A PUBLICATION OF THE OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Vol. 4 No. 4 ISSN NO:2141-9590 March - April, 2017 NBTE Bulletin Board Chairman Prof. Modupe Adelabu Executive Secretary Dr. Masa'udu A. Kazaure, mni NBTE Vision and Mission Vision To be a world class regulatory body for the promotion of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Nigeria Mission To promote the production of skilled technical and professional manpower for the development and sustenance of the national economy Core Mandate To coordinate all aspects of Technical and Vocational Education falling outside university education NBTE Statutes th ? NBTE enabling Act No. 9 of 11 January, 1977 ? Education (National Minimum Standard and Establishment of Institution Act No. 16 of August 1985 and Act No. 9 of 1993 No. of Institutions under NBTE Purview ? Polytechnics 114 ? Colleges of Agriculture 35 ? Colleges of Health Sciences 35 ? Specialized Institutions 26 ? Innovation Enterprise Institutions (IEIs) 141 ? Vocational Enterprise Institutions(VEIs) 77 ? Technical Colleges 171 Total: 599 Snippets on NBTE Lawal Y. Hafiz, Chima A. Ejiofor, Jacob A. Abang (Editor), Esther Damisa, Fatima Abubakar, Nafisa Abba, Suleiman S. Gwarzo (Secretary) Aliyu I. Hassan (Graphics) Abdullahi Isah (Cameraman) website: www.nbte.gov.ng, All enquiries to: [email protected] Ansa O. Ndem, Cont. on Page 2 Mal Adamu Adamu Hon Minister of Education resident Muhammadu Buhari GCFR has approved the reconstitution of the Governing P Boards of 19 parastatals under the Federal Ministry of Education with the appointment of Prof Modupe Adelabu as the Chairman of the Governing Board of the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE). The Honourable Minister of Education, Mal. Adamu Adamu who conveyed the approval in a release which was signed by Mrs. P.C Ihuoma, the Director Press in the Ministry, said the reconstitution of the FG Reconstitutes Boards of FME Parastatals he Honourable Minister of Education, Mal. Adamu Adamu has inaugurated the newly reconstituted Governing T Councils of Federal Polytechnics in the country with a charge to members of the councils to ensure judicious use of resources that come to their institutions. Minister Inaugurates Councils of Fed Polys The inauguration ceremony which th was held on the 11 May, 2017 at the National Universities Commission (NUC) secretariat in Abuja was also followed with a two-day retreat to sensitize the new council members on the operations of the polytechnics. In his address, the Minister highlighted some of the responsibilities of Governing Councils to include, general management, overall control of finances, appointment, promotion, welfare and discipline of staff, and urged the members to avoid unnecessary intervention in the day-to-day running of their institutions. “There are clear cut areas of operation for the council and institution's management. You must avoid unnecessary rancor between you and management”. The Cont. on Page 2 Prof. Modupe Adelabu Chairman, NBTE Governing Board

Tnewly reconstituted Governing Apr 2017 Bulletin.pdfLawal Y. Hafiz, Chima A. Ejiofor, Jacob A. Abang (Editor), Esther Damisa, Fatima Abubakar, Nafisa Abba, Suleiman S. Gwarzo (Secretary)

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Page 1: Tnewly reconstituted Governing Apr 2017 Bulletin.pdfLawal Y. Hafiz, Chima A. Ejiofor, Jacob A. Abang (Editor), Esther Damisa, Fatima Abubakar, Nafisa Abba, Suleiman S. Gwarzo (Secretary)


Vol. 4 No. 4 ISSN NO:2141-9590March - April, 2017

NBTE BulletinBoard ChairmanProf. Modupe Adelabu

Executive SecretaryDr. Masa'udu A. Kazaure, mni

NBTE Vision and Mission

VisionTo be a world class regulatory body for the promotion of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Nigeria

MissionTo promote the production of skilled t echn ica l and p ro fe s s iona l manpower for the development and sustenance of the national economy

Core MandateTo coordinate all aspects of Technical and Vocational Education falling outside university education

NBTE Statutesth? NBTE enabling Act No. 9 of 11

January, 1977

? Education (National Minimum Standard and Establishment of Institution Act No. 16 of August 1985 and Act No. 9 of 1993

No. of Institutions under NBTE Purview?Polytechnics 114

?Colleges of Agriculture 35

?Colleges of Health Sciences 35

?Specialized Institutions 26

?Innovation Enterprise Institutions (IEIs) 141

?Vocational Enterprise Institutions(VEIs) 77

? Technical Colleges 171Total: 599

Snippets on NBTE

Lawal Y. Hafiz, Chima A. Ejiofor, Jacob A. Abang (Editor), Esther Damisa, Fatima Abubakar, Nafisa Abba, Suleiman S. Gwarzo (Secretary) Aliyu I. Hassan (Graphics) Abdullahi Isah (Cameraman)

website: www.nbte.gov.ng, All enquiries to: [email protected]

Ansa O. Ndem,

Cont. on Page 2

Mal Adamu AdamuHon Minister of Education

resident Muhammadu Buhari G C F R h a s a p p r o v e d t h e reconstitution of the Governing P

Boards of 19 parastatals under the Federal Ministry of Education with the appointment of Prof Modupe Adelabu as the Chairman of the Governing Board of the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE).The Honourable Minister of Education, Mal. Adamu Adamu who conveyed the approval in a release which was signed by Mrs. P.C Ihuoma, the Director Press in the Ministry, said the reconstitution of the

FG Reconstitutes Boards of FME Parastatals

he Honourable Minister of Education, Mal. Adamu Adamu has inaugurated the newly reconstituted Governing T

Councils of Federal Polytechnics in the country with a charge to members of the councils to ensure judicious use of resources that come to their institutions.

Minister Inaugurates Councils of Fed PolysThe inauguration ceremony which

thwas held on the 11 May, 2017 at the National Universities Commission (NUC) secretariat in Abuja was also followed with a two-day retreat to sensitize the new council members o n t h e o p e r a t i o n s o f t h e polytechnics.In his address, the Minister h i g h l i g h t e d s o m e o f t h e responsibilities of Governing Councils to include, general management, overall control of finances, appointment, promotion, welfare and discipline of staff, and urged the members to avoid unnecessary intervention in the day-to-day running of their institutions.“There are clear cut areas of operation for the council and institution's management. You must avoid unnecessary rancor between you and management”. The

Cont. on Page 2

Prof. Modupe AdelabuChairman, NBTE Governing Board

Page 2: Tnewly reconstituted Governing Apr 2017 Bulletin.pdfLawal Y. Hafiz, Chima A. Ejiofor, Jacob A. Abang (Editor), Esther Damisa, Fatima Abubakar, Nafisa Abba, Suleiman S. Gwarzo (Secretary)

NBTE Bulletin

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Cont’d from front page

Cont. on Page 9

(NLN).Others are Dr. Abuubakar Saddiq, National Examination Council (NECO); Prof Gidado Tahir, National Commission for Mass Literacy, Adult and Non-formal Education (NMEC); Dr. Gidado Bello Akko, National Commission for Nomadic Education (NCNE); Prof. Leonard Karshima Shilgba, National Board for Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEB); and Prof. Adamu Beiki, Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN).Also, Alhaji Maigari Dingyadi is the chairman of National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE);

Sen. Mallam Kaka Mallam Yale, National Teachers Institute; Prof.

FG Reconstitutes Boards ...boards is for a period of 4 years.Other chairmen and their agencies are as follows; Prof Ayo Banjo, National Universities Commission (NUC); Wantareh Paul Ulongo, National Education Research Development Council (NERDC); Chief Emeka Nwajiuba, Tertiary E d u c a t i o n T r u s t F u n d (TETFUND); Hon. Dr. Ekaete Obon Okon, National Institute for E d u c a t i o n P l a n n i n g Administration (NIEPA); Dr. Mahmud Muhammed, Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC); and Prof. Zainab Alkali, National Library of Nigeria

Minister Inaugurates Councils ...Minister warned.Mal. Adamu stated that the ministry decided to subject members to a retreat in order to equip them with the knowledge and skills required to perform effectively and efficiently. He said, “Through retreats, government equ ips members wi th the knowledge and skills to lead this level of education to higher positions.”While reiterating President Buhari's commitment to rapid development of the Technical and Vocational Education sector, the minister lamented that efforts of government in this regard are hampered by the persistent corruption in the sector.He urged council members to embrace the whistle blowing p o l i c y o f t h e p r e s e n t administration, noting that the policy is constitutional and also a l o n g s t a n d i n g c u l t u r a l responsibility of all citizens.According to the minister “Whistle blowing should not be restricted to financial crimes alone, it is mandatory for all stakeholders in

Cont’d from front page

Cross section of members of Governing Councils of Federal Polytechnics at the inauguration.

From left: Chairman House Committee on Education, Hon Suleiman Aminu, Chairman Senate Committee on Tertiary Institution, Sen. Jibrin Barau and ES NBTE, Dr. M. A. Kazaure at the inauguration ceremony.

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Minister Inaugurates Councils ...the education sector to utilize and embrace it even if it is about yourself.”He further urged the members to delve into agricultural skills training in line with the current g o v e r n m e n t ' s p o l i c y o f diversifying the economy to non-oil sector. He noted that skills development is prominent in the recently launched Economic Recovery and Growth Plan, 2017 – 2020, as a strategy for improving employment outcomes and increasing productivity and growth in Nigeria.“The responsibility of providing Nigeria's large young population with the knowledge and skills needed by the labour market largely rest on you. You must, therefore provide the right skills to prepare graduands for the labour market”, the Minister stated.Also, the Honourable Minister of State for Education, Prof. Anthony Anwuka has urged members of the governing councils to take their appointment seriously as their role is vital to national development. Prof. Anwuka said councils are not meant to fight management of their institutions, rather the members are supposed to provide wise counsel to their managements to ensure that things are done accordingly stressing that, “remember that there is no money in these institutions to be shared, rather council members are supposed to bring in something into the various polytechnics and not take out, so if you are looking to take out instead of bringing in, then you are in the wrong place”.T h e C h a i r m a n o f S e n a t e Committee on Tertiary Education and TETFund, Sen. Jibrin Barau and his counterpart at the House Committee on Tertiary Education and Services, Rt. Hon. Aminu Suleiman also delivered their goodwill messages in which they

reiterated the support of the Nat ional Assembly to take Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Nigeria to a higher level.The ceremony proceeded with a retreat in which the Executive Secretary of National Board for Technical Education, Dr. M.A Kazaure presented the lead paper on “Role of Governing Councils in the

Ministry of Finance.In a vote of thanks, the Chairman of the Governing Council of the Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu, Alh. Mohammad Abubakar while thanking the government for the confidence it reposed in them gave the assurance that members shall not do anything that will damage their reputations.

Administration of Polytechnics”.Other presenters i n c l u d e d t h e Director of State Security Service o n “ Te r t i a r y Education and S e c u r i t y Chal lenges in Nigeria”; Federal C h a r a c t e r Principles, i ts Implementation, Challenges and P r o s p e c t s i n T e r t i a r y Institutions”, by the Cha i rman Federal Character Commission; and “ C o r r u p t i o n , Ethics and Extant R u l e s ” b y Chairman ICPC and Chairman EFCC.O t h e r s a l s o included “Public Procurement Act 2007 and Public P r o c u r e m e n t Processes” by the Director General B P P ; a n d “Budgetary and B u d g e t Implementation Processes” by the Director, Budget Office, Federal

Cont’d from page 2

HME, Mal. Adamu Adamu flanked by HMSE, Prof Anthony Anwuka (right) and ES NBTE, Dr M. A. Kazaure (left) during the inauguration

HME, Mal Adamu Adamu while presenting appointment letter to a Council Member (right). Middle is ES NBTE

ES NBTE, Dr M. A. Kazaure while presenting the keynote address at the retreat for members of governing councils of Federal Polytechnics in Abuja

Page 4: Tnewly reconstituted Governing Apr 2017 Bulletin.pdfLawal Y. Hafiz, Chima A. Ejiofor, Jacob A. Abang (Editor), Esther Damisa, Fatima Abubakar, Nafisa Abba, Suleiman S. Gwarzo (Secretary)

NBTE Bulletin

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he Director General of Industrial Training Fund T(ITF), Sir Joseph Ari has

e x p r e s s e d t h e n e e d f o r collaboration with the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) to uplift Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) in l i n e w i t h t h e p r e s e n t a d m i n i s t r a t i o n p o l i c y o f diversifying the economy to enhance national growth.The Director General who stated this during a courtesy visit to the Board in Kaduna said he was also at the Board to consult with stakeholders including NBTE, NUC and NCCE on how to reorganize the Students Industrial Work Exper ience Scheme (SIWES) in order to move the scheme forward.He said his agency intends to o rg a n i z e a s t a k e h o l d e r ' s conference later in the year to brainstorm on how the scheme should be run stressing that the conference will require the active participation of chief executives.He further disclosed that ITF was repositioning with a view to becoming a leading partner in the production of qualified and highly skilled manpower to enhance production in the industrial sector and to also export skills to the rest of the world. The Director General further urged the Executive Secretary of NBTE to agree to present a paper at the proposed stakeholders conference which he noted is intended to leverage the SIWES scheme and take comprehensive decision on how the scheme should go. He appealed to the Board to grant approval for the mounting of four new programmes by the Fund and

to carry out a critique on two draft curricula which it has submitted to the Board.Responding, the NBTE Executive Secretary, Dr. Masa'udu Adamu Kazaure congratulated Sir Joseph Ari on his appointment as the DG, ITF and gave the assurance of the Board's cooperation with the Fund. The Executive Secretary said there is the need to partner with the industries to know the manpower and skills they need to transform Nigeria into an industrialized

nation. He recommended the need for training of the ITF staff as quality assurance managers.He further announced that the Honourable Minister of Education has approved the request of the Fund to establish and operate an Innovation Enterprise Institution (IEIs).The Executive Secretary urged the ITF to introduce the Teacher Industrial Training Scheme (TIWES) to also afford the teachers industry experience.

DG ITF Visits NBTE, Seeks Collaboration with Board

ES NBTE and DG ITF (4th & 5th, right) with officials of NBTE and ITF during ITF DG's visit to the Board in Kaduna

DG ITF, Sir Joseph Ari (1st right) and ES NBTE Dr M. A. Kazaure (2nd right) with officials of ITF during visit to Kaduna.

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delegation from the Office of the Presidential Committee on North East Initiative A

(PCNI) subcommittee on education was at the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) in Kaduna to seek for collaboration with the Board in the development of standard education and to be a major stakeholder especially in the area of Technical and Vocational Training in Nigeria's North East.Engr. Mohammed Gambo Umar, mni who represented the chairperson of the committee, Prof. Hauwa Biu stated that the body was set up by President Buhari with regards to situation of education in Nigeria, and north-east in particular. He said the body is charged with the responsibilities to coordinate and facilitate all aspects of education in the North-East and to promote accountability and transparency.“About 49.8% of North East children are dropouts with Borno State having the highest number, while the literacy rate stands at 18.1% only, the rest are stack illiterates which forms the bedrock of insurgency in the region” Engr. Umar noted.He further stated that the major problems facing education in the zone include unqualif ied teachers , inadequate infrastructure, poorly equipped and insufficient laboratories among others.

While urging the Board to assist the committee in fulfilling its mandate and also consider appointing the PCNI liaison officer in the Board, Engr Umar gave the assurance that the Committee was working hard to reposition education through the provision of infrastructures, Technical Vocational Education and Training and skills development. Responding, the Executive Secretary of NBTE, Dr. M. A Kazaure appreciated the PCNI for the visit, congratulated the team on a well-deserved appointment. He gave the assurance that the Board will give its maximum coopera t ion to the Committee to achieve the goal for which it was created.

The Executive Secretary stated that the different categories of youths should be given skills through training with the National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) to rise through the six stages of NVQ which is equivalent to HND.He advised that vocational centres and technica l co l leges should be established, stressing that each Technical College is supposed to have four vocational centres in a local government and for every four Technical Colleges there should be a polytechnic.

The Executive Secretary who pledged

the Board's readiness to collaborate

with the Committee announced the

appointment of Engr. Suleiman Yusuf

as the PCNI Desk Officer.

PCNI to Collaborate with NBTE on TVE Training in North East

he Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, Nasarawa State played host to over 4,000 T

athletes drawn from over 81 polytechnics across the country for

t hthe 19 edition of Nigeria Polytechnic Games (NIPOGA) tagged NASARA 2017.

thThe games which held between 26

thApril and 7 May, 2017 witnessed sports men and women competing for laurels in no fewer than fou r t een games i nc lud ing Athletics, Badminton, Basketball (male and Female), Chess, Football (male and female), Handball (male and female), Hockey, Judo, Scrabble, Table

was unique as it incorporated developing the Nigerian youth through sports.

thFederal Polytechnic Nasarawa Hosts 19 NIPOGA

T e n n i s , T a e k w o n d o , T e n n i s a n d Volleyball (male and female). Rector of the host institution and President of N I P O G A Council, Prof. A b d u l k a d i r Saidu Shettima

t hsaid the 19 edition of the sporting fiesta

The rec tor who expressed appreciation to the NIPOGA

Cont. on Page 11

Deputy Gov of Nasarawa State, Mr Silas Ali-Agara cutting the tape to declare the 19th edition of NIPOGA games open

ES NBTE (6th right) and PCNI team leader (7th right) with officials of NBTE during the visit.

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NBTE Bulletin

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he Registrar, National Business and Technical E x a m i n a t i o n B o a r d T

(NABTEB), Prof. Ifeoma M. Isiugo-Abanihe has said that there is the need to upgrade the NABTEB curriculum beyond the level of master craftsman going by the comprehensive nature of Te c h n i c a l a n d Vo c a t i o n a l Education and Training (TVET)The Registrar stated this when she led a delegation of the management of NABTEB on a courtesy visit to the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) in Kaduna.Prof. Isiugo-Abanihe commended the Board's effort in taking the TVET sector to the next level, but decried the situation whereby some universities reject NABTEB certificates at the point of entry with the excuse that the NABTEB curriculum is not up to the entry requirements. She therefore called for the review of the curriculum to be at par with NECO, WAEC.She further commended the collaboration between her Board and the NBTE on the development and institutionalization of the National Vocational Qualification Framework (NVQF) in the country, noting that it will make the certification more flexible and robust. She expressed the need for training of more NABTEB assessors to meet the requirements of the NVQF.Responding, the Executive Secretary Dr. Masa'udu Adamu Kazaure called for resuscitation of the Joint Action Committee (NBTE-NABTEB) where issues concerning the two bodies can be tabled.Dr. Kazaure argued that NABTEB certificate holders are supposed to be feeders to the polytechnic and not the universities. He said the curriculum is based on the needs of the society hence; there is the need

f o r r e g u l a r review of the curriculum and equipment to meet the needs of society and o t h e r stakeholders.In his remark, D e p u t y D i r e c t o r , T e c h n i c a l C o l l e g e

Division NBTE, Mallam Husseini Muhammad advised that technical and science subjects should not be separated in the technical colleges. He said another major problem is that of conflict between NERDC and NBTE curriculum. He urged that the no accreditation no examination law should be enforced on the Technical Colleges.

ES NBTE & Registrar NABTEB (middle) with officials of NBTE and NABTEB during the meeting in Kaduna.

NABTEB Seeks Upgrade of Curriculum

Also, the Desk Officer, NVQF Engr. S.M. Yusuf who spoke on the certification of the NVQs informed that NABTEB has the sole responsibility for quality assurance and awarding of certificates.He said that NVQF was born due to lack of placement of some certificates in the scheme of service.

Group photograph of the ES NBTE and Registrar NABTEB with officials of NBTE and NABTEB in Kaduna.

ES NBTE Dr M. A. Kazaure (right) with NABTEB Registrar Prof Ifeoma Isiugo-Abanihe during the meeting

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NBTE Bulletin

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he Sec re ta ry to the G o v e r n m e n t o f t h e Tfederation, Engr. Babachir

David Lawal has described effective service delivery as the major pillar for realizing the change Agenda of the present administrationEngr.Lawal stated this during the

stopening ceremony of the 1 National Policy Dialogue on service delivery organized by SERVICOM under the auspices of the Office of the Secretary to the Federal Government held at the State House Banquet Hall, Abuja.He said the aim of the forum is to seek ways to critically enhance citizen -focused Service Delivery, and sensitize the public and

decision makers in the public and private sectors on citizen's expectations.He also added that the dialogue will seek to improve government connection with the citizens noting that as government look for effective and efficient medium for provision of goods and services for the benefits of its citizens the efficacy of public service is critical.In her address, the Head of Civil Service of the Federation, Mrs. Winifred Oyo-Ita said the dialogue came at a time the service was developing a new and oriented Civil Service in Nigeria and tasked SERVICOM to intensify its s e n s i t i z a t i o n d r i v e i n a l l government agencies toward

quality and effective service delivery to Nigerians.She disclosed that the result oriented service planned by her office will focus on culture change in the public service that will evolve through a crop of Efficient Productive, Incorruptible and Citizen Centered (EPIC) service.While commending SERVICOM for initiating the policy dialogue, she explained that the effort points to the present administration's genuine concern for efficient service delivery in the countryDignitaries in attendance included Ministers, chief Executives of Government Parastatals, top military and paramilitary personnel as well as SERVICOM Nodal Officers in all the MDAs.

stSERVICOM Holds 1 National Policy Dialogue on Service Delivery

xecutive Secretary of the N a t i o n a l B o a r d f o r Technical Education, Dr. E

Masa'udu Adamu Kazaure has expressed deep joy over the abolishment of the dichotomy that existed between the Higher National Diploma (HND) and Bachelor of Science (BSc) at the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS.)Dr. Kazaure who conveyed this in a commendation letter to the Comptroller General of Customs, Col. Hameed Ibrahim Ali (Rtd) said the elevation of HND holders to Grade Level 8 was in line with t h e C i r c u l a r r e f . HCSF/EPO/EIR/CND/100/ST/98

thdated 8 September, 2016 from the office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation.“Your prompt compliance with the circular has not only portray the Custom Service as progressive, but a pacesetter in the ongoing service wide reform initiative of the present administration”, the Executive Secretary said.While commending the CGC for his fair-rounded approach, Dr.

NBTE Scribe Commends Customs Boss for Elevating HND Holders Kazaure expressed his profound appreciation on behalf of the T e c h n i c a l a n d Vocational Education ( T V E ) s e c t o r i n Nigeria.I n h i s r e s p o n s e t h r o u g h a l e t t e r r e f e r e n c e d NCS/ADM/MGT/001/S.29/C, the CGC t h a n k e d t h e Management of the Board and stated that the approach was in tandem with the 3 key point mandate given to him on assumption of office to restructure, reform and improve revenue generation.Col. Hameed who noted that the implementation of the mandate was initially misconstrued for other sinister motives, expressed his determination to bring sanity to the service and the country in general.It would be recalled that the Comptroller General of Customs

had earlier abolished the dichotomy between HND and BSc at the Nigeria Customs Service by adopting and implementing government directive to bridge the divide that existed between holders of the two degrees where the HND holders are now equal their counterparts with BSc.

Dr M. A. Kazaure, mniExecutive Secretary, NBTE

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NBTE Bulletin

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he Executive Secretary of Na t iona l Boa rd fo r TTechnical Educat ion

(NBTE), Dr. Masa'udu Adamu Kazaure has inaugurated the newly reconst i tuted Anti-Corruption and Transparency Unit (ACTU) of the Board.In a brief ceremony at the NBTE Secretariat in Kaduna, Dr. Kazaure said that the exit from service of the former chairman of the Unit informed the need for the reconstitution of new members of the unit.He ca l l ed on t he newly inaugurated members to work closely and effectively with the ICPC to tackle problems not only in NBTE but also in the polytechnic sector.He urged them to look into the illegalities in the sector and find a lasting solution to them going by the anti-corruption crusade of the present administration.In a goodwill message by the ICPC Chairman, Mr. Ekpo Nta who was represented by the North West Zonal Commissioner of the Commission, Mr. Olusegun Adigun said the directive for the establishment of ACTU was given to all MDAs as far as 2001. He said the ACTU is supposed to s e r v e a s o n e o f t h e implementation mechanisms for the corrupt ion prevention mandate of the ICPC.He charged the members of the unit to use the appointment as a turning point for ensuring that the Board does its business in a more accountable and transparent manner.W h i l e u rg i n g t h e n e w l y inaugurated members to be vigilant and attentive, he enjoined all staff of the Board to lend their support to the Unit on the task

ES NBTE (3rd right) with officials of NBTE and ICPC during inauguration of NBTE ACTU Unit in Kaduna

ES Inaugurates NBTE Anti-Corruption and Transparency Unit

ahead. Responding on behalf of the members of ACTU, the Chairman, Arc Kabir Dayyabu thanked the E x e c u t i v e S e c r e t a r y a n d Management for the confidence they repose in them and gave the assurance that the team will work diligently and leave up to expectation.

The ACTU team has Arc Kabir Dayybu as chairman, while Tijjani Sule, Bashir Danmulki, Ibrahim Salihu, Yusuf Barau and Maryam Usman Daura are members.The oath of allegiance was administered on the team by Manniru Muhammad of the ICPC office Kaduna.

Members of NBTE ACTU Unit while taking the oath of allegiance during the inauguration ceremony

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NBTE Bulletin

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o u n c i l o f H e a d s o f Polytechnics and Colleges of Technology in Nigeria C

(COHEADS) has charged rectors to showcase intelligence, integrity and expertise as their services are being engaged to supervise the 2017 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

thArising from its 136 Regular

thmeeting held on 28 March, 2017 at the NBTE auditorium in Kaduna, the Council charged the rectors not to compromise the process, but to support the effort of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) in organizing a credible examination as well as provide equal platform for the candidates.In his remarks, the Executive Secretary of NBTE, Dr. Masa'udu Adamu Kazaure who was also present at the meeting expressed the need for the creation of skills acquisition centres in the country.Dr. Kazaure stated that standards and guidelines for establishing these centres will be set and therefore

enjoined all the polytechnics to key into it. He said the polytechnics should utilize the opportunity to train and certify staff in line with the guidelines and procedures.The Executive Secretary said that the skill acquisition centre is an informal type of education whereby assessors will be verified by a verifier while the awarding body issues the certificate.The Chairman of COHEADS who is the rector of Kwara State polytechnic, Ilorin Polytechnic, Alh. Masud Ilelu urged the rectors to key into skills acquisition centres which will be of immense help to their communities.Also, the Secretary General of Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa (CAPA), Dr. Olubunmi Owosu, said NBTE has gone far in setting up NVQF in Nigeria. He expressed appreciation for the effort of the Executive Secretary for taking Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) to another level in Nigeria and Africa at large.Dr. Owosu charged rectors to work

with NBTE in raising the campaign to take TVET to a greater height, urging them also to meet up their subscription of the CAPA annual dues and support Nigerians to take elective positions in CAPA.The commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa is based in Nairobi, Kenya with the vision to be the voice of TVET which is very relevant today than ever.

COHEADS Tasks Rectors on Integrity during UTME Supervision

he bill for an act to abolish the discr iminat ion between Tbachelor degree and Higher

National Diploma (HND) in the same profession has passed the second r e a d i n g i n t h e H o u s e o f Representatives. The bill was passed

thon 11 April 2017 during a plenary session to prohibit the existing dichotomy between both certificates.Hon. Isa Ali and Hon. Edward Pwajok who co-sponsored the bill which is seeking to create equal employmen t and p romot ion opportunities for graduates of polytechnic with that of the university.Following his statement, Hon. Isa said HND holders in the country suffer serious let down and discrimination over the years which in turn affect their career pursuit. He said that the dichotomy allows holder of first degree to be placed on GL 8 and terminates at 17 while HND

Bill to End Discrimination against HND Passes Second Reading

holders are placed on GL 7 and terminates at 14. He said that it is illegal and therefore should come to an end.He said “There have been circulars issued by the Head of Service at different times either to direct that both university graduates and HND holders be treated equally or

otherwise. The policy of government has been very consistent, but when it becomes a law, everybody will have to comply.”Contributing to the debate, Hon. Pwajok said a research he carried out on both certificates shows that the discrimination has no moral justification.

Hon Edward Pwajok.Hon Isa Ali

Alh Masud EleluChairman COHEADS and Rector Kwara

State Polytechnic Ilorin

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NBTE Bulletin

egistrars of the Committee of Health Practitioners in Nigeria were at the office R

of the Executive Secretary of the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), Dr. Masa'udu Kazaure to discuss issues that would move the health sector forward.While briefing the Executive Secretary on the visit, the chairman of the committee, Alhaji Muhammad Ibrahim said they were in Kaduna to strengthen relationship with the Board and to explore areas of collaboration to eradicate quackery in the system.Alh Muhammed who commended the Board's efforts in moving the TVET sector forward, called for a scheme of work for the new programmes before introducing them to the institutions as well as the closure of programmes offered in the teaching hospitals across the country and advised that the courses should be moved to the colleges and polytechnics.Also Speaking, Mrs. Akande Olufunke, representing Medical R e h a b i l i t a t i o n T h e r a p i s t Registration Board (MRTRB) said that it will be preferred if the National Diploma Programmes are run for three years with practical inclusive to qualify the students to be practitioners instead of the one year Industrial Training outside the school.The registrar, Dental Technologist Registration Board (DTRB), Dr. Olaiya S. Olayinka on his path suggested a- 4 year direct HND p r o g r a m m e f o r a l l t h e professionals in the sector while Prof. Uzordike of the Optometrists and Dispens ing Opt ic ians Registration Board of Nigeria (ODORBN) said the status quo be maintained as the ND is the middle manpower. She said that nothing should go beyond the given minimum standard of education.

The representative of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN), Alheri Yusuf appreciated the flexibility the Board has introduced but argued that since each practitioner has its peculiar problem; members of the committee should meet the board and find a lasting solution to their problems.In his response, the Executive Secretary of NBTE, Dr. M.A. Kazaure while welcoming the committee said that the Federal Ministry of Education has relaxed the criteria for the establishment of institutions in the country in order to expand access to education, explaining that this informed the reason for the increase in the number of private technical and vocational institutions.The Executive Secretary further s t a t e d t h a t t h e B o a r d i s s p e a r h e a d i n g t h e institutionalization of the National

Registrars of Health Practitioners Bodies Meet ES NBTE

Vo c a t i o n a l Q u a l i f i c a t i o n Framework (NVQF) in the country for the development of skills and competences of Nigerian artisan, technicians and technologists.He commended the chairman of the committee for initiating the meeting, stressing that it will bridge the communication gap between the Board and the registrars.The Ag Director, Monotechnics Department, Mrs. Helen Oduntan further expressed the need for the health sector regulatory bodies to assist the NBTE in the development of curriculum. She enjoined the bodies to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Board and also consult the Board on structures that are required for the institutions while also advising that only competent and reliable representatives should be sent to pa r t i c ipa t e i n t he Boa rd ' s accreditation exercise.

Group Photograph of ES and NBTE officials with Registrars of Health Practitioners Bodies during the visit in Kaduna

Meeting of NBTE Management with Registrars of Health Practitioners Bodies in Kaduna

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NBTE Bulletin

s part of efforts to diversify the economy, the National Board for Technical A

E d u c a t i o n ( N B T E ) i n collaboration with Network for Agricultural Technical Education in Nigeria (NATEN) organized a w o r k s h o p o n R e v e n u e Mobilization and Grant Proposal W r i t i n g f o r N e t w o r k o f Agricultural Education and Training Colleges.The three day workshop which was held at the NBTE Centre of Excellence for TVE in Kaduna, aimed at equipping the colleges and other institutions on how to access funds from donor agencies

to carry out their activities. In his opening remark, the Executive Secretary of NBTE, Dr. M A Kazaure said the apathy to the practice and involvement in agriculture by Nigerians in recent time is a source of great concern under the able leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari.“Therefore the need of refocusing the interest of the youth in Agriculture is the way forward to increase the country's fortune and also keep the teaming population of youth gainfully employed, thereby taking them off the streets and reducing the prevalence of social ills in the society”.

NBTE, NATEN Holds Workshop on Revenue Mobilization and Grant Proposal WritingDr Kazaure who was represented b y t h e A g . D i r e c t o r o f M o n o t e c h n i c P r o g r a m m e s department, Mrs. Helen Odutan said, “The Board is particularly interested in the trend, and will insist on entrepreneurship skills development in all programmes within the institutions under her purview”. T h e E x e c u t i v e S e c r e t a r y c o m m e n d e d N AT E N f o r organizing the workshop and expressed the hope that the intended goals of the workshop which is to bring about much needed economic growth of our dear country Nigeria would be achieved.

right we may not have the opportunity to put up the sporting facilities that we are seeing today”While urging participants to maintain the NIPOGA spirit of sportsmanship, the rector added that irrespective of ethnic and religious differences, Nigerians need each other in their day to day endeavours as no one individual can live in isolation and survive.The rector said the NIPOGA Council brought the A3 Foundation to the games to emphasize the need for youths to leverage on sports to become entrepreneurs. The Chief Executive Officer of A3 Foundation, and widow of the late former governor of Kogi State, Prince Abubakar Audu, Hajiya Aisha Audu-Emeje said her foundation put up an active social centre at the host polytechnic in order to produce entrepreneurship minded youths at the end of the fiesta. She said the Foundation was also able to bring to the games the former Super Eagle's coach, Mr. Samson Siasia and other grassroots sports promoters to boost athletes' morale to put in their best in the competition.Also, the Deputy Governor of

Nasarawa State, Mr. Silas Ali-Agara who represented the state governor at the occasion said the state was solidly behind the games. According to him, “Hosting the NIPOGA will in the long run add value to what the Nasarawa state government was doing in the state”.The Deputy Governor, who

thunmasked the 19 NIPOGA mascot to declare the games open, further

all means, but honourably and by decency to uphold the tenets of the games.The Executive Secretary who was represented at the event by the Board's Director of physical Planning and Development, TPl. Ekpenyong Ekpenyong, added that the NBTE holds the games in high esteem considering the important

th... Nasarawa Hosts 19 NIPOGACont’d from page 5

Cont. on Page 12

stated that NIPOGA was one of the biggest sporting fiestas in the country, adding that the game will compete or perhaps dwarf the National Universities Games (NUGA) due to the number of constituents. He noted that the game provides a good avenue for talent hunt and urged athletes to take advantage of the fiesta to excel in their sporting carrier, while also admonishing them to compete in a healthy rivalry and avoid drugs and other negative influences.In his goodwill message, the Executive Secretary of the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), Dr. M.A. Kazaure implored athletes to strive hard to win laurels, not by

ES Representative, NBTE Director of Physical Planning, Tpl Ekpenyong Ekpenyong (right) with the Rector Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa Prof Abdulkadir Saidu Shettima (left) during the opening ceremony of the games.

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as laudable, adding that the meeting is necessary to give an insight on what the IPPIS is all

fficials of the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System O

(IPPIS) held an interactive m e e t i n g w i t h h e a d s o f polytechnics, bursars and unions of Federal Polytechnics in Nigeria.The meeting which held at Kaduna was organized by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) to sensitize participants on the IPPIS policy of the Federal Government.In his address, the leader of the team, Mr. Stephen Ojo said the aim of the IPPIS is to centralize payment and payroll system to ensure convenient and prompt payment of staff remuneration with minimal wastage.Other objectives of the IPPIS according to Mr. Ojo include easy storage, updating and retrieval of p e r s o n n e l r e c o r d s f o r administrative and pension processing. It also aids manpower planning and budgetary with correct personnel emoluments of t h e F e d e r a l G o v e r n m e n t Employee at any point in time.While suggesting that institutions should be sensitized and the problems of shortfall should be resolved in the institutions before the polytechnics are enrolled in the IPPIS, he said “Similar interactive meetings have been extended to other regulatory bodies like the NUC and NCCE which also have peculiarities that the IPPIS will take care of, provided all the details are submitted and the pension Fund Administration number is correct employees will be captured”.In his remark, the NBTE Executive Secretary, Dr. M. A Kazaure applauded the IPPIS for the initiative which he described

IPPIS Meets Rectors, Bursars and Unions of Federal Polytechnics

about. He therefore urged the Federal Polytechnics to key into the system.

ro le i t p lays in fos te r ing friendliness in the polytechnic system.Other goodwill messages were received from rectors and provosts of polytechnics and colleges of technology across the country.Dignitaries at the opening ceremony included top politicians, traditional rulers including the Emirs of Nasarawa, Keffi, the Etsu Nupe and his counterpart from Agatu among others.Meanwhile, the games ended on

thSunday, 7 May, 2017 with the Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu emerging the overall winner. O t h e r s i n c l u d e d F e d e r a l Polytechnic, Ad-Ekiti and Yaba College of Technology, Yaba Lagos which emerged second and third position respectively, while Nuhu Bamali Polytechnic, Zaria and the

hos t Po ly technic , Federa l Polytechnic, Nasarawa took fourth and fifth position respectively. Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin was granted the hosting right for

ththe 20 edition of the games scheduled for 2019.

th... Nasarawa Hosts 19 NIPOGACont’d from page 11

DFA Mal Sayyid Haruna and Director CoE Dr Amina Idris at the IPPIS training

Former Board DFA Alh Isa Sulaimanu and other participants at the meeting

19th NIPOGA Mascot

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Indigent Scheme: The management of Federal Polytechnic, Bida has launched its indigent scheme (LS) which is designed to support students who are unable to afford their school fees.Daily Trust p.32 06/04/2017: Reps moves to establish federal poly in Dukku: The House of Representatives has passed for second reading a bill that seeks to establish a Federal Polytechnic in Dukku Gombe state.Leadership p.6 11/04/2017: Customs Moves HND Holders On salary to salary GL.8: The controller General of Customs, Col. Hameed Ali, has announced that HND holders on salary Grade level 07 in the service are automatically moved to Gl. 08 while the supplementary will be made for their arrears.Daily Sun p.12 12/04/2017: Bill to Equate HND with University Degree passes Second Reading: The House of representatives yesterday passed for a second reading, a bill for an Act, seeking to end the age long dichotomy between Higher National Diploma (HND) and University degrees.Daily Trust p.32 13/04/2017: Nasarawa poly introduces autotronics: The rector Nasarawa state polytechnic Lafia, Dr.Silas Gyar says the institution has introduced new courses during the 2016/2017 academic session including autotronics and mecatronics. The rector has said the institution is awaiting a team from National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) for the restoration of lost accreditation of courses in the school.The Guardian p.22 20/04/2017: German Govt makes case for vocational training: The German Government has charged Nigeria to strengthen efforts towards economic resuscitation through Vocational skills Development especially among youths.The Guardian p.8 26/04/2017: FG Set to Bridge Skills Gap in Educational System: The Federal Ministry of Education has announced plans to bridge the widening gap between quality of graduates and the actual needs of industries.This Day p.33 26/04/2017: Monarch Tasks Poly Management on Industrial Devt. Curriculum: A royal father, The Ayangburen of Ikorodu, Oba Kabiru Adewale Shotobi has called on the management of polytechnics in the country to focus on the various curricular that will produce the manpower needed to drive the industrial development and other policies of government.Leadership p.46 08/05/2017: Al-Makura To Partner Federal Poly Nasarawa on Skills Acquisition: The Nasarawa state Government is set to collaborate with the Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa in the area of skills acquisition, youth and women empowerment and other vulnerable members of the society.

Leadership p.19 9/03/2017: Lecturers urged To Acquire ICT Skills: Lecturers of the Federal Polytechnic Bida have been urged to take the acquisition of computer very seriously as it is a criterion for promotion.Daily Sun p.12 14/03/2017: Amosun upgrades MAPOLY, to re-establish Ogun poly: Ogun State Governor, Ibikunle Amosun has signed into law, a bill upgrading the state owned Moshood Abiola Polytechnic (MAPOLY), Abeokuta, to Moshood Abiola University of Science and Technology Abeokuta.Leadership p.10 21/03/2017: Fed Poly Nasarawa to Establish Research Directorate, Flexible Skills Devt: The Rector of the Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, Professor Shettima Abdulkadir has said that the institution will soon establish a directorate of research and flexible skills development.The Guardian p.32 21/03/2017: Lawyers wants Polytechnic Members of Staff Suspended over Court Case: As the newly appointed acting rector, Auchi Polytechnic, Dr. Sunny Jimah settles to tackle challenges facing the institution, a lawyer R.A Muhammad has written to the management of the polytechnic, requesting that 12 of its staff be suspended as a result of an alleged criminal charge against them in court.The Nation p.25 23/03/2017: African Union celebrates ENACTUS power project: The African Union Foundation has selected H-power project of the ENACTUS Nigeria as one the African most innovative projects presented and showcased at inaugural session of African Economic Platform organized by the foundation.Leadership p.10 23/03/2017: Bida Poly Trains Students on Entrepreneur: The entrepreneurship education of Federal Polytechnic, Bida has begun to train students of the institution to acquire practical skills on how to be self-reliant using modern strategies.Leadership p.23 23/03/2017: Communities Patronize Federal Polytechnic Bida Made Equipment: Communities in Bida, Niger State have begun to use Federal Polytechnic Bida's made agricultural machines and equipment.Leadership p.28 28/03/2017: Vocational Training will Unlock Potentials of Youths: The Minister of Labour and Employment, Sen. Chris Ngige said training in emerging vocational trades is key to unlocking the potentials of Nigerian youths and stemming the tide of unemployment.Daily Trust p.7 03/04/2017: Accurate Data Key to Qualitative, Functional Education Says Minister: Minister of state for Education, Mr. Anthony Anwukah, has stressed the need for accurate information data in educational research and planning at all levels of government.Leadership p.10 03/04/2017: Bida Poly Launches

Briefs from the National Newspapers

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a l l a m G a m b o Abdullahi Imam, a Principal Human M

Resources Officer of the Board th

died after a brief illness on 8 April 2017 at the age of 49. Malam Gambo who was born

r. Anu Adeniran, Deputy Director R e s e a r c h a n d M

Statistics Division of the Academic Planning, Research and ICT Department was blessed with a baby girl, Ifeoluwa, Josephine, Prosper, Iyannula, Ayomikun, Adeotu,

ndAbike–Aro on the 2 April, 2017.

Death thon 9 November 1968 hails f r o m C h a n c h a g a L o c a l Government Area of Niger State. He joined the services of

stthe Board on 1 August, 2002 as a Personnel Office II. He is survived by his mother, wife, daughter and other relatives. Mallam Gambo who was the Secretary General of the B o a r d ' s S e n i o r S t a f f Association, (TEBSSA), has s i n c e b e e n b u r i e d i n accordance with Islamic rites.

alam Lawal Bello Roni, a chief driver of the Board passed M

ston after a brief illness on 1 April, 2017 at the age of 51. Mal. Roni who hails from Roni in Jigawa State joined the

rdservices of the Board 3 November, 2010. He has since

Mal. Gambo Abdullahi Imam

al. Usman Sani of t h e H u m a n R e s o u r c e s M

Department lost his brother, Ibrahim Dewu on Thursday

Bereavement Child Birth

been buried in accordance with Islamic rites. He is survived by a wife and six children.NBTE Bulletin commiserates with the families of the deceased and prays the almighty God grant their soul eternal rest.

Mal. Lawal Bello Roni

rs. Susan Abia , L a b o r a t o r y Technician at the M

NBTE Clinic gave out her


t h13 April 2017 after a prot rac ted i l lness . The deceased is survived by a wife, daughter, aged mother and other relatives. He has since been buried in accordance with Islamic rites.

daughter, Nneka Ogechukwu Abia in marriage to Kenechi

ndKurtis Onechie on 22 April 2017 at the Cathedral Church of the Advent of Nigeria, Life Camp, Gwarinpa Abuja.

The Couple with the brides parents Mr & Mrs AbiaBaby Ifeoluwa Josephine Adeniran

Page 15: Tnewly reconstituted Governing Apr 2017 Bulletin.pdfLawal Y. Hafiz, Chima A. Ejiofor, Jacob A. Abang (Editor), Esther Damisa, Fatima Abubakar, Nafisa Abba, Suleiman S. Gwarzo (Secretary)

March BirthdaysNAME Birthdays Department

th1. Idehen Regina 9 March Clinic, ES Office

nd2. Emmanuel Jacob Peter 2 March Audit, ES Office

th3. Adamu Lawal Bello 8 March Finance & Accountsth4. Suleiman Hamsatu 27 March Finance & Accountsth

5. Waziri I Bala 19 March Finance & Accountsth

6. Ibikunle Sola-Loko 17 March Human Resourcesnd7. Danjuma M. Kajuru 2 March Human Resources

th8. Idris Yakubu 4 March Human Resourcesst

9. Adamu Lawal 1 March Human Resourcesth

10. Musa Hamidu 28 March Human Resourcesnd11. Sagir Alhaji Umar 2 March Human Resourcesth12. Kabiru Dayyabu Moh'd 12 March Physical Planningth13. Ahmed B. Salehijo 27 March Programmes

th14. Musa Binta 15 March Programmes

th15. Nsan Nsan Tiku 19 March Programmes

April Birthdaysth

1. Farouk Sakinatu 24 April ES Officend

2. Mohammed Hajara 2 April Finance & Accounts th3. Tahir Sani Usman 20 April Finance & Accounts th4. Idris Idris Zakari 19 April Finance & Accountsth5. Afegbua F.M .B 24 April Human Resourcesth

6. Damisa Esther 17 April Human Resourcesth

7. Odubu Ayaebi Oweiba 30 April Human Resourcesth8. Buba Lawan Sule 12 April Human Resources

th9. Jidda Mohammed 7 April Human Resourcesst

10. Abba Nafisa 1 April Human Resourcesst

11. Rabiu Musa 1 April Human Resourcesth12. Gambo Sabo 14 April Human Resources

rd13. Onipede Rotimi 3 April Human Resourcesth

14. Awan Samuel 24 April Human Resourcesth

15. Zubairu Aminu 15 April Human Resources16. Yakubu Abdulkarim 1stApril Human Resources17. Adeniran Anu Joseph 30thApril Academic Planning

th18. Abang Jacob Akem 19 April Academic Planning19. Rufa'i Halima Ladidi Moh'd 30th April Physical planning

th20. Aliyu Hassan Imafidor 6 April Academic planning21. Sani Rabi 18thApril Academic planning22. Jumare Moh'd Kabir 4thApril Programmes

th23. Tanko Esther Timothy 4 April Programmesth24. Miri Ebipade Micheal 19 April Programmesst25. Hassan Aliyu 21 April Programmes

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NBTE Bulletin wishes all of you a happy birthday and many happy returns.


Page 16: Tnewly reconstituted Governing Apr 2017 Bulletin.pdfLawal Y. Hafiz, Chima A. Ejiofor, Jacob A. Abang (Editor), Esther Damisa, Fatima Abubakar, Nafisa Abba, Suleiman S. Gwarzo (Secretary)

1.Airforce Institute of Technology (AFIT), Kaduna, Kaduna State. 2.Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Unwana, Afikpo, Ebonyi State3.Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo State 4.Federal Polytechnic Ado – Ekiti, Ekiti State5.Federal Polytechnic, Bali, Taraba State6.Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, 7.Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger State8.Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu, Yobe State9.Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Osun State10.Federal Polytechnic, Ekowe, Bayelsa State11.Federal Polytechnic, Idah, Kogi State12.Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State 13.Federal Polytechnic Ile Oluji, Ondo State14.Federal Polytechnic, K/Namoda, Zamfara State. 15.Federal Polytechnic, Mubi, Adamawa State16.Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa17.Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri, Imo State. 18.Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State19.Federal Polytechnic Oil and Gas Bonny, Rivers State20.Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra State21.Federal Polytechnic, Ukana, Akwa Ibom State. 22.Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic, Kazaure, Jigawa State. 23.Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, 24.National Institute Of Construction Technology, Uromi, Edo State25.Nigerian Army Institute of Tech. & Environmental Studies, NAITES, Makurdi, 26.Petroleum Training Institute, Effurun, Delta State.27.Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, Birnin-Kebbi, Kebbi State. 28.Yaba College of Technology, Yaba, Lagos State.

STATE 1.Abdu Gusau Polytechnic, Talata Mafara2.Abia State Polytechnic, Aba3.Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic, Ijebu-Igbo4.Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic, Bauchi5.Adamawa State Polytechnic, Yola6.Akwa Ibom State College of Art & Science, Nung Ukim 7.Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua8.Bayelsa State College Of Arts & Science, Yenogoa9.Benue State Polytechnic, Ugbokolo10.Cross Rivers State Institute of Technology and Management, Ugep11.D.S. Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic, Itori-Ewekoro 12.Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi-Uku13.Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe-Oghara14.Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro15.Edo State Institute of Technology and Management, Usen16.Gateway Polytechnic, Saapade17.Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic, Katsina18.Ibarapa Polytechnic, Eruwa 19.Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo-Ohaji20.Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu21.Jigawa State Polytechnic, Dutse22.Kano State Polytechnic, Kano23.Ken Sarowiwa Polytechnic, Bori, Rivers State24.Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja25.Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin26.Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu27.Mai-Idris Alooma Polytechnic, Geidam28.Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta29.Nasarawa State Polytechnic, Nasarawa30.Niger State Polytechnic, Zungeru31.Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic, Zaria32.Ogun State Institute of Technology, Igbesa33.Oke-Ogun Polytechnic, Saki 34.Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke35.Osun State Polytechnic, Iree36.Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin Ladi37.Port-Harcourt Polytechnic, Port Harcourt38.Ramat Polytechnic, Maiduguri39.Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo40.The Polytechnic, Ibadan41.Umaru Aliyu Shinkafi Polytechnic Sokoto, Sokoto State42.Zamfara State College Of Arts and Science, Gusau

PRIVATE1.Al-Hikma Polytechnic Karu Nasarawa State2.Allover Central Polytechnic, Sango Ota, Ogun State. 3.Best Solution Polytechnic, Akure Ondo State4.Bolmor Polytechnic, Dugbe, Ibadan, Oyo State. 5.Calvary Polytechnic, Owa-Oyibu Delta State6.College of Technology, Iresi, Osun State7.Covenant Polytechnic, Aba, Abia State.8.Crown Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State

NBTE Bulletin

9.Dorben Polytechnic, Bwari, Abuja.10.Eastern Polytechnic, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. 11.Fidei Polytechnic, Gboko, Benue State.12.Gboko Polytechnic, Gboko, Benue State13.Global Polytechnic, Akure, Ondo State14.Grace Polytechnic, Surulere, Lagos State. 15.Heritage Polytechnic, Ikot Udota, Eket, Akwa Ibom State16.Ibadan City Polytechnic, Ibadan Oyo State17.Igbajo Polytechnic, Igbajo Osun State.18.Interlink Polytechnic, Ijebu-Jesa, Osun State19.Kalac Christal Polytechnic, Lekki, Lagos State. 20.Kings Polytechnic, Ubiaja, Edo State21.Lagos City Polytechnic, Ikeja, Lagos State. 22.Lens Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State23.Lighthouse Polytechnic, Benin City, Edo State24.Marist Polytechnic, Umuchigbo, Iji-Nike, Emene Enugu State25.Nacabs Polytechnic, Akwanga, Nasarawa State26.Nogak Polytechnic, Ikom, Cross Rivers State27.Our Saviour Institute of Science, Agriculture & Tech. Enugu, Enugu State. 28.Prime Polytechnic, Jida Bassa, Ajaokuta, Kogi State. 29.Ronik Polytechnic, Ejigbo, Ikeja, Lagos State. 30.Shaka Polytechnic, Benin City, Edo State.31.St. Mary Polytechnic, Kwamba, Suleja, Niger State32.Sure Foundation Polytechnic, Ikot Akai, Ukanafun LGA, Akwa Ibom State33.Temple Gate Polytechnic, Aba, Abia State.34.The Polytechnic, Igbo-Owu, Kwara State35.The Polytechnic, Ile Ife, Osun State. 36.The Polytechnic, Imesi-Ile, Osun State.37.The Polytechnic Otada Adoka, Otukpo, Benue State38.Tower Polytechnic, Dugbe, Ibadan. 39.Trinity Polytechnic Uyo, Akwa Ibom State40.Uyo City Polytechnic, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State41.Valley View Polytechnic, Ohafia Abia State42.Wolex Polytechnic, Iwo, Osun State.

COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE 1.Akperan Orshi College of Agriculture, Yandev2.Anambra State College of Agriculture Mgbakwu3.Audu Bako College of Agriculture, Danbatta4.Bauchi State College of Agriculture5.Binyaminu Usman Polytechnic Hadejia, Jigawa State 6.College of Agriculture & Animal Health, Bakura7.College of Agric & Animal Science, DAC-ABU, Mando, Kaduna8.College of Agriculture, Jalingo9.College of Agriculture, DAC-ABU, Kabba10.College of Agriculture, Lafia11.College of Agriculture, Zuru12.Edo State College of Agriculture, Iguoriakhi13.Enugu State Polytechnic, Iwollo14.Federal College of Agriculture, Akure15.Federal College of Agriculture, Moor Plantation, Ibadan16.Federal College of Agriculture, Ishiagu17.Federal College of Agricultural Produce, Kano 18.Federal College of Animal Health & Production Tech., Ibadan19.Federal College of Animal Health & Production Technology, Vom20.Federal College of Fisheries & Marine Technology, VI, Lagos21.Federal College of Forestry, Jericho Hill, Ibadan22.Federal College of Forestry, Jos23.Federal College of Forestry Mechanization, Afaka24.Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology, Baga25.Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology, New Bussa26.Federal College of Horticulture, Dadin Kowa Gombe27.Federal College of Land Resources Technology, Kuru, Jos28.Federal College of Land Resources Technology, Owerri29.Federal College of Wildlife Management, New Bussa30.Mohamet Lawan College of Agriculture, Maiduguri31.Niger State College of Agriculture, Mokwa32.Oyo State College of Agriculture, Igbo-Ora33.Plateau State College of Agriculture, Garkawa34.Samaru College of Agriculture, DAC-ABU, Zaria35.Yobe State College of Agriculture, Gujba

COLLEGES OF HEALTH SCIENCES 1.ABUTH, School of Health Information Management - Zaria.2.AKTH, School of Health Information Management - Kano.3.UCTH, School of Health Information Management,Calabar.4.School of Health Information Management - UUTH, Uyo.5.LUTH, School of Health Information Management - Lagos.6.UMTH, School of Health Information Management - Maiduguri.7.UBTH, School of Health Information Management – Benin City.8.NAUTH, School of Health Information Management –Nnewi.9.OAUTHC, School of Health Information Management – Ile Ife.10.School of Health Information Management – UCH, Ibadan.

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11.UDUTH, School of Health Information Management Sokoto.12.UITH, School of Health Information Management – Ilorin.13.Federal School of Dental Technology & Therapy, Enugu.14.Federal College of Orthopedic Technology, NOH, Igbobi-Lagos.15.School of Orthopedic Cast Tech. N.O.H. Igbobi Lagos.16.School of Orthopeadic Cast Technology NOH, Dala- Kano.17.School of Orthopeadic Cast NOH, Technology, Enugu.18.Federal College of Animal Health & Production Technology, Vom.19.Shehu Idris College of Health Sciences & Technology, Makarfi-Kaduna State.20.Abia State College of Health Sciences & Management Technology, Aba.21.Cross River College of Health Technology, Calabar.22.Ogun State College of Health Sciences & Technology, Ilese, Ijebu- Ode.23.Kwara State College of Health Technology, Offa.24.Rivers State College of Health Sciences & Technology, Port Harcourt.25.Delta State College of Health Technology, Ufuoma- Ughelli.26.School of Health Technology, Akure- Ondo State.27.Plateau State College of Health Technology, Zawan.28.Anambra State College of Health Sciences & Technology, Obosi.29.Imo State College of Nursing & Health Sciences, Amaigbo.30.Gombe State College of Health Sciences & Technology, Kaltungo.31.NKST College of Health Technology, Mkar-Gboko, Benue State.32.POGIL College of Health Technology, Oke-Eri Ijebu Ode, Ogun State.33.Millenium College of Health Technology, Akure, Ondo State.34.Newgate, College of Health Technology-Minna, Niger State.35.Aminu Dabo College of Health Sciences & Technology, Kano.

SPECIALISED INSTITUTIONS 1.College of Business and Management Studies, Konduga 2.College of Administration and Business Studies, Potiskum 3.Federal Cooperative College, Kaduna4.Federal Cooperative College, Ibadan5.Federal Cooperative College, Oji – River6.Federal School of Statistics, Manchok7.Federal School of Surveying, Oyo8.Federal Training Centre, Calabar9.Federal Training Centre, Enugu10.Federal Training Centre, Ikoyi11.Federal Training Centre, Ilorin12.Federal Training Centre, Kaduna13.Federal Training Centre, Maiduguri14.Jigawa State Institute of Information Technology, Kazaure15.Maritime Academy of Nigeria, Oron16.Metallurgical Training Institute, Onitsha17.Michael Imodu National Institute for Labour Studies, Ilorin18.National Water Resources Institute, Mando, Kaduna19.Nigerian Army School of Finance and Administration, Apapa, Lagos20.Nigerian Army School of Signals, Apapa, Lagos21.Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT), Zaria22.Nigerian Institute of Journalism, Ikeja, Lagos23.Nigerian Institute of Leather and Chemical Technology, Samaru, Zaria24. Nigerian Navy Engineering College, Sapele25.Nigerian Navy Finance and Logistics College, Owerrinta, Abia State26. Wavecrest College of Catering and Hospitality Management, Lagos.

INNOVATION ENTERPRISE INSTITUTIONS (IEIs) 1. Afrihub ICT Institute, Wuse II, Abuja2. Ambassador College, Festac, Lagos3.Ambassador College of Management and Tech., Rumuokwrushi, P/Harcourt4.Aquatech Institute of Fisheries Management, Ibadan5.Arewa Paralegal Innovation Enterprise, Kaduna6.Benson Idahosa School of Basic & Applied Studies, Benin City7.Best Global Business and Financial School, Kachia Road Kaduna8.Bonny Vocational Centre, Bonny Island9.Buckingham Academy of Management and Tech., Ogidi, Anambra10.Business Education Examinations Council (BEEC), Lagos11.Calvary Foundation Institute of Technology, Enugu12.Calvary College of Technology, Ijoko, Ogun State13.Central Institute of Business and Tech. Egba, Benin City14.Centre for Creative Arts Education, Port-Harcourt15.Certified Institute of Shipping of Nigeria (CISN), Lagos16.Cherish Enterprise Institute, Batsari17.CIFMAN Institute of Technology, Sabo, Yaba, Lagos18.City Gate Institute of Innovation and Technology, Ibadan 19.Clara School of Media & Performing Arts, Yenogoa20.College of Banking and Finance, Ibadan21.Complete Computers and Technology Institute, Benin City22.Comprehensive Institute of Mgt & Tech, Byazin, Kubwa, Abuja23.Corner Stone Institute of Management and Technology Uyo, Akwa Ibom State24.Dalewares Institute of Technology, Lagos25.Daibo Paralegal Training Institute, Lagos.26.Del – York Creative Academy Ikoyi, Lagos27.Dialogue Computer Institute, Kaduna Centre, Kaduna.28.Dialogue Computer Institute, Katsina Centre, Katsina.29.Digital Bridge Institute, Kano30.Digital Bridge Institute, Lagos31.DOTS.ICT Institute of Technology, Agbadu Road, Abeokuta32.ECWA Information and Computer Science Institute, Jos, Plateau State33.Emdee Shipping and Maritime College, Apapa, Lagos34.Entrepreneurship Vocational Technology Ltd, Matan Fada, Kano State

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35.Enville Institute of Environmental and Safety Management Ikeja, Lagos36.Environmental Sustainability Thinking and Action Centre (ESTAC), Enugu.37.Fame School of Music, Lekki Phase I, Lagos38.FCFM-Afaka Entrepreneurship Centre, Kaduna39.Filaps Media Training Institute, Kano40.Film and Broadcast Academy, Ozoro41.First Mark Innovation School of Technology, Ado-Ekiti42.Flyingdove Institute of Information Technology, Abuja43.Foundation College of Technology, Ikot Idem, Ikot Ekpene44.Gateway Industrial Petrogas Institute, Oni45.Global Maritime Academy, Ogoni-Olomu46.Global Institute of Commerce and Technology Gwarinpa, Abuja47.Gloryland Institute of Management Ankpa, Kogi State48.Graig Philips College of Technology Maryland, Lagos49.Highland College of Technology and Further Education, Ibadan50.Honourable Justice L. O. Aremu's Academy for Basic Studies Ibadan, Oyo State51.Ibom Institute of Management and Technology, Ikot Ekpene52.Ibrahim Shehu Shema Business Institute Katsina, Katsina State53.IFO College of Management and Technology, Ifo, Ogun State54.IMFI-ICT Academy, Uyo55.ITF Models Skills Training Centre, Maitama, Abuja 56.Innovation Institute of Information Technology, Akure, Ondo State57.Innovation Institute of Technology, Kaduna.58.Institute of Banking and Finanace, Ibadan59.Institute of Information and Computer Tech., Awgu, Enugu State60.International Chaplaincy Corps Network (ICCN) Institute of Security Tech and Management, Orlu61.Izisco Obos Institute of Marine Studies & Technology, Warri62.Kaduna Business School, Kaduna63.KarRox/UGRL Computer Education and Training, Ibadan Centre64.KarRox/UGRL Computer Education and Training, Ikeja Centre, Lagos65.KarRox/UGRL Computer Education and Training, Ogba Centre, Lagos66.KarRox/UGRL Computer Education and Training, Surulere Centre, Lagos 67.Ladela Educational Institute (Dreamsville Ltd), Wuse, Abuja68.Lagos Aviation and Maritime Business (LAMB) Academy, Iyana-Paja, 69.Lagos City Computer College, Ikeja, Lagos70.Laser Petroleum Geosciences Centre, Port-Harcourt71.Lens School of Management and Technology, Offa, Kwara State72.Linet Paul Innovative Institute, Etegwe-Yenagoa73.Living Spring College of Innovation Technology, Oshogbo, Osun State74.Lufodo Academy of Performing Arts, Ikoyi-Lagos75.Marvel Institute of Management & Tech, Kuchikau, Nasarawa State76.Maurid Institute of Management and Technology, Nasarawa77.Maurid Institute of Management and Technology Oron, Akwa Ibom State78.Mbara Ozioma College of Technology Ehime – Mbano, Imo State79.Merchant Seaman Academy, Ikot Adautor Essien, Udim Akwa Ibom State80.Metropolitan Institute of Technology, Benin City81.Minna Institute of Technology and Innovation, , Minna, Niger State82.My Project Institute of Security and Tech. Management, Zuba, Abuja, FCT83.NAOWA Institute of Management and Technology, Asokoro, Abuja84.National Centre for Women Development, Abuja85.National Film Institute, Jos, Plateau State86.National Institute of Transport & Management Tech, Lagos87.Niger-Delta Innovation Enterprise Institute, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State88.NIIT-IDM. 9 Oba Akran Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos89.NIIT Abeokuta Centre90.NIIT Ajah Centre91.NIIT Benin Centre92.NIIT Festac Centre93.NIIT Garki Centre, Abuja 94.NIIT Gbagada Centre, Lagos95.NIIT Ikorodu Centre96.NIIT Kaduna Centre97.NIIT Offa Centre98.NIIT Ota Centre99.NIIT Owerri Centre100.NIIT PHC Dline. Port-Harcourt101.NIIT Surulere Centre102.NIIT Uyo Centre103.NIIT Warri Centre104.NIIT Wuse, Abuja105.Nspire School of Management and Tech, Oyo House, Abuja, FCT106.NTA TV College Jos107.Olawoyin Awosika School of Innovation Studies (OASIS), Lagos108.ONIT Institute of Technology, Njikoka109.Oseni Elamah ICT Institute, Auchi110.Offercentre Institute of Agriculture, Olupona Iwo, Osun State111.Pan-African Institute of Paralegal Studies Gwarimpa, Abuja112.Pencil Film and Television Institute (PEFTI), Lagos113.Prime Innovation Institute of Technology, Ajah, Lagos114.Risk Control Academy, Lagos115.Rocana Institute of Technology, Enugu116.Royal Arts Academy Surulere, Lagos117.Sagamu Business and Arts Institute Sagamu, Ogun State118.School of Banking Honours, Ikeja, Lagos119.Sentona Institute of Management and Tech, New Nyanya, Karu Abuja120.Smart Image Film and Theatre Institute, Ibadan121.Southern Eastern College for Computer Engineering and Info Tech Owerri 122.Southern Nigerian Institute of Innovation Tech Ifewara, Ile Ife, Osun123.Stars Maritime Academy, Lafenwa124.St. Augustine Innovation Enterprise Institution, Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos125.St. Rita Innovative Institute, Onitsha126.St. Winifred Innovative Institute, Ibadan127.TEEBABS Innovation Institute, Itele-Ota, Ogun State128.Timeon Kairos Educational and Vocational Institute, Akowanjo, Lagos129.Total Human Capital Development Institute, Lagos 130.Tower Innovative College, Dugbe, Ibadan131.Trizas Institute for Innovation Education, Enugu132.UA College of Science and Technology Isuofia, Anambra State

Page 18: Tnewly reconstituted Governing Apr 2017 Bulletin.pdfLawal Y. Hafiz, Chima A. Ejiofor, Jacob A. Abang (Editor), Esther Damisa, Fatima Abubakar, Nafisa Abba, Suleiman S. Gwarzo (Secretary)

133.Umuebe Farm College, Abakaliki134.United Cement Community Initiative Dev. Training Institute Mfamosing Cross River State135.United School of Science and Technology, Jos136.Unival Institute of Technology, Benin City137.Uptonville Oil and Gas Institute, Port-Harcourt138.Yahaya Hamza Institute of Advanced Studies, Kaduna139.Yefmadec Institute of Science and Technology, Mosogar, Delta State140.Yenagoa Enterprise School, Yenagoa141.Zibeh Institute of Technology, Jos, Plateau State

VOCATIONAL ENTERPRISE INSTITUTIONS (VEIs) 1. Agency for Mass Education (AME) Tech. Centre, Asokoro, Garki, FCT. VTC Kwali, Abuja, Campus2. Agency for Mass Education(AME) Training Centres, Asokoro District, Abuja. 3. Ambassador College of Mgt. and Tech, Rumuokwurushi, Port-Harcourt 4. Best Global Business and Financial School, Kaduna, Kaduna State5. Bonny Vocational Centre, Bonny Island, Rivers State6. Buckingham Academy of Management. and Tech, Ogidi Anambra State 7. Calvary Foundation Institute of Technology, (CAFITECH), Enugu8. Cherish Enterprise Institute, Batsari, Katsina State9. Complete Computers and Technology Institute, Benin City, Edo State10. Dalewares Institute of Technology, Lagos 11. DOF Institute of Catering and Hospitality, Ikeja. 12. ECWA International College of Technology, Jos, Plateau State13. Entrepreneurial Vocational Technology Ltd. Matan Fada Kano 14. ESTAC, Institute of Construction & Engineering, Enugu. 15. Exhale Salon and Beauty Institute, Unguwan Rimi, Kaduna. 16. FCFM-Afaka Entrepreneurship Centre, Kaduna, Kaduna State 17. Film and Broadcast Academy (FABA), Ozoro-Delta State. 18. First Mark Innovation School of Technology, Ado-Ekiti19. Flyingdove Institute of Information Technology, Abuja, FCT20. Gateway Industrial Petrogas Institute, Oni, Ogun State21. Global Maritime Academy, Ogoni-Olomu, Delta State22. Hajia Sa'udatu and Ummul-Khairi Foundation, Kurawa Quarters, Kano23. Hanzy Beauty International Institute Ltd, Kaduna 24. Highland College of Technology & Further Studies, Ibadan, 25. Hotel & Tourism Business School, Ikeja, Lagos State26. ICCN Institute of Security Technology and Management, Orlu, Imo State27. IMFI-ICT Academy, Akwa Ibom State. 28. Innovation Institute of Technology, Kaduna 29. Institute of Administration and Construction Engineering, Awgu, Enugu State30. Institute of Information and Computer Technology, Awgu, Enugu State31. Izisco Obos Institute of Marine Studies & Technology, Warri, Delta State32. JKN Training Centre, Oshodi, Lagos 33. Kano Innovative Vocational Technology Institute, 34. Kazaure Innovation Institute, Kazaure, Jigawa State 35. Lagos City Computer College, Ikeja, Lagos State. 36. Landmark Academy of Hospitality Management, Port Harcourt37. Linet Paul Innovative Institute, Etegwe- Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. 38. Lobi School of Management and Technology, Makurdi39. Metropolitan Institute of Technology, Benin City, Edo State.40. NAOWA Institute of Management and Technology, Asokoro, Abuja41. National Centre for Women Development Central Business District, Abuja 42. NIIT Abeokuta Centre, Abeokuta, Ogun State. 43. NIIT Ajah Centre, Lagos44. NIIT Benin Centre, Benin City, 45. NIIT Education and Training Centre. Oba Akran Avenue, Ikeja Lagos46. NIIT Festac Centre, Lagos 47. NIIT Garki Centre, Abuja. 48. NIIT Gbagada Centre, Lagos State. 49. NIIT Ikorodu Centre, Lagos State. 50. NIIT Kaduna Centre, Kaduna State. 51. NIIT Offa Centre, Kwara State. 52. NIIT Ota Centre, Ogun State. 53. NIIT Owerri Centre, Imo State. 54. NIIT Port Harcourt Centre, Rivers State. 55. NIIT Surulere Centre, Lagos 56. NIIT Uyo Centre, Akwa Ibom State. 57. NIIT Warri Centre, Effurun, Warri, Delta State 58. NIIT Wuse-Abuja Centre, Abuja. 59. Nspire Educational Services, Abuja FCT60. OFFERCentre Institute of Agriculture, Oluponna, Osun State61. Oseni Elamah ICT Institute 62. PAN Training Centre, Kaduna 63. Prime Innovation Institute of Technology, Ajah, Lagos64. Rocana Institute of Technology, Enugu65. Southern Nigerian Institute of Innovation Technology, Ifewara, Ile Ife66. St. Winifred Innovative Institute, Ibadan, Oyo State. 67. Topearl Catering Institute, Port Harcourt, Rivers State68. UA College of Science and Technology, Osuofia69. Umuebe Farm College, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State70. Unival Institute of Technology, Benin City71. UTAGBA-UNO Vocational Enterprise Institute, Delta State 72. Yenagoa Enterprise School, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State73. Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) Vocational Training Centre, Kaduna State

FEDERAL, STATE AND PRIVATE TECHNICAL COLLEGES1. Ohafia Technical College, Ania 2. Government Technical College, Mubi 3. Government Technical College, Yola 4. Vocational Technical Training Centre, Mayo-Balwa 5. Vocational Technical Training Centre, Mubi 6. Vocational Technical Training Centre, Yola 7. Community Technical College, Ikot-Akata 8. Government Technical College, Abak

9. Government Technical College, Ewet-Uyo 10. Government Technical College, Oron 11. Union Technical College, Ikpa-Eket 12. Federal Science Technical College, Zik Avenue, Awka, 13. Government Technical College, Onitsha 14. Nigeria Science and Technical College, Nnewi, Anambra State15. Federal Science Technical College, Tungbo, Bayelsa State.16. Government Day Technical College, Bauchi17. Government Day Technical College, Gar18. Government Day Technical College, Azare19. Government Day Technical College, Tafawa Balewa20. Government Day Technical College,Jama'are21. Government Day Technical College, Gamawa22. Government Day Technical College, Kafin Madaki23. Benue State University Technical College, Makurdi 24. St. Joseph Technical College, Makurdi 25. St. Jude's Technical College, Tse-Mker 26. Community Technical College, Calabar 27. Government Technical College, Ogoja 28. Agbor Technical College, Agbor 29. Issele-Uku Technical College, Issele-Uku 30. Ofagbe Technical College, Ofagbe 31. Ogor Technical College, Otogor Ughelli 32. Sapele Technical College, Sapele 33. Utagba-Ogbe Technical College, Kwale34. Federal Science Technical College, Uromi, P.M.B. 4, Uromi 35. Government Technical College, Ado Ekiti36. Government Technical College, Ikole-Ekiti37. Government Technical College, Enugu 38. Government Technical College, Nsukka 39. Government Science and Technical College, Gombe 40. Government Science and Technical College, Kumo 41. Ahiara Science & Technical College, Ahiara 42. Government Technical College, Owerri 43. Government Technical College, Okohia, Osu 44. Government Technical College, Okporo, Orlu 45. Government Technical College, Hadejia 46. Government Science Technical College Karkarna47. Government Science Technical College Birnin Kudu48. Government Science Technical College Ringim49. Federal Science Technical College, 50. Kafanchan, P. M. B. 1017, Kafanchan 51. Government Technical College, Kajuru 52. Government Technical College, Malali 53. Tafawa Balewa Memorial Commercial College, Samaru Kataf 54. Government Commercial College, Bagauda 55. Government Technical College, Kano 56. Government Technical College, Ungogo 57. Government Technical College, Wudil 58. Government Girl's Commercial College, Mai Adua 59. Government Girl's Technical Commercial College, Charanchi 60. Government Technical College, Funtua 61. Government Technical College, Ingawa 62. Government Technical College, Mashi 63. Federal Science Technical College, Zuru, 64. Government Technical College, Bunza 65. Government Technical College, Zuru 66. Government Technical College, Amadu-Asungblu 67. Government Technical College, Erinle Ille 68. Government Technical College, Esie Iludun 69. Government Technical College, Pategi 70. Federal Science Technical College, Yaba 71. Government Technical College, Ado-Soba 72. Government Technical College, Agidingbi, Ikeja 73. Government Technical College, Ikorodu 74. Government Technical College, Ikotun 75. Government Technical College, Odomola, Epe 76. Government Technical College, Asakio 77. Federal Science Technical College, Shiroro78. Government Technical College, Eyagi Bida 79. Government Technical College, Kontagora 80. Government Technical College, Minna 81. Government Technical College, New Bussa 82. Government Technical College, Aiyetoro 83. Government Technical College, Ajegunle 84. Government Technical College, Idi-Aba (Abeokuta) 85. Government Technical College, Igbesa 86. Government Technical College, Ijegbu Igbo 87. Government Technical College, Ijebu-Ode 88. Government Technical College, Ilara Remo 89. Don Bosco Training Centres, Ondo, Ondo State 90. Federal Science Technical College, Ikare Akoko 91. Government Technical College, Idanre 92. Government Technical College, Oka Akoko 93. Government Technical College, Owo 94. Federal Science Technical College, Ilesa 95. Government Technical College, Osogbo 96. Government Technical College, Bukuru 97. Government Technical College, Ele-Ogu 98. Government Technical College, Port Harcourt 99. Ahmadu Bello Academy, Farfaru 100. Government Girl's Secondary School, Tambuwal 101. Government Technical College, Bafarawa 102. Government Technical College, Binji 103. Government Technical College, Farfaru 104. Federal Science Technical College, 105. Jalingo, P.M.B. 1022, Jalingo, Taraba State 106. Government Science and Technical College, Geidam 107. Government Technical College, Kaura Namoda 108. Federal Science and Technical College, Orozo, Abuja109. Government Science and Technical College, Garki

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