"Vol. ZL 2STo. s. 15 PUBLISHED .Every -- AJfternoon EXCEPT SGXDAY Br THE Holomua Publishing Do. AtJvingSt. (Thomas block), Honolulu, H. I. SUBSCRIPTION p?r Month, 50 Cts. The paper is delivered by Carriers in the town and suburbs. Single Copies for Sale at the News Dealers and at tho Office of publication. Edmund Norrie, -'- - - Editor '&BRAHAM FERNANDEZ, - Manager JSTOTIOB. All Business Communications should be addressed to Abraham Fernandez, Hono- lulu, II. I. Correspondence and Communications for publication should bo addressed to the Editor Hawaii Uolomua. No notice will be paid to any anonymous communications. Business Cards A. P. PETERSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. '''.Office: 113 Kaabumanu Street, Honolulu ifevc Hawaiian Islands. CHARLES OREIGHTON,! ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofnco: 113 Kaabumanu Street, Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. PATH NEUMANN, 4 ATTORNEY AT LAW. 814 Morchtiut Stroot, Honolulu, Mutual Tolopbono -- 115. OLARENOE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office. Old Capitol Building, Honolulu Hale), adjoining Post Office, Honolulu. . J. M. DAVIDSON, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, 306 Merchant St., Offico (Mutual) Tol. ISO, Residouco 67. .A. HOSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. IS Kaahumanu St. , Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. JOHN LOTA KATJLTJKOU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offico, corner, King & Bethel Sts. laEWIS J. aaEYEjT, Seal Estate and General Auctioneer. t Comer Fori asl QaecaSteote, HocVkIv -- Personal attention given io Sales of Furniture, Real EsiaU, : Stock d GMrl " Tle Life of tixe I..rd is 33sta.lDlis2i.ed. in 2Big3n.teo-u.sixse-w- : HoiiolixLu, W e clues day, Business Cards H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., Grocery, Feed Store & Bakery, Corner of King and Port Sts., Honolulu. MAOFARLANE & GO. Dealers in Wines and Spirits Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu. H. P. BERTELMANN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, 8G Bang St., Bell Telephone 107. P. H. REWARD, CONTRACTOR and BUHNER, No. 506 King Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. dr. Mclennan, 131 Fort Street Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 12 M.; 3 to 5 P.M. Office Tel. 2S7. Bell Telephone 3S1. P. 0. Box 32 TV. W. WRIGHT & SON, Carriage and. Wagon Builders IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 79 and SO King Street, Honolulu, H. I. Elias Kaululaau Wrisrht DENTIST, Comer of jKing and Bethel Sts., Upstairs, Entrance on Kiug Street. Office Hours Prom 9 a.m. to 12 m., 1 to 4 p.m. KST Sundays oxcepted. J. PHILLIPS, PRACTICAL PLUMBER, GAS-FITTE- COPPER-SMITH- , KST House and Ship Job TVprfc Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street, Honolulu. Notary IPublic." Collector and general Business Agent $UB-AGE- NT for several of the hest Fire Insurance Cos. Mutual Telephone S. P. O. Box S3S. Iferch&ni street, Honolulu. WING W0 TAI &. Co., No. 2U Nsaasu Street, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Importers aadDadets ia GE2FL MEQCHAXMSE. Fiu9""Mail& Cigars, Chiusee-an- d Japanese Crock rywart, Ma ttiBgs, Ysee of all kinds, Caaapkorwood Trunka, Eaitan Chairs, a Fim Ajsgx tunt of Drees Silks, Boat Brands oftChitteee aiad Jkpae Im of Latest LpcUtiowj. Ipeotiot of Nftw Goock R sptfally SoiieiWd. XmlMlTal. m, P. (X Boslvt. Business Cards G.W.IACFABLAHE&GO., Importers and Commission. Jderchants, Honolulu, - Hawaiian Islands THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jewdei and Waiclimaker, Mclnerny Block, 405 Fort St., Honolulu. HARRISON BROS., X3T. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, 20SFort St., Honolulu. MERCHANT'S EXCHANGE, . - t S. I. SHAW, PKomiETOR, CHOICE LIQUORS ' and FINE BEER, Corner of King and Nuuanu Sts., Mutual Tel. 423. Honolulu. BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRiCHT Business of a Fiduciary Nature Transacted. Prompt attention given to the management of Estates, Guardianships, Trusts, etc., etc., . etc. Ojjices, . ; Gartxorigld Building, Merchant Street. Honolulu. PACIFIC SALOON, Corner King and Nuuanu Streets. EDW. WOLTER... .Manager. The. Finest selection of LIQUORS and BEER, sold anywhero in the town. First-clas- s attendence. Call and judge for yourself. no SO-t-f. "FAT BOY BAY HORSE 532 SALOON ! P. McINERNY, Propkietok, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Corner Bethel and Hotel Sts. Kinpire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Proprietor. Fine Wine?, Liprft Bsef, ALWAYS ON HAND. Corner Nuuanu &ad Hotel Streets Bell Telephone 3S1. Post Office Box32. tf.W.WRIGHTiSON Wage i&W ap Builders In All Its Branches. Horseshoeing X SPECIALTY. TT W 80u St.. HoolalK J"amiaxy 1.0, -- A.dverfcisements Criterion Saloon PER AUSTRALIA, another Invoice of the celebrated .1 JOHN WEILAND raw fe Also;" a Fresh Invoice of fSfl -- FOR- COCKTAIL L. H. DEE, Proprietor. Citysa Meat Oppo.. Queen Emma Hall, " - -- Established 1883. JOS. TINKER, aa; it y IVI 1 II Ti' Maker of the Celebrated Cambridge Pork Sausage.! Try Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the City and Suburbs. Mutual Telephone Number 239. WfePcgaqB Mom 824 Nuuanu Street Ay. Suits Griiarariteed 'CSbttMs'GkMiMd ftsd Bpird. S94k Per THE n i rroraoD m -:- - iiov emu OFFIOIAL LIST OF ME.M BERS AND LOCATION OF B DREADS. - EiEccnvE Cocxcil. S. B.Dole. Pn.viJeat of the Pmri!nn1 Rorprn meat of the Hawaiian Island, and Minister J. A. KUi?, Minister it the Interior. S. M. Paraon, Minister of Finance. . W. O. Smith, Attorney-Genera- l. Advisory Cockcil. W. a Wilder, of the Provisional viovcrnmeni oi me tlawmun isuntb. C. Bolte,- - John Emtaeluth, JohnNott, W.F.AUcn, John i.na, Henry Waterhouse, James F.iTorgan. .. A. Young, EcLS.hr, F. a. Hatch, us. i. -- ncnuonca. Chas. T. Rodgers, crctarj- - Ex.-an- d Adr. Councils. Stpeeme Codkt. Hon. A. F. Judil, Chlef'tustice. Hon.-J- l. F. Bickerton, First Associate Justice. Hon. W. F. Frear, Second Associate JnsUee. Henry Smith, Chief Clerk. Geo. Luc s, Deputy Clerk. C. F. Peterson.Sec md Deputy Clerk. J. Walter Jones, Stenographer. CiRCDrr Judges. First Circuit: j &$g 0.hu Third and Fourth Circuits: (Hawaii) S.L. Austin vuvuu; m.auaij j. naruy. Offices and Court-roo- in Court House, Mng street. Sitting in Honolulu The first Monday in Febnuryt May, August and Xtvem-be- r. Depaktjckxt of Foeeick ArrxiKs. Office In Capitol Building. King street, nis Excellency Sauford B. Do.e, Minister ol Foreign Auii Irs. Geo. C. Potter, Secret ry. n.nuMo; nngni, uoneijiian, uierts. DErjuroiExror ISTEatou-Offic- e In Executive Building, King street. His Exrpllonnv J. A. Vtnr. flnl.t,... nt T K.aci v;ierc. jonu a. uass nger. Assistaat Clerks: James H. Boyd, M. K. Kcohc- - Kaioie. btephen Mahaulu, George C. Ro3, Edward S.Boyd. Blt.eac of AanicCLTUKE akd Forestry. President: His Excellency tbe Minister of Interior. Wm. G Irwin, Allan Herbert, John Ena, Joseph Marsden, Commissioner and Secretary. Chiefs of Buseacs, Interioe Defibtmext. Snrveyor-Genera- l. . D. Alexander. Snpt. Publ c Works, WE. RocU. Supt. Water Works, Andrew Brown. inspector, fclectrlc Lights, John Cassldy. Kegistrar i.f C :uveyauces, T. G. Thrum. KoudSupcrvIsor.il nolulu, W. II Cumini-ss- . nhl(f KnHniirr Virn H..nt Tno IT It..., Supt. Insane Asylum, Dr. A. MoWayne. DEPAKTMEhT or Finance. Office, .Executive Building, King street, minister of Finance, His Excellency S. M. Damon. Auditor-Genera- l, George J. Bos. negisirar oi Accounts, w . u. Asniey. Clerk of Finance Office, E. A. Mclnerny. Collector-Gener- of Custom. Jis. B. Ctl? Tax Assessor, 0 hn, J,o. St-- Deputy Tax Assessor, W. C. Weedbn. PuStmaiter-Gcner- L J. Mort 0t, . CC3T0XS BCRE.IC. ' Office, Custom House. EspUrtadr, Fort street. Dputy-Col.ec- I. B. McStocker. iifcriwrmajier, uapiain A. uiier. Port Surtcmr. Vf v c.nli- - Storekeeper, George C. Strateaicyer. - " DETAEntENT OF ATTOENEV-GENEStA- t. Office In Executive Building, King street. Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smith. wpniy Aiiorney.ueacrai, o. &. n uuer. Clerk. J. M. Kea ilawhal. E. G. Hitchcock. Cltrkjto Marshal, H. H. Dow. wepuiy jixrsnai, Artnur x. Brown. Jailor Oahtt Prison, J. A. low. Prisoa Physician, Dr. C B. Cooper. Soabo or lmcasATio:r. Prrsid3t. Bis Xxeellcnev J. A. Kinir. Member of the Board of isrmisraUon: Hon. J. B. Athertaa, Jac B. Castle, Hon. A. S. CIrgavrn, Jsaes G. Spencer, Mart I. Rcbias-in- . SecretAry, Wray Taylor. BOA33 OF HXALTK. OSteeia rroar3fa of Court Soom SsHdiiir. corser oi MtUUal asdQsafa strict?. Mebert: IV. Dr, Ir.Mi3r, Dr. AndtvKs, J.T. tros Jr., Joan xseo. . iatiss ks4 AsrBer-Gera- l SsilJs. Prsktst lion. O Hffli:- - irwlarf Caw. Wtttecc AesflT 0eer--C B. Eeynolds. Iastc5r G. W.C ;.-- ' Part ?iiyjfaKi,Ir.G. B. Andrew. IWm.. i.mtt. Ir II. nr. Uaenrd. Xf Saifi it, Pr. Jt. K. OUrtr. GF XsCCATfOir. ' - Jt' X V ! fc i itn WlllMll. Montli dO Cts. PHORGED PHORAGIKO BIHT'S IHTIT, Ont frora the harbor of youth's bay There leads the path ot pleasure; With eager steps are walk that way To brim joy's largest measure. But when with morn's departing beam Goes youth's last precious minuU-- , We sigh 'twas but a fevered dream There's nothing in it. - Then, on our vision dawns afar The goal of Rlory, gleaming Like some great radiant solar siar, And sets us longing, dreaminR. . Forgetting all things left behind. We strain each nerve to win it. But when 'tis ours alas! we find There nothing in it. We turn our sail, reluctant gaze Upon the path of duty; Its barren, uninviting ways Are void of bloom and beauty. Yet hi that road, though dark and cold It seems as begin it, As we press on lo! we behold There's heavea in. it. Zadks Jfmnt Journal. THE MiltUH UF COXPAXT A. "Forward, march!" was the Captain's word. And the trump of a hundred men was heard, As they formed into lino in the morning gray; Shoulder to shoulder went Company A. Out of the shadow into the sun, A hundred men who moved as one; Out of the dawning into tho day In glittering files went Company A. Marching along to the rendezvous, By grassy meadows tho road ran .through, By springing cornfields and orchards gay, Forward, forward, went Company A. And tho pink and the white of tho applo trets Falling fast on the fitfulbrecze, . Scattered their dewy, scented spray Straight in tho face of Company A. A breath like a sign ran through the ranks Treading those odorous blossom banks, For tho orchard hillsides far away,-Th- e northern hills des of Company A. Forward, march! and the dream was sped; Out of tho pine wood straight ahead Clattered a troop of the Southern gray Face to face with Company A. Forth with a flash in the Southern sun A hundred sabres leaped like ono. Sudden drum-be- at and bugle-pla- y Sounded the charge for Company A. Halt! What is here! A slumbering child, Roused by tho blast of tho bogle wild. Between the ranks of the bluo and tho gray Bight in the path of Company A. Nothing knowing of North or South, Her dimpled fiugor within her mouth. Her gathered apron with blossoms gay, She stared at the guns of Company A. Straight way set for a sign of truce Whiiely a handkerchief fluttered loose; In front of tho steel of the Southern gray Galloped the Captain of Company A. To tbe saddle bow ha swung the child, With a kiss on the baby's lip that smiled. Wiile the bojs in bine and tha boys in gray Cheered for the Captain of Company A. Forth from the rank of his halted men; While tha wild hurrahs rang out a gain, The Southern leader spurred his way To meet tho Captain of Company A. Out of the arms that held her safe Ho took with a smBo the little xaifo; A grip of the hand 'twixtblue and gray. And back rodo the Captain cf Company A. Up there La the distant cottage door, A mother clasped her child once more, Shuddered at sight of the szaoka cloud gray. Shrouding tha path of Company A. A littla later and all was done. Tho battle was orer, the victory won, . 2othing vu left of th piiilesa fray That swept the ranks of Company A. Nothing was left, sato tho blood stain Darkening tha orchard's rosy rain; Ded tk-ehk- f of tha Southern gray, Aad dead the captain oi Company A. F&fiaa toe&r thd gray and blae. Go k) t& find leadtrross; A grre ie eavtr, & prayer to say, Aad Forsrard, suck! wot Ccp3y A. WE BWIES, BIGGER r ax : STEYEDORB EiTlXAXXS AND CONTRACTS OX ALL USDS or WOKZ.

Tle Life of tixe I..rd is in - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/18100/1/1894011001.pdf · OFFIOIAL LIST OF ME.M BERS AND LOCATION OF BDREADS.-

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"Vol. ZL 2STo. s.


.Every --AJfternoonEXCEPT SGXDAY Br THE

Holomua Publishing Do.

AtJvingSt. (Thomas block),Honolulu, H. I.

SUBSCRIPTION p?r Month, 50 Cts.

The paper is delivered by Carriers in thetown and suburbs. Single Copies for Saleat the News Dealers and at tho Office ofpublication.

Edmund Norrie, -'-

-- Editor


JSTOTIOB.All Business Communications should be

addressed to Abraham Fernandez, Hono-lulu, II. I.

Correspondence and Communications forpublication should bo addressed to the EditorHawaii Uolomua. No notice will be paidto any anonymous communications.

Business Cards



'''.Office: 113 Kaabumanu Street, Honoluluifevc Hawaiian Islands.



Ofnco: 113 Kaabumanu Street, HonoluluHawaiian Islands.



814 Morchtiut Stroot, Honolulu,Mutual Tolopbono --115.




Office. Old Capitol Building, HonoluluHale), adjoining Post Office,




306 Merchant St., Offico (Mutual)Tol. ISO, Residouco 67.



No. IS Kaahumanu St. , Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands.



Offico, corner, King & Bethel Sts.

laEWIS J. aaEYEjT,

Seal Estate and General

Auctioneer. t

Comer Fori asl QaecaSteote, HocVkIv

--Personal attention given io Salesof Furniture, Real EsiaU, :

Stock d GMrl

" Tle Life of tixe I..rd is 33sta.lDlis2i.ed. in 2Big3n.teo-u.sixse-w- :

HoiiolixLu, W ecluesday,

Business Cards


Grocery, Feed Store & Bakery,

Corner of

King and Port Sts., Honolulu.


Dealers in Wines and Spirits

Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu.



8G Bang St., Bell Telephone 107.



No. 506 King Street, Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands.

dr. Mclennan,131 Fort Street

Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 12 M.; 3 to 5 P.M.

Office Tel. 2S7.

Bell Telephone 3S1. P. 0. Box 32


Carriage and. Wagon Builders


79 and SO King Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Elias Kaululaau Wrisrht


Comer of jKing and Bethel Sts., Upstairs,

Entrance on Kiug Street.

Office Hours Prom 9 a.m. to12 m., 1 to 4 p.m. KST Sundaysoxcepted.



KST House and Ship Job TVprfc

Promptly Executed.

No. 71 King Street, Honolulu.

Notary IPublic."Collector and general Business

Agent$UB-AGE- NT for several of

the hest Fire Insurance Cos.

Mutual Telephone S. P. O. Box S3S.Iferch&ni street, Honolulu.

WING W0 TAI &. Co.,

No. 2U Nsaasu Street,


Importers aadDadets ia


Fiu9""Mail& Cigars, Chiusee-an- d

Japanese Crock rywart, Ma ttiBgs,Ysee of all kinds, CaaapkorwoodTrunka, Eaitan Chairs, a FimAjsgx tunt of Drees Silks, BoatBrands oftChitteee aiad JkpaeIm of Latest LpcUtiowj.Ipeotiot of Nftw Goock Rsptfally SoiieiWd.

XmlMlTal. m, P. (X Boslvt.

Business Cards


Importers and Commission.


Honolulu, - Hawaiian Islands


Manufacturing Jewdei and


Mclnerny Block, 405 Fort St., Honolulu.



20SFort St., Honolulu.


- t




Corner of King and Nuuanu Sts.,

Mutual Tel. 423. Honolulu.


Business of a Fiduciary Nature Transacted.

Prompt attention given to the managementof Estates, Guardianships, Trusts,

etc., etc., . etc.

Ojjices, . ; Gartxorigld Building,Merchant Street. Honolulu.


Corner King and Nuuanu Streets.

EDW. WOLTER... .Manager.

The. Finest selection of LIQUORS andBEER, sold anywhero in the town.

First-clas- s attendence. Call and judgefor yourself. no SO-t-f.



P. McINERNY, Propkietok,

Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer.

Corner Bethel and Hotel Sts.

Kinpire Saloon,JAMES OLDS, Proprietor.

Fine Wine?, Liprft Bsef,


Corner Nuuanu &ad Hotel Streets

Bell Telephone 3S1. Post Office Box32.


Wage i&Wap Builders

In All Its Branches.

HorseshoeingX SPECIALTY.

TTW 80u St.. HoolalK

J"amiaxy 1.0,


Criterion Saloon


another Invoice of the celebrated.1



fe Also;" a Fresh Invoice of




Citysa Meat

Oppo.. Queen Emma Hall,"

- -- Established 1883.


aa; it yIVI 1 II Ti'

Maker of the Celebrated

Cambridge Pork Sausage.!

Try Them.

Meat Delivered to Any Part of

the City and Suburbs.

Mutual Telephone Number 239.

WfePcgaqB Mom824 Nuuanu Street

Ay. Suits Griiarariteed

'CSbttMs'GkMiMd ftsd Bpird.

S94k Per

THEn irroraoDm -:- - iiovemu




EiEccnvE Cocxcil.

S. B.Dole. Pn.viJeat of the Pmri!nn1 Rorprnmeat of the Hawaiian Island, and Minister

J. A. KUi?, Minister it the Interior.S. M. Paraon, Minister of Finance. .W. O. Smith, Attorney-Genera- l.

Advisory Cockcil.

W. a Wilder, of the Provisionalviovcrnmeni oi me tlawmun isuntb.

C. Bolte,- - John Emtaeluth,

JohnNott, W.F.AUcn,John i.na, Henry Waterhouse,James F.iTorgan. .. A. Young,EcLS.hr, F. a. Hatch,

us. i. --ncnuonca.Chas. T. Rodgers, crctarj- - Ex.-an- d Adr.


Stpeeme Codkt.

Hon. A. F. Judil, Chlef'tustice.Hon.-J- l. F. Bickerton, First Associate Justice.Hon. W. F. Frear, Second Associate JnsUee.Henry Smith, Chief Clerk.Geo. Luc s, Deputy Clerk.C. F. Peterson.Sec md Deputy Clerk.J. Walter Jones, Stenographer.

CiRCDrr Judges.

First Circuit: j &$g 0.hu

Third and Fourth Circuits: (Hawaii) S.L. Austinvuvuu; m.auaij j. naruy.Offices and Court-roo- in Court House,

Mng street. Sitting in Honolulu The firstMonday in Febnuryt May, August and Xtvem-be- r.

Depaktjckxt of Foeeick ArrxiKs.

Office In Capitol Building. King street, nisExcellency Sauford B. Do.e, Minister ol ForeignAuii Irs.

Geo. C. Potter, Secret ry.n.nuMo; nngni, uoneijiian, uierts.

DErjuroiExror ISTEatou-Offic- e

In Executive Building, King street.His Exrpllonnv J. A. Vtnr. flnl.t,... nt T

K.aci v;ierc. jonu a. uass nger.Assistaat Clerks: James H. Boyd, M. K. Kcohc- -

Kaioie. btephen Mahaulu, George C. Ro3,Edward S.Boyd.

Blt.eac of AanicCLTUKE akd Forestry.

President: His Excellency tbe Minister ofInterior. Wm. G Irwin, Allan Herbert,John Ena, Joseph Marsden, Commissionerand Secretary.

Chiefs of Buseacs, Interioe Defibtmext.

Snrveyor-Genera- l. . D. Alexander.Snpt. Publ c Works, WE. RocU.Supt. Water Works, Andrew Brown.inspector, fclectrlc Lights, John Cassldy.Kegistrar i.f C :uveyauces, T. G. Thrum.KoudSupcrvIsor.il nolulu, W. II Cumini-ss- .nhl(f KnHniirr Virn H..nt Tno IT It...,Supt. Insane Asylum, Dr. A. MoWayne.

DEPAKTMEhT or Finance.

Office, .Executive Building, King street,

minister of Finance, His Excellency S. M.Damon.

Auditor-Genera- l, George J. Bos.negisirar oi Accounts, w . u. Asniey.Clerk of Finance Office, E. A. Mclnerny.Collector-Gener- of Custom. Jis. B. Ctl?Tax Assessor, 0 hn, J,o. St--

Deputy Tax Assessor, W. C. Weedbn.PuStmaiter-Gcner- L J. Mort 0t, .


Office, Custom House. EspUrtadr, Fort street.

Dputy-Col.ec- I. B. McStocker.iifcriwrmajier, uapiain A. uiier.Port Surtcmr. Vf v c.nli- -

Storekeeper, George C. Strateaicyer. - "


Office In Executive Building, King street.

Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smith.wpniy Aiiorney.ueacrai, o. &. n uuer.Clerk. J. M. Keailawhal. E. G. Hitchcock.Cltrkjto Marshal, H. H. Dow.wepuiy jixrsnai, Artnur x. Brown.Jailor Oahtt Prison, J. A. low.Prisoa Physician, Dr. C B. Cooper.

Soabo or lmcasATio:r.

Prrsid3t. Bis Xxeellcnev J. A. Kinir.Member of the Board of isrmisraUon:

Hon. J. B. Athertaa, Jac B. Castle, Hon. A.S. CIrgavrn, Jsaes G. Spencer, Mart I.Rcbias-in- .

SecretAry, Wray Taylor.


OSteeia rroar3fa of Court Soom SsHdiiir.corser oi MtUUal asdQsafa strict?.

Mebert: IV. Dr, Ir.Mi3r, Dr. AndtvKs, J.T.tros Jr., Joan xseo. . iatissks4 AsrBer-Gera-l SsilJs.Prsktst lion. O Hffli:- -irwlarf Caw. Wtttecc

AesflT 0eer--C B. Eeynolds.

Iastc5r G. W.C ;.-- 'Part ?iiyjfaKi,Ir.G. B. Andrew.IWm.. i.mtt. Ir II. nr. Uaenrd.Xf Saifi it, Pr. Jt. K. OUrtr.


' -

Jt' X V ! fc i itn WlllMll.

Montli dO Cts.



Ont frora the harbor of youth's bayThere leads the path ot pleasure;

With eager steps are walk that wayTo brim joy's largest measure.

But when with morn's departing beamGoes youth's last precious minuU-- ,

We sigh 'twas but a fevered dreamThere's nothing in it. -

Then, on our vision dawns afarThe goal of Rlory, gleaming

Like some great radiant solar siar,And sets us longing, dreaminR. .

Forgetting all things left behind.We strain each nerve to win it.

But when 'tis ours alas! we findThere nothing in it.

We turn our sail, reluctant gazeUpon the path of duty;

Its barren, uninviting waysAre void of bloom and beauty.

Yet hi that road, though dark and coldIt seems as begin it,

As we press on lo! we beholdThere's heavea in. it.

Zadks Jfmnt Journal.


"Forward, march!" was the Captain's word.And the trump of a hundred men was

heard,As they formed into lino in the morning

gray;Shoulder to shoulder went Company A.

Out of the shadow into the sun,A hundred men who moved as one;Out of the dawning into tho dayIn glittering files went Company A.

Marching along to the rendezvous,By grassy meadows tho road ran .through,By springing cornfields and orchards gay,Forward, forward, went Company A.

And tho pink and the white of tho applotrets

Falling fast on the fitfulbrecze, .

Scattered their dewy, scented sprayStraight in tho face of Company A.

A breath like a sign ran through the ranksTreading those odorous blossom banks,For tho orchard hillsides far away,-Th- e

northern hills des of Company A.

Forward, march! and the dream was sped;Out of tho pine wood straight aheadClattered a troop of the Southern grayFace to face with Company A.

Forth with a flash in the Southern sunA hundred sabres leaped like ono.Sudden drum-be- at and bugle-pla- y

Sounded the charge for Company A.

Halt! What is here! A slumbering child,Roused by tho blast of tho bogle wild.Between the ranks of the bluo and tho grayBight in the path of Company A.

Nothing knowing of North or South,Her dimpled fiugor within her mouth.Her gathered apron with blossoms gay,She stared at the guns of Company A.

Straight way set for a sign of truceWhiiely a handkerchief fluttered loose;In front of tho steel of the Southern grayGalloped the Captain of Company A.

To tbe saddle bow ha swung the child,With a kiss on the baby's lip that smiled.Wiile the bojs in bine and tha boys in grayCheered for the Captain of Company A.

Forth from the rank of his halted men;While tha wild hurrahs rang out a gain,The Southern leader spurred his wayTo meet tho Captain of Company A.

Out of the arms that held her safeHo took with a smBo the little xaifo;A grip of the hand 'twixtblue and gray.And back rodo the Captain cf Company A.

Up there La the distant cottage door,A mother clasped her child once more,Shuddered at sight of the szaoka cloud gray.Shrouding tha path of Company A.

A littla later and all was done.Tho battle was orer, the victory won, .

2othing vu left of th piiilesa frayThat swept the ranks of Company A.

Nothing was left, sato tho blood stainDarkening tha orchard's rosy rain;Ded tk-ehk- f of tha Southern gray,Aad dead the captain oi Company A.

F&fiaa toe&r thd gray and blae.Go k) t& find leadtrross;A grre ie eavtr, & prayer to say,Aad Forsrard, suck! wot Ccp3y A.








i -


Ef - ',". MM . '?


The Lift of tkc Land is tslaMsncaxn Righteousness.



We made a suggestion yesterday

for the benefit of the Advertiser

in regard toa new version of Hawaii

Ponoi as desired by the cburchly

morning paper. An esteemed con-

temporary sends us a song com-

posed by the late venerable

Father Lyons of a, Hawaii,

which he' thinks would be fitting

to be used ss a National Anthemand sung every Sunday at the

Central Union Church by thedesceudauls of the true mission-

aries, as of great benefit fur thenpresent and future spiritual welfare.

it "ProffrFsor" Lyons instead of'

Sac5' Taylor will "presided'' atthe orgm the pQVct would be

magnificeut indeed. Thid is whatgood Father Lyons taught theHawniians to sing:

Fua man kna manao aloha'I'aa man, paa man,

Fiia maa, kuu manao nlohh

I kau aiun hnnau e !


Aole an c kiptNo No No, No No, No,Aola an e kipt, kumakaialie aloha nina man.

For the benefit of those of themembers of the Central Union

who lately have "forgotten" theHawaiian language we present a

free translation:Everlasting my love shall beSteadfast ever, steadfast everEverlasting my lovo shall bo

To niyown, my nativo land.


I will never bo a traitorNo no no, no no, no

1 Never be a doublcfaced traitor .

My lovo shall ever bo true.

It is becoming more and moreobvious all over the world that themen who are selected for diplo-

matic and consular services by theU. S. administrations are only tooapt to get into trouble and coverthe name of America with odiumand contempt. This is especiallythe case of those men who areappointed by the Republican part'.Eagan in Chile, Mizner in CentralAmerica, and Stevens in Hawaii,belung to history already as exam-

ples of the inability of the ordinaryAmerican politician to act as be-

comes a diplomat and a representa-tive of a great power. We arepleased to add some more names tothe list of infamous shysters whodisgrace the United States in for-

eign countries. The following isfrom the New York IVorld:

Washington, Dec. 16. The StateDepartment has received a copy ofa recent issuo of Jl Corriere diCatania (Courier of Catania,Sicily), in which appears a violentattack upon the American consularservice in general, and upon theUnited States Consuls appointed toCatania in particular. A transla-tion of a part of the articles is asfollows:

"Mr. C. 13. Hurst, United 'StatesConsul, left to duy. We are cladof his departure, which takes awayJJrotn us the annoyance of one ofthe most disagreeable functionariesof the foreign colon'. The UnitedStates Consulate is a disgrace toCatania, as of its last three repre-sentatives each has been worsethan his predecessor. To say noth-ing about Mr. Charles Heath,whose ungracious fame is still alivoin Catania, let us speak onemoment about Mr. Hurst, so wellknown among us for his personalbehavior and conduct, which wasthattf absolute indiffereuca to allthat surrounded htra. It approach-ed sometimes the conduct of acountry tout, as he did not fre-quently: hide the most absoluteincapacity in attempting to con--w uusmres ut j consider-able importance.

"Besides tho reputation whichall those who have been throwniutobusiuoss contact --with biiagave Lira, he is regarded ascontaminated with an insane andindescribable horror of domesticlifo, which has kept kirn apartfrom all social eoaiaet with thepeople her; jat bem even-on- e

knew.of kh brutality."It is cerUislv deplorable

and strauRe tht great nationlike the United State sltoJd,iend abroad rpesUtws sopoor in manners and spirit asto bo mad useless for too yeryfeom which deairoy theiri&AttCM. m &MiMttUv they eaa- -m MMsuttaud iiy rtpfc ut e:

--" . ?However, we hope on account ofn. rrf svmraiuv whiiihave witii iueu.f Hnnsnl will not be a

I maniac or man little edseatedr.rvHM of SOHl S BlSai

.uuttiHv- - iifc theHorst, of whose presence

we nave atr last iiaa tue gooufni-fn- ni in 1m rid.

Catania is an important port ofexport of fruits and oil to theTTmfpd States. The retiring

' Consul was nn appointee of tae ;

last Administration, --auuu"on Lis way home.

The appointinent of .Mr. Kauhito be Sheriff for the' District of

Ewa is very characteristic of the

Provisional Government. BecauseMr. Kauhi, has sported a blueannexation badge he has been con-

sidered fit b- - the Attorney GeneralU hold the responsible position to

which he has been appointed. Theblue badge has evidently madeMr. Smith forget that the honert(i)and super virtuous Legislature of1SS3 expelled Mr. Kauhi who was

the member from Ewa for

being convicted of being a

bribe talcr but perhaps bribe-

taking is not considered asin among the P. G. rulors andnot considered a bad quality fora police officer. We now fullyexpect to see Mr. lr. O. Smithpitchfork that other honest (?)

Hawaiian Mr. J. W. Kalua intooffice say as jndge for Wailuka."Birds of a feather flock togeth-

er" seems to be a true proverbas far as our missionary government is concerned.- -





( Communicated.)

Referring to the right of thePresident of the United States tointerfere in the "settlement of thepresent domestic internationalaffair, Mr. Dole says, that, 'suchright could be conferred upon himby the act of this Government, andthat alone; or it could be acquiredby conquest." Perhaps Mr. Dolewill denv that such right was mostundoubtedly conferred on the President, when he and his satellitesrequested Minister Stevens toassume a Protectorate over the Hawaiian Islauds. To which requestMinister Stevens readily acquiescedand issued an .Official Proclamationto that effect; stating to tho"Hawaiian people' that 'Ihereby, in tho name of the Unitett btates ot America assumeprotection of tho Hawaiian Islands for tho protection of lifeand property, and occupation ofpublic buildings and Hawaiiansoil, so far ns may bo uecessar'for the purpose specified." "Thisaction is taken pending, andsnbjccfc, to negotiations atWashington." And " on thefirst duy of February .

ISQ3witnessed the sceo of theraising Tvith tho booming ofcannon-6-f tho national ensignof the United States of Americaover the government buildings,to take the place of the ensignof tho Hawaiian Kingdom.

Although, when, on the firstday of April the Hawaiiannational on sign wasrestored to its position withouttho booming of cannon and thoUnited States troops withdrawnfrom thoir shore barracks, it doesnot appear that the right oinei-fertne- e

tats vnthdrami; in ffct,tha statement made by MinisterWillis, to tho effect, that theUnited States jSaval Forces,would keep peace and order inHawaii, tends to strengthenthat conclusion. The basis of theright of tho President of the UnitedStates to interfere in our presentdomestic affairs, appears to be wellestablished.

Mr. Dole endeavors to- - score tpoint on the suVjeci of arbitration.Ia support of his argu stent he" wtysfirstly: uJf an intention to submitthe question of7ihe reinstatementof the exoea bed existed whyshoiM her attorney . have beenrefund passage on this bontr (thegiaudiM. be!Qttiiy: In wfeenceto the Queen's itr k Pwide4Hriiaa he tjr: UU anxnnderlanding had existed at Out tttabmm her and: the Gertfwentto

relocation to the United Slates,

eoiue reference to iuch anderstand-io- g

would naturally have apTieared

In this letter? Thirdly, speaking of

the Queen's Protest, he snyst

ikafc it is 'devoid of evidence of

Say mutual understanding for asubmission of her claim to the

Throne, to the "Untied States."And that, "tho document was

received exactly as it wonld havereceived if had come

through mail."Did Mr. Dole expect that the

Queen should have an under-

standing with him and his

satellites regarding tho subjectmatter, of submitting the qnes

tion of her restoration to

the United States? Whyshould she have done so? Were

net the following clauses in the

Queen's protest sufficient?"I, Liliuokalani, by the grace of

God and under the Constitution ofthe Hawaiian Kingdom Queen, dohereby solemnly protest" asainstany and all acts done against mys-

elf" and the Constitutional Govern-

ment of the Hawaiian Kingdom bycertain persons claiming to haveestablished a Provisional Governinent ofand for this Kingdom."

"iow to avoid any collision ofarmed forces and perhaps the los3of life, I do" under this protest andiinpelied by said force, yield myauthority until such time as theGovernment of the United Statesshall, upon the facts being present;ed to it, undo the action of itsrepresentative and re-insta- te me inthe authority which I claim as theconstitutional sovereign of theHawaiian Islands."

And when Mr. Doleas Chairmanof the Executive Council of theProvisional Government endorsedthat protest, "received by thehands of the late Cabinet, this 17thday of Jan., A. D. 1893," that was

notan ordinary Foroign office rub-

ber stamp letter receipt, but wasundoubtedly an acceptance of theterms of the Queen's protest. Isnot that evidence enough, of amutual understanding?

So far as the Queen's letter toPresident Harrison is concerned,there was no occasion for her tomention anything "of a mutualunderstanding" on the sub.ject to restoration, her protest and its acceptance bj Mr.Dole for and' on behalf of theProvisional Government was allthat was necessary to coveri thatpoint.

The fact, that Mr. Dole's endorsementon the QueenVprotestmight prove to be an acceptanceof its terma and be regarded as

such, most have been an afterthought, hence the refusal to giveher Commissioner passage, on theClaudine, although, she hadbeen assured, that everyfacility would bo given her to

lay the subject matter before theauthorities of the United Statesat Washington. Bnt the Executive Council were of the opinionthat under the circumstancesthey felt it incompatible with thopnonc mtorost to allow anyrepresentative from her to takepassage on their dispatch boat."

Air. uoie s memory seemsto have failed him on twoor three occasions. Hereis one instance, "As to . the ex--

queen's notice of hor app6al tothe United States, it was a matterof indifference to us. Such anappeal could not have beenpreveuted, as the mail service wasin operation as usual." DoesMr. Dole not recollect, that itwas not until sometime dtho afternoon of tho ISth thatthe P. G decided to allowmail to go forward bv thoir" j"dhp'atcli boat" and which closedat an hour during the night, andalso that ho informed the Queenthat all despatches en- -

trustert to the care ofthe Executive Council would beforwarded, should she desire tosend anv?

It is noticeable, that where--ever Mr. Dole has occasion -- torefer to Qneen Ililiuokalam, hedoes so with the word "ex-queen.- "

Such Want of decorumand respect from a gentlemanand dtulomat as AT- - 7iis often referred to. is snrnrisinrrIt is uncalled for. Tie title ofthe Lady is still that of Queen.

Charles Hawkins,

Hasiaken ehrargfrof UmTjugfceastfes. JL Magi, dart hitafe-aesee- te

toejCowt u

JH yiTT w

" vThurston's Denials

--ir fRnrelnn'c-- . Tanir tO ine

report of Mr. Blount is very lame

sad' disproves nothing-tha- t Mr.

Blount has charged against Stev-

ens and the provisional govern-

ment Thurston, the minister of

the provisional government, can

be expected to give only a biasedand equivocal report of thepro-ceetbn- gs

that have kicked up

such a rumpus ,in the UnitedStates

Mr Thurston says, when thecommittee of safety was told byStevens that he intended to landtroops and be was informed thatthe committee was not ready to

act and replied that he would

land them whether the commit-

tee was ready or not, "the troops

were landed to protect Americancitizens and property in the event

--of the impending and inevitableconflict between the Queen andthe citizens" aud that the com-

mittee had no knowledge of

"where the troops were going orwhat they were going to do."

Mr Thurston is mighty cute

but not cute enough. The"American citizens" of whom hespeaks are the annexationists who

created all the trouble. As resi-

dents of Hawaii they protestedagainst tho new constitutionpromulgated by the Queen,and as former citizens of theUnited States they organized aprovisional government "pendingannexation with the United

--States. ,' These are the personsand theirs the property protectedby American marines whosedestination and purpose wero

unknown to those to be defended"pendiug" the "inevitable con-

flict" that never occurred.Thurston handles his untruths

mo t injudiciously. There is nota doubt in the mind of an' sensi-

ble man that there was a distinctunderstanding between Stevensand the annexationists and thelate administration. The storyin Stevens' paper a year agoshowed he was in touch, with thorevolutionists and when the"Harrison administration assuredhim that Hawaii would, bereceived in case of revolution hemade a mess of the whole affairso far as the plot of the annexa-tionists is concerned. Had nosuch assurances been receivedthere would have been noprovisional government "pend-ing annexation."

There are other flaws in hisletter which, may bo mentionedlater, but these are enough todestroy any value its authorintended to give it. There is nota line in it of sufficient importance to modify the instructionsof the minister to Hawaii. Thowrong must be undone. Harris- -

burg Patriot.

The Sober Second Thought.

In speaking of'tho Hawaiianquestion, theFinancial Chronicle,a conservative, unbiased, non-partisan, commercial and finan-cial journal of recognized abilityand high standing, makes thefollowing remarks: policyof the United States Governmentregarding Hawaii, as outlined inthe report to the President bySecretary of State Gresham, hasbeen harshly criticised in certainquarters, a result which was nodoubt foreseen and fully ex-pected. It appears to us thatthe stand which it is proposed totake in the matter is fully justi-fied by the facts of the case, andis an consonance with personallionor and national dignity.Moreover, we have no hosirnf.iin saying- - that to our mind theprinciple which thispolicv embodies is tbe only one that can orshould be accepted for guidancein the conduct of our nationalaffairs." Thereto believe that theso utterancesare m accord with tho sobersecond tbongbtofcthe countrv.Bu$ato.Courim


Xotiee k Itevahv nn .it

iA a i V "'I!ciapKronlitk.

12 o'eiofc Mmtii SA.TU3LDAY



. .'iiiJHairjtrU

Strong corroborative evidence

that the Administration has acted

wisely in tbe declining to annex

Hawaii is supplied by Prof. Wil-

liam Libbsy, of Princeton, who haa

returned from a twojust nowmonths5 visit to the islands.

During bis stay he carefuUy

sounded the opinions of the Haw-

aiian themselves on the annexation

question, and, like Minister Blount,

reached the conclusion that they

were strongly opposed to political

union with America. The coolie

svstem of labor, upon which the

plantations depend, is wholly

repugnant to the snirit of our in-

stitutions; yet its abolishmentwould seriously, if not fatally, af-

fect the largest interests in the

islands. The Americans, English

and Germans who contro1! the

tf,r;;n cnrr industrv areii.n.unt... C3

therefore bitterly opposed to an- -

nexation, while the native isla hd- -

ers are patriotically devoted to the

monarchical system cf government

which they have inherited from

remote historic past.

The annexation spirit preva lisonly among certain restless classes

of foreign residents whose prospects- - rtiTt A I- -

will be favoraoiy aneciea Dy tuenrrmnspd union, and who advocate

H fur purely selfish reasons. Inview of these tacts there can De no

rfnnhf. that the Administration has

acted properly in declining thepropositions of the revolutionistswho had arbitrarily seized controlof the islands. Baltimore JSews

The Policy of Infamy. .

Latest returns from Hawaii putthe late Republican administra-tion in a bad light. If the NewYork Sun will now transfer itsscare-hea- d 'The Policy ofInfamy" to a fair and fullaccount of what President Har-rison did in Hawaii it will thusbe able to make good its boast,"If yon see.it in the Sun it's so.Special Commissioner Blount'sreport shows that the presentgovernment of Hawaii is a government upheld by bayonets.

The question of the advisability of a monarchical governmentis not up for consideration so faras Hawaii is concerned. TheUnited States government,however, has been put in ,

shameful attitude by the act ofthe Harrison administration:Mr. Blount's report demonstra-tes plaiuly that the power of the'United States was used to forcethe Qaeen from tho throne. Ourgovernment stands in the attitudeof the strong bully of a weaknation.

Our forces were used to coercethe late monarchy in Hawaii andwere used to further tho objectsof - a ring there. Thus far,therefore the "policy of infamy"has been the policy of: theRepublican administration underBenjamin Harrison. RichmondState.

Where the Dolls Come From.

In the little town of Sonneberg,in Thuringia, twenty-fiv- e milliondozen dolls are made everv venr.j j -- 1

each one of the twelve thousandinhabitants of tbe place being inthe business. The children ontheir way to school call for or - deliver work; the shoemaker makesthe tiny shoes: the barber works onthe dolls wigs; the . butcher sellsSUet to thfe dolls' Jrluemaker; thotailor and seamstress sell "niecea"to the dolls' dressmaker, and so onthrough the whnle list of tradespeople. Five,large firms control thebusiness and, through these, salesare annually made in America tothe amount of $12,000,000. Butthis vast amount of business is farfrom pleasing or profitable to thepoor mechanics who work at thetrade. A. girl who jroes into thefactory at the age of fourteen recerves to cents a week, and tenyears later considers herself fortn- -.

nate if she attains tbe maximum, of$2 50,.and the man who receives adollar'adayJbr making dollg eyes,is skid to be an object of envy. A

raily can only live wfaea alfofitsmembers work, ikI, .as might aop-pe- d,

they are eerably olottwduh jaeumctemij led



to HET on Lihha Street, Hono- - .

lulu, H. I. Bent moderate.3T Please apply to

MBS. LILY AULD.jan S--lw


Wines,Spirits, ' v

& Beers.HOTEL ST., between Fort and

Bethel streets. :


The undersigned beg leave tocall the attention to a large, as-sortment of tasteful aud elegantJewelry, suitable for ChristmasPresents.


P'iiisin different: sizes.

Hawaii antJewelo.

a specialty. ,


If you want to buy nn elegantand at tho same time an inexpen-sive Christmas Present, callaround and inspect ray stock.

KTHOS. LINDSAY,Mclnerny Block, Fort St.HonoInla

deel tf

Sans Somci

HOTEL,.-'- -


First-Gas- s Accommoqa-- -

Hons for x

Tourists and Island.


" Guests.

Superior Bathing Facilities,

Private Cottages for Families.


oct9 Manager.


CorLtxsictor -

ZPairiting, &c.

5S We also keep on harid?

Bedsteads, Mattrasses, :?


.Tables, BooKCASESyyJ' Mirrors, fMSi


- No. 216Xing.st,,Jionpllu.

She Sotolhua Calendar.

.Tmiixixi'V. 1894.Sa MTal vTh Fr.Sat Moon's Phases

12 3 4 5, 6 New Moon,January 6.

7 S 9 10, 11 12j 18 First Quarter,lanuary ll

U Jj 1G 17 IS !&' 20 Moon,

21 23 2ij25; K 27 January 21.Last Quarter,

MjlsJ 30' 3lj ! January 2S.

Foreign Mail Service.

Steamships will leave for and arrvefrom San Francisco and other foreignports, on or about the following dates,till the close of 1S9I.

Leave Hosourur-Da- at Hoxolcut

toe Sax FnAsoiscojFji. Sa- - FrcisooI

Oity Peking. . .Jan. 2' Australia. ..Dec. 30Australia Jan. CjMariposa. Jan. IS

Monowai Jan. ll'Wammoo, from Van-...Ja- n.

Anstralia Feb.3j oonrcr.. 23Alameda Feb. Anstralia . ...Jan. 27Owmia Feb. 12iChina.. .. ..'..Feb. 7Amtralia liar. 3;Monowai Feb. 15Mariposa liar. Sj Anstralia .. Feb. 24

Lina jiar.iaiucc uc ....Mar. 4Anstralia liar. 31 Alameda . . ..Mar. 15Monowai Ajir. .r AustraUa . . ..Marl 24Anstralia nr. 23 Maripo-a- . . . . Apr. 12Alameda. .: . ..May 3 China ...Apr. 17

Uenlic iiay 14 Australia. . Apr. 21Australia Hay 26 Morowai . . .. Ifay 10

Mailnosa Mar 31 Ausjalia. . ..May 19

Australia Jane 23 Alameda .. June 7Monowai June 23 Australia. . ..June 16

Australia July 21; Mariposa. . . . . July 5Alameda July 26 Australia. . . . July 14

Australia.... Aug. ISjiMocowai.. ...Aug. 2Mariposa Ang. --M Australia.. -- .Aug. 11

Australia.... isept. i. Alameda.. .. Aug. 31Monowai., Sept. 20 Australia.. ...Sept. 3

Mariposa . . ..Sept 20Australia. . ....Oct.SMonowai . ... Oet. 25

Vessels in Port.NAVAL VESSELS.

H B M'h S Champion, Booke.TJ S S Adams, Nfilsou.U S S Philadelphia, Barker.II I J M' S Naniwa, Togo, Japan


'Ger Bb J. CPiluger, Wolters, Bremen.Br soh Norma, Walker.O A S S Miowera, Sydney, en route Van-oouvo- r.

Am bkt Wrestler, Bergmann, N Castle.Am bk S C Allen, Thompson, S F.Am bkt Amelia, Ward, Puget Sound.Am bkt Irtngard, Schmidt, S F.Am bkt S G Wilder. McNeill, S F.Bark O D Bryant, Jacobson, S F.Am bk Planter, Dow, S F.Havr bk Mauua Ala, Smith, SF.Am bkt Geo C Perkins, Maas, S F.Am bk Colusa, Backus, Departure Bay.Am bk S N Castle, Hubbard, S F.

Foreign Vessels Expected.

This List does not Include Steamers

vessels. where from. due.

Gor bk Gnlvostou. .. .Iloiigkoug. .Nov 7--

Haw sh John Ena N S . . .Nov 15-2- 2

Haw sh Hawaiian Isles.N S W...Nov 19-2- 0

Gor sh Torpsieboro . . . .N S V.. . .Nov 20-3- 0

Am soh Alico Cooko..Pt Blakely..Dec 25Am bkt Discovory S F Doc 9Am bk Martha Davis....Boston..... Dec 20Gor bk Nautilus Liverpool. .Deo 30AmbktSkakit Port Gamble.. Deo 20Gerbk II Hnckfeld....L'vpool. .Jan 10-1-

Br schr Villata .... Liverpool Jan 7

Am bkt Mary Wiukolmau. .NS W. .Jan 3-- 5

Gerbk J C Glade.. . Liverpool.... MarHaw bk Helen Brewer... N Y... Feb 24-2- 5


Successful Bidders for Provisi-

onal Pap.

The Board of Hoalth have heldoounoil and havo awardjod to theundor-montiono- d firms tho permis-sion to supply tho various branchesoyor whioh it holds oohtrol thovarious artioles set opposite saidfirms nam as. It will be noticedthat no pricos aro attached fortho snpposod reason that thesellers believe that, as usual, thoQoverumont aro thoir best cus-

tomers and consequently in thowords of other autocrats, espo-iall- y

tho multi-inillionai- ro Yau-dorbi- lt;

tho publio bo changed.Following is a list of the success-ful bidders:

Wilder & Co, nor' wes.t lumber,battens, tonguod fc grooved, B.W. shingles, surfaced, battens,fence posts, doors, window sash10x13-32x- 14.

J, T. "Watorhouso, iron cutnails, hubbuck's boiled oil,turpontino, no. 1 sugar.

H. Haokfold fc Co. Hubbuck'sfljite lead, cement, lime, galya,iron roofiug, screws and washers,Ifo. 1 rice, G. G. flour,

E. O. Hall & Son, long cardmatches, coarse salt, keroseneoil,

Jas. A. Hopper, galv iron pipfin. fin.

3t. YT. McGkasnty&Sons, rsdsalmon.

J. F. Morgas, wd!ui, jjrd.HaofarlaM fc Op. Brown soap.Hstc k Go. D. B. Coal ia

stackUnio-- s Feed Co., Stable Sp

plies. Bated hml or oai htr.bran, No. 1 California oat, KowZealand out

M. "W. MeChaaaay A Sent,FtMPekaa oi hid, kid, kllor.



Councils meeting to morrow.

Hon. W. Hi Cornwell ; hasreturned tome.

No Board of Health meeting thisafternoon; no business.--

Plenty of tick in the Royalistcamps but'only to approved countenances.

Hon. F. EL .Hayselden ex-Sher- iff

of Maui is in town.

The Supreme Court has ad-

journed until March next

Weather still uncertain, windfrom all points; sky overcast

air. TV". M. Graham was mar-

ried to Miss Augusta Berger lastevening.

The Monowai is due from theSouth Don't he latewith letters.

The electric light co. hope tosoon have the improved plant inworking order.

Don't forget the National Bandconcert at the Hotel grounds to-

morrow evening.

Star contributors now cprres-poncLfro- m

the "Beef" side, mostof them are there or should be.

The Japanese "Students" havebeen released from Quarantinesurveillance, as also the Chinese.

The Associated Press correspon-dent is bemoaning bad faith on thepart of the Government, news-njongyer- s.

Thanks are tendered - to Secre-tary Frank Yida of the UnionFeed. Co, for memos, of thecorporation.

Candidates for the expectedappraisorship are becoming verynumerous, even the gentler sextrying for a place in the swim.

Bevival meetings are nowbeing hold under the auspices oftho A. B. O. F. M. at QueenEmma Hall. Attendance small.

Wonder how tho Bulers andNations fool after correspondent'sBishop's, prayer this morning.Havonlt hoard anj'thing dropvet.

Booked for tho Monowai: Jos.Hyman, C. H. Waters and wife,J. O. Miethelson and wife, J. K.Smith, Miss Emma Smith, T. JMcLaughlin, wife . and threechildren and Miss E. Mooro.

It is, said that another politiealstorm is brewing, Messiuers thePresident, tho Marshal, the comma-

nder-in-chief, with the ranketc. and others have been in closeconsultation within the lasttweAt3T-fou- r hours.

Sharks are worth money o dayespecially those about 10 feet inlength, alive, and uninjured, Mr.Hobron tho local agent of theHawaiian Exhibit at tho Mid-winter Fair offers $75.00 cash forone caged and boxed.

Tho Exambier correspondenthas proved honest in his reportby giving full publicity abroadto the expose by the iHbLOxrjA,,

of tho dasJUirdly djuacaUa plot.Harry Juen's statement appearsin full in Eastern papers.

"Dick" Day an ardent annex-ationist has displaj-o- d &is .proalivitiee by attaching himself toroyalistic coin which did notbelong to him. Ha is now "play-ing o&ftokars with his note"under a okarge of ambsasifeKiaBt,

Tfes "typos" hare a!o4d asofttar of Utair orjfaialvo: B.E. McGais, ncanidaaif J. J--

Smita . Trowr;E. A fiufyrward,. lttft&WacasaiiMM-A- . C. SUk akaifBUin;7MBic Ink ad 'JL Jualuau


Hawaiian Tariff and Di-

gest of Laws and Keg-- .

ulations Relatingto Customs, etc.

Mr. S. M. Damon deservesgreat credit for having caused arevised edition to be made of thevolume containing a lot ofvaluable information for. mer-

chants, shipowners, captains,consuls and tho general publicThe new edition contains alllaws and regulations up to Oct.26th 1893, which bear on thesubjects of customs, pilotage,lighthouses, registering of vessels,consular services etc. etc. Thecompilation has been carefullymade by Messrs. J. A. Hassinger,Chief Clerk of the Interior Depart-ment and Mr.T.G. Thrum, Registrarof Conveyances. Among the manyinteresting subjects contained inthe volume, we notice the act ofthe P. G. which confines importa-tion of dynamite, giant-powde- r,

and firearms to the government.This seems to prove that the brigAnnie Johnson which cleared atSan Francisco at the end of Novem-

ber with 50 cases of dynamite,brougat that cargo for the govern-

ment. May we ask for what pur-

pose that importation was made?We notice the reference to tneduties of the Inspectors of - animalsand plants imported here, but seenothing about the fee whichthese gentlemen seem to con-

sider themselves entitled todemand for their services fromthe importers. The regulations forwhalers are quite interestingespecially those referring to theircarrying of spirits, an explanationin regard to the large quantities ofalcohol which a certain firm usedto dump on hoard of whale shipswould perhaps be appropriate.The tax which ia imposed on allvessels under the name "of MarineHospital Tax seems ratherunjust as . we neither have a'Marine Hospital nor do seafaringmen or passengers receive freetreatment at the local hospitalhere. Would it not be betterto change the name- - of thatantiquated tax? How would a'sand bag" tax, sound? We arerather surprised to notice that thereexists a law regulating the numberof passengers which a .coastingvessel is allowed to carry. Thatlaw is certainly not carried out,because wo have frequently seencertain steamers carry a far greaternumber than the law permits,especially when transporting Jap-anese emigrants to the otherIslands, another law which is notcarried out is the one relating' tothe Registry of Hawaiian vessels.It says that no vessel shall be en-

titled to a Hawaiian Registryunless the same be "wholly'' ownedby a Siibjeel or subjects of this coun-

try, .We believe that the ministerof finance could mention severalvessels under the Hawaiian fl3g,the owners of which are notsubjects nor even residents ofthis country. The list ofHawaiian Consuls shows thattho service is not kept up as itought to be. Several Europeancountries have no HawaiianQonsuls residing within them.atall. As instances we can mentionBussia, Denmark, Greece andSwitzerland. Important capitalslike Berlin, are without anyrepresentative of Hawaii althoughHawaii is very much bjessed witha German Consul. On the otherside we notice three Consuls insuch a ridiculous place as thePhilippine Islands. The aboveremarks are not intended aa acriticisnji of he book which we

consider very valuable and whichwe seriously recommend to e verybody interested in matters per-

taining to commerce and seafar-ing to proenro. The book whichis printed at the ofSoes of Mr-- B.Grieve is gotten ,np in the usual,net style for which that printing;ofica is known,


AvrtMRBg Agaui d Sol&tiei:fw & Hawaii Holoxxu. B.Ureoaii will b kdJK&orwardwftowttt for" aay msm owig ib


We de sat betd&useiTss xurpoaaiM inr&s apfaionu er t&e suenaces sf oarearrespOfiSeBksl

Eduos Holoxtja: 4

"Tk&sebravcmen, ichovC commis-sion ice hold, io hive faithfullyslooS by us in (he hour of tried andwhose will is the only earthlyauthority vx recognize.3'

A curious public might ask:who are those brave menalluded to, and where and onwhat occasion have they showntheir bravery does Mr. Dolerefer on this point to Mr. J.Jj. Stevens and his marines ofthe TJ. S. S. Boston with theirdisplay of cannons, mitral- -leuses and other implements ofwar, at the time that hegrabbed the-- reins of govern-ment Or does he refer to "thebravest of all the braves thecommander-in-chie- f of theforces with the rank of colo-

nel (orsomething oflike nature)and his mulligan guard consist-

ing of deserted sailors, andthe scum of late arrivals fromthe coast by route over Can-

ada including: those heroes orbraves who rifled Kalakaua'scrown and stole the opiumfrom the Marshal's custody?Well, who are those bravesanyway, whose Commission

Mr. Dole holds and whosewill he recognizes as the onlyearthly authority? By, thislatter, assertion of Mr. Doleit seems to us that the tax-

payer is no factor in govern-mental affairs at all he hasto pay his taxes and keep hismouth shut, while Mr. Doleand his braves are attendingto the distribution of themoney that is about all andsuch is Mr. Dole's love andreverence for "free Americaninstitutions."



flafcioiial fron Wori$QrjEX Street,

Between Alakea & Bichard Sts.

THE UNDERSIGNED are prepared, toi make nil kin da of

Iron Brass, Bronze, Zinc,Tin and Lead Castings. Also a

General Repair Shop for Stearnjingines,Rice Mills, Corn Mills,

' Water Wheels, Wind Mills, etc.

Machines for the Cleaning of Coffee,

Castor Oils, Beans, Ramie, Sisal,

Pineapple Leaves & other Fibrons Plants,And Paper Stock-- .

Also Machines for Extracting Starch fromthe Manioc, Arrow Boot, etc.

CF All Orders promptly attended to:


' H. LOSE, .

loiavy Public.Collector and General Business


SUB-AGE-NT for several ofihe lest Fire Insurance Cos.

Mntaal Telephone S- - . P.O. Box 233.Mefcfa&at street, HoEoiala.

W0 GHAN & Co.

Mercliant Tailor- .

. King strset, Thoeas Block,Bxt door io Holomua. office.

AlftSuifs GuaranteedFit, and


Clottaa Oiad sad BpAird.- -


!- .A dvertisements


"WiieaxL& SpiritMercliaiit

V.'xmphdl Fin-pro- of Block,



Importer andCommission



J. & P. Coats' Machine Thread

Jonas Brocks Machine Thread

Barbonrs Lineu Thread

Pears' Soapv

P. O. Box S5S. Mntnal Telephone 356

13 Kaahnmann Street.


Wholesale and Retail Grocers




'By Every Ban Francisco S teamer.

Salt Salmon in Barrels"

a Speclvlty:

hi Fori St., Honolulu. Tel. 240,- P.iOr.Box297. -



This First-clas- s Bathing Besorthas been enlarged and is nowopen to the public. It is thebest place on the islands to enjoya bath and there is no betterplace to lay off. Special accom-modations for Ladies. Tramcarspass tho door every half hour andon Saturdays and Sundays everyfifteen minutes.



' Proprietor.


For the Island of Oahu.

Agent to Take Acknowledgmentsto'Labor Contracts.

Agent to Grant Marriage Licen-

ses, Honolulu, Oahu.

Agent for the Hawn Islands of

Pitt t Scott's Freightand Parcels Exprae& 1

Agent for the Burlington Berate.

M E&ft Mtr Hi Garni If 1

138; P. O. Box --HZ.

OrFlOl: Ko. 33 MSROHAirr


H. MAY, & OoV

Tea Dealers,




93 Fort Street, Honolulu

Families, Plantations and Ships

. supplied with choicest

European &American Groceries

Galiiornia Produce by Every.Steamer.


Soveral'-Kin- d of"

Cotton Crape,

Latest Styie of Shirts

in different qualities.

Aoifiment of popcelaiii

Tea Sots a Specialty

Japanese Lanterns and manyGnrioa suitablo for ChristmasGoods.

411 KING STREET, Honolulu.

Telephones, Bell 474. P.O. Box 3S6..Mutual oh. nolJ im


Baby Carriages





Sewing Machines

- Hand Sewing Machetes,

CAS Witk U&L& LBproreBiAP


Organs, GuitarsA4 Offer X kal IiMkYJwa&s.

Wines,. Liquors, Bear


K) IAUE 1"


Insurance STofcices

- v4. COKIAIf UP IF SCHOOHBBS Affiple Opttaffij for ALL !


The TJeksio-e-d is authorized to JfeFeJpre- - and

Marine Hisks on . .

feuildings, Merchandise; :

Hulls, Cargoes,. ITreie;lits and


at Gurrent Hate3 in the following Companies, viz: .

Royal Insurance Co- - - - Liverpool

AUiance Assurance Fire Marine, - London

Wilhelnia of Madgeburg Gen'l. Ins. Co.

Sun Insurance Co., - - San Francisco.

V J. S. WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Island

." 11Vi mi iii '

Fire, Life & MarineINSURANCE


Assets, $7,109,825.49


Assets, $4,317,052.00


Assets, $6,124,057.00


Assets, $137,499,198.99

O. O. BERBER,General Agent for Hawaiian Islands,

Honolulu, H. I.Vi -

Telephones :

Bell 351..Mutual 417.


Mutual 410.P.O. Box 117,



Contractor gg Builder

Estimates G-ive- n on A 11 ? Kinds


MJlSTOIIfflflfiENfi lie

AU&inds .of Jobbing in the Buading-TfadeV- ts

" '"Attended to.



KEEPS FOE SAJkE:Briifc, Lui Caswmt, Iro Stout Pipe a&d Fittwgs,

Old k Nw Corntgxted Iroa, Mk Tik,9y Tite, aMorted smc aa. eoks; ' -

California ad Homtonj Sd,Granite Ctxluag a Blooks, kg te.c :


.? , : H.i- - .1 : V .. v -







", A. Journal issued Xa.ilr5,

(Sunday excepted)

In the English language, and pledgedin policy to supportthe Eights and Pbetileges of the Hawaiian People, the;interests' of the laboring men, and good and honest Govern

ment for the whole country.


f 'Hawaii' ' HDlaiima

A. Jornal Issued "Weelsly in tne .

, Hawaiian Lanuage,fr : ,


The Largest Girciidatioii

Of any paper-publishe- in the Hawaiian Islands:-- , -

I An


' .. and at Moderate figurss. X




S5 ,?5l" 5

G-enera- l --Advertisements

Owing to our constantly increasing business and the

great demand of an appreciating community, we have con-

cluded to offer ,an opportunity to all parties having capital.

Our LINE of SCHOOIirERS may be seen gliding over the

BAB filled to their utmost carrying capacity with clear,

cool and invigorating



At the "Anchor Saloon."

To accommodate our Yast Fleet of Schooners, we have

built.a fine large Eefrigerator regardless of cost.s


Is the only place where a Cool Glass of Fredericksburg

Beer on draught can be had in Honolulu: Step forward

gentlemen, NOWS the Time. ocl4 3m

NOTICE.The undersigned has received from the Eastern States,

The Largest Single Order

of Billiard Material

'ever imported to the Islands. It concludes as follows:

'Cloth, 3 grades; -. f

Cues, asssorted; :,'Cushions, fby Block, patent;Billiard Balls, Composition and Ivoiy;

" " " "Pool, ,

Tips, Chalk;Pocket Castings with leathers, and fringe

complete;Pocket nettings, fringe' and leathers; .

. Bubber covers;

Court Plaster, green and black;New style chalk holders;Triangles: ??

Shake balls and leather bottles;Pool pins;Markers, etc., etc.

The above goods have been purchased at. reduced ratos,

and the undersigned is now prepared to do any and allkinds of

BILLIARD TABLE WORKat reasonable rates with dispatch. Also new and second

!hand Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale.

-: Please apply to J. P. BOWEN,. ... " Perry Block, Hotel St. Honolulu

!! i!- - .IP K





Provisionsr j

Cf:i&W&$T?i6 EENG-'STS.- .

By everyJ?ackat from5 the Eastern States and Europe.

Freeh California Produce by every steamer.

All Ordars faithfully attended to, and Goods dolivered'tolarprt ef tkaOityBrae of Charge.

Islamd Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Tt priao Jfex Ko. 145. : Tmjm&'M. 9f.