Thunder and Lightning Soldiers of Darkness

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  • 8/12/2019 Thunder and Lightning Soldiers of Darkness


    Thunder and Lightning: soldiers of darkness


    The guy in black clothes stood at the very top of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, his limp black hair waving

    with the wind, his almost black brown eyes standing out in his pale face shining with malice. The tallest

    building in the world stood proud beneath his feet. The white needle in which he was standing

    couldnt hurt his foot. He felt powerful, which he inded was. But the sensation was different. He felt

    like he could see all of the world from up there. He smiled with his evil smile.

    The world will soon get what it deserves. The plan has been set into motion.He said.

    His plan had actually been set into motion years ago, but it was only now that things were really going

    to get started. He would probably have to force some things in order for them to happen faster, he

    thought. He observed the whole of the city. A beautiful one, no doubt. He was planning on living there

    after everything was over and the world was within his hand.

    My tools will gather some tools themselves. At any rate, Ive got a back up plan just in case the first

    one fails, but it shall not fail.

    He had no intention of letting anything get in his way, not even his pathetic sister with her keeping

    peace and balance ideas. They had been granted those powers by fate and they shouldnt let them go

    to waste, but she was. Just like his father said, todays friends can be tomorrows enemies and vice

    versa. He thanked his father for that advice. The only useful one he gave him before he killed him. His

    mother fled after that. But that was fine by him.

    The clash between brothers will wreak havoc and all the Domitors will know about it. Theyll be too

    busy paying attention to them to realise the inminent threat that will loom over themselves, and when

    they do realise it, it will be too late!

    The guy in dark clothes let out a crazy burst of laughter that was herd all across Dubai. The pale guy

    with limp hair and almost black eyes thoght of everything he had yet to do. He laughed again at the

    thought of having two brothers confronted, specially when one of them didnt want to. While thinking

    about all of these things, and laughing still, the guy in black clothes jumped off of the tallest building in

    the world.

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    Luckily my stepmother didnt want to make a scene at the airport, road to first class and ridiculing the

    name of the famous family Tempest. However, she was willing to whisper with my father and clearly, I

    couldnt hear what they were saying. In the end, my father said:

    Okay, next time we will leave him at home.

    I couldnt believe what I was hearing, and without thinking it twice, I started to argue.

    But dad, I dont want to stay at home.I said.

    Son, I also had my doubts, but your mother tells me that the nanny who she has in mind is very good,

    and is her country club friends that have recommended her, you know they are very distinguished

    people, they always go for the best.

    She is not my mother!I said exasperated. She is just a lady that is only interested in how many

    millions there are in your bank account, and is indifferent to me what give she and her stupid country

    club friends think.My father studied me with sad eyes until he said:

    Thunder, you know that I love you with all my heart, but...I dont know what he was going to say but

    whatever it was, he changed his words at the last moment ... but your mother is also entitled to have

    a say in your education.

    But dad...

    Suddenly it sounded an announcement for first class passengers bound for Manchester, my father

    seemed almost relieved.

    Now, we will discuss this another time, but for now we should return home.He said.

    Great, nothing better than two hours and a half hearing my father and my stepmother planning on the

    next holiday, a wonderful trip to Egypt to see the pyramids and all those amazing things,

    unfortunately, it was a journey to which I wasnt invited. After a trip of pure bitterness, we finally

    landed at the majestic airport of Ringway in Manchester. My stepmother was still talking with my

    father about the upcoming trip to Egypt, although my father had completely lost interest, my

    stepmother was speaking aloud as if she intended that I heard everything, this is just the way she is,

    loves to rub salt into the wound. As we walked towards where luggage is collected, I was angry, I

    wanted to kill my stepmother, unfortunately, could not do that, not because it would be bad, but

    because I had nothing with which to do so. I noticed an airplane next to a walkway, I felt as if all myrage came out of me and moved towards the plane, I started to feel vibrations in the aircraft and

    suddenly a tremendous thunder was heard at the same time that the plane burst.

    One of the wings was fired towards us, and in a fraction of a second the wing broke the glass and went

    crashing against the wall taking my father on the way. For a few seconds I was too dazed to

    comprehend what was happening, when I recovered from the shock, I ran towards where my father

    had landed. I knelt beside him with the huge wing of aircraft on the wall and began to cry inconsolably.

    Panic ensued among people at the airport; I saw how someone got a phone and marked a number,

    with luck, the emergencies one. The authorities began to arrive and quell the panic at the airport,

    police officers arrived and were armed, surely they would come for me for making the plane explode,

    but it didnt matter I just wanted to be with my father.

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    Please dont. Dont do this to me dad, do not leave me alone!My stepmother came up with watery


    Darling,she said, please, dont go.

    The two of us started to cry. Half an hour later landed a helicopter at the airport, the doctors came outand ran towards my father, they found me next to him still crying, my stepmother had stopped crying,

    but she was still sobbing. The doctors told me the terrible truth that I already knew: my father had


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    II: We go for a walk (Thunder)

    Back in Manchester, I had been crying during the all of the journey. I could not believe that my father

    had died; I was alone with that witch of stepmother, which of course would send me to a boarding

    school as soon as holidays finished. At my fathers funeral everyone gave me and my stepmother their

    condolences, although we preferred to keep a distance away from each other. Surely in the weekly

    newspaper would be the death of Caesar Tempest, the billionaire owner of one of the richest business

    company in the world and the chain of malls, with more than 1,000 centers scattered around the globe

    and, and also would be in there that he had left his only son, Thunder Tempest, orphan. No one

    seemed to know what had happened at the airport, in the newspaper it appeared as a simple terrorist

    attack, but I knew what had happened and it had not been an attack, I had made the plane explode I

    dont know how, but I had the feeling that the fault had been MINE and no one elses, the newspaper

    said that dozens of people had been killedincluding my fatherand I had been the culprit.

    Already in my housea reconstructed Victorian mansionthree days after my fathers funeral, my

    stepmother first thing she did upon arriving was calling a notary so he could read us the testament,

    typical of her, always interested in the money. When the notary camehis name was Jordan

    MatthewsI was in my room lying in bed thinking about my father.

    My stepmother made me come down since the reading of the will required the presence of the two.

    Once I had come down reluctantly, the notary began to read:

    To my beloved wife leave my houses in England, in the United States, in Brazil in Germany, and in

    Spain. My stepmom smiled and dedicated me an evil look, great my father had left me none of the

    houses nor even this one, which is where I had all my stuff, the others were only to go holiday, thank

    you very much dad. The notary continued:

    I leave to my beloved son all my fortune, total control of the company and all the shopping centers.

    What?I and my stepmother said in unison.

    This cant be, said my stepmother with an expression that lifted my mood, hehas left him all

    businesses and all his fortune? To him? This better not be a joke?

    The notary seemed offended.

    Of course not lady, I just read whats in the testament.

    But it shouldnt be like this, how am I supposed to live now? My stepmotherwas hyper ventilating,

    which I have to admit that made me feel a little better. But what would my dad be thinking when he

    wrote that he left all his money to a crazy 14 years old kid? Although he would surely be thinking of

    leaving it to me for when I grew up.

    You can search for a job, sell one of the houses or you can always ask your son for money the notary

    told my mother.

    What? Working? Me? My stepmother replied, and then directed me a radiant smile Thunder,


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    Yeah, sure, Im afraid you will have to find a job because Im not going to give you one a single


    But... all my life, I have raised you.

    No you havent raised me, first of all, you always hired gruesome nannies and paid them to make mylife impossible, and secondly and most important, weve known each other for only five years. And

    now Mr. Matthews, I have no doubt you have much work to do,I got up from the sofa, thank you

    very much for everything, you can go. The notary also rose.

    It has been a pleasure Mr. Tempest, but before I go I must give you something else. He said.

    Do of that is? I asked.

    It is a letter your father wrote, and he told me to hand it to you when he died, unfortunately this

    happened sooner than expected. He opened his briefcase and pulled out a white envelope, I opened

    the envelope; I pulled out the letter and started to read it.

    No, I believe that it will be better to read it in private. Thenotary advised me.

    All right.

    Andthere isnt a letter for me? Mystepmother asked.

    Im afraid not Maam the notary said. I shook his hand and I thanked him once again for his work and

    having delivered the letter to me, I accompanied him to the door and once he had gone I went back to

    the living room and found my stepmother sobbing, I almost felt sorry for her, almost, but then I

    remembered everything she had done to me and thought she had it well deserved.

    Well,I said, this house is yours, Im afraid Im going to have to leave and buy another one.

    Oh no, you can stay as long as you want, also, I could help you with the business and shopping


    No thanks, thats what James is for.

    James was the my fathers secretary and his right hand, also driving his company car and tended to all

    calls when my father was too busy to answer.

    Oh, yes, I had forgotten about him.

    Well Im going to my room to do the suitcases and look for a new house on the Internet.

    I went up the stairs and I got into my room closing the door. My room was big and blue, had clothes

    lying on the floor, but when you have a big room disaster is not noticed. My closet was located on the

    back wall and filled to the top with expensive clothes, to the right was my study table with my laptop,

    and on the opposite wall, a chest of drawers, and on top of the dresser I had a TV and a PlayStation3. I

    lay on my bed and started to think. What could I do? I had in my hands more money that could

    possibly be spent in a lifetime and the money kept growing every day. I could buy anything I wanted,

    but I still felt something unknown was missing. It wasnt until I stopped thinking that I realised that I

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    still had my fathers letter in my hand. How could I have forgotten it? I opened the envelope with

    utmost delicacy, the letter was written with a black pen and a nice letter of man in italics. I started to


    Dear son:

    When you read this letter I will already be gone, I hope that you know how to manage the money that

    you now hold in your hands, I also hope that you can direct the business as I did and much better.

    Son I will now tell you why I left everything to you and I have not given anything to your stepmother. I

    want you to use it to travel the world, Yes, you read correctly, travel the world, you see son, Im sorry

    for not having addressed this issue with you before that is because it is very delicate and Ive never had

    the courage to tell you. Your mother is not dead, and you have a brother, I want you to go to see your

    mother and to seek for your brother. He is always traveling here and there according to your mother, I

    do not know where he gets the money from or how he does to be a day in England and the next in the

    United States, but the case is that he does it without even caring about your mother. I have no doubtthat he leaves her alone until he returns.

    Your brother is a nonsevere person, he takes everything as a joke, but dont let that deceive you, he is

    extremely intelligent, a genius even, but has a cold heart and does not worry about anyone, I do not

    know the reason for his behavior, I remember him always playing with you he always was very playful

    and always was laughing while all you did was complain screaming of the follies of your brother. I dont

    know what made him change so much, but I hope you can make him go back to the way he was before,

    youre probably scared by some changes that you have suffered, like to be able to generate

    shockwaves, and make thunderstorm, dont worry my son, you are special and youre not the only one,

    there are more guys like you, starting with your brother, the only thing I can say is that your brotherand your mother live in London in a neighborhood called Camberwell, by the way his name is Lightning,

    I hope you can find him. Be strong my son and you have to promise me that you will never lose the


    A hug, your father Caesar.

    I was stoned; my mother had not died and I had a brother. Now many things made sense, now I

    understood why a thunder was heard at the airport, but, how did could my father know? What was

    that about special guys? All I understood was that my father wanted me to find my brother and to take

    care of my mother, so I should prepare the luggage to go to London immediately, I grabbed my

    BlackBerry and looked up the number of James,if you ask why I had it is because my father was often

    in a too important meeting and had to call him to leave my message.

    Yes? A voice answered

    James, hello, its me, Thunder. I said

    Good morning Mr. Thunder, what can I help you with?

    I need a limousine ready for London.

    Of course,when do you want it?

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    James, stop here. I said.

    Yes Mr. Thunder, he answered where should we go now?

    Toa street called John Ruskin.

    I can introduce itin the GPS and thus it will lead us to it.

    No, betterwalk and stretch the legs a little they starting to get numb.

    As you wish. The limousine stopped and I came off, the wind and the cold caught me by surprise.

    It is so cold! Icried James, any chance there is a jacket in the trunk? James opened the trunk and

    pulled out a jacket that had been prepared in advance.

    Oh James! I was amazed, you are very dependable.

    I checked the weather in SouthEast London which was our destination, and the Internet said that thetemperatures would be quite low.

    Well done James. I told him.I put on the jacket and in a few seconds I felt warmer. I started walking

    without really knowing where I was going, James was behind me.

    Wait Mr.Thunder; let me enter the address in the mobile GPS. He pulled out a BlackBerry and I

    waited until he introduced the address and gave me instructions

    Go straight ahead; about fifty meters turn left and then straight hundred meters.

    After doing what I was told, I came to a green portal with keys to mark the floor, I stared speechless atthe block, my father and I lived in a mansion in Manchester while my brother and my mother lived

    here. I marked the one and three keys and pressed "Call." After a few seconds answered a womans

    soft and sweet voice:

    Yes? Said the voice.

    Can you open the door please?

    Who is it?

    I am a friend of your son Lightning.

    But Lightning is not here.

    I want to talk toyou.

    OK well come up.

    I heard a sharp whistle, I pulled the door and it opened, looked at James and said:

    Go to the limousine bring it and wait down here, okay?

    As you wish sir.

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    Finally I was going to meet my mother; the moment I had been waiting for since I read my fathers

    letter had arrived. I swallowed saliva went into the portal and climbed the stairs.

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    III: An unexpected visitor (Lighting)

    My name is Lightning Tempest, am the illegitimate son of the great Caesar Tempest businessman and

    twin brother of Thunder, whom you may have already met, greetings aside, as they say, stories have

    two sides, let me tell you the story from the other side.

    It was a normal day; I had gone out for a walk because I was bored at home with nothing to do. I live in

    London, in a neighborhood called Camberwell, I was on vacation and as I have already mentioned had

    nothing to do at home. I was walking in a park called Burgess Park, a fairly large park with lawn, tennis

    courts and several exits; I was near the South exit when I stumbled across my friend Giovanni.

    As soon as he saw me, he greeted me and approached me.

    Hey Lightning, what are you doing here and dressed like that? he said with acheerful tone of voice. I

    threw him a look of surprise.

    What areyou saying dude? I asked.I looked at my clothes; well I had not put on anything special but

    it wasnt so bad.

    I saw you just a moment ago coming out of a limousine with a guy who followed you everywhere and

    with designer clothes that seemed to be very expensive.

    It cant be, you must be mistaken.

    Well, that guy was identical to you, except that he didnt have that arrogant look in his eyes, which

    you always have. Giovanni declared.

    Then itwasnt me. I responded

    But what he didhave, was that intelligent expression as if he knew exactly what he was doing, same

    as yours.

    Did you follow him? I asked already more animated.

    Nope he said without giving it importance, but he was heading to your house, I thought about

    saying hi, but I had to go to my grandmothers because she is sick.

    Did you hear him saying anything? I insisted.


    OK, thanks Giovanni.

    Do you know who is?

    No, but I have an idea. Giovanni put my hand on the shoulder but he withdrew it immediately

    shaking it.

    Ouchdude, youre always giving off those strong electroshocks, my hand is numb.

    Sorry, place it in cold water. Bye Giovanni I hope your grandmother gets better.

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    Thank you dude.

    He was going to high five me but he gave it a second thought, said goodbye and left. Once he had

    gone I smiled, so he had come, probably my father had told him to come after his death. I learned that

    my father had died this morning, my mother told me crying, I told her that I didnt care, I didnt feel

    anything for that man who had left us.

    Anyway, that guy had gone to my house, I had already I imagined who he was and probably you have

    too, but I didnt want to go home now, it was too soon to encounter him.

    I turned around and started to go deeper into the park, youve probably heard rumors of Burgess Park

    if you walk in it late, now, if youre someone like me, you dont have nothing to be afraid of, my idea

    was to wait in the park for that guy to come out of my house then go and ask my mother what the boy

    had told her.

    I was sitting on a bench in the park when me four guys with hoods approached me, I recognized them,

    they were the ones from last time, I could not see their faces but I was sure it was again, last time they

    tried steal my phone, I just ran because I didnt want to get me into trouble, but this time it would be


    The guys surrounded me, one sat to my right, one on my left, the third stood behind me, and the last

    one was standing in front of me.

    Look who we have here, said the one in front of me is that asshole of the other time, the kid ran

    very fast, he was like a bullet.

    His friends began to laugh foolishly, I raised my head, and I looked at him.

    Today Im not in a good mood, so I suggest that you leave, and leave me in peace.

    So today you are not going to run?

    No, I will make you run.

    I think that you dont get it,the guy made rubbed knuckles better to give me your phone and all

    your money if you dont want me to bust your face, I also have a knife, so give me all your money and

    your phone or Ill stab you

    Listen to what he tells you; I assure you that he will kill you. Said the guyto my right, but today I was

    not in a joking mood and is something that they would lament.

    I got up, the guy who was in front of me took a step back, without thinking it twice I punched him in

    the face, the boy fell to the ground, alerted his friends started an attack against me, but before they

    could go any further, a lightning hit each one of them, I watched as the three fell to the ground and

    with smoke coming out of their mouths, the three were blackened and their eyes were rolled back into

    their heads and smelled of burnt flesh. I started laughing uncontrollably.

    The guy whom I had punched stood up terrified.

    Tooyoung to die dont you think? I asked.

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    As soon as the guy heard my question his eyes opened wide.

    What have you done, have you killed them?

    I noticed the fear in his voice, he was hysterical.

    Calm down, they are not dead, but with a discharge like that, I dont think that they will be up any

    time soon.

    Youre a monster, weirdo!

    You should watch your mouth, I could kill you with the same ease with which I bend my finger, but I

    am a good guy, I will leave you intact for you to call an ambulance and that can deal with your friends.

    Im calling the police, youre going to prison!

    Go ahead, what are you going to say, that a kid has electrocuted your friends byhitting them with

    lightning? They will not believe you, then I will still be free, and you will end up in a mental institution.

    I turned around and started to walk towards the exit. I walked five steps when I heard the sound of a

    switchblade and the steps of the guy running to me, I stopped, the guy advanced three steps and then

    I made another lightning land on him, this time it was more powerful, a discharge so big that it killed


    Ironic, dont you think? I said.How something turn out to be, havingtried to kill me has cost you

    your life, death you wanted to give, but death you have received, rather than doing the right thing and

    help your friends. It was then when I realised it, what was I doing talking to a dead man? I pulled out

    my phone and I marked the emergency number, hopefully the ambulance would be here soon.

    I had killed a boy, I knew that it was very bad, but could not say that his death would weigh heavy on

    my conscience. In addition, to achieve my goal, I would have to take many lives, rather than that of a

    simple thug, so I would have to get used to it.

    I had no time to lose, the arrival of my brother meant that I should start my search, I had read in the

    newspaper that in Japan there had been an earthquake followed by a tsunami, that could not be a

    coincidence, in Japan then I would start my search, there I should find what am looking for, and with

    luck, I would find two.

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    It is because of your brother. She said.

    Lightning? Are you saying that the fact that I dont remember anything is his fault? I asked.

    Yes, surely by now youve noticed that you have powers. My mom said.

    Yes, but I dont know of what they consist. I replied

    It is very easy son; take a look at your name.

    My name was a very peculiar name, not many people are called Thunder, if I take a look at my name I

    would guess my powers, I started thinking. I am called Thunder, and then it occurred to me, I

    remembered the night at the airport as the plane exploded and what was heard when it exploded.

    It cant be,I said they are very strange powers.

    But they are the ones you have Thunder, you subjugate the thunders to your will, not only thunder

    but the sound itself, intensifying it, intensify the shockwaves.

    But how do you know mom? I asked.

    Because Ive seen you doing it, when you were five years.

    I was puzzled; my mother was telling me that I had used my powers for the first time when I was five

    years old.

    And... this question it was difficult was anyone... injured?

    My mother looked at me fixedly.

    Nope she said after a brief pause you and your brother controlled your powers very well.

    Ah, I was relievedthank goodness, wait a moment, did you say my brother and I?

    Yes, healso has powers.

    And what powers does he have?

    My mother looked at me as if I was a little kid who did not understand what he was being told. He

    looked at me with her comfortable, brown eyes she stroked my cheek, and then she said to me:

    Son, as well as yours his own name is also peculiar. Think, love.

    Once again I started thinking; my brothers name was Lightning.

    Hecontrols lightningI said without being very sure of myself.

    Well thought darling, but not only lightning you control sound itself and he controls electricity itself.

    Not to mention that he can travel at the speed of light.

    This is how he did it to be at a lace then a few minutes later at another, but how comes dad didnt

    know this?

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    Traveling at the speed of light he developed it later, he didnt always have it. My mother explained.

    My mobile phone rang; I told my mother to excuse me for a second and answered it:

    Yes, who is it? I said.

    Mr. Thunder, its me James, I have already parked the limousine in front of the portal, may I come up?

    It is pretty cold.

    Give me amoment James.

    I covered the phone with my hand. I told my mother that it was my assistant and asked her if he could

    come up. She agreed.

    Alright James, you can come up, call the intercom, it is number thirteen.

    A minute later James was coming up the stairs and entering the living room of the house, he made a

    slight bow as a way of greeting, and then made the same to my mother and said:

    Good afternoon Ms. Eleanor, how are you? My mother dedicatedhim a smile. I realised then I didnt

    know what my mums name was, my fathers letter didnt mention it.

    Hello James, Im fine, thank you my mother said. Andyou, how are?

    James returned the smile; I was too stunned for a moment to understand what was going on, and then

    I realised it.

    You already know each other! I cried but, how? Why?

    My mother and James shared a smile

    Sir, how long have I worked for your father?James asked me. Surely I never thought of it, but James

    has been working for my dad for as long as I can remember.

    Well, since Iwas a baby? I asked.

    Thats rightJames said in factbefore that, Ive been working for your father sixteen years, Ive been

    with him since I was twenty, as you can surely imagine I know you and your brother since you were

    born, and Ive know your mother for longer. Unfortunately, I had to go with your father and I had the

    not so pleasure to meet your stepmother.

    That reminds me of something I said mom, dont you need money because you no longer get the

    pension your work did not give you enough?

    Yes, but I will not accept money from my son, Thunder My mother said with a very confident tone.

    I pulled out the checkbook and wrote a figure, a five followed by three zeroes; my mother looked over

    my shoulder and exclaimed:

    Five thousand pounds, sorry I cannot accept it, it too much!

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    No mom, this is not for youI turned towards the check and I signed it, I turned to James and I said

    James, please get this delivered to my stepmom.

    James looked at me with an astonished face for a moment, but took the check and said:

    Right away Mr.Thunder, do you need anything else?

    No, thats all.

    If youll excuse me, Ill go do it right now. He said.James went down the stairs, I heard the door open

    and close, and then silence returned, after a few moments, my mother asked:

    Where has he gone?

    To send the check to Manchester, I guess. I responded.

    I started to write another check, I wrote a five, this time followed by six zeros. I scribbled my signature

    on the check, ripped it off the checkbook and gave it to my mother. My mother looked at the check

    and opened her eyes wide.

    Have you gone crazy? She exclaimed. If I didnt accept five thousand pounds imagine five million, is

    too much, not even if I was drunk.

    Mom, I dont want that you to lack on anything, please, accept the check, you will be doing me a


    No son, it is too much money, I cant accept it, not even if I was drunk.

    I insistmother, I want you living like a queen, please accept them, there many more in the bank,

    please I thought something that would make her go soft this is what dad would have wanted.

    My mother diverted her gaze, I said a few things more about wanting her to have a good life and I

    mentioned that my father would have wanted the same thing again, I saw tears in her eyes, I didnt

    like the idea of bringing up my father, but my mother was not leaving me another option, she was

    stubborn. My mother breathed a long sigh; she looked back at me, looked at the check in my hand,

    and took it with trembling hands.

    Thank you, she said with thread of voice many thanks, son. I smiled wide.

    You dont have to thank me, this is the right thing, or it is from my point of view, but what other

    people think me doesnt matter to me, I just want to you to have a good life.

    But still, thank you.

    Hey mom, did you know that we had powers as soon as we were born, because calling your children

    Thunder and Lightning, cant be a coincidence, or can it?

    Well, the first thing you need to know is that you are not the only ones with powers. My mom said.

    Do you mean that there are more children able to control thunders and lightnings?

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    No, I mean able to control other things, my mother said fire, earth, metal, wood and much more. I

    dont know if the same thing happened to the parents of those children, but fourteen years ago, when

    you were born, we were visited by a girl.

    Agirl?I asked surprised, do youa little girl?

    Yes,my mother answered, she shouldnt be older than four years, but she spoke as an adult and

    was wrapped in an angelic light. She told us that you two were special, said that you were the sons of

    the storm and that we would have to give you a name suitable for your powers, told us your powers,

    and from her explanation, we decided your names.

    I kept quiet for a moment, trying to assimilate all this information, my mother seemed to understand

    how I felt because she gave me a smile of compassion and waited silently while I was trying to

    understand what she had told me.

    And, I said after a while do peoplewith skills like us have a name?

    I dont know sheanswered perhaps Lightning knows it, if he knows he has not told me so.

    I was thinking again, I looked at the wooden table, and then I looked at a sheet of paper folded in half.

    I noticed it because I was sure that when I had entered the sheet was not there.

    Mom, Isaid whats that sheet of paper in the table? It wasnt there before, or was it?

    My mother sighed again and said:

    It must have been Lightning.

    I suddenly got up from the sofa.

    Lightning is here? I asked.

    No, or yes,my mother frowned, I dont know, but it is likely that hes already gone.

    What? And, how can he do that?I asked.

    The speed of light, do you remember?

    Oh, yes, I sat back down, what doesthe paper say?

    I dont know. My mother took the paper and handed it over to me it is probably meantto you.

    How do you know it? Is it not for you telling you where he has gone?

    My mother shook her head.

    No, he never tells me where he goes she said with sadness.

    Now that I remember, that was true; my father had written it in the letter. I took the paper folded in

    half from my mothers hands and opened it. On the top left corner it read for Thunder. My mother was

    right; the letter was for me, I started reading:

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    How are you brother? Im Lightning, I was going to wait for you to get out of my house and go talk to

    my mother, to see what you had told her. But as a result of you taking a long time, and the fact that Im

    a very impatient person, I decided to start the search a bit before you, what do you have to search? Try

    to figure it out yourself, where to start? I wont tell you directly that would make it be too easy, but Ill

    give you a clue that will surely reduce the difficult. Where you have to start is in a country in Asia, what

    country? What city in that country? Im afraid that you will have to discover that by yourself, by the

    way, Ive taken the Visa Platinum, I already know the PIN, is very easy to read your mind, dont you

    worry I wont spend much, just enough to live comfortably, although, part of this money also belongs

    to me after all, even if the old man didnt say it. Anyway, I hope that you have a replacement card; well

    see each other soon, well as soon as you find out where to go. See you loser


    I dropped the letter of my brother at the table and began to frantically search my pockets, sure

    enough; the Platinum Visa was not there. But the letter hadnt answered any of my questions, in fact,

    it made many more emerge.

    Whats going on? my mother asked.

    Many things I said he has written something abouta search and that he will start it before me, he

    has also mentioned something about Asia, ah yes, and he has taken my Visa Platinum.

    I looked at my mother; she seemed as confused as me, or maybe more.

    By the way I added, you had not mentioned that Lightning can read minds, how does he do it? And,

    can I do it?

    I dont if you can do it or not, once he told me hoe he does it, but it is very complicated, he will

    explain it to you better than me.

    Great, another super cool power that Lightning has and I dont, anymore?

    Yes, but the other one is not so "cool" as you would say, anyway, I guess you have to go?

    No.I replied firmly, Lightning can wait, I havent finished talking to you, and I have three questions


    Fire away mymother said. It seemed somewhat weird hearing my mother use that expression, but ifyou think about it, I had just met her.

    Whydid you and dad separate? And I believe that a five years old kid is able to remember, how is it

    that I dont remember anything. Do you know?

    My mother had a dark expression; she took a deep breath and said:

    I guess you deserve to know what happened. You know that you and your brother used to play when

    you were small, right?

    I nodded when my mother paused recalling what my fathers letter said, when I nodded, shecontinued.

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    Well, one day everything changed, Lightning became more... cold, still smiling yes, but it could be

    noticed that he was no longer the same, it was as if he had become evil. That same day in the evening,

    we saw a bluish light in your room, so we decided to enter, and what we saw was Lightning with his

    hand on your forehead, we didnt know exactly what he was doing, but the light came out of his hand

    and whatever he was doing, it hurt you. When he saw us, he turned away from you and began to laugh

    out loud as if he was crazy. You were unconscious for four days, and at that time we kept Lightning

    away from you. Although he did not appear to have any interest in hurting you again, but we decided

    not to take risks and not let him go into your room at the hospital, although I suspect that he could

    have passed if it he had wanted to. When you woke up you did not remember absolutely nothing,

    neither who you were nor who we were, nothing at all. There you have Lightnings other power, erase

    memories. After long discussions, your father and I decided to separate you two to prevent Lightning

    from hurting you anymore. I decided to stay with Lightning and told your father to leave with you. One

    night, your father and you left without Lightning noticing. The next morning Lightning woke up and

    prepared to leave the school, if he noticed your absence he showed no signs of caring. Since then,

    Lightning and I have lived without mentioning a word about that.

    I was stoned without saying anything to what my mother had just said. I counted the minutes that I

    was speechless, they were six, six whole minutes sitting there looking out the window without saying

    absolutely nothing and with my gaze lost in the horizon. My mother waited patiently while I analyzed

    and placed the information mentally. My parents had separated because my brother had decided to

    attack me and erase my memory.

    And, why did Lightning decide to do that? I asked.

    My mother looked at me as if she believed that I could not speak and was strange to hear my voice.

    Dont know, as I have said we never talked about it and I dared not ask. She said.

    Well, no matter, Ill ask him when I find him. Here goes my third question, why if you and dad have

    brown eyes we have grey ones?

    Well, mymother scratched her head, I think that has something to do with your powers, I think that

    I heard Lightning saying something about that, yes thats probably it.

    Well. I got up from the sofa, I think that its time for me to star going, I still have to search for that

    country in Asia and the city as well. I think that I will start with Thailand, what do you think, mom?

    I think that you should start with China, Lightning always said that it is an amazing country.

    Maybe,I got out a card from my jacket pocket and gave it to my mother ifyou need something do

    not hesitate to call me, whatever, dont hesitate.

    Of course my mother said, thankyou so much son, thank you very much, really.

    You dont have to thank me mom; I just did the right thing.

    My mother rose from the sofa approached me and gave me a big hug and I feared that my eyes were

    going to pop; she stepped away from me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

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    Good luck son she said.

    Thank you mom,I will surely need it. But dont you worry, I will bring Lightning back safe and sound

    and I will regain my memory and I will make my brother return to the way he was.

    Ill leave it in your hands you then.

    My mother accompanied me to the door, gave me another hug and kissed me on the forehead once

    more then she said goodbye and closed the door. I stood a moment watching the blue door, it

    probably was only a few seconds, it but seemed like an eternity. I began to walk down the aisle, I

    arrived at the red doors, I opened them and went down the stairs asking myself in which country of

    Asia I should begin and thinking about the story that my mother had told me. I got to the green door

    before realising it, I pressed the button, I heard that sharp beep and I opened the door. James was in

    front of the portal waiting for me leaning on the limousine, when he saw me coming he opened the

    door of the limousine.

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    V: Destination (Thunder)

    Where are we going now Mr. Thunder? James asked.

    I stood in front of the limousine thinking, I didnt know what to do, as I have said earlier Asia has many

    countries and each country has many cities and if you had to search in every city... It was too much,countless cities in which to search, countless cities with countless streets and hotels, I didnt even

    know what my brother liked, and with the card that he had taken he could afford any hotel he wanted.

    I started to panic, now that I thought carefully searching for a single person in all of Asia was like

    searching for lifeboat in the ocean, if you didnt know its exact coordinates you would never find it

    ever. I hadnt even thought of a destination to go. I didnt know what to do, I was completely lost and

    my head was saturated with thoughts that only worsened the situation because every thought wanted

    me to focus on it and they were all fighting for space in my mind.

    Mr.Thunder, where are we going? James repeated.

    I shook my head and said:

    I dont know James, but now I dont feel like entering the limousine I need time to think and take a

    little bit of fresh air will do me well.

    Of course sir.James said, and closed the door of the limousine. I walked five steps when I realised

    that James was following me. I turned and looked at him with an asking face.

    What are you doing James? I asked.

    Going with youJames answered bluntly. I have to ensure your safety.

    Not this time James.I need time alone if you dont mind.

    James looked at me as if he wanted to protest, but turned around and returned to the limousine. I

    kept walking along the street John Ruskin. I saw several children, some playing and some others older

    talking. One of those guys looked at me, looked at my clothes said something to his friends, pointed at

    me and the three started to walk towards me. I tried to avoid eye contact with them in and began to

    walk quicker, but it was useless. The guys reached me in the wink of an eye. There were two black boys

    and one that looked Indian, but I wasnt sure. One of the black boys, the taller of the two, grabbed my

    shoulder and asked me:

    Are you not going to say hi? He didnt have a deep voice, but it was deeper than mine. He had braces

    and short hair; his dark eyes looked at me with an offended expression, as if not having approached to

    say hello had really offended him.

    Hello, I said with a tremblingvoice erm, who you are?

    What do you mean who am I?Whats wrong? Are you so stupid that you dont recognize your best

    friend, Lightning? And those clothes? Have you robbed a bank or something?

    Are you stupid?Asked the other black to the one that was holding me by the shoulders. How the

    hell could he have robbed a bank? It is a lot more likely that his mother the won the lottery orsomething, did you win the lottery Lightning? By the way, where are your earrings?

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    You are mistaken. I said carefully removing the guys hand away from my shoulder. Im not


    What are you saying? Saidthe third guy. You are clearly Lightning.

    Im telling you that Im not Lightning. I said with a firm voice. Im Thunder.

    The three boys took a step backwards and looked at me with curiosity at the same time as fear. I did

    not understand that someone could fear me, however those three did.

    You areThunder? Asked the short black boy. Lightnings brother?

    Yep, thats me. Do you know me? I asked surprised.

    Lightning told us about you, says you have lot of money, so, is it true?

    Well, yes but if it werent for my father there would be no money, I am a normal guy who has had

    luck and thats it.

    But, are you also like Lightning?The Indian boy asked. At that time the three looked at each other as

    if they had just decided something. I chose to overlook that gesture and I continued talking.

    How is Lightning? I asked.

    You know, cold, merciless, ruthless, and without a doubt the strongest guy Ive ever known. The

    Indian boy said.

    No, Im not like that.I sighed. So thats the reason why they feared me. How canyou be friends

    with a person like that?

    Wellsaid the tall boy Lightning is all that but not with us, but with the people that bothers him. If

    hes walking on the street and a guy stares at him maybe he beats him up or maybe not. More than

    once they have tried to rob him, if he is in a good mood he simply flees. But if hes in a bad mood...

    May The Lord have mercy upon them.

    But, did Lightning tell you something about... What could I say? Has he explained that he and I have

    powers? Did he tell you that he is able to control lightning and curb electricity at will? It would sound

    stupid, and thats an experience that has unfortunately happened to me many times and that I would

    not like to repeat, let alone in front of a few complete strangers:

    It doesnt matter. I saidin the end. What areyour names?

    The tall guy, which to me seemed to be the leader of the group pointed at himself with the thumb and


    My name is Duke.Then he pointed at his two friends, these are Kelvin and Kishan. Kishan is the

    Indian guy and Kelvin is the other one, but theres one missing in the group. The one which is not here

    is the joker of the group which laughs at any nonsense. His name is Ted but I dont think that you will

    have the opportunity to meet him, because I understand that you have to take care of your fathers

    business? And you dont have much time.

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    Yes. I said. Well, not exactly, usually James and the other entrepreneurs are in charge of that. They

    only call me when there is an important decision to make or when I have papers to sign, or

    conferences to attend and those types of things. Generally I have much free time.

    And how do you spendit?Kelvin asked being so rich should be fascinating, what do you do in your

    free time?

    I dont know, play PS3, I used to go to school and...

    Hold on a second Kishaninterrupted me you saidused togo to school, is that youre not going?

    No, no, now I began to devote myself to travel the world in search of... someone.


    Dukes question stayed floating around in my mind. Who was I looking for? My brother Lightning. But

    hardly knew him. I knew him, but I didnt remember him, I didnt know his favorite color or anythingabout him and my mind was too confused when I was talking to my mother to ask about these things. I

    didnt know where he was, his clue didnt help at all and I didnt know what it was he insisted in

    searching and that apparently I should also search in addition to looking for him. The more I thought

    about it, the more everything confused me and my head started to ache. I tried by all possible means

    to suppress my thoughts and make my mind blank to clear my head and to be able to think clearly. But

    whenever I managed to stop thinking about something, the thought floated back to the surface of my

    mind like a buoy you are trying to sink under the water.

    Searching for whom?

    Kishan repeated the question with a little louder, just enough to get me out of my mental diving. I

    dedicated him a smile and he was surprised to see it:

    I am sure youll figure it out yourselves. Isaid. Now if youll excuse me, I have to go.

    The three offered me their hands and I gave each a handshake in order of height, one thing that I did

    unconsciously and that seemed to me to be very curious.

    I wish you good luck. Kelvin said as he shook my hand.

    Thank you. I answered.

    When it was Kishans turn, he said:

    I hope you find whoever youre looking for.

    And I hope that you figure out who it is soon.

    In his turn, Duke said:

    Nice to meet you, we will tell Lightning that youve been here.

    All right. Isaid.

    Thankyou; it has been a pleasure to meet the three of you.

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    They started walking in a direction and I kept walking the way I was, which was the opposite of where

    they were going. On my way I saw how the neighborhood was. The houses were of at least twenty

    years ago and they were made of red brick and were all together next to each other. On the street

    there was a primary school that seemed of the Victorian era like my housewell like my stepmothers

    house. Besides the school there was a parking full white bus. I kept walking and went under a bridge

    where the train passed. Later I spotted a few shops, and was ready to get out of the street, when I

    heard the voice of Kishan say:

    Do you think that Thunder also has powers like Lightning?

    What doI know? Said Dukes voice. You should haveasked him.

    I did not dare, and also, he might have thought that I am mad.

    I think hedoes Kelvin intervened, just take a look at hisname.

    I turned towards them, only to discover that they were already more than half a kilometer away from

    me, they had already gone way passed the limousine James was. How I was hearing them was a

    mystery that escaped me, but I assure you that I heard them. I was gawking for a couple of moments

    as usual, but I realised that those three knew about Lightnings powers, I had to talk to them quickly. I

    started running in their way and it surprised even me the speed with which I reached where James

    was, I stopped in front of him and he said:

    Youre made a true athlete Mr. Thunder, have you already finished meditating?

    Im afraid not James. I answered. Go take a walk around London with the limousine, I have a locator

    on my phone, when I have finished I will call and you can come find me wherever I may be, it seems tome that this will take a while. I saw the concern in Jamesface and added dont worry James, I can

    take care of myself, you go and have fun. If you want Ill let you take girls on the limousine, I have

    issues to attend to, Ill be fine.

    James blushed is, because despite its way of being at work I knew in his spare time he had much

    success with women. Despite that he denied with the head. I looked at Lightnings friends, and saw

    they were further every second, I should hurry.

    LookJames, nothing will happen, and youll have enough time to get a woman, perhaps even two, I

    know you have clothes in the limousine to get change if you need it. I told him.

    I winked smiling and James blushed even more to my comment, however this time he yielded:

    OK, he said.ButIll give you up to ten oclock. If you havent called at ten in the evening, Ill go get

    you wherever you are.

    I frowned and said joking:

    Oh dad, ten oclock is too soon.

    James blushed more than what I would have thought humanly possible and he stammered:

    Eh... we... well... erm... I...

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    Relax James Im kidding.I stopped frowning and smiled. If by ten I havent called, come get me no

    matter where I am. In addition to the mobile locator, I know that I have another one in my jacket that

    you placed when I wasnt aware at some point. But its okay, you really care about me and I thank you,

    now go.

    James pouted again, but I looked at him with an expressive gesture, he said goodbye, got into the

    limousine and I saw how he left. I looked in the direction in which my brothers friend had left and I

    spotted them far away, at least a mile and a half away. I thought how lucky I was that the street was all

    straight. I sighed and started running as fast as I could towards them. Despite the distance at which

    they were, I reached them in less than three minutes, something that confused me a lot, because I had

    never been so fast in my life, in fact, running a mile and a half in less than three minutes is inhumane.

    But I didnt have time to worry about things like that; I should talk to Lightnings friends without

    wasting time. When I reached them and put my hand on the Dukes shoulder, I wasnt even panting, as

    if I hadnt run a kilometer and had only walked two meters. Duke turned and when he saw me he

    opened his eyes so much that I believed they would come out of their place. Kelvin and Kishan

    continued walking, but stopped when they noticed that Duke was not with them, and they turned

    around. They were also surprised to see me; there were a few moments of silence until Duke said:

    What are you doing here, werent you going?

    I have to ask you something. I said.

    How the hell have you reached us so fast?Kishan asked.

    Irun. I replied.

    Yeah, but even so, it has been very little time.Kishan insisted.

    Ill tell you later. You know that Lightning has powers, right?

    The three remained in silence; it was an uncomfortable silence that kept extending until it became


    Do you knowor not? Iasked again, this time a little more irritated, and I think that my irritation was

    a reflected in my tone of voice.

    Yes Duke said.Wedo know.

    Why didnt you mention it to me? I asked.

    We didnt know if youd believe us and thought we were mad, therefore we made a silent agreement

    and decided not to say a thing. Kelvin said.

    I then remembered the moment in which the three had looked at each other, it should have been then

    when they decided to say anything. I thought a moment and asked my next question:

    How did you learn of Lightnings powers?

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    He told us, Duke answered, he explained to us that some guys are born with superhuman abilities

    such as to control electricity and many other things but he didnt tell us if you also were one of those


    I thought again, if Lightning had decided to tell the truth to these guys it meant that he really trusted

    them, so they could keep a secret. After several moments of reflection I decided to tell them the truth.

    Yes, Im also one of them. However Im afraid that I discovered it recently and I dont control my

    powers very good, well, I dont control them.

    How is that possible?Kishan asked, Lightning controls them perfectly.

    It may be, but Lightning erased my memory, and my memories of having powers went along with it.

    Lightning did what? Kelvin was surprised. Lightning never told us that he could do those things.

    Well, I assure you that he can do them, and apparently does them very well, because I rememberabsolutely nothing of my childhood.

    Silence returned, this time I decided not to let it last as long and I asked another question:

    Has Lightning mentioned to you something about a search or a trip to Asia?

    The guys thought for a moment; I let them think, after a few seconds Duke said:

    He mentioned that hewas looking for something but he never said what, and I assure you that he has

    never said anything about Asia. Do you know what hes looking for? Has he gone to Asia?

    I dont know what he is looking for, just that I should also search for it whatever it is. And yes, he has

    gone to Asia and wants me to also look for him; however, he didnt tell me where in Asia, he is the

    person that I have told you that Im looking for.

    But then, we wont see him again? Kishan asked.

    I dont know I replied.

    Well, you must look forhim. Duke said, I hope you find him.

    But Duke Kelvin protested, dont you realise what is happening? We might not see Lightning ever


    What can wedo?Duke said with a broken voice hehas decided to go, there is nothing we can do, it

    is his decision, and his alone.

    You can help me. I said.

    How? Kishanasked.

    You could you tell me the thinks he likes. Trust me, that would help more than you can imagine, in

    return I promise to find Lightning and bring him back. What do you think?

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    Well Kelvin said to begin with it seems a little weird that you yourself dont know the tastes of your


    As I said before, Lightning erased my memory and I didnt even remember that I had a brother.

    I accept that. But if you also are one of those guys, what powers do you have?

    As you said before the only thing you have to do is to take a look at my name I said.

    Of course, Kelvin said then Lightning controls lightnings and you are Thunder so control thunders, it

    is logic. However Lightning can control electricity itself, and you?

    I can control the sound itself.

    Okay,that would explain that you heard our conversation and also how you reached us so quickly.

    Now that I thought about it, his theory was logical, if I could control sound, I could make any sound

    come to me so I could hear it, or something like that. However, when I heard the conversation of

    Lightnings friends I had not tried anything like that, another irrefutable proof that I couldnt control

    my powers at all, but still, I did not understand how I had reached them so quickly.

    How does that explain that I reached you so quickly?

    Im not sure if you know that Lightning can travel at the speed of light. Duke said.

    Yes,that I know Ianswered.

    Well, Duke continued is something of the sort. The sound travels at a speed of about four thousand

    meters per second in the concrete, which is what this floor is made of he said while stomping several

    time on the ground in the air about three hundred and fortythree meters per second, and in the

    water is one thousand five hundred and ninetythree meters per second, but the speed of sound in

    water depends on the temperature of this, and also if it is salt water or not. The sound travels faster in

    solids than in the other two states of matter and it travels faster in liquids than in gasses.

    Does that mean that I can fly and run on top of water? I asked excited, because I thought that these

    powers were pretty cool.

    I dont know,Duke said maybe, however as fast as it mightbe, it is still nothing compared to the

    speed of light which is of three thousand kilometers per second, or three million meters per second ifyou prefer it this way. Of course I only I told you three surfaces, in others the speed of sound can

    increase or decrease.

    But if indeed I can go so fast, I would have reached you in much less time than it took me.

    Youve said that you dont control your powers Kishan intervened, therefore you wouldnt be at

    your speed limit but at a much more reduced one.

    My godguys, you know a lot of things, you know more about my powers than I do.

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    We know nothing about your powers Kelvin said they are just theories that we make, for example,

    since thunders are caused by shockwaves, I imagine that you can generate them or something of the


    Yes I said my mother mentioned something like that.

    You mother? Kishan asked.

    Yes,she knew things about my powers and Lightnings, but is still a lot of knowledge that you have.

    WellDuke said we are deviating from the topic. Im going to tell you what Lightning likes. He likes

    the things that stand out, normally he cannot afford them, but if he can afford something very

    luxurious it wont hesitate to buy it. He doesnt like it when people mess with him or with his friends,

    and in case that this happens, he will tear to piece whoever it was that dared to disturb him. He also

    usually defends the weak although he says he doesnt like weak people. He likes consoles very much

    and he is a great player. More than once he has ended up in a police station for many reasons like

    disrespecting the authority. He hates studying even though he is very intelligent; he is smarter that the

    four of us together however he wastes his intellect.

    Duke continued talking and saying many things about my brother, and I listened carefully to each of

    them. Without realising it, the four of us were sitting on a bench that was on the sidewalk. I looked at

    the time; it was ten to nine, I still had to spare time to talk to my brothers friends so I stayed listening

    to what each of them had to say.

    And finally if you ever find him dont give him an order, because according to his own words, will

    snatch the head of whoever dares to tell him what do and he will feed it to the craws personally

    Kishan said well,thats everything you need to know before meeting Lightning, or should I say meet

    him again or recognize?

    Well no matter how you say it I said, anyway you have helped me a lot and I thank you deeply, now

    I have to go and start my search, if I dont starting as soon as possible, Ill never make it.

    I got up from the bank.

    WaitKelvin said, Back here there is a fenced park, why dont we go and you show us what you can


    What? Iasked.

    What Kelvin meansDuke explained, is that he wants to see your powers in action.

    I dont know,I said, I looked at the time, nine to five, I still had time, I would gladly do it, but as

    Ive said before, I cannot control my powers.

    NonsenseKelvin said, he rose, grabbed my arm and started to walk while he pulled me the only

    thing you have to do is to try it.

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    We arrived at the Park. It was fenced off by a high metal fence of at least two and half meters. It was

    an extension of about five hundred meters square; through the fence you could see trees and green

    grass. To the north there was a small gym like those you find in parks. Lightningswho I already

    considered my friendsjumped the fence. I stayed behind because I did not want to damage my

    clothes, but after thinking about it well, I decided that it was stupid and I jumped. Around the park,

    there were very old houses that I assumed were abandoned. They were made of red brick like the

    ones I had seen before, however these were older and they were built in a different way. Kelvin

    pointed to a tree and said:

    Break it.

    Are you crazy? I cried.

    Lightning can break that tree with the same ease with which I would break a small branch; moreover,

    he makes lightning fall on it and its over, get a thunder to fall on it.

    I cantI said.

    You have to do itDuke said if you really want to bring Lightning back youll have to do much more

    impressive things than to break a tree, if Lightning has decided to leave and does not want to return,

    youll have to fight him, and I assure you that if you cant do something as simple as splitting a tree you

    will not bring anyone back.

    I thought about the day my father died. That day I had made a thunder fall, and that was what had

    made the plane explode. That was what caused my fathers death, and I did not want anything like

    that happen to happen again. If I broke that tree a piece could be fired and pierce one of my friends,

    and I didnt want that to happen. Then I thought about my fathers letter, I had to bring Lightning back

    by any means, and they told me that if I couldnt break that stupid tree I would never bring back

    Lightning. That was my fathers last will and I swore that I would do it to.

    Okay, I will tryI said in a voice that sounded a little too high for my liking.

    What was that? Kelvin asked where is your determination?

    I will do itI repeated firmly, I will do it; I will break that stupid tree.

    That is better Kelvin said smiling, and they began to retreat backwards.

    What are you doing? I asked.

    Getting to a distance from which it is safe to observe Kishan said you do your thing.

    Apparently they already knew what could happen if they stayed too close. I prepared to break the

    tree. I took a deep breath and I looked at it. I thought of the sound of thunders and the tree breaking, I

    stretched out my right arm with my hand open towards the tree, I concentrated even more. I thought

    only of thunders sounding, which was quite difficult, I looked at the tree and to breathed deeply again.

    I closed my hand sharply. A sonorous thunder was heard, it sounded BUUUUM!!! Followed by a very

    loud CRACK!!! When the wood broke and the tree was splintered, I closed my eyes and covered my

    face with his hands to avoid splinters from reaching my face; however I didnt feel any sliver touching

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    my skin. Ten seconds after I removed my hands from my face and I opened my eyes. I couldnt believe

    it. The tree that a few moments ago was intact, was split in half from top down, with two halves lying

    on the ground on each side, and a lot of slivers around.

    My friends approached me running, examined the tree and then looked at me.

    Very well done ThunderDuke said.

    Congratulations dude, it was impressiveKishan said.

    Thanks guys I said a little embarrassed.

    However, Duke said youll have to improve a lot; youve taken too long to make thunder fall, but

    well done anyway.

    Its trueKishan said Lightning wouldnt have taken long but hey, little by little.

    Doesnt matter Kelvin said what do you think of trying to generate shockwaves now?

    I dont know if Ill be able to I said making that thunder fall has sucked me dry, I have no forces left,

    I lack energies.

    Comeon, dont be a cry babyKelvin said I didnt ask you to make a skyscraper collapse with

    thunders,he pointed towards the metal fence, directly behind there was one of the abandoned

    houses aimthere.

    Okay, Ill try.

    I concentrated again. I imagined shockwaves coming out of my hands, this time I didnt think of

    thunders but of mere sound generated in my hands. I stretched out both arms with the hands open

    again, took a deep breath and thought about my energy flowing from my body and emerging from my

    hands. Suddenly, shockwaves came out of my hands. They were transparent circles of a meter in

    diameter created of pure sound energy that pushed me back. It was like when you shoot a gun and the

    recoil pushes your hand back. The shockwaves came out of my hands with so much power that the

    recoil almost makes me fall back. The waves crashed against the metal fence and were pushing it and

    bending the metal until they managed to make a hole to go crashing again into the abandoned house

    and through the brick with the same or more ease. When I stopped generating shockwaves I fell to the

    ground on my knees panting. I felt exhausted and half dead of tiredness.

    Thunder saidKelvins voice.

    What? I answeredpanting.

    Ive never seen Lightning doing something like that. He responded.

    I have nowords I heardKishan saying.

    Look what you can do ThunderDuke said.

    I managed to gather enough forces to lift my head and look at what they were talking about. I openedmy eyes and my jaw dropped. From where I had launched the shockwaves, began a trail where there

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    was no grass, it had been torn and vaporized by the shockwaves. But that was not all. Where the shock

    wave had struck against the house there was a hole. A hole that crossed the entire house and all the

    others that were joined to it creating an opening that allowed you to see the street on the other side

    through the houses. But that that still wasnt all. On the other side there was also grass, and the grass

    had also disappeared. There was a trace of earth without grass and further than that, at two

    kilometers away where it was almost invisible, there was a hole in one of the buildings that was new in

    the area, but it didnt seem to pierce the entire building as before but it was just a hole of only half a

    meter deep in the wall of the building.

    It seemsthat in that building was where you lost strength and you had to stop. Lucky because people

    do live in that building.Duke said.

    You might not know it but we were just behind you and the recoil of your waves us has thrown to the

    ground Kishan said these two didnt want to tell you.

    It doesnt matter Kelvin said. He placed himself in front of me and offered me his hand. I grabbed itand with effort and his help I stood up. I felt dizzy and I was hungry what matters is that you have to

    learn to control your strength, but dont worry, Im sure that over time you can control the diameter of

    the waves, the power you want, the frequency with which they come out and above all, up to where

    you want them to arrive. You should also work a bit in the recoil.

    The freque... what? I asked

    The number of waves per second Kelvin said. Dude, you seem stupid.

    Well, Kishan said Im afraid that I have to start going.

    MetooDuke said.

    I think that I will also goKelvin said its getting late.

    They were right, I hadnt realised but it was already dark.

    I am staying I said.

    The three looked at me puzzled.

    What didyou say? Duke asked.

    I saidthat Im staying, I will regain forces and try to take less time to make thunders fall and

    controlling the waves. I smiled, and to see if I can or cant fly.

    Are you sure?Kishan asked.

    Yes, dont worry, and by the wayI said Do you consider me your friend?

    Kelvin blew air and said:

    That is the stupidest question I have heard in my life, and know that Ive heard them plenty.

    I smiled from ear to ear.

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    Thank you I said I swear that I will bring Lightning back, whatever it takes.

    Dont worry Duke said we believe you.

    I said goodbye to the three with a hug to each of them and I promised again that it would bring

    Lightning back. I saw them go out through the hole my shockwaves madeat least it was usefulandthen they went walking down the street we had come. I sat down on the grass and looked at my

    watch. Quarter to ten, I still had a quarter of an hour until James returned. I was going to lie down in

    the grass when I heard footsteps behind me, I got up abruptly and turned around, everything was dark

    and I hardly saw anything.

    Whos there? I yelled.

    From the shadows a guy came out. He was more or less my age and maybe about three centimeters

    taller than me. He had a white and pale skin with very dark brown eyes, almost black, that stood out in

    his white face. He had limp hair that reached his neck. He wore black clothes, black leather jacket with

    hood and black jeans. As soon as he came close I feltsomething. Something that I had never felt

    before. It was a chill through my spine that stayed there for the whole of the time.

    Who are you? I asked.

    Someone that has forced destiny The guy replied the. Hehad a soft voice and that it wasnt deep at

    all, but it still gave me the chills, it sounded like the voice of a child but you could see that he was not a

    small child; as I said before he must have been around my age.

    Great I said I am also someone, however I dont force anything, and much less destiny.

    We are differenthe said besidesthat you do not force destiny, you are someone looking for

    someone, I am someone looking for something.

    There was something about that guy that I didnt like; I noticed some negativity coming from him.

    What are you?I asked Asoothsayer?

    No, but I knowthings.

    And what things do you know?

    I know that if you want to find the person you are looking for you will have to go to Sendai, in MiyagiPrefecture in the Tohoku region, on the island of Honshu in Japan. There you will meet your destiny,

    the person you are looking for and someone else.

    How doyou know that? I asked.

    Go towhere I told you Thunder, there you will find your destiny.

    Wait, I dont recall telling you my name, at least tell me what your name is.

    The boy took a few steps back.

    I told you to wait I yelled.

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    Well see each other again, it is our destiny, but next time I will not be so friendly, until the next time


    He took other steps and disappeared into the shadows, I attempted to pursue him, but I knew wasnt

    there anymore, simply gone, dissolved in the shadows, the chill on my spine vanished as soon as he

    left. Sendai Prefecture of Miyagi, Tohoku region, Honshu Island in Japan. That place was in Asia and he

    had told me that I would meet my destiny and with the person I was looking for. I had the feeling that

    it wouldnt be the last time Id see that guy. I got out the phone and called James.

    James I said come pick me up, Im done thinking and I already know where to go, I already know

    which is our next destination.

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    VI: I get a diamond in the rough (Lightning)

    When you have a lot of endless money, the first thing you think of is to go on vacation somewhere cool

    or something like that, right? Well I didnt; I had plans and I wasnt thinking in postponing them. My

    plans were to find certain people and convince them to join me in my purpose and help me achieve it.

    In Japan, there had been a tremendous magnitude earthquake, nine, if I remember correctly, followed

    by a tsunami with waves up to a hundred and thirtythree feet. But well, the first thing I did was buy

    some platinum earrings with embedded diamonds. Im not sure you know that I, unlike Thunder, wear

    earrings, a detail that apparently my friend Giovanni didnt realised.

    They were one thousand three hundred pounds, but when you have virtually inexhaustible money you

    dont even realise it. With my ability to travel at the speed of light I could have got to Japan from

    England in zero point zero thirtytwo seconds, but for some completely unknown reason, I felt like

    buying a ticket in first class from London Gatwick Airport to the airport of Sendai, which reopened

    recently and wait the thirteen hours of flying plus the discomfort from jetlag when arriving at Japan.It would take at least two days to get used to the new time zone.

    The speed of light would save me all these problems. I began to think that going by plane was stupid

    and a waste of time, but I had already bought the ticket and was already at the airport about to

    embark. For being underage, I had to buy a ticket and that a flight attendant was aware of me. I wore a

    black suit blazer that had a grey hooded jacket attached along with black chino trousers and black

    Ralph Lauren trainers. I also wore an electric blue tshirt under the hoody. I had my cornrows freshly

    made so my hair was impeccable. All of this along with my newly acquired platinum earrings with

    embedded diamonds. All in all, an impressive appearance.

    I was on the line for first class without any luggage, not even a small backpack. There was a group of

    girls more or less my age, maybe a little older than me. They were looking in my direction and giggling.

    They looked like daughters of wealthy families that were going alone on a trip to Japan. When I turned

    in their direction I found myself face to face with two of them. One was blonde with beautiful blue

    eyes and a smile that took your breath, while the other had brown hair and honeycolored eyes, she

    looked AfricanAmerican. I spent a good time looking at that girls eyes, because they reminded me a

    lot of my fathers. The other four girls stayed where they were, whispering between them.

    Hisaid the girl with the blue eyes. What is your name?

    Lightning I replied.

    An unusual name, as much as the color of your eyes said thebrown haired girl.

    Thank you I said with my best smile. Dont take it the wrong way, you are both beautiful, but I dont

    like you, you are not my type.

    Well, said the girl with brown hairwe have thirteen hours to convince you otherwise, because you

    are in first class, right?

    Yes, you can try, but it seems very unlikely, especially if you dont tell me your names.

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    Ive always had this problem; since I was seven girls are very interested in me and I had no choice but

    to learn to treat them at an early age. And I look older than I am, even older girls come to me, and

    surely, Sheila, Eleanor and the other girls thought I was their age. I wondered if my brother Thunder

    had the same problem. As we are twins I guessed so. I was already having my first adventure was

    without having barely left Europe, that meant that all of this was going to be fun. I entered the plane,

    and my breathing was cut. It was nothing more and nothing less than the Airbus A380. I had heard

    about that airplane before, but it would have never occurred to me that it could be so impressive. The

    aircraft had two floors. To my right there were plenty of seats on either side. To the left there were a

    few doors, which I assumed would go to the second floor and other places. I stayed a while admiring

    the impressive work of whom may have designed it. Long enough that the group of girls of which I had

    had troubles getting rid of reached me. ShitI thought, how could I have let be catch up to? Sheila

    went next to me.

    Dont you get in Lightning? She asked.

    Erm... no, I prefer to wait for the stewardess to comeI replied.

    You are a bit afraid the endhuh? Dont worry; we will be aware of you during the whole flight, so you

    wont need the stewardess.

    She took me by the hand and led me to the left where there were stairs, her friends, including Eleanor,

    were following. Whats this familiarity?I thought, how dared she to take my hand as if we were

    lifelong friends? We climbed the stairs leading to first class and I was once again without air. It was just

    awesome. There were seats in twos and individuals, everything was cream color with mini

    refrigerators and plasma screens; it even had two play stations 3 with a lot of games in a transparent

    closet. Everything was incredible; I kept walking when Sheila pulled my hand:

    Whereare you going? She asked intrigued.

    I dont know. Further back? I answeredsurprised.

    You are going to another class, this is first case.She said opening the arms now tell us which one is

    your seat.

    I showed them my ticket. All of them came to look at the ticket, surely looking at who had a seat net to

    mine or close. While they looked at my ticket and looked at their own I looked towards the stairs and

    saw a very pretty stewardess with dark eyes coming up the stairs. She wore a uniform, a buttonedjacket with creamcolored buttons, a skirt with black heels and a creamcolored kerchief around the

    neck. She had her hair tied in a ponytail that was falling on her back going a bit past her shoulders. She

    came up to us and waited for the girls to stop talking and discussing. When the girls stopped they

    turned to the stewardess, she dedicated all of us a bright smile with perfect teeth. She turned to me

    and said:

    Lightning Tempest?

    Yes, I said Thats me.

    My name is Vanessa; if you need anything you just have to let me know, Ill be here for anything you

    want, feel free to ask me anything.

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    Thanks Vanessa, at the moment I dont need anything.

    All right, apparently on this flight you along with these girls are the only passengers in first class so

    you can sit where ever you want.

    That meant that those girls could sit where the wanted without having to worry about the number ofthe ticket since there wouldnt be other passengers, at least not in first class with us. I took a look back

    and looked at the girls; they were all smiling like fools, I felt like frying them all and put an end to the

    problem, but you cant go electrifying everywhere. I clenched my fist and sparks started to come out

    and small blue lightning were generated, I relaxed my hand and the sparks along with the lightning

    vanished. Luckily, no one seemed to realise this.

    All right I saidcan I also use the play station 3?

    Of course, and go anywhere on the plane, except the control cabin that is, and since you are

    underage you cant enter the casino neither as it is illegal. Other than that, you can go wherever you

    want, the restaurant is at your complete disposal, and they will serve you what you want, if you have

    money of course.

    Thank you, in that case Ill go to the restaurant now. Can you show the way please?

    Well, at the moment you cant go, as soon as we take off and the belt signal turns off you can go

    where you like, but now I have to ask you to sit.

    All rightI said.

    It will take about ten minutes to takeoff, so dont move from here till then. When we take off and the

    belt sign turns off Ill show you the way to where you want. When we have taken off, if you need

    something press one of the buttons that are in the seats and I will the one that comes to assist you.

    Vanessa turned around and she went down the stairs. I went up to one of the seats with play station

    three; I sat and fastened the seat belt. The girls came and sat as closely as possible to me. Sheila

    seated at my left, the others sat in other seats, although they were also close to me. I looked out the

    window, it was almost dark, but the sky was tinted purple, so apparently, the Sun hadnt completely

    gone. The flight was supposed to take off at twenty past ten, so it should have been ten past ten or

    something around that time. I had a thirteenhour trip ahead, we still hadnt taken off and I was

    already bored. Sleeping for thirteen hours didnt seem an option, and even if I loved video games,

    playing during the whole flight didnt look like a good idea either. I would need another type of

    distraction; I would go to explore the plane, if I got rid of these girls at some point, perhaps when they

    fell asleep.

    The plane started to move, finallyI thought, the wait had seemed eternal, and it had only been ten

    minutes. When you are used to travel at the speed of light and it doesnt even take you one second to

    get to another country, air travel seems endless. The plane gained speed before I noticed. I felt a

    strange pressure in my stomach, we began to go even more quickly, and then the plane took off, it was

    gaining altitude, and the higher it was going, the more pressure I felt in my stomach. The trip to Japan

    had begun; I had plenty of time to go and nothing to do with it. After two hours I was too bored so I

    pressed the button to call the stewardess. Vanessa appeared down the stairs in less than a minute.

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    I did not expect you to call so soon Vanessa said howcan I help you Lightning?

    Can you show me the way to the restaurant please? I asked.

    Of courseVanessa replied follow me.

    I got up from my seat and I started to follow Vanessa.

    Wait Eleanor said Im coming with you.

    All rightI said. Eleanor stood up, the two of us followed Vanessa out of first class, we went down the

    stairs and arrived in a blue room which I had gone through before but which I hadnt noticed due to

    the fact that Sheila was dragging me by the hand. It had chairs but they were all empty. We went

    down other stairs, right in front of them there was a bar. We went around the stairs; the entrance to

    the restaurant was there. Vanessa stood right in front of the door; pointed at the entrance with her

    hand and said:

    Here is the restaurant; will you know your way back to first class?

    Yes I said thank you Vanessa.

    Youre welcome she saidthats what Im here for, now if youll excuse me, Ill go.


    Vanessa gave us a smile and left.

    Lets goI said Im hungry. Ladies first. Get in Eleanor.

    Thank youEleanor said.

    Before entering, I took a peek inside. It was amazing. It was an upscale restaurant, but in an airplane,

    there were thirty tables and only half were full. There were a few doors at the back which I assumed

    would lead to the kitchen, everything was made of polished marble. There were windows left and right

    that were like the ones you find in an ordinary airplane.

    Lightning, come in Eleanor said.

    Im comingI answered.

    As soon as I walked through the door I felt a presence. My heart started to beat quicker, my muscles

    tensed, I stopped and smiled. I would have never thought that I would find one in this flight; my luck

    had begun to change.

    In this plane, in this very restaurant, there was a Domitor. I explain. Guys with powers like us are called

    Domitors. The term comes from the Latin, it means "Tamer". We are called this because we tame the

    elements. I guess that we began to exist with the Roman Empire, since they were the ones that gave us

    that name. Thats what I was looking for, more Domitors to join me and help me in my purpose that Ill

    explain another time. Right now, I will tell you more about the Domitors. The Domitors tend to feel

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