THOMPSON-NICOLA REGIONAL DISTRICT ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION - Electoral Areas "J", "L", "M" & "P" Regular Meeting WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2016 A G E N D A Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: Board Room 4th Floor 465 Victoria Street Kamloops, BC Page 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 2 - 8 (a) Advisory Planning Commission Minutes for November 25, 2015 meeting 2. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS 9 - 20 (a) Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 112 Lot 7, District Lot 281, KDYD Plan 26828, PID: 004-998-120 3159, 3163 & 3161 Shuswap Road, LaFarge, BC (Larnder) 21 - 33 (b) Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 115 Lot 3, District Lot 281, KDYD Plan 27300, PID: 004-846-516 3335 Shuswap Road, LaFarge, BC (LeBeau/Moore) 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 34 - 35 (a) January 2016 - APC Status Report - Electoral Areas J, L, M & P 4. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 35


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Advisory Planning Commission - Electoral Areas "J", "L", "M" & "P" - 27 Jan 2016Regular Meeting – WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2016
Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: Board Room
4th Floor
2 - 8 (a) Advisory Planning Commission Minutes for November 25, 2015 meeting
Lot 7, District Lot 281, KDYD Plan 26828, PID: 004-998-120
3159, 3163 & 3161 Shuswap Road, LaFarge, BC (Larnder)
21 - 33 (b) Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 115
Lot 3, District Lot 281, KDYD Plan 27300, PID: 004-846-516
3335 Shuswap Road, LaFarge, BC (LeBeau/Moore)
34 - 35 (a) January 2016 - APC Status Report - Electoral Areas J, L, M & P
Wednesday, November 25, 2015, 7:30pm
LOCATION: TNRD board room, 465 Victoria St., Kamloops, BC
PRESENT: Mr. Dave Monsees
ABSENT: Zena Selden
Mel Rothenburger, TNRD Director
Dan Wallace, TNRD Planner
Chair Monsees invited Larry Nelson and Brian Windsor to speak to their application. They provided
a revised lot plan adding an additional RV site for a caretakers RV, and photos of the development
to date, supplementing the documents in the application. (Attached to these minutes)
Q: Do you have any more specific information on the water system?
A: We are working with the public health officer from Interior Health. We have a well that
produces over 50 gal/min. The well is 160 feet deep with water at 80 feet, well below lake level.
We will be treating it with filtration and UV with chlorination. We have a 4500 gal reservoir that
the water will be pumped to. The plan has a significant set back from the lake shore.
Q: Will you be required to have a certified operator for the water system
A: We will run the system under the Strata with four of us taking the certified training through
TRU. We will draw biweekly water samples to be submitted to Interior Health.
Q: For the RV site, will these be full time serviced sites? Or nightly rentals for the traveling
tourism market?
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015
A: No, this is for overflow for family and friends visiting, or cabin owner’s RV’s. Cabins are 24 X
32 ft. with a half loft so there is limited capacity for family and friends visiting. A few of the
shareholders have expressed an interest in renting their RV’s on a weekly basis.
A: There may be some demand for seasonal, however each RV site is assigned to a cabin so
the use will fall under the Strata.
Q: What are you planning for the rest of the property?
A: We have a standing agreement with a local rancher and the plan is to return the property
above the cabins back to Agricultural zoning. We are wanting to keep it in its natural state as
part of the attraction. There is wildlife in the area including a herd of Mountain Sheep and
rattlesnakes, and good hiking. We have a covenant on title that gives grazing rights to a local
rancher in the upper portion.
Q: Are all the cabins allocated to owners now?
A: Yes
Q: Are you going to be looking for year round residents?
A: No, we see it as a seasonal operation.
Q: How many more units do you see adding to it down the road?
A: We have 9 cabins on 10 foundations. The 10th cabin will be built in the spring. We want to
see the development completed at 10 cabins.
Q: Regarding the water system, are you guys going to be classified as a private utility?
A: No, we come under the classification of a small water system. We probably don’t need to
have that level of purification, but we are being proactive.
Q: With the existing cabins configuration, do you have any allowance for fire protection?
A: The cabins are approximately 10 feet apart, and we have laid a fire line from the holding tank,
with a 2 in. fire line installed and a fire pump on site with several hundred feet of hose. We
comply to the provincial fire bans. We have been encouraged by Interior Health to obtain a
license to draw water from the lake in an emergency.
Regina Sadilkova reminded the committee that the application is for a site specific rezoning,
mainly changing the purpose of the zone.
Chair Monsees thanked them for coming. Brian Windsor and Larry Nelson expressed appreciation
for the chance to speak and left the meeting.
Chair Monsees invited Danett Fisher, representing the second applicant, to move closer to the
members. He asked her to address a question from a committee member not present.
Q: Could she elaborate on the Amphitheatre plans.
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015
A: The space for the Amphitheatre is for plays, weddings, live theatre, and small conferences.
We are seeking a (unidentified) well known professional to design the space. We are asking the
designer to address specific issues such as directing “noise” towards the private property rather
than across the river.
Dan Wallace noted that the parking has been moved from the field to the corral area. He noted
that the parking issue will be resolved with the Agricultural Land Reserve.
CALL TO ORDER by Dave Monsees @ 8:14pm
a. APC Minutes for the October 28, 2015 meeting
Moved by Arne Raven, seconded by Holly Campbell, that the minutes of the APC for October
28, 2015 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED
a. Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 109 Parcel A (DD223465F) of the
Southeast ¼ of Section 14, Township 21, Range 21, W6M, KDYD Except Plan
A400, PID 014-479-125; 3672 Sabiston Cr. Rd., Kamloops BC (R3010 Holdings
Ltd/Lee Dodds)
Regina Sadilkova spoke to the amended application, adding allowance for short term
rental accommodation so owners can rent their own RV’s for short term. The site specific
portion of the application is to develop the 11 RV spaces. Owners could reside there 6
months of the year. She noted this is similar to some areas of Sun Peaks and there may
be others in the district who want to follow this example.
Chair Monsees asked if it is advisable. He noted that with this zoning, the cabins and
the RV sites have the potential to rent all cabins and RV sites by the week, bringing in
transient partiers that may not have the respect of the environment.
Regina Sadilkova responded, that the current bylaw allows for that already. Dan Wallace
noted that the Strata structure may give the owners more control. He explained the
advantage in the flexibility for the owners. Peter noted how the Strata structure provides
more control that limits the attraction for larger party groups disturbing the neighborhood.
Chair Monsees asked Dan Wallace what section 12.4.3 was for. Dan explained that this
is to allow the Strata to build an accessory building such as a garage. Discussion and
general agreement that this section should be removed.
Moved by Surinder Mahal, seconded by Peter Nixon that the APC recommend the zoning
amendment application Number BA 109, conditional on removing Section 12.4.3, and the
Planning department to set a recommendation as to what acceptable lot coverage should be
for this development. CARRIED
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015
a. Lot 2, District Lot 288 and Section 25, Township 19, Range 15 and Section 30,
Township 19, Range 14, W6M, all of KDYD Plan KAP80215; PID: 026-579-804
Dan Wallace stated that a good comparison to this development is the Jackson Triggs
development at Niagara on the Lake in Ontario.
Chair Monsees noted that he is wanting to settle the sound concern from Dave Jarvis.
Dave was concerned about the noise level crossing the river from the music events
that were being planned. Chair Monsees suggested a decibel restriction be applied
for the Amphitheatre. Holly noted that Danette had said the Amphitheatre would be
professionally designed. Regina Sadilkova spoke about the “Noise Bylaw”.
Motion by Peter Nixon, seconded by Holly Campbell that the APC recommend the zoning
amendment application Number BA 108 as presented, with the revision to the parking areas.
b. Chair Monsees updated on the plans for the Christmas Party at Storms
Restaurant. He noted that he has not received a response from everyone and he
needed to let the restaurant know how many are coming. Discussion
c. November 2015 – APC Status Report for Electoral Areas J,L,M, & P.
Moved by Sean O’Flaherty that the meeting be adjourned at 8:59 PM. CARRIED
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FACT SHEET Official Community Plan and Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 112
SUMMARY & PURPOSE: The purpose of this application is to rezone the property from SH-1: Small Holding to CR-1: Country Residential and change the OCP designation from Forestry/Grazing & Hazard Land to Rural Residential & Hazard Land to permit the property to the subdivided into five 2-acre parcels. The applicant wishes to create five 2-acre parcels for his children.
Information supplied by the applicant
APPLICANT: Mark and Shirley Larnder
3161 Shuswap Road Kamloops, BC V2H 1T1
LEGAL: Lot 7, District Lot 281, KDYD Plan 26828 PID: 004-998-120 CIVIC ADDRESS: 3159, 3163 and 3161 Shuswap Road LOCATION: LaFarge, BC EXISTING: Zoning Designation: SH-1: Small Holding OCP Designation: Forestry/Grazing and Hazard Land Use: Farming, 3 mobile homes, repair shop PROPOSED: Zoning Designation: CR-1: Country Residential OCP Designation: Rural Residential and Hazard Land Use: Five 2 acre lots SERVICES: Roads: Shuswap Road Water: TBD Sewer: Ground disposal Other: TBD ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY PLANNING SERVICES
1. The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure will confirm if the property is subject to
Section 52 of the Transportation Act.
2. The property is not affected by the Agricultural Land Reserve.
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 112 Lot 7, District Lo... Page 9 of 35
Fact Sheet Page 2 Official Community Plan and Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 112 3. The application includes an amendment to the South Thompson Valley and Pinantan
Official Community Plan from Forestry/Grazing and Hazard Land to Rural Residential and Hazard Land.
4. The property owner received approval for two additional dwellings for agricultural use in 1997. There are a total of three dwellings and one accessory building on the property.
5. The property is located within the Lafarge to Monte Creek Rural Settlement Area in the South Thompson Settlement Strategy (STSS). The required minimum parcel size is 2 hectares (5 acres) in the STSS.
6. The property is within the Fringe Area of the City of Kamloops and subject to the 2014 Fringe Areas Policy Guidelines.
7. Covenant No. L20491 was registered against the property in November 1975. The covenant states that no disturbance of the natural ground shall be permitted on Lot 7 …above the 1230 foot elevation contour and all slopes disturbed below 1230 foot elevation contour shall be sloped to a maximum slope of two horizontal: one vertical. This elevation is illustrated on one of the attached maps. The applicant had Trow Associates Ltd. complete a geotechnical hazard assessment in 2007 for the proposed subdivision. A copy of the covenant and report are available from Planning staff upon request.
8. The property was originally rezoned to CR-1: Country Residential some time in the mid to late 1970s, possibly as part of a block rezoning/ALR exclusion. The property owner was successful in rezoning the property from CR-1: Country Residential to SH-1: Small Holding in 1978 to allow a manufactured home. At that time, the CR-1 zone did not permit manufactured homes. The property was the subject of similar rezoning applications under RZ-P-90 in 2007 and BA 6 in 2010. In both cases, staff recommended against the proposed rezoning and OCP amendment application and the Board of Directors resolved to refuse each application.
Electoral Area "J"
Electoral Area "P"
Electoral Area "L"
Electoral Area "O"
Sun Peaks Vinsulla
Heffley Creek Whitecroft
0 5 102.5 Kilometres
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 112 Lot 7, District Lo... Page 11 of 35
Wittner Rd
Dallas Dr
Durango Dr
50 °41
'0" N
50 °40
'30 "N
50 °40
'30 "N
50 °40
'0" N
50 °40
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50 °39
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'0" N
50 °39
'0" N
50 °38
'30 "N
50 °38
'30 "N
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 112 Lot 7, District Lo... Page 12 of 35
Shuswap Rd
DL 297
DL 282
DL 281
50 °40
'0" N
50 °40
'0" N
50 °39
'55 "N
50 °39
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50 °39
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50 °39
'30 "N
50 °39
'25 "N
50 °39
'25 "N
REZONING APPLICATION No. BA 112 Official Community Plan (OCP) Designation
Legend Official Community Plan Designation Hazard Lands
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 112 Lot 7, District Lo... Page 13 of 35
Shuswap Rd
DL 297
DL 282
DL 281
50 °40
'0" N
50 °40
'0" N
50 °39
'55 "N
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50 °39
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50 °39
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50 °39
'25 "N
REZONING APPLICATION No. BA 112 Zoning & Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area
Legend Zoning Single Line Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 112 Lot 7, District Lo... Page 14 of 35
Shuswap Rd
50 °39
'55 "N
50 °39
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'35 "N
REZONING APPLICATION No. BA 112 Proposed Development
** Proposed development may change due to the development approval process which is under the jurisdiction of the approving officer, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 112 Lot 7, District Lo... Page 15 of 35
Shuswap Rd
440 400
420 420
South Thompson River Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community
50 °39
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50 °39
'35 "N
37 5m
Legend No Disturbance above 375m Contour Trim Contour20Metre
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 112 Lot 7, District Lo... Page 16 of 35
Shuswap Rd
City of Kamloops
DL 297
DL 282
DL 281
50 °40
'0" N
50 °40
'0" N
50 °39
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Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 112 Lot 7, District Lo... Page 17 of 35
Shuswap Rd
DL 297
DL 282
DL 281
50 °40
'0" N
50 °40
'0" N
50 °39
'55 "N
50 °39
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50 °39
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Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 112 Lot 7, District Lo... Page 18 of 35
Part 9: SH-1 Small Holding Zone Purpose
The purpose of this zone is to secure a rural environment so that property owners who seek the privacy of a rural environment may be protected from the premature intrusion of higher density residential development. 9.1 Permitted Uses In the SH-1 zone, subject to s.9.1.1, the following uses are permitted on a parcel and all
others are prohibited:
Principal Uses (a) one single family dwelling, one two family dwelling, or one manufactured home;
(b) agricultural and horticultural use; and
(c) golf course.
Accessory Uses
The following uses are only permitted subject to a principal use existing on the parcel:
(d) home based business;
(e) accessory building; and
(f) bed and breakfast. 9.1.1 Permitted Uses – Site Specific
In the SH-1 zone, the following uses are permitted on a site specific basis only:
(a) winery with winery gift shop to a maximum foundation footprint of 186 square metres involving the manufacture, packaging, storage and sales of grape or fruit- based wines licensed under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act, in conjunction with a residence in the case of Lot 7, District Lot 281, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 42059 (589 Meadow Lark Road, east of Kamloops, BC).
9.2 Parcel Size The minimum parcel size shall be 2 hectares. 9.3 Setbacks 9.3.1 The front setback shall be 6 metres. 9.3.2 The side setback shall be 1.5 metres, unless the side lot abuts a road where it shall be
4.5 metres. 9.3.3 The rear setback shall be 6 metres, except in the case of an accessory building where it
shall be 1.5 metres.
Thompson-Nicola Regional District Zoning Bylaw No. 2400 Consolidated for Convenience Only to May 15, 2015 Page 49 of 108 Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 112
Lot 7, District Lo... Page 19 of 35
Part 10: CR-1 Country Residential Zone Purpose
The purpose of this zone is to permit low density residential development for those wishing to live in a semi-rural environment. 10.1 Permitted Uses In the CR-1 zone, subject to s. 10.1.1, the following uses are permitted on a parcel and
all others are prohibited:
Principal Uses (a) one single family dwelling, one two family dwelling, or one manufactured home;
Accessory Uses
The following uses are only permitted subject to a principal use existing on the parcel:
(c) home based business;
(d) accessory building; and
(e) bed and breakfast. 10.1.1 Permitted Uses – Site Specific In the CR-1 zone, the following uses are permitted on a site specific basis only: (a) antique shop within the dwelling located on Lot A, District Lot 40, Kamloops
Division Yale District, Plan 16654 to a maximum store size of 50 square metres, with no outdoor storage and no sign larger than 2 square metres (McLure, BC).
10.2 Parcel Size The minimum parcel size shall be 8,000 square metres. 10.3 Setbacks 10.3.1 The front setback shall be 6 metres. 10.3.2 The side setback shall be 1.5 metres, unless the side lot abuts a road where it shall be
4.5 metres. 10.3.3 The rear setback shall be 6 metres, except in the case of an accessory building where it
shall be 1.5 metres.
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Lot 7, District Lo... Page 20 of 35
FACT SHEET Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 115
SUMMARY & PURPOSE: The purpose of this application is to rezone 2.11 hectares of the subject property from AF-1 Zone to CR-1 Zone to allow the creation of two parcels (0.97 and 1.14 ha) and one 10 ha Remainder.
Information supplied by the applicant
APPLICANT: Craig and Tracy LeBeau
26090 RPO Valleyview BC Kamloops, BC V2C 0A9
AGENT: Marissa Moore
301 – 7 St. Paul Street W Kamloops, BC V2C 1E9
LEGAL: Lot 3, District Lot 281, Kamloops Division Yale District Plan 27300 PID: 004-846-516 CIVIC ADDRESS: 3335 Shuswap Road LOCATION: 1.3 km east of Kamloops, BC EXISTING: Zoning Designation: AF-1: Agricultural/Forestry OCP Designation: Forestry/Grazing Use: Farm/hay fields PROPOSED: Zoning Designation: AF-1: Agricultural/Forestry and
CR-1: Country Residential OCP Designation: Forestry/Grazing Use: Small farm and two residential lots SERVICES: Roads: Shuswap Road Water: Groundwater well Sewer: On-site disposal systems ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY PLANNING SERVICES
1. This rezoning application does not require an amendment to the South Thompson Valley
– Pinantan Official Community Plan
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 115 Lot 3, District Lo... Page 21 of 35
FACT SHEET Page 2 Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 115
2. This property is within one of the Rural Settlement Areas of the South Thompson Settlement Strategy (STSS), where development applications are considered acceptable. However the STSS has a minimum parcel size of 2 hectares in the Rural Settlement Areas.
3. This property is within the Fringe Area of the City of Kamloops.
4. The applicants advise that there are no water courses on the property.
5. This property is above the 1:200 year floodplain for the South Thompson River.
6. The subject property is not in the ALR.
7. The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure will advise if Section 52 of the
Transportation Act applies to this rezoning application
8. Covenant No. 59887, which is registered on the property title states that there shall be no disturbance of the land above the 1200 feet (365.76 m) elevation (see maps).
9. There are two known archeology sites on this property.
10. BC Hydro has three right of way/easement agreements affecting this property.
!!!97 !!!1 !!!97 !!!1
0 5 102.5
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 115 Lot 3, District Lo... Page 23 of 35
D em
Entrance 397
Pevero Pl
Jardine Rd
Sonora Rd
Duncan Rd
Kananaskis Rd
City of Kamloops
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 115 Lot 3, District Lo... Page 24 of 35
Demers RdDuncan Rd
DL 281
DL 296
50 °3
9' 55
"N 50
°3 9'
50 "N
50 °3
9' 50
REZONING APPLICATION No. BA 115 Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area & Zoning
Legend Zoning
Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 115 Lot 3, District Lo... Page 25 of 35
Shuswap Rd
50 °3
9' 45
REZONING APPLICATION No. BA 115 Proposed Development
** Proposed development may change due to the development approval process which is under the jurisdiction of the approving officer, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 115 Lot 3, District Lo... Page 26 of 35
Demers RdDuncan Rd
DL 281
DL 296
50 °3
9' 55
"N 50
°3 9'
50 "N
50 °3
9' 50
REZONING APPLICATION No. BA 115 Official Community Plan (OCP) Designation
Legend OCP Designation
Hazard Lands
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 115 Lot 3, District Lo... Page 27 of 35
Shuswap Rd
South Thompson River Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community
50 °3
9' 50
"N 50
°3 9'
45 "N
50 °3
9' 45
REZONING APPLICATION No. BA 115 Ortho, Subject Location & No Disturbance Covenant
Legend Subject Site
No Disturbance Covenant
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 115 Lot 3, District Lo... Page 28 of 35
Part 6: AF-1 Agricultural/Forestry Zone
Purpose The purpose of this zone is to permit activities associated with a broad range of agricultural, forestry, recreational, and resource uses and to preserve land from premature or inappropriate development.
6.1 Permitted Uses
In the AF-1 zone, subject to s.6.1.1, the following uses are permitted on a parcel and all others are prohibited:
Principal Uses (a) one single family dwelling, one two family dwelling, or one manufactured home;
(b) agricultural and horticultural use;
(c) intensive agricultural use;
(d) forestry practice use;
(f) storage of explosives;
(g) open land recreation;
(h) aircraft landing field;
(k) winery, cidery and microbrewery.
Accessory Uses
The following uses are only permitted subject to a principal use existing on the parcel:
(l) home based business;
(m) rustic guest ranch;
(p) accessory building; and
(q) bed and breakfast.
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 115 Lot 3, District Lo... Page 29 of 35
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6.1.1 Permitted Uses – Site Specific In the AF-1 zone, the following uses are permitted on a site specific basis only:
(a) fruit stand in the case of That Part of District Lot 228 shown on Plan E15708, Kamloops Division Yale District except Plan KAP46259 (2640 Trans Canada Highway, east of Monte Creek, BC);
(b) custom meat cutting and retail meat and produce sales in the case of the Southwest ¼ of Section 4, Township 22, Range 15, W6M, Kamloops Division Yale District except Plan H13323 (6224 Heffley Louis Creek Road, east of Heffley Creek, BC);
(c) monastery in the case of the E ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 18, Township 17, Range 16, W6M, Kamloops Division Yale District (south of Smith Lake, BC);
(d) storage and animal remains (including associated effects) crematorium in the case of the South ½ of L.S. 14, Section 10, Township 18, Range 17, W6M, Kamloops Division Yale District as shown on the Plan of the SE ¼ of said Township dated at Ottawa the 10th Day of May 1921 except Plan KAP57792 and KAP57834 and lying north of the Princeton-Kamloops Highway No. 5A (Shumway Lake, BC);
(e) a health resort including spa and personal health services with guest accommodation in the case of Lot 1, Section 11, Township 22, Range 15, W6M, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 34648 (7046 Upper Louis Creek Road, Whitecroft, BC);
(f) a sawmill and planer operation and ancillary log and lumber storage for wood not grown on the property in the case of that portion of Lot 3, Block 1, District Lot 458 and of Section 30, Township 17, Range 13, W6M, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 4063 except Plans 18871 and 19616 consisting of 7.0 ha (4924 Kamloops- Vernon Highway, Highway 97, Westwold, BC); and
(g) Two additional manufactured homes in the case of Parcel A (Plan B6698) of the
South West ¼ of Section 3, Township 20, Range 19, W6M, KDYD, except Plan 29853 (1490 Greenstone Rd, Cherry Creek, BC)
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6.2 Parcel Size The minimum parcel size shall be 8 hectares except for uses permitted under:
(a) s.6.1 (c) where the minimum parcel size shall be 16 hectares; and
(b) s.6.1 (j) where no minimum parcel size shall be required.
6.3 Setbacks 6.3.1 The front setback shall be 6 metres.
6.3.2 The side setback shall be 1.5 metres, unless the side lot abuts a road where it shall be 4.5 metres.
6.3.3 The rear setback shall be 6 metres, except in the case of an accessory building where it shall be 1.5 metres.
6.3.4 Notwithstanding s. 6.3.1, 6.3.2, and 6.3.3, a building, livestock pen, containment basin or the composting of organic matter involved with any intensive agricultural use shall be set back a minimum of:
a) 300 metres from an established residence on a parcel not in the AF-1, RL-1or C-6 Zones; and
b) 15 metres from a public road.
6.3.5 Notwithstanding s.6.3.1, 6.3.2, and 6.3.3, a livestock pen and containment basin used for intensive agricultural use shall be set back a minimum of 90 metres from the natural boundary of a lake, river, stream, or other body of water.
6.3.6 Notwithstanding s.6.3.1, 6.3.2, and 6.3.3, industrial equipment used for forestry practice use that has the potential to create noise, dust, vibration, odours or nuisance shall be set back a minimum of:
a) 300 metres from an established residence in any zone; and
b) 60 metres from a public road.
6.3.7 Notwithstanding s. 6.3.1, 6.3.2, and 6.3.3, a building or equipment used for the processing of aggregate materials shall be set back a minimum of 300 metres from an established residence in any zone.
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6.4 Conditions of Use
6.4.1 All livestock pens used in intensive agricultural use must:
a) be designed to allow shallow ditching to collect runoff from each pen;
b) slope to an impervious containment basin, and
c) be designed so that runoff water from areas surrounding the pens shall be diverted away from the pens.
6.4.2 A rustic guest ranch permitted as an accessory use is subject to the following conditions:
a) the parcel on which the use is located shall be classified as a ‘Farm’ under the Assessment Act and shall be contiguous and ancillary to the principal bona-fide horse, cattle or other animal ranching use operated on 64 or more hectares of land;
b) the use shall not be permitted on a parcel which is contiguous to a rural residential development of two or more parcels having a minimum parcel size of 4 hectares or less; and
c) accommodation is limited to a maximum of 10 sleeping units and shall not include a campground or recreational vehicle use.
6.4.3 Storage of explosives shall be subject to the provisions of the federal Explosives Act and
regulations thereto. 6.4.4 Parcels used for open land recreation and parks and playgrounds shall be kept in their
natural state except where modifications are necessary to facilitate outdoor recreation.
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Part 10: CR-1 Country Residential Zone Purpose
The purpose of this zone is to permit low density residential development for those wishing to live in a semi-rural environment. 10.1 Permitted Uses In the CR-1 zone, subject to s. 10.1.1, the following uses are permitted on a parcel and
all others are prohibited:
Principal Uses (a) one single family dwelling, one two family dwelling, or one manufactured home;
Accessory Uses
The following uses are only permitted subject to a principal use existing on the parcel:
(c) home based business;
(d) accessory building; and
(e) bed and breakfast. 10.1.1 Permitted Uses – Site Specific In the CR-1 zone, the following uses are permitted on a site specific basis only: (a) antique shop within the dwelling located on Lot A, District Lot 40, Kamloops
Division Yale District, Plan 16654 to a maximum store size of 50 square metres, with no outdoor storage and no sign larger than 2 square metres (McLure, BC).
10.2 Parcel Size The minimum parcel size shall be 8,000 square metres. 10.3 Setbacks 10.3.1 The front setback shall be 6 metres. 10.3.2 The side setback shall be 1.5 metres, unless the side lot abuts a road where it shall be
4.5 metres. 10.3.3 The rear setback shall be 6 metres, except in the case of an accessory building where it
shall be 1.5 metres.
Thompson-Nicola Regional District Zoning Bylaw No. 2400 Consolidated for Convenience Only to May 15, 2015 Page 50 of 108 Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 115
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ELECTORAL AREAS "J", "L", “M” and "P"
January 2016
Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. BA 76 That part of the Section 19, Township 22, Range 16, W6M, KDYD, containing 111.25 hectares, more or less 7385 Sullivan Valley Road - Heffley Creek area, BC (Crown Land / Heffley Creek Gun Club – Jim Sloper) The purpose of this rezoning application is for a site-specific text amendment to the AF-1 Zone to allow a shooting range with clubhouse, caretaker dwelling, and short- term camping area for site events, on this property only. Awaiting decision of the Agricultural Land Commission.
Electoral Area “P” Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 108 • Lot 2, District Lot 288 and Section 25, Township 19, Range 15 and Section
30, Township 19, Range 14, W6M, all of KDYD Plan KAP80215; PID: 026-579- 804
• Lot 1, District Lot 288 and Section 30, Township 19, Range 14, W6M, KDYD Plan KAP80215 Except Plan KAP89671; PID: 026-579-791
2412, 2420 and 2424 Miners Bluff Road, Monte Creek, BC (Sidhu & Sons Nursery Ltd./Tremblay Island Farms Ltd.) The purpose of this application is to consider a site-specific amendment to the AF-1: Agricultural/Forestry zone to allow assembly uses, amphitheatre and restaurant adjacent to the existing Monte Creek Ranch Winery on Lot 1, KAP80215 and unimproved temporary parking for assembly events on a portion of the adjacent Lot 2, Plan KAP80215. To TNRD Board of Directors on January 21, 2016 to consider forwarding to the Agricultural Land Commission.
Electoral Area “L” Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 109 Parcel A (DD 223465F) of the Southeast ¼ of Section 14, Township 21, Range 21, W6M, KDYD Except Plan A400, PID: 014-479-125 3672 Sabiston Creek Rd, Kamloops Lake, BC (R3010 Holdings Ltd. / Lee Dodds) The purpose of the bylaw amendment application is to:
• Rezone the portion of property south of the tracks and closest to the lake from LRT-2: Existing Lakeshore Resort zone to LR-2: Lakeshore Residential Multi- Family zone with site-specific amendments;
• Rezone the upper portion north of the tracks from LRT-2: Existing Lakeshore Resort to AF-1: Agricultural/Forestry;
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January 2016 - Status Report of Development Applications Page 2 of 2 Advisory Planning Commission – Electoral Areas J, L M, & P
• Amend the Cherry Creek-Savona OCP on the portion closest to the lake from Commercial to Suburban Residential; and
• Amend the Cherry Creek-Savona OCP on the upper portion north of the tracks from Commercial to Agriculture Resource.
The applicant originally developed the property as a fishing and hunting resort under the previous AF-1 zone under Bylaw No. 940. The applicant wishes to move away from the resort concept in favor of seasonal lakeshore residential use in 10 dwelling units and 11 RV spaces for the tenants and traveler accommodation use. The applicant has also applied for a strata conversion for the 10 dwelling units and a Development Permit to identify environmentally sensitive areas and hazardous slopes.
To TNRD Board of Directors on January 21, 2016 to consider First Reading. Electoral Area “J”
Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 92 Lot 1, District Lot 368, KDYD, Plan 32635 6784 Trans-Canada Highway, Savona, BC (1031106 BC Ltd. - Wendy and Norman Fleenor) The purpose of this application is to rezone the subject property from I-3: General Industrial to C-2: Service Commercial. The applicant wishes to develop a trailer sales and service facility. To TNRD Board of Directors on January 21, 2016 to consider First Reading.
Electoral Area “J” Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 112 Lot 7, District Lot 281, KDYD Plan 26828, PID: 004-998-120 3159, 3163, 3161 Shuswap Road, LaFarge, BC (Larnder) The purpose of this application is to rezone the property from SH-1: Small Holding to CR-1: Country Residential and change the OCP designation from Forestry/Grazing & Hazard Land to Rural Residential & Hazard Land to permit the property to be subdivided into five 2-acre parcels. The applicant wishes to create five 2-acre parcels for his children. To Advisory Planning Commission and referral agencies.
Electoral Area “P” Zoning Amendment Application No. BA 115 Lot 3, District Lot 281, KDYD Plan 27300, PID: 004-846-516 3335 Shuswap Road, LaFarge, BC (LeBeau/Moore) The purpose of this application is to rezone 2.11 hectares of the subject property from AF-1 Zone to CR-1 Zone to allow the creation of two parcels (0.97 and 1.14 ha) and one 10 ha Remainder. To Advisory Planning Commission and referral agencies.
Electoral Area “P”
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2. (a) BA 112 - APC Agenda Information
2. (b) BA 115 - APC Agenda Package