1\ \.\ EENBELT C:C'I vs Re\Tiew 411111! \blume 63, N-ber 8 i 0 ::t 15 Creacenl Rd., Suite 100. MD 2077Q.l887 Thonday, J-.y. 20, 2000 TraiDG ·aad Bib Laae• .r ........ for aaaoftr Paat:wa:f , , Dlde Olle'l quired. She concluded lhol sim- way from Road to 1 · IAiilrista and podcotrians may ply painlins crosswalks on Mesan 1-aJIII. Oujler alao called encounterinJ new traf- Hanover Parkway would not far eliminatiqq,. of aU pa•sina fie pollleml on. Honover Parkway "mitisaoe lhe realillic hazard 10 lanes fro111 Ota Glen Road 10 81 doe elllrlnce 10 lhe l;akes II the pedoslrian." . Good l.uct Rood Ill permil i.-1- a.-.bek Viu.p. The city will Craze allowed thai the city's lotion ol dodioallcl-.llike lanes. be Clellina 1 rounilaboul al lhia new roundabout would coso In her repan. Craze noled dw locallon. Aaudifta 10 a memo- aomewhal lesi than .... sa mil- . Hano- Pari<wly Is .... primary randum by Dinlclor of Plamina lion eos1 of 1 new roundabout in acceaa route from Greenbelt to and Comm.uaity Development AMapoli•. DociOr's Hoapilol, Is lhe main .C- Celia Cr1210 !he roundabout will The roundabout. authorized by cess rood from I j 'million squan: provide i-.ion COIIIIOI, pro- council as a 1e11 project. will ..,. feet of com_,ill office spoce. vide a for a pedestrian duoe lhe space to be crooaed at and come. a aipificant volume croSJins and help c·alm rraflic one lime by a pedealrian from lhe of both IIIII non-local tnf- speeds. Initially lhe IOIIIIdabout cunent 45 feet 10 12 feet, which fie. "Any chalwN to Hanover will be marked with pai .. and will take lhe averase walker just Parkway doat aiplficantly con- flexible bollards. A more ...,... 4 seconda. Then the pedestrian atrain roodway opohlions could nent roundabout will be con- will have a nofuse from which to cause driven 111 *k allemaoe. lllnlc:ted in lhe aprins once city watch and plan lhe next crooains. less cOIIIIrained Nilles. There- llalf can confirm lhll it ia work- The line of sishl needed for fore. aay chp ... 'to Haaover. ins u ••pected. safely is noduced 10 176 feOI or Parkway cOMidiNd' to improve , ........ C...... lesi (if the roundabout allo no- traffac •. altolllt recoaaiu Wilhoullhc IOUIIdaboul. Cruo . chaca motorioiS' apeeclo). Tll11 that in Clrolililek l!ilt. Hano.., W101C, il wu dlf'liculllll creaiC a infonnation wu pan of .a report ParkwaJ ia doa primary norlhl safe pedestrian crossin& of the by Cnoze in reaponae 10 a pelilion soudl vehieullr' _.. IQute.'' roadway due ID illl widlll and lhe from Fred Guper of the VillaiC ...,. Sollely curves in !he rood dw limit !he a1 Greenbelt Laka. Craae dia- Craae ro.d .... !here is auf- •isht ._. ot -'- and cUlled lhe muadabout and Olher ficient roadjj. h from Good .......... _ A pedolatln Mlkina safety iiiiiCI .nosanlina Hanover Llllrll R....i jull Jlllftll of at an aver,p p..,. will tako l'ld<way ll doe J-, 10 nop- · 1Jieidliiook e 10 "provide for muply 13 second& Ill cmaa !he lar council meetiaJ. In a Sep- See TRAFFIC. ,.. 5 road. AI lhe pt-.1 speed of 30 1e111ber petition 10 council, Guper . . mila per hour. the clo ... t ap- called for urseat aelion Ill 111011: W.nd Slorm Damages . proachina car mull be at ICIIl emize Hanover Parkway includ- E-., Trees PNW" 564 fat away for lhe pedealrian ina inalallalion of marked emu. -- '' ' 10 emu adoly. Allhou&h doe dio- walkl when lhe roundabout was .., ........ ,. v--. tancc would be n:duoed .if pedea- illllllled. repain 10 damased and . Demaae to Jasper'a lriana walked futer, if !he ,__ sunken pavement 11 Merrobuo a power outase. and downed lreel isll speed more diotance is re- s10p1 and repavins of lhe rood- and branche• were reaullo of · 11110111 windo lashing Oreenbelt oa Coaaell .......... n..--··· Thuraday, January 13. Tbe power outaJe affected Nortb End NoiM COatroJ Ortlfe-ce Gnoeabelt from about 2 10 6 p.m. and wu caused by a larp pine by .,._, 01oora noc !he majority of tree near the lake fallina and hit- At ita January 24 reaulu . complai.._ law pmh1bits tina - lines. PEPCO nomoved meelina. tbe Greenbell City anyoae from a radiO. lhe tree fmm the lines and Public Council wiD COIIIider 1 reaolulion television, oound oquopmem "or Works cleaned up debrio. 10 lllftOIId lhe clty'l naile C0ft1n11 any other II!ICIII-. equipment or Gnenbek Elementuy School was onliiWICe. The raafut1on wu tool which pmducea or repm- ..,.,ed by a. ,...ral<ir. introduced for tint re.din& II• ducea any aound or .. which Anolhor horse piee b'ee fell near council'• lduary 10 and ia audible more than 'Iitty· (SO) lhe family picnic anoa II lhe lake. will be eliJible for final adoption fat from lhe source" aflor havins City Honiculruriso Bin Phelon aid. 011 Januaiy 24. A -.nd ordi- been Ol1lerm by police olllcer On Breezewood Drive near nucc. -ins the penallia for 10 IIOp. Craae laid dw many of Gnenbelt Middle School, he allo vioilbns !he aoiae limila at SIOO the city's aoiae cornplaiDII occur said, a tree besan heavin& out of for lhe finl illfntaion. $250 for in -..bouae or multifamily unita the around and wu reriiCI\<ed bY the -.nd and SSOO for any ad· dw •hare common walla. Theoe Public Works. Police [)iapau:her ditionll Yioiationo wu alao illlro- complaints froquently involve AniOIIio Fominaya wu walkins his cJ.:eoi. noiae that ia audible between do& back from the lake and saw A<:cordin& 10 o;r.a., of Plan- uni1a, but 1101 at lhe 50 foot limit. two trees fall near 44 aiMI 48 nin& and Connunil)' Develop- The new ·.law, if approved for . Lakelide. one waa about U Ill 20 1110111 Celia c-. tbe cllansea final plllliC, would probibit lhe feet lall.and lhe <llber wu amaller. -_....... ,_die cily'a -- uac of aound equip- or 1111- he oaid. Jim Williamson al10 of n0111 aoiae llOIIIIola llavo cbinery audible for SO feet be-. Llkeside watched from alivina cHecltll 10 .._IIIII IIIey 11aw: tween !he houn of 9 p.m. 10 7 room window aa a 50-foot !all a.m. (cunently !he ban 11ar11 at pine tree fell 10WIId lhC haaae. '1 IJ p .... ). . k would allo ban doe lhouJht it w11 comina ia !he win- makina of "any unreuonably dow," he aid. II fell alton. loud nolle or any noiae wbicll ei· The same afl<mOOII. a pan of IMr 111110ys. diaturba, injura or Jasper's roof alld awnina wu endappn doe comfort, repese. blown off near tilo. -·• ..,. : taeoldt. ,..ce or Jaf<ly o1 olhen" trance. One pefiOII · wu injured .. willlill doe cily. Craze uid !Ibn Ill DociOII Haapilll. Po- .... applyina dtil lice, Public WOib and c-dty require police offtcen 10 · Development departmenla re· . 8lllb a aubjeclive docermillllioot opolllltd Ilona willl doe lire ..,._.. a(.._ it_.,... mem. Pllblic WGrb aided ill re- ! The new law allo adds ._. """'"" doe ' ....... 10 !he Jill ol de- CGmmunily ........ .Yicll .... Cllllld lllllljecl doe-- lhe - and .... ,. , ..... ,. • .., .. to ....... lfdtl&'-.&lar 111111-.. forllle - .. .. _...,.,..."-, NewPa.t·OJIIoeoaiiOid Uatil PNMe•e ._ ... bJIII-.sw.ik ...... ....... Allhouab fundi .. for lhe pro- C.... ,. ........... olll- pooed new Greenbell l'oal Ollke ciala and ................ ol doe in Gnocnbeh Eut h11 been ap- ..__ lUll's ;.t' proved by the U. S. Conjteu e111 COIIIpllly, are ...tllna IOiu- and desisn plana drawn up. lhe ,.,_ "' 1teep die pall. o111ce ill F.Ojecl Ia currently on hold. OIMotlielt. AidlouJb lilt ,Wtt- The Pnatal Service'• lill'l ciW II()( appeal die - de- of the oilo 11 tho comer of - witlP 30 .,., ... ..,... Hanover l'lrkway and Ora Olen doll of wbelller .-...... ..... ac· Drive (behind lhe v_,.. a- I lioa tllould be ........ il llelq buiklias l from BJB Aaaociatca iladied.' u well u .• die ..,at baa not yet boiln COIIIUIIIIIIIII. of ..,...aalioa by !he l'allal Circuit Court Judp William SorYiCe or die C'oty B. Spellbrina. Jr. llaaed ia a Sop- Thn Is lito 11opt IIIII an ..... , tember 24, 1999 noli .. dw oaly --be ........ -- die an ol!lce buildina COOIW be buik plaiMIIflllllll ....... _ on the lriiCI. ClotJy Matijelb o( o-Il Ora The jud1o'a decision waa and !he a.-tY ...... handed down l!fler a hearins in ,.. tUI die 1991 lllliiMeral -- which the plaiDiitra BJB, lhe - placed on die 1net w1tero City of Oreenbell and !he U. S. tbe pall oftlce -.lei loa buill, · POIIal Service - aabd lilc aoun ,.. w1t11 die 11a1. a taot thai to declare invalid a 'unilalaral hao lieu dillplllell. Bfii!'O land COVetlllll .voJ. "'-• _...,. far fA, IOid opmenl of the tract to omce the ,._. IIMIIIW ill 0c1a11er t11a1 build ina usc imposed by the die Jltllt'• c111c1t1on "'IIII talC nail sioe's former ona ON.t Ora on ...... or ..c dlo- Limited ..._..ip .,..,._ - wldldleland." .. .. lc..,... ·- ..... VI IRS •••• _ ... NaliOIIIII a-. dlelr daniiiD impaM • ...-diM ...... - ........... did noc allo include !he Cily ol by tK l'edlnl Dil!lili 't.iniia .. a-nbell'a li.......,.. S. POIITotnar.,..* E. RooMftlt IQalt 8olaool To' Be ._..... ,. Eleanor Rooaeveil Hip Sdlaol eo.ty Public Sclloola.• S•kll (ERHSJ il ..,. of 12 achools ae- nocec1 thai tbe Prince Oeorp'a lecled· from a pool of 100 appli- C011nty acbool 1y1- llu the cants nationwide u a pilot lite larpat nlllllller of puticlpallna for the Academy of 1"'-lon hiah acbooilln dlo Al:adanty pro- TechnoJoay. l'lelidenl CIIIDI and lflll'l' mid·AIIulic feiiOII. He Nllional Academy Foundation fell dial ..._... Olltma'a -.- (NAF) Chairman Sanford Weill ni- ofOnld a-- will• made the a- January lilt in ellpMdiiiJ .!he ........ , of 13 II lhe thiJd annual Wall Slreec buai- for !he Acatl• Project Confaaace, boiled by !he omill of finance, lnf., ...... Reverend Jeae Jackson in New and Traod and York. Roooevelt Hi&b School lam. Principal Dr. Gerald Boarman ERiiS appliad for cllllli<*· wu in allellduce. . .- u aa Acadomy of lntorm. Tbe Acaaemy of litfonnallon lioa T....... ,. pilot Iiiii ....... TQChnoloay it a new propam de- me academy aliana well willl sipled ID prq1M1 hip achool - ocllool IOAII, local worllforee denll for c:anoen in dyMmic ;,. lrellda, aad doe ae11Do1'1 -•· formation leChnolo&Y flelck. Pilot - 10 .......... lila ditilll di- litca wae clloaen for their leada-- vide. The achool llal a ,., .... _ ship and fleljbilily, conunn.. for calllllanlively..... ,.. - 10 -- «<ucaaioL ability lO .... ti .. edp edoooalieMI .... ,.._ cuno menton, internlltipa, and !hal poncmallae tile illllllll _,. leiCher tninina from local buoi>- rience for ..... _ and 11111111· - partnen. and • buelille of ..ny llttlt .._ ............ lech'nolosical capabililiea that will !he ...... ,._ IIIII JUa11or ...... be enllaaced lhmap NAP pro- lion. .... ,. ..-. · ne NAP orr.n .. ..... ,. Denlli• Smith. vice praideac 1J111C11k ..... , ...... 8llllel ill - of !he Copellnd .c-paaiol and &Nil IIIII .,..,..._ die ,.. lonatime cbair of tbe PriliCe .,_ af·I!IUfS. Ill 1M Oearp'i County Acadeal)' ol fl. !he aeltDol imfl I • ' nancelodviMwy llolnl callad !he . •r oi'Jioavol _, ,._. W telectior> ol EkHS a lllljar - in 19!99 ..... ,. die for both· !be Prince <Jeorao'l or Piu .... Sllldellla, ......... C011nty AChool 1)'- ..S !he . .._., and die ...... - SUI& ol Maryland. He ..., 111&1 .... tly llave ........ ...,. pro- lbc. a...bell acbool'l propoaal .,__ wa lite- ooap 11111'4 Olie . ,._cal far 1111· IUb•ltted. He wu ..__ly (IIIIIDIII."bellid,"of·Dr. ...... lti11iefa11' ..... LMIIOreee. ··- ---...- _ _.. ......... , '•""-'· ' ,·._... .:.L._.....,:;.;.o.L...,.i.:...--...l;.....;....:.....:.:o;;...;.ti.oir.o.lil:lltii""-lili.:=ioili&IIIOIIiOit:...:aitlll

Tiewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR20000120.pdf · vs Re\Tiew 411111! \blume 63, N-ber 8 i 0 ::t ... nucc. -ins the penallia ... llaaed ia a Sop- Thn Is lito 11opt IIIII an .....,

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-S~i ~~..:

vs Re\Tiew 411111!

\blume 63, N-ber 8 i 0 ::t

~a:~ 15 Creacenl Rd., Suite 100. Gnoenbel~ MD 2077Q.l887 Thonday, J-.y. 20, 2000

TraiDG Ch~ ·aad Bib Laae• .r ........ for aaaoftr Paat:wa:f

, , f"''-~1 Dlde Olle'l quired. She concluded lhol sim- way from Gl'ftll~lt Road to 1 · IAiilrista and podcotrians may ply painlins crosswalks on Mesan 1-aJIII. Oujler alao called ~ encounterinJ new traf- Hanover Parkway would not far eliminatiqq,. of aU pa•sina fie pollleml on. Honover Parkway "mitisaoe lhe realillic hazard 10 lanes fro111 Ota Glen Road 10 81 doe elllrlnce 10 lhe l;akes II the pedoslrian." . Good l.uct Rood Ill permil i.-1-a.-.bek Viu.p. The city will Craze allowed thai the city's lotion ol dodioallcl-.llike lanes. be Clellina 1 rounilaboul al lhia new roundabout would coso In her repan. Craze noled dw locallon. Aaudifta 10 a memo- aomewhal lesi than .... sa mil- . Hano- Pari<wly Is .... primary randum by Dinlclor of Plamina lion eos1 of 1 new roundabout in acceaa route from Greenbelt to and Comm.uaity Development AMapoli•. DociOr's Hoapilol, Is lhe main .C­Celia Cr1210 !he roundabout will The roundabout. authorized by cess rood from I j 'million squan: provide i-.ion COIIIIOI, pro- council as a 1e11 project. will ..,. feet of com_,ill office spoce. vide a I~ for a pedestrian duoe lhe space to be crooaed at and come. a aipificant volume croSJins and help c·alm rraflic one lime by a pedealrian from lhe of both ~ IIIII non-local tnf­speeds. Initially lhe IOIIIIdabout cunent 45 feet 10 12 feet, which fie. "Any chalwN to Hanover will be marked with pai .. and will take lhe averase walker just Parkway doat aiplficantly con­flexible bollards. A more ...,... 4 seconda. Then the pedestrian atrain roodway opohlions could nent roundabout will be con- will have a nofuse from which to cause driven 111 *k allemaoe. lllnlc:ted in lhe aprins once city watch and plan lhe next crooains. less cOIIIIrained Nilles. There­llalf can confirm lhll it ia work- The line of sishl needed for fore. aay chp ... 'to Haaover. ins u ••pected. safely is noduced 10 176 feOI or Parkway cOMidiNd' to improve

,........ C...... lesi (if the roundabout allo no- traffac a~ •. altolllt recoaaiu Wilhoullhc IOUIIdaboul. Cruo . chaca motorioiS' apeeclo). Tll11 that in Clrolililek l!ilt. Hano..,

W101C, il wu dlf'liculllll creaiC a infonnation wu pan of .a report ParkwaJ ia doa primary norlhl safe pedestrian crossin& of the by Cnoze in reaponae 10 a pelilion soudl vehieullr' _.. IQute.'' roadway due ID illl widlll and lhe from Fred Guper of the VillaiC ...,. Sollely curves in !he rood dw limit !he a1 Greenbelt Laka. Craae dia- Craae ro.d .... !here is auf-•isht ._. ot -'- and cUlled lhe muadabout and Olher ficient roadjj. h from Good .........._ A pedolatln Mlkina safety iiiiiCI .nosanlina Hanover Llllrll R....i jull Jlllftll of at an aver,p p..,. will tako l'ld<way ll doe J-, 10 nop- · 1Jieidliiook e 10 "provide for muply 13 second& Ill cmaa !he lar council meetiaJ. In a Sep- See TRAFFIC. ,.. 5 road. AI lhe pt-.1 speed of 30 1e111ber petition 10 council, Guper . . mila per hour. the clo ... t ap- called for urseat aelion Ill 111011: W.nd Slorm Damages

. proachina car mull be at ICIIl emize Hanover Parkway includ- E-., Trees PNW" 564 fat away for lhe pedealrian ina inalallalion of marked emu. -- '' ' 10 emu adoly. Allhou&h doe dio- walkl when lhe roundabout was .., ........,. v--. tancc would be n:duoed .if pedea- illllllled. repain 10 damased and . Demaae to Jasper' a ~~ lriana walked futer, if !he ,__ sunken pavement 11 Merrobuo a power outase. and downed lreel isll speed more diotance is re- s10p1 and repavins of lhe rood- and branche• were reaullo of

· 11110111 windo lashing Oreenbelt oa

Coaaell .......... n..--··· Thuraday, January 13. Tbe power outaJe affected Nortb End

NoiM COatroJ Ortlfe-ce Gnoeabelt from about 2 10 6 p.m. and wu caused by a larp pine

by .,._, 01oora noc ~ !he majority of ~.. tree near the lake fallina and hit-At ita January 24 reaulu . complai.._ Curm~~ law pmh1bits tina - lines. PEPCO nomoved

meelina. tbe Greenbell City anyoae from operiii~S a radiO. lhe tree fmm the lines and Public Council wiD COIIIider 1 reaolulion television, oound oquopmem "or Works cleaned up debrio. 10 lllftOIId lhe clty'l naile C0ft1n11 any other II!ICIII-. equipment or Gnenbek Elementuy School was onliiWICe. The raafut1on wu tool which pmducea or repm- ..,.,ed by a. ,...ral<ir. introduced for tint re.din& II• ducea any aound or ~ .. which Anolhor horse piee b'ee fell near council'• lduary 10 -~~~ and ia audible more than 'Iitty· (SO) lhe family picnic anoa II lhe lake. will be eliJible for final adoption fat from lhe source" aflor havins City Honiculruriso Bin Phelon aid. 011 Januaiy 24. A -.nd ordi- been Ol1lerm by ~ police olllcer On Breezewood Drive near nucc. -ins the penallia for 10 IIOp. Craae laid dw many of Gnenbelt Middle School, he allo vioilbns !he aoiae limila at SIOO the city's aoiae cornplaiDII occur said, a tree besan heavin& out of for lhe finl illfntaion. $250 for in -..bouae or multifamily unita the around and wu reriiCI\<ed bY the -.nd and SSOO for any ad· dw •hare common walla. Theoe Public Works. Police [)iapau:her ditionll Yioiationo wu alao illlro- complaints froquently involve AniOIIio Fominaya wu walkins his cJ.:eoi. noiae that ia audible between do& back from the lake and saw

A<:cordin& 10 o;r.a., of Plan- uni1a, but 1101 at lhe 50 foot limit. two trees fall near 44 aiMI 48 nin& and Connunil)' Develop- The new ·.law, if approved for . Lakelide. one waa about U Ill 20 1110111 Celia c-. tbe cllansea final plllliC, would probibit lhe feet lall.and lhe <llber wu amaller. -_.......,_die cily'a -- uac of aound equip- or 1111- he oaid. Jim Williamson al10 of n0111 aoiae llOIIIIola llavo ~ cbinery audible for SO feet be-. Llkeside watched from alivina cHecltll 10 .._IIIII IIIey 11aw: tween !he houn of 9 p.m. 10 7 room window aa a 50-foot !all

a.m. (cunently !he ban 11ar11 at pine tree fell 10WIId lhC haaae. '1 IJ p .... ). . k would allo ban doe lhouJht it w11 comina ia !he win­makina of "any unreuonably dow," he aid. II fell alton. loud nolle or any noiae wbicll ei· The same afl<mOOII. a pan of IMr 111110ys. diaturba, injura or Jasper's roof alld awnina wu endappn doe comfort, repese. blown off near tilo. -·• ..,.

: taeoldt. ,..ce or Jaf<ly o1 olhen" trance. One pefiOII · wu injured .. willlill doe cily. Craze -="-~- uid !Ibn Ill DociOII Haapilll. Po­

.... applyina dtil ~ lice, Public WOib and c-dty require police offtcen 10 · Development departmenla re·

. 8lllb a aubjeclive docermillllioot opolllltd Ilona willl doe lire ..,._.. a(.._ it_.,... mem. Pllblic WGrb aided ill re­

! The new law allo adds ._. """'"" doe ~root....._ ' .-~ ....... 10 !he Jill ol de- CGmmunily ~ ........ .Yicll .... Cllllld lllllljecl doe-- lhe - and ....,. ,.....,. • .., .. to ....... lfdtl&'-.&lar 111111-.. forllle ~:Die.

-.. ~~-.. _...,.,..."-,

NewPa.t·OJIIoeoaiiOid Uatil PNMe•e ._ ...

bJIII-.sw.ik ...... ....... Allhouab fundi .. for lhe pro- C....,. ........... olll-

pooed new Greenbell l'oal Ollke ciala and ................ ol doe in Gnocnbeh Eut h11 been ap- ..__ ~ lUll's ;.t' proved by the U. S. Conjteu e111 COIIIpllly, are ...tllna IOiu-and desisn plana drawn up. lhe ,.,_ "' 1teep die pall. o111ce ill F.Ojecl Ia currently on hold. OIMotlielt. AidlouJb lilt ,Wtt-

The Pnatal Service'• ~ lill'l ciW II()( appeal die - de-of the oilo 11 tho comer of - witlP 30 .,., ... ..,... Hanover l'lrkway and Ora Olen doll of wbelller .-...... ..... ac· Drive (behind lhe v_,.. a- I lioa tllould be ........ il llelq buiklias l from BJB Aaaociatca iladied.' u well u .• die ..,at baa not yet boiln COIIIUIIIIIIIII. of ..,...aalioa by !he l'allal

Circuit Court Judp William SorYiCe or die C'oty Of~. B. Spellbrina. Jr. llaaed ia a Sop- Thn Is lito 11opt IIIII an ....., tember 24, 1999 noli .. dw oaly --be ........ --die an ol!lce buildina COOIW be buik plaiMIIflllllll ......._ on the lriiCI. ClotJy Matijelb o( o-Il Ora

The jud1o'a decision waa and !he ~ a.-tY ...... handed down l!fler a hearins in ,.. tUI die 1991 lllliiMeral -­which the plaiDiitra • BJB, lhe - placed on die 1net w1tero City of Oreenbell and !he U. S. tbe pall oftlce -.lei loa buill, · POIIal Service - aabd lilc aoun ,.. w1t11 die 11a1. a taot thai to declare invalid a 'unilalaral hao lieu dillplllell. Bfii!'O land COVetlllll ~ .voJ. "'-• _...,. far fA, IOid opmenl of the tract to omce the ,._. IIMIIIW ill 0c1a11er t11a1 build ina usc imposed by the die Jltllt'• c111c1t1on "'IIII talC nail sioe's former ona • ON.t Ora on ...... or ..c dlo­Limited ..._..ip • .,..,._ - wldldleland."

in~ .. ~- ~r·~o~e"!'!':-- .)~Ora .. -.~..._ lc.., ... ·- ..... VI IRS •••• _ ... NaliOIIIII a-. dlelr daniiiD impaM • ...-diM ...... - ........... did noc allo include !he Cily ol by tK l'edlnl Dil!lili 't.iniia .. a-nbell'a li.......,.. S. POIITotnar.,..*

E. RooMftlt IQalt 8olaool To' Be Tec~aao~o~r· ._.....,.

Eleanor Rooaeveil Hip Sdlaol eo.ty Public Sclloola.• S•kll (ERHSJ il ..,. of 12 achools ae- nocec1 thai tbe Prince Oeorp'a lecled· from a pool of 100 appli- C011nty acbool 1y1- llu the cants nationwide u a pilot lite larpat nlllllller of puticlpallna for the Academy of 1"'-lon hiah acbooilln dlo Al:adanty pro­TechnoJoay. l'lelidenl CIIIDI and lflll'l' mid·AIIulic feiiOII. He Nllional Academy Foundation fell dial ..._... Olltma'a -.­(NAF) Chairman Sanford Weill ni- ofOnld a-- will• made the a- January lilt in ellpMdiiiJ .!he ........, of 13 II lhe thiJd annual Wall Slreec buai- part'*~ for !he Acatl• Project Confaaace, boiled by !he omill of finance, lnf.,...... Reverend Jeae Jackson in New Tec~tno~o~Y. and Traod and '~bur­York. Roooevelt Hi&b School lam. Principal Dr. Gerald Boarman ERiiS appliad for cllllli<*· wu in allellduce. . .-u aa Acadomy of lntorm.

Tbe Acaaemy of litfonnallon lioa T.......,. pilot Iiiii ....... TQChnoloay it a new propam de- me academy aliana well willl sipled ID prq1M1 hip achool - ocllool IOAII, local worllforee denll for c:anoen in dyMmic ;,. lrellda, aad doe ae11Do1'1 -•· formation leChnolo&Y flelck. Pilot - 10 .......... lila ditilll di­litca wae clloaen for their leada-- vide. The achool llal a ,.,...._ ship and fleljbilily, conunn.. for calllllanlively.....,.. -10 --«<ucaaioL ability lO .... ti .. edp edoooalieMI ....,.._ cuno menton, internlltipa, and !hal poncmallae tile illllllll _,. leiCher tninina from local buoi>- rience for ....._ and 11111111· - partnen. and • buelille of ..ny llttlt .._ ............ lech'nolosical capabililiea that will !he ......,._ IIIII JUa11or ...... be enllaaced lhmap NAP pro- lion. ....,. ..-. · ne NAP orr.n .. .....,.

Denlli• Smith. vice praideac 1J111C11k .....,...... 8llllel ill -of !he Copellnd .c-paaiol and &Nil IIIII .,..,..._ die ,.. lonatime cbair of tbe PriliCe .,_ ~ af·I!IUfS. Ill 1M Oearp'i County Acadeal)' ol fl. !he aeltDol imfl I • --~ ' nancelodviMwy llolnl callad !he . •r oi'Jioavol _, ,._. W telectior> ol EkHS a lllljar - in 19!99 .....,. die ~ for both· !be Prince <Jeorao'l or Piu .... Sllldellla, ......... C011nty AChool 1)'- ..S !he . .._., and die ...... -SUI& ol Maryland. He ..., 111&1 ....tly llave ........ ...,. pro-lbc. a...bell acbool'l propoaal .,__ wa lite- ooap 11111'4 Olie . ,._cal far 1111· IUb•ltted. He wu ..__ly ~ (IIIIIDIII."bellid,"of·Dr. ...... lti11iefa11'

..... LMIIOreee. ··- -~~~~~~~ ---...--.·~·-·ltt9!1-·-·· _ _.. ......... , '•""-'· ' ,·._... • .:.L._.....,:;.;.o.L...,.i.:...--...l;.....;....:.....:.:o;;...;.ti.oir.o.lil:lltii""-lili.:=ioili&IIIOIIiOit:...:aitlll

Letters to the Editor

Can lleaJer llefum GHI Clttislmas Gilt?

I would like 10 inviuo all tile mem"-n of GHI 10 the sidewalk between the courts of 3 Ridge and s Ridae to admin: their Jea at work. GIU hu provided us with a remarkable exhibition of sidewalk liJhtina at a co.1 of only S2000 (eisht li&hts at a mere S250 ·each). That would probably be enoush 10 provide every household in GHI. iel alone the few who use this lide­walt. with a ftuhlighl. Or GHI could have installed lishts tl>at are 001 ooiy smaller and leu <Jb. tNSi'W'C, btn are about a drird lbe pnce and operate 011 sol.v power.

If you VISit by daytime. note just how larae. ugly, and obtru­sive the lighting fiXtures ue. There's no way the GIU diredors would allow a resident 10 illll&ll such monatrooiries (ca1ainly not without at least painting them green).

Betuor. thoush. to arrive by niaht and preferably from the Ridse Rood end of the sidewalk. Then you can admi"' how annec­euariiy bri1ht these lishta are and llow they shine not only on the sidewalk but also onto our lawns 1nd into our windows. Arid, when you Jd 10 the Olhor end of the walt, you can oote how you are piunaed back iniO u- darkneu. mai<ina the whole exeicise completely pointless ex­cept for those of as who milht want 1o vlsit our neishbon 1t three m the morning.

At either time. you might 11k one of u~ nciahboring rea&denu to sec if OHJ acted like a true cooperative, working with the af. fected re&idents to iee if we wanted the li&htina and, if 10,

whot son of lishtina we would like. You will find tbal GHI did not. ·h WIS a .sort of shiny ChristMii present to us (rom GHI. Well, it's a Chriatmu present I wish I could reiUm.

Kmow •. ..._

At 7 a.m. on January II, while approachina tbc: Boat of America ATM. I noticed two people in a .. puked II the lut space on the left aide of Cres­cent. wllebin& me II the ATM. There were no other people or can in the area. I thouJhc I wu in oJanaer. As a def-. ·I llllde .it obvious that I wu obcailliaa their licenae plate - belbre I J01 bock i- my .. and drove to the 'W'ariety s1ore 10 c.U ebe police to report the suspicious conduct. (There are no pay phones ·in the .,..,.,...)

I explained to the owner of the variecy &lORI ·what had ju&t occurred and uked to use hi& phone 10 eall the police. To Illy Slllpriae be .ted me for S0.3S 10 mate tbc: call. I left the &toRI anary and fnlstrated. Fint ., pay pllo.s in the center, then beilia asked ror S0.35 10 tlllb the call to the police. .

I drove home, eallal the po­

lice and the .. - - ...... they-lOUt ........

My Poirrt of View

LooldagiPonrard and Back Ia tile N- llillelllliam

IIJJ-Gae (With the i:omin1 af the new

year, new century and - mil­lennium (or 11 least • ,_.dig­its of the year cha ... l) there hu been • lor or pontifac:aling &Dina on in the preu. it -.as ro me that ..,.one ba a license 10 pontificate. that our lilde news. paper should be in tlte main· - and lllerelofe I bave de· cided 10 joia the crowd.)

Orecnbek'a lifeapee is only two-thirds of tile poll catury. al­thouah the --IDWR. .--town coacept ia one tbal ~ nearly all of the 1900's. In the hiatocy of """*ind. <lleoabelt is only a smatJ blip on the tinldine. Similarly. its effecr on the world of today is very inc-tial. another teeny blip. Moll likely. Greenbelt will have liale effect on the future of Olll' planet. but what happeal on our planet will areatlyarr-our~y.

To cocampia~ the fucure of our city witlloul recopizias the impect of _. world aivimnmenr upon that future is ilnpouible. We are 1till in a world where people continuo 10 IIJI!t 00« ide-

oioaie& and e11pre11 -· While I r.el rhai any major ... would be equally destructive 10 both 5ida because rhe world econo­mia and communtcatiOftl net­works ha¥e become 10 inler­lwined, dlae ia 110 - tbal world leaden will ha.., dlo wis­dom to maillllin peace. During the pill catury the ......... nalll­nl--have been conaumed in incre.uinaly ~~ amounu; while the ....,ift>io_ ha been sipificantly dqraded. Tho tn­creue in b~ populalioR has aready impacoool on oiiOihor ant­mal and plant pop~~latioou and habiws. There is IIOIItittt 10 in· dicate !llat these arowtlt trend• will not .-;..., until - time u our raources are 'exhausted.

Can mankind tqJiace - impor­tanl resoun:a as fouil filet• and still maintain the sort of lifestyle we ha.,.. become u,..t io in this

the "Pillabury Bate-Oft" which wu publidted in luc week's ~··Review, and •Y '->lve­_. in it. - dme ...,. nicely. As usual, ,.,... writi8f llyie is the·bc:st af tile .....

Tho only laue: you -'oncd that I had &ix cbilcll!*- If my memory - nle -tly, I re,_,ber beina JINIIIIIK only throe times _. JOial ., labor throe times. There -- ....... babies bidia& in the __ ,

Three lobors was ...p. No twins.

• Maay ........ 10 ,.,. b your '--

country? During the bnef 62 yean that

Greenbelt hu been a par1 of the world rommunit)'. new technoi­OSY hu gJUIIy altered the aver­age resident'' lifescyle. Where once a Greenbelt family waS lucky lO own one: car. it is oow apt to own two or more cars. Where once manJ families lacked telephones, we now hJve.phoqeo. all about the house and in oUr cars, pocket~- and purses or on our trips. Telegraphs were the fastest means of •erbai communi­cations lAd were delivered in Greenbelt by a boy on bicycle. Now more and more residents e­mail to their family and friends.

In 1937 you had to go to downtown Wa.shntgton to do your major shopping. but when you got there you were met by a friendly clerk and your purchases were deliw:red f""' the ne<t day. Now you get un-line and order throush a compuiOr without leav­ing home or go to the nearest discount store nr- mall and stand in line 10 make a purchase which you then have· to lug borne. Greenbelt was "modern" with its all-electric ki[Chcn stoves.--many people elsewhere were still using coal or wood stoves. Now, we zap our food wita. mtcrowaves or bum it on propall'·fueied outdoor grills. Our garbage was once pill in containers in the ground for thrice-weekly collection. Now we dump il down the sink. Then there was litde crash. Now we are overwhelme4 by packaging and unwanted mlil, which· we have to sort out ~tween the dis­poS&blc and recyclable.

Once or tw11.:t a week. origi­nal Grecnbelter" might go to the mo'¥'1e theater at the center and watch a short newsreet lellins what was happenirls in the rest of the world before seeing the fea­ture mov1e. Now we. see major news events !hroushout the world right in our holrlOS as they take place, plus we can see countless forms of entertainment, some of the best of which are the old movies from the '30's.

Once, Greenbelt was a town of 3,000 with ~t~any children. Now we have a populltion in ex· cess of 2().000, but not many ~ children. Ia the '301, most Greenbelt worken worked in dowmown Washiogton. Tho 1 S­mile commulc w1s by car on two-lane ro1ds or by bui to Rhode island Avenue and then electric trolley c• into Washins­ton. Now Greenbelten drive to work air O'W'er the place taking multi-lane superhiBJ!waya. or they can catch the new electric train (Metro) just a lillie closer to Greenbelt than Rhode Island Av­enue. In either event. it will probably take as ion& or lonaer

o.r M...., to ger there durieg rush bour u Ia t1ten: ao end 10 your Ia- in the '30s. Back tben,

bon? E'rirloMiy, .yea:. I don't Greenbelt was reatricted 10 Cau­t- how - tine ...., chil- casians. althoush at leaat persons drea slipped ;., my -.y, but of the Jewish faith were wei-

. rm - llill if ,.,_.d ..,. into comed as residenta. Now lallor lil ~ ,.,_.d -.ber Greenbelt is an ethnically and it. I lllllit Mve beea ia aupr racially diverse COinlllllllity. abock witea I wlole .. article. The chooses to GreeaiJdt in Aad lillce _. .. oa 111e lllbjoct. the past will ~Y pole ill li&· Tho""-...._ ... wil1iAa ;nificance to the c ....... of the to joia lbo- of-.., for ·rurun.. What chanp tbeae will

Tlooanday, J ...... ry 20, 2000

1he Old Curmudgi.on

I=~T~ILf it~ oF


PKT orr1cE ~--_,...--,

"I• the nell l11111ealllam, perltapo. ... "

Will changing populations main­tain existina traditiono or substi­tute ones of their own? Without new areas to budd upon and brina O!kied reiourcea 10 the city. can the city maintain its vitality witboul decline or decay? WhJt will sltonaaes of natWal resources do to our lifestyles? How will rapidly changins technology af­fect our way of livmg? Can hu­mankind ever leam to live· lo­gether in peace and harmOnY. here or elsewhere? '

The past tells us dtal for every problem humankind has solved, new one1 have evolved. and many have never been lloived. It also !ells us tbal w~ile there will

be great changes, some things neVer seem to change.

Tho people of the 21st century face many diffiCult chall~nges. Can they, with the aid of techno­logical advances which - sure to occur. face these challenges and bencr their way of life?

The challenses of the future for Greenbelters and all human­kind seem greater than ever be­fore. But, in the put we have shown an ability to adapl and use technoloay 10 lloive our problems. It will be interesting 10 see how well we succeed in the new mil­lennium.

.,. .... ,, News Review

I<H NlEPENilENr-15 c..- Aallll, .... ,00. ~ lllryiMd 20770-1117 .. _ ....... .,_...__

(301) 474-4111 • FAX 301-47WIIIO AltedM. Sllorik, F'NIIdlrC., 1-.tm Ellinl...._ ,.....,.., tm-1111 --·­E<IIor.MoryLou-.(301) .. ,_

-E<IIor.-'--(301)47 ....... --·--(3011012-111111

lrriE'F . ... -.----- ..... --~~~~. ... ~----a.-..... ~ .... ---· ==-:;..=:~~~--:...~=:.=: __ ...,_ .. ___ _.,_.__. --Dinllla---... --~-..... ..... ~ .... III:Clltl ____ ...,., __ _

--Oitoo~-aooo.--· ... - . .----~,._, .... ___ llol_._.....,_...,.,_ -.a.---Doooltj--....... --. ----.Doooltj-----..----.--11111,__ . ___ ..,.-...c-.., __ .. _ _,_..._ .. ____ , ........ l'1eue put -- phones ill the

c-. 0. ,.,... ·Our omc. iJ iOcaied in the what Greenbelt be lite to-f~"CCIewJ~Ban.~!·~O.:~':"';._~.:I'U:!nu~t:.O:~;·n;is~l



~,co~·~;ld~ll>~~~:'ve;edicLi;.._.~;~~IIOCI~J!~~~~~~~~~~§;;i~i~~~ n..-..... C-•uaity. Center .. - so day? _,.... ....... tile ...... - left. and Will the .,. .,.,...,, - ri&ltl.-. -n. . ...W.WOJ ......... ~.~

- ~. - - ~ -----.....,...---~~::::-:-:---------~--~-----.....,.~-· ""'ir.~,

GHI Noles The Aldllloc:lwe ol Environ­

n....t ~-will- JanD. uy 26 11 7:30 p.m. in the boon! room.

The - ....... Boord of Di­·-llllllliaawillbemJonu­uy 7:1 oc 7:30 p.m. in the OIU oo.d IOCIIII. Membcn ore en­CIJIIIIIFIID lllald. ............... In Our Loall ..........

. .,...., ...... u-.- octiaa! Aay­o• who viiited tbe Old Oreeabelt Thealre in tbe iut ................ IIIIIDbled upon u indlpeadeat film beina obol on locolion. "PPpc:om Matk" ia a film aboln the "romance and map: of the lboMa." IIOCOidl•a 10 Jorp Bemanlo, who dileclod and produced the film wid! Mort Mlllllalt. The film c:ompeny is llernlnlo l'loduclioao and ....... ben ore from the melrOpOiiiU -.

The film will be enlmd in the Rooellud Film Festival, a local fellival--- from the Washift&loe, DC -. After the falivol, ......., i1c>f* 10 be able 10 morbi the film. He is lookin& ~~m showina 111a • lbr a-nbelton at the o-nbell ~ ater or on the Greenbelt Cable

Gre.lblicw Hosts Family MatiMa

Onleallrilr ... Olea Oob ..,.;. deala ... iavilld ., ... the lim­ily and ..;o, "1ldd No" oa Sal­'un!.J, .1-.y 29 ia lbo -nn­Room II I p.ai. Tllia Ia 18 ....... hire movie willl Pllrict Swayu. Seoll Olcm IIIII au- 1'11111. AD childMI - be by .. adllll. RcfreaboMotll will be aerwd. ~II free .. ,.._ '-ion ia noquinod. Call Tina at 301-441-1096 by J...-y 26.

Co-op Pays hilerest. The Co-op Supermarket litis

month plid the interest esmed by ill membcn durin& 1999. ._.,.. on Member Capital for ·the year ............ 10 $8.93~. AI- 300 IDOIIIben. lhooc with morn than $200 in their -. Nleei...d their abare of the interest. Added to Member Capital accounta was $5.862 .and $3,073 - plid in cah where the Member Acc01111ts reached the muimum allowable of $1.000. Tho- of·imerell plid wu five pen:ent.

piaoe yet. • - 'tu:. t:.-.:..~.1'~ ; Chanaei, but plans are not in ~

The siOty line involves two ~~., people who - II a "'-ina of GteeniJelten were uddonod 10 1'he Philadelphia Story." In fact. '- af the deadl af 1980 OIMml­oome Orecabelten miJht have ins Ciliu:n Clan Brandt been confuled ra:ently by 1'he Congratulationa 10 R-.y Philadelpbia Story" on the mar- Relu, the ctaupeor af led Reiu of quee. II wu pill up for an ooit- Parkway, who hu been named 10 · door shot. The film llllrl local the Dean'• Lial 11 HamiiiDB Col­acton Cindy Oueli and Benwdo lege for the 1999 fall-· A and feabaa an .II(>. year-old fint- oopbomore 11 Hamilton, Reia& is a time Ktor, Jolla Ounion, who, grdJa af Eloonor Roooeveh Hip occonlina "' Bemudo • .._.. the School. show" a a blrd-of·'-ina ticket Greenbeilers can read about taker who "makes the mqic hap- former reaident Peter Svenaon's pen.~ new life in his hook "Green

.The Greenbelt connection is Shinalea, At the Edge of Chest­the use of the theater, which peake Bay." came about accidentally. Conaratulations to Resinald Bernardo wu familiar with the Cameron who was formerly a 1healer and when aDocher location crewman on the city rduae truck. fell throuah. be wu able 1D ......, who hu hoeD promotod 10 leodooi quiet arranaementa witb Paul driwr and 10 'Ibm Ray, a..­Sanchez, - of the iaclepen- on the - ...,., who wu po­dent Old Greenbelt Theatre. · ....-!10 rduae col~. More information on tbe ahow ~ to Shane Doyle. and ill propas will be l\'lllable 1118 II, who - one of 100,.... on the 111m company's web lite utiala from uound tba C0U111rJ ~com. whoaa ........ ofdlicba-

--~~~~...-··--· Arts c.... Offen hibilion ....,.._. by the .....

An LJ _ _. u._L_..I chicken produceri and held the ._. .--.a ··week of 1-.y 12 in New York

Tho Ooeenbelt Arts c- will 'city. .,._,. ~An Ideal Husband.~ 0&- Tho winllen _, aelectod from atr Wildo's biti• IOCiol comedy thousand& of ~Mulerpieces in aboln mannen, politics, society Chicken" conteat entrie& from and scandll, directed by Stew around the c:ountry, prOdoc:ecJ by Cox. Perf0r11111ncea are Friday kids ""'- the .... of tine and and Solurday. J11111uy 21. 22. 28. 12. Eaclt dnwins repreoented a 29. Pebnaary 4, ~. II and 12 II I shope dtal the lllliat would like to p.m. and ~. 'J11111uy 30 and ·see produced and included in a Pebnaary 6 II 2 p.m. The thelter new chicken nuaet product by is II 123 Centerway. in the lower Perdue.


.........lleview Now lllal·dle ..,,. ....... ia

.....,__. her 10 call the Rec­reatioa oe,.n-t's Weather aad ............, ..,.line for up­clttlea .., .,.... eanceliatioao and delays! ·301-474-sm. Co-ecJ ill­door ..,..,.,.. - p1ICiice will 111m ..._ ... Sundays ,_ 11:30 a.m:-12:30 p.m. at Sprtncldll Lab .......... c­ter. Thio clua for II to 16 year old& will be hosted by Arturo Olivo.

Exploring Your Medical t.ords

On Prida)', ~ 28, Espto. rations Unlintllod presents "Y011r Medical Recanla." Tho preaenter will be Either L. Malaspina, former Chief of the Me<ijcal Recorda Deparunent of the lm­milf8lion IDd Natwalization Ser­vice (INS).

Malupina puated in 1985 from Misericordia College in Penn1ylvania wilh 1 master of science depee ill hiDnan servi<:es adminillrllioa and ill 1979 with a bachelor of acieace in health records adm.iDiatration from Temple Urtiwnity. She Nleei...d her Parale1al Certification in 1989 and IJecamc a Registered Recorda Admiilillrator (R.R.A.) in 1979.

"Your Medical Records." ·"What you cion'~ know can hull you. Y011r medi&l records may be controvenial and questionable. Hu technology invaded your poi­VIC)'?" These are aome of the concerns Malaspina will acldras.

"Esploratio"' Unlimited" is a speaket series held every Friday from I - 3 p.m. at the Commu­nity Center. This pre~entation will be hold in the Senior CJus. room. Everyone is wclcolne to attend and questions 11e encour­aged. Please call 301-397-2208.

SHI. Pcnnls lnvilld "MSMP Meeling

. Sprlnahill Lake El-tary School will host a Maryland School Performance ~

Propam (MSPAP) ..... -­ilia ni&bt ... Tuesday, J_,- ~ at 6:30 p.m. The ,_In& hu been pianited 10 help ........ be­COMe aware of the· ue of MSPAP and 10 give thaD _,. str•tesiea that can be usecl 11 home 10 -g!hen tlto atlllt of their ebildren. Thia 1wewide

· testina will take place ia May and, by children, it ia

that L"an an.in their

level of~ Center. There lrlmiiK-::::::::~~:::::'11"':~ is a m:luced ·fee for seniors and studcnrs. FOr reservations and directions call 301-441-8770.


Mon .• Thura. 7:30

..-4'1'.....,.. .. -4'1' .....

Two ....,.. totalina $40.07~ have been awarded to Greenbelt CARES by the Prince <Jeorae'a County Office for Health and Humon Ser­vices. Funds 'for the paa11 ... comin& from. tho Temporary AuiiiiiiCC to Noecly Flllliliea (TANF) federal propam and must be apeat before die end of lhC CllfrCDI fiacal )'011' IO

=~~for ArtY/orb in Glasa · ne ara•ta will eaable At the IlL­CARES to place n•• nmilll --1 Family Clinic ...,, _ _. A• exlliblt of unique an solon Ia Joc:al sc:hoola 10 co- workl Ia llua by Ulill Au

lloolh of wr.-. .....,...,..., leod anpr - I "' JI'IIIIPI· Ia oa cliiJIIty Ia 1M a.-bell A psydtoloJiat, ...-Jy coe- LillniJ blhe 111011111 of~-::e:;:a :~~~~:="v!...-:u.J. Tho aJ1ibit Ia lidedi "So ..,....

mini&tration Hospital, will fa- =. ':~ ~ = ::..~ cilitate two panni skill tnillin& 11 Ia 1ocaMd in dlo ......,., -aroaps at Sprinp!ll Lab El- ......--... ementary Sellool. 08 .. .,_. tev.l of •·-.J·

Jodye Heriaa bel'• tile IMpind by a villt 10 dtt winter -ion of lbo OED ,.... · Coftdaa· Museum of Glall in pantory course on Thlll'l4ay, ·MeW York, Ann .......... a J .. Wif)l 13. OED I II b - .... _.od by ~ .. deata who need -review of ....,.. by .............. .... basic nwlt and En1liab akilla. J1111e11 ..... ....,.. _. flllw-GED II io for atudenu wlto ... ~ Site.- 18

of i ,_ ................. Iiili .... need RIYiOW a &e~-. ...,... ol- with di_..._ Wila of etry. and En1lisb 1raamar .._ -r--skillo. This 10-weet e-.e ,._ colar ........... _. will end on Marcb 23. Sia ~~ J:: .:...~ ~ atuclents enrolled in the c_... _, --

Tereaa Smithson eondolciM IIUdy of..._.. lit. _. •­the lui ..... ion . of a pre-- or tbe .........., ... ...., of all discusaioa poup at ar.allell ......... Nor ll!llli·- wwk Middle Sebooi, on Friday, ::.~~~:ts;e...r::; January 14. The aroup ••· die,._~ of 1M joyed pizza, and di1cuaed .WJIIM a-.,. Tllil •ldllil 11 what tbey have learned from IJIO~ ., lite o-.... 1 their panicipation. Bllta'l ~ .

Golden. Club llJRIIIIIH.aJao

At the ..-!n1 held Wed_. day, Janaary 12. the followial annoimcentents were nsode:

Tho Health, Eserciae and Fil­nesa clus meeta on Mot!M,t. Wedneedaya and Friday&. They need volunteer& 10 work in the nursery. Contact Judy Cocchiaro if inta'eS!ed in holpina.

Tho Oaitor Club will - 11 9 a.m. on Friday, J11111uy 21, at Beltway Plaza. Come - a belly dance ~ion. Upt te­freabmenta wiU be: available after the r.il walt.

John Taylor, tn¥el claair, aa­IIOUncod tbat the ~. foobnt. fit'/ "· Baltimoi. '- Hartoor­Aquarium trip will lcaYe oc 10 a.m. Luncb ia "on ,.,... own. • Chi!cJr with 'hylor II 1D the COOl of tliis trip ... well u for the Charlie Prose. JtoecJi111. PA trip on Tueaday. April 4. There will be a 9 day • 8 niiJht trip 10 Novo Scnda - .. on Friday. s..-n-

llerl ..... ,... .... ...... _.._tobeiiiCitldld .. ..

...... s.. ·'hJior lllr - ialaf. --llllltolip •..

Louia ~._.II· llniCW, ... CWI!Ia' ... ., ..................... dayiiWIItitlp. .............. coune will be hold ill tile .._. IIUdio in the Con-dly <:­and wiH include """'- in ball­room, Lilia and aWina dancln&. There ia I fee.

The January Birthclay Party . - held Oil Weclnalllay. ,..., . 19. John HeoirJ ,_ dotutlld eol'fee. Wi_llid....._. will be -KM in a lalllr Ooldon All CWt -·111m.

A ..,..._ ftottt Avr/ Oanllll . (liJr-'1 ClllllaiiD o.dlttl) -

been ............... ...... J,_, 26. ........ They will povidellaJot........_.. .

OatWIIIwilllel._ex_.... to Golden Aaera Bemanl Sellwall, J0111 Tatum and Ire• Henael.

CIIIIIIMI B-10 S41ttillh Grunllelt M•lfldptll/l'llbl Acct.a 11'

MUNICIPALACa!IS-MI-114-IM ~. J..., 24• lp.A

Oty Cowtdl)/ml. "llw" ,..._, .t ~,.1-.,ZS .tJ__,Z1 .

......... ·-11111111J111111 ................ cltlldl-. --lltof..P:, nilia!MIInlill ....

Clara Brandt Former Grccnbelter Clara

Brandt. 92. died on. January 18, 2000, in Silver Spring.

A rcs1de'nt since 1960, she was Greenbeh'• Outswrling Cit~ zen for 1980 and wu •ncluded in the Prince George·· COUIIIy vol. ume, "Women of Achtevemeal." Employed at Gocldanl, llhc par. ticlpatcd in many ourstde activi. tics, includiftl orpnizins driva for needy familie> after r .... and casualties; volunteering ror many yea" 11 St. Ehzabed> '• flospital and Greenbelt Convaleocent C.... tcr; assisting Brownie and Girl Scout leaden; cookin& for tbe

saw~ /las.o ..... ..... ._, ... _

Ml'er a! St Hugh~ SW:lsli Parting lot. 6 00 IWt

SUND'IY IM$5. I 0 ()() IWt


You're Wekomc

. Here· St. Georie's

EpiScopal Cburdt ........ A .....

ea..rel--.-(11) ~~-.-11*-.,..._,

-ld(lm19J).a.. .. 30t-J63.5115 .................... ............ , .. ,.._(..,_...,,.

-·lloodoal .... -...... ll•ba-

stck. and M.listing in various ac­tivilies of Mowatt Memor'lal Mabodist Chun:h, wbeie she was a member of the chan:h and '" minion board and aang in lhc choir.

She be~ to the Greenbelt Woman's Club and Golden Age Clob.

Surv1von include niece& and nephew• John S. Cannon. Sr .. Ruth Tippen. Doris Sabine, Goorse Cannon and Owen Brandt and numerous grat nieces and nephews.

Services are at Ouch's Fu­neral ·Home in Hyllhlville. on Friday, I~ 21. Burial will be priva. ·

Memorials in her name may be made to Mow an: Mcmori a! Mct•ocliu Churdt, 40 Ridge Rood. <lceallldl. MD 11T170.

December Activities At St. Hugh's School

December ••:as a busy rnontb for the students nf St. Hugh'l Elementar~ and Jun10r High School. T"'o held trips high­lighted the munlh. ·The first graders took a f1eld trip to the Kennedy Center to sec "Lily's Purple PIISIJC Purse" m the the­ater lab. The ch1ldren enjoyed the bus ride almost as muc:h as they liked the show. The eighth graders v1sHed the Acad­emy of the: Holy Cron in Kensington to hear speaker. Molly Kelly. give a presentation on teen chastity and wise choices.

Throughout the month. the studcntl collected new toys for less fortunate children in a par­ish in Whh1ngton. D.C. A large Chrhtmas trCe decorated . the gym stage and it was soon surrounded by hundreds of toyo for children of all ages. The gifts were deln:ered a week be· rore Christma~.

The St. flu~h·, begianer and advanced bands entertained the students and parents at a Christ­mas concert. Under tht super­"Yision of band d1rector. Jennifer Rica. the muMcal selections ranged from llol1day tunes 10 classical ptc~o:es. A solo cluincc piece wu performed by sixth arlder, Mane Crenwelge lnd I

lrumpet duct featured Tristan Guha-GilfonJ and Gabriel Storlt.

The sehoul Christmas paa;­cant thls year was entitled. "The Christmas Lamb." Sru-dents from kindergaiten · through fifth grade filled the parts and helped with the set delian. Lauric Lemieux di­

"''"" lhe pl., and oraaaized the music as &he hu for the past several )'ears. Fourth arader. Bucky Fitzgerald, bad tbe lead role as the shepherd boy look1ng for the Chris! Child. Traveling to all the con­tinentli on rhe earth. and meet­ing many friends along the way. the •hepherd '1oY finally findo rhe.Infant Jews righl in his own home Iowa. The children,

Keloe7 Sbalfer (left) IS MarJ ... IUU Wak(rtpt) •llle Angel performed Ia doe ..... Ill On Dea.Mr 14.

parenls. faculty and otaff all 1114 a wonderful lime.

hbat Bnoda Unitarian Uoiversallst Church

3215 Powder Mill Rood, Beltsville/Adelphi (301·937-3666)

Mft<lcotWJ J'O" lo OfiF C1pft1.

.. rr.uilq-...uy ~23,MI·!UIA111Ua.& . ,__,....._. .... , __ ___

Gotat-..._ __ ,... ... -. -~


.. ··-..... , .... h "Mtooprallll-111~ ... _ friondahlp lo good.

and -.g "'"' -.y altho ---·.--? ..__... -lllougiD ..

-II'*> ... - of action. ..., .. _ .. . ...., ...... Wrhlap

Gnoorllolt .... 'i c-DIIy P.O.a.:MS

Gna.WI,MD m7l ........ lii·Dt-31.0 ~._. .. ..,_,FIItl•onthe ---·--·"'"

.....,.,~ ................. . ............ . Daily MMI:N --.1

. ~ ofRecoecUialiooo: ~ 3:45-4:45 p.m. • Rev. '~booMs F. Oowley. l'lllor • Ill.........., Rev. Wo11or J. Tappe

II. IMNI'S CA111011C a•HII 135C...... ...... O...W.,Md.

HOLY.CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH ,.....,_.._. __ __, _ _,.,...., s-lay ..............

8:30and ll:lSA.M . Etz the.._

IO:OOA.M. .w.Jta...- ...............

Taught by PastOI" MentZ lO:OOA.M.

G-nbelt Arta Coordlutor Nicole DeWald ... pllor.,.npber · Muuel Lopez at tile R«ptlon Ia bls honor held at tile Greenbell Municipal Balkllq.

by NeklatY-Software engineer Manuel

Lopez knows how to handle a camera. His initial exhibition. "Paradise Found: The Floral Photography of Manuel Lopez," is on display in the Greenbelt Municipal Building through January 27.

Using a Nikon camera and natural liglll. Lopez snapped some striking pictures for this exhibition. On a recent trip to HawJ~ii he captured on film wa­ter lilies which arc reminiscent of Claude Monet's paintings.


.. Flaming Passion: Bird· of Paradise .. reflects 1he influence Georgia O"Keefe has had on art.

Lopet. a native of !he Pllil· ippines who now resides in Lanham. has been pursuing photography u a hobby since the early 1980s and is active in the Greenbelt Photography Club.

To purchase a Lopez picrure or to display pictures, call Greenbelt Arts Coordinator Nicole DeWald at 301-474· 8000.

G-nbeh ........ Club Momben d~rfloallekl - at Greetlbeh Lite N.,...ber 13.

lrv Steael, Gneebeh rHidenl •Dd Photo Clab 1110mber olljoy·

·lila neld obool al Green bell 'i.1Ae.

TRAiftc (~rn.poaet)

dedicated bike lanes withoul elimination ·of a throup ttalfic: lane. However, she said that duri,. tho doaipl review proc:ea for Onenaprina I and n. ltlld the Laltoo of Onenbelt Villaae. the Advisory Plamillg Board recom­mended. bued in part on tom· menrs from the Greenbelt Bicycle Coalition, that bike laneo not be provided. Oupcr had a dift'crm rccollecrion, believing that rhe members suppocted btcycle lanes. ~ uraecl consideration of off­street lanes. which be considers safer. Fairfax and Montgomery Counties, be llid. arc now mov­ing towards off-mad bike lanes for new ~"<*~ways.

During the discussion. Craze noted that .. The traffic calming philosophy will be that to do away with the tum lanes would be a good thins because the slowness cn:ated by a lUmina ve· hide would help calm tnffic."

From· Oreenbrook Drive to Greenbelt Road there are no shoulders or turn lanes upon which bicycle lanes could bci constrllded. It may be poosible to •'Tell<: bike lanes by narrowina the tnffic 1.-, althoup prob­ably not enouab to create full six·fOOI bike laneo. ... ~

Gasper had ulced that the bus stop oppooile Hunling Ridge be moved cloaer to the entraDCO and the flexible bollards removed. Craze disap-eed. The stop was moved 10 ill current location and the bollarda inslalled to proleet bus riders from moton~ts usina the shoulder to bypa~s traffic waiting lO IWII tcft int<J Hunting Ridse. The ""liard• were ad­jlllled to allow adequate width' ·

· for bicyclists to pass between them and use the shoulder. While funher adjustments could be made if needed. she said, re· movtng the bollards would recre­ate rhe ongtnal hautdous oon<li· tions for those waitin1 for ~he bus.

Repairs to the bus stops are nnderway and shoold be linillhcd by the end of I~ne .

RepavWa . ·The developer of the Libo o(

GN<Ia1Nit Village has ....,.1re11 Hanover Parkway from Megan Lane to Hunting Ridse. Craze aaid. This section will be re­paved in the spring. Rcpavina of lhe rest of Hanover r.tway is 1101 funded. Council ICIIS the pri­orities for street repaving durint the innUal budget review. City


BOARD OF DIIIECTOU .......... ,__, 27,1000. 7:80 .... ---

Manaaer Michael Mcl.auahlin llid daot- of the.poblem _.. eaa on Hanover l'lrkway idonli­fied durina laal year•• review wae in the llllt:lion 10 be redone by the developer.

calnriq ·-be"~ ltlld IIIII die Ha- Plrkwy bua IIDpl be pal on die. ... ID be ~ durioti the ...... .... sheller -.uc:tion p!OI1IIII ,._

A~ A ........ On unanimous Vote. council

lppi'O\Ied !he city ltalf'a recom­~ IIIII additional traffic

VleW. •


·MUNICIPAL BUILDING~ LOT January 24. 2000 l 7:30, .M.


January 24. 2000 - 1:0 0 r .M.


I. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Meditalion and Pledae of AIJeaiance 1D !he FJaa 4. ConsentA..,.ra- Appoval of Stalflteeommendadons

(7lto COII#nl ... -.1m t1f""- it<oulll#licA lttJw tut<risb ,., pktced bolld<tlwln, IObJ«t"'- ........... m ""'Y b<lrllltk by tlw COIIIIdl prltN toa(Jf"'''NJI.) .

S. Approval of Aaenda and Additiono


6. Presentations

• LGIT Safety Award

7. Petilions and Requesb

(Prtilions,.c<i..dattlv•<tlil&will_bo...,._ by till City COWJ<H at tllis ,.,,;,, lllll<n t1w....,.., """ "" waiV<d by tlw Council.)

8. Mi!WieS of Meocii!P

9. Admini.strarive Reports·

-Police Department~·· . .•to. c~Repons . :. ' ·- ... ·, • · ..

:=::~::t~~; · Interim Repon from Alllltld I.Me& n.t Polce


11. An Ordjunq lA Amcpd C'bt- II~ ''Nogc c:.or• • 2nd ReMiaa • Moplion

12. A Jtcwlyriw m ISayhliab PqetriQ fir VQ•tjm pf <)eetjr 11·s "NojxC.mtmJ" ·

- 2nd Readins & Moplion

13. A Rosolution to Amend 11ao1u11oa 899 A Raolulion 10 Plm:haoo Cenain Goods and Servion from Variouo Yeadon when 1btal Fiaeal v-~flam l!ach Veador lill1ul Ten Dpyynd llqllaq

- 2nd Readin1 & Moplion 14. An Onlinance II> Amend Chapter 12. ''Parband Reetulion,"

by Addina a New Mjclc yn .,. ...... ·1st Reading


IS. Ou!lbw !'mentation Sua< 16. Assisted Livins Task Force Report

17. Maryland Hiotorical TRISI Heritap Muoeum J>rosram 18. Neipbooltond Spend Watch Pmcnm 19. 2000 c ...... 20. Roqunt from Wildlife Soeiely

21. Award of Putdwe • Police and Plannina & Coinnuoil)' Dove~ Vehicles

•22. Letter to Senator Gnen Rapnlina Functina l'riorilies "23. !.-. to Iones Commanicalions

"24. Renewal ofCily Liqtlar....,_ '"'\t'

·~. Resi......, from Advisory ConliN!* on~

•26. Appoinlmenllto Advisory Boards and~ . V. MEI!11NGS . .... NOI'I!: 11ti1 is I prc)jminaty.apada. ililbjlle!ID chutp ...... c-. cil.,_..._ open 10 the problic 11111111--..c-..-lllwllad ID aaoad. For infonnaliaD. ..... call 3!11-414-3IJII. ..... ---noodalionltwnquilediD ..... IIIil ............ ., ........ ......... ....... call l01-4'J4.8aoo .. ....,... .. fii)D).,; ..... .......,... ................ tO:GO-e.lllec~~retllle .......

_CIIOdtourllleOieenbei!Cilylillt...._a ................

..... a«:

• l

·' ··.1 ......

FntSh~ Bonlllll .,.~~ (hlcken . lb. a-ts

........... =-· Oltginlll· 16 oz. Reduald Fat· F•FNe

.. ~ ':.: ... -

......... Deep Basted ........... .~.~ ~....,. -& Cllops•or-Roast lb.


•r lb.


.. II Ill ......

50fo DIKouot To All

Cu8tomen On All Pun:hases Sunlight Ultr• Escept SlaalpJ, Metro FU'eS, Uquld Dish

a Prepaid Pbooe Canis Detergent

:::' Hwllloy • I.~~ Grapefruit

5 pound bag

Anjou 7fC Pean


7ft Delklous Apples lb.

·~ Fruit Club For

fBII .. nana s.e Store For Detldls

5 oz. .,.u . · 7.Soa.

Nutritious California 8~1

FNsh Express Garden· ,. Sal.cl Mix

I pound bag

N ........ Plnest ~'.If ....,.,...... Carrots

N ........ l'lnest. lchlho Russet p~

Red Ripe T....._.

........ v.get~~ble

Dips ~~~oz .

6 '*" 12 oz. c.ns

I I ••un·s

I au I I fill I 1 OLD FAsHioN

I Eaa NooDLu I .

I 1•~. I

I ·---·.,::,::-:;--..--- I L "--·-~~~~---. .. - . ..1 -·------·----... , ...... --~ I . I I a- 1

. 8UW' I · I I Paar.,.la GuNnY GilT I I I C11MM r.l I I Au. Fuw0. 112..... I I ----~.,·---..--- I

_, .. _ .

L .._._ ........ -. ..... ..1 ----~-----­.. ..=.----------.. ~-=-~~~-!M -I I ~~ . I

Po1r Ha.r . IIW I I I MlcllowAW a.r I. I I POPCcNIN f8a I : AaolmDV...,.. 8·10oa. I I • ..,._.,.,t:..-:"=.,--.-..- I L ..-.-·-~~~~---. .. - .•

____________ .. rlliiif'liia=--·--~ I I I C.USII PltouN Buy I . I I OlltGuM&. GilT I I I 71NCH £al I 1 c"n• PizzA 6.. 1 I ----·"t:..-:".=..-..--- I .

~-·-~~~~---. .. - ..1 ·L----------~ ~~!'!_.;.. _________ ..

.... , ... HHI -I 1- ·I I SrCMIIIIIlD IIW I I I p.., CiD' I I I Yoaun .fal ... ·1 I Au. v.-.- . •-·• .. I I •• .,.,., .. ....,,.......,.~ I Ullfl...... . ' . L

. .._._,._,._.,_,.__ I


! "~


' c ~ ,.

'i ' . '

Gt•lbelt Grab Bag ..,_.J~

Happy New Year. Greenbelt! Do you consider this the Millen­nium or .are )t.Oll holdin& out for next year? Personalty, knowina that mille means "thousand in Latin, I feel !hat any year th.ot ends in an M in Roman .....,.., or three zeros in .our nwnbaing syotem qualifies .. a milleaaiiHD. However, reasonable and flexible (ahem) person tllet I am, I -prepared and williaa to ccldnle twice, 10 c~on•t foraet to iavitc me to y.- party next year.

Did you stock up ia cue of an emerpacy? 'I admit I did )let an .. tra can of IOUp llld some paper svpplies. They we<e oti .. 1e. anyway. Luckily there ap­parcnlly were no serious glitches. One computer failure did occur on the i•land of Gu;un. It seems that a cash regisler refused to giw: OUl receipa. Another was in nearby Delaware, where three hundred slot machine• konked out. How lad! Cloocr to home, a clock at the Naval Oblentl!Dry put us several lhoooand yean into the futwe without miSiinJ a tick or a tock. Probably still snicker­ing.

When I was a little girl I fig­ured out how old I woold be on

~ (~tn-... 11

lotn: ro develop Ml advi10ry -.! ol iaf......,;o. tocboiosY buliaeuts. commaaity oraani· zatioaa. and iaatilutioni of hiper lamina; to recruit stu­denll to enroll in the pilot procr- ttarli•& in die fall of 2000; to develop collaboratively with AF and tbc Ccatcr for Occapational Rcscircb and Development and other ltablaolclen an in­aqraled ...acmic 111111 intern­lllip ~; ID. identify an illtenliacipli-y 1C41D to sup­port die ,....,_ oiMI provide staff de..,lopale .. ; allll to fur­niah classrooms and eomputcr laboratory facilities with equipmenl and materials.

Eleanor Roosevelt High School haa previously re­ceived several rlll&jor awards. The U.S. Depa- of Edu­cation receMiy naJIIIICI ita 1999 New American Hip School. In 1990 and 1997, il - ftlllled I Marylaad Blue Ribbon School u well u a Notioaol Blue Rib­bon School in 1990.

th1s occasion (I'm nol lelling!) My nicest surprise this new and I didn't Cllpect to lllllke it. I year wu when I checked my certsinly couldn't foreacc myself computer to sec .wbat date it sinins at a computer writing a would put on my wrieiq efforts. story for the News Review. Ouou what? II knew bow ,to say

As a kid I read a lot of sci- 2000! Do I have a lllllr1 PC? I ence fiction and nefti' ially be- hope ·1 will be eqDally smart lieved in the predictions. I bad wllcn I ...,; writi .. cllccks. The my owa ideal, 10111e of which. ~ llowcva;. Clid not ell.­were fairly ·close to .,.- n:al- JIRU ..., opiaioa oo what is the ity. Aviaaion, I imagined would. c:oonoct dlilo cllllo llillomiwn. so advance e11011110U11y. """"" tram t'R ]all trtna it iill ·.:arce wich inCbtod. 1141111110m0bi1es !limed ,_,... -.1 - :oiol of argu-

•to -·UfPOi-: they - -have more gadseu than fonnerty, One lllin& we CillO all agr<e on. but are !itill boles on "wheels !hal the future lies ahpd. Happy

· gee fl't tires and sometimes sWI. Y2K~

----POST Oft'ICB ,~ .......... 1)

Corporalioo <FDIC). The FDIC !hen sold the land 11 auctioa to the Peterson Companies wbich also boqht the nearby -SIIIIrilc: property. Mcotioncd u a pos­sible location• for the aew poat office, Sunri~ is located Deaf

the Holiday Inn and Manin's, adjacent 10 the Beltway. Zoned residential, it is I"IIJII<nCl !bat the propcny is being considered by some members of council for parkland.

Lo•rV- . Modjeska contends !hal boild~

ing a new po91 offtce facility be­tween two existing tracts of of­flee boilding> (Commerce Center I at lhe cOI'ncr of Hanover Parkway and Greenbeh Road, and Commerce Center 2's one­slory and three-story buildings southeut of the proposed pool office site) would tower the value of those buiidinas. He ob•erved chat Aetna US Healthcare (formerly NYL Care), the cWTenl occupt~nts of Commerce Center II, will be moving elsewhere this summer.

Meanwhile. poot.al employees continue to work in their crowded quarters in Rooseveh Center below the Co-op Super­market. The postponement of consuuction of a laraer post of­fice has been a disappointment not only to lhe employees but also 10 the Postal Service and Greenbelt residents. Since 1968 city cooncil• and the Postal Ser­vice have worked toaether to rmd a new location for a larger pootai facility in Greenbelt. Wbcn th's goal is realized. the postal serv1ct has usured suc­ceui~e council!. that sales func- . tions and pos1 office bo"ea will be left in lhe existing post oftke in Roosevelt Center.

Cannunityllax Aid Needs VGiunleen

Comlllllllily 1u AW il seck­lilt :vol..-s lo llelp low iD• come people widl dlelr tu re­'""" .on weekend& and .,eek­ni&htJ at one of 12 siles in Prial:e Gocqe's County and the Metro DC area. Trainitl& is pro­vided staning J-r 29. They - looking for individuals with tax. foreign languaae and admin­isuJiiye skills. Community Tax Aiel is an all-vol- non-profit group in ill 13th year. They can be contacted by email at [email protected] or by phone at 703-318-2133.

Arborelum. Seebttelp . The' Nllloaal Ar­

""'-ia-. v.,.,._. to help die llorlicul-lural staff maint.in lhe Arboretum's &ardeN ..,.. plant collectiolls.. Vol..-s will be lraincd iD bollny, .,... idonlifica. tion, prunina. mulching and wecdina. . A five-week lrainina course, from 9 a.m. 10 2 p.m. on Tueldays wiU begin Jaauary 25. Volunteers work weekday& a minimom of four how"t a week between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. For an applicalion call Mary Ann Jarvis 11 202-24S-4S6Sc

l ( ) I( -.. \I I IINO¥.a'ID l'o\IIIIIOlJSI!

~- U...ly, raton:d farmhouodcape w/4 BR, pb bonus room ([in. attic). Renovated ldu:hm, level fenced yard. Euy ICtal to

1-B<•hw•ay/Parlkw•oy.. $124,900. C.lll.orio or Cindy. 301-261-0500.

LAND- 15+ ACIIS Mlk:looiMllo- Glorious para! of land on cui-de-soc in amo of hip-priced bomn. $!70s. C. II Lori< or Cindy. 301-261-0500.

GIIEI!NII!LT EAST, TOWNHOME Gneobell- Tip-lOp condltlon Greenwood Village llevcltownhoL~K, new carpet, frnhly JHiinted, c:Wan-u-a whistk. Backs to woods. $132,500. Call Lori or Condy 301-261-0500.


ca-. Or.le- Spec h.ome, rudy £or occ:upt~ncy. on cul-de-sac lot. backs to woods. :i bedroolll5, 3 full baths, huge great room. Main story bedroom and full bath. Exquisuc curb ap~al. S260's. Call loric or Ondy. 301-261-0500.

Craft_,"- Arundol c-y -Spoti<M 4 8R colonial on wooded cor­ner lot with lOk In lancbcaptng, s1,1pcr ba1h with jacuzzi. custom deck, inground sprinkler. $250'5. Call Lori<. 301-261-0500.

~~·Anne Arundel County. SJOO,OOO up. Lori< has lmowled.F of and has access to all wau:r front pro~rtlu, some wilh pr1-VOIC beacha. Call Lori< 301-261-0500.

We promise you caring, comfortable ... affordable dentistry ...

and we're in your neighborhood·! Our family has been ...nng )'OUr

community lor 61 Y*JrS and - just lc.p growing.

Our main concwn is lo giota _)'OU _. and c:ompl.e. quality ccn which Is why_._ taken hundrwds of hours of conlinlllng ~ lion. w. ulilia ~ equlpinenl and st.rillzalion techntq.s lo CNCIIII beautiful, . hdhy IMih for a bf.lm.. ........,...,.. ..... DL CIATiaN S. MCCML, a Fellow In lnlwnalloftal catep of Dlnliats. F.law ~ ~ CallePof o.illllll. Rlllnld New. '~ . DILCIAYI'ONL ~ & Fellow in ~ af co-al DlnMstry. aa.JAYMCCML o.lat lnlpii.t 5J-ptwhMI at&aelon l.lnftftly.

-Ft!laow In Al:ad.ay af a.-1 o.My. . ..... J.IMDa . . Qwi ... JJI 1C11 ~ W ...... In Clinical ......... o.nlalry. ~llldplaDd

~.i Marylaood 207700717

Cal us· ba

------------· For Our New Patients I

Polishi$251eaning ~ I I I I I I I I I I

after Complimentary Initial

~· · Dental Exam

Only $25.00 foro complete polishing ond cleaning . Includes necessary x-rays on day of examination. Good only with coupon. I Value up to $141.00. I

·-----------~· N1W Office hours:. Monday e..s· . TUesday . 9-8:J Wednesday 9-8:30 Thunday 8.4 Friday 8-4· Saturday 8-l, 1

Tbu.....,......, 21,:11100

I J ' I ' ' ' l ~ .. . t j • ~ l ' '- \.

Based ot hbmalion lf!feased by /he Gleenbell Polce De­partment Dctlr1s end limes en- /hose when po1ce Wl!!re rtsl conlacfed about hcidenJs.

Amllll~ Beltway Plua Mall, Jan. 10,

i2:51 p.IIL, a DIID WU about to e>il his vebido ill the ,_ park­mg lot w1M1D 8llbcr DIID opened the dri-'• tblr. _.. the ve­hicle, displayed a black RMll-. and demaDded a-y. The rob­ber took the Yiclim's wallet and prescription II1Cidicllions and then fled on fool 011 OlelrywQod Lane towards ~ ...... Drivo. The s~ 11 dolcribod ~• a black male in bla -a, S'7" and ISS lbl., with black hiir and brown eyca. He bad a medium complexion and some facial hair. lie waa wcarina a black "FUBIJ" Jacket, black panll, .and white sneaken.

. Dnp 6400 bloc:k Of Ivy Lane, Jan.

i4, 1:39 a.m., a 49-ycar-old male rc!oident wu found during a traf­fic.: Mop to be in posseuion of mck cocaiae and drug parapher­nalia. A C0111J11*r c:hec:k aloo re­vealed !bat he bad an open war­rani with die 1.-lon c-y Po­lice ~ The man was· arrested and waa released 10 the De.,..,._ of Ccnections for a hearina before a diltrict court commiasioner. )I'.....,.

7500 block of Ora Glen Drive, Jan. 7, 12:04 p.m., 1 38-ycar·old male nonresident was arrested and dwpd wid! uaa­ing a foraed doCument, credit card ~ .,. ftllltlna a falae statement afeer lie allemptcd ID cash a forpd ebedt lllina rue idcntifK:llloll ..,.. a IIDien credit

Chief Announces Police Pranolians

GreMbett Cllief of Police lama C. Cna ~ to lhe city -'I pt"OIIMIIioal of orru:ers ror 1999. The prom<>­tions followed complelion of an euenslva prot:eu wbioh in­volved uae of a consultant.

Those p.-1 - - to Ser­geant: Cal Henry Sella.; ID Corporal: Raber!~ to M.- Potitle 0111ar. Cnia "­Ricla. lt.-lrl P. Villllr. Jaolll .._ Parter, Matt .A. 8aPa. QoqJd W.Faaa, o.dlt A- ........... Scoa A-lllaoi. s-. .. La. Jobn M- o..ey, 111111 Oonlon D. Pracht.

card. He - ldeaocd to. the De­partmenl of Corrections for a hearing bcfOR: a district court commisaioaa'. ·

<:--.tic_, T.G.I. Friday's in the 6100

block of Capilol Drive, Jan. 8, a counlelfcil $20 llill wu puled.

AMC 8 ~ in Bcltwsy Plaza Mall, .Ia. 9, a counterfeit $20 bill - ...,.t.

~-Tiooft 9100 - ol f.dmonslon Ter­

race, ian. 6, 2:41 p.RI., I televi­sion, video pme player, and money were taken. EntrY. was gained by .......,_ means.

6100 bloc:k of Breezewood Coun, lliiL to: 10:10 p.m., jew­elry was takn. Entry was gained by fon:i111 open a window.

7500 block of Greenway Center Drive. Jan. 11. 2:08 p.m., an UDIIDendcd laptop com­puter, a wallet. and other items were taken from an office suile. AI 2:S8 p.in. it was reported lhat an unatteaded laptop com­puter was taken from another office suite.

6000 block of Springhill Drive, Jan. 13. 7:04 p.m .• video equipment, a telephone. a· video game player. aad video games were llkm. Eaby - gained by breaking tllrouP a wall of a va-cant --.., the raidcnce.

Vtlide Cdoools The followina .ehicles were

reponed **"= a white four-door 2000 CadiU.C Bl Dorado with Maryland.tloola-tap 1All8682, Jan. 10, tiaia doe 6SOO block of Capitol Orne. aad a blue four­door 1986 Cadillac Seville with Maryland tap Gill! 508, Jan. 13, from doc ORenbelt Metro stalion.

Free Iaing The Oreatlldl Moving Ahead

Prosram (GioiA) 111111 lllc Tutor­ing and ~ Club are in full opcnlioa acatn at tho Spri9ill ....., Ra:reation Cen­ter for doc ....;ader of the acbool ,__ OMA meets on Satunta,. ,_ 10 ..... to 110011 aad.dle,..... ... Hoalewolt Club - ,. Wedaesday from 2:30. to 4:30 p.aa. Both pro­anms are free_ Students arc encourapd 1o ta1oc advantaae of thcac o«at.p. For more infor­matioll c:all .._ Ooldber& after 2:30 p.m. • lOI-397-2212.

·}:woRKSHOP .· .....

, ..... ,. , .... .., 23 . .. .. ·.· - . .... .

Gri1 .... CIP ...., Callier - .... '

't;:\ ........... ~ '8' ® ~ ...... -~~

NOISE CON'IROL (~hm .... l) an unneceuuy or unreasonable lenglh of time and makes prop-. erty owners responsible for noise viQiations committed by tenants.

By lessening the severity qf the infraction. the city also hopes 10 make it easier to en­force. The current law makes violationa a misdemea-. City Solicitor Robert Manzi said !hal Statca' AIIDrlleys do not want to prosecute such minor offeftiCI. So. lbc new ordinance makes violations civil infraction~.. simi­lar 10 porkina licke11. for which the city can simply cite the of­fender and -s a penalty. If someone haa repeated viola­tions. thea lhe city 'can seek injunclive relief, violation of. which would (iut the offender at risk of prosectution for criminal conCOinpt.

The ordi~~a~~ce would con­linue to ... tude approved ac­tivities oa public property (such as cheering at Braden Field), sound from sporting, recreational or entertainment events for which a use and occupancy permit haa: been is­sued, 'and emergency vehicle sirens. lr would also not cover doa barkina (covered under the animal control ordi­nance).

Council enpaed Craze in a Q and A reaardinJ what would and would not be COY'

ered (car alarms and boomboxot in a park. yes; barking dop, no). There wu a fairly extended discu11ioa regardina loaf blowers. Alona with lawnmowefi, saowblowa en and maCh.inery, tbe• are not covered so lt:itia as they are not operated ~ 7 a.m. aDd not operated for an unrea­sonably long period of time. Councilmember Alan Turnbull noted that some coa~••nitics have banned leaf'blowen allll sugaested 1hat lftJ'ODC inter­ested in the cily tatiaa ai•ilar aclion call the city office (City Manager Micbael McLaughlin suacested that tbey call TurnbuiO.

Mayor Judrlh Davis noted that homeowner au,c:lalioDI hi.., Utile control ...r .. *" vicoa used by tho ...._. scrviocs they hire;. ~ldon Goldberg noted tbal some people - physicall7 incapable of rakins lea<~es. And Councilmcmber Radooay ~ likened a bon on ....._. 10 the bsn on hanalaa lou ... ry outside on SuJ111ays· that


Grcenheh imposed early in ill history.

Bertram Donn sunested prohibitina devices IIIII excellll certain decibel levels. Couocil direcled staff to reaean:b tbc ranae of !llli&e produ~ed by lawnmowcr1, leaf blowers and ..-blowen.

Both .ordinances will be considered for fiaol ldopllon at tho January 24 reaular council mectiaa.

Consumers Offered Info an hidiOns

When '*' • laadlord evict • renter? Can a landlord ju.st cbanao lbo toc:ka aJIII p111 the renter's bolonainas out on the -? In the .._ i .... of his monthly coaiumer publicilloa '1'he Consumer's J!dae, • Altor­ncy Gcaeral J. Joseph Cunan, Jr. e•plaina the cvictioa proceu and the protections offered 10 rcntcn.

Tenants may be evic:tllll for non-payment of rent. for failina to move ool of the rental unit after the leue has ended or for breach of leue.

Tho publication offers the names and phone numbers of Marylsnd orpniutiolll !hal of­fer lcpl help, advice and emer­aency uaistance to tenants lac­ina eviction. Copies are avail­able ift the "library.

• AD DESK CLERK .......... .,. ... ...., ... ,...., .,.._ ........


... I. TOM Mc:ANDitew - GREENBELT WINDOWS A PAINTING -lloploc:c­,..,. wiadowJ onddoon ..... Yitoyl oicl­ins. Phone 3011474-94:14. MHIC :z.7.

-..u•---301-M5-n73 Md. 1"-lmp. Lie. f2640ll


lJIHOLS1EIY ....., ,.,.,.,., "'a..­IN&,_,.,. .. ,._,.,_ .......... ~-­... __


HOMI!MOYIISSlida.r"-aa.ns­f......r.,VHS. ,.. ........ ...,. -. loc.llll-476-674.

COMftT1'I!a -llcpoin. ............ ....,._ -loliaoL --. 301-474-..• ,. ~.,. Jel..US... IllS .. ,..,.. .. _ ............. .... ~ ....... AIIJIIIJIIII{.,.,....t

........... -.~ ................... .. ..... .,, ........ ...... ~--.. ~-· .. --


~ ~dcrntr GiaiiJ ... Maa.eilllalw ,_...., 'I ........ Pt •. , I

(311) BJ..5135 -- --...,-. .... ,--.. --....

•a00\1REPAIItS But. we alao doOIIIIJ:rtypa ofHOME IMPlU)VE­MENI'S 11.1Ch as silina. sunckcb, window rqliKc­mcm:, and mon:. Many local rcfenmccs, MliiC tllOQ

.Grecobdt Auto.&: Truck .... lite.·· FKilily IIIS-j59 ' '.

_, __ ENGLISH TEACIER. -·refer­enta.tcebllllldonts. Sl!lhour. 301· 474-2192.

LEAVES-GHlhomes,SlO. Tlk<ll awoy. quick llld J11iable. hi. 301-213-3273.

PIANO LESSONS - Gfteabelt. lle­,mam. ~. Kicll. Adoah&. Pri­

.... -· JOI-445-4132.

D"l.j 71f ~ ":l] t .:;r~~ lf~ ~ ~I i. 111. 301-474-2192.

11115 COULD be YO!!' elaaified od. lal- for S:Z-50. l!ocll oddilionll -·15-. Jlelbaaotl•

~~.: Remodeling ~

M~H.I.C. 251118


a.ASSIRIID:IUI= __ ,,_ __ No

...... ......... _ .. _ -.. -............. .. _..,..,1._""'"""-•• .... __ ..., ....... .... ~CI!Hp-- ....... 7 pa.1'ooiiJir,ar-•15~ --HIO.~...,.... :111710.


-~· .

__ .,.... __ _ ..... _Ad& __ ,._ .,....._~

S11JDI!NI'DI!SK,-. .... --1 ... $25; ..,.. -· $.,. 301·345-:zm:z_

ARCH S11!l!L llalldlnp in~ c..._l Hop UYiapl 1999 -1 prica. 25x30,4Da5J, 50&110. While auppliel luol Goal -"""'""'•a­fiiOI. Call 1·100-341-7007.

'1/WW---·---LEA1liEili!XBC\mVE olllae c:hllir $40.00, bl• Luylloy .. _ -$14(1.00, - Chair ud OIIODian $40.00. ...

~· RBGLAZBD Qualily ............... v .... Tob.tlile

SlliDelike~Nfw· :

LocMedla o.-.belt • .: -. . CalltadoJ ror : .a,_~ .......

AMAZIN' IUDGJAZIN' The a.dllub Raurfll:in1

S]Jidalilla . (311)

CASHIER-Seelcial~.t IIIC)(ivlllld iadhtdulls 10-• busy conveaiaa~llllion. We are currently blrlooa for the 12 nooa ro 8 p.m . .t 3 p.a ID II p.m. shifts f011 weekends .t wectdoys. Old Goeenbelt Cotgo. 20 Soullnny, Gtuabelt 301-414-0046

CUSim1 Quailrlbk Done wl Pride! NoJabb>..wl.

Serlla!wdtllld-'­..,. ... ,~lil«<riccaal -"" 11141" GoD.


+ portrai"

~rclal photography

Jl ....... photographer


"Lowws-1 lad" I Bel, 8111J on lftllllld ftoor, •lidlnJ m.10 llrae deck • '*" 10 woods •


OBJtldae$44,181 2 IN, Bii:IIIIO woocll.

NNW klldtea­shoW. litre • model


A CU!JtK- 2 yean ac­coualin& uperieacc. Data entry, lmowJodaa of acc:ountina procedofts, ..,..._,.,.serviceokill•. WinilowS" 95(Word).J..acus,............,. ~eel­lent benefits. Resume to:.. 'GHJ, 11am1Jron Plac;O, Gr<enbc:ll. MD 207'70. Fax 301-47.-. or call 301-474-4161 '""· I SO. EOE.


CO-OPS . . END UNIT With ...... foOl-Mil addition• extro 1/2 bath - 2 BRa- hdwd firo­deck - upsradod kitrhen -la'lle fenced yard t-:klto woodo. ONLY 169,900.

WOODED I!ETI'ING For thia lovely 38R hom. with extra. 112 bath on ht fir, - n•wer appliant!~· _ ceilin«; fan• ~ waeher & dryer in aep • .rea - hadu to woodo - all for 160.000.


. 30i..S07-3279

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Dental PIOlll Includes: • Complete Dental EXIJ!I e J'n-Analhelic Blood Elllll- I Anlslhall Wlhoftounnt

(west anesthala) 1 Flouride Tratment

I UIJnsonic Dontal ~ • Donlal Polilhini

ra .. uFEBM.can VISA 9.9% flx8d annual p8ICel'ltage rate

with no IU1fiUIII tee. CaB us for more 1n1onnat1on

Join Your CommunitY Credit Union Call:

c»t,1~1?~ ....... GfNnbtjlll

.-... ...... 1 ..• ~·· r? ,, . a • cG4t ........ To .. o.a .• ·c..dr~-··......., • SCDibt& .. J.t.s .

Mrdicaei'Uatlct,.....widiPJmfC IMun8ce CID l(llilify, to· aet their ..... · lilppljes ••• :or..-...-We

deliver......,... riabt•>JC*IIOIIW,' ..

The Mail Slot Myst.ry The mail sial iD die Newt Re­

view door c ...... abut .., Maoo-day aftlor - dropped otr. .,. ........... ~-The IDif ....-in die..,.. 'T• ..,. • .,. _. r. • wentiD pick it up but dlae- ........... il_ ..... nodlina on the floor. IIOdliila ill ....-. _, __ the slot. Certaia of ...ut slle'd tile &:niiM .......,._ ......,... heard. abe iiiY<Itiplod ""*" 01111 by Peter Finch Ia the lf'lll'a found I - WI .... - illlide IIIOVic .,..__ • llc:fin tlloy the door. She fiahod in the open ::"'!~a'::.:=:: apace---hae - die Oolclon AF Club atory, ........,.,.., t1lio checka Bollita J.-a, couaaelon at (one for $300), u obi~ liom . ar-.llelt tAREs. ... ..-.od last March (the f-ily t..d pro- - - ... cltlldlat I» coli vided us with 1 aecond ""'')') an b help. . ad fiom Dc:cembor. and notice of A he ~·a SloRar Olaolp

bo • . b apecificll)' .... --..... a new o~ JUS! oul y tic vialeDoe wil fie - IIDOD Greenbehor _. s- 1 _. --•ao (oee Our NeiJbbon). ilt OnoootlooiL 'lb lllloli: .. i:ll •

TheN R . . dlelinl ..... _. __

ewa evtew, quuc anr- ~ will ._ ......_. ~ _ _.,__ prised by the clilaMry, ~ ... "" -- -·- -to anyone wbo may have beett .......,.. ., ..-..:& -.1 ..,_ told ,we did not aet what they ....... 1'111 .,._., ..... '-1 -.-. ...... -knew they t..d p- ua and for ~ the ...._._ of......_ any inconvenien<e. We have filled --the bole with duct tope -1 the ..,_ it tile poop. ID adtlillta all problem can be fixed. poonidpallls Mil ~ lR

""Ibo~poup·t ......... ' -.clod • .. ........ ' tllllity ., ..,_ widl oftn wilD- · ill simillr - lly bciltl ... minded 111M tlloy .., Oct *- ar the only penon in the world ID have theae e....n.ncts, we bope they ..;u ~-~i~ 01111 oonfidence IIIII they .,., IIIIIVive."

Survival tochniq~s iachade IJuildinl I safec)l net that io Jelldy if .. - OCCUIJ. IWp-il &iven in auswuing qui!stiona ... "Wiud woold yon •take . had to leave home in an Wllae 'Mlllkl yon ao? Wbo yon c::ontacl? Do yon have 10 triOIICY?" Slltii.tica mdfcnuno ...... all 01111 OCCUB II all socio«onlilfic. -. .

/IJu:l .... James ha .. each

uke4 eo llJII 1 COIIIIdtltiiDI!ty -·----· fonnall&wl ciDca .......... -Tile c:aDelan .......... -

........ - ....... Mer says. "We - 1101 .......... .... ....... or..,........O. ... io ID ileiD tile ponlcipula ..,._

ied poycboloay. socloloay. and counaelin& and both ere workins - M-. in soc:W -do­.,_. Prior ID joini'lll o.e...t..h CARES lana worked with at risk )OUth and families at Saslla Bruce Youtb Wort; Inc. in D.C.

AJu:l is a mited Ar J;ix<:e Fu1t SeraeanL During liOt'"lut five

_.. in the lllititary abe warted .. .. incliYidtlal counodor tO famijiea and childrat. After relirina sllc worked with II riak faailiea and childnll • l!clponed CAIRS in Walcbf hebe joinillc Greenbeh CARBS.

To fiDel au& - about· tbe women 'I 111ppC1rt FJiiP or 111 • to B.....ta Alcer ar Bonita Jama. call 301-~ eaL 143,

Telephone HodiMI: 301·864-9109 or J.81)0.799-SAfl! ·

TTY Hodine: J-100-787-3224

DafhMiils to .. Sold By C.. Socilly

Tile A--. c- SodiiJ will apo~~~« ita 22• ...... "Daffodil O.ya• CUiplip 1M wi..-. ·

Dllblila will be ....... fer. pun:IIMe ........ ~25. n. tloadlllle ... ardon il ~ 11'!22-. ......... ..... end ......... ., 13·1'- ....... .... 1YIIIilllllleto ......... ..... .......................... ................. ..., wisllto.~ 18.,..... o.,a· "'"" ..... ,...- ..... dilaar.,.......,.ba_.... 11e r- AD Ill-" will baolall the Anlericu c:- Sociely'a ...,.._.fll,....ocrvil:et. .... ~-pulllk .........

call 70J.m.SSSO 10 aodar.

RI!GISTI!R ToDAY ror Ice hockey or ~ce.-w ~a-. bep'l week d Feb. 14. ~ ""' thirty minutes each week. rOr lix weeks.

· Plus, you ra:elw! sis fnie admissions to public: lalliona tO pNCik:e wlut you'oe learned. Pees - • follows: ~~;Advanced $65, uid Hockey $70. can for non· laidem fea. ~,__,2Mr......,., ,__,.......,_,.,..0.,.. 8:3011!>~ ..... laokintl ilr IOIIICIIas ilr lhr:ir dlildlaiiD do when acboal it our ., tho da,t Jaia ....,.aur c!Widwl .._ • ......,. Uing Ia· aan,..., ............ .._fun. Awilllllc iJr IFf 6-U. Mlailaicin: SlS.CIOp7.dlld, per dajt Call ilr bcilre­-. *'-' llld- i. t fees. ..... ~»>iNir--&om lZ·Z:lSpaL 'Ditiotil....,perpcnon, per ..... ..aiat:ltolb.....,., and ttltiRICIIIII. . Jlrilltty,~,..., .. &om 12-

2:15plt .. ~5:00 ... The fee is ..prr ...... pcr .... IDII

-,.;;:-:.=:-~ ....=t lit I 18 and _ ...... ~lncblnt!. face

lllllkor,,...._ -ilr a pnc ofia:

boc:ky. ---- '1k k is $8.25 per .--01-.r- ::' --o..., ..... ~ .......... oftm (10) ar -•iac "-ilr the opocia1 ,. aUf per_~pcraalion r..-... ......... .-.=ra~>. ~----,.,.._ teqMd ID--....... deal! Call .... , " -. S...llt •• 5 ._...,.li<Jm 9:011tD-ll-iatlll!ilt'llilbycurli:l· blrliaft'.:IIIIGI -....nc i:cis on1y sa · ('llldades

SdMJI !fldrl-lllondays, W<dncsda)". and Thundays litJm 9:30am· II :30am scb<dule your oc:hool group lilr • special ablint! ICSiion. Only Sl per Pmoo· per ICIIIion (includes adriloiOn and Salt rental). lldvonct racrvatilns and payment ~a~uimi

~-~Pfllllk Slum¥ Selliinu

TIME 12:00- 2:15pm• 2:36- 4:30pm•

12:00- 2:15pm• 2:ao: 4-.3Qpm•

12:00- 2:15pm .. 3:00- 5:00pm• 7:00- 9:00pm•

12:00- 2:15pm• 7:36-9:30pmA/0

9:00- 11 :OOam 12:00-l:lSpm· 3:00- 5:00pm• 7:00-lO:OOpmt 2:00-~

. f:30- 6:30pm 7:GO. ;:91011pm

10:-..:.he~Pm 1:00-~ 3:00pm a:» s:aoj,m 7:00. 9:4J!lPm

~~-,,;.o.-o-w • :: keiir I :<301) 211-m9; m (Jil) lfN25:lloto&

• '= 1il. "&1: -:ra-:.:a.~ ·-------·-· 1; $5.01 Oft' .; Leacias. 1: