Critical (M)Ass: The Kiwi·s Complete A/B Workout Workout A All exercises, except for kettlebell sw ings, are performed for 10 repetitions using a 13 -Repetition Max2 (RM) weight. 1. Glute activation raises 2. Flying dog 3. Heavy dumbbell front squat to p ress (ass to heels)³squeeze glutes at bottom for one second before rising 4. One-arm, one-leg DB row 5. Walking lunges with sprinter knee raise ² [Note from The Kiwi: "Your progression should be using you r bodyweight, then dumbbells. This video shows with barbbell. I would PAUSE more at the top and push for hip extension (be as tall as you can at the top of each rep)."] 6. Wide-grip push-ups 7. Two-arm kettlebell swings x 20-25 Repeat sequence 2²4 times. Workout B 1. One-leg Romanian Deadlift (RDL) (10²12 reps each side, at a 13 RM on first set weight selection ) 2. Chin-up ( four-second negative lowering portion only) × 10 or until you cannot control descent 3. One-leg hamstring curls on a Swiss ball³6²12 reps each leg 4. Plank for abs ( and gluteus medius on sides) -> Progression: start with 30 seconds front, 30 seconds each side, working up to 90 seconds maximum 5. Reverse hyper × 15²25 Repeat sequence 2²4 times. [Note from The Kiwi: "A bit slow on concentric for my tastes, but acceptable. Do these two seconds down, explosive up." ] Myotatic crunch The cat vomit exercise

Tim Ferris Workout 1

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Critical (M)Ass: The Kiwi·s Complete A/B


Workout A

All exercises, except for kettlebell swings, are performed for 10 repetitions using a 13 -Repetition Max2 (RM) weight.

1.  Glute activation raises

2.  Flying dog

3.  Heavy dumbbell front squat to press (ass to heels)³squeeze glutes at bottom for one second before rising

4.  One-arm, one-leg DB row

5.  Walking lunges with sprinter knee raise ² [Note from The Kiwi: "Your progression should be using your 

bodyweight, then dumbbells. This video shows with barbbell. I would PAUSE more at the top and push for hip

extension (be as tall as you can at the top of each rep)."]


Wide-grip push-ups7.  Two-arm kettlebell swings x 20-25

Repeat sequence 2²4 times.

Workout B

1.  One-leg Romanian Deadlift (RDL) (10²12 reps each side, at a 13 RM on first set weight selection)

2.  Chin-up (four-second negative lowering portion only) × 10 or until you cannot control descent

3.  One-leg hamstring curls on a Swiss ball³6²12 reps each leg

4.  Plank for abs (and gluteus medius on sides) -> Progression: start with 30 seconds front, 30 seconds each side,

working up to 90 seconds maximum

5.  Reverse hyper × 15²25 Repeat sequence 2²4 times. [Note from The Kiwi: "A bit slow on concentric for my tastes,

but acceptable. Do these two seconds down, explosive up."]

Myotatic crunch

The cat vomit exercise