2~o.I.5 s,pualaaz M.aNaonpar <Y.f dno.I.5 ,Tt:>", T'~rn~lJ!!0-rln!'nBc'" ., £(1 1f/esday and Thursday 1 'I/bl/shing Co Ltd. (07) 315 6494 potlki n Monday F~iday wa.co.nz Vapf;jurtra~1 theories" continue @ REGARDING the , debate on vapO\IT trails left .by planes that have been ill the pages ofthe OPOTlKI NEWS. Russia currently dispers- es .cloud on, a regular. basis around the airports for safer landing, China did so before the Beijing Olympics. I live under the flight path close to a very busy airport. When planes are making their approach, there are often two, or three, planes flying perpendicular with chemtrails 'pouring out the back. The landing aircraft would beanaybe 300 feet and the chemtrail planes .are at maybe 800 feet. Is that nor- mal near an airport? You would know that' real contrails of water vapour/ ice only form at -45 degrees, which is normally around 35,000 feet. Almost every day I see abnormal flight paths and chemtrail spray- ing, and,I have for years. There is evidence of the air, earth and water .con- taining increasing levels of heavy metals over the' past 10years. There is evidence of increased respiratory prob- lems, especially inJhe elder- ly and young: Heavy metals also contribute to obesity. Heavy metals pollute the water, the land and the air, affecting our health and our foodsupply. LOQkat history; the use of chemicals in warfare. Barium in Iraq .. Weather . modification during the Vietnam invasion. -Agent Orange (and", the current court '.case.s against- Dow chemicals). The English even tested their own people for around 10 years, without their knowledge, in the 50s. Weather modification is known technology, and has been around for a long time. Tesla managed some of the first weather manipulation -in the early 1900s, and sci- ence and technology have developed a long way since then. Is this a UN attempt to stave off ,the conspiracy of global warming? Maybe. Or the conspiracy of population .' control for - in some people's opinion - an over-populated planet? Maybe, but that is not the question. So fa; no government has either acknowledged or denied the use of weather modification technology on a regular basis. Surely just like us 'Truthers" you would want confirmation onthis? From our alternative-the- ory-believers' perspective, the longer that question goes without an answer, the more suspicious it becomes. People generally' don't want to seek their own truth and are happy to believe eve- rything that an authoritari- an figures tells them without question. However in this case. the authoritarian figure (your government, the UN maybe?) won't even issue a statement denying it is happening. You are the one leaning on blind faith here. Even religious people usually question their own religion at some stage. . Greg Hulbert England \. THURSDAY, JANUARY 31,2013 Complainant .should have checked .first Q . TO: the unknown -=- person who made - a· complaint to the regional council regard- ing ragwort growing on our Tablelands property. I would just like to let you know that it has already been sprayed once and now has cur- rently two types of ragwert cat- erpillar eating the flower and rapidly multiplying in num- bers at the same time. The ragwort is due for a second spraying, but we have no wish to kill the moth that lays the eggs that turn into· voracious caterpillar ragwort- eaters, . I am-surprised that the unknown person did hot think to find out more particulars about my property, .by consult- ing with me before making a complaint. Perhaps instead, that same observant person could/should have complained .about the amount of privet growing wild in the district. . Now that would be worth complaining about. Property owner, Tablelands

THURSDAY, JANUARY 31,2013 Vapf;jurtra~1 Complainant theoriescontinue

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2~o.I.5 s,pualaaz M.aNaonpar <Y.f dno.I.5,Tt:>", T'~rn~lJ!!0-rln!'nBc'" ., £(1

1f/esday and Thursday1 'I/bl/shing Co Ltd.

(07) 315 6494potlkinMonday·F~idaywa.co.nz

Vapf;jurtra~1theories" continue@ REGARDING the

, debate on vapO\ITtrails left .by

planes that have been ill thepages of the OPOTlKI NEWS.Russia currently dispers-

es .cloud on, a regular. basisaround the airports for saferlanding, China did so beforethe Beijing Olympics.I live under the flight path

close to a very busy airport.When planes are makingtheir approach, there areoften two, or three, planesflying perpendicular withchemtrails 'pouring out theback.The landing aircraft would

beanaybe 300 feet and thechemtrail planes .are atmaybe 800 feet. Is that nor-mal near an airport?You would know that' real

contrails of water vapour/ice only form at -45 degrees,which is normally around35,000 feet. Almost everyday I see abnormal flightpaths and chemtrail spray-ing, and, I have for years.There is evidence of the

air, earth and water .con-taining increasing levels of

heavy metals over the' past10years. There is evidence ofincreased respiratory prob-lems, especially inJhe elder-ly and young: Heavy metalsalso contribute to obesity.Heavy metals pollute the

water, the land and the air,affecting our health and ourfood supply.LOQkat history; the use

of chemicals in warfare.Barium in Iraq .. Weather. modification during theVietnam invasion. -AgentOrange (and", the currentcourt '.case.s against- Dowchemicals). The English eventested their own people foraround 10 years, withouttheir knowledge, in the 50s.Weather modification is

known technology, and hasbeen around for a long time.Tesla managed some of thefirst weather manipulation-in the early 1900s, and sci-ence and technology havedeveloped a long way sincethen.Is this a UN attempt to

stave off ,the conspiracy ofglobal warming? Maybe. Orthe conspiracy of population


control for - in some people'sopinion - an over-populatedplanet? Maybe, but that isnot the question.So fa; no government

has either acknowledged ordenied the use of weathermodification technology ona regular basis. Surely justlike us 'Truthers" you wouldwant confirmation on this?From our alternative-the-

ory-believers' perspective,the longer that question goeswithout an answer, the moresuspicious it becomes.People generally' don't

want to seek their own truthand are happy to believe eve-rything that an authoritari-an figures tells them withoutquestion.However in this case. the

authoritarian figure (yourgovernment, the UN maybe?)won't even issue a statementdenying it is happening. Youare the one leaning on blindfaith here. Even religiouspeople usually question theirown religion at some stage.

. Greg HulbertEngland



Complainant.should havechecked .first

Q.TO: the unknown-=- person who made- a· complaint to

the regional council regard-ing ragwort growing on ourTablelands property.I would just like to let you

know that it has already beensprayed once and now has cur-rently two types of ragwert cat-erpillar eating the flower andrapidly multiplying in num-bers at the same time.The ragwort is due for a

second spraying, but we haveno wish to kill the moth thatlays the eggs that turn into·voracious caterpillar ragwort-eaters, .I am-surprised that the

unknown person did hot thinkto find out more particularsabout my property, .by consult-ing with me before making acomplaint.Perhaps instead, that same

observant person could/shouldhave complained .about theamount of privet growing wildin the district. .Now that would be worth

complaining about.Property owner,
