Tinh Toan Bu Long

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  • 8/13/2019 Tinh Toan Bu Long


    Prestressed bolt connection

    i #VALUE!

    ii Thng tin d n thit k

    ? D li " $%o

    &'( Lc tc d)ng l*n +,i gh-./ cc "i0 kin t1nh ton c2 b3n

    1.1 n v tnh ton

    1.2 4i0 kin t3i tr5ng/ ki6 l7. gh-.

    1.3 Thit k mi ghp !u "#ng

    1.$ T%i tr&ng tc '(ng ")n mi ghp !u "#ng

    1.* +i,u t%i tr&ng

    1.- T3i tr5ng tc d)ng l*n +,i gh-.

    1. /0c '&c tr(c "n nht $$$.22

    1. /0c '&c tr(c nh4 nht 5.55

    1.6 /0c vu#ng g7c tr(c !u "#ng 5.55

    8'( 9c thng s, l%+ $ic $% l7. gh-. c:; +,i gh-.

    2.1 8e9ire' coefficient of tightne99 :pre9tre99ing; of the connection 1.555

    2.2 8e9ire' 9afet< again9t 9i'e 9hift 1.*55

    2.3 8e9ire' 9afet< of the !o"t at the een he connecte' 9urface9 5.255

    2. ?on9i'er a''itona" !en'ing 9tre99e9

    2. 8eviation of perpen'icu"arit< of the !o"t hea' 9eating 9urface 5.155

    2.6 ?on9i'er effect9 of operationa" temperature to connection pre9tre99ing

    2.15 @perationa" 'eviation of !o"t temperature 3.6

    2.11 @perationa" 'eviation of part9 temperature *5.5

    2.12 ?on9i'er re'uction of mounting pre9tre99ing u9ing 'eformation of the joint

    2.13 A"a9tic pernament 'eformation :9ett"ement; of the connection 5.125


  • 8/13/2019 Tinh Toan Bu Long


    2.1 P;r;+eters o= connecion e>.osed to dn;+ic @=;tige lo;ding

    2.16 Threa' 'e9ign

    2.25 8e9ire' 9ervice "ife of the connection in thou9an'9 of c

  • 8/13/2019 Tinh Toan Bu Long


    $.1- Thit k hnh dMng c:; Klng

    $.1 /oXi Su"#ng

    $.1 G !u"#ng i

    $.16 THng chiu 'Ui cc tm ghp / 11$.3

    $.25 G Su"#ng 1 2 3 $ * -

    $.21 ?hiu 'Ui 11$.355 5.555 5.555 5.555 5.555 5.555

    $.22 EYng knh 12.*63 5.555 5.555 5.555 5.555 5.555

    $.23 Nnh dMng +,i gh-.

    $.2$ Thit k ! m]t Dnh v !)n 'Ei D^u !u"#ng :Dai c;

    $.2* EYng knh "_ 8 1*.555

    $.2- EYng knh ngoUi cJa ! m]t Dnh v 21.555

    $.2 EYng knh trong cJa ! m]t Dnh v 1*.555

    Ot 3

    Q'( Rng lc/ "i0 kin t3i tr5ng $% bi6 "S l%+ $ic c:; +,i gh-.

    '( Oi6+ tr; b0n +,i gh-.-.1 Oi6+ tr; b0n t3i tr5ng tnh c:; +,i gh-. Klng

    -.2 `ng 9ut ko 9inh ra tr)n thn !u"#ng khi chu t%i tr&ng "n nht -.-1

    -.3 Ooment Bobn 9inh ra tr)n thn Su"#ng 'o moment Bit 26.*-

    -.$ `ng 9ut un 5.55

    -.* `ng 9ut tEng DEng tr)n thn Su"#ng 62.1*

    -.- Wii hXn ch%< cJa thn Su"#ng 165

    -. N 9 an toUn tXi Di,m ngu< hi,m n 2.5-

    -. Oi6+ tr; . lc tMi b0 +t c, "Wnh " blng

    -.6 p "0c 9inh ra tr)n D^u !u"#ng :ai c; p *2.$$

    -.15 p "0c cho php tc '(ng ")n !i)n cJa tm ghp 215

    -.11 Oi6+ tr; b0n t3i tr5ng "Gng c:; +,i gh-. Klng-.12 /0c '&c trung ![nh cJa chu kd 1.$*

    -.13 Si)n D cJa chu kd "0c trung ![nh 16.$*

    -.1$ `ng 9ut chu kd trung ![nh tr)n thn !u"#ng *.5-

    -.1* Si)n D cJa chu kd ng 9ut tr)n thn !u"#ng 1.**

    -.1- Wii hXn m4i ko c 9 cJa vMt "iNu ch tXo !u"#ng 1-*

    -.1 Wii hXn m4i ko cJa !u"#ng L\/PK

    -.1 Wii hXn m4i ko trong thYi gian "Um viNc gii hXn L\/PK

    -.16 `ng 9ut m4i "n nht tr)n !u"#ng 'o t%i tr&ng g< ra #VALUE!

    -.25 N 9 an toUn Dng 'o "0c ko #VALUE!








    ST?a"cu"ationSTe"pSTsegi9trationG?a"cu"ationGTa!"e9GOateria"G@ption9G8ictionarare i9 not in9ta""e' Goft>are nen nain9ta"ovn?ontact informationl +ontaktn informacel

    Wraphica" outputWraphica" outputw ?\8 9i nen 9putn. ?hcete u"oit vkre9 'o 9ou!or=i"e Gou!oreBi9t. @ver>rite it ji eBi9tuje. ?hcete jej pep9at

    ?a"cu"ation >ithout error9. Lpoet !e chith "aminar graphite /itina 9 "upnkovm grafitem?a9t iron >ith 9pherica" graphite Tvrn "itina\"uminium a""o< "inkov 9"itinaSo"t9 materia" Oateri"< rou!Gtrength c"a99 of !o"t9 !< l Aevno9tn t'< rou! po'"e lOateria" of jointe' part9 Oateri"< 9pojovanch 9t Oateria"9 !< 9tan'ar' l Oateri"< po'"e norm< lAoi99on9 ratio Aoi99onovo 9"o

    Oo'u"u9 of e"a9ticit< in ten9ion Oo'u" pruno9ti v tahueat eBpan9ion coefficient Gouinite" tepe"n rotano9ti8en9it< u9totaie"' 9trength !< min. !o"t 'iameter Oe k"uu '"e min. prmru rou!uP"timate ten9i"e 9trength !< min. !o"t 'iametOe pevno9ti v tahu '"e min. prmru rou!P"timate ten9i"e 9trength Oe pevno9ti v tahuie"' 9trength Oe k"uuAermitte' pre99ure un'er !o"t hea' 8ovo"en t"ak po' h"avou rou!u

    ?opork!ook i9 cop

  • 8/13/2019 Tinh Toan Bu Long


    Oateria" tith nut S ... vrtn rou! 9 matic \ ... Through!o"t >ith hea' an' nut \ ... Archo rou! 9 h"avou a maticS ... Through!o"t >ith nut9 on !oth en'9 S ... Archo rou! 9 matic na o!ou koncch\ ... A"ate \ ... 8e9kaS ... ?ith groove L"cov h"ava 9 'rkoua"f roun' hea' >ith groove A"ku"ov h"ava 9 'rkoueBagona" nut e9tihrann matice/o> heBagona" nut e9tihrann matice nkOe99age9 9pecia" for ca"cu"ationSo"t 'e9ign Qvrh rou!u\utomatic !o"t 'e9ign \utomaick nvrh rou!uAre9tre99e' !o"t connection Ae'epjat rou!ov 9poj8e9ign Qvrh

    Input 9ection +apito"a v9tupnch parametrse9u"t9 9ection +apito"a v9"e'k/oa'ing of the connectionw !a9ic parameter9 aten 9pojew k"a'n parametr< vpotu.8e9ignw 'imen9ion9 an' materia" of connect Arove'enw romr< a materi" 9pojovanch 8e9ign of connecting !o"t. Qvrh 9pojovacho rou!u.Are9tre99ingw force con'ition9 an' operation Ae'ptw 9i"ov pomr< a pracovn 'iagramGtrength check9 of the connection. Aevno9tn kontro"< 9poje.?oefficient of imp"ementation of the operatio=aktor ave'en provon 9"

  • 8/13/2019 Tinh Toan Bu Long


    8i9tance of the point of action of the force fr L'"eno9t p 9o!it provon 9"< o' h"avin'e

    un!egrente Gtan'eitGech9kantkopfurf'er automati9che Gchrau!enent>urfGchrau!ver!in'ung mit Lor9pannkraftKnt>urf

    +apite" 'er Kingang9parameterKrge!ni9kapite"Ler!in'ung9!e"a9tungw grun'"egen'e Serechnung9parameter\u9fhrungw Oae un' xerk9toff 'er Ler!in'ung9tei"eKnt>urf 'er Ler!in'ung99chrau!eLor9pannkraftw +raftu9tan' un' \r!eit9'iagram 'er Ler!in'ung=e9tigkeit9kontro""en 'er Ler!in'ungKinfhrung9faktor 'er Setrie!9kraft

  • 8/13/2019 Tinh Toan Bu Long


    Kntfernung 'e9 \ngriffpunkte9 'er +raft vom Gchrau!enkopfKntfernung 'e9 \ngriffpunkte9 'er +raft von 'er OutterSetrie!9 un' Oontageparameter 'er Ler!in'ungWe9amthhe 'er einge9pannten Tei"eSerechnung9einheitenLer"angte Gicherheit 'er Gchrau!e an 'er 8ehngrene

    'ie u9t"ichen Siege9pannungen in Setracht iehen'en Kinf"u99 'er Setrie!9temperatur auf Lor9pannung in Setracht iehenLermin'erung 'er Lor9pannkraft 'urch 8eformation in Setracht iehen'er Se"a9tung9mo'u9w 'er Ler!in'ung9tink"igkeit 'er Gchrau!enkopf9itf"cheSetrie!9n'erung 'er Gchrau!entemperaturSetrie!9n'erung 'er Temperatur 'er ver!un'enen Tei"e'auerhafte p"a9ti9che 8eformation :Getung; 'er Ler!in'ungAarameter 'er 'in'e'urchme99erGchrau!en>erk9toff=e9tigkeit9k"a99e 'er Gchrau!eK"a9tiitt9mo'u"ugfe9tigkeit9grene8ehngrenexrme'ehnung9ah"8ichteWe>in'eparameterWe>in'eartWe>in'egre\uen'urchme99er 'e9 We>in'e9 'er Gchrau!e

    We>in'etei"ungGchrau!enkern'urchme99ermitt"erer 8urchme99er 'e9 Gchrau!enge>in'e9Gchrau!enau9"egung un' Gchrau!engeometrieGchrau!ent

  • 8/13/2019 Tinh Toan Bu Long


    \!9chnitt"nge8urchme99erLer!in'ung9geometrie\u9"egung 'er \uf9itf"chen unter 'em Gchrau!enkopfSohrung9'urchme99er fr 'ie Ler!in'ung99chrau!e\uen'urchme99er 'er \uf"agef"che :Serhrung9f"che;

    Innen'urchme99er 'er \uf"agef"che :Serhrung9f"che;Qeigung9>inke" 'er +ege"9itf"che\!run'ung9ha"!me99er 'er +uge"9itf"chever"angte '

  • 8/13/2019 Tinh Toan Bu Long


    =e9tigkeit9kontro""e 'er 'erk9toffe9

    korrigierte 8auerfe9tigkeit 'er gege!enen Gchrau!e8auerfe9tigkeit !ei !egrenter Gtan'eitOaB. erm'ung9grene 'er Gchrau!e fr gege!enen Se"a9tung8

  • 8/13/2019 Tinh Toan Bu Long


    Q/ Q@ A/ AT sP G+ G/ GL Ts G

  • 8/13/2019 Tinh Toan Bu Long


  • 8/13/2019 Tinh Toan Bu Long


  • 8/13/2019 Tinh Toan Bu Long


  • 8/13/2019 Tinh Toan Bu Long


  • 8/13/2019 Tinh Toan Bu Long
