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Tiempos Verbales

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Page 1: Tiempos Verbales

1. Present

I work

I am working

El tiempo Present (presente) responde a la pregunta: What happens? = ¿Qué pasa? o What is happening? =

¿Qué está pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + verbo en presente (I work). Sujeto + am/are/is + verbo en

progresivo (I am working).

2. Present Perfect

I have worked

I have been working

El tiempo Present Perfect responde a la pregunta: What has happened? = ¿Qué ha pasado? o What has been

happening? = ¿Qué ha estado pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + have/has + verbo en participio (I have worked).

Sujeto + have/has + been + verbo en progresivo (I have been working).

3. Past

I worked

I was working

El tiempo Past (pasado) responde a la pregunta: What happened? = ¿Qué pasó/pasaba? o What was

happening? = ¿Qué estuvo/estaba pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + verbo en pasado (I worked). Sujeto +

was/were + verbo en progresivo (I was working).

4. Past Perfect

I had worked

I had been working

El tiempo Past Perfect responde a la pregunta: What had happened? = ¿Qué había pasado? o What had been

happening? = ¿Qué había estado pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + had + verbo en participio (I had worked).

Sujeto + had + been + verbo en progresivo (I had been working).

5. Future

I will work

I will be working

El tiempo Future responde a la pregunta: What will happen? = ¿Qué pasará? o What will be happening? =

¿Qué estará pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + will + verbo presente (I will work). Sujeto + will + be + gerundio

(I will be working).

6. Future Perfect

I will have worked

I will have been working

El tiempo Future Perfect responde a la pregunta: What will have happened? = ¿Qué habrá pasado? o What

will have been happening? = ¿Qué habrá estado pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + will + have + verbo en

participio (I will have worked). Sujeto + will + have been + verbo en progresivo (I will have been working).

7. Future (going to)

I am going to work

I am going to be working

El tiempo Future (going to) responde a la pregunta: What is going to happen? = ¿Qué va a pasar? o What is

going to be happening? = ¿Qué va a estar pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + am/is/are + going to + verbo en

presente (I am going to work). Sujeto + am/is/are + going to + be + verbo en progresivo (I am going to be


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8. Future Perfect (going to)

I am going to have worked

I am going to have been working

El tiempo Future Perfect (going to) responde a la pregunta: What is going to have happened? = ¿Qué va a

haber pasado? o What is going to have been happening? = ¿Qué va a haber estado pasando?. Se forma:

Sujeto + am/is/are + going to + have + verbo en participio (I am going to have worked). Sujeto +

am/is/are + going to + have + been + verbo en progresivo (I am going to have been working).

9. Future in Past

I was going to work

I was going to be working

El tiempo Future in Past responde a la pregunta: What was going to happen? = ¿Qué iba a pasar? o What was

going to be happening? = ¿Qué iba a estar pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + was/were + going to + verbo en

presente (I was going to work). Sujeto + was/were + going to + be + verbo en progresivo (I was going to be


10. Future Perfect in Past

I was going to have worked

I was going to have been working

El tiempo Future Perfect in Past responde a la pregunta: What was going to have happened? = ¿Qué iba a

haber pasado? o What was going to have been happening? = ¿Qué iba a haber estado pasando?. Se forma:

Sujeto + was/were + going to + have + verbo en participio (I was going to have worked). Sujeto +

was/were + going to + have + been + verbo en progresivo (I was going to have been working).

11. Conditional

I would work

I would be working

El tiempo Conditional responde a la pregunta: What would happen? = ¿Qué pasaría? o What would be

happening? = ¿Qué estaría pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + would + verbo presente (I would work). Sujeto +

would + be + verbo en progresivo (I would be working).

12. Conditional Perfect (Past Conditional)

I would have worked

I would have been working

También llamado Past Conditional, responde a la pregunta: What would have happened? = ¿Qué habría

pasado? o What would have been happening? = ¿Qué habría estado pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + would +

have + verbo en participio (I would have worked). Sujeto + would + have been + verbo en progresivo (I

would have been working).

13. Modals

I (can, could, ...) work

I (can, could, ...) be working

Para formar este tiempo utilizamos los verbos modales (can/could/may/might/should/must) +

verbo en forma base. (I can play tennis).

Mary Anne can speak five languages fluently.

Mary Anne puede hablar cinco idiomas con fluidez.

Do not shout! I can hear you perfectly well.

¡No grites! Te puedo oir perfectamente.

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I must work really hard if I want a promotion.

Debo trabajar muy duro si quiero un ascenso.

You must return that book, Jimmy. It is not yours.

Debes devolver ese libro, Jimmy. No te pertenece.

That man owns three houses and two planes. He must be very wealthy.

Aquel hombre posee tres casas y dos aviones. Debe de ser muy rico.

If you are not feeling well, you should call a doctor.

Si no te sientes bien, deberías llamar al doctor.

You look tired, Alec. You should rest more.

Te ves cansado, Alec. Deberías descansar más.

You must not smoke in public places.

No debes fumar en lugares públicos.

Deaf people cannot hear.

Los sordos no pueden oír.

You should not drink and drive.

No deberías tomar y manejar.

We should not litter the floor.

No deberíamos ensuciar el piso.

Can I use your phone, Sally?

¿Puedo usar tu teléfono, Sally?

What can I do for you, sir?

¿En qué lo puedo ayudar, señor?

Must we visit grandpa every Sunday, mom?

¿Debemos visitar al abuelo todos los domingos, mamá?

Should we contribute to this fund-raising event?

¿Deberíamos contribuir a este evento para recaudar fondos?

Modals – Continuous

What (could/should/...) be happening? - ¿Qué (podría/debería/...) estar pasando?

I (could/should/...) be working - (podría/debería/...) estar trabajando

That cannot be true! You must be joking.

¡Eso no puede ser verdad! Debes de estar bromeando.

It is very late. We must be going now.

Es demasiado tarde. Deberíamos estar yendo ahora.

You should be listening to what I am saying.

Deberías estar escuchando lo que estoy diciendo.

Alex can be playing chess for three hours without getting tired.

Alex puede estar jugando ajedrez durante tres horas sin cansarse.

The kid must not be shouting in class.

El niño no debe estar gritando en clase.

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Bob cannot be telling the truth. That is impossible!

Bob no puede estar diciendo la verdad. ¡Eso es imposible!

It is 12 noon. Shouldn't the cook be preparing lunch?

Son las doce del mediodía. ¿No debería el cocinero estar preparando el almuerzo?

Must I be doing the homework for tomorrow?

¿Debo estar haciendo la tarea para mañana?

14. Modals + Have

I (can, could, ...) have worked

I (can, could, ...) have been working

Podemos utilizar los verbos modales seguidos del auxiliary 'have' (sujeto+ modal + have + participio) para

indicar acción en el pasado: I should have gone.

Modals + Have

What (could/should/...) have happened? - ¿Qué (podría/debería/...) haber pasado?

I (could/should/...) have worked - (podría/debería/...) haber trabajado

Fred made a lot of noise when he came home. You must have heard him.

Fred hizo mucho ruido cuando llegó anoche. Debiste haberlo oído.

The news was awful. You should have said something about it.

La noticia era espantosa. Deberías haber dicho algo al respecto.

That was a terrible accident! The driver must have hurt himself.

¡Ese fue un accidente terrible! El conductor debió haberse lastimado.

Pam had a toothache. She should have visited the dentist.

A Pam le dolía un diente. Debería haber visitado al dentista.

There was a flying saucer in the sky last night. You must have seen it.

Había un plato volador en el cielo anoche. Debiste haberlo visto.

Nick's dog ran away. It must have been scared of the thunderstorm.

El perro de Nick se escapó. Debió haberse asustado de la tormenta eléctrica.

You should have seen Jen in her wedding dress.

Deberías haberla visto a Jen en su vestido de novia.

The maid should not have frozen the vegetables.

La mucama no debería haber congelado los vegetales.

Sarah failed the exam. She must not have studied enough.

Sara no pasó el examen. No debe haber estudiado lo suficiente.

Mr. Benson should not have accepted Dr. Harrison's proposal.

El Sr. Benson no debería haber aceptado la propuesta del Dr. Harrison.

Should mom have woken you up at 7:00?

¿Mamá debería haberte despertado a las 7:00?

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Should they have left earlier?

¿Deberían haber partido más temprano?

Could I have applied for a sick leave?

¿Podría haber solicitado una licencia por enfermedad?

Modals + Have - Continuous Form What (could/should/...) have been happening? - ¿Qué (podría/debería/...) haber estado pasando?

I (could/should/...) have been working - (podría/debería/...) haber estado trabajando

I could have been dancing at the party instead of staying at home.

Yo podría haber estado bailando en la fiesta en lugar de quedarme en casa.

The baby must have been eating. The table is dirty.

El bebé debió haber estado comiendo. La mesa está sucia.

My friends should have been waiting here for me.

Mis amigos deberían haber estado esperándome aquí.

It has been raining a lot lately. You should not have been watering the garden.

Ha estado lloviendo mucho últimamente. No deberías haber estado regando el jardín.

Patrick is ill again. He must not have been taking his medicine.

Patrick está enfermo de nuevo. No debe haber estado tomando su medicina.

Should they have been lighting the candles?

¿Ellos deberían estar prendiendo las velas?

Could we have been swimming at the beach?

¿Podríamos haber estado nadando en la playa?

15. Imperatives


Let's work!

El imperativo en inglés se usa para dar órdenes, brindar sugerencias o hacer invitaciones. Es el tiempo

verbal más fácil de aprender. Aqui tienes muchos ejemplos con traducciones.


En forma afirmativa

En forma negativa

Come here

Ven aquí

Don't cross the street

No cruces la calle

Go there

Ve allí

Don't say that

No digas eso

Open the door

Abre la puerta

Don't be so mean

No seas tan malo

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Leave me alone

Déjame solo

Don't fight

No pelées

Turn on the TV

Enciende el televisor

Don't drink so much

No tomes tanto

Turn off the radio

Apága la radio

Don't invite so many people

No invites a tantas personas

Be careful

Sé cuidadoso

Don't make noise

No hagas ruido

Let me see that

Déjame ver eso

Don't interrupt

No interrumpas

Call me up

Llámame por teléfono

Don't drive so fast

No conduzcas tan rápido

Finish that report

Termina ese informe

Don't be late

No llegues tarde

Sit down


Don't come so early

No vengas tan temprano

Stand up


Don't buy so many things

No compres tantas cosas

El "Let´s" = "Let us" se usa para dar una orden en la cual uno mismo se incluye.


Let's not

Let's work


Let's not hurry

No nos apuremos

Let's make a party

Hagamos una fiesta

Let's not do that

No hagamos eso

Let's buy some beers

Compremos algunas cervezas

Let's not waste time

No desperdiciemos tiempo

Let's play basketball

Juguemos al básketbol

Let's not wait any more

No esperemos más

Let's go to the movies

Vayamos al cine

Let's not go so fast

No vayamos tan rápido

Let's eat some ice creams

Comamos algunos helados

Let's not drink so much

No tomemos tanto

Let's take a walk

Tomemos un paseo

Let's not talk about that

No hablemos de eso

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Let's consider this problem

Consideremos este problema

Let's not bother them

No los molestemos

Let's see what we can do

Veamos que podemos hacer

Let's not interrupt

No interrumpamos

Let's try to do it

Tratemos de hacerlo

Let's not say anything

No digamos nada

Let's start with this

Comencemos con esto

Let's not argue again

No discutamos de nuevo

Let's finish that

Terminemos eso

Let's not be upset about it

No estemos molestos por ello