tivinginfear afterlandslide Drain to be built to prevent water seeping on hiliSlope;~/Sl- By LIM CHIA YING P"ot~~j,y AZLiNA ABDULLAH >,EAW rain causeda landslide {",,,,'); injalan Tiong2, Puchongjaya :,1, 1,<!amagingacar onThursday evening. No one was injured in the land- slide which occurred at about 4.30pm after a downpour. The residents' representative, S. Anbalagan, said upon seeing the earth and trees coming down, he called tl)e policewho later contacted the local authority and the fire ~ta- tion. »Now. without a drainagesystel11. I Iwater would seep into the slope« MOHO ARIFFUDDIN KAMARI ........... The Subangjaya Munidpal Coundl (MPSjJ employees arrived about half an hour later to assess the situation and cordoning off the affected area with plastic sheets. Kinrara assemblyman Teresa Kok visited the site with MPSj en"gineering department deputy director Mohd Ariffuddin Kamari and the developer's representative Vincent Tan. Ariffuddin said they would build a 100m V-shaped drain at the top of the hill to drain rain water. "Now, without a drainage system, water would seep into the slope:' he said. Aritfuddin said the cost of building the drain would be worked out first before deciding if the bill should be shared or borne by one party. "Although the developer has their ~ . c" ,~.'< " .',.. ' *'"' ", ~~ " o' "~~ , ':: 7'" ,j It ,,"'~ 7 -..,y,"" ." ,~,..,:,' ,iJJi' < flY "': I Temporary protection: Plastic sheets covering the landslide area. own system to channel water out, there is seepage at the hillside:' he said. He said he had asked the devel- oper to rectify the situation under Act133 of Section70 (A)ofthe Town and Country Planning Act 1974'or they could be- compounded up "to RM250,000. - The collapsed part of the hill will also be repaired by both the coundl and the developer. "Thetrees will be trimmed and we are also asking residents not to park their cars at the -foot of the hill because repair work will be carried out," said Ariffuddin. Residents also feared for their safety as construction debris was being thrown down from a broken rubbish chute of a building under construction. Tan said the rubbish chute would be repaired while the a new green netting would replace the torn one. "We will also be building a retain- ing wall at the hillside to prevent further landslides:' said Tan. He sai<!they had a safetyconsult- S'r Ai. .)b I.:>,~O\\ Tarikh: " "O!!~ ...-- ~ ~-- H~"?~ ~~~,,; , ant based at the site to monitor the project. He said the Kondominium Atmosfera project, which started' two years ago, was expected to be ready by the end of the year. - Koksaid she was glad to have the cooperation of the MPSj and the developer in this case. "The MPSj responded swiftly by arriving in just half an hour," she added. S. Palaniandy, 62, whose car was damaged, said the landslide caused I the mud flow until his gate.

tivingin fear after landslide · tivingin fear after landslide Drain to be built to prevent water seeping on hiliSlope;~/Sl-By LIM CHIA YING P"ot~~j,y AZLiNA ABDULLAH >,EA W rain

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Page 1: tivingin fear after landslide · tivingin fear after landslide Drain to be built to prevent water seeping on hiliSlope;~/Sl-By LIM CHIA YING P"ot~~j,y AZLiNA ABDULLAH >,EA W rain

tivinginfearafterlandslideDrainto be built to prevent water seeping on hiliSlope;~/Sl-By LIM CHIA YING


>,EAW rain caused a landslide{",,,,');injalan Tiong2, Puchongjaya:,1, 1,<!amagingacar onThursday

evening.No one was injured in the land-

slide which occurred at about4.30pm after a downpour.

The residents' representative, S.Anbalagan, said upon seeing theearth and trees coming down, hecalled tl)epolicewho later contactedthe local authority and the fire ~ta-tion.

»Now. without a

drainagesystel11. IIwater would

seep into theslope«MOHO ARIFFUDDIN KAMARI


The Subangjaya Munidpal Coundl(MPSjJ employees arrived about halfan hour later to assess the situationand cordoning off the affected areawith plastic sheets.

Kinrara assemblyman TeresaKok visited the site with MPSjen"gineering department deputydirector Mohd Ariffuddin Kamariand the developer's representativeVincent Tan.

Ariffuddin said they would build a100m V-shaped drain at the top ofthe hill to drain rain water.

"Now, without a drainage system,water would seep into the slope:' hesaid.

Aritfuddin said the cost of buildingthe drain would be worked out first

before deciding if the bill should beshared or borne by one party.

"Although the developer has their

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Temporary protection: Plastic sheets covering the landslide area.

own system to channel water out,there is seepage at the hillside:' hesaid.

He said he had asked the devel-oper to rectify the situation underAct133 of Section70 (A)ofthe Townand Country Planning Act 1974'orthey could be- compounded up "toRM250,000.- The collapsed part of the hill willalso be repaired by both the coundland the developer.

"Thetrees willbe trimmed and weare also asking residents not to parktheir cars at the -foot of the hill

because repair work will be carriedout," said Ariffuddin.

Residents also feared for theirsafety as construction debris wasbeing thrown down from a brokenrubbish chute of a building underconstruction.

Tan said the rubbish chutewould be repaired while the a newgreen netting would replace thetorn one.

"Wewill also be buildinga retain-ing wall at the hillside to preventfurther landslides:' said Tan.

He sai<!they had a safety consult-

S'rAi..)b I.:>,~O\\Tarikh: "





H~"?~~~~,,; ,

ant based at the site to monitor theproject.

He said the KondominiumAtmosfera project, which started'two years ago, was expected to beready by the end of the year. -

Koksaid she was glad to have thecooperation of the MPSj and thedeveloper in this case.

"The MPSj responded swiftly byarriving in just half an hour," sheadded.

S. Palaniandy, 62, whose car wasdamaged, said the landslide caused Ithe mud flow until his gate.

Page 2: tivingin fear after landslide · tivingin fear after landslide Drain to be built to prevent water seeping on hiliSlope;~/Sl-By LIM CHIA YING P"ot~~j,y AZLiNA ABDULLAH >,EA W rain


.~ ~- - ,.. J

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.4;~~ ..

. Teresa (empat. kanan) ketika meninjau kejadian tanah runtuh di Jalan Tiong2, semalam.


situ dalam tempoh setengah jam."Kejadian. berlaku kira-kira

jam 4.30 petang selepas hujan le- -bat berhenti.

"Sebaik ke lokasi yang terletakhanyabeberapa meter dari jarakrumah, saya melihat tanah di le-reng bukit itu terhakis dan pokoktumbcwg menyembah bumi sertamengenai sebuah kereta;' katanyaketika ditemui Sinar Harian pagiisemalam.

Katanya, sejal< 16 tahun ting-galdi kawasanitu, ia kejadian ter- .

buruk berlakudan membimbang-kan penduduk di situ.

Sementara itu, Ahli DewanUndangan Negeri (ADUN)Kinrara, Teresa Kok yang me-ninjau ke lokasi kejadian ber-kata, empat tindakan diambilbagimeneegah keruntuhan daripadaberulang.

"MPSJ mengambiltindakan

PUCHONG - "Sayaberlari me-luru ke pintu pagar depan se-lepas terdengar teriakanjiran yangmendakwa tanah runtuh berla-ku di depan rumah karni;'kata se-orang penduduk di JalanTIong2,Puchong Jaya, S Anbalagan, 52,apabilalerengbukit terletak di de-pan rumahnya terhakis dan me-nyebabkan runtuhan tanah, pe-taIlgkelmarin.

Menurutnya, kejadian yangberlaku menyebabkan bonet se-buah kereta yang diletakkan dibawah lereng bukit itu rosak te-ruk akibat dihempap pokok yangtumbang.

Anbalaganberkata, tanpa ber-lengah dia kemudian terns meng-hubungi polis sebelum pihak ber-kuasa itu bersamabeberapaagensilain termasuk MajlisPerbandaranSubang Jaya (MPSJ)dan JabatanBomba dan Penyelamat tiba di


.J (~ Oil..........,. .....Ta.tikh: ...........

. - -~---


Sir)c, rJ-bj?-


memasang plastik kanvas untukmengelakkan haldsan tanah terusberlaku. Pihak itu juga meneantaspokok-pokok yang berisiko tum-bang di lereng bukit. .

"Selain itu, kawasan eerun di-bersihkan dan sistem saliran atas

eerun akan dibina dengan angga~rankos RM50,OOO;'katanya. ".

Beliau berkata, pemaju ber- .

dekatan juga turut menyatakan. ..kesanggupan meletal<kan tem-

bok penahan 'gabion wall' sebagailangkah pencegahan,

"Sistem perparitan yang lebih. sempurna al<andibinakeranasaya'.

difahamkan yang sedia ada kiniterlalu keeil dan tidak dapat me-nampung jumlah air yangbanyak.

'~a pun saya mengucapkanterima kasih kepada agensi ber-kenaan yang segera bertindak se-lepasmenerima adill1npenduduk;'katanya.: .


Page 3: tivingin fear after landslide · tivingin fear after landslide Drain to be built to prevent water seeping on hiliSlope;~/Sl-By LIM CHIA YING P"ot~~j,y AZLiNA ABDULLAH >,EA W rain

MPSJgempurPremis vItU~n

?-h/?-makanan kotor .

SUBANG JAYA 25 Feb. - Majlis Perban-daran Subang Jaya (MPSJ) akan meng-gempur habis-habisanpremis makanan didalarn kawasan pentadbirannya yang di-dapati kotor berkuat kuasa 1 Mac ini.

Tindakan tegasdan notis penutupan ser-ta merta selarna tiga hari akan dikenakankepada setiap pengusahayang premis me-reka didapati kotor.

Timbalan Yang Dipertua MPSJ, Abdul-lah Marunid, berkata, MPSJ akan men-jalankan pemeriksaan untuk memastikantahap kebersihan di premis-premis maka-nan di dalarn kawasan pentadbirannyamencapai apa yang diinginkan.

Katanya,ketika pemeriksaan dijalankan,mana-mana premis yang didapati mem-.punyai markah kurang 50 peratus akandikenakan tindakan penutupan.

Ujarnya, tindakan tegas itu diarnbil ke-rana pihaknya sering mendapat aduan da-ripada orang rarnai mengenai tahap ke-bersihan premis makanan yang rendah.

"Saban hari ada sahaja aduan yang di-terima daripada orang rarnai mengenai'tahap kebersihan di premis-premis yangmenjalankan perniagaan di kawasanini.

"Masalahini tidak boleh dipandangringanberikutan orangrarnaisudahmula mengadumalah lebih menyakitkan ada pengusahayang didapati membiarkan tikus dan lipasberkeliaran di kawasanprernis mereka.

"Karni memandang serius masalah inikerana ia membabitkan soal kesihatanorang rarnai. .

"Rarnai peniaga yang dilihat kurang me-ngarnbil berat soal kebersihan dan hanyamementingkan keuntungan semata-mata;'katanya kepada wartawan selepas mem-pengerusikan mesyuarat penuh MPSJ disini, bam-bam ini.

~tanya, oleh itu, tindakan penguatkua~saan dilihat wajar bagi memberi kesedarankepada setiap peniaga agar tidak mengu-langi kesalahan.


UTUSAl'~ i.',d,' n iSlA

Tarikh: ...1.kf?-.r~.~'''WU.H

Page 4: tivingin fear after landslide · tivingin fear after landslide Drain to be built to prevent water seeping on hiliSlope;~/Sl-By LIM CHIA YING P"ot~~j,y AZLiNA ABDULLAH >,EA W rain

--- --~'-

PotensibakatsukanakarumbiBentuklebihramaiatletpelapiswakilinegarapadamasadepan sihqr ::lb/;)

. Sebahagian pemain dan bapa masing-masing yang mengambil bahagian pada Kejohanan Empat Penjuru anjuran Kelab Jati Putra Jaya di Padang MPSJ.


PUCHONG - Pelbagai pihakdi saran supaya tampil memban-tu kerajaan memperkasa pem-bangunan sukan peringkat akarumbi dalam usaha tnembentuk

lebih ramai barisan atlet pelapismewakili negara pada masa de-pan.

Presiden 'Kelab Putra Jati,Mohd Faisal Zabidin berkata,pihaknya yakin bahawa usahamembentuk lebih ramai atlet pe-lapis akan berjaya direalisasikanmenerusi penglibatan pelbagaipihak secara bersepadu.

Menurutnya, komitmen ber-sama akan melJ1Udahkan lagi


proses pencarian seterusnyamengilapbakat generasimuda inimenerusi penganjuran pelbagaipertandingan khasnya pada pe-ringkat komuniti.

"Pihakkami juga tidak keting-galan menyahut saranan kerajaanmenerusi penganjuran beberapapertandingan melibatkan peny-:.ertaan golongankanak-kanak, re-majadanbella. .

"Secara tidak langsung kejo-hanan yang mendapat sokonganpadu ibubapa dan penaja ini akandapat memperkasakan semangatperpaduan pelbagai kaum dalamkalangangenerasimuda di negaraini;' katanya yang juga PengurusPutra Jati Putrajaya selepas Ke-

johanan Empat Penjuru anjuran.kelabberkenaan di Padang MajlisPerbandaran Subang Jaya(MPSJ)berhampiran Kawasan Perindus-trian Puchong, di sini, baru-baruini.

. Mengenaikelabitu,MohdFai-sal berkata, pihaknya kini memp-unyai hampir 170 pelatih yangdibentuk menerusi pelbagai pro- .gram anjuran kedua-dua cawan-gan kelab berkenaan di PutrajayaclanPuchong.

Menurutnya, kelab mengada-kan latihan serentak jam 8 hing-ga 10 pagi setiap Sabtu clanAhaddi Padang Presint 9 Putrajayama-nakala di Padang MPSJ berham-piran Kawasan. Perindustrian

Puchong di bawah kendalian ju-rulatih, Abdul Salim Na~ghani,T Turuchselven dan Ibrahim Ka-thersah.

Katanya, sokongan padu ibubapa pelatih dan penaja juga me-nyemarakkan usaha pihak kelabuntuk . menganjurkanlebih ba-nyak program pada masa depan.

Kejohanan mendapat pena-jaan S.G.T Konsult dan BillionairEnterprise mempertandingkanKategori Bawah 15 Tahun, Kate-gori Bawah 12 Tahun dan Kate-gori Bawah 10 Tahun berkena-an berjaya mendapat penyertaanmenggalakkan beberapa pasukansekitar Subang dan ShahAlam.

Sementara itu, pada perlawa-

'fit\:'~~\\"'"'' .


nan pertunjukan antara bapa pe-latih, Putra Ja:tiPuchong berjayamenewaskan Putra Jati Putrajaya,2-1.

.Info Sukan

Juara Bawah 10Putra JatiPutrajayaPutra Jati Puchong

Juara Bawah 12Putra Jati PutrajayaPutra Jati Puchong

Juara Bawah 15Putra Jati PlitrajayaPutraJati Puchong


Page 5: tivingin fear after landslide · tivingin fear after landslide Drain to be built to prevent water seeping on hiliSlope;~/Sl-By LIM CHIA YING P"ot~~j,y AZLiNA ABDULLAH >,EA W rain

~-~~~ ---~._~ ~-- -- ------------

Residents worried about LRTimpact'By CHOONG MEK [email protected]

RESIDEmSof Bandar Kinrara 3 inPuchong, who were eagerly antiCi-pating the arrival of the LRTin theirarea are shocked to know that thefinal rail alignment will see the clear-ing of trees in a small buffer zoneseparating their homes from theBukit Jalil Highway..Bandar Kinrara 3 pro tern commit-

tee vice-chairman Kenny TanJui -

Thong said said the residents onlycame to knowwhen the surveyorsplaced the rail boundary markers.About100houseswill be directlyaffected because their homes facethe buffer zone.

"It is not only the rail alignmentthat will be built in the bufferzone.but also the station. This willincrease the number of outsiderscoming into the area and we areworried for our safety,"Tansaid.

. Headdedthat the residentswereworried that buildinga station neartheir residential area would causeindiscriminate parking and trafficcongestion. '--

"Noise pollution will also be a bigproblem if theLRT is built close toour homes," Tan said, adding thatthey have approached formerPuchong MP Patuk LOQYeng. Pengwho has been taking part in discus-sions on the issue. ,

At a meeting with LRTdeveloperPrasarana Bhd yesterday, the resi-


dents'proposed an alternative routefor the line-to the company's groupmanaging director, ShahrilMokhtar,

'''In Bandar l<inrara 2, the railalignment followsthe middle.of thehighway-which we believe shouldbe followed when the LRTentersBandar Kinrara3," Tan said, addingthat the meeting was successfulbecause they felt their views wereheard and taken into consideration.

He also said they were told

-- u_.




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In thelimelight:Residentspropose thatinstead ofbuilding theLRTline inanarea that isfilledwith greenand acts as abuffer zone,Prasaranashould insteadbuild the line inthe middle ofthe highway.

Prasarana would be studying thealternative routes and its feasibilityand get back to them within threeto four weeks.

Committee secretary Ye ChohWah said discussions were heldtwo years ago regarding the LRT.

"At that point, the details were ..

still sketchy and we assumedfrom maps shown to us, that the,rail alignment would be in themiddle of the highway," he said.

Loo said the residents were not

against the building of the LRTbut felt there was a better routefor the rail alignment.

"The, traffic congestion in thearea is becoming. w.orse and theproject will help ease this prob-

- .Iem. I hope the company will lis-

~~~.to the people's views," Loo


He added that the station waspart of the; 13 a

.long a 17km route.that would be connected to ,the

Kelana line.

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