ARTICLE Timeline of Events Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library Ed. Julie L. Carnagie, Peggy Saari, and Aaron Saari. Vol. 1: Vol.1: Almanac. Detroit: UXL, 2002. pxv-xxvi. COPYRIGHT 2002 U*X*L, COPYRIGHT 2006 Gale Timeline of Events 123 3 Pope Gregory IX establishes the medieval Inquisition. 129 1 The Crusades end when the Muslims defeat the Christians. 130 0 Pope Boniface issues Unam Sanctam, declaring all people to be subjects of the po 130 The Papacy is moved to Avignon, France, beginning the Babylonian Captivity.

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Timeline of Events Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library Ed. Julie L. Carnagie, Peggy Saari, and Aaron Saari. Vol. 1: Vol.1: Almanac. Detroit: UXL, 2002. pxv-xxvi. COPYRIGHT 2002 U*X*L, COPYRIGHT 2006 Gale Timeline of Events


3 Pope Gregory IX establishes the medieval Inquisition.

1291 The Crusades end when the Muslims defeat the Christians.

1300 Pope Boniface issues Unam Sanctam, declaring all people to be subjects of the pope.

130 The Papacy is moved to Avignon, France, beginning the Babylonian Captivity.

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5 132

7 Italian poet Petrarch begins writing Canzoniere, a series of love lyrics in which he departs from the medieval convention

of seeing a woman as a spiritual symbol and depicts Laura as a real person. 133

7 France and England begin the Hundred Years' War over control of the French throne.


The Black Death, or bubonic plague, sweeps Europe.

1376 The Babylonian Captivity ends with the return of the papacy to Rome.

1378 The Great Schism in the Roman Catholic Church begins with the election of Pope Urban VI.

1396 Greek scholar Manuel Chrysoloras comes to Florence, Italy, to teach Greek.

1402 Mongol warrior Timur Lenk (Tamerlane) conquers the Ottoman Empire.

1414 The Council of Constance is convened to discuss problems within the Roman Catholic Church.

1415 Czechoslovakian priest Jan Hus is executed by the Council of Constance because of his criticism of the Catholic Church.

c. 1417 Italian architect Filippo Brunelleschi invents linear perspective, a system derived from mathematics in

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which all elements of a composition are measured and arranged from a single point of view, or perspective.

1418 The Council of Constance ends the Great Schism.

1420 Florentine artist Massaccio is the first to use linear perspective in painting.

1420 Filippo Brunelleschi begins work on the dome of the Florence Cathedral.

1421 Sultan Mehmed II restores the Ottoman Empire.

1423 Italian educator Vittorino da Feltre establishes a humanist school.

1440 Italian scholar Lorenzo Valla questions the legitimacy of the pope.

1450 Francesco I Sforza starts an eighty-year dynasty in Milan.


Italian scholar Isotta Nogarola writes "On the Equal and Unequal Sin of Eve and Adam," which is considered the first piece of feminist writing.

14 Constantinople falls to the Ottoman Turks.

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53 1454 German printer Johannes Gutenberg perfects movable type.

1455 The houses of York and Lancaster begin the War of the Roses in England.

1458 Margaret of Navarre's Heptaméron is published and becomes an important work of the Renaissance period.


Wanting to be separate from the continents of Asia and Africa, and thus the Muslims, Pope Pius II introduces the idea of Europe as separate continent.

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Italian merchant Lorenzo de' Medici takes control of Florence and becomes famous for his contributions to countless artists.


Catholic monarchs Ferdinand II and Isabella I begin the Spanish Inquisition to enforce Christianity as the sole religion of Spain.

1485 The War of Roses ends and the Tudor dynasty begins in England

1490s German artist Albrecht Dürer raises woodcut to the level of high art.

1492 Ferdinand II and Isabella I issue the Edict of Expulsion, ordering all Jews to leave Spain.

1492 Italian navigator Christopher Columbus makes his first voyage to the New World.

1494 Pope Alexander VI issues the Treaty of Tordesillas that gives Portugal authority over Brazil.

1494 Italian preacher Girolamo Savonarola influences a new pro-French government in Florence.

1494 King Charles VIII of France invades Italy, initiating the Italian Wars with Spain.


Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci begins The Last Supper, in which he experimented with oil-based paint, which is more easily blended.


Alexander VI organizes the Holy League, an alliance between the Papal States, the Holy Roman Empire, Spain, Venice, and Milan against France.

1497 Italian navigator John Cabot begins his search for the Northwest Passage, a water route to the Indies.

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1498 Girolamo Savonarola is executed for heresy, or the violation of church laws.

1498 Italian sculptor Michelangelo starts the Pietà, his first important commission.


Albrecht Dürer introduces humanism, a human-centered intellectual movement based on the revival of classical culture, into northern European art.

c. 1500

The Querelle des femmes movement begins. It refers to the literary debate over the nature and status of women.

c. 1500

Germany replaces Italy as the center of European banking.

1503 Leonardo begins work on the Mona Lisa, one of the most famous portraits in the Western world.

1511 Italian artist Raphael paints School of Athens, considered to be one of his greatest achievements.

1512 Michelangelo completes the decoration of the Sistine Chapel ceiling at the Vatican in Rome.

151 Italian diplomat Niccolò Machiavelli writes The Prince, in which he proclaimed his controversial political philosophy.

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3 1516

Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus publishes Praise of Folly, a satire of the Roman Catholic Church and its clergy. That same year Erasmus published his translation of the New Testament of the Bible, the first published Greek text.


English humanist Thomas More publishes his greatest work Utopia. Modeled on Plato's Republic, Utopia describes an imaginary land that is free of grand displays of wealth, greed, and violence.

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1517 German priest Martin Luther posts his Ninety-Five Theses, initiating the Protestant Reformation.


King Charles I of Spain is elected Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, leading to the spread of the Spanish empire east from Spain to include the kingdoms of Germany, Hungary, Bohemia, Naples, and Sicily. The empire also extends south and

west to include possessions in North Africa and the Americas.

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King Francis I of France and King Henry VIII of England meet at the Field of the Cloth of Gold in order to form an alliance against Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.

1520s Swiss-born physician Theophrastus Paracelsus pioneers the use of chemicals to treat disease.

1520 Paris collèges adopt classical Latin and Greek studies.

1521 At the Diet of Worms, Charles V declares Martin Luther an "outlaw of the church."

1521 The Ottoman Empire begins to reach it height when the sultan Süleyman I defeats Hungary in the Battle of Mohács.


Swiss priest Huldrych Zwingli issues "Sixty-Seven Articles," or proposed reforms, which become the basis for the Reformation in Switzerland.


The German Peasants' Revolt challenges the rule of Catholic noblemen.

1525 French king Francis I is captured by the Spanish at the Battle of Pavia.

1526 The Diet of Speyer permits German princes to determine which religion is practiced in their regions.

1527 Armies of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V sack Rome.

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1527 King Gustav I Vasa begins establishing Lutheranism in Sweden.


French diplomat Baldassare Castiglione publishes Book of the Courtier. The book is an immediate success, and quickly becomes a guide to etiquette for both the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy in Europe.


King Henry VIII is declared supreme head of the Church of England, completing the break between England and the Roman Catholic Church.

1534 French author François Rabelais begins publishing his most popular work, Gargantua and Pantagruel.


Thomas More is beheaded by Henry VIII after refusing to acknowledge the Act of Supremacy that made Henry supreme head of the Church of England.


French-born Protestant reformer John Calvin writes the first edition of Institutes of the Christian Religion, which outlines his beliefs and gains him attention as an important religious leader.

1536 Ottoman sultan Süleyman I forms an alliance with France.


Spanish priest Ignatius of Loyola founds the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). His Jesuit order eventually becomes the single most powerful weapon of the Catholic Reformation.


On the Revolution of Celestial Spheres by Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus is published. The book gives important information about the orbits of the planets and begins a revolution in human thought by serving as the cornerstone of

modern astronomy.

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3 Belgian anatomist Andreas Vesalius publishes On the Fabric of the Human Body, one of the most important contributions

to human anatomy. 154

5 Pope Paul III convenes the Council of Trent, a meeting to discuss reforming the Roman Catholic Church from within.

1547 Michelangelo directs construction of the new Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome.


Charles V defeats German Protestant princes at the Battle of Mühlberg. Charles hopes his victory will stop the spread of Protestantism throughout the Holy Roman Empire.


Ignatius of Loyola publishes Spiritual Exercises. This short but influential book outlines a thirty-day regimen, or systematic plan, of prayer and acts of self-denial and punishment, with the understanding that devotion to God must be

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central. 1550s Italian architect Andrea Palladio popularizes the villa.


Italian composer Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina creates the oratorio, a lengthy religious choral work that features recitatives, arias, and choruses without action or scenery.

1553 Queen Mary I restores Catholicism in England and begins persecuting Protestants after ascending to the English throne.

1555 John Calvin organizes an evangelical government in Geneva, Switzerland.

1555 French astrologer Nostradamus begins publishing Centuries, his best-selling book of predictions.

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5 Italian artist Sofonisba Anguissola paints The Chess Game. This painting is meant to demonstrate female excellence at an

intellectual game. 155

6 Charles V abdicates the throne after building one of the largest empires in history.

1558 Elizabeth I begins her forty-five-year reign as queen of England and Ireland.

1559 The Italian Wars end with the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis.

1560 Catherine de Médicis is named regent of France after the death of her husband King Henry II.

1560s King Philip II of Spain begins building the Escorial, an enormous complex of buildings north of Madrid.

1562 The French Wars of Religion begin.

1562 Teresa de Ávila founds the Reformed Discalced Carmelite Order.


The Council of Trent adjourns and issues Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, a statement that upholds Catholic doctrine, or religious rules, but shows more tolerance of opposition.

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1563 German artist Pieter Bruegel paints Tower of Babel, one of his most famous works.

1566 Revolt against Spanish rule begins in the Netherlands.

1567 Philip II introduces the Spanish Inquisition in the Netherlands.

1570 Flemish mapmaker Abraham Ortel publishes the first world atlas.

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1571 The European Christian alliance defeats the Ottoman fleet at the Battle of Lepanto, ending Ottoman control of the

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Mediterranean Sea. 1572 Catholics kill Huguenots in the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre in Paris. 1572 Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe introduces the term "nova" for an exploding star. 158

0 French author Michel de Montaigne publishes Essays. The work created a new literary genre (form), the essay, in which

he used self-portrayal as a mirror of humanity in general. 1580–164

0 Witchcraft trials reach peak in Europe.

1582 Pope Gregory XIII issues the Gregorian calendar.

1587 Elizabeth I orders the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots after a conspiracy to assassinate Elizabeth is discovered. 158

8 Spanish Armada is defeated by the English fleet, marking the high point of Elizabeth's reign.

1592 English playwright William Shakespeare begins his career in London.

1595 The Edict of Nantes grants religious and civil liberties to Huguenots. 160

5 Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes publishes the first part of Don Quixote, one of the great masterpieces of world

literature. 160

6 Foremost English playwright Ben Jonson's dramatic genius is fully revealed for the first time in Volpone, or the Fox, a

satiric comedy that contains the playwright's harshest and most unrelenting criticism of human vice.

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1607 Italian composer Claudio Monteverdi publishes his first opera, La favola d'Orfeo.

1609 English scientist Thomas Harriot makes the first recorded use of the telescope.

1609 German astronomer Johannes Kepler publishes his first two laws of planetary motion.

1609 Philip II begins expelling Moriscos (Jews) from Spain.

1610 Italian astronomer Galileo publishes The Starry Messenger.

1611 The Life of Teresa of Jesus is published.

1611 King James I of England approves a new English translation of the Bible.

1614 Scottish mathematician John Napier discovers logarithms.

1616 Galileo is ordered to cease promoting new science.

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Italian painter Artemisia Gentileschi becomes the first woman to be admitted to the Florentine Academy of Art.

1618 Johannes Kepler publishes his third law of planetary motion.

1618 Thirty Years' War begins; it becomes the first armed conflict involving all major world powers.

1620 English philosopher Francis Bacon publishes New Method.

1621 English mathematician William Oughtred makes the first slide rule.

1624 Peter Paul Rubens paints his famous Self-portrait.

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8 English anatomist William Harvey announces the discovery of the circulatory system.

1630s French noblewoman Madame de Rambouillet presides over one of the first salons.

1642 English Civil War begins.

1648 Thirty Years' War ends with the Peace of Westphalia.

1648 English Civil War ends.

1651 Leonardo's Treatise on Painting is published.


Margaret Cavendish publishes The Description of a New World Called the Blazing World, considered to be one of the first works of science fiction.

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Source Citation (MLA 7th Edition) "Timeline of Events." Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library. Ed. Julie L. Carnagie, Peggy Saari, and Aaron Saari. Vol. 1: Vol.1: Almanac. Detroit: UXL, 2002. xv-xxvi. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 3 June 2014. Document URL http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CCX3426300008&v=2.1&u=oreg02263&it=r&p=GVRL&sw=w&asid=5ea3c04d041d773c1bfc4adcc55be325 Gale Document Number: GALE|CX3426300008