p HF jEi THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2fi. 1!)U TORRANCE HERALD, To furniture 54 Furniture 54 A BIT OF CHRISTMAS CHEER KIDDIES' ITHOLSTEREI) KOCKERS $8.95 ROCKING HORSES $9.95 STURDY WOODEN WAGONS With Steel Hardware $10.95 KIDDIE-KARS <F9 CO >p£.DU Each CHILD'S BREAKFAST SET Table and Benches ____J^___J CHILD'S OCCASIONAL CHAIRS $4.50 E.,* MIRRORS PLATE GLASS AND VENETIAN BOOKSHELVES Mahogany or Walnut $10.95 "COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS" Liii'M.I.V OWNKI) AMI 01-1- "HHiK: P'lHR LV- ^M'arBHMtMHt.fBffQw- / ' / ' . <- 'j i»<lint-ii.. ..f.i. ,,^-^. _.^w. ... ....,., . ...il.^...,_,.^.. jj 1220 El 1'rado Torrancc 10G7 Furniture 5- National Home Appliance Co. IIABV IJEDS FULL PANEL PRICES START AT $11.95 CRIB .MATTRESSES WO1! tpJ.JJ and up HIGH CHAIRS NURSERY CHAIRS SEE OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW and USED FURNITURE National Home Appliance Co. HARRY M. ABRAMSON "Friendly Cicdit" 1317 Sartori Ave. TORRANCE 78 ^isc. For Saic 57 ORDER XMAS TREES WHITE FIRS DOUGLAS FIRS REASONABLE Torrancc 128 After 5 P.M. Pets. Poultry 58 AND sumus 1 TORRANCK FEKD and FUEL T. S. I.OVI-M.AIIV (oivii.-r) 1963 Caison Tor. 407 l--ri.l. 1.IXK til-' CI.tUlK. A-l. SI'KUItV, Al.'K III. V.O. AND UKLIAUI.I-: l-'UUUS I-AW.NSKBUS . KBimMXtillS , COAL. ETC. CHICKS DUCKS EVERY DAV : AustrawhlU-H, Ruin, Hut-lla, (Hunts. , 1 lum|.!i, etc.. day ulcl and uturtucl. (ioddard Hatchery Hc.c for 20 Years 17601 S. NORMANDIE AVE. OARDENA Ph. Monlo 4-1655 FARRELL L_ *=~^ -~ HATCHERY Misc. For Sale 57 CHICKS EVERY WEEK 1 * Christ. c Now Hampshire: U-,rd Snikcd Shoe-,, Baicboll, 2 B.ill' Glovei ..nd Bat; 2 dumbbell sets, leather hiking booh ALL FOR $5. KING'S Hardware Harbor City 25202 D--ll«|iorto Avc. Lomita 233 :,i,'V p.-rfi-iji i-iin.liiiiui:' .'ml. ., i-iiillii'i'imilihmtiiiii. Jl :i - hkuUiH uuil Uiuc-H. HI/..' 1 .hi'.l's.' lllMll'"^..!!!""!!!!!'! 1!-' I'ull TIIHHIIIT SI. i-vi- Si, SI'l-li't.M. ivvulvi-r. Imx "f sli. llx sr.ll. Sl.invll ^ 1" '' 11"- rli.lll.'ll-r. «|-". lll-|.ly 1'. O. IIIIX '" T.. .1.111... N.',.' 1".' ( .ill Tiniiiiiiv' IIM-W. 1 I.1VS Htiitlnii WIIKIIII. all iiii'liil. timid i-iillillll>ill. ToiTillli-.-35'J-ll. Buy Bonds and Stamps? Rf.ck-N. H. Cross IS45 REDONDO BEACH BLVD. GARDENA MENLO 4-I672 BABY CHICKS EVERY WEEK AMI STAItTKII rllli'KS ultDCit i:> n rnu'i.s Nov.': R. 8 WHITCOMB 2311)1 Niil-bunm. Lumltu 35! PETS' DELIGHT In Delicious, Fftsh HOUSE MEAT Now Available WESTERN AVfNUE PbT SHOP 15465 So. Western Gardens FOR SALE Scratch Feed with Cracked Corn, S3. 10; All Purpose Math. $3.75: Victory Dairy Feoi', {2.95. All 100- pound sacks. Puces biibject to ' """"'GARDENA VALLEY MILLING CO. 16524 So. Normandio Avc.. G.irdenn or 843 MayiM St., Bellflowor ;iTTi:.VH. U «..!,.-< uhl, lc. nlvu iiwuy. c'ull ;iUlil c'ypi-be at.. Livestock 59 l.c-r: flvi- K'n-lli. plus, ^l^j Ho. Vorniiint nvi!.. Tnrninr-p. roi; SAM-: imii mir nnd in-,-, li.-iri-r. i':iM lirfi.n. nniin. ! :,«: ;; Wants All Kinds 62 SV/APS \V.\NTKI1 lr> l.iiv I.I-.-WHI- Tuy .1 Ti.l. liH.' L'lMh si.. Ton. me-,.. Rooms, Hoard 70 lictel Tcrrence CI.KA.V. JIOIiKISX SI.KKPINC. HOOMS, M-:\VI,V I.'UKNISIIKD. HKTAII. STOIIKK roll IlKNT. inifi C.MIIUI.LO. con. CAIISON I'lio.M-: 7r,i Houses, Courts 78 Imtli. ClnsHi'd-ln 1mi'l< piiri'li; :: , nil HI. ! ::. l-'iirnislii-d i:\ci it i 1. ..I.-. dishi*. linens: newly .1. , ..,:,,,. i. :i-ir, \v. 171st st.. I .-.Mi'i'['.:'J:': «'J'- -u-,-,-^-,--^-- Garages 7(j li.MCAiiK SI'.M'I-: !!':u Tcin rim . ml 1. .-\V. Ranted to Rent 62 XV.-ll I'slalilishi-l T.iniinc'.' liiisini-s» niiin wnnts tci rc-nl unfilrniMlic.il. n I>-|H<I|- ruoni niiMliTii hnuso In ni- nwir Tornmc-p. Will imy up ic. »r,ll PIT month . . . mul will li'iisi, fur one vwir. |i:iyinir Iwii niontlis nut in Phone Torrance I5I6-J .MII>DI.K-AI;KI> n.upic. u:un sn, : , IIOIIHI-, uniiiMiishi.il. wtlh KII- riiw. Vi.-inlty cif U.initji or Torninc... l-frin:iin.nt. National Sill. ply i-inplc.yi.,.. llux V. Tin-- nmi-M Ill-raid. WAXTBH In ri-nt two- nr thrt-c- room runilHhi-il nimrliucnt or Hinall holisi-, militli of l.omlta l.lvd.; Minnie man. Apply Hox "B." l-omlla N.-ws. WANTKD 1- or 2-ln-ilriniin fur- nished apartllli-nt. Adults, no pets. Kelerences. Torruni-e IJ7-W. WANTMII small fi'rnlriheil lions., in- niBirtiiienl for Navy i-oupl,-: ri'le..iu:.-s. IMionc- Torrnlieu 11J!-.'. WANTKD 3 rooms or nmrc7"l'urT nil-lit or hoiisi-. X. ll.' UoKeis. Tori-an<-e 737. XVANTKO- -A house nr apartment lor 2 .-idulls. fiirnlslled. I'hom- ll.cl.Miilo 7r,:lll. ponies For Sale 84 .., _..... Western Village New Homes Small Down Payment Terms to Suit GENE HAMILTON 1612 CAJtSON TOR. 694 6-room -tucco now vacant. Living, dining room, den, 2 bedroom-.. 50-ft. lot. Close in $4500. (&(MjJhw MII TOKKANCT: HI.VD. TOR. 172 . -IIKDKOD.M sllliruo home. I lie Imtli and sink, hardwood rltiurn, $S.liuii. 1I13U Un-liHliaw. Tui-nuicu B34-W. X'lt SAMi uv oivin-r. I'-rcinm h.. us, and lot. house nearly '..IM',.U.. MI.' on'" a".',,..' ' $:i.r,i'n" ti-rnis. ;i;;ii Kshelinali live., l-)linU. T\V.(l-ll|.:i)H(lf)M home, hall Wool; from sehool. S-.IIUII. terms. NKAUI.V XKW :i.l.edro'um IIUIIK- fur sale. $5,5110 i-aali. 1013 W. l^lth st.. ciarcleiia. UK SA1.K 7 i-iioms and larui- nei-een lii.reh. » l,,'ln«,llls. 1(011- Ide miraa.-. l-lentv of nut and mill ii,.... on full hair aca-e. fie.- i.ttlli-l-. Jllil i5."ith St. l-'llll iiii,,. *:..:.ii.i-iiuir i-imh. i-hoiie l.',mii:i im. MIH)I-:U\, III-H, ::-!,. ,hi.,,i,i Lome. cni-nei- im: .!--ul.|. : M.. ;- HI. L.tth. hai.ii- ( 11,. .,., tl,r,,u h- Jill Andn... T.iir:.n,-!.' S.-ars old. 'limu'.'.dl.lVe 'pclhM-K- nion. i>nni-r. 1 i:,o W. :';3ul St., -ItOOM ^.hc-dioom Btui-i-o home :l years old: near dowlltovm dislrli'l. See dallv an. r 11 a.m. . el_ hy appollltment. Toriani-.! . dl'SKS nit i-iil-ni-i- lut. one r,. l-ni'i- si,.inn ir.ini down, tr.ii mi.tilh Cull .ear of I--I-- I'oin. !.>'-;, .' IJIii'il.'" "V'.i .'.,': " ; -u.'.'i inuiilhlv paimer.i J'Jlit bt.. ToiTaii Homes For Sale 84 i Automobiles 95 FOLKS: ANOT11KK -1-nnoM STUCCO llclMK, onlv r. years old. Solld- K Inilll - iient nnd attiaetlve . ondilion. Nice view. Tile hat i .,u,l sliiiwr-r. Hardwood floors Ihiou^liont. full prler Is JISoii . . . Can to had for a down payment <R19^n of only................. _ ......... -pl^OU To Buy or Soil sea Beck & Be 1 MlllMils UAI.ril BECK & BELL M:I So. r.affey _ 1-hone 11:1:1:, 3-BEDROOM STUCCO ON POST AVE. 4-ROOM STUCCO ON SARTORI PRICE $3500 2-BEDROOM STUCCO DOUBLE GARAGE EQUIPMENT OF GOODYEAR TIRE STORE AND DELIVERY TRUCK FOR QUICK SALE TOM WATERS Your Real Estate Man 1409 SARTORI PH. 686 $5,000 BUYS :i-lM<lr.,,,Mi l,,,;nr. «, !! liinll and in peiTer-t con- shopp'iiiK district. 2 - BEDROOM modem house. la rite lot. |in-wnr noimtrnction, til.- l.ath aii.l sink, hardwood LISTINGS WANTED DORA SOiMMER Licensed Real Estate Broker 2122 GRAMERCY AVE. Torrance 329 Very niee 7-riium house- on Arlington. Three liedrooms and dell. »5.2BO, u-rniH. Two houses, corner lot. on I'laza d.-l Ami). Cioud Income. fB.ooo, terms. Three-hedrooni house In eoiln- try. yearn old. Move in at REMCO 140B SAHTOItl TOR. 6 Old house with ' i acre $2500. Half noro wi'.h 4-room house, $3,300 jfToo'TnTh.' 3araBI!l ClC' These Properties are Well Located nnd Close In "I.KT ITt! HKI.P YOU SIOI.L AND I-IXANCH YDLTU Piioi'EUTY" GOOD LUCK REALTY :. r .s:iii WKSTKHN AVE. HARBOli CITY :i-l:Kl)l!l.().M l-MI.A. Imllt linu.-ie lour years old. foml-l.-telv n- d.-corntc-d In-dd.- an,! ,,,M : ' wall sliruldie'i-y, 1 , i i' ''.' ,',., 'i.1 ,"' extra larae d,,.i ! 1, . .,!., : . .ill on a lai-Ki- loi. i'1-.s, in. Va- i-anl. iimnediale possi-NSion. 14 ^ish. l:,,x -T." Ton-anc-,- Herald. Income Property 85 XftlJIK 1'ltOl'KllTY ^ hoiiHe.i one 1 lot, ono bedroom house is furnished, for sale or will trade, fall 13-Jil I'lilth Ht., Tur- rani-.-. (Near del. -use plants and aoi-imu-nt h,.s|.ital.) 4:i.i;:,(i STI'l-l'n Imildinu with In. illli Milan. -IS. suilal.le for stole or laoiilies; Hell luuiitfii. Owner 3612 W. 212nd Ht.. Wul- li-ria. lli-L'NIT fiii-nlslii-d apartment, will sell reasonable. See manauer. 1111 fravunx n vi'., Torrance. Stationery with cli:u-;icU-r. Sec The Herald's stock, Money to Loan 92 EXPERT COUNCIL ll,,ii,e imam-ink- ha.s l,..en our Inisllless for yc-ar.s. You ;;. ! soiiu.l advice ha»e.l uli i.-.vperi- Wiit.- or I'hon.. tor Loan Application AMERICAN Savings and Loan Association J10 SO. I'ACII'IC. llKllc.l.MHJ 35r,l SELL ME YOUR TRUST DEEDS AND PROPERTY CONTRACTS Your Money .it Onco ' Will Uun Vim riiv..le Money al Six I'd- i;enl. to Uu.v, Uuild or Hiiimlr. No I-'lllance charBu. 1 Write Insurance. H.MIahlo Cu.'a P. H. ROWLAND LOMITA - - Phono 173 Automobiles 95 UUCKS, IIAIfllS, MOIOBCVClt! :iV ; -Hiu ,i,.io.. , ,,ui» . i. , i Tin-. Sec L..-.-HIIIKII 'L'IU'U-UI -llll, £,!., I,.. I ul 'loll.llltl.. TRUCKS. TBAI1ERS. MOTORCYCfES USED CARS WANTED WALTER G. LINCH Dodge and Plymouth Dealer In Redondo Beach IS ANXIOUS TO PURCHASE USED CARS of ANY MODEL OR YEAR BE SURE TO GET HIS 'APPRAISAL BEFORE YOU SELL WALTER G. LINCH (Dodge and Plymouth Agency) USED CAR LOT 3I2 So. Catalina Ave. "Where Torrance Blvd. Meets the Sea" In Redondo Beach WILL PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR GOOD, LATE MODEL USED AUTOMOBILES Saa Pedro Motors, Inc. 1 600 So. Pacific, San Pedro KKKI' YOUR CAU IN A-l SIIAI'M l-'OIt TI1K DURATION GENERAL REPAIRING WORK GUARANTEED. FINE FENDER AND BODY WORK. PKI.l'O BATTKlllKS MULLIN'S SERVICE 2053 Torrance Blvd. AUTHOltlXKl) OI.DS.MonilJ-: DK.M.EI! SINCE 19-J5. TOR. VJO-J. FOR SALE 1930-31 STUDE8AKER SEDAN Extra Husky Pre-W.ir 6.Ply Tires EXTRA GOOD TRANSPORTA- TION ONLY $195 1 Auto Radio Fine Condition Automobile Hentci Good C. P. "Bill" Williams 2002 Pacific Coast Hiflhwny Phone 1228-W LOMITA oivm i r> A P STOP and GAS with ART J-.ut us Svrvlce Vonr Car While You Work. Carson at Border \Vlbh 1'AV UP TO *11UO for late model used cur. Cull utter 7:30 p. in. or Sunday, nhoni; Ilar- hor 2811-J. TKAH Dlldl- triilli-r with 1..-. . ii-«- linx, tuiilu. i-li;iil».'s'l^.-,! 1017 A. iiciu. Tornincju lc:ir.-«- dully until :i p. HI. : -, iirn-K TOIIIIU, BUIMI im-i-hunli-u i-c.h.lilinn. Kiicnl tirt-H. 1017 Tii'minW 1B30-W. 19S1 Mill) Kb "Air I'unl cull])., »c»nl i-unditlun. U30 Arlington, A lil. "I-'." TOITUIII-I-. :!-, lll'lc-K Hi:,lan, um.cl ,,,n,IHi,,n Pn;-ut>- iiwni-r. I'll. in,- I.lliM.s at; ISIMl'K i-lill. i-inipi-. 'io.,<l tin-s. s-i- it. I7f.il Ancln-i), Turiiini:.-. :ill.-r 11:110 p. in. , > \VA.\1- P-|-:|| ti, liuv ii Kiiuil Cll.-vi-ii- l.-l |,H -1,111. Ill' hi'.- IMCIll.-l. 1UL", .\in:ili.il!i. T.imillc-.-. \\'ill ti-i.l,.' or s.-ll my i-iuily. ^uto Repairing 97 C . C 0 X AUTO TOPS & UPHOLSTERV Specializing In ... , CONVERTING COUPES TO CLUB COUPES; Also Tailor- made Cabriolet Tops. 2155 240th Si. Lomita ._.._. _ SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE GAS! Public- Ncitici.-" NOTICE 01-' SALE OF HEM. 1'KOPEKTY AT PRIVATE SALE Nil. 157,085 III thr Superior Court of thr State of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles. In the Matter of the Estate of Carl 11. Chrjstenson, an Incom- petent Person. Notice is hereby given that under and pursuant to the law made and provided, the under- siKiicd Clias T. Hippy, Guardian of Ihe Estate of said Incompe- tent will sell at private sale, to the highest and best bidder, sub- ject to confirmation of said Su- perior Court on or after the 1st day of December, 10-13 at the office of Chas. T. Rippy. 1331 Post Avenue, Ton-ance, County of Los Angeles, State of Cali- fornia, all the right, title and interest of said incompetent and all the right, title and interest Hint the estate of said incompe- tent has acquired by operation of law or otherwise, other than or 'in addition to that of said incompetent in and to all that certain real property particularly described as follows, to-wit: A joint Tenancy Interest in an undivided one-half interest in Lot 11 in Block 17 of the Tor- rance Tract, as per map record- ed in Book 22, pages 94 ar : -' 95 of Maps, Records of L' K . e- les County, California. Terms of sale Cash in :: LI! money of the United State-.-; on confirmation of sale, or part cash and balance evidenced by note secured by mortgage or Trust Deed on the property so .sold. Ten per cent of amount bid to be deposited with bid. Bids or offers to be in writing and will be received at the afore- said office at any time after the tirst publication, hereof and be- fore date of sale. Dated this Oth day of Novem- ber, 19-13. CHAS. T. RIPPY, Guardian of the Estate of Carl M. Christenson an Incompetent Person. Nov. 11-18-25. "Public Notice" CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS Fictitious Finn Name THE UNDERSIGNED docs hereby certify that I am con- ducting a welding business at 1226 Date, City of Torrance, County of Los Angeles, State of California, under the fictitious firm name of A & M Engineer- ing & Manufacturing and that said firm is composed of the fol- lowing persons, whoso names and addresses are as follows, to- wit: Orral W. August, 1226 Date St., Torrance, California. WITNESS my hand this 5th day of November, 19J3. ORRAL W. AUGUST. State of California, County of Los Angeles, ss. bet-, A.D., 19-13, before me How- ard G. Lockc, a Notary Public n and lor said County and State, residing therein duly com- missioned and sworn, personally appeared Orral W. August known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that ho executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEUEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. HOWARD G. LOCKE, Notary Public in and for said County and State. My Commission expires March 19, 1946. (Seal) Nov. 11-18-25-Dec. 2. ' Public Notice" 1600871 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. Mwi-ia Estate of Doris B. Admiral, deceased. Notice is hereliy given -.- uiv del-signed Administrate , !he' Estate of Doris C. Adnnul, de- ceased, to the Creditors of, and alL pei j-ons having claims against the said di.-ceay.-d, to present -hem with the necessary vouch- ] ITS, within six months after the ill. -st publication of ithis notice, to the said Administrator at tin- office of Otto Ii. Willed, 1313 Sartori Ave., City of Tonance, County ot Los Angeles, State of California, which said office the undersigned selects as a place j of business in all matters con- 1 nected with said estate, or to 1 file them with the necessary, vouchers, within six months al- i lei- the first publication of this 1 notice, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California, In and for i the County of Los Angeles, i DONALD ADMIRAL, ! Administrator of the Estate ol said deceased. Dated November 20, 1943. OTTO D. W1LLETT, 1313 Sartori Ave., Torrance, California, Alloi-iicy-ut-Luw. i\o\. 25-Dcc. 2-0-1U. Trial Dancing Event Set for Auditorium Friday, December 3 The TOITHIICO Servicemen's Foundation, a non-profii organi- zation having the backing of lo- cal service clubs, is sponsoring its first dance for enjoyment of the young people of Torrance on Friday evening, Dec. 3, it was announced today. Arrangements have been made with Ansill Hill, formerly of Bal boa, to bring his 17-piece orches- tra here for the occasion. The dance will be in the Civic Audi- tot fum which was opened thin weeit for youth activities after having been . closed since Pearl Harbo:-. A special effort was made to induce the musicians to come here for this "trial" dancing event at considerable expense. If the patronage proves adequate the orchestra may be retained for future dances, it was said. Red Cross Plans to Recruit Staff Aides "Staff aides of Hie American Red Cross." This designation henceforth will describe the newest oppor- tunity for women to serve their country through the American lied Ci-o;a. Announcement of the inaugu- ration of this service was made public UiiH wc-cl; by Gurney E. Ncwlin, chairman of the Los An- geles Red Cross chapter. The new service of "Staff Aides" is open to women from 20 to 45 years of age. These wo- men do not need to be of pro- A-ssional rank or social service workers, as formerly required of staff assistants, according to The regulation field gray uni- form goes with the job, and as- signments io foreign as well as domestic duty. Women appli- cants are advised to write to the personnel office, Pacific area, American Red Cross at San Francisco. Men over 38 are also needcc as field directors for the Red Cross, Newlin announced. "Public Notice" CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS Fictitious Finn Nsimn THE UNDERSIGNED do here by certify that I am conducting a manufacturing business ai 182nd and Prairie Streets, City of Torrance, County of Los An- geles, State of California, under the fictitious firm name of Aus- tin Manufacturing Company anc that said firm is composed of the following persons, whose names and addresses are as fol- lows, to-wit: Loren W. Austin, 1108 Ocean Park Boulevard, Santa Monica, Calif. WITNESS his hand this 26th LOREN W. AUSTIN. State of California, County or Los Angeles, ss. On this 2Gth day cf October. A. D., 1913, before me, Mary E. Beezley, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, re siding therein duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Lorcn W. Austin, known .to me to be the person whose name L. W. Austin subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowl edged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand anil affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first abqve written. MARY E. BEEZLEY, Notary Public in and lor said County and State. Mv Commission expires July 20, 1947. Seal. Nov. 4-11-18-2^. INFORM PLEASE V«"^>/W»'VS'WS*W*V MARGE - AU Dimout Signs on Coastal Highways Ordered Removed Signposting crews from II Automobile Club of Southet California this- week arc schec uled to complete the dismnntlln of 5000 masonite signs markin tiic boundaries of the restricte headlight use zones between th Monterey county line and th Mexican border. In.' tailed a little more than year ago, the insignia readin "Dim Your Headlights" an "Turn On Headlights' ' hav served their purpose tempon rily, according to word sent th auto club by Lloyd M. Smitl acting regional director, O.C.D Ninth Civilian Defense regioi San. Francisco. The signs were installed orif inally to minimize the ligh thrown seaward by vehicles o] crating along the Southlan coast. SAVE MONEY ON YOUR NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINES Only This Newspaper Can Off e Such Reading Bargains rnaBaiincs. You can get this paper L-ilhc Magazine Special 'below. Select the ofTc you like best ... then All in the coupon and send it to us. I'lca'c.- do it right away before paper shnrM^us make it impossible tafilUllsubscripli'uns! 1 ', ;An'y Mggjmn^Ustedvariil This : :lfewsn.apeY3)otti for Price Shown D American Fruit Grower$2.25 D American Girl ....... 3.00 D American Home ...... 2.75 D American Poultry JrnL 2.15 n Better Cooking & Homcmaking ........ 3.60 nBettcrHotncs&Garikns 2.75 D Boy's life ........... 3.60 D Child Life ........... 3.25 D Christian Herald ..... 3.00 D Column Digest ....... 3.25 O Country Gentleman... 2.15 D Dog World .......... 3.00 OrarmJrl.&Frm'rsWife 2.15 O Flower Grower ...... 3.00 D Flying Aces .......... 3.00 Q Housi-hold .......... 2.40 DHvgcia ............. 3.25 D liberty ............. 4.10 O Nature (10 Iss., 12 Mo.) 3.60 nOpcnR-d(12Iss.,l.(M.) 2.75 n Outd'rs (12 Iss., 14 Mo.) 2.75 P Parents' Magazine .... 3.00 D Pathfinder ........... 2.50 D Photoplay- Movie Mirr. 3.00 Q 1'cpiilar Mechanic] . . . 3.75 D Poultry Tribune ...... 2.15 O Sports Afield ......... 2.75 D Sunset Magazine...... 2.50 D True Story ... ........ 2.75 D The Woman ......... 2.60 D Your life ........... 3.60 |*?5-lviag'aziiieVSj>.ecial !': This Newspaper and 5 Great Pathfinder ..... 1 Vr. MacaiJne. St^ MaB\!?r':«16 "roT, /E±»v, $n25 Farm Journal 8: J% farmer's Wife 1 Vr. ** yjmSfiM^mm Chech magazines desired and send j coupon fo this newspaper todoyi 1 [ Gentlemen: I endojc $ ... ... ... . Plcae | j send me the mai'uiine checked, or the ( 1 5-Majjuzinc Special, with u year's sub- j N. ..... 1 tJ , U P I) s¥wD'AL"L"6Ki5E"sis"iir d Torrance Herald 1336 EL PRADO TORRANCI Lomita News 24702 NARBONNE LOMITA IATION at . ' '=a ' TO - FIRE INSURE TODAY TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE! HOWARD G. LOCKE 1407 Mdicelina Ave. Phone 135-1 M & HI TRAKSF lined vaults nil at rc.-iEonablc |> to stnraijo. 11)17 Border Avenue SPORTING GOOD Complete Stack of Sportinu Coo Supphet. Call Ui for nil tvuos c tion, Rcpniriiirj, Wiring, Altoi-.i Sorvicc. TORRANCE ELECTRIC cnhnu AVCMUO, Phone ObA e fiO *"" Tel. 524-J or 1 chandise ahippeH anywhere on t t p.ickina nnd storage in mots M & M TRANSFER CO. S- ELECTRICA d«. Also Eloctnc.il Appliance! a f Electrical Work: Now Coiutru ions. Reasonable Pncei. Prom AL SHOP B. J. Scott. 1421 Mf

To HF jEi · p hf jei thursday. november 2fi. 1!)u torrance herald, to furniture 54 furniture 54 a bit of christmas cheer kiddies' itholsterei) kockers $8.95 rocking horses $9.95

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Page 1: To HF jEi · p hf jei thursday. november 2fi. 1!)u torrance herald, to furniture 54 furniture 54 a bit of christmas cheer kiddies' itholsterei) kockers $8.95 rocking horses $9.95

pHF jEi


furniture 54 Furniture 54






WAGONSWith Steel Hardware


<F9 CO >p£.DU Each


Table and Benches




$4.50 E.,*MIRRORS


BOOKSHELVESMahogany or Walnut


Liii'M.I.V OWNKI) AMI 01-1-"HHiK:P'lHRLV- ^M'arBHMtMHt.fBffQw-

/ ' / ' . <- 'ji»<lint-ii.. ..f.i. ,,^-^. _.^w. ... ....,., . ...il.^...,_,.^.. jj

1220 El 1'rado Torrancc 10G7

Furniture 5-

National Home Appliance Co.





WO1! tpJ.JJand up





National Home Appliance Co.HARRY M. ABRAMSON

"Friendly Cicdit"

1317 Sartori Ave.TORRANCE 78

^isc. For Saic 57




Torrancc 128 After 5 P.M.

Pets. Poultry 58AND sumus


1963 Caison Tor. 407

l--ri.l. 1.IXK til-' CI.tUlK. A-l. SI'KUItV,





: AustrawhlU-H, Ruin, Hut-lla, (Hunts. , 1 lum|.!i, etc.. day ulcl and uturtucl.

(ioddard HatcheryHc.c for 20 Years

17601 S. NORMANDIE AVE.OARDENA Ph. Monlo 4-1655

FARRELLL_ *=~^ -~ HATCHERYMisc. For Sale 57 CHICKS EVERY WEEK1 * Christ. c Now Hampshire:

U-,rd Snikcd Shoe-,, Baicboll, 2 B.ill' Glovei ..nd Bat; 2

dumbbell sets, leather hiking booh ALL FOR $5.

KING'S Hardware Harbor City

25202 D--ll«|iorto Avc. Lomita 233

:,i,'V p.-rfi-iji i-iin.liiiiui:' .'ml. ., i-iiillii'i'imilihmtiiiii.

Jl :i - hkuUiH uuil Uiuc-H. HI/..'

1 .hi'.l's.' lllMll'"^..!!!""!!!!!'!1 !-'

I'ull TIIHHIIIT SI. i-vi-

Si, SI'l-li't.M. ivvulvi-r. Imx "f sli. llx sr.ll. Sl.invll ^ 1" '•'• 11"-rli.lll.'ll-r. «|-". lll-|.ly 1'. O. IIIIX

'" T.. .1.111...

N.',.' 1".' ( .ill Tiniiiiiiv' IIM-W.

1 I.1VS Htiitlnii WIIKIIII. all iiii'liil. timid i-iillillll>ill. ToiTillli-.-35'J-ll.

Buy Bonds and Stamps?

Rf.ck-N. H. Cross




ultDCit i:> n rnu'i.s Nov.': R. 8 WHITCOMB

2311)1 Niil-bunm. Lumltu 35!

PETS' DELIGHTIn Delicious, Fftsh

HOUSE MEATNow Available

WESTERN AVfNUE PbT SHOP 15465 So. Western Gardens


Scratch Feed with Cracked Corn, S3. 10; All Purpose Math. $3.75: Victory Dairy Feoi', {2.95. All 100- pound sacks. Puces biibject to' """"'GARDENA VALLEY

MILLING CO.16524 So. Normandio Avc.. G.irdenn

or 843 MayiM St., Bellflowor

;iTTi:.VH. U «..!,.-< uhl, lc. nlvu iiwuy. c'ull ;iUlil c'ypi-be at..

Livestock 59

l.c-r: flvi- K'n-lli. plus, ^l^j Ho. Vorniiint nvi!.. Tnrninr-p.

roi; SAM-: imii mir nnd in-,-,li.-iri-r. i':iM lirfi.n. nniin. ! :,«: ;;

Wants All Kinds 62SV/APS

\V.\NTKI1 lr> l.iiv I.I-.-WHI- Tuy .1 Ti.l. liH.' L'lMh si.. Ton. me-,..

Rooms, Hoard 70


inifi C.MIIUI.LO. con. CAIISON I'lio.M-: 7r,i

Houses, Courts 78

Imtli. ClnsHi'd-ln 1mi'l< piiri'li; :: , nil HI. ! ::. l-'iirnislii-d i:\ci it

i 1. ..I.-. dishi*. linens: newly .1. , ..,:,,,. i. :i-ir, \v. 171st st..

I .-.Mi'i'['.:'J:': «'J'- -u-,-,-^-,--^--

Garages 7(j

li.MCAiiK SI'.M'I-: !!':u Tcin rim .

ml 1. .-\V.

Ranted to Rent 62

XV.-ll I'slalilishi-l T.iniinc'.' liiisini-s» niiin wnnts tci rc-nl unfilrniMlic.il. n I>-|H<I|- ruoni niiMliTii hnuso In ni- nwir Tornmc-p. Will imy upic. »r,ll PIT month . . . mul will li'iisi, fur one vwir. |i:iyinir Iwii niontlis nut in

Phone Torrance I5I6-J

.MII>DI.K-AI;KI> n.upic. u:un sn, : ,IIOIIHI-, uniiiMiishi.il. wtlh KII- riiw. Vi.-inlty cif U.initji or Torninc... l-frin:iin.nt. National Sill. ply i-inplc.yi.,.. llux V. Tin-- nmi-M Ill-raid.

WAXTBH In ri-nt two- nr thrt-c- room runilHhi-il nimrliucnt or Hinall holisi-, militli of l.omlta l.lvd.; Minnie man. Apply Hox "B." l-omlla N.-ws.

WANTKD 1- or 2-ln-ilriniin fur­ nished apartllli-nt. Adults, no pets. Kelerences. Torruni-e IJ7-W.

WANTMII small fi'rnlriheil lions., in- niBirtiiienl for Navy i-oupl,-: ri'le..iu:.-s. IMionc- Torrnlieu 11J!-.'.

WANTKD 3 rooms or nmrc7"l'urT

nil-lit or hoiisi-. X. ll.' UoKeis. Tori-an<-e 737.

XVANTKO- -A house nr apartment lor 2 .-idulls. fiirnlslled. I'hom- ll.cl.Miilo 7r,:lll.

ponies For Sale 84

.., _.....Western Village

New Homes Small Down Payment

Terms to Suit


6-room -tucco now vacant. Living, dining room, den, 2 bedroom-.. 50-ft. lot. Close in $4500.


. -IIKDKOD.M sllliruo home. I lie Imtli and sink, hardwood rltiurn, $S.liuii. 1I13U Un-liHliaw. Tui-nuicu B34-W.

X'lt SAMi uv oivin-r. I'-rcinm h.. us, and lot. house nearly

'..IM',.U.. MI.' on'" a".',,..' ' $:i.r,i'n"

ti-rnis. ;i;;ii Kshelinali live., l-)linU.

T\V.(l-ll|.:i)H(lf)M home, hall Wool; from sehool. S-.IIUII. terms.

NKAUI.V XKW :i.l.edro'um IIUIIK- fur sale. $5,5110 i-aali. 1013 W. l^lth st.. ciarcleiia.

UK SA1.K 7 i-iioms and larui- nei-een lii.reh. » l,,'ln«,llls. 1(011- Ide miraa.-. l-lentv of nut and mill ii,.... on full hair aca-e.fie.- i.ttlli-l-. Jllil i5."ith St. l-'lllliiii,,. *:..:.ii.i-iiuir i-imh. i-hoiie l.',mii:i im.

MIH)I-:U\, III-H, ::-!,. ,hi.,,i,i Lome. cni-nei- im: .!--ul.|. : M.. ;- HI. L.tth. hai.ii- ( 11,. .,., tl,r,,u h-

Jill Andn... T.iir:.n,-!.'

S.-ars old. 'limu'.'.dl.lVe 'pclhM-K-

nion. i>nni-r. 1 i:,o W. :';3ul St.,

-ItOOM ^.hc-dioom Btui-i-o home :l years old: near dowlltovm

dislrli'l. See dallv an. r 11 a.m. . el_ hy appollltment. Toriani-.!

. dl'SKS nit i-iil-ni-i- lut. one r,.

l-ni'i- si,.inn ir.ini down, tr.ii mi.tilh Cull .ear of I--I-- I'oin.

!.>'-;, .' IJIii'il.'" "V'.i .'.,': " ; -u.'.'i inuiilhlv paimer.i J'Jlit bt.. ToiTaii

Homes For Sale 84 i Automobiles 95

FOLKS:ANOT11KK -1-nnoM STUCCO llclMK, onlv r. years old. Solld- K Inilll - iient nnd attiaetlve

. ondilion. Nice view. Tile hat i

.,u,l sliiiwr-r. Hardwood floors Ihiou^liont. full prler Is m« JISoii . . . Can to had for a down payment <R19^n of only................. _ ......... -pl^OU

To Buy or Soil sea Beck & Be 1

MlllMils UAI.ril

BECK & BELLM:I So. r.affey _ 1-hone 11:1:1:,






TOM WATERSYour Real Estate Man

1409 SARTORI PH. 686

$5,000 BUYS :i-lM<lr.,,,Mi l,,,;nr. «, !! liinll and in peiTer-t con-

shopp'iiiK district.

2 - BEDROOM modem house. la rite lot. |in-wnr noimtrnction, til.- l.ath aii.l sink, hardwood


DORA SOiMMERLicensed Real Estate


2122 GRAMERCY AVE. Torrance 329

Very niee 7-riium house- on Arlington. Three liedrooms and dell. »5.2BO, u-rniH.

Two houses, corner lot. on I'laza d.-l Ami). Cioud Income. fB.ooo, terms.

Three-hedrooni house In eoiln- try. •• yearn old. Move in at


Old house with ' i acre $2500.

Half noro wi'.h 4-room house, $3,300 jfToo'TnTh.' 3araBI!l ClC'

These Properties are Well Located nnd Close In





:i-l:Kl)l!l.().M l-MI.A. Imllt linu.-ie lour years old. foml-l.-telv n- d.-corntc-d In-dd.- an,! ,,,M : ' wall

sliruldie'i-y, 1 , i i' ''.' ,',., 'i.1 ,"' extra larae d,,.i ! 1, . .,!., : . .ill on a lai-Ki- loi. i'1-.s, in. Va- i-anl. iimnediale possi-NSion. 14

^ish. l:,,x -T." Ton-anc-,- Herald.

Income Property 85

XftlJIK 1'ltOl'KllTY ̂ hoiiHe.i one 1 lot, ono bedroom house is furnished, for sale or will trade, fall 13-Jil I'lilth Ht., Tur- rani-.-. (Near del. -use plants and aoi-imu-nt h,.s|.ital.)

4:i.i;:,(i STI'l-l'n Imildinu with In. illli Milan. -IS. suilal.le for stole or •• laoiilies; Hell luuiitfii. Owner 3612 W. 212nd Ht.. Wul- li-ria.

lli-L'NIT fiii-nlslii-d apartment, will sell reasonable. See manauer. 1111 fravunx n vi'., Torrance.

Stationery with cli:u-;icU-r. Sec

The Herald's stock,

Money to Loan 92

EXPERT COUNCILll,,ii,e imam-ink- ha.s l,..en our Inisllless for yc-ar.s. You ;;. ! soiiu.l advice ha»e.l uli i.-.vperi-

Wiit.- or I'hon.. tor Loan Application

AMERICANSavings and Loan Association

J10 SO. I'ACII'IC. llKllc.l.MHJ 35r,l


Your Money .it Onco ' Will Uun Vim riiv..le Money al Six I'd- i;enl. to Uu.v, Uuild or

Hiiimlr. No I-'lllance charBu. 1 Write Insurance. H.MIahlo Cu.'a


LOMITA - - Phono 173

Automobiles 95UUCKS, IIAIfllS, MOIOBCVClt!

:iV ; -Hiu ,i,.io.. , ,,ui» . i» i. , i

Tin-. Sec L..-.-HIIIKII 'L'IU'U-UI-llll, £,!., I,.. I ul 'loll.llltl..



WALTER G. LINCHDodge and Plymouth Dealer





WALTER G. LINCH(Dodge and Plymouth Agency)

USED CAR LOT 3I2 So. Catalina Ave.

"Where Torrance Blvd. Meets the Sea"

In Redondo Beach




AUTOMOBILESSaa Pedro Motors,

Inc.1 600 So. Pacific, San Pedro






MULLIN'S SERVICE 2053 Torrance Blvd.AUTHOltlXKl) OI.DS.MonilJ-:



Extra Husky Pre-W.ir 6.Ply Tires


1 Auto Radio Fine Condition Automobile Hentci Good

C. P. "Bill" Williams2002 Pacific Coast Hiflhwny

Phone 1228-W LOMITA

oivm i r> A PSTOP and GAS with ART

J-.ut us Svrvlce Vonr Car While You Work.

Carson at Border

\Vlbh 1'AV UP TO *11UO for late model used cur. Cull utter 7:30 p. in. or Sunday, nhoni; Ilar- hor 2811-J.

TKAH Dlldl- triilli-r with 1..-. .

ii-«- linx, tuiilu. i-li;iil».'s'l^.-,! 1017 A. iiciu. Tornincju lc:ir.-«- dully

until :i p. HI.

: -, iirn-K TOIIIIU, BUIMI im-i-hunli-u i-c.h.lilinn. Kiicnl tirt-H. 1017

Tii'minW 1B30-W.

19S1 Mill) Kb "Air I'unl cull])., »c»nl i-unditlun. U30 Arlington, A lil. "I-'." TOITUIII-I-.

:!-, lll'lc-K Hi:,lan, um.cl ,,,n,IHi,,n Pn;-ut>- iiwni-r. I'll. in,- I.lliM.s

at; ISIMl'K i-lill. i-inipi-. 'io.,<l tin-s. s-i- it. I7f.il Ancln-i), Turiiini:.-. :ill.-r 11:110 p. in. , >

\VA.\1- P-|-:|| ti, liuv ii Kiiuil Cll.-vi-ii- l.-l |,H -1,111. Ill' hi'.- IMCIll.-l. 1UL",.\in:ili.il!i. T.imillc-.-.

\\'ill ti-i.l,.' or s.-ll my i-iuily.

^uto Repairing 97


Specializing In ... , CONVERTING COUPES TO CLUB COUPES; Also Tailor- made Cabriolet Tops.

2155 240th Si. Lomita

._.._. _


Public- Ncitici.-"



Nil. 157,085 III thr Superior Court of thr

State of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles.

In the Matter of the Estate of Carl 11. Chrjstenson, an Incom­ petent Person.

Notice is hereby given that under and pursuant to the law made and provided, the under- siKiicd Clias T. Hippy, Guardian of Ihe Estate of said Incompe­ tent will sell at private sale, to the highest and best bidder, sub­ ject to confirmation of said Su­ perior Court on or after the 1st day of December, 10-13 at the office of Chas. T. Rippy. 1331 Post Avenue, Ton-ance, County of Los Angeles, State of Cali­ fornia, all the right, title and interest of said incompetent and all the right, title and interest Hint the estate of said incompe­ tent has acquired by operation of law or otherwise, other than or 'in addition to that of said incompetent in and to all that certain real property particularly described as follows, to-wit:

A joint Tenancy Interest in an undivided one-half interest in Lot 11 in Block 17 of the Tor­ rance Tract, as per map record­ ed in Book 22, pages 94 ar : -' 95 of Maps, Records of L' K . e- les County, California.

Terms of sale Cash in :: LI! money of the United State-.-; on confirmation of sale, or part cash and balance evidenced by note secured by mortgage or Trust Deed on the property so .sold. Ten per cent of amount bid to be deposited with bid.

Bids or offers to be in writing and will be received at the afore­ said office at any time after thetirst publication, hereof and be­ fore date of sale.

Dated this Oth day of Novem­ber, 19-13.

CHAS. T. RIPPY, Guardian of the Estate of Carl

M. Christenson an Incompetent Person.

Nov. 11-18-25.

"Public Notice"


Fictitious Finn Name

THE UNDERSIGNED docs hereby certify that I am con­ ducting a welding business at 1226 Date, City of Torrance, County of Los Angeles, State of California, under the fictitious firm name of A & M Engineer­ ing & Manufacturing and that said firm is composed of the fol­ lowing persons, whoso names and addresses are as follows, to- wit:

Orral W. August, 1226 Date St., Torrance, California.

WITNESS my hand this 5th day of November, 19J3.

ORRAL W. AUGUST. State of California, County of

Los Angeles, ss.

bet-, A.D., 19-13, before me How­ ard G. Lockc, a Notary Public n and lor said County and

State, residing therein duly com­ missioned and sworn, personally appeared Orral W. August known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the withinInstrument, and acknowledged to me that ho executed the same.

IN WITNESS WHEUEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written.

HOWARD G. LOCKE, Notary Public in and for said

County and State. My Commission expires March

19, 1946. (Seal)

Nov. 11-18-25-Dec. 2.

' Public Notice"


NO. Mwi-iaEstate of Doris B. Admiral,

deceased. Notice is hereliy given -.- uiv

del-signed Administrate , !he' Estate of Doris C. Adnnul, de­ ceased, to the Creditors of, and alL pei j-ons having claims against the said di.-ceay.-d, to present -hem with the necessary vouch- ]

ITS, within six months after the ill. -st publication of ithis notice, to the said Administrator at tin- office of Otto Ii. Willed, 1313 Sartori Ave., City of Tonance, County ot Los Angeles, State of California, which said office the undersigned selects as a place j of business in all matters con- 1 nected with said estate, or to 1 file them with the necessary, vouchers, within six months al- i lei- the first publication of this 1 notice, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California, In and for i the County of Los Angeles, i

DONALD ADMIRAL, ! Administrator of the Estate ol

said deceased. Dated November 20, 1943.

OTTO D. W1LLETT, 1313 Sartori Ave., Torrance, California, Alloi-iicy-ut-Luw.

i\o\. 25-Dcc. 2-0-1U.

Trial Dancing Event Set for Auditorium Friday, December 3

The TOITHIICO Servicemen's Foundation, a non-profii organi­ zation having the backing of lo­ cal service clubs, is sponsoring its first dance for enjoyment of the young people of Torrance on Friday evening, Dec. 3, it was announced today.

Arrangements have been made with Ansill Hill, formerly of Bal boa, to bring his 17-piece orches­ tra here for the occasion. The dance will be in the Civic Audi- tot fum which was opened thin weeit for youth activities after having been . closed since Pearl Harbo:-.

A special effort was made to induce the musicians to come here for this "trial" dancing event at considerable expense. If the patronage proves adequate the orchestra may be retained for future dances, it was said.

Red Cross Plans to Recruit Staff Aides

"Staff aides of Hie American Red Cross."

This designation henceforth will describe the newest oppor­ tunity for women to serve their country through the American lied Ci-o;a.

Announcement of the inaugu­ ration of this service was made public UiiH wc-cl; by Gurney E. Ncwlin, chairman of the Los An­ geles Red Cross chapter.

The new service of "Staff Aides" is open to women from 20 to 45 years of age. These wo­ men do not need to be of pro- A-ssional rank or social serviceworkers, as formerly required of staff assistants, according to

The regulation field gray uni­ form goes with the job, and as­ signments io foreign as well as domestic duty. Women appli­ cants are advised to write to the personnel office, Pacific area, American Red Cross at San Francisco.

Men over 38 are also needcc as field directors for the Red Cross, Newlin announced.

"Public Notice"


THE UNDERSIGNED do here by certify that I am conducting a manufacturing business ai 182nd and Prairie Streets, City of Torrance, County of Los An­ geles, State of California, under the fictitious firm name of Aus­ tin Manufacturing Company anc that said firm is composed of the following persons, whose names and addresses are as fol­ lows, to-wit:

Loren W. Austin, 1108 Ocean Park Boulevard, Santa Monica, Calif.

WITNESS his hand this 26th

LOREN W. AUSTIN. State of California, County or

Los Angeles, ss. On this 2Gth day cf October.

A. D., 1913, before me, Mary E. Beezley, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, re siding therein duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Lorcn W. Austin, known .to me to be the person whose name L. W. Austin subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowl edged to me that he executed the same.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand anil affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first abqve written.

MARY E. BEEZLEY, Notary Public in and lor said

County and State. Mv Commission expires July

20, 1947. Seal.

Nov. 4-11-18-2^.




Dimout Signs on Coastal Highways Ordered Removed

Signposting crews from II Automobile Club of SouthetCalifornia this- week arc schec uled to complete the dismnntlln of 5000 masonite signs markin tiic boundaries of the restricte headlight use zones between th Monterey county line and th Mexican border.

In.' tailed a little more than year ago, the insignia readin "Dim Your Headlights" an "Turn On Headlights' ' hav served their purpose tempon rily, according to word sent th auto club by Lloyd M. Smitl acting regional director, O.C.D Ninth Civilian Defense regioi San. Francisco.

The signs were installed orif inally to minimize the ligh thrown seaward by vehicles o] crating along the Southlan coast.


AND MAGAZINESOnly This Newspaper Can Off e

Such Reading Bargains

rnaBaiincs. You can get this paper L-ilhc

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s¥wD'AL"L"6Ki5E"sis"iird Torrance Herald1336 EL PRADO TORRANCI

Lomita News24702 NARBONNE LOMITA

IATIONat . ' '=a '


HOWARD G. LOCKE 1407 Mdicelina Ave. Phone 135-1

M & HI TRAKSFlined vaults nil at rc.-iEonablc |>to stnraijo. 11)17 Border Avenue

SPORTING GOODComplete Stack of Sportinu Coo Supphet. Call Ui for nil tvuos c tion, Rcpniriiirj, Wiring, Altoi-.i Sorvicc. TORRANCE ELECTRIC cnhnu AVCMUO, Phone ObA

e fiO *"" Tel. 524-J or 1

chandise ahippeH anywhere on t t p.ickina nnd storage in mots


S- ELECTRICAd«. Also Eloctnc.il Appliance! a f Electrical Work: Now Coiutru ions. Reasonable Pncei. Prom AL SHOP B. J. Scott. 1421 Mf