Research Paper Mediators of Inflammation 5, 47-50 (1996) BACrEmCXDAL/permeability-increasing protein (BPI) is a cationic antimicrobial protein produced by polymorphonuclear leukocytes, that specifically interacts with and kills Gram-negative bacteria. BPl competes with lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP) secreted by liver cells into blood plasma for binding to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and thus reduces the proinflammatory effects of LPS. We have developed a time-resolved fluor- oimmunoassay for BPI and measured the con- centration of BPI in human serum and plasma samples. The assay is based on a rabbit antibody against recombinant BPI. This antibody specifi- cally adheres to polymorphonuclear leukocytes in immunostained human tissues. The difference in the serum concentration of BPI between unse- lected hospitalized patients with and without an infection was statistically significant. The mean concentration of BPI in serum samples was 28.3g/1 (range 1.64-132, S.D. 26.8, n=83). In contrast, there was no difference between the two groups in the BPI levels in plasma samples. For all individuals tested, BPI levels were consistently higher in plasma samples compared to the matched serum samples. The mean concentration of BPI in plasma samples was 52.3g/1 (range 0.9-403, S.D. 60.6, n=90). There was a positive correlation between the concentration of BPI and the white blood cell count as well as between the BPI concentration and C-reactive protein (CRP) in serum samples. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that BPI can be quantified reliably by time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay in human serum samples. Key words: Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein, ELISA, Polymorphonuclear leukocytes, Serum/plasma protein, Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay for bactericidal/permeability- increasing protein J.-O. Hiiggblom, A. B. Jokilammi-Siltanen, H. Peuravuori and T. J. Nevalainen cA Department of Pathology, University of Turku, Kiinanmyllynkatu 10, FIN-20520, Turku, Finland. Fax: (+358) 21 6337459. CACorresponding Author Introduction The bactericidal/permeability-increasing pro- tein (BPI) is a cationic antimicrobial protein produced by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. BPI specifically interacts with and kills Gram-negative bacteria. BPI binds to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, increases membrane per- meability to hydrophobic substances and causes irreversible loss of bacterial cell homeostasis. 1-6 BPI competes with lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP) secreted by liver cells into the blood plasma for binding to LPS. 7-m In this way BPI reduces the proinflammatory effects of gps. 11-19 Because there is potential anti-infectious ther- apeutic use for recombinant BPI, 2-25 a sensitive assay which can measure BPI in body fluids is (C) 1996 Rapid Science Publishers needed. The purpose of the present study was to develop a time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR- FIA) for the measurement of the concentration of BPI in human serum. Materials and Methods Instrumentation: Time-resolved fluorescence was measured with an Arcus fluorometer (Wallac, Turku, Finland). The plate washer (Wellwash) and plate shaker (Delfia Plateshake) used in the fluoroimmunoassay were from Denley (Bill- inghurst, England) and Wallac (Turku, Finland), respectively. Data were handled with MultiCalc data management software (Wallac, Turku, Finland). Serum and plasma samples: Serum and plasma samples were collected from unselected hospital- Mediators of Inflammation Vol 5 1996 47

Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay for · 2019. 8. 1. · Ischii Y, WangY, HaziotA, DelVecchio PJ, GoyertSM, MalikAB. Lipopo-lysaccharide-binding-protein and CD14interaction induces

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  • Research Paper

    Mediators of Inflammation 5, 47-50 (1996)

    BACrEmCXDAL/permeability-increasing protein (BPI)is a cationic antimicrobial protein produced bypolymorphonuclear leukocytes, that specificallyinteracts with and kills Gram-negative bacteria.BPl competes with lipopolysaccharide-bindingprotein (LBP) secreted by liver cells into bloodplasma for binding to lipopolysaccharide (LPS)and thus reduces the proinflammatory effects ofLPS. We have developed a time-resolved fluor-oimmunoassay for BPI and measured the con-centration of BPI in human serum and plasmasamples. The assay is based on a rabbit antibodyagainst recombinant BPI. This antibody specifi-cally adheres to polymorphonuclear leukocytesin immunostained human tissues. The differencein the serum concentration of BPI between unse-lected hospitalized patients with and without aninfection was statistically significant. The meanconcentration of BPI in serum samples was28.3g/1 (range 1.64-132, S.D. 26.8, n=83). Incontrast, there was no difference between the twogroups in the BPI levels in plasma samples. Forall individuals tested, BPI levels were consistentlyhigher in plasma samples compared to thematched serum samples. The mean concentrationof BPI in plasma samples was 52.3g/1 (range0.9-403, S.D. 60.6, n=90). There was a positivecorrelation between the concentration of BPI andthe white blood cell count as well as between theBPI concentration and C-reactive protein (CRP) inserum samples. In conclusion, the present studydemonstrates that BPI can be quantified reliablyby time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay in humanserum samples.

    Key words: Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein,ELISA, Polymorphonuclear leukocytes, Serum/plasmaprotein, Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay

    Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassayfor bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein

    J.-O. Hiiggblom, A. B. Jokilammi-Siltanen,H. Peuravuori and T. J. NevalainencA

    Department of Pathology, University of Turku,Kiinanmyllynkatu 10, FIN-20520, Turku, Finland.Fax: (+358) 21 6337459.

    CACorresponding Author


    The bactericidal/permeability-increasing pro-tein (BPI) is a cationic antimicrobial proteinproduced by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. BPIspecifically interacts with and kills Gram-negativebacteria. BPI binds to the lipopolysaccharide(LPS) component of the outer membrane ofGram-negative bacteria, increases membrane per-meability to hydrophobic substances and causesirreversible loss of bacterial cell homeostasis.1-6

    BPI competes with lipopolysaccharide-bindingprotein (LBP) secreted by liver cells into theblood plasma for binding to LPS.7-m In this wayBPI reduces the proinflammatory effects ofgps.11-19

    Because there is potential anti-infectious ther-apeutic use for recombinant BPI,2-25 a sensitiveassay which can measure BPI in body fluids is

    (C) 1996 Rapid Science Publishers

    needed. The purpose of the present study was todevelop a time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR-FIA) for the measurement of the concentrationof BPI in human serum.

    Materials and Methods

    Instrumentation: Time-resolved fluorescence wasmeasured with an Arcus fluorometer (Wallac,Turku, Finland). The plate washer (Wellwash)and plate shaker (Delfia Plateshake) used in thefluoroimmunoassay were from Denley (Bill-inghurst, England) and Wallac (Turku, Finland),respectively. Data were handled with MultiCalcdata management software (Wallac, Turku,Finland).

    Serum and plasma samples: Serum and plasmasamples were collected from unselected hospital-

    Mediators of Inflammation Vol 5 1996 47

  • J.-O. Hdggblom et al.

    ized patients with and without an infection (42women and 48 men). The average age was 61years (range 14-93 years). Samples were storedfrozen at -20C until assayed.

    BPI standards: The BPI cDNA was cloned andexpressed in a Chinese hamster ovary cell line asdescribed elsewhere.26 BPI standards were pre-pared from recombinant human BPI (kindlydonated by Dr Marian Marra, Incyte Pharmaceu-ticals, Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA) stock solutioninto assay buffer (Wallac, Turku, Finland) to givefive concentrations (4.07, 9.76, 48.8, 122 and

    Preparation of antibodies to recombinanthuman BPL. Antiserum to recombinant BPI wasraised in a rabbit. The rabbit was immunizedfour times at 3-week intervals subcutaneouslywith 0.05-0.2mg of human recombinant BPI(Incyte, Palo Alto, CA, USA) in Freund’s completeadjuvant at the first immunization and inFreund’s incomplete adjuvant on later occasions.Serum was collected 2 weeks after the lastbooster injection.

    Labelling ofanti-BPI antibody: Protein A-purifiedanti-recombinant BPI antibody was labelled withan isothiocTanate derivative of a europiumchelate (Eu5 +-N-(/isothiocyanatobenzyl)-diethy-

    1 2,3 3lene-tri-amine-N ,N ,N ,N-tetra-acetate) by usingan Eu-labelling kit (Wallac, Turku, Finland)according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

    Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassays: For the TR-FIA, microtitre plates were coated overnight withprotein A-purified anti-BPI antibody (25 l.tg/ml in50mmol/1 Tris-HCl, pH 7.75/0.15mmol/1 NaC1/0.05% NAN,, 2001.d/well) treated with threevolumes of HCl/water (125 txl of 11.6M HCl in50ml of water) for 5 min. Coated plates werewashed two times and 25 l.tl of BPI standard (0,4.07, 9.76, 48.8, 122 and 3051g/1) or samplewere pipetted into the wells containing 175 btl ofassay buffer. After I h incubation, with shaking, atroom temperature and washing six times, Eu-labelled anti-BPI antibody (2.51xg/ml in assaybuffer, 200 Ixl/well) was added. The washing stepwas repeated after I h and 2001al of enhance-ment solution (Wallac, Turku, Finland) wasadded. Fluorescence was measured after afurther 5 min shaking and 10 min standing.Microtitre plates were from Eflab (Helsinki,Finland) and assay buffer for TR-FIA was fromWallac (Turku, Finland).

    Immunostaining: Sections of formalin-fixed, par-affin-embedded human tissues from the files of

    the Department of Pathology, University of Turkuwere reacted with an IgG fraction of polyclonalrabbit anti-BPI antiserum, and the primary immu-noreaction was localized as described pre-viously27 by using a Vectastain ABC kit (VectorLaboratories, Burlinghame, CA, USA) accordingto manufacturer’s instructions. The intensity ofimmunostaining improved when the sectionswere heated for 2 x 5 min in a microwave ovenbefore staining. For controls, the primary anti-body was replaced by preimmune rabbit serum.The sections were counterstained by haemat-oxylin.

    Statistical analysis: Student’s t-test and Pearson’slinear regression were used for statistical analysis.


    The mean concentration of BPI in plasma(n--90) was 52.31xg/1 (range 0.9-403, S.D.60.6) and in serum samples (n 83) 28.31xg/1(range 1.64-132, S.D. 26.8). The linear range forthe BPI standard curve was 5-500 l.tg/1 (Fig. 1).The detection limit of the assay was 1.6 lxg/1 cor-responding to the mean 3 S.D. of the zerostandard (blank) fluorescence counts. The differ-ence in the serum concentration of BPI betweenunselected hospitalized patients with and withoutinfection was statistically significant (p < 0.0001,Fig. 2). The mean concentration of BPI in serumsamples for all measured patients was 28.3 lxg/1(range 1.64-132, S.D. 26.8, n 83). In contrast,there was no difference between the two groupsin plasma samples. For all individuals tested, BPI








    ,,,I ,,,I

    ’"1 ’"15 18 ZB 58 188 ZBB 588

    BPI (#g/l)

    FIG. 1. The standard curve of time-resolved fluoroimmunoassayfor BPI three separate assays.

    48 Mediators of Inflammation Vol 5 1996

  • Immunoassayfor BPI




    FIG. 2. Difference in the BPI concentrations between unselectedhospitalized patients without an infection (group O, n=45) andpatients with an infection (group 1, n=38, p < 0.0001). Stu-dent’s test was used for statistical analysis.






    20 40 60 80 100 120 140

    BPI gll)

    FIG. 3. Linear regression with 95% confidention intervalsbetween blood white cell count (WBC, 109/I) and serum ;BPIconcentration (r 0.589, p < 0.0001, n 83).

    FIG. 5. Immunoreaction for BPI in polymorphonuclear leukocytesin the vascular compartment of colonic mucosa. Anti-BPI anti-body. Avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex, haematox1in counter-staining. Magnification 330 x.

    There was a positive correlation between theconcentration of BPI in serum and the whiteblood cell count (r 0.589, p < 0.0001, n-- 83)(Fig. 3). There was also a positive correlationbetween serum BPI and CRP levels (r 0.39,p < 0.05, n 59). However, in plasma samplesthere was no correlation between BPI and whimblood cell count or CRP. Intense immunoreac-tion was seen in polymorphonuclear leukocytesat numerous locations, e.g. in the vascular com-partment of kidney glomeruli (Fig. 4) andcolonic mucosa (Fig. 5). Control sections reactedwith preimmune serum were devoid of immu-noreaction.

    FIG. 4. Immunoreaction for BPI in polymorphonuclear leukocytesin the vascular compartment of a glomerulus of human kidney.Anti-BPI antibody. Avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex, haematoxy-lin counterstaining. Magnification 330 x.

    levels were consistently higher in plasma samplescompared to the matched serum samples. Themean concentration of BPI in plasma sampleswas 52.3 lg/1 (range 0.9-403, S.D. 60.6, n- 90).


    The present paper describes a new immu-noassay using time-resolved fluorescence tech-nology for measuring the concentration of BPI.An enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for determiningthe concentration of BPI was recently developedby White and coworkers.28 The mean concentra-tion of BPI in serum as measured by the ELISA28

    and the current TR-FIA are very similar (27.1 lag/1and 28.3 btg/1, respectively). As determined by thecurrent TR-FIA, there was a positive correlationbetween the concentration of BPI and the whimblood cell count as well as between the serumBPI and CRP values. A statistically significant dif-ference was found in the serum BPI levelsbetween patients with and without manifestinfections by the current TR-FIA. Furthermore,the presence of BPI in polymorphonuclear leu-kocytes was confirmed by immunohistochemistryin the current study. Thus, the serum concentra-tion of BPI seems to reflect the intensity of theinflammatory process in the body.

    Mediators of Inflammation Vol 5 1996 49

  • J.-0. Hdggblom et al.

    The mean concentration of BPI in heparinizedplasma samples was markedly higher than that inserum samples as determined by the currentassay. However, no correlations was foundbetween BPI values and whim blood cell countsin plasma samples. Furthermore, BPI concentra-tions varied randomly in plasma samples whenammonium-heparin, sodium citrate and EDTAwere used as anticoagulants in preliminary tests(data not shown). Thus, the detection of BPI inplasma calls for further studies.

    In conclusion, the concentration of BPI can bemeasured reliably in human serum by time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay.

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The authors wish to thank Dr Marian Marra forrecombinant human BPI and Ms Virpi Myllys for immunohistochemical pre-parations. This work was supported by Academy of Finland, the University ofTurku Foundation, and Cancer Society of Southwestern Finland.

    Received 11 October 1995;accepted in revised form 8 December 1995

    50 Mediators of Inflammation Vol 5 1996

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