THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2012 · 11/15/2012  · thursday, november 15, 2012 transcript host guest jennifer mclean gregg braden healingwiththemasters.com

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 2 of 32 Guest: Gregg Braden Thursday, November 15, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Jennifer: Welcome, everyone, to Healing With The Masters. And we’re in for another big

treat tonight with Gregg Braden. It’s funny; we’ve had quite a few of our science experts on this season. It’s kind of like we’re moving into the deep essences of the matrix, and then allowing our brain to be saturated with some fantastic information that is, I believe, guiding our heart to opening. Before I officially introduce Gregg, I want to do my little spiel here. I want to talk a little bit about this season.

It’s been an unbelievable journey. I don’t know if you’ve noticed it, but something

happened on the planet, no question about it. And this season is reflecting the high vibrational frequencies that are available in this powerful year of 2012. So I want you to remember, and again this notion of the mind opening up, that’s part of what this little blurb is about that I’m saying. I want you to remember that each show of this blessed series is an actual point of opening. Each show is the foundation for the next. Each one is energized with frequencies that allow you to open to the new capacities that are within you waiting for your discovery. Each show builds upon itself in a synchronistic dance. So our recommendation is to try and catch as many of these shows as you can. Of course, doing them in order is also recommended. A great way to do that is by purchasing and owning Healing With The Masters. You can do that at:

healingwiththemasters.com/purchase And with that you’ll get all of the calls. You can decide to get them as download

only. We have videos. We have video upgrades as well with that. The video series has been amazing this season.

I also want to say that I’m so grateful and honored and blessed to know that you,

each individual on this call are on this ride with us, because you are actually a co-creator on this beautiful dance that we’re experiencing in each and every show. What comes forth does so from your intention, so each of you are the spark that allows all of us to grow. I love that part.

I also want to mention something about masters. You know, we may think of

masters as the remarkable guests that share their knowledge and experiences with us each week on Healing With The Masters, but we actually consider you to be the master. Each of you in this audience. No one is more uniquely qualified to transform your life. In fact, you have within you the master that you are actually seeking. The master speakers that we bring into this series allow us to discover the tools and techniques to continue to shift our lives into love and light, and continue to discover the masters that we truly are. And in the process, we are all making a huge difference on this beautiful planet of ours.

Tonight I am so blessed and honored. I always love having Gregg Braden on

Healing With The Masters. He brings this tremendous passion and heart and dare I say beauty to the conversation of who we are and what we’re doing here. Gregg is a New York Times best selling author. He’s internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality. Following a very successful career as a computer geologist for Phillips Petroleum, he became the first technical operations manager for Cisco Systems, and then he led the global support team that ensures the reliability of today’s Internet. So he — the reason we are able to do this show right now is in part because of Gregg’s wonderful efforts. And I believe he brought an energy there that is still available now. He has searched the mountains, the

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 3 of 32 Guest: Gregg Braden Thursday, November 15, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

high remote places and monasteries. He’s uncovered timeless secrets and he now uses that in his books and his information that is found right now on the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, the Sci-Fi Channel, and NBC. He’s created paradigm shattering books including: The Isaiah Effect, The God Code, The Divine Matrix, and Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age. And also his current book, which is a really important book that is allowing us to understand what we’re doing right now, what our history has been, and where we’re going. And that book is called — gosh, I just — there it is. Sorry. Igniting the Memory of our Original History, Destiny, and Faith. Welcome, Gregg Braden, to Healing With The Masters. It’s awesome to have you back here again.

Gregg: Jennifer, I am thrilled to be on the program with you tonight, and I’m really excited

about being with all of our listeners all over the world. You know, as I was listening to the intro, it just dawned on me this is probably our last program we will do in the year 2012. So am I thinking about that right? I don’t think we have any more scheduled, do we, between now and the end of the year?

Jennifer: Nope. Gregg: Okay, so I can say we almost made it. We’re almost to the end of 2012, and — Jennifer: Just a little over one month. Gregg: Yeah, it is a little over a month. And you know, if your audience is in anyway

reflective of the audience I’ve seen all over the world, there’s going to be a big collective sigh of relief for a lot of different reasons. You know, through the — what I feel is very irresponsible information that’s been perpetuated through a lot of the mainstream media, very authoritative news specials and documentaries in the cable channels, there’s been a lot of fear around 2012 what it means, and specifically the solstice of 2012.

Jennifer: It’s funny, Gregg, I call the History Channel the scare the poop out of you channel. Gregg: Well, you’re much kinder than some of the other names that I’ve heard. The good

news is that all of these, whether they’re responsible or irresponsible, they have brought an awareness to the fact that something’s up. And this is no ordinary time, certainly, in the history of our nation. If we’re in the United States, if you’re listening beyond the borders of the United States, it’s no ordinary time in the history of your nation either. All of the nations of the Earth are undergoing a change. It’s no ordinary time in the history of civilization. And the way the media has linked all of this change with this year has actually frightened a lot of people.

So in just a matter of weeks, Jennifer, we’ll be able to take a collective sigh of

relief, look back and say 2012 is behind us, we’re in 2013. And then the question is, now what?

Jennifer: Now what? Gregg: Now what? Now where do we go? And as you were going through the

introduction, you were talking about science and the language of science. I just want to be really clear with our listeners. Science for some people is scary in and of itself. When we talk about science in some of the live programs I’ve seen people’s eyes just glaze over because of their experience of science. Their

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 4 of 32 Guest: Gregg Braden Thursday, November 15, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

experience when they were in school, maybe high school or college. I want to say that science doesn’t have to be technical. Science does not have to be difficult. Science is a method of understanding us, our relationship to our own bodies. That’s what Healing With The Masters is all about. Our relationship to one another as community, our relationship to the Earth, our relationship to the past, how we solve our problems, all of those are linked to viable scientific principals.

Gregg: And what the science does, Jennifer, where I think it’s really good is it weeds out

the real stuff from the stuff that’s not so real. It tells us what works and what doesn’t. We all know there’s a whole mish-mash of information out there that’s come out in the last 30 or 40 years under the guise, the umbrella of New Thought, New Age. It opened the door to a lot of possibilities, and we all know that there is some stuff out there that is way out there. And the science tells us what works, what doesn’t, so we can put our energy into doing a lot of the things that do work. Maybe not spend our time and our energy and our resources on the things that either don’t work, or may not work in the way that we have been led to believe that they work. Sometimes they do more harm than good.

So science, a this time in history, the context of where this conversation is going to

go this evening and where we are in our lives, science isn’t the only language with which we may share the possibilities of our lives. And you mentioned in the introduction, I have spent a tremendous amount of time with indigenous peoples throughout the world, the monasteries and the monks and the nuns and the abbots of Tibet, the Shaman in the Southern Andes of Peru and in Bolivia. A lot of time in the monasteries of the Egyptian desert on the Sinai Peninsula and the pre-Christian traditions, the native traditions, all through the desert Southwest. As different as all of these are from one another the common theme is they all know that this is a time of change. They all view the world in terms of cycles of change, which is something that has been omitted from our modern world view.

And when I speak to those communities, they don’t need the language of science.

So tonight I’m assuming, and I would imagine that we’re pretty much speaking to what we’ve always called “the choir”.

Jennifer: Yes, indeed. Gregg: Yeah, well, we love the choir. The choir are those who’ve always looked beyond

the obvious to understand their relationship to their own lives and the world and where we’re going. The choir sometimes has been viewed by their families and their communities and circles of friends and co-workers as being a little odd. You know, a little out there, because the choir thinks differently than the mainstream. So the choir has really anchored this message of hope and possibility and change for over 40 years now in most cases. But to bring about the magnitude of change on the scale that we need to really, really make the difference I think we all hope to make in this world, we have to move beyond the choir. And the language of science is one language that is trusted, it’s respected in the modern world and the Western industrial world, and so that’s why I’ve chosen the language of science. And we’ll us it in our program tonight, not necessarily technical information, but the science that confirms the relationships between our heart, our bodies, our world, and how we can apply those things in our lives.

So I just want to say that before we get into the program tonight. It’s why I’ve

chosen the language of science to honor so many people in the modern world who

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 5 of 32 Guest: Gregg Braden Thursday, November 15, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

feel left out of this conversation. They know something is up. They know there is a big change in the world, but they haven’t always been onboard with the new thought, ideas, and we can honor them with the science that shows us where these connections exist. All of a sudden, they become part of the choir, and that’s how we really, really begin to create the magnitude of change I think that we are all hoping to see in our lives, in our nations, and in our world.

Jennifer: You know, Gregg, I think this is really, really an important. It’s a point of how we

can communicate with those who aren’t getting the jargon that we’re currently using. I mean, my feeling has always been that organizations that use a lot of jargon are making themselves a cult because they can only communicate with each other, and that’s not the point.

Gregg: Right. Jennifer: I’ve often — I worked in the tech industry for years, and I felt like the technology

jargon created separation. So I think this is really cool that we can use the language of science to crate a way of communicating that is less threatening to those who aren’t enjoying the language of spirituality. So that’s just a really cool thing.

Gregg: Absolutely, Jennifer. And you know, to be honest, I’ve seen this happen in the

scientific community itself and in the academic community I’ve seen professors. They walk into a room of lay people that may not have the focus or the background in the particular area of science or engineering they do, and they will use exactly the same language precisely the same terms with that audience made up of people in the community that they would use with their peers in a technical symposium. And what they say is, if you can’t understand me, that’s your problem. You know? And what a beautiful way to reach out to the world. So I think it is possible to create these barriers that divide us. And, God, we all know there’s enough of that happening in the world right now on so many different levels. If we can find a language that is trusted, respected, and this is really important what I’m going to say next — honest.

The way to keep science honest is to honor the reason that science was created.

Science was created to tell us in a way that can be confirmed and verified about ourselves, our relationship to our bodies, and once again, our relationship to one another, our relationship to the Earth. And science was designed to be constantly updated and revised. Jennifer, as new discoveries overturn what we once held to be the deepest truths of science, then those new discoveries must be incorporated into the scientific story of us and our world. Or if it’s not, then what we teach is obsolete by definition. This is where science is breaking down in the modern world today.

There’s a reluctance, and in some cases an outright resistance in the mainstream,

to share the new discoveries that change everything that we’ve been led to think about ourselves and one another. Our scientific story today for about 150 years has led us to believe — and these are principals that I was taught when I was in school back in the ‘60s an ‘70s, most of our listeners learned the principals that I’m about to share. They have young people in school today that are still being taught in public schools, the principals that say we’re separate from our bodies. That what we think, feel, and emote has very little to do with the processes that happen in our bodies. That we’re separate from one another. That what we think, feel, and

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 6 of 32 Guest: Gregg Braden Thursday, November 15, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

emote in one place has little effect anywhere else. That we’re separate from our Earth. And based on these false assumptions of science, we have been led to believe that we live in a world that is based upon a model of violent competition where there is — we live in a world of scarcity. This is what we’ve been taught. We all must fight for our slice of the pie. We live in what many people heard when they were young, a “dog eat dog” world. I know I certainly heard that. I was raised in a very conservative community in the Midwest in northern Missouri. I heard this all of the time. You’ve got to get out and fight for your piece or the world is going to roll right over you.

Gregg: The new science now is overturning these beliefs. And the science — and we can

talk about this in more detail, but the bottom line is the science is showing us very, very clearly that we are deeply enmeshed with our bodies; our thoughts, feelings, and emotions are expressed through the physical experiences of our health, our vitality, the chemistry of our bodies that we’re deeply enmeshed with on another in community whether we physically are sharing a home or even the same city together. Humans are linked together in ways we’re only beginning to understand. That we’re deeply connected to the Earth and deeply connected to our food and perhaps the most important of all is that the best science of the 21st century is now telling us beyond any reasonable doubt — this is not my opinion. It’s not a theory. It’s not a hypothesis. It is scientific fact, accepted in scientific circles, that nature is actually based upon a model of what is called mutual-aid and cooperation. Mutual aid and cooperation it doesn’t deny that violence and competition occurs in some situations, however, those situations are anomalous to the fundamental model of the world.

Nature is not fundamentally violent. Nature is not fundamentally competitive, the

way we’ve been led to believe. It is, based upon this powerful model of cooperation. And when we see that violence and we see that competition, whether it’s in the animals around us that have been forced into unnatural habitats, or whether it’s among us in the violence we see in our cities and in the battlefields of the world, it tells us how far we have strayed from our truest nature, from our truest relationship with ourselves and one another. And this is where I think the science has the potential to make all of the difference in the world. Because while the science is interesting when we place this into the context of a world in crisis, and big problems that we have to solve in the world, big problems that we have to solve in our own lives, if we continue to solve the problems through the false assumptions that nature is based in this model of violent competition and that we’re separate from one another, from our world, from our bodies, if we keep solving our problems that way, Jennifer, we know where that’s going to get us because of the world that we live in right now.

And this is where I think that the new science has the great potential to change the

way that we think, the way that we live, the way that we solve our problems, and this is why I’m so excited about putting 2012 behind us. Where we take that big sigh of relief and we say, now what? The answer to now what is we get to — we are the generation that gets to tackle the greatest crisis, the great challenges, the greatest challenge in 5,000 years of human history. We can tackle them head-on because we must for our survival and we get to do it through the edge of knowing the deepest truths of our relationship to the world so that we can do it successfully.

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Gregg: So that was a long sentence in the early part of the program, but I wanted to say this now and lay it as a foundation so we can tie into it as we go through our conversation this evening.

Jennifer: So this notion of nature is based on mutual cooperation, it sure doesn’t look like

that in the world. So is it because we’ve been fed information that we’re separate and our true nature is to be cooperative and in community? And if that’s true, how do we bring out our natural cooperative nature in a way that’s safe? We’ve got about 70 percent of our audience is women and safety — I talked about this with Bruce Lipton too, safety is a big issue for us. How do we kind of feel safe in a cooperative environment and this likely also ties into some of your other things about false paradigms of limiting beliefs and the divine matrix, but the question — it’s kind of a how question. How do we push this new notion into a world that doesn’t feel safe?

Gregg: There were three questions that you asked me. Jennifer: Sorry about that, Gregg. I tend to do that. Gregg: So first I’d like to just back up about a half of a step, where does the idea even

come from that we live in this scary world. And if you talk to Bruce Lipton, I’m imagining my dear friend, colleague, and spiritual brother, Bruce; I just shared a meal with Bruce and his beautiful wife. And we actually had this conversation that you and I are having right now. We probably tuned into the matrix, you know, so we would know exactly where we’re going to go with all of this. And the whole idea of where we even began to think about these things came up, and it began with the work of Charles Darwin. In 1859, Charles Darwin published a book that revolutionized the way we’ve been led to think about ourselves and our relationship to the world. And I want to be really clear here, Jennifer, I’m not down on Darwin at all. He was a scientist. I think he was probably a pretty good scientist. He could not possibly have known in 1859 what we now know today about biology and cells and DNA. He just couldn’t have known those things.

And what he tried to do was so profound, before his time, all of the big answers

about us, our relationship to our bodies, the Earth, one another, how things work in this world, where we come from; they were all answered by the Church. So Darwin attempted to take these answers away from the perspective of the Church and put them in the language of science. And Darwin also is very clear, and a lot of people don’t talk about this; he said his ideas were a stepping stone only. A first step to get us away from the Church with regard to these answers and that when new discoveries became available, he expected his ideas would be overturned as those new discoveries were revealed. So the new discoveries are out there in the mainstream will not let Darwin’s original ideas go, and what Darwin’s ideas were all about.

Darwin saw the world through the eyes of struggle. His first book was titled The

Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. That’s the title that you’ll see under Amazon today if you go to look this up, or if you do a research in the library. However, the full title is relegated to the inside pages of the book, and it gives us insight into Darwin’s thinking. The full title of Darwin’s book it was: The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. The “preservation of favored races in the struggle for life” is a whole different vibe that Darwin placed upon his work. And it tells us two things

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 8 of 32 Guest: Gregg Braden Thursday, November 15, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

about Darwin that are showing up in our world today. Number one, Darwin viewed life as a struggle, and so he interpreted everything he saw in the natural world through the eyes of struggle. Number two, he believed that there were favored races that there were some that were endowed, would always win in ways the others would not.

Gregg: When I share this with audiences all over the world, people say, “Okay, Gregg.

We’ve got it. Darwin wasn’t 100 percent right, but you know, it was 1859. This is the 21st century. So what? What difference does it make?” And it’s a good question. And the answer to that question is that, yes, we are in a modern technological world, and the foundation, the systems of the world that we live in today, they were put down, they were put in place in the late 1800s and early 1900s, when Darwin’s ideas were being embraced almost without question.

So many of the systems that we see collapsing around us right now that many

people feel as crisis, those systems are collapsing because they’re based in false assumptions of science. The economic system that’s collapsing, for example, is based on Darwin’s idea of survival of the strongest. The corporate systems that are falling apart, the healthcare system that’s breaking down that tells us we’re separate from our bodies and that nature is based in this idea of struggle, all based on these ideas 150 years old. So this is why it’s important to know where the ideas came from so when the new discoveries overturn those ideas, we can at least incorporate, even if we don’t replace them, we can incorporate the new discoveries along with what we’ve held to be true in the past. And let’s see what works and what doesn’t. Let’s see which ones apply and which ones actually help us in our lives and which ones do not.

So the idea of cooperation is very foreign to many people. But I’m just going to

invite our listeners to do this. I’m going to speak directly to you, listeners. If you want to see how deep this model of cooperation exists in your life right this moment, you need look no further than the body that houses the consciousness that’s listening to our voices right now. Because as my dear brother and colleague, Bruce Lipton, probably shared in earlier interviews, your body is — it is one body and it is a community of about 50 trillion individual cells. Every one of those cells must cooperate with one another on multiple layers to give you the level of health and vitality that allows you to listen to this program. And when the cooperation begins to break down, you call it disease. And if it breaks down far enough, you call it death.

So in every moment of every day, if we have the wisdom to look within, we see

how deeply nature reminds us of this fundamental level of cooperation in our bodies, and it extends into the world around us. The very prestigious journal New Scientist, April 2008, there was a beautiful essay by a man named Michael Lapage, and I’m giving this detail so people can Google this. If they do a search, if they’d like to see Yahoo or whatever they want to use to see the article. What the article actually said is that nature is not based upon a model of every animal out for itself.

That cooperation plays a fundamental role in the nature around us. And that when cooperation breaks down, the results are disastrous.

So this is the best science of our time telling us that what we have been led to

believe about this world of scarcity, dog eat dog, there’s one pie, we’re all fighting for a slice, that kind of competition is no longer supported in the scientific model.

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It’s interesting, but now when we apply it in the big world, it becomes really key. I’m sorry, go ahead, Jennifer.

Jennifer: Yeah, I’m just curious. Can you give us some examples of how nature is

cooperative? Gregg: First off, I want to talk about competition, and then I’m happy to share some

examples, because when we talk about competition, and I’ve gotten this in our live audiences a lot. There good questions. People said, “You know, I thought competition is a good thing.” There are different forms of competition. There is a form of competition in biology it’s called violent competition. And it’s characterized when one individual benefits or a group benefits at the expense of another. When an individual or a group exploit the weaknesses of another for their own gain. That is called violent competition. There’s another form of competition where an individual or a group excel in a given skill or a given talent and develop that skill or that talent to such a degree that it makes the old ways of doing things obsolete, and people simply don’t do them that way any longer. That is a form of competition as well.

The difference is that in the second form we are not exploiting the weakness of

another. We’re not benefitting at someone else’s expense. So the reason I’m saying that is there were 400 scientific studies that were done in the late ‘90s asking what is the optimum amount of violent competition in any situation on the playing filed, in the classroom, in the workplace, in the family? And all 400 studies came back with exactly the same answer, and the answer was zero. They said in every instance this violent competition hurts the individual, hurts the group, and that nature is based upon this model of cooperation and mutual aid.

So the science is now confirming, I think, what we probably have always intuited in

our hearts, but there’s always been this conflict, because we look at the world around us and we say, “Man, it looks like a pretty violent world to me.” And the truth is that it is when it comes to humans, because that’s how far we’ve strayed from our truest nature.

Where this get really interesting, Jennifer, and this is where in the book Deep Truth

I talk about this extensively. The archeology appears to bear out what the science is telling us. We’re led to believe we live in this violent world where war is a part of our lives and war is as natural as night and day. Interestingly, that has not always been the case. Our civilization is said to have begun 5,000 years ago in ancient Sumeria and Mesopotamia. Interestingly, that is also when we find the first evidence of large-scale war and weapons used in the war to solve our problems.

But the new science is now showing us evidence of advanced technological

civilizations over twice that old, back in the end of the last ice age, and they’re not found in one place. They’re found all over the world in Peru, they’re found in Egypt, they’re found in India, they’re found in Turkey. And what brings all of these together into this conversation is that before our cycle of civilization, before 5,000 years ago, in all of those advanced civilizations that are now being excavated and recovered, there’s no evidence of any weapons. There’s no evidence of any large-scale war to solve problems. There’s no evidence of the need to defend ourselves against one another or secure our homes or our communities. There’s no evidence of walls to protect. No evidence of motes. All of that begins at the time that we call the beginning of this cycle of civilization, 5,000 years ago.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 10 of 32 Guest: Gregg Braden Thursday, November 15, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

So we have not always been a violent species. Our violence and our tendency to

solve our problems through war with weapons that hurt one another begins about 5,000 years ago. So I think it’s interesting how the science of archeology is bearing out the science of the biology.

Jennifer: That’s cool. Gregg: Telling us our truest — we can be violent. In the studies they take this one step

further. When we can be violent, and when we betray our truest nature of cooperation and mutual aid, it is generally in response to one or some combination of three conditions. And I’ll just share them here. When we feel personally threatened, we’ll become violent. I think we all know that. When we feel that our families are threatened, we’ll become violent. But the third one is really interesting to me. When we feel our way of life is threatened, we’ll become violent.

So we look at the hotspots in the world today where the wars are developing, and

in most of those all three of these things are present. And what it says is if we really want to get to the bottom of solving these problems and bring peace to our world at some point people must feel that they’re safe, they must feel their families are safe, and maybe most importantly, they’ve got to feel their way of life is safe. And that is at the root of what people are feeling, I think, threatened by the most. Their way of life all around the world in the East and in the West.

So we bring all of this together, the context is here we are at the end of 2012, the

beginning of 2013, some of the biggest changes we’re witnessing, this generation is witnessing. The greatest shift of power of wealth of resources in 5,000 years of recorded human history, and it means that we’re also witnessing the greatest shift in thinking. The thinking based upon false beliefs, false assumptions of science, that has led to the crisis of our time, and that thinking isn’t going to help us solve the problems. The new thinking based on the facts of the new science, and that’s why I’m bringing us all together.

So you asked a couple of specific questions. Can you remind me of what the

questions were again? How do we see this in the world around us? Jennifer: Yeah. How can we move into — you answered part of it in essence, because you’re

talking that our instincts are there, that if we don’t feel safe, it’s difficult for us to move. So I think that I would expand, and I’ll ask you 17 more questions now, so — when we are — the paradigm shift feels like, Gregg, that it’s one of perception honestly. And you’ve talked about this in your books before and the power of beliefs. And that if we can change that one little piece, and we can get a lot of people to start trusting, honestly safety comes from within, does it not? If we can start getting a large group of people to realize that just because something is changing doesn’t mean that it is a threat. Just because — so whatever is showing up in our life isn’t a threat any longer. It’s actually an opportunity.

So how can we as individuals, first of all, change that with our own thinking and our

own belief structure let alone bring that to the world? Gregg: Sure. You hit it right on, Jennifer. Many people, and this goes for individuals, it

goes for communities, it goes for families, it goes for governments and nations, we’re accustomed to seeing the world kind of chug along working in a certain way.

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And we all are a product of that. You know, the world seems to be working for many people. I mean, we have our ups and downs, but it seems to be working pretty well until around 2008 is what some people will tell you when the economic crash happened. Other people saw it before then. It just depends on where you’re looking. When things no longer work the way we’re accustomed to seeing them work, that is perceived as crisis by many people.

Gregg: Now, the crisis — I used to have an aversion to the word crisis, and now I actually

have a great appreciation for the word, and it’s for this reason. If we are in crisis, it means whatever is happening isn’t over yet, and it means we’ve still got time to do something about it. If the crisis is behind us, if it’s over, it means whatever is going to happen has already happened and now we can’t do anything. But the crisis is the systems, whether we’re talking about the economic system, or the way we deal with climate change, or the way we deal with healthcare and our bodies, or communities, families, relationships, whatever way we’re looking at it, if it’s in crisis, it’s asking us for a greater level of resolution, a greater level of healing.

And if we can understand our deepest relationships, the deepest truths of our

existence, then we can answer the big questions and solve the problems in a healthy life affirming way. Bruce Lipton, and I didn’t hear the interview that you did with him, but Bruce and I are obviously friends. I’ve spoken about him three times already in this conversation. We’ve toured the world together. We’ve toured all through Europe, Australia together, spent months together, and one of the conversations that comes up a lot — did Bruce talk to you about the idea of imaginal cells?

Jennifer: No, we didn’t talk about it on this show. We’ve talked about it in previous shows,

but that wasn’t — Gregg: Well, this is a beautiful — it’s more than an analogy. I think it’s factually describing

what’s happening in our world today. As a biologist, Bruce tells a story, and I know many of our listeners are familiar with the first part of the story. They may not be familiar with how it ends. In the life of a caterpillar, at some point something triggers a change within the body of that caterpillar. It builds a cocoon or chrysalis, depending on whether it’s a moth or butterfly, and the body breaks down into this sticky gooey dark stuff that’s a liquid. And in that time, that being is completely vulnerable, unable to defend itself. If a predator comes along during that time, there’s nothing the butterfly or the moth can do to defend itself. It can’t get away. It can’t fight back. It’s a sticky gooey mess. But something mystical happens, and even the best science of the day cannot explain precisely why this happens. But at some point a few of the cells in that sticky gooey mess begins to behave differently for a reason that’s not known by science today. And they begin to express themselves differently, and when they do it first, other cells begin to follow suit. It takes a few of these cells first to shift the way that they are behaving for the other cells to acknowledge it and then begin to follow on.

And when that happens, the transformation occurs. The sticky gooey mess begins

to morph into the butterfly or the moth. The key is a few cells had to do it first. This is why I’m sharing this story. Those cells, and I love this term, it’s a biological term. They’re called the imaginal cells. The imaginal cells, because they were able to imagine in the eyes of science, they were able to imagine a greater possibility.

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I’m sharing that story, because something very, very similar is happening on our planet today. Over seven billion plus people living on the planet, many have been conditioned to believe that we live in a world of violence, we’re violent by nature, that we’re separate from one another and that competition is the way to solve our problems. A few individuals are waking up. The imaginal cells of our human family are waking up and saying there’s another way. And one of the most beautiful examples of this has happened very, very recently.

Gregg: We all have heard about the possibility of a big war brewing on the horizon in the

Middle East between Israel and Iran. And each side has the reasons that to them seem like good reasons. I’m not going to judge those reasons as right, wrong, good or bad. What I’m going to say is this. There’s something else happening. There is an amazing film that was put out on Facebook of an Israeli man who wrote an open letter to the people of Iran. And he said, Iranians, he said, there’s talk of a big war. He said, for there to be a war, we have to hate you. He said, I can’t hate you. I don’t even know you. I’ve never even met an Iranian. He said, I love the Iranian people. And it was this kind of language. He sent an open letter to the people of Iran. Twenty-four hours later, the Iranians are writing back open letters — Israelis, we love you. We don’t want this war. They said, for there to be a war, we have to hate you. We don’t know you. We’d like to know you. And the Iranians said, it is the people of Israel and the people of Iran that will bring the world to peace, not those who call themselves the leaders.

That is a powerful example of imaginal cells waking up to a greater possibility,

moving away from the thinking and the beliefs of the way of solving problems in the past. And I think this is just how it happens. That is an example on a large scale between nations, but the same thing is happening in our families, in our communities, and in our workplace.

What I’ve found, Jennifer, I think when the facts are clear, the choice and our path

becomes obvious. So when the facts, it doesn’t have to be technical, but when people really realize that science confirms in the real world what they’ve always felt in their hearts, that we are deeply connected, that we are a family, that we’re going to get a lot further by working together, because deep down we may not always like one another what we do, but I think we love one another. And that’s why humans — we just saw a beautiful example of this. Hurricane Sandy, and the lengths that people have gone to, to help one another that they didn’t even know, risking their own lives. That’s who we are. And that is our truest nature. Something inside of us clicks and awakens, and we don’t even think about it. We risk our lives to help another person or animals. To help the animals — pulling horses out of the river. Pulling dogs out of the rivers and the riptides that were occurring that would have swept them away.

Those are examples, beautiful examples of our truest nature. So when we can

embrace the facts, and that’s why I think the book Deep Truth is one example, one of many examples, that is bringing these facts to the mainstream in a way that is accessible, it’s understandable, where the classroom textbooks and the media is not sharing it with us. And it’s that place. Once we see it in writing, it meets what we’ve always felt to be true in our hearts, and that empowers us to live that in our lives and that’s where the imaginal cells wake up. That’s where when we go into the office and we see the argument that takes place in a corporate boardroom over the best way to solve a problem, that’s where we begin to awaken the new possibilities of how we can solve that problem without pounding our fists on the

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table and shouting the loudest as maybe has been done for the last 20 years. I’ve seen this myself in the corporate world. I was the youngest person in the boardroom of Martin Marietta Defense Systems and also at Cisco Systems. And both of those corporations — amazing companies, really good people there. A lot of them were retired military from another age, you know, from the Cold War years or even World War II, and competition was very much front and center in their minds. When someone else would open the door to another possibility and say, you know, what would happen if we tried to do this, or what if we approached it from this perspective. You’re not arguing. You’re just saying, there’s another possibility. And then that’s where the cooperation, the door for that cooperation opens up. We don’t attack the beliefs or the ideas of another. We offer another possibility.

Gregg: You know, Buckminster Fuller before his death, he was such a brilliant man and I

respect him so much, made just a brilliant statement. He said, “You’ll never change the existing reality by fighting the things that you don’t like.” He said, “If you want to bring about change in your world, find a better way to do the same thing that makes the old ways obsolete.” And I think there’s a lot of truth in that. If we can find new ways to solve our problems and to work together that are beneficial to everyone, then people begin doing things that way. You don’t have to fight the old way, but it simply makes no sense any longer to do things the old way. And this is one example of where these deep truths can play out in our lives and in our families.

Jennifer: Find a better way. You know, you said something incredibly significant that is an

actual tool that each of us can use in our communication styles. It’s just a simple, what if instead of putting pressure behind something else. Armstrong is also really good at talking about how men and women talk to each other and sometimes we have pressure behind what we’re saying, so I would say, what if releases the pressure. It’s like it takes the pressure off.

Gregg: One of the things that I’ve found, and I’m going to use the boardroom again as an

example, but this could be in our circle of friends, it could be at the family dinner table or whatever. If you announce to your peers that you’re going to lead them into a new way of doing things, you’re probably going to get some resistance. People don’t respond well to that.

Jennifer: I know better immediately puts people on the defensive. Gregg: Exactly. But if you can honor and acknowledge where they’re at, their beliefs, their

experience, what’s real for them, and ask that question. Say, “What would happen?” Or better yet, “How would you feel? How would you feel about approaching it this way?” Or “How would you feel about doing something like this first? What are your thoughts on this?” So you’re introducing — you’re opening the door to another possibility. You’re introducing your own idea without in any way denigrating what someone has already brought to the table.

A colleague of Albert Einstein’s, Niels Bohr, made a brilliant statement in the 1940s

in a conversation that he was having with Albert Einstein about the crisis that were unfolding in the mid 20th century that the two men were talking about. They were living in a time not unlike what we’re living in now. Different circumstances, but certainly a world of crisis in the mid 1940s. And what Niels Bohr said that I think is so profound, he said, “Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself its own

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solution.” So in other words, the answer is in the problem. And the second part of the statement is “It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it.” So we just have to think a little different to find the answer.

Gregg: What does that mean? We tend to think of ourselves and our relationship to our

bodies and the world through a lens of understanding. Sometimes it’s conscious. Sometimes it’s subconscious. The lens comes from what the world has told us about ourselves. And we have been led to believe that we’re separate from one another, from our bodies, that we’re separate from the Earth, that we are the pinnacle of civilization. We’re at the high end of the only civilization that’s every existed and that we live in this world of scarcity where we’ve got to fight for our piece of the pie and as Darwin in his own words, Darwin said that we live in the world based upon nature, based upon survival of the strongest. Those are Darwin’s words. It was later interpreted as survival of the fittest, but if you go into Darwin’s own work he says it’s a world of survival of the strongest.

So we are the product of that kind of thinking, and that thinking comes up in our

romantic relationships, our most intimate relationships. It comes up in our relationships with our friends, our families, our co-workers, and it’s showing up between nations on a big, big level right now. So here’s the context now, Jennifer. Here we are the last months of a rare and mysterious 5,125 year cycle of time, when our ancestors told us we could expect tremendous change upon the Earth. They knew the change was coming because it always does. It’s a cyclic change based on Earth and Earth’s cycles. Our ancestors knew this. They said our greatest crisis would be less about the physical changes themselves. They knew we would get through the changes in the weather and the changes in the climate and when the rain falls and how cold it gets and the floods and all of that. They knew we would get through that. They said the greatest challenge would be how we treat on another as we go through the changes.

So here we are, the best science of our time is now revealing the deepest truths of

our existence just in time so we can apply them to solve the greatest crisis that threaten our future. And the beauty is that what science is revealing parallels our most cherished and ancient spiritual traditions of a way of being with our friends, with our families, in our communities, in our homes. And those principals apply between nations as well. So this is where in the introduction we were talking about this a little bit. This is where, I think, the rubber meets the road. If we were ever going to apply in our lives what we claim to believe in our hearts, now would be a really, really, really good time to put those principals in action.

I had someone stop me in the hall as I was going up to the main stage, and said,

Gregg are you going to talk about the stuff between nations, or are you going to talk about spiritual stuff? And I looked at the woman and I said, “Where do you draw the line between the spiritual stuff and the stuff that’s happening between nations?” And she was reaching in her mind for the answer to that question, and I said, “Don’t even bother.” I said, “The minute you draw that line, you’ve fallen into the ancient trap that separates our beliefs from the world around us.” Our world is the out-picturing. What we create in the world around us is the out-picturing of our deepest and most cherished beliefs. And if we’re ever the choir, for 40 years or more, at least since the ‘70s, most of this generation, we’ve been saying we are one. We’re a family. We can work together and if we’re ever going to apply those principals in our lives, I can’t think of a better time than right now when the world

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is on the precipice of what the experts are telling us are multiple nested simultaneous crisis’s that threaten our very existence.

Jennifer: So how — I mean, you alluded to the fact that we’re the choir; that we are the

group that’s listening here today is the imaginal cells. How can we become more powerful imaginal cells?

Gregg: And this is the beauty, and this is why so few people talk about it, because it’s not

easy to talk about for this reason. The answer to your question is different for every person that’s listening. And how do you talk about something that’s different for everyone? So what I’d like to offer is this. We’ve been led to believe that we live in a world where the origin of life and human life is random, nothing special about us. That’s what science says. That we’re separate from our own bodies. We’re separate from one another, where we’re separate from the Earth, where we’re the pinnacle of sophistication and we’ve got more and done better than anybody else before us. And that violent competition is the way to solve our problems. Whoever’s got the biggest stick is going to win. That’s the world that we’re the product of.

Based upon that way of thinking, we have been led to ask ourselves a question.

And every one of us any challenge that crosses our path, ever relationship the possibility of a job, career, the answer to the great challenge in our lives will answer them through the eyes of those false assumptions and what we have been led to ask is this. When those things come up in our lives what can I get from the world that exists? What’s in it for me? What can I get from the world that exists? The new discoveries based upon the best science of our time that confirm our most cherished spiritual traditions, now tell us that we live in a very different world. It’s a world of cooperation, mutual aid, where we’re connected to everything.

So what I’m going to invite our listeners to do if you haven’t already is to change

the question. Rather than asking what can I get from the world that exists, every morning when you wake up, I’m going to invite you to ask yourself this question. What can I give to the world that’s emerging? What can I give to the world that’s emerging? I ask myself this question not only when I wake up, many times throughout the day. And my answer to the question, it’s a deceptively simple question. My answer to that question is the compass by which I gauge my level of commitment and where I chose to put my energy every single day. What can I give to the world that’s emerging?

And what I’ve found, Jennifer, is interesting. The world is changing. Our nation is

changing. All nations are. The way that we thought about jobs and careers is one place where it’s coming up for people big time. If people are limited, if they feel limited in the choices of job and career, because they’re viewing it through the things that they’ve been trained to do. They look at their college degree, or they look at 25 years of experience in information technology, and they say that’s all I know how to do. That is self-limiting unto itself. If you look beyond that, what can I give to the world that’s emerging? It’s a world based on community, connectivity, holistic ways of thinking of ourselves and our relationship to the world. What can you give to that world? Forget about the IT world just for a minute and think about what that looks like.

Now, I’m going to give a couple of real life examples, can I do that?

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Jennifer: Please, please. Gregg: Do we have time? Jennifer: Yes, yes. Gregg: Okay. We live in Northern New Mexico, a couple of real life examples. There’s a

man who works here as a construction contractor building homes very successfully for 30 years. The housing crisis happened in ’08, all of a sudden he went to zero new building permits in a year. All of his crew, everybody he was responsible for, there was no work. He could have just folded and collapsed like a lot of people did. However, he asked himself a question? What can I give to the world that’s emerging? He said, “You know, everybody needs food, and it’s really hard to grow food in this environment.” He said, “I could take my construction abilities and build for people environment where they can successfully year around grown their own food.” And that’s exactly what he’s done. So he’s created modular gardens. They can be indoors. They can be outdoors. You can put them together to make big ones or small ones whatever you want, year around, protected from the elements. Very, very precise way that he’s done this, and this is what he’s doing to take his skill set. He can build things and applying those skills to things that people need in the world that’s emerging right now. And that’s just one example.

The other is a physicist from the Los Alamos National Labs. He worked in nuclear

physics most of his adult life. When that world began to change, he said, what can I give to my family, what can I give to my community, the world that’s emerging? He left the world of physics. He now raises llamas with his family in Northern New Mexico. The whole family works together every day to create their own good. They get to work together. They get to honor the lives of the llamas together. They sheer them for wool. The animals aren’t hurt. They’ve started a whole new industry where he is happier and healthier than he ever was working in the laboratory in the world of nuclear physics, which served him very well. I’m not denigrating that in any way. It’s just the world changed. Now he’s home with his wife, he’s home with his children, and they have learned to work together in a way that has opened up a whole new realm of health and possibilities. If he would limit it by his past, and he said the only thing he can do is what he was trained to do through his career and through his job experience, he would never be having this experience with his family. So just a couple of simple examples.

Jennifer: Wow. That’s really cool. That is really cool. It’s opening up the possibility and I

can feel it in our audience to say, wow. Just that simple question can change it all. Gregg: It’s a deceptively simple question, but the key for all of this, and I’ve lost track of

our time. I’m not sure how exactly how much time we have here, but one of the keys — I don’t know what’s going to happen, Jennifer. I don’t have a hotline to the Kremlin or the White House or a crystal ball.

Jennifer: Gregg, you don’t? Gregg: I really don’t. Jennifer: I felt pretty sure you had.

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Gregg: And you’re not alone. When I travel to other countries, people ask me in other countries, Gregg when you go home, please tell your president this, or ask your president not to do this. And I say, “You know, next time I talk to him, I will.” But here’s why I’m saying this. We don’t know what’s going to happen, but what we know is this. It is a fact that the world is changing. It is a fact that many of the systems that we’ve come to trust and rely upon, and we thought that we mastered pretty well are changing as well. What that means is that many of the familiar things in life are being interrupted, or some of them are going away. And we’re learning to rely more and more upon — and the term is community. And I think community is so important. And it means different things to different people.

For a lot of people in the corporate world if you talk about community, they think of

the word commune and you know, everybody moving into a big house or big property together like maybe they did in the ‘60s. There’s so many levels of community. There are levels of community where people never even meet one another. They’re online, but they can support one another with information. There are levels of community where it’s just one person in one house is connected to somebody else in another house two blocks away. And when one person is gone, the other person looks out for the animals, or if they need help, they’ve got someone there.

I know some parts of the world — Texas, I was just with a group of families that

got together and said the same thing. We don’t know what’s going to happen, but we know community is important. They went in together, the group of families, and bought an entire cul-de-sac of homes so that they are all neighbors when they want to be neighbors. And when they don’t they do their own things together and when they want to get together and do things, they’ve learned to do that together.

There are communities, and again we live in a rural area in Northern New Mexico

where communities have come together. They recognize that some people work better outside the home in the world. Other people don’t do so well in the world interfacing with other people. So they’ve started large community gardens, for example in Espanola, New Mexico. These are big community gardens. I mean acres. These are five, seven, eight acre gardens. They’re huge. You can grow a lot of food on eight acres. And some of the people don’t want to interface with the public, they are spending their time, their days preparing and caring and tending for the gardens that are supplying food not only for themselves, but providing income farm to table for local restaurants and things like that. And they’re all working together in that way. So I’m going to invite our listeners, I know many of us are already in communities and it means different things to different people, but if we can explore even a deeper level of what the word community means in our lives and globally, I think that’s going to be the key decentralizing where the important things in our life come from and bring them a little closer to home, a little more local.

And I’m an optimist, Jennifer. I’ve never been more optimistic about our world or

our nation and I’m also a realist. And I think it’s realistic to expect disruptions in some of the things that we’ve come to rely upon. And community is a way to kind of buffer some of those disruptions. If you find a way to take care of yourself and a few other people, I think that it’s a good healthy thing. If you don’t need it, fine. If you do, it’s there. A lot of people on the East Coast did that for this storm and that’s why they weathered the storm so well. They had disruptions in food, disruptions in power, the local authorities couldn’t get out to them, but they had

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their own community. It’s not about survivalism. It’s just about being responsible for ourselves and recognizing that we’re living in a time — a little window.

Gregg: E.O. Wilson from Harvard University, a brilliant biologist said we’re entering what

he called a bottleneck in time when our resources and our ability to solve our problems would be pushed to the limits. I think we’re in that — he said that in ’05. I think we’re in that bottleneck right now. I and many of my colleagues, Bruce Lipton included, we all feel there’s a much better world right around the corner and we are the generation living the transition. We’ve got to get through that little bottleneck that E.O. Wilson is talking about. And one of the ways of doing that is just being able to be responsible for ourselves and learn to take care of ourselves and one another in ways that largely a whole generation has forgotten. So I hope I said that okay.

Jennifer: Oh, beautifully. In fact it’s right at the top of the hour so beautiful, I mean, just

beautiful. And it’s a very simple statement that I think sums up the entire show which is: What can I give to the world that is emerging. And in fact, that is our phrase that pays for tonight. I think we might have used that on a previous phrase that pays too, but it’s so perfect. I want to say it again. What can I give to the world that is emerging? If we wake up every morning and said that, I think our individual lives would change, because the answers that would come forth would allow us to move out of the current paradigm into this new paradigm. So if you’re interested in joining the contest go ahead to:

healingwiththemasters.com/contest And plug that into Gregg’s and we’re going to give you one of his packages. So

speaking of Gregg’s packages, we have a beautiful special offer, and you know, it’s really, really clear to me that this offer is not only incredibly informative and powerfully informationally rich, but it is, it is the communication fulcrum upon which you can communicate with friends and family who are not as deep into this path, who are not the choir. If you’re ready to preach to people who are not the choir, this package will be the medium for you to do that. This package is beautiful. It offers spiritual concepts in a scientific framework that will allow for a new set of communication. That’s my feeling. So if you go to:

specials.healingwiththemasters.com/gregg You know what? There’s a lot of wonderful things on Nova and the Discovery

Channel on quantum physics, and I love all of them. I buy them. I buy the PBS stuff because it’s fodder for my mind that allows my mind to really grok what’s going on so that my heart and my being can open. I believe this package will do the same for you, not only that, but will also guide you into powerful nuances of the heart. It will talk about coherence. It will talk about how to maintain coherence. It’s a really cool package of Gregg’s deepest most powerful life’s work. So if you’re ready to find your true purpose, if you’re ready to discover your divine essence, if you’re ready to understand how to become more powerful, if you’re ready to understand how to make the most of your time here on this planet at this particular time in our evolution, this is a beautiful package. It includes a deep truth behind the scenes with Gregg Braden. It’s an on demand video. It’s really, really cool. It’s not available many places, and it’s a really cool thing.

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Jennifer: So what are the changes? Where are they leading us? When will it happen? What can we expect in the coming months and weeks? And even after into 2013, what does it mean for us and our loved ones? Discover what the greatest mind, I think, in our time is sharing. And never before seen behind the scenes footage that fills in some of the gaps of some of the content that you may have been hearing from Gregg.

Also, the second thing is item two which is a really deep program, eight CD set,

Deep Truth Igniting the History of our Origin, History, Destiny, and Fate. It is a journey with Gregg Braden through this wonderful information discovering why evolution alone does not explain our existence. We’ve been on Earth much longer than historians have accepted and we didn’t even get into a lot of this material. You’ll get into it here that we are at the tipping point, and what that tipping point is, how it looks like, how we can use it. That’s the second product.

The third one is Fractal Time, the Secrets of 2012. It’s a four CD set that talks

about the ancient world and the modern world views and how they are starting to match. It explains everything from war and peace between our nations and our relationships, why personal crisis are important. The patterns that are showing up from our past that are guiding us to our future. It’s going to allow you to take a look at your own life and your own patterns. Really beautiful program there.

And then item four, Spontaneous Healing of Belief. Shattering the paradigm of

false limits. This is the creation program. To me this is understanding how your manifestation works both in the positive and in the negative. And how you can now recreate your life and really heal your beliefs and change even your DNA and your code. Upgrade your whole life with this life altering CD program.

And then finally is The Divine Matrix. Oh, my God. This is such a great offer,

Gregg. Wow, it’s so cool. We worked with Hay House to put this together — beautiful. Bridging time, space, miracles, and beliefs, The Divine Matrix. It’s talking about the field and quantum physics and bridging, truly bridging science, spirituality and miracles. Again, you understand now why I’m saying if you want to have a deeper conversation with someone who’s not into this stuff, these programs, these items will guide you; especially I’m feeling also the more linear in our lives. This will give you some wonderful forms of discussion.

Then there’s finally the last one which is a four CD set, Unleashing the Power of the

God Code. I loved the God Code. Discovering the ancient message, the name of God that’s encoded into the cells in your body and life. Understanding the lost key that allows DNA to be translated into language and words. Cross the traditional boundaries of science and spirituality. Discover how the message of your DNA holds the power to heal your body. Actually heal your body to actually resolve conflict and create peace between families and nations that is already encoded within you. And all you have to do is find out that switch and turn it on. And Gregg is going to help you find how.

Then there’s another one. I can’t believe this. This is the best — oh, my God.

There’s two more. Wow. Gregg: This is the first I’m hearing about it. I think I’m going to order one. Jennifer: Seriously.

Page 20: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2012 · 11/15/2012  · thursday, november 15, 2012 transcript host guest jennifer mclean gregg braden healingwiththemasters.com

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 20 of 32 Guest: Gregg Braden Thursday, November 15, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Gregg: I don’t even have these in my office. Jennifer: This is Speaking the Lost Language of God. With this huge four CD set, you’re

going to understand language and communication. The discovery, the mystery, the insights, that leads you to the wisdom of the ancient languages and how they’re showing up now. And understand that there’s an unseen web of energy that connects us all and how to use that. It’s beautiful. You can speak the language of God with this powerful program.

And then item seven, the Power of Everyday Magic: Entanglement. This is a DVD

video. This is a great cinematic whirlwind and brings you into the mind of a young art student in order to better understand the impact and importance of the Divine Matrix. So it gives you kind of a first hand experience of the concepts found in the Divine Matrix in a really beautiful story about art student, Jack Franklin, and it’s a great — it’s a scientific thriller and it’s really fun. So again, it’s a powerful program.

Gregg: Jennifer, can I say a couple of things? Jennifer: Please, jump in, Gregg. Gregg: Well, first of all Hay House is our publisher, obviously, and I want to say first of all I

want to thank Hay House for making these available. They are our publisher, but I’ve got to tell you, they’re much more than that. They’re the family that has come together under the umbrella of Hay House, and many of my closest friends and colleagues I knew before we were ever authors. They’ve all gravitated, including Bruce Lipton, to this publisher because they so strongly support this message and they so believe there is a better world very, very near and that we are all catalysts to getting to this world. So they are always looking for new ways to share this information.

So Entanglement it is a made for television film. It is one of three films that were

made as part of a pilot television series called Tales of Everyday Magic. Entanglement is based on the book The Divine Matrix rather than talking about the connectivity of twin particles in physics, however, this film using Hollywood actors talks about the connectivity of twin brothers in real life. And as you mentioned, Jennifer, one is an art student and one goes into military service in a battlefield of Iraq. And it’s what happens between the two brothers halfway around the world, separated by halfway around the world, that links them together in ways that they’re only beginning to understand that makes this — it brings the idea of our connectivity to a very powerful and personal level. So I wanted to say that it is made for television. It’s a 55-minute television series.

Jennifer: It’s really fun too. Gregg: It’s a pilot project. If the pilot goes, we’ll be a part of the series, if not, then it’s a

special program that they’ll air on occasion. The books, The Divine Matrix and Deep Truth are actually, this is the first year they are the core curricula for college course — and engineering course that’s being offered in Canadian universities this year.

Jennifer: Seriously? Oh, my God, how cool.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 21 of 32 Guest: Gregg Braden Thursday, November 15, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Gregg: People are asking. It is science. It doesn’t have to be tremendously technical. I’ve

moved as much of the technical stuff into the appendices as possible, but if you’ve always known there’s a field that connects all things and you want the facts of what science knows about that, and what it means in our lives and what our ancestors knew about it, these two books together were used in the Canadian university system for a summer engineering program for the first time that just ended in September.

Jennifer: That is amazing. Gregg: Yeah, I’m thrilled about it. Jennifer: That is so cool. specials.healingwiththemasters.com/gregg And you can get this powerful program. And thanks again, also, as you said to Hay

House for working with us to offer this amazing package at a ridiculous price. Really ridiculous price.

Gregg: Well, Jennifer, I want to thank you for being such a gracious host and for your

vision of keeping this series together and giving us the forum so we can have these conversations. We covered a lot of ground. The time went by very quickly today and I so appreciate you and all that you’ve done and I want to thank all of our listeners, because every one of you is doing all you can to become the best people you can. Together we’re creating a better world. And I am optimistic about where we’re going. And I want people to hear that really clearly. It’s not about judging the past. It’s about recognizing what works and what doesn’t. The past works so well it got us where we are today, and now we’re ready for a new world.

Jennifer: Yeah, we are and it’s happening. And the challenges that appear to be showing up

are simply movements in the direction of possibility and so thank you for reminding us of that so powerfully with your wonderful content. Thank you so much, Gregg Braden, for joining us and thanks everyone for being part of today’s show.

You know, it seems like sometimes we come to these shows as individuals, but we

always end up a united community, in part because we are so united in our intention. We each matter. You matter. I love you all so very much. And until next time, good night, everyone. Good night, Gregg, and thank you.

[End of Discussion.]

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 22 of 32 Guest: Gregg Braden Thursday, November 15, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Volume 10 | September 11 – December 20, 2012






Jennifer McLean

Gregg Braden | Featured Guest | Further Information

New York Times Bestselling Author Scientific-Spiritualty Pioneer GreggBraden.com

New York Times bestselling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality, and the real world. Following a successful career as a computer geologist for Phillips Petroleum during the 1970s energy crisis, he worked as a senior computer systems designer with Martin Marietta Defense Systems during the final years of the Cold War. In 1991, he became the first technical operations manager for Cisco Systems. For more than 25 years, Gregg has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. His work is now featured as media specials shown on the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, National Geographic, and ABC. To date, Gregg's discoveries have led to such paradigm-shattering books as The God Code, The Divine Matrix, Fractal Time, and his latest, Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny, and Fate. Today his work is published in 19 languages and 38 countries, and shows us beyond any reasonable doubt that the key to our future lies in the wisdom of our past.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 23 of 32 Guest: Gregg Braden Thursday, November 15, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,


Tue 09-11-12

Sound Healing Pioneer Emphasizing Eternal Teachings ChristopherTims.com

Christopher Tims Christopher has travelled since January 8, 1988, when he started The Order of The Blue Star, sharing The Eternal Teachings with large and small groups around the world. There is a golden, virtually invisible thread that ties together all the religions and philosophies. This thread is the original or Eternal Teaching which surfaces to guide us and remind us of our own true nature.

Thu 09-13-12

Bestselling Author | Philosopher | Spiritual Teacher GuyFinley.org

Guy Finley

Bestselling “Letting Go" author Guy Finley's encouraging and accessible message is one of the true bright lights in our world today. His ideas go straight to the heart of our most important personal and social issues — relationships, success, addiction, stress, peace, happiness, freedom — and lead the way to a higher life.

Tue 09-18-12

Author | Teacher | Spiritual Guide DivineHumanUpgrades.net

Suzanna Kennedy Author of the book Sacred Union: Pathway to Paradise, is an ascension activator and teacher whose unique consciousness technology helps people activate and embody their human divinity.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 24 of 32 Guest: Gregg Braden Thursday, November 15, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,


Wed 09-19-12 BONUS CALL

Expert on ZeroPoint Energetics and EMF Protection ZeroPointGlobal.com

Rick Bergen

Rick Bergen is the CEO and co-founder of ZeroPoint Global company, dedicated to improving vibrancy, health and wellness through products devoted to enhanced energetic and vibrational alignment.

Tue 09-25-12 WORKSHOP 1

Investigative Journalist | Author | Public Speaker LynneMcTaggart.com

Lynne McTaggart Lynne McTaggart is an investigative journalist and author, and a sought-after public speaker whose talks and workshops have transformed the lives of the thousands around the world who have heard her.

Wed 09-26-12 WORKSHOP 2

Biocybernaut Institute, Inc. founder Biocybernaut.com

Dr. James Hardt

Dr. James V. Hardt serves as the President and founder of Biocybernaut Institute, Inc. He holds a BS in Physics from Carnegie Institute of Technology and an MS and PhD in Psychology from Carnegie-Mellon University. He has done post-doctoral training in Psychophysiology at the University of California at San Francisco.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 25 of 32 Guest: Gregg Braden Thursday, November 15, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,


Thu 09-27-12 WORKSHOP 3

Author | Neuroscientist | Therapist World’s Leading Expert on Spirituality MarkRobertWaldman.com

Dr. Mark Waldman Mark Waldman is Adjunct Faculty at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, and an Associate Fellow at the Center for Spirituality and the Mind at the University of Pennsylvania.

Tue 10-02-12

Best Selling Author | Anat Baniel Method founder AnatBanielMethod.com

Anat Baniel

Anat Baniel is the founder of the Anat Baniel Method and author of bestselling book Move Into Life: The Nine Essentials For Lifelong Vitality and the groundbreaking book Kids Beyond Limits. Anat is a clinical psychologist, dancer and leader in the field of movement/brain relationship — NeuroMovement®.

Thu 10-04-12

"I Believe the Sixth Sense should be the first." New York Times Bestselling Author Vibrational Healer | Six Sensory Teacher


Sonia Choquette Sonia Choquette is a world-renowned vibrational alchemist, intuitive consultant, and powerful spirited teacher. She is most recognized for her ability to instantly change vibration, lift depression, and connect others to their intuition. She helps people understand their souls’ plan and purpose and leads them to a successful, meaningful and peaceful lives.

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Tue 10-09-12

Dedicated Seeker of Truth, Healing and Wisdom We-Infinity.com

Hope Fitzgerald

In partnership with psychologist Jan Seward, Hope launched the Wave Energy Center for Conscious Evolution, a collective dedicated to the positive, expansive development of the individual, the community and the earth. She is also a certified neurofeedback specialist and a life coach, incorporating Reiki and energy healing into her practice.

Wed 10-10-12 BONUS CALL

VibesUP founder 3-Time Visionary Award Winner For Her Unique Healing Tools VibesUP.com

Kaitlyn Keyt

Kaitlyn Keyt, the founder of VibesUP, is a five-time recipient of the Visionary Award for creating unique healing tools that communicate with nature. Combining lighthearted common sense with science, Kaitlyn clears a path for simple understanding of complex ideas and accessing the higher self, to easily release limiting beliefs and programming. With topics like Eating Through Our Feet, Fishing For Energy and Plants That Read Our Mind, she makes understanding how Nature helps us remember who we are just plain FUN!

Thu 10-11-12

Actor | Healer | Bestselling Author Creator of the Powerful I~M System of Healing IamDeeWallace.com

Dee Wallace

Dee Wallace is an actress best known for her portrayal of the mother in Steven Spielberg’s academy award winning movie ET. Dee has spent the last decade developing a remarkable healing model designed to work deeply in the core energy systems of the psyche to encourage profound yet instant release.

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Tue 10-16-12 WORKSHOP 1

Wed 10-17-12 WORKSHOP 2

Thu 10-18-12 WORKSHOP Q&A

Speaker | Healer | Author | Coach MaryAHall.com

Mary A. Hall Mary A. Hall is a renowned Healer, Abundance Coach, Author and Speaker. Her system for guiding others to connect to their Heart and Divine Essence has launched her to become known as one of the most profound Healers in the industry.

Tue 10-23-12

Electrifying catalyst for healing CarolTuttle.com

Carol Tuttle

Carol Tuttle, MRET, is an electrifying catalyst for healing who has devoted her life to helping people rise out of deprivation into overflowing abundance. She is widely recognized as a leader in the areas of Energy Psychology, Emotional Freedom Technique and Energy Medicine and has helped thousands of people throughout her career.

Thu 10-25-12

"The Miracle Worker" | Author World Renowned Spiritual Teacher | Master of Energy JoDunning.com

Jo Dunning

Jo Dunning is a world renowned Spiritual Teacher, author, presenter and popular radio talk show guest. She is well known for her unusual ability to use energy to transform lives and Awaken consciousness. She is often referred to as a Miracle worker because of her ability to create profound changes in the lives of an entire audience.   


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Tue 10-30-12

World's Leading Expert on Law of Emergence DerekRydall.com

Derek Rydall

After a life-changing ‘brush with death’ while making a movie, Derek Rydall considered becoming a monk, then a minister, then cloistered himself in his apartment without TV or news and meditated for several years — emerging to become a licensed integrative therapist, bestselling author, and adopt a monk (that’s another story). The world’s #1 leading expert on The Law of Emergence, he has trained top executives at Fortune 500 companies (from American Express to Disney) in relationship and communication skills, coached writers, artists, and media professionals (including Oscar and Emmy winners), on how to create more enlightened entertainment, and taught thousands of people around the planet how to live a more passionate, prosperous, and purposeful life. His work with The Law of Emergence and the process of Emergineering ends the struggle of self-improvement and helps people effortlessly achieve their full potential.

Thu 11-01-12

Internationally Recognized Leader in Bridging Science and Spirit BruceLipton.com

Bruce Lipton

Internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.

Tue 11-06-12 WORKSHOP 1

Wed 11-07-12 WORKSHOP 2

Thu 11-08-12 WORKSHOP Q&A

Spreading the seeds of Consciousness around the world. “Life comes to me with ease, joy and glory!” RikkaZimmerman.com

Rikka Zimmerman Rikka Zimmerman is a global leader in consciousness and a true example of “being the change” we all desire to see in the world. Rikka has envisioned a dream of a new reality and is leading the way for many. She holds large seminars, tele-classes, offers private sessions and group classes and has just released her new book, audio collection and consciousness card deck 21 Secrets of the Universe: Tools for Getting Everything You Desire Out of Life.

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Tue 11-13-12

World Renowned Author and Speaker Drunvalo.net

Drunvalo Melchizedek Drunvalo is the author of four books including The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II, Living in the Heart and his newest book Serpent of Light. These books have been published in 29 languages and reach out to over one hundred countries throughout the world.

Wed 11-14-12 BONUS CALL

Human Specialist | Holistic Health Practitioner | Teacher MagnifiedManifesting.com

Emmanuel Dagher Specializing in amazing transformation, Emmanuel Dagher has had the honor of co-creating amazing results with thousands of people around the world through his work as a Holistic Health Practitioner, Teacher, & Empowerment Coach. Emmanuel spent years studying and fine-tuning his craft, receiving a degree in Spiritual Psychology and advanced certifications in several holistic and alternative therapies. Emmanuel has also studied with visionaries including Dr. Michael Beckwith (from the movie The Secret), founder of Agape International and cofounder of the Association for Global New Thought.

Thu 11-15-12

New York Times Bestselling Author Scientific-Spiritualty Pioneer GreggBraden.com

Gregg Braden

New York Times Bestselling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality. Following a successful career as a Computer Geologist for Phillips Petroleum during the 1970's energy crisis, he worked as a Senior Computer Systems Designer with Martin Marietta Defense Systems during the last years of the Cold War.

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Instrument of the Universal and Creator Consciousness – Here to Assist You WilliamLinville.com

William Linville

William Linville is a divine essence, clear Creator Consciousness in a physical body. He has ascended beyond all Akashic record levels, perceptions of the truth, identifications, beliefs, et cetera, which allows him to obtain/download clarity on any and all topics and so much more. William is an instrument of the Universal and Creator Consciousness and is here to assist you in accelerating and amplifying the process of you remembering, embodying and expanding into your Creator Essence and to experience all of your magnificence and much, much more.

Tue 11-27-12


Wed 11-28-12 WORKSHOP 2

Thu 11-29-12 WORKSHOP Q&A

Inspirational Visionary | Contemporary Spiritual Master PanacheDesai.com

Panache Desai Panache Desai is an inspirational visionary and contemporary spiritual master in the field of consciousness and vibration. His energetic gift of vibrational transformation has inspired and shifted the lives of tens of thousands around the globe. He shares eternal truths, inspirational insights, and vibrational tools to empower you to create the life of your dreams. Panache is called a modern-day avatar. He acts as a direct link to Divine consciousness empowering people of all ages, economic and educational backgrounds to transform their lives by connecting them with their limitless Divine nature.

Tue 12-04-12

Internationally Acclaimed Entrepreneur and Author Creator of The Body Dialog System of Healing McLeanMasterWorks.com

Jennifer McLean

Internationally acclaimed entrepreneur, author and creator of The Body Dialog System of Healing, Jennifer McLean is a spiritual catalyst. Intelligent, heart-centered and mindful, Jennifer works with the acclaimed masters from the transformational thought and wellness communities, amplifying their teachings at a level her audience can absorb, no matter where they are in their own spiritual journey. This valuable amplification skill, combined with Jennifer’s intention to be a beacon of love, peace and light, has allowed her in a few short years to build a successful international business from the ground up.

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Thu 12-06-12

Creator of Quantum Lightweaving® QuantumLightweaving.com

Kenji Kumara

Kenji established Quantum Lightweaving® (his synthesis of over 38 years in the field) in 2007 and his Fellowship of Lightweavers in 2005 (to ordain certified spiritual healers). On his website one can purchase his live and evergreen attunement activations and teaching videos. Monthly newsletters are also available on the site.

Tue 12-11-12

Special Guest

Tue 12-13-12

Special Guest

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Tue 12-18-12

Special Guest

Thu 12-20-12

Special Guest

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