· Sp•in ~peeially tho American corret· sh1cr• d etJAI contraband or war, and wUt ponde'nll.'' The p~per demam!s thaL a nuL llJluw eltbPr lbo Unittd ij~t« or oate bo fixed fur tht~ir exp•llawn, giv­~ll•in to gi'L tOft I In any Br.iLiab . port. iug thl'm limo to reach lho fronti('r. H 11 d('manded W know Spain'• Jnlen· "LcL them Jullow their profeaalon," tinu& with rCftard Lo lhc right ol aearch il uye "and we are confidcn~ that no of n t'Uiral tbipe, expreulng lhn hope Spama~a worLhy tho namo will act ae th11l pt~ln will not permit ft. Coun· eubatilute for Ynnkeo pre11 correapond· l'il or Mlniat.era wu beld to-day, and ente.'' tlw~taor w11e al'ttlCtl W comply wilh J..o~no~. April 2'.!.-A dt'IJIIIteh tO ll!o thl' l'l"''l''''irt'ml'nte of inLf'rulltit•nlll law. DAily Tdegr>~ph (rum n.ucolon• \'Ia

Auulloc•r IJit·cial (4) lho aamc paJ>er l~ria, 101y1 :-"Grave "llflrl'henaiona lrurH Uullu auo tt-d: "From" rell.•blu •rt euworwnud in tl•u. hight>a~ gu\•trn· a .. uree the Wurld corrupondc,nt Jenne 111en~ circlte that the tuue of w•r may th•~ I:Spllln will not authorise a prha· bt> decided, not by t•othuelaam and leu 0 1't 1. l:fe r oonduc~ in Ll.ia rt:tpec;t dogged peracverou1ce, qu&litlea which will follow thal Clf tho Uni~ Statu. the l:!panlarda JIOeltlll in "bu~tlanco, All ahe lr•• dcme unlil th~< Jirueot Ia but by t he n-orvta or coal and vtelnala. rnakinc vruvieiune fur a aecond re.rrvo Spain hll rnad11 Lut " ee:~nLy pro,•i•iun ul rnl'rch•ul ve~ttla. Ll'llt~n or marquo in Cuba buL i~ 11ppt!an io rea pee~ ot will nuL be eraoted. coal In parLieular tht:y are lncompar-

U.etten or marqu.e •nd repri•al,. a 1 ably wone oil' than they ever have lico·uae or extraonhnary comml1110n hilherLO imagined. l(rllnttd lly a governmenL lo a priuto --- ---J>C·raun to tl~ out a prival('i!r or a.rn11·d 11,

0 IIII)(UOr ao common at thit eea·

ahlv to c:rulaP at Jea and make pra111 of 1011 Ia dul! to lmpovtrieh• d blood. lho enemy'• ehipe .an.d m .. rohandile. Hood'• Sarsaparilla tn r111 1L by t•nrich· 'l ho ehiJ> 110 et•mnu.-aunt•1 a a lli.llllt· log tho blood. timet CAlltd a" let~er o( marquo.''j


Only Bruil'a u d Uru~ay'• it Quoted People '\lvho are Sore There Will be tower ThaD B en BoWar·

l'he London Stali1lmakca an intcrut· The gond people of Jcneaborn . .:tll•., ing compnriaon or tho yield .or rtpn.~ aro l'cmfiden~ tb.IIL thu Unltett St•tu eentath•o honda of all JlfOmlnent. 11!'' will noL hi' ill\·oh·ed in wnr during lht' t iona at. tho priCt'a which now pruv•ul. prracnl yenr. So finnly nw lt\ey con· The return lo ~be ln\'cator from eucb \'(need thnt lasliog I'C'IICO Ia 111 etore bonde i11 the moat •ecurall' gauge 0,. for thie ul\liou, en)al 1e zo;, ..... Yurk 'uu, lllllim•nt crooit.. Tuaumo u lC!nt valu~ th11L they "r<' mnking pl11na for work-on are, r,r courel(auhjccl tO'iliuney cunt~•· their rarma, ami they twr•t• 10 do a RiOOd tiona JlrovailinJ: in the markete.wht re huaineaa cnlcbiu~: allnlirtl'a iu ·~··w the varinua accuritit>e nre dealt 111, but Brun1wick walrn ami hrin~ting them with London Lhc gru~ ,clearin)( houa~ Ito the Maine c.1nnerl~. Tht!y al'):nt a btUla of ~lay haa been re:acht'd tlu\L 11a N ell Hihou pmlit·tto;llho Frcuch wllhin recenl yean, and auch a . CJJID• nnrl Jndi"n .. nd 1he .80\'0iuliouary Wtlrt p11.riaoar"' the St.atiaL makea it cmtncnl· lwfore a he died •nd •• latr a.:hoat hn11 ly fair. elncc correcUy foretold Lhe wu of 181:!.

For many yean Brltith COt~ac.la ba~c lho Mexican war A Uti the l(rtllt alrugglc be•n lbc moel favor.><! atock Jn tho hat bct11·ce1o the SlaW. ahc at>Nnll ltl bl' a of government iatues, aud huo llOOl· l ru11t.worlhy pereon to ha'I'C ncnr in manded tho highet~ pl't'mium. Conaola caae of rmttJ:cnoy llnd I hat_. in ,.I.Q~ of benr inl<'naL at tho mte or 2l per ccn~ ht r pu\. aorviCt'8, no ec>n~ahl•· <!ltlten unlil April 1003 when the rat4• v.illllt> ttlumlll go 111 lhu tn.1ul.>lc nu.r •·xpo·nay reclucctl to' 2! . p~r Ct nt. Tho dlllc 01 of buyin;: ar1n11 nud . tqu.ipmcute unttl m•lurity Ia 1!123. w thlll Lhoy run "'ith· -ehl' ghe!a h .. r uaulll w.trnlng. in two yeni'IIM long "" tho l11aL h 111'1 'l'l1o story of Nell Hilton is moro lhan of Unht.-d ~tea 4 per ccn~ bon~•· . n cenlury and " hnlr 1•ld. he """' the

ln I J!itC or thrdlCOI'd comphcauuna dftuj;htec of a C.lpe Cod fialor·rmnn who­in tho ra r ~ .. l, a men•co lO Lho pcac:t~ r emoved hia fllmily to Jonl'abnro he· of Orca~ Br\tuio1 and in lh!l fllCI! of ll~,. rorc tho middle or the l• at ct•rtilry. diaturL~'<I !JOllUcal alrttataon , tn this Accordlns: 10 lhc traditions aho wu a conntty, flucluatione in ccnsol~ pretty Puritan maiden who I'!' r oted honda ha\'11 been \'ery am11ll, eapeciaiJY lhe r(•almint tliOL the PlymuULh Ct•lony when compared- whh tho rnovemcnlt placed upon tho aunduct of women RJ!cl in pric~'l of bOnds of Olber governruenle coaxro hu (alher lO 1110\'(' nwny In ahd general corpnration . 1ecurftlce. onler that abe might have muro free· Drilieh c:onaola and Amerij:•n L<?nda dom. A fr w monll•s nfler Lht\ ramily head tha.Jiat in amount. or pre~1~m 11eult d an1l pu~ up a 101: houao lhe and arnalln~ ~{ >'iel!l. Tho Jl01lll0 !1 (1\lher w tnmro home from fishing ono tho:y occupy 11 11ldlcatavo 4)f tho conh· -41\'tuillg am'N()Qnd a big p,, .. ,,mnquod· donee ur bueioeti men in tho honor, dy Indaan l:is~i~ his dltll(:hter, whn, elnbili~y and reeourc1 11 of tho 1\1\liOIJil. illll('a11 Clf ll\klng bia c:nr~<M•& 1\& an

At lho preeent price of B~itiah obl,l· insult, 11eemrd Lo bn cnjo,in~,; the e.om· aoh1 lho annual rot urn to tho anvcllor Ill nan; of her copper hued "dan1rer. ec.rct>ly 2 1-6 per ceoL, while Unltecl 'in ere waa,. bounly on Jndlru'e in ~h(lj!C Slale-e. bonda pay only 2l per. ~cn.l. tlaya, eo thr• fMIIl'r abo~ hb 1lrmghter'1 The connlry of next beet crt~ll 18 admirer 1,.,(!, hanging Lh<• ac11lp (lver at(llid and induatrioue Holland, ~h~c the fire ta,dry for lhc Boeu.u .marke~. bonds yirld about 3 per cent. 'J'ho to· n•ked Nell 'fer . .-u. OXJllnnnlion of her come from Franco renlll ia • Lrffio ltu. conduct. When abo in(c,rm<'ll him Gre.t Britain tho United 8C&tca, Hoi· that tho tll'ad llr•vo wu her prvmlaed land, and, P~nce eLand io tho lire~ husband the fn~her gu~ aos;ry llnd told grvut> of nations l)ndcr lbia credit n&L· her tha~ t r aho liked l111lh\us ao well ang. After them como in onler ~I· 1hc \\'Ould br\\'O to go whcrr they wue. glum Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Oc.r· llreatly to hiaenrprf~o a he too•k l.tm 1\\ many and Pruuia the yield from their his word left homo at once an·l P·•ned bonds bcing unde~ 3l per cool. In a lbe rul or her lifo lllllOOI! th•l trilitt of third group are lo ba olua«..'<l Egyp~. M11ino nnll 'ew Bn1otwick . t.!:u 1'ran1vul Republic, Ruul11, Oreece, A ncr lhc fall of Qut•hco in 1769 and Audtria and -Hungary. . t~1o 0\'l'rthrow of Frt!nch rult• in ;lmeri·

Sp_nln ie lho ualioo of poorceL cuedtl CA aho went to Gr&ud F"""· on the in EuroJlC and only Bru.il and Uru· upper t. John, .!!'d tuuj:h~ in lhe guay of ' nil the impoztaot go,·· French echOOll'..iilltll li75, wh.on on !'mm'cnte or the civili&~'\1 worl~l are ~arch 1 &Ill' qpt:ured In J cmo abol'\t ralld below it. 'Tho bonde of Spa111 are among her old 1wlghuo~ nnd lnld lhcm largely hold in Pnrit, lhoy novor hu· to gl'l ro•ady fo( Wllr. A.a thPm wu n•1 ing fuund favor in Lunilon. Tho ~I:· ahQr\hand reporter pn·a~u~ h• r c.x.acl ahlo capacily of the nation waa rench· lan)(UIIgO haa not bcon JllV l'rV\141, but cd oven before the ••ulbreuk of the re- tratlhlon bae it thal abo forulold tho bollion in Cuba, and ita already hea\')' battle of Bunlctr. Hill, which wne to burden haa been •ddt..J • ye.rly charge como aeon After, ""d tb11n weut ou null or"~ ll'ttl~ 142,000,00ll. told lho \\holt> elory of lho RII\'Oiulion

The l111l rnourec of tho govcrnmenl fmm ~ho Dl.'cls..-tinn of 1noh·pc'ndt•nce hRe bct>n drawn n{>On. and lh!J linan- to tho aurr.mnrr of Cornw.,llis. 'fwo clal colla pee or palll bas been lmpNld· ycare lt<lt.'r, in F ebrua ry, lin, lhl' Will ing for ~wo yean. Roll' mucb longer arrulOd and brough~ tu S,. John '" a I~ will bo able to t•nduru ill grtat bur· Yankee apy. Tbt~u~th a luL of Indians dell reate upon~ I.' h~JJJO of tbo AUI!CCU· •nd etovc r-.. t ... J.~~o lcnt'w lu•r Cui eo•l ur Lbu war in Cub•, which hope well Leal Hied to her good conduc~ anrl dallyt~•ema to bo cr~mbling. charil.l\ble deecle, alHl waa fuutnl guilty

BACK FJLOK K.LOliDIX.E. CApt. S..muel C. liubba, or Winll.or,

N .S., 11 ho hiUI bet'n at S~. M:ichaol'e, !• 111 ~he ci~y lln a buainL'tS trap. lie 1a employed by Lbo Yukon Dro!dging Com· Jllmy, whato htadquartN'I .•ro a~ 11n Fnnciti'O •n•l i11 ou~:agcd 1n dredging 1ho Yuko;1 Rher eo 1111 l<1 mnkt• a depLII of 22 ft•CL lu D.uuon Cily. H~ e~<ye. lhal nlUch gold i1 being 1coureJ tn ~ho dretll(ing.

Ho brlnt:J! 1l1o mOIL rcporla of tho KJondiko at finL bad JitUe fahh in L einuo ~lng there be hu no o gold Ia lh~e in J>IUnty If h can hRd. H e he-lil·Vt11 tho richeaL Jintla arc y .. t to bo math• · Ill) douliL lhouunda hav" pa ell O\'t•r .Oane of lhe richesL placu when cov .. r~d wilh anow. The mother lode h .. not yel been dieeovtrcd, but msny experlt·nccd old California nainere hav,c xuno in, •nd il will hke1y be round thiS eummer. He aaye thu weather from now untiltbe end of Stljllember it bet..­tcr tluua oura; tho cold 11 very tovero; It ia very dry. .

There h .. been an immense ruab thaa epring,llll'd thoua•ndatuue reached V~n· convt·r am1 Seattle, and Lho rorml'r c1ty it grvwir1g wllb great rapidity .rrom the erue. Tho O.P.R. arodolug •n lmmenat' bualncu, and their traioe uc trowdw. liu aay11 a pereon can leawc Halifax and proceed directly to Dllwaon City, and I rom thence people go to eeek the gold. He tAW ono man himaelf oome oul with J40,000 'nd a Nova Scotian named Fr114t•r brought out •12,000. The •team· en are loAded with building maLerlala, and a big hotel is to bo r rected aL Daw· aon. 'Tho reindeer brought out by the U.S. Go'l'ernmenL 11rrivcd before hla de· partut~, and they will bo or grrat acr­vice in wioLer in m•king "1e trip up tho .rlvtr. He eaya the lroor>s have been doing good eervice In clearing tho gamblere 011~ of Skal(uay; they aro told they ere not desirable ciuaene,and ha\'C LO retire.

Dolwton City la the grt'at centre, and the fa ith in the counlry is ahown by Lbe fac~ tl•at lbe Danlra are willing lO bu~ any good otaime: tboy havo UJ)t'rta 1herc w uAmino tho claima, and i r sal· itfactory they will purchaeo Lhem on lbelr recommendation.

CIIJII.. Uullbe inteml• to 11pend a !uw dA)'I at his homo ami th r n J>IIOCcede to Boaloo,t>where be talce. a eailing vtw I, procet-ding through tho atralll Jor \'an· couver.

Brcnc!Uti.e. From JouN FL&<.lb, &q., of Denning·

ton, N. H. •· 'l'hrcu yl'sre eineo I wall \'t:ry much

reduc• tl wilh a dre11dful Cl)l)~b, which nan hull in 01'(1nt hiLie, ~tlfceuntl me eu auverd)' 111 to rt·n•IPr. 1~ ?itllct!l~ tn apeak tu an audihh• \'OICC. ro thla WM 11dded aevcru night awt'all and 1 Willi

!earfu l of going in'o a decline. After rccourau lo varloua remetJf,·e, 1o no pur­JlOII', I made uel' or OM. \\'tSTAR\1 BAl.­sue oP \\' u.o <.,'mm~ a few bottle• of which fully retwr4 me 10 heahb. Since lha~ time I havo bad etwt•ral I eVere> allacka uf COUJth, bULlhe BALb.UI haa alway• remu\'ed lhom. 1 Alwaya keep it by me, an1l ahould no~ know how to •lo wilhou~ lt.''

2.') cl'nll liO ct•nll, aud tl a boUh•. &hi by tlt.'IIII'I'S J:l'nl'rall)'. J:o'or 11110 by 'l'bumaa McMurdo & Co., t;~. Jobo'e.

and hanged aa a apy. SlAnding on ll1e ~allnwa with a rope about hrr neck, •he nddrrued ~he people in En~litb, French and Indian. After lclling l ho aUir)' of her liro abc ior.~rnwd lho epee· tatora tblll ahe Nould (.'UilHl h1<ck from 1ho d('lld whenever lhC' •·ounlry wae lhrealcned with wu 1\1111 l!'t lho pco-

clo kn(lw in time to nrm l~&elvet for llllle. l n order that lh'l't'o tnlghL bo

no doubt alx>uL her iliColtity 1\ntl tho obji!C:lll or bor miuion •he aaitl that whenever war wae imminen~ a he would 11ppC'ar UJlOn the big rock on lfillon'e neck In tht' town of Joncelioro at aun· riao on the fint d!ly of March nncl wa,•e her hantle.nnd gh·o lh t• P~tUIIIIIACJuodtly warwhoetp.

Hor bi)dy w111 cl11imed by lhe P.t· eamactuoddy Indians, whu look IL to lhc tnbal rcaen•ation and burird h ••n Peter Dana'e point, overlooking P•11· umaquoddy bay. On Much I , 1812 Charlet and Ed~tar W11u, lwo llsher­mrn, rowing oul by Hilton's nook early In tho morning, henrd eomo ono ulll.'r tho trilr•l warcry r,( the PJ\Qamaquod· tli111. IAokiog up, they 11aw a long hai,.d, agi.>tl wom11o at.anding on the big rock, ami .. Lhey gned tho euo camo up rrom tbo AUJ.ntic. Tbt n r~ membering the prediction of ~ell 1:111· t.on, thoy rowt!d baclc home 1\nd told lho cil.ilf'lne whaL ~hoy had 11coo. In three months every ablobodic:d man In Jonesboro bad enlisted in the nuy lo help fight EnRiand. Afler Lhat nobody doubl.Od tbaL .Nell Hilton lra,J told the truth. Allhc lime of tbc buunduy dis· puto In 1831).\) 1\ gre t many wrro 11uro that W11r Will coming 1\nd cuL alura a~ tho mernory uf tho gh011Uy prophPLelll lrecau•o t~bo f•ilcd lo appcnr

1 but aa nn

biOO!lthed reaultcd tho dunnters 11•ero ('llll\'ll!ted. On March 1, 1861, ~ell Uillon slOOd upon the roc:k· nt eunrite and gavo the l'aesamaqut,.ltly wnr· whoop for hal( All hour, lt.aying lhero until tho arouu-d LOWn&J!I:opto hurried down th'l nook to talk wllh her, whl!n tht' melled iuto air.

Bri~ and DeclsiYe Opinions Diamond Dyes.


i\1 ~. J . 11. Coulter, Nee(>tlwa, Man.,tny11:

•· [ alwnys luwe much plensure in U!ling Diamond Dyes; I think lht~y nre grand agents for making old thing look like new."

Mnrv A. l't.nyornfl, Leeds, P.Q., gi\'CS ·her experience in 8~\·en worrls: " I am delighted with your Oinmond Dye!!."

.Mr~. Chrus. Tiu\Chiugs, J ones' Flllls, Ont., wrile :

Have Uiled 80\'0rl\l pnckngcs or your Diumoud Dyes and find them better than nny o ther make; they never fade or crock , nnd nre en· ti rely sntisfnctory."

)[rd. J ohn Merrill, Snndy Cove, N . S., says: ·

" Have udcd Dinmond Dyes for O\'Or SO\'en yeors. nnd hnvc found them great. success."

~{rs. David Grant, Mountain Stntioo, Ont., eaya:

" Oinmond Dyes fnr euq.~nea oil other dyes tbnt. I have tried."

. ·


•.. . .. ~ . . . . 7.

The following lele:srnm b .. been thla W h day recPh 't'<l '"' II 11 Exoellt•nCiy the · Qove rnc•I ftout' t~o R~h' · ) I on • • .tbe y Secretary nr. till\' ot ll Cllfl•mi• -:,nOll ~ . i11 pubh•lu~tl for genCNl 111rorma .. or1; and all partie. conccme•l ar& ht'rtby required Lo ~ .. I.:o due notice thereof and Do peopJe buy l'lood!l &na1..otriJ!4 1r govern Lhtm~elvea acoonlingly :- pro!or..aco lO any otbcr,-lu lccl almo.~

".Referri ng to my lc lrgram of 22ntl to tbe ~ualoo Q.f all otbent_ April, :-ll\lc of . war e~irta bttwtc-n B . :ipai11 and AIIIIMCll, ACl Ill liCCIInltt~tl'<· ecause • wilh lnall'<!rtiona, and nulc fulluw1u1: . rult!l 1.0 bo an force: ..

·• Rult! • A .'-No abip •1f w•r of elth• r • They kDow from actual UM. tbat Bood'a lwllil(•' rl'llla mny 11111 Britiah wat•"' JUlie blat, J. e., Jt eutW when ,otbera !AIL "" plo.t•t: ur rt·aurl fur w•rlike JtUr· Bood't Saraaptrllla b tlUI ,mado ,t:y~dcr. ptllll'l, ur UJIIIJim~nl, or m11) lt·ll\'<' Lbo JlC!rllODal aupc:rvWon of tbo cdoeattd Drilieh wau·" uutil twc:nty·fuur pbarmaobta who orlclnated It!-" lwur11 nrh·r nny ahiJl uf lllhtr l>l'lh· Tbo qaeaUoo or kll I•Ju•t .. poeltlnly Rl'rrnt. 4ecldtcllll !avord1liood'tU.tbequesUoo

·• Unlc • B.'- E,•ery ancli' t hip of !"ar or comparatl'l'o talcL _ . rthnlllro reqnin .. od to Jllll to eea wttb· An~tber l.hloa: .Evcry,,ed'l'~lllcll\t,Dt inl"·eulv·four houra nft.or cnlrl\nce, · or Hood'• SaruparWa II true, fl honeet. unlcu ~~~ lhe cn·nt or etresa ol H d~.. J wt•tltlwr Ill 1\I'CIUit\• fur ro•pl\ir, ·~·· . ·_$ : ••r prvvi~luna, in whiC.h Cillt: muaL Je& vr 1111 eoor1 ue 1,.aiblc, llnd c~r-tllinly within twcnly_.lluUI'll of com· JliCtion of repaira. s ~. II r~

"Jtul/.l' a • is aulojectlt! Rulo' ~ ' au. I a r 5 Q r u .., t.imo lllllY c1tcnd a~11nhnaly. ~~~up- btbQl)noTQJ«>IJ 11.,,: .. ,,.. ,\JI!lnt.-o- $1. pliee to l>o allowed heymod JtroVIIIona

1 l'rt""'""''""l •yC. 1, ttn6.t .~ l'"' t.~>nll..)l~~o..,.. and en bslstencc Cor cruw neaeuary for __:::::,~·

immediate uac. No co:.l bryontl whl\~ H ~'lls "~ lit• lin IV 1'111•"' talto will lakl' her to th<' 'neMeaL pur~ or 0\\'11 00 - rl '"U&~ '$ t...n..~lb. counlr\' nr nc11.1't'r dl'ttin•~ion. Xo : - -~::;a:s:;;:::::-- · • . coe.l ,;, 'ellfnl' thip in nny British J~rt :1\ Jr,., sl· q-Teachin. g· •

twito'•lthm three mouLhe, • ~u RI'}ZCI J.Y.L''u. mAy bu brOu$hLinio Briliah w•wra.'' .

By liis .Excl.'llcnoy'• CAmmRnd, The undcr;~it!uecl, ( w)IO hn' lrwl

• 1

J. ALEX. ROUI:-110:-t, Colonial S.:cre~l')·.

Coluninl ikocrct.trY'• Omce, 1 2Sror'·ril, 1898. r

-IYI-ong mullica! truiniug und~r l'r •f, Flynn nml who took.huuors u , ll:t" . .. .. ory.Of~[UJ!ic nl recent OXIUllilml' •I\ -:, --- --

The Extrao rdina r y Brnm Verd ict.

Boston, April 20.-Thc jury in tbo Brnm cAse have returned n verdict or guilty, without capilul

of Uighe r Ed UOI\tioll), ueglr ll) :.1\•

nouneo thnt s h o is pr(ltnm:d t•1 leach tnUSlC, and w(}l gi\'C

.PIANO LESSONS puni!'hment.

till, it \vas hardly expected thnt·. this po&libilit.y in. Rrnm's ~aso, would prove n renh ly. The Jllr}" hnve dccidctl thnl Brnm murdered the cnptnin, his wife, and 2nd mnto -killed them while they slept­nenrly t~ovored the womnn's nrm with a second blow rut she plnced it above her fnco after the fi rst tlnd stricken her; nnd-tr'at our rend· ers are fnmilinr with the 11tory. Tho jury have decided tbnt. Bram did it nil, but that he is uot'wo'rthy o r denth~ Justioenctoss'the border has boon designated rut "$low bu~ sme." IL i s bccomina incrcnsingly

at her b omo or pupil'!! rCI.o11doncl'. · 'Corms modJ:,rntc. • ., ... !.

MAOt::J~l~~ fOlH', . Wate r d., llurhal'liru; r. ·. )

~;Q;I r;.,;;.-;u~y .,;J~.,,~ I l•Aidmas occure.Ju•f,.rtl _lly;, It rty·t f~h • year. Uao Rrtll1 llllir H,•nnv.1·.r1" Ia··· •

slow nnd insecure.

the ecalp ht,alth • · l' fi \'i'rli ·1111 • .,;

"l!'UIOEbTluS-Yvu lui\O lrh,'<l ""t r! • lhiug ur it and !uucul au• lulp. \~" arc no wrt, bnl c.111 ulf•·r ,. Jltl · cr11.• lion thal ,, cur,d \'t!f}' mtfrf)l, ·, t I ~~

mitthL cuN. · ou.lfte w••ll ; iL wilh·•·1~ uut ,. quArlt'r du r, ""'' .-an h n h11•l."', 111\1 dniJ!I{itl-rAI!\i lt.r 1'• rry .UJ\11 1 \I~ Kl~ Tht• '~'~"~~.au···

.. Gloucester, April 21.-The Glou· cesler fishermen aro'lfenred thnt in cnse of wnr they will tie grcnL suf­ferers. Tho inheren~ enemy of tho Glouces ter fisberaveo is tho fishing inter ~Is of Novn Seetin. For years • oven by their o wn ncknowlcdg· mon&.. tho Chit-td.a.!!irA-D( tho N~vn Scotia fi!Jh dealers h as been to an­jure the Gloucester fishermen, so that they Utemselves could soizo the market. In the event of Wl\r with Spain il is believed that the opportunit.y would be aff9tded 1hem. lL ts said that !.hey kould fit out a few vessels, 11·hiob could be taken to Spnin, whero letl6rs of mnrque nml roprisnl would be issu­ed lo tho[tnd thnt then they could com nok nnd destroy the fi hing fleet.

~&w Yotu.:: ,\ pril :.'0.-R••f, rriu~: • ,,j tor~lly tn th~· intn,.hu·~it•u In thu · II· alii of a bill .. pprupri>~ting 11 111111 Ut:t:fl\ eary'lo VIi)' cho Bt:hrin~t :;e.t ·""'llt•l •• th•• Tribnntl t.o-day U)' B : ·• Onr. 1n1n11 rll.ll• duty lite be fort• ~<~li~ l't ''• rll'~r nn_l uun\ilt.-knblll. \\ hatcvcr •l~t: 11, t>r ll nuL chilli' it ahCJultl !Jc pr~mp1ly die· chnr~~·l, 'whhunt htailMil•n •·r C•Hil, that ill •bo JM)'OICIIt to( thtl J3, It ring&-" '"'"'"· ,\ IIIII lli'J•rorrilllfuJ; thf' entu i1cc•uary !Qt lbnl pnrpo!lo hn1 ~and tht.· .HoUie·or lkpr~a.·nt.nth·ca and,.. lnli'Olluc+«l in tho St•IUit C }'11\1 nll\y. U wna, "" ,. matL~r of form, nlrr~~ In the l.'VnamHlc:t• ou a(lp1Qprt•Uona. ~nator LOO~t', who introdnc~ if, ~x· prt.'IICd tiro hope tlmt tt would apcrd1ly bu reportt.-tl'bnck .unl ~~d. ~~~ ~l!at bopo all righl·min<lt'\l eitn< n• wall JOln, with not n lillie conlldcnc!'· in it~ fu! lillmcnL 'Tho' !IWnrd n1ual hi' pnltl 1t onctl. That should bu done any'll·ny, liut tho attitude of Ort'a~ Urit•tr1. to­wuds thi• country· nt tht• lllctt•m hmo mako il' l;apctlally dl'lllrablc lh:ll "' ebouhl )lay .,itbbo~ c\'t'n tho tlhlllow of reluci.Anco. Tbtrc mua~bc nosrntl~· log ehown .' to~nda tbl! ·grret l"'"~r tbat I• 'eo frlencllf tbwanis utt, nnd 11. H new ahould bt·, rtarly tCJ h~ nt:•nn' aide ill tweoty·Tonr houra a~nH•"' ~II tho world. l;el the aprroprll\lll.ln he• made in foil and at once."

• .J ~

One of the rgest fish tnerchanls in thi11 city ndmitted to the JTe rnld corrnpondenL thnt he con~ido~e? the probnbility of Nova Sco\tn prt· vnteers ns tbe grentest direct. dan· ger Gloucester would be subjected to in cnse of war. ~ 1

" Whnt is to hinder tho ~O\'B Scotinn~·from getting bnck at u,,lit this wny, if they desire." he sn1d. "Everyone kno ws that t.hey have been longing for a eimilar chance for ye&n. Gloucester bns boon the only obstacle befween tllem nn'd a rei\Cly market for their cbet~ply produced nnd boundy-fed fisb. With Gloucester out of the wny, ~he.Y could make ea.sy fortunes. Thta would he their Qhl\noe. ~ 'long rut Americn is nt peace, antl h M the time and means lo 11roteol all her interet.lll, they stand 4\ poQt chance of succesa,.. buW£ wnr c:outel, they could a~al a blow wbiob would cripple us for y ears. •

" They would not.-havo to brule tho neutrality • .Laws, becnusc it woitld be in ei\Ch onse nn individu· al nol,like the filibosterinJC expedi· tions from the United Stntes to Cuba. All that could possibly !la \'O us would be the unusual friend­linc,;s of Englnnd, nnd Inn] not BO sure thnt could do it:'

., IAsuo~. April 2h-'rhe RUine t()rn.•a·

pondcn1 nf tho Daily lla iL ellvs: ~!."tbo Italian Admiralty; 1 ·am prh•ately iu·. furmtd 1.0-day, commandt.'<l lho meu of the ir.1nCIRda nntl ei• tllrpl'llo bcmta 111.. 1.-.apt'"li, under Admil'lll Acoinni, lu (Jrt'(lan> immedialt•ly foruiling onlere."

---1\lio,nl'a Llnlme11L uacd by 'Ph>~i~i~na.

~ ........... The DaDfen or spring • •

· Which ari1o f(IJ)ll inipuritu iu :tlu blood aud a dCJtlCtl~ cuUdftiun ,.( tl•il · vit.al flu111 mny be N)Ur~ly "''I rt .. 11 .~ .Hood'e S.rtaJllrill .. 'l11is •)(reu 111 !It· Cfl\0 CU~(lllilllii.Jlring'humura, ,1..11~'1 ' I •II~ tione and "'~· 1\,lld Ly eum•hw.J a •, vHaliaiug tho bl~l, \l. O\'~~uun • ."' I tite¥1 feeling and¥~"~'~ va&ahty"ilu.l ' l,;or.

l , . ~- ~·· '·. I . ,Hooo'a P1Lt8 cure naua~:a, tc" "'"' • . ache, .biUQUenett. 1\UII all Jh·t·r it.<~. • • ~~~ce 2.:; ~nte.

J: ·W·. K • N NEDY, BOOt AND SHOE- MAKER: _,.E>.·cri duc:ription uf FOO 1\\1: \ H lllOidll to oro r, ncally, clu: .. ply 111 ·I .u •hort noticl!.-8

liATER S1.., HA.RBO{t UJqf f, (opposite lhc Slw.>

llMk·ldt .. , h~A<'k• ~Wt<ut< l'ul-lhooraJ~o J"ala>o Pala la UIC> al41t", ece.

,.,_., ....... ....a Oon4 It

The ·" D. & L." Ni>w YtiRK, AJ•ril 2~.-A *'apntch to

~~~l' World from London pya:-" Tht• lnlCft~ repc•G In diJliOmlllic qut.rlt'l'll Ia thaL Adlftriil' 11nd lo'ranco are enae&vc.r­ing lit urnn~tu All uu•h•rala11ding among ' tl"' o·unlint·nlAI l 'CIW\'rt tha~ if th ' U11ill••l :-;In I• a lira • a dl'Oith•o blow at

Menthol Plaster

Jlliin, l'ulling h('r 111 whAt ia. diplo­m•ticttl )' ll'rOl('C(I\ ' ' poll it ion or tnRni• ft:&L inrerioriL)' ," lhllt lllll)' shall iowr­vc•nu ttl aave 'pain !rom being tlop~ ltatly beaLen.

llAly and Oermany arc decl•ued Ill be buth lndiapoeed tu agree lo lhia a~:hem!' aa ncilhl't '!'lahce LO dri\'O Englaml •nd the United State. cloaer togelhut . nle chan~e in tone nn tht\ parL of thl' 'fim~• is rt'gllrded ua a moeL ri~nlticanL omt.'n of l.hr deeire of the Brilleh go,·ornaoent to promol.t' tho entente wilb tho Un!Led Stale.. Until no'!' tho Tlmf'tl hilS been critical, lC nC\~ anti· American, but now it dt·chm•s tha~ all 'Engliah eympalhy Ia with lbu United Statu In lbe alrugcle.

Page 3: to ol'(ltJ•. h~otcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...Before Retiring •••• take Ayer's Pills, a nd you will sleep better and wake in bettet condition



.. • ""t.

· . . . .. ' . " ..


Doctors said ..

the ·"Man ·Would Die:

Paine's Celel'y Compound S.natches Mr. ·Morisette . . .

from the ~rave.

Mt:<M.cine •

Cures Rheumatism. N a ~ure~s ·: Spring . . / .. ·.!.. .

A1 o you enju\'in~ God' be~l P11ine's Celery Compound for cMl· 1 "Hnving been given up to die hlessings thi-1· spring wuther? ing off disen~e. purifying the blood 'some lime ago by some of the best You know nol nnylhing of them.if and mnking strong nnd hoallhy I doctor11 of the United Stnto:o, I you are a mariyr to rheumatism·, •ner\'es. come back to Cnnnd11 last 11utum11 neurnlgin, intzomnin, nen·ousness, . Do not procrnstinnto if ynu nro terrib!y ill, nnd hntl IOt'll. "II hope. ilt.cl tli<~Pt\ c:1 otthe Llooe. tn dt~nger; to-morro11· m:1y be too Suffer1ng ngonie:o from Jnflammn·

It i~ now an im,~emtl\'e 'duly to Into. Uonr in mini that. your cn$o lory rhoumntism, I wns strongly ,:tt l•ack !'Ooild hen th and slrenRlh is not. too difficult for tho curing urged td 11110 Pnine's Cetery Com· t., n complete restoring of tho "irtues of such n medicine ns pound. [ gn\'e it n ~rio! ns recom· l•rt~ken·clo11 11, tired arod ngooixed Paine's C~lery ~ompound. mended, and the llrst .boltlo ~id ,,·,tem wl\h Pni"ne'e Celery Cor•l· A glor1ous \'IClory wns secured 1 1ne so much gocxl I tonhnued w1th 1:onucl. • to Mr. ~loriselte, of·Roxlon Poncl, the medicine unti1 T had ui!ed

Y•1ur chief 1\.im a~ this aoa.!hm P.Q., a\ the &le•ehlh hour I Hi~t ~even huttle~~, wben I found my· ~hould be to furnish lh( hQdy with doctors failed, but Paine'~ (,'elcry !'elf \wrfcctly cured; inclced, I nt!\•er a'rt·~h nen•ous energy. nncf_tur.rly Com'poun~ \vns bls true ~nh•ntinn. felt 1ettor in nit my lifo tbnt~ U\ C\'cry arte_ry :u)tl vein wllh ncb, It wllJ g1ve the Sl\~n~ mnrvellcl~i presoal. I uso o\•ery po"~1hl,«' l•Url' ltlo<JC1, thu:- expelling the re!!ulls lo'nll u~ol'\4; 1t 1s the wnrld r1 mcan!'l to tell others of PAane" 't·t'<b uf dillc:i':.e nmrdeath. There only disense banisher; it il the Celery COmJtOdtld, Gild \fill nlwnp it~ uothilllf .lrnolfn to l}hvsician!l only true life-giver. Mr. Mori· rerommoncl it to th14!o trouble•!

"'iJ.hnt onn for"'n moment njlpronch sctte sny11..: with rJ1oumaliem."


Dr. MORSE'S INDIAN Roo ills.

Dr. Morse's·Indian

_....,...;";....;;.. ·· ·~OOT PILLS. Dr .. M9rse's ~ Indian Root Pilla


"-\ ·The biddneaa oftbe.PH<ENIX is one of the largtutt in the world-tO:! annual pre1nium income exeeedins On MILLION Pomcos STnuKn. •

ln11uranees again t !on hy F1az are effected by \hla )opg·eatablished Company pn all•le~riopUonll of 11ropett.y in Newfoundltnd on lhe moat favora'bTe terms: •. . 7

ClAimuettled PRO~IPTL Y and L1BERA LL Y.

···~····················· ~ A WONDERFUL ME0/0/NE.

i .! .~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~.~:.~~~- f • ,...h,., flltl<tiD,..•, t'llln- Mid ttwelllnlt al"*r lllltnll, Olulnc.- anti DrO-Dt"tiO, C.>ld

t • htlla. t'laablo.- o1 a-.'-or A.PIM'clt., It bonn- or Brta~h, eo-r t.-ene.•, Ulo"*hH un llt'l .,.,..._Oietar~M'<S 111.-p, Prlabual Dream• anti alll'l .. rva.u RDtt Trcmblhllf Ho·n•"' th n•, otr, The Plr t o- will rrlvll Rfoll~r In TweniJ "'""'- '!'lol• Ia no IIC'llnn r .. , ,, .. .,.,,.., t. ........ ~ lo'f'tt.e<t 1.0 trJ ODe Bolt or th•• Plll!'l a~•l th117 w>ll t>•

• "d"'""Jc' 1.-1 t.o M "WOKTII A. UUlNICA. A. 80X!' h~I'.O~":IIIS I!LI~'t, takfn •• •h,....t ... t, wrll ttniC'kiJ r~l.o,. l'fmal•• to com phi~ hralth. Tl•~ PMnni/IIY remove any •·l .. trueuoo or lr.-..uta.rUJ ortbe IY•U'rn. For a. - . '

Weak Sto.....:h ; lmpeirecl Dl,utlon ; Disordered Llver

t..-7 utllke m~ law elM• will work wpoden UDOD tho. Yllal Orarau• tii,...Diflh· t-lliDI lhftlllUk'UIIU' 8~ • r~Dilhe ICIOl•lo4t l"')mttll'slon; btlnJIDif ~Ill h .. •~n <"~It" or apportltA, DOd ..:.-tnt wtU. uae Roii&IIOD ol' lla.u:.TJl ...,,. wuot.a t'IIY• IJO.At. ltlfaiiQ'/ ott be ho._a.a cra<D .. • 11'01 tbroWIDtrnllleve,.tn Ito~ 1\llrni'IH th~T ur" .,.;.lalty renown~ 'fbeel....," taote" alimiU~od bJthou .. nd•, Ia <Ill i'lu•n~>tlllt'll't)", alttl...,eol tbt b8\ ,..,..·n_.-10 lltt If•~ a.od Oelltllr..a.t.4d It dta~ BkBAJUA \I~ f'1Lt..IUlAY&TIDI~8.t.ra o• .._.1' P..t.nn•M&IiiCl UI&II't Til& Wo&J.D. I' II

tt~t<~)o.e wtua _,. 1IO.L --s-repared only by THOMAS BeeCHAM, St. Helens, e nr l and'

Oeo~tQe KNOWU NO, !ole Arent for Newfoundland.


~Bill Henda-, Letter Heads, Note HeRd1, PuMterB, Cards, Circulnrl'l, nnd nll kinclH of other Commercial And Generol Printing can be hnd at the STANDARD Offiee. ,


F.BllOUSOB, or SYDliBY, 0 B.

Fotftye Jeanlbewu aa alm01t belplesa Inyalid. l118d maDJ aediai.Del with out benellt. Dr. William•' Pink Pilla reltore ber health.

Prom tbo 8JdD•J• C. & S.J'OI'fer.

Many or our Cat~e Br~ton ceaJ· era, eapeciall7 tbo~e relliding in Sydney and v1cinit.y, will rernetn· ber the aub~~ of thi• article, and also ltae« Ferguson when re­sldinc at her home on Hardwood Ulll, just on the borders or the l.own. From 1890 to 1895 eick.neu

r.reyed upon MIN Fersuson, and rom a bright ud healthy Rirl she

became an · invalid, completelY il•tn Up to weialriJIIII and deepond· fPCJ. In the ~J»riU of 1895 she left her home and went. to the Sta\es, where 1be h~ a sister and o&h.,. friend.:- thinking that a ohaoae of climate migM benefit her. While there abe wu attend· eel by medical men, bat without any lmpro•ement, in fact she ~aally gre~ WOI'IIe, until she iNd to 1pend the 1reater part of

d~ on the loange at her ais· Jliieoda came to see her,

ao away with the aym· pa1~11Uo remark, " Poor Flora. she

aoUoac for &hi• world.'' From .... belfnnlas or her •iota... \lfl m til~ Ume •b¥! the Rm box of br. Wllliame'Piiik Pilla wu taken, abe bad tried upwa1d11 of twenty ciUferenl klllcb of medicine-110me from docton aachome or lhe tnllny paleat.dnlfl: f• .tale at druggists. Rearlnl_ rrorn a friend of the yAI ue of"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. lli11.s Ferguton reaolnd to give them a &rial, and requ~~ated her aister to ret her a box. Following the directions carefully 11he began to take them. Ae dar by day went by abe began lo fee better and her apirita to return, and in the course or a few week a sbe walked n mile to lhe pofL omce a1Hl howe ag~tin. Miu FergUJoo continued tllking the pil111 until abe bad usecl eight boxes, wben ehe WIUI complet~ly re~~tol'fld to heAlth and happint!l':4. She wu again t~trong nnd hulthy While ill11he had greAtly run cloft'tl in wt>l~ht, ant\ nt. the time ~he he· gnn ueing Dr. Williams' Pink Pill11 Walt redueed to 102 pouncll', and when ebe hatl completed the ei~:th box her we;ghl hnd incrMiletl to 141 r>oundll. Only one month Rj:;O 11he CR11e4 Ill the homo oflhe editor of thi11 ~a per to lea\'e her nddre~,. to have the Reporter forwllrde•l l.ll her aL Arlington, Mall~. During lhe IIHltllt>nl'e cunvorllation with hor tho abo,•e (rtcl.d were told to \lr. W. A. Riohurclt~on, tho editor. nr1el "ith beaming countenftnce ~tics FtrgU!Inn willinglv ngrtt'tlto h11ve him toll the pe•)j'le •• How Dr. Williams' Pink Pil 11 brought hor from the g~&tes or death to the etljOytnenl of heaJlh." lie Wa'l 1\1· toniPhed, aa bein~t well IICIJOAinte'd 11'ith her when in Sydney, knowing how ill llhe wu11 ancl 'l'eing her 1\

phy~it·11lly changer! tJer"nn wu11 enough to cau,.e nnyono to IJe amazed ftt. the chnnge.

The above rncts Ct\ll be \'trifled by writing Mia,. Fergufton, Bt No. IG Henderson 11Lreet, Arliollton, Mnu.; the edit.or of the bland Re· porter, Sydney, C.B., or any one or th& intimate friends of Ml1111 Fergu· liOn, Hardwood Hill, Sydney

Sold by all dealers In medicinei or will be PenL polll paid at 60 cents per box or aix boxe11 for 12.60 by addreflsing Me11~111. T. McMnrdo & Co., St. Joha'e, wholesale agents for Nftd.


' . mont of tolling his story had ended, Rodney Woodson commenced to sink 'l'llpitll~·· Onco he rnllied, and ll!ketl fei'Crishly if they hnd sent

• word lo Brnnlen jail to Arthur Douglns, nnd thf'y told him "yoe." The conchmnn had been sonl. to curry tho wonderful confeasion to the authorities at Branlen, fully nn hour before nod by thM time i~ ,,.1.\8 spread brondcnst through the villngo.

And poor Rodney laid bnck his heRd on tho green grna with n smile :1nd th:ly noticed n greying pallor etoRI over his face. Sutldonly ho rnised hill Mms to the sunlit sky with n ~rent. glnd cry of-Lorllo, and with thl\t cry his spirit winged it!! flight frnm tho toil·lfOrn body. Rodney Woodson's soul sloo(l be· fure the judgment bur of God.

'lY 1 •• \URA ..J&A:S UBBEY.



At that moment I heard foot­stop!\ burr)!.in.(tjown 'tho pnth. I hnd but time to draw back behind tho tree ag11in ero a womnn cnme hurrying down the pntb. I uw her face in the ciMr moonlight; it wl\ll young Mrs. Trevnlyn, the llqttire's 'fifo. She fell hendlong ncro~s the body, which was lyin~t directly in hor Jlllth, nod as her hand c:1me in contact "ith the colcl doad face, she uttered a cry of terror nnd regnining her feet flew bnck to the l1ouse with wild suppre!sed erie~~ of fri.gh t.

• A l<>w moan close1 by stnrtled me, I knew it was lrom Arthur OougiM; duzed ll.z! I wRll, l felt [must not lenve him lying lhore. I lifted him in ,"uy ~trongnrm'!and bore him fnr a~Vny. { renched tbe raihvny - tnlion, nncl there [ dropp· ed him Jrom •·xhnu~tion, and walked mechnnicnlly bnok to Tre\•fllyn Villn.' ~

'When [ renchcil there, [ found thnt they had 11lrcady dii'CO\'t'red the Jo:nrl of Dunrnven, lying ~here

.Jentl, with tho cold white mnon· light on his handsome fnco \hnt would charm women never ag•in. t wn3 nmong11t tho~e who "tarched the ground!\ fur tr11ce of the mur· clerl'r, amongst thu~e who 11t'lll fur the police; yet no one turned to me, <~nying, 'Thou nrt the mnnl' I do not remember how I rei\Chetl humo; bul-stmngeet thing of all -when I fuund myself in my room agnin, the •·nice:! hntl cenPed, and 1 n(m- iiCJtrclthe,~ a(?mcard. T have hr.~l thut secr.eL Clllltinunlly weigh· ing me down ; but I did not mintl.

• When I laeBrtl thal Arthur Douglu~ W:\S nccu~ed, r WR'I filled with wonder at the stupidity of lhe police and the delective-Hnq>Or. I mnde one or two faiPe stalemenh to them, but they never found me out. I w:1s not even suspected.

1 T set myself to work: to see how I could frro Arthur DouglBs with· out implicating mysclr. I wished to Heuen that I hu1l been a lawy~:~r to plead in hi4 defence anrl 111\VO him. I studied up all the points in the case, anrl tho IBw in connec· tion with it, night nau.J drty. and in disguise I came here on the day of the trinl. You nil know whl\l happened after that, how L11wyer Caldwell was stricken wilh illnes'l and I took his piBco.

• Oh. (.iod! ho" r ~tr.)\'0 tu cleBr Arthur Dougltt~-but-l-failed. They brougb~ in the verdict of ~uilty-then I turned and Ood from the room.

• I wne a CO\fnrd, I did not clare utter the words that mi~ht have set him free then and there. 1 wandered about ntry far and wide, but th t, thnt another man-and 1\n nnocent man-was I'OOn to die for Ill\' crime, almo~l drove mo mnd, nn<l a~ ltL'It 1 cnme to Bran lea to confe3s aJI and $fve lll)'lelf UJl1 hut it WM not dellllnetl thnt I shohltl die on the gnllows. Jt'1llO o\•erlook 100 here. A falliug tree felled me and I lay here without food or Wttter for three daya anti three 'night , and that toQ. with clenr sparklin~-t water in 11ight; with a murmur of it my enrar And here Mica Tre\'n· lyn found mo. '~ow my 11tory is ended. Pro­

claim to the world who it was ,,·ho killed tltt' Enrl of Dunra.1·en. You can send for the police, but I &hall Le no more long befure they can reACh here.'

He lnokt'tl nt tho~e nbout hirn piteously.

. n WI\.S II() wrong lo kill hilll . I am sure of il.' h11 went on slowly. ' I le ted the j u~<tico of it in every wny. The \•oice5 h:ulo mo 1lu itf· how could I dil!nbey thtm? ha\'o novl'r heard tho'~o !lt\llle voices 11inco 1 did tvhnt they urgt'll me to do i thnt alone i~ u pmof thnt l clid right. I 1\111 nutafraitl tiMlln1y net will be condemnecl hy either God or man when they know nil.'

.Mi~,. Tre\'alyn talked to him long nncl cnrne>~lly, but 11ho f11iled tl) make him undeMitl\ntl; 11he coul,i not clenr lrnm hiil tlisorclorcd ruincl the l'Obweb,; thnt. l1ncl I(Rthered there. AL longth Hl1e cctt"tlCI, for z~be ""'' ttbul he wn'l not rr~JionlliLle -thnt tho evil he hnd cJrencled hirn81M, hncl nl lactl fnllen upcm him. Thnt hrnve, loyal, hone.-t mnn "ho wuuld nQt hn,•o injured the lllel\nest Wtlrtll Oil the (nee of the earth, hlld killed n fellow-man wltile undtr the itl}lutnct of a 1111rni11, nnd cnulcl not be broul(hlto under· l'll!tnd thnt he had clone '•ron~(. Tho ltluw, the lo~t or Lorlh·, th"t he luul rccriv('tl in tlaya .:ono hy IHlcl aiTecttd hi I' ltmin. The lun~ter be l!tlked to Mi111 Tre,·nlyn, the more clearly she percoi ved the ~~.tale or his mind. He WRit son~lble on evory other point, except thi11.

She left him to tho mercy of IIenven. She knew that tho judge l>efore whom bo must .&Jipear Willi ju11~ and merciful; abe knew tblll the error or n wandering mind, tho deed dictated b1 a diRordered brAin, would not. be \'lllilf'd with the pun· i'lhmtonl duo to a deed of \Yilful,

Tbo wonderful news s\nend like wildfire• throu~~:h the vi lago, and the poorle gnthered nbout Bmoio:\ jnil and from the crowd there ro!lo n mighty cheer thnt. seemed to elonvo tho blight clue sky. ,

HtHv they gn~hered t\Tld shook his hand when Arthur Dou~l n!<, with tenril in his oy~. nt' l'enrotlamon~ t thpm. H scemetl us thou~h they cuuld not manifest sufiieitmtly t.beir srenl ~clight nt hit~ reloo.ac, nod the knowlt.-~e thnt he s tood nmong them-:\ fr~e man. •

Uut he bruku from hit1 fricn•la ns l!Oon ns l'"~~iblo-fur Helen-hi!! Helen, Wl\8 ll\\ niting him nt Trc· vnlyn ViHa.

Who hall picture whnt tho mt-eting bel\\tiU Helen 1\lla the lover who had been so tnirnculou~· ly restored to her Wt\11 like? I shall lenvc you-who h:wo vh•id imnginlltion!l-to imnginc it, for wnrdt~ are inndcqnntc to de~criho !lttch sct>ne!l cfTecltvelv, T nm bound tn ncknnwledgc. ·

'fhnt night Trtwalyn Ur\ll was lit up frotn snrret to basement, pnd thronged wtth goe ts. There wn"' the !lOund of wedding bells in the air,nnd benenth 1\ florol nrch,Arthur O.IUgln:t nnd Hel;n Trovnlyn wero wed. And nil tbe last \YOrds of the ceremony were utltred. Arthur drew tho slender figure of his bride clo~er "ilhin hi!! strong, encircling arms, nnd till he k,i:~<;ccl her blu!!h· ing fnce he murmured-' My dnrl· log Helen-my tcifc-<U (lUI, thank God!'

There is little more to add, reBJ • or mine, now that our heroine nncl our hero hn\'o foul'\d happloes~ nl IMl. ;'\\r. llnrper reacl tho notice of their marriage in 1\ London JIR()()r the nexL morning, with biller en''Y Bgnins~ Arthur DougiM rank· ling in his heart, but it is to he llli(II)O.~ed thnt his ~rief for the lo~'l or Helen Trevnlyn \VI\~ nut a deep "'ound, for it het\led in leW3 thnr. n yenr; fnr ono day lho~e who knew Hubert Ilnrper were surpr.iJoed lo rend thn~ he hntl tnken ~nlo bim· 11elf a wife. He ht~d nnrried Fifine, better known to the veople or Brnnlea M youn;; ;'\fra. Trevnlyo, the lnle equi ro'-4 young \Yife. l'~ugeM Mont¥omery. the faith·

ful fri~ucl, together with Lawyer Caldwell, who 1100n reco,•crt!d hie henlth and strength, nrc constant \'i'lilora at Trc,•alyn Villa.

All the yeArll roll on, Arthur Oougln'l' name is known the lon~th noel bre:1dth of nil f:nglnncl ns one of lho most hrillillnL of bnrrir~lers, nntl a J>OWCr in the land, and in lho flou!e of P:lrli1unont, and Holen isju~tly proud of her brilli· nut, hnnd11ome hu11band t "bile Arthur ne,.or C{'I\SC3 to bte , the hour when he ~nined for his bride sweet Helen Tte\•alyn, whom poor R•Hlncy, sleeping in hie lonely grnve, aiWil.)'ll nnmod as


Til£ £.'10.

~----.... ~·--~

·sarscp~rilla Sense.

A ny s:t~p:ulll:~ Is larr.lp;l·

rllla. True. So :my te:l IJ tc:t. So llny flour i~ !lour. Dut gndes differ. )~II~ tttllh~ t.tst. It's

so \~llh !:lra.'lp:uilll. Thc:rc .t.rc gr:~d~ You IW:ll\t the best. ll you undc:rste» l .:~rs:apariU:a :u well :u you do tc!l :and flour it ,.ould be c:a$7 to detc:nninc:. Dut you clon't. How chould you l Wuc:n you ara going to buy • commodity whose \'allle

)OU don't know, you pick out an old c:!tlbll•hed ho~ 10 tndo with, and trUSt lhelr ex­l"'ric:nc:e :and reputation. Do ao when huylng urs:ap:arUla.

Ayer's Saruparill:a hu been on the m:uket so years. \'our

gnndCatl:cr u.ed Ayer's. lt ls

a reput:tblc medicine. There aro many Sanaparllla•­bnt oufy ouo Aye~'.. It cure a.

coltl-blooded murder. I They eaw thal after tho excite·

United StatAII Senaton Demand. • .'Untted Action iD ExpeUinr SpaiD

From Cuba. WAehinton, April l;i.-Duuite the

luwrriug cloude "ltich thrtlit~uw a. a.lown·pour, thr ~utHc gl'llcrin " t rc thronged this murnin~, ..-•btn tho Yic:c:· prc:aidenl'a ga \'l'l Cell JlK'Cieely A~ trn o'clock.

Imlic:a.tiorl& berort' thr Stnatr con· ''~·ned '"•·rc thn~ the de!bat\l \\ouhl Lt• prolnngt-d JWrhnpa fnr into t hu night, 1\& it ""' thr uprt'aled inu·nlion of Chnirmau J>.H'il to <'t"I'ICA\'Or to rurr.q II continuous ••••inn until tbc JM tulin~ n· 10lotiona ahould Le c.liajJOet'<l of. Wh~u the • nAte. JHijournt:tl l .. t nighL till' Vice prultlcuL hottl ltt>for•· him a list ~,~r lWt•lll~ ·I 1\'tl ~IIIIICJrtl \\Ito Juuf t'XJ'rt·uc:d their tntt·ntiun In r11ldhu tlw SNutt•• upon the mom•·ntoua qut .. tluu ht•Corc it. A tloxt:n or moro', hml't•\'tr, ha\'C an· nouneetl tha.ttlwy will nntatami in tho ""Y vf an l'llrly vult•.

'l'ht· Uev. Dr. J. :\tau ton ~mith,uf l.tm· tlun, ~nglttntl , tlt-li\'t l til\' imuc.llic>n.

.\t tbt' IUj:llfatiou o( :\lr. D.t\ir, tlu· on_linary mornlo,c businc•a w 18 a• L attrl•• ami thr f'on•ign Rl'lathtnt (\ •tn milll'u ('ullan r• ~ulution wntllllitl hl'lor•• tht• Sclnatr. • j

~I" Cullum (Illinois) •ld il·•·rt'•l " cllr• · full~· J•rep m.J IJH.•noh, •·uwrins: tlw .:•'" • 1·r•l Cublln quutl\un. Afllr tliro t lin;:- I altl·ntiun w lu~ own nwnl in the ::;t n· Rh' ur•un tht Culutnmlltll·r, )lr, ('nllmn dt•c:l•u c.l thnL th•· lumr Cur IICliun "' I thle ~uUnlr~: \\'Ill l\OOUL ht alrik"l!.. S:•'ll hy eu·n Srllfln h~td btcn Jtlwrttt...l bad: frvm tht• W<'lh•rn lwmial'h• r.:, ''"'' n•J" W'll nbuuL tu low '\1\0ih•·r-thc· chit·f­S!t Ill or lu·r e<•lunial pn•at'fcinn~. lr ~prtin ahoul.f It• 111 rruiUt•l ,,, rttrrau• l11•r cuurao in Cul•l\ ahu wnuhl ·s:o em without n mur.r 11nJ dt ~truy, it l"'"'ihlr, thP J••ttriut• hl tho· l11aLtn.11t. llt·rhl.lrk •·rilll• a, 1·1' ul.l, c.• II •loud fur 1 t'IIJ:t·.•nc•• 1 lUll! th•\1 \' t·n~;t·nnc~· would be t••J.;u1 h1 th1 Anwricnn Jl('()l'h' In tho Int. r•M• of hunuu1ILy. ~It Cullom ri.'Vil'\I'Ccl the rircumatnnc:til ur llu· ' :\hinc' cli&l!h:r. andtlt·clan ,J that thr d11.1~h r w11a nn ncL ul • •h:lih,·r.•ll! 11111! utruc:i,.u• mur· dt•r.' ' llu: I•I'CIJII•• lhrouJ:huut the cuun· l tr.)· "' rc tit 0111nJiuJ,: thllt th11t c:cunc ~huul.l h,• rucnll<l, 111111 th11L tlw 11\'\"llg· ing blo\'1' thuul.llot• atrucL \\ hlaouL tl1 l11y. • Anol if 'palo ahouhl r•·-a··nL uur action,• Ill it! lw. • 11c shAll m•L lu·~ita.tt• 1.<1 tak·· 111• th llotuntlt L nntl R!JptoAI to the (hltl ul LauJ,, 11nd ll• m1wLiml to jutlll()· lttlr 1\CIII>n. \\'I' 110 11' JIWJ>Uil' lu tlo our duty tuliod Afla.l mau, .llftl h.r,•t• Sp.1ln to \\ith1lfl\\\" her f••r.:u nn.IIII'S: lnun the i,lllnJ.'

After makin,~r An cxtcuJ,-.1 Rl):umcnl for imm~Jiato- 1\Ction, iu lht: CUIII'I!t· or whida he p:lltl " hij:h trilluttt tu l'rt'lti· tlt•uL Mc:Ktnlty, Mr. Cullom ~·om•Jmh•l as folluwt : • 1 hank@ tel the""""'''''· ill)tWCIIBC or jnetic:C of lhl' l'l'O(IIC: of llll' Unit,.J Statt'l, the murtlcn•n 11ntl CtUL I~ \'II who llll\'1' t·Xt·N:i•e 1\ brief ah••W or aotlwrlty in Cub• will aoon brc.•mo iu· I'OIIIIllunicaulo·untll justice a hall be eat· latied, llttcl tho 1\ll•ngin~ •n~:•·l •hall mite the ''inlicL and atntence oC the of· fentll .. l worl•l. Anti iC tlw pcoph• or thi• country 11hotll do nntbin~t muw in tbl C'CIIlory thl\ll clth•t thn Ullfbl\rinna int the Caull>lte'An Sl'll, we ae 11 t•tO•·Ie ...... urn tht· pro~lwl .. of C\ ' trY lon r tiC r• dorn anti humanity tht• wnrlolunr.'

Til£ l-'TII LO\ " lL TO Tilt: 11.\fi.


A LJITLE LIOHT. r:\CI')' H\1&1t~ Wv·

n .... l t; _,1 .a little IIJllt u(l9n tbC' •ob-

I.,..,, or b<'llllh • r.u lit<) much nt ..... (~ ht .. netl pn~<l~ry "uton~ mntbt :_ l{\·· try ) 'VUUS: •OUUlll h••ultl ba•~ u;.

plaln<'il t., h•:r"'ibl' 'U pn-me nt·ttt.· •h)· ur I. q •lnil' hu ·If pure ao•l ,..t;.,tt--nme ond fl'ff from '''' I. n• - and •h..,. ,,..

. .

In.\ wonunh· w;.y. R~r ,-<n<raf br •hh.' h• r futu,... bappi~ h~r s:ond lou\:•, h<r pb)··•c"l •\rtntt\h. btr Nl>.\hilhy ·'' .. •~If., and m<>lb~,.rJutd the h • :dtb an•l 'trtnJr&h uf Jl(tnrrahoo~ to (ll)lllC :uc olcrcudcnt UI>UD tbl"' ~nthintt In the worlol ... u\ d··-troy it"

ao. <llot~k•. •·bolrsumen~. tho- ambbll' • anol tbc u tfulnc~ of " \>'Om:tn qulc: tr tb.m dioonlc~ M,Jbe del kate and lmporta\t.l Ollt~n• rlut brnr ll!Q d ra of nutcrnit~ Dr l'••·rc.·,. l'.woritc •rc:k'ript lon Is the br' t of all mrdlc:inc for womrn \\ bo 11r• :~!lin:: In thi• w:1 It m.lh~ 11 \\ OtnaD llitronlt and \lc:~lt • whuc a ,.,.oman mo:t UC't'ol• hcahb .. n •trt111(1h. It n:tic\~a ~ln.· ... >Otb~ lnRamru,.tioa, hul· olc..ra· don Utd ~rh·.- rc t and tone to t!Y' 1onurcd ntn·c It CUR'!l all tht· Ill• anol p.tin• too tomtuonly eon•ldc,...,l:~n uneornfurublc In· .., b critenOt of wonunl.ind. It it;\• been UJ<'tl for 1>\'c:r rhln ,. )t:M"O \\·ith :~n unbrokrn I'<'C't•••l <>f ·u~·· lion: of it ba• bec:n '41<1 th>n o( nil lht uthcr m, dlrin""' fur WOIDC:D ntnthioMI. It i• lb< <li <n< r'f o ( Or. R. \'. l>ic '""''- r .. r lhnty y• .1r t:hicr eon•ultmtt ~. IC\3n lu th~ lnuli•h Hottl 11.nd Sur· ~C<JI ln•litut t Ill nufl'~h•, ~ V. n,. will t'h« null) ":.n-.. t r, without ch~. all t.:t· tcr. (I"Ofll olll1•1 "om• n

Tbrrt ~C\1~ wt;llo • ~ra. J. N. i\1-kr, olt)'>C \",V •ul:lll.\ _,. ' ' • ·· \ urlr.~ \'.~the = t:;;r.:,~ In ~"..;.~.:f~o'::! ,.'~~pi~·.~ h••t•n l>l.enllooq.,.rl. "·' :d I CO\IId not W'ltlli. aC'TtJA.ot tbr f'\'lllmt I t t>:a.k. llr. J~~t'C't'·" J:.\\Vfht: f'ttoo.<""J•IIon 11"'1 sOcr lhttt ltoUIC'I I COtdJ w.>rk. w:>lk'lu•l rlo!c •

T •lrpi•l lh~r Dn•l tcrl,tiJ':lli011 •~ •u~IJ nn•l , p.:ccllh tur~d lty nr. Pier~·· l'leuant P.!ltt~. The ,. nncr lo!~il><'• T hey f<1tUI.'Itc, ton nt• "ulln~i~-ur.ttc the: lln·r. •tom.lcb nnol browd• ~6 •ub: tltut" Urt:cd by mer· C:UIJry dc<>ltr• t• ru J>nod .

Poslllvoly Cures COUGHS llnd COLDS

laa cntl6c aDd

Mr . .lkrry (Arkanau) ""' n c~nix .. -.1 lmmt'<liah·ly artcr Mr. l:nllum'a e1~~:t·ch. llcs prcfac~:d hl11 ~m~rh lty aiMing that aa ~> St:nntor of he Unill'<l ::lhtlt'rt ht· ..... Jlft Sl' IIL on tl • upper flour or Con· s:r•ts 111 nphnlol a J ettJlport the l'rrei· dt•nL or thco Unit StAh I in h14 I lfort' tcll•rln~t I•C••Il'•' out the chaua now •·E· ietil,g. llt \\ ltnh:d to vrttt• h·r tbc r..sn luliun oU~ n tl hy ~rr. •rurl•it•, which 1'"'\ICI~•·s t<l fi'CO)tnil" till' in• l'tt~•ml•·nc•· uf t 1r prt·llc:nL n·l•nltlic In Cu\111. 111' tlwn);ht this w.ts 1\heu!utl'ly t ~ •·miotl teo I'I"CI' tht• country nntUI hontm•ule fout· tn~ lwfnrc> the 111\lions uf tht• 1\Mltl G UAR DIA-_T • You mrty ,.,.tc the ruulutlun tlnwn. I ~ \'nu IIIII)' ftl\u the n•aulntivn otr,·n><l IJ/ ·-the major t)' or the Conutlillt•t• on Jo\>r- Fire and Life t i~:n Ht•lation•, or yuu Ill")' cta.l •JIL tl11• C llntlat• rt"30llllion, hnt 1\la.\lt·Va r.:eolu· Assuranc,f3 o'y. li!lll is atlur•t•··l I witlltl' IOIIIhi '"'riiOtl• !I.DIITEUJ

OF LONDON. in~: th11 hotucl~ of thu l'ruitlc:nt. ll•· •f'l·kr uf tho ll" l\flll"l!1 uf w tlr, >~n•la.lill thal to hrlng \ietoty tu the Unit ... ! l:ttatt·a arnl\' h Willi all>olutdy m·cc "rv w J:h•• thu' t•r. aiokn~ the aitl atn•lt:cm;. <;utl..CtU tlt ., C \l·tT \ I.. . ..... £ :!,1100,\lllll St):. Cun. "'hil'11 Wtlll m·t-tltd in tlti1 huur 11f t'OTAJ..IS'\'1 ..,.. u Ft.· M ur-triltl. llct tlll'u •dlh "" i•nJu11!sirlm .. l A.w uti>~ ot· ............ ........ !!,ioti,O.l\1 ~t,.:. unlhnfllt 1•lc cl!>t:•l the South 10 lclylllty \S SUAL lsc·u~t: urw'J>dOF Sli(l,tltkl:-11,;. ln the llrl.:. 'llll' GU.\RUJA~ l•t'inJ: a lirat·d.l•'

)f c. D.tnit·l (\ ' ll):inia), 11" 11 U('Xt r. c••k t-:n,.:liah lnaumnct' ComJ•.lnr , ..tlcra all nix•~!. Ill• , ,dtl 111' to 1111"' he ltA•I bt·• n UuJIH' nth"lllllR!>l"ll mo.L tlt·•iflll•h• 111 in· for £H.'.1Ct', lmL tl1aL thnt· lt'<'IIH~I teo h:l\·•• IIUn'rtl, ''iz., umlouht<·•l 11t11t,iJity, (ll\'Of· gone hy, nml ho w•1S nuw flll!l' to facu .a 1 with 11 11iLu •Uull thttL lwluLc '" 11 " filii· ahll• lt•rmll "n" JlrUiliJll edt <'llWut to

" clllima fnr 101!~. \'ie"l:'"' w..r, tttul h o want.l~lw ,J., HU\'· The Unt.lenti)tnl-.1 hi\I'IIIK l•t•cn At•· thin~ II< .,ihh• II\ ~lll• pClrt tht• l'n •itlt·!'t lltJintul ANt 111 ~ tor ~~·wfouu•llnu•f liN' 111 tlw nc t...la of tlw hour. • I \\ lfh,' '·'"' J · I' I' · • 1 1 :\Jr J) ll' i"l • tu Clllt m•• ,. •h ' iulll'" I I\\' II l'rt·~~n, Ill IUtltl \1 ICIU a gall~ 1 · • • • ' ' ' ' '\' · trl' J.:n<~ltinh', wjthuiiL )lrl ~nrc hdaiwlull·. ·1• ,_. ~I \\' J:-11'L'J> "'t J b , \V11r Will 1\l\lt ll tilly ; llltfi<I'U )'lltiUiltl l!l J • \~ ' ' ' rA '•

0 ' 0 l1 K.

111 ptiiC'•, ~:•·nthnh·n, while tht• 11wfnl (', & K liODDEN, i•~m· of pt·nc:•• or "~•r i• tic citl tl. Tlw :uh·Agent. 1111 n " hu th·d•N Lhia wctr nr.• nOl till' Ilurhor (.;mel', XII d. mc·n who will jlf'\ltlt'tliU' it in the lit 1·1. ' 1111')" :ttl' 1111~ tilt' rucn whn 'II ill l lllll 1111 th•• jtUry 1111•l lt~rllt Haltt"ftvl at.ulllflfll• hl'ft•n• t ltt• t•lll·lll)'· 111t'y ..r•• nvt tiH· mtu, 1•\tll wlm 1\'111 p.ty tht tnJtt·• I ll\·

I" t~l lQ cMrry "" the l\14r. :\J r, LJ,mtd f tic! • I httt ht• Will I'OIIIC'IIl

111 itlnr \\ilh tl•t' lion~•· rt <olutit1n llur I\ tth tlw A 1u•tc• cnmrmtlt·t• n·~ulutiun. It• r01•·. he a 1111, lu auppurl lht• rt ulu·

n 1•r• ~tut< tl in tllf' •Uilf'h n11•ntury ro•, •·f th. Furt·t ~:u c .. rnmtth t•. • In my

JllthollH nt,' ht· •·ti•l, 'uurlil'1t atq•ahou!.l ,,, tu 1\nt..-•lr.lht· ~Latuh• Uouh nr till' ••uuutry 11 r.•c• ,.;uiliun olthc jlft·llt Cnlt.111 r• puhlto which hue 'll'tlll 11 pll\c:c• n~nou~: tlu· incll• l><'lltll'll~ llllliOIII hy illo n \1"11 \"flltUIIL t WCtnJ.'

~""·'"''" l.iuinu n~ llw l.llllll.um.,n·a Frh·at~l.

Liver lAs IJke bUioulne••• d,~JWL'\, hC'114b~M ton•U 1)3llou, aour atomub, lntll~t~••tll•n au•· t•r .. mt•ll)' cnrrtt t.y u-r·a l'llla. Tlt<) tlu tbt lr " "'It

Dr. Morse's India" Root Pills




Page 4: to ol'(ltJ•. h~otcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...Before Retiring •••• take Ayer's Pills, a nd you will sleep better and wake in bettet condition



-' I

l \



.. . "

HARBOR GRACE STANDARD be." And our t.OOI•Io will , wo trow, bo pardoned if they ehould \·enhn·o to hOJIO lbnt, from n clor· mnnl inert Bl\:t Act they mny soon Q.xpe~t to sco an nwo\konod nnd rc­ftcshcd glnnt that. will nt once SJriko nt the root or nit tho colony's twubles nnd end n al.t\to of thinge \Yhicb hns hoen 4 disgr4CO to ua ns a country depending nlmoat solely OJl one procariou' industry.

By Telegraph. • -o---

Tbe Iaftl...,.. t1 IJiala u4 tM ValW ......


CQNCEPTION BAY AOVE~TISER ~ :U.RJL !'.!, t~ -r--_ ___. - - __....,.

We made brief rofercnce~st i11sue to the import:u'aLmnlt()roftlle judicial inquiry into the unfortnn­nte Grunumd dis!Uiter, lntely set on foot in · St. Joh•l's-wbich ox­nrninBlinn. hnple s to !lny, hnd re· s ullccl in nb~olutel>• nothing t~hort of whnt, under lhe distrel!~ang ci r · cnmllt:\nces, \VI\!1 1\t once regret· tnhle. if nllt dillgrocofnl lo t~!II\S :\ pcnplo so lnrgely inte~e~tod an the scBling .im~ust~Y·. Th111,tosny the lei\St of It 1s crunanal almost; ru'ld, no multo; ~ho or whnt i:! to blnme, is opeu to very gmve condemna­tion.

HALir.U, April ta.-The Amerioao OoYernmen& ploclaiml a blocltade ol Lhe Cuban ~1 and the bombardmenl. o( tbe forLlfloa\1001 ol BaftDA fa U• pec:Lo4 to-day.

Hero d • Ue& ~ naYal ~.: ol &be c.wo nata. w~ will be . bud)' for fut.aro ralereDoe In 011e tba two oatlOM 10 to war.

A• tbe l.wo na1'1n are ooa~Utut.ed al. preaent, wltboul. taki111 lD&o OODIIdera­Lloo tho Ye.Mll tba& coaapdae the re­line ot bo&h COODtri• ~OM &ha& mlJb& b. pUIChuecl Won &be oaL­broak oC war wouJ4 J~cr~YID& uy oaUoo aelllna to &be UDificl &&Lei or Spat~~, and the Ye.aell ~at an DOl. oa &he ftahtin1 et.re.,.U. ot the two oa1'iee, the Collowlnr are ~. COIDJMirbooa. The new wanbip1rc~':.:t it la N~, baa recently _ pu an DG& InclUded io the lla\ below, IMI~er cloee lt in­clude t.boae wblc!l -u. DOW bel-. bllilt, or the YCIMII reee~~Liy purcbuedby &he Unl~ Stale.:-

Twenty-ftve lraiood etepbull baYe been et'Cuted Cor aerdoe In Cuba.

• No IUinteerlDJ wW be countenanced by eitber aide.

• · ·~- An American aqoadtoo aUacb Itt.-

, ---:- --1'ho old npt snymg-- SIIVO me

- nllla, the capital or tbo PblUp"no lalanda.

Tbe prieet of Oour hYe ad•aoeed.

~ow thnt tho urgent mnttor ofUae

llroper treatment nnd enro of our 1nrdy 'l!ea\ers while mBnninjJ. the

stPRm·senling Heel hn11 been bruu~tht prominonLl)• ~efo.ro .the view or the general! pubhc. 1t lEI, we My, no­thin~ but rightlhtll the other eqnnl­ly im110rtnnl 11ubje~t. sho.uld. 1\lso recei\'o tho firstcont!ldernhon ~~de· serYes \\' e menu that of ~aliilfnc· tory metliC'nl ntlomlance wh.ile the different crew-1 n.ro engnued Ill the prosecution of nn annunl indulllry d4ngerous to health nrrd life nlike. Anti if it he fouud im poQQiblo to hM·e n rogulnrly eertiftcnted Doc· tor sl.t\tionpd on bonrtl ench slenm­or the question occurs-Is there not :1 cerl:lin other thing which &h ould be 11crupulously nltended to before afw deJinrluro for tho ice­fields l!lke tilaec '! That is th·e im­porlant one of n rnedicnl exnminn­tion of the men ere thoy !Pave on the voyag~J; whore nil regular nt· londnnce is conspicuou~ by its ul~or nbsonce? T aken one year w1th another, in the opinion of those competent to know, there niu.'it nece!!~llrily be mnny n flOOr fellow 11 goinl( out 1' who would be better left Ill homo. Thi~, in the interest of himself, o f hie coanUlde~, and of all concerned, would be found of grent benofh to CI\C~.d nil nlike.

But. the nforef!01ng Ill not all . ·-rbo other quo.~uun nrisca-Whl\1. of lho matter of tho modicine3 which should be taken on bor.rd the various teamors ere they leave home for tho icefields? And wh4t oi tho mBtler of n hospital· •urd. wbicb should be fou.nd on each boat? Ought. not. th1~ Bl='u hll'e very careful attention 'I ln the connection, we may aay Ua4t

... piQPW will' . doubtleu remember Ute (eYer which wae spread on board one of &be Dundee 11teamer4 &wo yeareqo· and alaotbe ()romr.t action o( Dr. Ha"ey, or&. Johp "· in eendiog, tbe prelent 11prin~, fony of \be lteaDUihip Aurorta• crew &o &be hoepl&al, all lftore or

allloted wl&b meulee. ThiJ nmoe &o emllbulu the

laedical exuafaidlon be­tile crew alloftd &o

from my friends "-hns ju!lt ngain recciYod fresh nnd ndditionnl em­pbnllis-in n direction, too, not to · be oJq:ccted . A littlo bird chirp.<s --or ro.thor shnll we sny n rcwen crocaks-nt our elbow 1l8 we writo: "Fio for s hnme! Mr. Inspector "O'Riolly! Will yoo Blso, like the "honoroble lh.e Coldninl Recretnry, " trilte 1\ bJo,v nL our infulliblo Rc­•· ceiver Oenornl, and dl\re to in · "sinuato that the only wny her­" ring!! cod\d hnve reached St. " Pietro this spring Wl\8 by o•r ··own Bankin!l ~tutu which the .. linn. A. B. Morino t'O ,·ory kind· .. ty permitted to take nil the bnit ''lhey wished, either by seines or "otherwise-in utter do6once of " the provi ions of our fishing ro­" ~ulntion!ll

A,.-:ain come~ t~e nnxious plnint from the hnrdy toilers: ' Why Ahould this bnve beon so? Are not tho bl\il 1\nd tho fisheries our nil-tho herltt\ge left us by our fnthers? Why, then, should they be sold for n p"ltry mess of pot­tnge ? 1l will be bard to forgel it.''

The gnuntlet has been thrown do,•n nnd nccopted. The die hall heen CI\Sl. The Americnu Repub­lic has entered the lisB no boh11lf o f oppre.,sed Ctabl\. Our sympa­lhie:t nod tho syaupnthies, we be­lieve of the English na.tion in SCJ.l· ernl , in the ma.in on the side or tho United States. In the main we !14\', for we 1\ro not free from a nre s light eddy of feeling in th" oU1er direction. There Are 11everal more or les.1 lnngiblo reMons for this. 'our American cou!line. whilst -we nre inclined to lhink-friond­ly at the core lo the ~lother Land, bavo allowed lhe Cbauvinitt ele· ment in thn nnlion to tread unduly hurd on the Jion'tl tai\ too much, even within the past two or three ye:ar , to f'xpect us to be quite so conlinl nncllfllli>Athetic ns af they hud put thetr foot on Jingoism. Then we ar& apt to think, rightly or wrongly, that they 11hould have backed the Old Country up more in her reei11tance to Gorman, Ru11· ellln, aod French encroachiJ\ents on the Chine11e territory. ~loreover, we do not like her boastful, epread­eaglei.em jn general, nor her dis· l)la)' or it a' thil particular crilla; we diupproYe of&be hu&y ac&ion of her Congrea, •peciali.J or her Senate, in forcing her Pretident'11 .banda. We dilUte the rudeaeu, &be '' clear-out-bq-aod·bqpg•" \c)Qe or her ultimatum ; We are DOt lUre Of wbdom-we may al•

&o ac\uch~ to ltribimon

decdll,,. blow thua a& ~eoumot .., do

Q-~=~·=~0: for - • • L ._... oal of'

..uiDI woal41 of the

DBPAllTlJllB 0!' Jlr. SBYJIOUR. • ~fr. and Mn. A. H. :Seymour leCL by

~rain, Wedntldl\y momlnl!', ~or.~~. Jobn'e, tbenco to go hy tho $.S. Vtrg1ma Lake to GrCM!tlapo~d, there to. tako. up hia oneroua duuce 111 Stlpenduuy ~fagiatrnte Cor tho i orthl'rn part of Dona\•iala BAy-with urledlction from Orccospond to 'Fvgo. Mr. Seymour baa 111ent ne•rly tweMy ~·C'an In this aown, cloring eonr~l or whrch be carried oa a groc:try 11nd pr~)vfalon bnaine.a. }'or nino yeara bo OliN! tho ('OIIition of lAndin( Waiter in 11. M. Cuatome berC', and for eix the vt'ry important ono or Sheri/r of the Northern Dittrlcta. Dur­ing a 1 tho-above period. Mr. Seymbur wu cateemt:d lly our ei~i&ena, and tho g<:nt'rotl courleey and friencllinen ahown by him earned tho rear.ecL or •II clauce and creed a ·alike. H • removal ia re· arelled by vuy many sincere rriende, whoee well·wiabet follow him to hie now aud impotlant poeiLion. Hi• ability ~&a a public offil'ial rcetivcd long ago well·merited pralae, not only by H•ubor Or•c:iana, but aa wt•ll by the Jud~:u or the Supremo Co~o~rt. Ono oC then, a couJIIo or )'l'l\f'l ago, in court bcrc1 lettilita to tho \ xocl!en~ mann.er in woieb tbo dutfl'l of SberaiT were dta· charged by Nr. &lymour. 'rho people of thaL JlllrL or BonnltLII 81\y to which he bu bel'n appointed, will bllvt' In Sti· pendiary St>ymour lUI abl11, ~mc:ient,ao,J utiefaciOrY p1an. ThoSTA.'ID.\RD wiai1H Mr. Seymour Curthtr hooora, with wt'll· dl!lcrnd advanl'eruenL in Llu:: public unice, before tho lapao of mcany yean.

Before lea•ing H•rborGracc, &lr Sey· JO()Iar waa waiLed upon and. prttcon~ with abe addceur• which, watb rcphee, are &J•pendcd.

ADDitES3. A. II·. St:n&uUK, .}AQ., J.l'.

Dear t5Jr,-w ... your friends or tho eleJU, be nc ueemblt'd at Hubor Grace Cur mutual conference, d,..lre to Uprt'JII our alncere ret~tet at roar ~P· ~ln1 departure from C•ncopuon

~~ baYo.laeeo known to 01 Cor tuany 1..., aod d~lur£"1 all that puiod bavo e•er pro'fOn ounclfLO be a m~c. ac~ohe UMl enerp c Cburo'l Worker. your auccee~ u Superintendent (I( Church Baadar Scbooll bu bHn re~nbod aad bldl7 •P~ bo&b in SL.Jobu'• IIDd afllirbOiO.., You baYe lalrl•n a fCiftlllllll paft In the OfKaniaation or &IHi Oillftlh Guild al. Harbor Grace, and M'N beta • moal. t>IBc:lent l..aJ·Repre­teDI&&i1' .. a& ~• Diocaan Synod.

Wl&b eYftJ ~ wiab Cor &he bappi· - ol JOUDe.!r ~od Un. S.Jmoor, ami h JOUr ~Ucce~~lD JOUr DeW lpbt're or laiMiar,

We aobecdbe ouraelYH, roar Yl:fY llncen rr1eac11 :

Jolna II: Noel, Caouo aod lkctor of a. PIMll'a. William PlM, C.nou, and Jacombeol. ol the (:&Lbt'dr&l. W. G. ......_Bar Roberta. w. B. Smith, Io­OIIIDiteD&of ~I CoYt'. J. 8. &nder­

eolldDI-IHIIeCODlnry &o, ..,,upper lllandC.:OYC. F.~V-?ftleJ,~r-lj'oo1 mio1l• wl\h 10mewhat mnd- boaeU. Oeo. H. Bolt. •- K. H. Gald·

hlt•l• of tbe eratel the w~er wat.an or aympa· ~~~ :!~rbor, and !;. A. l>anon,


well·being or the School deeply ·~ h-;;;r. Circum.tanctt• have occurred tha~

necuallatc your rewonl from amonpL ua·, •nd greaUr aa wo rqtel, yeL• we feel that we ahall alwaya look baolr with piC¥JifC to tb010 yoara or auoofa­tion.

Wo have no dDubL that.. while you will thruw all y~r energy lnw th• aamo work in your new aphere ye& 790 will ohcn be preal'nL with ua in apsn~. a11 the Sunday arternoona como round.

Wo wlah both Mra. Seymc.ur and yuuraclr every bappineu in your new homr, in which wo pray that God may bltu ~·ou for many ynra LO come.

A akin' ynur acceplanco or our lmall prl'aent, •• a memento or ~be paat1 aa wel1111 an OJtpn:aaion or our IJ&t wianee, belit'v,, ua to be, your fellow Teaobcra and \\<orkera,

John M. Noel, Canon and Bector; OC\1. H. Bad cock, AaaialaotSuperintond· cot i Ohaa. Butler, Secy.-Truaurer; Jaa. w~~ah, Librarian; William ThCocd, Au. iatant Librari•t!_i E1iu Noel, Fanny Radcock. Alice R. l.'ioel Mary E. Rotb­errord, Liule. Walah, Minnie l>. Spence, S.·rtba Martin, Bertha Wlll11 Jeilie E. Spent'e, Lul'y Gordon, Sopbao L. Olre, Minnie Brown, Nellie 8puk!!1 JHile A. Brown: Paul Higgi01,E.B. wiWam~, Ocorgo Gonion, Geo. A. 8imm1, Wm. J. Tltford, Albert licath.

REPLY. Ttu: R£v. O.uro!( Noa.. Ontctuas 1.110


My Dett.r Frienda,-Picaae acccp~ my bearlCelL ~anb for

the 'f1·ry kind addreu and b&Dcl· atlmo all•er ice pil4her recehod from your deputation.

I appreciate mOlt blgbly tho kind ex· prtulona oonlained in your addrftl, ami oni.Y hope I am worthy or them.

1 r('j(ret, With )'OU, the MYeraDCe o( tin or yeara, or (LO me) the moet pll· .. ant nature.

Ir I in any amall way bau cootribut. t<l lo the aucce~~ of the Sunday 8oboo1, I am thank Cui. With me iL bu beeu a •ock o( Jon, and Cow Sunday Bcbooll can bout or the loYe, loyalty, and aood· will that ~ilL between toachen and acholan or St. Paul'a Sunday Sobool.

Any 100<1 w~k 1 may hue accom· pllahed, I attribute w tbe hearty co­operation and loyalty which the teach­en hue alwaya li.:S I can eare-Jy aay that a more oC teach· en doH noL uiat & with whom J han had the bo UIOOiated aa SuperintelldenL durin& tho paaL t~relve yean.

'fbe te•cnteen yeara I baYo apent aa Teachn and Superintendent of the Sun· day tkbool, I aball enr loolt back upoo with pleaaure, and pleuant memorie. will ner linKer with me or the many fritonda I ltaYO behind.

Mra. Seymour joina with me in thank­in' yuu fur all your good wJ,be., and that Uod will bl011 you all, both teach­era and ~an, and proeper you and yonr 1oo._l and noble work will oYer be the J•raiJ'I' of your Crllow-workor and friclld, a\LFJW) IL 8aYMOUL

Harbor Grace, Aprll25, 1898. ~=ili'1~.abfemaiDipriaa-con· thy with &be United. a-public in· Harbor ora~. April 24ith, lb'9S.

hea.tly baodleap~ the ati'Unle &o wbtch ehe baa -- ITO Tu& EDITOR or Tn& ITA:couo.J lty ¢8fClU Freocb bounties-JOlt braced ber~~etr. That 11he detenes REI'LY. D1•ar Sir,-10 Ions will the undoubted adnn- the eympatby or the • civilized To Til£ llE\'IIIII!CD CANu!f Not:t.. Rca.u. 'l'hcr•• baa or late been A •ligbl. im-

r world it without doubt her cau11e, DEAle, un oruo t;u:auv o•· CowccJ•· provemen~ in lhe timet, owina to tbo tace &o acerue to our a~eople rom no matter what droa's may be noll Bn 0KA!II£RV, &c. •upplit>ra prepariug Cor the anmmu the faithful carrying out of the • ed . h th II f h 0«-ar Sin,- &ht'ry ; bu~ a• f'f'l&rdllhe &b oauaht Colony's Bait Act he rijlhtly made max W.'l e pure ll0 c 0 • er I thank you moet oonlially Cor your In tht neiahborhoOd, up to I he pi'I!MnL, the euhject of remark in U1i11 paper ......... "'v"•- II the cau~~e of bumanaty · YtfY kind anclllaUtring addre•-.aod a•- It may be aaid LObe nil. Bah baa beeo

mentor Spain. 48 oullin- IUI'tl you that I Apflrt'ciato the kindly too acarce to she lho 6ebina a (air Lrbl, Our contemporary uf tho St. fd in her Pr~11ident's able Mes11a~e ft't'linp &bat prompted auch an ac&. but now and L!leo fair quatithlee ban

John'• Herald in 11 rec~nL i11,ue nd- to Congres11, is bued on the indts- .1 attribute your action moro to your been t.lkt'ft by the book·and-llne men. l 0 R II 11utable facti! of history. frtendahlp .LO me, than ~~ anytlung 1 Bah, aa r have aald, baa been Yery

mite tbat llr. no~peclor ' ie Y haYe done an the intertttaoCmyChurch. eoarcl' In thil aeighborhood all &brouah bu been doinlt excellent work in J have only trird to do tho&~ which 1 thl' JU>rin~r, bu& now and tb~ in tbe in· euforcinf.! the 7lttcr Customs' Act and -Statell'ent or procce•l• of Concert in coneiden'<l iL ruy dn&y to clo a1 a l~yal ntr par& uC the Bay aoYtral baola baYe al110 the fishing reguiBtions Thill, St. raul'e Hall 011 behalf of tho" Grcon· anti conaiatcn~ Churchman, and ar l br1•n made, and hankera balLed thereby truth to tell. i~ tho fiul definite in- l!uld Itl'ller Fund." have io an yo a mall way nwri~cd your a fow-buL there are only a few-or our

T():nl n•cripta from tAle of 1 I ·d I( 1 h bi b e ri- to en formation that hi\'! coane under our • 12 00 approva , cone a er ruyat• amp Y rc- 10 oonera w c are pr pa ,.. •

A Pan. 26.-~\1 Infernal maohlno baa been ~nL to Pmldoot McKinley.

Tho Poet Mutn General. Gary, Who wu oppoeed LO war bu reelcned.

Tho Amorioao fteel. haYe captured ft•e Spaniah merchantmen.

Spain c:ommilllona printeera to prey upon Amerioao oomm6rce.

Mr. Gladatone Ia alnklog •UJ rapidly. APIUL !8.-conare- Corm ally declar­

t'd war yeetorday. Secretary Sbcrman.,..haa reti(tltd, aod

Auial.aot Sectetal)' uay auecudl b£m. Pre.ident McKinley expreuee hil

appreciation o( tho aympatby of Enr­l&od. -

'!'be wanbiPI of tho beUiaerent.a.an hJJlalo in Britiab porta only 'wenLy­Cour boun.

APRft. 27.-Sp&ln a_ppet.ll to tbe Powen, accuatnc the United &ate. oC decehinc Cuba, and lotend annexatioa LO tbe &&Lei.

A clroolar to the Powera iotimatee ~bat war exiltod oo tbe tlet April.

The Spanlab Oeet baa len ibe Cape V~e ~elaoda. · The Americ:ibe are capturtn1 pri ...

APRJt. 28 . ..:.8eYool neaele ran the blockade from BaYU& Barbo~.

The Ptencb ForeiJD Wiaiater upectl European int.enenUoo.

The Americao.. Ooet bombarded Hat&oau '1~1. and dee~yed ~e (Orll.

Rpain baa purcb~ aoYeral ·Italian eteamera Cor ~ae -aa prhateen.

APIIIL 29.-The price oC wheat in En_gland Ia &be hiabe.t Cor &wont~ yean.

The American and Spaoiab tleetl u ­~t to meet near Wanllla to-monow.

Elrbt. oC tbe Plaol. Line etumera hue been obarterod w cany Lroopa to Cuba.

The American army acta wilb the iDIUI'JeDLI. -----cn ... ••IGTD. ·

A liLLie Lhree..YtM old cbUd ~f Ed· ward Nicholl nQroWlJ e.caped beio1 borot LO death oa laturday. The lather wu out by the.1ioor u bll renee aDd mother pJil out to p& IOIDe wood the {ather biard ble other UUJe atri ecroam. Oo ruoob11 to the window be aaw tbe liLLie oae lo lame.. Be no In aDd aoon utilll!alebed the ftre-DO&, bowoYer, before &li4 chlld wu bona& a aroat deal abou& tb• race and buda. The child'• mo&ber p& aueb a frfab' that abe II oow oooftnod to ber bed Yery aiok.

About ooe hundred meo, Sa&urclay week c-Ued on Jlr. Penney, J. P.,looi· 10, Cor wort. llr. lloon wu 11011& ror, ana ~e men were eaob pYeo 110 oea&a. Since then work baa coaameooed oa the maio Uno ol ro&da, the meo rooetm. the 110 eeoc. baYlat 'P won l& cui: Carbooear bu DO& bacilLI lban olre­Uer moaey thil wlater1 juddJI. from Lhe amount. ~ ID UIO dia&alca. or BQ~e-Vorde &ad Harbor Onoe.

llr. Guenlo waa ben apln oo WedJ needay, and blrod forty !91Q-&o .10 &o work oo the Crow'• N•t ~ RallwaJ.

BeY. llr.l'roeman oCP'ntbwaeerpYe a lecture lo ~e Oraop Hall, and• ~~ a01plcea or tbe L. 0. A., B. A., oo Tu•· day niaht ~~ 19th. Subject: "'l'be Queen and Emphe.'' The admilaloa wu YUJ amall-oaly 6 oeall. Yet the nice aum or t19 wu raiHd which bu been een~ oo to the Pond 1larted lo St.. John'"

Carboooar, April18, 1188.


The entorpr!linc Ibm oC 0.& A. Dawe haa almoet. ftoiabed the fAObt lbaL they now ban oa the atoclrl, and Jade­ina from p,..nt ap~. abe la lill:olJ to be a Yert iOocl model n .. upected tba& abe w{ll be a preUy rut at.IJer~ and abe Ia lAid &a haYe been de­aiJDea with &bat end partly in •iow.

We are 1lad &o ... &bat ooe at leul of our oouot17men baa Callb in "tbia Newfoundland or oun," Yls., llr. W. Dawo. He baa bad oarpeotora bard at worlt ooonailn& bia atoN Into a ebop, and a ,.,. oridhable e.Labllabment t.bey haYo mad•, He baa jUII. Bniabod palntlDJ and nrniabloc it throuaboat.

h · · 1 t b tickl'te ..................... w......... "' compt>nacd. I Cetl more deeply than I gAfCe iu &be Fffnch balt-canJiDI trade. notice l 1\t any re~ttnchon lnt eon f:Xtl~>ndltntt~:-Hirl'of Hall t9; •-l.OO can expnu tbe ac\'erance of lho pleaa· 'fhu majority do not now c:onalder that.

IP.ll •• DlaJ)lac!meot.

V~l. TOlll. GuOI

1 Em.~.~~~ .. ~~"-~.~~.~ .. e,ooo !8 2 Pelayo, barbeUe .............. ..e,ooo Sf 8 Alm~ranLI Oqueodo. ...... , .. 7,000 40 4 Infanta Karia Ttltrtsa.. ..... 7,000 80 6 Prlnce.a de Anuriu-..... 6,611 It 6 Vlacaya .......................... 7,000 18 1 Altoo.o xw .... " .............. .6,000 • 8 DepaoLo ........................ _.. 26 9 titoda ................... : ...... 1,080 18

10 lala de Cut..-.................... 1,080 22 11 lala de Laloa .... : ........... ..1.080 11 12 An~oo ........................ --8,141 14 18 Oal&llla ........................... t,M2 22 14 Oomto de Veoahdlto ......... 1,180 18 16 Uoa ADtomo Ullaa. ........... 1,180 \ 18 16 Don J~ de Auatria ..... ;yflOO U 17 Iaraottl laabel .................. 1,180 18 18 El Can6,.......................... 6lH 8 19 FlUJpinaa .. .. ........ .......... .. 780 10 !aO OallCJa .................. _........ 671 7 21 llarpes de Wollilll ... -- 671 7 22 Wariln Al0010 ~oso......... 671 7 28 B (elnce named, COCIDiDJ

lOwer, armor)- ......... 680 8 24 VelOL ........................ ..... 7110 10 26 Torpedo boa~ A (once

named)w ......... _......... f/1 8 26 Anette............................. 'l7 4 'D Torpedo boat B (elooe

named)_..................... 106 4 68 Torpedo boat C (aince

aamect ................. ;........ f1'l 8 29 Torpedo boat D (alnce

named) .............. _ ••••• 8() RalCCJil ............................... . 81 Qu&or .................. _. ......... . a Pollux ............ _ . ............. .


'l7 8 108 • a 6 28 6

Dilplacemeo&. v .... l. ToM. Ouoe.

1 llulaobuaeUa .. ~ ............. 1o.- a 2 IDdlaDa ....... - ............ _.to.- tiS 8 lowa. .... - ....... , •. _ ........... U.410 • 4 '!'~ &wo l.amt. .......... -11,4.10 a 6 ~,a ..... _ ................ IJ,I'll t8 6 Bew Yortr. .... no···M· .... -... 8,!00 a 7 lllaotoaomob; \Wo turre&a 8,190 9 11 TG'IO!t &wo tarreCa. ..... _ 1,800 10 9 AmpDlLriLI, &wo &m:re&a .... 8,81!0 lJ

10 Puri~\ two turreta. ........ 6,080 22 11 OolumDl& ........................ 7P6 11 12 Newark..-...................... 4.881 19 18 Jlalellb .......................... 8,118 liS 14 ~ .................. 1,081 18 16 ............ _..... 6,0118 lt 11 OII&IDe .......................... 1,171 16 17 Jrat.ca ...... _ .... : .. _..... 1tO • 18 ~ .......................... 106 8 lt 8&llei&O. ••••••••••••• ,_........ .. liO ltatabclln, raJ~J .......... ·- /

Tbe Uolt.ed sw.&ea na"J for&h" ooo­aiaa. ot Llae ro~JowU~t ~ ba&u. abiJII :-Oro£, lteotuoky,Alabama, Winola.

~e =~& moulton are &he Ajax, Ooaunao~a=cu, OllekW, J111011, , Jlub&U&D, llootaa~f:u , B'utuoke&, Pa.llo and s.'rJ.aodn&te· u. .. there are ~. foUm. uoarmored e&eet- .... : A&laol.io. Baltimore Boatoo. ~ Cbi«No. CiDcln~ De&rol&, IIIDDea~, Pblla; del_pbla, aDd 8u Fruciloo.

Then &here an ~e follow!~ IUD• boac.:-~, OoDooldt... Helena, lbchlaa, KubYIU., Pe&ral, wUmlAr­too, York&o'!,.D1 Anna~ Vlobbui'J, Bew~ rnno~too, .. rtel&a ana WMilllDc-

la &he apiiC!tal ola• an ~~ tralDiDc abip BuCroR, deapatob boa& Dolpbbi, and the dyoamilAI Cruller V11111'1D1.

or ~ boa&l the UDit.ed S&&Lie baa tbe J'tun1er (aobmarioe), FooLI, Rowan Talbot aod Gwlo. Out1ldo oC ~.. ~"re are at preeent bellll built ell'fea ~bera wbloh are boloc JO'tell roadJior ~mce.

-Mr. Ouertln ani'fed hero oo Tu• day and len nez& day ror Oarboae&r, where aome 70 mea wen ahl~ &o 10 ou& oo the 0. P. JL &o won oa tbe Orow'1 Ne.l. Pul BaUwa1. About 100 meo hue been ID(Aied here aod a number al. Hoi~. In aU 1000 are wanted &hil trip. 1'b1 meo from thil place will l•Yo oa lloada1 at 4 LID. lor Plaoeotla, theooe wea& b7 the Bruoe. 'l'be ro~ rooel1'od from aaeca aow employe:! ou~ We.& an raYonblt, and u. .. bne eoooaracecl o&ben &o ebip for the wort.

... --It il reponed lbat tbe JHIIlt Eulopeaa Pet.roleum ByDdlca&e, which ooo&tola the immtDM oll t(f'U. at Balw klld Oalida, bu purob&Hd 'Uae ~ oC tho NewrouocUand Oil Co. a& on the Wn& OouL~~The prfa. peW waa opwardl or ..00,000.

-Secretaf) Sbermaa ~aued bia ~itioo .XI Tu..-y, le .,U..t the war wi~ 8Daln ud bee lllid &!aat " war II btll.'' llr. ~ II 77 t..a .W, and will 10 &o Cuba~-a nual of u,, U.S. force. a._ eo u &ot~ able w flab&.

-Before ~~~ ~eraa of the Su­premo Coon ar'"SL. J,tbo'e a c..e will p.obably coaae op, --~ a •dilpota o•er the Cblome IroD lllai~10 Blull' Bead, adaiDI be&wtea a •Jn· dicato, &he COlmer owner oltbe mrne, and ~. B&Uru CbiGIDe Iroo Comr-oJ, the PftMD& cnmen of ~. mi.JM.

placed on tho CXJlOrlAtion o f bail h'fl dunation or Teac:h\:ra, r, an& tiee, which have bound me to the bualnca~ worth troubling about. Apart to St. Pierre. We. will no t there· Hultor Or~~cc Stantlard ror CltrJty, and tho JW!Qple or HarborOraee. Crom ~be CaeL or a acarclty or baiL hi fore be blamed. we imagine, if lYe Printing 81111, Jt.OO; ll'u do- n 10 few rean I han 1penL in Harbor thi1 &y, &he French now talte eo oom-

Wba& 1100m1 to be a cue of culpable nedect Ia tbat ol Edward Koat1e1 or tbla place, who went to the bt)tp(lal a ebort. time •10 wi~b a 01ooer lo hil thro&t. It wu pronounced incurable, and U,.J>&tient wu een~ home, and dur-1111 tbe jOu~ be lay clown to cUe NY· eral Llmee. Bia frieDdl were oo& aware or tbo Cact or bia arrhal, and he bad w wallt from the etation at Til too, bome­eick aa be WAI and arrhed theN more dead than all•o. It la thouabt that tbla will Lend to aborteD tbe briUie thread or bla uialAince. Who II LO blamot

People arojutl. awaltenl111 to &he fac\ ~at our atoam..allinr fleet il belnr dle­paeod or to the AmeriC&DI. Burel)' our rulen do no& c:ollllder &he rllk ~·~ an runnin1. What If _ lobe Preach Bhon que.tion quarrel abould break oa~ afre~h t Wba& aboul. &ba& 1'aluble oe­eeuity &o tbe oouo1.r71 &he Bai& Ao& t

-X.. 01' 'I'D AD~o.-A &ellpana raom W. Baroee, ID&I&n of the eobOoaer Ada. oa 'l'bondar CIOIII 'lU OoYa, 001m1ed the DOWI lha& &biiMalJOI acboooer bad been JOlt u Cape .tobo ~ u Joe-ran.. 'l'be .. w an..,. u 1\lt Oon and will come oo here b7 &rain. llr.J'itaprald, tho Owner or 'hi &:da, hu IOIDO i•ur­ADOO oa bo&b aoboooer and anppU-. No pu&loolan an koowa, bu& the ICboOoer bad beeDdri'nD lo WblLIBay and bad been &here Cor aome time. Frieacla Wtp 1-'abac DMIIY aboa~ the eafe&y W tlte llchooner, al~b old Halilll meo wen ol &ht oplolOD tba& abe wuln Wbl ... _,..

-'l'be Newcutie, lf. B., UDion Ad'~ ca&e, ol &he lt&h April,. cootai01 a no­doe oll.btlf.ormaUola u. .. ol a Branob ~1 I« lobe Pft...aioa or Cruelty to ADIJDU. Ia &hll IDoftaleot, the BeY. 0. P.lloow (ComMI'IJ ol&paniud'• Bay llillloa) wu &ald"l a pfOlDioeot pa~l. Owl,. to &heN1'.pnu.lnali'Maertklnot. a~ na &o take the OICftUf1 •&ef!l &o tonD a llnDeb ol &be SocittJ. ID ibll &own, there le ample 100pe to form" bNDch or tbe Boclel.y, •• oheo CUH ol eruel~y can .,. eeeo on the elnle&l-lOJI ..pedal~)', ~e DObleet an·

reach out for " grt\in of enlt before nation, fiJ;O .............. .. _...... :!-00 Oraco will e•n be looktd back upon by Jl&n&thtly UuJo bait that i~ paya tbc we swallow th~ naive 1\llegation 11• II. 1'"no•~ for N~tale........... 1~ me aa the briahtut and but of all. 1 achtJOnt·Mlwner• better to ombarlt on lhllt herring8 wer~ never au 11cnrce ~:·,<:,E. 0~><.1,11~11 Cor Pdi·~~~ .... T....... Mnt. St-ymour join• with mo in thank- the codfiabery al ooee.

F h ··-I h ·'H J>f'OCI'('U~ ... rwnr t.'u IO rea· ins: you for all your ~rood "iahu. I Tho Loblter-paoken have aaalo in the rene Ct\1>1"' 88 l ey now tnr<'r............... .................. 37 3!J llelievu me, ''ery ainctrely youra, oommt••ced operatiODI, bu~ are alto are. Thie doe8 not tally in nny At.FUD H . S&v~ouR. ham11orl'd through a laolt of bait. At wiee with the intelligence which $4200 Hubor Grace, April :!7th, 1898. rneeon& tbia lndualry •com. to be the hM lotely come into our Jltl "e~'illn Hnrb<Jr Gl'fllrt', April 22, 1 98. malnalay or tho Bay, but I think that - to the effect that the JICOJIIe there A DDR£8:J. thl're are LOO many paokt>n eo1aaed in ha\'" no re:a..~on \Yhl\tever to com- - Tht• 8· a. R.ansrer, Capt. Henry DKAII ~ht. S&YliOUII,- th1· bu1inee., teo m.ny inaotar aa uery

" l)llwl•, arrivt-cl fn.m tht~ •f•a l nehery ou \' b rdl 11 1 1 1 1 1 b h 1 lob •· ·• od ·--· 1,) .. 1• 11 of tt1 .. •carcity of the nbovo \ e can a y nt wore 1 n w l c man w u 1a1acen e .. ra .. on ......... -

.. ... l'uro •. She h11 8000 ei'Aia, 11art or 1 t t • 1 Lh • b kno" all aboul. h fi•h. All the moro need , then. it whi e old. be etruck the acall lm tn CXI>r\u to you tto \ t ry grea~ rt'fre o amag ne a, e • , h · we reel a~ tlnllhought ot{larting kom and eo alarLI a ractorJ on bia own ac-

IIIUIL be gri\Uterl, fo r l e trangent lht' 14th Mareb, II"~ DOL in any largu )'Cill. For 10 manr yeai'lt you hAVe count. 'fhe reaul~ mua~ be tbat lai'Jf' enfurcernent of the Act. lcmg t~re quanllty. UorinR tbe~ eprln~t •he re· tilled the poeltlon 0 Sul*rlntendont of (ltlantltin or bad or lmperC~ aealid l11i11. And one nlArvelll lllUch 1\t t'el•etl conaiduablo dam!IJ(II from the uur School, and try your •.NithlllUI at· lob1ten will be pu~ Into the market. the IIller Jnclc of common jten o-lo il't', ""cl eho was leaking whl'n ehu lt~nliOol And devc.tlon w ate lnt4reataf Very row euee hue been packed u

I r,·ftCht·•l !=lt. John'•· Thl'ro atl' threo •--1 1 11 1 1 b. 1 bbo bood C111J it uv no lumdaer nnrne 8 1own , rd you bavo ra .... c t to a 1 g 1 etata ()

1. ytt n t ll ue 1 r •

J etean11•ra now ont- \ angua , Trrr" m 1 Th · r s •rb h b •-•·1 nd in n"t ha,· ina hnd the aner& ure put .._, 1 1 1 Th .... .• e c cney. c l'rceuon ., our un· e wea~ er aa .. _y u orrone a .., " , • 1 ., ovot 11111 -<'Opar< · o aeaaon ~lua day School Jt()Qm and ita LaawCul ar· change for tho beUer, and it would

in nctive O!Jllr;htOn on~ ngo. till' Jan of thi• rnon~h. l'an1emenL and tleconatiun are largely teem aa tbouJb the 1prf111 had aet in. due lo tho seal you ubibited and the I The gardenera are buat eoUec&lnc mao-

This ~~n·e~ to rPmincl ono thnl -1110 ll()ya or the Jubilee Ball(! will energy you dieplaycJ, which ltd eo ure Cc.r th' prdeoa. and In one or two he nrusl. uu~ fAil to C'nngrn~ulnle l!h'tl an rntl'rtalnmeot. In St. l'aul'e mao) otbera to lend a hand in bring· caaee a few early J)(K&Loel ba'fl H.n him11elf nnd the r;:en~>ral JHlhhe on H ' 11 4'0 'futlday e\·cnlng nrzt. 1110 ln .. IL to a happy cumllle:tlon. All the 't planted. There will be a -at dear&h

llf•>t't·e<la aro in ""I'd or tho band'• " h b b h h ., • .., a cf'rt.nin mntlPr which hn~ recent· rtu"''· lolill fo'lynn and her choir will timo you •Ye et'n w t WI, I ere •• oC a~l OOlalott here thia 1priDtt_U &he Jy hnppone.l. Thul i~ the n1nrked np~ill 1111,1 ~l<'lrlfl· Dtlant-y •n·J Clt>ary u\·t-r been tho kindraL gOOtl ftehnx anti hlgb price thereof in Prinoe Edward chnnge of JIOiicy in regnrd to ~he of 84;. lkllrt>rll will Kif" .,.me of their mutual &ood will. Bocb 'feachl!ra and Jahuad pr~·cludet ~he poeeibWLJ of a nho'e momentous it~~suo, now ue1ng Cav11nt~ 1ou~t•· Tho programme will 8obolara hno ever lookt'd up 10 you, market being found ror them here.

u tl tlr t be wortb 111 •• 01·n1 LO. feeling that you had the interee~ anu 1 Harbor Btewn, AprU 23, 1898. Initialed by 1e powere tl ....

r. thla aootber rt1ol& 01 tba& ohuap t A .,.., iD&erft&bw eot.ertalomeD& wu

~hen b,r the poplll of the Aaaclem7 liero in Eaeter week, aod a YerJ eajoJ· able time ~., b~. Tbe prlDcipat of tbil coooen ... Ilia Dan, ana ~. manner lo wblclb l& waa ...,. &bloa1b qulw j01Uftod ~e Cal~ tba& aU .bad lo tier powen. 'lbo prcpaaa111e, althcqb a pretty Joac one, (It oc.ilt.ed of abOUt Lwenty-ooe PJeoee), wu roue ~rouah in a wa7 Lb.at. reft8et.ed ~ cndi& oa the perrormen. IIIII ll. Tayton no­dhloo ot "'l'be BraYe Flnaaao," wu puticularl1 DO&Ioeable, u wu ~e ancioa or 11'- & .,..,. ud B: Jar­diD~. Th• Iauer lllelled &o eaeeJ all ~elr former .-... lo ~a& lloe. Tbe adinl of 11-. J.llftoer aoc1 a. o. .. aa pulloemea .Ualt.ed rna& merri•eo• Crom Lbe audleooe, wblle Lila& of Ill• Nell Shean aod Jlr. 0. Leocb waa A 1.

8JciURA.W. &1 ~. Apri128, 1897.

-TbeO~BeUeffUD~Ift"N r .. ~ apaoe. IL bM DOW naobad &he YlrJ bodaome amouol. ol ftl,A. Amq rooeo& lam ooatribatioaa wen the rollowiDI : H'arbor Oraoe ~y­Lerian Obarcb, eG8.90, BeY. w.o.Bb .... aDd eoa.ro.a&loo ai •r.~ ancl Ooi•J'I PoiDt.,- FIM ' ..... .,.... 8&)'.111..80,1&. Breoclao'e,JioaaYie&a Bay, t14:M. Prooeeda from a ooaoen lo lk. P.ol'e llalldl:.arbor Grace, by a. Pao.l'• Bladoc , 111 .a. llealloc crew 8.8. II•, tJO.

al of the bruLe enatioo bolog •ub­w cruel aDd uocalled·for trfal·

eDL. --A ~~~~ o1 the 01-v or tbr CbuiOb o1Bioci8Dd &ook ~ OD Woo· clay e•etm., -wbeD Brtl:. w. B. smith aoil U. B. SOh aalYed from St. Joha'e, BeY. E. K. Oald..Ulroaa New Harbor. and BeY. w. 0. 8beaa, r. 8. 8endtf' 10D, F. W. ~-S. A. DawaOD from the Dlti ..Wemenu. There ... &11 eill1 n&loa or tbe Hol1 Oommwalca ca Te.da1 morniolf; .... 10 a Buri-cl..-.1~ wu bfl\1 al. \be Bec4ory, aDd In Uaeantmooo the ADDoal ~ of \be (lerlcal AU~ alaUoD of OoaOtDdaa Bay. AL ;_ ~ wu..Wua.Pail.l'l Cbu"'b. wlaea lleW.W.W.OolleJ na the pr-•cll· er. OwJac &othn'*7elclrm7 cbafadtr ol the ni&ber, tb.. .,.. no& a l•IJ~ ~. lleY, W, 8. 8111hh I Ilii 0. B. 8ol& n&aned we.. JobD'a by c~s• morallll'l &rain.

uk lor lllnard'• LiDimeDt aD\It•h DOCI&bw.