l4mbemhipinAPAhas becane--t to scientific psychol~$~ts. L % APA has dmged fran a learned society to a guild of practitims9 a mdler and smllff prup3rtim of yamgy scientifically - kbed Pl-hare $ wAPAandamterd=W nunkr of olday scientWbiUy-inM FhDs who joined AF'Aare msighg. bcmse of the abve trerdsy m y o f m h ~ t o ~ a W a ~ ~ t i m of APA which d d allow the science of behavior t o rendn within the merall un- of APA. 'Ihe first step in tbt lYmcess has been a c c a I l p M : the chrx3.l of Rqresenbtives at the February mxting voted t o send thi Ej-k+ii &ages exiw -qgxhtIm to t?? ~~p for appruval. Althcngh the first step t d reorganization has ken a lengthyy dUBcult, and smtimes a c M m oney the seccnd stepy a m of the Bylaws charges by twwthhds of the Indxmhip vof3ngy loarbs as an h t hpsifi ale. For it to s wd9 for the Bylaws &mge t o passy ~~. amhtByh-mtm passy the a d y scenario in which the Byh autbd&g reorganizatim have a &axe of passing is that all h s who feel that it is axial vote yesy d-h who do not my or who OF macganizatimy vote in thdr usually d ppttion. I mmot q h s i z e ~&t*yrn0tdwinhyy ItisVeIy *mttktyrnitcutdditW hdiately. lb not put it off and let it get lost in tlle shu€ Ph?me, pleasf! wte!! Is remgrhtim necesay? TlE M c trerKl t d an APA without scimtists =ti& b e has ken amply docureuMy e.g. "Ihe Cbnging Face of Lrmicxn %ychohgy1' in the &ambery l986 Issue of the Amrim Psychologist and "Ihe &fh?ring Stm" in the Division 25 W e t t e r in !bmry I987 (reprinted in the Division 28 kwsletter in 1987). APA - is 1- its scientists d scimtist-practitioners. If a mwnhghl nxqank~tim does not take place expllcitlyy then reorgdmtim will take place pqredve attdticm. M y orgabatiuns are Mng foxmd (such as the Assdly of Scientific and Applied -logy imd the M y of khtf~t/PraCtiti~

TlE - APA Divisions

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Page 1: TlE - APA Divisions

l4mbemhipinAPAhas becane--t t o scientific psychol~$~ts. L% APA has dmged fran a learned society t o a guild of p r a c t i t i m s 9 a mdler and s m l l f f prup3rtim of yamgy scientifically - k b e d Pl-hare $ w A P A a n d a m t e r d = W nunkr of o l d a y s c i e n t W b i U y - i n M FhDs who joined AF'Aare msighg. bcmse of the abve trerdsy m y o f m h ~ t o ~ a W a ~ ~ t i m of APA which d d allow the science of behavior t o rendn within the merall un- of APA. 'Ihe f i r s t step in tbt lYmcess has been a c c a I l p M : the chrx3.l of Rqresenbtives a t the February mxting voted to send t h i Ej-k+ii &ages exiw -qgxhtIm to t?? ~~p for appruval. Althcngh the f i r s t step t d reorganization has k e n a lengthyy dUBcult, and smtimes a c M m oney the seccnd stepy a m of the Bylaws charges by twwthhds of the Indxmhip vof3ngy loarbs as an h t hps i f i ale. For it t o s w d 9 for the Bylaws &mge t o passy ~~. amhtByh-mtm passy the a d y scenario in which the B y h autbd&g reorganizatim have a &axe of passing is that a l l h s who feel that it is a x i a l vote yesy d-h who do not my or who OF macganizatimy vote in thdr usually d p p t t i o n . I mmot q h s i z e ~ & t * y r n 0 t d w i n h y y I t i s V e I y * m t t k t y r n i t c u t d d i t W h d i a t e l y . lb not put it off and l e t it get lost in tlle shu€ Ph?me, pleasf! wte!!

Is r e m g r h t i m necesay? TlE M c trerKl t d an APA without scimtists =ti& b e has k e n amply docureuMy e.g. "Ihe Cbnging Face of Lrmicxn %ychohgy1' i n the &ambery l986 Issue of the Amrim Psychologist and "Ihe &fh?ring S t m " in the Division 25 W e t t e r in !bmry I987 (reprinted i n the Division 28 kwsletter in 1987). APA - is 1- its scientists d scimtist-practitioners. If a mwnhghl n x q a n k ~ t i m does not take place expllcitlyy then r e o r g d m t i m will take place pqredve attdticm. M y orgabatiuns are Mng foxmd (such as the A s s d l y of Scientific and Applied

-logy imd the M y of k h t f ~ t / P r a C t i t i ~

Page 2: TlE - APA Divisions

- Cemcil voted to fund a recruitmnt effort aimd at the scientific c d w . ( I pmond ly think that this is a wasted effort dess mmhgfd reoxpxht ion takes place.) - Cemcil adopted new ",!ssodation a s ' * t o

rqilace the "Rules of Council". U t U e substantive change w a s entailed; haever a detedned and largely successful effort was mxle t o make the larqpge m?x madable. - Council. appruved fmk t o establish an AF'A

Gffice on Aids. - Gnmcil passed Guidelhes for Avoiding S& i n

Esythlogical Resea&. h e dl be pblished i n the E d t e r and the Amrim Psydmloglst. - Chmci l ptponed again consideration of the

issue of accn&tation of baduate schmls of F%ychology. Although this is a h y issuey it shaild be dealt with soon. h & U y (for me) my successor w i l l get t o deal with this situation (and sane other fun ms too). - Ccxmcil defeated a mtion t o prchibit holding

the annual ccnmtion in states h&ng s c d q laws. -C&mcil referred back t o cannittee a resolution

against the '-yl@ llKnmelt. It IEd clearly not ~~ tha-lght cut. - Gx.mcil adopted a rule prohibiting n m k d r i p on

b t h the APA BOXXI of Dimtom and the Bcard of the & t i d Registry. B e rationale w s tha t too m h potential exists for c d c t of interest. bMle I agreed with the motion's intenty I thaght that it was much tco narrowly c a t and C a m d s h d d have ccmsidered a kmder rule coverhg cmfl ic t of interest. A molutim t o s t d y the b r d e r issue was pssedy haevery and pmxmably will be adopted at futuLF tb?.

&st a few final ccumnts. Ersty the innovation of the Science Weeked a t the AF'A convention in A*ta is I think a gnat step fomard. b e of the tkms t h i s year is @'Drugs and Behavior". ongratulatim to m ~ ~ r ~ ~ y t h e ~ & s o f & other science divisionsy and the science dimtorate of APA for wtting together a p g a m which will mke attendance a t the c m t i c n worthwhile. Secondy congratulations t o a J l of you who took the time t o vote i n t h e apprtionment M o t . Division 28 so l id i f i d i t sho ldonasea t inGxmci l . btingdoesxmkea - Ufermce. My vote for the B y . . change:

APA a J l m w l m m

t o the convention! It pmises t o be a s ign i f imt ly diffemnt (3qX3-i- this year. Ekgismmts .&add be able t o attend a mirrimm of eight hours of invited addresses and s m i a on four

c u t t h g d g e scientific issues. Ch Saturdayy the

thۦ will te @ M t h and ~ s l ' and '&-ti& d S t a t i s t i d Modds of Behavior." Sundays t k m s w i l l be 'Bmgs and E&avior'' (OMOLE relevance t o Division 28 m m h ) and @* and cognition. " In additiony on Sumlay frcnn 4:OO t o 7:OO p.m. the p t e r session which incldes Division 28 w i l l be held. A m h bar will be available t o enccurage inform4 interactions with presenters. And a l l sessions w i l l be in the Sam hotel!

Ekecutive Chmittee m b o t e that the M w - t t e m t i n g d l b e o n M y evening. B e Hospitality Suite w i l l be o w Ridayy Saturday and S d y eveningsy so please stop by. Iarry l3yrd is also considering an i n f o n d pro!gw.u in the h p i t a l i t y Suitey so if you hme saw f h d h g s you muld like t o present ht didn't get into the program, contact Iarry (404-727-7730).

'Ihex-e are several issmi I want to bring to the attention of the Division's tmkemhip:

Vote Yes for &A Remgmhtim: A t long last the APA Chncil has approved a reorganization plan that s h d d mke APA a mrt? effective and mre attractive scientific orgdzation. 'Ihe growth of practitioner interests w i t h i n &Ay cdined with the in& appreciation of ~ o g i ~ o r a l research i n other scientific organizationsy has led to a w d m h g of science's voice within APA. The mrganization w i l l mate a federation that preserves MA'S p o l i t l d and policy pcwr a s the mpxesentative of all of psychology a at the sam time pennits each canpomnt of the federation (- the scientific c v t ) t o operate mom autmaxusly and t o e s t a U s h its uwn dues ,!mucture* % W = p * h r n W Repxesentative discusseS this mm m y . kt tb is mrganizatim wm't cccm unless approved by a ix~thids vote of the nemkmhip in a special ballot

" " t o vote "yes" for reorganization. This definitely appars t o be in the Division's bst interest.

F M Ressmh h&et Ups a d h n s : Efforts t o reduce the federal deficit are having an adverse effect on funding of psychophamcological re&. !&is is mt noticeable at MIXy which is mquirhg cuts of abut 5% M m a p p r o w d ~ t s onnewand continuation grants. Alsoy NmA's ,gmwing euqhsis on AIlE-related l32swxh my ke cutting into mix

tradtticmal -ological activitiesy altha.& ~ s M m y ~ q a r e t ~ t o w e ~ W

broadly t o include any p j ec t dealing with d u c t i m

Page 3: TlE - APA Divisions

of in- drug -tration. NDA ftnding l d even IDOR bleak for FY89. Administration's p p e d hdget ca l ls for a 5.5% cut Mow this year's level for ext ramd resear&. In contrast, other institutes are p p c e d t o receive hcnases: +l3.l% a t NUM, #.l% at NDRy t6.a a t NIH. It might be pndent for t m d i t i d NIDA msxrdwrs to kgh

tkk in-ts t o inCll.de these other institutes. It waild also be p d e n t for emqme t o contact appmpiate c q p s d m a l representatives t o express your o p i n i m s / r e c d t i o n s on federal


Admil &re a: Yhe Division's Omnittee on hhl R e s e a r c h is reviewing the litaature and peparhg a set of position p p ~ s c c m m h g aspects of psychologid wdl-bhg (spcey d s e y social contacty food deprivation). h e are ,sck&kd t o be discussed a t the meeting of the F%hmioral ll-mmcolw M e t y y b y 20-2l.

m - m w - m : 7he Division's Jkecutive Cuunittee be holding one of its s i a d m m d m e a s my 2l. hyrme wishing t o have an iten placed on the a- for discussion shculd contact me or any one of the other Division officers.

H e d m b k - : h e o f t h e i t em to be discussed a t the Executive Gmnittee mting is h t h e r the IXvision &add hitiate a dues assesLsmnt. A t pmxnt the Division is among a minority of less than 10% of Divisions that have no d w . The average d i v i s i d d u e s is $l3.60. We are depdent upon corporate muber&ip cmtr i lx~t ims t o 0-te our prcgramy and these fluctuate. h d IXWIIWS frun dues might go t o -ts i n the Newsletter or the Ckmventim program, or t o supprting other conferences or lhshhgton activities on the Divisim's W. The enclosed memhxhip Ekmme S m y asks a h t ycur wiUbgess t o contr ihte t o the Division's activities; please respid.

--"atDA- APAandour D i v i s i d c m t i o n p3mgm.l chair Larry Byd haw done an emzllent job i n amxmghg a sbmng &entific program for the August meeting. An immatim this year is "Science &&endv', &ch sckhiLes a large rider of goal scientific programs dcse together in b & m e a n d - , M & & s i t w y convenient t o attend than and t o l o a t e and chat with colleagues.

Nedfm2r ~~ a E q m 3 : 2-E Emturdlip of the kwsletw is being passed on fran h y k i t h t o

Cynthia hm3xtu . On hhdf of a l l the mnbers of the Division, I want t o thank Nancy for the isxellent job

she has done over the wst few years, and t o welcane Qnthia t o t h i s new r e s p s i b U t y . Pie item for the kde t t e r to Qnthia R m r l e ~ u a t the Univtzsity of Michigan, Dqxment of Psychiatry.

F'Y89mBlltm.r by k b Wter , M d i c Affairs Gfficer (28)

A s mt of you knwy the N a t i d Institute on bug Ahse ~~) w a s appmpiated an mexpectedly low reszmh budget for the 1988 fiscal year which began last ktober. m s s did not p s on the Mget until and NII!A d y received abcut a $2 million increase frm FB7. Ws appropriation is not men&to-&the&*- activities of the hs t i t u t e and it means that mt of the new reswxh p r o p a h received as a coneqwmce of the President's Drug Ahse hitiative during 1987 fl not ke M. This is e s p d a l l y unfmhmate since the annamced mailability of incxased supprt for drug abuse research attracted an unusually large numk of excellent grant appl ia t imsy inclw m y from m m k s of this DMsion.

The picture for dng abuse resew& pranises t o k even bleaker for FY89 which begins this Octok. The President has requested a $4.5 m i l l i o n decrease for noxrAILE resea& a t NIEA, fran $108.3 i n FXB t o $103.8 U r n i n m 9 . %is hdget, if adopted by Cmgress, muld mein a redwtion i n the current reseamh activities a t NDA and a l l o w for the funding of very few new grants and competing renewah. Yhe reseamh nmsntm bmght a b u t by the President's Drug Abuse Initiative and the Anti-Ikug Abuse kt of 1986 w i l l have ken effectively lost.

?he Science Directorate a t the MA Central Office9 as Wll as a nunber of other pfess iona l .societiesy is I X X ~ a noxrAIlX NIM reseamh hdget of $Xi0 miIUon for FY89. Ws ammt waild restore sane of the research initiatives kgun i n 1987y and pruvide NIDA the resoumes for onkrly growth. Although NCDA is slated t o receive sane of the new appropriation for AD!3 reseanhy these kmeaed fmds nut ke targeted t o AIlPrelated r e d . It is important for mmbers of the Divisim c m about the usual areas of ~ a t W t o f w o n t h e n & ~ o n o f t h e r n r e h W t .

& w t i s m W c d W t i o n b y - . Initiallyy Wget taqets WU ke e s W M by the relevant W e and h t e Appmpdaticm Subcamdttees. Gemrally, these "LEXJXS'' are decided by late Spring. Bere is much less mom t o negotiate i n the hdgt for this year because of the biprt isan e p h m t o h t y e a r b e m - s a n d the white fknlse.

It is essential that the scientific c d t y dew

Page 4: TlE - APA Divisions

its views kncwn a h t the imprhme of f m i h g for drug a h s e r d . Ijivision 28 members have a pxtiailar l y wel l- i r f4 view on the pmnise and prmpcts for research in suhtance abuse disoda-s. You are mcouraged t o get jnvolved. k i t e t o mukm of Ccmgmss or contact. memtes of the Ekemtive bmitteey your W c : Affairs Officer Bob Ealster (804-786+3402)y or Lisa Shqpr i n the Science Dhxtorate of APA (2CQ455-7755) for mre informtion.

Following is a f i t of the memkrship of tk House and Senate ApproprMAor~~ S h d t t e e s . ?he mst hpmt step t o be talc01 now is t o make your vim known t o the &s c~f your S b t e delegation on the Appmpriatim s u w . t - .

h s e S h d t t e e on Iabr W t h and ban W c e s and Ethation Approp~5ations

wi l l iam H. k t h r (MY)y Chair

Smite S h d t t e e on hbrY Wth and ban Servicesy and Related Agencies Apppriatims

Iawton W e s (D-FLly Chair

I urge you t o vote i n the upcaning election for APA

P~~&den~E.Lect. Since a d pmportion of eligible

v o m ex€mi their right t o mte, your p r t i c i p t i o n i n ~ e d w t i v e p - m m a k e a m f - . The five &dates for APA Rxsident-&t are: k t h y E h y Arthur Kcsvacsy Nadine Iamkert, V i r g i n i a Sextony and Stanley Graham. A s your c-1 representative I urge you t o vote for hrothy Echom. In my opiniony her quaUfications and ba&gmmd are mt in line with the i n t m t s of Division 28. She is also a strong supporter of APA morgadmtion. The other candidates are l isted in the appmch te o n k i n which I prcdve that their backgmmds, interests and opinions are c-t with my m. m o t s w i l l be d e d o n I % y 7 . Ebsewte:

In early b y y you w i l l receive the M o t t o vote for divisicm officers. 3-e following are brief pmfihs of the candidates for the positions of F Y e s i d m ~ ~ t y MmbemHarge and (bmdl Repesentative for Evision 28.

&search: Anind bdmdoral phamasolog~ of dmgs of a h e ; M o r a l toxicology of indmrhl chemicals.

Ckrent Fbsition: Professor of l?hanmcology and TbxLcologyy mrginia weal cmege.

Toxicdcgy Test S- S u b . Fublic Affairs Officer; NlIk+&dr of C h i d and M o r a l R e s e a r c h R e d e ~ h . ~ Mhocgrant andcontract &mr; ID+Chir of h g Ahme ,klvimry m.; EPA--Chsultant t o Office of Toxic Substancesy mmber o f M m a n d ~ r y ~ p t o t h e ~ w b t e &search Teamy Gmsdtant on Air QsEty Criteria Assessmnt for C d x m Monoxide; NIHEhM hoc grant

Page 5: TlE - APA Divisions

and contract d m r , Eehvioral Toxicology Workshop; Nlm-special c d m t t o Ps-01~ S&m.; -@d M. of Rlanmcolw B i o d m f s t r y and Behaxior; I%. Bmxl of Journal of Fbmmology and Ekpxhn ta l k p u t i c s , Alcohol and I3m.g W, By&qhmwology; Reviewr for We Sciences, NeuroMoral Tdcology and Teratdogy, Science, Tbxicology and Applied Fhanmcolw, &ropean J o ~ of P h a ~ ~ ~ ~ l o g y .

Mucation: Ph.D. in Bicpychology, M w r s i t y of Chicago, l972.

Soutlxzstern Psychlogid Assoc.; Scutkastem ASSIX. for Maxior Analysis; Soc. for the -tal Analysis of M o r .

Fkmkmhips: APA; b r . Assoc. for the kdvanc-t Hucation: B.D. in lbjminmtal Psychology, of Science; k. Soc. fur Prhtologists; Eebvioral University of Minnesota, 1976. Rmmacology Soc.; Intematimal P~~&&dogical Soc.; International Soc. for Rseaxh on Aggresim; Soc. for Retxamh: Animal M o r a l pbanmcolcgy; drugs of Nmrcmience; The &w York hdemy of Scimces. a k e ; opioids .

Service Positims: A E % 3 h i r of Ccim-~. on A n h d Qment Position: Associate FTofessor of Rsearch and E c s ; Nm+Spcial Rsearch Review EQdmlogy, kyne State Wversity. b., Drug Abuse B i & d R e d Review b.; IWl-Progam Pvahation -1 for Nxrnsc5-e~ --;---Mew bmitw; J-&sociate M. of AggmAve Edmdor; In temat id idvisor t o .hmd of Ps-w; I%. bad of Ps-dw; Revier for Fhanmcdofg, Bcxhrdstry and Edmdor, Physiology and Bdwior, Pelmioral and kural Biology, Science, Fbychiatry Reseaxh, l3ehavid Brain R e d , Joumal of Phanmcology and ~~W T k r a ~ u t i c s , l3ehavioral &ucoscience, Ufe Sciences.

AF'& b. hot. for the-t of Science; M o r a l Fkmcology Society; Sigm XI, Sw. for the Stirailus F'roprties of Drugs.

Fdmtim: RI.D., M d t y of Yaryland, 1972. Fducatim: %.Dm in l l p z d m m d Psychology, I-hiwmity of Minnesota, D70.

M2mhship: APA;

MAS; P s m c Sm.; Assoc. for Ekhasdor Analysis; Mence Center, buston. Associate Professor, Adjunct,

Page 6: TlE - APA Divisions

Dspartment of fancer Prevention, Ihiversity of TSsxas Cancer System, Houston.

&&emhips: MA; h o c . for kchmment of Behavior Therapy; Behwioral Hiannacology Soc.; Behavioral Msdicine Soc.

Service Basiticos,: APA Division 28ÑExecutiv Craan., ~ember-at-lara;, Public Information Officer; m w m f i & - t & e r ; Amrkan Wty o Hospital - e m ; -t & e r ; -MS for American Journal of Public Haalth; Journal of Clinical and Gbnsulting Esychol-ogy.

Mucation: R.D. in Ihysiological Psychology, University of Houston:, 1969.

(hcrent Ibsition: Professor and Chirperson of Psychology, Senior Fellow i n Institute of Gerontology, Director of Women's Studies Program, Wayne State University.

Manberships: APA; S i g ~ X, h r . Assoc. for the Advancement of Science; Assoc. for Advancement of EsyAology; Assoc. for Wonen in faychology; Souths~~tern Psycblq$cal Assoc; Michigan F?qchological Asoc. ; Cbmcil of Gmdmte Ikparbm~ts of Psychology; Soc. for Neuroscience; Psychoncniic Soc.; Behavioral Hiarmacolqy Soc.

Service Fbsitions: AB+Chir of b. on Academic Ereedan and fl~ndltions of ~ o y m n t , Finance Cbnmittee, kcreditation Cbnniittee; Division %Exec. Conm., Council Rep., Program Chair; Division 35ÑNewslette ffl., Journal I^nagement h.; - f m * m d - d - Ekec. h.;-&-mb- @rdficatial M + b m l . on Drug (3xmselor (2rCifiation; NOath c m lxhbl im Rasjamh A u t k d ~ a n t hvi€ h. ; state of rJw@m- Cbnsultant t o Office of Substance Ause Services; Journals:ÑReviewe for Psychopharmacology, Life Sciences, Gbninunicaticns i n Iteychopharmacology, Contemporary Psychology, Ph-ology, B i W t r y , and Behavior.

of the American Psychological Association (MA) is creatbg a large annotated bibliographic database of existing scientific literature on environmental, nutritional, and social factors that are Important in the adaptation of prbmtes and o* llmmBls to captive conditions, eqeciaUy labratory conditions. Also included will be bibliographic sources on the impact of stzess and pmedures that involve potentially avadve , noxiom, and phful stimilatim. This bibliography is conceived as a continuously expanding datatase that will be available t o our c o ~ s for reference purposes.

Please assist by providing references from your area of expertise that are relevant t o th i s undertaking. Any appropriate reference that gives rpliable information on the behavioral and bicmedical impact of certidn housirg conditions or -tal procedures used in your own work or work with which you are familiar would be appreciated. A l l informtion d d be f d d to Skxy I k k h a d t , MA staff l iabm t o CARE (APA, Science Directorate, 1200 Seventeenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, 202+55-7653).

While the US Department of Agriculture is again trying t o f o n d a t e regulations for labratory animal care, including psychological well-being of primates, the Division Committee on Animals in Research is canpiljng an annotated bibliography which mn help t o substantiate proposals and to identify areas of needed resex&. Ws w i l l ke modhated with MA and o t k r professional societies. We who have devoted our m s t o the study of d m d behavior can ccmtrihte much t o resolve this issue. Please cocmmlcate references and suggestions t o the chair, High Brans (914) 351-4249. An informative reference is Lice, S.W. , JhxhmmtaJ. enriclmmt for laboratory primates. J. An. Vet. Med. Assoc. 7:854%59, 1987.

~ w o ~ s m ~ m e a n d m e o f l a b ~ 'will be a t the following locations (phone # for regktration h f o m t i o d : Eiy 17-18, Albany NY, 518-442-3510; June 2-3, Kansas City, 913-588-4488; September 27-28, Atlanta, 404-727-5695.

Discussions of animal care regulations with r e f m e t o ?xhvioral phanmcology and toxicology w i l l b e h e l d a t themetingsof theBehmioral Ihsdcology and the Behavioral Hiarmacology Societies, May 19-2, b t h a t .%wnnah, GA. For infonuation call 513-533-8383 (BTS ) or 202-295-3295 (EPS) .

7h-m ol-gdzations d e m ycur IE!m-p befxlse of their extxuent literature for tzmhiq lEs3&ers and for their public relations efforts on behalf of

Page 7: TlE - APA Divisions

animals i n reseamh. The F d t i o n for l3i&cal Resanhy 818 Cbmecticut Avenuey NWy Wasbgtony IE 2W6 and ikcurably I l l for M m a l Researchy P. 0. Box .56G93$ 'lhcsony A2 85703.

The e c d c h p c t of animl regitations is s t u t o ke f d t . &w York ~ ~ t y is raising its p r d im by 50 t o 1W o v a the nat year because N I H now &s all pbpical plant and other ''overheadm' l3qases of the vivarlm te chargâ‚ d i m t l y to mxmch projects andNUC cowred out of o v d x d the way office and lab are covered.

Ihe Bxrd of thmntion Affairs d d UJse e h pson with a disaW~ty who is planning t o a t t d the thmntion i n Atlanta9 &orgiay hgmt 32-16y to identify himelf or hemelf and t o provide infoxmtim onhowwe canmake the c m t i o n m r e readily accessible for his or her attendame. APA w i l l &de a m d t h a m a s t r m t i m f o r - i n wfelch&sy inteqreters for b d n g impdmd individualsy arid escorts/raders for ~~ with visual iuqdmmts. We strongly urge W v i d u i l s who would l i l e assistance in fadl i ta t ing their at- a t the c m t i o n t o register i n admime for the convention on tk MA Advance Registration and Hcu&g ~ M & f l a ~ h & ~ ~ b y ~ of tk Awrican Psychdogist. A note which outlires a person's s p c i f i c &s should accaupmy the Mvance Registration and H-ng F m . This is especially i m p r t m t for prscms who m p i r e inteqxeting d c e s .

7he Science &ekend at NA-Atlanta ~~t 23-24) p r d t o I32 an intemting amalgam of s c i m m c presentations by Di~Ldons 3 ( @ y s i o l ~ @ c a l - c ~ t i v e ) ~ 28 (-olw) and others all i n onehotelat one time. R I ~ M abstracts are an integral prt of any such naticmaly scientific convention. If you think that the AE'A b a d of Scientific Affairs d m d d W s h - a d y Y &moscienc~tyle abstractsy p l e s e w r i t e to tell thein so. %y have the staff; they only wed t o know th~& APA scientists would find abstracts an added hcentive t o p r t i c i p t e , (2) a useftil guide t o the meetingy (3) a valuable a r c b i d r e c d of p r o g ~ ~ ~ ~ . Send ywr note mquesting h i t i a t i on of APA &tracts for the science w&ed t o Dr. A l a n h t y Executive Dimctory Science Dimctomtey M c a n & @ d o g i d Associationy l200 17th NWy W a & b $ m y EC 20036.

the editorship of Behavioral Neuroscience for the years l989-1995. Hchard lhanpson is the %xmhnt editor.

the editorship of . J h n a l of w t a l qdl0.l-

Y Memqy and Cognition. A seamh c d t t e e consisting of Gry M. Olson as chair and W l e s Clifton, &me D. i i d C y d Lyle E. 1 3 0 ~ y Jr. y as m m h r s h s k e n f d . Please send the names of any pople yuu think muld mke god editors, along with a brief stxtemnt of W r qdal qudifications as you see than. It is not necessary for you t o contact d d a t e s ycu nuninate. thinkhg of p ten t ia l editors please keep i n mind that w are e a g ~ ~ to c r a t e a pl of d d a t e s that hcludes warn and m d x ~ s of ethnic minorities. A new editor WXU ke selested a t the Jme 1988 et ing of the W c a t i o n and ~ c a t i m B o a r d . G i m the ~ t a b l e ~ m u s t follow t o prepre a slate of mdidates for that meetingy it is hportant that you & your nadnatims as soon as possible to &ry M. Olsony (bgnitive Meme and Machine In t e l lgene Laboratoryy Yhe Wwrsity of Michigan, 701 %ppan Streety Ann Arbory MC 4810+E%.

About one year agoy a s m y of Division memkrs was l nchkd i n the Division 28 &miletter seeking individuals to serve as r e m pemm to the Ekecutix M t t e e and t o the APA W i c e of Scientific Affairs. &my of you respmbd t o that questhmim d w e m - t o W d a = m & o f & s w i l l i n g and able to help out on matters of p b l i c calcern ldlich are Fminent t o the Division's intezwt. hk want to keep this up t o date. Incluled with this edition of the k s l e t t e r is a m q p h m t x i l . survey. E y o u m a t o m e p m - t o help wty p h s e canplete and return Ms f m . 'Jhose

Page 8: TlE - APA Divisions

of you who reqmded to the m x y last year w i l l remin in our list of r e m e p e r m y but p are asked t o respnd @I because sane new hfonnation is king sought. %ose of you who did not r e q d last yeary here's ycur chance.

Qaduate tminhg i n bdxwioral @mmxalogy is off& by faculty i n deprbm&s of psychologyy &amacolw, phaxrmq, anclpsychiatry. 7he following list identifies dcc tmd @ute pmgmms that offer research t ra inbg in l m o r a l pha?mwology or &*olw. :he Jist was canpiled frau inf-tion obtained ~~ Division 28 mders and does not represent a canplete list of all available graduate p g r a ~ ~ ~ . h m x s t e d students may obtain further infonmtion abut spxdfic program frm the individuals h e mms appar i n the fit.

Iamy D. Byd, FhD. Division of I3elmd.d Biology Y e s Reg. FY5mt:e Resear& Gnter holy w w t y Atlanta, GA 33Z!

(hrister L. cimhghmy &.D. Ikpt. of Medical Psychology U70 OJXgon Health sc.i€ Lhivwxity 3 8 1 !3am Jackson Park Road lbrthdy OR 9720l

John L. F a y R.D. Ikpartlmt of P s y c h l w Rlltgers w v e m i t y k w Ihrmicky KT 0!3!?C)3

S t e r n C. F m k , R.D. wry .J&me Icilh3ny &.D. ~~t of P f 3 y d - d ~ U n i d t y of Mississippi Wwrs i tyy Ms 38677

S e k t i a n P. Grosamn, %.Dm Cimnittee on Biopqchology rk-t of Elehavioral science L h i w i t y of Wcago mw, n m 7

John A. Harveyy B.D. Ikprtment of l3ychalogy u n i d t y of I m Iowa Cityy IA 52240

M. Jackson Mamy R.D. school of hydlology Georgia Institute of Ttxhdogy Atlanta, GA 30332

Page 9: TlE - APA Divisions


Division 28 members are being sought who are willing to help determine public policy and appropriations in areas relevant to the interests of the Division. If you are willing to serve as a resourcer please complete this survey and return it to Robert L. Balsterr Box 613! Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical College of Virginiar Richmondr VA 23298-0613.

Name Date



Phone Number

Please indicate your major area(s) of expertise and/or activity:

Psychiatric drugs Drug Abuse and/or Alcoholism Behavioral Toxicology Developmental Psychophamacology/Neurotoxicology Laboratory Animal Research Clinical Laboratory Research

1) Do you conduct research with laboratory animals?

If yes, please answer the following:

la) If yes, do you work with nonhuman primate species?

lb) Do you serve on your Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) ?

2) Do you do human research?

2a) If yesr do you serve on your Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Human Research?

2b) Does your work involve treatment or service?

3) Are you interested in the issue of prescribing practices for psychologists?

(over please)

Page 10: TlE - APA Divisions

4) Indicate your willingness to get involved in responding to legislative and regulatory proposals concerning your areas of activity or interest:

1 2 3 Very willing

4 5 Unenthusiastic

5) Do y , ~ u have personal contacts in the offices of Federal legislators?

If yes, whom?

6) Please describe any public affairs activities in which you would like to see the Division be involved.

7) The Executive Committee of the Division is co~sidering dues for Division members. Please circle the amount of annual Division dues you would be willing to pay to provide additional financial resources for Division 28.

Page 11: TlE - APA Divisions

Alice M. Y q Y %D. k w t of Psychology kym State ~ ~ t y 7 l west wamal Avenue k t m i t y M I 48202

2) b ~ t s of pkmcdogy or phammutical sciences that offer trahing i n M o r a l @armc

bbert L. Ealstery %D. Ikprtmmt of Phanmcology & Toxicology W c a l allege of Erginia Bux 613 MCV Station Richxrrmdy VA 23298-0001

lkrray E. ..kL-viky %D. D2prtmmt of E'hamdogy and Psychiatry University of W d a at Ios &eks b A n g d e s y CA 9024

J. l a a r d Mat?3my F h D . Deprtmmt of Phamacology and Toxicology Mversi ty of ~~ sclmol of Phamcy Bal-, MD ma

bnald E. kMman, h D . &prtm?nt of Phamacology University of kkamas for W c a l -e Iitttle Rocky 722Ol

Iewis s. Seideq Ph.D. wmiam ~ l ~ m , &.Dm -

nlamBdogical a d Physiological Wences w-ty of mcago 947 &st 58th street m E g o y IL 60637

Jerrold C. Wintery lJh.D. k m t of l 3 a m m o l o ~ and Therapeutics State Wvwsi ty of W York at Buffalo Bu£falo NY 1424

Jams H. woodsy Ph.D. k m t of Il-mmcology a322 Medical sciemx E45mng I thiversity of Michigau Medical !khool Ann Arbory M I a 1 9

Marvb c. mlsmy R.D. W. &rv in M s y F L D . J k p m e n t of PhalTmC01~ university of Mississippi M d t y y Ms 38677

Pet= L. Wlton, Ph.D. rkpartment of F!qchiatry bJlege of Mediche & Dentistry of New Jersey wtgers thiversity s d l G 0 1 of Medicine Esmtawayy NJ GX354

25 !%attuck street Bostm, M!i o m

Page 12: TlE - APA Divisions

Gman Kornetsky, R.D. Division of Psychiatry Boston Ihi¥versit Madical tenter m fast Concord Street Boston, MA 02118

The International Study (fcoup Investigating Itugs as Reinforcers ( 1 ~ ~ ) w i l l . sponsor a satd l i te m t h g bmdiately pmcdhg the 1988 m t i n g of the Conmittee on Problems of Drug Dependence. Hie ISSUER m * f i & + e o n t h e & - a n d m o f June 27, 1988. ISGimR will hold its annual business m t i n g following the paper session. For registration and other information, contact Dr. Nancy Ator, Johns Ibpkms Ihiversity, School of Medicine, Division of Behavioral Biology, Roan 623, 720 Rutland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21205.

Cynthia S. Pomerleau, R.D. Dspartment of Esychiatry University of Michigan 900 Vail Street Ann Arbor, MI 48105-0722

Association for Advancement of Behavior 'Iherapy

9-e 22nd annml convention of the association for A i v m c m t of Fkh io r k p y w i U b e h e l d i n I k w York City on November 17-20, 1988. Ibe. emphasis this year w i l l be on presentations &&I reflect the empirical base and breadth of behavior therapy. For additional Information, contact A m , 15 Vest 36th St., New York, MY 10018 (212-279-7970).

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Behavioral Toxicology: Applicants are being sought for a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Pharmacology and Ibxicdogy at the Medical Wege of Virginia. Ihe position is supported by a NIEHS training grant. The m m o f e f i k s m e s o f t h e b e h a v i d effects of volatile dmicals in l a b r a t o q animls. Send CV to Dr. Robert L. W t e r , Dsprtmst of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical College of Ergiiria, Richmond, VA 23298-0613.