Tnb Setup Blogs Item In

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  • 8/6/2019 Tnb Setup Blogs Item In


    1Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Getting started with your

    2Monday, May 31, 2010

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    How to Get Started

    Basic Requirements: Computer Internet Connection

    Online Accounts: Email Account Video Account Photo Account

    3Monday, May 31, 2010
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    Email Account

    1.Go to on Documents on the right sidebar3.Click on the GoogleDocs icon

    4.Create an Account

    4Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Create an Email Account

    5Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Video Account

    1.Set up your account2.Click Create your accountbutton.3.Upload your photos and videos(limited)

    4.From your New Post click the icon.

    6Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Create/Sign in to your Google Account

    Create Account Sign In

    7Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Parts of Homepage

    Homepage Main Menu

    Home Members Blogs

    Get Started News Contact

    Active Blogs

    8Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Pages of Teachnblog

    PagesGet Started

    Office ToolsPhoto Tools

    Video ToolsMiscellaneous ResourceGrading Tools



    9Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Create an Account Go to Click on any of the 3 Registration options at the


    Registration Link

    10Monday, May 31, 2010
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    Member AdminMenu

    TeachnBlog homepage My Account My Blogs Notifications

    11Monday, May 31, 2010

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    My Account

    The my profile page allows you

    to update most of the sameitems that were asked during the"create your free blogProcess. You can updateyour information, change your

    email &password, and add a bio &profile picture.

    Please take special note of the

    following items when updatingyour blog profile:

    Activity Profile Blogs Messages

    Friends Settings Logout

    12Monday, May 31, 2010

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    My BlogsMy Blogs menu is where you will manage, updateand edit your blog. Drop down will show theexisting blog and creating a newblog.

    Sub Panel are as follows: Dashboard New Post Manage Posts Manage Comments

    13Monday, May 31, 2010

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    A dashboard is a condensed report that is designed toprovide you with a snapshot of your websitesperformance.

    The Dashboard tells you about recentactivity both at your site and in theWordPress community at large.


    14Monday, May 31, 2010

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    There are 3 ways you can start with your New Posts:

    New Post



    15Monday, May 31, 2010

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    There are 3 ways you can start with your New Posts:

    Manage Posts


    Click, drag mouse fromMyBlogs>SiteName>Manage


    Click Drop Downmenu of Posts atRight SubMenuand choose Edit

    Click on the Title of Post, iorwhen you drag mouse below

    subchoices will appear,choose Edit

    16Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Click Drop Downmenu of Appearance

    at Right SubMenu and

    choose Themes

    Switching themes has 2 options:

    Switch Themes

    17Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Users Admin

    18Monday, May 31, 2010

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    The Dashboard SubPanel provides you a number of links to start writing Posts orPages, statistics and links on the number of posts, pages, Categories, and Tags.

    19Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Essential Parts of TnB


    Edit Add New Post Tags Categories Plugins

    Media Library Add new

    Links Edit Add New

    Link CategoriesPages

    Edit Add New

    20Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Posts are the principal element (or content)of a blog. The Posts are the writings,compositions, discussions,etc of a blogowner and contributors.

    Edit Posts You can select Post or Posts you wish to edit,delete, or view. Multiple Posts can be selected fordeletion and for editing.

    Add New is where you write new Posts.

    Tags are the keywords you might assign to each post, itprovide another means to aid your readers in accessinginformation on your blog.

    Categories allow the classification of your Posts into

    groups and subgroups, thereby aiding viewers in thenavigation and use of your site.

    Plugins allow you to add new features to yourWordPress blog that don't come standard with thedefault installation.

    21Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Media is the images, video,recordings, and files, you upload anduse in your blog.

    Media Library

    The Media Library SubPanel allows youedit, delete or view Media previouslyuploaded to your blog.

    Upload New MediaThe Media Add New SubPanel allows

    you to upload new media to later usewith posts and pages.

    22Monday, May 31, 2010
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    Links can be organized by category, have internalreferences about your relationship to their destinations,can be automatically associated with images, and caneven be rated on a scale from zero to nine.

    Links allows you to create, maintain,and update any number of blogrollsthrough your administration interface.This is much faster than calling an

    external blogroll manager.

    23Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Pages are for content that is less time-dependent thanPosts.

    Pages can be organized into pages and SubPages.

    Pages are for content such as "About Me,""Contact Me," etc. Pages live outside of thenormal blog chronology, and are often used topresent information about yourself or your sitethat is somehow timeless -- information that is

    always applicable. You can use Pages toorganize and manage any amount of content.


    24Monday, May 31, 2010
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    Comments are a feature of blogs which allowreaders to respond to Posts.

    Typically readers simply provide their ownthoughts regarding the content of the post,but users may also provide links to otherresources, generate discussion, or simplycompliment the author for a well-written post.


    25Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Appearance Themes Widgets

    Users Authors & Users

    Add New Your Profile

    Tools Import Export Domain Mapping


    Settings General Writing

    Reading Discussion Media Privacy Permalinks Delete Blog

    Google Analytis GDE Settings Live Countdown Timer Login LockDown Ban WPTouch Community Blog Video Quicktags

    26Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Change the Look of your Blog

    can control how the content of your blog isdisplayed. WordPress allows you to easily styleyour site by either installing and activating newThemes or changing existing Themes.


    Theme is the overall design of a site andencompasses color, graphics, and text.

    Widgets are gadgets or gizmos that allow

    you to add various pieces of information toyour Theme's sidebar content. Widgets, forexample, can be used to add Categories,Archives, Blogroll, Recent Posts, and RecentComments to your sidebar.

    27Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Authors & UsersManage the accounts of all your

    site's users.

    Add New UserCreate new users.

    Your ProfileChange any information related toyour user account.

    This is where you set up all of the user accounts you need,

    as well as change user information, or delete users.

    Users menu

    28Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Managing your Blog

    TeachnBlog provides you the ability to speed up your site,local machine, import content from other sources, export yourcontent, or to upgrade your sites software to a new release.


    Import list the software packagesthat WordPress can import anddetails what types of data from eachof those platforms qualifies forimport.

    Export will create an XML file foryou to save to your computer. Theformat will contain your posts,comments, custom fields,

    categories, and tags.29Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Defines your blog as a whole: settings which determine howyour site behaves, how you interact with your site, and how

    the rest of the world interacts with your site.


    General controls some of the most basic configurationsettings for your site.Writing controls the interface with which you write new

    posts.Reading You can decide if you want posts, or a "static"Page, displayed as your blog's front (main) page.Discussion allows you to control settings concerningincoming and outgoing comments, pingbacks andtrackbacks.

    Media allows you to determine where images,documents, and other media files.Privacy controls your blog visibility to search enginesPermalinks controls how that custom URI structure isdefined

    30Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Work on your blogs

    31Monday, May 31, 2010

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  • 8/6/2019 Tnb Setup Blogs Item In


    Signing in

    Go to Sign in your Username andpassword

    Step 1

    Sign inOption

    33Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Step 2

    Setting up Sites Theme Go to My Blogs>Yourblog>Dashboard Appearance menu from Dashboard and click


    34Monday, May 31, 2010

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    TeachnBlog comes with a multiple nice themes whichmakes your own site from the simplest blog to the mostcomplicated ones a piece of cake, and you can have

    different looks that you can switch with a single click. Andhave a new design every day.

    Choose a theme of yourchoice

    View how it will look like

    Click activate on theright side of the pop upscreen.

    35Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Step 3

    Setting up the Pages

    1.Go to My Blogs>Admin

    2.Drag your mouse to Dashboard

    3. Click on Pages Drop down menuon the Right side.

    4. Choose Add New

    36Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Title Page-Use a one word name for your page/top menu title Page Description-Give a small info about the page using the

    basic questions (What, Why or How) When done click Publish or if not yet done and want to make

    a draft click Save Draft

    Title PageSave Draft


    Page Description

    37Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Lets Fill up the standard Pages for you site:

    Home/Frontpage - About You Who are you? What

    Class or field are you teaching? What do you intend toput in your site? (make 2 sentences per questionsstated)

    Lesson Plan-This is where your posts will appear-it

    may compose of assignments, lesson for the day,research work, reaction paper, etc. (describe in 2sentences what this page is all about)

    My Gallery- This is where you will put your class

    pictures, events, activities (make a 2 sentenceintroduction on what your gallery is composed of)

    38Monday, May 31, 2010

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    Step 4

    Start Posting

    1.Go to My Blogs>Admin

    2.Drag your mouse to New Post

    39Monday, May 31, 2010

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    3. Or if already in Dashboard, clickon Posts Drop down Menu on theRight side

    4. Choose Add New

    40Monday, May 31, 2010

    Post Title -Use a Short Concise Title/name for

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    Post Title

    Save Draft


    Posting Space

    Post Title Use a Short, Concise Title/name foryour Post to easily understand

    Posting Space- This is where you put yourpost,article, document or lesson plan.

    When done click Publish or if not yet doneand want to make a draft click Save Draft

    41Monday, May 31, 2010


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    are typically listed in a blog's sidebar where

    readers can search for past posts that interestthem.

    Categories are a powerful toolthat bloggers can use toexercise precise control overcontent in a dynamicenvironment.

    It allows the classification ofyour Posts into groups and

    subgroups, thereby aidingviewers in the navigation anduse of your site.


    42Monday, May 31, 2010

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    What to Post?

    43Monday, May 31, 2010

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    44Monday, May 31, 2010

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    An Album

    When you embed an album in your site, the albumcover will display. Viewers who click the cover image willthen be taken to view the album in Picasa Web Albums.Follow these steps to embed an album:

    1. Create a Page for yourPhotos/Gallery page,2. Go to your Photo Online Album, choose and click

    your album.

    3.Click Link/share this album on the right-hand side.4. Copy the HTML (Ctrl-C) in the 'Paste HTML toembed in website' field.

    5. Paste the HTML (Ctrl-V) in the source code for yoursite.

    46Monday, May 31, 2010

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    An image

    Viewers who click on embedded images in your site will be

    taken to the photo in Picasa Web Albums.

    1.On the My Photos page, click your album.2. Click the photo you'd like to embed.3.Click Link to this Photo on the right sidebar.

    Set the following preferences:

    o Select your preferred image sizeo Select the 'Hide album link' checkbox if you don't want a

    link to the album to display in the lower right-handcorner of your image.

    47Monday, May 31, 2010

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    4. Copy the HTML (Ctrl-C) in the 'Embed image' field onthe right-hand side.

    5. Paste the HTML (Ctrl-V) in the source code for yoursite.6. Viewers who click through to the photo in Picasa WebAlbum will also be able to see other photos in the album.

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    With your Group brainstorm on topic you want toupload as a lesson on your site.

    Make use of Videos-research for a video on the net that you

    can use for your topic or use a digital and make asmall movie about it

    Photos use the digital camera or search pics onthe net

    File Online use google docs or own office todevelop CAI and upload on your site.

    49Monday, May 31, 2010

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    A Few Blogging Tips

    Post regularly, but don't post if you have nothing worthposting about.

    Stick with only a few specific genres to talk about. Don't put 'subscribe' and 'vote me' links all over the front

    page until you have people that like your blog enough to

    ignore them (they're usually just in the way). Use a clean and simple theme if at all possible. Enjoy, blog for fun, comment on other peoples' blogs (as

    they normally visit back).