Tips for online business to get you rich! Make your first $1.000 By Nuno Leitao Learn how to start your own Internet business Introduction: True Lessons Learnt The purpose of this guide is to teach you some fundamental truths about building an Internet business and how it affects your life. I learnt many of these lessons often the hard way - during the past years as I slowly built & managed my online business. Knowing, Caring and Profiting Choosing a business opportunity that is right for you is the most critical factor in any Internet business is you. As the owner you initiate everything. You create action. You stimulate response. You decide what happens, where it happens, when it happens and who makes it happen. That’s a lot of responsibility for one person! Patience: your most valuable asset. If I could manufacture it and sell it, I’d have one of the most valuable commodities in the world - if I didn’t use up the entire inventory myself! If you have ever operated a business, you will understand when I say you need bags and bags of patience. If you haven’t started a business and you are about to, be prepared for that “I want it to happen now!” frustration that comes from knowing that you won’t be able to fulfill that desire until time ticks by. Why is patience important? Internet Business is not as fast paced as you think or as you’ve been told! Persistence Never give up! There will be times during the management of your business that you hit walls. It might be that you are simply not getting any leads. If you ever listen to or read about some of the most successful entrepreneurs, you will hear amazing stories of hardship, multiple setbacks, nay-saying, putting down ideas and ultimately, triumph over adversity and business success. Outsource Skills and Build A System Don’t work alone typically; some humans are better at some things and not others. If you can’t do it, outsource! Stick to what work; stay focused! About half way through the first year I made a big mistake I started another business. As an entrepreneur this is perhaps one of the easiest traps to fall into because it feeds your desire to be creative and build something. Internet Business Plan Steps to success The web as a business environment is maturing and a lot of the systems required for success online are standardized. There are certain things you have to go through in order to establish an Internet business. The upside to this is that you don’t have to struggle on your own. Just follow in the footsteps of those who have come before you. Nuno Leitao http://buildingabrandonline.com/nunoleitao/ 3/22/2015

Tips for online business to get you rich

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This doc in an overview of several business models. I hope this can clarify a few misconception about being a "Work from Home Entrepreneur"

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Page 1: Tips for online business to get you rich

Tips for online business to get you rich! Make your first $1.000 – By Nuno Leitao Learn how to start your own Internet business

Introduction: True Lessons Learnt The purpose of this guide is to teach you some fundamental truths about building an Internet business and how it affects your life. I learnt many of these lessons – often the hard way - during the past years as I slowly built & managed my online business. Knowing, Caring and Profiting Choosing a business opportunity that is right for you is the most critical factor in any Internet business is you. As the owner you initiate everything. You create action. You stimulate response. You decide what happens, where it happens, when it happens and who makes it happen. That’s a lot of responsibility for one person! Patience: your most valuable asset. If I could manufacture it and sell it, I’d have one of the most valuable commodities in the world - if I didn’t use up the entire inventory myself! If you have ever operated a business, you will understand when I say you need bags and bags of patience. If you haven’t started a business and you are about to, be prepared for that “I want it to happen now!” frustration that comes from knowing that you won’t be able to fulfill that desire until time ticks by. Why is patience important? Internet Business is not as fast paced as you think or as you’ve been told! Persistence Never give up! There will be times during the management of your business that you hit walls. It might be that you are simply not getting any leads. If you ever listen to or read about some of the most successful entrepreneurs, you will hear amazing stories of hardship, multiple setbacks, nay-saying, putting down ideas and ultimately, triumph over adversity and business success. Outsource Skills and Build A System Don’t work alone typically; some humans are better at some things and not others. If you can’t do it, outsource! Stick to what work; stay focused! About half way through the first year I made a big mistake – I started another business. As an entrepreneur this is perhaps one of the easiest traps to fall into because it feeds your desire to be creative and build something. Internet Business Plan Steps to success The web as a business environment is maturing and a lot of the systems required for success online are standardized. There are certain things you have to go through in order to establish an Internet business. The upside to this is that you don’t have to struggle on your own. Just follow in the footsteps of those who have come before you.

Nuno Leitao http://buildingabrandonline.com/nunoleitao/


Page 2: Tips for online business to get you rich

Now let’s have a look at different business models:

Launching your traditional business: retail store.

You may believe you have a distinct concept that is different or better than

anything else out there, and you want to create your own business from the

bottom up.

Finding a Location

Although a great location may not guarantee success, a bad location will almost always

guarantee failure. A new retail business needs to be where the customers are. The best retail

location combines visibility, affordability and lease terms you can live with. Brick-and-mortar

retailers need to be where the action is, so deciding where to put your business is every bit

as important as the business you decide to go into.

Take the time to analyze the areas that appeal to you. There are three phases of choosing a

location for your retail business: selection of a city, choice of an area or type of location within

a city, and identification of a specific site.

Size of the city's trading area.

Population and population trends.

Total purchasing power and who has it.

Total retail trade potential for different lines of trade.

Number and size and nature of competition.

Quality and aggressiveness of competition.

Availability of access routes to the stores and parking.

Zoning regulations.

Geographic direction of the city's expansion.

General appearance of the area.

Sales and traffic growth prospects of the trade area.

Demographics of neighbourhoods.

Traffic flow.

Complementary nature of neighbouring stores.

Vulnerability to competition.

Cost of the site.


Page 3: Tips for online business to get you rich

Launching your Multi Level Marketing business.

Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is

compensated not only for sales they generate, but also for the sales of the other

salespeople that they recruit.

This recruited sales force is referred to as the participant's "downline", and can provide

multiple levels of compensation.

Most commonly, the salespeople are expected to sell products directly to consumers by

means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing. Companies that use MLM

models for compensation have been a frequent subject of criticism and lawsuits. Criticism

has focused on their similarity to illegal pyramid schemes, price fixing of products, initial entry

costs (for marketing kit and first products), emphasis on recruitment of others over actual

sales, encouraging if not requiring members to purchase and use the company's products,

exploitation of personal relationships as both sales and recruiting targets, complex and

exaggerated compensation schemes, the company and/or leading distributors making major

money off training events and materials, and cult-like techniques which some groups use to

enhance their members' enthusiasm and devotion.

Launching your Online business.

There are tons of companies and webmasters using affiliate programs to boost their

online sales, and most are free to join.

When you sign up for an affiliate program, an affiliate link with a unique affiliate ID will be

assigned to you. The affiliate link is used for marketing the products of your merchant. When

a visitor buys an item through your affiliate link, you earn affiliate commission. Starting an

affiliate marketing business is a great way to make extra cash!

Page 4: Tips for online business to get you rich

1 - Research affiliate programs.

Find out which products are most popular and what is its conversion rate. Visit the seller's

website to see whether their sales letters are enough to generate sales. A conversion rate of

5% is reasonably good. This means that for every 100 people landing on your merchant’s

website, 5 visitors will place an order.

2 - Join an affiliate program.

Choose a program that offers recurring commissions that compound each month as you refer

more customers.

3 - Promote an affiliate program through a website.

You will have more options in sending potential buyers to your affiliate programs if you create

a website to promote your affiliate programs. Visiting other professional websites of your

niche is a good way to get some ideas on how to design your website. Most good

programmes have it DONE FOR YOU!

4 - Make your website content relevant.

For example, if your affiliate sells e-books, you can write a review or make a YouTube video

for each e-book with an affiliate link to the sales website.

5 - Drive targeted traffic to your website.

To earn affiliate commission you need to drive targeted traffic to your website. The more

traffic your website gets, the more likely you’ll generate sales. There are several ways to

drive targeted traffic to your site in short period of time:

Pay-per-click (PPC) Advertising. You can get a lot of targeted traffic from PPC advertising


Article Marketing. Write an article related to your affiliate products with a link to your website

in the article’s resource box and submit it to credible article directories.

Post Messages on Forums. Post messages on community forums with a link to your site in

the signature of each message. Make sure your forum profile includes your website link

within the signature option. The more people trust you, the more likely they will click your link. Social media marketing. I advise not to do them all. Focus on the ones you are more

familiarised with.

Leverage you time, build a team: “I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than

100% of my own efforts.” (John D. Rockefeller)

Page 5: Tips for online business to get you rich


What can you expect when working with me? After several years working online I developed the skills, knowledge and tools needed to be successful.

But success for me has to include my team. I will share with my team members all of those, for free. You can expect support, commitment, reliability, resources and availability. Did you know that 99% of people who try to make money online fail to even get cash from working online from home and the remaining 1% get $10.000 to $100.000 and more every month easily, over and over again? People who are getting that right now are no different from you!

Their level of education doesn't matter...

They're not corporate marketing pros...

They're all different genders, races, and ages...

They're not geeky computer masters...

For more information visit: http://buildingabrandonline.com/nunoleitao/ Copyright © Nuno Leitao. No part of this web site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Nuno Leitao. The views expressed on this report are of those of Nuno Leitao.

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CO7 0JD United Kingdom

Skype: anunoleitao Phone: +44 7532 072 650

Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nuno.leitao.7 http://buildingabrandonline.com/nunoleitao/