FAQS BIOTTT THE SARATOGIAN.'SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. Y.. TUESDAY. JULY 6. 1937. Telephone 2580 H. R. HADDLETON Optometrist Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted 33 H No. Main St. Tel. 86 Mechanicville J. P NOONAN Funeral Director STILLWATER, N. Y. Complete and Modern Funeral Service TEL 757 OR 326-M MECHANICVILLE NOTICE 1* hereby given that license number E.^--61:'0 has been is- sued to the undersigned to sell beer at retail under Section 55 of tht j Alcoholic Beverage Control Law, at Willow Glen Inn, Saratoga State Road, Mechanicville R. F. D. 1, Town of Stillwater, Saratoga County, to be consumed upon the eaid premises. FRED MURPHEY, R. F. D. Xo. 1, Mechanicville, N. Y.< 7 6-13. LAWN F E S T I V A L IN MECHANICVILLE SET FOR JULY 15 Mechanicville — St. Paul's parish will hold its annual lawn festival Thursday evening, July 15. Mrs. William J. Cassldy is gen- eral chairman. A meeting of the following committee has been called for g p. m. tonight in the Parish School Hall to complete arrange- ments: Mesdames .lohn Kennedy. Sarah McCormick, Thomas Larkin. Mich- ael O'Connor. Patrick Holland, Mary Bullock, Matthew Wixted. John Shields, John O'Melia, Thomas Chase. Mesdames William Spain. Thomas Welch. Chestnut Stree*: William T Sullivan. Bart Quinn, Chester La- Bar, Michael Dalton. Patrick Guerin. Edward Morrissey, James Hipwell. Enos Murphy, William Mulvihill. Mesdames John Monahan. John Conley, Thomas Cassidy, James McEvoy, Herbert Massey, P. Mc- Donald, Louise Varley, John C. O'Brien, " !w. rd Hallen, Elizabeth Collins, George Golden, Thomas Finigan D. D. Linehan, Thomas E. Harrigan. Mesdames Leonard Tierney, Ed- ward O'Rourke, John Hunt, Ed- ward Boucher, Walter McMahon, John M. Walsh, Patarick J. Ken- iry, Richard Bray, John Reilly, Dennis Connors. Mesdames George Bridgeford, William Higgins, Patrick Powers, Gerald Flynn, Joseph Gilheany, Walter Benham, Patrick Bergeron, Westward Ho, on Atlantic Test Flight Amid a plume of spray, the Caledonia, huge British flying boat, takes off at Southampton, Eng., on the first leg of its scheduled flight across the Atlantic to New York as part of the test being con- ducted jointly by the Imperial Airways and the Pan-American Airways and looking toward the establishment of a commercial airline between the United States and England. The Pan-American Clipper was simultaneously engaged in an east- ward flight. Both made the trip successfully. (NBA Kadiophoto, Copyright, 1&37) Of course there's a buzz about town! When you can buy smart comfortable J-.nna Jetticks AT BIG SAVINGS, that's something to get excited over. BUT — we advise a bright and early visit while assort- ments of styles and sizes are largest. For they'll go quickly! America's Smartest Walking Shoes Go Places Comfortably J. C. REYNOLDS 114 PARK AVE. MECHANICVILLE 0 STATEJ ~^m~»*mmmmmmm~~ 'vaaHJ^BajaaaaasV MECHANICVILLE TONIGHT 7:00, 9:00 He Couldn't Play Straight with a Woman! Men Called Him a "Square Shooter" His Wife Called Him a "Cheat" "HER HUSBAND LIES" with GAIL PATRICK - RICARDO CORTEZ - TOM BROWN Betty Boop Travel - "Yellowstone Park" New* TOMORROW 2:30, 7KX), 9:00 210 REASONS to BE HERE TOMORROW NIGHT AT 9 P. M. OR SIGN THE INDEX CARD IN THE AFTERNOON BETWEEN 1 P. M. AND 4:30 P. M. MELODY FOR 2 AMES MELTON-PATRICIA ELLIS William Carr, John J. Ryan, Howard Nolan. Mesdames W. J. Maby, Frank Reynolds, William Dalton, Park Place; Lawrence Strattner, John Higgins, James Ronan, Howard Hunt, E. E. Chauvin, J. McCarthy, William Hunter and William Swee- ney, R. F. D. 1. Mesdames Michael Nolan, John Selkis, C. F. Green, William Rhodes, James Kennedy, Ben Daley, Irving Grey, William Powers, Mabbett Street; William Foss, William Wy- zinsky. Mesdames Henry Wixted, James Holland, James M. Kelley, Ber- nard Pender, Anthony Dougherty, Thomas Mclnerney, R. Stanley Turner, Leo McGowan, Martin Cal- lahan, Ushers; Leo Commeau. M. E. Welch, J. P. Sullivan. Mesdames Arthur Casey, George Daley, Helen Luke, Libby Sullivan, C. H. Burns, J. M. Purcell, Anna Dugan, Frances" Street; Thomas Brenna:., John A'Hearn, Edward Conway, William T. Powers, Mary Dalton, Grand Street; William H. P,wers and John Doyle Jr. And the Misses Ann McGovern, Nellie Welch, Coon's Crossing; 5 T u.ry Micklas, Madelyn Walsh, Margaret Corrigan. Adeline Car- penter, Marv Slavin, Margaret Callahan, Kathryn Doyle. Marga- rets Hinchey, Helen Tierney, Kath- ryn Callahan. The Misses Nellie Cronin, Grace Fitzpatrick, Kay P. Callahan, Grace Dalton, Mary Micklas, Elizabeth Egan, Teresa Moore, Rita Fehily, M^ry Gavin, Mae Pickett, Kathleen Hogan. Grace Smith, Mary Mulvi- hill. Marion Sullivan and Eva He- bert. Picnic at Geysers Members of the Golden Sunbeam Circle, Kings Daughters, Presby- terian Church, enjoyed a picnic last week at Geyser Park. Games and a picnic lunch was enjoyed. Those present: Jeannette Biggs, Char- lotte Bullis, Catherine Coons, Leone Cook, Norma Golden, Betty Wood, Dorothy Woods, Mrs. Albert Cook, Mrs. Marvin Cook, Mrs. C. E . Biggs and Miss Virginia Biggs. All members of the Zouave Unit are requested to meet Friday at 7 p.m. in front of the high school building. Any young men wishing to join are requested to be present. Second in Class Thomas Nolan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nolan, East Saratoga Ave., has the distinction of rank- ing second in his class in the Al- bany Law School. Mr. Nolan has completed his second year. He is a member of the Justinian Honor Society. The WEA Juniors will hold a card party Friday night at the % home j of Mrs. Raymond Butler, Hem- street Park. Winners at last week's party were Mrs. Joseph Yattaw. Mrs. Bessie Offenbacker and How- ard Gooley in euchre, and Mrs. Mattie Dickson and Mrs. Mildred Cole in pinochle. Personals Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Caplan, North Main St., were weekend visitors MECHAN1CV1XJLE Personals Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy and son, John, and Mrs. John Cuningham and son, Robert, are enjoying a week's vacation at Old Orchard, Me. Miss Gladys McClenon spent the weekend holiday with her sister, Mrs. Fred Cower, Oneonta. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rathbun, North Second Ave., are enjoying a week's vacation in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clift, Vir- ginia, Harold and Thomas Storey, are vacationing at Trailer Park, Saratoga Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pratt and son, Donald, Bennington, Vt., called in this crty yesterday. Miss Helen Callahan, Green St., is vacationing at Saratoga Lake. W. Edward Ten Eyck, son, Ed- ward, and daughters, Elizabeth and Irene, South Second St., left Saturday by motor for Stony Point, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton M. Wood, Mabbett St., motored to Concord, N. H., for the weekend holiday. Daniel Fitzpatrick, New York, is spending two weeks with his moth- er, Mrs. Anna Fitzpatrick, South St. Osmand Dinardo, Saratoga Ave., visited relatives in Elizabeth, N. J.. over the weekend. ford-Mechanicville Road, w a s a dinner guest Sunday of Miss Helen May Abbott, Troy. Mrs. Joseph Hustler, Saratoga- Mechanicville Road, suffered injur- ies to her shoulder and hip Sun- day when she fell in her home. She was attended by Dr. John C. O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Fort and eon, Sidney, North Main St., spei-t the weekend at Lake Efnor. Earl G. Clark and son, Roy, have returned to Great Neck, L I., after visiting Mr. Clark's mother, Mrs. Alice Clark, and brother, Ralph Clark, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark and son will sail tomor- row for a two weeks' vacation trip to Bermuda. Mrs. Clinton G. Bishop and son, Gilbert, Sayville, L. I., are opend- ing the summer with Mrs. Bishop'3 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph N. Clark. Mrs. Nettie E. Griffin, Willow Glen, is spending several weeks with relatives in East Hartford, Conn. Miss Ada Gage, Cohoes, is a guest of Major and Mrs. Allan Whorton, North Central Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Russel, Sche- nectady, and Misses Hattie Miller and Nellie Barber, this city, mo- tored to the Thousand Islands v ver the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Powers, Grand St., have returned after vis- iting relatives in Chateauguay over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome K. Buch- dahl and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lffason, Rutland, Vt., were weekend visi-j Mintzer, South Main St., are vaca tors of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jame- tionins? at Schroon Lake, son, William °+ is^sUnf * 3 ORGANIZATIONS TO HOLD PICNICS AT STILLWATER Stillwater—The annual picnic of Upton^Chapter OES will be held at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow at Gailor's picnic grounds at Saratoga Lake. Cars will leave the Masonic Temple at 6:15 and each member is asked to bring her own dishes and a covered dish. The Baptist Youth Group will en- joy a picnic tomorrow evening at White's Beach on Ballston Lake. The annual picnic of the Presby- terian Sunday School will be held tomorrow afternoon and evening at Kaydeross Park. Cars will leave the church at 2:30. The Westmin- ster Class is in charge of the pic- nic lunch. Mrs. Aubrey F. Perry will enter- tain her bridge club tomorrow at her home on Second Ave. Lunch- eon at 12.45 will be followed by contract. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacDowell and son, Donald, Mechanicville, former residents of this place, are enjoy- ing a week's motor trip in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Moll, North Main St.. entertained Mrs. Moll's sisters, the Misses Marion and Lea Caoutte, another sister, Mrs. Ar- thur Lanzon and husband and son and daughter, and her mother, Mrs. Caoutte, Farmhan. Quebec, during the Weekend. Harvey VanVranken, Garfield, N. J., spent the weekend at his home on North Main St. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon McLeni- than and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reh- berger and Mrs. Charlotte Law- rence enjoyed a picnic yesterday on the lawn of the Rehberger home, South Main St. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Britt, Hoo- sick Falls, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Britt and family, Water St. They were ac- companied home by Miss Rita Britt who will spend some time with them. Mrs. D. W. MacDonald, daughter, Jean, and sons. William and Charles, and Roy Beckwith, Me- chanicville, and Miss Dorothy But- ler, Schenectady, called in town Sunday. Mrs. Madeline Holloway. Main St., spent today in Troy. Mrs. Walter C. Cansdale and daughters, Arlene and Alice, and son, Alanson, former residents of this place, and now of Indiana, visited in town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Bradt! and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shorter i and son Floyd, South Main St., j attended the Hart family reunion \ yesterday on the Albany-Schenec tady road. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilheany and children have returned to Flem- ington, N. J., after visiting rela- tives. Dr. John C. O'Brien and Mrs. O'Brien, Miss Katherine Welch and Miss Kathleen Harrigan left today for a week's vacation in Atlantic City, N. J. Lieut. John P .Ronan, New York State Police, and Mrs. Ronan have returned to Oneida after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ronan, South Fourth Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mosseau, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest G. Moulton, Mrs. Nellie Moulton, Mrs. Mary- Baker and Miss Delia Mosseau spent the weekend at Lake Lu- zerne. Lois Coons, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth, Coons, Still- water, underwent an operation yes- terday at the office of Dr. John C. O'Brien for removal of tonsils. Mrs. Richard Nordstrom, Water- ICE INSPECTOR SPEAKS BEFORE Fourth a Holiday For Accidents And Arrests, Too Mechanicville—No accidents— no arrests, was the highly sat- isfactory postf-holiday report by Chief John Ennello at head- quarters this morning. Quiet, everywhere was the re- port of individual officers con- tacted for information last night —the lone complaint coming after the burglary at Joyce'a. Log Tavern yestei lay morning. Many residents of the city spent the weekend and holiday out of town and but for the heavy traffic through tha city, the holiday period was unusually quiet. Vicinity beaches had their quota of Mechanicville residents. No sports events were scheduled here over the weekend and holiday. $ 8 0 STOLEN FROM JOYCE'S TAVERN Mechanicville — Police yesterday received a report that Joyce's Log Tavern, North Main St., where a week ago fire caused a loss esti- mated at $10,000, was entered after yesterday morning's closing hour and $80 stolen from where it was secreted in the kitchen. The money was in small t : ll3 and change left for the day barr tender. A screen in a rear door was broken. In addition to the $80, a number of pennies were taken from the restaurant cash register, property of Fred Beck, restauran- teur. Police are working on the theory that someone secreted himself and watched Louis Doyle, manager, hide the money. Chief John En- nello said this morning the depart- ment has evidence that may lead to an early arrest. Several months ago Mr. Beck was loser to the extent of $30 in much the same manner. An em- ploye of the restaurant disappeared about the same tim* was held yesterday at 8:30 a.m. from the residence of his son, Wil- liam Wyzinsky, 28 .Sheehan St., in at 9 a.m. in St. Paul's Church. The fureral Mass of Requiem I was celebrated by the Rev. Sylves- ter J. Martin, OSA. PAlTfilirwIWnP I Tall A IT Beyers were Felix Anesuwski, luNl/UllORo UINIUIN William - Gaverecki - ^p^ p s Mechanicville—Thomas Dickson, Order of Railway Conductors, Sun- day observed here the 69th anniv- ersary o* the order's founding with appropriate exercises including an address by W. T. Thomson, mem- ber of the division and an inspec- loski, Henry Pelo, Bartholomew Powers and Ludwick Ciepiela. Burial was in St. PauL's Ceme- tery. Miss Mary Dube Injured Miss Mary Dube, 26 of Crescent, was cut about the face and legs early yesterday morning when tor for the Interstate Commerce cars operated by Fred Fountain of This Day In Other Years -IN MECHANICVILLE- INC, DICK PURCEll WINIFRfcD SHAW Our Gang m "Lucky Corner' Novelty July 4 1932, Ruth M . Cohn-Irwin S. Buchdahl wed. 1934, Fred Izzo, Elnora, victim of their son-in-law and daughter, of blood poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Brand, Bos- ton, Mass JULY CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL DRESSES No Alterations, No Charges You still have many weeks in which to enjoy these beautiful dresses. SILKS AND LINENS All Sizes All Colors Ellen Dress Shop 235 PARK AVE. Mechanicville Phone 779 1934, Death of Mrs. Blanche M. Smith, Broadway. 1935, Elizabeth Bruno-Paul Mar- occo wed. 1936, Yolanda DeLucia-Russell Thyne wed. Gaelina Nunsco- An- gelo Costanzo wed. Violet D. Ransom-Clinton M. Wood wed. July 6 1926, Nicholas Shells drowned In Barge Canal. 1928, Adele Richardson drowned in Tomhanock. 1932, George Price and Paul Dan- kulich drowned in Hudson. 1932, The Rev. George E. Manter resigned as pastor, Baptist Church. 1934, Police search for bad check passer. July I 1875, Washington Engine Com- pany, first fire company here, or- ganized. 1927, 25th anniversary ©f Mr. snd Mrs. Libley, Gilbert St. 1932, Swarm of bees make home in Mosier house, Ellsworth Ave. 1935, Police search for missing - mother and child. 1936, Sixty children enroll In vacation church school. 1936, William J. Weir, South Main St., died in Leonard Hospital, 1936, Local American Legion Post endorses Daniel Holohan for county commander. 1936, Board of Education an- nounces cut of $4,000 in school bud- get. Commission. The order has grown from the small group who rrganized the "Conductors Union'' at Amboy, 111. in the spring of 1868 to its 689 divisions located at every railroad terminal of importance in the United States. Yesterday's meeting developed a discussion of the ims of the or- der and its accomplishments in improved wages, working condi- tions and safety-first movements. The ORC insurance department has paid out more than 50 mil- lion dollars in death and dismem- berment claims. An accident in- surance department was added in 1919 and to date has paid more than two millions in death claims and more than $900,000 in accident claims. One of the chief sources of pride is the home at Oatland Island near Savannah, Ga., in which aged and indigent mem- bers can spend their last days. In contrast to other homes, members who go there are permitted to take their wives. A' present 76 members are at the home. The local membership, embrac- ing Mechanicville and a wide radius, has 36 who have been m. the order more than 25 years and two have been members 45 years. They are H. I. Ga.-.. and T. J. Mclnerney, this city. Rhoda OUryan, Greenleld, Mass. and Con Harrigan, Schenectady, have 44 and 42 years of membership res- pectively. A social time followed the an- niversary observance conducted in the IOOF Hall, North Second Ave. Anthony Wyzinrky Rites The funeral of Anthony Wyzin- sky, Clifton Park road, who died Friday morning in Troy Hospital, NOTICE Is hereby given that license number EB.-5279 has been U- •ued to the undersigned to sell beer at retail under Section SS of the Alcoholic Bevera.se Control Law, at 37 Saratoga Ave., In the City of Me- chanicville, Saratoga County, to be consumed upon the said premises. Mrs, John Thomaa ClnnelU, W Saratoga Avenue, Mechanicville, N. T. T/l-ll. R.D. 2, Mechanicville, and George Moren of 44 Vliet St., Cohoes, col- lided. She was treated at the of- fice of Dr. L B. Seaport, Cohoes, and taken to her home. Civil Service Examinations Through the local post office the United States Civil Service Com- mission has announced open com- petitive examinations for senior cabinetmaker, senior carpenter, senior electrician, and senior painter, for appointment in Wash- ington, D.C., and immediate vic- inity only. These examinations are open to all United States citi- zens who meet the requirements. The entrance salary for these positions is $1,860 a year. Applic- ants must have had at least one year of journeyman experience in the trade for which application is made, subsequent to the comple- tion of a 4-year apprenticeship therein, or 4 years' practical ex- perience in the trade applied for, the substantial equivalent of such completed apprenticeship. * Full information may be obtain- ed at the ppstoffice. , Entertain Family Mr. and Mrs. Martin Callahan Sr. entertained with a family din- ner yesterday on the lawn of their home in Stillwater Ave. Last night fireworks were enjoyed. Those present: Mrs, Katherine Kane and children Kenneth and Kathleen, Cohoes; Thomas Calla- han, Miss Katherine Callahan, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Callahan Jr. and ANNUL SCHOOL, MF.r.TINO Notice is hereby given that the An nual Meeting of the inhabitants of Union Free School District No. 10. of the Towns of Halfmoon and Still- water, Including the City of Mechanic- ville, qualified to vote at School Meetings in said Districts wll' be held in tht High School Auditorium In the •aid District on Tuesday, July 13, 1937. at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Daylight Saving Tim*, to adopt the Annual Budget, to elect two trustees, and for the transaction of such other bustnesi as is authorised by the Education Law and the sots amendatory thereof. Signed: DR. WILLIAM VANDORBN, President. JOHN N. HATES. Clerk. SV11-2I—7/I-1S. Thursday Deadline For Tax Payment Mechanicville—Thursday was an- nounced by John S. Moore, commis- sioner of accounts, today as the final day on which taxpayers of the city may meet their tax obliga- tions at the nominal one per cent penalty. After Thursday, according to Commissioner Moore, five per cent will be added to all outstanding tax accounts of the current year. In Mechanicville Tonight 8, Committee for St. Paul's par- ish lawn festival, Parish Hall. 8, Soldier's meeting, Salvation Army. 7:30, Evening devotions, St. Paul's Church. ^ Tomorrow 12:15 p.m., Rotary Club luncheon- meeting, Joyce's Log Tavern. 8 p.m., Midweek service, Chris- tian Science Society. children Margaret and Barbara; Mr. and Mrs. John Callahan and children Thomas, Nona and Agnes; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Os- borne and children Charles and Joan; Mr. and Mrs. William. Pow- ers and daughter Margaret Brid- get; and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reilly. WBA Transportation Mothers of members of the WBA drill team, wishing to go by bus to the WBA pageant in Albany July 15, are asked to notify Mrs. James Dickson, Elizabeth St., on or before Jul> 12. ALBANIAN TO BE ROTARY SPEAKER TOMORROW NOON Mechanicville Wayne D. Hey- decker, Albany, director of stata planning, New York State Plan* ning Council, will address tomor- row's luncheon-meeting of th« Rotary Club in Joyce's Log Tavern. He will discuss the work of tha division, State Planning and tha need for a regional planning board for Northern New York. Committee appointments for the year have been announced by Presi- dent L. W. Strattner as follows: Club service, J. R. Ramsey.] chairman; vocational service, Os- borne Baker, chairman; A. E. Smith, John Rogers, J. K. Woolsey and W. L. Germain; community service, John N. Hayes, chairmanu international service, Otto W. Kreutzer, chairman; Morris Cohen, Don Pingrey and the Rev. Serafino Aurigemma. Classifications, C. W. Hughes, chairman; James Dickson. George W. Tilly and Eugene Tatro; mem- bership, Jerome Buchdahl, Haroldf Joslin, F. W. Bailey and C. C. West- cott; boys' work, A. L. Smith, Ken Ray, Wayne Arnold and Father Aurigemma. Crippled children, Franz Moak, Dr. F. A. Mastrianni, Dr. John Maby and Howard J. Reilly; fel- lowship, John N. Hayes, chairman, Jerome Buchdahl and E. K. Thom- as; attendance, Julius Berkman, chairman, Thomas Hickcy, Enos Murphy and Major Allan Whorton; student loan fund, F. W. Bailey, chairman, Thomas J. Finigan and Herman Mintzer. Public information, William L. Breen, chairman; program, Arthur jVinett, William G. Rhodes, J. K. i Woolsey and H. G. Lake; Rotary information, Burt L. Hack, chair- man; music, O. W. Kreutzer, chair- man; Ken Ray and A. L. Smith; flowers, R. V. Tompkins; Rotary foundation, J. R. Ramsey, chair- man. Firecracker Injures Boy Donald Walker, 10, son of Mr, and Mrs. Bolton Walker, Norrn Fourth Ave., suffered bums to his right hand yesterday when a fire- cracker which he thought unlight- ed exploded as he picked it up. He was attended by Dr. John C O'Brien who administered anti- toxin. The burns were not serU, ous. LION BRAND WORK SHOES You won't know how much real value you can get in a shoe for work and outdoor wear until you wear LION BRAND. TRY A PAIR TODAY Sold Only by S. J. MOORE & CO. 216 PARK AVE. MECHANICVILLE, N. Y. ALLEY OOP Not a Prospect for Relief—Yet 140*1 THAT I AM TH' ORAKIO, Yj^PMOOi W&REyg UT#RR5T ^ w Avr NOW T&WE - •WWoS / LOOK TK RM7T- /TREAT, R L TAKE ME *- TMA'5 TH* m » 7 ( A STROLL RIGHT STEP IN THIS h DOWK1 MAIM WPLOMATrC J V t ^ STREET - ART- •B. i ! r \ PEEL WklDA By HAMLIN SORRV » FOR THAT BEWHISKERED OL' CBOOK WHOSE JOB AS GRAUO WIZER I HAULED OFF AM'TOOK, SO I'LL MAKE IT A POIMT TO SEE THAT HE'S FED, AW' HAS A MICE PLACE FIKHrS BED. THE ONLY BIG SHOW THIS YEAR MECHANICVILLE Thursday, July 8 Auspices the American Legion TICKETS ON SALE, CIRCUS DAY, AT KELLEY DRUG STORE, PARK AVE. SARATOGA SPRINGS MONDAY, JULY 12 LAKE AVENUE SHOW GROUNDS STSTM ANNUAL TOUR 111 SEMATIMAL ACTS . 111 I MW I N Mm M Will M l M i rrrt I «Ar_ . MARVELOU8 MARY MILLER ^% "**•*,,«*4 Atrial Circa* 1MU>IM «f *a tfaawt \m SEE FREE OUTSIDE EXHIBITION JL LING CHUNG FU TROUPE CAPT. VARO, DEMON OF IEATH * ••FYIHO t**« or c t A v n r i n THDIM.ING HIGH ot*i w e n in *OOT MIGHT- PI..(*I4 (Mly .* Hwfc MM. «. Dim Ctit^ Mfe. T* tm* aai •MITT AflrlEtt SMTCIIMMAM tUHUSSAR BAND w rasa otm>oo> CONCERT on SHOW 0»OUND* »«-«. - . * *, i«* •«.•.»» -SN-,1 H. H. GENTRY < IN PERSON) *• O-ifwl & M r M. M t|*t SclVd " nil. : <X)I. PETITE VIVIAN WHITE _V"t*--<M l UfrWlr+jt U lift,Ijt II S>,lt * r». > A N P Y r A I INO - Tt«GREAT M^ir%*-» MUTEST -MHtMEIT VAIKS1ME TIE MVI If Of ATMI IKN IT TIC PlICEl •MLTIII*; MILNEI M< - DANNY McPRIDE ZXJiZT •"—**» •«•• •-3-.T' Ask "Fop aaa "Mom," *»sj Mw th* Das Blct Olroas 88 yaars ag-o. Th.y'n know. '•«. ** n i l . }. Mifusamii SAB r i .I*.**.ei».«• 2AND1P it _»_. Fan Mill ifamli* mini n•••!•• f• i I. W H??*''- *"»•"*• >••—•» MM. I*«M kajaa **, a* A . AD-ZAC HERD C0 -UtPHANTi «ftr OHgiaai Q,m f Braa. T r a i l * Daft Sm T. iBn fm <• «** *• Hf InM. nalMIM Cam* V«rl|. ••• » arttft Great** CaJltmiw •* ODDITIES «NI WONDERS FMM FM MMCM If TK EMT1 JL. OSnUCH RACES #^^D* ' tfttM •"»••»» ttaSSaaFSaj $$) JM^BJS*A aaaa98MtBBSal fMBa) 1 ii"l»»*laj3L»«t»aBa^MMM«»M ft Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Thursday, July 8 21... · FAQS BIOTTT THE SARATOGIAN.'SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. Y.. TUESDAY. JULY 6. 1937. Telephone 2580 H. R. HADDLETON Optometrist Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted 33 H

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Page 1: Thursday, July 8 21... · FAQS BIOTTT THE SARATOGIAN.'SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. Y.. TUESDAY. JULY 6. 1937. Telephone 2580 H. R. HADDLETON Optometrist Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted 33 H


H. R. HADDLETON Optometrist

Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted

33 H No. Main St. Tel. 86 Mechanicville

J . P NOONAN Funeral Director


Complete and Modern Funeral Service


NOTICE 1* hereby given that license number E.^--61:'0 has been is­sued to the undersigned to sell beer at retail under Section 55 of tht j Alcoholic Beverage Control Law, at Willow Glen Inn, Saratoga State Road, Mechanicville R. F. D. 1, Town of Stillwater, Saratoga County, to be consumed upon the eaid premises.


Mechanicville, N. Y.< 7 6-13.

LAWN FESTIVAL IN MECHANICVILLE SET FOR JULY 15 Mechanicvi l le — St. Paul's parish

will hold its annual lawn fest ival Thursday evening, July 15.

Mrs. Wi l l iam J. Cassldy is gen­eral chairman. A meet ing of the fol lowing commit tee has been cal led for g p. m. tonight in the Par i sh School Hall to complete arrange­ments :

Mesdames .lohn Kennedy. Sarah McCormick, T h o m a s Larkin. Mich­ael O'Connor. Patr ick Hol land, Mary Bullock, Matthew Wixted. John Shields, John O'Melia, T h o m a s Chase.

Mesdames Wil l iam Spain. T h o m a s Welch . Chestnut Stree*: Wil l iam T Sullivan. Bart Quinn, Chester La-Bar, Michael Dalton. Patr ick Guerin. Edward Morrissey, J a m e s Hipwell . E n o s Murphy, Wi l l i am Mulvihill.

Mesdames John Monahan. J o h n Conley, T h o m a s Cassidy, J a m e s McEvoy, Herbert Massey, P. Mc­Donald, Louise Varley, John C. O'Brien, " !w. rd Hallen, El izabeth Collins, George Golden, T h o m a s Fin igan D. D. Linehan, Thomas E. Harrigan.

Mesdames Leonard Tierney, Ed­ward O'Rourke, John Hunt, Ed­ward Boucher, Walter McMahon, John M. Walsh, Patarick J. K e n -iry, Richard Bray, John Reil ly, Denni s Connors.

Mesdames George Bridgeford, Wil l iam Higgins , Patrick Powers , Gerald Flynn, Joseph Gilheany, Wal ter Benham, Patr ick Bergeron,

Westward Ho, on Atlantic Test Flight

Amid a plume of spray, t h e Caledonia, h u g e Brit ish flying boat, t a k e s off at Southampton, Eng. , on the first leg of i t s scheduled flight across the Atlant ic to N e w York a s part of the test being con­ducted jointly by the Imperia l Airways and the

P a n - A m e r i c a n Airways and looking toward the es tab l i shment of a commerc ia l airline between the United S t a t e s and E n g l a n d . T h e Pan-American Clipper w a s s imultaneously e n g a g e d in an east ­ward f l ight. Both m a d e t h e trip successful ly .

( N B A Kadiophoto, Copyright , 1&37)

• Of course there's a buzz about town! When you can buy smart comfortable J-.nna Jetticks AT BIG SAVINGS, that's something to get excited over. BUT — we advise a bright and early visit while assort­ments of styles and sizes are largest. For they'll go quickly!

America's Smartest Walking Shoes Go Places Comfortably



STATEJ ~^m~»*mmmmmmm~~ • 'vaaHJ^BajaaaaasV


He Couldn't Play Straight with a Woman! Men Called Him a "Square Shooter"

His Wife Called Him a "Cheat"

" H E R H U S B A N D L I E S " with

GAIL PATRICK - RICARDO CORTEZ - TOM BROWN Betty Boop Travel - "Yellowstone Park" New*

TOMORROW 2:30, 7KX), 9:00




Wil l iam Carr, J o h n J. Ryan , H o w a r d Nolan.

Mesdames W. J. Maby, F r a n k Reynolds , Wil l iam Dalton, Park P lace ; Lawrence Strattner, John Higgins , James Ronan , Howard Hunt, E. E. Chauvin, J. McCarthy, Wi l l iam Hunter and Wi l l iam Swee­ney, R. F. D. 1.

Mesdames Michael Nolan , John Selkis , C. F. Green, Wi l l iam Rhodes , J a m e s Kennedy, Ben Daley , Irv ing Grey, Wil l iam Powers , Mabbett Street; Wil l iam Foss , Wi l l i am Wy-zinsky.

Mesdames Henry Wixted , J a m e s Holland, J a m e s M. Kelley, Ber­nard Pender, Anthony Dougherty , T h o m a s Mclnerney, R. Stanley Turner, Leo McGowan, Martin Cal­lahan, Ushers; Leo C o m m e a u . M. E. Welch , J. P. Sull ivan.

Mesdames Arthur Casey, George Daley , Helen Luke, Libby Sull ivan, C. H. Burns, J. M. Purcell , Anna Dugan , Frances" Street; T h o m a s Brenna:. , John A'Hearn, Edward Conway, Wil l iam T. Powers , Mary Dalton, Grand Street; Wi l l iam H. P , w e r s and John Doy le Jr.

And the Misses A n n McGovern, Nel l ie Welch, Coon's Crossing; 5Tu.ry Micklas, Madelyn Walsh , Margaret Corrigan. Adeline Car­penter, Marv Slavin, Margaret Callahan, Kathryn Doyle . Marga­r e t s Hinchey, Helen Tierney, Kath­ryn Callahan.

The Misses Nell ie Cronin, Grace Fitzpatrick, K a y P. Callahan, Grace Dal ton, Mary Micklas, El izabeth E g a n , Teresa Moore, R i ta Fehily , M^ry Gavin, Mae Pickett , Kath leen Hogan . Grace Smith, Mary Mulvi­hill. Marion Sullivan and E v a He-bert.

P icn ic at Geysers Members of the Golden S u n b e a m

Circle, Kings Daughters , Presby­ter ian Church, enjoyed a picnic last w e e k at Geyser Park. G a m e s and a picnic lunch was enjoyed. Those present: Jeannet te B iggs , Char­lotte Bullis, Catherine Coons, Leone Cook, Norma Golden, Bet ty Wood, Dorothy Woods, Mrs. Albert Cook, Mrs. Marvin Cook, Mrs. C. E . B iggs and Miss Virginia B iggs .

All members of the Zouave Uni t are requested to m e e t Fr iday at 7 p.m. in front of the h igh school building. Any young men wish ing to join are requested to be present.

Second in Class T h o m a s Nolan, son of Mr. and

Mrs. Michael Nolan, E a s t Saratoga Ave. , has the dist inct ion of rank­ing second in his c lass in the Al­bany Law School. Mr. N o l a n has completed his second year. He is a m e m b e r of the Just in ian Honor Society.

The W E A Juniors will hold a card party Friday night at the %home j of Mrs. Raymond Butler , Hem-street Park. Winners at last week's party were Mrs. Joseph Yat taw. Mrs. Bess ie Offenbacker and How­ard Gooley in euchre, and Mrs. Matt ie Dickson and Mrs. Mildred Cole in pinochle.

Persona l s Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Caplan, North

Main St., were w e e k e n d vis i tors


Personals Mr. and Mrs. George K e n n e d y

and son, John, and Mrs. J o h n Cuningham and son, Robert , are enjoying a week's vacat ion at Old Orchard, Me.

Miss Gladys McClenon spent the weekend holiday wi th her sister, Mrs. Fred Cower, Oneonta.

Mr. and Mrs. Al lan Rathbun , North Second Ave., are enjoy ing a week's vacat ion in N e w York City.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clift, Vir­ginia, Harold and T h o m a s Storey, are vacat ioning at Trailer Park, Saratoga Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Prat t and son, Donald, Benn ington , Vt., called in this crty yesterday.

Miss Helen Callahan, Green St., is vacat ioning at Saratoga Lake.

W. Edward Ten Eyck, son, Ed­ward, and daughters , E l izabeth and Irene, South Second St., left Saturday by motor for Stony Point,

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton M. Wood, Mabbett St., motored to Concord, N. H., for the w e e k e n d holiday.

Daniel Fitzpatrick, N e w York, is spending two w e e k s wi th his moth­er, Mrs. A n n a Fitzpatrick, South St.

Osmand Dinardo, Saratoga Ave. , visited relatives in El izabeth, N. J.. over the weekend.

ford-Mechanicvi l le Road, w a s a dinner gues t Sunday of Miss He len May Abbott, Troy.

Mrs. J o s e p h Hustler, Saratoga-Mechanicvi l le Road, suffered injur­ies to her shoulder and hip Sun­day w h e n she fell in her home. She w a s at tended by Dr. John C. O'Brien.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Fort and eon, Sidney, N o r t h Main St., spei-t the w e e k e n d at Lake Efnor.

Earl G. Clark and son, Roy, have returned t o Great Neck, L I., after vis i t ing Mr. Clark's mother, Mrs. Alice Clark, and brother, Ralph Clark, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark and son will sail tomor­row for a two weeks' vacat ion tr ip to Bermuda.

Mrs. Clinton G. Bishop and son, Gilbert, Sayvi l le , L. I., are opend-ing the s u m m e r with Mrs. Bishop'3 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph N . Clark.

Mrs. Net t i e E. Griffin, Wil low Glen, i s spending several w e e k s with relat ives in East Hartford, Conn.

Miss Ada Gage, Cohoes, is a guest of Major and Mrs. Allan Whorton, North Central Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Russel , Sche­nectady, and Misses Hatt ie Miller and Nel l ie Barber, this city, mo­tored to the Thousand Is lands v ver the holiday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Powers , Grand St., have returned after vis­it ing re lat ives in Chateauguay over the weekend .

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome K. Buch-dahl and Mr. and Mrs. H e r m a n Mr. and Mrs. E d w a r d Lffason,

Rutland, Vt., were weekend visi-j Mintzer, South Main St., are vaca tors of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J a m e - tionins? at Schroon Lake, son, Wil l iam °+ • is^sUnf *


Sti l lwater—The annual picnic of Upton^Chapter O E S wil l be held at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow a t Gailor's p icnic grounds at Sara toga Lake. Cars will leave the Masonic Temple at 6:15 and each m e m b e r is asked to bring her own d i shes and a covered dish.

The Bapt i s t Youth Group will en­joy a picnic tomorrow evening at White ' s B e a c h on Bal l s ton Lake.

T h e annual picnic of the Presby­ter ian Sunday School wil l be held tomorrow afternoon a n d evening at K a y d e r o s s Park. Cars will leave the church at 2:30. T h e Westmin­s ter Class is in charge of the pic­n ic lunch.

Mrs. Aubrey F. P e r r y will enter­ta in her bridge club tomorrow at her home on Second Ave . Lunch­e o n a t 12.45 will be fo l lowed by contract .

Persona l s Mr. and Mrs. R o y M a c D o w e l l and

son, Donald, Mechanicvi l le , former res idents of this place, are enjoy­i n g a week's motor tr ip in Canada.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Moll, North Main St.. entertained Mrs. Moll's s i s ters , the Misses Marion and Lea Caoutte , another s ister, Mrs. Ar­thur Lanzon and husband and son a n d daughter, and her mother , Mrs. Caoutte , F a r m h a n . Quebec, during the Weekend.

H a r v e y VanVranken , Garfield, N . J., spent the w e e k e n d at his h o m e on North Main St.

Mr. and Mrs. H a r m o n McLeni-t h a n and Mr. and Mrs. E r n e s t Reh-berger and Mrs. Charlotte Law­rence enjoyed a p icn ic yesterday o n the lawn of the Rehberger h o m e , South Main St.

Mr. and Mrs. Haro ld Britt , Hoo-s i ck Fal ls , spent the w e e k e n d with Mr. and Mrs. M a t t h e w Bri t t and fami ly , Water St. T h e y were ac­companied home by Miss R i t a Britt w h o will spend s o m e t ime with them.

Mrs. D . W. MacDonald , daughter, Jean , and sons. Wi l l i am and Charles , and R o y B e c k w i t h , Me­chanicvi l le , and Miss Dorothy But­ler, Schenectady, ca l led in town Sunday.

Mrs. Madel ine Ho l loway . Main St., spent today in Troy.

Mrs. Walter C. Cansdale and daughters , Arlene and Alice, and son, Alanson, former res idents of th is place, and now of Indiana, v is i ted in town yes terday .

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. B r a d t ! and Mr. and Mrs. F l o y d Shorter i and son Floyd, South Main St., j a t t ended the Hart family reunion \ yes terday on the Albany-Schenec tady road.

Mr. and Mrs. John Gilheany and children have returned to F l e m -ington, N . J., after v is i t ing rela­tives.

Dr. John C. O'Brien and Mrs. O'Brien, Miss Kather ine Welch and Miss Kathleen Harrigan left today for a week's vacat ion in Atlantic City, N. J.

Lieut. John P .Ronan, N e w York State Police, and Mrs. Ronan have returned to Oneida after vis i t ing Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ronan, South Fourth Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mosseau, Mr. and Mrs, Ernes t G. Moulton, Mrs. Nel l ie Moulton, Mrs. Mary-Baker and Miss Delia Mosseau spent the weekend at Lake Lu­zerne.

Lois Coons, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth, Coons, Still­water, underwent an operation yes ­terday at the office of Dr. John C. O'Brien for removal of tonsils .

Mrs. Richard Nordstrom, Water-


Fourth a Holiday For Accidents And Arrests, Too

Mechanicvi l le—No acc idents— no arrests, w a s the highly sat­isfactory postf-holiday report by Chief John Ennel lo at head­quarters this morning.

Quiet, everywhere was the re­port of individual officers con­tacted for information last night —the lone complaint coming after the burglary at Joyce'a. Log Tavern yeste i lay morning .

Many res idents of the city spent the weekend and holiday out of town and but for the heavy traffic through tha city, the holiday period was unusual ly quiet.

Vic inity beaches had their quota of Mechanicvi l le residents . N o sports event s were scheduled here over the w e e k e n d and holiday.


Mechanicvi l le — Police yesterday received a report that Joyce's Log Tavern, N o r t h Main St., where a week a g o fire caused a loss esti­mated at $10,000, was entered after yesterday morning's c los ing hour and $80 stolen from where it was secreted in the ki tchen.

The money w a s in small t : l l3 and change left for the day barr tender. A screen in a rear door was broken. In addit ion to the $80, a number of pennies were taken from the restaurant cash register, property of F r e d Beck, restauran-teur.

Pol ice are work ing on the theory that someone secreted himself and watched Louis Doyle, manager , hide the money . Chief John En­nello said this morning the depart­ment has evidence that may lead to an early arrest.

Several m o n t h s ago Mr. Beck was loser to the extent of $30 in much the s a m e manner. An em­ploye of the restaurant disappeared about the s a m e t im*

w a s held yesterday at 8:30 a.m. from the residence of his son, Wil­l iam Wyzinsky, 28 .Sheehan St., in at 9 a.m. in St. Paul ' s Church.

The fureral Mass of Requiem I w a s celebrated by the Rev. Sylves­

ter J. Martin, OSA. P A l T f i l i r w I W n P I T a l l A IT B e y e r s were Fel ix Anesuwski ,

l u N l / U l l O R o UINIUIN William-Gaverecki- ^ p ^ p s Mechanicv i l l e—Thomas Dickson,

Order of R a i l w a y Conductors, Sun­day observed here the 69th anniv­ersary o* the order's founding wi th appropriate exercises including an address by W. T. Thomson, mem­ber of the division and an inspec-

loski, Henry Pelo, Bar tho lomew P o w e r s and Ludwick Ciepiela.

Burial was in St. PauL's Ceme­tery.

Miss Mary Dube Injured Miss Mary Dube, 26 of Crescent,

w a s cut about the face and legs early yesterday m o r n i n g when

tor for the Interstate Commerce c a r s operated by Fred Founta in of

This Day In O t h e r Y e a r s

- I N M E C H A N I C V I L L E -


Our Gang m "Lucky Corner' Novelty

July 4 1932, Ruth M . Cohn-Irwin S.

Buchdahl wed. 1934, Fred Izzo, Elnora, v ict im

of their son-in-law and daughter , of blood poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Brand, Bos­ton, Mass



DRESSES No Alterations, No Charges You still have many weeks

in which to enjoy these beautiful dresses.

SILKS AND LINENS All Sizes All Colors

Ellen Dress Shop 235 PARK AVE.

Mechanicville Phone 779

1934, Death of Mrs. Blanche M. Smith, Broadway.

1935, El izabeth Bruno-Paul Mar-occo wed.

1936, Yolanda DeLucia-Russel l Thyne wed. Gaelina Nunsco- An-gelo Costanzo wed. Violet D. Ransom-Clinton M. Wood wed.

July 6 1926, Nicho las Shel ls drowned In

Barge Canal. 1928, Adele Richardson drowned

in Tomhanock. 1932, George Price and Paul Dan-

kulich drowned in Hudson. 1932, T h e Rev. George E. Manter

resigned as pastor, Bapt i s t Church. 1934, Pol ice search for bad check

passer. July I

1875, W a s h i n g t o n Engine Com­pany, first fire company here, or­ganized.

1927, 25th anniversary ©f Mr. snd Mrs. Libley, Gilbert St.

1932, S w a r m of bees make home in Mosier house, El l sworth Ave.

1935, Pol ice search for missing -

mother and child. 1936, S ixty chi ldren enroll In

vacation church school. 1936, Wil l iam J. Weir, South

Main St., died in Leonard Hospital, 1936, Local Amer ican Legion

Post endorses Daniel Holohan for county commander .

1936, Board of Educat ion an­nounces cut of $4,000 in school bud­get.

Commiss ion . T h e order has grown from the

small group w h o rrganized the "Conductors Union'' at Amboy, 111. in the spr ing of 1868 to its 689 divis ions located at every railroad terminal of importance in the United States .

Yesterday's meet ing developed a discuss ion of the ims of the or­der and its accompl i shments in improved wages , working condi­t ions and safety-first movements . The ORC insurance department has paid out more than 50 mil­lion dollars in death and d i smem­berment c la ims . An accident i n ­surance department was added in 1919 and to date has paid more than two mil l ions in death c la ims and more than $900,000 in acc ident c la ims .

One of the chief sources of pride is the home at Oatland Is land near Savannah, Ga., in which aged and indigent m e m ­bers can spend their last days. In contras t to other homes, m e m b e r s w h o go there are permitted to take their wives . A' present 76 m e m b e r s are at the home.

T h e local membership, embrac­ing Mechanicvi l le and a w i d e radius, has 36 who have been m. the order more than 25 years and t w o have been members 45 years . T h e y are H. I. G a . - . . and T. J. Mclnerney , this city. R h o d a O U r y a n , Greenleld, Mass. and Con Harr igan , Schenectady, have 44 and 42 years of membership res­pect ively.

A social t ime followed the an­niversary observance conducted in the I O O F Hall, North Second Ave .

Anthony Wyzinrky Ri t e s T h e funeral of Anthony Wyzin­

sky, Clifton Park road, w h o died F r i d a y m o r n i n g in Troy Hospital ,

NOTICE Is hereby given that license number EB.-5279 has been U-•ued to the undersigned to sell beer at retail under Section SS of the Alcoholic Bevera.se Control Law, at 37 Saratoga Ave., In the City of Me­chanicville, Saratoga County, to be consumed upon the said premises.

Mrs, John Thomaa ClnnelU, W Saratoga Avenue,

Mechanicville, N. T. T/ l - l l .

R .D. 2, Mechanicvi l le , and George Moren of 44 Vliet St., Cohoes, col­lided. She was treated at the of­fice of Dr. L B. Seaport , Cohoes, and taken to her home.

Civil Service E x a m i n a t i o n s Through the local pos t office the

United States Civil Service Com­miss ion has announced open com­pet i t ive examinat ions for senior cab inetmaker , senior carpenter, senior electrician, and senior painter, for appo in tment in Wash­ington , D.C., and i m m e d i a t e vic­ini ty only. These examinat ions are open to all Uni ted States citi­zens who meet the requirements .

The entrance sa lary for these posit ions is $1,860 a year. Applic­an t s must have had at least one y e a r of journeyman exper ience in the trade for which appl icat ion is made, subsequent to the comple­tion of a 4-year apprent iceship therein, or 4 years ' practical ex­perience in the trade applied for, the substant ial equiva lent of such comple ted apprent iceship . *

Full information m a y be obtain­ed at the ppstoffice.

, Enter ta in F a m i l y Mr. and Mrs. Mart in Callahan

Sr. enterta ined wi th a family din­ner yesterday on the lawn of their home in Sti l lwater Ave. Last n ight fireworks were enjoyed.

T h o s e present: Mrs , Kather ine K a n e and children K e n n e t h and Kath leen , Cohoes; T h o m a s Calla­han , Miss Katherine Cal lahan, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ca l lahan Jr. and

A N N U L SCHOOL, MF.r.TINO Notice is hereby given that the An

nual Meeting of the inhabitants of Union Free School District No. 10. of the Towns of Halfmoon and Still­water, Including the City of Mechanic­ville, qualified to vote at School Meetings in said Districts wll' be held in tht High School Auditorium In the •aid District on Tuesday, July 13, 1937. at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Daylight Saving Tim*, to adopt the Annual Budget, to elect two trustees, and for the transaction of such other bustnesi a s is authorised by the Education Law and the sots amendatory thereof.


President. JOHN N. HATES. Clerk.


Thursday Deadline For Tax Payment

Mechanicv i l l e—Thursday w a s an­nounced by J o h n S. Moore, c o m m i s ­s ioner of accounts , today a s the final day on w h i c h taxpayers of the c i ty m a y m e e t their t a x obliga­t ions a t the nominal one per cent penalty .

After Thursday, accord ing to Commiss ioner Moore, five per cent will be added to all out s tand ing tax accounts of the current year .

In Mechanicville Tonight

8, Committee for St. Paul 's par­ish lawn festival, Par ish Hall.

8, Soldier's meet ing , Salvat ion Army.

7:30, E v e n i n g devotions, St. Paul's Church.

^ Tomorrow 12:15 p.m., Rotary Club luncheon-

meet ing , Joyce's Log Tavern. 8 p.m., Midweek service, Chris­

tian Science Society.

children Margaret and Barbara; Mr. and Mrs. John Cal lahan and children T h o m a s , N o n a and Agnes ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Os­borne and chi ldren Charles and J o a n ; Mr. and Mrs. Wi l l iam. P o w ­ers and daughter Margaret Brid­get; and Mr. and Mrs . T h o m a s Reil ly .

W B A Transportat ion Mothers of members of the W B A

drill t eam, w i sh ing to go by bus to the W B A pageant in Albany July 15, are asked to notify Mrs. J a m e s D ickson , El izabeth St., on or before Jul> 12.


Mechanicvi l le — W a y n e D . Hey-decker, Albany, director of stata planning, N e w York State Plan* ning Council, wi l l address tomor­row's luncheon-meet ing of th« Rotary Club in Joyce ' s Log Tavern. He will d i scuss the work of tha division, S tate P l a n n i n g and tha need for a regional p lanning board for Northern N e w York.

Commit tee a p p o i n t m e n t s for the year have been announced by Presi­dent L. W. Stra t tner a s fol lows:

Club service , J. R. Ramsey . ] cha irman; vocat ional service, Os­borne Baker , c h a i r m a n ; A. E . Smith, John R o g e r s , J. K. Woolsey and W. L. Germain; communi ty service, J o h n N . Hayes , c h a i r m a n u international service , Otto W. Kreutzer, c h a i r m a n ; Morris Cohen, D o n P i n g r e y a n d the Rev . Seraf ino Aur igemma.

Classif ications, C. W. Hughes , cha irman; J a m e s Dickson . George W. Tilly and E u g e n e Tatro; m e m ­bership, J e r o m e Buchdahl , Haroldf Josl in, F. W. B a i l e y and C. C. West -cott; boys' work , A. L. Smith, Ken Ray , W a y n e Arnold and Father Aur igemma.

Crippled chi ldren, Franz Moak, Dr. F. A. Mastr ianni , Dr. John Maby and H o w a r d J. Rei l ly; fel­lowship, J o h n N . Hayes , chairman, Jerome B u c h d a h l and E. K. Thom­a s ; a t t endance , Jul ius Berkman , cha irman, T h o m a s Hickcy , E n o s Murphy and Major Al lan Whorton; s tudent loan fund, F. W. Bai ley, cha irman, T h o m a s J. F in igan a n d Herman Mintzer.

Publ ic informat ion , Wil l iam L. Breen, c h a i r m a n ; program, Arthur

jVinet t , Wi l l i am G. Rhodes , J. K. i Woolsey and H. G. L a k e ; R o t a r y

information, Bur t L. Hack , chair­m a n ; music , O. W. Kreutzer, chair­m a n ; K e n R a y and A. L. S m i t h ; flowers, R. V. T o m p k i n s ; Rotary foundation, J. R. R a m s e y , chair­man.

F i recracker In jures Boy Donald W a l k e r , 10, son of Mr,

and Mrs. Bo l ton Walker , Norrn Fourth Ave., suffered b u m s to his right hand yes terday when a fire­cracker w h i c h he thought unl ight-ed exploded as he picked it up.

He w a s a t tended by Dr. John C O'Brien w h o adminis tered ant i ­toxin. T h e burns were not serU, ous.


W O R K S H O E S You won't know how much real value you can get in a shoe for work and outdoor wear until you wear LION BRAND.


Sold Only by

S. J . MOORE & CO. 216 PARK AVE.


ALLEY OOP Not a Prospect for Relief—Yet 140*1 THAT I AM TH' ORAKIO, Y j ^ P M O O i W&REygU T # R R 5 T ^ w A v r NOW T & W E-




• B . i!






MECHANICVILLE Thursday, July 8

Auspices the American Legion TICKETS ON SALE, CIRCUS DAY, AT KELLEY




111 SEMATIMAL ACTS . 111 I MW I N M m M W i l l M l M i rrrt I

«Ar_ . MARVELOU8 MARY MILLER ^% "**•*,,«*4 Atrial Circa* 1 M U > I M «f *a tfaawt \m



CAPT. VARO, DEMON OF IEATH * • • F Y I H O t * * « or c t A v n r in THDIM.ING HIGH o t * i

w e n i n * O O T M I G H T -

P I . . ( * I 4 (Mly .* Hwfc M M . «. D i m Ctit^ Mfe. T* tm*


w rasa otm>oo> CONCERT on SHOW 0»OUND*

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H. H. GENTRY < IN PERSON) * • O - i f w l & M r M . M t | * t SclVd " nil. :



_ V " t * - - < M l UfrWlr+ j t U lift,Ijt II S>,lt

* r». > A N P Y r A I INO- Tt«GREAT M ir%*-»



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Ask "Fop aaa "Mom," * » s j M w th* Das Blct Olroas 88 yaars ag-o. Th.y 'n know.

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