Thoughts to Thinking Journey With Stories

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Since last year thoughtful writing is an inspiration and passion. Learning the sufi philosophy and ups and downs of the spiritual journey and then thinking and feeling such ups and downs and writing them. This makes so satisfied and an eager to learn and share.The Book is a collection of such thoughts and thinking covering the different aspects of human perfection and life. The stories is a best way to understanding it.

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    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Think and feel beyond the limitations 4

    It is our effort that activates the organized system 4

    Knowledge and understanding 5

    Roles and responsibilities 5

    Journey of Inside 7

    Patience 8

    Will and Effort 9

    Appearance with reality 9

    Heart is getting softer 10

    Thoughts emotions and thinking 10

    Truth 11

    Today is for future and future is today 11

    No coming and no going 12

    Fear and acceptance 12

    Hama awaz kahan sa a jani ha 13

    Be kind 14

    Sitting along the road side 14

    Unity 14

    You are your own enemy 14

    The one extra degree 15

    Love 15

    We are what we thought 15

    Faith 15

    Moving to Human perfection 16

    Stooping negative thoughts 16

    Mind and love 16

    Spiritual learning 17

    Faith a blessing or being useful 17

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    Table of Contents


    Chapter 2

    (Stories Section)

    1. Belief and Politeness 19

    2. Always be nice 19

    3. Kindness 20

    4. Fulfilling the needs of others 21

    5. Satisfied with destiny 21

    6. Do for which you are created 21

    7. You are already in 22

    8. The Banquet 23

    9. Shark Bait 23

    10. The weight of the glass 24

    11. The sword of ALI AS 25

    12. Paradigm shift 25

    13. Think before you speak 26

    14. Change yourself not the world 27

    15. The window 28

    16. Losing the interest 29

    17. Dont blame others 30

    18. Reply to cursing 30

    19. How I failed my duty towards you 31

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    Chapter 1

    Think and Feel beyond the Limitations

    In human mind questions arises about everything. The question itself challenges a theory a

    fact, system or anything that why it is? And how? Question arising in mind didnt mean that

    you are against the fact or thing rather it is a curiosity to know more and have a


    We can say that Questions arising is a blessing of MOULA and it is a strong argument that

    there is no enforcement on our mind and heart.

    If the system would be by force thinking/feeling or question in a limited way within a

    boundary then MOULA didnt create such minds and hearts which can think and feel out of

    the boundary and even against MOULA.

    This freedom is given because to think and clear our mind and heart in every aspect to accept

    the TRUTH with full unity of brain, soul and heart.

    That is why in Holy Quran the word meditate (16:44) is used

    It is our efforts that activates the organized system

    It is our efforts that activates the organized system through which you achieve the desired

    result or you can say the objective. If you dont do effort and just relay on the circumstances

    to do something for you, believe me it will not work until you have passed through some

    spiritual stages.

    Now in favor of above argument let me take an example: we eat food it is our effort that we

    put it into our mouth the further action is not performed by you it is the organized system that

    will further start working and will digest it for you and you cannot imagine what different

    systems do activate when u do that effort of eating. So that all organized system will activate

    when you do effort.

    That is why it is said effort is from our side and success is from ALLAH said

    And let me say that it is your 10% effort and that 90%organized system that makes you to

    your destination. And if we break down that organized system it directly and indirectly Ja ka

    wo MOULA sa he mila ga.

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    Knowledge and Understanding

    A man is reached a stage when he understands the truth. Not only he have the knowledge but

    have understanding of it and if i add further that understanding is difficult to obtain without

    experiencing it or seeming it.

    Those people who reached at such a stage where they experience and see the truth it may be

    not with their physical eyes but with the spiritual eyes.

    For example you may get the knowledge that life is started in this way or after death this will

    happen this is the knowledge you have but to understand it you need to experience it or see or

    to feel it. That is what the spiritual journey opens the doors.

    Here again the whole discussion revolves around that stage that what really that stage is

    where one can experience and see/fell the truth to understand the knowledge he have.

    To support the above argument let me give you an example in books we study the whole

    process that how this things will be made we get the knowledge from academia but we didnt

    have the confidence on our knowledge because we didnt go through that will it really

    happen? But when we perform the experiment in laboratory or see it we are more confident

    and understanding and now can easily tell the others that this thing is done in this way.

    The entire creation consists of Divine signs and is a key to the discovery of truth

    The Next Stage after understanding is the wisdom for which the HOLY QURAN says:

    The Quran says (1:269) the blessing of wisdom may be granted to anyone who he

    wishes, and he who received it, found much goodness.

    Roles & Responsibility

    The search for human responsibilities leads me to the creation of human and it further open

    the doors of Science and within the Science the biology and in biology the Cell, DNA.

    A human body is that must complex that there are billions of Cells in our body and there cells

    carries billions of DNA. A DNA is that much small cannot be seen by naked eye but with big

    micro scopes. DNA structure is further more complexes that it carries the information by the

    gene transferred from the parents.

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    This was one small tiny organ of a human body that is that much complex now imagines the

    whole body organs and how much complex they are and how they perform there functions.

    I am amazed that when someone is proud of his knowledge and information one could not

    even know about all the organs of his own body and its functions.

    When I read about all these organs of the body some are so small cannot even be seen but all

    of them perform a specified faction a role that is defined to them that they have to do this.

    The role and responsibility of one organ helps the different other organs to perform there

    functions. Kind of interdependence on each other. When we take a breath there are different

    organs inside us that performs their role due to which in result we breathe.

    Now the question can be that who orders blood to transport different things to different body


    Is it your mind that orders it to do this?

    When I take a single step the command is from my mind but to take a single step it requires

    different organs of human body to perform their roles and responsibilities. Now it is not my

    mind that tells them there roles and responsibilities that in blood you have to travel that

    chemical so that the foot may move. It is someone who is doing it. It is someone on whose

    command they perform these function as the Sun was doing his duty so the blood and within

    the blood different chemicals.

    Every single breathe I take every single heart breath every single eye spark there is a whole

    organized process that initiates and of which I dont know that who is organizing that all

    things so that the command I have given shall be fulfilled.

    The Qur'an has many verses regarding the creation of man and many verses which asks us to

    look and think at what has been created and the complex mechanisms involved. Allah

    (S.W.T)says in his book:

    Travel through the Earth and see how God did originate creation (29:20)

    and also:-

    Now let man but think from what he is created (56:

    Another importantaspect of obligation is the presence of understanding. Understanding is

    linked with mind. That is why when a person is puberty (When man reaches a certain stage of

    his life there appear some sudden changes in his body, his feelings and his thoughts.)

    responsibilities starts.

    It was an amazing article written by By Dr.Hassan Ali El-Najjar on Heart-Mind Relationship

    in the Holy Qur'an with reference of Quranic verses:

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    At Heart Math weve spent the last 15years diligently studying the heart physically,

    emotionally and spiritually.Our researchers have been mapping the communication pathways

    between the heart,the brain and the rest of body while also studying the effects of positive

    emotions on health and performance. What weve learned is that the heart is the master

    controller in the human system capable of sending powerful, healing commands throughout

    the entire body. These signals from the heart have a dynamic impact on the nervous,hormonal

    and immune systems. They also influence brain function and have the ability to improve

    cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes,

    Journey of inside

    The journey of soul or journey of inside as I have read is stages and steps and one didnt

    know when it will end. I neither think of myself till now nor crossed a single stage or step. It

    is like I try to control myself one day form the negative things which I know are bad and will

    eventually affect me in present and future but there is also a push inside me to do that bad

    thing. This is when the mega fight starts with in me. The negative thing do occupy the heart

    and mind and as same the positive things too. Majority of the times the negative thoughts and

    things won and I act on it.

    Nowhere is a very small point I myself is not good or bad but good and bad thoughts are

    inside me they both try to influence me and the one who influences more the decision is in his


    Let me take it in a different way when a negative thought captures your mind the mind tells

    you it is not right it is bad. Now wait a minute how could mind recognize a thought or thing

    to be negative. It is that positive/good thoughts and things in your mind that resist against that

    bad/negative thought and give your mind the argument against it. Now here you are a Judge

    both parties present their cases and you have to decide in which favor the decision needs to

    be given.

    Now both thoughts will also appeal to the heart. Like the bad/negative thoughts will endeavor

    your emotions that is linked with heart and if that good thoughts are strong enough they will

    also appeal to the heart.

    The good/positive thoughts may win the case in the mind but may lose it in the heart and they

    may win it in heart and lose it in mind.

    The objective of telling all this is that our role is a kind of judge the Negative thing influences

    your mind and thoughts and when it influences your emotions(heart) you take the decision.

    The decision is taken in the emotional state(feeling the pleasure).

    And when the good thought comes in mind and start appealing the heart you take the decision

    in its favor.

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    Recent research suggests that our moods are directly linked with our memory meaning,we

    think happy thoughts when we are happy and sad thoughts when we are sad,causing a

    slippery slope of negative thoughts if were not careful.

    Once we are in a bad mood, our minds will choose to view future events more negatively

    than if we were in a good mood. Theoretically, once you slip into a bad mood, you could

    view other seemingly positive things as negative and further recall negative memories.

    Sounds pretty hard to escape right?

    Some where I read a sentence find a place inside where there is joy and the joy will burn

    out the pain

    The negative energy sends a direct command to the subconscious mind targeting the instinct

    and desire center. As a result the desire to act as instructed arises in the person and the person

    feels like doing these acts. If the person resists this desire then the negative energies increase

    the intensity of the command.

    We should try to do an exercise daily list down the negative and positive thoughts comes in

    our mind during a day and then analyses that what were the factors or what was I doing due

    to which these thoughts come into my mind.


    I was in a line to submit the admission form in Masters class. The clerk collecting the form

    was busy in some other work assigned to him by Management of the college. While the

    people were waiting and it was the second last day to submit form as very short period was

    given by the admission committee.

    At that time I realize, learned or I don't know experience it or what that patience is of two

    types one you show patience because of fear or your work is stuck so you don't speak that if I

    say something then they will not do my work or i will be punished.

    Second patience is that you have the belief that the person sitting there has nothing in his

    hand but ultimate power or doing the work rest with Allah and you give way to others

    standing behind

    you to submit the form and for all others you say to clerk dear please collect forms of these

    people then do your work assigned by management.

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    Will and Effort

    The real Capital of life on which we have to trade is:

    Our Will and Effort and for that ALLAH says Hm kisi kekosish zaya nahi karta so

    anyone who do effort will not be wasted and one of the saint says effort is from our side and

    success is from ALLAH side.

    Now if we say someone is more successful, wealthy etc. see how he utilize his time and how

    you wasted your time? How well he plans and what about your plans? How he organize his

    resources and what you have done? How he fulfills his commitments and what about your

    commitments? How much hard work and effort he has done and how much you have done?

    But remember that the efforts, hard work utilization of time may be done in a negative way

    but all this will not be wasted he will definitely get to its destination but the journey one

    travels in the negative way..

    Os ma Kamal ka nukta bhi Zawal ka nukta ho ga

    Appearance "with" reality.

    THOUGHTFUL Paragraph from the Book "The Analysis of Sensations"

    Written by Ernst Mach. He is the Mentor and Inspiration for Albert Einstein.

    A common and popular way of thinking and speaking is to contrast "appearance " with "

    reality." A pencil held in front of us in the air is seen by us as straight; dip it into the water,

    and we see it crooked. In the latter case we say that the pencil appears crooked,but is in

    reality straight. But what justifies us in declaring one fact rather than another to be the reality,

    and degrading the other to the level of appearance?

    To be sure, our expectation is deceived when, not paying sufficient attention to the

    conditions, and substituting for one another different cases of the combination, we fall into

    the natural error of expecting what we are accustomed to, although the case may be an

    unusual one. The facts are not to blame for that In these cases,to speak of "appearance " may

    have a practical meaning, but cannot have a scientific meaning.

    Heart is Getting Softer

    My friend asked me how one would know that his heart is getting softer and harder

  • 10 It is like certain indicators which makes you feel that your heart is getting softer like less fear,

    ghussa kam ana ya na ana, feeling happy every time feels gratitude, accepting rather than

    rejecting and all that feelings collectively makes a strong waves in the heart or like breaking

    the walls we make inside the heart and it breaks it and feeling like weight less Jase weight

    kam hota ja raha ha and started flying.

    And in Quran Moula says:

    And by the Mercy of Allah, you dealt with them gently. And had you been severe and harsh

    hearted, they would have broken away from about you; so pass over (their faults), and ask

    (Allahs) Forgiveness for them; and consult them in the affairs. Then when you have taken a

    decision, put your trust in Allah, certainly, Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)".

    (Surah Al-'Imran 159)

    Thoughts, Emotions and Thinking

    Most of times it happens with us that thoughts comes itself in the mind and sometime we

    trigger the thought to think something. You know why it is so? It is the emotions that trigger

    that thoughts and thinking and just as opposite when you yourself think something first it is

    the thought then emotions evolve. Just for summing up:

    Self-triggered Thoughts Develops emotions

    (Independent) (Dependent)

    Emotions Develops Thoughts and thinkings

    (Independent) (Dependent)

    When you are watching News on TV and bed news is broadcasted it directly triggers the

    emotions without thinking and making a thought then after a while some thoughts comes and

    you are still in that emotional state.

    Thoughts can be triggered by yourself but remember you cannot trigger your emotions


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    I am listening to a number of sounds within myself yet every sound is unique and different

    from the other but it doesnt clashes with each other in me because if they clash i cannot

    listen anyone of them.

    Some of those sounds generate waves in heart. Yet at the same time I am responding to those

    sounds too and yet I am unable to attain the unity of these sounds with my own answers and I

    know when my response and those sounds are one and same I will no longer be there it will

    be that sound only that is the TRUTH.

    Today is for Future and Future is today

    In philosophy as we said before, man has reached a stage where he says that the world is

    governed by a series of constant and unalterable laws.

    There was a thoughtful words written by ALLAMA .that a society can balance

    materially but cannot balance spiritually

    If God enters all this, then there exists no spirituality for the basis of it all is human liberty

    and God presence means lack of liberty, and thus responsibility without liberty of choice is

    meaning less

    Helping others give pleasure but no one is willing to die for it. Because if you think if you die

    you cant help any more. No one is ready to give his life for flowers in the garden. He wants

    to be alive to enjoy them.

    If I watch an orphan feed, why should I be pleased? It has nothing to do with me and so, this

    pleasure is futile for, there is no basic wisdom in it. But if we believe a inter relationship in

    world order and in creation based on wisdom, than we consider all human beings as fellow

    member of a single community, who seeks the pleasure of witnessing other wellbeing.

    To secure material gains through self-sacrifices is essentially self-contradictory; can that be

    called an ideal? Another though that emerged in my mind is that there can be material need

    in the heaven too the food, cloth etc. and that will be satisfied.

    To be constructive, man looks to the future not to the past and present. He constructs his idea

    and thought for the future and it imposes responsibility/obligation on him in the present.


    Imagination of the future (through an idea or thought

    Future Present

    Constructing the future

    Hard work & Efforts

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    This is the process of evolution that in todays world we have discovered so many things that

    were not know 1000 years back.

    But ever you think about that there may be an end to this imagination, ideas and thoughts

    then what will be the purpose of living in the present? As by above figure the we are present

    for the purpose of constructing the future but what if all things are constructed and anything

    you imagine or your idea is already present in the present.

    This argument further leads the discussion then for what purpose we are present?

    No Coming and No Going

    Once a Wiseman met a Sufi. The Sufi asked the Wiseman, Can I help you in any way?

    The Wiseman replied, I have come alone and I will go alone, what you can do in this.

    The Sufi replied I can show you the way on which there is no coming and no going.

    Fear and Acceptance

    We should be interested in everyone why put limitations if you have fear of damage from

    others you can never take interest in the creation of MOULA.

    From where that FEAR comes?

    The fears we have has no existences of their own they are because of some thoughts that

    come in our mind of which we are not sure and start making assumption and may be it is not

    acceptable to you this creates the fear waves in the heart. If we start ACCEPTING

    EVERYTHING like thatYa mare moula ke traf sa han Haq ha Sach ha so the

    ingredients to generate the fear will not enter in your mind and heart.

    But you know what we do? We actually try to force fully impose our self to accept that it is

    the will of MOULA and there will be something good. Jis din hm apne upper force kr ka

    accept karna khatam kr dan ga and will accept is gently we will start seeing good and

    positively in everything.

    We are within our self-autocratic dont want to hear the sounds and waves within us we dont

    like and which we thought to be bad for us now to overcome this autocracy is to listen every

    sound/voice in the mind and feel every waves within the heart try to recognize it dont deny

    it. It is also a part of you explain it to the other voice dont impose one on other and you will

    come up with a solution of WIN WIN within yourself

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    Jb tawajo Ghair ALLAh sa hath kr ALLAH pr markooz hote ha tu baharan a jate han phir

    insan ko maloom ho jata ha ka os ka mal manal, ilim o Danish os ke tejarat os ka Ranj-o-

    Gham sood o zaya jo kuch bi ha wo MOULA k lea tu phr wo talab e dunya ma hr hr kadam

    pr talab MOULA ko mojood pata ha, Khaya Piya nacha gaya, roa soatarget os ka Moula or

    us ke zatt hote ha.

    Sham ko bistar jarhna saphale dewar sa lag kr pocho, Aj sb kamtare marzi ka hoa MOULA

    tare khushnodi ka leaAgar pocho ga tu zarror jawab mila ga pr hm na to kabi pocha he

    nahi. Wo hamare Sherag Ka pas he to ha Par hama kase sunaye da ga!!

    subo subo hm akhbar parhtahan ya TV dekhta hanphir kam ma lag jata hanphr interent

    pa masroof ho jatahanlogon ka sath Bahas-Mubahisa karta hanphir TV dekhta hanrat

    ko head phone lagakr music suntan han to phir HAMAN AWAZkAHAN SA A JANE HA...

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    Be Kind

    Those who are inclined to do kindness in life must not discriminate among the people around

    them, between those to whom they must be kind and those to whom they need not be kind.

    However kind and good a person may be to those he likes, to those he wishes to be kind to,

    he cannot for this be called kind by nature; real kindness is that which gushes out from the

    heart to the worthy and to the unworthy" -Hazrat Inayat Khan

    Sitting Along the Road Side

    I was sitting on a bus stop waiting for the bus while I was sitting there looking at the cars

    moving around and moving my head with the flow yet a though comes that why cant I focus

    then I just started to look straight at a window and didnt notice and looked to any of the

    movement of the cars and buses yet a sudden noise of bus break my focus towards the


    There may be such a time when where ever we see the window comes there



    "The wise in all ages have dived deep into life in order to attain unity in themselves, and in

    order to spread unity. In the life of the world every man has some complaint to make. He

    lacks something; he is troubled by something. But this is only the external reason; the real

    truth is that he is not in unity with his own soul, for when there is disharmony in ourselves

    how can we spread harmony? When mind and body are at war the soul wants something else,

    and soul and mind are pulled by the body, or the body and mind by the soul; and so there is


    When a man is in harmony with himself, he is in harmony with all; he produces harmony and

    gives harmony to all, he gives it out all the time."

    Hazrat Inayat Khan

    You are your own enemy

    Do you know who your real enemy is?

    You yourself thats why you cannot win because to defeat yourself is your own Heart full

    of water and do not let you live peacefully. Only a slight thought is enough to generate big

    and larger waves in the water of the heart.

    Ashfaq Ahmed

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    The one extra degree

    At 211 Degree the water is hot.

    At 212 degrees, it boils and with boiling water, comes steam and steam can power a


    One extra degree

    Makes all the difference

    And the one extra degree of effort in life and businessseparates


    It boils when there is BELIEF and belief fuels ENTHUSIASM and enthusiasm explodes into

    PASSION and with passion we can FOCUS and try again and again with PERSEVERANCE.


    My definition of love, I have withdrawn from our Prophet (SAAW)'s actions: L stands for

    listen not hear. O stands for overlook others' mistakes, V stands for vouch others deeds and E

    stands of encourage or empower others.

    By Sir Mohsin Lodhi

    We are what we thought

    Most people look at their current state of affairs and say this is who I am thats not who you

    are thats what who you were. You see if you look at your current state of affair right now

    thats not you are that the residual outcome of your past thoughts and actions so you are

    constantly living in this residual thoughts and actions you have taken in the past.

    When you look at your current state of affairs and define yourself by that then you doom

    yourself and nothing more and same for the future.



    Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj said this because he believed that faith (iman) was the first step

    leading to the overwhelming Love of Allah then at a later stage He who looks for Allah by

    the light of faith is like he who seeks the sun by the light of the stars.

    He went on to explain that faith, as these are intermediaries, or mediums, they are eclipsed as

    soon as the realities are tasted, so that they remain afterwards only in an outward form (rasm)

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    for those who need the outward form.

    Remember the faith is in your heart:

    Your own heart is the veil covering the Secret.

    If you had kept yourself

    He would not have been revealed to you.

    But when you destroy your own heart

    He enters it and discloses His holy revelation.

    Moving to human perfection

    To believe in love in the face of hatred, life in the face of death, day in the dark of night, good

    in the face of evil to some, all of these may seem to be hopelessly nave, wishful

    thinking.but, to Tillich, all of these are manifestations of enormous courage, the courage

    of confidence in more than the sovereignty of fact and appearance

    Stooping Negative thoughts

    Another way is to put your thoughts to sleep let them not wake up whether it is good or bad.

    You will start listening and knowing the secrets and yet you will be unable to express because

    they are not thoughts neither good nor bad.

    Mind and Love

    The chemistry of mind is different from the chemistry of love.

    The mind is careful, suspicious, he advances little by little.

    He advises Be careful, protect yourself.

    Whereas love says Let yourself, go! .

    The mind is strong, never fells down,

    while love hurts itself, fells into ruins.

    But isnt it in ruins that we mostly find the treasures ?

    A broken heart hides so many treasures ~ Shams Tabrizi

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    Spiritual Learning

    Remember that the world education or education for the world has some degree of

    completion in it but in the spiritual education every one is the seeker and traveler and yet the

    way didnt end.

    When one reaches a destination yet another destination comes in front of him and when he

    passes or complete that one yet another comes in front of him and this journey seems to be

    not ending for him and yet he have to travel it and ask for courage and penitence and this is

    the Spiritual education and remember one more difference the snake and ladder game yet you

    reach somewhere at the top and just fall down at the bottom and you have to start it all again

    from zero.

    But if the intention is right and true with the prayers of Rasool Khuda SAWW yet again he

    travels again.

    Faith a blessing or being useful?

    Is faith a blessing for man or something useful?

    There is a difference between a blessing and being useful. A blessing is in itself a perfection

    desired for itself, not for something else. But anything useful is good because of its beneficial

    affect. It is prologue to a blessing, but not a blessing itself.

    In discussing Islam as a school of thought, it must be clarified whether faith is goal and a

    blessing, irrespective of its effect. We speak of effect of faith and say it gives tranquility and

    fortitude against calamities, and in a society the people can trust one another, and show

    benevolence and avoid malevolence.

    But is faith good because of its effects or because it seeks perfection in itself? Here comes the

    question: what does human perfection consist of? This is more difficult to answer then the

    perfection of other matters. In this world we can often distinguish perfection of things. We

    can say how a perfect apple should be; it refers to it flavor, color, delicacy and shape, and if

    an apple has these qualities we call it perfect.

    A perfect house can easily be defined, so can a horse. Firstly we do not define other things in

    this way. We do not say a horse is perfect merely because it gets the highest benefit. We

    should consider its own particular qualities and assets. We do not think a horse is perfect

    because of eating a large quantity of fodder. Nor do we call an apple perfect because of its

    getting more air, water and light. Secondly, it is hard to conscientiously agree that the most

    perfect man is one who benefit most from nature For it implies that a defective man is he who

    benefit less or least

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    Stories Section

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    Chapter 2 Stories Section

    Story: 1

    What if I ask you a Question?

    There are beggars sitting a aside on the way and eating the food they have gathered all the

    day. When they saw you crossing them they invited you too to join them.

    What will you do?

    One day when Imam Hussein (as) was riding through the streets of Madina, he came across

    some beggars who had gathered together to eat the food that they had begged for during the

    day. The beggars saw Imam Hussein (as) and invited him to join them.

    Imam Hussein (as) got off his horse and sat down with the beggars.

    Imam Hussein (as) then explained to them that although he would love to eat with them, he

    could not because as a member of the family of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) he could

    not take Sadaqah. As an alternative he invited all of the beggars to his house for food so that

    they could all eat together.

    Moral of the Story: You should always be kind to others, especially the poor. You should

    not compromise your beliefs for anyone, but at the same time you should be polite in how

    you tell them.

    Note: Imam Hussein (as) was not allowed to take anything given in charity (Sadaqah) as he

    was from the family of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). Sadaqah is forbidden (Haraam)

    for all members of the family (Ahlul Bayt) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw).

    Story: 2

    You are travelling with your family a tough journey and while travelling your closest friend

    informed you that there are people around 90 to 100 accompanied with weapons heading

    towards you to kill you all.

    What will you do?

    When Imam Hussein (as) was traveling to Karbala knowing what was going to happen to him

    and his family, he met Hazrat Hurr - the commander of Yazid army and his soldiers. Imam

    Hussein (as) knew that this was the army sent by Yazid ibn Muawiya to fight Imam Hussain

    (as) and his followers.

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    This was the army that was going to stop Imam Hussain (as) and his followers from getting

    water. This was the army who was going to kill Imam Hussein (as) and his family and


    Although Imam Hussain (as) knew all this, when Imam Hussein (as) saw how thirst the army

    looked and that they had no water, Imam Hussein (as) immediately told his men to give their

    water to the army of Hazrat Hurr.

    Not only did Imam Hussein (as) and his men give water to the army but also to their horses.

    Moral of the Story: No matter how horrible someone is to you, you should always be nice to

    them because that is what Allah (SWT) has taught us.

    Story: 3

    A person or you can say your own cousin who ones want to kill you but could not do so but

    you know about his intension of killing you.

    What would be your attitude towards such person?

    In the last moments of his life Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s) summoned all the relatives who

    gathered around him and he made monetary bequests to each of them. He also willed seventy

    dinars to his cousin Hasan Aftas. A servant of the Imam said, You are leaving seventy dinars

    for Hasan Aftas, while he is the same person who had come to assassinate you with a sword.

    The Imam became angry at this and said, Do you want that I should not accord kindness to

    relatives and not be included among those who are described in the following words by


    And those who join that which Allah has bidden to be joined(Ibid.)

    Know that! I am making bequest of money to Hasan Aftas because the Messenger of Allah

    (S) has said: The disobedient child and one who breaks-off relations would not smell the

    fragrance of Paradise, that reaches upto a distance of 2000 years' travel.

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    Story: 4

    A person ask you for Rs.1000/- and you only left with Rs.10000/-

    What will you do?

    One day a person requested Imam Hasan (a.s) for a thousand dirhams. He asked his servant

    how much they had. He said it was not more than a thousand dirhams. The Imam told him to

    give them to the petitioner. The servant reminded the Imam that they had nothing beyond

    that; not even anything to eat and drink at home. He suggested that something be retained

    from this amount for household needs. Why should I retain something? asked the Imam,

    Would my Creator and Master not be there tomorrow? And the dates that had arrived from

    the orchards were distributed but a handful that no one liked to take were left over. The Imam

    said that they were sufficient for removing hunger, Fulfillment of the needs of those who ask

    for it is top priority for Ahl ul-Bayt.

    Story: 5

    If you fell so ill and your father ask you anything you need or

    Anything you wish for?

    , Imam Zainul Abideen (as) once fell very ill in his childhood. Like any father, his father

    Imam Husayn (as) too showed affection towards him and asked, "How are you feeling my

    son? Is there anything you wish to have so that I can provide you with it?" As a small child,

    he (as) responded, "O father! My wish is only one that Allah (SWT) should place me

    amongst those who are ever pleased and satisfied with whatever HE destines for them".

    Story: 6

    Hazrat Hasan Basri (R.A.) found Hazrat Rabia Basri (R.A.) sitting by the bank of the river.

    He unrolled a prayer rug (Janamaaz) , and placed it upon the water, where it remained,

    without being wetted, solid as if upon the land.

    Hazrat Hassan stepped upon the rug, saying, "Rabia', come, let us make prayer in praise of

    the Most High!".

    Hazrat Rabia' picked up a straw mat next to her and, with a quick gesture, unrolled it in the

    air, where it stayed floating without the slightest tremor. a yard above the ground.

    "Hassan," she said, "what you have done, a fish could do. What I have done, could be done

    by a fly. Let us now be serious, and be about the work Allah gave to human beings..."

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    Story: 7

    We Are Already In

    Rabiya, a great Sufi mystic, was passing. It was the street she used to pass every day on her

    way to the marketplace, because in the marketplace she would go every day and shout the

    truth that she had attained. And for many days she had been watching a mystic, a well-known

    mystic, Hassan, sitting before the door of the mosque and praying to God, God, open the

    door! Please open the door! Let me in!

    Rabiya could not tolerate it that day. Hassan was crying, tears were rolling down, and he was

    shouting again and again, Open the door! Let me in! Why dont you listen? Why dont you hear my prayers?

    Every day she had laughed, whenever she had heard Hassan she had laughed, but it was too

    much today. Tearsand Hassan was really crying, weeping, crying his heart out. She went,

    she shook Hassan, and said, Stop all this nonsense! The door is open in fact you are

    already in!

    Hassan looked at Rabiya, and that moment became a moment of revelation. Looking into the

    eyes of Rabiya, he bowed down, touched her feet, and said, You came in time; otherwise I

    would have called my whole life! For years I have been doing this where have you been

    before? And I know you pass this street every day. You must have seen me crying, praying.

    Rabiya said, Yes, but truth can only be said at a certain moment, in a certain space, in a

    certain context. I was waiting for the right, ripe moment. Today it has arrived; hence I came

    close to you. Yesterday if I had told you, you would have felt irritated; you may have even

    become angry. You may have reacted antagonistically; you may have told me, You have

    disturbed my prayer! and it is not right to disturb anybodys prayer.

    Even the king is not allowed to disturb the prayer of a beggar. Even if a criminal, a murderer,

    is praying in Mohammedan countries, the police have to wait till he finishes his prayer, only

    then can he be caught. Prayer should not be disturbed.

    Rabiya said, I had wanted to tell you this, that Hassan, dont be a fool, the door is open

    in fact, you are already in! But I had to wait for the right moment.

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    Story: 8

    The Banquet

    A poor man dressed in rags came to the palace to attend the banquet. Out of courtesy he was

    admitted but, because of his tattered clothing, he was seated at the very end of the banquet

    table. By the time the platters arrived at his seat, there was no food left on them.

    So he left the banquet, returning several hours later dressed in robes and jewels he had

    borrowed from a wealthy friend. This time he was brought immediately to the head of the

    table and, with great ceremony, food was brought to his seat first.

    Oh, what delicious food I see being served upon my plate. He rubbed one spoonful into his

    clothes for every one he ate.

    A nobleman beside him, grimacing at the mess, inquired, Sir, why are you rubbing food into

    your fine clothes?

    Oh, he replied with a chuckle, Pardon me if my robes now look the worst. But it was these

    clothes that brought me all this food. Its only fair that they be fed first!

    Story: 9

    Shark Bait

    During a research experiment a marine biologist placed a shark into a large holding tank and

    then released several small bait fish into the tank.

    As you would expect, the shark quickly swam around the tank, attacked and ate the smaller


    The marine biologist then inserted a strong piece of clear fiberglass into the tank, creating

    two separate partitions. She then put the shark on one side of the fiberglass and a new set of

    bait fish on the other.

    Again, the shark quickly attacked. This time, however, the shark slammed into the fiberglass

    divider and bounced off. Undeterred, the shark kept repeating this behavior every few

    minutes to no avail. Meanwhile, the bait fish swam around unharmed in the second

    partition. Eventually, about an hour into the experiment, the shark gave up.

    This experiment was repeated several dozen times over the next few weeks. Each time, the

    shark got less aggressive and made fewer attempts to attack the bait fish, until eventually the

    shark got tired of hitting the fiberglass divider and simply stopped attacking altogether.

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    The marine biologist then removed the fiberglass divider, but the shark didnt attack. The

    shark was trained to believe a barrier existed between it and the bait fish, so the bait fish

    swam wherever they wished, free from harm.

    The moral: Many of us, after experiencing setbacks and failures, emotionally give up and

    stop trying. Like the shark in the story, we believe that because we were unsuccessful in the

    past, we will always be unsuccessful. In other words, we continue to see a barrier in our

    heads, even when no real barrier exists between where we are and where we want to go.

    Story: 10

    The Weight of the Glass

    Once upon a time a psychology professor walked around on a stage while teaching stress

    management principles to an auditorium filled with students. As she raised a glass of water,

    everyone expected theyd be asked the typical glass half empty or glass half full

    question. Instead, with a smile on her face, the professor asked, How heavy is this glass of

    water Im holding?

    Students shouted out answers ranging from eight ounces to a couple pounds.

    She replied, From my perspective, the absolute weight of this glass doesnt matter. It all

    depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute or two, its fairly light. If I hold it for

    an hour straight, its weight might make my arm ache a little. If I hold it for a day straight, my

    arm will likely cramp up and feel completely numb and paralyzed, forcing me to drop the

    glass to the floor. In each case, the weight of the glass doesnt change, but the longer I hold

    it, the heavier it feels to me.

    As the class shook their heads in agreement, she continued, Your stresses and worries in life

    are very much like this glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing

    happens. Think about them a bit longer and you begin to ache a little. Think about them all

    day long, and you will feel completely numb and paralyzed incapable of doing anything

    else until you drop them.

    The moral: Its important to remember to let go of your stresses and worries. No matter

    what happens during the day, as early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens

    down. Dont carry them through the night and into the next day with you. If you still feel the

    weight of yesterdays stress, its a strong sign that its time to put the glass down.

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    Story: 11

    Once a Sayyid who lived in Jilan, left home with the intention of Hajj. On his journey, he

    passed through Baghdad Shareef. He thus presented himself in the Darbaar of Hazrat Junaid

    Baghdadi (Radiallahu Taala Anhu).

    Hazrat asked him where he had come from and he said that he was from Jilan, and was a

    descendant of Hazrat Ali (Radiallahu Taala Anhu). Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (Radiallahu

    Taala Anhu) then said, Your forefather Hazrat Ali (Radiallahu Taala Anhu) used to draw

    two swords. One against the kufaar and mushrikeen, and the other against his nafs. Which

    sword do you draw?

    When the man heard this, he went into a spiritual state and began to roll on the ground. He

    then said, This is my Hajj, put me onto the path of Allah. Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi

    (Radiallahu Taala Anhu) said, Your heart, is the special Haram of Allah, thus you should

    try to the best of your ability no to allow any non-mahram to enter it. [Kashful Mahjoob


    Story: 12

    Paradigm shift

    I remember a mini paradigm shift I experienced one Sunday morning on a subway in New

    York People were sitting quietlysome reading newspaper, some lost in thoughts, some

    resting with their eyes closed. It was a claim peaceful scene.

    Then suddenly a man and children entered the subway car. The children were so loud and

    rambunctious that instantly the whole climate changed.

    The man sat down next to me and closed his eyes, apparently oblivious to the situation. The

    children were yelling back and throwing things, even grabbing people papers. It was very

    disturbing and yet, the man sitting next to me did nothing.

    It was difficult to not feel irritated. I could not believe that he could be so insensitive and he

    left his children run wild like that and do nothing about it, taking no responsibility at all. It

    was easy to see that everyone else on subway felt irritated too. So finally with what I felt was


    patience and restraint. I turned to him and said. Sir your children are really disturbing al lot

    of people. I wonder if you could control them a little more?

    The man lifted his gaze as if he comes to a consciousness of the situation for the first time

    and said softly, Oh, you are right. I guess I should do something about it. We just come from

    the hospital where their mother died about an hour ago. I dont know what to think and I

    guess and I guess they dont to how to handle it either.

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    Can u imagine what I felt at that moment? My paradigm shifted. Suddenly I saw things

    differently, and because I saw differently, I thought differently, I felt differently, I behaved

    differently. My irritation vanished. I didnt have to controlling my attitude or my behavior my

    heart was filled with the mans pain. Feeling or sympathy and compassion flowed freely.

    Your wife just died? Oh I am so sorry! Can you tell me about it. What can I do to help?

    Everything changed in an instance.

    Story: 13

    Think Before You Speak

    It was a sunny day, but the climate was enjoyable. Everyone in the railway station was

    waiting for the train to arrive. Among the crowd, there was a group of friends, youngsters

    who were on board for vacation.

    It was a busy station with juice shop, mobile restaurants, coffee and tea stalls, newspaper

    shop, restaurants, etc. The announcement regarding the arrival of the train was made and

    everyone prepared to get into the train to their appropriate places.

    The group of friends made loud noise to welcome the train as it entered the station. They ran

    to get their reserved seats before anyone could get into the train.

    The empty seats were filled and the train whistled to move. An old man with a young boy

    aged around 15 years came running to catch the train. They entered the train and the train

    started to move. They had their seats just adjacent to the friends group.

    The young boy was so surprised to see everything.

    He acclaimed at his father, Dad, the train is moving and the things are moving backwards.

    His father smiled and nodded his head.

    As the train started moving fast, the young boy again screamed, Dad the trees are green in

    colour and run backward very fast. His father said, Yes dear and smiled.

    Just like a kid, he was watching everything with great enthusiasm and happiness loaded with

    tons of surprises.

    A fruit seller passed selling apples and oranges. The young boy asked his dad, I want to eat

    apples. His father bought him apples. He said, Oh apple looks so sweet than it tastes I love

    this colour.

    The group was watching all the activities of this boy and asked the boys father Is your son

    having any problem? Why is he behaving very differently?

    A friend from the group made fun of him and shouted, His son is mad I think.

    The father of the young boy, with patience, replied to the friend-group.

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    My son was born blind. Only a few days before he was operated and got the vision. He is

    seeing various things in his life for the first time.

    The young friends became very quiet and apologized to his father and son.

    Story: 14

    Change yourself not the World

    Long ago, people happily lived under the rule of a king. The people of the kingdom were

    very happy as they had a very prosperous life with abundance of wealth and no misfortunes.

    The king decided to go on a travel to visit places of historical importance and pilgrim centres

    at distant places. He decided to travel by foot to interact with his people and accompany

    them. People of distant places were so happy to have a conversation with their king and they

    were proud that their king was so kind with a good heart!

    After several weeks, he returned to the palace. He was quite happy that he visited many

    pilgrim centres and could see his fellow people leading a propitious life. However, he had


    He had intolerable pain in his feet as it was his first trip by foot to longer distance. He

    complained to his ministers that the roads werent comfortable and were very stony. He could

    not tolerate the pain as he walked all the way through the rough path.

    He said he was very much worried about the people who used to walk along those roads as it

    would be painful for them too!

    He made an order to cover the road of the whole country with leather so that people might

    feel comfortable, immediately.

    The king thought that he had to change this for the betterment and happiness of the people.

    His ministers were stunned to hear his order as it would destroy the life of thousands of cows

    to get the sufficient quantity of leather and it would cost a huge amount of money also.

    A wise man from the ministry came to the king and said that he had another idea.

    The king asked - what was his alternative idea. The minister told, Why do you want to kill

    the holy animal cow to cover the road with leather? Rather, you can just have a piece of

    leather cut in appropriate shape to cover your feet?

    The king was very much surprised by his suggestion and applauded the minister. He ordered

    for a pair of leather shoes for him and requested the countrymen to wear shoes.

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    Many of us criticize the world for many things. We curse and blame the things in our

    surroundings and never understand that we need a change in us. Changes are inevitable

    in the world, and the changes should be from us. We cannot or should not force others

    to make a change.

    Story: 15

    The Window

    Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up

    in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next

    to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.The men

    talked for long hours. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, and

    where they had been on vacation.

    His companion looked forward to those one-hour periods where his world would be

    enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside. The window overlooked a park

    with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model

    boats and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the

    window described all this in detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his

    eyes and imagine the wonderful scene.

    Days and weeks passed. One morning, the man by the window died peacefully in his sleep.

    The other man asked if he could be moved next to the other bed by the window. The nurse

    was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.

    Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up to take his first look at the real world outside. He

    slowly turned to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall. The man asked

    the nurse what could have compelled his roommate who just died to describe such wonderful

    things outside this window.

    The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said,

    "Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you" There is tremendous happiness in making others

    happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared,

    is doubled.

    You may be facing a wall now something thats keeping you from being happy. But God

    invites you to find a window there. And that window is faith in Gods wonderful purpose in

    any and in every situation we may be in.

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    Story: 16

    Losing the interest

    Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi was going through the market-place of the town with his disciples.

    And it was his way to take any situation and use it. A man was dragging his cow by a rope,

    and Junaid said Wait to the man, and told his disciples Surround this man and the cow. I

    am going to teach you something.

    The man stopped Junaid was a famous mystic and he was also interested in what he was

    going to teach these disciples and how he was going to use him and the cow. And Junaid

    asked his disciples I ask you one thing: who is bound to whom? Is the cow bound to this

    man or is this

    man bound to this cow? Of course, the disciples said The cow is bound to the man. The man

    is the master, he is holding the rope, the cow has to follow him wherever he goes. He is the

    master and the cow is the slave.

    And Junaid said Now, see. He took out his scissors and cut the rope and the cow escaped.

    The man ran after the cow, and Junaid said Now look what is happening! Now you see who

    is the master; the cow is not interested at all in this man in fact, she is escaping. And the

    man was very angry, he said What kind of experiment is this? But Junaid said to his

    disciples And this is the case with your mind.

    All the nonsense that you are carrying inside is not interested in you. You are interested in it,

    you are keeping it together somehow you are becoming mad in keeping it together

    somehow. But you are interested IN it. The moment you lose interest, the moment you

    understand the futility of it, it will start disappearing; like the cow it will escape.

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    Story: 17

    Dont blame others

    Once a ship got caught in a violent storm. It wreaked havoc and the waves cast its wrecks on

    the sands of the shore. Among them was a sailor who lay senseless on the beach. When he

    came to his senses, he cursed the sea saying, "The Sea is a cheat indeed. It attracts people

    with its cool and calm waters and once they are in its grip, it turns furious and destroys


    Hearing his reproach, the sea felt pinched. But it didn't want to trouble the sailor anymore.

    So, it came to the sailor in form of a damsel.

    "Who are you, O lovely lady?" asked the sailor.

    "I am the sea and am as lovely as you see me now. You are blaming me for the wreck but it

    isn't just." Surprised, the sailor asked, "Who is just then?"

    The sea urged, "The wreck was caused by the cruel winds that blew into gusts and gales over

    me and created stormy waves in my calm waters."

    The sailor had nothing to say except feeling sorry for blaming the sea.

    Story: 18

    Reply to Cursing

    Assaam bin Mustaliq was a man from Damascus who used to be a staunch enemy of the

    Ahlul Bayt (a.s.), particularly of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.).

    It is related that one day he came to Madina. As he entered the city gate, his eyes fell on

    Imam Hossein (a.s.). Assaam bin Mustaliq was very disappointed and the hatred of Imam Ali

    bin Abi Talib (a.s.) became evident in him.

    He approached Imam Hussein (a.s.) and asked, "Are you the son of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib?"

    Imam Hossein (a.s.) replied in affirmative. When Assaam bin Mustaliq heard this, he began

    to abuse the Imam Hossein (a.s.) and spoke bad words to him. Imam Hossein (a.s.) calmly

    looked at him. When he was over,

    Then Imam Hossein (a.s.) said to Assaam bin Mustaliq, "You have been misled. We pray for

    our and your forgiveness from Allah (SWT). If you need our help, then we are willing to

    help. If you need our protection, then we are willing to defend you. And if you need our

    guidance, then we are willing to guide you".

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    Assaam bin Mustaliq says, "When I heard this, I felt so ashamed but could not find any place

    to hide myself. Moreover, I wished the earth would tear apart and I would fall into it.

    After this encounter, there is no one on the face of this earth who is more beloved to me than

    Imam Hussain (a.s.) and his father, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.)".

    Story: 19

    How I failed my duty towards you

    Tired and exhausted with the water skin on her back, she was gasping and going towards her

    house where innocent children, their eyes fixed at the door, were eagerly waiting for the

    arrival of their mother. On her way, stranger man approached her. He took the water skin

    from her and placed it on his back. The door opened and the children saw their mother

    entering the house with a stranger. He placed the water skin on the ground and said:

    "Well, it seems you don't have anyone to fetch water for you; how come you are so forlorn?"

    She replied: "My husband was a soldier; Ali sent him to the frontier where he was killed.

    Now I am alone with these small children."

    Stranger said no more. Bowing down his head he went away. But the thought of the helpless

    widow and orphans remained in his mind. He could hardly sleep in the night. Early in the

    morning he picked up a basket; put some meat, flour and dates in it; went straight to her

    house and knocked at the door.

    "Who are you?"

    Stranger replied: "I am the man who brought your water yesterday. Now I have brought some

    food for the children."

    "May Allah bless you and judge between us and Ali."

    She opened the door. Entering the house stranger said: "I wish to do some good acts. Either

    let me knead the flour and bake the bread or allow me to look after the children."

    "Very well, but I can do the job of kneading and cooking better than you. You take care of

    the children till I finish cooking."

    She went to knead the flour. Immediately he grilled some meat, which he had brought and fed

    the children saying to each child while putting morsel in his mouth: "My son, forgive Ali if

    he has failed in his duty towards you."

    The flour got ready; she called: "Gentleman! Put fire in the oven." Stranger went and put fire

    in the oven. When flames rose up, he brought his face near the fire and said, "Taste the heat

    of fire. It is the punishment for those who fail in their duty towards orphans and widows."

  • 32

    By chance, a woman from the neighboring house came in. Recognizing the stranger, she

    cried: "Woe, don't you recognize the man who is helping you? He is Amir al-Muminin

    (commander of the faithful), Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as)."

    The widow came forward and shamefacedly cried: "Curse and shame to me. I beg your


    Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) replied, "No, I beg your pardon for I failed in my duty towards
