TITLE IX FINAL AUDIT REPORT (For schoolsvisitedduringthe1999-2000school year) School:DavtonHigh Sthool Reviewed By:Dannv C. Reeves DateofVisit: M av26. 2000 TelephoneNllmberofReviewer: (859288-4664 (Pleasedirect questions toreviewer at abovenumberduringnormal businesshours.) 1. Com pletedReqtdred Forms GE-19 SurveySmdent lmerest Form YesEx:J NoD Yes? NoQ Summary FormsT-1ThruT-41 CorrectiveActionPlan(Form T-60) Yesx NoD Yes 1 NoQ (lllegibleformsinclude: T-2, 3,4& 2. OpportunitiesComponentof TitleIX Compliance Areaof ComplianceAsseledByn eSchool: (CheckOne) A HistoryandContinuingPracticeOfProgram Expansion B SubstlntialProportionality X c Full andEffectiveAccommodationof Interest andAbilities A.) If Substantial Proportionalityis chosen, doesit appear that theschool has perfbrmedthe calculationcorredly? DYes D No

TITLE IX FINAL AUDIT REPORT - KHSAA – Student … Visit Reports/Dayton... · TITLE IX FINAL AUDIT REPORT ... Chetklist of the Title IX C@m oneets of the Interscholastic Pro ram

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(For schools visited during the 1999-2000 school year)

School: Davton High SthoolReviewed By: Dannv C. ReevesDate of Visit: M av 26. 2000Telephone Nllmber of Reviewer: (859 288-4664

(Please direct questions to reviewer at above number during normal business hours.)

1. Com pleted Reqtdred Forms


Survey Smdent lmerest Form Yes Ex:J No D

Yes ? No Q

Summary Forms T-1 Thru T-41

Corrective Action Plan (Form T-60) Yesx No D

Yes 1 No Q (lllegible forms include: T-2, 3,4&

2. Opportunities Component of Title IX Compliance

Area of Compliance Asseled By n e School:(Check One)

A History and Continuing Practice Of Program Expansion

B Substlntial Proportionality

X c Full and Effective Accommodation of Interest and Abilities

A.) If Substantial Proportionality is chosen, does it appear that the school has perfbrmed thecalculation corredly?

DYes D No

(If No, include in comments section and anal sis of what is incoaect in the calculation.

Com mentt


B.) If History and Continuing Practice Of Program Expansion is chosen, does it appear that theschool has performed the calculation correctly?

QYes D N0

Comm entl


c.) If Full and Effecîive Accommodation of Interest and Abilities is chosen, does it appear thatthe school provides opportunities in areas of smdents' interest?

X Yes Q No


n e school is adding girls' soccer in response to smdent surveys. n e school is also plnnningto add a girls' gblf team, although there *ay be insnc tieht interest tp add this te#m.

3. Has the school praperly surveyed its student body to a/vurately assess the interests andabilities of its students?

X Yes


An adequate summary hms % en provided by the school.

D No

4. Chetklist of the Title IX C@m oneets of the Interscholastic Pro ram

Benest to Satisfactory Deficient comm ents


n e school is rtsponsive to smdents' interest whereAeeommodation possible. Although interest has been expressed forof lnferests and x swimming and diving, il does not apptar the schoolAbilities jaas access to appropriate facilities.

Equipment and Overall, girls' equipment rates slightly higher thanSupplies x boysz equipment.

scheduling of No dissatisfaction exprev d. However, the schœ l shouldGames and X provide information on dates and starting times of gkls'Practlte Time basketball games.

Tm vel and Per No discrepancies are noted.Diem XAllowaneu

Coaehing X No discrepancies are noted.

Locker Rooms, Some girls ' ttams rated space in locker room (alsoPractiee and meeting space) slightly lower than space available forCom petitive X boys- However, diference does not appear to amount toFaeilities a defkiency.

M edieal apd A certified tainer is available for home games whichTm ining appears equitabk. Also, some teams (girls' baketball)Faeilities and X may not be using the weight facility due to insumcientsem ices schedule.

Publicity It apptars that cheerlemders perform at football andfreshman boys' basketball gnmes. (The temm forms

X appear to be inconsisten: with the summary forms withrespect to this issue.) Regardless, girls' teams have notexpresstd an interest in having oheerleadefs at any games.However, varsity andjunior varsity volleyball teams haveexpressed an interest in having pep bands attend theirmatches. Overall, these minor difrerences do not appearto constitute detkiencies. Also, schedule cards are notprovided to all teams on a uniform basis.

Support X No sir ificant diFerences not or observedServicvs

. 3-

Atllletic X N/AScholarships**

Tutoring** X N/A

Hpusing and N)ADiniag Facilitjes Xand Sea iees **

Recruitment ofStudent X N/AAthletes**

5. Brief Summary/Analysis of The Corrective Actlon Plan 1 -60)

The school proposed to add girls' soccer and golf Smdent surveys indicate an interest forthe addition of a soccer tenm. Golf would appear to ihe an extra.

Observed Deficiencies in Overall Girls and Boys Athletiv, Programs

None observed.


7. Fatility Recommendations or Concerns

None observed.

Recommended Aetion To Be Taken by KHSAA

X Recommtnd Additional Steps For Title IX Compliance


D Probation For

Q Fine In The Amotmt of

L Prohibition From Post Season Play

Q Suspension From the Association

Q Notify Equity Division and KRE of Potenéal Title IX Violations

D Notify Office Of Civil m ghts and Request Federal hwestigation of Possible Violations

9. KHSAA To Follow-up Regarding Corrective Action If Necessary On The Following:

- 4-



CAMPBELLPhone 859-292-3996Fax 859-292-3995

Email [email protected]

NOV 2 2 219

November 21, 2000

Loais Stout, CommissionerKHSAA2280 Execative DtiveLexington, Ky. 40505


I received a cûpy of Dayton High School's final Title IX KHSAA Audit Report for the 1999-2000 schoolyear on Nokembtr 20, 2000. As a means of introduction this is my ârst year as Athletic Director at Dayton I'Iig:School. I was not awre of tlle contvnt of the 1999-2000 Annual Verijication of Title IX Procedtlres from Dayton

High School.

There are 7 hùms wlzich need to bt addresszd by Decqmber 15, 2000.I wi11 go item by itçm and hoptfully provide the appropliate information tc address each item.

ITEM #.l-0n (m before becember 15, 2000, the sthqol shall c4mfirm that a soccer team has been added.h been urlable tosnd any doeumentation that a soccer team would be J#&(f f didpnd on a T-601 Jveform //ltz/ a suggested change would be to introduee a developmenfalprogram f'?7 soceerfor girls.. Howeverz I will

x/zve.y thefemale x/lzffenf: at Dayton f'f/g/l School prior to Deeember 15, 2000 to determine the level ofinterest

for that sport. I will provide your o//icc kvith the appropriate results.

I'R M # 2rOn or before December 15, 2008, the selool shall provide tlle following:The boys ' cross covafr.p sunœy and legible copies of1X2,3,4&5. 1 calledyour of//zz on November 21,

2000 J/?# spoke with Phyllis. She is in the process ofsendîng me a n'Title JA' Compliancc Handbook. '' I willwrpey the boys country team as soon as 1 receive the Compliance Handbook which /ltlx the necessaryforms toutilize. I will make more Iegible copies ofT-2, 3, &4. Abwever, J couldn 't /a# nT-sform in ourAnnualVeri


heation of Title JvY Procedures. As Jptpa as 1 reeeive the Compliance Ifandbook f wdl complete a newT-sformfor 1999-2000.ITEM #-3-0n or before Decemher 15, 2000A.the sçheol shall dete- ine whether it i: feasible tl provide-a pepband for volleyball ïeamslvarslty & j.v.) and advise tlle f it: determinatitm.

As a #re//?>,/r?tzr.= measure 1 will approach t7z/r band director and discuss this issue with /#>zA lt could

be tkat we could llmzc apep 11tw1 at some ofvollryball games Jw/ not a1l ofthem. The pep /7cp: is composed oftp/kr regular marehing band members. z'p some situations marching bandpractice would conjlict with some o-/-twrvolleyball games lhis will also be an agenda j/tizp/o?' our gender (?g?zf/y committee.

ITEM # 4-The da. te: t)f alI gender equity committee meeting: f*r the 2* 0-2001 yehfml year shall-be prpvided

to the KHSAA on or before December 15, 2000.Meetingsfor 2000-2001

-December 19, 2000 @ 7.'00p.m.-March 12, 20001 @ 7:00p.m.-kl'ay 9, 2001 @ 7:00 p.m.

June 7, 2001 @ 7:00 ym.IT-YM # 5-0n or befbre Deeember 15, 200th the xchfml slla ll-co jirm whethet 1t: weight rtmm is ava ilable teal1 stlzdent athlete: a4 eonvenient times.

A11 athletes regardless ofgender fzta,e equal access to our weight roomfacility. :/>: weight room isavailable immediately aper school and/or at spec,sc times which correspond with individual team practices.

ITEM # 6-On or before December 15, 200:. the sthot)l shall survey the members' of its p'rls basketball

feam s and c-onfirm- whetherthe team: wish to ha ve cldee-rleaders perform at their games. Tlte resultg offhese suweys shall be provided to the KIISAA.

The à'l/rvey.N will be conducted. However, it Jlz/x already been determined that cheerleaders willperformat the varsity girls ' games at home //lf.ç season.

ITEM # 7-On f)r before December 15, the schobl s hall s urvey the members 0# its girlp ba&ketball teams a.!ëgmlwfirm that the dates and starting flmes for games amcatçepfahle to members of the teams. Tlle results ofthexe slrvep sllall be prbvided to the KHSAA.

A sunrey will be conducted to detennine the acceptabliliy of the dates and times for the games.


f7eorge G. Johns

DEC 1 1 22*

Dayton Independent SchoolsGEORGE G. JOHNS

c/0 DAYTON BOARD OF EDUCATION200 CLAY STREETDAYTON, KY. 41074 'Phone 859-292-3996Fax 85:-292-3995

Home Phone 859-635-8689Email [email protected]

December 7, 2000

Louis Stout, CommissionerAW SIW2280 Executive DriveLexington, Ky. 40505


The information which wtz,& requestedfrom your Ietter datedNovember l Z,2000 is enclosed. The information which wtu requested isfrom page 5. 1 hopethatyouhnd everything is in order. Ifthere is additional information neededplease let m e twow.

Sincerely, ...x e

ZGeorge Johns-Athletic DirectorDayton H igh Schoolc/o 200 Greendevil LaneDayton, Ky. 41074


f,-859-292-3995e-mail: [email protected]



CAMPBELLPhone 859-292-3-Fax 85+292-3995

Email [email protected]

N- ma r 21, 2%

Injis Stouty CommissionerG M2280 Ex= tive Drivelxxingtonv Ky. 40505

I xx.iq

I o ive a + of lNytoq 1lil Rhxl's ft!ml Tiut IX KHSAA Auit 11- 1 for the 1999-2% Khxly- oa Nevemar 20, 2e . M a #- w* pf infe Hion this is my ftrst y- as Atlde De or at Dm on High1e l. l was not awam if tlw Ontent of tbt 1999-2% Annœ Vermœ on of Tiue IX pe ures from DaytpaHirh > hœ l.

n ere azq 7 items whkk -''u *a * * W - Yr 15, 2e .1 wiz gô item Y item aM pmvide tM appredate informaion to ndde..t e h ite%

I'R M # 1e n or W orm lheeœ- r 15. 2e . the YhTH Ah*I1 eowl- f*wt * - r e m h** <--- **=-=.I âlve been unable /oJa#>y documentation that a soccer /e= would be Jddez 1 2d2J># on a 7*-lp

J)- that a sucested rl-ge would be // intr, r.e a develo,- zll//proge- in v .ceg/o: girls.. Soweveg, l willwaey thepmale n dea/, at D- /a High A.âxlNfor to Deeee ez 15. 2- to delermdzle the Jevel ofintr-MTe /H sFrt. 1 will N/vide - osce w/tâ âe approF nte awl/.ç.

IrI'EM # 2-on oe 1*- M - ue 15.2% * x%* *21 pe de te fo1* 'nmNe Aoy?, ' eross rowau m G yd lêgible ee fea of%2,3.4M . f called- o'ce on Npvee er J1,

2* -d s- * with Phyllis. cd is & the Fïve.qç ofanding - a 'T/#e f# Compliyœ J/zwt/:xk '' l will- G />e #/y'.: counp /#- > m * 1 N-fve âe Compli-ee S-e xk which âr /:4 neneun lo- toy1//*. 1 *#l make vore legible eorle' ofT-2. J, &4. S- epe'. I eovlG 'tpnd ,7QJA In xralaavllWnpcation o/Tylle fx- - a :, .- > I Nr'e- âe Complîyœ ff- - k I will complete a aewM f- for /###-2e .

> M # 3+ or 1* - n----% r 15.* .* <h* :** deteeml- '-eœ -e 1 hfeœe le- pe de * >hlwd 'ae vllleylull e m#*** & y' v.) Md AA*m 1he k'M U e 1** #.-- '1w**' :

Wx a prelf-fllo me-w- I will Jp- o.r Ade #ï-cror ad *.ouz.e thlsi= e with him. It - /#& â4/ we couldh-ê 4N# bodat >me ofwlle.* llgames but not /1 ofthtm. ne-p byd is ro-- # olove Ngvle marching h-d- e ev. In - .**4t10%9 v'zv#fag b-drctiœ v ldma/fd with .*- pfourwlle lllg- ew. >is will 41* be > %enda i/z-/pr our gender eeif.y eo- ffee.

M M # 4rn . dateg a 21 > * r etlulty' ----'.H- m ' fot tlle le - 1 ehMl year oalI % p- 'de- the KH:AA - or 1* - x--lm- r 15.* .

Meetîngsfor 2* 7* 7-> cember 1#, 2* @ 7.'*p.m.*M* l2, 2* 1 @ 7.'*;.a-MF 9. 2*/ @ Tep.m.

June 7, J*/ @ 7:V p.m.

ITEM # s-tln or leore M ember 15r lte . tbe <1- 1 gKV eoefiY whether rtâ' weil t - m l': xvzlable te*Il eutlent xthleta *1 e- vem'ent tima

All athletes r'egtzrd/e,r ofgender â>e equal ere.tK to >z' weight z'* #?/*//?(p. N?e weight rxzzl isoailable immediateiv J/e' school and/or at aN cl#c times whdr.â correap nd w/lâ individual team practices.

# * *

te- x u d eolm rm whetàer the teamx wixh to hlve cheeeleaderx perffrm af tkeir ga esw n e a h: of

Oe suweys will Ie conducted. However. it lltzy already been defemliaed that eheerleaders *iIl Nr/f?rzaat the vclï/.y girls ' games Jf home this aeaNoa.

ITEM # 7-On or befoa Deeeml-r 15. the Rb* I ghâll ga-ey t:e memberx *61% @'+ ' balke:bsll teâm: ândelnfiY that the dltea And gtading tl'me: f<r gamex xre actepfxlde to memn n ofthe teu i n e a It4 ofthex R rveyx xhzl be pmvlded to the KHSAA.

A survey wRl 1 œndude tn determi> the a- tabliliy of the dates and tix for tht games.


MC- ue G. J@lm:

Bayt:R Iqdepeqdelltstlleel:ClQ DAYTON BOARD OF EDUCATION


Phone 859-292-3.996F:X 859-292-3995 '

Dtcember 06, 2000

On or before December 15: lppp, the school shall conhrm ibhether itsweight room is available to all student athletes at convenient times.

June 7, 2001 @ 7..00 p.m.ITEM # 5-0n or before l< ember 15, 2000. the school shall ttmfirm whether its weight e* m is-available toall student athletes at convenient tl*mesk .

Al1 a'hletes regardless ofgender /lmpe equal access to our yzeïg/l/ roomfaciliy. T/le weight room isavatlable immediately ajter school Jptx r at specsc times whtch correspond with individual team practices.

IU M # 6-011 or before Becember 15. 20:0. the Rhfol shall survey the memhen' of l'ts p'rls baskdballteam: and conrlrm whether the team: wilkixu tmcheerlea' der: perform-m lldr-gmp-er-rj-'h-q-temllMthese surveys sha.ll be pmvided to the KEISAA.

The wrveyw will be conductei Sèwever, it has alreak bèen (fe/crrzlfnetf that cheerleaders will >er/or??lat the varsity girls ' games at home this season. .

ITEM # 7-OIu r before Deeember 15 the sche l shall gurvey the members of its girls' basketball teams and. . .. N . .

clmfrr'm that the dates a.nd starting times for games a re acteptable fo member: of tllt teams. Thethe:e yurvep shall be pnwided to thp KHSAA.'

A suwey will l)e conduded to determint tlm acceptabliliy of the dates and times for ihe games.


George G. Johns


DAYTON, KY. 41074

Phone 859-292-3996Fax *59-292-3995

Dccember 06, 2000

The gender equity committee shotlld schedtlle more gequent meetings duting2000-2001 school year. the dates atld times for the 2000-2001 school year shall beprovided to the KIISAA on or before December 15, 2000.


. 2* CLAY STREETDAYTY . KY. 41974Phone 859-292..> .1F> KSFZA Y

Home P* e * 9.635-8689

To: G ender Equity Com m ittee slembers:-Bernie Preffer, Board slem ber-G eorge Johns, Athletic Director-'rom M adison, Principxl-Diane H uft Counselor-Debbie Scholer, Youth Senices-Barb Bowm an, Teacher & Coachœ atty Patterson, G ifted & Talented-stacy BrooH , Former Player-lainda Brandenburg, % cretaryJ anie W iseman, Dayton N osters

From t G eorge JohnsRe: M eeting Dates for zooo-zO llAdministration Building)

œ ccember 19, 2000 @ 7:* pvm.-M arch 12, 2001 @ 7:00 p.m.-M ay 9, 2001 @ 7:00 ppm.-lune 7, 2001 @ 7:O p-m.

Agenda for Decem ber 19, 2001lt?1. Title Ix-W hat is

2. 1999-2000 Final Title IX K'-HSAA Audit Report3. Nov. 17j 2000 letter to Louis Stout-com missioner-k-llsAA

4. Survey results on girls' s- cer5. Pep band for Volleyball gam es6. Surveys from girls' basketball teams regarding cheerleaders

and gam e tim es/dates7. C ross Country survey and provide Iegible copies of form s

T-2s T-3, T-4, & T-5.8. Discussion of som e intramural events.



CAMPBELLPhone 859-292-39*Fax 859-292-3995

Email [email protected],klz.ky.us

Novem- r 21, 2000

Louis Stout CommissionerKHSAA2280 Executive DriveLexingtona Ky. 40505


I rc ived a copy of Dayton 111r71 Schœl's 5nx1 Title IX KHSAA Audit Remrt for the 1999-2* Khxlyear on Noveme r 20. 2e . M a memnK of intze uctioa this is my ftrst yœ as Athlçdc Di- or at Dayton HighSchœ l. I was n0t awarc of the O ntent of tlw 1999-2* Annual Vtrifiotion of Title IX Prv dures from Dayton

1111 Rhœl.n tre azt 7 items wltich ne to N adllmssed by Du mlxr 15, 2e .

I will go item by item and hom fu'lly provide the appropriate information to addw eacll hem

ITEM # l-fh or before pecember 15! 2e . flte xhx l *a11 eonl- fhat x - er :- - :al beex adAu -l Acve been unable ltl./Al#tzzl.v documentation that a soccer fe= would be added. 1 didpnd on a T-60

J0z'm that a suggested r#fzage would be to introduce a developmental program in soccerfor girls.. However, 1 willwrvey the#male n dea/,: at Defoa High Schoolprior to December l5. 2000 to de/emlipe the levcf ofinterestfor that am rf. 1 willprovide >,tw' o@ ce with the approptiate results.

ITEM # roh or lA o- beeemljee 15, 21* .*% xh* l Ahall p- *de the followo' pThe boys ' cross etwatr.p mtn'ey ml# legible eopies of%2,3,4&5. 1 calledyour o' ce on November 21s

2000 Jzld spoke with Phyllis. &le is /z? the process ofsending me a GT///e fY Compliance Handbook. '' 1 willwwey the âov country team tz.% soon a.< f reeeive the Cp-pff-ee Randbook which â- the necessaryforu tov/f/ïz.. 1 wf// make more /egfé/e copies ofT-2. 3, &4. Jfowoeg, I rtw/f/x 'tAndaT-sfo, in Jvz'azlaa?z//Ver@catlon nfntle n'/eceA-l'. As dfxw * l receive 'âe Complîœme Szzllexk 1 will eomplete f? newr-l./èr-./& 1999-2000.ITEM # 3*th or before De eme r 15. 2(*8, the *11(*1 ghall dete- lxe whetlœr '11 *u feœm'ble to pnjvl*de * -baxd for volleyball tbnmglvlrgitz & !'.v.) and advix lhe KHSAA lf *Itg dete- lnatiœ

As aprellminary vleouezzre l will approach our band director and A t*..= thts fw e with hlm. It cx /#be that we could Jm e apep #f/l# at some ofvolleyball games but not all ofthem. ne Hp :l??# /.& compsed ofovr regular myching sJ?)# members. In 3p- situations mlre/pag bandpracdce wpvll eonllict with mple ofourvollêyball games. 7*//f.q will also be an agenda itemfor our gender egvfty eommittee.

ITEM # 4-n e dlteg of a11 gender equ'lty eommitte maxtinp for t%e 2* 0-2* 1 gee l yee Nhall I>e povided

to the KHgAA oa or before De ember 15.2- .Mcetingsfv 2*@.2*/

mecember 2#, 2090 @ 7:00p.m.-Mt?vâ 12, 2pùpJ @ 7:00p.m.-A/# 9. 2pp? @ 7:00p.m.

June 7. 2001 @ 7:00 p.m.

ITEM # 5-on or befoo lkxceme r 15, 2* 0, the Rhxl 1a1l confirm whether -lts wel@t r-m *I: avzilable to111 gtudent athlete.s at convenient tlme&

A1l athletes regtvœe.u ofgender hmze equal tzcce.> to our weight roomfacilitv Thc xmkht rtzt?pl istnwf/e le immediately aper ae/loo/ antl/'op at J& el/lc (îmes whtch etlêrexrtwtf with indivtdual team prnctiees.

ITEM # 6-05 or before Deember 15. 2(1(*.tNe RhY l ghall saney the members' of 'It.s p'rl: bagkdballteam: And ctmsrm wbether the teams w*INh to àave eheerleaderg perform at their gameg- n e eesults of

The J'l/rvey'.s will be conducted. Sbweper, it has tzlrea#.p been determined that cheerleaders w///Nrxr?aat the vclf/.y girls ' games at home this season.

I'I'EM # N0n or befox Deeem> r 15, the geh*l O all gurvey the members of it: p'rl:' baketball team: andconfirm tEatthe dates and gtarting times foe games 112 acceptable to membea of the teamt n e resultq of

these gurverg ghall be provided to fhe KHSAA-A survey will & (xmducte to determine the accepubliliy of the (latts and timo for tbe games.


George G. Jqbnâ



Home Phone 859-635-8689

December û6. 2000

On or before Deoember 15, 2000, the sohool shall provide missing information

(boys' cross cotmtry survey) and legible oopies of fonns T-2, 3, 4, & 5.

KHSAA Forrl M 1Rev. 4 1199

T4/r.p V zv N*-/ - XMr' Z***: o orr G - '/z/ 'f-e e/ - R * / COWFea/x


ls the School District offering the interscholastic sportts) you want to play?Q Yes .

I t to play 3-66%4 + t*&/ NO, Wanl am not interested in athletàcs

During the fall season, which interscholastic spod would you Iike to play?FootballGirls' VolleyballBoys' Volleyball

V Boys' Cross-countryGirls' Cross-countryGirls' Field HockeyBoys' GolfGirls' Golf

A Boys' SoccerGirls' SoccerOther (please list any spod you are interested in playing)


I would not participate

3. During the winter season, which interscholastic sport would you Iike to play?l Boys' Basketball

Girls' Basketball& Boys' Swimming & Diving

Girls' Swimming & DivingBoys' W restlingGirls' Gymnastics

& Boys' and Girls' Indoor TrackOther (please Iist any sport you are interested in playing)

l I would not participate

4. During thr spring season, which interscholastic sport would you Iike to play?V Boys' Track

Girls' TrackGirls' TennisBoys' TennisGirls' Slow Pitch SoftballGirls' Fast Pitch Softball

/ Boys' BaseballOther (please Iist any spod you are interested in playing)

I would not participate

' cwosw J'o' v'=W ..G*>I = ZW*/ W yJ#o/yDo you participate in intramural sports? If you do, which sportsts)? pwpwo /4w/ Yes C iôn' G'- zz/-r

No ,Fb**/

W hich intramural sports, if any, w u.o ld you Iike to es e added?pssy-ce Fom 9- fr./N //j

Do you padicipate in non-school spod activities? If you do, which

sportts)?7w' Yes g4srhw//

3 No

Afe you currently padicipating in interscholastic athletics during anyseason?

> YesNo W hy don't you padicipate in interscholastic athletics?

I prefer other activities such as band, chorus, etc.I don't have timeThe practice schedules and game times are inconvenientThe sport I Iike isn't offeredlt's too expensiveI prefer to padicipate in club or intramural sports

/ WorkingOther



8 .

9. Do you have any suggestions to encourage participation?

sttcGnegri- f '& $EW /'V v ov /W grl2 $4 i $/17 # <f-' z' rA - zwz/M /6.


<'h<,k' T'wzd/ - z?chqcg go/s - z7

foms X'2,&z - 1bf,/>,2 XVVr, - 28rxlww n xrwwv- za

4wr/4sw r gezex-/a-

KH&AA Fprm F61

Rev, 1 1/99FoH6# X ZX*'/?- x > UAorr R>**/


1 . s t ooI District offeting the interscholastic sportts) you want to play?, . yes

No, 1 want to play $*66.9*44/4&l am not interested in athletics

2. During the fall season, whichFootballGirls' VolleyballBoys' volleyball

y/' /vq Z Boys' cross-countryoirls' cross-countwGirls' Field HockeyBoys' GolfGirls' Golf

interscholastic spod would you like to play?

' Boys' SoccerGirls' SoccerOther (please Iist anysport you are interested in playing)

l would not padicipate

During the inter season, which interscholastic sport would you Iike to play?Boys' BasketballGirls' BasketballBoys' Swimming & DivingGirls' Swimming & DivingBoys' W restlingGirls' GymnasticsBoys' and Girls' Indoor TrackOther (please Iist any sport you are interested in playing)


4 . Dur' ring season,Boys' TrackGirls' TrackGirls' TennisBoys' TennisGirls' Slow Pitch SoftballGirls' Fast Pitch SoftballBoys' BaseballOther (please list any spod you areinterested in playing)

which interscholastic sport would you like to play?

i would not padicipate

5.p , e Jxo' xy J 4 >. y s yy/

Do you padicipate in intramural spods? If you do, which sportsts)? A #vZ Y s r2/r.$' /,.>-

Z .

W hi h intram ural sports, if any, would you like to see added?v . v: , ,4, ; & z' /#/ , whDo you participate in non-school spod activities? lf you do, whichsp dts)?

ves ,,, lez/G )o


7 .

8. Are you currently participating in interscholastic athletics during anys on?'-. . Z Yes

No W hy don't you participate in interscholastic athletics?I prefer other activities such as band, chorus, etc.l don't have timeThe practice schedules and game times are inconvenientThe sport l Iike isn't offeredIt's too expensivel prefer to padicipate in club or intramural sportsW orkingOther

9 . Do you have any suggestions to encourage participation?

&>vé' - 'n * s'rE ?'C ou ///G /é w /0o w 'rvz w A tq

Optional , pyy. u' VzAzë '* / &.X*'W 8V ZZ X WO / vName: CM z6

Age: ( y syvsm ,

jy ,' <)/zr r Wxr y&#z nw zo#a.au u1

xv44r4.- zzzyx vr 'zf .0




Participatinn Opportanities Tvst Two

Program Number of Number ef Numbqr of Pertent ofT

-ms Teams Added Participants TntalCurrently in Last Flve Added in Last PartidpatlonOffered Years Five Years By Sex

my s varsity: & - o oG ,

j.v.: 3 j /i . /2 qo .posh: xothec 4total: /( .;Rpà

Bovs varsity: 7 o oj.v.: A o oposh: g oothec X o :total: / / 0


sM4w r./m 'c/r/ oate: 6 - 6 - Zooo:IE!; ii Cli!;:lr:lt :!E.-1l:1L;lk1(7''E,' : .. . . ...-.--. . - .-.. -......... . . ---..-.............

zz p 2z o


+ 5



Participatifm OppqrNnifies Tesf .ll= e

li't è Lillj.:l: :(.', 'If girls are underrepresented in the interscholastk athletics Gm I,S ji'yrn


y.jrjj'ry : BOYSi : : E . t :program, answer the following questbns f0r girls only. If :2' .;, ë, (4i!: ( à Ei i i . ; :boys are underrepresented in fhe interscholasuc athleucs tjljjtj:tjjl j ! :! j (j jygE rj. yjprngram, answer the follcwilg qaesdons f*r bqys only. jljlitj, ë ,

4r!lrIjiiI'4:i5.iiéI'i';';'1. ls there an intramural team ofrered in a sport not now jj:jjl (: ë'

ilable in the interschousuc aualetics sopam? o IlEltj'lril,'ltq'i ;aVa : j g! ë è i ! !t! : ':!@ LI I j jjyjy irjjtq11 j!! ë I i!j j j il ! 1! Lj ): 1!2

. For a sport p.g.l currently ofered, is there suëcient qytijjjtjlrjlinterest to form a viable interscholastic tem based on 1i)'j:),;il)((:N # Cllqljlijlljilijtulir





, Jparticipation on an intamural tMm or community ljt

yryjj.y jrecre-ation t-mm? (YES or NO) 1@t7,1.:?.i.:ëEip:i4)',:g:.,!

i l 11 ! l (1 lj ! :.LI E iE 1 ii j:3. For a spol currently offerrdv is there enough interest rljitliiiii.ikit

7';':i2E:;$t1' 1 : 2.to form a viable team for a junior varsil, freslzman, or IlE'!jjIj:'!@(!.1j.l.'(g2(ttk!!!:::;l'i !)1 ! iIi El il -I; -y! i i èiti!!. :( dé!!::::,i!'other jnterscholuéc lev41 that is not cmwntly offered? /Y jyyjyyjyjjjjjj14(2-,14!'E1E11) 15 k:lkllr (1,.11'4:::1,()4

(!j;4:5jjt7j.j, jjgjyq:.

jjgj ij . j jj jt j jj.j j . jj j jjj4. If you answered yes to quesuon one, > o, p

.r three, are jjlijlj.injqillEthere enough otber 111g,h schools in your school's jjtitll/jtjr)i:I E i i

@Ik.; j -!q:tè .1 competiuve region olering the sport and l'Itlillljipjtlyynonna r ( yj :- jjy j jj j j Ik j g yj:competitive level of sport to constimte enough jlljli:jrljljy:

' ul ? ) I!l'ik 'Eirlicompetiéon for a reasonable competitive sched e j gjjyjjjlgjEi .1 E i .r jj ! j( j j ; y4(4-184!'11EE1; :EE;k drr'lt- (1,.;1-4(:224()j . tjIi,EEE.@;:@ë(:.E ., :r

siaature: r rmz/ r#f '' r/ oate, G -J - zoow

V/ F> Z 4&W


* Copyright 1999, Good iîportz, 1hô., rf/le IX uztd Gender â'éuff.v Specialists. AlI rightç resewed.

1 :

+ %



Levels of Comnetitinn Tesj Onr

Team Levtls GIRT,S BOYS

Nlzmbtr. of Varsity Teas Offered U 7Number of Participants on Varsity Teams VQ YZPercentage of Total Participants By Sex *f X @ .f

:è . qh ièê). 2 E 2 .@è@ : :i .$. i '. 2:l .lE ' E E :: i :: ! .@':èEi@ ê .èE @@i 'i .7)è1E@ ::i E : q ' Ti: Ei@ h è! ' ): '.l:ù iih ?EIIJ :E) ilis LlliFlqfEii .@ ;@':@1:@èl i : !' ql 7!h):lii è. i; è!@TE jù l:@ .@è èE:ièè) :l@ ti i è1h !@@) ?@ i @Ei !!l ! 11 liè il: 'i jt !!l?q!1@ ëé !@ë èj) .i)(!è1 è!è!@)) ë' i liil è'..''jq '! 5i LE Tigp (!l)1i ;1:1 qi : !11.*1). lèE i!i E: @ (@ l li@.#t q': ii ë iICEèE llè Eè( ! !1 èè# èïi '14?.1.77 #?@ :#2:)i klli :1 i.h1 iiElè )(t';!jE 1!j!@ i 41 ililiitl !! @ i jd !èl Ei é yà) il@ li!f!i( i !.:i @t# !ë l ji t! ë.7 EE :!ë l pt i E ')ë .J' Fj@ ) (2 ! ëë :: : :: ( : @ q( :.7! j.7:!.ri : ': t : i ! E: . i. : @ yi :: @ ,7

Number of lunior Varsity Ttams Offered Z , A '

Number of Participants on Junior Varslty Te-qms V . A 7

Percentage of Total Participants By Sex 3 S 7 1X.%' : i - i: .' .: ë : ' . : ' ' ' @ !' : ; .: .. : :ti' : ïïï ! )f. : LbL 5i: ;:i(.è:: iE( ! (@ : 1( .bL.' ;( @:l (iil :t (! ) 7t:è :!: @ : èl'.: t!i' J ( ': . .:l : i. è!: ' . : . ::! ' : .: ïi .:' ( .:..! '! )142 :(tEq C: : i! 7)#!tt:':lt)l@( i@! l:E.j: : li: q@(l (!'.?E@ !i2.(!t'.: :) lil::@i r -(t;iè':! ;h ittt i s ' @: E!' ; :( è!i .t@'.: !@ )èl ù1@l i@ô !Eî @!':è èà ::2.:tt è21)!:'rl: h (t @ëèh !!?li.:1: ëlEEki t(E l!l .èbL ïlt.è!h@ i@i)èz';: i :iri# '!@'ii :!(!(!i'. : :) Eà@ E!i E!1 i(l E : i @èt!èl'gq(ii:..:E q:i q:èê !: ! 1. ': 2 - ! ë Ti :'7i ' !@' i: t !@ '.ii i èh :è .1 E (@ ' !' '.!:'.' li . i'.:'. ih ?tè E: h è! .:è' .t':7 ' ; ) . ,

Number of Freshman Teams Offertd & VNumbers of Partidpants nn Frqshman Tepmm 5 X fPercentage of Total Pe cipants By Sex û.

sirature: .V> N .CWEW/-/-

d . A Dyfw z o l c.

< -& -Z oœDate:







Number of Game shorts or pants; P4JR >/Y O W YUnifotm Items Provided shirfK or jerseys: cf'âdz/--ro Participants jackets: zy z, y *sweat shlrtq pants:

pairs of shoes:

Ntuubtr of Practice shorts or pants:

Unifonn ItemK Provided shirts or jerstys: A#to Participants jackets:(only if different âom sweat shiN pants:game uniforms) pairs of shoes: .

Quality of CvameUniforms (excellent ûkaffegooi fair, poor)

Quality of PracticeUniforms (excellent, W #good, fair, poor)

Sport-specisc $4 X; P' Z/6 B *.4&k WirAeyequipment provided yagyag y/r/wW.r(bats, gloves, balls,sticks, bags, etc.)

Sport-mecifk qllxlity G 'o.v(rxcellent, goo; fair,


Number of smdent W 'wr .m anagers

Are student m= agers gpvolunteers? (YES or


Equipment storageooc/arrangements (excellent,

goodo fak, poor)

'Bwo-s/qz/lîw m' #

. . ysirature:

Z --)) , 3 % .Date:


.copyright 1999, Good Jpprtl!, lnc.. rjtle IX. . zzrz.l GenderEquity Specialists. Al1 rights reserved.

T 5

W r


jNumber of Game short or papts:Uniform Items Provided shirts or j rs ' lto Pm icipants jackets:

sweat shirtq/pants:paizs cf shoes:

Number of Pracuce shorts or pants: x.,'4k,Unifonn Items Provided shirts or jerseys: 'ku

to Participants jackds:(only if different Fom sweat shirts/p=ts:game uniforms) pairs of shoes: .

Quality of C'ome

vsrorms (excelle. q,. x c e //cs,-1.goo; fak, poor)

Quality of PracticeUniformg (excellentgood, fair, poor)

spou-mecinc j. o$ï .y,equpme. provzedmats, gloves, balls,sticks, bags, etc.)

Sport-specïc q',nlity(excellent, goot fa'ir, t'pt j' f'''-'poor)Number of studentmanagers

Are student managers ,.

voluntters? (YES or 'NO)Equipmcnt storagearrangements (excellent, -- ()) O 'good, fair, poor)


gg yj g y gSignature: ''v'k k-z Date: / y


/0 /k.s.;= -

* .copyright 1999, Good Jpqrt-:, Inc.. T.I;Ie IX zzF GenderEquity isher/a/twâ'. All rights reserved.




Number of Game shorts or pants:Uiform It= s Provided shirts or jersqs: Jo floiF wvlrl'sto Participants jackets:

sweat shirtèpants:paizs of shoes:

Nmnber of Practice shorts or pants;Unifonn Items Provided shirts or jerseys: Xctozeto Particlpants jackets:(only if different 9om sweat shl'rtq/prts:game uniforms) pairs of shoes: .

Quahty of GameUniforms (excellent eu : o t $: ,u rgoot fair, poor)

Quality of PracticeUrliforms (excellent, Vd ,u oz-good, fair, poor)

Sport-specifc /.j tj çs proo tgz.a j-o oaclxtlxle Ga l r- A.equipment provided

g t.n wwz jc.ja .k'o0 ew zkqom.kat:rw .:0 ' ? = Jrxmats, glovu, balls,

sticks, bags, etc.)Sport-mecifc quality

G.'/h.t- o t ta ,u, ;-(excellent, goo; fair,poor)

Number of sludentA) tc sa cmanagers

Are student mnoxgers

vollmteers? (YES or Jo aa e-NO)

Equipment slorage

arrangements (excellent, Lo ko i;good, fair, poor)

sia ature: v.-/o tpt.x-lv.' Date; f .+ oo


M -/ 'Aer-- //./ Go/rc%pr'


* Copyright 1 999, Good .@et-!, IRe., fttre JJ' nttei GenderEquit.v Jpec/llïalâ'. Al1 rights reserved.




Number of Game shorts or pants: N. FA.J''I-GUniform Items Provided shirts or jerseys; X. J-e-?d-&V Sto Participants jackets: zz œ zz &

sweat shieq/pants: u o A/8pairs of shoes: s ouc

Number of Practice shorts or pants: / p 'Nr-Uniform Items Provided shirts or jerseys: / J-epu' syto Participants jackets; w o & e(only if different from sweat shirtvprts: w o szfgame uniforms) pairs of shoes: hz oq c

Quality of GameUnifonns (excellent y- (e//e)ôgoot faizs poorl

Quality of Practiç:Uniforms texceen: agf /rW2 E -e A/ * U XW & Xû*Dgood, fair, poor)

S ort-specisc tsw//drY P**F, #@ê'&A?êOT, T-H66*f PXZ''J;Pui ment providqd <- :2/4- f (7 P**5) *W f f P#*-Tj 2/ E 8/2 * rlr 7-PXJeq p

mats, gloves, balls, .- --. .-- w - - -

sticks, bags, etc.) T ->t nv &z-e-/ ' 'M cAzzsz Jzc'o - ozzmmz csJ

Sport-specisc quality W gw s zz-aozirr >2.**w ;'>**K 'rz(excellent, good, fair, ao <, o taz / r'?z &z F'ëïeK.eh'r- z T'* s.poor)Number of studO t

N ô ZJCmanagers

Are smdtnt managersvollmteers? (YES or g oNO)Equipment storagearrangements (excellent, o o Dgood, fair, poor)

siw ature, oate, -zz- z '-oo


.copylighl 1 999, Good Jporq, I?tc., T.(ile J.,r Ja# Gender.Equit.y lpet'falg/l. A11 rights reserved,

G qfhq/,/


T 5- -/ r


i-vt?l 1/v /, ..%Nllmber of Game shorts or pant/. (e.c a,

Uniform Items Provided shirt: or jerseys: I : er 6'vlilet'tto Participants jackqts: Vt-?s e.-

sweat shirts/pants: 6Qn d-pairs of shoes: Q on z-

Nllrnber of Practice sho> or pants: fdJl4 dUniform Items Provided shirts or jerseyst 4o4eto Participants jackds: Jzpae f(orlly if different &om sweat shirts/p= ts: Notzegume ylniforms) pairs of shoes: Nont

V pl evJ exkeltenfQuality of CrameUniforms (excellent, zo J oo Jgooi fair, poor) s -&t; m

Quality of PracticqUniforms (excellent,good, fair, poor)

( *1 ô>vY> bq.s - % le/-es 4#* e/-M** VT'OSporwmeciic --b 't 6-31 -6Z Y5 Vdeqlzipment provided ; zu jzot / s x y efz?- e ( o. , Jy9 P k5 clex/ P'**'**'-% '- G '''

.9:1'b?-(bats, gloves, balls, a s'etlz--kctfq.à #-.,sticks, bags, etc.) - bgs-es (;n I-.U.,J w. z /,'J,'w - :, 4 1tu rvii..

. 7 3p.1-.# - 3 e eai 'Y oo l/,z#iml 17. .- lQ.'.'Sport-mecifc qnxllty . wjjst,.z./,, : o ..J ( t)

,.J t) ) .fk,-. Iqj9. .. h .(excellent good, fair, % ge , y..i,, qœzfe/4ev' .' et&''V*'%*v fo sc (yP00r)

s. c, ( ku ..,a.f - ,eJ 5. :' u - pt'. Xr/olr;q evttez GrNumber of student

&4memanasersAre smdent maaagers

volunteers? (YES or /NO)

Equipment storage Vcry Gooarrangements (excellent,good, fair, poor)


H,&//fG>A '.

r v. /

siwature: . J. z.f oate: /p --u #/- oo

* .copyright 1999, Good âborl-s lncv, .T.i.# /7 rzrz'/ GendcrEquity perfc/f-ça. A1I rights reserved.

T 5



Numbtr of Game shorts or pants: --$c ktosao ''zo x/î: h'roc-Uniform Items Provided shirfs or jerseys: zo tzovtep Jo .4i< k''cch,tt-to Participants jackel: g/y

sweat shirYpants: plp.pe s of shoes: p/>

Nxlmber of Practice shorts or pants:

Urliform Items Provided shirts or jerseys: u/xto Participants jackets:(only if different from m eat shiY pants:game uniforms) pairs of shoes: . '

Quality of fhmeUniforms (excellents Cy. 'Ju;T = 'h-c-fesW ç CW'X D ï GRVfJCZSgoodv fair, poor)

Quality of PracticeUnifonns (excellent, x) t /-4good, fair, poor)Sport-p ecihc

($RL&CV M .ztAequipment provided(bats, gloves, balls,sticks, bags, etc,)

Spolvspecisc quality

(excellent, goodv fair, sy '-- 'e JGScht.bpèèr)Nllmber of sludent

kl ok? (;--managtrs

Are smdent m= agersvolunteers? (YES or k; t' xNO)

Equipment storagearrangements (excellent, Dgood, fair, poor)

s ;;.g(A v, . )'

signature: Qoxltkklè C CW QG Y TIE::). ate :: . 'i- r:Elt-r .1 'iiih,- .r...!4r... qqpp?-q:pEz)- .......... .. ....


.copyrighî ! 999, Good Jpjw-!, 1pc.. T.#Ie ivï' 'x?zzrf GenderEquity Jpecfs/f-ç/â'. A1l rights reserved.

T 5



Nttmber of Game sho> or ants' JUrliform Items Provided shirtq or 'cseys #to Participants jackets:

sweat sbirts/pants:pairs of shoes:

Number of Pracdce shon or prts:

Unifonn Items Provided s>igtm or jerseys: Nhto Pm icipants jackets:(only if different 9om m eat shiltq/prts:game tmiforms) pairs of shoes:

Quality of CyameUniforms (excellent Lk< E- IV<rgood, fair, pocrl

Quality of Practice w/4Unifonnm (excellen:good, fair, poor)


equipment provided y' p yyy4C r(bats, gloves, balls,sticks, bags, etc.)

sport-m ecisc quality

(qxcellent, goot fair, G'Soxpoor)

Number of student omanagers

Are smdent managers

voltmteers? (YEs or N @NO)

Equipment storagets (excellent, G'Lusfarrangcmen

good, fair, poor)

,w/v zaowSignature: - Date:P # .

Fsvyzezlz C'X /?


rcopyright 1999, Good Jw rt.!a 16c.. r.(lfe IX 0r,? GenderEquîty skedfclfyfâ'. A1l rights reserved.

T 5'-/ F'



Number of Game shorts or panl: IUnifo= Items Provided xhirtt or jero s: )to Participants jackets:

sweat she pants:pairs of shoo:

Number of M ctice shorts or p= ts:

Uniform Items Provided Ihlrtq or jerseys: R$to Pmicipants jacktts:(only if different hom sweat shle' rts:game uniforms) pe of shoœ: .

Qmlil Of CGmtUnifo= s (qxçzllent G'V Vgoot fair, > r)

Quality of Practicew/sUniforms (excellOt,

goot fair, poorlsporwmeciic

equipment provided ypyg w F.%(bats. glov-, balts,

sticks, bags, dc-)

sport-meci,c quanty w yA-fcezl'' -(excenent goc fair,


Number of student &managers

Are student managersw/4vollmteers? (YEs or

NO)Equipment storagearrangements yxcellenty &Oö#Xgood, fair, poor)

4.# pate, ? u/. zr eeSir ature:!


z<v- ....y dt:::qqqT--..... ........q'<A.. . ........ . .-71... -(;;)@----------...... . . .-...... .


* fMrm qpe,' ,'$e : (10o rf,% - J r*- - ..a - r . * . : rv . .-* . -w. 'w . . - . . .

7 5-- -/ tse



Number of Game shoxs or pants: ?Unifo= Items Provided shirtq or jerseys:?to Pm icipants jackets:

m eat shiY pants:pairs of shoc:

Number of M ctke shorts or p= ts:

Unifotm Items Providd qMrtx or jerseys: Wf8to Particip=ts jackets:

(only if dilerent &om sweat shlrt#p' ants:game unifo= s) pairs ef shoœ: .

Quality Of CumeUnifo=s (excellen: G oovgooi fair, - r)

Quality of PracticeUniforms (excellent, w/mgooi fair

, - r)Sporwmeci;cequipment provided .---a--wmzy u. Xezz...y-/mats

, gloves, balls,sticks, bags, dc.)

Sport-meci;c quality

(excellent goc fair, XV eZZNX &oo Xpoor)

Number of stud=t Omanagers

Are student m= agers

volunteers? (YEs or yx/ gNO)Equipment storag:arrangements (excellen: o,good, fair, poorl

Date: / UYF 7.+ .'Sirature:

H ww'x .t::::E::qèè-'----td!!iiiii''..... .sc --)((:2;7?r.- ---- ...... --. -- -.. ... ... .... --.... . . ..-.-........... .. . .. . -.. .......- -.... ... .


* R noq/'e4f'rh. 1 0tm r!'- - ,z k*- - -s- T- - v'e' 'v ' ''-' ' - ' - * ' '




Number of Game shorts or panl: / x .s--

Uniform Items Providtd shirts or jerseys: /&to Participants jackets: ---.-.-...-.-- A/nAvw

sweat shiM pants: . VAL'L'TP air s 0 f Sho es : - F-/V -4 '--#2f

Number of Pracéce shorts or pants:Uniform Items Provided shirts or jerseys: .

to Participants jackets:(orlly if different from m eat shie pants: 'game uniforms) paizs of shoes: .

Quality Of CmrneUniforms (excellent, Z-'- KCLC'Xgood, fair, poor)

Quality of Practice

Uniforms (excellent pgood, fair, poor)

Sport-speciic yqgyizs j-jyxjz.s syyr- rgp) y/strtz.;.equipment provided 7 / J 9

uS'9 lf'/.f V/QLT/*G /79 LWf 'WXW/V; MQC1C5(bats, gloves, balls, ; ) /sticks, bags, etc.) ''J-4XJ/-XSport-speciûc qllnll'ty(excellent, gooi faiz, G 0+pooi)

Number of student p , ytz's-m anagers

Are student managers

volunteers? (YES or hNO)Equipment storage

- ncs=lLcc-<'1-arrangements (excellent, kgood, faiz, poor)


. ' , oate: /'/- -#J&4Sirature


.copyright 1999, Good s'prvq/ 1v ., .T.i,# fx ar'/ G. enderEquity Jpecfl/ω,. All rights resewed.

vnrvtA xrbr.)

T 5



Nttmber of Game shorts or pants: 1Uniform Items Provided shirts or jerseys: ,-7to Participants jackets: . - g./8z'/tr-

sweat sllizks/pxlts:''-'-',vApvrpain of shoes: -- Wtw ir

Number of Pracéce shorts or pants:Unifonn Items Provided shirts or jerseys:to Participants jackets;(only if different from swvat shirts/prts:game uaiforms) pairs of shoes:

Quality of CzameUniforms (excellent L'-Y- W --'/Z.ô'W 'rgooi fak, mor)

Quality of Practice

uniformg (excellen: /V /good, fair, poor)

sport-speciscequipment provided s-wg -

.s-I(bats, gloves, balls,

sticks, bags, etc.)

Sport-m ecilk qtlnlity(excellent, goot fair, E XCSJLtUW Tpoor)Number of xudent

.c.V ö z/t-managers

Are student mm gers

volunteers? (YES or /JZ JNO)Equipment storagearrangements (excellent, / kc 5-z./,:7#'''f-good, fair, poor)

. #

Sirature: t . c oate: //-g5 .zw&o

c-gu.,?q. c'-pvv 7Cgocw

* ,copyright 1999, Goo# Spprtq, fv .. T.i.;Ic IX n!,2 GenderEqaity Specialists. AlI rights reserved.

T-/ .<-



lNtlmber of Czame ) enrtx cr > : (pU

niform Items Prmédzd t eirts or j- s: Ij>to Participants j ?xkrv . - ,-.-.< /lz Dp he-

)' sw'ec qhmrr-m' 7=ts:. w'op'œi 7* cf e.cu: - /,/#g/é'

Number of Pracuce : iors or > :Uniform Items Provide ) errtv' urj- :

to Padicipants fxkv /(only if dilerent from uwec 1h'1>#=ts:

ame uniforms) ' > cf A*:


Quality of C= e iLV CELL O WXUniforms texcell<

goods fair, > )

quality orpracuceuaiforms (exxn< ' Xgood, fair, p- rl

Sport-mecifc jlyllnu'jzl s/yogzs ap p gk rx ) p/scvs sptg-syequipment provide l l / ./4:/5z'/z,/62 Pôzms Jnr-e zzzzc lz-pcla. j re'zezrbmats, gloves, balh ;

sticks, bags, etc.)

Sport-mecifc quality(excellenty gtG fe. S'ZDpoor)

Numbtr of elde.nt pvw gmanagfrs

Aze student m. g.s

volunteers? tyr.s or l/pNO)

Equipment storage - x.osy-Z !C& Z/.farrangements texcen<

good, fair, poorl

? . 1.

J./ t M oate: /'/-2ê-AnSirature:


.c pyrighl 19% Cxxd Stwrqk * .. T gze LT = ï Go-Atr 14wrfy Sqedalists. A1l rights reservcd.

, )'zp-fcclzzk .

T 5



Number of Game shorts or pants: -7Uniform Itemq Provided shirts or jerseys: -7to Participants jackets: ,--------.-. g tls/oc-

sweat shirtq/pants:----gzpgzrPairs of shoes: . -. . w -ow g

Number of Pracuce shorts or pants:Uniform Items Provided shirts or jerseys:to Participants jackets:(only if diffcent âom sweat shiY pants:game uniforms) pairs of shoes:

Quallty of GameUniforms (excellenk Z-WAC/OAZAM Z-goodr fair, poor)

Quality of PracticeUniforms (excellent, /Y /good, faiz, poor)

Sport-m ecifcequipment providqd t/'Z*'v /:5-mats, gloves, balls,sticks, bags, etc.)

Sport-speciic qualitylent, goo; fair, EX CF Z-de-f??-(excel


Number of studct -AJDJJbmalmgcrs

Are student managers

voltmteers? (YES or /,/ JNO)

Equipment storageements (excellent, F KCCLLK I-'I-arrang

good, fair, poor)


Sirature: z/ vs.N - &11::214 1:hk-1!:'(E,h :7 -.-.......... .... . - . -....... .. .


.tlopyright 1999, Good Jw rt.!, Jats, nlle J,AC ,??z.! GenderEquity J'pccfa//at-ç. AI1 rights reserved.

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B4W.R Illdepelldellt%elleeletr0 DAYTON BOARD OF EDUCATION


. . (( (( .... . . . ).. . ( ( .( è). .ihone 859-292-3996Fax 859-292-3995

Dccember 06, 2000

On or before December /J, 200% the school shall survey thc members ofits girls 'basketball teams and conhrm whether the teams wish to have cheerleaderspelform at their games. In addition the school shall also determinefrom thegirls ' basketball teams whether the dates and starting timesfor games areacceptable to members ofthe teams. The results ofthese surveys shall be'provided to the A'SS'W/I.)



Home Phone 859435-8689

December 06, 2000

To) Louis Stouty Commissioner KHSAAFrom : George Johns-Athletic Dlrettor

Dayton High SchoolRe: Clteerleaders, Dates, & Starting Times

l combined both surveys into 1 information gathering doeument.


2X CLAY STREETDAU ON, KY. 41074Phone 859-292.3996Fax 859-292-3995

Home Phone 859-635-8689Email [email protected],ky.us

To.. Members ofthe Girls ' Basketball TeamsFrom: Mr. Johns (Athletic Director tt Girls ' Basketball Coach)Re.. SurveysDate: Novem bcr 30, 2000

The Kentucky High School Athletic Association has asked me to zpzrvcymemberq of the girls ' basketball teams. The swrvey will cover thefollowing areas:

-cheerleaders petforming at girls ' basketball games-to ctw/rza that the dates and starting timesfor girls ' gamesare acceptable to members ofthe teamG IRLS' BASKETBALL SURVEY

1. De you want eheerleaders to perform at your games?11 Yes

l No2. Do you favor a 6:00 p.m. starting time for j-v. game-s?

1% Y esl No

3. Do you favor a 7:30 p.m . start for varsity games?1/ Yeso No

4. Are the dates for the 2000-2001 schedule of gam es acceptable to you?

:1 Yes- coA lttf - 4*A Prtwfe W> < IEr* s' #2/ 4*AW*+rl N@

5. W euld you Iike to play some varsity Ievel bny/girl doubleheaders?11 Yes/ No

6. W ould you Iike to play some gam es on Tuesday night?# Yes V ooesv tr -47/-,-2A No

7. W ouldyou like to play som el YeslQ N@

games on Friday night?

#. Please list any cfmcerns or Sujgestions in referente to basketball1. rérz'4 lo drgr+ 'e 4# r/-# przprg 4+ #A->a . n/ser/ v m re/pvA / #.Q Drcryèrvc, + zrvc*zf pw ozeyz >w N v'e, N yyvz/ gp '-O/e'v pr4c /, v ' yzt > - 'm-r


200 CLAY STREETDAYTONI KY. 41074Phone 859-292-3996Fax 859-292-3995

Home Phone 859-635-8689Email [email protected]. us

To: Members ofthe Girls ' Basketball TeamsFrom: M r. Johns (Athletic Director tf Girls 'Re: SurveysDate: November Jp, 2000

Basketball Coach)

The Kentucky High School Athletic Association has asked me to swrvcymemberq of the girls ' basketball teams. r/?e survey will cover thefollowing areas:

-cheerleaders performing at girls ' basketball games-to conhrm that the dates and starting timesfor girls ' gamesare acceptable to members ofthe teamG IRLS: BASKETBALL SURVEY

1. Do you want cheerleaders to perform at your games?q.tbtlll Yes III

/ No2. Do you favor a 6:00 p.m. starting time for j.v. games?

A'/e//Yes / //// -N o

3. Do you favor a 7:30 pom . start for varsity games?@N //Yes/ / //

No4. Are the dates for the 2000-2001 schedule of gam es acceptable to you?

tc //Yes /// /- coA 4<* -ze W m X* *l No

5. W tmld you Iike to play some varsity Ievel boy/girl doubleheaders?

// //#/ Yes/ ///l No

6. W ould you Iike to play som e games on Tuesday night?/ W fy Yes A œ.c..r vxrr:w t'wyszz- No

7. W ould you like to play some games on Friday night?// Yes

No8. Please Iist ny concerns or

&4 + Az'z swwvv/Arme

suggestions in.<'Joy/# X'ze e

WE* rezrA A 4-swz''cizre

F 4c fz'z.o#z1 W yNp' M-*Jt--

reference to basketball# N * .4 4/ #+- '>e

G #nM .Cè>#/zW ea,> V'-

Balell lRl1e1I::d:Rlk I1.el: V20 DAYTON BOARD OF EDUCATfON200 CLAY STREBTDAYTON, KY. 41074

. . . . .. . .... .. .. .. - . .... .. . . . . . . .. ... . .. ..... . . .. ......... .. . . . . .. ... . . .. .. - .. . . . ........ -. - . .. - . .. . .. - - . ......... . . . . ... . .. - - - . . ..... . . . . . )..... . ( .. ((( ).. . lè .. . . ((( ).. ( ) .è'... . . . . (( )..è..( è è(

fhone 8s9-i9i-à%6Fax 859-292-3995

December 06p 2000

On or before December /5, 2000, the school shall determine whether it isfeasibleto provide a pep bandfor volleyball teamslvarsity &j.v.) and advise the KHSAAt?f its determination.



Home Phone 859-635-8689

Decembcr 96, 2000

To; Louis Stout, Commissioner KHSAAFrom : George Johns-Athletic Direttor

Dayton High ScheolRe: Pep Band at Volleyball Games

Attathed to this memo is documentation concerning the feasibility of providinga pep band at volleybail games. The letter from our band director ihdicates that it wouldbe an Imnecessary burden to provide a pep band plus do alI of the pradicing that it takes

during the marching band season.On a separate matter is the schedule for the pep band performances at our boys'

and girlsg basketball gam es.


200 CLAY STREETDAYTON, KY. 41074Phone 859-292-3996Fax 859-292-3995

Hnme Phone 859-635-8689Email [email protected]

To: Kevin GrowFrom : George Johns-Athletic DiredorRe: Pep Balld for VolleyballDate: 11/29/2000

Dayton 1-111 School has to determine whether it is feasible to provide a pepband for volleyball games. 1 havt to advise the Kenmck'y 1-111 School AtllleticM sociation by December 15, 2000 of our determination.

l would like for us to be able to provide a pep band for 3 games for the2001 season. Please 1et me know in writing the feasibility of this request byDecember 4, 2000. The fulfllment of this request will help Dayton l-ligh Schooli!l its continued efrort to adhere to Title lX's concept of fakness in reference to

gender equity.On a separate matter is the pep band schedule for basketball season. The

band will need to perfonn at an equal number of boys and girls games over thecourse of the season. Please 1et me know the dates that the band will be playing.

D ayton M S. GGreendevilsêê M usic D ept.200 Greendevil Ln. D ayton, K Y41074

Phone: (8593292- 7486 Ext 4426 F#X.' (8593261-1 606


M r, George Johns, Athletic Director, DHS

I am writing in regards to your request for a feasibility study regarding DaytonHigh School providing a pep band for volleyball games. The Dayton High School Bandhas a tradition of eagerly going out to suppol't our athletes with music at such events asfootball and basketball games. ln fact, the DHS band is one of the only competitivemarching bands that still travels to most away football games, I believe it can be said thatthe DHS band goes well beyond the bare minimum in this area and is happy to do so.

Howeverp in addition to the llve to six hours that band members spend on Fridayevenings involved in football game activities, it is important to look at the other timecommitments placed on the band program during the fall sports season. Band membersare at rehearsal from 5:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. These latetimes are necessary to accommodate the high number of band members that alsoparticipate in the football program as well as the need for outside marching stafE OnSaturdays, the band is normally away on oontest trips for anywhere from fourteen totwenty hours depending on the destination. It is important to note that these earlymorning trips usually follow an evening in which many band members do not leave DHSprior to 10:30 or 1 1;00 p.m. due to pep band obligations to the football program. A11told, the band program puts in approx. thirty extracurricular hours per week during themarching season which begins in mid-luly and ends at the end of October.

This overview of the band program's fall schedule demonstrates just one of thereasons why involving the band program in volleybali games is simply not feasible. Thestudents in the band prop'am are stretched very thin with time commitments due to bandalone. This does not even account for those students that march in the band and play afall sport. lt is my belief that providing a pep band for even one additional activity wouldbe placing an undue burden on the students involved in the band progtam, In fact, lbelieve that travel to away football games should be limited to the Bellevue game andplayoff appeApnces so that those students and sta/ participating in band could get amuch needed breather during this very taxing season.

The other problem that exists concerns the timing of volleyball games. Even ifthe current time constraints on the band weren't so great, the volleyball games occur attimes when the band is already engaged in rehearsals for it's own contests. lt is for thesereasons that I recommend not having pep band at volleyball games.

Respectfully Submitted,' ?


Kevin M . G ow,Director of Bands, DHS

cc: M r. M adison

In the constant pursult ofmusical eœcd/lcace/


TO :

FR :



George Jolms

Kevin Grow

Pep Band


M r, Johns,

l would like to the pep band to operate under the following schedule for the remainder ofthe basketball season:

Boys Varsity B-ballGamesFri., Dec. 15th vs. HeritageFri., Jan. 5th vs. Silver GroveFli., Jan. 12th vs. BellevueTues., Feb. 13th vs Beechwood

Girls Varsity B-ball GamesM on., Jan. 22nd vs. Bracken Co.Thur., Feb. 1st vs. LudlowThurs., Feb. 8th vs. Silver CxroveThurs., Feb. 15th vs. Bellevtze

M y rationale was to keep the band at a one game per week schedule so that 1 stand abetter chance of getting an adequate number of players to come out. Please 1et me knowif there are any questions or concerns about this schedule ASAP. I need to release theband's January calendar to the students as soon as I possibly c&n. Thanks.

KM G @

P.S, l have also attached a copy of the feasibility report you requested in regards tovolleyball pep band.