Time Block A: Fri 2:00PM Fantasy Miniature Event AF-116 The Battle of Pelennor Fields by William Clark , Armati 2, 4 hrs, Location: Fantasy Miniature Event Table N, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table Orcs, Trolls, Oliphaunts, Easterlings and the Nazgul threaten Minas Tirith. The Forces of Gondor and Rohan will decide Minas Tirith's fate by their victory or defeat. Games/Other AG-215 Advanced Squad Leader (ASL) by Sam Belcher , ASL, 48 hrs, Location: Games/Other Rainer Room, 32 players, Game, Newcomers, Special "Drop In" players welcome! Tournament AND Open Play. New Players welcome!! ASL (Advanced Squad Leader) is a tactical level hex and counter board game that allows you to play almost all Fronts of the many WW2 battlefields. We will have a Tournament for those who want to compete and we'll have friendly open play as well. Instructors will be available for teaching, questions and game play tips! Historical Miniature Event AH-205 Fornovo 1495 (Charles VIII's Italian War) by Spencer Fisher , Pikeman's Lament (28mm), 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table M, 6 players, Game, Some Experience, 5x8 Table In 1495 the French king Charles VIII and his army are attempting to leave Italy after capturing Naples, with the army of League of Venice (Venice, Milan, and others) in pursuit. The French reach the village of Fornovo and find their way blocked by the League's army. Will the French king escape? This game uses the Pikeman's Lament rules with a few changes to reflect Renaissance-period warfare. AH-216 Battle for Washington City by Scott Potter , ACW RF&F, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table H, 6 players, Game, Some Experience, 5x8 Table Jubal Early has defeated Lew Wallace's force and is pushing toward Washington City (1864) What if he hadn't hesitated a day to rest? Would 6th corps arrive in time again?

Time Block A: Fri 2:00PM - nhmgscitadel.com · ASL (Advanced Squad Leader) is a tactical level hex and counter board game that allows ... Miniature Event Table G, 6 players, Game,

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Time Block A: Fri 2:00PM

Fantasy Miniature Event

AF-116 The Battle of Pelennor Fields by William Clark , Armati 2, 4 hrs, Location: Fantasy Miniature Event Table N, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table Orcs, Trolls, Oliphaunts, Easterlings and the Nazgul threaten Minas Tirith. The Forces of Gondor and Rohan will decide Minas Tirith's fate by their victory or defeat.


AG-215 Advanced Squad Leader (ASL) by Sam Belcher , ASL, 48 hrs, Location: Games/Other Rainer Room, 32 players, Game, Newcomers, Special "Drop In" players welcome! Tournament AND Open Play. New Players welcome!! ASL (Advanced Squad Leader) is a tactical level hex and counter board game that allows you to play almost all Fronts of the many WW2 battlefields. We will have a Tournament for those who want to compete and we'll have friendly open play as well. Instructors will be available for teaching, questions and game play tips!

Historical Miniature Event

AH-205 Fornovo 1495 (Charles VIII's Italian War) by Spencer Fisher , Pikeman's Lament (28mm), 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table M, 6 players, Game, Some Experience, 5x8 Table In 1495 the French king Charles VIII and his army are attempting to leave Italy after capturing Naples, with the army of League of Venice (Venice, Milan, and others) in pursuit. The French reach the village of Fornovo and find their way blocked by the League's army. Will the French king escape? This game uses the Pikeman's Lament rules with a few changes to reflect Renaissance-period warfare.

AH-216 Battle for Washington City by Scott Potter , ACW RF&F, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table H, 6 players, Game, Some Experience, 5x8 Table Jubal Early has defeated Lew Wallace's force and is pushing toward Washington City (1864) What if he hadn't hesitated a day to rest? Would 6th corps arrive in time again?

AH-207 Down the pike to Pottersville by Victor Pecka , Volley & Bayonet, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table B, 6 players, Game, Some Experience, 5x8 Table Union forces are moving down the pike towards Pottersville where they run into a Confederate blocking force.

AH-208 English Civil War by Gary Greer White Rock Gamers , Armati 2 Renaissance, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table G, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Battle of Edgehill, 23 October 1642. This was the first battle of the Civil War. If the Royalists had been more disciplined it could have the the last.

AH-228 Escape from Mers el Kebir: Act 1 by Ix Nichols , Check Your Six, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table P, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table France surrendered on June 22, 1940; 10 days later, the Royal Navy destroyed the French battlefleet in the Algerian harbor of Mers El Kebir. In this series of linked games, the French fleet escapes to sea but is intercepted en route to Toulon. Act 1 is a tense dogfight: HMS Ark Royal's Fulmars must help her Swordfish carry torpedoes past the CAP of French Hawk 75s and into Act 2.

AH-173 Falda Gap Steamroller by Robert Doty and Tim Charlesworth , MBT (new version by GMT), 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table A, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!

AH-120 First St Albans, Rebellion in the Kingdom by Dean Motoyama , Lion Rampant, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table W, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table First St. Albans - 22 May 1455. Using Lion Rampant & 28mm figures, a recreation of First St. Albans; the first battle in the Wars of the Roses. The Duke of York & Earl of Warwick lead a small rebel force toward London to impose their authority! Henry VI's loyal Lancastrian troops advance to intercept the Yorkist rebels. Subdue Richard or capture the King for victory. Lady Margaret is a side bonus!

AH-221 Intro to Pikeman's Lament

by Gary Griess , Osprey Rampant English Civil War, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table Q, 6 players, Demo, Newcomers, 6x8 Table Intro game First round will be pike block with supporting musketeers will include command functions. Second round will add Cavalry and commanded shote.

AH-134 Isandlwana by Bill Vanderpool , Imperialism, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table E, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table It is time again to fight the great Zulu Victory of Isandlwana. Can you be the one to get British the victory they seek or will you die to the last man.Can you do better then Zulus did and lead them to war ending victory? British go home or die!


AH-146 Rubarb in Rumania by Michael Preston "Preston" , Blownapart's Battalions, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table O, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table A fictional version of a battle in the war fought in 1812 between the Russians and Turks in the Balkans prior to Napoleon's invasion of Russia.

AH-196 So you want to be a flyboy? by Bill Hughes , Wings of Glory, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Bill's Table, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table Begin your WW1 flying career with the most basic of skills and try to survive. We will track your career for you with sanctioned play sites and games throughout the Northwest and at request. The more you fly the better you will become and the more abilities you will gain. Can you get 5 kills to become an Ace? Pair off with other competitors in one on one combat and later in missions.

AH-115 Somewhere in Spain

by Mitchell Berdinka , Sharp Practice v2, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table C, 6 players, Game, Some Experience, 5x8 Table 25mm Napoleonic Skirmish. British Riflemen Captain Rod Stiffington and Sergeant Ben Derhover must capture a bridge somewhere in Spain. Unfortunately for them, Capitain Boneslaw Studzinski and Sergeant Piotr Muchow of the Polish Vistula Legion have the same orders. It may come down to a contest between the 108 paces per minute of French trained troops vs 3 rounds a minutes for the British.

AH-241 Team Yankee by Colin Wilson , Team Yankee-Flames of War, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table T, 6 players, Game, Some Experience, 6x8 Table Americans stopping a Russian attack. Lots of tanks and helicopters will be involved in the play of this game.

AH-129 Teutoburg by Alyssa Faden , DBE - De Bellis Exrtravaganza (28mm), 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table U & V, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table AD 9: Rome has conquered Germania. Insurrections are at an end and the province is set to become an extension of Roman rule. All is quiet. Or is it? Governor Varus learns that trouble is brewing to the north. Between him and the insurrection there is a vast expanse of Germanic forestry. But with the German prince Arminius as his guide and three legions under his control, what could go wrong?

AH-106 Thunderboats: Golden Age by Kevin Smyth , Thunderboats , 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table F, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table Thunderboats is a hydroplane racing game. Players create their own driver and boat characteristics, and press those to the limit. Played with miniatures representing historic hydroplanes from the 1950's and 1960's.

Time Block B: Fri 7:00PM


BG-184 Hotwheels, HMG’s, and Human Gangs by Bruce Smith , Home Grown Rules, 4 hrs, Location: Games/Other Table N, 6 players, Game, Adults Only, 6x8 Table

Post Apocalyptic Gang Warfare using modified Hotwheels, 1/72 & 20mm mIniatures and buildings. Choose one of the six gangs with its vehicles and men to destroy the opposing gangs and gain more control of the ruined city while being very careful to avoid all the other hazards which you may encounter on your quest to victory!!

BG-114 Mad Wet Max by Kevin Smyth , An Angry Thunderboats! , 4 hrs, Location: Games/Other Table F, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table Think of this as an armed version of Thunderboats! C'mon, you know you've always wanted to . . .

BG-160 Survive S-Mart by Reviresco , Headshot Z, 4 hrs, Location: Games/Other Table S, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Saturday after noon, Shopping at S-Mart. Look Zombies attacking! But wait this is S-Mart they have just about everything a hardcore zombie killer would ever need to make weapons. Time for you to run to the hardware section or maybe to sporting goods! But no matter what aisle you run to you will have to defend yourself! Join us and let’s see if you have what takes to Survive S-Mart!

Historical Miniature Event

BH-206 Fornovo 1495 (Charles VIII's Italian War) by Spencer Fisher , Pikeman's Lament (28mm), 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table M, 6 players, Game, Some Experience, 5x8 Table In 1495 the French king Charles VIII and his army are attempting to leave Italy after capturing Naples, with the army of League of Venice (Venice, Milan, and others) in pursuit. The French reach the village of Fornovo and find their way blocked by the League's army. Will the French king escape? This game uses the Pikeman's Lament rules with a few changes to reflect Renaissance-period warfare.

BH-192 A Ratt and Some Mauses by Greg Moore , Home Brew, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table O, 5 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table Russians driving into Germany in 1945 encounter a very big surprise. All models 3D printed

BH-156 Alps Aflame! The SaxonTrap, August 1809

by James Sagen , Black Powder Modified, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table G & H & I, 5 players, Game, Newcomers, Special Tyrolean Rebels under Andreas Hofer are fighting desperately for liberation from Napoleon's tyranny. French General Rouyer leads a Division made up of the armies of numerous small German duchies and principalities. Their mission is to clear the Brenner Pass of rebels. What can go wrong? The game will utilize the superb figures from Eureka and Perry Miniatures played out on an extra-long board.

BH-145 Battle of Bagradas 253 BC – 10mm Miniatures by Robert Knestrick , Command & Colors Ancients, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table R, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table The Romans are on the verge of defeating Carthage and ending the First Punic War. An overconfident Roman army have offered battle in the Bagradas valley. The game will be played using 1400 10mm miniatures on a hex grid mat using slightly modified Command & Colors game mechanics. The games will only last an hour or less so we will pair up multiple games between the six players over the 4 hour time

BH-200 Battle of Kalisz by Bill Hughes , The Conflict, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Bill's Table, 12 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table The Conflict is a fast paced 6mm Napoleonic Wargame simulating battalion level gameplay. Each player will command troops including infantry, cavalry and artillery. The game utilizes a simple order system to manage troop movement. No experience is necessary. Up to 6 players.

BH-137 Battle of the Trident by Kenneth Winn , DBA, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table X, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table The battle at the Ruby Ford that ended the Mad King’s reign and founded the reign of House Baratheon. Horse, foot and bow go at it blow by blow with glory to the victors and to the defeated, woe. So, support House Targaryen or over throw them; you pick, but be quick as there are only eight roles to play.

BH-219 Brietenfield by Kevin Burke , Pike and Shotte, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table Q, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table

Father Tilly looks to return the Inquisition to North Germany. The Lion of the North, Gustavus Adolfus looks to stop him. The winner will get a small college in Minnesota named after him.

BH-104 Bronze Age Heroes by David Sullivan , Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table J, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table It's mayhem among the megaliths as Bronze Age warriors come to blows. Skirmish game using 40mm European Bronze Age figures.

BH-167 Chrysler's Farm 1814 by Ronald Oldham , British are Coming (modified), 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table K, 5 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table November 1814. The American forces are moving up river to take Montreal. British forces were following when the Americans turned to meet them. These rules are modified so will be taught. All players welcome.

BH-178 City State Wars by Tom Condon , Oars & Rams, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table C, 12 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Choose your Citystate, command your ship, build your experience, and advance your ship and crew. This is part of a continuing campaign of ancient naval battles at conventions over the years. As new players join they will start at the bottom and work their way up.

BH-166 DEUS le VOLT - GOD WILLS IT! by TERRY GRINER , FIELD of GLORY 3.0, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table L, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table CRUSADERS AND SARACENS FIGHT FOR CONTROL OF PALESTINE.

BH-174 Falda Gap Steamroller by Robert Doty and Tim Charlesworth , MBT (new version by GMT), 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table A, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!

BH-121 First St Albans, Rebellion in the Kingdom by Dean Motoyama , Lion Rampant, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table W, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table

First St. Albans - 22 May 1455. Using Lion Rampant & 28mm figures, a recreation of First St. Albans; the first battle in the Wars of the Roses. The Duke of York & Earl of Warwick lead a small rebel force toward London to impose their authority! Henry VI's loyal Lancastrian troops advance to intercept the Yorkist rebels. Subdue Richard or capture the King for victory. Lady Margaret is a side bonus!

BH-144 Hunting we will go hunting we willl go. by Bill Vanderpool , The Men Who Would Be Kings , 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table E, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table The French and their friends go hunting for there new friends Zulu to see if they can have little fun. The Zulus think this be be bad idea and may need send people back to were they came from. Can the Zulus show them the hunting Zulus is a bad idea or French have some fun. Come have some fun!

BH-214 JAVA 1942 by Bruce Meyer , Combat!, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table B, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table After the Fall of Hong Kong the Japanese continue their march through Asia falling on the Dutch forces and their Allies in Indonesia.

BH-210 Pillaging the Peasantry by Mark Serafin , Fubarsky, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table P, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table During the Russian Civil War, differing factions converge on a village of poor serfs to impose their ideology, especially on any food that might be there. The peasants have other ideas.

BH-198 Pre-Dreadnaught Battleship Battles by Doug Nolan , The Gun, Torpedo and the Ram, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table T, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table The Gun, Torpedo and the Ram is a naval rule system for Pre-Dreadnoughts. No experience is necessary. Up to 8 people.

BH-130 Teutoburg by Alyssa Faden , DBE - De Bellis Exrtravaganza (28mm), 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table U & V, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table AD 9: Rome has conquered Germania. Insurrections are at an end and the province is set to become an extension of Roman rule. All is quiet. Or is it? Governor Varus learns

that trouble is brewing to the north. Between him and the insurrection there is a vast expanse of Germanic forestry. But with the German prince Arminius as his guide and three legions under his control, what could go wrong?

Sci-Fi Miniature Event

BS-239 St. Ives Rebellion: attack on Warlock III by Chris L. Ewick , Battletech, 4 hrs, Location: Sci-Fi Miniature Event Table D, 12 players, Game, Kids/Under 12, 5x8 Table The St Ives compact has been formed and needs to secure Warlock III Cares Metals Industries. Join us for this pre-clan era slugfest!

Time Block C: Sat 9:00AM


CG-182 Car Wars Rebellion by Bobby Kalahan & Gary Bohon , Car Wars (Classic Edition), 4 hrs, Location: Games/Other Table P, 8 players, Game, Adults Only, 6x8 Table The corps are always trying to tell you what to be, how to act, & how to drive. Are you going to punk out & do what they say? Or are you going to rebel & do what you do best--blast the holy living snot out of every other autodueller out there? Car Wars is your chance to show that the right of way goes to the bravest, most insanely awesome driver with the biggest guns. Drive offensively, my friend.

CG-161 Survive S-Mart by Reviresco , Headshot Z, 4 hrs, Location: Games/Other Table R, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Saturday after noon, Shopping at S-Mart. Look Zombies attacking! But wait this is S-Mart they have just about everything a hardcore zombie killer would ever need to make weapons. Time for you to run to the hardware section or maybe to sporting goods! But no matter what aisle you run to you will have to defend yourself! Join us and let’s see if you have what takes to Survive S-Mart!

Historical Miniature Event

CH-158 Alps Aflame! The SaxonTrap, August 1809

by James Sagen , Black Powder Modified, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table G & H & I, 5 players, Game, Newcomers, Special Tyrolean Rebels under Andreas Hofer are fighting desperately for liberation from Napoleon's tyranny. French General Rouyer leads a Division made up of the armies of numerous small German duchies and principalities. Their mission is to clear the Brenner Pass of rebels. What can go wrong? The game will utilize the superb figures from Eureka and Perry Miniatures played out on an extra-long board.

CH-217 Battle for Washington City by Scott Potter , ACW RF&F, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table M, 6 players, Game, Some Experience, 5x8 Table Jubal Early has defeated Lew Wallace's force and is pushing toward Washington City (1864) What if he hadn't hesitated a day to rest? Would 6th corps arrive in time again?

CH-201 Battle of Kalisz by Bill Hughes , The Conflict, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Bill's Table, 12 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table The Conflict is a fast paced 6mm Napoleonic Wargame simulating battalion level gameplay. Each player will command troops including infantry, cavalry and artillery. The game utilizes a simple order system to manage troop movement. No experience is necessary. Up to 6 players.

CH-126 Battle of Mobile Bay by Steve Thorne , Steam and Sail Navies, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table T, 13 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table Battle of Mobile Bay in 1/600 scale. Warning: "Observers" will be pressed to duty! Booked for 9 hours so a replay (switch sides or add new players) is possible. Younger players with supervision are no problem. Rules taught, "cheat sheets" handed out, dice and measures provided (or use yours). The more players, the more confusion, er, fun! Come bang away at ironclads, wooden ships and Fort Morgan.

CH-218 Clontarf by Kevin Burke , Field of Glory, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table X, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Brian Boru Leads the united Irish Clans to recapture Dublin. Can the Vikings defend the town or will the long ships burn?

CH-139 DBA Open Gaming

by Kenneth Winn , DBA, 14 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event DBA Area, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table DBA Open Gaming: I have 10 armies you can choose from. Or bring your own. Open DBA gaming. I will be bringing 4 boards and all the materials to play the game. All people have to do is want to play.

CH-102 Drakes Farm, New Jersey, Feb 1777 by Gary Strombo , Muskets and Tomahawks, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table B, 4 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table It is the Winter of 1777. Two Armies occupy New Jersey Colony, and supplies are running short for both. A small farm sitting alone in the foothills between them becomes the target of a raid for much needed provisions. Who can get to the farm and get the stored goods there? And, is it a trap? Both sides play a dangerous game in this War. The 'Forage War" has begun.

CH-127 Enfilade 2018 Flames Of War Mid-War Tournament by Steve McCuen , Flames of War v4, 9 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event State Room, 22 players, Tournament, Experienced Only, State Enfilade 2018 v4 Flames Of War Tournament with faq updates Era: Mid-war Points: 71 points Organized by: [email protected], Rose City Dukes FoW Ranger Group Website: rosecitydukes.wordpress.com Player Check in start at 8:30 AM Player Meeting at 9:15 AM Round 1 (2h15m) start 9:30-11:45 AM break Round 2 (2h15m) start 12:45-3:00 PM break Round 3 (2h15m) start 3:30-5:45 PM Awards Ceremony ~6:00 PM

CH-212 Eylau 1807 by Seth Terry , General de Corps, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table D, 8 players, Game, Experienced Only, 5x8 Table Description pending.

CH-135 Gettysburg - July 2nd by Jeroen Koopman & Allan Dyer , Fire & Fury, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table N & O, 8 players, Game, Some Experience, 6x8 Table 15mm figures. Description: Gettysburg, July 2nd start time 2:30, place from north of the Peach Orchard to Little Round Top, The Union will have some units set up hidden and some Fog of War with different terrain set up than historical.

CH-118 Heraclea

by William Clark , Armati 2, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table K & L, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, Special The first Pyyrhic victory. Rome moves south against Magna Graecia and the Greek City state of Tarentum summons Pyyrhus of Epirus to assist. A Roman allied army meets Pyyrhus and his Greek allies near the River Siris, not far from the town of Heralcea. The ensuing battle is the first clash between Roman and the Macedonian phalanx and Rome's first taste of elephants.

CH-150 Hlobane, the first round by Bill Vanderpool , Imperialism, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table E, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table On the day Colonel Wood heard about Isandlwana he was about to attack the Zulus stronghold at Hlobane. What if the news got there too late to stop the attack? Will British mess his one up too or will Zulus screw this up like the guys on the coast? Come have some fun.

CH-175 India and China go Toe to Toe with carrier warfare by Robert A. Doty , Harpoon Captains Edition 2.0, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table J, 6 players, Demo, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Harpoon Captains Edition 2.0. Playtest the new version of the rules, and submit feedback

CH-147 Rubarb in Rumania by Michael Preston , Blownapart's Battalions, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table F, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table See my Friday event

CH-131 Teutoburg by Alyssa Faden , DBE - De Bellis Exrtravaganza (28mm), 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table U & V, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table AD 9: Rome has conquered Germania. Insurrections are at an end and the province is set to become an extension of Roman rule. All is quiet. Or is it? Governor Varus learns that trouble is brewing to the north. Between him and the insurrection there is a vast expanse of Germanic forestry. But with the German prince Arminius as his guide and three legions under his control, what could go wrong?

CH-122 Tewkesbury, Last Stand of the Lancastrians

by Dean Motoyama , Lion Rampant, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table W, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table In early May 1471, and just a few weeks after Edward IV’s Yorkist triumph at Barnet, the Lancastrian Prince of Wales (POW), only son of Henry VI, sought to reclaim his right to the throne of England at Tewkesbury. If the POW dies, so does the Lancastrian cause. Edward IV's young brother, Richard of Gloucester, leads one of the Yorkist battles; if he lives, you may see him at Bosworth someday!


CH-187 The Battle of Watling Street by Dean Clarke , Hail Caesar, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table A, 6 players, Demo, Some Experience, 6x8 Table Boudica of the Iceni takes on Gaius Suetonius Paullinus of the battle hardened XIV Gemina at Manduessedum (Place of Chariots) in AD 60 or 61 “They will not sustain even the din and the shout of so many thousands, much less our charge and our blows. If you weigh well the strength of the armies, and the causes of the war, you will see that in this battle you must conquer or die.”

CH-179 Welsh Rebellion by Tom Condon , Mayhem - Simple skirmish rules., 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table C, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Simple skirmish level game of a Welsh rebellion against the English aristocracy.

Sci-Fi Miniature Event

CS-151 "Who Runs Barter Beach" by Neil Marker , Pulp Alley, 4 hrs, Location: Sci-Fi Miniature Event Table S, 5 players, Game, Adults Only, 5x8 Table In a post-apocalyptic world, rumors of newly unearthed Old World technology draws many would-be seekers.

Time Block D: Sat 2:00PM

Historical Miniature Event

DH-148 Road to Moscow 1812 by Michael Preston , Blownapart's Battalions, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table F, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table The 25mm version of the game fought with Russian and French forces.

DH-185 1798 Irish Rebellion - Battle of Antrim by Gary Williams , Hour of Battle, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table C, 7 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Join the forces of the Crown or assist the Rebels in taking a vital city, back. Pikes, Pikes, and more Pikes.

DH-159 Alps Aflame! The SaxonTrap, August 1809 by James Sagen , Black Powder Modified, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table G & H & I, 5 players, Game, Newcomers, Special Tyrolean Rebels under Andreas Hofer are fighting desperately for liberation from Napoleon's tyranny. French General Rouyer leads a Division made up of the armies of numerous small German duchies and principalities. Their mission is to clear the Brenner Pass of rebels. What can go wrong? The game will utilize the superb figures from Eureka and Perry Miniatures played out on an extra-long board.

DH-155 Battle Of iNyezane River by Bill Vanderpool , Imperialism, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table E, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table The British are moving into Zululand and looking for a good place to set up camp when all hell breaks out. so much for tea time. Can the Zulus over run them and wash there spears. Come see who gets out alive?

DH-202 Battle of Kalisz by Bill Hughes , The Conflict, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Bill's Table, 12 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table The Conflict is a fast paced 6mm Napoleonic Wargame simulating battalion level gameplay. Each player will command troops including infantry, cavalry and artillery. The

game utilizes a simple order system to manage troop movement. No experience is necessary. Up to 6 players.

DH-128 Battle of Mobile Bay by Steve Thorne , Sail and Steam Navies, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table T, 13 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table Battle of Mobile Bay in 1/600 scale. Warning: "Observers" will be pressed to duty! Booked for 9 hours so a replay (switch sides or add new players) is possible. Younger players with supervision are no problem. Rules taught, "cheat sheets" handed out, dice and measures provided (or use yours). The more players, the more confusion, er, fun! Come bang away at ironclads, wooden ships and Fort Morgan.

DH-105 Battle of the Ford of the Biscuits by David Sullivan , The Pikeman's Lament, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table Q, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table 1594 - English forces in Ireland marching to relieve the Blackwater Fort are ambushed by Irish rebel forces. 28mm skirmish game using The Pikeman's Lament rules.

DH-103 Drakes Farm, New Jersey, Feb 1777 by Gary Strombo , Muskets and Tomahawks, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table B, 4 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table It is the Winter of 1777. Two Armies occupy New Jersey Colony, and supplies are running short for both. A small farm sitting alone in the foothills between them becomes the target of a raid for much needed provisions. Who can get to the farm and get the stored goods there? And, is it a trap? Both sides play a dangerous game in this War. The 'Forage War" has begun.

DH-136 Gettysburg - July 2nd by Jeroen Koopman & Allan Dyer , Fire & Fury, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table N & O, 8 players, Game, Some Experience, 6x8 Table 15mm figures. Description: Gettysburg, July 2nd start time 2:30, place from north of the Peach Orchard to Little Round Top, The Union will have some units set up hidden and some Fog of War with different terrain set up than historical.

DH-176 India and China go Toe to Toe with carrier warfare by Robert A. Doty , Harpoon Captains Edition 2.0, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table J, 6 players, Demo, Newcomers, 5x8 Table

Harpoon Captains Edition 2.0. Playtest the new version of the rules, and submit feedback. This is a continuation of the Period C game.

DH-171 Knapton's Trading Post by Norris Hazelton , Sharp Practice, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table D, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Knapton's Trading Post sits on a cross-road and has a spring fed well/waterhole. The Brits need it after a long dry two days without good water. The Colonists have it and don't want to share.

DH-170 New Orleans 1815 by Ronald Oldham , British are Coming (modified), 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table P, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table The British are coming to New Orleans. General Jackson has other plans for them. This is an attack on a fixed position so there are only 2 American players and 4 British. The American players will be in the fixed position so not much maneuver so be aware. This is a 25mm event.

DH-132 Operation Dragunov by Lawrence Bateman, and Damond Crump , Modified "Total Conflict" modern micro armor , 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table U & V, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, Special It's the mid 80s. The Russian Bear has left the woods, and crossed the German boarder. NATO forces must come together to stop the push towards Bremerhaven.

DH-213 Operation Rheinubung by William Clark , GQ3.3, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table K & L, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table This is the sortie Admiral Raeder wanted if occurrences beyond his control had not limited the sortie to the Bismarck and Prinz Eugen. It is nothing short of a Kriegsmarine Fleet sortie of all its heavy ships. The Home Fleet of the Royal Navy will have its work cut out for it here; stopping this bunch from breaking out into the Alantic where 10 convoys and one troop convoy were at sea.

DH-163 Raid on San Carlos Water by Dave Schueler , AirWar C21, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table A, 7 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table

The Royal Navy has started landing troops in San Carlos. The Argentinian Air Force has been ordered to attack the transports and stop the landings. Sea Harriers are protecting the landing area, but will they be enough?

DH-123 Tewkesbury, Last Stand of the Lancastrians by Dean Motoyama , Lion Rampant, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table W, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table In early May 1471, and just a few weeks after Edward IV’s Yorkist triumph at Barnet, the Lancastrian Prince of Wales (POW), only son of Henry VI, sought to reclaim his right to the throne of England at Tewkesbury. If the POW dies, so does the Lancastrian cause. Edward IV's young brother, Richard of Gloucester, leads one of the Yorkist battles; if he lives, you may see him at Bosworth someday!

Sci-Fi Miniature Event

DS-162 Death on the Dreadnought by John McEwan , Starguard, 4 hrs, Location: Sci-Fi Miniature Event Table R, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Amerons vs. Necromorphs on the Planet New Hope. A battle from James McEwan's 4th book in the Hammer's War Series. Hammer's Commandos must destroy a 100 year old Land Battle Ship left over from the Days of Empire War. A desperate battle against odds.

DS-152 "The Wash of Years" by Neil Marker , Pulp Alley, 4 hrs, Location: Sci-Fi Miniature Event Table S, 5 players, Game, Adults Only, 5x8 Table After the erstwhile adventurers find the clues in Barter Beach, can they get to the rumored site of the pre-War treasures? The coastline is dangerous for more than just the weather.

DS-124 Another problem in Abydus by Hugh Singh , In Her Majesty's Name, 4 hrs, Location: Sci-Fi Miniature Event Table X, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Byzantium, the IHMN Version, Holding the Dardanelles and the surrounding area the Byzantines are having some more problems. this time in Abydus on the Asia Minor side of the strait. International help is on the way to combat ..... well to combat something......

DS-186 Attack the Redoubt

by Dale Mickel , All Quiet on the Martian Front , 4 hrs, Location: Sci-Fi Miniature Event Table M, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Spoiler attack on the Martian Redoubt. A mixed force of Canadian, British and United States troops attack a small Martian base in British Columbia. The human forces attempt to spoil an upcoming Martian offensive that is pointed at the Frazier Valley. The Martian forces that survive this game will be part of the larger game on Sunday.

Time Block E: Sat 7:00PM

Historical Miniature Event

EH-230 ACW in 600 scale by Scott Schwager , Bloody Struggle for a Nation, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table T, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table ACW rules using 1cm = 10yds or 1 meter = 1000 yds. Innovative morale and combat cohesion system and novel movement process. Process rewards the aggressive player as well as the prepared one.

EH-203 Battle of Kalisz by Bill Hughes , The Conflict, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Bill's Table, 12 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table The Conflict is a fast paced 6mm Napoleonic Wargame simulating battalion level gameplay. Each player will command troops including infantry, cavalry and artillery. The game utilizes a simple order system to manage troop movement. No experience is necessary. Up to 6 players.

EH-191 Berlin Breakout by David Duran-Rios , Bolt Action 2nd Edition, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table H, 2 players, Game, Adults Only, 5x8 Table It is early Spring of 1945, and the forces of Nazi Germany are all but beaten. As the Red Army closes in on Berlin, German troops make a desperate break to escape the Soviets and surrender to comparatively friendly Americans. Will the Germans escape to the West, or can the Soviets cut them off? Only you can decide in Berlin Breakout. (Experienced Bolt Action players only, please. No exceptions)

EH-157 Convoy to Luneburg by Bill R Vanderpool , Imperlism, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table E, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table

Supples are being moved to Luneburg. You're Cavalry Scouts have been called away to chase some Zulus but no problem there no Zulus for miles. The Zulus are busy stealing Boer cattle, when some damn British come along and get in you're way of going home. Want are you going to do now? Lets have some fun!

EH-209 English Civil War Battle of Marston Moor by Gary Greer , Armati 2 Renaissance, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table P, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table Battle of Marston Moor, 2 July 1644. The largest battle of the Civil War and marked a major turning point. Oliver Cromwell,had risen quickly through the ranks and his Ironside cavalry were developing a reputation.

EH-222 Escape from Mers el Kebir: Act 2 by Ix Nichols , GQ 3.3, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table K & L, 7 players, Game, Some Experience, 6x8 Table France surrendered on June 22, 1940; 10 days later, the Royal Navy destroyed the French battlefleet in the Algerian harbor of Mers El Kebir. In this series of linked games, the French fleet escapes to sea but is intercepted en route to Toulon. Act 2 is a 1/2400 scale fleet action between evenly matched British and French battlefleets. The curtain opens with an attack by Swordfish from Act 1...

EH-224 Escape from St. Petersburg by Ed Beauregard , Steel Fleets, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table I&J, 11 players, Game, Newcomers, Special It is February 1918 and Georgie has decided to allow Nicki to take refuge in England. Carrying the entire gold reserves of Russia, the Czar sets sail with the might of the Baltic Fleet and the sure hope of British and American naval support. However the Kaiser, and some disaffected Russian crews, may have a different view.

EH-138 Gettysburg - July 2nd by Jeroen Koopman & Allan Dyer , Fire & Fury, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table N & O, 8 players, Game, Some Experience, 6x8 Table 15mm figures. Description: Gettysburg, July 2nd start time 2:30, place from north of the Peach Orchard to Little Round Top, The Union will have some units set up hidden and some Fog of War with different terrain set up than historical.

EH-164 Illustrious must be sunk!

by Dave Schueler , AirWar 1940, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table A, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table HMS Illustrious has been a thorn in the Axis side ever since her torpedo bombers sank the Italian battleships at Taranto. Now the Germans and Italians have a chance to strike back. The Stukas and torpedo planes are on their way!

EH-177 Jackson's Night Attack 54mm by Nick Stern , The Men Who Would Be Kings, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table Q, 6 players, Game, Some Experience, 6x8 Table On the night of December 22/23 1814, General Andrew Jackson launched a surprise attack on the British camp south of New Orleans. Tennessee woodsmen, Choctaw Indians, US Regulars and Free Men of Color engaged in fierce hand to hand fighting with the elite British Rifle Brigade, Scots Fusiliers and 93rd Sutherland Highlanders. Presented in Big Screen 54mm!

EH-172 Knapton and Sons Trading Emporium by Norris Hazelton , Sharp Practice, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table D, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Knapton and Sons Trading Emporium sits on an important cross-road and has a spring fed well/waterhole/pond/stream that does not go dry. The Rebs need it after a long dry three days without good water. The Yanks have it and won't share.

EH-211 Pillaging the Peasantry by Mark Serafin , Fubarsky, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table V, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table During the Russian Civil War, differing factions converge on a village of poor serfs to impose their ideology, especially on any food that might be there. The peasants have other ideas.

EH-225 Revolting skies by Denny Hartung , check your six, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table B, 8 players, Game, Some Experience, 5x8 Table The skies above Spain are in revolt! It is the Spanish civil war in 1936, and the proxy war between the Fascist and the Communists is heating up. A bombing raid of German Ju-52s, escorted by He-51s is being intercepted by I-15s!Can the Italian Cr-32s save them? Hay! What are those I-16 monoplanes doing in a biplane dog fight? Grab a plane and find out.

EH-197 So you want to be a flyboy? by Doug Nolan , Wings of Glory, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table U, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table Begin your WW1 flying career with the most basic of skills and try to survive. We will track your career for you with sanctioned play sites and games throughout the Northwest and at request. The more you fly the better you will become and the more abilities you will gain. Can you get 5 kills to become an Ace? Pair off with other competitors in one on one combat and later in missions.

EH-180 Somewhere in Spain by Mitchell Berdinka , Sharp Practice, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table C, 6 players, Game, Some Experience, 5x8 Table 25mm Napoleonic Skirmish. British Riflemen Captain Rod Stiffington and Sergeant Inoff must capture a bridge somewhere in Spain. Unfortunately for them, Capitain Boneslaw Studzinski and Sergeant Piotr Muchow of the Polish Vistula Legion have the same orders. It may come down to a contest between the 108 paces per minute of French trained troops vs 3 rounds a minutes for the British.

EH-189 Team Yankee Team Battle: Hanover or Bust by James Billingham , Team Yankee, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event State Room, 8 players, Game, Experienced Only, 5x8 Table Team Yankee Team Event. It's World War III in West Germany. Can American and NATO forces hold against the Warsaw Pact onslaught? 2 teams: NATO vs Warsaw Pact. 4 players per team. 64 pts per player. MEGA-BATTLE. Each winning team member gets prize. Experience req'd. More info and team roster at http://www.ordofanaticus.com/topic/209651-enfilade-2018-team-yankee-event-hanover-or-bust-sat-may-26/

EH-223 Thar be pirates 'ere by Mark JoHahnson , Blood and Plunder, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table F, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table An encounter on the high seas.

EH-133 Winter War in the Sky by Foster Hardt , Mustangs and Messerschmitts, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Floor Table L Area, 10 players, Game, Newcomers, Special

This will be a standard game of Mustangs and Messerschmitts using the 5th edition rules. The setting will be the 1939-1940 Winter War between Finland and the Soviet Union. The game is a three dimensional game of aerial combat with each player flying one aircraft. The game is very realistic and has a logical but moderately complex rule-set.

EH-142 Wreck of the Santo Cristo de Burgos by Sven Lugar , In Her Majesty's Name variant, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table G, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table 1693: a galleon left Manila bound for Acapulco, never to be seen again. Based on archaeological and oral histories, this is the likely final stand of the crew wrecked on the Oregon Coast. Spanish sailors, Dutch pirates, Nehalem Indians, Hawaiian and Filipino crew, or Japanese diplomats try to seize the treasure of the wrecked galleon and escape in a small boat. "Give or take a lie or two"!

Sci-Fi Miniature Event

ES-153 "Vault of Terrors" by Neil Marker , Pulp Alley, 4 hrs, Location: Sci-Fi Miniature Event Table S, 5 players, Game, Adults Only, 5x8 Table The final game of our 3 game serial, will the adventurers find their long-desired wealth? Or will they too be lost in the Vault of time and the Old World?

ES-190 A Call to Arms: Star Fleet by Dale Mickel , A Call To Arms: Star Fleet, 4 hrs, Location: Sci-Fi Miniature Event Table M, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Klingons vs Kzinti. Lots of drones and disruptors. Just one of the many skirmishes between them.

ES-181 Battle For Henderson's Gulch - 6mm Homebrew Scenario by Andrew J. Knestrick , Classic Battletech, 4 hrs, Location: Sci-Fi Miniature Event Table W, 9 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table Hungry and stranded on the arid planet of Ostara, a rag tag band of MechWarrior's defend a farming town from an onslaught of bandits seeking to plunder it for their own survival. Outnumbered and outgunned, can the MechWarrior's hope to save the town and their lives? | We'll be using 3D terrain with a little bit of homebrew rules to help speed the game along. |

ES-125 Lost in Lemuria, again..... by Hugh Singh , In Her Majesty's Name, 4 hrs, Location: Sci-Fi Miniature Event Table X, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Many are the stories of the Temples of Lemuria, the jungles the natives, the Monster Apes, the uncountable Treasure, the natives....

ES-193 The Other Great War by Greg Moore , World War Tesla, 4 hrs, Location: Sci-Fi Miniature Event Table R, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table Alternate history WWI battle with fantastic war machines inspired by Nikola Tesla. All models 3d printed.

Time Block F: Sun 10:00AM

Fantasy Miniature Event

FF-231 Casablanca, a Pulp Adventure by Ron Palma , Pulp Alley, 4 hrs, Location: Fantasy Miniature Event Table C, 6 players, Game, Some Experience, 5x8 Table The year is 1941 in Casablanca. The Vichy French are in control of the city, with the Germans poised to take over; refugees are trying to escape to friendlier territory, gun runners are smuggling guns to freedom fighters, thieves are looking for ancient artifacts to make their fortunes while avoiding artifact protectors. Can you guide your league through adventure and peril to escape Casablanca?


FG-168 Mad Wet Max: Beyond Thunderboats by Kevin Smyth , An Angry Thunderboats! , 4 hrs, Location: Games/Other Table F, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table Think of this as an armed version of Thunderboats! C'mon, you know you've always wanted to . . .

Historical Miniature Event

FH-204 Battle of Kalisz

by Bill Hughes , The Conflict, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Bill's Table, 12 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table The Conflict is a fast paced 6mm Napoleonic Wargame simulating battalion level gameplay. Each player will command troops including infantry, cavalry and artillery. The game utilizes a simple order system to manage troop movement. No experience is necessary. Up to 6 players.

FH-194 Battle of Stamford Bridge, 1066 by Gary Strombo , Lion Rampant, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table P, 8 players, Game, Some Experience, 6x8 Table King Harald vs King Harald, Godwinson vs Hardrada. Battle of Stamford Bridge, 25 September, 1066 Harald Godwinson's brother Tostig has rebelled and joined forces with Harald Hardrada of Norway to Take England. King Harald Godwinson has marched the length of the country to catch Hardrada's Viking Army before it can assemble and be unstoppable. Are they in time?

FH-232 Bitter Banquet by Ed Beauregard , Supremacy at Sea, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table I&J, 10 players, Game, Newcomers, Special It is August 24th, 1944, and the British Pacific Fleet, to support the U.S. landings at Hollandia, is conducting a feint invasion of Sumatra, near the port of Singapore, codenamed Operation Banquet. The U.S. Navy has detached a small bombardment force to lend verisimilitude to the operation. Unknown to the Allies, the Japanese just happen to be perfectly positioned to respond.

FH-233 Borodino 1812 by Dave Beatty/Kevin Burke , Shako II, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table U & V & W, 12 players, Game, Kids/Under 12, Special The French must gain Moscow and destroy the Russian Army to preserve their Empire's mastery of Europe. The Russians are fighting for their sacred soil. The great battle at the gates of Moscow (well about seventy miles west) refought at the battalion level. Play as Kutusov, Davout, Bagration, Eugene, Barclay de Tolly, Ney, Platov, Murat,Alexander or Napoleon. Shako II rules. Really, it does.

FH-238 Crossing the Piave River by Bart A. Arthur , Volley and Bayonet, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table M & S, 7 players, Game, Newcomers, Special

Northern Italy 1809, War of the Fifth Coalition. The Austrians are retreating back to Austria after initially doing well against the dispersed French. John turns back to defend the Piave River fords in an attempt to stall Eugene, his pursuer. Long odds for the Austrians who are counting on the spring seasonal snow melt to block the fords.

FH-234 DBA V3 Open Tournament by Chris Ewick , DBA V3, 7 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table L, Table R, Table X, DBA Tables, 24 players, Tournament, Some Experience, Special Tournament will use 3rd edition rules. All armies should be 3rd edition compliant. We will do our best to make the switch as easy for everyone as possible and will have a good selection of extra elements if anyone needs something to swap their army from v2.2 to 3. Tourney is Swiss pairing for the first 3 rounds (1 hour each). Top 4 advance to semis and finals. A Trophy and gift certificate prizes

FH-199 Pre-Dreadnaught Battleship Battles by Doug Nolan , The Gun, Torpedo and the Ram, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table T, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table The Gun, Torpedo and the Ram is a naval rule system for Pre-Dreadnoughts. No experience is necessary. Up to 8 people.

FH-117 Siege of Castle Miser by William Clark , Medieval Tactica Siege Rules, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table B, 6 players, Game, Kids/Under 12, 5x8 Table Castle Miser is back sitting on its hill waiting for those with the will to sack it. The rules are quick simple and bloody. Why assault? Your vassals' annual service time runs out today, come the dawn and you owe scutage. Assault now, scutage costs money, the dead cost nothing. Children need Adult present.

FH-101 Sunday Boxer time by Bill Vanderpool , The Men Who Would Be Kings, 4 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table E, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Imperial forces move to rescue trapped mission families in Boxer are. Will the Boxer kill the white devils or the mixed Imperial forces fight thier way to them in time! Come have some fun!

Sci-Fi Miniature Event

FS-240 Bigger Fish

by William Thompson / Eli Thompson , Galactic Knights, 4 hrs, Location: Sci-Fi Miniature Event Table D, 6 players, Game, Kids/Under 12, 5x8 Table There is always a bigger fish. Each player starts with a Armored Pursuit ship and a free-for-all starts. If you destroy another players ship, at the beginning of next term you get the next bigger ship and the other player gets a fresh ship of the type you destroyed. Prizes will be issued for the owner of the biggest ship and the best sport (voted by their peers) at the end of the game.

FS-143 Forcing the Frazier by Sven Lugar , All Quiet on the Martian Front, 4 hrs, Location: Sci-Fi Miniature Event Table N & O, 10 players, Game, Newcomers, Special This time the combined forces of the Canadians & USA stand forth to repel a large force of Martians sweeping down the Frazier river valley in the North. A train of civilians flees down the Trans-Canadian Rail Road towards Vancouver pursued by Tripods. Can the combined force stop them?

FS-226 That's No Moon!: Assault on the Death Star by Chris Rivers , X-Wing Miniatures Game, 4 hrs, 21 players, Game, Newcomers, 6x8 Table The Death Star is closing in on the Rebel Base on Yavin IV. The Rebels have launched a desperate last attack to destroy the Death Star, among them Luke Skywalker. Do you play as the Rebels and try to destroy the Death Star or the Evil Empire bent on the destruction of the filthy Rebel Scum? This is a Death Star Trench Run from the end of Star Wars with most of the major characters represented.

FS-229 The Other Great War by Greg Moore , World War Tesla, 4 hrs, Location: Sci-Fi Miniature Event Table G, 6 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table Alternate history WWI battle with fantastic war machines inspired by Nikola Tesla. All models 3d printed.

Time Block G: Sun 2:00PM

Historical Miniature Event

GH-195 Battle of Stamford Bridge, 1066 by Gary Strombo , Lion Rampant, 3 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table P, 8 players, Game, Some Experience, 6x8 Table

King Harald vs King Harald, Godwinson vs Hardrada. Battle of Stamford Bridge, 25 September, 1066 Harald Godwinson's brother Tostig has rebelled and joined forces with Harald Hardrada of Norway to Take England. King Harald Godwinson has marched the length of the country to catch Hardrada's Viking Army before it can assemble and be unstoppable. Are they in time?

GH-154 time for one last Zulu game by Bill Vanderpool , imperlism, 3 hrs, Location: Historical Miniature Event Table E, 8 players, Game, Newcomers, 5x8 Table come get in last game before it is all over with for the year. Can you lead the Zulu forces to victory or will British once more give the Zulus a bad beating?

Sci-Fi Miniature Event

GS-149 Forcing the Frazier by Sven Lugar , All Quiet on the Martian Front, 3 hrs, Location: Sci-Fi Miniature Event Table N & O, 10 players, Game, Newcomers, Special This time the combined forces of the Canadians & USA stand forth to repel a large force of Martians sweeping down the Frazier river valley in the North. A train of civilians flees down the Trans-Canadian Rail Road towards Vancouver pursued by Tripods. Can the combined force stop them?