tLrj- w ir t l J THE SUN UATUIlDAlr OCTOBER 25 1890 9- I = J fLLl1 n I I PARIS WITHIN OUR GATES wx no NUT GO AnZUAD NOW 20 EltAnN Tu LAIKST STYLE Tko Visitor to th City Mny Ded- zot B r4n tloa ot an Import flown i nt the New York Woman Pre for to Liter the Model to Halt Her Test ad Xaowe the eJaa rind nero All that Would be Hhotra to tier In the 8kpe rrlAelree Costume The but dread women ira not always thou who buy their crowns In Paris It Is not minr rears since the dearest desire of the jjmlnln heart was to dIL the oddfamous jwhlon makers Hut times hare changed ind although French creations nre quite ns- tttrictlTG to the average woman ns they over wire I It Is no longer necessary to journey tionnanrlfl ot ratios to C them at their and best This doeo = e that colcst summer exodus Is on the wane O- nt to contrary the tldo of travel seems to set strongly each year In the direction of the OU WorM but the fact Is well substantiated that many omon avoid drlmaklnl eetabl- lihrntnt whito on tho matter In what part ot tn lobo the selecting ot gowns inJ nlIlnerr Is a torrnUnble tusk rociulrinif- conddtrabl time and strength Therefore It It bcomlnc moro the rule for slchtseor with bat a lImited Mipplr of either commodity to eliminate this fonturd from their programme To the Inexperienced shopping In Furls un oueitlonnblr the IOn fashion contru Is at tindtd with not a dlfflcultr The multip- licity ¬ of mi deli Is bewlMorme Tho sales- woman ¬ WhO iHrlinp noer expects tosoo her lultomoT nsnln I Is IndllTernut In the mutter of tdfiilnR Often nlterutliitis nnd refitting muet ta madu In so short nthne that when tho cot tames are sent homo only a tow hours before the wearer Is to lIMe the place thoy are fro juontlr In need of further nltcraton which of course It Is Impossible tohae mndo During the early spring end autumn outao leI learners carry hundreds of mon nod women from this city who ioireout luruo mercantile firms and a host of private establ- ishments ¬ I all engaged in tho Importation nnl production of womens costumes Burlln 1 ¬ enna London and Paris nto all levied upon j Purls contributing the lxreest shar The roo tell Is shown In the various cionlngs wliloli tko p1000 In this city soon alter tho return of the tutors The display lu the dry coojn- houftu this autum has been moro than usually trollfic and the santo Is true of tho moro prl- vneeitnbl alimor In alttuuh In the Infer tho sage Incil ties do not exist for the Inspection bsnilrOmest model by the ueurrol pub ole the tlrst wom n who can lend hun- dred ¬ of dollarx lor a gown t aether tboso hontlnefor litons to Incorporate In oneor homo iro motion ailko gain in cess to tlm mst re- cherche ¬ costumes while in the private hues tty aro less conoroii the saleswoman Ioeplnl out of s Kht ho raresttoxlii bits until tb that an order 1 It really cont mplntod It I Is only of late year that the custom orIer deta2tmrlt In dry coodj hors his roarheil Its Iresent proportl nn allliouHli readymade coitume > of forelcn nnd dom stlo nanufHCturn vrro on mind the dcslcninc of n e allies and ttin combining of vnrtous ma terlalH to suit Individual tato was loft to the prIvate dressmakers who were monopolists In- thlsdirecton Now the stores are prciBlug- tlicni closely in orlKlnullr beauty ol design and excellence of tit It is n contested polut at wlilcli clues of ostnhlaliinpnt tho best results are to be tound Use privntu houses claim the moro choice and oxclUHlve designs but t vhero such Is tbo case It Is broucht abut mainly by the superior originality of r All Importers have access to the noted fashion houses everywhere Occasion- ally ¬ by the payment of u lan price a largo buyer BHT from this city a coveted model with the condition that it ball not ho duplicated for any other Now York house but as a rule elections are mado with no such iirotlslon Where dlstlnctlveur is aimed at Instead of having contain models duplicated- the buyer may designate alterations both in design and colorlnc which vtlll cause the gown ordered to dUfe materially from the k orlclnala It is empha < lzlnc of thU fatnr that jives to many of the private ex hibits the exelusivaness they claim The ¬ artists In their lnedo po- prletorenlualy their quIck eye judgment often evolve lesults altogether un- attainable ¬ by the average buyer wo IB merely a representative Not however the models are through the Custom unl is the ability of- saldOQo these women brought I into art play oltom The gowns I imnortare more to patrons an Idea o tho realties that are worn than anything the majority pre- fer ¬ to select their materials and colors under toy direction to be combined In a costume Vnlcn will Include only such features of the xrrnch designs a are IdaPIA to their tlgurtt sue style For many of I create entirely original costumes 1 grant there are pot a few who prefer to buy the Fionch model but they are oftener women who ore visiting lnNowlork from othor parts ot the country than New Yorkers thirasehes Not moro than hal the French models ate suited to American and those of f Enulluh design although quiet enough n re too of ton lacking Kraeo fulneaaof style It I la becoming more of a feature every year for these dressmakers to bring oer certain COstumeS with special cutoDerl In view In hlehpriepd dross trimmings the private houses may lustlyclnlm ecliisfvo novelties ronUo may many of the stoles In each oiuie the mnnuiattuior agrees not to sol the same to similar New York notices Several of our lending a treifos popularly bellevcdto bewnarlnc 1nrlHmade cowi nro- garbelin costumes turned out or a New fork louse Last WI wk the writer HIIW ut I onniiics roadway anti Jenili street four t oatly corn ¬ rioted costumes designed for Fanny Iaen port to I won In led ma ihoy are mal nlllofnt one representing a cost of tery tliiOU the others approximating closely In value Tho lint IH of satin loprosentlng cloth of gold covered with sprays of tale pink bIos ml It In made prliiioBS with couit trlnlho forming two long tabs which Pltcod ol the unset white roJorn hue satin The openings on dral1- lr on the tabs end the train are tilled In Mitts long its ands of gold fringe and thu l lwIr d M t it1B tAts Is boirtered with pink tips the IhicnIloIi3 rsiiio Is almost coored with maunlll out jcwolitd lnimnaIttj nml tvlrixl 1aulel8 of time saute utaud upon time shioui the locve Another gown Is roaiie limn I hially of no rat blue duchess main HrmUI with Icine of blviue i flor and of Which comioto tho truln and the main I Ilrlo thu cor see I Ibo front of the gown la f tiliqne iolored satin richly mbrolueid lu lcrcr8uUlld brown mluIIlo1 with tiny l j and jewels mit f euliducd eolur 1 lagan bor erod imrouii HID feet t with nuts II f niatfli Surrow 111lhwld i strip oft royal biKielrnoter bllIUcolul Sunn forum the ir at nt the uev Kroo rQlll UIIO te111 henry coiiur t tlncl Pal I j J18I l An K1 gown I fs oft chamois JJifridilotli ttliL iiileoii > onu utter siuiWi JM iii IIIUJOI tljt train of mob tel JK t J to l irlilcli limit Ir1 lbs 5 LOB siliC 111 l 10 i iiKitlolEelellliom 5 rUI time tbe I lordnai ull nruiiiin with 55 IJnwlllull of noiluno thickly tl tud J rlllo inerald imnlliMi atimi 1 lir1b1r Do UK sliititi I if tt ure J I th IIUI ttuy Ybvfourih p 1011 J Is Kl I latc which ieude to lb i l Iii 111 1111 t run with II ielmI j I i lIIIblLai 1 hllnr tl11 Ilk yI Oe tlklu IUI111 I hle flp iIJr IlrOla I11lr- LI t or ISis t bI A al UIJII of lb Ukll 01 LUte iI7 I tile sau tt4ti4CIC JUliitlms50 slsei A lit 1111 god IIIf tul 4 sold 11ttij I 110lnll It II 1011 st rUIII1U1hIIJ r S 115 tO Stile but II Jiasiolsig e 5 111511 aids sJ4 uIrII g 1 s II who fifl II 1005- 1it I s fA 1 11 II Situ HiIUt 1 LiDtWsiiI4 I I Jim IU tll I Il ysmr lb JrIe 4seIt1iig t4J 11 I feir this IlOOM I Ii e riiprvcsits I t sHfl houses Sri I 1t Oi4iJUIii J I I I rt r tligartutiI 111 fn1 1 J jiunilie Ir 11 t tU I 1 IUICQUI t with futhe IL ekist 10- 1Jta rJI 1 14 to ljiOLi II I Itu that t 14b1 11 tb Ull UII JeCs t dUlll eSli elIjiag se irotddad if we I r il I I il t ecu lt ig fit Ill war IIei J lull IJ Itv lt I Id IICI i Is 11ijtd t I 10iIUI- Jn 11 11 tg IwpeI4 aar ieij I J J 1 lar I 1411w IeI- wicks M jU I jer die G- l 0 jllN vs iaaiL4 liIa Wd dir wee lug alc f r ILLy itrtag ci- iitl A trw icy ago ccciii t tuii al4 Jla It ioIi444- IiiiiLr f 5141i 15w a I 1 fi- f I CI tuigasf4 lice o I f I teati Scaun IMI say a Jf I IblUIDII I f CI g fmslsait Iulor 551cC- Si irw 41 fU 11tE j IIII It ace l113111 Is foi I 1 w iJlt I d a Ja I l Lt 141 istilsic SI r tur1s2 tiaiioUekitu bI- 4IOlI r I it wa learpe4 that at AlmA h Cos OIxth ATfn nmejinnia 0 r COO banal ar cmplorM In tale department alone Bo hownet is tbelntm that although hundMds of orders on hand dolny or dlapPolntmon Is mrely exMtUnoixl oj I thing I la one cause otthe increasing Popularity of the custom ordtrdPMrtmenUn these stnbltihmntsth dtipateh with which orders arsexeouted Pit tins appointments or Dromr tl met and It la rarelr a postponement occurs from the orlg jnaUlme set for tie dellwry of the etarment in e prlvat houses Although on occasion n costume will be turned out nf a few hours no ¬ tic dtlaysot all kinds are the pile rnthtrthan tile exception Judging from the testimony ot their patrons At Altmana tho assortment of imported gowns CIORk and millinery Ir probably as large ns the city nnd dos credit to the woman who purchases It Arnold Countable A Co mploya buyer with most happy result this x IAn din fur reception strtetand bal drew car rinse and street clonk and Jackets alike representing models which are the acme of tSle There f a good deal in n nnm Umt aboe quoted always suggesting Ibo I beautiful nod artistic both tn dry ooda and In wearing ap parel No millinery Is kpt at this bOUB nor dress trllmlnll but the dry Roods i Is 1 question whether It unCexclll by any the world the stock Includlnittb inont exquisite products the looms of both continents If a tabrloor acolor Is obtalnatil it wi usually be found at this noose Just In extreme contrast art two lines nf Roods which Illustrate tho very latest aud most ttnlquo wets the woollon novelties and the cr poi chllTons mounfollno tie solo and Kretiudints for otonlug noar The first In- cludes ¬ all the olan tartan plaids and others of camela hair diagonals of rough texture which oiiKht to be steamed on rollers before being used tufted goods of stacy color and exiiuisltn oaslimero and serge robes with satin nnd embroidered borders The ermine- Bnoits art embroidered In pompadour OIlUeS of all colors rn a plain ground covered with narrow raised ptrlren with brokon plnlds and n hunditd other dainty devices Thin black Kienndlncs alto como emliroMoied In brilliant pompadour llaurea New designs among the silk stock notably In Lngalln and cotelfi- couimniiil admiration Scroll patterns and tiny dots larrrr spots stripes and plalils cover tim surface of the bluJlllln and the otalo Is noen In a heavy raised cotd nQt un lila Ottoman silk presenting an exceedingly rlh onott 1alTrta silks In large plaids call to mInd some of the govns of our grandmothers- At MiCrreryA Broadway and Klerenth Mi cot the importation and production ot- ladloicoMumcH Is made much of and lovely aoleti nnd cloaks me lavishly ex Sauna Jho wonderful stock of Rill At this house Is decidedly tbe prominent feature It I one of tI o largvst If not the largest In New York In addition to the Iram no assortment ou the tlrst floor the large baeement opened last sprint is In part filled with lower priced grades of the same manufacture A resident ltiroi can buyer supplies time latest novelties as fat an they are produced Storn lImos In Twentythird street Is a house nhoa Imtortatlonsttils reisiii are among the hnndsomost to be seen anynbere and scarcely a week pntFCB but some ro ltyls added to tho assortment throiicb the agency of their In Is house Tbe huytr I In a woman of ex quistie tnstn ant large experience Wo have customers from all over the ronntry said she including some of tin most prominent society womn and we aeldom fail tn eho sat Isfactinn In her opinion American women uo beginning to reallzo the needlessness of foliie to inrls for clothes when 1nrls has boon brought directly to them Other prominent dry goods stores ouch ns- FUrnpson Crawford t Mmpnon B ONeill to Co anti Enrich Brothers ttstiOy to a Ftondy growth in the dreBRtnaklnc depart- ment ¬ and great increase in the yearly im- portations ¬ of costumes thrkh mployH n woman buyer In this department and tIme other fwoemploy men Altbouh in this city there am several Freich establishments It Un Me- nlflcant commentary on the relative popularity or American and French skill to rind that by far the moSt Impoitant and best patronized private dressmaking houses are tlioBo con- duct ¬ I by American and Irish women The Ken York branch ofHodferns caters sntlsfoo- turily to the wants of those who favor English workmanship aid designs IltlliUSKR HADDlMa ESCAPE He Walk Oat or the Newark Police Head qnnrt Without Iat rraptloa A man escaped yesterday morning from a collin the prison attached to Police Headquar- ters ¬ in Newark Ho was arrested early on Thursday morning with a bundle of womans wearing apparel about which he told conflict- ing ¬ stories Justice Itodrlgo committed him to jail for ninety days as a vagrant under the name ot William Haddln When the van camo to take the prisoners from tbo station to tho jnll Haddln was misting Immediately after- ward ¬ a woman appeared and Identified the bundle of garments an her property and the proceeds of a robbery on the previous night at the Harrison station of the Delaware lackn wlUlna and W stern Itallrood in which her trunk was broaen open and rilled Doorman More who went oIl duty at 7 oclock yesterday morning says that when bo lolt the prisoner was safely locked in his cell and that time outer door of the prison waslocked Doorman Leningwell who relieved Morse says that he dot not remember seeing the man at all Court Officer Umlth made tho till coven of the escape when he went to the prison to take some culprits before Justice- 1I0drllto at 8 oclock To get from the prison to the street the pris- oner ¬ must have passed through the main ball of 1ollce Headunartorn plain view ot the office and waiting room It IS said this In the fecond escape of the kind that has occurred this month A Train Oraxea A Blreet Car A score of passengers In crollltown car In Orange on Thursday evonlng had a narrow es- cape ¬ front destruction at the Washington street crossing of tbo Erie branch The gates at the crossing were up and the driver started to cross whoa a fast train wee seen rushing down upon the car lie whipped up the horses and they dashed ahead In spite of tbo efforts of the flaemsn tontopthein lowering the gates and shutting the car in on the truck The women- in the car screamed plteoutly and several men rushed for the door and bornme hopelessly jammed lu the narrow opening As the train rushed by It oraped the rear platform of tho horse ear bending ono of the lion uprights- Mr T Wilson Guernsey who was a passenger on the car Md it wile the closest shave he ever saw In his life Nothing lint the prQmpt action of the di Ivor prevented a serious calamity lie stopped lila car before going upon tbe track and hearing no train nod observing no warning from the Huffman he started across Attempt Ilrfrnud an Inmraaee Company A peculiar case of an attempt to defraud the Prudential Insurance Company New Jersey came to light In Newark yesterday Mlchavl- Ilealey of 209 Academy street died of alcohol Itm In tho Fourth precinct polio station on Out 7 nnd a fewdojsngo Ills widow was called ut on by A man who told her that he hal ben paying Insurance on her husbands life for maims roonilm anti that lie would give her 1201 lithe would gi with him to tile oflloeof the company ud say hat be wee her husbands rouiln Mrs llruley refused to do this but cuiKiiltid LndeilaKer Munay who went with her 10 time oflli II of Use J trudentlal Comiiuny Mud Itained that it WHS lips that n icr husbanil had l tiseim nuifd ant that as t Ire wan no 1 iieneflrlary name I she was milled to thii mcin y wldeu nruouiited to f2W It nns nald li liar aud nothloa has since been l beard of the molt wliu suM iTiat im liiyl 1 been paying Ho iiiDiuliiin nt the Jersey City oatzcy kloct early In t till uwwur Dual H I Is III AIM sit MuUIOI- ClmrUi Hand WM found In lit r oin at 205- Y tJutlj lft > stardsy t afternoon lu su unconscious rendition apparently Irons In Imsilsig i gus through a rubber tub utlacb l to 1111 imfims burir Jl v M taken lu M Via nifi t loillnl when fi a r visa4l Us onide- l atiili l hut li eoulij I not talk and wrote on a fis l a III usher l limit I lit l lad just liii rub iiitMou Jiout Mni 0 J ha ctie II writs atirtidui fuillier IlI11 blUMlf I Hand is l icovU lilender lu Trier 1 mlnqy at 41 Ira lIIrl luruvtt wviiy reals i 1U u ju L 1 llvrte IIsLrty Uatltlee lor Uuttir- If Madmen JO Pougisrtybatcau n4ieta4- I < lico JmoiJ Jury lu HtotikltH fur niurttr lo- It tirt l 4un 10111 killing l > r leorgt f Y Ibid at time JIIItJuIJ lasso hlllllll Yi- imIgoI t isstdv Ip it Uurt i 4 I KssmOgce- ID iils4 lu Oc I iiiiJIoiiueiiil It II ifiiinrlint u- Hliiiiul a itfiHuulf uiiiiiittt I UI fe it I a- lit Al fii t ullif was iutirni by ti- dIiiwhnp if i tfttCutt i ui a l u ijrlr ali Uaii J Li lull icCIJI a I ipyr ur guy fLa4 wJcVseiUPJitrIsscOf Will Judge UlMlt- VlU 1 asEgli JJ r UbacL rN 4 UIfI U rSd III il4- Mf4 MSac lgijek drisarol V1M1Jdrd- atatiIOcItd JIll jc and al- or UAoAII liii wIfa fiLe i ilu4 a arrab at lice Haritui ullA fourt- r I Jib fn et acrid tlilliiuiHi l Jiis re r ached a- tittas Jctos testula ininn fI n fn I- iwasIJt MUa CUIJ IIIii La dU Scat ltlll iilifi iifi iiMtu jtttl lSi II nest s di I the I lio nIIoIl i woo 4 wJIdj IUY i iililtl lie wit kut lu tit J101kJj iiitsl bs atiSMlsfrat acid AM am peraec I a- ifftcf4Ul4FMMse I WI IIMIVfljrtt p cur JFEttona srrrrvto Two last Be Cle ABdaTlteMr BetroH- lAeBr Mr Ivlae- Ool John n Fellows District Attorney was the first witness before tho Fastett committee yesterday He said that he appointed John W Ooffan assistant upon the recommend lion of Justice Maurice J Power ExJudge Bedford was appointed upon the recommends ¬ tlon of a number of the Judges and of Mr Wood of the Delhi JVWi Was be not appointed at the request of the Central Manor Dealers Association 7 uNo sir- McKenzIo Bomple and Mr Davis Wit ap- pointed ¬ on their merits and Mr Benjamin Dot TaMos at the solicitation of a number of people Deputy Assistant Lindsay had charge of in- dictments ¬ I lie drew the Flynn oad Squire Indictments did he not 7 Were not these cases dismissed because of Inefficiency of the Indictments No sir the Indictments were good but after the death of Hubert 0 Thompson and Mr Miller we had no oviUonce on which to BO to triaL- H believed that the Grand Jury could not pass upon onefifth of the eases or tho courts try onetenth Mr Ivlnsellclted that out ot 853 excise indictments convictions wire secured In but fortylour cases fortythree ploadinR guilty Aa to a remedy for the accumulation ot cases he would suggest tho adoption ot the recommendations of the Crosby Kxolte Iaw Commission lie further suggested the adop ¬ lion of a system In some respects similar to the English system The English system pro- vided ¬ first for the imposition of a fine for n second offence heavy line and tho third of ISSue fin or Imprisonment or both antI per petuaUforfeltnre of license As to the boodle cases the Court of Appeals decision on the eligibility of jurors the change pt public sentiment and the forgetfulness of Puflcraff and Dully made further convictions hopeless Perhaps the forgetfulness of Dully amid ul1rrarr was increased by their knowl rdce that their affidavits In the case of the Thlrtyfourth Street Ilallroad franchise were musing Col Fellows had never seen them lie believed that they had been handed to ono of ONells counsel and load not becq jon again In the District Attorneys omee They were not thorn when be took charge Mr Mns wanted to know who the lawyer- was remarking that he bolleved the miscar- riage ¬ In theso cites was due to the disappear- anco ot these Donors jot Follows declined to state tho name pub- licly ¬ because be might wrong an innocent party He had no positive knowledge about 1Co euows I said that the Grand Jury system could not be Interfered with except under con ¬ stitutional amendment OurLeglelstursCaid hehas got to pro vide the facilities for time trial ot these oxclso cases Wo cant try them ExJudge Gunnlne P Bedford Assistant District Attorney said hft limo Leon an assist- ant ¬ since 1865 At present he I Is Acting Dla trlt Attorne- yMrltinawnntodtoltnow by what right ho was Axing District Attorney Im not Axing District Attorney said Mr Bedford Do you daro to mlmlo mo sir cried Mr Ivtas Peace was finally restored Mr Bedford tes- tified ¬ that ftc had recently directed that no ex- cise ¬ cases be put on tho calendar until further orders The reason was that tbe Tombs was full of prisoners souse of theta two in a cell swatting trial- Adjourned to Tuesday at 11 oclock SCOAR XROST- Mr lnOIBCT Parson fibers to Hay If Ho Ha < Kotlee from the AttoraeyOcnerai It wax reported yesterday that Attorney General Tabor who had been In toWn but left lost evening had given notice to Mr John E Parsons counsel for the Sugar Trust that ho had finally como to the conclusion that It would be Impossible to reorganize the con- cern ¬ and that It would be necessary to appoint receivers of the dlffetent properties When asked l Ito In ihe afternoon In regard to this matter Mr Parsons said I cannot sny anything on the subject If I were to do so I should he guilty of just what the opponents of the trust charge viz that the managers are In the habit of giving out Inside Information You can readily see that as counsel to the trust or ns onq of the trus- tees ¬ It would be very Improper for me to say anything regarding tIe matter 1 must there- fore ¬ decline to tie interviewed but I wish to add emphatically that the trustees do not divulge information to any one Iyneber Yield lo tits Appeal of a Negro for Ier 7- pBTEnaBunn Vn Oct 21 Walter Johnson- a negro aged 25 years and wclzhlng icu pounds was arrested near here on Wednes- day ¬ charged with having on the 29th of Sep- tember last committed a criminal assault on lire Elizabeth Majors daughter of a promi- nent ¬ citizen ot Amelia county Mrs Majors Is only 18 years of age and was married last spring Yesterday afternoon Johnson was taken before Mrs Major and Identified Last night ho male u fullI confession and Impli- cated ¬ another negro John Jefferson who Is now in North Carolina Vblle Johnson kept watch JeDerson saiged Mrs Majors by Oiling her mouth with sticks nnd leaves nnd then tied her hands Johnson says ho and Jefferson wero guilty alike After Johnson confession a rope was placed around his neck and ho was dragged Into tIme woods by a party of men He begged plteone ly ton mercy and asked to be giver two days to pray and see his people The mob yielded to his appeals and bo was carried to Itottaway County jail Pension Rotlnce Vader the llUablllly Act WxsniNQTOK Oct 2tTbe Commissioner of Pensions with the approval of Aesliitiint Sec- retary ¬ Bused has Issued tbo following Ont n No i134In rend to Bilaf rats of penilom oa4nbe act or Jun > 27 1811I- 11Th1 sit claImants nadir the act of June 37 lEO ihowlni a msutai l or pbjilc dliatllliy or dUibllllles ot a pmueul elllrolr not ths rusts ot thslr own ttcioue halite lid whleb tncapacllt thins from the perrirminc of maoist I labOr tnoi thmn Unabis- to care a support to iach a would be ramsi- undqr former I Wi ii or 55 and I than ems shalt hi rated ths earns ci 1lk dhiatdhttls of anvil- origin arid thisi all saes Showing a pnsicnabis dm51111- tmy witch It of service orlir weild hi rated at or above 5t4 I psr month shill be ratCd at Its per month Tbe rbllodelphla JTInnl Trill WAsniNQTOX Oct t 24The cruiser Philadel- phia ¬ has Loon ordered to undergo a sea trial next Wednesday Bbe is now at Tompkins ville S I This will be the final trial and I II intended not to develop speed but to bring to light any Imperfections In construction for which the coniruotori may be liable Bevolntloiarr Was PeaeloaerV- TjuimHOToif Oct 24Tho Secretory of the Interior today signed an Increase pension certificate In fav r nf Mary Hnead as the widow of Dowdoln finoad a private In Capt Coins company of Virginia militia during tile war tit time Jlevclutlon lime peut oner will now draw a pension of 30 per mouth Are Yeu KaUUrtft Time J mociot who tieclecU lo i Utr tie liberally depritr himself of the pltoktii and univilogs ol boiling up IL hands ot our sturdy lieiiiooratlu Mayor I llugliJ I Urtnt In his light fr lioin t iiilo rapid tiansll and an lioucii- iiumtratloo ol the people of this great city O POOR FOOLISH MM 2- T c U- tiWolffsACMEOlacklng 4 tur fel Uftf Ulmtk ffUflt wticfl facts Mi ttfft beaae a tittle aol aVrMeawVa la- Uvlim < a = Vas41iaYsLIhu4 I w ilic4a4- ltJwti lit It t ar i4e41 ufH i544- fuse 1M Siaaoie suljtcd a4ooI- I ieicsiiic4 eet < n J AftiVl- O Ii LlUfcOlJ14 twld ut ta Vig nu l >W St4 lOTrttaJ awe T kkii AND J I ltAI M SOME NAP SEAVERS 260 FOB 125 Misses and ChUdrons Now Nap Boavor Hats oxtrnordinary range of colors and shapes boon all along this Benson 260 Mnnufftoturora1 Samples 13 dozen Those to bo 125 Today too nomo more of thoso 37c Boys Cloth Polo Caps 170M- Ullaarr1I11111 ttntr CORSETS IF THESE ABE YOUR STYLE BUY A La Princosso Imported Corset mndo of French Contillo long waist and high back perfect shape well boned nnd finished with silk flossing white and gray all sizes always sold for 275 to introduce thorn 169 each Balance of a lot of Thomsons Glovofittinn Corsets sizes Th to 22 inch and Thomsons Nursing Corsets sizes 18 to 26 inch regu- lar ¬ 100 and 125 goods say G3c each i ContU Second floor PROFITABLE BEADING FOR BOYS OR THOSE WHO PAY THEIR BILLS Beforo mentioning price however hear us on the character of these goods yon may rely on thorn in every way chief aim hero is not to see how poorly we cant put clothes together in order to under ¬ soil every one else but to see how far we can elevate quality of mate- rials ¬ finish shade workmanship without asking you to pay one shilling extra Below is what weve prepared es- pecially ¬ for Saturday 300 for 200 in every instance- A very largo and fine assortment of Dark Mixed Cheviot Suits all wool in Plaid and Stripes ftt 390 opened the season with them at 500 ages from 4 to 14 A fine and select assortment of Dark Silk Mixed Cassimores and Scotch Cheviotsin Plain Blue and Mixtures made in Pleated and Double Breasted Jackets ages from 4 to 14prices for today only oi95n bargain nt 700 Nico lino of 3 piece Vest Suits ages 10 to 16 in Scotch Plaids prices from 675 to 900 also a I handsome assortment of Dark Blue and Black Tricots Corkscrews and Diagonal made in Three Button Cutawaysbound with silk braid and finished like custom made Prices 975 to 1260 A handsome line of Overcoats for little fellows ages 2J to Gin largo plaidsand plain colors trimmed with Astrakhan prices from 475 to 1100 made with large capes and plaited skirts especially 1 adapted for boys in kilts also a big assortment for boys from 7 to 18 yearsin plain blue Chinchilla and Castor Beaver and dark plaids made double breasted with largo capes andside pockets prices 86 75 to 1425 For 1275 to 1950 a choice will bo given men of fashionably cut Melton Kersey and Chinchilla Beaver cloth Overcoats satinlined- and custom finished Boys will find in this Boys Cloth ing Dept a thorough assortment- of Hats and Caps Boyt C1ottila2it floor SOME SHOE NEWS 500 cases ladies best grade LOc Rubbers American Rubber Co make 86c a pair 604 pairs childrens straight goat 20d winter Shoos sizes 56 to 10k B C and D widths going to bo ticketed LOO n pair Those Ladies IDfiO to 000 ShooH wo oiTornd Saturday last for 100 Bro pretty much all gone porhunu 500 pairs lelt2 to 4 B- and 0 widtliH thoHO you way liuvfi if you happen to Hot tho ftizo you wear for 1713 aLHcI4 floor liBMNANTBj OF LINOJKUM8 Lengths and qunrcs of Oilcloth ami Linoleum of virioux IIiZitH fur clooetM or m1orn tlio stove or ink fur Jittlo or nothing nuty 25 wr- ceut wider what IhoyM Iwt regular tarems51 CM THE lUG- VMIiREJA1A SALE PBOBABLY LAST DAY Tlo 1000 JffJh Art Utnbrolla placed ou nftui a law tluyit njo- uraii I all gotusoiii may Lie Jiiul j eton recollect we laid they were fill Urliug Nhlvir handl were J uulqno 0ilk superb makera were aJcrri two oftho host across tho East River and pricos wOre just about onehalf stock nricos Luck on your tilde if you tio up to one of those Umbrellas ooonS- TKR AU ORKUtll 11 all I 1150 SILVKH 10 DIF sets I Seisib EItSEIT lIalWJII8 UKKlONi or J ThIIWS pAIo 1 ALL OIlKtTtMR BTBft Beefl LetS I tNO IIILVItR U 11 r J Jtlont- siOBa 501515 1 rISEN or II nit ntl tANDLi I ra- I ALT nBlCutlln uan Loll I lien IIILI lilt I 11550 I Mla 1 PEaKS D1IIOICI Oil hllla l UAKULBS IIIIX- 1llL I DRrtrjItfB ATRR- KR B txi4- eeineb I tlttO lit 10 41 mrD- KSIONB I rllnRIfT or 1 thltII- AftIlLII t I IUUO ALt OKXDINB- MLT STiR Sun toll UNO > Il 42 uIP Sulnch t UANDLEZ FBKRNf DIt IONS OF J 1 thisame 1Q1IUo tALL ORMDIKB EtBR fisca Ute LINO BILTli- en M oitil sPun sla1I 1 rcaier nasiorts or J tiitsale S ItASIILB8 1554- 5AtO nrKty1x sTIRS Bin Let I ZtO 5lLItI5 IR lilt h unx- ThU loon yltifiN D15i11050 cr1 Mil HA2IDLSL liHl- BMB ALt ORNDINB BTBR Lets I LINO KILVBII IS Ply uui XSfncB I result DBdlOMS Or J TMiult- tilou 1 BAMULBB ALL IRNOINB Celia Bun Lota 1 LINO SILVER IS lilY 4 lIMO 28 Inch 1 KBRBMT OBHIQNS Oil Thmssaie 1 1IAMDLES J w I ALL ORNDINB ByEs LotH 1 L1M1BILVBR in DIIN Bt- U Inch DtStOSB Or J Thti Sate- S ilANDLKS HBO- UmbrUufroGI C lef- tAND iITHSILI J pIAflABr- ooklyn NY Brooklyn N Y cfIAtJr And pnrttltcnt o tt THE TTIEBOADEN 110 Weet dOth it Obolc apartnintii Sand V room btildai bath wall arrannd main and private halla warmil central lotatlon clogs to chnrohia bnilneia eDema and Brjrant park Tta Itmltid number of aaarirainii and Ibe oar taken In tba lecllon nf proper tinanu only make this I house dtilrabla for a parnanent ralIlIIn O13psr month ahowuday or leD AND 100 WEST DiNT ST The moat e1iiete Apertmcnt n In tbe MlTl lone Light Bnern with niatlonarv Tubs cud ltn > Kl velvet carpeted etalrei two block Iron the Otli iv Jklevalrd Htatloa- BENTM SIT 10 51 Ca be in f4ndy ThlOSIAM- GA N WEST uoj7n BT APARTMENt M OF 8 AND O ROOMH RENTS 750 TO 12I- OOUM or HOOSIM ALL LWUT- ENTh lUG IO au Ails elona moderate mints Apply to JOIIN JBUriC lOSO loth ay OOlh mat Situ Pt AEFFINCHAM11- M TO 003 tTEHT aoTH ST Partn rooms and bath cabinet Cnlah decorated thronthont WOos 30 > wail Seth IL ATHE OLAJJYU- Ct Wait 13lh it The handvoraeit corner Apartment haute on the west dde Peteenferilerator mrelllalbroll1l bard wood core tnrocittioni hid Alllltht tome ceren room eat bb WOO and tiUO Can be seems < Tinlnn A ELEO ANT and iris ittamhaatad n its f 9v7i Ttit ti cor ntli CnlnmbDii AT 7 rooms and bath le l heasi RBNTM VAA ant S05- Appl7toJanltoron premleea erIe OONUM as MaeOONAll Vetaitt ApartnifNlM nfO nnd 4 room IN ncw build tnai with ImrroTementa foramall families tlL u to flO 4Uto4Ue > tJ th Pt xajanltori J CORBIT 4 CO V9d > t and Rth ar- AfARTMnsTK A AIUEOAIU 4 tare llttlt room painttd tn perfect order corner home rent from 7 MI toll 15u bails bided Apply to Jan liar in Kanittli LL5T3 WiTh OR WITHOUT STFA1I DRAT a lit ht well ventilated apartment at reaeooable rants- Apptyon prtmtiee 4uz Wtitilih it or ta- J J lllTAKtU UU LlllbltTV ST AND AIAnTfR tmfnrnUUad and ttf FLATS In all parti of the city foLSOVl AKOTHEIta SI4 Hroedwar rear 13th it PLATS In perfect order moderate prtcei decorated portlirea and iao cnrlalna 25a Vt eel SJi- lit Jinhto- rIiLATM87Wsit lIb it KSto fna In prfotor- A dir Janitor 0 VNKU 1S4 0Th AV- UriBON H ANt WEST KITH BTfl Elerant apart menu trirte and room lltht rooms In new data TWTIIRRE AND FOUR ROOMS to let Calll TO nation LRT Three rooms treat 534 hal 57th it near U ITUR rAnT of private hnuee li roocu and ball- room tea < MEait dit UEKIRABLR FLATS of seven rooml all lltht VLRY I excellent location 141 SAt S3I Wen 2id it 3 IIOUK8 and bathroom hot water lanpllid by owner ImprOTcmenu SIS to Its small taml hits o4 Eat 77th 5- 1i1imsT I 31 FAST Parlor nat and bailment 7 roam I In each all Improremenu newly renovated Un- ity or together 1 ifyril Ar C3D AND AP KTsElerant data Soar 1 Si and Coo rooma with bath tam heat hot water itatlonary tab dumb waiter and every Improve- ment ¬ reiiutl4np seen any time Apply to janltot ftysiWen 43d it- TET ST Ill BAST Eletant apartments S and 4 41 ronnmsittIIghitttnmprovmsnttlDto 51- 5fD5T 419 month free flats elegantly U > decorated 7 Tioo bath and Improvement rent moderate- DST 101 BAST near CethidralEl anl liar u flat 7 rooms cOd bath Kntll ST 91SBA8TFler > nt data torimali familIes eJ I all Improvement hilled halls Shop alio bass Pent nicely decorated 3 3 rom washtub CQTII ST Bfl EAST = bandeome i r ilO lilfleori low Teal Inquire of hoaukeeper- OftTU ST AND N w roltNEB AV AHat 7 room OU and bath all Improvimenla C- MvirTn ST lad BART Flat of Sreomi and bath all 1 Aw ImoroTiminU handaomely decorated rent lie to small famly 1 1 TI IT 44B F 8r two lift lletant flltll I I U six roomi I bath all Improvemintai rental cxi to I3J 123 D ST iTJO BAST Lower part private honai S large rooms and haUte all Improtameatii cheep 1OFTII if near Et MriAlaa ar7Rleant elnler- oenia a u Hat I to imall gamily riot iij refer Soc 315 Wait ttith I- I126TIJjf f tos WRBTCafumlalied Sic 4 or B wellappolnlid private hoes aduitii near Italian reference 20 H10B nAT 7 roorai and bath q IIIItOUl BO LobUdlfli Owner on prem East 11mb St f JOIIRAXO aTKlw buildIng twa stared apart UJO raepia 4 rooiui from rooms rear light will entlliid Imprertrninti lUirti 54411 tparunenn els- A iilIlVl r4 JtUIH CO IS2I headway ItI1tt And pitrtmcnUrcoh1uL- SEU HUNT tnlll Mov 11 MleI I Tie l Marlon f Kjnd4 Sassy Cl lI liuinei- Uautlluilr deriieb l au ShUt roumi etiavenleiii ui- ferrlM Jaulier uapreulie- iM U ciriuHT m irr srat noon aU Uris r tinl- r aull > LlA fey Mlivai Ub TUS McihVAlhIifi I 503 WmliguI- iiiiihu YJAYiwliissuienl or iaasigeS aed- F5 paStes family Iwu isatioli Si45 and atli at 1755 it 54 v Bt l4 io a t AddJ u lull larilr- anfl tarc rtcyc WIII Sea sptws 4041 i11u5 jifei- 4ii DUn lMutuiktd KAIfllMV ai4 ieiiI ialff fameb Sinai sad I I M4 Item If levee ii uS UJW 15iui4 iiIytiasTiY t- llli tllIIUUfJ VIAlS Nwi vl4ia- Zri SI rUw III ey 505551I 11 Modifi milir1 iiiiiIleii furuuiiee le f laii eeleer Jef IV dollar tt Ut niviiUl I Meal iu- lZo wses- I AIluMSLS Insisted aepaueqi 114 roM III J J let e 1o4 CCII AppS 1W ts t itO 545 taaIy farlete4 Cr4 11I1 i iet yai P11- S road ash saM abS lEsill III sail Cal 1tl fo- rTliWIJJOLKT lJh1t lI- JUI1I4U ur4ta 1 u 0 LJ U1ltf wfIlvgNq toUt 4i Lt tdut fKwjfii liC irn i4 gtact i eH 4 If tM Ht ttttl 4- Jtilrlf fWi t+ iit 54 Vi IIUCI rwl 1t4 J < 4K l ibqsUi44 aUlt is issa l4ilciai o4Ji e n ire ThiS ct sad SbilSiL- Aij4g 45 5smMa cc- I Y wisyaays 4 l4ISTY Si- SI 11 V M tw 1 Is ii fat frM II h5- S PcIC lialeNiI iiji qcgi a sc- my ssstejtiiaabt JJc rwl 4fyese- ia IvcrHiIs0 a satuss s 1- 1IU vra l 155I iasi JeSMI iq psssi ag II S6ic- Nj4stsdhvlad uU lilsest etie J 1f isn h itnt stU bt cJaltltw crq ADJOURNED SALET- O TUESDAY OCT 28 AT 10 A M Orer PSOO worth of toll was sold In the pouring rain n ndajr Every lot will pwUtrely be colt on Tntiday nut Oct = Wm E E1 Taylor Auctioneer Tllfi OPPORTUNITY A LIFETIME 520 toperk tmndlaa lets to be told at anetlin la the hinll- ful Till ate of BEBOBN FIELDS XJI- tnattd en the ttn Shot nallmd ON TDBIDAT OCT 3S AT 10 X IL These toll are sImply grind ilteatid about COO feet from lilt itatlon on elevated troond Gradual alone temnandlnc View and are perfectly dry The water malni from New ttlltord to Uoboken pass directly In front et the property Berlin nildt t ti only 12 mItes from New T6rki Ithn Ii beat train dally a chnreh a icbeol atom end rod OMo it is the most Important itatlon between Wiihawken and Ilaventraw It U a truly deelrable trot on which to locate COMM UtON TBKIOCBNTa- Braaa land Diem Corps free Linen Uaramoth Tent Fri vases and Bit I Barxalni day of sate TrmlO on lot cull down on day of aatei 10 In SO lays and baanee In m daya or Jan 33 IWt who a perfect deed will be aireD Send ton mapa Slid tree railroad paeiia to KEN NEDYS ta Cortlandt it 1 op ttalm Nlw York otto the Auctioneer WU B TATLOR nACXBNlACIC K1 WI I E TAYLOR Auo oaf er Iteoaintatul of 100 Gilt bailding lots at RIDGEWOOD N J J- On Tuesday Kortmbtr 4th ELECTION DAYS Tin exconton train on Erie no no JIuilo and lunch atiata For free B tt ticket and maps call at KEN NEDTS Cortlaadt it Nsw York npltatn or write the auctlooitr at nACKFN8A N JI- TIANOIt N J thIs vtclntt i ci UTD I I r- i1tnt a late I llr UAtalLTONlCOveflroal aV N V tnte lOf alctricj QrU- JS 2 00 1000KbflOttEAflree new honui- htj isml yard at side seven rooms besIde t bath room only twenty mlnntci from CortlaDdt Street ferry Jersey Cttr Halffhta seen aonrtolenc f arnace rang dictionary tuba ctundetif mIrror decorated rood nelihherneod leetrlo car halt block steam ears Ibis bloe i terms 30U or KM down bat Inc air quaitirlj parmtnta b CON DICT 40 Wall it- Untatr tnt nt urtl 11 JAMES L L WELLS Auctioneer Vrmeell at auction at Sail Estate Exchange Ktn65 LIberty by order of Merrill A Recen Attorney Monday Nov 10 Noon 232 CHOICE rOTS Oppoilte Jerome Park and overlookIng Moahol- nfarkway atjnnctlonof JEROME AV AND SO BOULEVARD near the bandieme ImpriTimenti of Bedford Park24- TH WAsP NEW TORE CITY All finally located crated avenue city convenience eitabllibed neighborhood no nuisance near beaatifnt Bronx Park and Moiholu Parkway andconvanlent to station et tba treat deprewed four track UABIEM B IL NEW hAnD TRANSIT 18 mlnptri tiy expreii train tram Rrand Central Depot- to Bedford Park btatloni commntauon 7Hceau Lola lold aeparately TITLE ClTIAISANTRRn FREE OP CO8T to each purchaser by Lawn Title Iniaranc 00 TEIIMS LIDKItAI HENDFOR UAPH Merrill S Roien Attirney I Ill I Broadway and JAMES L KMH ADCTISrhIt se Liberty it sad Bd av and loth n- HICUABD V HABNETT AneMeaeer TUB fisT 8ALR Or LOTS A- TARDSLEY 9 ON TUB NEW YORK AND NORTHER RAILWAY One hear rem Becler By the Horthira and Manhattan Bxpreuia wtllbee- nTHURSDAY NOV 6 1890- AT 19 OCIOrK NOON at Ih Real Eitate Ex chant and motIon room lu to bo Liberty eL New York city Richard T nirnett a Co Aictteneer wIlt sail abont- 2a i lets all frontlnt I on open and traded itreeti and available Sot Immediate Improvement and within e raw mliiuiel walk of the railway nation Title perfect and polio r of fninranc will Le luaid without eharteto pe rBJiiy pus ares may rimata on mortgage a 16 per CIa Foa rri rAIIHEY to view 1 property and for mapa harmS and fall pirtlcn Blehard V narnell A are Co El1brrr IL New York city J SoMatiC SrownS Co1 WoOl i rJ40L New york oily Wm lili nIIt a 0 VenderWH av New York city Janaa II filch Tonkera NT Y Alt the real mate annu in u bbi rernr and Irrlntteo nation I Areiler depet- IIOLTl LIIK Attorneya Ill nr adw Fur York R e V UARNBTT t CO AoetionMn 71 Utility it Few Turk city WB WILL ILL 0 TDCiDAY OCTOBER ii ln ONE IILUPIED LOTS AT LOWERRE STATION nrrr KINUTBI won BBCTOB ir ii BLBTAWD- BAILWAY EXfUEtl TIAIXl- fer roe pa terna and full earllolara apply II I V IIABUBTT A M AVCileMtri 7IUbirlflt- J KtVAlilli MOftli irlt M r el 1411 lliilrfnrjtrf tiuitttn III Vreaevay lass C rltcf feii 5i5u4W Uue > u IJltt hail- v54 1 l ewl V sshre U Y Ni Gtinit ftr ltoutrtj1- EUcJC1IgIa 14- t lID rla It utl l fJw iu wne IJ mtv > li rtlrr liKM a oWl > 1 iTl M0 > XIcl- II > Ml idV LilOti 55w IflV III rJ h- J aoesftO amisib i pete sIsn I is It Iii blab tall lest a p1101 rgIbsbw I iaho is- hit wiut ie ntaeie Wail I III 4sp t 117 colas- daiip cc Sell Cf at I is iisCtirr A teat 4 if lilt > alysssic M4 lig leaa4 It MS J 1uo V ills iallie4f4 Hunt 4tU dew i 1 iMt CIII colt we jolt ICISIS taliv 5405 5aaf Im 4i 4 plaid Cim- IM4 I IeI4i4 a45 ff51- 055C 1111 let ICo Iooi p e a 4 C5 1514 cifif Its > Mi r s I II L Ml C i 5 ehpts hoe e wy loll ii4l r e- lVAt1ia I iiCef k1 II 51iI II lecJv > ii76 C 1 UJt- iUaia 11164- I S- Itp1adb bail itgle 1 ift JOeda- 1t leu IieeidJlg itnULi itiitfltitt- uu iHh4a- 5ilfi4 I eUw sit j fltft U4 I a esaeaeoc floes d 4 ugh 4s ytt > ti fJ4l4ifFasIU lit il4dIblacto41ii- f4i5fci4 116 141111 a ge4s ease 1Ia- CZIIILIlrrfrtlTfl amurfrwv I l 1e1511 mlHii IIMII tftun UHMtj I lit J ce55 tA linn ml dId um eklBiW wa a- froei Ia1I1fIr I fu l ftt lH4MMi4aiiSlt u In HHHI d4- iLii M l It f I he > i r vibJjc rcc ImHI icUJiiiii 91 Iissspesl It Sukiss- bJ wanJ W lal Entitle or ante a Jtha OHNSON JRS FUll PROTECTED BY DECISION OF SUPREME COURT NOV 13th lUll 4 r DONT IMITATE FLAG GRAND OPENINGo- f t a the Finest Property Near New York Commencing MONDAY Oct 27 at private caRe 4 4 100 SUPERB LOTS j being that part ot the FAMOUS FERGUSON FARM which wai not otdllait Jnne anotloa The property 1 is situated op poilte HIRAM W HOWES and runs from the OCEAN PARKWAY tl the flneit drive in the world te Coney Island av TIlE CONTT I HI AND AND BHOO- EIIN EIrCTKIO CAUS 1 pal the lots Time from the rack Smlnntea Osi- er ¬ j e and the llrlthton Scion Railroad hate itatteo t within a qnartir of a mile The enrroundlnta are as- celltnt Titers u a public school directly eppoalie to property ALL TITIEH OT7AKANTEED- frlcei for iota SCO cod upward payable In tnontfcljr Initatlinenu or with discount ct 10 ver cent for aU- caih I Special Discount of I 10 per cent will be allowed on all purchases during the opinIng week 0 Mapiandfreepaieei from junn JOIIMOK Jr W Liberty it N Y aol 303 rulton et Brooklyn SAVi YOUR JIONKY AND SOY A IIOUB by the rroduce Kichance Bulldlnr and Leaa Aaioolatlon ThU aitoclatlon baa been organIzed two years and three monthi and at the nreient date ha outstandIng 520 ibirei of a par Talus of fxo eaek i and hie made over IJ per cent nor annum lines ortaav- Itatlon The fourth terlee wilt be liaued on and met I I Monday boy a 150 and anbicrlptlona therefor are 4 now beIng received by the hecntiry Membinhlp fdA1 open to all A tale of money will be held on Monday U evening Nov in ism at oclock at the rrodnce Ki fi chants buIlding and memberi of the fourth nrlea will d be entitled to bit at luch ails II i Bfor tailor Information aadriu the Secritaryl- T 1t41 A BBALU I I at New York Produce Eachante Bulldlnfc BAY EIDGE7L L 18 NEW YORKS IIANDBOMPBT SURDRB 18 SIlT ATBII ON NEW YORK SAY IK OMY 2 3 MINUTES moM NEW YORK BY 1IIIIFCT VERItY BLKVATED ft R POW DUILD1M TO RROOELTN SalooN TROPOSED LINK OP FLECTRIO ROAOl WATER MAINS hOW LAW AlSO OA8 TO BB LAID DBIiJJSta Now IB TIlE TINE TO tIDY TOTS OB PLOTS PIG i NCRRASR IN VALUES BY UPIltNO 1 VAN 1505 BROSCOR36AV ANt IBTO BT I DAY RIUUK L L OB 24 COWl GT URUOKLYl- 110UM S- OH FlRE8 IN CITY Jersey City Greenville Harlem Waitcheiter county and most every town Within S3 mud of bew York for sats on easy termc farms <o> JOHN N BRUSH 2IS fniton IL oily I tsI I tntc for nltCttiI- RIYERSIIIBFARKJI1BTIIST I AdatataE the Ttecent Furcbao of ih ASTORS GOELETS AND HUHTIH6TOHS Three Full l ti ftt nn Imimrnse Barcmlat V K STEVENSON at CO ff 1OO BnOADITAT i1 0 1 Oct your roots painted with elastic roof coattail OI material for ails at manufacturers prices trial caaa- ou 13 and 70 cent send for eitlmat Vt JOHN a TA1T its llalden lane New York o FOR SALE and to rentEIerant cat tHzK4xlooll l 24 cOil J6 Bait lonh 1C and at aouthwait coi- ner ¬ ot Sth av and liuth it- RADEEOLD 0 a WBXZ owners G USA BARHAINS In Silt It Mthlt oOttll near Ii DUiav lit001 and npward f t tUDLOW DAY A CO M Welt Stat It 0 iji J tnt Q fristnt- rA or nlrrooklu s 4 NICE 8STOBY FRAME CORNERl etcellent ltan I for grocer butcher or drug itore a o aster pc 1- VI brick corner three tfonble cat cheap aleo four 9 tory brick flau all Improvement itory and ba men In brick and frame alao corner plot end let Slow Ifyon want a tilt bargain more than your money worth ti aeeCIIAKLES BBBBI1N Real Estate Agent 051 oih av Brooklyn i i A RARE OIIANRB The handsome small reildenoe- ol asth IL and Kt and 278 oth it Hrooklyn will be aold at the Real Eilate Exchange 00 Liberty it Heir Yoric next Monday Oct 27tai neon sale peremptory eaiy terma Further particulars on premliea or GIBBON eg Liberty at FOR BALK A new 2K story and baeement rout atone atid brick dwelling 14 rooma and bath bolltbydaya work sanitary plomblnf cabinet trim and mirror maoIst molt dellthtlnl and con- venient ¬ location 15 mioutee from bridge will hi soil cheap bout alwaya open 823 Decatur IL sear tnyviiau av or HALT RARtI LISP P0011 CO 713 Ilerklmerit near tltlca Brooklyn I OR f ALK Two story frame houtei for two famlllee 4 very convenient and well built prices reaaoo able sue theTa on Jefferion av between BTerareett and Central art Brooklyn TWO STORY issuE UOUSF from I151 IeYXX cub Mw or morel rut laontblyi 3itorr i and basement rams stIll 251057 SIlO bailment brick 53lOi riot ses i itory flats tAIl 55500 rash SMO large lelectlen of 3itory frame ant brIck ilntleUati alee Jetory double cold water flati assent fine corners tar liquor grocery or butctieriil itory- bonne with carrIage seem and stable for t boriei ailS aireral tnallir houses with tables R A KONTER 800 Broadway near Ellary it Brooklyn etRftn OR units or all caib fora nice tweeter jBUUtfnJ baaement home alllmproviminui toofl carillon ThIs la a treat bargain price only aioicx- Alio two Story and Venalovi eight rooms lamatann- JUadd A Co aOOS Kulton 1 itrooklja f r COLONNADE HOTEL ISa BROADWAY i AND 01 TO 80 IiAFATETTB FZJLCB- orromiR ASTOB LISSA- RTEoouNs1ANDVrWAEDIEAYs i pchaimaiIGrfaIntJleidetrtnrcotitbsmssfefwtalCK- YIAURANT if ouysvtmrJft gzogruccji I ALB I UUTa 1Wii 2 I RESTAURANT MARTIN lIMVIilWITY PLACE US iUlJk f 1i VQ 154 U saga VA TALACAMTI EW CLAKtXDOM IIOT- KHaihlntton N 0 tt ItsrCpse pIle aiirim aol filQs ste ecklfll V totaled lu lie fUlrirl oreuplM 5 v III publle bi U4- vuly Href mluulee frcm Ik van Rlvif Hrtitt an- inlnuui frail Llir Half SaW yTrk iL liuui Cat SI Icu otd and M Ilgalifly l pointed sod fiesta 4 fiery iiiuaerafoBtinliiir lift thriaa4tSalg ociaesl iUiWUIJlAshEJ I LAPILJ Ii45aWis ilEast p1id it etlceuseos- I Ibool mlu j5reIite l a laely fuut ilituif salf I III l vine utiludi i iut r aller Uitfelia sue I iSl hIlt HMUt gbw mIbaisiIiisi h1loiy- Li gicroec hloastre em Viiiii ooalleli io tslbi5s4 111 auaui age tr lull fwlvt Ill U5tI Sal 55 raid debI silu itI4 veid far 4ai fossa eU vMalf firiiA 1lrubIIr- Ikit YlffI Jl1i14 T > lEt mi e nuutivei P4 S beta Ii ito laiii V4 stIck 5 i er lnJV- it g a fcc 4 f mi nit n 11 lie shag Scm >i- ituiiiit C S Ii eilebi >4 5e14I 5- au a cSI op s i ii i It ilIiid- p4 In I s4yj ui1ntit 414 45e11 po44D SIOlISS SIdwI esitap i rltift1 NVtleMeciVrr itLti4 awetl- mi ff5iud hf di aifefMH- aMtlltt ilcStLlSil icc lsi4 a least htsd i5IIili5 Jurnfturr- I crii r H rMli Ii IK uNFIT is toV1 It 11 4 Ct 10 1LI4 Il- lsung YbuisdpWe 7td 4 I runstIIrftIa 14 I di14 tgj I cc C stdIal 4 ci SliM itihlsltb 1 i 51 44114101444 iL r- T I

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1890-10-25/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · tLrj-w tirl J THE SUN UATUIlDAlr OCTOBER 25 1890 9-= J I fLLl1 n I I PARIS WITHIN

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tLrj-w irt lJ THE SUN UATUIlDAlr OCTOBER 25 1890 9-



Tko Visitor to th City Mny Ded-zot B r4n tloa ot an Import

flown i nt the New York Woman Prefor to Liter the Model to Halt HerTest ad Xaowe the eJaa rind neroAll that Would be Hhotra to tier In the8kpe rrlAelree Costume

The but dread women ira not alwaysthou who buy their crowns In Paris It Is notminr rears since the dearest desire of thejjmlnln heart was to dIL the oddfamousjwhlon makers Hut times hare changedind although French creations nre quite ns-

tttrictlTG to the average woman ns they overwire IIt Is no longer necessary to journeytionnanrlfl ot ratios to C them at their

and best This doeo =ethatcolcst summer exodus Is on the wane O-

ntto contrary the tldo of travel seems to set

strongly each year In the direction of theOU WorM but the fact Is well substantiatedthat many omon avoid drlmaklnl eetabl-

lihrntnt whito on tho matter Inwhat part ot tnlobo the selecting ot gownsinJ nlIlnerr Is a torrnUnble tusk rociulrinif-conddtrabl time and strength Therefore ItIt bcomlnc moro the rule for slchtseor withbat a lImited Mipplr of either commodity toeliminate this fonturd from their programme

To the Inexperienced shopping In Furls unoueitlonnblr the IOn fashion contru Is attindtd with not a dlfflcultr The multip-


of mi deli Is bewlMorme Tho sales-woman


WhO iHrlinp noer expects tosoo herlultomoT nsnln IIs IndllTernut In the mutter oftdfiilnR Often nlterutliitis nnd refitting muetta madu In so short nthne that when tho cottames are sent homo only a tow hours beforethe wearer Is to lIMe the place thoy are frojuontlr In need of further nltcraton which ofcourse It Is Impossible tohae mndo

During the early spring end autumn outao

leI learners carry hundreds of mon nodwomen from this city who ioireout luruomercantile firms and a host of private establ-


I all engaged in tho Importation nnlproduction of womens costumes Burlln 1 ¬

enna London and Paris nto all levied uponj Purls contributing the lxreest shar The roo

tell Is shown In the various cionlngs wlilolitko p1000 In this city soon alter tho return ofthe tutors The display lu the dry coojn-houftu this autum has been moro than usuallytrollfic and the santo Is true of tho moro prl-

vneeitnbl alimor In alttuuh In the Infer thosage Incil ties do not exist for the Inspection

bsnilrOmest model by the ueurrol pubole the tlrst wom n who can lend hun-dred


of dollarx lor a gown t aether tbosohontlnefor litons to Incorporate In oneor homoiro motion ailko gain in cess to tlm mst re-cherche


costumes while in the private huestty aro less conoroii the saleswoman Ioeplnlout of s Kht ho raresttoxlii bits until tbthat an order 1It really cont mplntod

It IIs only of late year that the custom orIerdeta2tmrlt In dry coodj hors his roarheilIts Iresent proportl nn allliouHlireadymade coitume > of forelcn nnd dom stlonanufHCturn vrro on mind the dcslcninc ofn e allies and ttin combining of vnrtous materlalH to suit Individual tato was loft to theprIvate dressmakers who were monopolists In-thlsdirecton Now the stores are prciBlug-tlicni closely in orlKlnullr beauty ol designand excellence of tit It is n contested polut atwlilcli clues of ostnhlaliinpnt tho best resultsare to be tound Use privntu houses claim themoro choice and oxclUHlve designs but

t vhero such Is tbo case It Is brouchtabut mainly by the superior originality of

r All Importers have access to thenoted fashion houses everywhere Occasion-ally


by the payment of u lan price a largobuyer BHT from this city a covetedmodel with the condition that it ball not hoduplicated for any other Now York house butas a rule elections are mado with no suchiirotlslon Where dlstlnctlveur is aimed atInstead of having contain models duplicated-the buyer may designate alterations both indesign and colorlnc which vtlll cause thegown ordered to dUfematerially from the

k orlclnala It is empha < lzlnc of thUfatnr that jives to many of the private exhibits the exelusivaness they claim The ¬

artists In their lnedopo-

prletorenlualy their quIck eyejudgment often evolve lesults altogether un-attainable

¬by the average buyer wo IB merely

a representativeNot however the models are through

the Custom unlis the ability of-saldOQothese women brought Iinto art play

oltom The gowns I imnortare more topatrons an Idea o tho realties thatare worn than anything the majority pre-fer


to select their materials and colors undertoy direction to be combined In a costumeVnlcn will Include only such features of thexrrnch designs aare IdaPIA to their tlgurttsue style For many of I createentirely original costumes 1 grant there arepot a few who prefer to buy the Fionch modelbut they are oftener women who ore visitinglnNowlork from othor parts ot the countrythan New Yorkers thirasehes Not moro thanhal the French models ate suited to American

and those off Enulluh design althoughquiet enough n re too of ton lacking Kraeofulneaaof style

It Ila becoming more of a feature every yearfor these dressmakers to bring oer certainCOstumeS with special cutoDerl In view Inhlehpriepd dross trimmingsthe private houses may lustlyclnlm ecliisfvonovelties ronUo may many of the stoles Ineach oiuie the mnnuiattuior agrees not to solthe same to similar New York notices

Several of our lending a treifos popularlybellevcdto bewnarlnc 1nrlHmade cowi nro-garbelin costumes turned out or a New forklouse Last WIwk the writer HIIW ut I onniiicsroadway anti Jenili street four t oatly corn ¬

rioted costumes designed for Fanny Iaenport to I won In led ma ihoy are malnlllofnt one representing a cost of terytliiOU the others approximating closely Invalue Tho lint IH of satin loprosentlng clothof gold covered with sprays of tale pink bIos

ml It In made prliiioBS with couit trlnlhoforming two long tabs whichPltcod ol the unset white roJorn hue

satin The openings on dral1-lr on the tabs end the train are tilled InMitts long its ands of gold fringe and thu llwIrd M t it1B tAts Is boirtered with pinktips the IhicnIloIi3 rsiiio Is almost cooredwith maunlll out jcwolitd lnimnaIttj nml tvlrixl1aulel8 of time saute utaud upon time shioui

the locve Another gown Isroaiie limn Ihially of no rat blue duchess mainHrmUI with Icine of blviue i flor and of

Which comioto tho truln and the mainIIlrlo thu cor see IIbo front of the gown la

f tiliqne iolored satin richly mbrolueid lulcrcr8uUlld brown mluIIlo1 with tiny

l j and jewels mitf euliducd eolur1lagan bor erod imrouii HID feett with nutsII

f niatfli Surrow 111lhwldi strip oft royalbiKielrnoter bllIUcolul Sunn forum their at nt the uev KroorQlll UIIOte111 henry coiiur t tlnclPal I jJ18Il

An K1 gown Ifs oft chamoisJJifridilotli ttliL iiileoii > onu utter siuiWiJM iii IIIUJOI tljt train of mob telJKt J to l irlilcli limit Ir1 lbs5 LOB siliC 111 l10 i iiKitlolEelellliom5 rUI time tbe I lordnai ull nruiiiin with55IJnwlllull of noiluno thickly tltudJ rlllo inerald imnlliMi atimi1lir1b1r Do UK sliititiI if tt ure

J I th IIUI ttuy Ybvfourih p 1011 JIsKl Ilatc which ieude tolb i l Iii 111 1111t run withII ielmIjI i lIIIblLai 1 hllnr tl11 IlkyI Oe tlklu IUI111I hle flp iIJr IlrOla I11lr-

L It or ISist bI A al UIJII of lb Ukll01 LUte iI7 I tile sau tt4ti4CICJUliitlms50 slsei A lit 1111godIIIftul 4 sold11ttij I 110lnll It II1011st rUIII1U1hIIJ r S 115 tO Stile

but II Jiasiolsig e 5 111511 aidssJ4 uIrII g 1 s II who fifl II 1005-1itI


11 IISitu HiIUt 1LiDtWsiiI4I I

Jim IUtll IIl ysmr lb JrIe 4seIt1iigt4J11 Ifeir this IlOOMI Ii e riiprvcsits

I t sHfl houses SriI 1t Oi4iJUIiiJI I Irt r tligartutiI 111fn1 1 J jiunilieIr11 t


withfutheIL ekist


rJI 1

14 to ljiOLi II I Itu that

t 14b111 tb UllUIIJeCs tdUllleSli elIjiag se irotddad if we

I ril I I

il tecu

lt igfit Ill war IIei JlullIJ ItvltI IdIICI

iIs11ijtdt I10iIUI-


11tg IwpeI4 aarieij I

JJ 1 lar I1411w IeI-

wicksM jU I jerdieG-

l0 jllN vs iaaiL4 liIa

Wd dir wee lugalcf r ILLy itrtag ci-iitl

A trw icy ago ccciiit tuii al4 Jla It ioIi444-IiiiiLrf 5141i 15w aI 1 fi-

fI CI tuigasf4 lice

o I fIteati Scaun

IMI saya Jf IIblUIDIII f

CIg fmslsait Iulor 551cC-

Si irw 41fU 11tEj IIIIIt ace l113111Is foi I

1 w iJltI d aJa I l Lt 141 istilsicS Irtur1s2 tiaiioUekitu bI-


rIit walearpe4 that at AlmAh Cos OIxthATfn nmejinnia 0r COO banalarcmplorM In tale department alone Bo

hownet is tbelntm that althoughhundMds of orders on handdolny or dlapPolntmon Is mrely exMtUnoixloj I thing Ila one causeotthe increasing Popularity of the customordtrdPMrtmenUn these stnbltihmntsthdtipateh with which orders arsexeouted Pittins appointments or Dromr tl met and It lararelr a postponement occurs from the orlgjnaUlme set for tie dellwry of the etarmentin e prlvat houses Although on occasion ncostume will be turned out nf a few hours no¬tic dtlaysot all kinds are the pile rnthtrthantile exception Judging from the testimony ottheir patrons At Altmana tho assortmentof imported gowns CIORk and millinery Irprobably as large ns the city nnd doscredit to the woman who purchases It

Arnold Countable A Co mploya buyerwith most happy result this x IAn dinfur reception strtetand bal drew carrinse and street clonk and Jacketsalike representing models which are the acmeof tSle There f a good deal in n nnm

Umt aboe quoted alwayssuggesting Ibo Ibeautiful nod artisticboth tn dry ooda and In wearing apparel No millinery Is kpt at this bOUBnor dress trllmlnllbut thedry Roods iIs 1 question whether ItunCexclll by any the world the stockIncludlnittb inont exquisite products thelooms of both continents If a tabrloor acolorIs obtalnatil it wi usually be found at thisnoose Just In extreme contrast arttwo lines nf Roods which Illustratetho very latest aud most ttnlquowets the woollon novelties and the

cr poi chllTons mounfollno tie solo andKretiudints for otonlug noar The first In-cludes


all the olan tartan plaids and others ofcamela hair diagonals of rough texturewhich oiiKht to be steamed on rollers beforebeing used tufted goods of stacy color andexiiuisltn oaslimero and serge robes withsatin nnd embroidered borders The ermine-Bnoits art embroidered In pompadour OIlUeSof all colors rn a plain ground covered withnarrow raised ptrlren with brokon plnlds andn hunditd other dainty devices Thin blackKienndlncs alto como emliroMoied In brilliantpompadour llaurea New designs among thesilk stock notably In Lngalln and cotelfi-couimniiil admiration Scroll patterns andtiny dots larrrr spots stripes and plalilscover tim surface of the bluJlllln and theotalo Is noen In a heavy raised cotd nQt unlila Ottoman silk presenting an exceedinglyrlh onott 1alTrta silks In large plaids call tomInd some of the govns of our grandmothers-

At MiCrreryA Broadway and KlerenthMi cot the importation and production ot-ladloicoMumcH Is made much of and lovely

aoleti nnd cloaks me lavishly exSauna Jho wonderful stock of Rill At thishouse Is decidedly tbe prominent feature ItI one of tI o largvst If not the largest In NewYork In addition to the Iram no assortmentou the tlrst floor the large baeement openedlast sprint is In part filled with lower pricedgrades of the same manufacture A residentltiroi can buyer supplies time latest noveltiesas fat an they are produced

Storn lImos In Twentythird street Is a housenhoa Imtortatlonsttils reisiii are among thehnndsomost to be seen anynbere and scarcelya week pntFCB but some ro ltyls added totho assortment throiicb the agency of theirIn Is house Tbe huytr IIn a woman of exquistie tnstn ant large experience Wo havecustomers from all over the ronntry saidshe including some of tin most prominentsociety womn and we aeldom fail tn eho satIsfactinn In her opinion American womenuo beginning to reallzo the needlessness offoliie to inrls for clothes when 1nrls has boonbrought directly to them

Other prominent dry goods stores ouch ns-FUrnpson Crawford t Mmpnon B ONeillto Co anti Enrich Brothers ttstiOy to aFtondy growth in the dreBRtnaklnc depart-ment


and great increase in the yearly im-portations


of costumes thrkh mployH nwoman buyer In this department and tIme otherfwoemploy men Altbouh in this city theream several Freich establishments It U n Me-nlflcant commentary on the relative popularityor American and French skill to rind that byfar the moSt Impoitant and best patronizedprivate dressmaking houses are tlioBo con-duct


I by American and Irish women TheKen York branch ofHodferns caters sntlsfoo-turily to the wants of those who favor Englishworkmanship aid designs


He Walk Oat or the Newark Police Headqnnrt Without Iat rraptloaA man escaped yesterday morning from a

collin the prison attached to Police Headquar-ters


in Newark Ho was arrested early onThursday morning with a bundle of womanswearing apparel about which he told conflict-ing


stories Justice Itodrlgo committed himto jail for ninety days as a vagrant under thename ot William Haddln When the van camoto take the prisoners from tbo station to thojnll Haddln was misting Immediately after-ward


a woman appeared and Identified thebundle of garments an her property and theproceeds of a robbery on the previous night atthe Harrison station of the Delaware lacknwlUlna and W stern Itallrood in which hertrunk was broaen open and rilled

Doorman More who went oIl duty at 7oclock yesterday morning says that when bololt the prisoner was safely locked in his celland that time outer door of the prison waslocked

Doorman Leningwell who relieved Morsesays that he dot not remember seeing theman at all Court Officer Umlth made tho tillcoven of the escape when he went to theprison to take some culprits before Justice-1I0drllto at 8 oclock

To get from the prison to the street the pris-oner


must have passed through the main ballof 1ollce Headunartorn plain view ot theoffice and waiting room It IS said this In thefecond escape of the kind that has occurredthis month

A Train Oraxea A Blreet CarA score of passengers In crollltown car In

Orange on Thursday evonlng had a narrow es-


front destruction at the Washington streetcrossing of tbo Erie branch The gates at thecrossing were up and the driver started tocross whoa a fast train wee seen rushing downupon the car lie whipped up the horses andthey dashed ahead In spite of tbo efforts of theflaemsn tontopthein lowering the gates andshutting the car in on the truck The women-in the car screamed plteoutly and several menrushed for the door and bornme hopelesslyjammed lu the narrow opening As the trainrushed by It oraped the rear platform of thohorse ear bending ono of the lion uprights-Mr T Wilson Guernsey who was a passengeron the car Md it wile the closest shave he eversaw In his life Nothing lint the prQmpt actionof the di Ivor prevented a serious calamity liestopped lila car before going upon tbe track andhearing no train nod observing no warningfrom the Huffman he started across

Attempt Ilrfrnud an Inmraaee CompanyA peculiar case of an attempt to defraud the

Prudential Insurance Company New Jerseycame to light In Newark yesterday Mlchavl-Ilealey of 209 Academy street died of alcoholItm In tho Fourth precinct polio station onOut 7 nnd a fewdojsngo Ills widow was calledut on by A man who told her that he hal benpaying Insurance on her husbands life formaims roonilm anti that lie would give her 1201lithe would gi with him to tile oflloeof thecompany ud say hat be wee her husbandsrouiln Mrs llruley refused to do this butcuiKiiltid LndeilaKer Munay who went withher 10 time oflli II of Use Jtrudentlal ComiiunyMud Itained that it WHS lips that nicr husbanilhad ltiseim nuifd ant that as t Ire wan no1iieneflrlary name I she was milled to thiimcin y wldeu nruouiited to f2W It nns naldli liar aud nothloa has since beenl beard of themolt wliu suM iTiat im liiyl1 been paying HoiiiDiuliiin nt the Jersey City oatzcy kloct earlyIn ttill uwwur

Dual H I Is III AIM sit MuUIOI-ClmrUi Hand WM found In lit r oin at 205-

Y tJutlj lft > stardsyt afternoon lu suunconscious rendition apparently Irons InImsilsigi gus through a rubber tub utlacb l to1111 imfims burir Jl v M taken lu M Vianifit loillnl when fi a r visa4l Us onide-

latiilil hut li eoulijI not talk and wrote on afisl a III usherl limit Ilit llad just liii rubiiitMou Jiout Mni 0 Jha ctie IIwrits atirtidui fuillier IlI11 blUMlf IHandis licovU lilender lu Trier1 mlnqy at 41Ira lIIrl luruvtt wviiy realsi 1U u ju

L 1llvrte

IIsLrty Uatltlee lor Uuttir-

IfMadmen JO Pougisrtybatcau n4ieta4-

II <lico JmoiJ Jury lu HtotikltH fur niurttr lo-

It tirtl 4un 10111 killing l> r leorgt fY

Ibid at time JIIItJuIJ lasso hlllllll Yi-

imIgoIt isstdv Ip it Uurt i 4I KssmOgce-ID iils4 lu Oc IiiiiJIoiiueiiil It II ifiiinrlint u-


itfiHuulf uiiiiiittt I UI fe itI a-

lit Al fii t ullif was iutirni by ti-dIiiwhnp ifi tfttCutt i ui a l u ijrlr aliUaii JLi lull icCIJI a Iipyr ur guy fLa4wJcVseiUPJitrIsscOf Will Judge UlMlt-



r UbacL

rN 4 UIfI U rSd III il4-Mf4 MSac lgijek drisarol V1M1Jdrd-

atatiIOcItd JIll jc and al-or

UAoAII liii wIfa fiLei ilu4 a arrab at lice Haritui ullA fourt-rI Jib fn et acrid tlilliiuiHi lJiis re r ached a-

tittas Jctos testula ininn fI n fn I-iwasIJt MUa CUIJ IIIii La dU Scatltlll iilifi iifi iiMtu jtttl lSiII nest s di I the Ilio nIIoIl i woo 4wJIdj IUY i iililtl lie wit kut lu titJ101kJj iiitsl

bs atiSMlsfrat acid AM am peraec I a-




cur JFEttona srrrrvtoTwo last Be Cle ABdaTlteMr BetroH-

lAeBr Mr Ivlae-Ool John n Fellows District Attorney was

the first witness before tho Fastett committeeyesterday He said that he appointed JohnW Ooffan assistant upon the recommendlion of Justice Maurice J Power ExJudgeBedford was appointed upon the recommends ¬

tlon of a number of the Judges and of MrWood of the Delhi JVWi

Was be not appointed at the request of theCentral Manor Dealers Association 7

uNo sir-McKenzIo Bomple and Mr Davis Wit ap-


on their merits and Mr Benjamin DotTaMos at the solicitation of a number of peopleDeputy Assistant Lindsay had charge of in-


I lie drew the Flynn oad Squire Indictmentsdid he not 7 Were not these cases dismissedbecause of Inefficiency of the Indictments

No sir the Indictments were good butafter the death of Hubert 0 Thompson andMr Miller we had no oviUonce on which to BO

to triaL-H believed that the Grand Jury could not

pass upon onefifth of the eases or tho courtstry onetenth Mr Ivlnsellclted that out ot 853excise indictments convictions wire securedIn but fortylour cases fortythree ploadinRguilty Aa to a remedy for the accumulationot cases he would suggest tho adoption ot therecommendations of the Crosby Kxolte IawCommission lie further suggested the adop ¬

lion of a system In some respects similar tothe English system The English system pro-vided


first for the imposition of a fine for nsecond offence heavy line and tho third ofISSue fin or Imprisonment or both antI perpetuaUforfeltnre of license

As to the boodle cases the Court of Appealsdecision on the eligibility of jurors the changept public sentiment and the forgetfulness ofPuflcraff and Dully made further convictionshopeless Perhaps the forgetfulness of Dullyamid ul1rrarr was increased by their knowlrdce that their affidavits In the case of theThlrtyfourth Street Ilallroad franchise weremusing Col Fellows had never seen themlie believed that they had been handed to onoof ONells counsel and load not becq jonagain In the District Attorneys omee Theywere not thorn when be took charge

Mr Mns wanted to know who the lawyer-was remarking that he bolleved the miscar-riage


In theso cites was due to the disappear-anco ot these Donors

jot Follows declined to state tho name pub-licly


because be might wrong an innocentparty He had no positive knowledge about1Co euowsI said that the Grand Jury systemcould not be Interfered with except under con ¬

stitutional amendmentOurLeglelstursCaid hehas got to pro

vide the facilities for time trial ot these oxclsocases Wo cant try them

ExJudge Gunnlne P Bedford AssistantDistrict Attorney said hft limo Leon an assist-ant


since 1865 At present he IIs Acting Dlatrlt Attorne-yMrltinawnntodtoltnow by what right howas Axing District Attorney

Im not Axing District Attorney said MrBedford

Do you daro to mlmlo mo sir cried MrIvtas

Peace was finally restored Mr Bedford tes-tified


that ftc had recently directed that no ex-


cases be put on tho calendar until furtherorders The reason was that tbe Tombs wasfull of prisoners souse of theta two in a cellswatting trial-

Adjourned to Tuesday at 11 oclock



lnOIBCTParson fibers to Hay If Ho Ha

< Kotlee from the AttoraeyOcneraiIt wax reported yesterday that Attorney

General Tabor who had been In toWn but leftlost evening had given notice to Mr John EParsons counsel for the Sugar Trust that hohad finally como to the conclusion that Itwould be Impossible to reorganize the con-


and that It would be necessary to appointreceivers of the dlffetent properties Whenasked lIto In ihe afternoon In regard to thismatter Mr Parsons said

I cannot sny anything on the subject If Iwere to do so I should he guilty of just whatthe opponents of the trust charge viz thatthe managers are In the habit of giving outInside Information You can readily see thatas counsel to the trust or ns onq of the trus-tees


It would be very Improper for me to sayanything regarding tIe matter 1 must there-fore


decline to tie interviewed but I wish toadd emphatically that the trustees do notdivulge information to any one

Iyneber Yield lo tits Appeal of a Negrofor Ier 7-

pBTEnaBunn Vn Oct 21 Walter Johnson-a negro aged 25 years and wclzhlng icupounds was arrested near here on Wednes-day


charged with having on the 29th of Sep-tember last committed a criminal assault onlire Elizabeth Majors daughter of a promi-nent


citizen ot Amelia county Mrs Majors Isonly 18 years of age and was married lastspring Yesterday afternoon Johnson wastaken before Mrs Major and Identified Lastnight ho male u fullI confession and Impli-cated


another negro John Jefferson who Isnow in North Carolina Vblle Johnson keptwatch JeDerson saiged Mrs Majors by Oilingher mouth with sticks nnd leaves nnd thentied her hands Johnson says ho and Jeffersonwero guilty alike

After Johnson confession a rope was placedaround his neck and ho was dragged Into tIme

woods by a party of men He begged plteonely ton mercy and asked to be giver two daysto pray and see his people The mob yieldedto his appeals and bo was carried to ItottawayCounty jail

Pension Rotlnce Vader the llUablllly ActWxsniNQTOK Oct 2tTbe Commissioner of

Pensions with the approval of Aesliitiint Sec-


Bused has Issued tbo followingOnt n No i134In rend to Bilaf rats of penilom

oa4nbe act or Jun > 27 1811I-11Th1 sit claImants nadir the act of June 37 lEO

ihowlni a msutail or pbjilc dliatllliy or dUiblllllesot a pmueul elllrolr not ths rusts ot thslr ownttcioue halite lid whleb tncapacllt thins from theperrirminc of maoist I labOr tnoi thmn Unabis-to care a support to iach a would be ramsi-undqr former I Wi ii or 55 and I than emsshalt hi rated ths earns ci1lk dhiatdhttls of anvil-origin arid thisi all saes Showing a pnsicnabis dm51111-tmy witch It of service orlir weild hi rated at orabove 5t4I psr month shill be ratCd at Its per month

Tbe rbllodelphla JTInnl TrillWAsniNQTOX Octt 24The cruiser Philadel-


has Loon ordered to undergo a sea trialnext Wednesday Bbe is now at Tompkinsville S I This will be the final trial and IIIintended not to develop speed but to bring tolight any Imperfections In construction forwhich the coniruotori may be liable

Bevolntloiarr Was PeaeloaerV-TjuimHOToif Oct 24Tho Secretory of the

Interior today signed an Increase pensioncertificate In fav r nf Mary Hnead as thewidow of Dowdoln finoad a private In CaptCoins company of Virginia militia during tilewar tit time Jlevclutlon lime peut oner willnow draw a pension of 30 per mouth

Are Yeu KaUUrtftTime J mociot who tieclecU lo i Utr tie

liberally depritr himself of the pltoktii andunivilogs ol boiling up IL hands ot our sturdylieiiiooratlu Mayor IllugliJI Urtnt In his lightfr lioin tiiilo rapid tiansll and an lioucii-iiumtratloo ol the people of this great city





T c U-

tiWolffsACMEOlacklng4 tur fel Uftf Ulmtk ffUflt wticfl factsMi ttfft beaae a tittle aol aVrMeawVa la-



a =Vas41iaYsLIhu4 I

wilic4a4-ltJwti lit It t ar i4e41 ufH i544-


Siaaoie suljtcd a4ooI-


ieicsiiic4 eet<

n J AftiVl-O Ii LlUfcOlJ14 twldut ta Vig nu l >W St4 lOTrttaJ awe


kkii ANDJ




260 FOB 125

Misses and ChUdrons Now NapBoavor Hats oxtrnordinary rangeof colors and shapes boon all alongthis Benson 260 Mnnufftoturora1Samples 13 dozen Those to bo125

Today too nomo more of thoso37c Boys Cloth Polo Caps 170M-

Ullaarr1I11111 ttntr



A La Princosso Imported Corsetmndo of French Contillo longwaist and high back perfectshape well boned nnd finishedwith silk flossing white and grayall sizes always sold for 275to introduce thorn 169 eachBalance of a lot of ThomsonsGlovofittinn Corsets sizes Th to22 inch and Thomsons NursingCorsets sizes 18 to 26 inch regu-lar


100 and 125 goods say G3ceach i

ContU Second floor



Beforo mentioning price howeverhear us on the character of thesegoods yon may rely on thorn inevery way chief aim hero is notto see how poorly we cant putclothes together in order to under¬

soil every one else but to see howfar we can elevate quality of mate-rials


finish shade workmanshipwithout asking you to pay oneshilling extraBelow is what weve prepared es-


for Saturday 300 for200 in every instance-A very largo and fine assortmentof Dark Mixed Cheviot Suits allwool in Plaid and Stripes ftt 390

opened the season with them at500 ages from 4 to 14

A fine and select assortment ofDark Silk Mixed Cassimores andScotch Cheviotsin Plain Blueand Mixtures made in Pleated andDouble Breasted Jackets agesfrom 4 to 14prices for todayonly oi95n bargain nt 700Nico lino of 3 piece Vest Suitsages 10 to 16 in Scotch Plaidsprices from 675 to 900 also aIhandsome assortment of Dark Blueand Black Tricots Corkscrewsand Diagonal made in ThreeButton Cutawaysbound with silkbraid and finished like custommade Prices 975 to 1260A handsome line of Overcoats forlittle fellows ages 2J to Gin largoplaidsand plain colors trimmedwith Astrakhan prices from 475to 1100 made with large capesand plaited skirts especially1adapted for boys in kilts also abig assortment for boys from 7 to18 yearsin plain blue Chinchillaand Castor Beaver and dark plaids

made double breasted with largocapes andside pockets prices 86 75to 1425For 1275 to 1950 a choice willbo given men of fashionably cutMelton Kersey and ChinchillaBeaver cloth Overcoats satinlined-and custom finishedBoys will find in this Boys Clothing Dept a thorough assortment-of Hats and Caps

Boyt C1ottila2it floor



500 cases ladies best grade LOcRubbers American Rubber Comake 86c a pair604 pairs childrens straight goat20d winter Shoos sizes 56 to 10kB C and D widths going to boticketed LOO n pairThose Ladies IDfiO to 000ShooH wo oiTornd Saturday last for

100 Bro pretty much all goneporhunu 500 pairs lelt2 to 4 B-

and 0 widtliH thoHO you wayliuvfi if you happen to Hot tho ftizoyou wear for 1713

aLHcI4 floor



Lengths and qunrcs of Oilclothami Linoleum of virioux IIiZitH furclooetM or m1orn tlio stove or inkfur Jittlo or nothing nuty 25 wr-ceut wider what IhoyM Iwt regular

tarems51 CM



Tlo 1000 JffJh Art Utnbrollaplaced ou nftui a law tluyit njo-uraii I all gotusoiii may Lie Jiiul j

eton recollect we laid they were fillUrliug Nhlvir handl were J

uulqno 0ilk superb makera were


two oftho host across tho EastRiver and pricos wOre just aboutonehalf stock nricosLuck on your tilde if you tio up toone of those Umbrellas ooonS-


allI 1150 SILVKH 10 DIF setsISeisib EItSEITlIalWJII8


1 ALL OIlKtTtMR BTBft BeeflLetS I tNO IIILVItR U 11 r J Jtlont-siOBa501515 1 rISEN or II nit ntltANDLi I ra-

I ALT nBlCutlln uanLoll I lien IIILI lilt I 11550I


1llLI DRrtrjItfB ATRR-KR


eeinebI tlttO lit 10 41 mrD-


rllnRIfT or 1 thltII-AftIlLIIt I IUUO


STiR Suntoll UNO > Il 42 uIPSulnch t





M oitil sPunsla1I 1 rcaier nasiorts or J tiitsaleS ItASIILB8 1554-

5AtO nrKty1x sTIRS BinLet I ZtO 5lLItI5 IR lilt h unx-ThUloon yltifiN D15i11050 cr1 Mil


Lets I LINO KILVBII IS Ply uuiXSfncB I result DBdlOMS Or J TMiult-tilou1 BAMULBB

ALL IRNOINB Celia BunLota 1 LINO SILVER IS lilY 4 lIMO28 Inch 1 KBRBMT OBHIQNS Oil Thmssaie



U Inch DtStOSB Or J Thti Sate-S ilANDLKS HBO-





ooklyn NY Brooklyn N Y

cfIAtJr And pnrttltcnt o ttTHE TTIEBOADEN 110 Weet dOth it

Obolc apartnintii Sand V room btildai bath wallarrannd main and private halla warmil centrallotatlon clogs to chnrohia bnilneia eDema and Brjrantpark Tta Itmltid number of aaarirainii and Ibe oartaken In tba lecllon nf proper tinanu only makethisI house dtilrabla for a parnanent ralIlIInO13psr month ahowuday or

leD AND 100 WEST DiNT STThe moat e1iiete Apertmcnt n In tbe MlTllone Light Bnern with niatlonarv Tubscud ltn >Kl velvet carpeted etalrei twoblock Iron the Otli iv Jklevalrd Htatloa-

BENTM SIT 10 51Ca be in f4ndyThlOSIAM-




ENTh lUG IO auAils elona moderate mints

Apply to JOIIN JBUriClOSO loth ay OOlh mat Situ Pt

AEFFINCHAM11-M TO 003 tTEHT aoTH STPartn rooms and bath cabinet Cnlah decorated

thronthont WOos 30 > wail Seth IL

ATHE OLAJJYU-Ct Wait 13lh it

The handvoraeit corner Apartment haute on the westdde Peteenferilerator mrelllalbroll1l bard woodcore tnrocittioni hid Alllltht tome ceren roomeat bb WOO and tiUO Can be seems < Tinlnn

A ELEO ANT and iris ittamhaatad n its f9v7iTtit ti cor ntli CnlnmbDii AT 7 rooms and bath

le lheasi RBNTM VAA ant S05-Appl7toJanltoron premleea erIeOONUM as MaeOONAll VetaittApartnifNlM nfO nnd 4 room IN ncw build

tnai with ImrroTementa foramall families tlL u toflO 4Uto4Ue > t J th Pt xajanltori

J CORBIT 4 CO V9d > t and Rth ar-

AfARTMnsTKA AIUEOAIU 4 tare llttltroom painttd tn perfect order corner home

rent from 7 MI toll 15u bails bided Apply to Janliar in KanittliLL5T3 WiTh OR WITHOUT STFA1I DRATa lit ht well ventilated apartment

at reaeooable rants-Apptyon prtmtiee 4uz Wtitilih it or ta-

J J lllTAKtU UU LlllbltTV ST

AND AIAnTfR tmfnrnUUad and ttfFLATS In all parti of the cityfoLSOVl AKOTHEIta SI4 Hroedwar rear 13th it

PLATS In perfect order moderate prtcei decoratedportlirea and iao cnrlalna 25a Vt eel SJi-

lit Jinhto-rIiLATM87Wsit lIb it KSto fna In prfotor-A dir Janitor 0 VNKU 1S4 0Th AV-

UriBONH ANt WEST KITH BTfl Elerant apartmenu trirte and room lltht rooms In new data


TOnationLRT Three rooms treat 534 hal 57th it near

U ITUR rAnT of private hnuee li roocu and ball-room tea < MEait dit

UEKIRABLR FLATS of seven rooml all llthtVLRY I excellent location 141 SAt S3I Wen 2id it

3 IIOUK8 and bathroom hot water lanpllid byowner ImprOTcmenu SIS to Its small taml

hits o4 Eat 77th 5-


31 FAST Parlor nat and bailment 7 roamI In each all Improremenu newly renovated Un-

ity or together1 ifyril Ar C3D AND AP KTsElerant data Soar1 Si and Coo rooma with bath tam heat hot water

itatlonary tab dumb waiter and every Improve-ment


reiiutl4np seen any time Apply to janltotftysiWen 43d it-TET ST Ill BAST Eletant apartments S and 441 ronnmsittIIghitttnmprovmsnttlDto 51-5fD5T 419 month free flats elegantlyU > decorated 7 Tioo bath and Improvementrent moderate-

DST 101 BAST near CethidralEl anl liaru flat 7 rooms cOd bathKntll ST 91SBA8TFler > nt data torimali familIeseJ I all Improvement hilled halls Shop alio bassPent nicely decorated 3 3 rom washtubCQTII ST Bfl EAST= bandeome irilO lilfleori low Teal Inquire of hoaukeeper-

OftTU ST AND N w roltNEB AV AHat 7 roomOU and bath all Improvimenla C-MvirTn ST lad BART Flat of Sreomi and bath all1 Aw ImoroTiminU handaomely decorated rent lieto small famly1 1 TI IT 44B F8r two lift lletant flltllI I U six roomi I bath all Improvemintai rental cxi toI3J

123 D ST iTJO BAST Lower part private honai Slarge rooms and haUte all Improtameatii

cheep1OFTIIif near Et MriAlaa ar7Rleant elnler-

oeniaa u Hat I to imall gamily riot iij referSoc 315 Wait ttith I-

I126TIJjff tos WRBTCafumlalied Sic 4 or B

wellappolnlid private hoes aduitiinear Italian reference

20 H10B nAT 7 roorai and bath q IIIItOUlBO LobUdlfli Owner on premEast 11mb St

f JOIIRAXO aTKlw buildIng twa stared apartUJO raepia 4 rooiui from rooms rear light willentlliid Imprertrninti lUirti 54411 tparunenn els-

AiilIlVl r4 JtUIH CO IS2I headway

ItI1tt And pitrtmcnUrcoh1uL-SEU HUNT tnlll Mov 11 MleII Tiel Marlonf Kjnd4 Sassy Cl lI liuinei-Uautlluilr deriieb l au ShUt roumi etiavenleiii ui-ferrlM Jaulier uapreulie-

iMU ciriuHT m irr srat noon aU Uris r tinl-


aull > LlA fey Mlivai UbTUS McihVAlhIifi I503 WmliguI-

iiiiihu YJAYiwliissuienl or iaasigeS aed-F5 paStes family Iwu isatioli Si45 and atli at1755 it 54 v Bt l4 io a t AddJ u lull larilr-


tarc rtcyc WIII Sea sptws 4041 i11u5 jifei-4ii

DUn lMutuiktdKAIfllMV ai4 ieiiI ialff fameb Sinai sadI I M4 Item If levee ii uS UJW 15iui4iiIytiasTiY


llli tllIIUUfJ VIAlS Nwi vl4ia-Zri SI rUw III ey 505551 I 11 Modifimilir1 iiiiiIleii furuuiiee le f laiieeleer

JefIV dollar tt Ut niviiUlI Meal iu-


wses-I AIluMSLS Insisted aepaueqi 114 roM IIIJ J let e 1o4 CCII AppS 1W ts t itO

545 taaIy farlete4 Cr4 11I1i iet yai P11-S road ash saM abS lEsill III sail Cal

1tl fo-


lJh1t lI-

JUI1I4U ur4ta 1 u0

LJ U1ltf wfIlvgNqtoUt

4i Lt tdut fKwjfii liC irn i4 gtactieH4 If tM Ht ttttl 4-

JtilrlffWit +iit 54 Vi IIUCI rwl 1t4J <4K libqsUi44

aUlt is issa l4ilciai o4Ji en ire ThiS ct sad SbilSiL-Aij4g 45 5smMa cc-

I Y wisyaays 4 l4ISTY Si-

SI 11 V M tw 1 Is ii fat frM II h5-S PcIC lialeNiI iiji qcgi a sc-

my ssstejtiiaabt JJc rwl 4fyese-ia IvcrHiIs0 a satuss s 1-



155I iasi JeSMI iq psssi ag II S6ic-Nj4stsdhvlad uU lilsest etie J

1f isnh

itnt stU bt cJaltltw crq



Orer PSOO worth of toll was sold In the pouring rainn ndajrEvery lot will pwUtrely be colt on Tntiday nut

Oct =

Wm EE1 Taylor Auctioneer


520toperk tmndlaa lets to be told at anetlin la the hinll-ful Tillate of


tnattd en the ttn Shot nallmdON TDBIDAT OCT 3S

AT 10 X IL

These toll are sImply grind ilteatid about COO feetfrom lilt itatlon on elevated troond Gradual alonetemnandlnc View and are perfectly dry The watermalni from New ttlltord to Uoboken pass directly Infront et the property

Berlin nildt tti only 12 mItes from New T6rki IthnIi beat train dally a chnreh a icbeol atom endrod OMo it is the most Important itatlon betweenWiihawken and Ilaventraw It U a truly deelrabletrot on which to locate

COMM UtON TBKIOCBNTa-Braaa land Diem Corps free Linen Uaramoth

Tent Fri vases and BitI Barxalni day of sateTrmlO on lot cull down on day of aatei 10 In SO

lays and baanee In m daya or Jan 33 IWt who aperfect deed will be aireD

Send ton mapa Slid tree railroad paeiia to KENNEDYS ta Cortlandt it1 op ttalm Nlw York ottothe Auctioneer



Auo oaferIteoaintatul of 100 Gilt bailding lots at


On Tuesday Kortmbtr 4th


Tin exconton train on Erie no no JIuilo and lunch

atiata For free B tt ticket and maps call at KEN

NEDTS Cortlaadt it Nsw York npltatn or write

the auctlooitr at


TIANOIt N J thIs vtclntt i ci UTDI I r-


a lateI llr UAtalLTONlCOveflroal aV N V

tnte lOf alctricj QrU-

JS 2 00 1000KbflOttEAflree new honui-htjisml yard at side seven rooms

besIde t bath room only twenty mlnntci from CortlaDdtStreet ferry Jersey Cttr Halffhta seen aonrtolencfarnace rang dictionary tuba ctundetif mIrrordecorated rood nelihherneod leetrlo car halt blocksteam ears Ibis bloe i terms 30U or KM down batInc air quaitirlj parmtnta

b CON DICT 40 Wall it-

Untatrtnt nt urtl 11

JAMES LL WELLS AuctioneerVrmeell at auction at Sail Estate Exchange Ktn65LIberty by order of Merrill A Recen Attorney

Monday Nov 10 Noon

232 CHOICE rOTSOppoilte Jerome Park and overlookIng Moahol-

nfarkway atjnnctlonof

JEROME AV AND SO BOULEVARDnear the bandieme ImpriTimenti of

Bedford Park24-TH WAsP NEW TORE CITY

All finally located crated avenue city convenienceeitabllibed neighborhood no nuisance near beaatifntBronx Park and Moiholu Parkway andconvanlent tostation et tba treat deprewed four track


18 mlnptri tiy expreii train tram Rrand Central Depot-to Bedford Park btatloni commntauon 7Hceau Lolalold aeparatelyTITLE ClTIAISANTRRn FREE OP CO8T

to each purchaser by Lawn Title Iniaranc 00TEIIMS LIDKItAI HENDFOR UAPHMerrill S Roien Attirney IIllI Broadway and

JAMES L KMH ADCTISrhItse Liberty it sad Bd av and loth n-



One hear rem BeclerBy the Horthira and Manhattan Bxpreuia

wtllbee-nTHURSDAY NOV 6 1890-

AT 19 OCIOrK NOON at Ih Real Eitate Exchant and motIon room lu to bo Liberty eL New York

cityRichard T nirnett a Co Aictteneer wIlt sail abont-

2a i lets all frontlntI on open and traded itreeti andavailable Sot Immediate Improvement and within e rawmliiuiel walk of the railway nation Title perfect andpolio r of fninranc will Le luaid without ehartetope rBJiiy pus ares may rimata on mortgagea16 per CIa Foa rri rAIIHEYto view1 property and for mapa harmS and fall pirtlcn

Blehard V narnell AareCo El1brrr IL New York city

J SoMatiC SrownS Co1 WoOl irJ40L New york oilyWm lili nIIt a 0 VenderWH av New York cityJanaa II filch Tonkera NT Y

Alt the real mate annu in u bbi rernr and IrrlntteonationI Areiler depet-IIOLTl LIIK Attorneya Ill nr adw Fur York

R eV UARNBTT t CO AoetionMn

71 Utility it Few Turk city





BAILWAY EXfUEtl TIAIXl-fer roe pa terna and full earllolara apply II

I V IIABUBTT A M AVCileMtri 7IUbirlflt-J KtVAlilli MOftli irlt M r el 1411lliilrfnrjtrf tiuitttn III Vreaevaylass C rltcf feii 5i5u4W Uue>u IJltt hail-


l ewl V sshre U Y

Ni Gtinit ftr ltoutrtj1-EUcJC1IgIa 14-

t lID rla It utl l fJw iuwne IJ mtv > li rtlrr liKM a

oWl > 1

iTl M0 > XIcl-II > Ml idVLilOti 55w IflV III rJ h-J aoesftO amisib i pete sIsnI is It Iii blab talllest a p1101 rgIbsbw I iaho is-

hit wiut ie ntaeie WailI III 4sp t117 colas-daiip cc Sell Cf at I is iisCtirr A teat 4

if lilt > alysssic M4 lig leaa4 It MS J 1uoV ills iallie4f4 Hunt 4tU dew i1iMt CIII colt we jolt ICISIS taliv 5405 5aafIm 4i 4 plaid Cim-


I IeI4i4 a45 ff51-055C 1111 let ICo Iooi p e a 4 C5 1514 cifif Its

> Mi r s


II LMl C i 5 ehpts hoe e wy loll ii4l r e-


k1 II51iIII lecJv >ii76 C 1 UJt-



S-Itp1adb bail itgle 1 ift JOeda-

1t leu IieeidJlg itnULi itiitfltitt-uu iHh4a-5ilfi4I eUw sitj

fltft U4 Ia esaeaeoc floes d 4 ugh 4sytt > ti fJ4l4ifFasIU lit il4dIblacto41ii-f4i5fci4 116

141111 a ge4s ease 1Ia-

CZIIILIlrrfrtlTfl amurfrwvI l 1e1511 mlHii IIMII tftun UHMtjI lit J ce55 tA linn ml dId um eklBiW wa a-

froei Ia1I1fIr I fu lftt lH4MMi4aiiSltu In HHHId4-

iLii Ml It f I he > i r vibJjc rcc ImHI

icUJiiiii 91 Iissspesl It Sukiss-

bJ wanJ W

lal Entitle or antea



4 r



ft a


Finest Property Near New York

Commencing MONDAY Oct 27 at private caRe 4 4


being that part ot the


which wai not otdllait Jnne anotloaThe property 1is situated oppoilte

HIRAM W HOWESand runs from the


the flneit drive in the world te Coney Island av


pal the lots Time from the rack Smlnntea Osi-er

¬ je and the llrlthton Scion Railroad hate itatteo t

within a qnartir of a mile The enrroundlnta are as-celltnt Titers u a public school directly eppoalie toproperty

ALL TITIEH OT7AKANTEED-frlcei for iota SCO cod upward payable In tnontfcljr

Initatlinenu or with discount ct 10 ver cent for aU-caih


Special Discount of I10 per centwill be allowed on all purchases during the opinIng

week 0Mapiandfreepaieei from junn JOIIMOK Jr WLiberty it N Y aol 303 rulton et Brooklyn

SAVi YOUR JIONKY AND SOY A IIOUB bythe rroduce Kichance Bulldlnr and Leaa

Aaioolatlon ThU aitoclatlon baa been organIzed twoyears and three monthi and at the nreient date haoutstandIng 520 ibirei of a par Talus of fxo eaek iand hie made over IJ per cent nor annum lines ortaav-Itatlon The fourth terlee wilt be liaued on and met I IMonday boy a 150 and anbicrlptlona therefor are 4now beIng received by the hecntiry Membinhlp fdA1open to all A tale of money will be held on Monday Uevening Nov in ism at oclock at the rrodnce Ki fichants buIlding and memberi of the fourth nrlea will dbe entitled to bit at luch ails II iBfor tailor Information aadriu the Secritaryl-



at New York Produce Eachante Bulldlnfc




OHFlRE8 IN CITY Jersey City Greenville HarlemWaitcheiter county and most every town Within

S3 mud of bew York for sats on easy termc farms <o>

JOHN N BRUSH 2IS fniton IL oily I


tntc for nltCttiI-


AdatataE the Ttecent Furcbao of ihASTORS GOELETS AND HUHTIH6TOHS

Three Full l ti ftt nn Imimrnse BarcmlatV K STEVENSON at CO ff


Oct your roots painted with elastic roof coattail OImaterial for ails at manufacturers prices trial caaa-ou

13and 70 cent send for eitlmat Vt

JOHN a TA1T its llalden lane New York o

FOR SALE and to rentEIerant cat tHzK4xlooll l

24 cOil J6 Bait lonh 1C and at aouthwait coi-ner


ot Sth av and liuth it-RADEEOLD

0a WBXZ owners

G USA BARHAINS In Silt It Mthlt oOttll near IiDUiav lit001 and npward f t

tUDLOW DAY A CO M Welt Stat It0 iji


tnt Qfristnt-


or nlrrooklu s 4NICE 8STOBY FRAME CORNERl etcellent ltan I

for grocer butcher or drug itore a o aster pc 1-


brick corner three tfonble cat cheap aleo four 9tory brick flau all Improvement itory and bamen In brick and frame alao corner plot end letSlow Ifyon want a tilt bargain more than your moneyworth tiaeeCIIAKLES BBBBI1N Real Estate Agent

051 oih av Brooklyn ii

A RARE OIIANRB The handsome small reildenoe-ol asth IL and Kt and 278 oth it Hrooklyn will

be aold at the Real Eilate Exchange 00 Liberty it HeirYoric next Monday Oct 27tai neon sale peremptoryeaiy terma Further particulars on premliea or

GIBBON eg Liberty at

FOR BALK A new 2K story and baeement routatone atid brick dwelling 14 rooma and

bath bolltbydaya work sanitary plomblnf cabinettrim and mirror maoIst molt dellthtlnl and con-venient


location 15 mioutee from bridge will hi soilcheap bout alwaya open 823 Decatur IL seartnyviiau av or

HALT RARtI LISP P0011 CO713 Ilerklmerit near tltlca Brooklyn

I OR fALK Two story frame houtei for two famlllee 4

very convenient and well built prices reaaooable sue theTa on Jefferion av between BTerareettand Central art Brooklyn

TWO STORY issuE UOUSF from I151 IeYXXcub Mw or morel rut laontblyi 3itorr i

and basement rams stIll 251057 SIlO bailmentbrick 53lOi riot sesi itory flats tAIl 55500rash SMO large lelectlen of 3itory frame ant brIckilntleUati alee Jetory double cold water flati assentfine corners tar liquor grocery or butctieriil itory-bonne with carrIage seem and stable for t boriei ailSaireral tnallir houses with tables

R A KONTER800 Broadway near Ellary it Brooklyn

etRftn OR units or all caib fora nice tweeterjBUUtfnJ baaement home alllmproviminui tooflcarillon ThIs la a treat bargain price only aioicx-Alio two Story and Venalovi eight rooms lamatann-

JUadd A Co aOOS Kulton 1 itrooklja

f r



RTEoouNs1ANDVrWAEDIEAYs ipchaimaiIGrfaIntJleidetrtnrcotitbsmssfefwtalCK-

YIAURANT if ouysvtmrJft gzogruccji I

ALB I UUTa 1Wii 2 I




KHaihlnttonN 0 tt ItsrCpse pIle

aiirim aol filQs ste ecklfll Vtotaled lu lie fUlrirl oreuplM 5 v III publle bi U4-

vuly Href mluulee frcm Ik van Rlvif Hrtitt an-inlnuui frail Llir Half SaW yTrk iL liuui Cat SIIcu otd and M Ilgaliflyl pointed sod fiesta 4

fiery iiiuaerafoBtinliiir lift thriaa4tSalgociaesl iUiWUIJlAshEJ I LAPILJ

Ii45aWis ilEast p1id it etlceuseos-I Ibool mlu j5reIitel a laely fuut ilituif salfI III l vine utiludi i iut r aller Uitfeliasue

I iSl hIlt HMUt gbw mIbaisiIiisi h1loiy-Li gicroec hloastre em Viiiii ooalleli io tslbi5s4111 auaui age tr lull fwlvt Ill U5tI Sal 55raid debI silu itI4 veid far 4ai fossaeU vMalf firiiA


Ikit YlffI Jl1i14 T > lEtmi e nuutivei P4S beta Ii ito laiii V4 stIck 5 i er lnJV-

itg a fcc 4 f mi nit n 11 lie shag Scm > i-


C S Ii eilebi > 4 5e14I 5-

au a c S I op s i ii i It ilIiid-p4 In Is4yj ui1ntit 414 45e11

po44D SIOlISS SIdwI esitap irltift1NVtleMeciVrr itLti4 awetl-miff5iud hf di aifefMH-


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