1 Title: Canadian academic libraries and the mobile web Robin Canuel Humanities and Social Sciences Library, McGill University [email protected] 3459 McTavish Street Montreal, Quebec H3A 1Y1 Phone: (514) 398-4698 and Chad Crichton University of Toronto Scarborough Library, University of Toronto [email protected] 1265 Military Trail Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4 Phone: (416) 287-7492 Robin Canuel is the Liaison Librarian for Psychology, French Literature, and the Translation Studies and French Language Continuing Education Programs in the Humanities and Social Sciences Library at McGill University. Robin received a Bachelor of Arts degree from McGill University in 2000, and a Master’s in Library and Information Studies in 2002 also from McGill. Chad Crichton is the Coordinator of Reference, Research and Instruction at the University of Toronto Scarborough Library at the University of Toronto. Chad received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queen’s University in 1999, a Master’s degree in English Language and Literature from Wilfrid Laurier University in 2000, and a Master’s degree in Library and Information Studies in 2002 from McGill University.

Title: Canadian academic libraries and the mobile web · ! 1! Title: Canadian academic libraries and the mobile web Robin Canuel Humanities and Social Sciences Library, McGill University

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Title: Canadian academic libraries and the mobile web

Robin Canuel Humanities and Social Sciences Library, McGill University

[email protected] 3459 McTavish Street

Montreal, Quebec H3A 1Y1 Phone: (514) 398-4698


Chad Crichton University of Toronto Scarborough Library, University of Toronto

[email protected] 1265 Military Trail

Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4 Phone: (416) 287-7492

Robin Canuel is the Liaison Librarian for Psychology, French Literature, and the Translation Studies and French Language Continuing Education Programs in the Humanities and Social Sciences Library at McGill University. Robin received a Bachelor of Arts degree from McGill University in 2000, and a Master’s in Library and Information Studies in 2002 also from McGill.

Chad Crichton is the Coordinator of Reference, Research and Instruction at the University of Toronto Scarborough Library at the University of Toronto. Chad received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queen’s University in 1999, a Master’s degree in English Language and Literature from Wilfrid Laurier University in 2000, and a Master’s degree in Library and Information Studies in 2002 from McGill University.


Title: Canadian academic libraries and the mobile web


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to assess how Canadian academic libraries have responded to the rapidly evolving mobile environment and to identify gaps in the services provided, while suggesting areas for future development.

Methodology: We conducted an examination of the mobile content and services provided by the libraries of the member institutions of the Association of University and Colleges of Canada (AUCC). Based on this examination, we describe the current state of mobile librarianship in Canadian academic libraries. A review of the literature places the investigation in its broader context.

Findings: Only 14% of AUCC libraries currently advertise some type of mobile web presence, with mobile websites being prevalent over downloadable apps. Examples of content and services are highlighted to illustrate current trends and to provide insight into future directions for developing mobile services.

Practical implications: This study raises awareness of the importance of mobile technology for academic libraries and the need to address the lack of mobile content and services provided by most Canadian postsecondary institutions. We also identify best practices exhibited by the surveyed libraries.

Originality/value: This is the first exploration of this type into how academic libraries in Canada have responded to the mobile environment. The value of this research is in helping libraries identify and address shortcomings in the mobile content and services they provide, and in highlighting efforts by libraries to address their users’ needs in this area.

Keywords: mobile web, mobile websites, academic libraries, smartphones, apps, Canada

Paper type: Research paper



The recent explosion in the global smartphone and mobile technology market, and the near

ubiquity of mobile data connections in the developed world in 2010, have made mobile

computing an “indispensable part of day-to-day life in the workforce” (Johnson et al., 2010).

This continues to be driven by increasingly rapid and capable devices which provide a user-

friendly means of accessing the internet on the go. According to the PEW Internet and

American Life Project, 32% of Americans report having gone online with a mobile device

(Horrigan, 2009). Fifty-three percent of those between the ages of 18 and 29 have used the

internet on a handheld device (a demographic of particular interest to librarians in

postsecondary institutions), and on a typical day, 19% of adults access the internet with a cell or

smartphone (Horrigan, 2009). Mobile internet access numbers for Canada are similar, if slightly

more modest than in the U.S., with 21% of mobile consumers using their phones to browse the

Web and access their e-mail accounts (The Neilsen Company, 2009).

The Association of Research Libraries predicted in 2009 that the “ubiquitous presence of WiFi,

handheld communication devices, smartphones, etc., will spur libraries to re-tool content for

mobile users and mobile devices” (Association of Research Libraries, 2009, p. 16). However, a

year later R. Bruce Jensen pointed out in an article in Library High Tech News that while the

commercial success of mobile technology for business applications, entertainment and gaming

has a huge appeal, the obvious attractiveness of these devices in the fields of instruction and

information delivery “remains nearly untouched by most libraries” (Jensen, 2010, p.6). This

paper assesses how Canadian academic libraries have responded to the rapidly evolving

mobile environment. The assessment is based on an examination of the mobile content and

services provided through websites and mobile web applications (apps) produced by libraries at

postsecondary institutions throughout Canada.


Literature Review

The mobile environment’s rapid expansion, and the ever-swift advance of hardware and

software, make the task of keeping track of the “current state of affairs” in mobile technology a

daunting one. Several groups perform regular environmental scans of the field in an attempt to

produce an accurate snapshot of the mobile landscape. The Pew Internet and American Life

Project is one such endeavour, conducting periodic surveys on topics such as wireless internet

use and mobile phone use by teens (Horrigan, 2009; Lenhart, 2009). Lenhart’s report (2009)

tells us that in 2008, the majority of 12-13 year olds in the U.S. had their own cell phone, and by

the age of 17, that number climbs to 84%.

For academic librarians, the work of Educause is essential in providing an assessment of the

use of mobile technology within the educational context in particular. In collaboration with the

New Media Consortium, Educause produces an annual “Horizon Report” to document the “time

to adoption” for various technologies entering mainstream use on campuses, and placed

“Mobile Computing” in their “one year or less” adoption horizon in 2010 (Johnson, et al., 2010).

In 2010, the Educause Center for Applied Research’s Study of Undergraduate Students and

Technology (Smith and Caruso) found that 74% of undergraduates either owned an internet

capable handheld device or planned to purchase one within the next six months.

Librarians have also produced papers focused on identifying mobile trends and developments

as they pertain to libraries generally, and to academic libraries in particular (Lippincott, 2010a;

McKiernan, 2010). In addition, Alan W. Aldrich presented a study in Educause Quarterly which

focused on the 111 English speaking members of the Association of Research Libraries, finding

that 39 universities had a mobile website for either the university, the university library, or both

(Aldrich, 2010). Interestingly, Aldrich explains that he chose to include not only university sites


in his survey, but also university library sites specifically, “because libraries have often been at

the forefront of technology adoption” (Aldrich, 2010).

In addition to keeping abreast of the development of the mobile landscape generally, librarians

are also engaged in documenting the many services they are implementing to respond to user

demands for mobile content and services. Some articles focus on the use of a particular mobile

device, such as the iPhone or the iPod, and how patrons might use these devices to support

their research work in the library (Cuddy, 2008; Kendall, Nino and Stewart, 2010). Others focus

on particular service areas, such as the provision of mobile reference services (Lippincott,

2010b; Murray, 2008), or the mobilization of online catalogues (Liston, 2009). Colleen Cuddy’s

article, “Mobile Video for Education and Instruction”, discusses the transition of a resource that

was not originally intended as a mobile-specific tool (video tutorials) to a new mobile context,

and the particular ease with which video becomes an effective format for presenting content on

a modern smartphone, PDA or tablet with little or no intervention on the producer’s part to

“mobilize” said content (Cuddy, 2010). Research in mobile librarianship also explores services

that use technologies that are unique to mobile and handheld devices, such as the provision of

reference assistance through text-based SMS (Luo, and Bell, 2010; Pearce et al., 2010) or the

use of quick response codes (QR codes) in delivering library instruction at the point of need

(Walsh, 2010).

Academic librarians are developing mobile content and services in the context of the wider

information industry, and while librarians and university researchers are becoming more

comfortable in using mobile technology for advanced research activities, library vendors and

publishers are responding to that trend (Murphy, 2010). Indeed, librarians and other

researchers often make note of the variety of resources that vendors are beginning to develop

for mobile devices, along with the traditional resources that are being reformatted for

presentation in a mobile context (Blakesley, 2010; McKiernan, 2010). It is particularly important


for librarians to take a proactive approach to mobile development and the provision of content

and services for mobile devices. R. Bruce Jensen has argued that “the commercial world is

outpacing libraries in both awareness of and adoption of mobility,” and as Thomas Greenall

points out, “libraries cannot afford to ignore this medium if they are to keep in step with their

patrons. There has never been a more relevant user-driven technology for libraries to adopt”

(Jensen, 2010, p. 6; Greenall, 2010, p. 16).

In a dynamic field like mobile technology, where the provision of content and services is very

much driven by client demand, the attention of librarians naturally turns to user assessment.

Surveys of patrons at Washington State University found that 58.4% of those polled would use

small screen devices such as PDAs and web-enabled cell phones to search the library’s

catalogue, an essential finding in determining whether to commit resources to mobilizing your

online catalogue (Cummings, et. al, 2010). Similar surveys have also shown that patrons in

post-secondary institutions may be more than twice as likely to adopt mobile technology as the

general population, with faculty members potentially being more likely adoptees than students

(Hu and Meier, 2010). In addition, their use of mobile content and services is highly

contextualized, as their choice to use mobile technology, as opposed to a more robust

stationary option, is often due to their location while browsing – i.e. away from a traditional

internet connection (Lee, et. al, 2005; Kaikkonen, 2008). Librarians have been shown to be

early adopters of mobile technology compared to the public in general (Spires, 2008a), but the

public is likewise adopting the technology rapidly. When Ryerson University Library surveyed

their patrons in 2008, 29% of respondents indicated that they owned an internet-capable

handheld device; a year later in 2009, that number was 65% (Wilson and McCarthy, 2010).

In certain disciplines, particularly medicine, the rate of adoption of mobile technology is

unusually high, and librarians must pay particular attention to tailoring content and services for

the mobile user (Price, 2010; Cuddy, 2010). Libraries serving diverse communities may also


find that culture and gender affect how users interact with mobile technology and the purposes

for which they use handheld devices (Hudson, 2010). Librarians may also need to consider

how researchers use content differently when accessing it through a mobile device. Scholars

may find that they can utilize an online encyclopaedia more efficiently through its mobile app on

a touchscreen device than through a more traditional interface, or conversely, they may be

frustrated at the inaccessibility of readable periodical literature for their smartphone (Hahn,

2010; Spires, 2008b). Understanding user expectations and the context in which they are

accessing library content and services through handheld devices is crucial to creating an

effective mobile strategy.

For librarians in academic libraries, mobile learning is an essential aspect of the mobile

phenomenon. Given the rapid expansion of the availability of mobile technology and its ever

increasing capabilities, librarians must keep abreast of the pedagogical implications of this

revolution. How is mobile learning different from traditional learning? What are its benefits and

challenges, and are professionals ready to address these questions? M-learning has been

defined as nothing more complicated than “the intersection of mobile computing and e-learning”

(Quinn, 2000). However, the potential benefits of the technology include providing support for

new, more collaborative and accessible learning opportunities that integrate the broader world

outside of the classroom and facilitate anywhere, anytime learning which could potentially

reduce cultural and communication barriers and enhance interaction between students and

instructors (Ally, 2009; Corbeill and Valdes-Corbeill, 2007; Hahn, 2008). M-learning projects in

a post-secondary context can be as simple as facilitating active reading and note taking skills

using annotation tools accessible through cellphones, or SMS text message research tips (Chao

and Chen, 2009). More innovative projects acknowledge that “students no longer want to be

passive recipients of information but to be joint participants in the creation of knowledge with

their instructor and peers” (Fisher and Baird, 2007). The recent proliferation of conferences


focusing explicitly on M-Learning provides dozens of exemplary and innovative projects

designed to facilitate users’ skills to “apply knowledge and not just consume it…[and] provide

instruments to provoke deep reflection, communication and cooperation” (Frohberg, et. al, 2009,

p 323).


How are academic libraries in Canada responding to all of these mobile trends? Are they

responding at all? This study examines the mobile environment in Canada to determine the

extent to which academic libraries have established a mobile presence and the nature of the

content and services provided. The analysis began with a search for evidence of a mobile web

presence within the university and library websites for member institutions of the Association of

Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC). Once identified, each mobile website and mobile

app was systematically catalogued. This data provides an overview of the current state of

engagement by post-secondary libraries in the mobile environment in Canada and identifies the

most frequently provided content and services, as well as notable gaps that should be

addressed by Canada’s academic librarians.

The research presented here evolved from earlier work by the authors in investigating the

nature of mobile content and resources provided by post-secondary libraries in North America.

Originally, institutions were selected for inclusion in that survey based upon the list of academic

libraries offering mobile interfaces or apps on the M-Libraries page of the “Library Best Practices

Wiki” (2010). Forty-two mobile academic library sites and two apps from the list were analysed

for the presence of content and services across 12 categories (Canuel and Crichton, 2010). In

the current study, the analysis focused on Canadian post-secondary academic libraries and a

more granular investigation of the mobile content and services provided by these libraries.

Twenty-two categories of content and services were established based on a review of the

literature and an analysis of the mobile websites.


Beginning with a list of the 95 member institutions of the AUCC, a search was conducted

between October 10th and October 24th 2010 to locate the mobile web presence within any of

the institutions’ libraries. The methodology for these searches was informed by the work of Alan

Aldrich (2010), who performed a similar survey of universities and libraries in the Association of

Research Libraries (ARL). These searches consisted of reviewing the homepage of the

university or college, as well as the institution’s main library homepage, for any links providing

access to a mobile library website or other mobile-focused library content or services. Where

no such link was discovered, a search was performed for the word “mobile” in any available “site

search” feature found on the institution’s homepage (or the homepage of their library) and the

results were examined for evidence of a library mobile site, content, or services.

Additionally, in order to discover any apps not advertised prominently by the institution or its

library, searches of the iTunes store and the Android marketplace were performed using the

terms “library”, “university”, “université” and “college”. Since the purpose of this research is to

analyse the response of Canadian academic libraries to the opportunities and challenges of the

mobile environment, and therefore also to do a preliminary assessment of the visibility of their

mobile presence, the searches conducted were intended to mimic the searching habits of library

users, rather than being comprehensive in nature. If mobile users can’t find a mobile site

quickly, they likely won’t find it at all.

Findings and discussion

Of the libraries of the 95 member institutions of the AUCC, 13 were found to have some type of

mobile-specific web presence. This included eight libraries with some manner of mobile

website, two libraries with a downloadable mobile app, and three libraries utilizing both the

mobile web and a downloadable application (see Figure 1). For the purpose of this study,

“mobile website” refers to any web presence accessible through the browser of a mobile device


and which has been tailored in some way to the mobile context. This could include a

specialized graphical layout designed to perfectly fit the 480x320 pixel screen of an iPhone 3Gs,

or a simple text interface that renders legibly on a wide variety of phones.

Take in Figure 1

Mobile searching for data collection purposes was performed with an iPhone 3Gs and a

Motorola Milestone, and the “mobility” of a website’s content and services was judged in this

context from the perspective of the Apple iOS4 and Google Android 2.1 operating systems.

Sites were not required, for example, to render properly on an internet enabled “feature phone”

with a small screen and limited browsing capabilities. As long as the library in question

possessed a site specifically intended for use with a mobile device, that library was considered

to have a mobile website, regardless of the breadth of devices capable of taking advantage of

that presence or the depth of services offered on the site. The term “app” could be problematic,

as the notion of a “mobile application” can denote anything from a full-featured, interactive,

mobile experience to a simple text-based online catalogue interface. Once again, a broad

definition of “app” was applied to all searching, namely that any library with any downloadable

content intended for use on a mobile device was considered to have a “mobile app”.

Perhaps the most interesting finding of this survey is the fact that mobile library websites were

discovered for less than 12% of AUCC members (see Figure 1). One explanation for this

seemingly low-level of implementation may in fact be the breadth of AUCC membership. While

the AUCC does include large research intensive universities, it also includes a number of small

institutions for whom a well-developed mobile web strategy may not be a high priority. Current

data for the AUCC members who are also members of the Canadian Association of Research

Libraries (CARL) shows that 34% of CARL member libraries have some type of mobile web

presence. This number is consistent with a recent study showing that 35% of Association of


Research Libraries (ARL) members have a mobile presence (Aldrich, 2010). In addition, while

the Aldrich study includes mobile sites for both libraries as well as their parent institutions, this

Canadian study focuses entirely on mobile library content and services.

Once found, mobile sites and apps were analysed to identify the presence of up to 22 different

categories of mobile library content and services. For the purpose of this analysis, websites

were examined separately from apps to ensure that comparisons between institutions would be

limited to equivalent formats (i.e., ensuring that potentially more robust apps were not grouped

with simpler websites). The only item universally available on all surveyed websites was access

to the library catalogue (see Table 1). Nine of eleven sites included information on library hours

for their mobile patrons. Contact information and library account access were also popular

mobile services to offer, each occurring on 81.8% of sites. Information on library location

rounded out the top five most frequently encountered types of mobile content on the sites

studied, appearing on 72.7% of websites. This category included not only sites that provided

links directly to Google Maps to provide directions (an excellent feature for mobile users with

smartphones, who are likely holding a GPS-enabled navigation aid in their hands) but also sites

that simply provide the library’s written address in text form. Given the highly context-driven

nature of mobile interactions, certain services seem particularly appropriate for mobile use. The

ability to reserve study rooms or see real-time library computer availability, for example, are

exactly the type of service that a mobile user might wish to use while traveling to campus.

These services were found on 27.2% of sites. In the final analysis, four of the twenty-two

examples of content sought out did not appear in any of the eleven identified websites or five

apps. Interestingly, no library analysed included any library videos, maps or floor plans of the

library, podcasts, or webcams, all categories of content that have been seen in some American

post-secondary mobile library sites. Overall, the Canadian mobile academic library environment

is highly varied with some institutions providing patrons with everything from optimized mobile


graphical interfaces that mimic the user environment found in major smartphone operating

systems, to others offering only simple standalone text-based catalogue search interfaces.

Some of the more advanced sites may offer a glimpse of possible future directions of mobile

librarianship in Canada.

Take in Table 1

In order to provide a more detailed look at the presentation of mobile content and services on

Canadian mobile academic websites, we will discuss the mobile sites created at the authors’

institutions as examples of Canadian efforts in this area (see Figures 2 and 3). Both sites

display some of the more commonly seen conventions for the presentation of mobile content

online, and in many aspects they illustrate the current state of development of mobile

librarianship in Canada. Both institutions have mobile sites that use a graphical interface for

presenting content, with images employed as buttons in a manner similar to the design of touch-

based mobile operating systems such as Apple’s iOS platform or Google’s Android operating

system. Both sites provide users with access to the library catalogue, though in different ways.

The University of Toronto site currently allows users to search the library catalogue directly from

a search box on the libraries’ mobile homepage, but the searches are run through the traditional

full-sized catalogue system. McGill, meanwhile, requires users to click on a link to access the

catalogue, which then presents a version of the online catalogue optimized for mobile use. Both

sites prominently present library hours, library locations and contact information, while the U of

T site includes all five of the most frequently-found mobile content found in the study by also

including access to patrons’ library accounts.

Take in Figure 2 and Figure 3

Each of these institutions also demonstrated some unique features not found in other mobile

sites produced by Canadian academic libraries. The McGill University Library mobile site was


the only site in this study to include links to social media, and indeed has a prominent “Follow”

button on the main library mobile site encouraging patrons to follow the library on Twitter and

“Like”, the library’s Facebook page. McGill’s site was also the only mobile site to provide

patrons with explicit access specifically to the library’s Course Reserves catalogue, which

includes direct links to all course readings that are available electronically. The McGill mobile

library website was also the only site of all 11 surveyed that included a list of FAQs for patrons,

in this case focused on troubleshooting connection issues related to connecting devices to the

McGill University wireless network and configuring the Virtual Private Network. While these

may seem minor issues, it is important to keep in mind that for the mobile user, one’s

connection is one’s access to all of the library’s services and resources. Facilitating access to

content and services through Wi-Fi connectivity and virtual private networks that permit access

to the library’s licensed resources, librarians can open up a world of resources and assistance

to their patrons.

The study found five Canadian post-secondary libraries that included a downloadable mobile

app but the nature of these applications was highly varied. Two of these “apps” were simply an

implementation of the generic catalogue access app tool “BookMyne” (in use at the University of

Calgary and the University of Sherbrooke). No library-specific mobile app exists at the

University of Saskatchewan or at Ryerson University, but the downloadable mobile app for

these universities as a whole do include prominent links to the library’s resources. In the case

of Ryerson University, this essentially repackages the content of the library’s mobile website,

while the U of S app simply takes users to a mobilized version of the University of

Saskatchewan online catalogue, created using the popular AirPAC catalogue mobilization tool.

The University of Toronto Libraries on the other hand, while not providing any category of

information or service that was unique within the context of the study, did stand out at the time

of this analysis as being the only academic library in Canada to provide mobile access to


patrons through both a mobile website as well as through a robust downloadable library app.

The feature-rich mobile application is prominently advertised on the U of T Libraries mobile

website. The U of T app provides access to virtually all of the same functionality as the library’s

mobile website, as is common practice in this early stage of mobile application development,

although interestingly, the U of T Libraries app adds a “New Books” function that is not available

from the mobile site, while the link to the RefWorks bibliographic management software which

can be found on the mobile website is absent from the downloadable app. Of course, the

development of mobile apps is still a very new phenomenon (Apple’s famous “App Store” has

only been open since July of 2008), which may explain why the University of Toronto is the only

Canadian post-secondary library to offer such a service. Apps can, of course, be more resource

intensive than mobile websites, and can require a much higher degree of in-house expertise (or

outside assistance) to plan and create. Consequently, many libraries will no doubt begin with a

mobile website to establish their mobile web presence: and establishing such a presence should

be a priority. However, downloadable apps are generally considered to be an important part of

the future of the mobile web, as they: 1) allow content to be accessed by patrons through the

additional access point of an app store; 2) package content in a manner more specifically

designed and controlled for the mobile environment, and, 3) eventually, leverage a device’s

application programming interfaces (APIs) to take advantage of the special features unique to

mobile devices, such as using cameras for scanning barcodes and Quick Response (QR)

codes, and built-in GPS systems to enable real-time navigation and for library services to be

contextualized geographically (Miller, 2010).

Research Limitations

Despite the proliferation of literature in the field, it is important to keep in mind that mobile

librarianship is still a very new and rapidly evolving discipline. For context, consider that Apple’s

iPhone, now in its fourth generation, was first introduced in January of 2007 and has only been


available in Canada since July 2008. Even Canada’s own Research In Motion, makers of the

ubiquitous Blackberry, have only been in the smartphone business since 1999. Another

limitation for research in this area is the small data-gathering sample size upon which to base

conclusions. This is due to the relative novelty of the field. Even when searching through a

collection of institutions as large and diverse as the 95 members of the AUCC, one is still left

with the relatively small sample of only 11 websites (see Table 2) and 5 apps to analyse. The

rapid evolution of the field suggests that even while mobile technology may seem to have been

available for a long time in its present modern form, mobile librarianship is, nevertheless, an

extremely new endeavour and an area that should be of continued interest to researchers, with

many new developments surely still on the horizon.

Take in Table 2


While today only 14% of academic libraries at AUCC institutions have a mobile web presence,

the field would appear to be growing rapidly. A close monitoring of the mobile academic library

environment for four months has revealed a steady growth of sites even in this relatively short

period. Four new mobile Canadian academic library sites have just appeared in mid-2010, a

small increase perhaps, but nonetheless an increase of over 44% to the collection of sites. It

seems likely that in the future every library will have a mobile website or app, just as today we

expect every library to have a conventional website.

One anticipated realization is the increased development of mobile apps by and for academic

libraries in Canada. While, as reported, only the University of Toronto currently offers an app

that users of current smartphones such as the Apple iPhone or the Motorola Milestone would

recognize as such, research suggests that the combination of increased functionality, improved

design and more intuitive usability make apps an attractive option over mobile websites.


However, such conclusions are difficult to substantiate in a library context where there are very

few mobile apps for comparative study or research

In addition to the rapid expansion of available mobile content and services, there is also great

potential for growth in the quality of such material. The hardware and software of mobile devices

are rapidly improving, allowing for ever more robust user experiences and the addition of

specialized mobile services (barcode scanning, geolocation, video). The potential expansion of

mobile service opportunities (e.g., self-scanning of books for automated checkout, online book

renewals, study room reservations, real-time computer availability information) could lead to

libraries leveraging mobile opportunities to offer library patrons essentially 24/7 library service

with less staffing required.

Librarians will also want to consider how mobile technology might enhance the delivery of

information literacy instruction and how the profession might take advantage of the teaching and

learning opportunities of mobile devices and develop those opportunities to enhance their work

in the classroom. Practical matters such as the need for more widely-available and

appropriately-formatted database access for mobile devices will need to be addressed for

mobile technology to move forward in truly fulfilling its potential as a robust tool for academic

research in Canada’s universities and colleges.

Librarians in Canada, as elsewhere, should be encouraged to become more familiar with

modern mobile handheld devices in order to help spur development in this emerging area of

library service and teaching. While smartphones may seem nearly ubiquitous on university and

college campuses, this is an area of technology that is still in its early days, and its application in

the area of librarianship is yet in its infancy. Leveraging technology to access and use data in

new ways can greatly modify and enhance methods and techniques of information searching

and retrieval and incorporate it into our lives and research. Academic libraries worldwide can


benefit greatly from continued experimentation in this area as we attempt to optimize our

resources and services for a new context that our patrons, and the public at large, have begun

to embrace en masse. The mobile environment is still a fluid one, and there is a great deal of

potential yet to be explored, and gaps to be filled. Now is the perfect time for libraries to enter

the fray of what is becoming, truly, a mobile revolution, lest our academic libraries be left behind

by their peers, and their patrons.


The authors of this paper would like to thank Lonnie Weatherby and Megan Fitzgibbons for reviewing and commenting on previous versions of this manuscript, and for their ongoing support.

We would also like to thank Marie Jennifer Somera and Matthew Canuel for their love and patience.


Figure 1


Table 1 - Mobile Site Content by Percentage of Adoption by Canadian Academic Library Websites

Library Catalogue 100.0%

Library Hours 81.8%

Contact Information 81.8%

Account Access 81.8%

Library Location 72.7%

Library News 54.5%

Main Library Website Link 45.4%

Reference/Research Help/"Ask a Librarian" 36.3%

Computer Availability 27.2%

Study Rooms 27.2%

Feedback 27.2%

E-Databases 18.2%

Bibliographic Management Software 18.2%

Workshops 18.2%

Course Reserves 9.1%

Full-Text Article Finder 9.1%

Social Networking 9.1%

FAQs 9.1%


Table 2 - Canadian Academic Library Mobile Websites University Library Mobile Website Address Athabasca University Library http://aupac.lib.athabascau.ca/airpac/jsp/airpacIndex.jsp McGill University Library http://m.library.mcgill.ca/ Ryerson University Library and Archives http://www.ryerson.ca/library/mobile Thompson Rivers University http://m.tru.ca/library_index.php University of Alberta Libraries http://m.library.ualberta.ca/ University of British Columbia Libraries http://www.library.ubc.ca/m/index.php University of Lethbridge http://www.uleth.ca/lib/mobile/ University of Ottawa Library https://m.uottawa.ca/mobile/library.php University of Saskatchewan Library http://sundog.usask.ca/airpac University of Toronto Libraries http://m.library.utoronto.ca University of Western Ontario Libraries http://m.lib.uwo.ca/

Figure 2 Figure 3



Aldrich, A.W. (2010), “Universities and libraries move to the mobile web”, EDUCAUSE Quarterly, Vol. 33 No. 2., available at: http://www.educause.edu/EDUCAUSE+Quarterly/EDUCAUSEQuarterlyMagazineVolum/UniversitiesandLibrariesMoveto/206531 (accessed 20 October 2010)

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