THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

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Page 1: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s


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Page 2: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 2 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Jennifer: Welcome, everyone, to Healing With The Masters. Oh, my gosh. What a week

we’ve had. Oh, my gosh. We are on our third and final workshop show with Rikka Zimmerman, someone who is just astonishingly powerful and energizing. I don't know. We’ve had literally thousands of people share about how they have changed just in the last three days.

So I’m going to do my little blurb, and what I’d like you to do as I’m doing my little

blurb about the series and the show is, I’d like you to check in, just tap in, feel in to where you’re at right now and kind of feel into where you’re at prior to the end of the show. Compare where it was at the beginning of Tuesday’s show. See how things might have changed and shifted a little.

We had a little conversation on the preshow, how sometimes we can’t remember

that kind of lower-vibrating aspect of ourselves, because we’re vibrating higher, and it can’t really remain in consciousness. So it’s really a good routine to just check in and say, “Wow, I have changed. Something has shifted in me.”

Even if it’s subtle and small, acknowledging and celebrating those moments really

allows them to expand. You guys all know how this works. Whatever we pay attention to expands. So when we pay attention to and celebrate the changes, those changes expand even more. Yah.

I don't know if you’ve noticed this, but we’ve been on a remarkable, really

remarkable and powerful journey here this season on Healing With The Masters. I don’t think it’s any accident that it’s happening in this powerful year of 2012 year.

I want to remind you that each show of this blessed series is a point of opening.

Each show is a foundation for the next. Each one is energized with frequencies that allow you to open to the new capacities that are within you, waiting for discovery. Each show builds upon itself in a synchronistic dance, so we recommend to try and catch as many shows as you can.

We recommend trying to listen to them in order if you can. A great way to do that

is to purchase Healing With The Masters and own it. I, for one, have been listening to Rikka’s shows again and again. I know that each time I do, there’s a higher-vibrating frequency that is left behind within me. You can do that at:

healingwiththemasters.com/purchase I want you to feel this. This is heartfelt. I say this every night in my prayers for all

of you before I go into slumber, that I am so grateful and honored and blessed to know that you are on this ride with us and with me personally.

I want to remind you that you are actually a co-creator on this beautiful dance that

we are experiencing in each and every show. What comes forth does so from your intention. Each of you are the spark that allows all of us to grow, and that applies to you listening to these replays, whether it’s shortly after the show was aired live or years later. You are part of this energy field.

I also want to mention something about masters. We may think of masters as the

remarkable guests that share their knowledge and experiences with us each week on Healing With The Masters, but we actually consider you to be the master, each

Page 3: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 3 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

of you in this audience, you the participant. No one is more uniquely qualified to transform your life than you.

Jennifer: In fact, you have within you the master that you are seeking. The master speakers

that we bring together in this series allow us to discover the tools and techniques to continue to shift our lives into love and light and continue to discover the masters that we are, and in the process, we are truly making a difference on this beautiful planet of ours.

Someone who continues to make a huge difference for us is Rikka Zimmerman.

Rikka is just a powerful, powerful leader, someone who is really here to energize each of us to remember who we are, to be the greatest expression of you. She’s a global leader in consciousness. She is the creator of Adventures in Oneness. She’s an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, singer and songwriter. I think we’re actually going to get a little sample tonight of the singer/songwriter piece, which I’m so excited about.

Rikka’s light shines ever brightly as an invitation and inspiration to each person on

the planet to discover and embrace who they are as beings of tremendous light and power. Rikka has traveled all over the world — in fact, I think she travels almost 300 days a year — to empower all she meets into the miraculous beings that they truly are and move beyond reality’s illusions of limitations.

You’ll notice that Rikka talks fairly quickly, and she goes through these concepts

fairly quickly. I want you to kind of move into a place of trust if you can, that that is part of her process, that she is allowing the mind to run through a bunch of knotholes so it can let go and let your beautiful being and body move into this great expansion that we’ve all been experiencing so profoundly over the last couple of days.

Now, tonight Rikka is going to be working one-on-one with individuals on this call,

so you’re welcome to press star 2 to raise your hand. Star 2 will raise your hand to work with Rikka tonight. If you’re on the webcast and you’d like to work with Rikka, we actually do have about 100 lines left open, so you’re welcome to join us. We recommend dialing in. The number is on the webcast page there. If you’re not on the webcast page, go to:

healingwiththemasters.com/webcast That will take you to the page. The password is healing. You can join the call.

That’s the best way. We will not be taking questions, in terms of one-on-one session work, from the forums. So dial in if you’d like a session with Rikka, and then press star 2 to raise your hand.

One more thing, one more housekeeping thing: I would like all of us right now to

put our hands on our heart and just really tap into our being in this moment, feeling the presence of this moment, feeling the expanded presence of this moment as we bring our attention to this moment with our hands on our heart and bring ourselves inside our being. Just say, very clearly, with great conviction, “May the absolute perfect people be chosen to work with Rikka, that will serve my highest soul purpose and everyone in this community’s highest soul purpose and the highest soul purpose of the whole planet. May the absolute perfect people be

Page 4: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 4 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

chosen with this intention, to serve me, everyone here and all of humanity.” And so it is.

Jennifer: So welcome, Rikka Zimmerman, to Healing With The Masters and our last show of

three. It’s delightful, wonderful, awesome. It’s been an amazing week. Thank you for joining us.

Rikka: You’re so welcome. Thank you and thank each of you for tapping in and for taking

this time for you to take your next step in really knowing who you are and allowing yourself to be who you came here to be.

It’s such a gift to both me and Jennifer and the world, so thank you for tuning in,

and thank you for stepping into more in this moment. I’m excited for tonight. Jennifer: Yeah, me too. I want to, again, just tell everyone who’s just joining us, star 2 will

raise your hand if you’d like to work with Rikka, and we are going to go a little long tonight. So make sure you’re making arrangements. We’re probably going to go about 20, maybe even 30 minutes long if that’s appropriate. Is that okay for you, Rikka, by the way?

Rikka: Yeah. That would be wonderful, yeah. Jennifer: Great, so that we can get a little bit of session work in to start with, and then we’ll

dive into some individual, one-on-one sessions, and also remembering that, as we work with one-on-one individuals, that that person is representing the soul group. So whatever questions Rikka is doing with that person, ask yourself. Do the session with her. Whatever process and energy is being experienced by that person, it’s there for all of us, so just remember that whoever is chosen, they’ve actually been chosen for you.

So Rikka, let’s talk a little bit about — I want to talk a little bit about stress, and I

also want to make sure that we have time for you to share some of your music. I would love to hear a sample at some point. So let me know how you’d like that to work.

Rikka: Okay, wonderful. So would you like to first start talking about stress? Jennifer: Yeah, let’s do that. Rikka: Okay. So what’s interesting about stress, if each of you didn’t have any fixed

perspectives at all, would stress actually exist? Jennifer: Fixed perspectives create stress. Wow. Rikka: Instantaneously, because if you look at it, it’s almost like you’re choosing to take a

fixed perspective, which means you’re attempting to control all of consciousness into that one result. Well, what if consciousness and all this infinite energy isn’t actually result oriented? What if everything about consciousness and infinite energy is all about energy and all about the expanding possibilities of energy?

Jennifer: Wow.

Page 5: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 5 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Rikka: So the interesting thing about — we spoke last session, which was really awesome and mind-blowing, and I just want to congratulate each of you for your willingness to actually go there and hear what we were talking about, because one of the things we spoke of is, if you allowed yourself to know what you really know, would you ever create a belief system?

What if in the creation of creating those belief systems, it’s like you’re actually

putting in place the not knowing, and you’re also putting in place both results? So we spoke of a woman who grew up in a poverty family, and she went, “I’ll never be poverty-stricken.” Then she found her, in her life, going from success to poverty, success to poverty, because the thing about the polarized world is it almost flings back and gets you on the other side.

Jennifer: Right. Rikka: So in that, what if it was actually time to allow your being to show up and your

knowing to show up, to begin literally moving out any of those fixed perspectives and being the energy that brings things into your world, instead of trying to figure it out, trying to work harder, trying to create those conclusions and those results, which actually don’t give you the energy that you know is possible?

How many of you guys have tried to have a perfect life, because you thought if you

could just get it perfect, then all this energy would unlock? Except have you gotten stuff perfect and you sit there going, “This isn’t the energy I’m looking for”?

So it’s like, what if you cannot find you in a box of limitation? How many of you

guys have been trying to search for you in the rightness and the wrongness of you and in all these fixed perspectives? It is quite stressful, because there’s a lot of control that goes into that.

There’s also a lot of not trusting the universe called you. Do you get that, if you

actually knew that consciousness was here to serve you, you wouldn’t ever try to create a fixed position and control everything into that? That’s a big one.

Jennifer: Yeah. Rikka: That’s bringing up some energy. How many of you guys have felt like

consciousness has betrayed you? Ow. So would you be willing to clear the entirety of all the ideas and all the vibration around consciousness betraying you and that it’s out to get you? Oh, baby.

The thing about these clearings too is you can sit there from a participant

perspective and just go, “Cool. I’m listening to Rikka, whatever.” There will be an amount of change that potentially occurs, yet if you’re the creator of you, what if this was your time to create you, to really kind of jump on that horse? Like really go, “Okay, you know what? Let’s get rid of this. Yes, it’s a big, vibrational yes.”

So would you be willing to open up into a big, vibrational yes to actually undo

everywhere you aren’t allowing yourself to trust consciousness and allow it to actually support you?

Jennifer: Yes.

Page 6: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 6 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Rikka: And just open into that energy. There we go. By the way, you guys are awesome, and you’re so brave and courageous. It would be so my heart’s desire for each of you to never, ever think that you are wrong or bad ever again, ever.

Jennifer: Beautiful, beautiful. Rikka: Beautiful beings. Jennifer: That feels really good, Rikka. Can we listen to your music? It feels like listening to

you sing after that would be the stress-relieving cherry on the cheesecake. Rikka: Aw. Yeah, that would be wonderful. Jennifer: Are you going to play it, or am I going to play it? Rikka: Me or Mike? Jennifer: I don’t have the music. I’m sorry. I thought you guys were going to play it. Rikka: Oh. Well, I don’t know how we would do that from our side, but maybe we’ll figure

it out before the end of the show. Jennifer: We will figure it out before the end of the show. So go ahead and — so Mike’s

probably scrambling to send it to me. I misunderstood it, so I apologize. Rikka: No problem. Jennifer: We’re going to go ahead, and let’s start doing some session work. Shall we? Rikka: Awesome. Kim said she sent it to Mike. Jennifer: Great. If you guys could press star 2 if you’d like to work with it. Press star 2 if

you’d like to work with Rikka, and we’re going to go ahead and start in just one second when more people are raising their hands. Rikka, would you please pick a number from 1 to 82?

Rikka: 73. Jennifer: 73 it is. We’re going to, it looks like, Rebecca in Miami, Florida. Last four digits are

3355, and you are on the air. Rebecca: Yes. Hello. Jennifer: Yes, who is it? Rebecca: This is Rebecca in Miami Beach. Jennifer: Hello, Rebecca. How can Rikka help you? Rebecca: I just got butterflies. I realize, after what you were just saying, that yeah, I don’t

feel betrayed by spirit but abandoned. I’ve done all that there is to do, and I still have nothing to show for it. I just don’t see it. I don’t see what I’m missing.

Page 7: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 7 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Rikka: Thank you for bringing this up, because I know that there’s a lot of people on the call that feel the exact same way, that they’ve been working so hard trying to get it right, trying to get consciousness right, trying to have this energy that people talk about. You feel like you’re missing it or not getting it. So first thank you for being you, and thank you for being vulnerable.

What if, by you being willing to ask the question, that’s also an awareness for you

that you’re actually willing to let this go and to have you? Rebecca: Yes. Rikka: Because the thing is, you wouldn’t even think of the question if you weren’t actually

ready. Rebecca: True. Rikka: So sweet, beautiful Rebecca, did you notice how, sort of, as you spoke of, “I’m

missing it, and I’m not getting it,” did it feel like your vibration was expanding, or did it feel like it was contracting?

Rebecca: Contracting. Rikka: Yeah. So is that actually a true statement, that you’re not getting it? Rebecca: It feels really true. Rikka: Yeah, except if what’s actually true for your being is as big as the universe? What

if the things that aren’t quite true for your being actually have some kind of a contraction involved in them?

Rebecca: Okay. Rikka: The thing is also — quantum physics even tells us that oneness is actually

happening. We’re completely interconnected. There’s no way to take yourself out of oneness. So it’s like what we’re experiencing is this illusionary experience of being out of oneness and missing something. We’re not getting it, yet what if in consciousness you actually already have it? You just have to be willing to have that experience of you. So are you willing to end the searching for you, the trying to find you and the feeling like nothing is happening?

Rebecca: Yes, I am. Rikka: So we’re just going to ask that all of that information get completely erased from

your field. There you go. Just let it go. The other thing that’s interesting about consciousness is like, really, what if there was nothing to get? If you look at trying to get it, are you involved in trying to create some kind of conclusion or some kind of definition in order to have what you think people are having, whatever that is?

So it’s like, what if consciousness has no judgment and has no conclusions attached

to it? It just is. So in the trying to get it, what if you’re actually taking yourself out of the presence and the being that you actually are? Does that make sense?

Rebecca: Yes, that makes sense. I see that.

Page 8: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 8 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Rikka: Would you actually really be willing to end searching for you and trying to have you

and trying to get it when consciousness isn’t something that’s gotten? It’s in ever-expanding possibilities that, in every moment, we have more energy and more possibilities. It’s like there is no there, and by the way, anybody that tells you there is a there is trying to be superior.

So would you erase everywhere anybody told you that there is a there? Rebecca: I will erase that. Rikka: Awesome. So is there anything else that you require to know that you’re not quite

fully knowing that would actually end that system and that program for you? Rebecca: I would really love a little sign, like a little tap on the shoulder, like a little right

direction, good job, like that. Rikka: Let’s ask you. Has consciousness and you been actually expanding your world ever

since you got here? Rebecca: Yes, definitely. Rikka: So what if every choice you’ve ever made has actually not been a mistake? Would

you let go of all the bad and wrong choices that you think you’ve made, everybody? Really? Would you actually show us vibrationally how to let this go for the whole call?

Rebecca: I will. Rikka: Letting go of all the wrongness and all the wrong choices that you’ve ever thought

you’d made. The thing is, if you look at it, it’s just a perspective, right? It’s like, if you were all by yourself on this planet, would you ever say something and go, “Oh, my God. I said the wrong thing”?

Rebecca: No. Rikka: No, you wouldn’t. So what if all that wrong perspective about your choices and

your life and what’s going on was actually from other people’s perspectives that you were actually aware of? What if you being wrong and you making bad and wrong choices has never been your perspective about you?

Rebecca: That would be a brand new perspective. Rikka: Yeah. So will you erase everywhere you thought you had judgment of you when

really everybody else judged themselves and had you play that role for them, which means they projected their judgments of themselves onto you? And will you now, for the entirety of the Healing With The Masters family, erase everywhere that you believe those judgments were you? And will you unlock the idea that you judge you?

Rebecca: It would be my honor. Rikka: Awesome. There we go. There we go. There we go.

Page 9: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 9 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Rebecca: I think that the little sign and the little tap on the shoulder is that I ended up on the

phone with you tonight. Rikka: The universe said 73, and I said 73. Rebecca: That’s my new lucky number. Jennifer: Perfect. Rikka: Awesome, Rebecca. How you feeling? Rebecca: Much better. Jennifer: Thank you, Rebecca. Rebecca, would you please pick a number? I’m sorry. I

thought you were finished. You’re not quite done yet, Rikka? Rikka: I was saying how you feeling, Rebecca? Rebecca: I feel able to go to the grocery store. Jennifer: Your voice sounds really strong too, Rebecca. Really cool. Rebecca: Oh, yes. I just forgot how much I love and enjoy me. Jennifer: Listen, Rebecca, I have a comment here from one of our listeners that I want to

share with you. Let’s see if I can find it. I’m sorry. There’s so many people that comment. I want to read this. Okay. Marie from Atlanta says, “Sending a huge hug to Rebecca. I hope she realizes that just her breath on this planet is necessary to sustain the planet so the planet can sustain us. She is essential to the cycle of life, and I am grateful to her. She deserves to feel loved and significant because she is to all of us.”

Rebecca: That’s touching. That’s fabulous. Jennifer: Bless you, Rebecca, and that is all of us. I want to thank Marie for that beautiful,

beautiful moment. Thank you. Rikka: No doubt. Thank you. Jennifer: Okay. Rebecca, would you please pick a number from 1 to 92. Rebecca: Since I was 73, I’ll add them together and say number 10. Jennifer: Awesome. Thank you so much. I’m going to move my attention now to caller

number 10. Thank you. Rikka: Me too, Rebecca. Jennifer: Thank you for being a catalyst for all of us. That was beautiful. Rikka: Uh-huh, yummy.

Page 10: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 10 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Jennifer: We’re going to, I think it’s Odenton, Maryland, I think. Last four digits are 5559, and you’re on the air.

Mary: Hi, Rikka. Hi, Jennifer. It’s Mary. Jennifer: Hey, Mary. Rikka: Hello, Mary. Mary: Thank you so much for all you’re giving us, both of you. Last night I felt something

really change, and it came up with a big question you answered and yet I’m not getting. That is my ability to fully trust the universe. I feel like — I’ve been told so many times and read in different books that you need to surround yourself with a certain protection of some archangel or the white light.

I’m lost a little bit on that part, in reaching out to being — letting the universe love

me as much as I want to love back. I think you know what I’m saying. Rikka: Can I ask you my first question that’s coming up for you? That is would an infinite

being actually require protection? Mary: No. Rikka: Why would you have to protect yourself from an energy that you are as an infinite

being, since you’re the embodiment of all energy? Mary: Well, now that I’m realizing that I’m an infinite being, I wouldn’t. I get it. Rikka: So would you be willing, for the call, to bring up everywhere you guys have been

protecting you? The interesting thing about limitations is limitation is what requires protection. Infinite doesn’t require protection. Infinite is fully supported by infinite.

So when you’re allowing yourself to be infinite energy, have infinite choice, which

means you’re not fixed in any particular perspective, and allow yourself to have the infinite possibility and know what you know, you’re just allowing yourself to be everything that you are. So the limitations are the things that actually require protection, because if you opened your system, consciousness would come in and harmonize the entirety of your field and return you to infinite.

So would you be willing to let go of all the limitations that all of you are protecting? Mary: Absolutely, yes. I feel so much better. Rikka: Oh, yeah, baby. Let’s clear all that fixed energy. Mary: Yeah, I feel it. Thank you. Rikka: There you go. Yeah. The other thing is, if you think you need protection, you also

think you can be hurt. Mary: Yes.

Page 11: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 11 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Rikka: What if what’s being brought up, in this experience that we’re having in our lives, is, if you placed hurt into your system, those positive and negative charges, those, “I’m not good enough; I don’t deserve it,” and all that pain and suffering that all of reality creates when you buy into it — well, does it make sense that hurt would — it’s like, what if the hurt that’s coming up is just old hurt that’s actually leaving?

Mary: That would be great. Rikka: So if you run around protecting yourself, what if you’re actually keeping yourself

from harmonizing everything in your field? Mary: That would not be good. Rikka: Now, does that mean you have to run into the arms of somebody who’s going to

abuse you? Absolutely not. It just means that energetically you’re not trying to put barriers up and try to protect yourself and defend yourself. Right?

Mary: Right. Rikka: Would you guys be willing to let go of all of your defense mechanisms? Mary: Yes, I would. Yes. Rikka: Oh, baby. Good job. Let’s just kind of open up into the infinite energy that you

are. Everybody give me a big, vibrational yes. Mary: Yes. Rikka: Are you willing to let go of all the defenses and all the protection that are actually

keeping you from the infinite being that you are? Mary: Yes. Rikka: Because the other thing is outside those walls of protection, what if there’s infinite

energy that could support you if you’d let it in? Mary: Contact. Rikka: You might as well let it in because it is you. Mary: I agree. Rikka: So Mary, how big of a quantum leap, vibrationally, would you be willing to take for

the entirety of everyone on this call? Would you be willing to jump into that infinite energy that you are?

Mary: Infinitely yes. Rikka: Very good. Awesome. How’s that feeling, Mary? Mary: It’s just exactly what I needed. I am in heaven. Rikka: Yeah, and do you kind of feel like a beautiful heaven inside?

Page 12: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 12 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Mary: Yeah, I do. Rikka: Yeah. Mary: So beautiful. Rikka: It’s so beautiful. My friend, this is you. Mary: I know. Rikka: You are this beautiful, infinite energy. You’re the energy that’s unlocking

everything that’s on the planet. This beauty is you. Mary: Thank you. Rikka: Yeah. Jennifer: Thank you so much. Mary: Thank you. Jennifer: That was awesome, Mary. Thank you. I can feel all the smiling. Thank you. Mary,

would you pick a number from 1 to 94 please? Mary: Yes. Number 7 please. Jennifer: Number 7 it is. Thank you so much. Mary: Oh, thank you. Jennifer: It looks like we’re going to Suzanne. Go ahead, Suzanne. Suzanne: Hi, there. Jennifer: Hi. Rikka: Hi, Suzanne. Suzanne: Hi, Rikka. This is just amazing. What an honor. Rikka: Aw, what an honor to be on the phone with you. Suzanne: Oh, my God. Okay. Well, I’m feeling pretty good with the callers — what we’ve

done so far with the callers. I’m feeling everything, so thank you, but I did write in a question before the show that I’m trying to feel into whether it still is appropriate. I think it is, so I’ll go ahead with it.

How do we, if we’re in a situation — what’s that? Jennifer: Go ahead. Suzanne: Everything okay?

Page 13: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 13 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Rikka: Yeah. Suzanne: If we understand all this and we experience, really feel it and — I’ve been following

you for years, Rikka, your shows on World Puja and the shows now with the Adventures in Oneness. I’m really getting all this, but yet I’m in a physical life situation that hasn’t shifted yet. So when I wake up in the morning, I’m still kind of in it, even though I know I’m not this. I vibrationally know that I’m expanded and changed and transformed but —

Rikka: Are you wondering why, when you wake up in the morning, you feel like blah? Suzanne: Yeah. Rikka: My first question to you is are you aware of the consciousness that you’re

expanding on the planet while you sleep? Suzanne: Yes, very much so. Rikka: What percentage of it are you actually aware of? Is it above 50 or less than 50,

and which one kind of feels like it gets lighter? Suzanne: It’s definitely above 50. Rikka: Somehow that’s already flatlining energetically, so apparently you’re a wizard while

you sleep. You’re beyond magic. You’re beyond miracle. You’re doing more than you can understand, and that would be the truth for all you guys.

It’s like understanding is sort of like science. We give a conclusion after the

miracle’s happened to explain why the miracle happened, except it’s like you are a miracle. You can’t be explained. You can’t even be understood. You’re that big. You’re that amazing. You’re that magical and miraculous.

So would you now be willing to open up into the awareness and the knowing of

what changed and the change that you’re actually facilitating for the entirety of the galaxy?

Suzanne: Yes. Yes. Rikka: There you go. Suzanne: Oh, my God. Oh, God. Rikka: There you go. Suzanne: Wow. Rikka: For all of you, would you be willing to have this awareness of the change that

you’re actually creating for the galaxy, not even just the planet but the galaxy? Would you now just go, “I don’t even know what it looks like, but I’m going to have it anyway, yes”?

Page 14: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 14 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Suzanne: Yes. Wow. The shifting that I feel when we’re working directly like this, Rikka, is just incredible. It feels a little different than what I feel when you’re on with another person or when we’re on the shows, like say on World Puja. Rikka, what is it that’s different, that you’re able to do when you’re directly connecting with an individual?

Rikka: Well, that’s a really good question. It may be that it shifts so particularly your

number that you can’t hide from it. You can’t just — the other thing is you can’t not be present, because I’m in your universe going — even though I’m in all you others’ too, it’s sort of like, if you guys are looking at the cat or you’re taking a walk or you’re doing other things, you might phase in and out. It’s like, while we’re doing this, you can’t really. It’s me and you, baby.

Suzanne: Yeah. It’s like we’re locked in. We’re connected. I wouldn’t say locked in, because

then we’d be boxed in. We’re so connected. Our vibrational fields, I guess, are more deeply connected than, say, when someone’s not directly with you.

Rikka: Yeah. Suzanne: It’s amazing. The feel is deeper, and my whole body, every cell is vibrating, and I

feel the intricate shifting and transforming expansion just a little bit differently than being in the whole group.

Rikka: Well, I’m glad we had this time together, my friend, because what you moved into

vibrationally was something that cannot be explained or understood. It’s way beyond that.

Suzanne: Yeah. Rikka: It’s like, what if the knowing of who you really are and the shift you’re creating on

the planet, how big a gift you are, is really a vibrational knowing? It can’t be cognitized. It can’t be really even explained. It’s just this innate, vibrational wow of you. Like wow.

Suzanne: Uh-huh. I do. I feel that. I feel like the cells of my body are saying, “Oh, my God.

Wow.” Deep down inside, they’re acknowledging this truth and vibrating, really warm vibrating at a high rate. They’re so excited.

Rikka: Awesome. Suzanne: Thank you. Rikka: Thank you so much. Thank you for calling in. Jennifer: Wow, and thank you for clarifying that last bit for us. That was cool, because I

think now that everyone can feel it, whether they’re working directly, as you did, which we all are really doing right now anyway — that’s really cool. Thank you for that.

Suzanne: You’re welcome. Jennifer: Suzanne, would you pick a number, please, from 1 to 92?

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 15 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Suzanne: Yes. I’m going to select 19. Jennifer: Okay, wonderful. Thank you so much. Suzanne: Thank you. Rikka: Thank you. Jennifer: So we’re going to go to call number 19. We are in Amsterdam. It’s a Skype call

from Katrina, Uriel. You’re on the air. Uriel: Yes. Jennifer: Kachandra [phonetic]. Uriel: Can you hear me? Jennifer: Yes. Go ahead. Uriel: Hi. Yes, I’m in Amsterdam, Uriel, sitting in my pajamas, 2:00 in the morning. Jennifer: Good for you. It paid off. It paid off. Yes, my question. We moved on from

destroying and uncreating to now raising. I was wondering is it time to water a new seed, and is it possible to generate? You keep on saying we’re all energy, and it’s all energy. As an infinite being, why would you like to raise energy, which already is included in us?

Rikka: Yeah, absolutely. Now, with the clearing process, it’s like letting go of anywhere

the energy’s stuck or fixed into a fixed position. So it’s not actually eliminating energy. It’s allowing the energy to move ago.

Uriel: Flow. Rikka: I love this question, generating energy. Now, inside the molecules of our body we

have enough power to power the city of New York for three months, in the mitochondrias of the cells of your body. So what if, if you allowed your molecules to have that capacity, you could actually have so much energy running through your system that there would never be a tired or exhausted or — you wouldn’t even come across those? You’d be flying in bliss and ecstasy, having that much energy run through your system.

So do you know something — because you wouldn’t actually ask this question. Do

you and your body actually know something about turning on the generative capacities in bodies?

Uriel: I know everything, like you and like everybody on this call. My knowledge is

pointing us with this feeling that when you take away the judgment of judgment of who you are and what you are, at the time and at the place you are in, that actually whatever contribution you are to this huge puzzle, galaxy, planet or even family or how small you want to go or how big you want to go, you’re exactly perfect as you are. You are serving exactly the manifestation of all sycophants, and all the energies flowing through you is a unique filter of all universal energy.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 16 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Rikka: I love you. Yes. So would you be willing to vibrationally be the energy that you know of activating all of that incredible generative energies in the bodies? Would you be willing to show us what you know about this vibrationally?

Uriel: Of course, I’m on the call. Rikka: Cool. So how many of you guys have these talents and abilities with bodies and

with generative energy and with really turning this energy on? Would you all be willing to be the energy that you know for the entire call to actually receive fully?

How about we just kind of hold the Earth with this energy so that every other being

on the planet gets to have it too? Uriel: And galaxies and beyond? Rikka: And galaxies and beyond. Jennifer: Woo-oo-oo. [Laughter] Uriel: I never smoked anything. We’re in Amsterdam, but I’m clean. Rikka: That’s actually kind of a fun thing to begin opening up too, just for the joy of it.

How many of you guys kind of get that you are not really from this planet? What if we opened up all those inter-dimensional capacities that we’ve had on other planets?

Jennifer: Yes. Rikka: So would you be willing to just expand out bigger than all of the galaxies and just

bring in the energies, the vibration and that knowing back into your body and back onto this plane? Can we all exchange all of our alien information?

[Laughter] Uriel: You know what’s interesting about oneness, that actually all the galaxies and

planets and beings, it’s, again, a way for us to create separation. We’re separating ourselves from the pure energy that we are in this body in the place that we are in now, the perfect way that we are. It’s just great to be able to take the smallest and the biggest and to integrate it into our being as we are at the moment, which is the gift that we are for all of us.

Rikka: Yeah. How cool is that? Uriel: Extremely cool, in pajama or not. It’s cool outside. It’s really cold, extremely cool. Rikka: Thank you for sharing all of your alien vibration with us. Jennifer: Thank you, Uriel. Thank you for reminding us. Rikka: Thank you, again. That was beautiful.

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Uriel: It was great. Jennifer: Uriel, would you pick a number? I’m sorry. I interrupted you. Go ahead. Uriel: That’s okay. You’re both amazing. Jennifer, you’re also doing an amazing job. In

the name of all of us, I am extremely grateful. Jennifer: Thank you. Thank you so much. A heartfelt feeling in receiving that. Thank you,

Uriel. Uriel: Number 12 is the next. Jennifer: Number 12, and thank you for your contribution tonight. It was beautiful. I’m

turning my attention now to number 12. We’re going to Campbell, California. We’re going to — last four digits are 6929 in California. Go ahead.

Nan: What a blessing. Thank you. I have laryngitis. Thank you, Jennifer. Thank you,

Rikka. You are beyond amazing. You’re alien amazing. Thank you. Jennifer: What is your name? Nan: My name is Nan. Jennifer: Hello, Nan. Nan: I have a question. I’ve been physically challenged for years with all sorts of

reduction, mercury poisoning, muscle wasting, shrinking, all this stuff, and I’d like to know why my body’s depleting and if I can avoid it. I had a session with a healer today who said, “This is a challenge you made up before you came here, and this is your last big challenge. You have to get your body built up stronger in order to survive.” So I’m not sure what to do about that, because it seems to be a zero sum. The more I get enlightened, the more I shrink. What’s going on here?

Rikka: Now, this might seem like a really weird question, so let’s just kind of roll down this

corridor, because it’s the first step the universe is calling to me. That is somewhere have you actually given your body the job of making sure that you don’t embody full consciousness?

Nan: Yes, and I don’t know why. Rikka: So all the commitments to doing that and all of the programs and energy that you

actually put in place to create that, will you now erase all of those programs? Nan: Yes. Rikka: Are you actually willing to embody infinite energy, infinite choice and infinite

possibility? When I say that, what comes up for you? Nan: Fear of lack of success. Rikka: Fear of failure. In some lifetime, did you ever show up as this big, powerful,

infinite you that you are, and did really bad things happen?

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 18 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Nan: Yes. Rikka: Now let me ask you the next question. Did that actually occur, or was that

something that was implanted into your system to make sure you never show up? Nan: Gosh. It’s implanted. Rikka: Yeah. You care so much about humanity, you would destroy yourself to save them. Nan: Right. Rikka: So now will you undo all of that? Nan: Yes. I’m not sure how to open, but I’m doing my best to on this end. Rikka: The thing is that your world has always been your choice. So by your willingness to

have this and just, with every pore of your body and being, it’s like, yes. There is no, no. It is all yes. Would you be willing to open up to it even if the whole planet right now explodes? Would you still be willing to choose it?

Nan: Oh, wow. Oh, God, is that a hard question. I’ve been trying to save the planet my

whole life. Rikka: I know. The thing is, though, what you put in place in order to save the planet —

sometimes if I lay out on the line the reason why you put something into existence and you choose it anyway, then we really have a big, vibrational shift. Does that make sense?

Nan: I couldn’t even hear that. Oh, my God. Could you say it again please? Rikka: Yes, absolutely. Let’s just erase some of that content so you can hear. Jennifer: Just reminding that everyone is receiving this. Everyone is playing with this. Just

a reminder. Rikka: Yeah, absolutely. I’m with you all, knocking down this information. How cool is

that, to ask did that actually occur, was it implanted in your system, and you’re like, “Oh, my God. It never occurred.” Because the thing is, if you’re being infinite energy, infinite choice, infinite possibility and all this flowing energy, what happens? Plants grow, right? Pollution gets undone. Every molecule returns to perfect.

So WTF, right? Like what if consciousness does not create destruction? So would

you now choose to vibrationally undo absolutely everything that this is, even if everybody gets destroyed?

Nan: Yes. It’s their choice whether they get destroyed or not. Yes, I choose it. Rikka: So let’s just open up your system and ask your body to — let your body know,

“Body, it’s okay. You can let this go.” Nan: Body, it’s okay. Let this go.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 19 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Rikka: There you go. Let it go. There you go. Keep letting it go. Good job. Let all that infinite energy come in and undo the entirety of it. Will you actually surrender to this infinite energy, actually gift every cell over to it?

Nan: Yes. Rikka: Is there any part of this that’s still in place? Nan: I hope not. I don’t think so. Rikka: It’s easier if we just go with yeses and no’s and then vibrationally check on the

energy, because energy speaks volumes. Kind of I don’t think so is too many words to get a clear read. So is there any other part of this that’s still in place?

Nan: No. Rikka: What part of it are you holding onto? Is it what your life experience has been and

that it has been suffering and that is the way it is, Rikka, or is it the past content around how much pain you’ve actually been through?

Nan: I just keep coming up with self-worth. Rikka: Cool. So are you willing to choose to undo all the not worthy and the worthy

energy so that you can be infinite instead? Nan: I just saw a big zipper undo. Yeah. Rikka: It’s also like what if you’re not who you think you are? What if what you are is a

magical, miraculous miracle that’s actually shifting everybody back into themselves?

Nan: I would so love that. Rikka: How could that not be worthy? Nan: Yeah. Rikka: Even with me, you guys get that it’s just infinite energy flowing through me, so it’s

not Rikka. It’s not even Rikka’s energy. It’s all of our energy. It’s everything we are. So would you allow yourself to realign your perspective about you, to have your perspective be about you, that you are a beautiful, miraculous, magical gift for everything?

Nan: Yes. Rikka: Is there anything else that would be required to look at or let go of in order for you

to have a healthy, vibrant, happy, ever-expanding, beautiful body? Nan: Except maybe for some survival energy — I feel that I deserve to survive. Except

for that it has been in play, I’m trying to figure out whether I deserve this. Rikka: Well, the thing is, if you’ve been implanted with all these ideas about how you blew

up planets, you’d probably be like, “Oh, my God. Don’t let me out.” Right?

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 20 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Nan: Yes. Rikka: Don’t put me anywhere. I should actually kill myself and get myself off the planet,

so the thing that I think happened, that didn’t happen, doesn’t come to fruition. So will you now let go of all the, “I do not deserve to survive”? Nan: Yes. Rikka: And has there been a planet, a galaxy, a lifetime where all of this did not exist for

you? You actually had a vibrantly, happy, healthy, ever-flowing body. Has there been a time when you actually had this?

Nan: Yes, and great joy, infinite joy. Rikka: So will you now bring that into now? It’s you. It already is you, right? So if it

already is you, will you now allow that to be right now and allow yourself to know that it is right now?

Nan: Yes. Rikka: How’s that feeling, my friend? Nan: Way good. Thank you. Rikka: You’re so welcome. It’s time for you to allow yourself to have a gifting body. Nan: Oh, yes. Thank you, you golden angel. Jennifer, Rikka, love your work. Love you. Jennifer: Thank you, thank you. Then would you please pick a number from 1 to 99? Nan: Yes, 32. Jennifer: 32 it is. So Rikka, I have a special request from my guidance. Before we go to 32,

I’m going to do that, and we’re going to talk about your special offer. Then we’re going to do one or two more session work.

My guidance is actually sharing — I hope this is okay — to do a soul song with your

energy behind it. Rikka: I would love it. Jennifer: And I’m being told that you’re going to share what the theme is, the theme of the

soul song. Rikka: Are you singing the soul song, I’m choosing the content, and we’re both

vibrationally moving them? Jennifer: Yes. Rikka: Okay. Wow. Feel that energy?

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 21 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Jennifer: Uh-huh. Rikka: It’s almost like it’s everything that we really know, that we’ve forgotten, that if we

knew it, we would actually embody the infinite choice and just choose whatever, and it would actually show up. So it’s kind of that inter-dimensional knowing and being that we are that knows that everything about limitation is not real.

Jennifer: So I’ve got two titles here that are playing with each other: Embodying Infinite

Choice and Inter-Dimensional Knowing. Rikka: Inter-Dimensional Knowing for sure. Jennifer: All right. Let’s do it. I’m going to start with flute, go with voice, and you’re going

to hold the energy in the back of that intention. Does that feel okay? Rikka: Wonderful, and for each of you, would you be willing to align yourself with are you

willing to know who you really are and know what you know? Are you willing to finally be it?

Jennifer: Okay, here we go. Rikka: If that’s 100 percent, then watch what occurs, right? So it’s really we’re realigning

you with you. So are you willing to actually finally have it? Jennifer: In third dimensional only. Yeah, baby. Rikka: Yeah, baby. [Jennifer performs a soul song.] Jennifer: That’s what I got. Rikka: Oh, my God. I have the chills, and I’m icy cold. I have no idea what just occurred,

but oh, my God, that was amazing. Jennifer: That last little pineal flute kind of just did something wild. Thank you for allowing

us to partner like that, Rikka. That was really amazing. Rikka: Let’s partner more like that. Jennifer: And for holding the energy. I could a — oh, my gosh. That’s never happened

before. The music is playing with my intention and yours with such tremendous power. Thank you.

Rikka: Aw, thank you. Jennifer: I think we’re ready now, also, for a real song. We do have the audio now. I’d love

to play your piece. Is that okay? Rikka: Yeah, that would be wonderful, and just as an awareness for you guys around the

writing of it, it was actually for each of you. This journey in consciousness, there are times when you’re like, “This is a lot. I need some courage. Is somebody supporting me? Are you really here, universe? I’m going to keep going.”

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 22 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Rikka: It’s actually to each of you, because I can feel you guys going, “Keep going, Rikka.

Let’s rock it. I’m going to go. You’re going to go. Let’s keep going.” So this song was born out of that gratitude that I have for you guys and your support and for all of consciousness really.

Jennifer: Thank you. Here we go. [Rikka’s song is played.] Jennifer: Wow. That’s really good. I can’t wait for the album to come out. Rikka: I’m excited too. It’s so beautiful. Jennifer: Oh, my God. How exciting. Wonderful. Well, I want to talk a little bit about your

offer. Tonight’s phrase that pays is fixed perspective creates stress. That was like three months ago, at the beginning of the call, it feels like. Fixed perspective creates stress. That is our phrase that pays for tonight. Go to:

healingwiththemasters.com/contest You can win a one-on-one session with our very own Rikka Zimmerman, 30-minute

session. So go to: healingwiththemasters.com/contest Scroll down to her form there and plug in fixed perspective creates stress. I also want to talk about your amazing offer here, and stick around, folks, because

we’re going to do a couple more sessions with Rikka before the show ends, but this amazing program is — wow. People are really feeling it and really lighting up with it and going for it. I’m so excited. It’s going like hotcakes, so if you are interested in finding out what all the buzz is about, and there’s a lot of buzz on this one — if you’ve owned any of her programs before, this is Rikka 2.0. This is the next iteration, and it’s exciting, exciting work that she’s doing here.

This is Bringing Your Miraculous Life Into Being. I’m telling you, folks, if you want

to make the most out of the rest of the year and the powerful energies that are here and really assist, not only you, your friends and your family, to wake up, but also help humanity wake up — I don't know if you can tell this, but this work that we’re doing is on behalf of everyone.

You are the catalyst. You are the folks that are creating the pathway for those who

are not as dedicated to this path to move into. This is the product, I think, that can help you, assist you in doing that. So it’s not only going to show you a brand new life; it’s going to show you a way of being that will create the path for all to see and experience and model for them their brand new life.

It’s a 14-day program, consisting of two seven-day programs, and again, I want to

share that this program was created by Rikka for you, for this Healing With The Masters community. It is not available anywhere else. So anyone who are Rikka fans, it’s only here that you can get this.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 23 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Jennifer: If you’ve heard Rikka on any other teleseminars recently, know that this is not available there. This is a different program entirely and will completely compliment anything that you have purchased.

It’s a seven-day program, as I said. You’ll get a Miraculous Morning Toolkit. You’ll

get a Daily Vibrational Platform of 30- to 75-minute audios. You’ll get Vibrational Elevation While You Sleep sessions, and you’ll get this for every day for seven days. After that, there’s a bonus set of audios for another seven days, vibration to bring you into your abundance. So if you’re having challenges with abundance in any way, shape or form, this seven-day program will assist you.

I’m kind of tapping in, and if you’ve already bought Mary’s program, holy crap,

these two together — God. These will guide you to huge shifts around flow. You’re also going to receive a 90-minute group coaching call with Rikka and a

coupon for a discount for Rikka’s upcoming amazing program. So just imagine what it’s like to experience this beautiful woman in person.

Any comments, Rikka, about this powerful program? Rikka: I’m just thrilled by it. The vibration that was delivered, the awareness, the

questioning. I actually personally also cut the audios, because I wanted to hear what I was talking about. Most of the time I couldn’t even hear myself. It was that far into the full awareness in the future. I was like, “Oh, my God. I’m going to listen to this again. Wow.”

So the download that was created and the opening and the energy that was created

was so palpable. People from the event were like, “I was hanging out with clients, and there was a flash of light, and based on what you accessed in me, we both went into the space of no judgment where we knew separation had never existed.”

So it’s like the vibrational shifts and the lights that are turning on in people’s

systems, from, somehow, whatever the universe delivered in this, is like oh, my, wow. One woman was like, “I can’t find limitation, Rikka. It’s gone. I can’t make myself — it’s done.”

For each of you, just ask some questions. Be with it and be with what you know,

because you really do know. So if you get that inner calling, that yes, if you ask, “Will this expand my world,” and you get a vibrational hit, then wonderful. It’s here for you.

Jennifer: Indeed, indeed, and tap in. Use the energy of this powerful show right now to tap

in to see if this particular program is for you. If it is for you and you’re getting a yes, then act. If you’re not, then no worries. Listen to the calls over the course of the weekend, and you might at that point get another answer of, “Yes, move forward.” Do check it out at:

specials.healingwiththemasters.com/rikka There’s a button on the page there. If you don’t see the button, go ahead and

refresh the page there, and it’ll be there for you. It’ll be in the emails over the coming days. Thanks, Rikka.

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Jennifer: All right. So let’s go to caller number 32 if I can find caller number 32. White Rock, British Columbia, another Suzanne. You’re on the air.

Suzanne: Hi. I’m on speaker phone. Can you hear me? Jennifer: Yes, yes. Suzanne: I had sent an email as well on the webcast, but Rikka, I wanted to know — I’ve

been working so hard with all of these for so long, and today, this morning I had a car accident. I wanted to know what that’s all about. I know there’s a higher reason or whatever.

Rikka: That would be a question I would ask you. What’s the car accident about? Suzanne: Well, I do know that previously a gentleman that’s — well, call him a gentleman —

a man who’s been in my experience has had very abnormal psychotic reactions to things, and when I went to tell the man down the street that I’d hit his car, hit his SUV, he reacted with support and love. We just matter of fact went through what we had to to handle the situation, and it was a different experience to know that a man could act this way, with respect and compassion, instead of going berserk and cursing and swearing at me.

Rikka: Aw, honey. Was that something new for you? Had your past world been that men

were X, Y and Z, bad or mean or abusive or whatever? Suzanne: Yes, very much so. Rikka: Would you be willing to let go of all those fixed positions about what you think men

are and how they’re going to treat you? Would you let go of all that past abuse with men?

Suzanne: Yes, because I’ve been asking for what this man demonstrated for me today. Rikka: I’m going to give you another tool so you don’t have to create a car accident next

time, okay? First off, will you now let go of all of the past emotional content around the abuse you’ve received from men?

Suzanne: Yes. Rikka: And will you forgive every man that you swore you would never forgive? Suzanne: This is a hard one, just with the one that’s still in the present, because I have

physical injuries, and I’ve pretty much lost everything. I don’t even have the money to pay the deductible. I’ve been trying to find a job for months, and a lot of anger and resentment, I suppose more to myself, that I allowed myself to get in this position.

Rikka: Well, my sweet, beautiful friend, at this time on the planet, the amount of vibration

that’s coming through, it’s like all the old stuff at this point has to go, all the old baggage, all the rightnesses and wrongnesses, all the abuse, all the past emotional content. So would you be willing to actually undo all of that so you can have an easier time moving forward in consciousness?

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Suzanne: Yes. Yes, I’m willing. Rikka: Clear it all. Tap into your own system and go, “I demand that all this past abuse

cleared.” Suzanne: I demand that all this past abuse be cleared. Rikka: Cool, and the thing about the forgiveness, it’s like, what if everybody on this planet

was just another aspect of oneness, right? So by staying in judgment of them and not forgiving them, what if you’re just not forgiving that part of you?

Suzanne: Right. Rikka: So would you forgive yourself for being that abusive man? Suzanne: Right. Rikka: Will you? Suzanne: Because I basically abused myself being with him and allowing it, so I have to

forgive myself. Rikka: Yeah, and there hasn’t been anything, potentially, you haven’t been or done in

some lifetime. So a lot of times, it’s like, if you’re in judgment of somebody else, you’re just in judgment of that part of you. You just hired that person to play that role. So will you now forgive yourself for being an abusive man?

Suzanne: Yes. Rikka: Let it go. And for everybody on the call, would you now forgive yourself for being

abusive? Oh, boy. Whoa. Suzanne: I also relate to the help him at my expense type of scenario. Fix him, help him,

and I’m like the lady with laryngitis. You burn at the sacrificial stake but — Rikka: Well, what if what you’re attempting to do is fix yourself through him? Suzanne: Possibly, yeah. Rikka: All the people that you guys keep trying to fix, which is just you, it’s your limitation

acting out. I’m trying to fix myself, because I believe I’m broken and don’t work. What if that wasn’t true? Yeah, that’s where you’ve imported judgment into your system, but it’s not really true about you. It’s not who you really are.

Suzanne: I have some responsibility for that. Rikka: I love it. She’s bringing up the kingpin. Now we’re on the guilt. So if you look at

the vibration of guilt, it’s like, how contractive is guilt? Suzanne: Oh, the most. Rikka: Yeah. What if guilt was really just a program of this reality that was meant to keep

you from receiving?

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Suzanne: But am I not responsible for my actions in Atlantis? Rikka: Well, if you look at the word responsibility, does that actually make you feel as big

as the universe, or does that make you feel contractive? Suzanne: Contracted. Rikka: Yeah, and what are you being responsible for, right? Potentially something in

reality, which that’s all limitation, and the thing is, you guys love people and care for people so much, responsibility is one of the hardest things for you to give up, but it’s like, really, what if you’re not responsible for limitation? So will you now undo all that guilt and responsibility?

Suzanne: I’m not responsible for limitation. You mean there’s no karma for your deeds? Rikka: Well, there’s karma that makes you feel as big as the universe. Does that make

you feel contractive. Suzanne: Contractive. Rikka: Yeah. So what if all this stuff that makes you feel contractive is where you made

something that’s real in reality real for you, but it’s not actually real for your being? It’s like, when something is true for your being, it’s like light and big and just open. That would be what’s really true for you.

If I say you’re an infinite being with infinite choice and infinite possibility, you

already know. If you’d allow yourself to know that you know, you’d know. It’s like, how light does that feel?

Suzanne: Yes. Rikka: And if I talked about responsibility and guilt, would that make you feel a lot more

contractive? You should really be responsible, and it’s your job to fix everybody on the planet, and you’re the one that’s responsible for all this stuff. Do you see —

Suzanne: So who’s responsible? Rikka: Well, did what I just said made you feel contractive? Suzanne: Yes. Rikka: So what if what is contractive is actually not true for you? Suzanne: But if I was there, then it’s true. Rikka: Let me ask you — Jennifer: Can I ask you something? Rikka, is it okay if I just ask her? Rikka: Absolutely.

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Jennifer: What if you weren’t in your mind right now and you answered some of these questions that Rikka’s asking from your heart?

Suzanne: That’s a good one. Rikka: So let me ask you — Jennifer: I’m just commenting that your beautiful mind is incredible, and it’s really

powerfully, powerfully part of your personality and your being. It’s beautiful and important and really, really bright, and it is holding you exactly where you’re at. So what if, for the next three to four minutes, while Rikka is working with you, you’re 100 percent in your heart and allowed that energy to move forward?

I’m asking that of everyone on the call, including me. Sorry, Rikka. Suzanne: Okay, I moved. Rikka: No, that’s perfect. That’s a great facilitation. Yeah. Okay, cool. So let me ask

you, are you actually responsible for Atlantis? What makes you feel as big as the universe, yes or no?

Suzanne: Yes. Oh, you mean in response to that question? Rikka: Yeah. Jennifer: Heart, heart, heart, heart, heart. Rikka: I know. The cute, little mind. It’s like, “I’m going to tell you what I researched and

what I decided,” but if you feel into your being, when you say, “Yes, I’m responsible for the fall of Atlantis,” does it actually make you feel as big as the universe? Is that actually true? Check in with your being, in your heart.

Suzanne: My heart, my heart. Jennifer: It doesn’t matter. Suzanne: I am an infinite, loving, expansive, child of God. Rikka: Okay, sweet being. So are you actually responsible for Atlantis? Suzanne: No. Rikka: Yay. Hallelujah. Jennifer: Hallelujah. Rikka: Woo-hoo. Let’s celebrate. Jennifer: Hallelujah. Rikka: Would all of you be willing to let go of all the responsibility that you’ve actually

been believing in? It’s like, how could you be responsible for infinite energy or

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infinite possibility or infinite choice, which is what you are? So do you see how there’s a disconnect there?

Rikka: It’s like you may have created yourself as responsible for other people’s limitations,

responsible for judgment, except that’s all part of the illusion. It’s not actually even happening. So everything that you’re responsible for, would you guys be willing to undo it all and not be responsible for anything?

Jennifer: Yes. Rikka: Yes. I can feel they’re conscious, loving, caring beings there. Their minds are

going, “No, no, but we have to stay responsible because we care that much. We would never say something bad to someone.”

Well, what if you as a being, when you’re being true to you, you just don’t even

think about bad things? You don’t even think about good things, right? So it’s like, if you allowed yourself to get out of this whole responsible universe, what if that allows you to be even more for people, which is what I know you guys really desire? So will you now unlock everywhere you’re responsible for your consciousness and responsible for what other people say and what they do?

Are you sure it’s all your fault? Because look at it. It’s just another fault system,

like, “Oh, it’s my fault that Atlantis went down. It’s my fault that this person’s upset. It’s my fault.” Who made it your fault? What if it’s not your fault? What if fault doesn’t exist?

So you undo everything that you’re at fault for. Everybody, give me a big,

vibrational yes. Jennifer: Yes. Rikka: There we go. Just undo all the faults. Gift yourselves the gift of undoing all of this.

Will you undo where you’re the target? That’s lighter. Jennifer: Oh, wow. That was a big one. That was really cool. I want to thank Suzanne,

also, because she was such a catalyst for those of us who play in the intellect, for those of us who really play in the spiritual realm from our mind, which is actually an oxymoron, because the mind can’t comprehend, can’t comprehend it. It can’t. It just doesn’t have the skill set. It doesn’t have the DNA.

It was just such a beautiful moment there for us to really, really go into that

moment of frustration that many of us feel in our lives and just move through it. So thank you, Suzanne, for helping us move through it. Thank you, Rikka, for helping us to move through it. That was an astonishingly powerful show today.

I love the fact that we went into frustration. I love it. It was wonderful. It was so

beautiful, and thanks, Suzanne, for helping us with her own frustration. That was cool.

Rikka: Well, it’s all part of it. You could imagine that we’d be pretty frustrated if we didn’t

allow ourselves to know who we really are and be who we came here to be. It’s frustrating to believe in an illusion. That’s not part of oneness, right? It’s like, “Damn it.”

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Jennifer: Well, we are complete, and I am so — gosh, what a powerful three days. I want

everyone to just check in right now and see how are you feeling now in your body, in your being, even in your mind. How are you feeling now compared to where you were Tuesday at 4:00 California time or 7:00 PM Eastern, after going through three amazing evenings with Rikka?

It’s pretty phenomenal, isn’t it? I’m getting tons of comments here about how

people have really, quite dramatically, changed, shifted, moved. Some people are saying that they’re actually having a little bit of nausea, and some people are saying that — some people are still clinging to their limitations, fighting with tooth and foot and claw to their limitations, and some people are just feeling the energy of the expansion.

All of it, I know, Rikka, you would agree with me, is perfect. Rikka: Yeah, absolutely. Jennifer: All of it is perfect, and for those who are still clinging to limitation, it’s not a

judgment. It is what is, and it’s usually the mind that’s kind of hanging on. It’s okay. So listen to these shows again. Listen again and again and again.

If you are one of those people who is having some challenges right now with some

of the content and still have many, many questions, get the special offer, because that special offer will unravel it so you don’t even need to question it.

It’s not that we don’t have to question things. It’s just that we don’t need to.

We’re getting to a point now in our evolution that it’s just not even necessary. Any final comments, Rikka, before we finish our series here with you?

Rikka: Well, we’ve just done some of the comments and some of the energies I can sort of

feel out there. I get that nausea or dizziness or different, potentially different things can come up. Now, one of the really amazing tools with the body is that, if you don’t make it significant, it will actually allow the energy to move.

So if you resist it and go, “Oh, my God. Now I’m feeling nauseous, and I’m going

to be this way. Now I have the flu, and what did I eat,” and you attach all this reality onto it, it’s harder to move an energy that’s fixed.

So instead of fixing on, “I’m so nauseous now,” and making it significant, here’s a

really great tool. That is, “Oh, wow. No big deal. Awesome. Wow. I feel like I’m going to puke my guts out. This is so cool. Apparently I’m actually receiving something. Wow. I wonder what’s happening. What’s going on in my body? How much fun is this? Wow. Now it’s really spinning.”

If you make it no big deal and you invite it, what will end up occurring is that

energy will change even faster, and within however long, you’ll actually be not feeling it actually any longer, because it will have moved out of your system.

Jennifer: Right. It’ll move through. It’ll move through. It’s just release. Rikka: Yeah.

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Jennifer: It’s just energy releasing. It’s the old beliefs releasing. It’s the old systems releasing. Oh, my God. It’s so cool.

Rikka: I love it. Big deal. Wow. I’m kind of getting nauseous. Oh. Jennifer: Woo-hoo. Stephanie is quoting me and saying, “Holy crap.” Thank you, Stephanie.

Thank you all. Oh, gosh, thank you, Rikka, and thank everyone, everyone in this beautiful community for participating in this powerful series and truly, as I said earlier, contributing your intention, because your intention creates these shows. It actually does. Your intention creates all the content that you’re receiving.

In fact, Rikka said this on the first show, something along these lines. Right now

we are you. We’re reflecting back to you exactly what you’ve asked for. Isn’t that the coolest thing?

Thank you all so much for being part of today’s show. It seems that sometimes we

come to these calls feeling a little isolated, maybe a little alone, but know that we are part of a powerful, powerful community, that we really make the difference together, that you individually make the difference. You matter by asking the questions you’re asking right now, by pursuing the content and embracing the high-frequency energies that are available on these shows.

I love you all so very much, and join us next week for really another power-packed

show with Drunvalo Melchizedek on Tuesday, a bonus call from Emmanuel Dagher on Wednesday and then Gregg Braden on Thursday, another powerful week of change and evolution.

Listen to these shows over and over again. I strongly recommend it. You’re going

to feel different by Monday and Tuesday, and get ready for some Drunvalo and some Gregg and some Emmanuel next week.

Thanks, everyone. Thank you, Rikka, so much. Much love to everyone. Bye now. Rikka: Thank you, everybody. Love you all. Have a beautiful night. [End of Discussion.]

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Volume 10 | September 11 – December 20, 2012






Jennifer McLean

Rikka Zimmerman | Featured Guest | Further Information


Spreading the seeds of Consciousness around the world. “Life comes to me with ease, joy and glory!”


Rikka is a global leader in consciousness, the creator of Adventure In Oneness, LLC and an acclaimed international speaker. Rikka’s light shines ever-brightly as an invitation and inspiration to each Being on the planet to discover and embrace the greatest, most magnificent expression of themselves. During the last several years, Rikka has traveled all over the world and worked with thousands of people. She empowers people to know who they are, and have always been, the catalyst for bringing about transformation for themselves and for the planet. Through Rikka’s Adventure in Oneness events, which include 4-Day and 8-Day Adventures, telesummits, teleclasses, and individual and corporate coaching, people realize and actualize who they truly ARE, beyond the illusion of limitations. Rikka appears on TV and radio shows internationally as well as in print and online publications. She is the author of 21 Secrets of the Universe: Tools For Getting Everything You Desire Out of Life, has an ever-growing membership site, hosts a weekly radio show on the World Puja Network with nearly 1 million listeners in 139 countries, facilitates classes all over the world, and is a renowned singer/songwriter. Her latest hit song is entitled Billion Butterflies.

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Thu 09-27-12 WORKSHOP 3

Author | Neuroscientist | Therapist World’s Leading Expert on Spirituality MarkRobertWaldman.com

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Dedicated Seeker of Truth, Healing and Wisdom We-Infinity.com

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In partnership with psychologist Jan Seward, Hope launched the Wave Energy Center for Conscious Evolution, a collective dedicated to the positive, expansive development of the individual, the community and the earth. She is also a certified neurofeedback specialist and a life coach, incorporating Reiki and energy healing into her practice.

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VibesUP founder 3-Time Visionary Award Winner For Her Unique Healing Tools VibesUP.com

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Tue 10-16-12 WORKSHOP 1

Wed 10-17-12 WORKSHOP 2

Thu 10-18-12 WORKSHOP Q&A

Speaker | Healer | Author | Coach MaryAHall.com

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"The Miracle Worker" | Author World Renowned Spiritual Teacher | Master of Energy JoDunning.com

Jo Dunning

Jo Dunning is a world renowned Spiritual Teacher, author, presenter and popular radio talk show guest. She is well known for her unusual ability to use energy to transform lives and Awaken consciousness. She is often referred to as a Miracle worker because of her ability to create profound changes in the lives of an entire audience.   


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Tue 10-30-12

World's Leading Expert on Law of Emergence DerekRydall.com

Derek Rydall

After a life-changing ‘brush with death’ while making a movie, Derek Rydall considered becoming a monk, then a minister, then cloistered himself in his apartment without TV or news and meditated for several years — emerging to become a licensed integrative therapist, bestselling author, and adopt a monk (that’s another story). The world’s #1 leading expert on The Law of Emergence, he has trained top executives at Fortune 500 companies (from American Express to Disney) in relationship and communication skills, coached writers, artists, and media professionals (including Oscar and Emmy winners), on how to create more enlightened entertainment, and taught thousands of people around the planet how to live a more passionate, prosperous, and purposeful life. His work with The Law of Emergence and the process of Emergineering ends the struggle of self-improvement and helps people effortlessly achieve their full potential.

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Internationally Recognized Leader in Bridging Science and Spirit BruceLipton.com

Bruce Lipton

Internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.

Tue 11-06-12 WORKSHOP 1

Wed 11-07-12 WORKSHOP 2

Thu 11-08-12 WORKSHOP Q&A

Spreading the seeds of Consciousness around the world. “Life comes to me with ease, joy and glory!” RikkaZimmerman.com

Rikka Zimmerman Rikka Zimmerman is a global leader in consciousness and a true example of “being the change” we all desire to see in the world. Rikka has envisioned a dream of a new reality and is leading the way for many. She holds large seminars, tele-classes, offers private sessions and group classes and has just released her new book, audio collection and consciousness card deck 21 Secrets of the Universe: Tools for Getting Everything You Desire Out of Life.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 38 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,


Tue 11-13-12

World Renowned Author and Speaker Drunvalo.net

Drunvalo Melchizedek Drunvalo is the author of four books including The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II, Living in the Heart and his newest book Serpent of Light. These books have been published in 29 languages and reach out to over one hundred countries throughout the world.

Wed 11-14-12 BONUS CALL

Human Specialist | Holistic Health Practitioner | Teacher MagnifiedManifesting.com

Emmanuel Dagher Specializing in amazing transformation, Emmanuel Dagher has had the honor of co-creating amazing results with thousands of people around the world through his work as a Holistic Health Practitioner, Teacher, & Empowerment Coach. Emmanuel spent years studying and fine-tuning his craft, receiving a degree in Spiritual Psychology and advanced certifications in several holistic and alternative therapies. Emmanuel has also studied with visionaries including Dr. Michael Beckwith (from the movie The Secret), founder of Agape International and cofounder of the Association for Global New Thought.

Thu 11-15-12

New York Times Bestselling Author Scientific-Spiritualty Pioneer GreggBraden.com

Gregg Braden

New York Times Bestselling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality. Following a successful career as a Computer Geologist for Phillips Petroleum during the 1970's energy crisis, he worked as a Senior Computer Systems Designer with Martin Marietta Defense Systems during the last years of the Cold War.

Page 39: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 39 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,


Instrument of the Universal and Creator Consciousness – Here to Assist You WilliamLinville.com

William Linville

William Linville is a divine essence, clear Creator Consciousness in a physical body. He has ascended beyond all Akashic record levels, perceptions of the truth, identifications, beliefs, et cetera, which allows him to obtain/download clarity on any and all topics and so much more. William is an instrument of the Universal and Creator Consciousness and is here to assist you in accelerating and amplifying the process of you remembering, embodying and expanding into your Creator Essence and to experience all of your magnificence and much, much more.

Tue 11-27-12


Wed 11-28-12 WORKSHOP 2

Thu 11-29-12 WORKSHOP Q&A

Inspirational Visionary | Contemporary Spiritual Master PanacheDesai.com

Panache Desai Panache Desai is an inspirational visionary and contemporary spiritual master in the field of consciousness and vibration. His energetic gift of vibrational transformation has inspired and shifted the lives of tens of thousands around the globe. He shares eternal truths, inspirational insights, and vibrational tools to empower you to create the life of your dreams. Panache is called a modern-day avatar. He acts as a direct link to Divine consciousness empowering people of all ages, economic and educational backgrounds to transform their lives by connecting them with their limitless Divine nature.

Tue 12-04-12

Internationally Acclaimed Entrepreneur and Author Creator of The Body Dialog System of Healing McLeanMasterWorks.com

Jennifer McLean

Internationally acclaimed entrepreneur, author and creator of The Body Dialog System of Healing, Jennifer McLean is a spiritual catalyst. Intelligent, heart-centered and mindful, Jennifer works with the acclaimed masters from the transformational thought and wellness communities, amplifying their teachings at a level her audience can absorb, no matter where they are in their own spiritual journey. This valuable amplification skill, combined with Jennifer’s intention to be a beacon of love, peace and light, has allowed her in a few short years to build a successful international business from the ground up.

Page 40: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 40 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,


Thu 12-06-12

Creator of Quantum Lightweaving® QuantumLightweaving.com

Kenji Kumara

Kenji established Quantum Lightweaving® (his synthesis of over 38 years in the field) in 2007 and his Fellowship of Lightweavers in 2005 (to ordain certified spiritual healers). On his website one can purchase his live and evergreen attunement activations and teaching videos. Monthly newsletters are also available on the site.

Tue 12-11-12

Special Guest

Tue 12-13-12

Special Guest

Page 41: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012€¦ · The password is healing. You can join the call. That’s the best way. ... feeling the expanded presence of this moment ... Jennifer McLean’s

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 41 of 41 Guest: Rikka Zimmerman | Workshop Q&A Thursday, November 8, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,


Tue 12-18-12

Special Guest

Thu 12-20-12

Special Guest

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