KAUFMANN STORE Kaufmann & Company 4th and Broad Sts. Richmond, Va. SATimiJAY. APRIL. 4, 1014. 'To speak truly of the store ami its merchandise" is the rule, cj our publicity. .*11 of flie nrtlclri» o/Terr«l to-ilny will lie f tin ixl on the .Mil In I'loor. Any of thrill limy be ordered liy in ii 11 or over (lie telephone. We will exerelse Hie nninr rare In lunk- Inn wrleel Ion* for you n* If yon eame yournelf to the nlore. 'I he telephone number In .MuiIInoii 1IW. Women's Easter Gloves We arc gradually building , a reputation for high quality Gloves. It has taken us years to find just those marks that give uniform satisfaction. We have tried to specialize in a Glove mod¬ erately priced, but of excel¬ lent style, material and fin¬ ish. Here arc some of the most serviceable every-day Gloves that you can find anywhere. They are all priced at $1.00 the pair. A Doeskin Glove made by Ireland llros., with one c lasp of horn (i ml three rows Ktilclicd f»n the hack. This Glove is washable, unci in¬ cluded in each pah* you will find full directions from tlio manufacturer how best to wash them and keep them soft. They coine in while, which is preferred this sea¬ son; and also in the natural color, that some women in- sl.st upon. Here it> a Kid Glove that we know, after investiga¬ tion, cannot be equalled any¬ where else at its price of $i.oo. It is manufactured by Claude H. Evans & Co., which is a guarantee of sat¬ isfaction in itself. The < hern Kid (iiov* has two-boned rhisps and I'aris point. or wiil«« rmhroldery in contrasting colors on hack. Thta glove toiiif-s in white, tan, or black. Did you ever realize how beautiful a Silk Glove could look? VVc have some Kay- ser's Silk Gloves that will fit your hand with grace and shapeliness. They will be just what you will require to set off your Easter dress. Itayscr Hllk Glove, with I wo clasps and tho patented ivayser double finger-tip, in blark, white and coIoth. '1 ticse gloves "it) guaranteed by the manufacturer, and should the fingers wear out before the rest of the glove, we will take plensurtj in ex¬ changing them for you. We have priced them at I .<>«> a pair. Easter Ribbons When Dame Fashion de¬ crees the use of ribbons as she has this year, it is diffi¬ cult to secure as large an assortment of shades and materials as we are at pres¬ ent showing. Ribbons are being used more this year in the trimming of hats than ever before, and ribbon gir¬ dles have found great favor with stylish women every¬ where. The Roman Ribbon Sash This Sash requires three and one-half yards of Ro¬ man ribbons, which is par¬ ticularly fa¬ vored by fash¬ ion. Our as¬ sortment of Roman rib¬ bons is com¬ plete, and gives you a wide range to seelct from. A sash like this added to any dress you have will bring it right into the height of the prevailing mode. We have specially priced some of the many styles of Roman striped ribbons that are suitable for the sash de¬ scribed. Unman Striped Kihhon of excellent quality; S inches wide; in green, black, yellow mid purple ^tripes. $1.18 a yard. Xiur-iuch (toman Striped Kihhon iu the most exquisite color combinations of Itron/.e, navy blue and cadet blue centres and striped border at. .S 1.5)8 a yard. Melrose, Purple, Green and Yellow Striped Roman Kihhon. 7inches wide, at 8!)r. SOCIAL sumdl PERSONAL VV .vr~> <zx: zzz.'O The entire lower floor of tlu: Gov¬ ernor's Mansion was transformed into a "forest primeval" la«t evening for the fourth and la.^t of a aciies of bill- llant dances plvcn thern by th« Gov¬ ernor anil Mr?, Henry C .Stuart. The vails and celling of earh room were rlraped nnrl curtained in Southern Rolls IK at" Hit The Spot-1 ^///////X2^/^71V\\\W^ | When You 1 ^ Seek for | I Tempting | | Eatings | g Come to Bromm's. Dc- $ § licious Pics, Cakes and w Pastries of all kinds that 9 fj fairly melt in your mouth. ^ Ever tried a Bromm & ^ Apple Pie? & Order some for Satur- & [| day and Sunday. 8 ^ $ The apples come from $ ^ the orchards of old Albe- ^ b marie. & ioc, 15c and 25c, L. Bromm | Baking Co. ' 'j, 51(1 E. Mnrslinil Street, s § 501 W. Broad Street. moas, in the midst of which were li'jnj. r: gi5 of minting birds and nay - colored parrots The moss hunt; down iri Iotil', shadr.w> vine*, and v.;.< rludded ev.-ry\\ he, e w:.h t-ilips of the mo-i delie. if- rose tint. In the main hi>. 11. n!.(:r>' Governor and .Mis. S'.uari re«'«lved the ! ;>U invited guests. gie.it hlands of Kit titer i:lief were arranged between hay trees and paims, and the receiving party stood before a tret- trunk with long bearded vines of the gra> moss drtiplng Its bran- lie*, ami f|U:intil ii.-a of pale, pink tulips an<J one great bouquet of blue h>dran^eud completing the whole effect It was like a scene from Longfellow's "Kvan- gelinc," and .Mrs Stuart's quaint costume carried out t>i.- poetic scheme of the whole wonderful ami picturesque decoration. Her gown was copied from an old print and fashioned of gray chiffon and < ream-colored taflota with a belt of blue ribbon, finished with a single blue rose. The bodice was embroidered In beads, and there was more embroidery on the skirt, which was made In puffs arid caught tip with loops of blue ribbon. In the long drawing-room the main features of the decorations were the great masses of Calla lilies and tulips that were arranged in large, green plush frames to represent paintings. The whole room was trelised In pink tulips and Southern moss, and the pil¬ lars were encased in baric and moss and decorated with pink, blossoms. Ltoth mantels were ai ranged with pink azaleas and ageratum on the coiners, coming to a central arrange¬ ment of ari electric lamp, shaded in tulips anil banked in ferns. The hearths were arranged with ferns an 1 pink hyacinths. The lllue itooin was uono in K as tor lilies and pink hy¬ drangeas, and there were lots of pink snapdragons !r. the front hall. The library was decorated In pink roses and curtained in asparagus fern. In the dining-room the. table was set with three liuiro electric lamps with shades of pink tulips, and bases ar¬ ranged with the same llowers ,nnd four sliver vases of pink roses. The walls were draped in asparagus fern. Interspersed with pink roses, and the mantel was arranged with pink azaleas and rare ferns. It was a real woods' party with a riotous garden of exquisite llowers and singing birds and music and bright gowns, and by far the most elaborate function that has ever boon given In Richmond. The series of decorations, which were planned especially In honor of the Governor's lady, reached a snlendld climax In the affair last nicht. The lavish and magnificent use of beautiful (lowers and rare and won¬ derful backgrounds have formed a very attractive feature of the Stuart's entertaining nnd Invitations to their functions are eagerly sought. it the flubs, Thero will be mu*lc and dancing on the roof garden of tho Westmoreland Club this evening from 8:30 to 1:30 o'clock, to which members of the club, their families and guests are Invited. These weekly dances at the club are very Interesting affalrn, and are large¬ ly attended. The usual dances at the Country Club nnd the Hermitage will also take place this afternoon and evening, Mri. White's I.unehcon. Mrs. William It. White has issued cards for a luncheon to be given at her homo. 806 West Franklin Struct, on Wednesday, April 15. It will be a buffet ulTuir, and tho i;uestH uro In- vlUil for 1 and 2 o'clock. Supper-Ilnncc nt the JefYrrnun. Tho second suppor-dancc given at tho Jefferson 1 lot«.! under the dlreetion of Mrs. Mary Pniv tlronor nnd Mrs. It. XV. Ha H'kPKWiirlli, which took place there I ant oVenlng wan a huge auccess. The dance was held In tho dlnlng- loom of the hotel, and the eafe-ar- rangetncnt of tho tables, against the handsome hiiDKliiRH and draperies of the room, made an Ideal netting for the brilliant kowhk worn by tho worn- en In attendance. It was a very nmnrt affair and th>* decorations cvrvwhore were In franrant spring flowera and bay trees. Again the wonderful music of Europe's orclieMtl a enchanted the dancers', and the number# wen encored most enthusiastically. The exhibition dances, which a ere the chler fea¬ ture ot tin- tvi»nir:n, were fiidorert by Miss Donna Haiti njid PoukIus I.nek". nirst. I Sot h da ne» charmingly with a grin e and exquisite rh>'tii:u, which !'i truly wonderful, and thev were ap- piauded attain and .-(^.-ilii homo of those who entertained large parties of euests l ist evening I were: Mr. and Mrs Jonathan Hi van. Mr. and Mrs «.'Iar«nc< Millhiser. Messrs Prank Bruce, William Jer- fress, W. K. Johnson, Milton .\l:trcune, Porrest Hose, J \\- Ar.dersoj! and olh«*r.H. 1 h#> ''tlio dnnfant" uruler tho sani'! direction will be 1 ,1,1 nt the Jefrermn from 4 to 7 o'clock thi;; afternoon, :md a great many tallies have been re- rervej in advance f»,r the event. Mls« Ha In nnd Mr. I.urkhiirst will danee agnln this afternoon. atid there will lie n content dance with prizes for tho 1 best couple dancing. Miss Main nnd Mr T.ii'J;|ni» st will dance the "half In half." wlikh I - the latest dance orltrl- nated by the C:c;' l<"i. this afternoon to spec I ;«i music written hv Europe in five-fourth time. Inventions (Int. Mr. and Mrs William Ppshur Ken- nnn. of "Norwood." Powhatan County, have sent out Invitation? for the mar¬ riage of their daughter, Bosste Over- Ion. to TV. Harold Jnrr.e*' Oibhy. ceremony to tak« place on Wednesday I "vrinr, April lr. at o'clock In St Stephen's Kplsc 1 Chureb. it West- iiarnpton A reeeption at the Oountr' Club will follow the ceremony, to j whb h o r* 1 * Die family nnd a few inti¬ mate friends will be Invited, fir rjjhby !' n >1 his bride -.til reside i:i Pittrton, I'.i after May 1' Pnnnnnt nt Ilnrrlson Hull. i The \T,unirer Sf>c'.« t\- se» will be out In full force t ? * afternoon fit t.-.'O o'clock to r>ttev! the dansant riven bv Miss 1*1 n 1: Pollard in Harrison H I1 It will be a v.«ry attractive n»;<l novM affair, and there i< to be a contest dance with aw aril" t"r the hc«.-» <'....- lntr. The patronesses for the affair Include Mesdamos i'br<tu:e Mlllhl«er. Tl. .1 Whlttet. t'ullen Pit*, .lames <*ar- r ! |*v;|)i ( ¦» fI I I'. W Tabb. 1' I> c-Tlton. T 1' 1'ell. H. J. N'uckoW i" n. I.acklnnd. ,H»»epli 1' Br.i'v. H U. l'ollf>rd. Krnesi J T. HiV. W Stephens. C. <' Walton, \rthur pon. K. 1* Hout-'1 l.erov < n \V S Hronson. J. H Spi. or. IT. C Ho> V.en. 1. s:. Reynolds. K Wnddev. S T' Waf . Mil. He-nard <*.ue^t, 1w M:-r>h*>P ! Meade Splcer. II C. P-eat'le. P T. Ho- den N 1. Mas?ey, Vat Eastwood and KrATit; IIoHvvoo'1. T)iO 1 \l(1 p^^ for tho rontpst aro r. «trwa>t tl'inie, Mi""- Virrlnia f'bes- terrnan. M".j: rs. Anton Adams. Max- wel] v.'nddev and ltavniond Massey \ nirif-llru llnrTroiid. Card« have been Issued bv Mr and M> s rharle- Wbitlock Hnrword an- nounclr.r the approa-himr martini.* «.. their dautrht-r. Marie Louise, to John ^nthonv A turu?tlr«.e. Jr . the ccrctnon tr. take place ori Tuesday . venlni' nt k o-.-loek April 21. at the home o. the ..ride's parents. : "2 North I.ombard> Pi-eet. A reception will follow tha cirer^ny. i'otiimiPormeil. \ meetinjr w-ns h"ld on rhurs .a .fterroon <-f the volunteers Ilt the tea rent room for bus.: .rills maintineil by the ^ « A. it 13C1 East Mr. In Street. It was d. elded at till i m -'-'Ing to !orm i permanent subrominlttee to be ca led the "Heat l'.oom Chapter." and the following ollicers were elected: Mr.- j J. Heck, president; Mrs. Carrie Johnson, vice-president, and Ml&a "sther Bennett, secretary. Miirriufre \niiotineeil. Mr.- W H. Wilson, <?f Burkeville, an¬ no;) lives the tnarriafTO of her son, Pu- «. n- lrvln Wlllson. to Miss Susie May Perdue, of Petersburg The )>rlile is a daughter of the late Joseph Perdue, of Dinwiddle County, and. following a honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will reside lli IPirk<¦ \ ille. In nnd Out of Town. Mrs. Sam T Morgan and Mrs. Hob- If = ^ ^ % (1 Ksuilsm^s^ \v /> rm»i iv^ Saturday in the Men s Section Represents a Day oj Unusual Value Giving FOR INSTANCE Moil's $1.25 and $1.5') Soft Madras Shirts, with soft turn-over French cull's. Saturday frencn cutis. Saturday ^7(1^ sale price I i/t/ Men's 25c French Madras Ini¬ tial Handkerchiefs, fancy plaid effect. Special, 3 for, OUC Men's 4-ply Hand-Made Collars, in the wanted styles; 12 Vic value. Six to a ho.\, for Rest Lisle Web Suspenders, with calfskin ends; 50c value «d«3C Men's fiOc Fancy Uantl ty f and Shield Tecks. Sale price Men's $1.60 White Madras Pit- jnxnas. trimmed with (T»-« /\p silk froRs. Special.... tpAsi/o/ $1.25 White Cambric Pa- nn jatnns. Sale price OtJC . V .J Easter Flowers "o/ Guaranteed Freshness" Tel. Mad. 6.}0, 109 K. Broad St., Richmond, Vo. Richmond Girls Who Will Be Miss WillarcTs Bridesmaids >liw \ IIK.IMA rilUISTIA.V. ert G. Cabell have returned to the city, ! after a short stay in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dttbnck and tb«-ir t'.vo children, of Milwaukee, arc spending some time with the Misses Vaden at "Buck Hill." Miss Maud Atnslle lias returned from board In*-: school In Birmingham, Pa., to spend tli" Easter holidays. Mrs. Duncan Smith and her sister, Mi's Laura Nelson, left tills week for New York City. Mrs. II. II. Brlstow and her chll-I dren have returned to Tappnlmnnuck, jft'.r a visit to Richmond. Mrr Nelson Steele, of the Chester¬ field, is spending some time in Now York. C. II. Sintor., of Newport News, is spending several days as tile guest, of friends in this city. Miss Lula Oilkeson, of Wayneseboro, arrived in Richmond this week to spend some time. Mrs. Cornelius Bull, of Norfolk. Is i>»< guest of friends in this city for a short stay. Mrs. C. D Snead, who has been vis¬ iting her mothet, Mrs. Linthlcum, In Fredericksburg, returned to the city on Thursday, accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Pulton. Charles Henkel, who has been spending a week in Waynesboro, has returned to Richmond. The Rev. Ritchie Ware, of Lynch¬ burg. Is in Richmond for a stay of several days. Mr. and Mrs. O IC. Klise, of Waynes¬ boro, are spending a few days with friends in tms city. Will to.Ho imt on. [Special to The T -i es-Dispatch.1 Lexington, Va., April 3.A pretty Inline \\*. «11ii11wr.s solemnized vester- day evening at .> o'clock at "Clifton." the home Major l-'inley Wlllson Houston, near Lexington. when his youngest daughter, Miss Mary Alex- J an<ler Housti n, was married to Amcr- icus Frederic White, of Donora, I'a. The officiating minister was Dr. Alfred |T. Graham. the bride's pastor. Miss Kvelyn Nel-son presided at the piano, K W. Buckingham accompanied on tin? I violin. ) T!u* bride entered the . .: lor with her father, who trave her ".'.rriage. She Was attendee by .Miss :;ie Har- man. of "The < >aks," near Le.\i; .. ton, as maid of honor 1'owell (Jlass, of Lynchburg. was Mr. White's best man. A reception followed the marriage, after which Mr and Mrs White left for New York, whence they will sail for the Bermuda Islands and other places of interest. They will be s.way ci'Vi'ral weeks. On their return they will live at Donora, l'a. The guests from a distance Included Mrs. W. 15. Douglas, of Columbia, S. C.; Heald Ale- uulcr. of Went Held, N .1.; Dr. and Mrs. K. l». I'arsons. of) Nelson County, Va.; C'.<oirp Chanly, of Roanoke, Va.. Mis.s Anne Parsons and 1'owe II Glass, of Lynch burs, Va. Clirili Are Issued. (Special to The Times-Dispatch. 1 La wrenceville, Va., April 3..Cards have iieen Issued announcing the en- gagement and approaching ma/riago of Mis.s Lucy Kll/.aheth Robinson, of I'ortsnioutb, Va., to .lames W. DeVaney,' of Lawrcnceville. The ceremony will be performed at the bride's home In i'ortsinouth on Wednesday, April 15. , * Moger.A iirney. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Lynchburg, Va., April ;i..At the home of Mr. and Mrs. K B. Varney here yesterday afternoon at f o'clock their daughter. Miss C.lenna M. Varney, was married to Robert L. Moger, a mer- chant of Kcllpsc, the ceremony being performed by Rev. W. 1' Rage, pastor of Kranklln Street Baptist Church. Miss Minnie Moger, a sister of the groom, was the maid of honor, and J. 1>. KIvoh, of Lyncbliurg, was tbo beat iniwt. After a trip to Norfolk the couple will go to Kellp.sc to live. Among the out-of-town guests were Miss Minnie Moger and Mrs. 1) W. Adams, of Kclipse; Mrs. W. R. Board- man, Mrs. J. L. I.aw and John IS. Doss, of UJanoke. IloeUmnn.Wilcox. [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] Winchester, Va., April 3..Standing on a bridge spanning an outlet of Rouwh Spring, from which Winchester obtains its water supply, William A. ITcckman. twice widower, of Barton- vllb, x»nd Mrs Gertrude I'. Wilcox, handsome young widow, of Wnrranton, Vera married yesterday by Itev. Roy Schtnucker, of Downavllle, Md. MISS GAY MONTAGUE. I , Photos by Foster. Two beautiful Southern girls. Miss Virginia Christian and Miss Gay lion- tague, both of Richmond, have been chosen as bridesmaids l>y Mlsn Hello i Wyntt Wlllard, who will be* married to Kermlt Koosovelt, In Madrid. Spain, ! some time this r.pring. The engagement of Miss Wlllard, daughter of Joseph K. Wlllard. Amer¬ ican ambassador to Spain, was an- nounccd to friends In this country early In January. Kormlt Roosevelt In expected to come out of the South American wlhls, where he has been with ills father, In a short tlmo. Charles Weeks, town clerk of Oy- nter Bay, N. Y., yesterday sent the birth certlftciito of Kermlt ltoosovelt to Madrid. Tho Spanish law makes It necessary for foreigners to prove their ages before they can contract a mar- rlago. The certificate reads that Ker- mlt was born October 10, 1S89. Engagement Announced. [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] Fredericksburg. Va., April .1..The I engagement is announced of Miss Mar¬ garet A. Pollock, daughter of Mrs. Kh- tcllo and the late Captain John G. Pol- I lock, of King George County, to Frank Schwarzschlld Itrothers, For the Bride's Gift You will wish to select something nb* tractive niul In good taste. Tho namo of SchwarzsehlM stands for quality, excellence and distinction In merchandise. It Is upon the qual¬ ity and general beauty of Its wares that our reputation and pro-euilnenco is built. Inspection and comparison Is in* vited Schwarzschild Brothers Hichniond's Leading Jewelers, Second and Hroad Stu. Taylor, of Spring Hill, the same coun- i The wedding will l>e solemnised at t. John's Kpl.scopal Church at Kins? George (Courthouse on April Vj. TO CREATE NATIONAL PARK Tentative PIdiin Will Mo Cmiililrred al Mct-tiiiK ¦>> W usIiliiKton. [Special to The Times 1'dspatch.] Washington, April 3..Tentatlvo plans have been made hero by George S. I'owell, socretaiy of tho Appalachian Park Association, for a meeting l<> h<dd here the latter part of April, of the Governors of tho six Status, known as tho Appalachian States, with the Senators and Coh- gressinen . >!' those States, to formu¬ late plans for plat-Ins before Congress the movement to open up tho national forest reservation of tho Southern Ap¬ palachian Mountains for recreation, pleasure and health purposes It Is planned to create a national park along the Appalachian Moun¬ tains accessible to tho people of th* ICast. similar to the Yosemlto I'ark, In tho West. CEREMONIES POSTPONED Confederate llirrelup* nt Arllnicfnn on .lime 4. liiHtend of April 27. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Washington, April 3..Unveiling; ceremonies for tho Confederate manu- inent In Arlington National Cemetery, which were to have taken place April 1!" have been postponed until Juno 4. Tho program committee of tho Con¬ federate Monument Association which has charge of tho arrangements mot hero to-day to plan details of tho ceremonies. L,oAding members of Con¬ federate organizations and of tho Grand Army of the Republic are to be Invited to nttend. I made that shoe And you have the word of an old time skilled union workman that it's the most depend¬ able shoe on the market. WACOM SHOES £& isa G<&fw&rac© wear well always just advance style. Beaconize Your Feet SOLD IN RICHMOND All are made of the very best ma¬ terials to be had .they are al¬ ways comfort¬ able.always . and are a little in in F. M. HOYT SHOE CO., Makers Manchester - New Hampshire BY Powell Eros., 1537-41 EAST MAIN STREET We Save You 20 to 40 Per Cent, on the "Better1' Grade of Meat. Baker Bros.9 market 8.West Broad Street.8 Beat Regular Hams Corned or Fresh Hams Smoked Picnic Hams Fresh or Corned Picnic Hams. Frankfurt Sausage Garlic Sausage Bologna Sausage Pig Foot Souse Pork Chops Prime Rib Leg of Lamb 16c Shoulder of Lamb 12}/^c Breast of Lamb 11c Hamburger Steak \2lAc Beef Liver 12 Voc Pig Liver 10c Pig Brains \2}/2C Best Creamery Butter 34c Boiled Hem. 30c 18c-17c BAKER BROS.9 MARKET The Largest Retail Meat Dealers in the Southern States.

Times Dispatch.(Richmond, Va) 1914-04-04 [p 7].€¦ · KAUFMANN STORE Kaufmann & Company 4thandBroad Sts. Richmond,Va. SATimiJAY. APRIL. 4, 1014. 'To speak truly of the store ami

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Page 1: Times Dispatch.(Richmond, Va) 1914-04-04 [p 7].€¦ · KAUFMANN STORE Kaufmann & Company 4thandBroad Sts. Richmond,Va. SATimiJAY. APRIL. 4, 1014. 'To speak truly of the store ami

KAUFMANN STOREKaufmann & Company

4th and Broad Sts.Richmond, Va.

SATimiJAY. APRIL. 4, 1014.

'To speak truly of the store ami itsmerchandise" is the rule, cj our publicity.

.*11 of flie nrtlclri» o/Terr«l to-ilnywill lie f tin ixl on the .Mil In I'loor.Any of thrill limy be ordered liyin ii 11 or over (lie telephone. Wewill exerelse Hie nninr rare In lunk-Inn wrleel Ion* for you n* If yoneame yournelf to the nlore. 'I hetelephone number In .MuiIInoii 1IW.

Women's EasterGloves

We arc gradually building, a reputation for high qualityGloves. It has taken us

years to find just thosemarks that give uniformsatisfaction. We have triedto specialize in a Glove mod¬erately priced, but of excel¬lent style, material and fin¬ish. Here arc some of themost serviceable every-dayGloves that you can findanywhere. They are allpriced at $1.00 the pair.

A Doeskin Glove made byIreland llros., with one c laspof horn (iml three rowsKtilclicd f»n the hack. ThisGlove is washable, unci in¬cluded in each pah* you willfind full directions from tliomanufacturer how best towash them and keep themsoft. They coine in while,which is preferred this sea¬son; and also in the naturalcolor, that some women in-sl.st upon.Here it> a Kid Glove that

we know, after investiga¬tion, cannot be equalled any¬where else at its price of$i.oo. It is manufacturedby Claude H. Evans & Co.,which is a guarantee of sat¬isfaction in itself.

The < hern Kid (iiov* hastwo-boned rhisps and I'arispoint. or wiil«« rmhroldery incontrasting colors on hack.Thta glove toiiif-s in white,tan, or black.Did you ever realize how

beautiful a Silk Glove couldlook? VVc have some Kay-ser's Silk Gloves that will

fit your hand with grace andshapeliness. They will bejust what you will requireto set off your Easter dress.

Itayscr Hllk Glove, withI wo clasps and tho patentedivayser double finger-tip, inblark, white and coIoth.'1 ticse gloves "it) guaranteedby the manufacturer, andshould the fingers wear outbefore the rest of the glove,we will take plensurtj in ex¬changing them for you. Wehave priced them at I .<>«> apair.

Easter RibbonsWhen Dame Fashion de¬

crees the use of ribbons asshe has this year, it is diffi¬cult to secure as large anassortment of shades andmaterials as we are at pres¬ent showing. Ribbons are

being used more this year inthe trimming of hats thanever before, and ribbon gir¬dles have found great favorwith stylish women every¬where.

The Roman RibbonSash

This Sash requires threeand one-half yards of Ro¬

man ribbons,which is par¬ticularly fa¬vored by fash¬ion. Our as¬sortment ofRoman rib¬bons is com¬

plete, andgives you awide range toseelct from.A sash like

this added toany dress youhave will

bring it right into the heightof the prevailing mode.We have specially priced

some of the many styles ofRoman striped ribbons thatare suitable for the sash de¬scribed.

Unman Striped Kihhon ofexcellent quality; S incheswide; in green, black, yellowmid purple ^tripes. $1.18 a

yard.Xiur-iuch (toman StripedKihhon iu the most exquisitecolor combinations of Itron/.e,

navy blue and cadet bluecentres and striped borderat. .S 1.5)8 a yard.

Melrose, Purple, Greenand Yellow Striped RomanKihhon. 7inches wide, at8!)r.


VV .vr~> <zx: zzz.'OThe entire lower floor of tlu: Gov¬

ernor's Mansion was transformed intoa "forest primeval" la«t evening forthe fourth and la.^t of a aciies of bill-llant dances plvcn thern by th« Gov¬ernor anil Mr?, Henry C .Stuart. Thevails and celling of earh room wererlraped nnrl curtained in Southern

Rolls IKat"Hit The Spot-1


| When You 1^ Seek for |I Tempting || Eatings |g Come to Bromm's. Dc- $§ licious Pics, Cakes andw Pastries of all kinds that 9fj fairly melt in your mouth. ^Ever tried a Bromm &^ Apple Pie?

& Order some for Satur- &[| day and Sunday.8 ^$ The apples come from $^ the orchards of old Albe- ^b marie. &

ioc, 15c and 25c,

L. Bromm| Baking Co. '

'j, 51(1 E. Mnrslinil Street,s §501 W. Broad Street.

moas, in the midst of which wereli'jnj. r: gi5 of minting birds and nay -

colored parrots The moss hunt;down iri Iotil', shadr.w> vine*, and v.;.<rludded ev.-ry\\ he, e w:.h t-ilips of themo-i delie. if- rose tint. In the mainhi>. 11. n!.(:r>' Governor and .Mis. S'.uarire«'«lved the ! ;>U invited guests. gie.ithlands of Kit titer i:lief were arrangedbetween hay trees and paims, and thereceiving party stood before a tret-trunk with long bearded vines of thegra> moss drtiplng Its bran- lie*, amif|U:intil ii.-a of pale, pink tulips an<J onegreat bouquet of blue h>dran^eudcompleting the whole effect It waslike a scene from Longfellow's "Kvan-gelinc," and .Mrs Stuart's quaintcostume carried out t>i.- poetic schemeof the whole wonderful ami picturesquedecoration. Her gown was copiedfrom an old print and fashioned ofgray chiffon and < ream-colored taflotawith a belt of blue ribbon, finishedwith a single blue rose. The bodicewas embroidered In beads, and therewas more embroidery on the skirt,which was made In puffs arid caught tipwith loops of blue ribbon.

In the long drawing-room the mainfeatures of the decorations were thegreat masses of Calla lilies and tulipsthat were arranged in large, greenplush frames to represent paintings.The whole room was trelised In pinktulips and Southern moss, and the pil¬lars were encased in baric and mossand decorated with pink, blossoms.Ltoth mantels were ai ranged withpink azaleas and ageratum on thecoiners, coming to a central arrange¬ment of ari electric lamp, shaded intulips anil banked in ferns. Thehearths were arranged with ferns an 1pink hyacinths. The lllue itooin wasuono in Kas tor lilies and pink hy¬drangeas, and there were lots of pinksnapdragons !r. the front hall. Thelibrary was decorated In pink rosesand curtained in asparagus fern. Inthe dining-room the. table was setwith three liuiro electric lamps withshades of pink tulips, and bases ar¬ranged with the same llowers ,nndfour sliver vases of pink roses. Thewalls were draped in asparagus fern.Interspersed with pink roses, and themantel was arranged with pink azaleasand rare ferns.

It was a real woods' party with ariotous garden of exquisite llowersand singing birds and music and brightgowns, and by far the most elaboratefunction that has ever boon given InRichmond. The series of decorations,which were planned especially In honorof the Governor's lady, reached asnlendld climax In the affair last nicht.The lavish and magnificent use ofbeautiful (lowers and rare and won¬derful backgrounds have formed avery attractive feature of the Stuart'sentertaining nnd Invitations to theirfunctions are eagerly sought.it the flubs,Thero will be mu*lc and dancing on

the roof garden of tho WestmorelandClub this evening from 8:30 to 1:30o'clock, to which members of the club,their families and guests are Invited.These weekly dances at the club arevery Interesting affalrn, and are large¬ly attended.The usual dances at the CountryClub nnd the Hermitage will also take

place this afternoon and evening,Mri. White's I.unehcon.

Mrs. William It. White has issuedcards for a luncheon to be given at her

homo. 806 West Franklin Struct, onWednesday, April 15. It will be abuffet ulTuir, and tho i;uestH uro In-vlUil for 1 and 2 o'clock.Supper-Ilnncc nt the JefYrrnun.Tho second suppor-dancc given attho Jefferson 1 lot«.! under the dlreetionof Mrs. Mary Pniv tlronor nnd Mrs. It.XV. Ha H'kPKWiirlli, which took placethere I ant oVenlng wan a huge auccess.The dance was held In tho dlnlng-loom of the hotel, and the eafe-ar-

rangetncnt of tho tables, against thehandsome hiiDKliiRH and draperies ofthe room, made an Ideal netting forthe brilliant kowhk worn by tho worn-en In attendance. It was a very nmnrtaffair and th>* decorations cvrvwhorewere In franrant spring flowera andbay trees. Again the wonderful musicof Europe's orclieMtl a enchanted thedancers', and the number# wen encoredmost enthusiastically. The exhibitiondances, which a ere the chler fea¬ture ot tin- tvi»nir:n, were fiidorert byMiss Donna Haiti njid PoukIus I.nek".nirst. I Sot h da ne» charmingly with agrin e and exquisite rh>'tii:u, which !'itruly wonderful, and thev were ap-piauded attain and .-(^.-iliihomo of those who entertainedlarge parties of euests l ist eveningI were: Mr. and Mrs Jonathan Hi van.Mr. and Mrs «.'Iar«nc< Millhiser.Messrs Prank Bruce, William Jer-fress, W. K. Johnson, Milton .\l:trcune,Porrest Hose, J \\- Ar.dersoj! andolh«*r.H.1 h#> ''tlio dnnfant" uruler tho sani'!direction will be 1 ,1,1 nt the Jefrermnfrom 4 to 7 o'clock thi;; afternoon, :mda great many tallies have been re-rervej in advance f»,r the event. Mls«Ha In nnd Mr. I.urkhiirst will daneeagnln this afternoon. atid there willlie n content dance with prizes for tho1 best couple dancing. Miss Main nndMr T.ii'J;|ni» st will dance the "half Inhalf." wlikh I - the latest dance orltrl-nated by the C:c;' l<"i. this afternoon to

spec I ;«i music written hv Europe infive-fourth time.Inventions (Int.Mr. and Mrs William Ppshur Ken-

nnn. of "Norwood." Powhatan County,have sent out Invitation? for the mar¬riage of their daughter, Bosste Over-Ion. to TV. Harold Jnrr.e*' Oibhy.ceremony to tak« place on Wednesday

I "vrinr, April lr. at o'clock In StStephen's Kplsc 1 Chureb. it West-iiarnpton A reeeption at the Oountr'Club will follow the ceremony, to

j whb h o r* 1 * Die family nnd a few inti¬mate friends will be Invited, fir rjjhby!' n >1 his bride -.til reside i:i Pittrton, I'.iafter May 1'

Pnnnnnt nt Ilnrrlson Hull.i The \T,unirer Sf>c'.« t\- se» will be outIn full force t ? * afternoon fit t.-.'Oo'clock to r>ttev! the dansant riven bvMiss 1*1 |« n 1: Pollard in Harrison H I1It will be a v.«ry attractive n»;<l novMaffair, and there i< to be a contestdance with aw aril" t"r the hc«.-» <'....-lntr. The patronesses for the affairInclude Mesdamos i'br<tu:e Mlllhl«er.Tl. .1 Whlttet. t'ullen Pit*, .lames <*ar-r ! |*v;|)i ( ¦» fI I I'. W Tabb. 1'I> c-Tlton. T 1' 1'ell. H. J. N'uckoWi" n. I.acklnnd. ,H»»epli 1' Br.i'v. HU. l'ollf>rd. Krnesi J T. HiV. W

Stephens. C. <' Walton, \rthurpon. K. 1* Hout-'1 l.erov < n \V SHronson. J. H Spi. or. IT. C Ho> V.en.1. s:. Reynolds. K Wnddev. S T' Waf. Mil. He-nard <*.ue^t, 1w M:-r>h*>P

! Meade Splcer. II C. P-eat'le. P T. Ho-den N 1. Mas?ey, Vat Eastwood andKrATit; IIoHvvoo'1.

T)iO 1 \l(1 p^^ for tho rontpst aro

r. «trwa>t tl'inie, Mi""- Virrlnia f'bes-terrnan. M".j: rs. Anton Adams. Max-wel] v.'nddev and ltavniond Massey\ nirif-llru llnrTroiid.Card« have been Issued bv Mr and

M> s rharle- Wbitlock Hnrword an-

nounclr.r the approa-himr martini.* «..

their dautrht-r. Marie Louise, to John^nthonv A turu?tlr«.e. Jr . the ccrctnon

tr. take place ori Tuesday . venlni' ntk o-.-loek April 21. at the home o. the..ride's parents. : "2 North I.ombard>Pi-eet. A reception will follow thacirer^ny.i'otiimiPormeil.

\ meetinjr w-ns h"ld on rhurs .a

.fterroon <-f the volunteersIlt the tea rent room for bus.:.rills maintineil by the ^ « A.it 13C1 East Mr. In Street. It wasd. elded at till i m -'-'Ing to !orm i

permanent subrominlttee to be ca ledthe "Heat l'.oom Chapter." and thefollowing ollicers were elected: Mr.-j J. Heck, president; Mrs. CarrieJohnson, vice-president, and Ml&a"sther Bennett, secretary.Miirriufre \niiotineeil.

Mr.- W H. Wilson, <?f Burkeville, an¬no;) lives the tnarriafTO of her son, Pu-«. n- lrvln Wlllson. to Miss Susie MayPerdue, of Petersburg The )>rlile is a

daughter of the late Joseph Perdue, ofDinwiddle County, and. following ahoneymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson willreside lli IPirk<¦ \ ille.

In nnd Out of Town.Mrs. Sam T Morgan and Mrs. Hob-

If =

^ ^%

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Saturday in theMen s Section

Represents a Day ojUnusual Value


Moil's $1.25 and $1.5') SoftMadras Shirts, with soft turn-overFrench cull's. Saturdayfrencn cutis. Saturday ^7(1^sale price I i/t/

Men's 25c French Madras Ini¬tial Handkerchiefs, fancyplaid effect. Special, 3 for, OUC

Men's 4-ply Hand-Made Collars,in the wanted styles; 12 Vicvalue. Six to a ho.\,for

Rest Lisle Web Suspenders,with calfskin ends; 50cvalue «d«3C

Men's fiOc Fancy Uantl tyfand Shield Tecks. Sale priceMen's $1.60 White Madras Pit-

jnxnas. trimmed with (T»-« /\psilk froRs. Special.... tpAsi/o/$1.25 White Cambric Pa- nn

jatnns. Sale price OtJC .V .J

Easter Flowers"o/ Guaranteed


Tel. Mad. 6.}0,109 K. Broad St., Richmond, Vo.

Richmond Girls Who Will Be Miss WillarcTs Bridesmaids

>liw \ IIK.IMA rilUISTIA.V.

ert G. Cabell have returned to the city, !after a short stay in New York.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dttbnck andtb«-ir t'.vo children, of Milwaukee, arcspending some time with the MissesVaden at "Buck Hill."

Miss Maud Atnslle lias returned fromboard In*-: school In Birmingham, Pa., tospend tli" Easter holidays.

Mrs. Duncan Smith and her sister,Mi's Laura Nelson, left tills week forNew York City.

Mrs. II. II. Brlstow and her chll-Idren have returned to Tappnlmnnuck,jft'.r a visit to Richmond.

Mrr Nelson Steele, of the Chester¬field, is spending some time in NowYork.

C. II. Sintor., of Newport News, isspending several days as tile guest, offriends in this city.

Miss Lula Oilkeson, of Wayneseboro,arrived in Richmond this week tospend some time.

Mrs. Cornelius Bull, of Norfolk. Isi>»< guest of friends in this city for ashort stay.

Mrs. C. D Snead, who has been vis¬iting her mothet, Mrs. Linthlcum, InFredericksburg, returned to the cityon Thursday, accompanied by her aunt,Mrs. J. A. Pulton.

Charles Henkel, who has beenspending a week in Waynesboro, hasreturned to Richmond.The Rev. Ritchie Ware, of Lynch¬burg. Is in Richmond for a stay ofseveral days.Mr. and Mrs. O IC. Klise, of Waynes¬boro, are spending a few days withfriends in tms city.

Will to.Ho imton.[Special to The T -i es-Dispatch.1Lexington, Va., April 3.A prettyInline \\*. «11ii11wr.s solemnized vester-day evening at .> o'clock at "Clifton."the home Major l-'inley WlllsonHouston, near Lexington. when his

youngest daughter, Miss Mary Alex-J an<ler Housti n, was married to Amcr-icus Frederic White, of Donora, I'a.The officiating minister was Dr. Alfred|T. Graham. the bride's pastor. MissKvelyn Nel-son presided at the piano,K W. Buckingham accompanied on tin?I violin.) T!u* bride entered the . .: lor withher father, who trave her ".'.rriage.She Was attendee by .Miss :;ie Har-man. of "The < >aks," near Le.\i; .. ton, asmaid of honor 1'owell (Jlass, ofLynchburg. was Mr. White's best man.A reception followed the marriage,after which Mr and Mrs White leftfor New York, whence they will sailfor the Bermuda Islands and otherplaces of interest. They will be s.wayci'Vi'ral weeks. On their return theywill live at Donora, l'a.The guests from a distance IncludedMrs. W. 15. Douglas, of Columbia, S.C.; Heald Ale- uulcr. of Went Held, N.1.; Dr. and Mrs. K. l». I'arsons. of)Nelson County, Va.; C'.<oirp Chanly, ofRoanoke, Va.. Mis.s Anne Parsons and1'owe II Glass, of Lynch burs, Va.

Clirili Are Issued.(Special to The Times-Dispatch. 1La wrenceville, Va., April 3..Cards

have iieen Issued announcing the en-gagement and approaching ma/riagoof Mis.s Lucy Kll/.aheth Robinson, ofI'ortsnioutb, Va., to .lames W. DeVaney,'of Lawrcnceville. The ceremony willbe performed at the bride's home Ini'ortsinouth on Wednesday, April 15.

, *

Moger.A iirney.[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]

Lynchburg, Va., April ;i..At thehome of Mr. and Mrs. K B. Varney hereyesterday afternoon at f o'clock theirdaughter. Miss C.lenna M. Varney, wasmarried to Robert L. Moger, a mer-chant of Kcllpsc, the ceremony beingperformed by Rev. W. 1' Rage, pastorof Kranklln Street Baptist Church.Miss Minnie Moger, a sister of thegroom, was the maid of honor, and J.1>. KIvoh, of Lyncbliurg, was tbo beatiniwt. After a trip to Norfolk thecouple will go to Kellp.sc to live.Among the out-of-town guests were

Miss Minnie Moger and Mrs. 1) W.Adams, of Kclipse; Mrs. W. R. Board-man, Mrs. J. L. I.aw and John IS. Doss,of UJanoke.

IloeUmnn.Wilcox.[Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.]

Winchester, Va., April 3..Standingon a bridge spanning an outlet ofRouwh Spring, from which Winchesterobtains its water supply, William A.ITcckman. twice widower, of Barton-vllb, x»nd Mrs Gertrude I'. Wilcox,handsome young widow, of Wnrranton,Vera married yesterday by Itev. RoySchtnucker, of Downavllle, Md.

MISS GAY MONTAGUE. I, Photos by Foster.

Two beautiful Southern girls. MissVirginia Christian and Miss Gay lion-tague, both of Richmond, have beenchosen as bridesmaids l>y Mlsn Hello iWyntt Wlllard, who will be* marriedto Kermlt Koosovelt, In Madrid. Spain,! some time this r.pring.The engagement of Miss Wlllard,

daughter of Joseph K. Wlllard. Amer¬ican ambassador to Spain, was an-nounccd to friends In this countryearly In January.Kormlt Roosevelt In expected to

come out of the South American wlhls,where he has been with ills father, Ina short tlmo.Charles Weeks, town clerk of Oy-

nter Bay, N. Y., yesterday sent the birthcertlftciito of Kermlt ltoosovelt toMadrid. Tho Spanish law makes Itnecessary for foreigners to prove theirages before they can contract a mar-rlago. The certificate reads that Ker-mlt was born October 10, 1S89.

Engagement Announced.[Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.]Fredericksburg. Va., April .1..The

I engagement is announced of Miss Mar¬garet A. Pollock, daughter of Mrs. Kh-tcllo and the late Captain John G. Pol-I lock, of King George County, to Frank

Schwarzschlld Itrothers,

For theBride's Gift

You will wish to select something nb*tractive niul In good taste.

Tho namo of SchwarzsehlM standsfor quality, excellence and distinctionIn merchandise. It Is upon the qual¬ity and general beauty of Its waresthat our reputation and pro-euilnencois built.

Inspection and comparison Is in*vited

Schwarzschild BrothersHichniond's Leading Jewelers,

Second and Hroad Stu.

Taylor, of Spring Hill, the same coun-i The wedding will l>e solemnised att. John's Kpl.scopal Church at Kins?George (Courthouse on April Vj.

TO CREATE NATIONAL PARKTentative PIdiin Will Mo Cmiililrred alMct-tiiiK ¦>> W usIiliiKton.[Special to The Times 1'dspatch.]Washington, April 3..Tentatlvo

plans have been made hero byGeorge S. I'owell, socretaiy of thoAppalachian Park Association, for ameeting l<> h<dd here the latter partof April, of the Governors of tho sixStatus, known as tho AppalachianStates, with the Senators and Coh-gressinen . >!' those States, to formu¬late plans for plat-Ins before Congressthe movement to open up tho nationalforest reservation of tho Southern Ap¬palachian Mountains for recreation,pleasure and health purposesIt Is planned to create a nationalpark along the Appalachian Moun¬tains accessible to tho people of th*ICast. similar to the Yosemlto I'ark, Intho West.

CEREMONIES POSTPONEDConfederate llirrelup* nt Arllnicfnn on

.lime 4. liiHtend of April 27.[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]

Washington, April 3..Unveiling;ceremonies for tho Confederate manu-inent In Arlington National Cemetery,which were to have taken place April1!" have been postponed until Juno 4.Tho program committee of tho Con¬federate Monument Association whichhas charge of tho arrangements mothero to-day to plan details of thoceremonies. L,oAding members of Con¬federate organizations and of thoGrand Army of the Republic are to beInvited to nttend.

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We Save You 20 to 40 Per Cent, on the "Better1' Grade of Meat.

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BAKER BROS.9 MARKETThe Largest Retail Meat Dealers in the Southern States.