7/21/2019 Tm Dv405 Final http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/tm-dv405-final 1/49 POTOMAC DRYER TRANING MANUAL (DV405*TPA**)  2012.02.20 SAMSUNG Clothes Dryer Digital Appliances Division

Tm Dv405 Final

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SAMSUNG Clothes Dryer 

Digital Appliances Division

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1. Product Introduction: 3~6P

2. Changed Part List : 7~8P

3. Instruction of Function: 9~15P

. !est "ode # $rror Chec%: 16~2P

5. &eference Infor'ation : 25~37P

6. (isasse')*+ # &easse')*+: 38~7P


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, Pedesta* -ith torage (ra-ers

, $as+ &e/ersi)*e (oor

, tac%ing 0"ode* o:54

, -a+ ent 0e*ectric 'ode*


, $tra *arge Caacit+ 7.C.F!

, $nerg+ a/ing

;ti'i<ing to 'ini'i<e

unnecessar+ o-er


, aniti<e C+c*e

, arious (r+ing C+c*es # Fu<<+

Logic 4*gorith'

,'art Care

1-1. Concept

1.Product Introduction





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1-2. Specification

1.Product Introduction


(&=$&0(>5?!P4?? =; (&=$&0(314??


Caacit+ 0%g 7. C.F! 7. C.F!

Po-er source $L$C!&ICAB4 $L$C!&ICAB4

(r+ing C+c*e 13 13

eater 7>>D 7>>D

(r+ing Le/e* 5 5

!e' e*ect 5 5

tea' C+c*e =$ =$

(is*a+ residue ti'e =$ =$

(ru' *ight =es A FIL4"$! L4"P =es A FIL4"$! L4"P

Chi*d *oc% =$ =$

&e/ersi)*e (oor =$ =$

(ru' 'ateria* ! !

Dindo- i<e 2> inch 2> inch

$! i<e 0D( : Inch 2731.139 2731.139

Perfor'anceC+c*e ti'e

 044" 8*)s2 'in 2 'in


(oor Chro'e !ri' Chro'e !ri'

Contro* Pane* L$( L$(

(is*a+ Co*or &$( &$(

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1.Product Introduction

  1-3. Product Dimension







Depth With Door

Open 90 Degrees





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1.Product Introduction

1-4. Options Specifications

Ite' Code E!= &e'ar%s






(TEC)  DC68-02365D 1

D!"-Ra#k D%&  DC61-02''3A


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 $u%on"&asic# $u%on'Global (ear%


2.Chaned Parts !ist

2-1. Contro" Pane"

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 =u%on0asic P;!;"4C &e'ar% 


:'art Care



2.Chaned Parts !ist

2-2. #SS$ PC% &#IN

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 =u%on0asic P;!;"4C &e'ar% 


2.Chaned Parts !ist

2-2. #SS$ PC% S'%

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3-1. Contro" Pane"

3.Instruction of (unction



 To "l"# a #&#l" %oa" +" C&#l" S"l"#o% ,!al o +" ,"!%", #&#l" T+" !n,!#ao% l!.+ /& +" #&#l"na" !ll !llu!na" T+" So% "a% San!!" Coon "a& ,u& P"% P%" To"l B",,!n.

D"l!#a" an, ool #&#l" a%" S"no% D%& #&#l" S"no% D%& auoa!#all& "n" +" o!u%" !n +"loa, an, +u +" ,%&"% o +"n +" "l"#", ,%&n" l""l ("%& ,%& o ,a ,%&) ! %"a#+",

Cotton U" +! #&#l" o ,%& loa, u#+ a #oon un,"%"a% an, l!n"n

ea/+ (ut+ U" +! #&#l" o ." +!.+ +"a o% +"a& a/%!# u#+ a 7"an #o%,u%o& o% o%k#lo+"

!o-e*s D%& loa, u#+ a /a+ o"l

Per' Press D%& %!nkl"-%"" #oon &n+"!# a/%!# kn! an, "%an"n %" a/%!#auoa!#all&

edding Fo% /ulk& !" u#+ a /lank" +"" an, #oo%"%

(e*icates  T+" D"l!#a" #&#l" ! ,"!.n", o ,%& +"a-"n!!" !" a a lo ,%&!n. ""%au%"

Doo* Fo% a#+!n" a+a/l" an, u/l" ,%&a/l" ool onl&

aniti<e  T+! #ou%" allo &ou o an!!" .a%"n /& "%"a!n. +!.+ ""%au%" +"a ,"" !no+" a/%!# ,u%!n. +" ,%&!n. #&#l" U" +! #ou%" o k"" &ou% /",,!n. an, #u%a!n #l"an +%ou.+an!!a!on

orts Dear U" o% a"%-%oo", o% %oo", .a%"n o k"" +"!% .oo, look an, %"+ ""l("#" 9o%"-Ta) Fo% /""% ,%&!n. %"ul u%n +" laun,%& !n!," ou /"o%" ,%&!n. !

!i'e (r+  T!" D%& allo &ou o "l"# +" ,"!%", #&#l" !" !n !nu" Tu%n +" C&#l" S"l"#o% ,!alo T!" D%& +"n %" +" A,7u T!" u a%%o o " +" ,%&!n. !" P%" +" a%%o %""a",l& o#%oll +%ou.+ +" !" "!n.

Euic% (r+ : P%o!," a 30 !nu" ,%&!n. #&#l"

4ir F*uG  T+" A!% Flu #&#l" u/l" +" loa, !n %oo ""%au%" a!%

Drin%*e &e*ease  T+" ;%!nkl" R"l"a" #&#l" !ll %"l"a" %!nkl" %o !" +a a%" #l"an ,%& an,onl& l!.+l& %!nkl", u#+ a #lo+" %o a #%o,", #lo" u!#a" o% !" +a +a" /""n !n +",%&"% oo lon. a"% +" #&#l" +a "n,", ;%!nkl" R"l"a" #an /" u", !+ an& ""%au%" "l"#!on

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3-1. Contro" Pane"

3.Instruction of (unction



 T+" ,!la& !n,o +o +" "!a", !" %"a!n!n. !n +" #&#l" a"% +" Sa%<Pau" /uon !%"", T+" "!a", !" %"a!n!n. a& =u#ua" a +" #&#l" %o.%"" T+" D%&!n. l!.+ !ll !llu!na" an, %"a!n l! un!l +" #&#l" ! #ol"" ( ) ;+"n &ou% ,%&"% ! !n +"#ool-,on +a" +" Cool!n. l!.+ !ll ! llu!na";+"n &ou% ,%&"% ! !n +" %!nkl" %""n +a" +" ;%!nkl" P%""n l!.+ !ll !llu!na";+"n +" #&#l" ! #ol"" >En,? !ll a"a% !n +" ,!la& an"l un!l +" ,%&"% ,oo% ! o"n", o%+" Po"% /uon ! u+", @ &ou% ,%&"% ! au", ,u%!n. a #&#l" +" !n,!#ao% l!.+ !ll /l!nk un!l+" Sa%< Pau" /uon ! %"",



Drin%*e Pre/ent ;%!nkl" P%""n %o!," a%o!a"l& 180 !nu" o !n"%!"n u/l!n. !nun+"a", a!% a +" "n, o +" #&#l" o %",u#" %!nkl!n. P%" +" ;%!nkl" P%""n /uon o a#!a"

+! "au%" T+" !n,!#ao% l!.+ a/o" +" a, !ll !llu!na" +"n ;%!nkl" P%""n ! "l"#", T+"loa, ! ,%& an, #an /" %"o", a an& !" ,u%!n. +" ;%!nkl" P%""n #&#l" "ied Load e**  T+! ! an ala% +a no!" +" u"% +"n +" a"%a." ,%& l""l ! ,a ,%& (80 ,%!",) T+! ! u"ul +"n +" laun,%& #ona!n a%!ou &" o #lo+!n. &ou ,o no an o ,%&#ol""l& An ala% oun, o% " (5) "#on, +!l" #on!nu!n. o "%o% +" #&#l" T+! un#!on#an onl& /" "l"#", !n +" S"no% D%& #ou%" an, +" ,%& l""l #an onl& /" "l"#", %o Cu/oa%,D%& o E%a D%& (e*a+ $nd -ou #an " +" ,%&"% o n!+ &ou% ,%&!n. #&#l" auoa!#all& a a la"% !" #+oo!n. a,"la& o /"""n 4 o 24 +ou% (!n 1 +ou% !n#%""n) T+" +ou% ,!la&", !n,!#a" +" !" a +!#++" ,%& !ll /" n!+",

1 Manuall& o% auoa!#all& " &ou% ,%&!n. a#+!n" a##o%,!n. o +" &" o laun,%& &ou a%"

,%&!n.2 P%" +" D"la& En, /uon %""a",l& un!l +" %"u!%", ,"la& !" ! " @ +" ,"la& !" !

" +" >D"la& En,? un#!on /"#o" a"  3 P%" +" Sa%<Pau" /uon T+" >D"la& En, ? !n,!#ao% !ll /l!nk an, +" #lo#k !ll /".!n#oun!n. ,on un!l ! %"a#+" +" " !"

4 To #an#"l a D"la& En, un#!on %" +" Po"% /uon an, +"n u%n +" ,%&"% on a.a!n"+ C+c*e C+oo" &ou% ao%!" #&#l" !n#lu,!n. #&#l" " ,%& l""l o!on "#&ac% (r+ Ra#k D%& ! aa!la/l" a T!" D%& #&#l" T""%au%" !ll /" " onl& o E%a Go4dHust !i'e  T!" #an /" a,,", o% u/%a#", %o +" auoa!#all& " !" !n +" Manual D%&#&#l" (T!" D%& Hu!#k D%& A!% Flu #&#l") To a,, o% u/%a# !" %o +" #&#l" %" +" A,7u T!" a%%o a, u o% ,on un!l +" ,"!%", !" ! ,!la&",

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3-1. Contro" Pane"

3.Instruction of (unction

(r+ Le/e*e*ectionutton

 To "l"# +" ,%& l""l !n +" S"no% D%& #&#l" %" +" D%& G""l /uon An !n,!#ao% l!.+ !ll

!llu!na" n" o +" ,"!%", ,%&n" l""l P%" +" /uon %""a",l& o #%oll +%ou.+ +" "!n.


 To "l"# +" #o%%"# ""%au%" o% +" loa, %" +" T" /uon An !n,!#ao% l!.+ !ll !llu!na"n" o +" ,"!%", ""%au%" P%" +" /uon %""a",l& o #%oll +%ou.+ +" "!n. igh  Fo% u%,& #oon o% +o" la/"l", Tu/l" D%& "ediu' Fo% "%an"n %" &n+"!# l!.+"!.+ #oon o% !" la/"l", Tu/l" D%&M",!u"ediu' Lo- Fo% lo"% +"a +an M",!u o ,%& &n+"!# o% a+a/l" kn! a/%!#Lo- Fo% +"a "n!!" !" la/"l", Tu/l" D%& Go o% Tu/l" D%& ;a%

$tra Lo- P%o!," +" lo" +"a", ,%& ""%au%" o!/l"


;+"n u!n. Manual D%& #&#l" !" #an /" a,7u", /& %"!n. +" T!" S"l"#!on /uon Du%!n.+" S"no%& D%& #&#l" +" !" l!.+ !n,!#ao% ! o /"#au" "a# ,%&!n. !" a%" ,""%!n", /&=u#ua!n. +u!,!& l""l


;+"n +" #&#l" ! #ol"" a #+!" !ll oun, ;+"n +" ;%!nkl" P%""n o!on ! "l"#", +"#+!" !ll oun, !n"%!"nl& A,7u +" olu" o +" #+!" o% u%n ! o /& %"!n. +" S!.nal/uon P%" +" /uon %""a",l& o #%oll +%ou.+ +" #+o!#"

tartAPause se*ection)utton

P%" o au" an, %"a% %o.%a


P%" on#" o u%n &ou% ,%&"% on %" a.a!n o u%n ! o @ &ou% ,%&"% ! l" on o% o%" +an 10!nu" !+ou an& /uon /"!n. ou#+", +" o"% auoa!#all& u%n o

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o- to 4cti/ate # (eacti/ate To a#!a" C+!l, Go#k %" +" T" an, T!" /uon a +" a" !" o% 3"# To #an#"l ! %""a +" a/o"

(escrition:1 @ #an /" " u ,u%!n. +" o"%-on o% +" o"%a!on2 ;!+ +! un#!on a#!a", all /uon "#" o% +" Po"% /uon a%" o /" un#on%olla/l"3 T+" C+!l, Go#k la !ll l!.+ u

otice:1 ;+"n +" o"% .o" ou an, #o" /a#k a.a!n +" C+!l, Go#k un#!on !ll k"" /"!n. a#!a",2 Iu !n #a" +"%" a%" no /uon o"%a!n. "#" o% +" Po"% /uon !+ ! o"% /a#k

#+"#k >C+!l, Go#k Ga? l"a"

3-2. Chi"d !oc)

3.Instruction of (unction

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3-3. &* C*c"e

3.Instruction of (unction

You !n usto"i#e the dr$ing %$ setting e!h one o& the &o''oings

Dr$ *e+e', -e"p, -i"e option !nd et .

*o+ to set My Cycle

ts de&!u't setting is /or"!' $'e.

-o usto"i#e the setting, press the $ $'e %utton !nd set $our on dr$ing o"%in!tion (re&er to

Dr$ing o"%in!tion etting %e'o). nd then, press the t!rt5!use %utton.

/o, this ne setting is to %e stored in 5O. o, $ou !n use this usto"i#ed $ $'e setting

%$ si"p'$ pressing the $ $'e %utton net ti"e.

-o o+erride the setting, repe!t the !%o+e.

Drying Cobination Setting.

1. e'et ! dr$ing $'e %$ turning the rot!r$ di!'.

2. nd then, se'et e!h one o& the options suh !s Dr$ *e+e', -e"p, -i"e, et.

-his ne setting is to %e stored in 5O.

 nd, $ou !n use this usto"i#ed $ $'e %$ si"p'$ pressing the $ $'e %utton net ti"e

-o o+erride the setting, repe!t the !%o+e.

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3-4. S&#+T C#+E

3.Instruction of (unction

-his &untion di!gnoses pro%'e"s %$ itse'&. You dont need to !'' ! ser+ie engineer or tr$ to &ind

the user "!nu!' hene+er the produt h!s ! pro%'e", !s "!rt !pp'i!nes 'et $ou :no ho to

de!' +i! the pro%'e" through $our s"!rt phone.

*o+ to set My Cycle

1.-o !ti+!te the "!rt !re &untion , press !nd ho'd the ;"!rt !re; %utton &or 3 seonds

  , turning the dr$er on or right !&ter the error ours.2. & the "!rt !re &untion is !ti+!ted, the *D on the indo disp'!$ rot!tes &or 2 or 3 seonds !nd then the

"!rt !re indi!tor is 'it on the disp'!$.

3. un the "!rt !re !pp on $our s"!rt phone. You !n use the "!rt !re &untion on'$ ith <!'!$ ,

<!'!$ 2, i5hone 4 !nd 5hone 4.

4. =ous $our s"!rt phones !"er! on the disp'!$ p!ne' o& the dr$er.

>. & the s"!rt phones !"er! is &oused on the disp'!$ p!ne' o& the dr$er, the p!ne' !nd error "ess!ge is

!uto"!ti!''$ reogni#ed !nd the error t$pe !nd ounter"e!sures !re disp'!$ed on the s"!rt phone.

6. & the s"!rtphone &!i's to reogni#e the error ode "ore th!n tie, p'e!se enter the error ode disp'!$ed on

the disp'!$ p!ne' o& the dr$er "!nu!''$ into the "!rt !re !pp.

Do+nloa,ing the Sart Care App

Don'o!d the !"sung *!undr$ pp into $our "o%i'e phone &ro" the ndroid "!r:et or pp'e pp store.

(e!rh ord ? !"sung "!rt W!sherDr$er)

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3-,. +ac) Dr*

3.Instruction of (unction

*o+ to Mount Drying (ac%

1. Open the door.

2. ount Dr$ing !: in tu"%'er %$ eng!ging the to re!r t!i's into the to reessed !re!s in the %!: !''.

3. 5'!e the &ront t!i' o& Dr$ing !: on top o& the 'int &i'ter.

4. 5'!e ite"s to dr$ on the r!:, gi+ing enough sp!e %eteen the" to gi+e "ore !ir ont!t.

>. 'ose the door.

6. @se -i"e Dr$. e'et ti"e %!sed on the onditions o& ite"s suh !s their !ter ontents !nd &!%ri st$'es.

  t!rt the dr$er. t "!$ %e neess!r$ to reset the ti"er i& ! 'onger dr$ing ti"e is needed.


W!sh!%'e se!ters(%'o: to sh!pe !nd '!$ &'!t on r!:)

tr! *o ( -i"e Dr$ $'e)

tu&&ed to$s(otton or po'$ester &i%er &i''ed)

tr! *o ( -i"e Dr$ $'e)

tu&&ed to$s

(&o!" or ru%%er &i''ed)  ir ='u&& 

=o!" ru%%er pi''os ir ='u&& 

ne!:ers ir ='u&&  

/A(N!NG Drying oa rubber plastic or rubber +ith a heat setting ay cause ,aage to

  the ite an, coul, lea, to a ire. So use Air Flu only.

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1. er/ice "ode

4. Test &ode Error Chec)

o- to enter:

- To "n"% S"%!#" Mo," %" M!", Goa, B"ll J T" K"& 3 "#on, !nno%al o," un!l ! "n, ou a /""!n. oun,- @ %"!n. M!", Goa, B"ll J T" K"& !n S"%!#" o," ! !ll %"u%n o%alo,"- E"n +ou.+ "n"%!n. S"%!#" o," +" o"%a!n. #&#l" !ll no /" !n=u"n#",


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4. Test &ode Error Chec)

11. !ouch ensor (ata (is*a+"ode 

o- to $nter

- ;!+ Po"% n %"!n. M!", Goa, B"ll JT" o% 3 "#on,- T+! a#!on !ll u +" ,%&"% !no "no% /a% ou#+ ,aa o,"- D%&"% !ll ,!la& S"no% Ba% ,aa

(e@nition of ensor ar !ouch (ata "ode

-   T+! o," ! ,"aul o," o "n"%!n. "%!#" o,".

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4. Test &ode Error Chec)

4-1-2. C+c*e  ount &ode

o- to $nter

-   P%" +" M!", loa,", /"ll k"& !n S"%!#" Mo,"

(e@nition of ensor ar !ouch (ata "ode

-   T+! o," ! o /%!n. u +" oal nu/"% o #&#l" +a U"% +a" #a%%!", ou

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4. Test &ode Error Chec)

4-1-3.Soft.are +e/ision &ode

o- to $nter

-   A S"%!#" Mo," %" T" un!l ! "n, ou a /""!n. oun,") @n #a" o >U1 05? U1 "an a7o% "%!on >U1? 05 "an !no%"%!on >05?  @ %" T" k"& @n Soa%" V"%!on Mo," ! !ll %"u%n S"%!#" Mo,".

(e@nition of oft-are ersion "ode

- @ ! o %"%!"" ! oa%" "%!on

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4. Test &ode Error Chec)

1. Continuous &un "ode

*o+ to -nter

- 5ress ied *o!d Ae'' BDr$ *e+e' &or 7 se during 5oer On t!te (nor"!' user "ode).

- One in ontinuous un ode, disp'!$ C” &or 1 se !nd the re"!ining ti"e &or 2 se inturns.

- -he pre+ious $'e i'' rest!rt during ontinuous un ode unti' the "ode is de!ti+!ted.-  During ontinuous un ode, press ied *o!d Ae'' BDr$ *e+e' &or 7 seonds to go %!:

to nor"!' user "ode.

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4. Test &ode Error Chec)

o- to enter:

-   ;!+ Po"% n %" A,7u U K"& J A,7u Don K"& o% ' "#on, un!l! "n, ou a /""!n. oun,

-   @ no %"", an& k"& o% 5 !nu" ! !ll /" " /a#k %o Daa D!la&Mo,"

-   @ %"!n. A,7u U K"& !n +! o," D!la& Mo," @D !ll /" !n#%"a",

-  @ %"!n. A,7u Don K"& !n +! o," D!la& Mo," @D !ll /"


(e@nition of oft-are ersion "ode:

-   D!la& Mo," 0 L T""%au%" ,aa

-  D!la& Mo," 1 L A"%a." Tou#+ S"no% ,aa o% 1 !nu"

-   D!la& Mo," 2 L A"%a." T""%au%" ,aa o% 1 !nu"

15. (ata (is*a+ "ode

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4-2. Error items and Dianostic Codes

4. Test &ode Error Chec)

$rror(is*a+ !rigger 4ction !a%en

  E  T+" T+"%!"% %"!an#" ! "%&  lo o% +!.+

 C+"#k o%L- Clo..", l!n #%""n- R"%!#", "n &"- C+"#k T+"%!"% %"!an#"

 E  @nal!, +"a!n. T" !n %unn!n.

+" ,%&"%

 C+"#k o%L- R"%!#", "n &"- C+"#k T+"%!"% %"!an#"


  Runn!n. +" ,%&"% !+ ,oo%


 C+"#k o%L- Clo" +" ,oo% an, %un +" ,%&"%

- Goo" o% o"n !%" "%!nal !nDoo% S"n" #!%#u!

 ,F  @nal!, ,oo% a" o% o%" +an

256 !ll!"#on,

 C+"#k o%L-Goo" o% o"n !%" "%!nal !n

Doo% S"n" #!%#u!

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(is*a+!rigger 4ction !a%en

  /E2  @nal!, a" o k"& #!%#u! +o% o%

30 "#

 C+"#k o%L- D!la& PCB k"& #!%#u! +o% o% no

  FE @nal!, o"% ou%#" F%"u"n#&

 C+"#k o%L-o u!n. %".ula% o"% ou%#"

%"u"n#&- @nal!, o"% %"u"n#& "n" #!%#u!

  AE  El"#%on!# Con%ol P%o/l"(#oun!#a!on E%%o%)

C+"#k o%L- C+"#k PCB an, ;!%" +a%n"- R"la#"PCB

  E  @nal!, a" o E"%o#oun!#a!on

C+"#k o% L- PCB !+ E%o #!%#u!

4-2. Error items and Dianostic Codes

4. Test &ode Error Chec)

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)roble )ossible Cause 3 Corrective Action

/ill Not Start or (un

'' onnetors !re p'ugged in orret'$.

Dr$er is p'ugged into the poer out'et.

he: i& house &uses or iruit %re!:er is %'on.

he: i& the door is 'osed proper'$ (i& it is open, Cdo” i'' 'ight up).

he: i& the rot!r$ se'etor di!' or:s e''.

he: i& ontro' Ao!rd is good.

he: i& the %e't is ut o&& or Ae't uto&& sith is initi!ted. he: i& Dri+e otor is spinning proper'$.

he: "otor inding resist!ne? 2.88oh"s %eteen pin E3 !nd 4, 3.>oh"s%eteen pin E4 !nd >.

Motor runs4 tubler +ill not turn

he: i& the %e't is ut o&&.

he: i& d'er -ension pring is &!tigued !nd get re'!ed, pressing Ae't W.

he: i& d'er 5u''e$ is F!""ed or stu:.

(uns a e+ inutes an, thenstops

*int %ui'tup !round Dri+e otor.

nsu&&iient poer.

A'oer "pe''er stu: in A'oer Housing.

,-1. Trou0"eshootin

,.+eference Information

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)roble )ossible Cause 3 Corrective Action

&lo+n Fuses

rippe, Circuit &rea%er 

"-lectric Mo,el#

-he !"per!ge re!dings !re !t 240 +o'ts. One 'ine i'' %e 24 !"ps !nd the other

'ine i'' %e 21!"ps. -he neutr!' 'ine i'' %e !t 3 !"ps. & the !%o+e !"per!ges

!re present, then the house iring, &use %o or iruit %re!:er ou'd %e

suspiious (&!u't$).

horted he!ting e'e"ent to housing.

norret iring or ireshort to ground.

Dri+e "otor inding shorted to ground.

No *eating "Motor Spinning#

De&eti+e He!ter (Open iruit).

Hi*i"it trips e!si'$ or is open.

egu'!ting ther"ost!t trips e!si'$ or is open.

e"%r!ne ith (Open G entri&ug!' W).

he: -her"istor.

he: ensor A!rs

,-1. Trou0"eshootin

,.+eference Information

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)roble )ossible Cause 3 Corrective Action

!nsuicient Drying

oo uch +rin%le

(ough te5ture

6ong ,rying tie

'e!n *int =i'ter.

e"o+e !n$ restrition in the eh!ust s$ste".

-oo 'ong h!ust 5ipe (etended) or too "!n$ e'%os.

nsu&&iient !irint!:e.

norret tu"%'er speed due to the s'ipping o& -u"%'er Ae't.

e"o+e !n$ restrition in A'oer "pe''er. O+er'o!ded Dr$er.

et the se'etion !ording to '!%e's on the 'othes.

'othes ont!ining too "uh !ter.


-hu"ping he: &or 'oose tu"%'er %!&&'e, orn or "is!'igned re!r tu"%'er

ro''ers, eentri tu"%'er or stepped e'dse!" on tu"%'er. -i:ing he: &or 'oose ire h!rness or !n$ restrition in A'oer Whee'.

r!ping he: i& &ront or re!r %u':he!d =e't e!' is out o& position or -u"%'er=ront Ae!ring is orn out.

o!ring he: i& A'oer Whee' ru%s on A'oer Housing, or otor Ae!ring isorn out.

5oppingue!'ing he: &or %e't s'ipping.

,-1. Trou0"eshootin

,.+eference Information

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,-2. irin Diaram

,.+eference Information

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,-3. Component Chec)

,.+eference Information

)arts !age Description 7alue


Unplug connector an, test ro +ire insertion si,e.

)in 82 an, )in 89 o CN9 10 :; < ==> F42?>C

Door S+itch

Unplug connectors an, test s+itch terinals. Door open terinals C@M to NC Door open terinals C@M to N@ Door close, terinals C@M to NC Door close, terinals C@M to N@

!ninity6ess than 1 ;!ninity6ess than 1 ;

6apUnplug connectors an, test s+itch terinals. Chec% across terinals 0 to 100 ;

&elt S+itchUnplug connectors an, test s+itch terinals. Chec% across terinals s+itch close,Chec% across terinals s+itch open

6ess than 1 ;!ninity






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,-3. Component Chec)

,.+eference Information

)arts Spec Description 7alue

herostat 1herostat Cut @

1?>F4?>C 2?AUnplug connector an, easure its resistance 6ess than 1 ;

herostat 2

*i 6iit290>F412=>C 2?A

"-lectric#2B0>F4110>C 2?A


Unplug connector an, easure its resistance 6ess than 1 ;

herostat Bherostat Cut @

B20>F4190>C 2?AUnplug connector an, easure its resistance 6ess than 1 ;

*eater  2B07 4 =00/ Unplug connectors an, test *eater terinals 10 ;

herostat 1[Electric]

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,-4. &ain P%# !a*out The Princip"e Part

,.+eference Information

Location Part No. Function Description

1 CN1 AC CONNECTION CONNECTOR Supplies AC power to the PBA



The connector that controls co##unications with the Su$ PBAcorrespon%in& to the Displa'.

3 CN( "ICO" FLAS) CONNECTOR   T+" #onn"#o% +a %!" oa%" ono +" M@CM

4 CN* SENSOR CONNECTION CONNECTOR  Conn"# +" ""%au%" "no% !n o%,"% o ,""# +"

""%au%" o +" +"a"%

5 CN+ ,AL,E CONNECTION CONNECTORIt is connecte% to the stea# ,al-eStea# "o%els Onl'/ an% the La#p o0the Dri-e Bloc an% controls the ON2OFF si&nal.

6 CN3 SET 4RO!ND CONNECTION CONNECTOR The connector connectin& the Dr'er Set an% the &roun% o0 the PBA

7 R5+ "OTOR OPERATION RELA5 The rela' that turns the "ain "otor an% o00.

8 R53 )EATER OPERATION RELA5 The rela' that turns the )eater on an% o00.

9 R56 )EATER1 OPERATION RELA5 The rela' that turns the )eater1 on an% o00.

7 8 9







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,-,. Schematic Diaram of &ain P%# DO'%!E C!IC # (ICT'+E (O+ T5E DET#I!

,.+eference Information

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1.Motor Relay Switch2.Motor Relay Switch

,-6. Connector +e"a* Termina" Description &ain P%#

  - D7431

,.+eference Information


1.AC Power Port.AC Power o00 Detection Sensor(.Door Detection SensorLOC@!NLOC@/


1.STEA" ,AL,E1 STEA" ONL5/.E#pt' Pin(.LA"P*.E#pt' Pin+.STEA" ,AL,ESTEA" ONL5/3.E#pt' Pin

CN21.Communications Port(Rx)2.Communications Port(Tx)3.SUB RST!. "# ". $%&$'.12# 

CN31."# 2.S3.S!.RST".C*C+ '.,*M$-.$%&$.m/ty Pin

CN41.$%&$2."# 3.TMP Sensor1!.,a0ric $etection Sensor".,a0ric $etection Sensor'."#-. TMP Sensor2

CN61.ST %&$

RY71.eater1 Relay Switch2.eater1 Relay Switch






f f

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Location Part No. Function Description

7 S!B CN3 Connect "ain PBA  R"#"!" o"% %o +" Ma!n PBA an, %o!," a #oun!#a!on


8 S!B CNConnect S!B PBA an%


Conn"# +" SUB PBA Boa%, an, +" En#o,"% Boa%,

9 B1 B!ER  9"n"%a" oun, +"n +" M"nu k"& ! %"", +" En#o,"% o"%a"

an, +" "nu ! #lo",



,.+eference Information

,-8. Su0 P%# !a*out The Princip"e Part

, + f I f ti

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,.+eference Information

,-9. Schematic Diaram of Su0 P%# DO'%!E C!IC # (ICT'+E (O+ T5E DET#I!

, + f I f ti

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,-:. Connector +e"a* Termina" Description Su0 P%#

  - D7,11

,.+eference Information


1 Coun!#a!on Po%(T)2 Coun!#a!on Po%(R)3 uu +" R"" S!.nal4 5V5 9RUD6 12V



CN21. @G signal

2. @G signalB. Groun,

. 6e, signal

?. 6e, signal9. 6e, signal

=. 6e, signal

. 6e, signalE. 6e, signal

10. 6e, signal

11. 6e, signal12. &uer signal

1B. &uer signal

, + f I f ti

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,-12. ; #

,.+eference Information

. /hat ,oes it ean +hen chasing lightappear in the ,isplayH

A. he chasing lights appear in the ,isplay +hen /rin%le )reventis selecte,. his lets you %no+ that the ,ryer is tublinginterittently or E? inutes +ith roo teperature air aterthe cycle is coplete to re,ucing +rin%ling. he loa, is ,ryan, can be reove, at any tie ,uring /rin%le )revent.

. /hy is the estiate, ,rying tie solongH

A. he initial estiate, ,rying tie +ill be longer because the,ryer has not yet ,etecte, the aount o oisture in theloa,. Ater the ,ryer has been running or several inutes aore accurate estiate +ill be ,isplaye,. (eeber theties are estiate,. he actual ,rying tie ay be longer orshorter ,epen,ing on the loa,.

. My ,ryer sees to run longer than !e5pect. /hyH

A. he ,ryer autoatically senses the ,ryness level o loa,. &ecareul to avoi, overloa,ing your ,ryer. For best ,ryingresults avoi, i5ing heavy an, light+eight ites in thesae loa,.

6 Di 0" + 0"

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Dru" *i&ter 

ontro' 5!ne'

1 Unlu. +" un!

2R"o" 2 #%" %o +" a!l

3Sl!," /a#k To Co"% an, %"o" !

-op o+er 

F!GU(-D-SC(!)!@N)A( NAM-

6.Disassem0"* +eassem0"*

1Unlu. +" un!

2R"o" To Co"%

3R"o" ou% #%" %o +" D%u

A"% %"a"/l& #+"#k D%u-G!"%


1Unlu. +" un!

2R"o" To Co"%

3R"o" +%"" #%" %o +"ol,"%

  PCB4Unlu. all ou!n.

5S"a%a" 6 ook F%o 9u!," Pan"l

6R"o" ! %o +" un!

A"% %"a"/l& %& ""%& /uon

  o%k!n. %o"%l&

6 Di 0" + 0"

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1.@np'ug the unit.

2.e"o+e to sres &ro" Ho'der*e+er 

3.e"o+e to sres &ro" Door Hinge.

4.sse"%'e Door *o: <uide !nd

Door ss$ to e!h others 'o!tion.

Door e+ers!'

F!GU(-D-SC(!)!@N)A( NAM-

6.Disassem0"* +eassem0"*


1R"o" 15 #%" ol,"%-9la

2R"o" Doo% Co"%

3R"o" 8 #%" Suo%-!n."

4R"o" Suo%-!n." !n."-Doo%

5R"o"Doo% S"al

A"% %"a"/l& #+"#k +" ,oo%

o"n", an, #lo", %o"%l&

1 2


6 Di 0" + 0"

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=ront 5!ne' e"o+!'

F!GU(-D-SC(!)!@N)A( NAM-

6.Disassem0"* +eassem0"*

1Unlu. +" un!

2R"o" To Co"%

3R"o" Con%ol Pan"l

4R"o" ou% #%" %o Pla"(U)

5S"a%a" Doo%-S!#+ ou!n.

6R"o" ou% #%" %o +" F%a"Pan"l

'R"o" D"#o%a!on-F%on %o F%a"Pan"l

A"% %"a"/l& #+"#k F%a" Pan"l",

on +" F%a" "ll an, Doo%-S!#+ o%k


6 Disassem0" +eassem0"

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=ront Au':he!d

F!GU(-D-SC(!)!@N)A( NAM-

6.Disassem0"* +eassem0"*

1Unlu. +" un!

2R"o" To Co"%

3R"o" Con%ol Pan"l

4R"o" F%on Pan"l

5R"o" Pla"(U)

6R"o" ou% Bulk+"a, %"a!n!n. 5 #%"

'D!#onn"# Mo!u%" S"no% ;!%!n.

a%n"8G! Bulk+"a, %o Ca/!n" an, %"o"

oisture ensor I

n!ndesent *!"p

1Unlu. +" un!

2R"o" To Co"%

3R"o" Con%ol Pan"l

4R"o" F%on Pan"l

5R"o" 1 !n. #%" %o Tou#+ S"no%

  N R"oal Tou#+ S"no%

A"% %"a"/l& #+"#k +" Tou#+ S"no%

o%k %o"%l& +%ou.+ " o,"

6 Disassem0"* +eassem0"*

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F!GU(-D-SC(!)!@N)A( NAM-

6.Disassem0"* +eassem0"*

1 D!#onn"# Po"% Sul& o Un!

2 R"o" To Co"% Conol" F%on Pan"l

Pla"(u) F%on Bulk+"a,

3 R"o" B"l

4 G! D%u an, Pull ou

* Ca%"ull& %"a, +" #a/!n" a

n"",", o ." "%a #l"a%an#"

utJ ta%e care not to defor'

the ca)inet.

1A"% %"o" ol,"%-S+a "a%a" "a#+Roll"%

=ront I e!r o''er 

(&ter re"o+ing

e!r Au':he!d)

6 Disassem0"* +eassem0"*

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 sse"%'$ (1)

F!GU(-D-SC(!)!@N)A( NAM-

6.Disassem0"* +eassem0"*

1.&ter re"o+e Dru", do the &o''oing.

2.e"o+e the 2 sres &ro" Dut onnetor.

3.ep!r!te Dut onnetor 

4.e"o+e 1 Housing otor 

>.e"o+e 2 Housing Ae't ut O&& ith

6.e"o+e 3 re &ro" otorAr!:et

6 Disassem0"* +eassem0"*

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 sse"%'$ (2)

F!GU(-D-SC(!)!@N)A( NAM-

6.Disassem0"* +eassem0"*

8S"a%a" A& Moo% !n Boo Pla"

OGo#k Blo"% ;+""l !+ a #%",%!"% an,

"a%a" +" 14 nu %o Fan

10R"o" Blo"% Fan

11R"o" +" +%"" #%" %o Co"%-Du# Fan

12R"o" 2 S%!n. Pla" U!n. a lon.-no"l!"%

13R"o" 1 S#%" B"l Cu S!#+

14R"o" ol,"% S+a an, Roll"%-@,l"%

A"% %"a"/l& #+"#k +" Moo% o%k


6 Disassem0"* +eassem0"*

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1.&ter the :no:don to otorss$otor,do the &o''oing.

2.hut o&& g!s supp'$.3.Disonnet g!s pipe.4.e"o+e !'' the onnetors.>.e"o+e to sres (one !t the &ront !nd theother one !t the %!:) seuring Aurner to =r!"e.

N@-I he !gniter &ar is ragile.So ta%e care +hen reoving &urner Assy.6.e"o+e the to sres !tt!hing

the housing to Aurner Ar!:et.7.e"o+e Aurner ss$ &ro" the unit.


(=or 'etri Dr$er,

re&er to 5!ge>4.)

F!GU(-D-SC(!)!@N)A( NAM-

6.Disassem0"* +eassem0"*


1R"o" O #%" a +" /a#k o +" un!

an, 2 #%" a +" Val"-;a"%2S"a%a" +" Co"%-Val"3R"o" +" "%!nal %o +" al"-

;a"%4S"a%a" A&-D%u Ba#k !n F%a"

6 Disassem0"* +eassem0"*

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1.&ter sep!r!te ss$Dru" A!:, do the &o''oing.

2.e"o+e 3 sres &ro" A!:o+er.

3.e"o+e the Duth!ust.

Jent Dut

F!GU(-D-SC(!)!@N)A( NAM-

6.Disassem0"* +eassem0"*

1.e"o+e e!h seuring sres to re"o+e  e!h o& the sensors.

  =or di&&erenes %eteen <!s !nd 'etri,re&er to >3. o"ponent he:.





6 Disassem0"* +eassem0"*

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He!ter sse"%'$

F!GU(-D-SC(!)!@N)A( NAM-

6.Disassem0"* +eassem0"*

1.&ter sep!r!te otor, Dut=!n, do the &o''oing.

2.e"o+e 6 Housing He!ter-er"in!'s

3.e"o+e 1 sre &ro" He!ter Die.

4.ep!r!te He!ter in Dru"A!:.

- 6 +eference Information

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- 6-:. Nomenc"ature 

6.+eference Information 

)ro,uct ype Capacity Feature )roJect Color   


D 7 0 ? - ) A / ( 4 A A

)ro,uct ype CapacityFeature



B)latoror Series

Sub')lator 7er.



Dryer 7ente, .0 cu.t"+asher capacity #

&etter  -lectricStea


/( I Neat /hite

SU I Ultra !no5

  4 I C&U U I S:D 1 I Service  version



 '!ssi&i&i!tion !ording to t$pe

 -he st!nd!rd !p!it$ (=or /orth  "eri! ? DO  st!nd!rd  !p!it$)

 !:e ! Deision %$ &e!ture 'ogi t!%'e

 5roFet n!"e !:e ! Deision %$ o'or ode t!%'e


Au$er ode

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The End