TK Joaquin Statement

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  • 8/15/2019 TK Joaquin Statement


    Although the last 48 hours have convinced me that my actions will be viewed by some out of context, I  

    want to share a larger perspective in the hopes that any who wish to judge me or understand the full picture

    will take the time to review this statement carefully. I wish to provide some backstory in the hopes of

     providing some context to this incident on April 27th and to better explain my perspective and interactions

    with Joaquin over the past few months. 

    My goal has consistently been to help Joaquin focus so that he can develop his powerful mind, and become a

    leader, rather than a distraction to others. Although clearly a very intelligent young man, Joaquin has

    made many choices this year that have negatively impacted his own learning and that of others and has

    required a great deal of additional attention. He has frequently intentionally damaged or destroyed

    classroom materials, started play fights with other students during the middle of class or interrupted lessons

    with negative comments about school or by yelling random things like "Nipples!" In spite of this, I have been

    impressed by Joaquin's insight when he is on task and frequently tried to encourage him to exercise

    self-control so that he will not interrupt the learning of others. Just a few days prior to this incident, I stayed

    after school for several hours, helping Joaquin to certify his benchmark artifacts. This was one of many

    examples of times when I put a great deal of effort into helping Joaquin to succeed, and to see the impact he

    had on others and ensure that this impact is positive. He assured me at the end of that work that he

    appreciated me taking the time to help him and would make a real effort taot to disrupt the class.  

    On Weds April 27th, I was administering the CST science exam, an important state administered test that

    has a big impact on student's future and is one of the major goals we have been working towards this

    year. On this day, I did not expect to see Joaquin in my classroom at all. He was taking the exam in a

    different classroom. Thus I was greatly surprised when he burst into my room. My students were in the final

    few minutes of the exam, and the class was completely silent and focused. Joaquin did not say

    anything to me, but immediately began to disrupt the class by yelling "Cup of Noodles!" in a VERY loud


    I was obviously extremely annoyed about this, as it was an significant interruption to a completely silent  

    class focused on critically important work and it clearly had no purpose other than to disrupt the study of  

    others to get them to pay attention to him instead. I moved towards Joaquin and he ran out the door. When I

    opened the door I yelled to Joaquin to come back immediately. He ignored me and ran away. I ran to catch up

    with him. I told Joaquin to stop again and he started laughing. At this point I grasped him firmly and

     pulled him back towards me. It was my intention to turn him around immediately and march him back to class

    to apologize for the large interruption. I did not do this move effectively. Joaquin pushed against me as I was

    trying to turn us around and in my haste I lost my balance and we both fell against the wall. A

    moment later we were both on the ground and things seemed calm for a moment. Joaquin laughed like

    everything was fine but then suddenly shoved me violently. I could tell the situation was escalating so I

    walked away to teach my class and hoped that Joaquin would not return to interrupt it again.  

    Engaging Joaquin was a mistake. I was unexpectedly provoked and responded to it poorly. I felt extremely

    disrespected by his behavior and felt that I had a duty to protect my other.students from his repeated

    disruptions. However, I immediately recognized that I had made a mistake and not responded well. I saw

    several of Joaquin's friends in the next period and they said that he was fine and had been laughing over the

    incident. When I next saw Joaquin, I asked him about it and apologized for over-reacting. He said it was fine,

    and that he thought I was a good teacher. 

    Joaquin has now apparently changed his mind. 

    Days later, after repeatedly saying it wasn't a big deal, Joaquin has decided that it was, and that I have  

    greatly wronged him. I understand this, and I recognize the enormous consequences of his actions and my

    own on our own lives and the larger impact on the school. I particularly sympathize with his later decision

    when I look at the larger timing of it. Joaquin failed 3 of his core academic classes in his first semester —

    English, math and history. As we enter the final month of the school year, his current grades indicate the

    same likely outcome for this semester. Under normal conditions such an outcome would almost certainly

    result in him having to repeat the tenth grade. This is undoubtedly an extremely troubling prospect for  

  • 8/15/2019 TK Joaquin Statement


  • 8/15/2019 TK Joaquin Statement
