FH Qr1: SU HJ ECT : i! arc h 5. 19Ci 4 N RC/Ti1 I-B il - 017 R. De n ton , D ire ct or O ffi ce of N ucl e<'r RcaC'tor HPg u1cl t 1o" Brrn a rd J. Snyde r, TfAl Program O ffi ce lk n 1! . f\i\rrc t t . Prng r i'm TilT \Iff N RC n11 PR OG RAM OFFICE WEEKLY STAT US F OR .: 6. 1984 - r1drr.h 3. 1984 O cl tt' fr om and Pnv1rPn(ll('nt<t1 monit 0n ng i' ldicct t f'<.l r.o r el f: u 5'3'; 1n cxct•!; s •" f r.-gul ,lt0 ry li m its . Wct$tf> pr oces s ing con t.i nu,·d c. n c:.howed no s1qnHiCt1nt chungc·s. rcn<:l t: r c oo h ,, t illld RCS rt-m•1i ll c; at 3?.1 '6". Sit e th i !. includ('d: po lil r c r a rH h 1dd t cs:ing. ot he r act iv lt H!S fo r he. ld l if t in ltH " su111nc r. bui l ding sy st;r · mwo rk .111d fU1 !l handll11g bu11d1ng Fo ur bu i ld i no '•n fr il:s we re ma dt t hi s in -; uppo rt .)( technical a nd Cr· 1f"l C The po lclr crdne lntHJ t' ·st '9. (For rnon dl'ti\i h '\ N' i lppr o prit•te paragri'lphs helnw. ) S1Q rli f 1ct.lnt it t ''"" in the cncl o surt> tl rc: R C' ncto r B uilrling Activ1t 1e c Aux il i ar y a nd Fuel Ha nd l i ng Bu i l di ng Act i v1ti Ps Groundwcner tor1ng Act lvi w ., ste f·l;l na g e mP'lt Act lv1ll r. !. PE1 S Supp 1 rmr n r. tt Publi c Liq uid Eff lu e nt En vironiTII.!n t il l D, •ta Ra di o Jct1vr11d t •: rial/Radwdc;te Dilt d Pr ocl' ssing PlJnt Status Data Groundwiltcr t1oni t o r 1ng P rt ' SS Rel e as e fr )r Ext" "Si (t n of Tfmc ttl PEl S Suppl P. m .:! n T. 8403120253 840305 PDR A DOCK R PDR ORIGINAL SIGNED BY: Lake H. Barre t. t Prugrll rn [)1 rec t r.r -- -mr Progri\m vm .... .. ··;·· ................ .......... . ......... .... . .. .. . . ....... . / , .. OAil •••• •• •• ::::::: 1 . ·: :: : . :r : .r::::::::::: •:::: .... .. ::. ., ..... .... ..... . iliilili ' NRCM 07 4 0 srns!Ab §EyR§R COPY

TMI-2 KM Library1984-03... · 5. Ins tallation of remo te video and radiation monitoring system to monitor head 11ft 6. Installation shielding around the head storage stand 7. Establish

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Page 1: TMI-2 KM Library1984-03... · 5. Ins tallation of remo te video and radiation monitoring system to monitor head 11ft 6. Installation shielding around the head storage stand 7. Establish



i!arch 5 . 19Ci4 NRC/Ti1 I-Bil -017

H~rold R. Denton , Director Offi ce of Nucl e<'r RcaC'tor HPgu1cl t 1o"

Brrna rd J . Snyder, Pr~gram U 1r~ctc r TfAl Program Offi ce

L·lkn 1! . f\i\rrc t t . O~puty Prng r i'm D i r~><:t o r TilT PrrJgr~ "' \Iff 1 c t~

NRC n11 PROGRAM OFFICE WEEKLY STATUS REPn~T FOR Ft!bru~try .:6. 1984 - r1drr.h 3. 1984

Ocl tt' from ~: ffluen t. and Pnv1rPn(ll('nt<t1 monit0n ng s ·, r. tt · rn~ i'ldicct t f'<.l r.o ~J l i\rtt rel f:u5'3'; 1n cxct•!;s •"f r.-gul ,lt0ry li mits . Wct$tf> proces s ing con t.i nu,·d c. n ~ ro u ti n~> D e~ > l ~ . Pl.:~nt pa rr~m•? te rs c:.howed no s1qnHiCt1nt chungc·s . Th~ rcn<:l t: r coo h ,, t s_.,.~ t ~ ·rn i ~ deprps -;u riz~d illld RCS Jr~ v c l rt-m•1i ll c; at 3?.1 '6".

Site ,,cti v it 1 ~ s th i !. p~riorl includ('d: po lil r c r a rH h 1dd t cs:ing. ot he r a c t iv lt H!S t· prcpart~ fo r he.ld l if t i n ltH" su111nc r. re~ctor bui l ding Ct'rd i r.~ sy st;r·mwo rk .111d

~ux111ar.:.· r~nd fU1!l handll11g bu11d1ng dc cnn tdPdnat.io~ . Four r(:~ c tnr bu i ld i no '•nfr il:s we re ma dt t hi s w~t·lc in -; uppo rt .)( technical ~ p~c1ficdti on s and po l c~ r Cr·1f"lC rl'tu rbi ~ hM<" nt tC~ sk s . The polclr crdne qua 1 1t'1ct~t.ion l ntHJ t' ·st w., ~ P'~ r fo rmcd F,bru r~ry ' 9. ( For rnon dl'ti\i h '\ N ' ilpproprit•te paragri'lphs helnw. )

S1Qrli f 1ct.lnt itt''"" c o v ~rcd i n the cncl osurt> tl rc:

RC'nctor Builrling Activ1t 1e c Auxil i ary a nd Fuel Ha nd l i ng Bu i l di ng Act i v1ti Ps Gr oundwcner ~loni tor1ng Act lvi t.1 ~ s w., ste f·l;l nagemP'lt Act lv1ll r. !. PE 1 S Supp 1 rmr n r. IJpd.:~ tt• Publi c ~h'd 1ng s

Liquid Eff luent Oat~ EnvironiTII.!n t il l D,•ta Radi oJct1vr• 11d t •:rial/Radwdc;te Sh1~01"11t Dilt d Wd t~ r Procl'ssing Ont~ PlJnt Status Data Groundwiltcr t1oni t or 1ng P rt' SS Re l ease fr)r Ext"" Si (t n o f Respons~ Tfmc ttl PEl S Suppl P.m.:! nT.

8403 120253 840305 PDR ADOCK 0~000320 R PDR

ORIGINAL SIGNED BY: Lake H. Barre t. t O~pu t v Prugrll rn [)1 rec t r.r

-- -mr Progri\m vm C•~ -

~=:::~ .... £~~·1~ -;~~~f :a:~ .. ~ td.~ed ··;·· ................ . . . . ... .. . . ......... .... . .. .. . . ....... .


, ..

OAil • •••• •• • • ::::::: 1 :~.::: : ~ ~:: .·:::: .:r : ~:: ~~:: : : :~ ~: :: :: :.~: : : ::::::: : ::: .r::::::::::: ~ •:::: :~ .... • ~: ~ ~ .. ::. ., ..... .... ..... . iliilili' NRCM 0 7

40 srns!Ab §EyR§R COPY

Page 2: TMI-2 KM Library1984-03... · 5. Ins tallation of remo te video and radiation monitoring system to monitor head 11ft 6. Installation shielding around the head storage stand 7. Establish


lNTERtlf\L DISTRIBUTI ON TifO-------OGt: Off i ce Oirector~ Comm1 ~s1on~ r's Technica l A~ $ i st a nt~ HRR Di vision Directors NRR A/D' s Reg1onnl Administrators IE Divisi on 01rroctors Tf\S EIS TMI PrnQrJm Off1c~ St~t · ( 15 ) PHS EPA OOE kl Division D irect or~ Public Af t ~l rs, ni StatP Liaison, RI n I I PO IIQ r If H I! SITE r/1 CEiiTR/\1. Fllf rmc POH LOCAL POK Tii l - 1 Prt •J ~Ct

Srr t 1 on F 1 i"

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FOAM JIB 11oao1 N~cM o:1• o OFFICIAL R ECOR n ("'()PV

-----~---- - -

Page 3: TMI-2 KM Library1984-03... · 5. Ins tallation of remo te video and radiation monitoring system to monitor head 11ft 6. Installation shielding around the head storage stand 7. Establish



The polar crane load test was complet ed successfully on Wednesday , February 29 , 1984 . The crane, which was designed for a 500- ton capacity , was load tested to 214 ton s in preparation fo r li ft ing the 170-ton reactor vessel head. The head lift is tentatively scheduled for August 1984.

Four reactor building entries are scheduled for t he week of March 4, 1984. Mechanical cleaning of the reac t or head studs will commence next week in preparation for initial head detensioni ng. Fi r st pass head detensioning is scheduled to begin during the week of Ma rch 19 , 1984. Also, in March , add itional core debris samples are scheduled to be obtained and a comprehens ive video map of the damaged core will be compi led.

Major evolutions to be completed prior to August to faci litate the head li f t schedule include:

1. NRC review of the head l i ft safety eval uat ion and procedures

2. Refueling canal seal plate i nsta l l at ion _( t o seal the cavity between the refueling canal and reactor vessel)

3. Contingency fuel pool wa ter cl ea nup system completion {recirculat ing system to SDS'

4. Partial disassembly and repositioning of the auxiliary and fuel handling building bridge

5. Ins tal l ati on of remo t e video and radi a tion monitoring system to monitor head 11ft

6. Installation shie lding around the head storage stand

7. Establish RCS initial chemis try conditions {possibly increase boron concentration)

B. Preparation of the int ernal s indexing f ix t ure for installation.


Decontaminat ion of areas necessary to provide access for surveillance of safety related equipment continued duri ng the week. The misce l laneous waste holdup tank, pump and valve rooms are now acces s ible for surveillance . Decontaminat1on of localized artas of the neut ra lize•· tank room shoul d make this area accessible for equipment surveill ance by next wee k. Scabbl i ng and painting of floors continued.

Some system cow.oonents are on s i te and work is progressing t oward installati on of a system to supply chil l ed wat er t o the air coole rs in the reactor bui lding through an existing closed loop water ci rcu lating system. The system is scheduled to be operational this summer to improve the hab itability of the building during warm weather.

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The TMI groundwater moni toring program was instituted to detect possible radioactive liquid leakage from TMI-2 into the ground. Since the monitoring program commenced in January 1980, tritium has been the only radioisotope detected consistently in the groundwater. Trit ium concentrations in the groundwater have ranged from background (approximately 300 pC1 / L) to 1.1 E6 pCi / 1. In al l cases. the tritium concentrations have been below the maxi mum permissible concentration for restricted areas . Periodically. trace concentra­tions of radioactive cesium and strontium have been detected in some of the monitor ing locations. When detected, the cesium and strontium concentrat ions were very close to the labora tory lower limit of detection.

During the period August to September 1983 there was apparentl y leakage of approximately 200 gallons of water from the borated water storage tank (BWST ) sample c~binet. The ground adjacent to the sample cabinet was found to be slightly contaminated. Two SS-9allon drums of contaminated dirt were removed. Tritium levels in test borings (TB) 2, 16 and 17 increasing trends during the peri od of September through October 1983. Tritium levels in TB 17, which showed the largest increase. were 171 of the peak levels found in March 1982. From November through February the available test results for test borings 2, 16 and 17 show levels similar to those reported in previous weekly status reports (i.e. less that 51 o, the highest levels reached _in 1982 ).

Appendix 6 is a sketch of six of the groundwater samp ling locations in the immediate area of the BWST. The most recently recorded tritium concentrat ions. the mtximum concentration mea sured during September and October 1983, and the highest recorded tritium concentration are noted in each location. Pre-accident TMI monitoring data indicate that surface water, drinking water and rain precipitation in the TMl area will contain an average of 300 pCi / L of triti um with values as high as 600 pCi/L. The monitoring locations are i n an area con~idered "restricted" and the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) for trit ium in restricted areas is 1 E8 pC1/L .


The SDS and EPICOR II waste wate r processing sy~tems have been shutdown si nce February 17, 1984 and February 19, 1984, respect ively (See Append ix 4) .


The NRC has extended th~ due date of comments of the draft Supplement to the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (NUREG-0683 , Supplement 1) to Aprf l 2, 1984 . A copy of the NRC press release announcing the extension is attached as Append 1x 7.


Past Meeting

On February 29, 1984 Lake Barrett addressed the Baltimore-Washing ton chapter of the Health Physics Society concerning TMI-2 cleanup issues.

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Future Meet i ng

On March 8, 1984 the Advisory Panel for the Decontaminat ion of Three Mile Island, Unit 2 will meet from 7:00PM to 10:00 PM in the Holiday Inn, 23 South Second Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The meeting will be open to t he public . The major topic for the meeting will be the PElS Supplement . Persons that ha ve questions pertaining to the TMI-2 cleanup that would like to have them cons idered or addressed by the Advisory Panel and persons desiring the opportunity t o speak before the Advisory Panel on TMI -2 cleanup related items are asked to contact , in wr i ti ng Mr. Joel Ro th, R.D. 1, R~x 441, Halifax, PA 17032.

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GPU Nuclear

Based on sampling and moni toring, liquid effl uent s from the TMI site relea sed to the Susquehanna River were determined t o be within regulatory l imits and in accordance with NRC requirements and the Ci ty of La ncas ter Ag reement .

Du r ing tht period February 24, 1984 through March 1, 1984 no liquid eff luent releases were made from Uni t 2.

Environmenta l Protecti on Agency

Lancaster Wa te r Samples: 6 samples

Period Covered : February 12 - February 17, 1984

Resul t s: GaiTITla Scan Negative

TMJ Water Sampl es: 8 samp les

Perio~ Covered: Feb ruary 10 - February 18 t 1984

Resu l ts : Gamma Scan Nega tive

Page 7: TMI-2 KM Library1984-03... · 5. Ins tallation of remo te video and radiation monitoring system to monitor head 11ft 6. Installation shielding around the head storage stand 7. Establish



EPA Envi ronmental Data

The EPA Middletown Off ice has no t rece ived the environmenta l Kr-85 analy tical resul t s for the samples wh ich were taken subsequent to February 3, 1984 from t he EPA ' s Cou nt ing Laboratory at La s Vegas, Nevada. These resul ts wi ll be included in a subsequen t report .

No radia ti on above normally occu rring background level s was detected in any of the s~mples coll ected from the EPA's ai r and ga mma ra te networks dur ing the per iod f rom Feb ruary 21, 1984 th rough Fet- .. Jary 28, 1984.

NRC Environmental Data

Results from t he NRC continuous ai r sampler monitor ing of t he TM I si te environ­ment are as fol lows:



Pe r iod

February 23 , 1984- Ma rch 1. 1984

1-131 (uC1/cc)

<9 .5 E- 14

Cs- 137 (uCi /cc)

<9 .5 E-14

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March 1, 1984, six samples from the 'A' decay heat removal system (250 ml ~ach }, one sample from the borated water storage tank (250 ml) and one sample from the spent fuel pool (250 ml), all from TMI-1, were shipped to NWT Corporati on, San Jose, California.

March 1, 1984, 112 drums of contaminated clothing from TMI-2 were sh ipped to Interstate Uni form Service, New Kensington, Pennsylvania.

March 1, 1984, a 125 ml sampl e of the TMI-2 ' A' makeup and purificat ion dem1nerali zer was shipped to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

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Submerged Dem1nera11zer System (SDS)

The SDS was shutdown during this period.


The EPlCOR 11 system was shutdown during this period.

Page 10: TMI-2 KM Library1984-03... · 5. Ins tallation of remo te video and radiation monitoring system to monitor head 11ft 6. Installation shielding around the head storage stand 7. Establish

Co re Cool i ng Mode:



Heat tra nsfer from the reactor cool ant system (RCS ) to Reac t or Bui ld ing ambi ent .

Ava il able Core Coo l ing Mode: Mini Decay Heat Removal (MOHR ) system.

RCS Pressure Cont rol Mode : N/ A

l~a jor Paramete rs as of 5:00 AM, March 5, 1984 (approximate values ): Ave rage Incore The rmocouples• : 84°F Maximum Incore Th~rmocoupl e• : 146°F

RCS Loop Tempe ratures :

Hot Leg**

Col d Leg g~

Reactor Core Decay Heat: 18.5 Kilowatts

RCS Pressu re: 0 ps1g

Reactor Building : Temperature: 60°F Pressure : -0.10 ps 1g Airborne Rad 1onuc11 de Concentra tions :

7.0 E-8 uC i / cc H3 {Tr itium) (sample taken 2/ 29/ 84 )

l .S E-8 uC i / cc pa rt iculates (predominate ly Cs - 137 ) (sample taken 3/2/84)

•uncerta in t ies ex i st as to t he exact location and accu ra cy of t hese readings. Maximum inco re thermocouple reading taken Februa ry 22 .

••si nce the RCS draindown , ho t leg t emperatu re de t ec tors are above water level .

Page 11: TMI-2 KM Library1984-03... · 5. Ins tallation of remo te video and radiation monitoring system to monitor head 11ft 6. Installation shielding around the head storage stand 7. Establish

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