Vol. 14, No. 50 December 14 , 2014, 11:00 a.m. Reflection “Expectation of Peace” Dr. Harold Bryson Christmas Medley “Jesus Only Jesus” arr. Clydesdale Sanctuary Choir; The Road Band; soloist Bailey Chambers “Yahweh” arr. Gardner Sanctuary Choir, The Road Band *Hymn of Response “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” No. 127 MENDELSSOHN Benediction Postlude Our service of worship has ended. Our worship through service begins. *Those who are able, please stand. Church Staff Every Member, Ministers Dr. Harold Bryson, Interim Senior Pastor Thea Carter, Pianist Bailey Chambers, Road Worship Leader Rev. Tina Collins, Organist Rev. Brian Johnson, Pastor of Youth and Spiritual Formation Dr. Clark Measels, Pastor of Music and Worship Alpha Patrick, Church Administrator Jackie Tiller, Church Hostess 3rd Sunday of Advent We welcome you to Ball Camp Baptist Church! Before the service begins, please take a moment and fill out the “Communication Card” that is in your bulletin. You may place it in the offering plate or give it to one of the minis- ters as you leave. The information you share will help us minister to you. Be sure to list any prayer requests or decisions you would like to make on the back. “Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience.~Thomas Merton Musical Prelude Call To Worship Joseph Martin “Carols of Gathering” Sanctuary Choir Opening Prayer and Welcome Rev. Brian Johnson *Greeting of Worshipers “O Come , O Come Emmanuel” No. 79 VENI EMMANUEL Lighting the Advent Candle Taylor/Waggoner Family Special Music Chris Tomlin “Waiting Here for You” The Road Band Pastoral Prayer Dr. Harold Bryson Reader’s Theater “When the World Was Dark” Anthem arr. Parks “Jesus, Light of the World” Men’s Ensemble Scripture Reading Lisa Thompson Luke 2:8-14 Reader: This is the Word of the Lord Pew Bible Page 833 All: Thanks be to God Offertory Hymn GLORIA “Angels We Have Heard on High” No. 125 Offertory Prayer Don Gordon Offertory Come Light of Christmas Cindy Ovokaitys Sanctuary Choir, Bailey Chambers, cello (Continued on back) GREAT EXPECTATIONS GREAT EXPECTATIONS GREAT EXPECTATIONS GREAT EXPECTATIONS PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE

~Thomas Merton GREAT EXPECTATIONS PEACEPEACEstorage.cloversites.com/ballcampbaptistchurch... · ~Thomas Merton *Hymn of Response “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” No. 127 MENDELSSOHN

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Page 1: ~Thomas Merton GREAT EXPECTATIONS PEACEPEACEstorage.cloversites.com/ballcampbaptistchurch... · ~Thomas Merton *Hymn of Response “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” No. 127 MENDELSSOHN

Vol. 14, No. 50 December 14 , 2014, 11:00 a.m.

Reflection “Expectation of Peace” Dr. Harold Bryson Christmas Medley “Jesus Only Jesus” arr. Clydesdale Sanctuary Choir; The Road Band; soloist Bailey Chambers “Yahweh” arr. Gardner Sanctuary Choir, The Road Band *Hymn of Response “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” No. 127 MENDELSSOHN Benediction Postlude

Our service of worship has ended. Our worship through service begins. *Those who are able, please stand.

Church Staff

Every Member, Ministers Dr. Harold Bryson, Interim Senior Pastor

Thea Carter, Pianist Bailey Chambers, Road Worship Leader

Rev. Tina Collins, Organist Rev. Brian Johnson, Pastor of Youth and Spiritual Formation

Dr. Clark Measels, Pastor of Music and Worship Alpha Patrick, Church Administrator Jackie Tiller, Church Hostess

3rd Sunday of Advent

We welcome you to Ball Camp Baptist Church! Before the service begins, please take a moment and fill out the “Communication Card” that is in your bulletin. You may place it in the offering plate or give it to one of the minis-ters as you leave. The information you share will help us minister to you. Be sure to list any prayer requests or decisions you would like to make on the back. “Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more

perfect purity of conscience.” ~Thomas Merton

Musical Prelude Call To Worship Joseph Martin “Carols of Gathering” Sanctuary Choir Opening Prayer and Welcome Rev. Brian Johnson *Greeting of Worshipers “O Come , O Come Emmanuel” No. 79 VENI EMMANUEL Lighting the Advent Candle Taylor/Waggoner Family Special Music Chris Tomlin “Waiting Here for You” The Road Band Pastoral Prayer Dr. Harold Bryson Reader’s Theater “When the World Was Dark” Anthem arr. Parks “Jesus, Light of the World” Men’s Ensemble Scripture Reading Lisa Thompson Luke 2:8-14 Reader: This is the Word of the Lord Pew Bible Page 833 All: Thanks be to God Offertory Hymn GLORIA “Angels We Have Heard on High” No. 125 Offertory Prayer Don Gordon Offertory Come Light of Christmas Cindy Ovokaitys Sanctuary Choir, Bailey Chambers, cello

(Continued on back)



Page 2: ~Thomas Merton GREAT EXPECTATIONS PEACEPEACEstorage.cloversites.com/ballcampbaptistchurch... · ~Thomas Merton *Hymn of Response “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” No. 127 MENDELSSOHN

In the movie Ms. Congeniality, the con-testants in the Ms. United States beauty pageant are all asked different questions, but all give the same an-swer. “World peace!” If we were all given a lamp containing a genie who could grant wishes, world peace would probably make the wish list of most people. Why is there such a desire for world peace? And, if that is the desire of so many people, how can this uni-versal wish come true? There have been conflicts between hu-mans for many years and, in fact, from close to the beginning. Sibling rivalry is one of the first conflicts that we see in scripture, but it definitely goes beyond that. Nations and people both seem to have an awfully hard time getting along. Jesus even told his disciples that there would be “wars and rumors of wars.” Very few of us will ever have the opportunity to directly impact the ability of nations to be peaceful rela-tions with each other. Even recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize are only be-ing rewarded for their work in a small area over a specific time. There have been multiple recipients of the Peace Prize who have been rewarded for their efforts in the Middle East. So far, even the best efforts have failed to produce lasting peace there. So, if “world peace” is a concept that we do not directly impact, is it a dream that we might as well give up on? I suggest to you that peace is never something to give up on. In the mid-1950’s a song was written by a lady who had been suicidal over a failed marriage. Jill Jackson Miller wrote the words to her song after she discovered the “life-saving joy of God’s peace and unconditional love.” The title of her song is Let There Be Peace on Earth. The challenge of Ms. Miller’s song is not just to dream of a day when peace will exist. The lyrics are: “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.” Peace is not only something that we can hope for. It is something that


Budget Needs/Week $10,434.95 Budget Receipts $9,791.00 for 12/7/14 Total Budget Receipts as of 12/7/14 $343,610.03

Deposit 12/7/14 Budget $9,791.00 Building Fund 375.00 Primetimers 66.00 CBF 92.50 SBC 107.50 Global Missions 90.00 Suppers 222.00 Christmas in the Heights 600.00 Total Deposit $11,344.00

THOSE WHO SERVE Children’s Worship Next week Jennifer Smith

Reader of the Week: Today: Lisa Thompson Next Week: Rupert Osborn

Deacon of the Week Today: 11:00 Don Gordon Next Week: 10:55 Wade Bradley 11:00 Rupert Osborn

Sunday School Attendance: December 7, 2014 133

FAMILY PROMISE GIFT CARDS It has become our tradition around Christ-mas to collect gift cards for Family Prom-ise. These cards will be given to the Family Promise staff to be used as they see fit. Cards to drug stores, grocery stores, and gas stations are welcome. Please hand these cards to James Lovin-good or leave them in the office. HEARING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE If you are having trouble hearing during worship in the 11:00 service, we now have 2 new hearing assistance devices. Please ask an usher if you are in need of one of these devices. PASTOR SEARCH COMMITTEE Continue to be in prayer for our Pastor Search Committee as they begin the diffi-cult task of finding our next Senior Pas-tor. CONTACTING THE OFFICE The email address for the church office Is now [email protected]

WEEKDAY OPPORTUNITIES Sunday, December 14, 2014 PEANUT BUTTER SUNDAY 9:45 AM Sunday School for All Ages 11:00 AM Combined Worship 3:00 PM College Retreat Monday, December 15, 2014 College Retreat 6:00 PM Cub Scouts 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 6:30 PM Brownies Tuesday, December 16, 2014 College Retreat 9:00 AM Parents’ Day Out Wednesday, December 17, 2014 4:00 PM Staff Meeting 5:00 PM Dinner 6:00 PM Nursery Opens 6:00 PM Church-wide Happy Birthday Jesus Party 7:00 PM Choir Practice Thursday, December 18, 2014 9:00 AM Parents’ Day Out 6:30 PM Building & Grounds Friday, December 19, 2014 6:00 PM Youth Christmas Party

NURSERY NEEDS HELP What a wonderful thing to say that we need help in the nursery. We have a need to have another class in Extended Session so that the ages can be divided according to their needs. If you are will-ing to be part of the solution to this need, please see Phyllis Ryan or contact the office. KNOXVILLE FOOD PANTRY The College & Careers Class is teaming up with Ball Camp Kids to collect loose change and other donations to take to the food pantry down town. Donations need to be in by Sunday, December 21, so that it can be delivered prior to Christ-mas. CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE Our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service will be at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday evening, December 24. This service is always a great way to begin the Christmas celebration. RECEPTION FOR DR. BRYSON On Sunday, December 28, following the morning services, we will have a light luncheon reception for Dr. Bryson and his wife, Jane, to thank them for their 11 months of service as our interim pastor. Please make plans to be here for this special time. A love offering will also be taken that day for Dr. Bryson. YOUTH CHRISTMAS PARTY The youth group will have their annual Christmas party this Friday beginning at 6:00. We will travel to three different homes for our dinner. If you would like to be part of providing the meal, please talk to Brian and he will connect you with the host homes. HOLIDAY OFFICE CLOSINGS Due to the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, the church office will be closed on December 25, December 29, and January 1. Info for the bulletin for De-cember 28 is needed by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 23.

MISSIONARY BIRTHDAYS 12/15 — Anna Anderson, North Carolina 12/16 — Cayden Norman, Spain 12/16 — Ina Winstead, Emeritus 12/17 — Josh Smith, South Africa 12/19 — Anna-Grace Acker, Uganda


PEANUT BUTTER SUNDAY Today is the second Sunday of the month which means it is time to collect peanut butter for Western Heights. CHILDREN’S WORSHIP There will be no children’s worship to-day. We will resume next Sunday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS PARTY On Wednesday night, December 17, at 6:00 we will have a church-wide celebra-tion of Jesus’ birthday. This includes all ages and will include games and cake. Join us as we celebrate. COLLEGE RETREAT This afternoon the group leaves for the Annual Christmas College Retreat. Be in prayer for this group as they relax, eat, play, and contemplate God together. The group will return on Tuesday morn-ing.

STAFF CONTACT INFO Dr. Harold Bryson Interim Senior Pastor Cell: 865-274-3337 Email: [email protected] Rev. Brian Johnson Pastor of Youth and Spiritual Formation Cell: 865-776-6396 Email: [email protected] Dr. Clark Measels Pastor of Music and Worship Cell: 865-548-0065 Email: [email protected] Alpha Patrick Church Administrator Cell: 865-567-1633 Email: [email protected]

we can be active in the pursuit of. I can hope that there will be peace be-tween two countries but I do not have a way to impact those leaders. I can hope that there will be peace between those with different ideas of what poli-tics should be but that is a never end-ing battle that I cannot control either. The peace in this world that I can bring about begins with me. I can make choices in my actions, in my words, and in my choices that promote peace. I can argue with someone over things that are less important or I can find a way to show love to all people created by God. I can hold a grudge and let it cause strife in my life and in the lives of others, or I can extend forgiveness and work toward being a peaceful person. There are so many things in life that can cause a lack of peace. The main thing in life that can lead to the peace that we desire is for us to actively par-ticipate in it. God provides a peace that is beyond all understanding. This Christmas, as we prepare for God to be with us, may our prayers be for God to bring peace. But may our prayers not stop there. Ask God to bring you the peace that you need in order to begin sharing it with others. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with each one of us. Peace, Brian