Contemporary Writing / Analytical Expository writing. This is not a PERSUASIVE ESSAY. Here you need to analyse your prompt to see what issues on Justice it [the prompt] addresses and explore these ideas and draw conclusions from your analysis which are then proved with examples from the text. I have tried to put this in sequence so you can see step by step how to analyse. 1. Break down the key /content words Justice cannot prevail if the humanity of each individual is not acknowledged. 2. Define them for better understanding Prevail triumph Humanity humanness acknowledged. recognized 3. Look at the relationship of the words in the statement to get an overall understanding So justice cannot triumph if the human state, that naturally provides rights to the individual, is not recognized. 4. Now ask yourself what are these rights. The right to make choices The right to be treated fairly regardless of race , creed, colour or gender The right to be protected did laws of the land offer protection to all against harm 5. Now look at these and match them to the texts by asking the following questions Were people allowed to make choices for themselves or were they being dictated to? o KR Tailban enforced religious based rules and regulations o RPF aborigine children forced into institutions to learn white languge, culture and religion. Were people being treated fairly, regardless of race, creed, colour or gender? o KR Pashtuns and Hazaras o HTS young girls trafficked into prostitution because they are vulnerable. o 42 Negros/ Afro Americans not allowed to play baseball in white major leagues Did laws of the land offer protection to all against harm

TIPS Contemporary Writing Analytical Expository Writing

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  • Contemporary Writing / Analytical Expository writing.

    This is not a PERSUASIVE ESSAY.

    Here you need to analyse your prompt to see what issues on Justice it [the prompt] addresses and

    explore these ideas and draw conclusions from your analysis which are then proved with examples

    from the text. I have tried to put this in sequence so you can see step by step how to analyse.

    1. Break down the key /content words

    J u s tice can n ot p reva il if th e h u m a n ity of ea ch in dividu a l is n ot a ckn owledged .

    2. Define them for better understanding

    Preva il t r iu m ph

    Hu m a n ity h u m a n n ess

    a ckn owledged . recogn ized

    3. Look at the relationship of the words in the statement to get an overall understanding

    So ju s tice ca n n ot t r iu m ph if th e h u m a n s ta te , th a t n a tu ra lly p rovides r igh ts to th e

    in dividu a l, is n ot recogn ized .

    4. Now ask yourself what are these rights.

    Th e r igh t to m a ke ch oices

    Th e r igh t to be t rea ted fa ir ly rega rd les s of ra ce , creed , colou r or gen der

    Th e r igh t to be p rotected d id la ws of th e lan d offer p rotection to a ll a ga in s t

    h a rm

    5. Now look at these and match them to the texts by asking the following questions

    Were people a llowed to m a ke ch oices for th em s elves or were th ey bein g

    d icta ted to?

    o KR Ta ilba n en forced religiou s ba s ed ru les an d regu la t ion s

    o RPF a borigin e ch ild ren forced in to in s t itu t ion s to lea rn wh ite

    la n gu ge, cu ltu re a n d religion .

    Were people bein g t rea ted fa ir ly, rega rdles s of ra ce, creed , colou r or gen der?

    o KR Pa s h tu n s a n d Ha za ra s

    o HTS you n g gir ls t ra fficked in to p ros t itu tion beca u se th ey a re

    vu ln era b le.

    o 42 Negros / Afro Am erica n s n ot a llowed to p la y ba s eba ll in wh ite

    m a jor lea gu es

    Did la ws of th e la n d offer p rotect ion to a ll a ga in s t h a rm

  • o HTS law a ga in s t h on ou r k illin g Du a k illed bu t a u th orit ies do

    n oth in g to s top it .

    o RPF Ma vis s tu ck in a p la ce wh ere sh e is bein g a bu sed la ws

    a ga in s t ra pe bu t n o on e to be on h er s ide to en force th em

    o 42 la ws u s ed to s egrega te b lacks u s e of fa cilit ies

    [What I have given here are some of the possibilities, there are many more rights and examples that

    may be looked at.

    6. Looking at all these now formulate the TS with the PD.

    7. Use of key words when you are writing.

    Ju s tice cannot prevail if the hu manity of each individu al is not acknowledged

    firs tly, in their right to make choices for thems elves , s econdly, in their right to be

    treated fairly and las t bu t not leas t in their right to be protected by the law of the


    8. Now write the introduction by first explaining what you understand by the concept of justice

    and how it links to our humanness. Explain why this humanness of the individual needs to be

    recognized if justice is to triumph. From bring in the TS and PD to conclude your discussion.

    9. Now use the first point in your PD th eir r igh t to m a ke ch oices for th em s elves

    Explore the idea of where this right comes from and why it is an injustice when this right is

    taken away

    a. Explain your understanding

    b. How it works

    c. Explain this idea by using the example from the text

    10. Do the same with the second and third points in the PD.

    11. Last paragraph is your conclusion

    Our differences matter but our common humanity matters more.

    Bill Clinton