Time Management Developing skills to have better time management Instructors Manual Presented by Kelsey Hoffman

Time Managementinstructor

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1. Introduction 2. Training objective 3. What is Time management?

4. Exercise 5. Scoring

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Introduction: If you can call yourself a procrastinator, then time management could be the answer you’re looking for! You'll learn a lot about why you waste time and you'll discover some possible solutions to your time management problems.

Training Objective:

By the end of the training session, trainees should be

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able to describe and provide examples of three skills for improving time management.

What is time management?

Time man·age·mentNoun

1.The ability to use one's time effectively or productively, especially at work.

2."time management is the key to efficient working"

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Exercise: Please answer the 10 questions and score according to the answer sheet provided on the next page.

Question 1I keep my TO-DO list on a chart that indicates High/ Medium/ Low degrees of importance. I take care of the H and M's first.a. Almost never true b. Seldom truec. Often trued. Almost always trueQuestion 2I plan in "an appointment with myself for some thinking time" each day, at a time of day when I'm usually the most alert and creative. I protect this time as if it were as critical as an appointment with my boss or an important client or customer.a. Almost never true b. Seldom truec. Often trued. Almost always true

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Question 3My desk is organized so that I know how to get to materials and information I need important tasks easily.

a. Almost never true b. Seldom truec. Often trued. Almost always trueQuestion 4I have a plan for each week and month and each day, to plan in sufficient advance time for important deadlines or projects.a. Almost never true b. Seldom truec. Often trued. Almost always trueQuestion 5I have learned how to delegate tasks in ways that get the job done and make people feel happy to be included in the process.a. Almost never true b. Seldom truec. Often trued. Almost always true

Question 6I seem able to priorities multiple tasks by asking a few questions about how they relate to the over-all goals of a team at any point in time. (Hint: using the H/M/L list over time helps with developing this ability).

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a. Almost never true b. Seldom truec. Often trued. Almost always trueQuestion 7I maintain strong relationships with other people and work groups to help me know what the competition and others are doing, in order to have better information for prioritizing my many tasks.a. Almost never true b. Seldom truec. Often trued. Almost always trueQuestion 8I make judgments about what to do first based on what's most important to my over-arching goals, not on who's complaining the loudesta. Almost never true b. Seldom truec. Often trued. Almost always true

Question 9I have a clear calendar that I follow every day, with "contingency time" built in for the day's emergencies and glitches.a. Almost never true b. Seldom truec. Often trued. Almost always trueQuestion 10I get enough sleep each nighta. Almost never true

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b. Seldom truec. Often trued. Almost always true

Scoring instruction:40 - 35Hard work pays off! You're heading up the ladder to the land of realised potential. For all your hard work and dedication give yourself a treat.34 - 27You're flying high-chances are you've just been or soon will be promoted. Go out and teach what you know to others on your team!26 - 19Good leadership potential here, but there's something askew with either your time-protection or self-protection mechanisms. Read over the quiz again carefully and make some notes about where you scored "not usually" and put those items on your "things to learn" list.18 – 11You're shooting yourself in the foot. Be sure you read over all the items on the quiz where you scored "not usually" and take lots of notes about skills to learn. You might also be a good candidate for some professional coaching.Less than 10Call the career doctor! You're well on your way to the land of unrealized potential. It's hard to know which will come first-missing promotions, losing your job or getting sick.

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Your SCORE: _____________________