Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper

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  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


    Distracted Driving Facts About the Ban on Cell Phone Use While


    Text Messaging Ban While Driving Thesis

    Arguments in favor ofin Favor of Total Ban on Use of Cell Phones

    while Driving

  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


    Driving is an activity that requires fullconcentration on the part of the driver

    Distractions should be avoided because theyaffect driving performance.

    Even without the cell phones, drivers arealready distracted frequently

  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


    These distractions areestimated to beassociated with 15 to25 percent of crashesat all levels.

    Texting and use of cellphones while drivingare likely increases riskof accidents andcrashes.

    Thanks to
  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


    Credit: iStockphoto/Dennis Oblander

    No state bans the use of cellphones for all drivers(GHSA, 2012).

    There are certain groupswhich are prohibited fromusing cell phones whiledriving (GHSA, 2012).

    For example, 32 states andD.C. ban all cell phone useby novice drivers (GHSA,2012)

    In 19 states and D.C. theschool bus drivers areprohibited from using a cell

    phone when passengers arepresent (GHSA, 2012).

  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


    Text Messaging isbanned in 39 states,D.C., Guam and theVirgin Islands for alldrivers (GHSA, 2012).

    5 other states prohibittext messaging by novicedrivers (GHSA, 2012).

    3 states restrict school

    bus drivers from texting(GHSA, 2012).

  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


    I believe that the level of danger forhandheld phones and hands-free phonesare the same.

    For this reason, it is my argument that the

    law should be passed banning bothhandheld phone and hands-free phonebecause of the dangers they pose todrivers, their passengers and other


  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


    Arguments in favor of

    in Favor of Total Ban on Useof Cell Phones while Driving

  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


    Drivers have the tendency to stare straightahead even when they are using hands-freecell phones.

    This means that drivers become less

    attentive to what they see in front of themthat they are putting their own lives andtheir passengers lives in danger.

    In effect, they become blind because they

    become more focused on the sounds fromthe person whom they are communicatingwith.

  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


    Drivers who use their hands-freephones while driving is exposed to thesame dangers as the drivers who use

    handheld cell phones. Because they need to become moreattentive to the person whom they aretalking on the phone the level of

    attentiveness to what they arecurrently doing (driving) is reduced.

  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


    Lamble (1999) found that cell phone usewhile driving results in an increase in brakeresponse time. This means that there is adelayed reaction on the part of the driver to

    apply his brake.

    Reed & Green (1999) found that cell phoneuse results in impaired ability to maintainlane position and greater variability insteering wheel angel and speed control.

  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


    Recent studies by David Strayer, a psychologyprofessor at the University of Utah, say that ina simulation test drivers who have .08%alcohol were even faster to brake and cause

    fewer crashes compared to drivers who aresober but use their cellular phones whiledriving.

  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


    One of the primary causes of accidents onthe road is the distraction among drivers.

    Texting while driving and cell phone usewhile driving are the primary reasons why

    drivers are distracted while driving When a driver is not focused he fails to

    institute safety measures that couldotherwise avert an accident or a crash.

  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


    Brookhius (1991) found that drivers whouse cell phone while driving have reducedfrequency of rear-view mirror checking.

    Lesch & Hancock (2003) found that drivers

    are most unaware of the decreased drivingperformance whenever they use cell phonesand suggested that educational campaignsbe instituted to target female drivers

    because of the greater disparity betweendriver perceptions and actual drivingperformance

  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


    Brookhius, K., De Vries, G., & De Waard, D., (1991). The Effects ofMobile Telephoning on Driving Performance. Accident Analysisand Prevention, 23, 309316.

    GHSA (2012). Cell Phone and Texting Laws. Retrieved August 26,2012 from:

    Lamble, D., Kauranen, T., Laakso, M., & Summala, H. (1999).Cognitive Load and Detection Thresholds in Car FollowingSituations: Safety Implications for Using Mobile (cellular)Telephones While Driving. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 31,617-623.

    Lesch, M. & Hancock, P. (2004). Driving Performance and DrivingConcurrent Cell-Phone Use: Are Drivers Aware of their

    Performance Decrements? Accident Analysis and Prevention, 36,471-480. Reed, M.P. & Green, P.A. (1999). Comparison of Driving

    Performance On-Road and in a Low-Cost Simulator Using aConcurrent Telephone Dialing Task. Ergonomics, 42, 10151037.

  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper


  • 7/31/2019 Tips in Writing Total Cell Phone Ban Paper
