. THIRTY-FIFT- H YEAR. X K W Y0 IC. M ON DA Y. ,HTLY 27. I8S. ' FRICK TWO CENTsT" l FROM WASHINGTON. Rapid Progrosa of Legislation Tho Tables almost Cleared. Tlio Senate Disposes of Nearly all tho Nominations. Probably no Change or Commissioner of Internal Revenue, i Tho American Stoamshlp Lino Bill Signed. Ipeelil Despatches to The Una. July M. (WASHINGTON, adjourn. Stent may litc to be postponed for tno or thrtc boon to not row, to allow the l"iohlent lime to ei imlne and sign the bills wh c'l were rnrolletl to day, init will not bo presented la blin until 10 A.M. rrittM will nnoi'iinr rr. No Ctitii;u'" ha ctcr lictii so well up with lt rjulnci at the closing Veers na tbe present. An srr.or.nt of liglslatlou his birn sctcd njon durlrg the lt lour data, mil what has let n done b aa beoi well done. No Job lute t ern smuggled through, tul nothhiK which In csMntlal to the tool of the rnnntry lht It I fotllo to complete i line the failure of Impcsrl.i.iei.t bat bem Irfl un- - rtooe. The army Lllls will full ; but tilth the threat- ening esrtet of affalri In the South since the New Toik Convention, rrx.ny Iliubllcans do not want to see the arm disbanded uutll the fall elections are oter, and there ball be a guarantee of peace Owing to the desire of the l!uo to t'nUli up business, and the feeMrncis of the Derrocral t obstruct legislation since the idtnlsslon of bouthtin memoirs, the Speaker's tsblo, which bad Hourly a bundled bllla I upou It during the pat week, la now cleared so that r. only about a dozin arc ten, and they will trohibly l be acted upon The Senate la as well up lathe limine. Mi. Collar, wl o I the most expert and efficient tfpi nkrr In the wuild, haa le I ll.e Housc rapidly through ill istrlltmennry nbtl,irbs. A uroiiiM nr t ix Tim nir. J X'robably lie hundred and foity mimbet of , the House and fitly Smiln are now here. One hun fired and fitted uie now it qu ruui In thefvin.tr, lad thlrly-flt- e In ti c laitrr. 1'ATI OK IKKMT NOMINATIONS. ' Senate i ill Heron iion trrntlee, c Mexican, ai.d ou "Oir.c tddlt.ii.il .bat v l'l. China. The Senate icviutncd In s Inn f to 4 oMnrk il la morning, end cleared Ihcctlen-is- r of ill the nominations, Mr. JeDrtcs, for ''Ceinunlfsloner of Internal Iletrnne, had ouly die tole when bit cite ttas reache I. Some new lipuai having Urn mailt ,M former fi lends dropped him, aim ll.e Committee on Flnanc" ri versed llielt recommendation and asked hi . .jcctlon. Time waa a tery bitter contest ortr Cbarlea I'ctors for Natal Officer of New York, Mi am. Coukllng tad Morgan chimin that thla office Taa local to their State, and no one 1uuld be ronflnned howaa not enliafjrtoiy to thcio. Mr. Knrenden nrxed the coitOrinntlon of Mr. Tclcra In a.pctcli oT muih wurinth, and replied to the eharite that the cfl ce plifh to hit fiirud In conalderatlon of Ida tutu on Impeachment, In inch a manner that he aatUlled many Senator that the rliarfcia were made JuUty. After dllcua alon of a. i hour and a half, he waa rejected by a n to olUlo 13. K. II. WcUter. aAfaorforthcThlrty-- I atcond New York Dbli let, known a "bhook'a 7 Irtct," wa conllrmed without a dlllon. Conimlf aloner E. A. Ho.hm will ttltbdiiw i bit riUn.itluu, which waa conditional on the J conllriuution of bia auceoaaor, If no action le had J by the Senile. A. II. Cumininga, Collector of the Fourth rennltanla Ulatrlct, waa nominated, but Ida coullrmatlon la I matter of doubt, lie la ttarmlj prcnaul by Stiiilor Cameron, who touehca for Ida Itipubllcaulam and Maablllly. It U tot unllUly that no definite oct.on will bo bad by tho Senate on tbi rate. TIIK AUtklCtN STtAHMIII- - LINK. The l'rcaidint liua aini-- the bill introduced by VI r. Hill, of New Jcrary, to piotide for an Amcrl-c- line of aUaiuahlpa from New York toUuroie. The aca oatuge la to be given lor flflicn yeaia up to 111 bundrid thousand dollara. Seven llrat-r- l a tea-- tela lie to be put on In a )rar, and their apred la to CCiUil that of other lines A CIIIAT ttrr INSl'R tNCl COXPANT. Tbe rroldciit baa signed tho bl'.l IncoriKiratlng the National I. lie Insurance C'ompiny of the Unltid Elatea of America, with a perpetual charter and power to Incrcaae their capital to au unlimited ea- ten. One nilllkn dollara Is to be paid in at ll.e organliatlon. lliaucliea and the right to do buslnefa ire to bcsll.iv.id In all the Statia and Territories. A1.H11AM SKCUKTART Vf Till TRIASI'IIT. Tho I'ri'sident baa nniiiiiiati'il Simeon Jolmsun, one of tl.o tdltora of the liiMllgrurtr, tor Asulstunt Secretary of ILe Tretaury. He w.u ted Commissioner Itolllna's plate, but Is not tery likely to be conflrnud for anything. PRIKTINO Till I.AW, I pursuince of author.ty glten in the second u ol tlio bcKl'litue Appropiiatton act, u) piovrd July !i, the CleiK of the llo'i-- e or Kipresentatiti liaaaelcctod tho Aiiflonuf .Vy.oWbi". newaiupir .11 Wsfliliutou for the printing 01 the laws a.id ollklal d milling. BTITI0N1RT CONTIIACT. Tbe contract for supplying stationery to the nfSccrs of the Iiilernal ltetcnuo throughout the United Hutca f..r tlio ensuing year has bet 11 awarued to fcfcin, Latea Si Smllli, ( New York ciiy. TUS AUNT DILL. Tbe Senate bill for the eduction of the military pewe establishment, contaiuin rrovi-iuu- a for thu tUalributn 11 of arms in tlu South, and the Huuse Tens. Mississippi, nud Virginia 1'iotl.ional tlnten.- - bill will lail I" pats Ih.Hi lkues bifore the ami ill ciiusi'iiueutly be postponed until aball meet again. Iueal HOUr. CONI1RUATIOVI, Senate liuve continued the following It. A. Craw lord, to lie Collcctoi ol Customs at Urazoe de Suntiairo, Texas ; James U arr, to be poUoctorof Internal Itettnui lor the Territory or Montana ; K. I). Webtn, to be Assmor or Internal lUTcnuc or die Thlrty aocond Dlrtrict of Ne York ; 11. 1'. Hay, of Tennessee, to be btiret.iry or Legation ilFlomicoi J. II. Illalr, of West Virginia, to he Mill later to Coata ltlcu; It. 1. Homer, 01 Ohio, 10 be Con- sul at Tilnldail : J. 11. Ashton. to he AsslsUui ol the L'nilcd Hutea; Ilollaud buiilh, to lie Deputy 1'ostiuaster at Sun Francisco. STILL U0U( NUMIXATIOXd. The President baa been duly informed of the action ot the Senate list night with regard (o ap-- ( polutr.teuta. Ho to nlgl t nomluatod to the Sensle Alexai der ciimmlugt, of l'eoiiB)ltaula. to be Cow of 1 .trrnal teten iu . .con tv. Julntou to eibsluiur of tlie'l'rea.ur) IVIl.lant II wis. nf Customs at Nutt OiKuti. , Jatub II. Ser.Coleeor of Internal It. v nte of lis Ijistnel of .New loro II. II. hluoton, sVssrtsor ot the lit la lunrirl of New lurk; Otorge J llubblefleld to ho Culii il kiii-- Altornry tiiiu MiiIIk i Utrlit of Tennestcei Hetcher 1. Cop-ro- lieg sltr of Dte.lt 00 tin iil.t I .ilumtnu , JenmlaliS S al tins, to ho Couiut at Honolulu ; lien, tfa, S l.o e. liti , to 10 Ailiti.lt-- i 10 .tlt-t- o . Js.iivs !r!s, l''tuiai.ter of Memphis, 'fi oni Thomas ;. All n, yiMt inul..ru In nsuola, leva-- i Charlts M. Alstuuaer, loMui.ilrr ut Ws.lilnilon. II. I' The Senile went Into Executive setslon at 1 quai-ta- r pas. ulnu In tlio evening. HOItK HKJEOTIONS. The following late In en reject, d : It C. J. nih s, 10 be o r of Irtrrnal Iteve- - H, tmti 1'oe, to tie Collector of Internal l.'eveiiun for V) ika Thir l I'lsirlct or Mary uud t C. II. Ureeu, to he m' Col'ecior of lalcrnal lietenuo lor tho Third District of Missouri. 0 Washinuton, 1), C, July 25. I, tur cniNna taatfisr. S Mr. and Mrs. lliirlingume, nilli Chili Knns and 1 file Chla. asaoclaleri Ministers ofthe C'hiniaa lga-- 'iloi received a large company it Metroiioll-I 11 llotol. The roceptlon wua In celebration ofthe iUilcatlon 01 the treaty between tho United States a ul Cliloa, and 11 in expression of the giateful feel-- bf of the Ohlneie Km Ire, manllesieu ilirouzh her ennseutatlvts, for the unllorm courtesy and friend. fw U. 'P'rlt with which they bare h en received la 19, w).ln jton by ill clittes of society, without dietluo- - lAflitnirl', Tliere were present tho bead! ofthe Departments, members of the Diplomalle Co'ps, with tbe attaches, officers of the array and naty, Judges of the several court, member of C'ntres of both Houses, and distinguished uts from dlllcrent parts of the Union, together with seveial hnudreds of other, lucliiikog many la lie. Tho entertainment wm more than ordlntrlly tnlllltnt, and a hirnler company ha selJom if ever been si en In Washing- ton. Tue American and ctilnce flags wero twli.ed at the bead of the table. here Mr. lltirllir.-nni-r and his associate Minister were seated In company tt ttli lcn. Hank, the Chairman of the ComiuitHe on I'oi cign AUalt. , When Mr. lliiillngvme leavea here be will go to rhtladelphlti.ini vl-- ii J ly Cooke' reidcne , at the iireeni Inviuiion ofthe famous banker From Mr. llilrlnusme and anlte will procecl to New York city, and without delay will go up the Hudson liter, and tin nee to Au'mrn, to visit Mr. Sccretaiy Seward at his home. The representative of nil the fori Ian I'ower have abobeen bulled and lie en tied to he priscnton the occasion. Fiom Auburn th" ISnbassy will proceed to Nltisn Fall for a short vllt, ntnin tu Sara'oga Spring, ind thence o lloslon, where a wrand clue and rutlllary reception attalts Mr. Itiirlueanir, tendered by the aulhontle of the Slate uf Mo.'srhii.ctl- - and city of ltoston. Mr. Ilurlingamo ha liken passiae in the steamer which Mils irom New York lor Liverpool on the 1'Jth of August next. uttiriCAtiux ur tiii cnivcsi triatt. After it protracted sisiihi lust ctening tlio Senate unanimously rallfled tbe Chinese treaty. Tltt ect'.on In ngard to n uniform ytem of coins, welihts, ard miasure ws trlckeu onl a 1 subject open for subequsni eonsldi ration. Somo explana- tory amcLilinenla were made to the set 'lou in re- lation to eltlieh'hlp. ilcclsitng tint nil Chime resi- dents lit this country should enjoy the rights of naturaltxatlon as citizen or any other nation. On the subject of tl.o al isslon of Chinese to th pi.bbe eel oo' of the l'nilcd Stat.', the Senate held ihe c rim n.l that Hoy si, ul be admitted to all the privilege of a elttien of Hie most favored nation that I, tint the C'ontrtst of the I' lilted S'ates haa no light in Indicate who should orwlo should not be admitted to State eh.iol.. Facilities to attend such s, limits, must bo regulated by S' tie I , In retard to a.hp'sslon to nil 'n.lltntloiisof learning established by the Hovcrnmcnt of the United Mati s. the ellltrna id I nlna mi re 10 bate the ime opportunity aa any other arplleant. Tlie fei nng u.anlfeslitl by tho Sinale was of the most iiinirahle character, and 1 dl position was shown to extend to the great em- pire all the lailtudd that International l.iwa ami the well ire of either country could require Opposition from the rrpreentatUe of the I'uclfic coast w not of the tlisj usltion that n as at first pre- sumed wot Id atien.l the tiieisute. Although Senetois fn ni that section did show some ohjecfon. It ttns Pi ,lnl in view of having tho provlsh n of the lir-at- an riplnlned that Ihero nilcht be no doubt aixint Ha a pMeition. In private conteratlon it number of Senator were heard to spi ak of the rn'lllentlon In the btghe.t terms, and they showed great at th tnaniralty itint was felt all around tietrrul ISelile coast Senator spoki III bUh teims of the Itidtisliy, t'rugsllt), .mil Intelligence of the Chinese W'ulallon trem ral y In that section. I' airlrulturo the exhibit icm. rkahle prnllrlenry. .bile In skill they nie n. t infeilor to the beat, nonneni aih tTTsiirii.ii unman. Mention was made in a morning tlepalclt of tie dbrotery, eaily (ifc.pt. J. C. (nren, w.ih Ids thtost rut. In a lot ensi of the Kticutlre mansion. Some f tils friend supiosed that bt bad atleinpted to coininlt snietde, but on an examination 01 the pitui'se t) re ttt re evidences of a setilrle on the gnt.s and youeg lieia A number of paM-- and letters were found lying near hltn, also n knife and ntor both IiIimhIv. 'I ho sirer sboi ed lh.it tho tviiende.t man w.i forn'tily e. h!er in the on'ee of C I.udln&ton, thief Qnatterntn.ter's l)rHirtinem of tash-I- ton. ill throat was gitsht-- in a horrible manner, uitd it neit fotiird was thought to tie inn di lug cundl-tun- . He ha since in en restored tti ctinsclousne-- s, and will probably leeover Irom the elferta of the woti' ds. He lelati" that be w is ilt.icknl liy one wlo'e man tin I two eolontl mm. One colored man h i. I biro, while the nilur with n inrot, and the white man with a kmie, disabled blm, gashing Ida tin oat. Tbe) then dragged him In tlie hollow 111 tho nne grove tvlterv he wu found, and ill'ed ins lockels, robii g him of Id money (about t'JMil, some papeir, and n gold watch. TUB l lllllt ATlO.t or (.OVLUVtiEXT rROPIlllTT. Ily dlrtclioiinf tlie Secretary of War, u board will iisscmbte in New Y'ork city at lit o'clock 011 the UMh li si., lo co. .alder ihe.siil.Jeet of proibllng a suit-uti- building u property wllhln tho I. nib r of New Yotk. which shali suHicient accommodations of warehouse, pier, dock, and basin room for the safe anileonvenltnt receitln-r- , storing, and care of alt ami) siort of euty kind and description belnnglug to rltlier o, the bureaus or branches of the War at an annual cost tu the Ooternment not ctcCnlllig fifty thou md dollar. The follow Int ofl!. cers hate been detailed for the board : Itretel MaJ.. (en. Hums , Assistant Otinrtermaster-tlene-tra- l ; lilt-ti- t MaJ. (I. n. l. I., llarisuir, Assistant AilJntanKleneial ; llretet llrlg.-tlen- . It. S. Satterlee, Clilet Meille.il l'urte)oi llrevet llrlg.-tlen- T.J. II tine, C. mlssary of Subsistence i lirevet Col. bllas Cn spiii, Major Ordnance IHpaitmrtit. I Till N1W UKIICAX IMllAM PtOXi. Tltc resolution presented In the House by (icn. Duller relative to tbe Navajo Indiana In New Mixlro, Is Intended ti. carry out tho latta and proclamations glvln; ibem fYeeifom, which the civil Biithoirtlc of the Terrltoiy failed to execute. It ile" the inlUtary undri tlru. Mierinau authority to f uterfcre directly In tl.elr behalf, C01llllU.tTIO.NS DT TUB SKNATS. Hip Henate ill oxocittiio acaaion nnnnl. m ul) eoMliuiol the fo. lotting nominations: l.nut Uot C c tox of Msrtluud, to l.e i otomlii'oner of IVuslous Jutlgs l.Iltha loote. of New York, to lie ( n, 11, nloDrr of ralenls. Vuiuiicl Mlllliisp. of Unnes. see Ju'ii.e of tliet ourtof Clslms, Henry M. vtatls.of l'i,n.)ltsnia, Minlsteir to Austru. II. U. ttortliuigtou. Ml Itisliletll 10 Uruguay- tulmiaisis llosttell 11, I'cttltione, at Ogdenihargh, N.l.. Jacob II. etotkle, at ll.el, ay, s J ; lie. ma. II. Kllugsby at liou'e'a Point, N- V t Mary Itorkafelltr, at Mtol.aulcsburg, I'enn. i ofs; Mvin Hawkins, of Tennessee, at llavanai Itrlijanilntlhrri.h. .Ir , of New llampslilre. ut Nantesi Win II hloilio ol New tork, at Letilsil. II. Coil, at Va- - I .cla, MillUs .tletc.;of leniisyltanla, at rira.u 1 1. 1, cis A. I'riltlns.oi t'ouercttctit, at Tahiti. u'il 'V tt . .MeCauley, ror the tlaihead Indiana of Monisnti Nicholas ejulutsna, lor the Indians to New Metit o. .ll..il.nii.-- S, Fergnson Ilesch, as Attorney for West Virginia i Jereiiiialil.iltlliit.er, Assessor of Inter, li. I llevtiiue lor the Tenth lll.trlrl of l'otni"ylvaiila i IV II sin of Internal Hevsnoe for the t Iil.irict of Viiglnlai J, A. Clark, purveyor Ceueral of t'tahi tv J. Cnllsn, eiipertntendent or In- dian Idaho and Moutai.ai A. H. Paddock, of Nibrasva, to lie elofernor of ttyoudugi llmar F. Iloberti, of Indiana, as fecrtilsry ofthe of ttruiiiliigt lleadley ll. Ives.f ollcctorof Inlntial the lilstrtct of Coiinretlcnti ilss Axitll, A.se.sornr Inter a) ICevenue for the Third litttrlct of Caltrornta- li. II. liurntiiDi, Asie.snr, an I Ihiolnre (I. ntbsll, Collector for the beeond IMstrlet of Caillornla. SJOUtlf ATI0I.9 klNT TO TU1 RKNATR, The I'ri sident sent to the Senate nomlua-t- l ns bir the lollowlng offices I Vol the Lew Territory of Wyoming, A. fl. Paddock, (1 vel' or. Oman K. ftotieits, becrulary, IRorgo H, II m e), Iti cell tr of .Monet , J. w. Ctl lwell, deul.ter Land OCIco: ,lram Latham, Snrroyor-tlcn-eia- Holland Hiiiitn, l'otlniAttcr, San Franclseoi Per-- II. Spear, Collector of Internal llevenue. Seventh District of Sew t ork i II b. Iirnisn, to l Marshal of i. ttistem lll.trlet of 1'ennsjlvanla, vice Itow e), to oe removed i ilarsey II. Ihninas, to lie Colletloref C, .touis at New i l.ullier II. ttll.uu, to ho Second Anilltor of ti.e Tieasur), in place of K. II. Ireuch, to be removed. nominations nr.jicrto. The Senate r'Jected the following: John L liitwson, its Minister to Itusslat John A tlel 1. nan. I, as Minister lo Mexico, 11. O. I'eirln, at Ciller Jiisllee of tllali, Chslles 1'etcrs, at .Sand 0111 i cr at New York i Kwlng htarlglit, foi Ai'ossrir of Inter. .at for IIil Ttt onl) r.rsi Hlsirict or ; tv p. Uould, aa I'a) matter In the Army. AI'PIIOPIIUTIIIN UILIJ I'tKSIU ur coNautsa, Tlie principal appropriation bills passed by Congress tills session urc as follott a : Military Academy (!!!? Iilplouiaiic Service : I'osl iittlee Ovr-i.K- Otean heivice i"io,iti Army M.OSl.'tiQ i.eiifs'ative, Kxecnllve and Judicial il.5n. w Civil Service U,l,issl Pensions..., so;g.Wfl In. lisu .li.i-.0- o Ai.tik ilncoini l,i,n o n,nai,u-a- l t turltlei .Ulatrlct of Columbia) Witm t i.arllles .prltatel llUi'S) Mi.eellancous ,. veOAi The astregaleof all the hills Is about tlM.UO.Oi). touTir.Tii co.iit:.ss-si:co.- vi . max. Seunte. Till HUM til RAILWAT, W'AsniNriTON, July 'J5. Tlio consideration of the consideration of the bill rc'atito to Die Dent cr Pacific Ilailroad was resumed alter further debate. The Pacific Hallroad Committee's amendments ttero agreed to and the bill passed 31 to 7. The bill nuthnrUes the Coni3Dyto connect Its road Willi the I'tiloi Pacific Hallroad ut f he). nut- and ttllli i he astern Ulvlslon Line at In nver, arniilrli g il erttiy tlio prltllegrs, except as to sul.sl ly In irfinil., ami .1. .limine ire obligate ni or the Union paclllo lla'l-roa- and Its branches. 'Ihn railroad from lienver to liov'iiiit snail he uken In lieu of Hie coi ttruciloo hy tl.o l.itstrre li t l lop e.eni any of thai loitlon of lis line. 'I ho latter Company is authorized lo mortgage that part of Its road between the meridian of ( huyeane Wells and llerter City In the ami unt of .liSl per nills, and tho lienver rcit!c Itatlroail company may uiorlyaue Its road to a .Ike amount. 'I ties acl is uot to la ,e etlect until the Eastern Ulvlslon Company shall ave Lied In the Depalliuent of the Interior it ccrllfcitlo tlial Its Hoard of Directors have given their ament, and the to the Ilentcr Company are made uoor the coie Ililon H at Its road and telegraph shall becomidcted Jan l.tsTO, The specla order waa taken up. The question was on the section as amended, providing " 1 hat Ihe President, In eate of a cltlren wrongfully Imprisoned under autiiority of i foreign Government, aua lo case of refusal to use any meant not aniountlnir to acts of ttar.to effect the release, Hie fuels to be com- municated to Congress aa soou as practicable," Agreed to, 30 to 13. Mr. FihRT moved to .rlke out tbe first section, declaring any denial of the .brhu of expatriation by any oClcer of tlie tlovernnimt, Inconsistent with the fundamental piinciplen of Ihe tlovrinmrnt. Heeded ! hi i. Mr. Spmtin moved lo strike out the third aret'on, which a rejected without a illtlloii tho question Kcnrrlng on the ofthe hill. The bill then p.neil by the following tolci t Abhoti, Cattell. Cole, Conkllny, Cralii, llavl., Honllitle, Hrtke, flsrlan, Hendei-son- Hendrlrks, Hone, Mellonald, tlcCrpery, Jlclno. Nte, tlsltorn, Patterson ol New , Pat', of Teunes.ee, Poineiov, ltamser, llice, tituts-hniy- . frher-- , an, Sprane, Stewart, lhater, Tipton, ietr-- . Wade, Vtfiyle, Wllle), , Yt llllams, Wl son. and t atss-g- a. Ntva Mettr. Ferry, Fesieu.lcn, Fowler, Howard, and Van Winkle 8 1'nesiNT ni-- hot Yernatt Messrs. 0nmner aa.l Triiniiitill. i The bill goes to (be House for concurrence In the amendments. It I as follows : H'lrreti. The rleht of expatriation Is a natural and Inherent right of all people, ami Indispensable lo II. s enjoymeut of the rights of life, liberty, and tho pursuit of hsppiness and trAernts, in the reeoenltlon of this principle, this Ooternment hat tee. It cd emigrants from all ni. lions, aid Tested thatn with thn rights of rllltenthlp i an I ll'rrets. It Is elairred that such American cltlrcrs, with te1r descendants are subject of foreign Malta owiig alb giati. e to tin- onvcrnmenta there- f , aud ll'Arri'i. It Is neecary lo titer maintenance of the puollr peace that the claim of fnrclen atlcKlence shall be proiup.ly itnd Dually dliavowed . therefore, lit il ii!.ti, ,fe, thai any ihelirallon, InstrnetioTi, opm on, order or daenlnnof any oiircrs of iliisti, vern-me- i t shleh deiiUs, rtstrtcts, 1m;.alis,or .niet'lo-i- tbo llfcht of etputrlltlon. Is hriebr declared lo be t wltn the fundamental principles oiil,e Oorerti-In- t il. Scr.J. ,trtl.(itrtfrenirie.l, That all natnrsllied eltlrensof tbe l .illed flal", wli.te III foreign Plates, shsll boentltlpil to and slml r- -i etve from IM" Oevrn-Inen- l lhissme protection oi rson and piopeity that Is to native bom cltlttts In Uku stuiatioo and eireiiinstanees. . ,iii. bt It fiirlhrr mntnt. That whenever It shall W made known to iba rre.ldent mat anyettllen of iho Ur'ted Mali lias been unjn.tly deprived of Lis bbeiiy by or muter the iiithorily of a foreun ii iti rnn eit, It thsll be tluHlniy of tbe t'rrthlrnt rnrih-- lib lo deuisnd ofthat tlovcrnuiert ttioreaoti ofsnth liiiprlsor.nieot.and If It appears lo bo wrongful and In violation nf the rltitaof Amerleinettltenship, ihe presi- de! t shall iniibwltn deujaud Ihe release of snrli rill-se- aLdlfthv rtdtase so de onnded l, uniettonahly de- late lot it shall be the d.ilv of Hie President lo use such no' sinotliiltit lo acts of war, as he may lli'uk n. ets.sty and pr,,per In n d tin or eir et such , and a, the fans r.iee. dines rclatlte Ihrieto shit I, - soon a piactreal'le, be eonilliuiilealed b) ILe t resident lo Cougrtst. D tSKMl'PTIIT. Mr. culled nn tbo Iloute bill to establish a uniform system of buiikr'i.dC) through- out the 1 nited SUtea, approved March i, lMil, whleh was iiasscd. aa follows : Ir 11 en 'lefAl, ,e., That Ihe provisions of I lie second clauso of the tmrly Ihtid section of said act shall not nptdy toea.esof roeeedlngs In p. for to thu lit day of Jauoaiy, lai'i and tbe Unto during which ll,e operathin of lie provision of sal I el ins, Is po.lt-onc- shall tie extended null! the lt tiny of fsiinary.PsZii and said clause Is so amended as to rend as follows- - In all prorsedinee In bankruptcy communed alter January, lissi, no dlschirxe shall he e.antcil to a debtor situ., assets .hnll nol Ie eijnsl to l r reiitnmof the claims proved axalnsl Ids tstitte npoo which ho shall tie taible as ne pi melpsl debtor, tin less the absent in wrltltg of a ntajorliv In number and value of lilt creditors, to whom ne shall have lie. come llsble as print Ipsl debtor, and w bo shall hsvo proveil Ibelr i laltiis, be riled III Ihe eii"e at or I thu lime of ln hesrlng of the applleatloo for diehsri:c Hri . .'. lb .1 sa 1 at I In- further amended as r.i.lnwl! Theihraso presented or deteuded," In ihe fotineenili or.ald act, shHll read, " l roset tit. d or tt P tid- ed i' the lion resident deblors," In Hue file, section rt.of the ai las prluli d In the sialuli-- at Isige. shall read "non-iesld- . nt eredllors:" tl.st the word "oi," In next In iho la.t lino of the 30th scetlou of the art, stinll read and ;" lhat tltc hraso "sih lion 10 the IM section of laid act, Shalt read "section II t" and the phra-e- . " or si ends ai y part thereof In naming." In tbe lllb section of said act, shall rend,' or sha'l .pelel an) part tin reof in gaminiri" Hint Ihe words wlih the Senior lletrlstrr or."auilihepiira.. ," tc b, deiiter.d to ihe Itesltter," lu Hie ITlh section of said act, be inleken out. err 8 lhat the Ileirlslers tn bankruptcy shall have power to sdnanltlvr oaths ,u all caies, and in relation to all matters In which o.iili. ii,ay Iteadiulnli'lrrctl by Coiti-tii- .loners and Ciieuti lonnsof the I nlie LMstest and such t ouiinls.lotieis may Iske proof of debts In ban'. rn let , in all east ib e, i to letision of sueh roots y by Court, according to the prjvisUns ot said ai t The bill goes to the Piesldcnt. Aonici'LTt'itAL coLLinta. Mr. Sawttii called np the House Joint resolution extending the terma of the art devoting public lands to the several Hiatra and 'ferritin le lor tho estab- lishment of Agricultural Uolle-e- s lu Ihe Sl.itos late- ly In rebellion, which was pi-t- POLITICAL HiatUILITIU. Mr Kxllooo called up Hie IIone bill for the re- moval of tic legal and pill tle.il ill illltles of Ml. ehael llitin and others, which was amended, on motion nf Mr. Kellogg, by the Insertion of Ihe nainea of John Youn.; Hrown, of Kentucky, and 1 number of cttlxenaor Lou!lauaand Arkansas, The bill waa passed, and goes to the House for concur-rcuc- ritoTtCTWN or orricin. Mr. CoirtLiNii called nn the llouc bill retrnlailng Judicial proceeding In certain eases for the prntic Hon of ortlcers ami agents nf the Oovrrnmeni and ... it. 1, Ki.r .lerHi.ee nf Ibe Teeutiirv nenlnal ntilsu . fill cbdnis, reMittel tin morning Hum the Com- mittee ou Judiciary with amcnduitnta, which waa assetl. Tin tito wrastnn, The veto message nf the I'rcsldant, relating to the l'rcciluun's llureau, for tbe rtctptlon of which Ihe Kxecnllve session had been Interrupted, waa laken up, und the bill wis pissed over the veto, by i vote of II to ft 1 1 arty rote, Mr CuNKLiNti offered i resolution directing the balance of the appropriation of $ut,fK"U for the pre- paration or tho medical and surgical record, and the medical statistics of the I'roto.t Marshal Ocucral a office, be devoted to Ihe latter. Adopted. Mr Monnill. read report from the Committee of Conference on tbe bill miking in npproprl itton for Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Agreed to. The follott Ing Home bllla and Joint resolutions were passed: An act aniendatnjy of an act granting public lands to Wisconsin to at t In the construction of railroads. An acl dlroetlug the enrollment ot Uie actio lelatlon to distilled spirits and lob tcco. Au at t to amend au ur t it lallug to the coolie trade hy Alnei icmcltlit-u- or American vessels, forbidding trade in Chinese and Japanese coolies, 1 l.e bill arutitlnu tbu rljhi or way to certain eonipan. Its over Ihe iiill.urr reservation at Fort TI.e Joint resolution directing the eeerclar) of Wsr to furnish four pieces of ealinon and xl halls uacb, to the soldiers' monuments at l'equauuuck and rater-son,!- . J. At 10:15 Ihe Ecnate resumed Executive butlucia. rtNslONJ. In tie Senate, while the doora were closed, at a late hour on Saturday night, the executive business waa tu pass the bill for the relief of Mi. Griffin, which goes to the House for concurrence. The bill granting u pension to the widow of the late tltn. Illdwell, which was ainendid so as lo In- clude a pension tur the widow of the late dm. htac.kltmun, was passed, and goci to tbe House for concutre'LCC, Hlnpat Kvbnino, July 26, K1NATOH rkOtl ALAUA1IA. Mr. SmnstAN presented the credentials of Orn. eral Warner, Senator elect irom Alabama for Ihe term ending Match, Ml. Mr. Warner came for-- ird and waa sworn. Mr siieustAN made a report from the Comrolltce of e oiilerence on the 1 muling bill, The report was concurnd In. PCIUONAL EXPLANATION. Mr. Henderson made i long speech lu anawer to Mr, llutlir'a nport on tbe Impeachment vote. Alttr the conclusion of Mr Henderson's remarks aome unimportant prlrnle bllla tt ere passed Mr. Wilson tried to call up the House Joint rt solu- tion In i elation to organizing the mlllila In thest itra recently In rebellion, but Messrs Harlan and Uraku objected, saying that the only thing that could J uni- fy them In holding a sesslou tonight was the press- ing matters for which especially thty had met exe- cutive business. On motion of Mr. Dhake, at Oils the Senate went In oxcrutltc session. The Senate was engaged upon the ratification of treaties during the executive session up to 1 o'clock A, M-- , and bad uot ut that tliuu disputed of tbeui, llonae of Itt-pr- t it iitnllves. The Iloute met at 10:30 u'olock. riNXv ntuiTTiD. Mr. Oiti otliredi resolution, directing that feci or tines imrosed on nieiubera at the session, fur bting absent without Irate, be remitted. Adopted, oupNANCi rou MOM'ur-.M- Mr. Hill lulroduced a joint resolution, nuthnrlz-Ih- the bei relary of War tiiturnlsh. cannon for Ihe Siili'iers' Monumi nt Aseociatlou lu 1'atersou, N. J,, which waa passed, li or RAimotn hsih, Tho bill which was before the llonae al the close of sostion, itqulitiig rallioad lauds lu be sold only to actual settlers, was taken up an J" passed, Tin aroRfliA Liaut.AH'Bi. Tho HrKAKrn presented the action of the fleorgla L"glstatiiru In latlfjiug tho Coiislllullonul Ameiid-uitu- ic. Ilefcrred tu the CCiiuiniltee ou l.leclious. Till .'!: tutu's taiili, Tho House again went to the business on the bptaker'a table, and disposed theieof as follows: 1 hu Senate bill lUppltintntary to Ihe act ul!oulig the Un ted Statta to prosecute appeals and writs of eiror without Kiting security, waa amended and passed. The Senate bill In addition to an act to regulate the time and manner of holding tleeilona for hena. tors to Congiess, waa relerrcd tu Ihe Judiciary Coin mtttcc. The Senate bill far tbe extension of the Porlagc I.nko and Lake Superior Ship Cam! to Keweenuw Hay, Mlih., w aa relerrcd to the Committee ou Publie Lands ExcnANai or bonds. Mr, Loo an. expressing Ids belief that no agree-men- ! would be r.'ached on the Funding bill, aaked leave to report frem the Committeo ol Ways and Means i bill containing Ihe sections idded on his motion tn the Funding bill. No objection being made, Mr. Logan reported i bill prohibiting the allowance of comnilwions, 4c, for tho negotiation pr sxebuura of beruU. cola or bullion ou account of the foiled Slates, provldlns lhat authority under la ta tn tue bond or tnten si bearing TreKury nolea shall eeie Immediately, not to wllh the convciaoii nf sectnlties Into Hie twenty bunds, nor the lue of three er cent, ter tlllinte tcmptirnry loin, nor Iheexehanee of retl'ter-e- bond lor coupon bond, nor tho ttie of subsidy bond to Mil n a) companies ; and requiring uionllily report front the Secretary of II t Trs ttury. Mr. Hot TwgLt rffrred as nn amendment an addi- tional section prohibiting the Secretary of Ihe Trea- sury from miking any a ties of gold for an) puiioe whttett-- The amendment was agreed to and the bill passtd COKtirCTION, Mr. Scitr.NeK, fiom tho Committee on Ways and Means, reported a bill lo correct in error In the en 4 rollinent of the Tax bill, supplying the word " not"' where It had been omitted In tho last clause- - of sec- tion lit. so that It will read "or per doren bot- tles, each buttle containing not inure than olo plot, rnixci xnwtnii's island, Mr. SciiENett o reported luck the bill Intro- duced by Mr. Iluller, of Massachusetts, relative to reciprocity with Prince Kdttanls' Island, wfth n rean. Ititlon for the appolniment of a select committee of lltreo to Inquire and icpoit to the next Congrt sa In relation to lhat Colony ; pir'lenl-irl- as to the kind and amount of Import and export ofthe Island, nnd Ihe views and disposition, n well na ntitbotlly of Ihe Colonial Untcninitht. to enter Into any ptrtlcnlar or rxreptional nrnngrincnt with tlie United stales ; the Secretary or tl c Treisttt) to p'arc a revenue cutler al the dlsiHisil of the I ommlseion. After considerable diicusion, Mr. Ilutlrr contend- ing that all the nccra ,ry tnforms'1 n was eeitilnlned In Mr. Ilerby's md Mr. flrega'a repotts, the resolu- tion waa adopted. i.touuit r.irnxstvTATirr. Mr. Dawes repotted Ihe ertdenllaWof I. W. (Tift and C. 11. I'rincet, tucnilur elect from and mot ed thai tho ttst oath tie administered ttt tlttin Agieed to, and the members wero accordingly sworn In. He also repoi toil tho credentials nfW, I'. Ed- ward and Hjiuu.I F. Onto, two other members elect from Oenrgin. w hn could not ti.ke the ttt intlh, and tnove.1 that the ttatb prut hied oi those whose political disabilities have bun remote. I be adnilnls-ierot- l to them. H,e rep rt was ngrretl to, and Measr. Helward ai.d Uoto wereanoin In. itirgte'iiNtNT. Mr HtMtlTOV. of Florida, presented as n question of prltilege, a preamble and resolution for Hie of tbe I'urlilnit, Insiruellng the late Msnagrra to announce the r.tel lo tho Senati , and to preptre and report arllcli of Impeiiel.iaeiit. 'Ihe ai'iAkiH rule! that the imolutiuns were a qiiestloit of pritilcge, except tlnlpntul them ittl ving the fm.rtloiH of the late Mauag.'ra; that would re.jt,li iiiiantinous consent. Mr. lloiini.lL mot id to refer the preamble and rtsoliitiout to the JuJiclaiy Coinmltli-- .Mr.llt.uuiniir. ra'srd tin iuetloii nf conld. rs'lon lhat Is, whtlher Ihe House would nntv tnterulu the esoltitlohe as a question of prlt llnge. Mr. PiiLLi-- s Ihe )t'us ami na)a. The vote wis taken and resulted ycn, liVl; nnyw, SI iMers. Maker, Ingersull, and Spalding wire Uie only liepuhllcam voting lu the ncgatltp.i So tho House to en(eri.tin tho rc.olultoiis. Mi. ELiinipoKiiiotttl i,i .iy the iisolutions on the tnMt. Negslited by yeu, ml, nats, llil-ll- ie Ktitie Ihreo Keptiblitans toting In the nfllriiiatltu. 'Ill weiu then reltried to the Judici- ary Cuininlltte. miiiiTs or AvrnirtN rtnir.Ni. The amendments lo the House Idll, concern- ing the rh hi' of inerlean i III, en In foreign Si i. , lien Ink-- fiom the Speaker's table, and on uiulioii or th iiim.s, wen concurred In. T'ie l.o e al 3:13 took a recess till T:9 o'clotk this et thing. KVI'.NINO SUASION. Tbe House irutned It stasloti al TtflO o'cluck. Ml.'Cll.t tNMII . Ill SINUS, Mr. M l'l t.lt Introduced a bill to provide for tho mme econiitulc-t- l Hilnrtinstrulloii of tho gott llliiieiila of the Terrltorl', lliiillimt tlie l.i glslaluies to bleu . nhd sessions, which na iairl. Mr. . kin it ported the bill for the anlo of tho lloi Spnug tctcitutlon lu Aikunsas, whicli was p.ist d. Mr. WAsiiMnr. reporte-- back tho Senate bill to ex- tend the lawsol ihel intod stales relating to custom., ciiiuuieite, and natlgtition oter thu territory cult d to the l lted Slates b) l(.i.la; to establish enllee-tloi- i dl.trlrts thtiein, and for othi r purpose, ttllli The atucndiueiits were agreed to, aud the bill was p.ii-l- . Ou rnoilnn of Mr. Mteiis, the Senate Joint reolit tlon. to the Tiilkltk tlovernment in be- half of the of C're-le- , wua taktn Irom the Speaker's table and passed by it unaulniotis vote, Mr M t ehs deei irlng it tu be responsive to tho w Islit a of the American peunh. The House again look up business nn the Speak- er's tablt, and tllsH,scd tl.treof a ful.ovts: Senate bill to disapprove tin act of the Legislative. Assembly of Washington Ttirllory rcdistrlctlng tho Teriltory, und rea.slgnliig the Judges thereto. Passed. The Senate Joint resolution to drop from the rolls oi mo army ceiutui onicera aosint iroin iiie-i- s wilhout aullioilty. i'a. .'.I. Senate bill relating lo the District Court of Utah Territory l'nssvd. Mr. Hinuiiam, from tbe Conference Commlltee on the bill to itlietu Niiueoii Coiley and ol'iers Irom legal aud political dlslbllitles, mailo a report In fator of concurring In the Senate amendments. Agreed lu by the requisite two llilids vole HI In ii. On motion of Mr Puui.hiiy, the Senate bill author- izing thu Msnu'ai lur.-rs- ' Nation il Hank of Nuw York to chuiiiie lis location was pasted. tub iiiPicTiiiN or tiii Aimr. Tho Senate bill to reduce the mlKlary puce oslaU llshmrul to thirty rtglmuita uf Infantry, three of which are to ho of colored and thice of the Ye, emu lteserte Corps , eight rtgiim nta of cavalry, one of which Istn be of colored Hoop ; and four rtglmenta of arilllcry, and directing a gruduil tlluilnullim till the ratalry force Is reduced to ,() men. tho artil- lery tu l,HS), and the infantry to IVii. The ninth sictlon of the bill provide for furnishing arm lo the Suuvlieiu Stttea. Mr. llAitriiLii made an elTort In hate tho bill passed with amendments, whlrb he desired tore-po- from the Committee on Military Allaire, Mr. Inueiisoll auggesteil that the aenso of the House be taken as to whether Ihe bill be considered now or referred to a comiiilttcu, Mr. (lAlirtl-.Ll- i aaaantud to tlie retire of the Homo belm; taken us a test question. On a division tin re wcreflTya to 11 nays. Mr. flAitriKLii called for the yeas und na, and on n vote In that mode, thero ttcie )caa is, naya lid. be the bill waa lelerred. EXgCTTIVl AprnopiUATio-is- , Mr. Kklskt, from thu Cutifcienco Committee on tbo Uxocutlte Appropriation bill, n report, which was agreed to, The Srcthxn totine.l.the Houso that the last vote ahoncd lhat there wire llfieen mmnhcM present mure than a quuruin, and he suggested the propriety of inemhers remaining In tho city until the Dual At 10 o'clock the House look a rici ss until 10 o'eluck Monday morning. Tbe Mnr) Inutl 1'lood. Ilet.Tiuoui:, July 21. The number of persons missing and drowned from L'lllcotl City, is recti w. I at the otbecs or the city impera reaches Iff. The number of drowned and missing in llaltlnioro City Is six. The Long llrldgu spanning tho fiom the foot of Light "Mi el to Iho Anno Arundel shore is blocked up with Ihedebrls of the Hood The river surface for seteral acres Is Jammed with tl.o wrecks of over thlrly houses, all kinds of mot cables, fai tory fixture", hollers, part of engines and ctery spoi lea of propeity, nenr'y two bundled bales uf cotton hate becu taken out of thu wute. Haltimork, July 20, Tlio railroad truck through l'rutt street haa hern I c paired, and thn sisseiigtr caia of tlie through trains from Washington to the North pass through the city. Thousand' visited the Hooded I district Many s ainers were al work pump- ing the water from Ihe cellar, and a heavy lorce of umknini fitul rjirls lire eilllilol ed UII thu loud and drill from the market and stitets, Ou the Hats below tho llilay House rlirht dead bodies wero reco- vered and nine yesterday, must of which were recognized by iliclrlrleudsand rtlitites from Klllcotl Ciiy, the bodies w ere of persons Ir .m four In sixty tears of ago, snd atilppid of ctery article of cloth, lug. Inquests urc he.d on the I, o, lies us soon as they an round. They arc all lakeu lu Ullcutl City fur luteruicnt, coxvuxs vi rt:i. i:a n.t.irs. A aevero abock of ai lli'iu.tkc vlallcil San Fran- cisco on Saturday. llenrr Itocae, a confectioner of Hutlitlodrowned himself In th" harbur opposite that city on Saturday. No cause l) assigned ior the sui- cide, He was ulone In a small boat. The entire business portion of tlio Tillage of Phnrdou, flrnngcr county, Ohio, wni burned oii morning. Including thu court house, Tho llru Is supposed to hu tho wurk of iiieei.tllailts, On Sunday evening tlio ferryboat on the Dula. tture rlter, a' Pl.llidtlphli, ran oter a row boat con- taining two bo)s nnd two irli. One girl, named Dorti rchapperkotter, ll jeara old, ttas drowned. The remainder of tlie party trim attempted lo rob Adams Kxprfst Company at llrownstown on tlie l'lth Inst., wre arretted la Cub county, Illinois, on Snurday Their names are Frank Uparki, John Moore, and Henry Jerrell, Mr. l'rank Hterns, one of Iho editors of tlio KrenUig Xeic; of Springfield, Mass., was eonhided on Saturday by John L. Hire, a butcher. The cause of the assault was a pei tonal paragraph In the Atu, icflectlng on Mr. Hire's army (lperlinco and love adventures, Mr, Sterns bus commenced a suit against Illce, In which bit damages sro laid al tS.UrJ, At Allentown, l'enn., tbe Ililgh ami Jordan Illveri rose suddenly at 1 o'clock on Saturday morn- ing, und flowed about eight feet over maik. A rood deil of damage to property waa done. Sev- eral loaded cantl boats were carried below. Two bridges were washed away, aud one mm diurruedby ( "onlag oyer U dam lu a canal tva run v.w.trtv vo.xsr. Sav KittNctsro, .t ni v al. 1 ho offlcl.il rcporl by Oen. Crook of the council held with tin Indians at Camp Harney, In Oregon, hs bent received at the military headquarter In tbl City. Tlio savage ap- peared to be snlbfieil Willi tho promise nade In them, and agreed to rttnrn to their hunting grounds In the vlclnliyof Steele' Mountain, nn the .Malheur rlter, and et.ihllh their headquarter near Casllo Itock Mountain, where they can be found when tl e llnvernini nt delrc to tomniiinlcnlu with thrm. The) win allow rone ofthelrpeopleto Interlere with the settler, miners, or Irttelers, nnd If molested by bad men they will Immediately notify tho military, who will ftitnlsh them protection, t'liiperty stolen br Ihfhi Is tn be returned. Hen. Crook aaya thtt while no tlotihl depredations will still bo commuted by rating hands, some degtec of ptnee may now be expected. There Is considerable excitement In Sin Franelco with regard lo small ox. One hundrtd and torly-sl- eases hut e been reported P the Hea th tifflfi r since the 1st of June, forty-eigh- t of which bavo tie curred time the 17th of July. StN KiiiNflsrn, July s A letter from an officer on bond (lie l i.lled Slsle sit nner tilpeo, dated Aeipolco, July l.v, stM that the s and crew were suirerltg from malarious fever contracted while on the const of Nlcirnetit. From this Dr. .1, M. Illce, U.S. Hendrce, l'lyutssler'a Cltrk.i llamard ('unit 1,1. landsman, and John 1.. Pardee, Imy, hate' died. 'I be only cases si 111 on th. aitk list weie convalescent. The ep Itton leainsnip Oreionlan, on July 7, spoke tie bli (Jtirrn I'mma, seirn tls)s fr m distrcas, and supplied her wlih water and protiaiona. Site had on boaid five men, one tti man tn d tlitee ehltdriii, all of vtliont were In an nlnost Uutlahetl condition. UHOltlll.l. ATt.iNTt, (la., Haliinlny, July W In the Stnate lo day Mr. CattdcrolTere.1 tbe following: H'Aeeeas, Ft Hov. Hrown, one of the ablest Itwyera In lite Male of llrorgls, as well as otn r per.oi,. ,lls ttttgittthcd for their koonledgeor 1st., held during Ihe lite election ranvats that persons of eolnr were not entitled to hoi to'ttto under Uie cttstlng Coi silliilioni etttl II Asieos, sutli pertoni hold teatt as Senators on this floor i an U'Aeretlf, Laas of tllat Ipipoltsnee to Ihepeop'eof Oeorjla are to be enat ted by Ihe llrneral s.emblv, the validity of whlth sliouhl nol b.i made niieeiiaiil beei.u.e of paitlrpalioii Iti their rnsi tment by persons rot inllilt-t- l tin f.r tlie Constitution to l then fore, AVsnlre., That the Committee on Prltllepes and Flee-ll,n- Ih direel',! lo Inqtille Into the ellltlnitily ol ptrsons of color holdlnir seats as ernalois, andiep.irt at Iheearih-s- day prat tievble. Mr. Ilungerford, llsdlial, rai l There Is n higher opinion linn Hot-- . HinttnV A United Slate Sen ha etltlitl ll, who holds a blgl.tr oti:ce than Hrown yet held I mean Senator Stiiniitr, ttbntiia leltir there Is no tcaon why e dtired ersons shtll not hold office or anything ele that any one el-- e cult hold under tl.o Consiliutloii of Ihe I nlttd State, l'l e passage of the foiiitetiith urllele setllea tliatouesilon foreter In Oeorght, The Constitution of Ihla stale proclaims tliut all persons ltoin tn tiv turillre.t, whose resldenei are here, nre citliens of the Slnle; that no law ahull Ik made to abridge their piltii. ues. Hoe It simply mean, may luenlhe, and work, or am i iilllled In all piMle.-e- t ,,f Ameri- can ellKens T Tin tlnm for color has . ised. I he resolution na tlelealed, SI'HltllXtl. Ilnff Hull itnd Itottliiu nt 'nreetir. WnHrMiTi.i, July H5. The' bu.e lull match be- tween the Uulvrrslt) nines of 11 in, ird and Yulelhls afternoon resulleil in a victory for the llartards. The score ttas f lo 17. were made In this city lis evening for a match race, single scull whcrles, between John Tiler tin 1 Josh Ward, for fl,!"! a side, distance flic ni'lce, one turn, to take rlsre on tl o rlst nf August at Si (Ingot Id The artle'es of agreement will bo drawn upon Thuradiy next, ut tin tVir oitlcc. In New York Tho match I made at Tiler's request, and f II") forfeit money has In en put np. Tin Adnni! Kiprcsn Kolihore. lltniii by it Itloli. Cincinnati, 0., July lid, Sparks, Moore, itnd Jrrrcll, who were in rested al Mattoon, CiJia county, Illinois, on Frlda), united al Si yinour, Indiana, at half past lu o'clock last night, and soon aflrr left In a wagon with a guard for Urownatotin, to bo deliv- ered to the Sheriff of Jackson county. Whon they an In d near the vicinity where Cllitou, Itlllott, and Iln.lt rr) were hung, tlio wsgon waa suddenly sur- rounded hy nltHit one hundred 'and HAy men, all of whom wero ina.ked. Tho k,uard was overpowered and the prisoners taken from the wat-o- nnd hung. m last accounts iiieir ittui"t nt-r- situ iiuintina on the same tno tvheie Iho others bad bet n hum.. Iho prisoners wein questluiird n tn nuiin rou robberies which had been perpetrated in .laekon eouolrj', but wlih tin excel. tlon of an ncknowli-ilgmenli- some small depredations, nothing was elicited frutu tlieui. fiitr.s. At luilf-pas- t four o'clotk nn Satnrjir morning;, fro hmke niitln the lilbsml lime yu'nl si ll.e i.h.I of Fifty-thir- stieet itnd Ktst llivir.oitiii-- by Arnold tin. Datoajotn slock iibnul JIS.HM. Insured fur tii,Ni, viz. i Marks t f l.lml, Tiu,l.iii:in'a ft'Mi, and Aslur (7,ia. Supposed to hat a In en ciued by tagrnnts smoking ples In tho )srd .Aliruwsa ilUcoveie.1 ou Saturd ty eteulug ul No. SI North Wll- - I. atn street, catistil by some kindling wood igiilllng around the stove. Damage trilling. ..Atlrowsadlscov-rre- on Sittinday itflernoon alliil Front stictt.ctuscd by tl.e Ignition of phosphorus. Ilamuge slight.... Shortly before i o'clock jesterdny afteinoon n Arc was dlttottrcd at l,xl'Jl1roadwu,aconftetlniiery store, occupied hy Mrs. Huberts, and owned hy tho Langstou estate Damage In furniture f.vil, and building T,I. Ilitetuenl ocennied by Loy.len as a shoe shop; damago trilling. Third story olcuiiltd ns ,t dwelling: dtni-igt-- sllglillr by smoke. Fully insured, Tbo llro nrlgluilol In a closet ad- joining the living rooms. Ciiitso unknown .. Iliirly yesterday morning a fir" broke out on tho stcamlug Lilly, used for lowing eciwa niled with stunt from Sit Comb's dam to Ilrookl)ii, und then l)lng In the Harlem river luin.uo f l.it.l. Itisiirineo and cause of lire unknown At b o'clock Is.t evening a die was discovered In tho hasunenltif ml Sulli sluet, oeriiPled liyOetrge Londerwasser as a tidlor's shop and tin riling. Ilamuge to alotk Jus). Insured lu Hi lief Insurance Company for II.-H- The building Is owned hy John Welfel, and Is dim iced about HI. Tho lire nrlglnattd, as Is supposed, umong pa- ilia wusIp box under the coiinlei At liiif past lUllast evening n straw bed was discovered to ho ou Hie In Ihe basement of T Hudson slreel, occupied by A. Lnckman, ua a tailor's shop and dwelling, llamngn trilling. Insuied for II. oisllii the tllobo ...About tbe suine time a keio-s- i ne lump exploded on the second lloorof l I'cnl slri 1. occupied by William Van lllckensteln. selliinr II re to some cluthlng, aud burning Ihe occupant sllchtly. Damage slight. Ciili'muia, July 2d. A largo lire occurred liero tool ty, destroying the pinning mill, stable, and sev- eral outbuildings belonging lo T. S. Illetz. The gas works were iiidv b) the exertions oflhrflre-mm- . Mr. Oiun, eno of the firemen, was huilly burned. The loss is cstlmatid al Insured for riiii.Anii.pmi, July 21 Tlio coal nil reflnerr of I.lklns A IhiMwlu was des'royed by file Ihls morning, wlih li.MJ harr-- of oil. Nu lusuiaucc. Tin "tnriii. Tlio storm of I'rlda) nltil and Paliird.iy morn- ing was much nt"re setero than at Hrst aupposcd. Although tho damage to person or projertywaa not very gre.it In tuts city, It win ipi'le extensive lu tho suburb. In llrool1)n considerable ihiin.me was done In dltftrt-n- sictlon of thu city, t e t cl.tlly In Ihenew ih.iiioiis where strreis nsvo recently ncrn gi'idnl and puved. Tho aldtwaiKS along Third. I'oiirtb and Filth at eniii s and lull rsecllniz strtetsjinil alsti piirtloti of the caiila:o way were carried off by thn Hood. Yarils, biiseineiita and cellars wero sub merged, to aa tu compel the occupants tu change Ibelr quarters. The Inundation of seteral build-Ing- , where the rush of wider wua the slroiuest, we-r- neatly undermined, hu' none wire prostrate!. Ponds, sttrrnl bciis in extent, have been formed In tho Eighth and Ninth Wurds, mi l is there I se.reely any dralnagi ll.o tt.dti- a HI pro! ally be lofl tu stag- nate and breed dt 'ease. The extent of damage lu the atic-- Is la estimated at (13,oS), In Willi iniebiirgh, a cultoit valued al tl.OnO.on flnliaui avenue, wtia nnd Ihe trains nn Ihe South side Hallro.id were delayed, though no piitlrul idaui ige to the roi l rcultcd. A grct rle.il of dtmagu w is done tu the fields ai d crups on the southern slJe of blateit Jsluud, Many am) f waving corn writ c diiplciely "ii'iincrged, and the crops doubtless wholly di troy I. Tin lunulng through tho Isiaud, from Vuliderblll's landing lo Tittentillr, was so bi lly damaged that thecars were unable to run on s,i,rdiy forenoon, und people lit Ing ou the lino uf the toad, and doing business lu New York, were obliged lu hiiu convey-succ- i tn take them to the landing. On ihe line of the New York and New Haven Hall-roa- d ad the alresrat were swollen Into rivers, and ro--i I beds w iot.nn up, cellars find gUrdens Inun- dated, snd much property JestioKd, Whole Cehls of coin were prosi rated many of these, t ,o, hung nvertlowed, while the oats and uncut wheatweie bully thrown, Hay corks were carried away by the H nil, and fences and ircts prostrated by the gale and slu. in combined, while ihe uuullry In Ihe farm yard, aud In some Instances cattle, were killed. llAVEtmnew. A Grant ami Colfug Club will bo organized In Havcrstrawr village on Thursday evening next, July ix), Hutu Wabu Deuochatio Cluii. The follotvitiir named olllcera of tlio Ulxth Ward Seymour snd nislr Campalrn Club were selected last Friday evening l 1'. II. McUowan, IVeaidenlj Daniel Meelun, Vice. President; John Martin, Bvcrctiry: Joint tUlky, Troajorer. ItaWrV.' rrJlrrilaVa'-i.fls- ; CAULH TjCIEOUAMS. HKW.W.I.Vr. Iiipon, July 2. IS'11. Ailvleet received In this elty from (lotha, Centntl Oermany, report that news ha been received by Dr. IVIrrtntnn, the geog- rapher In thai place, announcing that the North Her- man exploring ship (If rtnanla, Captain e baric Kold-rwe- coniuilsslonetl for sclcntinc Itivesiigillon In tho Arctic regions, htd been comniunlcatid with on the iktlli of June. The tlermanla was then In latitude 75 'JO, hiving Orrenland In eight, a bearing which showslli.it the vessel wo off Shannon Ilnd, proba- bly wlih the Intention of I online on that rt ofthe coast called Seoresby's Land, or making for Ihe polnl of laiml oflldnmllylng In ltlllu.le7i north. She sg. nailed all well on lour.. Tho Oiruianl-t- , with the expeditionary force on board, aal'id from llergen, Norway, on Sunday, tho l.lh of May, under command of I'apt Kul.leway, hound for the eastern eoil of Greenland, and 1 (ho Artlle regions north of the seventy-ftrt- degne of north latitude. She wis built In Den- mark, pitrcb:ie, In II nulling, has been lltted ex- pressly for ibis sort Ice, Is of eighty tons bu den, and may bed need at one of Kioto new yachts I ilcly contirncted b Danish bitll.ler for iolar voyage. Sho la furnished wlih crnsabnim and l.wn pltli, ar- ranged so as tn vastly nninirnt tier power of resist-nne- e to piessure front Ice. Tlie (Irrni.mla dlsplt) (ho flag of Iho Notlh Del man Confederate llnnd, and lias on board fifteen htiule all told. Ctpt. Kiilde-wa- h tsbt en lii'lrttrtr 1 to iclurn to (lerntiiny within ! ni thtee to four monlhs ; bnl In guard again! i nelea the (lerinnnl.i has been provisioned for a much longer period. Daiihstaiit, July sfl. Hon. (Icn. IVinerofl, the American Minister, I line urxlng the llrand Dneal Ooverntnent to enter upon a naluntlUalloti treaty with the United Statea. UtiiusttiiT, Julj 2it. Tlio American minister, Mi. Hanrrolt, has hinted In this elty, and presculed bis credentials to the (Irand Duke Lndttlg 111, riltn.ti nit ir. U.S. I.iiinov, July S.I. The alleiiili.uce in the jii"0 of Utitr.inons wns very slight, a a dissolution of Parliament Is cxpcclc-- next week The giand annual encampment nf volunteers at WTinblctlou ttas brought tn a close to day. The prl'es for skill In tnsrkni.iiililp were awarded by leird Nailer of Magdali, who ret lew cd Ihe vol- unteers. The I'rlncc of Wales an.l I'rlnec Alfred wrre among the distinguished ptron prt sent, while . nso crouds of the nobility and people generally weie In attendance; and Mr. Longfellow, the Ameil-ea- poet, wns on the ground. Lord Napier was Ittclved and repettedly cheered. About ten llioii-'in- d men were In line of let lew, and piMcntotl a tery fine appearance, Tho weather was clear and pleasant, bill Intensely hot LnsttoN, July 2fl. Heporl received from all strta of tho United Kingdom during lite I tiler piirt of the wet k abow that tho weather lias been highly favor- able for Ihe crops. rii.i.Mii:. - - I'aiih, July 2S. Tho I'orp l.cglslallf was en- gaged fr a long time last evening In an exciting on Hie Mexican bonds. M. Kouher In bis st eh denied that Ihe enlle ctlon of Iho Jeckcr bends bail any share tn tt e cause of the Mexican ttnr. M. Jules Fat re, In Ids reply, Insisted that It was the main cause, aa those creditors were the only outs who bud rcceltcd ray. M. Itouher replied that the French (Inurnment only protected the Jeckcr bund In French hand. Tho bonds paid wero paid by Mailmlllau, Franco prt vented other psyniinls. M. Fat re demanded lite nanus of thoso who had rcreltetl tltc Ir pay, l'Attis, July CO. In Hie Corps I.eglslalif y a bill was paecd protldlng that l,isi,() 1..... In .i,i. l., mlaneil ii a rtartlal aati.fuctlon of the claims of the holdtia of Franco-Mexica- uullla' A VSIItl.. Vunni, ' i. CI At a kranil banipict Rlrcn liy the national ilurpshoolcra, who bavo holding their animal frstltal here, lie rr Olskra aaldt The pri stnt ministry took office wlih expectation that when the administration or the Umpire waa rrced fiom the eliln.a Imposed by the tack of Intelligence, and (root tUi obligations of disastrous treaties, Aus- tria would auroly enter uic-- a career uf unciaiiiplul pi sptrlty. ,s.7n.i. I.ON110N, July 25. Advices from Itrlgrnde atato that the Siittati of Turkey has conilritiod the succcs- - siou of Mllsai lo tho Buterrlgnly uf Seivla. no ii i:vr.i. Vienna, July 20. 1'olilicul riots look ptaco In Plague last wiek. The gsrrlson or ll.e city haa been incie'i't'd, and quiet has been restored, li.l IVI 111. I. J HiiiLiN, July 25. The Kiuporor Alexander of Husah has gone to Kissengen. i .tn i sr. .v.'ii'.i. Southampton, July SO. Tbe attimshlp S.ixnnla, ('ant. Kh r, of the llauiburg Aiuerlctii line, ahlrn len New Vork ou Hie l.'lli lint , arrlted i ft Ibis port at I o'i b ik this ar.ornoon, and after trnn ferritin her pas- sengers, uiails, and freight, sailed lur llsiuburg. MV.XIVO. IIavina, July 23. Ailvlccs fiom Mexico re. celted st.ite that insurrectionists Seaiazccu and Sllva had been routed b) Ocn. Utcobcdu In the Sleira and ut 0.ucrttaro. The oami-alg- akalnst Ihe revolutionists ttas ac- tive, and the J uai lata hate already occupied all points. Tbo Ju irist (loverninent Is nevertheless reported to bu in a precarious situation, l'rittit Aapliitsnll, Tbo Hanllnii do Cuba urtlvt'il lust night, brlnir-Ini- r a Inrgi- n umber op.i-engei- nn $711 fit'.! in k'ohl. i.Mr. Dleklnsi.il, U. H. Minister, with Ida Secretary, passed turuuzh M tu.igua, tn rmtt for dr dia ls, on tint lull of June, lor tlie purposo of teilljli.g iht of the treuly between the United bl ilea and the I s. nag snip or me noueii raciuc rqiuuron, Pow halun. Admiral Turner, under cnuiin ind of Ciipt. McDoiigtll, sailed hcno for the auulb cuisl ou Thursday, the loth of July. Mr. Thomas llerrera, purser of the Panama Hall-rou- i Company's steuttiei Salvador, was arres'od on Thursday, Jul) It), Immediately ufifr landing from Hut steamer on her rejnm fionj Centnl Amer!tt We have , ,ni olllclally tlie mounds upou r'nch th'.l nrrtsl has be. n nude, but we prcsttin ',i WIU (m uccomit of hit polliltal ptiiellrllles, 'nr. Ilorrcra Is u Const rvallvo, and the Itgltliuato successor In tu the Pioel tency or the Slate, lu the ahsei.co or default of the other tlttiQMdat e kain 'usl the United St.tcs Consul, Octl. Ilmtfli, hat tiled for Mr. Herinra's ri lease, on Ihe ground of I is heng a railruad tnplo)ee, Mr. I It ncrn was rulwtsid, lltillitlii lloisp I'ii I r. Hi rrALo, July 20 The enliies tn Iho annual horse lair, which opens hero ua utsdt) I ext. were cl ise-- I:.tu on Salurd ty ft tiling. Sett ty tntrba hate b( en made for the dllltrt nt Hot. The follow lug nine horses weio intered for the tlt'.its1 isre, ill,: Lady Hamilton, Col, Ma)nard, M)iou Perry, Victor lliuo, (Jeorgo Pa'iner, Mo lie, American Olrl, und Johnny llindley. For Ihe double team lace tu come otfon Filil.iy, c lithe etmlts have lecii male, lie. lilts the animals which hat c aiilted hern lo participate In tlio inees, Ihcr will be oi ezhlbltioii many ttahlcs of blood slock eilhei fur sale or to gratify Iho i ride of tliclr owners. The city la rapidly lining with visitors. The Irving 1'uik Assneinllun hare placed their grounda lu excellent order. The track nas been greatly Improved III Its grading, und widened lu iceommodiite eluht hoist--- abrtnst. A lint class club huuse been ended ou Ihe noumla, and a strong police force detailed lo prrscnu Older uu the gruuuds. Ann Oroiiuer wa.j fomul yeslenlay afternoon sick In Cherry street. Cared fcr and sent home, HuniiiN DiATit, Msry Ann I'urdy, aged 25, died suddenly yealeiday alteiuuon alel West Twnu. strcot. Suicina in Till CiLia). HrnrT Uertram, soretl i" "Mf.-s- i ji.si,iiiagriaxaSMzstMl , ay . netman, keeper oft boarding home. 111 Wash. II ngUin slice, while dctalne.1 yesterday afternoon al 1 V .y"1 .' f! t'nt, on 5 thargn preferreil by wife of disorderly conduct, Imnz Itlmself by Ms suspend. r lo the gratlag of Ids el. He was discovered at half past lx o'clock by t'r donrtrtnn who cut hint douii A snrgt on wis called in, hut HI. h.td tlipart-e- d, and all elfnrU to resnetue him were In tain. ArriMi.iT before 5 o'cloek, yesterday allrrnoon, a Mr. Veale, of Tenly-lxil- i street, was ' driving along Klghth avenue, between listb and larttt ' strttts, tho agon upt-t- , and lie was bully injured. Taken loCL.ite- a lli.tol. I'oi'ND Dsmixm. The body of a colored" man was found In 'ho Kttt Illver last etenln off Pier 4.1. Ilewaiahont .1 feet A Inches In lielzht. and was it-- I tired In a gray suit ; supposed tn be the man who fell cur North Carolina scituuimr on Wednesday night last ut tl.e samo pier. t Senior! Ai.ixactriiii. Valrick Oarroll and Oils I'lapp both emploj. l hy KJward Jones, of T hlrlj eighth stieet. got nto an altercation on Satnr-di- y nWht, at lit West Thlrly eighth street, In Ilia Ilvrry stable, dnrlng which Clap drew a pocket knife and tul Carroll aemss the w rist, s, verlng Ihrefj arleilrs. Carrnll was sent tn Hriievne l, and Ulipp gave himself np to the ..lice, who yesterday took him In Jcdersoii Market Court, where Justice Dodgi icmanded hl:n to await the result of Cirroil'l injuries. Amiilt on tub I'm ice. -- Olllecr Sherman, ol thelwinty-Cre- t while dispersing a crowd of disorderly jxrsons, 'early jcsterdiy morning, In tteuly nlnlii street, between Secend and Third utenuee, wa a.ssulicd by Jbn Cannon and Jsmee I ogan, mie ot wLo it hlirfiii the neck with a knlfd sharp nt, Inflicting a bad hot nol I da, g. rons w.oiti.l. The men nero arrewied and taken yeterd ly before ,1 ,.t-r- Kelly, who placed them under Ctsi oid to keep ll.e peace, and also In- - fllctcd a line of lile-ic- for disorderly conduct. ' Hrtnnivn Arrntr. At I n'eloek Tostcrd.tr af. lernoun, J.iiura llurke, aged 11 black-mli- b ot Ul West Forty-nint- street, wn stubbed in the let breitsl.at Ihe corner of Fortv-nlnt- street anj Seventh nn nne, ,y Jo.cpli Id.lcn, who t'csbeil. The wound I not consider! d dangerous At s oelnek Usl evening, two hoys naraed Jacob D flier, aged It), of I'W L.t.t Sixteenth tint, and John Ditilicnhcrger, aged 11. ol MM Kust Thlrlrenth street, became en-- caiied in an altercation at the eurner of Avtnuc A ) an,! Tueinii rect, during ttlilrh Dincr was stabbed In tlio stomach by Ids companion, causing a serlops and daugeroti. wound. The ttuuiided Ltd was cared fur, and Daiihcuhtrgei aireslcd, A " Putin 1 i nk " AnniNoEMiNT. Alexander Klnalrr, nf Flrl ntrnne, (lerm.tn, watebinxker and lew i Her, was no Sutuid.iy charged beforo Jnstlra Dodge, at the .lotTerrnn Mtrket Court, by Martin , lllrum, with selil... a Imsc imlal watch, almost value-- I Icn, either as a lin .keepei or piece of Jewelry for good gold and enriect of parsing lioura, liio toiiiplalnaiit bnugtit the wsteti for t31, and gave i as a bonus a good silver walrh, miking In all about I, N and pild the tn. my by Installments. Finding ' that he litd bun Liken In, llliain went to the store and demanded bis inoniy and properly back, but ,1 ItlnsU-- refused to acquiesce. 'Ihe compUluaul '' II erelore biouzht l .e in liter before the Couit, end ' ll,e prisoner was held for exatulnation. - , A IliamiNMr ('lkuic. For aniuo Hvo weeVi nno August OetKigbaus was In the employ of Wm. Kind, keeping a store ul n.1 Cliainhe-r- strewt, and during that time Mr. Kind inl-t- d large qnanullea ol p. i ki Ik in rea and id her cutlery, The . la k Has sua- - lulled uf purloining the-t-o article. 'Ihe inntc. lot tits of t.,o su.pe-ctc- clerk was watrue-- l by delei-llte- , who lliially arreti.l loni al j lit balgliis.. ut Ml Kast llruadttay, where a quantity of tlie toleu proinriy waa found tn his ' ptetseaalon. Most ol the stolen goods, it ape.irs. he ,llsitsed of to parllea who wl.l le urrestttt. The pibitner Is rlttrgril with sieu'lng dnrlrir the lite j wt he bad been In Mr. Kind' enq loy some wt.ttli orgtHds. lie was committed to the Toatbl for trial. Ciiiiiiii:ii tfiril iNi'ENi'linisii. William Mur- phy was in lestt-.- t alter Court hours on Saiurdt), lis oillrtr Dathl O I'oiinor. Tmnlbih prrelnct, cliirted with un iiltcuii l to lire the premises 11 Wist Thirty- - i flrh street The buliilioif i a Irame tencrneitt, with a yioeery sloro on the llrt Hour, and twelve families live In tho house. The charge was hrouebt before Justice Dodge at ll.e Jtttersun Market Court, and was lor Investigation to i ll.o I'lro Marshal. Mr. Ilenrge II. Sheldon, chtel clctk lo Ihe Mriropodlaii Fire Marshall, yesterdai luado Inquiry iiitn Ihe inatttr, and a In brief: "In Ihe nliseneenf Ihe Fire Marshal, I liisfltuted nn iHVestigitlon of Iboca-.-e at IheTweinlith 1'iceinct Station Houe, which ie suited In Muiph)' piotlnghu was elsewhere ut tLe Hint of tl.o Are. The people area qnarrelsrme tt, and tlio chsrire ttas eilili-nll- pionip(.-- hy malice. 'I'helo Is no doul t of ill attempt I atlng beeiimadu to ' fire Ihe house, tint Alurphy ! not the m in." I'iikrhil or lliritKii tsnniic-1- . Tli funeral ol , Police officer John Smedlek, of the Ttnntlilh Pre- - eluel, who whs inurdiictl liy John Heat on Thursdty eti iilng last, took plate irom tils lute n sltlence, 311 West Thirl) ninth short, y st, r.tay afternoon. H was largily aitended b the principal police olllrlali an.l the pilioliuen who could lie sifted Irutu othti .1,,, w ,,n.l l, n Ijr.i. t nt,e,,nr.e ol elllxens. tiiic wtin walked, sixty rirrli.t". II. led withicorlc, fornicd puit nf Ihe pr ,eeton, tthleh wen. Ittl Its mournful way from tbe Itousi in (altary whi re tbe rrinalm tti ri Interred hi conformity wltn ll e practice of Hit- Catholic Ch'.rcb. The convcr- - linn whleh ollaliird among those pn sent waa chlcllj of n grct for tin untimely i int of an execlle-- officer, condolence with hi faoiilt, pruse or om cr Mce. who, at Ihe linn, unlit risk of hi own life, secured the murderer, and u somewhat warm exrrtsslun ul belief tl at Ihe law la the- csso ol Ileal would be executed to He liltir The dccrucd had been an i.mrcr iibnul Hto ye.tr, and stood lilgh auiong those -- ! who knew l.lm lor sohrlriy, atibt tttnllon to and lu the dlscliarge of his duties. Anncal I'Aiitnt or Tin Katiieu Ma'tiiiw Delegati rtprt's, nting all the F. M. T. A. II. Sot li lies ol this rily iiit-- t In convention yester diy urtt lor the pm pose or determining tt iters the in it 10th of Octobi r ointiil pir-ad- shall corns oil, and tt lot shall he Invited lujotit lu tho ritnka. AHei roiisiil-ribl- discussion, a motion retailed s mat the pni .nlii be hi Id lu llrooklyn city with Ihe Pro .kl) n Societies, provided a uujorlly uf I boss sntlrllis tie lepiesciiled In this Convention at Its nexl toon I til) met ting. Upou the quri.lt, ,u uf what nrg.iiilziillutiB shall bolntlled to ptrtlelpatr, ll wui resolviil that nil teuiisrraucit urganUatluus, of every rellulous deiiondiiatioii, tie Invited lu unite III the aiuiitcisary of Father Matthew's birthday. Tutr I'nr.AcitlMi. Hie iccnnil of a aeries id open air religious scrtlces wua held yesterday after- . noon, conn r of Flfili avenuo and Sevent)-aecou- street, under the nusplees of tho City Mission. The obj.it ol the meeting Is to nttnet the general public, nnd Iho eiitiii wric nf a popular character, con- sisting of a piayt-r- , aliiilti';, and a number nf bricl aldiis-es- , Among those who took pirt tn the exer- cise wire tho Hev. Mer. Cltiku, l'atker, Hoe, Mr lllckey. Mr Shehlrlke, and Mr. Jacksou, Secre- tary ol tbe City Mission. lli iiiiLeuii'.. Aliniil 4 o'clock morn. Ing, Ollirer Hunt', ol tlie Tweiit) uiiilli I'm ind, ilia coveretl three young men In Twentieth street, near the Stivintli attniie, acting In a tiry atispicloui in tuner. On Iho a pioaeti of ll)rne, they threw aer rril ui tides of sllttr and plated ware into I wiigoii, ami ran pursued by the officer, who, with the aid of two others, succeeded Is lapluilug tin lu. They gave Ihelr natuea al .Iniiita McOrath, Fdtvaid Shields, aud C'oincllut Mtl'ttrth). The officer examined the various houaei on Ids iMist, and found that the dwelling of Mr Henry Itiihle, Wi West Tweutieth street, had beea riiteied by lurclng opi n Hie grating. Ou beini brought In Hi siatlon house. Mr. Huhle l.lcntlllcJ lit, in licks found aa Ins property. Tho prisoners weie )tli tti i y morning it Ut it before Justlte Dodge at the Jelleison Market Court, and remandtd to Ihe cine ol tlie pullco ior finther cvltlcnce ..The shop ol P limit", loot, I Ackerin in place, was entered by burglars on S.il'iidi) morning, and robbed ul lln sum, Ac. No due was left uf the per-- I etiaturs, The Hut Thomas Ilrady, 22, of Hi East Tidily ninth strut, t,ss nu Sulunlat motlili g fouud In He dcpuloftbe Fourlli Ateuit Itailtond, ridrly si cond n. cel. ot engine by tl 'm,i. T"Ven home. . ..A boy luined. eJulllir, aged 11, r ) Foiiy thlid stie.,1, laken siultb nl) sick on Salilr- - diy illiinoiji n Foii)loutth street, belwrca Sevenlli snd Ulgbth ate'uuus. Taken home . Mrs I Krnbs, ugoj 0f pj .vn-nu- II, was ou Saturday oteicoutc wltl i,c Ji'.Bt v1 Willi.im street. Tukei lu IltllttP- - iiotpltal Mny'lliunipsou, aged li ..' ".'und sick on Si! irday liislsty-i'fi- street near. .i.ird avenue Liken, lo the Uulorvil Home. Anuust Bei'crm. aged 23, fii OU Stanton an eet, was ,'ouud on Saturda), sick, at U, e coiner of 1.1 ulon and M niton .tree's. Taken to lleilevuc llu,lt,il lliid-o- l trciiiiUOlt waa 01 fiiliinl.iy found at the coi nei ol Ciiatham ed.! Pak slut Is, tulliri' g Hum the heat. Taken to lledetue II sp.lal Klcliard S. Aineimun, of III FJast Llhty. nicoi.d s.ieit, wua on Salurdi) prosiratcd by His I eat. In Wist ll oa.dw.iy. Tiken to the Ne-t- York Hospital.. Callieilne Murphy, oi Pearl slrttt, nisi 'ito.olwiit-- , tt is nu Saturday uttrcotnr with the titut, III I rink! r alley. Cared lor and st ul home . I'etei Huriis. of:p-:- i a'er stiei I was loinid on Saturda) ter) sick In llruadway Taken to lltlleic lluspltal, AcciUK.vts John Ctinttii.i, aged sixteen, uf 221 K.lliibtlli street, iniiktn hi, it l.ile taking a cull ol milk irom his iia.oni, "n smnr.lay morning, let tin eau lull on hit P ut and injured himself badly. ' 'l aken tu llel't-- t d Patrick Hayes, aged nine, of a Mulberry tlucl, wut accidcutally run . uu.tinst b) a nu l on Sa urda) morning, at the cornel jm uf Corntlca slip and South street, and was se'te.ely SSfl injured Taken to lWlletue Hospital Jonas aiiam Itieenwoll, of 119 MoLroe street, while ill It In M Ihroitgii Church siirct, on Saturdty, fell fiom his JHI tt.ig it und bis hip. Taken home . .Adelu fHl Cre.mcr, agrl feity m, . nrly re.ttrday morning, Wm tell down the basement oi .lid Washington stieet, iH and hmt I ei self badly Tuken to Ihllctiie llosppal. Mary Ctnk, of Muroso, Wcstchtslcr county, was on Saturd iy t un oter and Krlusl) injured at tbetoiD.'r of Ilro.i.l.tay and Park place, by a Ir.itk, j Taken lothrNrtt Yolk llospllal. . (l.imili Perry, rulbi', rn ?autdiy fell Into Ihe hold of ship Cbau : ecl'o-- , ll'K st pit r 31 Kail liter, and Injured till ei . head. Tvk-i- i to lltllet no Hospital ..Juhu Mahoney, 3d, rcsldiaz at the coiner of Madison and Jseksoi . strreis, whl'e st work on Saturday on the steam- - shlu Fulton, at the loot Of Sixth atrcel.lell fiomlhs $ dick of Iht teisel Into a small boot lying ahngslde, M i thoieby breaking his leg and dlalocalnu Us aim. ". Takt u to lleilevuc Hospital i - ' u iiiii'i'i) LmjAiiSiLi'iiMiiL1 i.'iji mmijmemmiBMHBK)'' '

tile.loc.gov · . THIRTY-FIFT-H YEAR. X K W Y0 IC. M ON DA Y. ,HTLY 27. I8S. ' FRICK TWO CENTsT" l FROM WASHINGTON. Rapid Progrosa of Legislation Tho Tables almost Cleared. Tlio Senate

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Page 1: tile.loc.gov · . THIRTY-FIFT-H YEAR. X K W Y0 IC. M ON DA Y. ,HTLY 27. I8S. ' FRICK TWO CENTsT" l FROM WASHINGTON. Rapid Progrosa of Legislation Tho Tables almost Cleared. Tlio Senate




Rapid Progrosa of Legislation Tho

Tables almost Cleared.

Tlio Senate Disposes of Nearlyall tho Nominations.

Probably no Change or Commissioner

of Internal Revenue,

i Tho American Stoamshlp LinoBill Signed.

Ipeelil Despatches to The Una.

July M.


Stent may litc to be postponed for tno or thrtcboon to not row, to allow the l"iohlent lime to eiimlne and sign the bills wh c'l were rnrolletl to day,init will not bo presented la blin until10 A.M.

rrittM will nnoi'iinr rr.No Ctitii;u'" ha ctcr lictii so well up with lt

rjulnci at the closing Veers na tbe present. Ansrr.or.nt of liglslatlou his birn sctcd njon

durlrg the lt lour data, mil what has let n doneb aa beoi well done. No Job lute t ern smuggledthrough, tul nothhiK which In csMntlal to thetool of the rnnntry lht It I fotllo to complete

i line the failure of Impcsrl.i.iei.t bat bem Irfl un- -

rtooe. The army Lllls will full ; but tilth the threat-ening esrtet of affalri In the South since the NewToik Convention, rrx.ny Iliubllcans do notwant to see the arm disbanded uutllthe fall elections are oter, and thereball be a guarantee of peace Owing to the

desire of the l!uo to t'nUli up business, and thefeeMrncis of the Derrocral t obstruct legislationsince the idtnlsslon of bouthtin memoirs, theSpeaker's tsblo, which bad Hourly a bundled bllla

I upou It during the pat week, la now cleared so thatr. only about a dozin arc ten, and they will trohibly

l be acted upon The Senate la as well uplathe limine. Mi. Collar, wl o I the most expertand efficient tfpi nkrr In the wuild, haa le I ll.e Houscrapidly through ill istrlltmennry nbtl,irbs.

A uroiiiM nr t ix Tim nir.J X'robably lie hundred and foity mimbet of

, the House and fitly Smiln are now here. One hunfired and fitted uie now it qu ruui In thefvin.tr,lad thlrly-flt- e In ti c laitrr.


' Senate i ill Heron iion trrntlee,c Mexican, ai.d ou "Oir.c tddlt.ii.il

.bat v l'l. China. The Senate icviutncd In s Inn

f to 4 oMnrk il la morning, end cleared Ihcctlen-is- r

of ill the nominations, Mr. JeDrtcs, for''Ceinunlfsloner of Internal Iletrnne, had ouly

die tole when bit cite ttas reache I. Some newlipuai having Urn mailt , M former fi lends droppedhim, aim ll.e Committee on Flnanc" ri versed llieltrecommendation and asked hi . .jcctlon. Timewaa a tery bitter contest ortr Cbarlea I'ctors forNatal Officer of New York, Mi am. Coukllng

tad Morgan chimin that thla office Taalocal to their State, and no one 1uuld be ronflnned

howaa not enliafjrtoiy to thcio. Mr. Knrendennrxed the coitOrinntlon of Mr. Tclcra In a.pctclioT muih wurinth, and replied to the eharite

that the cfl ce plifh to hit fiirudIn conalderatlon of Ida tutu on Impeachment,In inch a manner that he aatUlled many Senatorthat the rliarfcia were made JuUty. After dllcuaalon of a. i hour and a half, he waa rejected by a n to

olUlo 13. K. II. WcUter. aAfaorforthcThlrty-- I

atcond New York Dbli let, known a "bhook'a7 Irtct," wa conllrmed without a dlllon. Conimlf

aloner E. A. Ho.hm will ttltbdiiwi bit riUn.itluu, which waa conditional on the

J conllriuution of bia auceoaaor, If no action le had

J by the Senile. A. II. Cumininga,

Collector of the Fourth rennltanla Ulatrlct,waa nominated, but Ida coullrmatlon la

I matter of doubt, lie la ttarmlj prcnaul by StiiilorCameron, who touehca for Ida Itipubllcaulam andMaablllly. It U tot unllUly that no definite oct.onwill bo bad by tho Senate on tbi rate.


The l'rcaidint liua aini-- the bill introducedby VI r. Hill, of New Jcrary, to piotide for an Amcrl-c-

line of aUaiuahlpa from New York toUuroie.The aca oatuge la to be given lor flflicn yeaia up to111 bundrid thousand dollara. Seven llrat-r- l a tea--

tela lie to be put on In a )rar, and their apred la toCCiUil that of other lines


Tbe rroldciit baa signed tho bl'.l IncoriKiratlng the

National I. lie Insurance C'ompiny of the UnltidElatea of America, with a perpetual charter and

power to Incrcaae their capital to au unlimited ea-

ten. One nilllkn dollara Is to be paid in at ll.e

organliatlon. lliaucliea and the right to do buslnefaire to bcsll.iv.id In all the Statia and Territories.


Tho I'ri'sident baa nniiiiiiati'il Simeon Jolmsun,one of tl.o tdltora of the liiMllgrurtr, tor AsulstuntSecretary of ILe Tretaury. He w.u ted Commissioner

Itolllna's plate, but Is not tery likely to be conflrnudfor anything.


I pursuince of author.ty glten in the second u

ol tlio bcKl'litue Appropiiatton act, u) piovrdJuly !i, the CleiK of the llo'i-- e or Kipresentatitiliaaaelcctod tho Aiiflonuf .Vy.oWbi". newaiupir .11

Wsfliliutou for the printing 01 the laws a.id ollklald milling.


Tbe contract for supplying stationery to the nfSccrsof the Iiilernal ltetcnuo throughout the UnitedHutca f..r tlio ensuing year has bet 11 awarued to

fcfcin, Latea Si Smllli, ( New York ciiy.TUS AUNT DILL.

Tbe Senate bill for the eduction of the militarypewe establishment, contaiuin rrovi-iuu- a for thutUalributn 11 of arms in tlu South, and the HuuseTens. Mississippi, nud Virginia 1'iotl.ional tlnten.- -

bill will lail I" pats Ih.Hi lkues bifore theami ill ciiusi'iiueutly be postponed untilaball meet again.


Senate liuve continued the followingIt. A. Craw lord, to lie Collcctoi ol Customs

at Urazoe de Suntiairo, Texas ; James U arr, to bepoUoctorof Internal Itettnui lor the Territory orMontana ; K. I). Webtn, to be Assmor or InternallUTcnuc or die Thlrty aocond Dlrtrict of Ne York ;11. 1'. Hay, of Tennessee, to be btiret.iry or LegationilFlomicoi J. II. Illalr, of West Virginia, to he Milllater to Coata ltlcu; It. 1. Homer, 01 Ohio, 10 be Con-sul at Tilnldail : J. 11. Ashton. to he AsslsUui

ol the L'nilcd Hutea; Ilollaud buiilh, tolie Deputy 1'ostiuaster at Sun Francisco.


The President baa been duly informed of theaction ot the Senate list night with regard (o ap-- (

polutr.teuta. Ho to nlgl t nomluatod to the SensleAlexai der ciimmlugt, of l'eoiiB)ltaula. to be Cow

of 1 .trrnal teten iu . .con tv. Julntou toeibsluiur of tlie'l'rea.ur) IVIl.lant II wis.nf Customs at Nutt OiKuti. , Jatub II.Ser.Coleeor of Internal It. v nte of lis

Ijistnel of .New loro II. II. hluoton,sVssrtsor ot the lit la lunrirl of New lurk;Otorge J llubblefleld to ho Culii il kiii-- Altornrytiiiu MiiIIk i Utrlit of Tennestcei Hetcher 1. Cop-ro-

lieg sltr of Dte.lt 00 tin iil.t I .ilumtnu ,

JenmlaliS S al tins, to ho Couiut at Honolulu ; lien,tfa, S l.o e. liti , to 10 Ailiti.lt-- i 10 .tlt-t- o . Js.iivs!r!s, l''tuiai.ter of Memphis, 'fi oni Thomas ;. All n,yiMt inul..ru In nsuola, leva-- i Charlts M. Alstuuaer,loMui.ilrr ut Ws.lilnilon. II. I'

The Senile went Into Executive setslon at 1 quai-ta- r

pas. ulnu In tlio evening.

HOItK HKJEOTIONS.The following late In en reject, d :

It C. J. nih s, 10 be o r of Irtrrnal Iteve- -

H, tmti 1'oe, to tie Collector of Internal l.'eveiiun forV) ika Thir l I'lsirlct or Mary uud t C. II. Ureeu, to hem' Col'ecior of lalcrnal lietenuo lor tho Third District

of Missouri.0 Washinuton, 1), C, July 25.

I, tur cniNna taatfisr.S Mr. and Mrs. lliirlingume, nilli Chili Knns and1 file Chla. asaoclaleri Ministers ofthe C'hiniaa lga--

'iloi received a large company it Metroiioll-I

11 llotol. The roceptlon wua In celebration oftheiUilcatlon 01 the treaty between tho United States

a ul Cliloa, and 11 in expression of the giateful feel--

bf of the Ohlneie Km Ire, manllesieu ilirouzh herennseutatlvts, for the unllorm courtesy and friend.

fw U. 'P'rlt with which they bare h en received la19, w).ln jton by ill clittes of society, without dietluo- -

lAflitnirl', Tliere were present tho bead! ofthe

Departments, members of the Diplomalle Co'ps, withtbe attaches, officers of the array and naty, Judges ofthe several court, member of C'ntres of bothHouses, and distinguished uts from dlllcrent partsof the Union, together with seveial hnudreds ofother, lucliiikog many la lie. Tho entertainmentwm more than ordlntrlly tnlllltnt, and a hirnlercompany ha selJom if ever been si en In Washing-ton. Tue American and ctilnce flags wero twli.edat the bead of the table. here Mr. lltirllir.-nni-r andhis associate Minister were seated In company tt ttlilcn. Hank, the Chairman of the ComiuitHe on I'oi

cign AUalt. ,When Mr. lliiillngvme leavea here be will go to

rhtladelphlti.ini vl-- ii J ly Cooke' reidcne , at theiireeni Inviuiion ofthe famous banker From

Mr. llilrlnusme and anlte will procecl toNew York city, and without delay will go up theHudson liter, and tin nee to Au'mrn, to visit Mr.Sccretaiy Seward at his home. The representativeof nil the fori Ian I'ower have abobeen bulled andlie en tied to he priscnton the occasion. FiomAuburn th" ISnbassy will proceed to Nltisn Fallfor a short vllt, ntnin tu Sara'oga Spring, indthence o lloslon, where a wrand clue and rutlllaryreception attalts Mr. Itiirlueanir, tendered by theaulhontle of the Slate uf Mo.'srhii.ctl- - and city ofltoston. Mr. Ilurlingamo ha liken passiae in thesteamer which Mils irom New York lor Liverpoolon the 1'Jth of August next.

uttiriCAtiux ur tiii cnivcsi triatt.After it protracted sisiihi lust ctening tlio

Senate unanimously rallfled tbe Chinese treaty.Tltt ect'.on In ngard to n uniform ytem of coins,

welihts, ard miasure ws trlckeu onl a 1 subjectopen for subequsni eonsldi ration. Somo explana-tory amcLilinenla were made to the set 'lou in re-

lation to eltlieh'hlp. ilcclsitng tint nil Chime resi-dents lit this country should enjoy the rightsof naturaltxatlon as citizen or any other nation.On the subject of tl.o al isslon of Chinese to thpi.bbe eel oo' of the l'nilcd Stat.', the Senate heldihe c rim n.l that Hoy si, ul be admitted to all theprivilege of a elttien of Hie most favored nationthat I, tint the C'ontrtst of the I' lilted S'ates haa nolight in Indicate who should orwlo should not beadmitted to State eh.iol.. Facilities to attend suchs, limits, must bo regulated by S' tie I , In retardto a.hp'sslon to nil 'n.lltntloiisof learning establishedby the Hovcrnmcnt of the United Mati s. the ellltrnaid I nlna mi re 10 bate the ime opportunity aa anyother arplleant. Tlie fei nng u.anlfeslitl by thoSinale was of the most iiinirahle character, and 1dl position was shown to extend to the great em-pire all the lailtudd that International l.iwa amithe well ire of either country could requireOpposition from the rrpreentatUe of the I'uclficcoast w not of the tlisj usltion that n as at first pre-sumed wot Id atien.l the tiieisute. Although Senetoisfn ni that section did show some ohjecfon. It ttnsPi ,lnl in view of having tho provlsh n of the lir-at-

an riplnlned that Ihero nilcht be no doubt aixint Haa pMeition. In private conteratlon it number ofSenator were heard to spi ak of the rn'lllentlon Inthe btghe.t terms, and they showed greatat th tnaniralty itint was felt all around tietrrulISelile coast Senator spoki III bUh teims of theItidtisliy, t'rugsllt), .mil Intelligence of the ChineseW'ulallon trem ral y In that section. I' airlrulturothe exhibit icm. rkahle prnllrlenry. .bile In

skill they nie n. t infeilor to the beat,

nonneni aih tTTsiirii.ii unman.Mention was made in a morning tlepalclt of

tie dbrotery, eaily (ifc.pt. J. C. (nren,w.ih Ids thtost rut. In a lot ensi of the Kticutlremansion. Some f tils friend supiosed that bt badatleinpted to coininlt snietde, but on an examination01 the pitui'se t) re ttt re evidences of a setilrle onthe gnt.s and youeg lieia A number of paM--

and letters were found lying near hltn, also nknife and ntor both IiIimhIv. 'I ho sirersboi ed lh.it tho tviiende.t man w.i forn'tilye. h!er in the on'ee of C I.udln&ton,thief Qnatterntn.ter's l)rHirtinem of tash-I-

ton. ill throat was gitsht-- in a horrible manner,uitd it neit fotiird was thought to tie inn di lug cundl-tun- .

He ha since in en restored tti ctinsclousne-- s,

and will probably leeover Irom the elferta of thewoti' ds. He lelati" that be w is ilt.icknl liy onewlo'e man tin I two eolontl mm. One colored manh i. I biro, while the nilur with n inrot, and thewhite man with a kmie, disabled blm, gashing Idatin oat. Tbe) then dragged him In tlie hollow 111 thonne grove tvlterv he wu found, and ill'ed inslockels, robii g him of Id money (about t'JMil,some papeir, and n gold watch.TUB l lllllt ATlO.t or (.OVLUVtiEXT rROPIlllTT.

Ily dlrtclioiinf tlie Secretary of War, u boardwill iisscmbte in New Y'ork city at lit o'clock 011 theUMh li si., lo co. .alder ihe.siil.Jeet of proibllng a suit-uti-

building u property wllhln tho I. nib r of NewYotk. which shali suHicient accommodations ofwarehouse, pier, dock, and basin room for the safeanileonvenltnt receitln-r- , storing, and care of altami) siort of euty kind and description belnnglugto rltlier o, the bureaus or branches of the War

at an annual cost tu the Ooternment notctcCnlllig fifty thou md dollar. The follow Int ofl!.cers hate been detailed for the board : Itretel MaJ..(en. Hums , Assistant Otinrtermaster-tlene-tra- l

; lilt-ti- t MaJ. (I. n. l. I., llarisuir, AssistantAilJntanKleneial ; llretet llrlg.-tlen- . It. S. Satterlee,Clilet Meille.il l'urte)oi llrevet llrlg.-tlen- T.J.II tine, C. mlssary of Subsistence i lirevet Col. bllasCn spiii, Major Ordnance IHpaitmrtit.


Tltc resolution presented In the Houseby (icn. Duller relative to tbe Navajo Indiana InNew Mixlro, Is Intended ti. carry out tho latta andproclamations glvln; ibem fYeeifom, which the civilBiithoirtlc of the Terrltoiy failed to execute. It

ile" the inlUtary undri tlru. Mierinau authority tofuterfcre directly In tl.elr behalf,


Hip Henate ill oxocittiio acaaion nnnnl.m ul) eoMliuiol the fo. lotting nominations:

l.nut Uot C c tox of Msrtluud, to l.e i otomlii'onerof IVuslous Jutlgs l.Iltha loote. of New York, to lie( n, 11, nloDrr of ralenls. Vuiuiicl Mlllliisp. of Unnes.see Ju'ii.e of tliet ourtof Clslms, Henry M. vtatls.ofl'i,n.)ltsnia, Minlsteir to Austru. II. U. ttortliuigtou.Ml Itisliletll 10 Uruguay-

tulmiaisis llosttell 11, I'cttltione, at Ogdenihargh,N.l.. Jacob II. etotkle, at ll.el, ay, s J ; lie.ma. II.Kllugsby at liou'e'a Point, N- V t Mary Itorkafelltr, atMtol.aulcsburg, I'enn.

i ofs; Mvin Hawkins, of Tennessee, at llavanaiItrlijanilntlhrri.h. .Ir , of New llampslilre. ut NantesiWin II hloilio ol New tork, at Letilsil. II. Coil, at Va- -

I .cla, MillUs .tletc.;of leniisyltanla, at rira.u1 1. 1, cis A. I'riltlns.oi t'ouercttctit, at Tahiti.

u'il 'V tt . .MeCauley, ror the tlaihead Indiana ofMonisnti Nicholas ejulutsna, lor the Indians to NewMetit o.

.ll..il.nii.--S, Fergnson Ilesch, as Attorney forWest Virginia i Jereiiiialil.iltlliit.er, Assessor of Inter,li. I llevtiiue lor the Tenth lll.trlrl of l'otni"ylvaiila iIV II sin of Internal Hevsnoe for the

t Iil.irict of Viiglnlai J, A. Clark, purveyorCeueral of t'tahi tv J. Cnllsn, eiipertntendent or In-

dian Idaho and Moutai.ai A. H. Paddock, ofNibrasva, to lie elofernor of ttyoudugi llmar F.Iloberti, of Indiana, as fecrtilsry ofthe ofttruiiiliigt lleadley ll. Ives.f ollcctorof Inlntial

the lilstrtct of Coiinretlcnti ilss Axitll,A.se.sornr Inter a) ICevenue for the Third litttrlct ofCaltrornta- li. II. liurntiiDi, Asie.snr, an I Ihiolnre (I.ntbsll, Collector for the beeond IMstrlet of Caillornla.


The I'ri sident sent to the Senate nomlua-t- l

ns bir the lollowlng offices IVol the Lew Territory of Wyoming, A. fl. Paddock,

(1 vel' or. Oman K. ftotieits, becrulary, IRorgo H,

II m e), Iti cell tr of .Monet , J. w. Ctl lwell,deul.ter Land OCIco: ,lram Latham, Snrroyor-tlcn-eia-

Holland Hiiiitn, l'otlniAttcr, San Franclseoi Per--

II. Spear, Collector of Internal llevenue. SeventhDistrict of Sew t ork i II b. Iirnisn, to l Marshal ofi. ttistem lll.trlet of 1'ennsjlvanla, vice Itow e), tooe removed i ilarsey II. Ihninas, to lie ColletlorefC, .touis at New i l.ullier II. ttll.uu, to hoSecond Anilltor of ti.e Tieasur), in place of K. II.Ireuch, to be removed.

nominations nr.jicrto.The Senate r'Jected the following:John L liitwson, its Minister to Itusslat John A

tlel 1. nan. I, as Minister lo Mexico, 11. O. I'eirln, atCiller Jiisllee of tllali, Chslles 1'etcrs, at .Sand 0111

i cr at New York i Kwlng htarlglit, foi Ai'ossrir ofInter. .at for IIil Ttt onl) r.rsi Hlsirict or

; tv p. Uould, aa I'a) matter In the Army.AI'PIIOPIIUTIIIN UILIJ I'tKSIU ur coNautsa,

Tlie principal appropriation bills passed byCongress tills session urc as follott a :

Military Academy (!!!?Iilplouiaiic Service :I'osl iittlee Ovr-i.K-

Otean heivice i"io,itiArmy M.OSl.'tiQ

i.eiifs'ative, Kxecnllve and Judicial il.5n. wCivil Service U,l,isslPensions..., so;g.WflIn. lisu .li.i-.0-


Ai.tik ilncoini l,i,n on,nai,u-a- l

t turltlei .Ulatrlct of Columbia) Witmt i.arllles .prltatel llUi'S)Mi.eellancous ,. veOAi

The astregaleof all the hills Is about tlM.UO.Oi).

touTir.Tii co.iit:.ss-si:co.- vi .



W'AsniNriTON, July 'J5. Tlio consideration ofthe consideration of the bill rc'atito to Die Dent crPacific Ilailroad was resumed alter further debate.The Pacific Hallroad Committee's amendments tteroagreed to and the bill passed 31 to 7.

The bill nuthnrUes the Coni3Dyto connect Its roadWilli the I'tiloi Pacific Hallroad ut f he). nut- and ttlllii he astern Ulvlslon Line at In nver, arniilrli gil erttiy tlio prltllegrs, except as to sul.sl ly In irfinil.,ami .1. .limine ire obligate ni or the Union paclllo lla'l-roa-

and Its branches. 'Ihn railroad from lienver toliov'iiiit snail he uken In lieu of Hie coi ttruciloo hy

tl.o l.itstrre li t l lop e.eni any of thai loitlon of lisline. 'I ho latter Company is authorized lo mortgagethat part of Its road between the meridian of ( huyeaneWells and llerter City In the ami unt of .liSl pernills, and tho lienver rcit!c Itatlroail company mayuiorlyaue Its road to a .Ike amount. 'I ties acl is uot tola ,e etlect until the Eastern Ulvlslon Company shall

ave Lied In the Depalliuent of the Interior it ccrllfcitlotlial Its Hoard of Directors have given their ament, andthe to the Ilentcr Company are made uoor thecoie Ililon H at Its road and telegraph shall becomidctedJan l.tsTO,

The specla order waa taken up. The questionwas on the section as amended, providing

" 1 hat Ihe President, In eate of a cltlren wrongfullyImprisoned under autiiority of i foreign Government,aua lo case of refusal to use any meant not aniountlnirto acts of ttar.to effect the release, Hie fuels to be com-municated to Congress aa soou as practicable,"

Agreed to, 30 to 13.Mr. FihRT moved to .rlke out tbe first section,

declaring any denial of the .brhu of expatriation by

any oClcer of tlie tlovernnimt, Inconsistent with thefundamental piinciplen of Ihe tlovrinmrnt.

Heeded ! hi i.Mr. Spmtin moved lo strike out the third aret'on,

which a rejected without a illtlloii tho questionKcnrrlng on the ofthe hill.

The bill then p.neil by the following tolcit Abhoti, Cattell. Cole, Conkllny,

Cralii, llavl., Honllitle, Hrtke, flsrlan,Hendei-son- Hendrlrks, Hone, Mellonald, tlcCrpery,Jlclno. Nte, tlsltorn, Patterson ol New ,

Pat', of Teunes.ee, Poineiov, ltamser, llice, tituts-hniy- .frher-- , an, Sprane, Stewart, lhater, Tipton,

ietr-- . Wade, Vtfiyle, Wllle), , Yt llllams, Wlson. and t atss-g- a.

Ntva Mettr. Ferry, Fesieu.lcn, Fowler, Howard,and Van Winkle 8

1'nesiNT ni-- hot Yernatt Messrs. 0nmner aa.lTriiniiitill. i

The bill goes to (be House for concurrence In theamendments. It I as follows :

H'lrreti. The rleht of expatriation Is a natural andInherent right of all people, ami Indispensable lo II. senjoymeut of the rights of life, liberty, and tho pursuitof hsppiness and

trAernts, in the reeoenltlon of this principle, thisOoternment hat tee. It cd emigrants from all ni.lions, aid Tested thatn with thn rights of rllltenthlp ian I

ll'rrets. It Is elairred that such American cltlrcrs,with te1r descendants are subject of foreign Maltaowiig alb giati. e to tin- onvcrnmenta there- f , aud

ll'Arri'i. It Is neecary lo titer maintenance of thepuollr peace that the claim of fnrclen atlcKlence shall beproiup.ly itnd Dually dliavowed . therefore,

lit il ii!.ti, ,fe, thai any ihelirallon, InstrnetioTi,opm on, order or daenlnnof any oiircrs of iliisti, vern-me- i

t shleh deiiUs, rtstrtcts, 1m;.alis,or .niet'lo-i- tbollfcht of etputrlltlon. Is hriebr declared lo be t

wltn the fundamental principles oiil,e Oorerti-In- t

il.Scr.J. ,trtl.(itrtfrenirie.l, That all natnrsllied

eltlrensof tbe l .illed flal", wli.te III foreign Plates,shsll boentltlpil to and slml r- -i etve from IM" Oevrn-Inen- l

lhissme protection oi rson and piopeity thatIs to native bom cltlttts In Uku stuiatioo andeireiiinstanees.

. ,iii. bt It fiirlhrr mntnt. That whenever Itshall W made known to iba rre.ldent mat anyettllenof iho Ur'ted Mali lias been unjn.tly deprived of Lisbbeiiy by or muter the iiithorily of a foreunii iti rnn eit, It thsll be tluHlniy of tbe t'rrthlrnt rnrih--

lib lo deuisnd ofthat tlovcrnuiert ttioreaoti ofsnthliiiprlsor.nieot.and If It appears lo bo wrongful and Inviolation nf the rltitaof Amerleinettltenship, ihe presi-de! t shall iniibwltn deujaud Ihe release of snrli rill-se-

aLdlfthv rtdtase so de onnded l, uniettonahly de-late lot it shall be the d.ilv of Hie President louse such no' sinotliiltit lo acts of war, as hemay lli'uk n. ets.sty and pr,,per In n d tin or eir et such

, and a, the fans r.iee. dines rclatlteIhrieto shit I, - soon a piactreal'le, be eonilliuiilealedb) ILe t resident lo Cougrtst.

D tSKMl'PTIIT.Mr. culled nn tbo Iloute bill to

establish a uniform system of buiikr'i.dC) through-out the 1 nited SUtea, approved March i, lMil, whlehwas iiasscd. aa follows :

Ir 11 en 'lefAl, ,e., That Ihe provisions of I lie secondclauso of the tmrly Ihtid section of said act shall notnptdy toea.esof roeeedlngs Inp. for to thu lit day of Jauoaiy, lai'i and tbe Untoduring which ll,e operathin of lie provision of sal Iel ins, Is po.lt-onc- shall tie extended null! the lttiny of fsiinary.PsZii and said clause Is so amended asto rend as follows- - In all prorsedinee In bankruptcycommuned alter January, lissi, no dlschirxe shall hee.antcil to a debtor situ., assets .hnll nol I e eijnsl to

l r reiitnmof the claims proved axalnsl Ids tstittenpoo which ho shall tie taible as ne pi melpsl debtor,tin less the absent in wrltltg of a ntajorliv In numberand value of lilt creditors, to whom ne shall have lie.come llsble as print Ipsl debtor, and w bo shall hsvoproveil Ibelr i laltiis, be riled III Ihe eii"e at or I thulime of ln hesrlng of the applleatloo for diehsri:c

Hri . .'. lb .1 sa 1 at I In- further amended as r.i.lnwl!Theihraso presented or deteuded," In ihe fotineenili

or.ald act, shHll read, " l roset tit. d or tt P tid-

ed i' the lion resident deblors," In Hue file,section rt.of the ai las prluli d In the sialuli-- at Isige.shall read "non-iesld- . nt eredllors:" tl.st the word"oi," In next In iho la.t lino of the 30th scetlou of theart, stinll read and ;" lhat tltc hraso "sih lion 10the IM section of laid act, Shalt read "section II t" andthe phra-e- . " or si ends ai y part thereof In naming." Intbe lllb section of said act, shall rend,' or sha'l .pelelan) part tin reof in gaminiri" Hint Ihe words wlihthe Senior lletrlstrr or."auilihepiira.. ," tc b, deiiter.dto ihe Itesltter," lu Hie ITlh section of said act, beinleken out.

err 8 lhat the Ileirlslers tn bankruptcy shall havepower to sdnanltlvr oaths ,u all caies, and in relation toall matters In which o.iili. ii,ay Iteadiulnli'lrrctl by Coiti-tii-

.loners and Ciieuti lonnsof the I nlie LMstest andsuch t ouiinls.lotieis may Iske proof of debts In ban'.rn let , in all east ib e, i to letision of sueh roots y

by Court, according to the prjvisUns ot saidai t

The bill goes to the Piesldcnt.Aonici'LTt'itAL coLLinta.

Mr. Sawttii called np the House Joint resolutionextending the terma of the art devoting public landsto the several Hiatra and 'ferritin le lor tho estab-lishment of Agricultural Uolle-e- s lu Ihe Sl.itos late-ly In rebellion, which was pi-t-

POLITICAL HiatUILITIU.Mr Kxllooo called up Hie IIone bill for the re-

moval of tic legal and pill tle.il ill illltles of Ml.ehael llitin and others, which was amended, onmotion nf Mr. Kellogg, by the Insertion of Ihenainea of John Youn.; Hrown, of Kentucky, and 1number of cttlxenaor Lou!lauaand Arkansas, Thebill waa passed, and goes to the House for concur-rcuc-

ritoTtCTWN or orricin.Mr. CoirtLiNii called nn the llouc bill retrnlailng

Judicial proceeding In certain eases for the prnticHon of ortlcers ami agents nf the Oovrrnmeni and... it. 1, Ki.r .lerHi.ee nf Ibe Teeutiirv nenlnal ntilsu .

fill cbdnis, reMittel tin morning Hum the Com-mittee ou Judiciary with amcnduitnta, which waa

assetl.Tin tito wrastnn,

The veto message nf the I'rcsldant, relating to thel'rcciluun's llureau, for tbe rtctptlon of which IheKxecnllve session had been Interrupted, waa lakenup, und the bill wis pissed over the veto, by i voteof II to ft 1 1 arty rote,

Mr CuNKLiNti offered i resolution directing thebalance of the appropriation of $ut,fK"U for the pre-paration or tho medical and surgical record, and themedical statistics of the I'roto.t Marshal Ocucral aoffice, be devoted to Ihe latter. Adopted.

Mr Monnill. read report from the Committee ofConference on tbe bill miking in npproprl itton forColumbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb.Agreed to.

The follott Ing Home bllla and Joint resolutionswere passed:

An act aniendatnjy of an act granting public lands toWisconsin to at t In the construction of railroads.

An acl dlroetlug the enrollment ot Uie actio lelatlonto distilled spirits and lob tcco.

Au at t to amend au ur t it lallug to the coolie trade hyAlnei icmcltlit-u- or American vessels, forbidding tradein Chinese and Japanese coolies,

1 l.e bill arutitlnu tbu rljhi or way to certain eonipan.Its over Ihe iiill.urr reservation at Fort

TI.e Joint resolution directing the eeerclar) of Wsrto furnish four pieces of ealinon and xl halls uacb, tothe soldiers' monuments at l'equauuuck and rater-son,!- .

J.At 10:15 Ihe Ecnate resumed Executive butlucia.

rtNslONJ.In tie Senate, while the doora were closed, at a

late hour on Saturday night, the executive businesswaa tu pass the bill for the relief of Mi.Griffin, which goes to the House for concurrence.

The bill granting u pension to the widow of thelate tltn. Illdwell, which was ainendid so as lo In-

clude a pension tur the widow of the late dm.htac.kltmun, was passed, and goci to tbe House forconcutre'LCC,

Hlnpat Kvbnino, July 26,


Mr. SmnstAN presented the credentials of Orn.eral Warner, Senator elect irom Alabama for Iheterm ending Match, Ml. Mr. Warner came for--

ird and waa sworn.Mr siieustAN made a report from the Comrolltce

of e oiilerence on the 1 muling bill,The report was concurnd In.


Mr. Henderson made i long speech lu anawer toMr, llutlir'a nport on tbe Impeachment vote.

Alttr the conclusion of Mr Henderson's remarksaome unimportant prlrnle bllla tt ere passed

Mr. Wilson tried to call up the House Joint rt solu-tion In i elation to organizing the mlllila In thest itrarecently In rebellion, but Messrs Harlan and Urakuobjected, saying that the only thing that could J uni-fy them In holding a sesslou tonight was the press-ing matters for which especially thty had met exe-

cutive business.On motion of Mr. Dhake, at Oils the Senate went

In oxcrutltc session.The Senate was engaged upon the ratification of

treaties during the executive session up to 1 o'clockA, M-- , and bad uot ut that tliuu disputed of tbeui,

llonae of Itt-pr- t it iitnllves.The Iloute met at 10:30 u'olock.

riNXv ntuiTTiD.Mr. Oiti otliredi resolution, directing that feci

or tines imrosed on nieiubera at the session,fur bting absent without Irate, be remitted. Adopted,

oupNANCi rou MOM'ur-.M-

Mr. Hill lulroduced a joint resolution, nuthnrlz-Ih-

the bei relary of War tiiturnlsh. cannon for IheSiili'iers' Monumi nt Aseociatlou lu 1'atersou, N. J,,which waa passed,

li or RAimotn hsih,Tho bill which was before the llonae al the close

of sostion, itqulitiig rallioad lauds lube sold only to actual settlers, was taken up an J"passed,

Tin aroRfliA Liaut.AH'Bi.Tho HrKAKrn presented the action of the fleorgla

L"glstatiiru In latlfjiug tho Coiislllullonul Ameiid-uitu-

ic. Ilefcrred tu the CCiiuiniltee ou l.leclious.Till .'!: tutu's taiili,

Tho House again went to the business on thebptaker'a table, and disposed theieof as follows:

1 hu Senate bill lUppltintntary to Ihe act ul!ouligthe Un ted Statta to prosecute appeals and writs ofeiror without Kiting security, waa amended andpassed.

The Senate bill In addition to an act to regulatethe time and manner of holding tleeilona for hena.tors to Congiess, waa relerrcd tu Ihe Judiciary Coinmtttcc.

The Senate bill far tbe extension of the PorlagcI.nko and Lake Superior Ship Cam! to KeweenuwHay, Mlih., w aa relerrcd to the Committee ou PublieLands

ExcnANai or bonds.Mr, Loo an. expressing Ids belief that no agree-men- !

would be r.'ached on the Funding bill, aakedleave to report frem the Committeo ol Ways andMeans i bill containing Ihe sections idded on hismotion tn the Funding bill. No objection beingmade, Mr. Logan reported i bill prohibiting theallowance of comnilwions, 4c, for tho negotiationpr sxebuura of beruU. cola or bullion ou account of

the foiled Slates, provldlns lhat authority underla ta tn tue bond or tnten si bearing

TreKury nolea shall eeie Immediately, not towllh the convciaoii nf sectnlties Into Hie

twenty bunds, nor the lue of three er cent, tertlllinte tcmptirnry loin, nor Iheexehanee of retl'ter-e-

bond lor coupon bond, nor tho ttie of subsidybond to Mil n a) companies ; and requiring uionllilyreport front the Secretary of II t Trs ttury.

Mr. Hot TwgLt rffrred as nn amendment an addi-tional section prohibiting the Secretary of Ihe Trea-sury from miking any a ties of gold for an) puiioewhttett-- The amendment was agreed to and thebill passtd

COKtirCTION,Mr. Scitr.NeK, fiom tho Committee on Ways and

Means, reported a bill lo correct in error In the en 4rollinent of the Tax bill, supplying the word " not"'where It had been omitted In tho last clause- - of sec-tion lit. so that It will read "or per doren bot-tles, each buttle containing not inure than olo plot,

rnixci xnwtnii's island,Mr. SciiENett o reported luck the bill Intro-

duced by Mr. Iluller, of Massachusetts, relative toreciprocity with Prince Kdttanls' Island, wfth n rean.Ititlon for the appolniment of a select committee oflltreo to Inquire and icpoit to the next Congrt sa Inrelation to lhat Colony ; pir'lenl-irl- as to the kindand amount of Import and export ofthe Island, nndIhe views and disposition, n well na ntitbotlly of IheColonial Untcninitht. to enter Into any ptrtlcnlar orrxreptional nrnngrincnt with tlie United stales ; theSecretary or tl c Treisttt) to p'arc a revenue cutleral the dlsiHisil of the I ommlseion.

After considerable diicusion, Mr. Ilutlrr contend-ing that all the nccra ,ry tnforms'1 n was eeitilnlnedIn Mr. Ilerby's md Mr. flrega'a repotts, the resolu-tion waa adopted.

i.touuit r.irnxstvTATirr.Mr. Dawes repotted Ihe ertdenllaWof I. W. (Tift

and C. 11. I'rincet, tucnilur elect from andmot ed thai tho ttst oath tie administered ttt tlttinAgieed to, and the members wero accordingly swornIn. He also repoi toil tho credentials nfW, I'. Ed-ward and Hjiuu.I F. Onto, two other memberselect from Oenrgin. w hn could not ti.ke the ttt intlh,and tnove.1 that the ttatb prut hied oi those whosepolitical disabilities have bun remote. I be adnilnls-ierot- l

to them.H,e rep rt was ngrretl to, and Measr. Helward

ai.d Uoto wereanoin In.itirgte'iiNtNT.

Mr HtMtlTOV. of Florida, presented as n questionof prltilege, a preamble and resolution for Hie

of tbe I'urlilnit, Insiruellng the lateMsnagrra to announce the r.tel lo tho Senati , and topreptre and report arllcli of Impeiiel.iaeiit.

'Ihe ai'iAkiH rule! that the imolutiuns were aqiiestloit of pritilcge, except tlnlpntul them ittlving the fm.rtloiH of the late Mauag.'ra; that wouldre.jt,li iiiiantinous consent.

Mr. lloiini.lL mot id to refer the preamble andrtsoliitiout to the JuJiclaiy Coinmltli--

.Mr.llt.uuiniir. ra'srd tin iuetloii nf conld. rs'lonlhat Is, whtlher Ihe House would nntv tnterulu

the esoltitlohe as a question of prlt llnge.Mr. PiiLLi-- s Ihe )t'us ami na)a.The vote wis taken and resulted ycn, liVl; nnyw,

SI iMers. Maker, Ingersull, and Spalding wire Uieonly liepuhllcam voting lu the ncgatltp.i So thoHouse to en(eri.tin tho rc.olultoiis.

Mi. ELiinipoKiiiotttl i,i .iy the iisolutions on thetnMt. Negslited by yeu, ml, nats, llil-ll- ie KtitieIhreo Keptiblitans toting In the nfllriiiatltu.

'Ill weiu then reltried to the Judici-ary Cuininlltte.

miiiiTs or AvrnirtN rtnir.Ni.The amendments lo the House Idll, concern-

ing the rh hi' of inerlean i III, en In foreign Si i. ,lien Ink-- fiom the Speaker's table, and on uiulioiior th iiim.s, wen concurred In.

T'ie l.o e al 3:13 took a recess till T:9 o'clotkthis et thing.

KVI'.NINO SUASION.Tbe House irutned It stasloti al TtflO o'cluck.

Ml.'Cll.t tNMII . Ill SINUS,Mr. M l'l t.lt Introduced a bill to provide for tho

mme econiitulc-t- l Hilnrtinstrulloii of tho gott llliiieiilaof the Terrltorl', lliiillimt tlie l.i glslaluies to bleu

. nhd sessions, which na iairl.Mr. . kin it ported the bill for the anlo of tho

lloi Spnug tctcitutlon lu Aikunsas, whicli wasp.ist d.

Mr. WAsiiMnr. reporte-- back tho Senate bill to ex-

tend the lawsol ihel intod stales relating to custom.,ciiiuuieite, and natlgtition oter thu territory cult dto the l lted Slates b) l(.i.la; to establish enllee-tloi- i

dl.trlrts thtiein, and for othi r purpose, ttllliThe atucndiueiits were agreed to, aud

the bill was p.ii-l- .Ou rnoilnn of Mr. Mteiis, the Senate Joint reolit

tlon. to the Tiilkltk tlovernment in be-

half of the of C're-le-, wua taktn Irom theSpeaker's table and passed by it unaulniotis vote, MrM t ehs deei irlng it tu be responsive to tho w Islit a ofthe American peunh.

The House again look up business nn the Speak-er's tablt, and tllsH,scd tl.treof a ful.ovts:

Senate bill to disapprove tin act of the Legislative.Assembly of Washington Ttirllory rcdistrlctlng thoTeriltory, und rea.slgnliig the Judges thereto.Passed.

The Senate Joint resolution to drop from the rollsoi mo army ceiutui onicera aosint iroin iiie-i- s

wilhout aullioilty. i'a. .'.I.Senate bill relating lo the District Court of Utah

Territory l'nssvd.Mr. Hinuiiam, from tbe Conference Commlltee on

the bill to itlietu Niiueoii Coiley and ol'iers Iromlegal aud political dlslbllitles, mailo a report In fatorof concurring In the Senate amendments. Agreed luby the requisite two llilids vole HI In ii.

On motion of Mr Puui.hiiy, the Senate bill author-izing thu Msnu'ai lur.-rs- ' Nation il Hank of NuwYork to chuiiiie lis location was pasted.

tub iiiPicTiiiN or tiii Aimr.Tho Senate bill to reduce the mlKlary puce oslaU

llshmrul to thirty rtglmuita uf Infantry, three ofwhich are to ho of colored and thice of the Ye, emulteserte Corps , eight rtgiim nta of cavalry, one ofwhich Istn be of colored Hoop ; and four rtglmentaof arilllcry, and directing a gruduil tlluilnullim tillthe ratalry force Is reduced to ,() men. tho artil-lery tu l,HS), and the infantry to IVii. The ninthsictlon of the bill provide for furnishing arm lothe Suuvlieiu Stttea.

Mr. llAitriiLii made an elTort In hate tho billpassed with amendments, whlrb he desired tore-po-

from the Committee on Military Allaire,Mr. Inueiisoll auggesteil that the aenso of the

House be taken as to whether Ihe bill be considerednow or referred to a comiiilttcu,

Mr. (lAlirtl-.Ll- i aaaantud to tlie retire of the Homobelm; taken us a test question.

On a division tin re wcreflTya to 11 nays.Mr. flAitriKLii called for the yeas und na, and on

n vote In that mode, thero ttcie )caa is, naya lid. bethe bill waa lelerred.

EXgCTTIVl AprnopiUATio-is- ,

Mr. Kklskt, from thu Cutifcienco Committee ontbo Uxocutlte Appropriation bill, n report,which was agreed to,

The Srcthxn totine.l.the Houso that the last voteahoncd lhat there wire llfieen mmnhcM presentmure than a quuruin, and he suggested the proprietyof inemhers remaining In tho city until the Dual

At 10 o'clock the House look a rici ss until 10

o'eluck Monday morning.

Tbe Mnr) Inutl 1'lood.Ilet.Tiuoui:, July 21. The number of persons

missing and drowned from L'lllcotl City, is recti w. I

at the otbecs or the city impera reaches Iff.

The number of drowned and missing in llaltlnioroCity Is six. The Long llrldgu spanning tho

fiom the foot of Light "Mi el to IhoAnno Arundel shore is blocked up with Ihedebrls ofthe Hood The river surface for seteral acres IsJammed with tl.o wrecks of over thlrly houses, allkinds of mot cables, fai tory fixture", hollers, partof engines and ctery spoi lea of propeity, nenr'y twobundled bales uf cotton hate becu taken out of thuwute.

Haltimork, July 20, Tlio railroad truckthrough l'rutt street haa hern I c paired, andthn sisseiigtr caia of tlie through trainsfrom Washington to the North pass throughthe city. Thousand' visited the Hooded

Idistrict Many s ainers were al work pump-ing the water from Ihe cellar, and a heavy lorce ofumknini fitul rjirls lire eilllilol ed UII thu loudand drill from the market and stitets, Ou the Hatsbelow tho llilay House rlirht dead bodies wero reco-vered and nine yesterday, must of which wererecognized by iliclrlrleudsand rtlitites from KlllcotlCiiy, the bodies w ere of persons Ir .m four In sixtytears of ago, snd atilppid of ctery article of cloth,lug. Inquests urc he.d on the I, o, lies us soon as theyan round. They arc all lakeu lu Ullcutl City furluteruicnt,

coxvuxs vi rt:i. i:a n.t.irs.

A aevero abock of ai lli'iu.tkc vlallcil San Fran-cisco on Saturday.

llenrr Itocae, a confectioner ofHutlitlodrowned himself In th" harbur opposite thatcity on Saturday. No cause l) assigned ior the sui-cide, He was ulone In a small boat.

The entire business portion of tlio Tillage ofPhnrdou, flrnngcr county, Ohio, wni burned oii

morning. Including thu court house, Tho llruIs supposed to hu tho wurk of iiieei.tllailts,

On Sunday evening tlio ferryboat on the Dula.tture rlter, a' Pl.llidtlphli, ran oter a row boat con-taining two bo)s nnd two irli. One girl, namedDorti rchapperkotter, ll jeara old, ttas drowned.

The remainder of tlie party trim attempted lorob Adams Kxprfst Company at llrownstown on tliel'lth Inst., wre arretted la Cub county, Illinois, onSnurday Their names are Frank Uparki, JohnMoore, and Henry Jerrell,

Mr. l'rank Hterns, one of Iho editors of tlioKrenUig Xeic; of Springfield, Mass., was eonhidedon Saturday by John L. Hire, a butcher. The causeof the assault was a pei tonal paragraph In the Atu,icflectlng on Mr. Hire's army (lperlinco and loveadventures, Mr, Sterns bus commenced a suitagainst Illce, In which bit damages sro laid al tS.UrJ,

At Allentown, l'enn., tbe Ililgh ami JordanIllveri rose suddenly at 1 o'clock on Saturday morn-ing, und flowed about eight feet over maik.A rood deil of damage to property waa done. Sev-eral loaded cantl boats were carried below. Twobridges were washed away, aud one mm diurruedby("onlag oyer U dam lu a canal tva

run v.w.trtv vo.xsr.

Sav KittNctsro, .t ni v al. 1 ho offlcl.il rcporl byOen. Crook of the council held with tin Indians atCamp Harney, In Oregon, hs bent received at themilitary headquarter In tbl City. Tlio savage ap-

peared to be snlbfieil Willi tho promise nade Inthem, and agreed to rttnrn to their hunting groundsIn the vlclnliyof Steele' Mountain, nn the .Malheurrlter, and et.ihllh their headquarter near CaslloItock Mountain, where they can be found when tl ellnvernini nt delrc to tomniiinlcnlu with thrm.The) win allow rone ofthelrpeopleto Interlere withthe settler, miners, or Irttelers, nnd If molested bybad men they will Immediately notify tho military,who will ftitnlsh them protection, t'liiperty stolenbr Ihfhi Is tn be returned. Hen. Crook aaya thttwhile no tlotihl depredations will still bo commutedby rating hands, some degtec of ptnee may now beexpected.

There Is considerable excitement In Sin Franelcowith regard lo small ox. One hundrtd and torly-sl-

eases hut e been reported P the Hea th tifflfi rsince the 1st of June, forty-eigh- t of which bavo tiecurred time the 17th of July.

StN KiiiNflsrn, July s A letter from anofficer on bond (lie l i.lled Slsle sit nner tilpeo,dated Aeipolco, July l.v, stM that the s andcrew were suirerltg from malarious fever contractedwhile on the const of Nlcirnetit. From thisDr. .1, M. Illce, U.S. Hendrce, l'lyutssler'a Cltrk.illamard ('unit 1,1. landsman, and John 1.. Pardee,

Imy, hate' died. 'I be only cases si 111 on th.aitk list weie convalescent.

The ep Itton leainsnip Oreionlan, on July 7,spoke tie bli (Jtirrn I'mma, seirn tls)s fr m

distrcas, and supplied her wlih water andprotiaiona. Site had on boaid five men, one tti mantn d tlitee ehltdriii, all of vtliont were In an nlnostUutlahetl condition.

UHOltlll.l.ATt.iNTt, (la., Haliinlny, July W In the

Stnate lo day Mr. CattdcrolTere.1 tbe following:H'Aeeeas, Ft Hov. Hrown, one of the ablest Itwyera

In lite Male of llrorgls, as well as otn r per.oi,. ,llsttttgittthcd for their koonledgeor 1st.,held during Ihe lite election ranvats that persons ofeolnr were not entitled to hoi to'ttto under Uie cttstlngCoi silliilioni etttl

II Asieos, sutli pertoni hold teatt as Senators on thisfloor i an

U'Aeretlf, Laas of tllat Ipipoltsnee to Ihepeop'eofOeorjla are to be enat ted by Ihe llrneral s.emblv,the validity of whlth sliouhl nol b.i made niieeiiaiilbeei.u.e of paitlrpalioii Iti their rnsi tment by personsrot inllilt-t- l tin f.r tlie Constitution to lthen fore,

AVsnlre., That the Committee on Prltllepes and Flee-ll,n-

Ih direel',! lo Inqtille Into the ellltlnitily olptrsons of color holdlnir seats as ernalois, andiep.irt atIheearih-s- day prat tievble.

Mr. Ilungerford, llsdlial, rai l There Is n higheropinion linn Hot-- . HinttnV A United Slate Sen

ha etltlitl ll, who holds a blgl.tr oti:ce thanHrown yet held I mean Senator Stiiniitr, ttbntiialeltir there Is no tcaon why e dtired ersonsshtll not hold office or anything ele that any oneel-- e cult hold under tl.o Consiliutloii of Ihe I nlttdState, l'l e passage of the foiiitetiith urllele setlleatliatouesilon foreter In Oeorght, The Constitutionof Ihla stale proclaims tliut all persons ltoin tn tivturillre.t, whose resldenei are here, nre citliens ofthe Slnle; that no law ahull Ik made to abridgetheir piltii. ues. Hoe It simply mean, may luenlhe,and work, or am i iilllled In all piMle.-e- t ,,f Ameri-can ellKens T Tin tlnm for color has . ised.

I he resolution na tlelealed,


Ilnff Hull itnd Itottliiu nt 'nreetir.WnHrMiTi.i, July H5. The' bu.e lull match be-

tween the Uulvrrslt) nines of 11 in, ird and Yulelhlsafternoon resulleil in a victory for the llartards.The score ttas f lo 17.

were made In this city lis eveningfor a match race, single scull whcrles, between JohnTiler tin 1 Josh Ward, for fl,!"! a side, distance flicni'lce, one turn, to take rlsre on tl o rlst nf Augustat Si (Ingot Id The artle'es of agreement will bodrawn upon Thuradiy next, ut tin tVir oitlcc. InNew York Tho match I made at Tiler's request,and f II") forfeit money has In en put np.

Tin Adnni! Kiprcsn Kolihore. lltniii by it Itloli.Cincinnati, 0., July lid, Sparks, Moore, itnd

Jrrrcll, who were in rested al Mattoon, CiJia county,Illinois, on Frlda), united al Si yinour, Indiana, at

half past lu o'clock last night, and soon aflrr left In

a wagon with a guard for Urownatotin, to bo deliv-

ered to the Sheriff of Jackson county. Whon theyan In d near the vicinity where Cllitou, Itlllott, and

Iln.lt rr) were hung, tlio wsgon waa suddenly sur-

rounded hy nltHit one hundred 'and HAy men, all ofwhom wero ina.ked. Tho k,uard was overpoweredand the prisoners taken from the wat-o- nnd hung.m last accounts iiieir ittui"t nt-r- situ iiuintina onthe same tno tvheie Iho others bad bet n hum.. Ihoprisoners wein questluiird n tn nuiin rou robberieswhich had been perpetrated in .laekon eouolrj', butwlih tin excel. tlon of an ncknowli-ilgmenli- somesmall depredations, nothing was elicited frutu tlieui.

fiitr.s.At luilf-pas- t four o'clotk nn Satnrjir morning;,

fro hmke niitln the lilbsml lime yu'nl si ll.e i.h.Iof Fifty-thir- stieet itnd Ktst llivir.oitiii-- by Arnold

tin. Datoajotn slock iibnul JIS.HM. Insuredfur tii,Ni, viz. i Marks t f l.lml, Tiu,l.iii:in'a ft'Mi,and Aslur (7,ia. Supposed to hat a In en ciued bytagrnnts smoking ples In tho )srd .AliruwsailUcoveie.1 ou Saturd ty eteulug ul No. SI North Wll- -

I. atn street, catistil by some kindling wood igiilllngaround the stove. Damage trilling. ..Atlrowsadlscov-rre-

on Sittinday itflernoon alliil Front stictt.ctuscdby tl.e Ignition of phosphorus. Ilamuge slight....Shortly before i o'clock jesterdny afteinoon nArc was dlttottrcd at l,xl'Jl1roadwu,aconftetlniierystore, occupied hy Mrs. Huberts, and owned hy thoLangstou estate Damage In furniture f.vil, andbuilding T,I. Ilitetuenl ocennied by Loy.len as a

shoe shop; damago trilling. Third story olcuiiltdns ,t dwelling: dtni-igt-- sllglillr by smoke. Fullyinsured, Tbo llro nrlgluilol In a closet ad-

joining the living rooms. Ciiitso unknown ..Iliirly yesterday morning a fir" broke out ontho stcamlug Lilly, used for lowing eciwa niledwith stunt from Sit Comb's dam to Ilrookl)ii,und then l)lng In the Harlem river luin.uo f l.it.l.Itisiirineo and cause of lire unknown At b o'clockIs.t evening a die was discovered In tho hasunenltifml Sulli sluet, oeriiPled liyOetrge Londerwasseras a tidlor's shop and tin riling. Ilamuge to alotkJus). Insured lu Hi lief Insurance Company for II.-H-

The building Is owned hy John Welfel, and Is

dim iced about HI. Tho lire nrlglnattd, as Issupposed, umong pa- ilia wusIp box under thecoiinlei At liiif past lUllast evening n straw bedwas discovered to ho ou Hie In Ihe basement of THudson slreel, occupied by A. Lnckman, ua a tailor'sshop and dwelling, llamngn trilling. Insuied forII. oisllii the tllobo ...About tbe suine time a keio-s- i

ne lump exploded on the second lloorof l I'cnlslri 1. occupied by William Van lllckensteln. selliinrII re to some cluthlng, aud burning Ihe occupantsllchtly. Damage slight.

Ciili'muia, July 2d. A largo lire occurred lierotool ty, destroying the pinning mill, stable, and sev-

eral outbuildings belonging lo T. S. Illetz. The gasworks were iiidv b) the exertions oflhrflre-mm- .

Mr. Oiun, eno of the firemen, was huillyburned. The loss is cstlmatid al Insuredfor

riiii.Anii.pmi, July 21 Tlio coal nil reflnerrof I.lklns A IhiMwlu was des'royed by file Ihlsmorning, wlih li.MJ harr-- of oil. Nu lusuiaucc.

Tin "tnriii.Tlio storm of I'rlda) nltil and Paliird.iy morn-

ing was much nt"re setero than at Hrst aupposcd.Although tho damage to person or projertywaa notvery gre.it In tuts city, It win ipi'le extensive lu thosuburb. In llrool1)n considerable ihiin.me wasdone In dltftrt-n- sictlon of thu city, t e t cl.tllyIn Ihenew ih.iiioiis where strreis nsvo recently ncrngi'idnl and puved. Tho aldtwaiKS along Third.I'oiirtb and Filth at eniii s and lull rsecllniz strtetsjinilalsti piirtloti of the caiila:o way were carried off bythn Hood. Yarils, biiseineiita and cellars wero submerged, to aa tu compel the occupants tu changeIbelr quarters. The Inundation of seteral build-Ing- ,

where the rush of wider wua the slroiuest,we-r- neatly undermined, hu' none wire prostrate!.Ponds, sttrrnl bciis in extent, have been formed Intho Eighth and Ninth Wurds, mi l is there I se.reelyany dralnagi ll.o tt.dti- a HI pro! ally be lofl tu stag-nate and breed dt 'ease. The extent of damage luthe atic-- Is la estimated at (13,oS),

In Willi iniebiirgh, a cultoit valued al tl.OnO.onflnliaui avenue, wtia nnd Ihe trains nnIhe South side Hallro.id were delayed, though nopiitlrul idaui ige to the roi l rcultcd.

A grct rle.il of dtmagu w is done tu the fields ai dcrups on the southern slJe of blateit Jsluud, Manyam) f waving corn writ c diiplciely "ii'iincrged,and the crops doubtless wholly di troy I. Tin

lunulng through tho Isiaud, from Vuliderblll'slanding lo Tittentillr, was so bi lly damaged thatthecars were unable to run on s,i,rdiy forenoon,und people lit Ing ou the lino uf the toad, and doingbusiness lu New York, were obliged lu hiiu convey-succ- i

tn take them to the landing.On ihe line of the New York and New Haven Hall-roa- d

ad the alresrat were swollen Into rivers, andro-- i I beds w iot.nn up, cellars find gUrdens Inun-dated, snd much property JestioKd, Whole Cehlsof coin were prosi rated many of these, t ,o, hungnvertlowed, while the oats and uncut wheatweie bullythrown, Hay corks were carried away by the H nil,and fences and ircts prostrated by the gale and slu. incombined, while ihe uuullry In Ihe farm yard, audIn some Instances cattle, were killed.

llAVEtmnew. A Grant ami Colfug Club willbo organized In Havcrstrawr village on Thursdayevening next, July ix),

Hutu Wabu Deuochatio Cluii. The follotvitiirnamed olllcera of tlio Ulxth Ward Seymour snd nislrCampalrn Club were selected last Friday evening l1'. II. McUowan, IVeaidenlj Daniel Meelun, Vice.President; John Martin, Bvcrctiry: Joint tUlky,Troajorer.

ItaWrV.' rrJlrrilaVa'-i.fls- ;


Iiipon, July 2. IS'11. Ailvleet received Inthis elty from (lotha, Centntl Oermany, report thatnews ha been received by Dr. IVIrrtntnn, the geog-

rapher In thai place, announcing that the North Her-

man exploring ship (If rtnanla, Captain e baric Kold-rwe-

coniuilsslonetl for sclcntinc Itivesiigillon Intho Arctic regions, htd been comniunlcatid with onthe iktlli of June. The tlermanla was then In latitude75 'JO, hiving Orrenland In eight, a bearing whichshowslli.it the vessel wo off Shannon Ilnd, proba-bly wlih the Intention of I online on that rt ofthecoast called Seoresby's Land, or making for Ihe polnlof laiml oflldnmllylng In ltlllu.le7i north. She sg.nailed all well on lour..

Tho Oiruianl-t- , with the expeditionary force onboard, aal'id from llergen, Norway, on Sunday, thol.lh of May, under command of I'apt Kul.leway,hound for the eastern eoil of Greenland, and 1

(ho Artlle regions north of the seventy-ftrt-

degne of north latitude. She wis built In Den-

mark, pitrcb:ie, In II nulling, has been lltted ex-

pressly for ibis sort Ice, Is of eighty tons bu den, andmay bed need at one of Kioto new yachts I ilclycontirncted b Danish bitll.ler for iolar voyage.Sho la furnished wlih crnsabnim and l.wn pltli, ar-

ranged so as tn vastly nninirnt tier power of resist-nne- e

to piessure front Ice. Tlie (Irrni.mla dlsplt)(ho flag of Iho Notlh Del man Confederate llnnd, andlias on board fifteen htiule all told. Ctpt. Kiilde-wa-

h tsbt en lii'lrttrtr 1 to iclurn to (lerntiiny within! ni thtee to four monlhs ; bnl In guard again! i

nelea the (lerinnnl.i has been provisioned for amuch longer period.

Daiihstaiit, July sfl. Hon. (Icn. IVinerofl, theAmerican Minister, I line urxlng the llrand DnealOoverntnent to enter upon a naluntlUalloti treatywith the United Statea.

UtiiusttiiT, Julj 2it. Tlio American minister,Mi. Hanrrolt, has hinted In this elty, and presculedbis credentials to the (Irand Duke Lndttlg 111,

riltn.ti nit ir. U.S.

I.iiinov, July S.I. The alleiiili.uce in the jii"0of Utitr.inons wns very slight, a a dissolutionof Parliament Is cxpcclc-- next week

The giand annual encampment nf volunteers atWTinblctlou ttas brought tn a close to day.

The prl'es for skill In tnsrkni.iiililp were awardedby leird Nailer of Magdali, who ret lew cd Ihe vol-

unteers.The I'rlncc of Wales an.l I'rlnec Alfred wrre

among the distinguished ptron prt sent, while .

nso crouds of the nobility and people generallyweie In attendance; and Mr. Longfellow, the Ameil-ea-

poet, wns on the ground. Lord Napier wasIttclved and repettedly cheered.

About ten llioii-'in- d men were In line of let lew,and piMcntotl a tery fine appearance,

Tho weather was clear and pleasant, bill Intenselyhot

LnsttoN, July 2fl. Heporl received from all strta

of tho United Kingdom during lite I tiler piirt of thewet k abow that tho weather lias been highly favor-

able for Ihe crops.

rii.i.Mii:.- -

I'aiih, July 2S. Tho I'orp l.cglslallf was en-

gaged fr a long time last evening In an excitingon Hie Mexican bonds.

M. Kouher In bis st eh denied that Ihe enlle ctlon

of Iho Jeckcr bends bail any share tn tt e cause of theMexican ttnr.

M. Jules Fat re, In Ids reply, Insisted that It was

the main cause, aa those creditors were the only outswho bud rcceltcd ray.

M. Itouher replied that the French (Inurnmentonly protected the Jeckcr bund In French hand.Tho bonds paid wero paid by Mailmlllau, Francoprt vented other psyniinls.

M. Fat re demanded lite nanus of thoso who had

rcreltetl tltc Ir pay,

l'Attis, July CO. In Hie Corps I.eglslalif y

a bill was paecd protldlng that l,isi,()1..... In .i,i. l., mlaneil ii a rtartlal aati.fuctlonof the claims of the holdtia of Franco-Mexica-


A VSIItl..Vunni, ' i. CI At a kranil banipict Rlrcn liy

the national ilurpshoolcra, who bavo holdingtheir animal frstltal here, lie rr Olskra aaldt Thepri stnt ministry took office wlih expectation thatwhen the administration or the Umpire waa rrced

fiom the eliln.a Imposed by the tack of Intelligence,

and (root tUi obligations of disastrous treaties, Aus-

tria would auroly enter uic-- a career uf unciaiiiplulpi sptrlty.

,s.7n.i.I.ON110N, July 25. Advices from Itrlgrnde atato

that the Siittati of Turkey has conilritiod the succcs- -

siou of Mllsai lo tho Buterrlgnly uf Seivla.

no ii i:vr.i.Vienna, July 20. 1'olilicul riots look ptaco In

Plague last wiek. The gsrrlson or ll.e city haa been

incie'i't'd, and quiet has been restored,

li.l IVI 111. I. J

HiiiLiN, July 25. The Kiuporor Alexander ofHusah has gone to Kissengen.

i .tn i sr. .v.'ii'.i.

Southampton, July SO. Tbe attimshlp S.ixnnla,('ant. Kh r, of the llauiburg Aiuerlctii line, ahlrn lenNew Vork ou Hie l.'lli lint , arrlted i ft Ibis port at I

o'i b ik this ar.ornoon, and after trnn ferritin her pas-sengers, uiails, and freight, sailed lur llsiuburg.


IIavina, July 23. Ailvlccs fiom Mexico re.celted st.ite that insurrectionists Seaiazccuand Sllva had been routed b) Ocn. Utcobcdu In theSleira and ut 0.ucrttaro.

The oami-alg- akalnst Ihe revolutionists ttas ac-

tive, and the J uai lata hate already occupied allpoints.

Tbo Ju irist (loverninent Is nevertheless reportedto bu in a precarious situation,

l'rittit Aapliitsnll,Tbo Hanllnii do Cuba urtlvt'il lust night, brlnir-Ini- r

a Inrgi- n umber op.i-engei- nn $711 fit'.! in k'ohl.i.Mr. Dleklnsi.il, U. H. Minister, with Ida Secretary,passed turuuzh M tu.igua, tn rmtt for dr dia ls, ontint lull of June, lor tlie purposo of teilljli.g iht

of the treuly between the United bl ilea and

the I s. nag snip or me noueii raciuc rqiuuron,Pow halun. Admiral Turner, under cnuiin ind of Ciipt.McDoiigtll, sailed hcno for the auulb cuisl ouThursday, the loth of July.

Mr. Thomas llerrera, purser of the Panama Hall-rou- i

Company's steuttiei Salvador, was arres'od onThursday, Jul) It), Immediately ufifr landing fromHut steamer on her rejnm fionj Centnl Amer!ttWe have , ,ni olllclally tlie mounds upou r'nchth'.l nrrtsl has be. n nude, but we prcsttin ',i WIU (muccomit of hit polliltal ptiiellrllles, 'nr. Ilorrcra Isu Const rvallvo, and the Itgltliuato successor In

tu the Pioel tency or the Slate, lu the ahsei.coor default of the other tlttiQMdat e kain 'usl theUnited St.tcs Consul, Octl. Ilmtfli, hat tiled forMr. Herinra's ri lease, on Ihe ground of I is heng arailruad tnplo)ee, Mr. I It ncrn was rulwtsid,

lltillitlii lloisp I'ii I r.Hi rrALo, July 20 The enliies tn Iho annual

horse lair, which opens hero ua utsdt) I ext. werecl ise-- I:.tu on Salurd ty ft tiling. Sett ty tntrbahate b( en made for the dllltrt nt Hot. The followlug nine horses weio intered for the tlt'.its1 isre,ill,: Lady Hamilton, Col, Ma)nard, M)iou Perry,Victor lliuo, (Jeorgo Pa'iner, Mo lie,American Olrl, und Johnny llindley. For Ihedouble team lace tu come otfon Filil.iy, c lithe etmltshave lecii male, lie. lilts the animals which hat c

aiilted hern lo participate In tlio inees, Ihcr will beoi ezhlbltioii many ttahlcs of blood slock eilhei fursale or to gratify Iho i ride of tliclr owners. Thecity la rapidly lining with visitors.

The Irving 1'uik Assneinllun hare placed theirgrounda lu excellent order. The track nas beengreatly Improved III Its grading, und widened

lu iceommodiite eluht hoist--- abrtnst. A lintclass club huuse been ended ou Ihe noumla, and astrong police force detailed lo prrscnu Older uu thegruuuds.

Ann Oroiiuer wa.j fomul yeslenlay afternoonsick In Cherry street. Cared fcr and sent home,

HuniiiN DiATit, Msry Ann I'urdy, aged 25,died suddenly yealeiday alteiuuon alel West Twnu.

strcot.Suicina in Till CiLia). HrnrT Uertram, soretl

i" "Mf.-s- i ji.si,iiiagriaxaSMzstMl

, ay. netman, keeper oft boarding home. 111 Wash. II

ngUin slice, while dctalne.1 yesterday afternoon al1V .y"1 .' f! t'nt, on 5 thargn preferreil by wifeof disorderly conduct, Imnz Itlmself by Ms suspend.r lo the gratlag of Ids el. He was discovered athalf past lx o'clock by t'r donrtrtnn who cut hint

douii A snrgt on wis called in, hut HI. h.td tlipart-e- d,

and all elfnrU to resnetue him were In tain.ArriMi.iT before 5 o'cloek, yesterday

allrrnoon, a Mr. Veale, of Tenly-lxil- i street, was 'driving along Klghth avenue, between listb and larttt 'strttts, tho agon upt-t- , and lie was bully injured.Taken loCL.ite- a lli.tol.

I'oi'ND Dsmixm. The body of a colored" manwas found In 'ho Kttt Illver last etenln off Pier 4.1.Ilewaiahont .1 feet A Inches In lielzht. and was it-- Itired In a gray suit ; supposed tn be the man who fellcur North Carolina scituuimr on Wednesday nightlast ut tl.e samo pier.

t Senior! Ai.ixactriiii. Valrick Oarroll andOils I'lapp both emploj. l hy KJward Jones, ofT hlrlj eighth stieet. got nto an altercation on Satnr-di- y

nWht, at lit West Thlrly eighth street, In IliaIlvrry stable, dnrlng which Clap drew a pocketknife and tul Carroll aemss the w rist, s, verlng Ihrefjarleilrs. Carrnll was sent tn Hriievne l, andUlipp gave himself np to the ..lice, who yesterdaytook him In Jcdersoii Market Court, where JusticeDodgi icmanded hl:n to await the result of Cirroil'linjuries.

Amiilt on tub I'm ice. -- Olllecr Sherman, olthelwinty-Cre- t while dispersing a crowdof disorderly jxrsons, 'early jcsterdiy morning, In

tteuly nlnlii street, between Secend and Thirdutenuee, wa a.ssulicd by Jbn Cannon and JsmeeI ogan, mie ot wLo it hlirfiii the neck with a knlfd

sharp nt, Inflicting a bad hot nol Ida, g. rons w.oiti.l. The men nero arrewied and takenyeterd ly before ,1 ,.t-r- Kelly, who placed themunder Ctsi oid to keep ll.e peace, and also In- -fllctcd a line of lile-ic- for disorderly conduct. '

Hrtnnivn Arrntr. At I n'eloek Tostcrd.tr af.lernoun, J.iiura llurke, aged 11 black-mli- b ot UlWest Forty-nint- street, wn stubbed in the letbreitsl.at Ihe corner of Fortv-nlnt- street anj Seventhnn nne, ,y Jo.cpli Id.lcn, who t'csbeil. The woundI not consider! d dangerous At s oelnek Uslevening, two hoys naraed Jacob D flier, aged It), ofI'W L.t.t Sixteenth tint, and John Ditilicnhcrger,aged 11. ol MM Kust Thlrlrenth street, became en--caiied in an altercation at the eurner of Avtnuc A )an,! Tueinii rect, during ttlilrh Dincr was stabbedIn tlio stomach by Ids companion, causing a serlopsand daugeroti. wound. The ttuuiided Ltd was caredfur, and Daiihcuhtrgei aireslcd,

A " Putin 1 i nk " AnniNoEMiNT. AlexanderKlnalrr, nf Flrl ntrnne, (lerm.tn, watebinxker andlew i Her, was no Sutuid.iy charged beforo JnstlraDodge, at the .lotTerrnn Mtrket Court, by Martin ,

lllrum, with selil... a Imsc imlal watch, almost value-- I

Icn, either as a lin .keepei or piece of Jewelry forgood gold and enriect of parsing lioura,liio toiiiplalnaiit bnugtit the wsteti for t31, and gave ias a bonus a good silver walrh, miking In all about I,

N and pild the tn. my by Installments. Finding 'that he litd bun Liken In, llliain went to the storeand demanded bis inoniy and properly back, but ,1ItlnsU-- refused to acquiesce. 'Ihe compUluaul ''II erelore biouzht l .e in liter before the Couit, end 'll,e prisoner was held for exatulnation. - ,

A IliamiNMr ('lkuic. For aniuo Hvo weeVinno August OetKigbaus was In the employ of Wm.Kind, keeping a store ul n.1 Cliainhe-r- strewt, andduring that time Mr. Kind inl-t- d large qnanullea olp. i ki Ik in rea and id her cutlery, The . la k Has sua- -

lulled uf purloining the-t-o article. 'Ihe inntc.lot tits of t.,o su.pe-ctc- clerk was watrue-- l

by delei-llte- , who lliially arreti.l loni al j

lit balgliis.. ut Ml Kast llruadttay, wherea quantity of tlie toleu proinriy waa found tn his '

ptetseaalon. Most ol the stolen goods, it ape.irs. he,llsitsed of to parllea who wl.l le urrestttt. Thepibitner Is rlttrgril with sieu'lng dnrlrir the lite j

wt he bad been In Mr. Kind' enq loy somewt.ttli orgtHds. lie was committed to the Toatblfor trial.

Ciiiiiiii:ii tfiril iNi'ENi'linisii. William Mur-phy was in lestt-.- t alter Court hours on Saiurdt), lisoillrtr Dathl O I'oiinor. Tmnlbih prrelnct, cliirtedwith un iiltcuii l to lire the premises 11 Wist Thirty- - i

flrh street The buliilioif i a Irame tencrneitt, witha yioeery sloro on the llrt Hour, and twelve familieslive In tho house. The charge was hrouebt beforeJustice Dodge at ll.e Jtttersun MarketCourt, and was lor Investigation to ill.o I'lro Marshal. Mr. Ilenrge II. Sheldon, chtelclctk lo Ihe Mriropodlaii Fire Marshall, yesterdailuado Inquiry iiitn Ihe inatttr, and a

In brief: "In Ihe nliseneenf Ihe Fire Marshal,I liisfltuted nn iHVestigitlon of Iboca-.-eat IheTweinlith 1'iceinct Station Houe, which iesuited In Muiph)' piotlnghu was elsewhere ut tLeHint of tl.o Are. The people area qnarrelsrme tt,and tlio chsrire ttas eilili-nll- pionip(.-- hy malice.'I'helo Is no doul t of ill attempt I atlng beeiimadu to 'fire Ihe house, tint Alurphy ! not the m in."

I'iikrhil or lliritKii tsnniic-1- . Tli funeral ol ,

Police officer John Smedlek, of the Ttnntlilh Pre- -

eluel, who whs inurdiictl liy John Heat on Thursdtyeti iilng last, took plate irom tils lute n sltlence, 311West Thirl) ninth short, y st, r.tay afternoon. H

was largily aitended b the principal police olllrlalian.l the pilioliuen who could lie sifted Irutu othti.1,,, w ,,n.l l, n Ijr.i. t nt,e,,nr.e ol elllxens.tiiic wtin walked, sixty rirrli.t". II. led withicorlc,fornicd puit nf Ihe pr ,eeton, tthleh wen. Ittl Itsmournful way from tbe Itousi in (altarywhi re tbe rrinalm tti ri Interred hi conformity wltnll e practice of Hit- Catholic Ch'.rcb. The convcr- -

linn whleh ollaliird among those pn sent waa chlclljof n grct for tin untimely i int of an execlle-- officer,condolence with hi faoiilt, pruse or om cr Mce.who, at Ihe linn, unlit risk of hi own life, securedthe murderer, and u somewhat warm exrrtsslun ulbelief tl at Ihe law la the- csso ol Ileal would beexecuted to He liltir The dccrucd had been ani.mrcr iibnul Hto ye.tr, and stood lilgh auiong those -- !

who knew l.lm lor sohrlriy, atibt tttnllon to andlu the dlscliarge of his duties.

Anncal I'Aiitnt or Tin Katiieu Ma'tiiiwDelegati rtprt's, nting all the F. M. T.

A. II. Sot li lies ol this rily iiit-- t In convention yesterdiy urtt lor the pm pose or determining tt itersthe in it 10th of Octobi r ointiil pir-ad- shall cornsoil, and tt lot shall he Invited lujotit lu tho ritnka.AHei roiisiil-ribl- discussion, a motion retailed s

mat the pni .nlii be hi Id lu llrooklyn city with IhePro .kl) n Societies, provided a uujorlly uf I bosssntlrllis tie lepiesciiled In this Convention at Itsnexl toon I til) met ting. Upou the quri.lt, ,u uf whatnrg.iiilziillutiB shall bolntlled to ptrtlelpatr, ll wuiresolviil that nil teuiisrraucit urganUatluus, of everyrellulous deiiondiiatioii, tie Invited lu unite III

the aiuiitcisary of Father Matthew's birthday.Tutr I'nr.AcitlMi. Hie iccnnil of a aeries id

open air religious scrtlces wua held yesterday after- .

noon, conn r of Flfili avenuo and Sevent)-aecou-

street, under the nusplees of tho City Mission. Theobj.it ol the meeting Is to nttnet the general public,nnd Iho eiitiii wric nf a popular character, con-sisting of a piayt-r-

, aliiilti';, and a number nf briclaldiis-es- , Among those who took pirt tn the exer-

cise wire tho Hev. Mer. Cltiku, l'atker, Hoe,Mr lllckey. Mr Shehlrlke, and Mr. Jacksou, Secre-tary ol tbe City Mission.

lli iiiiLeuii'.. Aliniil 4 o'clock morn.Ing, Ollirer Hunt', ol tlie Tweiit) uiiilli I'm ind, iliacoveretl three young men In Twentieth street,near the Stivintli attniie, acting In a tiry atispiclouiin tuner. On Iho a pioaeti of ll)rne, they threw aerrril ui tides of sllttr and plated ware into Iwiigoii, ami ran pursued by the officer,who, with the aid of two others, succeeded Islapluilug tin lu. They gave Ihelr natuea al.Iniiita McOrath, Fdtvaid Shields, aud C'oincllutMtl'ttrth). The officer examined the various houaeion Ids iMist, and found that the dwelling of MrHenry Itiihle, Wi West Tweutieth street, had beeariiteied by lurclng opi n Hie grating. Ou beinibrought In Hi siatlon house. Mr. Huhle l.lcntlllcJlit, in licks found aa Ins property. Tho prisonersweie )tli tti i y morning it Ut it before Justlte Dodgeat the Jelleison Market Court, and remandtd to Ihecine ol tlie pullco ior finther cvltlcnce ..The

shop ol P limit", loot, I Ackerin in place,was entered by burglars on S.il'iidi) morning, androbbed ul lln sum, Ac. No due was left uf the per-- I

etiaturs,The Hut Thomas Ilrady, 22, of Hi East

Tidily ninth strut, t,ss nu Sulunlat motlili g fouudIn He dcpuloftbe Fourlli Ateuit Itailtond, ridrlysi cond n. cel. ot engine by tl 'm,i. T"Ven home.. ..A boy luined. eJulllir, aged 11, r )Foiiy thlid stie.,1, laken siultb nl) sick on Salilr- -

diy illiinoiji n Foii)loutth street, belwrcaSevenlli snd Ulgbth ate'uuus. Taken home . Mrs IKrnbs, ugoj 0f pj .vn-nu- II, was ou Saturdayoteicoutc wltl i,c Ji'.Bt v1 Willi.im street. Tukeilu IltllttP- - iiotpltal Mny'lliunipsou, aged li

..' ".'und sick on Si! irday liislsty-i'fi- street near..i.ird avenue Liken, lo the UulorvilHome. Anuust Bei'crm. aged 23, fii

OU Stanton an eet, was ,'ouud on Saturda), sick, atU, e coiner of 1.1 ulon and M niton .tree's. Taken tolleilevuc llu,lt,il lliid-o- l trciiiiUOlt waa 01fiiliinl.iy found at the coi nei ol Ciiatham ed.! Pakslut Is, tulliri' g Hum the heat. Taken to lledetueII sp.lal Klcliard S. Aineimun, of III FJast Llhty.nicoi.d s.ieit, wua on Salurdi) prosiratcd by HisI eat. In Wist ll oa.dw.iy. Tiken to the Ne-t- YorkHospital.. Callieilne Murphy, oi Pearl slrttt, nisi'ito.olwiit-- , tt is nu Saturday uttrcotnr with the titut,III I rink! r alley. Cared lor and st ul home . I'eteiHuriis. of:p-:- i a'er stiei I was loinid on Saturda)ter) sick In llruadway Taken to lltlleic lluspltal,

AcciUK.vts John Ctinttii.i, aged sixteen, uf 221K.lliibtlli street, iniiktn hi, it l.ile taking a cull olmilk irom his iia.oni, "n smnr.lay morning, let tineau lull on hit P ut and injured himself badly. '

'l aken tu llel't-- t d Patrick Hayes, agednine, of a Mulberry tlucl, wut accidcutally run .uu.tinst b) a nu l on Sa urda) morning, at the cornel jmuf Corntlca slip and South street, and was se'te.ely SSflinjured Taken to lWlletue Hospital Jonas aiiamItieenwoll, of 119 MoLroe street, while ill It In MIhroitgii Church siirct, on Saturdty, fell fiom his JHItt.ig it und bis hip. Taken home . .Adelu fHlCre.mcr, agrl feity m, . nrly re.ttrday morning, Wmtell down the basement oi .lid Washington stieet, iHand hmt I ei self badly Tuken to Ihllctiie llosppal.

Mary Ctnk, of Muroso, Wcstchtslcr county,was on Saturd iy t un oter and Krlusl) injured attbetoiD.'r of Ilro.i.l.tay and Park place, by a Ir.itk, j

Taken lothrNrtt Yolk llospllal. . (l.imili Perry,rulbi', rn ?autdiy fell Into Ihe hold of ship Cbau :

ecl'o-- , ll'K st pit r 31 Kail liter, and Injured till ei .head. Tvk-i- i to lltllet no Hospital ..Juhu Mahoney,3d, rcsldiaz at the coiner of Madison and Jseksoi .strreis, whl'e st work on Saturday on the steam- -shlu Fulton, at the loot Of Sixth atrcel.lell fiomlhs $dick of Iht teisel Into a small boot lying ahngslde, M ithoieby breaking his leg and dlalocalnu Us aim. ".Takt u to lleilevuc Hospital


iiiii'i'i) LmjAiiSiLi'iiMiiL1 i.'iji mmijmemmiBMHBK)'' '