Title Banner Graduate Admission Procedure Version Version 1.0 Date August 16, 2013 Created by Nancy Miller, Graduate Education Coordinator, College of Education, Health, and Human Services Edited by Julie Kennedy, ERP Implementation, Division of Information Services Kent State University and Sungard Higher Education, 2007 Copyright Process Owner Director of Admissions Department Office of Admissions Get help with this process Get help with Contact the Help Desk, 672-HELP (672-4357) Banner Access GOAMTCH Common Matching Entry Processes SPAIDEN Person Identification SAAADMS Admissions Application SOAPCOL Prior College information SAADCRV Admissions Decision

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Page 1: Title Banner Graduate Admission Procedure


Banner Graduate Admission Procedure

Version Version 1.0

Date August 16, 2013

Created by Nancy Miller, Graduate Education Coordinator, College of Education, Health, and Human Services

Edited by Julie Kennedy, ERP Implementation,

Division of Information Services

Kent State University and Sungard Higher Education, 2007 Copyright

Process Owner Director of Admissions

Department Office of Admissions

Get help with Name, phone this process

Get help with Contact the Help Desk, 672-HELP (672-4357) Banner Access

GOAMTCH – Common Matching Entry Processes SPAIDEN – Person Identification

SAAADMS – Admissions Application

SOAPCOL – Prior College information

SAADCRV – Admissions Decision

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1. Person Identification (SPAIDEN) Form

Step Action 1 Access Banner INB by logging in to Flashline.

Click the My Action Items tab. Click the Banner INB link. Banner will display in a separate window.

2 Type SPAIDEN in the field Press the Tab key or the Enter key. The form seen above will display.

3 Click the Generate ID icon The GOAMTCH form will open so that you can search to see if the applicant already has a Banner record.

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2. Common Matching Entry (GOAMTCH) Form

Step Action Note An individual may have only one personal record in Banner. That record may have been

created from the person being an undergraduate student, an employee, or a previous applicant to graduate school. Use GOAMTCH to check whether a record already exists for the applicant. Data fields in the GOAMTCH form are case sensitive.

1 Fill in as many fields as possible using information from the student’s application. Use the default types for the fields described below:

The Address Type default is PR, for Permanent:

The Telephone Type default is PR: Email type default is P unless the student indicates otherwise in the application:

2 Click the Duplicate Check button:

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2. Common Matching Entry (GOAMTCH) Form, continued If Banner does not find a matching record:

3 If you get a message box that states “No matches found, create as new?” Click “YES.” A dialog box will appear displaying the Banner ID assigned to this person.

4 Write the ID# on the application form and click OK to return to SPAIDEN. 5 Go to page 6.

If Banner presents a potential record match:

Step Action 1

Match information is presented in the lower half of the form. If enough information has been entered and matches, you may get a single Match result. If you get a single match, click . A menu box will appear. Go to step 3 below.


If Banner reports a potential match or matches, (see above) check the addresses, telephone numbers, birthdates, etc. to determine which record matches. Click in the row for any record that appears to match and the row will highlight. Click . A menu box will appear.

Special procedurefor KSU


Check to see if the individual is an employee or previous employee of Kent: Click the link for System ID. The System ID information form will open. Scan the second column of checkboxes to see if Employee is checked. If Employee is checked, click which will open SPAIDEN. In the SPAIDEN record, click the Alternate ID tab and click the icon for Insert Record or click <F6>. Enter the applicant’s current name and select APPL as the name type. Continue with SPAIDEN data entry on the next page.

3 If none of the records are a true match, click the Rollback icon .

Search the applicant’s previous name/names if provided in the application. 4 If you still do not find a match after searching previous names, click .


A dialog box will appear displaying the Banner ID assigned to this person. Write the ID# on the application form. Click OK. The GOAMTCH form will close, returning you to SPAIDEN.

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3. SPAIDEN Biographical Tab

Step Action 1

In SPAIDEN, click the Next Block icon: (or click <ctrl><F4>). The information from the applicant’s existing Banner record, or the information you entered in GOAMTCH will populate the appropriate fields in SPAIDEN.

2 Double-check the address, telephone and email information by clicking and viewing these tabs.

3 Click the Biographical tab. 4 Type F10 or click the Save icon:

5 Type Ctrl-F1 or click the Exit icon:

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4. The Admissions Application (SAAADMS) Form

Step Action

1 Type SAAADMS in the Go To field:

2 Press Ctrl-F4, or click the Next Block icon , to bring the applicant informtion into SAAADMS.


Click the Entry Term menu arrow to choose the term: 10 Spring 60 Summer 80 Fall

4 Admission type is always GK: 5 Click the Student Type menu arrow and select a type code:

D Doctoral N Non Degree E Educational Specialist C Certificates G Guest U Transient Master’s Level L ProfessionM Master

al V Graduate Reapplication

6 Click Residence and choose in or out of state:

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5. SAAADMS Form, Curriculum Tab

Step Action


Click the Curricula tab, then press Ctrl-F4 or click the Next Block icon: . Two additional form tabs will appear, Curriculum and Field of Study, as above.

2 Type a program code into the Program field,

and press the Tab key. All the necessary fields on the Curriculum tab will fill in.


to select a Program code. The Option List appears. Always select “Base Curriculum Rules by Program.” A list of programs appear. Click a program code and click OK. Every necessary field on the Curriculum tab will automatically populate.

EH-AUD (Audiology) EH-CER6-C603 (Gerontology EH-EDS (Educ. Specialist) EH-CER6-C605 (Behavioral Intervention Spec) EH-MA (Masters) EH-CER6-C606 (Athletic Coaching) EH-MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching) EH-CER6-C607 (International Higher Educ) EH-MED (Master of Education) EH-CER6-C608 (College Teaching) EH-MPH (Master of Public Health) EH-CER6-C610 (Pervasive Dev. Spec. Disorders) EH-MS (Master of Science) EH-CER8-C809 (Pervasive Dev. Spec. Disorders) EH-NDGD-GST (Guest) EH-CER8-C812 (International Higher Education) EH-NDGD-NONE (Non-Degree) EH-CER8-C813 (College Teaching) EH-NDGD-TRSN (Transient) EH-CER8-C817 (Gerontology) H-PHD (Doctoral) EH-CER8-C818 (Behaviorial Intervention Spec) EH-CER8-C819 (Athletic Coaching)

Or you may click the Program menu button

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6. SAAADMS Form, Field of Study Tab

Step Action 1 Press Ctrl-F4 or click the Next Block icon: to move to the Field of Study tab,

seen above. 2

To identify the applicant’s major, click on the Field of Study menu. A dialog box will open. Click Attached Major/Departments. From the menu that appears, double-click the desired major.

Note If the major does not have a Concentration, (submajor) skip the steps below. Save the record and proceed to the next page.


If the major has a Concentration (sub major), click the mouse in any field in the second group of fields under Field of Study (the second group is marked with a dotted line above) and press the Enter key on your keyboard. All the fields in this group should highlight.

4 Click the menu button next to the Type field: 5 Select Concentration and click OK. 6 Click the menu button next to Field of Study. Click on Attached Concentrations

Only in the menu listing, then click on the concentration name desired. 7 Click the Save icon (or press <F10>) and click OK in the dialog box that appears.

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7. SAAADMS Communication Plan subform

Step Action 1 When you select a Field of Study and Concentration, the Communication Plan

subform appears.

Make sure that the Graduate Application Plan row has a checkmark under Active Plan (8 column from left). You may need to inactivate other communication plans that appear.


2 Click the Save icon (or press <F10>) then click the button at lower right.

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8. SAAADMS Checklist

Step Action 1

Click the Checklist tab: to view the form above. 2

When you receive a checklisted item, type the date of receipt in the Received Date column. Enter the date by clicking the calendar icon and selecting the date. For Today’s Date type “T” in the received date field and click the enter key on your keyboard.

3 For college transcript checklist items, you will enter the college attended on the SOAPCOL form, described on the next page.


Enter the transcript received date in the CLT1 group of data fields. A second transcript is not required. Locate the CLT2 group of data fields. Look across the row of fields to the Date field, or rightmost column. Under the Date field is the Status field. Click the Status field menu button and select “Item Not Required Educ. Health and Human Svcs.”


If you have letters of reference to record, locate the REF1, REF2, and REF3 groups of fields. Type in the name of the applicant’s reference in the large field found under the Item Description column (marked above with a star) and enter the date received as above.

6 Click the Save icon and click the Exit icon .

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9. Prior College SOAPCOL Form and SOISBGI Query Form

Step Action 1

Open the Prior College form by typing SOAPCOL in the field, from the Banner Main Menu screen.

2 Click the Next Block icon . 3 Click the Prior College field menu button to open the Source/Background Institution

Query form SOISBGI. This form allows you to search for college names.

Step Action 1 Under the Type column, type “C” in the first row. This screen is case-sensitive. 2 Tab to the Name field and type %college name%, as seen above. The percent signs

are wildcard characters. 3 Click the execute query icon . A list of matching college names will appear. 4 Double-click on the “C” or Type field of the college name you are seeking. 5 The query form will close, returning you to the SOAPCOL form.

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10. Enter Prior College Information in SOAPCOL

Step Action The college information appears in SOAPCOL. Press the Save icon or F10. 1 If you do not have transcript information at this time, Save or F10 and Exit . If you have received the transcript, enter a date in

2 Click the Save icon or F10. Complete the next step when you have the final transcript. 3

To enter the degree information, click the Degree field menu button and select a code. If you are entering a degree from a KSU transcript, use the degree code on the transcript. Otherwise select from these code options: NB Non-KSU Baccalaureate Degree NS Non-KSU Specialist Degree NC Non-KSU Associate Degree NT Non-KSU Masters Degree ND Non-KSU Doctoral Degree NONE No Degree Granted/Designated NP Non-KSU Professional Degree

4 Complete the Degree Date, Attended From and Attended To fields. Note See the next page for instructions on entering additional colleges, degrees, and test scores.

5 When all colleges, degrees, and test scores have been added, click the Save icon . Click the Exit icon .

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11. Enter Additional Colleges and Degrees and Test Scores Enter Additional College Information

Step Action 1 Move the cursor to the Prior College block by using Next Block or Previous

Block . 2 Click the Insert Record icon (or select Insert from the Record menu). 3 Enter the information in the new Prior College field group that appears (see p. 12). 4 Click the Save icon . Click the Exit icon .

Note Add additional schools to the SAAADMS checklist by typing the college transcript code into the admission request column on the left.

Enter Additional Degree Information

Step Action 1 Move the cursor to the Degree Details block by using Next Block or Previous

Block . 2 Click the Insert Record icon (or select Insert from the Record menu). 3 Enter the information in the new Degree Details field group that appears. 4 Click the Save icon . Click the Exit icon .

Enter Test Scores

Step Action 1 Not all majors and degrees require test scores. If you need to enter test scores, use

form SOATEST. 2 If the SOAPCOL form is already open, go to SOATEST by clicking F5 on the

keyboard. The Go To... field will appear at upper left on the screen. Type SOATEST and press Tab or Enter to open this form. Click the Next Block icon .

3 Click the Test Code menu button to see the list of test codes. 4 Double-click on the a test name to select it. This will move the cursor to the Test

Score field. 5 Enter the Test Score and the Test Date in these fields. 6 Tab to the Source field and type OFFS for Official Score Entered Manually. 7 Click the Save icon . Click the Exit icon .

Note GRE Codes: GRO1 Verbal (200-800) GRO2 Quantitative (200-800) GRO3 Analytical (200-800) GRO5 Analytical Writing (1.0-6.0)

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12. Enter an Admissions Decision in SAADCRV

Step Action 1

From the Banner Main Menu, type SAADCRV in . 2 Click the Next Block icon . 3 Click in the first field under Decision Code, in the lower half of the form, and

enter a code: AG Unconditional Admit Graduate WA Withdrew Application AI Conditional Admit Graduate GI Grad Application Inactivated RE Denied Admission

4 Click the Save icon . 5 Click OK in the dialogue box which appears. 6 The Communication Plan will appear.

Click the Save icon . Click the Exit icon .