, , -- t , DIRECTORATEOF ADMINISTRATION&HR KHADIANDVILLAGEINDUSTRIESCOMMISSION, ~RLIA ROAD. VILEPARLE(W). MUMBAl-56. No.Adm-II/Sevottam Complaints/20 13-14/ (437) Date:07.06.2013 tD CIRCULAR Sub: I) To fix timeline for redressal of Grievances 2) Activating machinery for Public Grievances. ************ A copy of letter bearing F No.55/20/2012-P&PW(C) dated 18th February, 2013 alongwith O.M. bearing No.K-15011/l/2006-PG dated 22nd May, 2013 issued by Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare and Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances, New Delhi respectively on the above subjects are forwarded herewith to all concerned for information and further necessary action. This is issued with the approval of Chief Executiv~ Officer. Enc!.: As above. To All Heads of Offices of KVIC in and outside Mumbai. Copy to:- 1. All Members of the Commission. 2. Secretary to Chairman. 3. Commission Cell. 4. OSD, C.E.O. Cell. 5. A.O., F.A. Cell. 6. Dy. Director, CVO Cell. 7. P.A. to It. CEO. 8. P.A. to Dy.CEO(V.I.). 9. The Director (Publicity), KVIC, Mumbai (in duplicate) for publication in -the ensuing issue of Jagriti and for Media and PR cell. 10. The Hindi Officer, Hindi Cell, KVIC, Mumbai with a request to issue Hindi version of this Circular. 11. The Grievances Officer, KVIC, Mumbai. 12. The Public Relation Officer, KVIC,Mumbai. 13. DIT for website. 14. Information Cell (Adm.-II). PAPERFORWARDED --

To fix timeline for redressal of Grievances

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Page 1: To fix timeline for redressal of Grievances







No.Adm-II/Sevottam Complaints/20 13-14/ (437) Date:07.06.2013tD


Sub: I) To fix timeline for redressal of Grievances2) Activating machinery for Public Grievances.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

A copy of letter bearing F No.55/20/2012-P&PW(C) dated 18thFebruary, 2013 alongwith O.M. bearing No.K-15011/l/2006-PG dated 22ndMay, 2013 issued by Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, PublicGrievances and Pensions, Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare andDepartment of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances, New Delhirespectively on the above subjects are forwarded herewith to all concernedfor information and further necessary action.

This is issued with the approval of Chief Executiv~ Officer.

Enc!.: As above.


All Heads of Offices of KVICin and outside Mumbai.

Copy to:-

1. All Members of the Commission.2. Secretary to Chairman.3. Commission Cell.4. OSD, C.E.O. Cell.5. A.O., F.A. Cell.6. Dy. Director, CVO Cell.7. P.A. to It. CEO.8. P.A. to Dy.CEO(V.I.).9. The Director (Publicity), KVIC,Mumbai (in duplicate) for publication in

-the ensuing issue of Jagriti and for Media and PR cell.10. The Hindi Officer, Hindi Cell, KVIC, Mumbai with a request to issue

Hindi version of this Circular.11. The Grievances Officer, KVIC,Mumbai.12. The Public Relation Officer, KVIC,Mumbai.13. DITfor website.14. Information Cell (Adm.-II).



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F. No. 55!2012012-P&PW(C)Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, P.O. & Pensions.Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare..............

3"' Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,New Delhi, the 18thFebruary, 2013


All Nodal Officers of all Ministries! Departments(Web Based Pensioners' Portal)

Subje~t: To fix timeline for redressal of erievances.

Sir! Ma,dam

As per software developed for monitoring of Pension related grievances, all on- linegrievances of pensioners are being fed through web application CPENGRAMS available in l:hePensioners' Portal maintained by Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare and the sameare forwarded online to the concerned MinistrieslDepartmentslOrganizations for their redressal.It has, however, been felt that timely action is not being taken by various Ministries!Departmentsl Organizations for redressal of grievances and same remain pending for undulylong periods. There is thus need to emphasis upon the concerned officers dealing with thesegrievances in your Department for taking timely action on the grievances of pensioners so thatunnecessary delays could be avoided. The regional offices and field officers, wherever theyexist also need to be sensitized in this regard accordingly.

2. Any grievance redress system wouldbe failing in its primary purposeof the minimumcourtesy of acknowledgingreceiptof a complaintis not observed. As per the guidelines.issuedby Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances vide its Office Memorandum No. K150111112006-PG,dated 22ndMa8Y,2006, an acknowledgementhas to be sent immediatelyandat the most within a period of three days of the receiptof the grievanceand the grievanceitselfshould be redressed within a maximumperiod of two months of its receipt. cases where it is. not possible to give immediate reply, an interim reply should be given to the applicant. Animmediate action by the concerned Ministries! Departments! Organizations will be stepstowards pensioners' welfare and will go a long way in ameliorating the hardships ofPensioners. Further, in case it is not feasible to accede to the request made in the petition, areasoned reply may be issuedto the aggrievedcitizen within this stipulatedtime limit. ·3. As already requested earlier vide this Department's letters No. 411301201l-P&PW(C)dated 13.01.2012 and 15.10.2012, you are once again requested to fix the time-line for timelyredressal of grievances as per the guidelines issued by Department of AR&PG (copy enclosed).A detailed report 6n the action taken for implementation of these guidelines may also please besent to this Department.


y2u" faithfully\J/~ .

(Tripti P. Ghosh)Director

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No. K-15011/1/2006-PGGovernment of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and PensionsDepartment of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances

Sardar Patel Bhawan, Sansad MargNew Delhi, Dated: May 22, 2006


Subject: Activating machinery for Redress of Public Grievances.

. The undersigned is directed to refer to the consolidated guidelines issued by the Department ofAdministrative Refonns and Public Grievances for prompt and effective redress of public grievances. Ithas been emphasized that a fully functional redress mechanism needs to be in place in all Ministries ofGovernment of India and in the Department/Organizations under the Ministries for expeditious redressal

of p!1blic grievances. It has further been emphasized that the system of grievance redress mechanismshould be well publicized to ensure that the citizens are aware of the system and can interact with theDepartment to settle their grievances. However, complaints still continue regarding the delays and lack ofresponse. .

2. It is now reiterated that the following step may please be taken to ensure that the internal grievanceredress machinery is in order for prompt redressal of grievances of citizens:-


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A grievance should be acknowledged immediately and at the most within three days of thereceipt of the grievance. A grievance should be redressed within a period of a maximum of twomonths of its receipt. If finalization of a decision on a particular grievance is anticipated to takelonger than two months, an interim reply should invariably be sent.


."In case it is not feasible to accede to the request made in the petition, a reasoned reply may be :issued to the aggrieved citizen within this stipulated time limit.

Grievances received in the Ministries may be analyzed periodically at a senior level to identifygrievance prone areas of the Ministries/Departments to adopt systemic changes to eliminate thecauses of grievances.


(iv) Wide publicity of the grievance mechanism available in the Ministry and the names, designationand address of Director of Public Grievances may be given.

The Director of Public Grievances of the Ministries/Departments of Government of India maycall for the documents of the case and take a decision with the approval of the Secretary of theMinistry/Head of the Department/Organization if a grievance is not redressed within a period ofthree months.


(vi) Every Wednesday may be kept as meeting-less day for the Directors of Public Grievances forhearing the grievances of the citizens. The feedback mechanism may be ensured for an inbuiltmechanisms to correct deficiencies.

(vii) In order to promote responsive administration, the system of regular dialogue with user andcitizen groups on.grievance redress mechanism and service delivery may be strengthened.



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(viii) The software (pGRAMS) developed by the Department of Administrative Reforms and PublicGrievances in consultation with National Informatics Centre (NIC) for efficient management ofpublic grievances may be installed in all MinistrieslDepartments of Government ofIndia.

(ix) The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances with assistance from NIChas been providing necessary training to officers of different Ministries for better handling ofgrievances through PGRAMS for effective redressal of grievances of citizens.

All MinistrieslDepartments are requested to strengthen the Grievance Redress Mechanism to ensureeffective redressal of public grievances. Action taken on the issues may be communicated to thisDepartment.

(Shyamalima Banetjee)Director (PO)

Tele: 23745472

Directors of Grievances of all MinistrieslDepartmentsof Government of India