THK PL.ATTSBURGH REPUBLICAN UTILITY—"Thai GrcKtcil Good of the Gre»t««t Nnmber."—BESTHAM. VOL. 97. NO. 51. PLATTSBURGM, CLIMOJS CO., N. Y., SATURDAY MORNING, DKCKMUKK 22. HMW> . WIIOLK NO. "Ci». THE REPUBLICAN. MT V '\Y MoRMVw T'F< 'i. V** TFIW f l Ofl a year. In alTance, to all (T»-hPt,cr 11.50 B year if ooi paid in tr«" "' .'.•i .V Y MATTERS AND THINGS. AT I W, - rr ss I' ay, " £ if» 5 c^epr. ,sTr.& s o tppp bm one a year. •• r ensue ' f-e D -Is warp ore t :"• >-,\ ii>»rf aso Christmas day. FHI •£•"»*> a" if 'be sun sets r'ear \ r igt'. ;'.tre w be a storm before .„• ri.' •-a'-T CP" wi,! be generally >H r' grr''>>5 ir. !>->wo 00 Christ n t - ** i fTf r T" K iyv>" , . H I>. . 7 f T r<»Bv - i .1 i r >r \ ra r R f itf tl'T' 8f'1 r FT- - u B ,• I' TT c • r* ( - --,- I ' V -' TIB' jf'II' which f w r t •ar - *• *f,f rt.l firPD Of P provided hy ir<e t"r or. or r M is repnr hrc^TT p « r o c c a n - ^ 1 b**re Friday, Pi that ed the ilnr^cs: i A- t , T t- 1. m t> t . tfi.- Oirfstmas Carol TKK WrmotJt loeisla'ure decided in fovor o''U I f.^r t i e Sta'e to take orer Sandbar •>••', ensb i*b a colven lor the benefit --»f>r and b">a'men. ->r»E has been started against the • •; rouses of G'eps Fti's, espec'iiby s-a-^p« One arrest ras already been ar I others are lively to follow. ] T i vfrv we 1 in theory to argue for the .f-hfn rf r'o'me Oris»ma8 shoppins (,,r v t'U* aPpra'l who rea'iv wanlg to mi3S r- f ea«n™i"ile hn-ile and bustle of the last "• f •Karfes of tho RFPrpuoAS are r j . i„r <K) '•• Choree F. O Halloran. B. C. L., I)-:u'\ M "P'er of Agricultare at O'tawa, f •' » va'unhle voinrne of reports concerning r H "pra^-an Arc v iveB. F 4STFT \norf>or?e these cold day?. In g- ,'„r» 'tiere ia not or.ly the reward Of rii-1- re- c<•mloita^iP a failbfol friend and w .rt>.r, i,T money in yoor pocket in pro- I »r>r r tr the usefulness of a good piece of p- : PT-y. (,• >::T. IF remembered ions after ppce is f r.'.."er, on all ariMa boosbt of ?m>'h B-o=. o' '' 3 c'v Rp4'i their OPW adv^>rti=ement 8 - •> i^srn what they have to say about their A •••••• <'irt Fa 1 - ContB that bave helped to tr-Hi->- P a'^bargh famoua. IT - ?aid ft at in Germany they bave fonrd a wav 'o t rever.t polato rot. The funsue c , 5 - r _' 'h» iii=eaee is destroyed by waebirg I .• i c'a'i t-s with a broom dipped in a BOIU l r i ? ere pf'Dr d of cblonde of lime diBBOlved !- 'wpr'vfive gallons Of water. j, a rppurted that an exfelgior mill wi!| be •ri'f'. aiCadjville in the near future f'a^T > .s a natural ehippipg point, for a Ur^p 'ern'o-y growing poplar wood wtrcb U tt r _ r '-!y csed irj this product, and would rr,*h-* an id *al place for a manufactory of I'.- k r-i. T<> t. iriiO'l serse in one band and p pen ic '> u'ter, ar.d bo'dly cross from yonr C*r-'T»a= ; .-; the perfons who yon know perler") wpii will weigh sour gift for the iirnrt y ci•.••!. acd tnehgure it by that of r'mbiii', p-p-. Tteee are the barnacle? of Ct.r -•'Hi-. W-oare ea'Itg in'.O thefitir^BOf tt f :n\ at, ! rt.i u 1 be scraped ctl without cernt. r... H N -".!••:,'? ir, the High School i^m >'"V .' : : D'c 12 • : ('a T. I Bridge?, Paul C,«n. Tfrrv Cur ,-, W. am Higar, Ar'hur 4! y.i .ur, Ber't 1 Mernht-w, Harold Riner', UvTr. .-Jti, :. V> ,,', a m >s."ri>cg. Cfaur.CeN W ••f 1 -pj. trartvs Bak>-r, HWena Botier, Mars (J-a\e?, A ta (i r isrtipr, F.ancec Hile\, Maud Ri.'ur. RatL Sailer, Mary S.alter}. Min it. Turner. Ti!L -curntj of dmk* on Lale Champ!&T anO ->".r,er p i e c e s ID tbe VICID.*> TbJ5 eenSi-D ttL3 t'rfo t-xpifciced b> Djtcsiti R>ber:=f't, a \ » i a d ilucik hunter t'f M^tlreal, wlo L»F d si: iverej that the birdc in tbe Dorthert rr-gt.is USf bi-en, d i n g b\ tbon=an,d? of ts m .-"er.Mu; disease, the el ores of the t-t. I. :»MC ID vt.r.i>D= places being thicKly e'.re«L «, - h carcassea. 1\.t ''Ca. Trades and Litior Assemhl,' are r h'j !jr a gruDd b^h 10 be he d a! 'he .-• H 'U-e on >.'•-« Y^a.'s ETP. T >P , r, \ w. i be a=r;Sted U\ propne'Or it. nmk.ng ;Le arrangemec'.d fjr •i ar-1 tittL'^ael Wjieti H .r.tetded to te ' ' r- :i pst ev^r held in Northern N.-W M iT.c tij B..rJpttu's Orchestra. Tr,e >>• -f arricgemenl- CiCifiat? Of J. C. : , • 11-r.rj (j Mer.ard, B S Morn': >•-'-uri-51 p T fou; ie aLd can t»e f-ri - •• ' 'r .-r. ' t - t ia.rxnilee or Irjra tbe mem- •- - ' ...•- A^-^-^l,t ,.,. J - r. • vpr\ us-j»i f.'r a man '>> see the .\ ;.. •->! ..t', ili-ah ar.d re\.va: of un art :'-f B-,'. rUCh is t^e eX'^eneLCe of ilr. H Uj.t-.r, of'Code, N. Y , who .B ad- ' 'u t >- Te o.des: wt rki:.g tit.Emill. 11 ti'.- W'.PL t" ntsa buy perforates . t-rt.r were iD L'eneial u=e, a'd te 1 !•. W to HiaK* U.em as part i f h .- Li-', .-umtner a Cl\de mar, wt-nteil t<. te. I ;»i-cc .anler.r, and ap(.l:t-d to M . :-••:.. w ;.o rmJ he tou d make it JUH ae lu* JS t,tf toiitd ear.j in the la=t cm !/.. TLa'. Lr'jved to be exceed n^ly w^l, a;.-: a b!.-K bur^ceso has been started, Mr. H^i'^-.-n recriving many orders for the 1 Hdu K wre's " from Vur.uUH parlfi of t i e '.•••un rv. F ATUI Rig Apple, the wonderful Hol- 8 .L t.i-e'ttti cow that attracted so mud. a'tet itnat It e O^dentburg fair last fall, bur been ?oid Lo D V\". Field of Brock'.r.n. T.'.e price paid for Rag Appie was $^,'j(JO ami the lurtner owner, Mr. Djiiar of H'uvl- to:, tets tbe ca,f, if it IB a male, at $1,000, t»ie at..ma be.ng contracted f«jr at $+,000 by C .t.r.es t AVtrrill of Syracuse, who u.ade the $10,000 sate of the " M.ik and Butler K-t-s" last week. Mr. Field ptonouneiB Rig App.e. the greatest cow be has eser s-fii, and thinks she will raise theprertnt w rl-j's <-ecori by "Coruie" for 35 pound/- of butler a week. 1: seems a fairly good show- leg lor CiiMoo and S \ Ltwrence counties to furm-'j two head of cuttle tha the same week make an aggregate gale of $1S,000. 'Jtit invention of the mcving pistur* mathine haa proved a blessing tor those ol a- wno have tb-j inclination lo visit foreign Un'.)-, and gee strange Bights but are pre- vented Irm indulging onr taste in thia direc'ion ttroogh lack of tltne or money, JL (Lei-6 UiTi'B tbe picture man bbz-:sU.e trail ibat « arkg ibe path of tivn zuioo and we B'.ay-at-bomes can tit comfortably in ft toealre and have every important current eirn', whether it be Jap and Ruwian in the heat of battle, or Pre*l Jent Ryosevelt enilicg for the l3thiuug brought before oar ejee. Oue of the best numciioc* of Ibis •ort, ia UjjlV Wilb tbia improved uiBCbine the disagreeable II clcer no c o m m o o U> the ordi- nary mkcbine U done kmity wilb. Tha pic- ture* w e all item and art narvela of fidelity to Datur«, covering s rwi»ty of t u t j - c u »• lniirocuv* M lii*y at* iotataaUiig. A t t t a Lhoaue, Ctiritaiaa eight and BUOIM*. O •><•')<• t.-»rr. <•', Bpf>-V>ein B'-wpr'I wp «f»p (bee ttt-. A>«*>P ~yj de«-t arnl rearoleee sleep T* p °'>' t pta^ c<* br. Vet )rttty dark Puref-r* ".binetli The tu-tiaiftriE i eht. The h' i>e« and fears of all tbe Tears Arc met in ibee to night Bf>w s'ientlT.howstlpntly. Tt f w.»ndi-.-ios c'ft i-* rlrer" S<' i««3 lrar>art^ t" ' iin)a.n hearts The t lesBinef: of His heaven. ?>•• ear mar bear His i omtng. Hot in the wi.r«d nf sir. Where meek s.-ol» «nl receive Him still. The dear ChriRt enters in. Where rhtldrcn r'"re ard happy FraT t • tl,e BleP t e«1 <*hild. •Where rnl^ery <Ttp<i out t" thee, ^ .n • f the Mother ititd. A\ here i"harlly stands watchlnc. »r..i Fa'th holds wile the d'Mir. Tbe dsrk n'cht wakes the CIOT Preaks, Ar.u Christmas c*'roef= once ra,''i-e Phillips Broc.ks- JPEllSOX.VL.. Andrew B Oooney, E i ) , of Milnne, has been elected grand kugbt of Malooe Council K.. of C Mr. F. R Dunis sails January 19 for an exceeded trip abroad. Mr Constant Pardy, a former Plaits burgher, cow of Windsor, Vt., ia vitittbg relatives and friends in town. Mr. H Vf. Cady ecterlained tbe Pbysiciar.B C nb at his residence on Court S reeL Wed- owday evertpg. We are pleased to IPBITJ Itint E M'or G. W Harper, cf tbe Ghamplain Counsellor, w-,o=e iltcefs bad been reported, Is im- proving, and while not fully recovered he is able to be at tbe rttw of ris paper. C'tnton County i= g'a'l to wPlcome among its permar.er*. residents Mr. and Mrs. S. MooDpy, who have returned from Ivirsas where they have seen, and had a part ir the be^irrirg and g-owih of the ihrivire town of B;z ne. Mrs M orey is well kcown lo readers of the Republican, ae aotDor of the charming: letters descriptive of western lite wbicb from time lo lime frr many years bav^ appeared in its colnmrs. Mr. a i d Mrs. Mconej ore at present with iheir son at P.unt an R che. Tbe Rev. Mrs. Christy, a daughter of the. Rev. and Mr.-). Henry Margetts of CbbZ,-, ha? bad an ioteresiing career, having achieved success ID line? ex:epiional for a woman. S.e was born in England and came to America with her parents ,n 1SM5. She le- cetved an academic education, entered tbe leciure. lleld at HaocoCk, N Y , acd so in after was advised to enier tbe ministry. o udyiog for a short ime, she paB-jed an ex- amltia i- n before the S\ nod, and was ordained ID lMiC, as the R v. M ss Surah E.zibeth \ia-<rettg, beit.g io~td!leJ a? pasior of ibe Cungregational Church a' S.ockorijg", Wis- cooeir. A f'w months later abe married and is at preppnt supphing the pu pit at Big Springs, Wisconsin. Mrs. Christy is well known ic Chtz/, where she often occupies her falber's pulpit during ber vi-iita to her parents. Busiuessou Lake Chauiplaiu. MoM Hcaltliful Army Tost, furgron <.ieneral Reports so Tbe report of th«* ?r.rser>r, General o! 'he Army, just i'Pocd, which is sui'i)l°rr.entnl to his annu al report, in a comparison (f the health fulness of army post* •••cuiihoiu lie- country places Plstlsburgb nt the head of the iisl as the trr'st btailhfJ post w h ere Utited Ptatee soldiers are ela lored. Fort E.hao Allen <icrose llie lake corres near lo the bottom of :he lis'. Those who are in- terested in tbe et krgemenl of the pr< sent prst (and who is no ?i have a sp'endid art u- ment in ihiir favor, aid < ne which should t>e vigorously used by those who have as- sumed tbe du'y of bringing Pittsburgh's good points to ibe notice of these in authoiity. Plattsl>urg1i''s Water Supply- The past season is reported as a very prcB- percusone. Shipments of mercLandi-e have it creased over G 000.000 pounds. Ice wts ^hipped south for the first lime s'-rce 15-90, and from various pt ints 25 715,200 ton- were sent to N"-w Yoik city alone. L'ltn'.er shipments were 7fa'0 000 feet over la-t j-ar, and the total cleared at Whitehall bmonmed to 00 033 525 feet. The obortage of freit.b.1 cuio t-llected the canal boats and cnused ibe light shipments o! pulp wood, which fell tfl 12,500 cords or 150 boatloads. Tne sbioments of coal bj «oj of tbe lake were 112 700 toca against 148 000 lasi year, bui this trade is becoo lLt. \c,y iraportaLt ard shows a big icert ase in five \ears. The lo'a! value of freif.hu. eared at White- hall wag $4.150 956 aiid U r lftos 53,267,713. Tbe towing facilities of t he iaae are inade- quate for the freightage. C'bateaugaj'M L...-,^ T r i p E.veitiug The steamer Cha.<-u^uy made her lasi t lp or the sea30D on M-'rr- a_,, D^c. 15 It «as a rather excitiig >i,p lor the passergers and some c f them werp t 1 r roughly drenched b. ILP heavy peas »Lidi tottlDaally buffried t e punrrrt litile v--r, ' h e bu KIJPBCI on t f .e wheel-house trave w»v. ip'Tng io Feveral tons ol water v, bic„ 11 ^.v.«.a tbe main deck. The eccident occn-r> ' ' I way between BirlicglOh and Pui. K..ui, win e the boat was rriakih^the rnorri'-c'- . •,-, p.altsburgh. T, e boat was stoppeu aLd lae damage re- paired and she cocir-i d tn her way 10 Port Kent ard P.aiuburgh. Thomas Ar- bocale and Ez'a Sorter, E q , passengers, were siigbllj iijured. The Cbaieaugay re- mained at Burin ;; )•. Saturday tiyht and on Sunday went to SfcelbaiD Harbor for tbe winter. D cV H. BrakciMii Crushed to JUeath. The Board o' Public Work's reports that some prepress baa> been made lowards ac- q' iring a eu'rahle waterBhed upon Ibe plan suggested by M. j-tir Woodrcfl, Surgeon TJ. S. A., at last wf ek's' meeting. This is in ac- cord wilb a report made to the Board of Health bj Mf-jor Worditfl abcut a year ago. F.ora his own experience ard i&vesT^alion the Mojir U thorouighly competent to spftab with ki. wledt-e on the ways and metng of obtaining and keeping pure water. Seme of ihe streams 1- His region have been pro- nounced "idea" 1 certain seasons of the year. That Plat t burgh possessed an inheri- tance that might in ' m e become as valuable as gold, brings to our ro.ice. tbe fact that cities like New Ytrk are c Duelled to go long distances for (heir dr: k'ng water, and even now are contemplating tbe expenditure of a quarter billion of dollars for the purpose of obtaining pure water. Major Woodruff cited the case of Philadelphia, wh;u could have years ago bought gcod B»T. but it is row unattainable 1 , and tbe city is , ending uo'old millions lo filter water which is only tbe diluted sewage of a dozen ciiies further up stteam. In the case of the army the policy has been announced ibat ihe soldier must bave water wbicb need not be boiled for drinking at any :part of the year. Referriug to the condit 0 38 in Plattaburgb Mi jor Wooditfl says: Tbe water rentsi paid io Ibis citv are equivalent to the ihcome from two or three hundred thousand dollars, aud if the Post cannot get safe water in p'emy all the year re uod, ic will be economy for the army to spend that much to bay its own watershed. After servirg in various pans of the coun- try for twenty years 1 , I rind that tbe health conditions here are tbe, boat I have ever seen. I r deed, Pialtsburgh Birracka, by tbe last report of the Surgeon-General, is shown 10 be near the head of the Hal as 10 bealtb. For this ieason 1 am intensely interested as a military sanitarian, in having Ibis post en- larged tor the recuperation of soldiers from 'he"ironies, or in preparation for such ser- vice. I helieve tbene are more days in tbe \ear here in which safe outdoor drills are possible than in 'many another place coi - sidered excellent for cavalry. Tne mbitary condiuocB are dependant upon water, and this post cannot be' enlarged UDless the city stands ready to supply plenty of water wbicb has no cenllamination at any season of tbe. year. This is possible, and can be done at once. Mijir Woodruff dwelt upon the sewage t-ystem and the improved meihods of dis- pose g of refuse winch all ciiies will in time be compelled to adopt. In closicg he ssid: The. present city problem is to keep tbe present water clean. On'y today the papers stated that water -contamination is unduly progressing in ihe Adirondacks, and that typhoid is appearing where il was unknown before. The danger to the residents and summer visitors IB> b e i n g published It H possible for a few dobars to so safeguard ibis local water supply thai yon can publish to tbe world that a' least Pittsburgh has ideal water which cannot possibly be con- taminated, as it corne3 I.om uninhabited forest trout brooks. It must be. remembered that one case of typhoid on the watershed may cause hun- dred,- in the city—»nd this vpry accident has happered time and again 10 communities wbi-h had perftct water lint tailed to re- move ihe peop'e living on the streams. It is a darger v. I ich military necessity will not tolerate for permainPDl ganisoDS, nod no civil community should tolerate. i\ Tbe plan to buy the watershed is therefore wise acd DCcecBfiry, Observance of llianuka Festival A'-cnt twenty-five children cf the Corgrp ga'ion B-;h I*rurl W-TP entertained nl the h tne of the R-v. .1 L i H \ Nn JO O k slreet, in rvtrmrmrratiot "f tbe l»B! val if Chat uka At er a merry evenirg of slui'ing. recitfi'h>rs nr-d rami s tl p C f n' rka cjniih-? were luh ed a^d refreshener,]? serv -.1. The Chai'okn fe- ivi! d*t<s Iron- I7.i B C danrg the tei^r o' K r A-ij.<r| ns t ( S,ii.i, who csplr.red the trmpleet J rnsntPTi nr d destroyed tie holy vesse's At Madin, a town rear Pa o t I,P, lived Mu'liMa", BI'C- scendant of the High Priest Airon, who rebelled againetlte muudatpE cf the cruel king. HJ raised an at my, and defeating ihe Sjnars, recap'ured the temple. After cleanu e ibe ten pie but ore boltle of oil was f. und, cinch was si ItHem os ly for 01 e ni.ghi's I un.iug. Bui through a miracle the oil lasted eight days null pu>e oil was ob- tained for use in l i e cani'eabra. On the 25'h da} of the nit tb month, Ki-iiv, a cuc- dle is lighted in each Jewu-h house, nrd erch night o r e i^ sddeo until eight are burn- ing in ccramrmoraMop 1 f ibis evenL Tax Levy For Coming Year. The Common Courcii m"t Monfnv eve- ring and f'x?d the tux buiget for li)07 at ?85 01S 69, made up as follow*: G-enen.1 Find, ? 5 SCO 00 5 000 00 6 006 00 5 000 00 5,240 00 30 SCO 00 1,600 00 3 750 00 10.000 00 14 546 14 S. a u d S Fand, - Ligb ir;£ PuDd, Piie Fund, Pol'ce Fund, School Fund, Liibiary Fund, Bond Fund, - Special (paving) - County uurposee, Less Bank Tax, To be raised This is $1,897 77 less than tbe levy for 1906. The millage will be .C492, nine mills less than for 1906. Tbe principal saving is in the items for county and schools. DEATH OF liKIOHC HANSOM L-ish Ci'Una Rvnsim. S T I of Dr. .1 B. Ransi'm. died at F X o'e'eck F.idny mort-ing. [>, pprribpr 21. af'er a long illness. Mr. Ransom was a bnt'Hnt and popular vonrg man H> is well known in P.atta- birgb, where he was a student ot the High School. R> was a member ol the Claw of 1901 ard graduated wiih binora in the Latin-scientific course. E ,ler- icg Cornell he comrade! typhvd fevpr duritg the 1 hnca epidemic and never recovered his hea'th, in the hope ot r^gai n- wt.ich be be has lived in (J.obe and PI iv li.v, Artzrna, Ccbrado Springs and CaKIornia. TOWN CORRESPONDENCE. Paul ^nilli Wins Suit. Paul Smith, the veteran hotel man, ob- U'ned a verdict in his suit against Meyer Newman in the Supreme Court at Malone on Friday. The Court lined Newman ¥ 100 and issued a permanent injunction against the use ol Mr. Smith's name or portrait on whis- key bottles or the defendant. Seasoned Veterans of uNinth Tu- lautry Arrive at flattsburjjb. MOOEHS FORKS. Mr VUrry Rtdtker is si flenng from a pprBh'icrroKe, H a McCorm-.ck has been ill and unable to attend 'chcoi. Mrs. 1-atny Dal midge is visiting In town. George Corkins is. visiting in the village Mr Jack Petiuger was a caller in town Sunday. Justin Goodridge has returned from Bnr- lirgtoo. Mrs. Rasa Howard will spend f" ialtnas with her m.nher in Malone. Robert Wray, J , had the misfortune to lose a tire borse last week. Liwrence Collins of Prints, is visiting at the residet.ee of P. W. O'Neil. Minnie Phareuf rf Nashua, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs L. Phaneuf. Rev. Leon Ccchnrd will assist R-v X Charbonneau wilb R. C. services al Tapper Lake. Mr. H H. Howard was in Pialtsburgh last week en business. They have received a new line of Christ- mas Epods nt tbe Bi omhower store. Mr. and Mrs. G'orge Eddy will occupy tbe bruse formerly occupied by Albert Renre on School street. We understated tb<> Grand Army of tbe Re- P'blic ccmpleied a court martial trial last Sa'urdav. We hope the old boys have now declared peace. Their work being secret the public are kept ignorant of the result. E. W. S'eele, special agent of the State $90,436 14 5,417 45 $85,018 69 AWARD OF PRIZES Oilered by tbe Woiueu's Cliris tiau Temperance Union. liad Fire at Burlington. Burlington was visited by a disastrous Ere on Sunday miming in which one life was lost, several families were rendered home- less and f 40,000 worth of property destroyed. The lire was discovered in tbe rear of the American House, and the old buildirg was soon a mass of dimes. There were thiriy- Bve guests in the hotel and several narrrow escapes are reported. Mrs. Coonred, whose busDand is an express agent, was burned to death. One of the guests, Benjamin Pros- ser of Ticonderoga, made heroic efforts to save her, but Bhe broke away and returned to her room. Her husband, who was at the railroad station, hurried to the hotel and used every effirt to save bis wife but with- out avail. Several other business estab- lishments were burned and a terrific explo- sion in the Burlington Wine and Liq-ior Co's. Btore added lo tbe horror. W. B. McCarthy's ca'e'. the Western Union Tele- graph effice and other business places were destroyed. Company B, of the Ninth D. S. Infantry, arrived at Piattsburgh Birracka on Saturday night to assist in garrisoning tbe pest during tbe abseuce of a part of the Fifth in Cuba. Company B consists of forty five enlm ed meo and two c Ulcere, and ia composed Excise Commigsioo, ig ef joying a leave of mostly of old soldiers wbo nave seen Bervice Rbeeoce until Dec. 31. and has jast retnrned . many .a.O EB d lak.n part in .nan, no- ^ ^ ^ ^ X ^ , * " * * * ; tible events. Stationed at Madison Bar- w j th J. M. Corkins. R H. Barney, William r irks al the outbreak of tbe Cuban war is Cady, Chauncey Davenport, ITenry Fitjeld, 1*9S tbe regiment was one of the first to John M - Tallman, Samuel Tallman and , , . •• j r lonn -. 1 t» other old Masons, he visited the "mother ' r^acb the scene of disorder. Io 1899 it left , odeei >, r . hftmplfliD Lod gp No. 237, Cham- fur ibe Philippines acd was on duty in the p'ain, N Y.tbis being the rccasion of the inlands until ihe outbieaK in China. At the election of cflcers for the ensuing year. battle of Tien-Taein twenty-aix per cent of the men and the commander, were kille. -1 . They were tbe flrat American soldiers to enter the Forbidden City. At tbe with- drawal of tbe American forces from Chira Company B remained as the legation guard in Ptkin. Since their arrival in this country in October, 1905, Lbia c o m p a n y baa occupied no less than four different army poets, and a detachment of twenty-two men from the company were sent to Canton, Ouio, to guard the tomb of President McK'nley. The CHAZY. Continued cold weather and fine sleigh- ing. Messrs. Sweet, Hayes and Minkler, are shipping large quantities of baled hay via the D. & B. to Bouibern and eastern mar- kets. J H. McCuen has embarked in bis clos- ing out sale, af'er which business at the old stand will be continued by bis sou Ralph. See bills. Assault and battery case, Ducharm va. Oliicers of Joel Lodge, I. O B B . At a meeting of Joel Dodge, No. 118, I. O B. B , held last evening, the following officers were elected : President—Ju ius Mendelsohn. Vici-Pres •—Joseph Abraham. Secretary—Rev J. Lubin. Fin.-Sec—L vi Miller. Treasurer—l<aac Merkel. Guardian—Samuel N. Newman. Trustees for three years—Henry Scheier, Marcu3 Miller, S >lomon Mann. Representative to District Grand Lodge— Henry Scheier. Alternate—Julias Mendelsohn. Salvation Army Christmas. Be sure and keep in mind that the Salva- tion Army is to give a Christmas dinner for those in town wbo cannot provide one for themselves. Contributions are solicited, much or little as one can afford, lm money or supplies. All will be thankfully re- OfliVud. company commander, Ca^t. Brewster, is O'Neil, wa3 tried in our police court on Tues- now on duty at tbe War College in Wash- day, resulting in the release of the defend- ington, and il is hoped that the men will be ? Dt " Lowyer Signor appeared for the de- ,- ' . L . „ , ., fendant; B L. D-uglas tor plaintifl. Evi- a lowed to remain at this Post at least until dently a case of a little more cider, too. the return of tbe Fifth. j The Rev. Henn Margetts received several I severe bruises from a fall on Tuesday. G A. R Election at Mooers Porks JfOOERS FORF3. N. Y.. Dec. 20, 190C. To the Editor:—The election of officers of Samuel Caunon Po=t, No. 374. Grand Army of the Republic, Dept. of New Yoik, was i?rA e l!. 1 :* 66 ^ 10 ^. annar ?. The Christmas tree for the Presbyterian Sunday School will be held on Monday eve- ning, Dae. 24, at tbe Church. The Chrzy Dramatic Club will give an fxhirii'ion of tbeir four-act comedy drama entitled "The Corner S"ore," in Altona dur- 1907. John held at tbe Post rooms in the Town Hall, Hn&bell, our local baritone will render some Mooers Forks, N Y., Dec. 1st, 1906, and the of bis favorite selections. Fred Jania will following t rh>ere were elected : Tnornas W. £' ve a fine local hits and joker on foreign Boas, Post, Commander; Wm. Kiern°Ti, RV. and home characters. All worth twice over Post Commander; W F. Walker, j . v . , Post . admittance. Commander; Edwin Sartwell, Q M.;Nithan' Mrs. Longee spent Monday and Tuesday Donaldson, Chanlain; Wm. Liport, O D . i with ber paren s in West Chazy. Oliver Forkey. O G ; Touiasant Barcomh, I 0n Monday the teachers in the H'gh color bearet; John Ki»rnan, Surgeon; E W. School went on strike. That is to presume— Steele, delegate; M. F. Darlins, alternate. s t rnc k most of the youngsters tor disobe- TheCommanuer-elect informed Comrade dience of orders wbicb caused quite a ripple. DurliDg tbat he should choose him aa hi3 a d - , r>iif.~_ r» . . , . ^ . r. . ., jutant, and Comrade E W. Steele was con- V3^Z,PZT 1 T ?rZ°' ? •,. reCent ' 1 inued aa sole Relief Committee. The ins'al- Vlalted ms old frleDds at Cb8Z V ^ndtr ? . laiton of cdicers ia to take plaee at the next ! Holt Saxe, eldeat son of Wm. H. Saxe, ia regular meeting of the Post, at 2 p. m., Jun. , at Dome for the season. 5, 1907, at which time and place the mem- Mrs. Fizpatrick, principal of the High bers of the Post and their families, and such School, has gone to her home ia Syracuse friends a3 are inviied by members of the for Christmas vacation. Post will e-joy their usual camp fire, visit Tbe A. D. Boomhower batter and cheese and dinner. All are expected to cock and bring such food as ihey think proper, and be at G. A. R Hall so to have dinner at noon sharp. Butter and milk will be needed as Comrade E. W Steele has promised that all shall bave a good fid of oyaterg at bia ex- pense, whether du'y will permit of bis being with the comrades on this occasion or not. So let all come and erj >y this annual feast. The comrades as uguti anticipate tbe pleas- ure f*f t h e presence of Mre. csarauei Cannon and family on thia annual meeting of Samuel Cannon Post. M. F. DARLIXCS-, Post At jutant. factory is booming from its foundation up, and will soon be inclosed wilb a finished appearance to the outside observer. Melvin B ook of Mooers is in charge of tbe con- struction. J. F. Gilbert is making his semi-annual eale of fruit treeaand ornamental shrubbery. At Ashcroft in British Columbia the shores and bottom of cwtaio small lake3 are cru3ted so thickly with borax and soda that tb« material ia cut in blocks like ice and U3ed as washing compound. It is estimated that the iafcea will famish 20,000 tone. PORT KENT. VICINITY NEWS. Charles C McArti ur, a brakeman in the employ of ihe D A 11., wes instantly killed w\iie working as a swt'chman in the Platts- rjurgh jarda on W,,in.-day morning. The jnung man was riding on the pilot of a Fwi'cb engine which wa3 poshirg aevera 1 cars in front of it and baul- l.ng several behind it. It was the in- •ention to take the cars that were beiDg v au:ed to ibe old Chateangny yard near tbe rVs\ ar.il leaving tho-e •( > were being pushed on the sidirp- at the old -restle near the inland. The u r fo."«i'Ve brakeman was standing on I he p)!>.' tend) to uncouple the curs from the eng'ne a3 Boon as it had passed the switch on tbe main line. It is claimed that 'he sunal was given to B'op, but the engineer, Homer Tobiaa, evidently did not see ard ran almost to Ihe bridge, s'opi irg only when tbe cars crashed into a train thai was standing on tbe main line near tbe dry bridge on Cumberland Avenue. McAr'.bur, standing as be was, probably c ever realz 3 d the peril of bis position, BDCI when ihe crash came waB thrown with ter- r 8c force between tbe engine and Ihe car and ma'g'ed in a horrib'e manner. Tbe endcf ihp car was badly batterpd and the pilot of the engine was under it. It was necessary lo use. jicks in ex'ricating the crushed body from under the c\r. Tne re- moinB were taken to Carroll <fc Co's. under- taking rooms, and after being viewed by Coroner MeManera permission was given for their removal lo Standi*h, where tbe young man's parents reside, his father be- ing a stationary engineer in the employ of tne Nortnern Iron Co. Charles C. McArthur was twenty-four years of age, and had been in the employ of rhe D Jfc H. for a little ever a j ear. Ha was a brignt \onng man wbo was well liked by all his associates He was a member of the Brotherhood of R li'way Trainmen, and a delegation from that body weit lo Stan- dish to attend big funeral. In'erment was Radford. A. T. Betjarnin, ioperinteodent of tbe Saratoga and Champlain division! of th« D. k, H , is in this city investigating the cause of tbe accident. As a meana of awukenirg thought on the Btlj-ci of temperance among the girls ard boys of the town, the Piattsburgh ffocnet'a Christian Temperance Union some time aso decided lo i 0 r prizes to Lbe Grammar School students for tb>? be3'. essays on "Toe rnpor- tince ot Total Abstinence." A very gratify io? interest in the matter was shown, and twelve contestants sub- mitted eeca\s. These were carefully consid- ered by a committee to whom the idenii'y of ihe writers was not known, and the first or zw, a $10 gold! piece, was awardel to Christine Butfiild,. the second, a §5 foil piece to Waller MU Q lillan, and honorable mention to Lacy Perry. The good work shown in all ihe papers submitted was com- mented on. The presentation of the pr'z^s was at the close of the. interesting Chih-stmaB exercwcB at the Grammar School Thursday afternoor, and was bv Mrs. F. B Oal», the County Piea- ident of tbe W. C. T. D , who made a few forciful and interesting remarks. Aeboit and appropriate address was also given 1 y Superintendent Watson. This contest wasi a^ admirable one to in- augurate, and the manner in which it. has been carried out reflects much credit upen all wbo had a part therein. Settling Domestic Troubles With Carbolic Acid. The taxpayers of Sandy H:!l are to vote on a petition to maintain a Carnegie library nnder an offer of Andrew Carnegie to erect a $10,000 library if the village would give a site and maintain it Tbe village owns its own grounds for public buildings. A committee baa been organized in Ma- lone to Investigate the matter of a municipal lighting plant. In reply to the commercial travelers' ap- plication before the railroad commission fcr an additional train between Ogdensbnrg and Rouses Point, tbe agent for the Rutland road stated that such a train could not be run without loea. C. T. Ricbey of Maionp. who makes a specialty of his Partridge Wjandotles, ha^ won iwo prizes at tbe State Poultry Show at Johcatown. Plans for tbe new State Agricultural Col- lege at Canion are being drawn. The in- stitution IB to be thoroughly equipped in ibe various departments. Tbe main building, 100x50 f->et. and of stone or brick, will cohtuin the-rlfices, recitation rooms, library and laboratories. There will be mnnual trainiog and domestic science, a di i-y building and experimental farm. A Urge assembly hall will be provided for farmers' institutes and other gatherings. Tne Plum Creek Cheeee factory in South Russell, st. Lawrence Co., opened the midd e of last April and closed the middle of No- vember. Ia Ibis time 82 969 pounds of cheese were made from 806,971 pounds of mdk anc the price was 11 10 27 cents a pound. Al)IROM)A( KS. The A usable Lakes in ESBPX County are already frrz->n to a depth of 12 inches, and good clean ice is being taken out and stored in the Adirondack Reserve ice bouses near by. Monroe Holt of Keene Valley, temporary Hon. J H. Booth and Hon. W. C. Watson and E J. Marks, E q., were in town Sat- urday appraising Capt. Arbuckle'a property. Mr. Whitney haa sold Eome of bis fine ' trees to Callanan for lumber. Mies Mary Kennedy is quite sick. I The boat has closed its Eeaeon. Every- thing is still at the dock. I Joseph Meek will carry anyone to Keese- ville that wishes to go there from Port K.emt. ! Capt. Lather Bullis was in Keeseville ' Monday. John Rennell was in Piattsburgh Monday night. Mrs. Charles Terrill was in Burlington last week visiting frierd3. Cbas. Giddena ia ont again after bia sick- ness this fall. AUSABLE FORKS. Mrs. Lucy Gillespie who has been in town for a forlhDigbt, packing and storing her game protector for this section, captured household goods preparatory to renting her four men with five deer in their possession bouse, left last Tuesday for Ithaca where she in tbe town of Black Brook last week. I is residing at present. State Forest, Fish and Game Commissioper I The Fair held by tbe ladies of the St. Whipple bas received a check for $8 940 James Episcopal church last week on Thurs- from H C. Ballon of Herkimer Countv. Thia day night at Kemp'e Theatre was a success, VERMONT. Sale ol Trinity Hector jr. Civil Her vice K: iMtiOB. TIM lotto*!** fitrtirUn— toek tto civil MT*VM CMMIMUOI at tbe C o m Uewmim, gftiwtej ; for TMcer, I. Pi—< Sita*> i Bro*4 Street, rtattafcargk; for civil Mcto- •eribg draagbiMMa, fnak L. Mcfeca, Gtest: for Mp«rist««4Mt «4 imimuim c4 priM», Aifctoa V. a*tor, U St***, rtajMfewgfci Qr«T|E tar ••pratecr cf ti*** mmrnrn. ftans > A- Vfcrff, M OfM An important tranifer ol r*al ettate bar taken place in tha Mle of Trinity Church Rectory on Conn Street to Dr. T. A. Bcgeri. A caw rectory will be t<ollt on the lot weal of the church. Hoo. Kracei* Lvnde Ktataoo, of New York, baa gf nerooily < flarad to u+aatify the groscda of tbe ci arch property. Our Mew Herlea et Xeveletteft- TWa vack va ergia a aarVa af aaan atertaa by aaa» of taa t*at amiira wrMrra af Aniee. lack af ikaea atartaa via raa IHiaak lea t—kaw ml Ika aaear. Taa The "Irish Settlement" in the town of Scbuyle- Fulls came near being the scene o' a tragedy on Sunday night of tbis week. A young married couple named Patnode have been living since last July with the woman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mar- tin. Toe woman is twenty-three and the husband is cine years ber •'enior. Tte domestic life of lbe couple has evidently not been of the happiest and each occtises tbe other of frcqient attempts and threats to kid. On Sunday night,, according to the woman's story, she was awakened by a smell of car- bolic acid and found the husband trying to force the contents down her throat, she struck tbe bottle away, not however uotil she was badly burned about tbe neck and chest. A few drops struck ber tongue, lipa and chin. Hearing ber screams her mother ran to tbe room and carried the iijired woman to the sitting room. Tbe husband is alleged to bave told the family COL Diet- ing stories as to how it happened. In tbe morning Dr. Lirkin was summoned and informed Sherifl Allen what had hap- pened. Tbe sheriff with Coroner McMaateri drove to the nouae and beard toe woman'* story. Retiming to Piattsburgh in aeareh of thd huaband, who bad left early io tba morning, it a-aa found that ha bad entered tba Eheiifl'i effljeaod turreodered biaiaalf. There be daimedl that bia wife bad attempt- ed euicide or waa trying to aeara h i a o a t of tba way. A brncz9 tablet baa been placed in the Braol-bero Memorial Hoepi'al by tbe city in memory of tbe founders, Themas and Ehzu- betb Thompson. Of the $249,102 738 of internal revenue collected by the Government for tbe ffjcal year ending Jane 30, Vermont contiiouied $20,016 28, ihe smallest amount from any stale or territory except Indian) Territory. Tbe fact being accounted for by the lack of breweries and distilleries in lbe State. New HampBbire wilb live brewers paying the spe- cial tax gave $406 428 65 revenue. Tbe Rev. Thomas Henry of Burlington will be ordained to the priesthood of lbe diocese of Burlington at Montreal today (Saturday) by Archbishop Bruchesi. There baa been an exchange of compli- ments between Mr. Soule of Alburg, and Stale Fish and Game Commissioner Thomas of Siowe. Tbe inter helped kill tbe a*ining bi:l introduced by Mr. Soule, wbo secured an amendment against an increase of salary for the B=h and game commissioner. T te name of tbe R«v. A. Gaertin, rector of St. Anthony'a church of Manchester, bas been saomiited to ibe Pope for oppoiotmeLt to tbe bishopric of Manchester. Uuy pncee are reported as $11 a too, and for choice lota $13 Tne crop is above tbe average and tbe quality fully up to it. JX>0. J-lines 1>. Martin, of Brallleboro, ap- pointed V. S. district judge ia only tbe six h man to bold tha < nV,«, though Vermont baa beea ip tbe Union 116 years. Toe loogfet tarn waa that of E tjih Paine who waa ap- pointed in 1M1 ana aerved 41 yeara. Tbe nest loogvai waa that of Hojrt H. WbeaUr. from 1877 to MM. Un. Ralpta Pa.itaar (Viae Iraderica Web' ) has baao bunting on aoowebcea in Mew Branawiok, aad bai killed tba largeet BOOM was for fihes for unlawful cutting of timber on State lands i I the Adirondpcks. Sixty- one thousand dollars in fines bave been collected and 235 000,000 fish have been distributed by the Department during tbe year now closing. The lumber camp of Ed. Denio located on tbe Ricke'son tract near Gabriels has been d°eiroyed by fire. Tbe domes cimmunicat- ed Irom. the store to a barrel of kerosene and Ihe men's building waB totally destroy- ed. There were 15 men connected with tbe camp acd all loft their clothing, including many fur coats. D*nio lost bis camo fqtiip- ment ard strrea valued at about $600. Mr. Wait of Gabriel', owner of tbe building, lost about $500. About $700 in cash which happened to be in the camp was saved. I r is likely that eome arrangement for housing the men will be made at once as there is enough work to keep the men busy until Marcb. Tbe Lake Placid Club is now open the year round. The officers have taken np their permanent residence there and tbe beat workmen are being employed by the year instead of duri-ig the summer months. This year tbe Club bui't 14 Dew buildings and rebuilt 11 old ones. KEESEVILLE. A br'*-k c r ^rt'^e' s t *I-^ p R f r V-'-^.* ~f *>•<. K'e-i'T.-'P E •> t i f (il pit It'll i £>i r <lft-kr ess To^S lav fT.'rn: g-P-1 IV I ' t v * tint oyar e e >'f iisir rr.rrt-an * ar 1 t' • 3"m^ anopters TIP m*i .'»-T wv»'.• o -f •*•* av.v.lab e ktnd Ih-it ivcnr a" < TI---> Hv wiirKirg rts"il ard dai. ijh' w,i=> ; -,-, e l ,.-, WeirPsdav. hiiwpvpr, nr-j we trns* r.o tin r^ snch hrenkagPa wiil iVfM r . Thos AtgatP of Port Tool w i s m b w n Tuesdaj. RntrrrdF McAoou is conlVi-.l to tie house b\ i'-nes- 1 . M ss Agres L'.ipard Ipfi Tu°s1av fir her homp in Pla t-tnrgh for a t w i m m'.h^ v a e i - 't >n. Her mat.y friends here wi.l rrl-,s her, and all wdl eageriy hnk for her return. D.. F. J Divtgnun of Ausable b\rks was in town Tuesday. There wi 1 bp speriai muse m a'l our churches G-rtsttLas and lovers of chivi-h innate may hear gnod mustc by attending their place ol worship. John 15 Burr ham ot Essex was in town Tuesday on busir.isj. Mr. MtGuire of the Commercial 1T< ase spenl Sunday with friends in Piattsburgh. Fred M. LaDuke waa a business vi«i or to E^sex Tuead iv. The condition of Mrs H O Mitthews wlio haa been ailing so long does not improve She. is confined to her bed now and sutlers considerable pain from heraffecie.l ton. Mr. and Mrs. Daoiel Do lire o! West port are visiting his mother Mrs. Ed*. Dod^e. Mrs. F. 0. FJertiog and little son of Ant- werp, N. Y , is visiting ber parents, Mr. ui.d Mrs. N. R. LaDuke. Mr. and Mra. George S. Kingalaad who have been lbe past mouth in Chicago aud other western points returned Monday evening. The Misses Charlotte and Maude LiDnke are spending; Christmas at their home in town. R. F. Hayes is spending Christmis at his home in Bridgeport, "V t~ Rufus Prescott ot Princeton College arrived in town Tuesday evening to spend Christmas with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Chus. H. Prescott, and Roger B Present wbo ts at- tending River View College at Pou^hfceepsie come home Thursday. Harry Bull of Cornell is expee'ed borne Saturdav to spend Christinas with his parents, Mr. and'Mrs. E. C. Bull. S. M. Prince met with rough treatment Friday last at the hand? of Jos. Gokey, oue of .his tenants. Mr. Prince was attempting to enter a barn on the premises rented by tiokey when the latter atruck him a fearful blow ia the face, breaking bis nose and again hitting bim as he. was getting to his reet. A3 Mr. Priuce is a very feeoie man it is needless to say he took ihe count. G">kej was amigneo before Justice of Peac° Wiit- ney Moniiav morning and received a heavy sentence. He was taken to Etizubtsthtown by Chas. Call and wi 1 spend the winter there under Sheriff Barnard's care. Mr. A. G. Fletcher arrived Tuesday to spend the holidays at bi3 house in lown. Schools close Friday and all our teachers have gone to their homes for ihe holidays. There ia to be a dance in fJniou Hi'l Thurs- day evening next given by the. young people who bave been away to school. There ia to be a roller skating rick op^ne 1 Christmas day in Union Hall and will be opened three days a week hereafter. Lovers ot this sport will be glad to hear thia as we have long needed such an amusement. Lovers of skating are having a glorious time at the two rinks on the river, one at tbe foot bridge and the other at the iron bridge. Ladies skate free and men are asked Out a small sum. Mr. P. S. Riel met his dancing class Tues- day night despite the fact that the electric lights were out in the town. H J secured lamp3 and gavs bis pupils that attention which haa earned for him mucb praise in the past. His class ia a growing one and be is giving them every attention. Hn latest dances are right np to date and his instruc- tion ia doing much good. .,». ri-.jr^j*. r- 'J) *?5 if 4 ! IS THE OLD BEE HIVE BURLINGTON, VT. GRAND OPENING DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY MERCHANDISE.,,, V r - K I «» i • ji .-,-1; li • •>• - K IT ' I- . l> I) !- C I' » V H Si-rr »s EKpl> - ,• ' V • \\ .-- - i < ' V I N *'*- t T ,-, r I . i - i .' ' !J ,.J 1 •> - 1 1 '.i. » s . , • ^ i - -- '—> {Ui r lu.' <^ ^ i *• . * •* i ) *i* i- f H '* 1 »" •i •• i . V r »' on t\ ; * i -w - r i . t i r w t 1" •V n - , »r ' , 1 s -»-P .]'! lit 5 \ \ M * . "> • • 1 j X .1 11 « r, THE OLD BEE HIVE ri'RUSGTOX, YT. 'A 4 4. It woul i have 11) reward d Mr. Sharp, i! all the subterfuges lo which he reported to cocceal his identity with Fiona Mutieod bail not found success. So perfec: was bU tchetre of deception that even after >eara cf c - ' J H»«. hM r a p , irCJ ' i ' «" *' " " , , . . . . ' t" intthir.^rf tb 1 aof. i l t.'t* 1 extsterce there was only a su- 5 ! icion of the | or c lVl1tt j a _ ' n ITijiv r r ur)'* hi" t' v iled I, " taktiz p t>««, -in rf thp bi-nir^r b'l'iHes t,a\«, ->' far r>>nVii Tf••> it tbe h'TI3Pn''''ler3 T>-> T" '"J *'» .','• 1 a- l f n-A .<'.-* f >"n » i -ert >r !'*•! -t i PI MORRISONVILLE. Toe Methodi3t meetings are being con- tinued every night tbis week. The Grange held its second D cember meeting Wednesday evening on account of a eirector's meeting which 13 to be beid text Wednesday night. The schools closed yesterday for a two weeks' vacation. Principal E^an goes to hi3 home in Syra- cuse. Mra. Manning has gone to Warrenaburg to spend Christmas with her people. Mr. D. C. Broadwell who has been q i k e Bicfc ia reported better. Miss Martha Ta\lor has gone to Malc-ne and Parisliville to visit mends and rd'aiivea. Mre. Hunter has returned fron.= P ausburgb. Miss Carrie Pierce is librarian of tbe " Bock Clu'o." All who w'Hh to join for an- other year would do well to send their names to her. The Taylor family did Christmas shopping in Piattsburgh laat Monday. Mrs. Lydia Reed has received a letter from her brother, R_ B Baker, reporting his safe arrival in California. C031I3f& AJSD GOLNG- Extensive Improvements Just Completed a r t b e Troy Bus- iness College. In order to better accommodate tbe un- utu.illy large class of pupils wbo bave enter- ed tbis fall, the Troy Business College has doubled tbe siza of its typewriting depart- ment, installed new furniture and added new machines to its previous splendid > qnip- ment, giving it now one of tbe best appoint- ed typewriting departments in tbe State. Tbe large recitation rcom bas also been titled wilb new opera chairs, having tablet arms for tbe belter accommod alion of pupils during recitation. The?e improvements, together with others made during tbe past fomaier, render tbe equipment of tbis school second to none, aud will tend to improve tbe already hi=;h grade of work for which it is noted. netting them SI50. The Christmas decorations of H. Smith & Co's. Btore caught tire from a lighted lamp on Monday evening, and it wa3 only by very strenuous efforis that the store was saved from being emirely destroyed. B R. Gule has been quite aeriousiy ill, but ia improving at present. Mr. Gaorge Smith Fpent Sunday in Bur- lington. Mr. Clark Howe gave a party on Monday evening which wa3 much et joyed by about 25 of hi3 joung friends. An "Irish Untertainment" by amateurs in town wa3 played to a large and appre- ciative audience last Saturday night in Kemp's Taeatre. Miss Grace Trumbull Bpent Tuesday night at Plaitsburgb, tbe guest of Mr3. Geo.H. Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. E'i Carr leave Saturday for Glens Fulls to spend Christmas. Through the generosity of a friecd tbe Kindergarten department enjoyed a Christ- mas tree this week Friday. Miss Mary Chaboon left Friday to spend her Christmas holidays with friends in Boston. Dane ng school Wednesday sight at Kemp's Theatre. Mi*s Ophelia Ferland is clerking with H. Smith & Co. H.n. C. E. Johnson, o" N ' w York, -wis in town to attend the funeral o! Mr. A. P. Gauthier. Mr. P. F. Crilley of Peru haa been in town on business. Mr. and Mrs. John B Carpenter have re- turned from a visit to Schenectady. Mr. F. A Hay of West Chazy was a visiter to Piattsburgh this w*a5r. BIRTHS. at Pliusburah, Dee. 10 l'.tnO a son to Mr. and Mrs. JVbn C. Cavu. of N" i 53 d -.illy A venue. A.tVa!«>ar, T)35 1-2. HV>. a s n (.Kenneth Al- fred) rn Mr. an 1 ilrs. Henry Marria. At "Plat'sbureh. D e \ 14 1911 a son iChurles Jr.) to Mr. and Mra. Ciarles Sbepard 1 real fac', and that so vague that evtn afur bis death and the di-closure. o! the secret there were plenty to disbe i-\v>. The personality of Fiona Macleod wa- adroitly set out by notei in various publica- tions. Her favorite books aud pastimes were described and even her address given. One writer went so f^r as to state lhitbe bad had a visit jrom William Sharp acd Fitnn Macleod, and described the latter'* personal charm and originality. To an English man of letters who uqiirea i? lie knew anything about Mas Macleod, M . Sharp frankly slated that she was the *ife t f a Highland laird and had been obliged to separate from her husband, and in order not to have foic«l on her a renewal of her domestic relations she wa3 very anxious to keep the 3ecret of her real name. The decision to stop the giving of telegraph franks in this country haa porBibly found backing in the story of an Ila'ian sub-prefect and hia cow. Ic aeema that in Italy ollitials bave a passion for using the wires at public expense, and this particular one when his best milker strayed away sent onpatches rot only c-ver all Sicily but over the whole penin- sula. The Prime Minister decided that this WUB undue abuse of a bad custom and or- dered tbe telegrams paid for. The cost was aoout §100 and the cow is a:.U lost. Dr. Benaon. late Archbishop of Canterbury, made tbis en'ry in hi3 diary: '• To-duy I married the Princess Maud lo Prince Cuaries of Denmark. Tbe brightest of all the [ nn cesses and almost as young as wh°u I con- firmed her. He is a tall, gallant-looking sailor. I hope be. will make her happy." Aa K ng and Qieen or Norway the Priuce an J Princess seem to be justifying the Arch- bishop's praise and fulfilling his nope. The next total eclipse of the sun will take place January 13, 1907, and wlti be visible in Lientral Asia. Tbe track i3 entirely on land in a region available by m?an3 of the, recently cons'ruc*ed Russian railways. This date w; 1 ;.e ihe !_•. favorable opportunity for obseiviug an eclipse until April 17, 1912, which may be seen for one minnte in South America and a brief interval in Spain. Tne Congressional L brury at Wa hia owns the Yuden rxilleetaoa of eights* thou, volumes on Russia. 'OS >ud Iti New E-gland the h 'nm i-Mh -.».»»-1 (0" thP bunting seasem hiH )>»pf 11 4 -f (r.i deaths, were f-jm exp »s<jr>\ I fr>r>i heart disease, 1 from petf-irfli" ° 1 w n n ' ' i v ' g ; 1.! tocareioM sportsmen. Twn or the vi-'tuis were w irom. Several sponge farms are in ?«.r. .>33ful operation in the. MP .Uerraneu I i <v !> only recently that the cahiva ton tmtwii undertaken, the sponges havit.g b-.>u col- lected from the sea tloor. A new ar.U .lestruc ive disease tr' itetig the ex'.incion ot the na'ive A'dPr:>'a' < .e*L- nut treea about fJew Y.irk, uunei *-• _um- oers of them in the suiti-jical puttv ' • c i , ' dead or dying. The same .li-ease J» • • o w n to exist In N e w Jersey, Muryland iv t V.r- giniw. It is of fungous nxia. A 3ttrieB of ex-v^rttneuts mul^ at An'jv»r.> have demon--tra'.ed th" fact that u «.v» 1 >w can lly two miles per m r.u'p aud <*• ;i ."am that speed for hours at a lime. T.u< H a higher Bpeed than any other dvirg ere uture has ever been known to attain. Moscow baa th* greatest dru store n the world. It H kqiwn as the O l N *•> ska Pharmicv, was fuuo led 20.1 years aj > atid since lf<33 has been in the fuimty of rliu present proprietor. It bas many depar.- ments, including lec.ureq tor mem ,ers of tba s'aff which nu-iibers 700 per^ns. A)out 2,000 prescriptions are put up every day and errors are hardly ever made. G. A. Burns, a cheumt, and befit-» thfl tire manager of Uie S lulheru P^cfii H ••! » i a l at San Francisco, has a plan for recla mui^ much of the d-sert land tu Gulif irniu a'ii N^w MVXCO by the growiu^ of eant. Ui bas foun.1 the plant distills aijotio' m »r« c tea oly than that from w i o l aTii is four tiaies a3 powerful. Thia product he. w.oaM use as fu-d f .r power pli-its witn whi-in to punp wa - er Tor irriiji'.iu;. Tfi» Njva a, ctetus gro,vj f'oai 2 lu a 1-—t hi^u a n i about as raptlly as co-n Noti ee. Orpi-B«'r THE AI^JBLE Hor.^E X » n •"•> liees.v.ue. N. \ . L v , . 17 !*>0. N iti-'e. is hereby elveu ihut the an' ml met tm< of the stock!.,tiers <f the Ausi'i.e U-.-<e ^H , ^ Company will )>• hell at the ,i!J e «t ru? si 1 1 eomiiany in the vii »jeo' K-esevt.e S. V . ,i Ce I'tti day of January. 10". a* 3 IK*. -k p. m . tor lbe pi rp - e of ele,. tins; live Trust. e< tu u I ase tao property and btt-iMsa ,,f ea-i ,-, nii.n.tiy for the e ^suiii yea!-and I ir the i-4ime>i >n ••{ any other bus ness that may property come ba- f re the meeting. EDKUSD Ji. ROilE'C^. 5lw3 secretary. Nottee is Ierrl y giren rLat I l.tive r,-* e,\e.J rr n Tix '.V.irra'H a«.l i » * - m n' K 11 ••! tte Town of PiaUj-burih for tbeprrsvic >i-ur. unl ijut I will attend at the piai-ra and -a tLe Jutes i,aiii> .1 fr im :• a. m until l p ru . f. rll.ei.'!•< n n<f t.is.-^'mr u; tt,irtv ,Jay fr..ru rt^ ,!jt,- ih«r,„f, tbe fee* dun^n *'i-'i per o.i bettiir > ne {«r • <-i t m K-iiij. lift- e» I,. I M,.ij,,i i'ri-lay. ' j ' i _iry lltli 1 ' '7 at It e u-i [.^ j. ,,. ,., I. Mr;, t N, | on ^c^it.. *-*av J>inuirs i 1 . l j 7 t-i--i A . , ' , t~5 •t'ty irt'uay t'i i»., at r il. lianitj- >t,ir, cv-iy^-ill-. N . V. <>•! Tuesday, J,ir,u>try •«, : «>:. m , T ,.tiit^ >;.. Carlhv s su.rt- >. .ulli I',a<l>l ar h b I oa Monlay-nn i Tnur-diyi.lur,'g »aid tl t'y I day-< ar my re-' ^n, e ..u it.e Iurt,t ike In Japan the forests are recogtz^d as ore uaetio.- i. v.*\ DKATHS. of ihe moat valuable assets of ih* country aud the greatest care is taken iu thei- pr •- servation. A third of the area ia slill under forest and includes four zir,e a ,—tbe tropical in which grow bamboo and banan-t. the sub- tropica 1 , cimpbor, tbe ternp?rate, uuk, maple, pip'ar, e"c, and the northern wh-M t'ie pmes fl lurisb. Thera are only iwentj ?:*« mills in the whole island. Qiite tne opposite, policy is pursued ,n Clina where th^ devastation of forest ha= b e n going on for csntnrWs. J>)H^,' PA I.L-Y. (.. «.-. r. A Zi ! u prince P.ta Iaaki Sen^ tooX th-» theCurtis gold medal Or oratory at Columbia Ha 13 to s'.udy at Ox'ord and ti: himsetr lor future atlorney-geceraiship iu Zi'ulitd where he is to represent his people before the British governor. H , waa takaa Mora Jaatlca of tba Peaea «* *«* " , a woaian la that lagioa. with caaaaltia tba tat oagraa. Baplakflad not gallty aad waa aoamlttaai ta Jail for cxamiaatioa oa «f«aaaa1ay aczt. HeMMyler r«lai T»r»nr> OMfn M.M \m*mm*m*mtm*> . I tba appoiatsaat by tba Oavaraar af a eaai •lUaa al S feawbtiaaaa aad S DaatocraU, la aavaatlgaia tba aatject af daabta uuaUaa aad raaart balaaa Jaaa 1. ltM. aWlaUaw JUUmptm Satielato. Mfaia Praafe • , l a N . af Oimaaay A. fMib laiaatry, la icpanil ta bawa aMiaiatsI aVfMM awtwaa aa wmm§ avaaaaf laainf- taraMf oa tba gas m Mat aaaMary a a a t u BSLIGIOUS. The centenary of St. Michael's Church on 96.h Blreet, New Yoik, will be celebrated early io the year. Tbe Oral edifice of the parish waa built in 1806, and lbe present structure dates from the yellow fever epi- denic, when wealthy people io fear of tbe future moved to Bloomiogdale, building themselves handsome bouses and driving io to town to bosinesa. A feature of the church celebration will he an exhibi'ion of old pictures, cbarta aad asapa, of which a loan colleclon ta being mad*. Vatber Lemmena, missionary In tha lapse colooy at Paramarirto, Datcb GuUo*. baa died at bia poat. He eatared lbe Dutch army ataa early age aad aaivad at Surinam, Duch Oaiaaa. Some yeara later be became a Bademptortei missionary, aad wan ordainad prieat. Ha eboaa to devote bia Ufa to tba oaMh of tba bjpera, aad bain* etrtekeo wilb tba diacaaa laolatad biaiaaU wit* bit fallow aaCafava. Tba tavih aatlveraary af tba arrival of tba •rat •iaHnaariaa la iaoia wa* raaaauy eaia- hrai«4. Tbeaa mtsainaariaa war* from DM- •art, m l oat by fradarict IV. «ba bad give* tbaaa ora«iaatitia aad aadartabaa to aaawart tb*ai. So great wad tba oppoaitloa la ibea? toadbajftbat ibay wava a»Hgad to la Utaar attar** 3ARANAC. H. J. Thompson and wife visited Piatts- burgh last Saturday. Mra. Frank Lobdell visited her brother Percy Lord last week. "Opposi'ion in business ia the life of trade," and a splendid thing when it does not ariect us, but when it does it is an abom- inable outrage and should not be tolerated. "It makes lots of diberence whose ox is gored," What 8 peculiar wot Id it is. Richard and Fred P'ckett are home to spend lbe holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pickett. Roy Beydell transacted business in Platts- burj.ii Saturday. There will be a ChiHtmas tree and service at tbe M E. cbcicb next Monday evening. Mrs. Frank Clark of Ma'ooe, ia visitirg ber sister Mrs. C A. Tobey. E. M. Hammond went to Plattsturgb Mon- day. If tbe Dannemora correspondent will kind- ly strike out the word popular from one of bis items In laat week'* Republican we will cheerfully concede all be claims, even thai tbev have ibe better bear buutore, but we tbiok that word ia an Imposition on our young men and not at all appropriate iu lbe acne* it ia umtd. Tbe "Brorklvn" and "Corners" schools will baveaCbiiitmai tree in each of their schools prior to Cnristma) wilb appropriate entertainments. Farmers are feelirt; rather discouraged in regard to tba potato maikeu Buyer* do not care to boy at any price, in fact will not boy only an occasional load tor wh'ch tbey pay ool) So eaoia par bushel, so that «ie out- look ia anything bat favorable. Some of oar Republican femora biame Hears', o'hert Bryan, wfula many ar* in favor of petition Itg Omigraas fur mora doty oa tha tnbera. aad will aot baliava ibat aapply and demand bava aayibaw ta da wilb tba •tarket. Tba ••wtaad rattan" any Ibat •*Tedd> H ia la Mama far tba lav wrlca, aiaim ba bas aa- ataetad tbaaa la bio treat aailety aver tba aad bia aaar baaia. aad clai* baa aa tea aanoi- Ar Ixirdsbnrsr. C.liffirnia. Nfivem^r 8 i. lKli, Sarah N<-ble Peck, widow of Dr. William C. Peck. Mra Peck was Vorn en liecemter 14. i n t . She wa^ the daughter of the late Daniel Noble of Tort Cov ngton. (once a resident of this plac ). and was a cousin to tbe late llarmt-n and Bilden Noble of Essex, the late Henry Ran- som Noble of Slizabethtown. and e"barles Noble of Xa « York City. Mrs. Peek ia survived by a daughter. Sa-ah Frances, wife of Thomas A. Klohs of Lords-burc, Corme iy of Malone. N V.,) and grandchi'dren, Ethel Jean Klohs aud Paul Noble Peck and Laura Ed th Peck of VTESMIJK tin, D. G, the children of her son. the late William Noble Peck, wbo was for thirty-seven years an employe and Chief of Division of the Adjutant General's office. War Departmen', tj S. A. At Mooe-s. N Y . D^e. 20. lOOfi after awo m-intbs' illness. Muss Ethel Wood. Funeral on Sunday. At Bnrlinirton. V t . Dec 14,1'jo-S. Erhel X . wile of Lonia F. Seith. hospital steward at Plaits burgh Barracks. Atherbomein Plutbrnirgb, Dec. 13 luofl Mis. Frank Frechette, aged 20 j ears. At Cleveland. Ohio. Dea 12. JUuti. Mrs II. A. Lez'.er. wife of the late Henry A . L zler who waa organ z=r and former pr<ss.dent of the Loz cr MO'or Co. of Plattaburgn. AtSp-ingfi-ld. Vt, Dai. S VMi at the home of h»r daugbter. Mrs. B. K. P, rdy. Mrs. Sanih ^ells. The remains were taken to St, albrn!=, V l . her former home. The deceased Is survived by oue son, F H Wella of SC Albaua. and three daughters. Fl,>r euce Guyette of Plaiteburgh. Oattie Firtlu of St. Albans and Carrie * urdy of Springfield, Vt. Students at Canton recently united In a remarkable ami-optum demuts'ratiun. Fi..r two days procej-jimi of t'lem w u k e l Lli * Streeta bearing banners inscri'.dl with mot- toes in denunciatioa of the, J ug\ Foreua acd Chinese band3 aceomuan.e 1 the paraiern wio were led by a Cuuese ooy carry a i a pipe. »-•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••«• ••• X OPTICIAN ! Prof. F. B. Sanborn »vvfv*vvt*«***«»*«***vv**« D.-cciubcr Di>isiyn o f l l y Time. FIK.-.T VEtS. P.ansbnrg^i, Cutriber'aEl Hua-'e, 3 1-17 13 SaraLar Liae, Ujl,ert> B ocK j <> Luke P.JC.J, Dr. Rit..is l'!. - 7, \>. in., ^, a. m. str xo \Vtj.lv. K.-'eSeWile, C !Uiuuer..i>l 11 -a-t P^ru, Daveru II u-e-U. Cnaaoplaip, Ctauipa.1. tiji^e Rmse-J P -', M.litg.rlierj II .. Port Henry, Lee House— It. Id AwL e F Ji.. D- M r».-r J i . M t K-ene, Ot.'jll Tl.IRD Wi.ES. A^l -r . a n Hi - 2 1 , p . '!i we 1 '. J . LU. JVOTICJB. The anrual meeting of the stockholders of tbe Schuyler Falls Grange Co., No. 1021, Morrisonrltle, N. Y , will be held tn the City Hall, Wednesday December 20, 1905, a' 8 o'ch ck p. in., for the election of effiaera for the ensuing year and transaction of such other busicees aa may properly come before aaid meetiog. Dated Dde. 18, 1906. H. L. t CRIBSEK, Sec Of the dtzz'Ktr eii*c r of gill 'a-e and bu'.'.ona a little incident is *o!d. Oi the or- caaion of a certain roya' iwrs naie'a v.stt 11 an Eo'lish man-i-f-war, on a o' the mexber- of the suite inadvertently lost his foo'icg Tae sailor who witcessed the disaster was very properly appailel, and rusued to ht< auptrior tlijsr with the alarming lateUiger.c- that ''one ot them kings had fallen dowi, the hatchway." CHU \OU Believe Vour Senses? When two of I hem, taste and smell, haviig been impaired if not utterly oeatroyed, try nasal catarrh, are fatly restored by Elj's Cream Balm, can you doubt that this remedy deteivea all that haa been said of it by the thousands whom i' has cored ! I' is applied directly the the stt-wed air-paasage* aud beicius its |»>aliOK work »t once. Why tr>t —>• io-d»y 7 Ail drugglats or milled by E y Boa., 56 Warren Street, Mtsw York, en receipt of Ml oeuta. Annual Meeting. Tbaaaaa«laMatiac of tfce uiock 1 olden nf tha CUalua Caa»»» Aarieoltural » ,,-kKir will bo held taihatiNraM/ary IfMMa. Ctiauw rvmm» Court . . oa TlttiUf. Ja'tuarr 10, lfl^T »• 2 a. ta . tor tare ataa ioa «|t^8o»r« o(twt<iMM| for th* ' aaaataa faar. aad tba traaaa^kia <>r aavb otUar JMmialalld, atMary. Citiition Tor Jinliciiil S^ttl^iuenu ("Plia PEoPr E OF THE H t'ATK OF NE* T YOPtC L -To Winifred bh-.-h:in, Et eiitursh. N«-.v York; Patrick Kyu.i. f i a n u i ' i v . New Yi.rK Micta«l Hjui. e'hat^itu^tty. No.v- Y<.rl: ler, m uU Hyau ChaieHUesy. N«w li.rk. Phi. P l£\ at.. Gok'Scld. Mevada, John lt\an. rrM.Vni-f M, k- own- W illiain (lark —- Sew XUxt. <, Jan.™ Clark. Ellei bur^li. New York; John Bi rk»\ E lenhnrgh. Kew York, attd to all twrsuna tr.lcr- ested in the estate -f Mary li irk. late ••* ti..i. lurgh. Ciiu^on County. decta-e«l M-< • ri-dlt.-ts leirattfes, next ol km, or ou.rrw.-c M-M- ii..ti.i l^<J : \ o u a n t each ,»f yon art* hereby ctr-i avi reuiured pertoi.a'ly to Icauil app-urii l-re.-ur feurr,iga,e ^f tht- Coun'y . f i llr.t.m N - \ \ \ . r » at his office in PJmisMirsa, o o i h v 1 h d a y .•( Fobru>iry. 1U«7 a t l . i . A 1. c k !u t h e f. r«io,,n ,.f that day, tucn an»l th^rt-to att«nd the j.alr,.l s^-tttemt-nt e<f tl,*, aet,iJ,o* of J.ihu Cli,.»k, a a j d mir-t-tra'or of il.eaald Mary Claik, <]<• r a s e d And If a n y of t h u K MUIJ ln'cr^-iei be us.-Uc tKe a g e o f uvuiy ont. yeais. they ar^ r,--i -i.rcd t*. apprar by their gi.ar.llau. if Uic) Lave. >.. r . o r ,f clit-y baw none, l u a i p a - a n d ja.ro' 1 > or *>n- t ^ be appoiutcd; or. iu lb*- t-wi.t • f their iie*;t,^'l »-r fa.lu-e u> d o s o a ;;uaraiaii '.vtll W a*. I-».I *e-l '•> the Surrogate, to rcpieactit and act for liu.Mii iu the proc-eea'.uj. inteattm -uy whereof, we have i-auscd t h e M a t of our -^ai-1 M il n-eatt* s t'.-urtto tt; trie unto aihxi-d W mess. l'».u Dvld 11 II, a ] Agnew. »unot«ite or the County ,-f e'i • ton, at the c ty o£ Platij-burgh. in ta.>l c justy, the ail U day of 5»o\ ember, nln teen hundred and six DAVID H. itiStW, turr.'gu'e Ma-is ai BKiai-r. Altjrneja for Admluis'rut'-r, Mai. u». Sow York u«; 1- it. >-%«"'_ -il p. .fl, F lAlll WtrlL KP^C^ V_ *-\, N -ruia - - 1 rr*-i..-p—22 « . »» Kt i i t i K K .*!•, Ma-" wood 1M»—21. Wi. 4.1 or.., >• f^ard U.iude—i',. E^-PX I-iti -27. Wfs:p,irt, Huoif U;!l;- 11. i t l'jt.-7 C.L >-i ar ii it- L_' ¥«.-'JJ for it A ti >: r e c v.- *. pti'.t i. r >-us^ J)o Not Forest the Dates. BUliLlNGTOuN Savings Hank. /J\. ••hl-.HAl-ED IS :• .-. D,vositsJuio l, VMh. $,\o,o$ i.li'HS jv:i M-plua, OtiO.ilOO !>t> Total AsseiB, - § 1 (),7il, 137.-lt3 '.'Hi-. I" Ml TH. ' \\ll_'J.!.'> « .-».>!!. Hl..al HuJEfJt*. | HtS^I A* U S. L. Bi«.-r..w. I K %\ .\xm>. AUUSEKT tj WUiTTSX, KS. bet-wit^ n?i.V .-ii «-".l.»r vl t_- tjrst f- . - .-'- ^^•sa Uiiya -f tiixy iii< 1.1U <trau t^ttmt i r . : . i 1st It m a i l e J t e r » . a r J a 'uU-r«*.» vs.«, •.-. - j . _ e ,j u-o crat .-f th.* f-.;..w u^ n*. ~.M l',tcre*.t •A ... r^-. rr-a.t+^1 L-. le^.'^ t-r-.*iai.s.ry 1-t . -.id Jw:> :~t r_,-..'.a„„ .v. < _ ,, t , 1 er are r.-.-i.-k). .Ui -s u '... a i u--..t A * i t ^ •arCi^. '.t --. eSi-H-llaoo. )Kr. - 1 . ^ l> .:. . l*~t- - '• ^^ I'lie r^te -.r t».*.-rofrt l^i,^-u2-. --n l«^- r j ^-. i.ui ti.« ^w l l oo tue .-..* - r* at a-,j - x\' j^a teujt tu i.« >Utte.iCiiKiV .t ,. • . 1 -xli.rtd t-.ua t.-lilo l< -'>,^'- •**'• ••' •.' U,-K.I A«il a at^-H ^t, Jl\ -letid U ;..- % t.-^ i -r lUv,««>-t ,. -i.^e...; . - ^('.-,511 J.'.IOJ a^.U SL...i.tc: 1.-^1 w-n;.«i i^ir - . AL, ^^c-'^,- v-naa .; t. .a «•. ..ml c».-e,t ,-u !r,« »..« ty v,: -,,-. -i i.- »J:iiui-i-.it...» ,iu',l.s-a. gi-atu^ias, .. tt-i«u..e "T .e.tirK'us u^tn u'.. j ^r » 11 iiL.-t ,uliUa le.K-l^ed b> . rder.-t •-, u r t .-ui-'ia n;»y t-o tdur by t.^ui , Je - A , r draft r p.K>t^i ic -u*y vrd«r uuid aoj.K.«»1t book « i „ t-o ^vturuou by uia,U. l-U\HiaCM 1* >MlTH,l-r>),'l,rt iUitDJiliii-.-C ,\ \\.\b; T,*-^r«r, K », 1 s t ! W Asa X Tre»s . «•« Concerts at Home ll doesn't mutter where you live««tfven It il be ia the heart of the wilderness, the Mdi>ou I'hon* ogruph brings the best jsinjjers und imi>iciaas in the world to your home, lo give you a concert at any time you desire. Souhti's band plays il* finest pieces for you. Patti sings her sweetest songs for you By way of variety the best comic singers of popular songs offer their best selections. What belter gift for Christmas ? Think it over and write or call. Sold on small monthly payments. i nlm (rwk. Mow oaw w t i « l a g «h*U|r.


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UTILITY—"Thai GrcKtc i l Good of the Gre»t««t N n m b e r . " — B E S T H A M .



T F I W f l Ofl a year . In a l T a n c e , to all

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TKK WrmotJt loeisla'ure decided in fovor

o ' ' U I f. r t i e Sta'e to take orer Sandbar

•>••', e n s b i*b a c o l v e n lor the benefit

• • --»f>r and b">a'men.

->r»E has been started against the • •; rouses of G'eps Ft i ' s , espec'iiby

• s-a-^p« One arrest ras already been

ar I others are l ively to follow.

] T i vfrv we 1 in theory to argue for the

. f -h fn rf r'o'me Or i s»ma8 shoppins

(,,r v t'U* aPpra' l who rea'iv wanlg to mi3S

r - f ea«n™i"ile hn-ile and bustle of the last

"• f •Karfes of tho RFPrpuoAS are r j .

i„r <K) '•• Choree F. O Halloran. B. C. L. ,

I ) - :u ' \ M "P'er of Agricultare at O'tawa,

f •' » va'unhle voinrne of reports concerning

r H "pra^-an Arcv iveB.

F 4STFT \norf>or?e these cold day?. In

g- , ' „ r » 'tiere ia not or.ly the reward Of

rii-1- re- c<•mloita^iP a failbfol friend and

w .rt>.r, i ,T money in yoor pocket in pro-

I »r>r r tr the usefulness of a good piece of

p - : PT-y.

(,• > : : T . IF remembered i o n s after ppce is

f r.'.."er, on all ariMa b o o s b t of ?m>'h B-o=.

o' '' 3 c ' v Rp4'i their OPW adv^>rti=ement

8 - •> i^srn what they have to say about their

A •••••• <'irt Fa1- ContB that bave helped to

tr-Hi->- P a '^bargh famoua.

IT - ?aid ft at in Germany they bave fonrd

a wav 'o t rever.t polato rot. The funsue

c , 5 - r _' 'h» iii=eaee is destroyed by waebirg

I .• i c'a'i t-s with a broom dipped in a BOIU

l r i ? e r e pf'Dr d of cblonde of lime diBBOlved

!- 'wpr 'v f ive gallons Of water.

j , a rppurted that an exfelgior mill wi!|

be •ri'f'. a i C a d j v i l l e in the near future

f ' a ^ T > .s a natural ehippipg point, for a

Ur^p 'ern'o-y growing poplar wood wtrcb

U ttr_r'-!y csed irj this product, and would

rr,*h-* an id *al place for a manufactory of

I ' . - k r-i.

T<> t. iriiO'l s e r se in one band and p pen

ic ' > u'ter , ar.d bo'dly cross from yonr

C*r-'T»a= ; .-; the perfons who yon know

perler") wpii will weigh sour gift for the

i i r n r t y ci•.••!. acd tnehgure it by that of

r ' m b i i i ' , p-p-. T t e e e are the barnacle? of

Ct.r -•'Hi-. W - o a r e e a ' I t g in'.O thefitir^BOf

tt f :n\ at, ! rt.i u 1 be scraped ctl without

cernt. r...

H N -".!••:,'? ir, the High School i ^ m >'"V .' : : D'c 12 • : ('a T. I Bridge?, Paul C,«n. Tfrrv Cur ,-, W. am Higar , Ar'hur 4! y . i .ur, Ber't 1 Mernht-w, Harold Riner ' , UvTr. .-Jti, : . V> ,,', am >s."ri>cg. Cfaur.CeN W • • f 1 - p j . t r a r t v s Bak>-r, HWena Botier, Mars (J-a \e? , A ta (irisrtipr, F.ancec H i l e \ , Maud Ri. 'ur. RatL Sai ler , Mary S.a l ter} . M i n it. Turner.

Ti!L -curntj of dmk* on Lale Champ!&T anO ->".r,er pieces ID tbe VICID.*> TbJ5 eenSi-D

ttL3 t'rfo t-xpifciced b> Djtcsit i R>ber:=f't, a

\ » i a d ilucik hunter t'f M^tlreal, w l o L»F

d si: iverej that the birdc in tbe Dorthert

rr-gt . i s U S f bi-en, d i n g b\ tbon=an,d? of ts

m .-"er.Mu; disease, the el ores of the t-t.

I. : » M C ID vt.r.i>D= places being thicKly

e'.re«L « , - h carcassea.

1\.t ''Ca. Trades and Litior Assemhl , ' are r h'j !jr a gruDd b^h 10 be he d a! 'he .-• H 'U-e on >.'•-« Y^a.'s E T P . T >P , r, \ w. i be a=r;Sted U\ propne'Or

it. nmk.ng ;Le arrangemec'.d fjr •i ar-1 tittL'^ael Wjieti H .r.tetded to te

' ' • r- :i pst ev^r held in Northern N.-W M iT.c tij B..rJpttu's Orchestra. Tr,e >>• -f a r r i c g e m e n l - CiCifiat? Of J. C.

: , • 11-r.rj ( j Mer.ard, B S Morn': —

>•- ' -uri-51 p T fou; ie aLd can t»e f-ri -•• ' 'r .-r. ' t - t ia.rxnilee or Irjra tbe mem-• - - ' ...•- A^-^-^l,t , . , .

J - r. • vpr\ us-j»i f.'r a man '>> see the

.\ ;.. •->! . . t ' , i l i -ah ar.d re \ .va : of un art

: ' - f B-,'. rUCh is t^e eX'^eneLCe of i lr.

H U j . t - . r , of ' C o d e , N. Y , who .B ad-

' 'u t >- T e o.des: wt rki:.g tit.Emill. 11

ti'.- W ' . P L t " n t s a buy perforates

. t-rt.r were iD L'eneial u=e, a ' d t e

1 !•. W to HiaK* U.em as part i f h .-

Li-', .-umtner a Cl \de mar, wt-nteil t<.

t e . I ;»i-cc .anler .r , and ap(.l:t-d to M .

:-••:.. w ;.o rmJ he tou d make it J U H ae

l u * JS t,tf toiitd ear.j in the la=t c m

! / . . TLa'. Lr'jved to be exceed n^ly w^l,

a;.-: a b!.-K bur^ceso has been started, Mr.

H^i'^-.-n recriving many orders for the 1 Hdu K w r e ' s " from Vur.uUH parlfi of t i e

'.•••un rv.

F A T U I R i g Apple, the wonderful Hol-

8 • .L t.i-e'ttti cow that attracted so m u d .

a'tet i t n a t It e O^dentburg f a i r last fall,

bur been ?oid Lo D V\". Field of Brock'.r.n.

T.'.e price paid for Rag Appie was $^,'j(JO

ami the lurtner owner, Mr. Dji iar of H ' u v l -

t o : , t e t s tbe ca,f, if it IB a male, at $1 ,000,

t»ie at..ma be.ng contracted f«jr at $+,000 by

C .t.r.es t AVtrrill of Syracuse, who u.ade

the $10,000 sate of the " M.ik and Butler

K-t -s" last week. Mr. Field ptonouneiB

R i g App.e. the greatest c o w be has eser

s-fii, and thinks she will raise t h e p r e r t n t

w rl-j's <-ecori by " C o r u i e " for 35 pound/- of

butler a week. 1: s e ems a fairly good show-

leg lor CiiMoo and S \ Ltwrence counties to

furm-'j two head of cuttle tha the same week

make an aggregate gale of $1S,000.

'Jtit invention of the mcving pistur* mathine haa proved a blessing tor those o l a- wno have tb-j inclination lo visit foreign Un'.)-, and gee strange Bights but are pre­vented I r m indulging onr taste in thia direc'ion t troogh lack of tltne or money, JL (Lei-6 UiTi'B tbe picture man bbz- : sU .e trail ibat « arkg ibe path of t ivn z u i o o and we B'.ay-at-bomes can tit comfortably in ft toealre and have every important current e i r n ' , whether it be Jap and Ruwian in the heat of battle, or Pre*l Jent Ryoseve l t eni l icg for the l3thiuug brought before oar e j e e . Oue of the best n u m c i i o c * of Ibis •ort, ia U j j l V Wilb tbia improved uiBCbine the disagreeable II clcer no com moo U> the ordi­nary mkcbine U done kmity wi lb . Tha pic­ture* w e all item and art n a r v e l a of fidelity to Datur«, covering s r w i » t y of tut j - c u »• ln i i rocuv* M lii*y a t * iotataaUiig. A t t t a Lhoaue, Ct ir i ta iaa e ight and B U O I M * .

O •><•')<• t.-»rr. <•', Bpf>-V>ein B'-wpr'I wp «f»p (bee ttt-.

A>«*>P ~yj de«-t arnl rearoleee sleep T*p °'>' t pta^ c<* br.

Vet )rttty dark Puref-r* ".binetli The tu-tiaiftriE i eht.

The h' i>e« and fears of all tbe Tears Arc met in ibee to night

Bf>w s'ientlT.howstlpntly. Tt f w.»ndi-.-ios c'ft i-* rlrer"

S<' i««3 lrar>art^ t" ' iin)a.n hearts The t lesBinef: of His heaven.

?>•• ear mar bear His i omtng. Hot in the wi.r«d nf sir.

Where meek s.-ol» «n l receive Him still. The dear ChriRt enters in.

Where rhtldrcn r'"re ard happy F r a T t • t l , e BleP te«1 <*hild.

•Where rnl^ery <Ttp<i out t" thee , ^ .n • f t h e M o t h e r i t i t d .

A\ here i"harlly stands watchlnc. »r..i Fa'th holds w i l e the d'Mir.

Tbe dsrk n'cht wakes the C I O T Preaks, Ar.u Christmas c*'roef= once ra,''i-e

Phillips Broc.ks-

J P E l l S O X . V L . .

Andrew B Oooney, E i ) , of Milnne, has been elected grand k u g b t of Malooe Council K.. of C

Mr. F. R Dunis sails January 19 for an exceeded trip abroad.

Mr Constant Pardy, a former Plaits

burgher, cow of Windsor, Vt., ia vit i ttbg

relatives and friends in town.

Mr. H Vf. Cady ecter la ined tbe Pbysiciar.B

C nb at his residence on Court S reeL Wed-

o w d a y ever tpg .

We are pleased to IPBITJ Itint E M'or G. W Harper, cf tbe Ghamplain Counsellor,

w-,o=e i l tcefs bad been reported, Is im­

proving, and while not fully recovered he is able to be at tbe r t t w of ris paper.

C'tnton County i= g'a'l to wPlcome among

its permar.er*. residents Mr. and Mrs. S.

MooDpy, who have returned from Iv irsas

where they have seen, and had a part ir the

b e ^ i r r i r g and g - o w i h of the ihrivire town

of B ; z ne. Mrs M orey is well kcown lo

readers of the Republican, ae aotDor of the

charming: letters descript ive of western lite

wbicb from time lo l ime frr many years bav^

appeared in its colnmrs. Mr. a i d Mrs.

Mconej ore at present with iheir son at

P.unt an R che.

Tbe Rev. Mrs. Christy, a daughter of the.

Rev. and Mr.-). Henry Margetts of CbbZ,-, ha?

bad an ioteres i ing career, hav ing achieved

success ID line? ex:epi ional for a woman.

S . e was born in England and came to

America with her parents ,n 1SM5. She l e -

cetved an academic education, entered tbe

leciure. lleld at HaocoCk, N Y , acd so in

after was advised to enier tbe ministry.

o udyiog for a short ime, she paB-jed an ex-

amltia i- n before the S\ nod, and was ordained

ID lMiC, as the R v. M ss Surah E . z i b e t h

\ia-<rettg, beit.g io~td!leJ a? pasior of ibe

Cungregational Church a' S .ockor i jg" , Wis-

cooeir . A f 'w months later abe married and

is at preppnt s u p p h i n g the pu pit at Big

Springs, Wisconsin. Mrs. Christy is well

known ic C h t z / , where she often occupies

her falber's pulpit during ber vi-iita to her


Busiuessou Lake Chauiplaiu.

MoM Hcaltliful Army Tost, furgron <.ieneral Reports


Tbe report of th«* ?r.rser>r, General o! 'he

Army, just i'Pocd, which is sui'i)l°rr.entnl

to his annu al report, in a comparison (f the

health fulness of army post* • • •cui ihoiu lie-

country places Plst lsburgb nt the head of

the iisl as the trr'st b t a i l h f J post w h ere

Ut i t ed Ptatee soldiers are ela lored. Fort

E.hao Allen <icrose llie lake corres near lo

the bottom of :he lis' . Those who are in­

terested in tbe et k r g e m e n l of the pr< sent

prst (and who is no ?i have a sp'endid art u-

ment in ih i ir favor, a i d < ne which should

t>e vigorously used by those who have as­

sumed tbe du'y of bringing P i t t s b u r g h ' s

good points to ibe notice of these in


P l a t t s l > u r g 1 i ' ' s W a t e r S u p p l y -

The past season is reported as a very prcB-

p e r c u s o n e . Shipments of mercLandi-e have

it creased over G 000.000 pounds. Ice wt s

^hipped south for the first l ime s'-rce 15-90,

and from various pt ints 25 715,200 ton-

were sent to N"-w Yoik city alone.

L'ltn'.er sh ipments were 7fa'0 000 feet over

la-t j - a r , and the total cleared at Whitehall

bmonmed to 00 033 525 feet. The obortage

of freit.b.1 cuio t-llected the canal boats and

cnused ibe light shipments o! pulp wood,

which fell tfl 12,500 cords or 150 boat loads.

Tne sbioments of coal bj « o j of tbe lake

were 112 700 toca against 148 000 lasi year,

bui this trade is becoo lLt. \ c , y iraportaLt

ard shows a big icert ase in five \ ears .

The lo'a! value of freif.hu. eared at White­

hall wag $4.150 956 aiid U r lftos 53,267,713.

Tbe towing facilities of t he iaae are inade­

quate for the freightage.

C ' b a t e a u g a j ' M L...-,^ T r i p E . v e i t i u g

The steamer Cha.<-u^uy made her lasi

t lp or the sea30D on M-'rr- a_,, D^c. 15 It

« a s a rather e x c i t i i g >i,p lor the passergers

and some c f them werp t1 r roughly drenched

b. ILP heavy peas »Lidi tottlDaally buffried t e punrrrt litile v - - r , ' he bu KIJPBCI on t f .e wheel-house trave w»v. ip'Tng io Feveral

tons ol water v, bic„ 11 .v.«.a tbe main deck.

The eccident occn-r> ' ' I way between

BirlicglOh and Pui . K..ui, win e the boat

was rriakih^the rnorri ' -c ' - . •,-, p.altsburgh.

T, e boat was stoppeu aLd lae damage re­

paired and she c o c i r - i d t n her way 10

Port Kent ard P .a iuburgh . Thomas Ar-

bocale and Ez'a S o r t e r , E q , passengers ,

were s i igbl l j i i jured. The Cbaieaugay re­

mained at Burin ;; )•. Saturday t iyht and on

Sunday went to SfcelbaiD Harbor for tbe


D cV H . B r a k c i M i i C r u s h e d t o J U e a t h .

The Board o' Public Work's reports that

some prepress baa> been made lowards ac-

q' iring a eu'rahle waterBhed upon Ibe plan

suggested by M. j-tir Woodrcfl, Surgeon TJ. S.

A. , at last wf ek's' meet ing. This is in ac­

cord wilb a report made to the Board of

Health bj Mf-jor Wordit f l abcut a year ago.

F.ora his own experience ard i&vesT^alion

the Mojir U thorouighly competent to spftab

with ki. wledt-e on the ways and metng of obtaining and keeping pure water. Seme of ihe streams 1- H i s region have been pro­

nounced " i d e a " • 1 certain seasons of the

year. That Plat t burgh possessed an inheri­

tance that might in ' m e become as valuable

as gold, brings to our ro.ice. tbe fact that

cities like New Ytrk are c Duel led to g o

long distances for (heir dr: k'ng water, and

even now are contemplat ing tbe expenditure

of a quarter billion of dollars for the purpose

of obtaining pure water. Major Woodruff

cited the case of Philadelphia, wh;u could

have years ago bought gcod B » T . but it

is row unattainable1, and tbe city is , ending

uo'old millions lo filter water which is only

tbe diluted sewage of a dozen ci i ies further

up s t team. In the case of the army the

policy has been announced ibat ihe soldier

must bave water wbicb need not be boiled

for drinking at any :part of the year.

Referriug to the condit 0 38 in Plattaburgb

Mi jor Wooditf l s a y s : Tbe water rentsi paid io Ibis citv are

equivalent to the ihcome from two or three hundred thousand dollars, aud if the Post cannot get safe water in p'emy all the year re uod, ic will be economy for the army to spend that much to bay its own watershed.

After servirg in various p a n s of the coun­try for twenty years1, I rind that tbe health conditions here are tbe, boat I have ever seen. I r d e e d , Pialtsburgh Birracka, by tbe last report of the Surgeon-General, is shown 10 be near the head of the Hal as 10 bealtb. For this ieason 1 am intensely in teres ted as a military sanitarian, in having Ibis post en­larged tor the recuperation of soldiers from 'he"ironies, or in preparation for such ser­vice. I hel ieve tbene are more days in tbe \ ear here in which safe outdoor drills are possible than in 'many another place coi -sidered excellent for cavalry. Tne mbitary condiuocB are dependant upon water, and this post cannot be' enlarged UDless the city stands ready to supply plenty of water wbicb has no cenllamination at any season of tbe. year. This is possible, and can be done at once.

Mi j i r Woodruff dwelt upon the sewage t-ystem and the improved meihods of dis­pose g of refuse winch all ci i ies will in time be compelled to adopt. In c los icg he s s id :

The. present city problem is to keep tbe present water clean. On'y today the papers stated that water -contamination is unduly progressing in ihe Adirondacks, and that typhoid is appearing where il was unknown before. The danger to the residents and summer visitors IB> being published It H possible for a few dobars to so safeguard ibis local water supply thai yon can publish to tbe world that a' least P i t t s b u r g h has ideal water which cannot possibly be con­taminated, as it corne3 I.om uninhabited forest trout brooks.

It must be. remembered that one case of typhoid on the watershed may cause hun­dred,- in the city—»nd this vpry accident has happered time and again 10 communit ies wbi-h had perftct water lint tailed to re­move ihe peop'e living on the streams. It is a darger v. I ich military necessity will not tolerate for permainPDl ganisoDS, nod no civil community should tolerate. i \ Tbe plan to buy the watershed is therefore wise acd DCcecBfiry,

O b s e r v a n c e of l l i a n u k a Fest iva l

A'-cnt twenty-five children cf the Corgrp

ga'ion B-;h I*rurl W-TP entertained nl the

h tne of the R-v. .1 L i H \ Nn JO O k slreet, in rvtrmrmrratiot "f tbe l»B! val if Chat uka At er a merry even irg of slui'ing.

recitfi'h>rs nr-d rami s tl p C f n ' rka cjniih-?

were l u h ed a^d refreshener,]? serv -.1.

The Chai'okn fe- i v i ! d*t<s Iron- I7.i B C

danrg the tei^r o' K • r A-ij.<r| ns t ( S,ii.i, who csplr.red the t r m p l e e t J rnsntPTi nr d

destroyed t i e holy vesse's At Madin, a

town rear Pa o t I,P, lived Mu'liMa", B I ' C -

scendant of the High Priest A i r o n , who

rebelled a g a i n e t l t e muudatpE cf the cruel

king. H J raised an at my, and defeating

ihe S j n a r s , recap'ured the temple. After

cleanu e ibe ten pie but o r e boltle of oil

was f. und, c inch was si I tHem os ly for 01 e

ni.ghi's I un . iug . Bui through a miracle the

oil lasted eight days n u l l pu>e oil was ob­

tained for use in l i e cani 'eabra . On the

25'h da} of the nit tb month, Ki-i iv, a cuc-

dle is lighted in each Jewu-h house, nrd

erch night o r e i^ sddeo until e ight are burn­

ing in ccramrmoraMop 1 f ibis evenL

T a x L e v y F o r C o m i n g Y e a r .

The Common Courcii m"t Monfnv eve-ring and f'x?d the tux b u i g e t for li)07 at ?85 01S 69, made up as follow*: G-enen.1 F i n d , ? 5 SCO 00

5 000 00

6 006 00

5 000 00

5,240 00 30 SCO 00 1,600 00 3 750 00 10.000 00 14 546 14

S . a u d S F a n d , -

L i g b i r ;£ P u D d ,

Piie Fund,

Pol'ce Fund,

School Fund,

Liibiary Fund,

Bond Fund, -

Special (paving) -

County uurposee,

Less Bank Tax,

To be raised

This is $1,897 77 less than tbe levy for

1906. The mil lage will be .C492, nine mills

less than for 1906.

Tbe principal saving is in the items for

county and schools.


L- i sh Ci'Una R v n s i m . S T I of Dr. .1 B.

Ransi'm. died at F X o'e'eck F.idny mort-ing.

[>, pprribpr 21. af'er a long illness.

Mr. Ransom was a bnt'Hnt and popular

v o n r g man H> is well known in P.atta-

b i r g b , where he was a student ot the

High School. R> was a member ol the

Claw of 1901 ard graduated wiih binora

in the Latin-scientific course. E ,ler-

i c g Cornell he c o m r a d e ! t y p h v d fevpr

dur i tg the 1 hnca epidemic and never

recovered his hea'th, in the hope ot r^gai n-

wt.ich be be has lived in (J.obe and PI iv li.v,

Artzrna, C c b r a d o Springs and CaKIornia.


P a u l ^ n i l l i W i n s S u i t .

Paul Smith, the veteran hotel man, ob-

U'ned a verdict in his suit against Meyer

Newman in the Supreme Court at Malone on

Friday. The Court lined Newman ¥ 100 and

issued a permanent injunction against the

use ol Mr. Smith's name or portrait on whis­

key bottles or the defendant.

Seasoned Veterans of uNinth Tu-lautry Arrive at flattsburjjb.

MOOEHS FORKS. Mr VUrry Rtdtker is si flenng from a

pprBh' i crroKe , H a McCorm-.ck has been ill and unable to

attend 'chcoi .

Mrs. 1-atny Dal midge is visiting In town.

George Corkins is. visit ing in the vil lage Mr Jack Petiuger was a caller in town


Justin Goodridge has returned from Bnr-l i rg too .

Mrs. Rasa Howard will spend f" ialtnas with her m.nher in Malone.

Robert Wray, J , had the misfortune to lose a tire borse last week.

L iwrence Collins of Prints, is visit ing at the residet.ee of P. W. O'Neil.

Minnie Phareuf rf Nashua, is vis it ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs L. Phaneuf.

Rev. Leon Ccchnrd will assist R - v X Charbonneau wilb R. C. services al Tapper Lake.

Mr. H H. Howard was in Pial tsburgh last week en business.

They have received a new line of Christ­mas Epods nt tbe Bi omhower store.

Mr. and Mrs. G ' o r g e Eddy will occupy tbe bruse formerly occupied by Albert R e n r e on School street.

We understated tb<> Grand Army of tbe Re-P'bl ic ccmple ied a court martial trial last Sa'urdav. We hope the old boys have now declared peace. Their work being secret the publ ic are kept ignorant of the result.

E . W. S'eele , special a g e n t of the State

$90,436 14 5,417 45

$85,018 69

AWARD OF PRIZES Oilered by tbe Woiueu's Cliris

tiau Temperance Union.

l iad Fire at Burl ington.

Burlington was visited by a disastrous Ere on Sunday m i m i n g in which one life was

lost, several families were rendered home­

less and f 40,000 worth of property destroyed.

The lire was discovered in tbe rear of the

American House, and the old bui ldirg was

soon a mass of d i m e s . There were thiriy-

Bve guests in the hotel and several narrrow

escapes are reported. Mrs. Coonred, whose

busDand is an express agent , was burned to

death. One of the guests , Benjamin Pros-

ser of Ticonderoga, made heroic efforts to

save her, but Bhe broke away and returned

to her room. Her husband, who was at the

railroad station, hurried to the hotel and

used every effirt to save bis wife but with­

out avail. Several other business e s t a b ­

lishments were burned and a terrific explo­

sion in the Burlington Wine and Liq-ior

Co's. Btore added lo tbe horror. W. B.

McCarthy's ca'e'. the Western Union Tele­

graph effice and other business places were


Company B, of the Ninth D. S. Infantry,

arrived at Piattsburgh Birracka on Saturday

night to assist in garrisoning tbe pest during

tbe abseuce of a part of the Fifth in Cuba.

Company B consists of forty five enlm ed meo and two c Ulcere, and ia composed Excise Commigsioo, ig ef joying a leave of mostly of old soldiers wbo nave seen Bervice Rbeeoce until Dec. 31. and has jast retnrned . many . a . O E B d l a k . n part in . n a n , no- ^ ^ ^ ^ X ^ , * " * * * ;

t i b l e events . Stationed at Madison Bar- w j t h J. M. Corkins. R H. Barney, William r irks a l the outbreak of tbe Cuban war i s Cady, Chauncey Davenport, ITenry Fitjeld, 1*9S tbe regiment was one of the first to J o h n M - Tallman, Samuel Tallman and

, , . •• j r lonn -. 1 t» other old Masons, he visited the "mother ' r^acb the scene of disorder. Io 1899 it left , o d e e i > , r . h f t m p l f l i D L o d g p No . 237, Cham-fur ibe Philippines acd was on duty in the p'ain, N Y . t b i s being the rccasion of the inlands until ihe outbieaK in China. A t the election of cflcers for the ensuing year. battle of Tien-Taein twenty-aix per cent of the men and the commander, were kille.-1. They were tbe flrat American soldiers to enter the Forbidden City. A t tbe with­

drawal of tbe American forces from Chira

Company B remained as the legation guard

in Ptk in . Since their arrival in this country

in October, 1905, Lbia company baa occupied

no less than four different army poets, and

a detachment of twenty-two men from the

company were sent to Canton, Ouio, to

guard the tomb of President McK'nley. The

C H A Z Y .

Continued cold weather and fine s le igh­ing.

Messrs. Sweet , Hayes and Minkler, are shipping large quantities of baled hay via the D. & B. to Bouibern and eastern mar­kets .

J H. McCuen has embarked in bis clos­ing out sale, af'er which business a t the old stand will be continued by bis sou Ralph. See bills.

Assault and battery case, Ducharm va.

Oliicers of Joel Lodge, I. O B B.

At a meeting of Joel Dodge, No. 118, I. O B. B , held last evening, the following officers were elected :

President—Ju ius Mendelsohn. Vic i -Pres •—Joseph Abraham. Secretary—Rev J. Lubin. F i n . - S e c — L vi Miller. Treasurer—l<aac Merkel. Guardian—Samuel N. Newman. Trustees for three years—Henry Scheier,

Marcu3 Miller, S >lomon Mann. Representative to District Grand L o d g e —

Henry Scheier. Alternate—Julias Mendelsohn.

S a l v a t i o n A r m y C h r i s t m a s .

Be sure and keep in mind that the Salva­

tion Army is to g ive a Christmas dinner for

those in town wbo cannot provide one for

themselves . Contributions are solicited,

much or little as one can afford, lm money

or supplies. All will be thankfully re-


company commander, Ca^t. Brewster, is O'Neil, wa3 tried in our police court on Tues-now on duty at tbe War College in Wash- day, resulting in the release of the defend-ington, and il is hoped that the men will be ?Dt" Lowyer Signor appeared for the de-

, - ' . L . „ , ., fendant; B L. D-ug las tor plaintifl. Ev i -

a lowed to remain at this Post at least until dently a case of a little more cider, too.

the return of tbe Fifth. j The Rev. H e n n Margetts received several — I severe bruises from a fall on Tuesday.

G A. R Elect ion at Mooers Porks

JfOOERS FORF3. N. Y. . Dec. 20, 190C.

To the Editor:—The election of officers of Samuel Caunon Po=t, No. 374. Grand Army of the Republic, Dept. of New Yoik, was i ? r A e„ l ! . 1 : * 6 6 ^ 1 0 ^ . a n n a r ? .

The Christmas tree for the Presbyterian Sunday School will be held on Monday e v e ­ning, Dae. 24, at tbe Church.

The Chrzy Dramatic Club will g ive an fxhirii'ion of tbeir four-act comedy drama entitled "The Corner S"ore," in Altona dur-

1907. John held at tbe Post rooms in the Town Hall, Hn&bell, our local baritone will render some Mooers Forks, N Y., Dec. 1st, 1906, and the o f bis favorite selections. Fred Jania will following t rh>ere were elected : Tnornas W. £ ' v e a fine local hits and joker on foreign Boas, Post, Commander; Wm. Kiern°Ti, R V . and home characters. All worth twice over Post Commander; W F. Walker, j . v . , Post . admittance. Commander; Edwin Sartwell, Q M . ; N i t h a n ' Mrs. L o n g e e spent Monday and Tuesday Donaldson, Chanlain; Wm. Liport , O D . i with ber paren s in West Chazy. Oliver Forkey. O G ; Touiasant Barcomh, I 0 n M o n d a y t h e teachers in the H'gh color bearet; John Ki»rnan, Surgeon; E W. School went on strike. That is to presume— Steele, de legate; M. F . Darlins, alternate. s t r n c k most of the youngsters tor disobe-

TheCommanuer-e lec t informed Comrade dience of orders wbicb caused quite a ripple. DurliDg tbat he should choose him aa hi3 a d - , r>iif.~_ r» . . , . ^ . r. . ., jutant, and Comrade E W. Steele was con- V3^Z,PZT 1 T?rZ°' ? • , . r e C e n t ' 1

inued aa sole Relief Committee. The ins'al- V l a l t e d m s o l d f r l e D d s a t C b 8 Z V ^ n d t r ? . laiton of cdicers ia to take plaee at the next ! H o l t Saxe, eldeat son of Wm. H. Saxe, ia regular meeting of the Post, at 2 p. m., Jun. , a t D o m e for the season. 5, 1907, at which time and place the mem- Mrs. F izpatr i ck , principal of the High bers of the Post and their families, and such School, has gone to her home ia Syracuse friends a3 are inviied by members of the for Christmas vacation. Post will e - joy their usual camp fire, visit Tbe A . D. Boomhower batter and cheese and dinner. All are expected to cock and bring such food as ihey think proper, and be at G. A. R Hall so to have dinner at noon sharp. Butter and milk will be needed as Comrade E. W Steele has promised that all shall bave a good fid of oyaterg at bia ex­pense, whether du'y will permit of bis being with the comrades on this occasion or not. So let all come and erj >y this annual feast. The comrades as uguti anticipate tbe pleas­ure f*f the presence of Mre. csarauei Cannon and family on thia annual meet ing of Samuel Cannon Post .

M. F. DARLIXCS-, Post A t jutant.

factory is booming from its foundation up, and will soon be inclosed wilb a finished appearance to the outside observer. Melvin B ook of Mooers is in charge of tbe con­struction.

• J. F. Gilbert is making his semi-annual eale of fruit treeaand ornamental shrubbery.

At Ashcroft in British Columbia the shores and bottom of cwta io small lake3 are cru3ted so thickly with borax and soda that tb« material ia cut in blocks like ice and U3ed as washing compound. It is est imated that the iafcea will famish 20,000 tone.

P O R T K E N T .


Charles C McArti ur, a brakeman in the

employ of ihe D A 11., wes instantly killed

w\ i i e working as a swt'chman in the Platts-

rjurgh jarda on W , , i n . - d a y morning.

The j n u n g man was riding on the pilot of

a Fwi'cb engine which wa3 poshirg

aevera1 cars in front of it and baul-

l.ng several behind it. It was the in-

•ention to take the cars that were beiDg vau:ed to ibe old Chateangny yard near tbe

r V s \ ar.il l eav ing tho-e •( • > were being

pushed on the sidirp- at the old -restle near

the inland. The u r fo ."« i 'Ve brakeman was

standing on I he p)!>.' tend) to uncouple the

curs from the eng'ne a3 Boon as it had

passed the switch on tbe main line. It is

claimed that 'he s u n a l was given to B'op,

but the engineer, Homer Tobiaa, evidently

did not see ard ran almost to Ihe bridge,

s'opi i r g only when tbe cars crashed into a

train thai was standing on tbe main line

near tbe dry bridge on Cumberland Avenue .

McAr'.bur, s tanding as be was , probably

c ever r e a l z 3 d the peril of bis position, BDCI

when ihe crash came waB thrown with ter-

r 8c force between tbe engine and Ihe car

and m a ' g ' e d in a horrib'e manner. Tbe

e n d c f ihp car was badly batterpd and the

pilot of the engine was under it. It was

necessary lo use. j i c k s in ex'r icat ing the

crushed body from under the c \r . Tne re-

moinB were taken to Carroll <fc Co's. under­

taking rooms, and after being viewed by

Coroner MeManera permission was given

for their removal lo Standi*h, where tbe

young man's parents reside, his father be­

ing a stationary engineer in the employ of

tne Nortnern Iron Co.

Charles C. McArthur w a s twenty-four

years of age , and had been in the employ of

rhe D Jfc H. for a little ever a j ear. Ha

was a brignt \ o n n g man wbo was well liked

by all his associates He was a member of

the Brotherhood of R li'way Trainmen, and

a delegation from that body w e i t lo Stan-

dish to attend big funeral. In'erment was


A. T. Betjarnin, ioper inteodent of tbe

Saratoga and Champlain d iv i s ion! of th«

D. k, H , is in this city invest igat ing the

cause of tbe accident.

As a meana of awukenirg thought on the

B t l j - c i of temperance among the girls ard

boys of the town, the Piattsburgh ffocnet'a

Christian Temperance Union s o m e t ime a s o

decided lo i 0 r prizes to Lbe Grammar School

students for tb>? be3'. essays on "Toe rnpor-

t i n c e ot Total Abst inence ."

A very gratify i o ? interest in the matter

was shown, and twelve contestants sub­

mitted eeca\s . These were carefully consid­

ered by a committee to whom the idenii'y of

ihe writers was not known, and the first

or zw, a $10 gold! piece, was awarde l to

Christine Butfiild,. the second, a § 5 f o i l

piece to Waller MU Q lillan, and honorable

mention to Lacy Perry. The good work

shown in all ihe papers submitted was com­

mented on.

The presentation of the pr'z^s was at the

close of the. interesting Chih-stmaB exercwcB

at the Grammar School Thursday afternoor,

and was bv Mrs. F. B Oal», the County Piea-

ident of tbe W. C. T. D , who made a few

forciful and interesting remarks. A e b o i t

and appropriate address was also g iven 1 y

Superintendent Watson.

This contest wasi a^ admirable one to in­

augurate , and the manner in which it. has

been carried out reflects much credit upen

all wbo had a part therein.

S e t t l i n g D o m e s t i c T r o u b l e s W i t h C a r b o l i c A c i d .

The taxpayers of Sandy H:!l are to vote on a petition to maintain a Carnegie library nnder an offer of Andrew Carnegie to erect a $10,000 library if the vil lage would g i v e a site and maintain it Tbe vil lage owns its own grounds for public buildings.

A committee baa been organized in Ma­lone to Investigate the matter of a municipal lighting plant.

In reply to the commercial travelers' ap­plication before the railroad commission fcr an additional train between Ogdensbnrg and Rouses Point, tbe agent for the Rutland road stated that such a train could not be run without loea.

C. T. Ricbey of Maionp. who makes a specialty of his Partridge Wjandot le s , ha^ won iwo prizes at tbe State Poultry Show at Johcatown.

Plans for tbe new State Agricultural Col­lege at Canion are being drawn. The in­stitution IB to be thoroughly equipped in ibe various departments. Tbe main building, 100x50 f->et. and of s tone or brick, will cohtuin the-rlfices, recitation rooms, library and laboratories. There will be mnnual trainiog and domestic science, a di i-y building and experimental farm. A Urge assembly hall will be provided for farmers' institutes and other gatherings.

Tne Plum Creek Cheeee factory in South Russell, s t . Lawrence Co., opened the midd e of last April and closed the middle of N o ­vember. Ia Ibis t ime 82 969 pounds of cheese were made from 806,971 pounds of mdk anc the price was 11 10 27 cents a pound.


The A usable Lakes in ESBPX County are already frrz->n to a depth of 12 inches, and good clean ice is being taken out and stored in the Adirondack Reserve ice bouses near by.

Monroe Holt of Keene Valley, temporary

Hon. J H. Booth and Hon. W. C. Watson and E J. Marks, E q., were in town Sat­urday appraising Capt. Arbuckle'a property.

Mr. Whitney haa sold Eome of bis fine ' trees to Callanan for lumber.

Mies Mary Kennedy is quite sick. I The boat has closed its Eeaeon. Every­

thing is still at the dock. I Joseph Meek will carry anyone to Keese -

ville that wishes to g o there from Port K.emt.

! Capt. Lather Bullis was in Keeseville ' M o n d a y .

John Rennell was in Piattsburgh Monday night.

Mrs. Charles Terrill was in Burlington last week visiting frierd3.

Cbas. Giddena ia ont again after bia sick­ness this fall.

A U S A B L E F O R K S .

Mrs. Lucy Gillespie who has been in town for a forlhDigbt, packing and storing her

g a m e protector for this section, captured household goods preparatory to renting her four men with five deer in their possession bouse, left last Tuesday for Ithaca where she in tbe town of Black Brook last week. I is residing at present.

State Forest, Fish and Game Commissioper I The Fair held by tbe ladies of the St. Whipple bas received a check for $ 8 940 James Episcopal church last week on Thurs-from H C. Ballon of Herkimer Countv. Thia day night at Kemp'e Theatre was a success ,


S a l e o l T r i n i t y H e c t o r jr.

C i v i l Her v i c e K: iMtiOB.

T I M lotto*!** fitrtirUn— toek tto civil M T * V M C M M I M U O I at tbe C o m Uewmim, gftiwtej ; for TMcer, I . P i — < Sita*> i Bro*4 Street, rtattafcargk; for civil Mcto-•eribg draagbiMMa, f n a k L. Mcfeca, Gtest: for Mp«rist««4Mt «4 imimuim c4 priM», Aifctoa V . a*tor, U St*** , rtajMfewgfci Qr«T|E

tar ••pratecr cf

t i * * * mmrnrn. ftans > A- Vfcrff, M O f M

An important tranifer ol r*al ettate bar taken place in tha Mle of Trinity Church Rectory on Conn Street to Dr. T. A. Bcgeri. A caw rectory will be t<ollt on the lot weal of the church. Hoo. Kracei* Lvnde Ktataoo, of New York, baa gf nerooily < flarad to u+aatify the groscda of tbe ci arch property.

O u r M e w Her lea e t Xevele t te f t -

TWa vack va ergia a aarVa af aaan atertaa by aaa» of taa t*at amiira wrMrra af Aniee. lack af ikaea atartaa via raa IHiaak lea t — k a w ml Ika aaear. Taa

The "Irish Sett lement" in the town of Scbuyle- Fulls came near being the scene o ' a tragedy on Sunday night of tbis week.

A young married couple named Patnode have been living since last July with the woman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mar­tin. Toe woman is twenty-three and the husband is c ine years ber •'enior. T t e domest ic life of lbe couple has evident ly not been of the happiest and each occtises tbe other of f rcq ient attempts and threats to kid.

On Sunday night,, according to the woman's story, she was awakened by a smell of car­bolic acid and found the husband trying to force the contents down her throat, she struck tbe bottle away, not however uotil she was badly burned about tbe neck and chest. A few drops struck ber tongue, lipa and chin. Hearing ber screams her mother ran to tbe room and carried the i i j i r e d woman to the sitt ing room. Tbe husband is al leged to bave told the family COL Diet­ing stories as to how it happened.

In tbe morning Dr. Lirkin was summoned and informed Sherifl Al len what had hap­pened. Tbe sheriff with Coroner McMaateri drove to the nouae and beard toe woman'* story. R e t i m i n g to Piattsburgh in aeareh of thd huaband, who bad left early io tba morning, it a-aa found that ha bad entered tba Eheiifl'i e f f l j e a o d turreodered biaiaalf. There be daimedl that bia wife bad at tempt­ed euicide or waa trying t o aeara h i a oa t of tba way.

A brncz9 tablet baa been placed in the Brao l -bero Memorial Hoepi'al by tbe city in memory of tbe founders, Themas and Ehzu-betb Thompson.

Of the $249,102 738 of internal revenue collected by the Government for tbe ffjcal year ending Jane 30, Vermont cont i iou ied $20,016 28, ihe smallest amount from any s ta le or territory except Indian) Territory. Tbe fact being accounted for by the lack of breweries and distilleries in lbe State . New HampBbire wilb live brewers paying the spe­cial tax g a v e $406 428 65 revenue.

Tbe Rev. Thomas Henry of Burlington will be ordained to the priesthood of lbe diocese of Burlington at Montreal today (Saturday) by Archbishop Bruchesi.

There baa been an exchange of compli­ments between Mr. Soule of Alburg, and Sta le Fish and G a m e Commissioner Thomas of S iowe . Tbe i n t e r helped kill tbe a*ining bi:l introduced by Mr. Soule , wbo secured an amendment against an increase of salary for the B=h and g a m e commissioner.

T te name of tbe R«v. A . Gaertin, rector of St. Anthony'a church of Manchester, bas been saomi i ted to ibe Pope for oppoiotmeLt to tbe bishopric of Manchester.

Uuy pncee are reported as $ 1 1 a too, and for choice lota $ 1 3 Tne crop is above tbe average and tbe quality fully up to it.

JX>0. J-lines 1>. Martin, of Brall leboro, ap­pointed V. S. district judge ia only tbe s ix h man to bold tha < nV,«, though V e r m o n t baa b e e a ip tbe Union 116 years . T o e loogfe t t a r n waa that of E tjih Paine who waa ap­pointed in 1M1 a n a aerved 41 yeara. Tbe n e s t loogvai waa that of Hojrt H . WbeaUr. from 1877 to MM.

Un. Ralpta Pa.itaar (Viae Iraderica Web') has baao bunting on aoowebcea in Mew Branawiok, aad bai killed tba largeet BOOM

was for fihes for unlawful cutting of timber on State lands i I the Adirondpcks. Sixty-one thousand dollars in fines bave been collected and 235 000,000 fish have been distributed by the Department during tbe year now closing.

The lumber camp of Ed. Denio located on tbe Ricke'son tract near Gabriels has been d°eiroyed by fire. Tbe domes c immunica t -ed Irom. the store to a barrel of kerosene and Ihe men's building waB totally destroy­ed. There were 15 men connected with tbe camp acd all loft their clothing, including many fur coats. D*nio lost bis c a m o fqtiip-ment ard strrea valued at about $600. Mr. Wait of Gabriel' , owner of tbe building, lost about $500. A b o u t $700 in cash which happened to be in the camp was saved. I r

is likely that eome arrangement for housing the men will be made at once as there is enough work to keep the men busy until Marcb.

Tbe Lake Placid Club is now open the year round. The officers have taken np their permanent residence there and tbe beat workmen are being employed by the year instead of duri-ig the summer months . This year tbe Club bui't 14 Dew buildings and rebuilt 11 old ones .

K E E S E V I L L E .

A br ' * -k c r ^ r t ' ^ e ' s t *I-^ p R f r V - ' - ^ . * ~f *>•<.

K ' e - i ' T . - ' P E •> t i f ( i l p i t It ' ll i £>i r <lft-kr e s s T o ^ S l a v f T . ' r n : g-P-1 IV I ' t v *

tint oyar ee >'f iisir rr.rrt-an * ar 1 t' • 3 " m ^ anopters T I P m*i . ' » - T wv»' . • o -f •*•* av.v. lab e ktnd Ih-it ivcnr a" < TI---> Hv wiirKirg rts"il a rd d a i . i j h ' w,i=> ; -,-, e l ,.-, WeirPsdav. hiiwpvpr, nr-j we trns* r.o tin r^ snch hrenkagPa wiil iVfMr.

Thos A t g a t P of Port T o o l w i s m b w n Tuesdaj .

R n t r r r d F McAoou is conlVi-.l to t i e house b \ i'-nes-1.

M ss Agres L'.ipard Ipfi Tu°s1av f ir her homp in Pla t - tnrgh for a t w i m m'.h^ v a e i -'t >n. Her mat.y friends here wi.l rrl-,s her, and all wdl eageriy h n k for her return.

D.. F. J Divtgnun of Ausable b \rks was in town Tuesday.

There wi 1 bp speriai m u s e m a'l our churches G-rtsttLas and lovers of chivi-h innate may hear gnod mustc by attending their place ol worship.

John 15 Burr ham ot Essex was in town Tuesday on busir. isj .

Mr. MtGuire of the Commercial 1T< ase spenl Sunday with friends in Piattsburgh.

Fred M. LaDuke waa a business vi«i or to E^sex Tuead iv.

The condition of Mrs H O Mitthews wlio haa been ail ing so long does not improve She. is confined to her bed now and sutlers considerable pain from heraffecie.l t o n .

Mr. and Mrs. Daoiel Do lire o! West port are visiting his mother Mrs. E d * . Dod^e.

Mrs. F. 0 . FJertiog and little son of Ant­werp, N. Y , is visiting ber parents, Mr. ui.d Mrs. N . R. LaDuke.

Mr. and Mra. George S. Kingalaad who have been lbe past mouth in Chicago aud other western points returned Monday evening.

The Misses Charlotte and Maude L i D n k e are spending; Christmas at their home in town.

R. F. Hayes is spending Christmis at his home in Bridgeport, "V t~

Rufus Prescott ot Princeton College arrived in town Tuesday evening to spend Christmas with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Chus. H. Prescott, and Roger B P r e s e n t wbo ts at­tending River V i e w College at Pou^hfceepsie come home Thursday.

Harry Bull of Cornell is expee 'ed borne Saturdav to spend Christinas with his parents, Mr. and'Mrs. E . C. Bull.

S . M. Prince m e t with rough treatment Friday last at the hand? of Jos. Gokey, oue of .his tenants . Mr. Prince was attempting to enter a barn on the premises rented by t iokey when the latter atruck him a fearful blow ia the face, breaking bis nose and again hitting bim as he. was get t ing to his reet. A3 Mr. Priuce is a very feeoie man it is needless to say he took ihe count. G">kej was a m i g n e o before Justice of Peac° W i i t -ney Moniiav morning and received a heavy sentence. He was taken to Etizubtsthtown by Chas. Call and wi 1 spend the winter there under Sheriff Barnard's care.

Mr. A . G. Fletcher arrived Tuesday to spend the holidays at bi3 house in lown.

Schools c lose Friday and all our teachers have g o n e to their homes for ihe holidays.

There ia to be a dance in fJniou H i ' l Thurs­day even ing next g iven by the. y o u n g people who bave been away to school.

There ia to b e a roller skat ing rick op^ne 1 Christmas day in Union Hall and will be opened three days a week hereafter. Lovers ot this sport will be glad to hear thia as we have long needed such an amusement .

Lovers of skat ing are having a glorious t ime at the two rinks on the river, one at tbe foot bridge and the other at the iron bridge. Ladies skate free and men are asked Out a small sum.

Mr. P. S. Riel met his dancing class Tues­day night despite the fact that the electric lights were out in the town. H J secured lamp3 and g a v s bis pupils that attention which haa earned for him mucb praise in the past. H i s class ia a growing one and be is g iv ing them every attention. H n latest dances are right np to date and his instruc­tion ia doing much good .

. , » . r i - . j r ^ j * . r -








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4 4 .

It woul i have 11) reward d Mr. Sharp, i! all the subterfuges lo which he reported to cocceal his identity with Fiona Mutieod bail not found success. So perfec: was bU tchetre of deception that even after >eara cf c - ' J H » « . h M

ra p , i r C J ' i ' «" *' " "

, , . . . . ' t" in t th ir .^r f t b 1 aof. i l t.'t* 1 exts terce there was only a su-5! icion of the | o r c lVl1t t j a _

' n ITijiv rr ur)'* h i" t' v i l e d I, " t a k t i z p t > « « , -in rf thp bi -n ir^r b'l'iHes t,a\«, ->' far r>>nVii Tf••> it t b e h ' T I 3 P n ' ' ' ' l e r 3 T>-> T" '"J *'» . ' , ' • 1

a- l f n-A

.<'.-* • f

>"n » i -ert >r ! ' * • ! - t i P I

M O R R I S O N V I L L E .

Toe Methodi3t meet ings are being con­tinued every night tbis week.

The Grange held its second D cember meet ing Wednesday evening on account of a eirector's meet ing which 13 to be beid t e x t Wednesday night.

The schools c losed yesterday for a t w o weeks ' vacation.

Principal E^an g o e s to hi3 home in Syra­cuse.

Mra. Manning has g o n e to Warrenaburg to spend Christmas with her people.

Mr. D. C. Broadwell who has been q i k e Bicfc ia reported better.

Miss Martha Ta\ lor has gone to Malc-ne and Parisliville to visit mends and rd'aiivea.

Mre. Hunter has returned fron.= P ausburgb. Miss Carrie Pierce is librarian of tbe

" Bock Clu'o." All who w'Hh to join for an­other year would do well to send their names to her.

The Taylor family did Christmas shopping in Piattsburgh laat Monday.

Mrs. Lydia Reed has received a letter from her brother, R_ B Baker, reporting his safe arrival in California.

C 0 3 1 I 3 f & A J S D G O L N G -

E x t e n s i v e I m p r o v e m e n t s J u s t C o m p l e t e d a r t b e T r o y B u s ­

i n e s s C o l l e g e . In order to better accommodate tbe un-

utu.illy large class of pupils wbo bave enter­ed tbis fall, the Troy Business Col lege has doubled tbe siza of its typewriting depart­ment, installed new furniture and added new machines to its previous splendid > qnip-ment, g iv ing it now one of tbe best appoint­ed typewriting departments in tbe State .

Tbe large recitation rcom bas also been titled wilb new opera chairs, having tablet arms for tbe belter accommod alion of pupils during recitation.

The?e improvements , together with others made during tbe past fomaier , render tbe equipment of tbis school second to none, aud will tend to improve tbe already hi=;h grade of work for which it is noted.

netting them SI50 .

The Christmas decorations of H. Smith & Co's. Btore caught tire from a l ighted lamp on Monday evening, and it wa3 only by very strenuous efforis that the store was saved from being emirely destroyed.

B R. Gule has been quite aeriousiy ill, but ia improving at present.

Mr. Gaorge Smith Fpent Sunday in Bur­l ington.

Mr. Clark H o w e g a v e a party on Monday evening which wa3 much e t joyed by about 25 of hi3 j o u n g friends.

An "Ir i sh U n t e r t a i n m e n t " by amateurs in town wa3 played to a large and appre­ciative audience last Saturday night in Kemp's Taeatre.

Miss Grace Trumbull Bpent Tuesday night at Plaitsburgb, tbe guest of Mr3. G e o . H . Carroll.

Mr. and Mrs. E'i Carr leave Saturday for Glens Fulls to spend Christmas.

Through the generosity of a friecd tbe Kindergarten department enjoyed a Christ­mas tree this week Friday.

Miss Mary Chaboon left Friday to spend her Christmas holidays with friends in Boston.

Dane ng school Wednesday s i g h t at Kemp's Theatre.

Mi*s Ophelia Ferland is clerking with H. Smith & Co.

H . n . C. E . Johnson, o" N ' w York, -wis in

town to attend the funeral o! Mr. A. P.


Mr. P. F. Crilley of Peru haa been in town

on business.

Mr. and Mrs. John B Carpenter have re­

turned from a visit to Schenectady.

Mr. F. A Hay of West Chazy was a visiter to Piattsburgh this w*a5r.


a t Pliusburah, Dee. 10 l'.tnO a son to Mr. and Mrs. JVbn C. Cavu. of N" i 53 d -.illy A venue.

A.tVa!«>ar, T)35 1-2. HV>. a s n (.Kenneth Al­fred) rn Mr. an 1 ilrs. Henry Marria.

At "Plat'sbureh. D e \ 14 1911 a son iChurles Jr.) to Mr. and Mra. Ciarles Sbepard 1

real fac', and that so vague that evtn afur bis death and the di-closure. o! the secret there were plenty to disbe i-\v>.

The personality of Fiona Macleod wa-

adroitly set out by note i in various publica­

tions. Her favorite books aud pastimes

were described and even her address given.

One writer went so f^r as to state l h i t b e

bad had a visit jrom William Sharp acd

F i t n n Macleod, and described the latter'*

personal charm and originality. To an

English man of letters who u q i i r e a i? l ie

knew anything about M a s Macleod, M .

Sharp frankly s lated that she was the *ife t f

a Highland laird and had been obliged to

separate from her husband, and in order not

to have f o i c « l on her a renewal of her

domestic relations she wa3 very anxious to

keep the 3ecret of her real name.

The decision to stop the g iv ing of telegraph

franks in this country haa porBibly found

backing in the story of an Ila'ian sub-prefect

and hia cow. Ic aeema that in Italy ollitials

bave a passion for using the wires at public

expense , and this particular one when his

best milker strayed away sent o n p a t c h e s r o t

only c-ver all Sicily but over the whole penin­

sula. The Prime Minister decided that this

WUB undue abuse of a bad custom and or­

dered tbe te legrams paid for. The cost was

aoout §100 and the cow is a:.U lost .

Dr. Benaon. late Archbishop of Canterbury,

made tbis en'ry in hi3 diary: '• To-duy I

married the Princess Maud lo Prince Cuaries

of Denmark. Tbe brightest of all the [ nn cesses and almost as young as wh°u I con­firmed her. He is a tall, gallant-looking sailor. I hope be. will make her happy." Aa K ng and Qieen or Norway the Priuce an J Princess seem to be justifying the Arch­bishop's praise and fulfilling his nope.

The next total eclipse of the sun will take place January 13, 1907, and wlti be vis ible in Lientral Asia . Tbe track i3 entirely on land in a region available by m?an3 of the, recently cons'ruc*ed Russian railways. This date w; 1 ;.e ihe !_•. favorable opportunity for obse iv iug an ecl ipse until April 17, 1912, which may be seen for one minnte in South America and a brief interval in Spain.

Tne Congressional L brury at Wa hia

owns the Yuden rxilleetaoa of eights* thou,

volumes on Russia.



Iti New E - g l a n d the h ' n m i-Mh -.».»»-1 (0" thP bunting seasem hiH )>»pf 11 4 -f (r.i deaths, were f-jm exp »s<jr>\ I fr>r>i heart disease, 1 from petf-irfli" ° 1 w n n ' ' i v ' g ; 1.! tocareioM sportsmen. Twn or the vi- ' tuis were w i rom.

Several sponge farms are in ?«.r. .>33ful operation in the. MP .Uerraneu I i • <v !> only recently that the c a h i v a ton t m t w i i undertaken, the sponges havit .g b-.>u col­lected from the sea tloor.

A new ar.U .lestruc ive disease t r ' itetig the ex' . inc ion ot the na' ive A'dPr:>'a' < .e*L-nut treea about fJew Y.irk, u u n e i *-• _um-oers of them in the sui t i - j ica l puttv ' • c i , ' dead or dying. The s a m e . l i -ease J» •• o w n to exis t In N e w Jersey, Muryland iv t V.r-giniw. It is of fungous nxia.

A 3ttrieB of ex-v^rttneuts m u l ^ at An'jv»r.> have demon--tra'.ed th" fact that u «.v» 1 >w can lly two miles per m r.u'p aud <*• ;i ."am that speed for hours at a l ime. T.u< H a higher Bpeed than any other d v i r g ere uture has ever been known to attain.

Moscow baa th* greates t d r u store n the world. It H k q i w n as the O l N *•> s k a Pharmicv, was fuuo led 20.1 years a j > atid since lf<33 has been in the fuimty of rliu present proprietor. It bas many depar. -ments, including lec.ureq tor mem ,ers of tba s'aff which nu-iibers 700 p e r ^ n s . A ) o u t 2,000 prescriptions are put up every day and errors are hardly ever made .

G. A. Burns, a c h e u m t , and befit-» thfl tire manager of Uie S lulheru P^c f i i H ••! » ia l a t San Francisco, has a plan for recla m u i ^ much of the d-sert land tu Gulif irniu a ' i i N^w M V X C O by the growiu^ of e a n t . Ui bas foun.1 the plant distills aijotio' m »r« c tea oly than that from w i o l aTii is four tiaies a3 powerful. Thia product he. w.oaM use as fu-d f .r power pl i - i t s witn whi-in to p u n p wa - er Tor irriiji'.iu;. Tfi» N j v a a, c t e t u s gro,vj f'oai 2 lu a 1-—t hi^u a n i about as raptl ly as co-n

Noti e e . Orpi-B«'r T H E AI^JBLE Hor.^E X»n •"•>

l iees .v .ue . N. \ . L v , . 17 !*>0. N iti-'e. is hereby elveu ihut the an' m l met tm<

of the stock!.,tiers <f the Ausi'i.e U-.-<e ^H,^ Company will )>• hell at the ,i!J e «t ru? s i 1 1 eomiiany in the vii » j e o ' K-esevt .e S . V . , i C e I'tti day of January. 10". a* 3 I K * . -k p. m . tor lbe pi rp - e of ele,. tins; live Trust. e< tu u I ase tao property and btt-iMsa ,,f ea-i ,-, nii.n.tiy for the e suiii yea!-and I ir the i-4ime>i >n ••{ any other bus ness that may property come ba-f re the meeting.

EDKUSD Ji . ROilE'C^. 5lw3 secretary.

Nottee is Ierrl y giren rLat I l.tive r,-* e,\e.J rr n T i x '.V.irra'H a«.l i » * - m n' K 11 ••! t t e Town of PiaUj-burih for tbeprrsvic >i-ur. u n l ijut I will attend at the piai-ra and - a tLe Jutes i,aiii> .1 fr im :• a. m until l p ru . f. r l l . e i . ' ! •< n n < f t.is.-^'mr u ; tt,irtv ,Jay fr..ru rt^ ,!jt,- i h « r , „ f , tbe fee* dun^n *'i-'i per o.i bettiir > ne {«r • <-i t

m K - i i i j . lift- e» I,. I M,.ij,,i i'ri-lay. ' j ' i _iry lltli 1 ' '7 at It e u-i [. j . ,,. ,., I. Mr;, t N, |

o n ^c^it.. *-*av J>inuirs i 1 . l j 7 t-i--i A . , ' , t~5 •t'ty irt'uay t'i i» . , at r il. l ianitj- >t,ir, cv- iy^- i l l - . N . V.

<>•! Tuesday, J,ir,u>try •«, : «>:. m ,T,.tiit^ >;.. C a r l h v s su . r t - >. .u l l i I ' ,a<l>l a r h b

• I o a Monlay-nn i Tnur-diy i . lur , 'g »aid tl t 'y I day-< ar my re-' ^n, e ..u it.e Iurt,t ike

In Japan the forests are r e c o g t z ^ d as o r e u a e t i o . - i. v.*\


of ihe moat valuable assets of i h * country

aud the greatest care is taken iu thei- pr •-

servation. A third of the area ia slill under

forest and includes four z ir ,e a ,—tbe tropical

in which grow bamboo and banan-t. the sub-

tropica1, c impbor , tbe ternp?rate, uuk, maple,

pip'ar, e"c , and the northern wh-M t'ie

pmes fl lurisb. Thera are only iwentj ?:*« mills in the whole island.

Q i i t e tne opposite, policy is pursued ,n

Cl ina where th^ devastat ion of f o r e s t ha=

b e n go ing on for csntnrWs.

J>)H ,' PA I.L-Y. ( . . « . - . r.

A Z i ! u prince P.ta Iaaki S e n ^ tooX th-»

theCurtis gold medal Or oratory at Columbia

Ha 13 to s'.udy at Ox'ord and ti: himsetr lor

future at lorney-geceraiship iu Z i ' u l i t d

where he is to represent his people before

the British governor.

H , waa takaa Mora Jaatlca of tba Peaea « * * « * " , a woaian la that lagioa.

with caaaaltia tba tat oagraa. Baplakflad not gallty aad waa aoamlttaai ta Jail for cxamiaatioa oa «f«aaaa1ay aczt.

HeMMyler r«lai T»r»nr> OMfn


\m*mm*m*mtm*> . I

tba appoiatsaat by tba Oavaraar af a eaai • lUaa al S feawbtiaaaa aad S DaatocraU, la aavaatlgaia tba aatject af daabta uuaUaa aad raaart balaaa Jaaa 1. l t M .

aWlaUaw JUUmptm Satielato.

M f a i a Praafe • , l a N . af Oimaaay A. fMib laiaatry, la icpani l ta bawa aMiaiatsI

aVfMM awtwaa aa wmm§ avaaaaf laainf-taraMf oa tba gas m Mat aaaMary aaatu


The centenary of St. Michael's Church on 96.h Blreet, New Yoik, will be celebrated early io the year. Tbe Oral edifice of the parish waa built in 1806, and lbe present structure dates from the yellow fever epi-denic, when wealthy people io fear of tbe future moved to Bloomiogdale, building themselves handsome bouses and driving io to town to bosinesa. A feature of the church celebration will he an exhibi'ion of old pictures, cbarta aad asapa, of which a loan colleclon ta being mad*.

Vatber Lemmena, missionary In tha lapse colooy at Paramarirto, Datcb GuUo*. baa died at bia poat. He eatared lbe Dutch army ataa early age aad aaivad at Surinam, Duch Oaiaaa. Some yeara later be became a Bademptortei missionary, aad wan ordainad prieat. Ha eboaa to devote bia Ufa to tba oaMh of tba bjpera, aad bain* etrtekeo wilb tba diacaaa laolatad biaiaaU wit* bit fallow aaCafava.

Tba tavih aatlveraary af tba arrival of tba •rat •iaHnaariaa la iaoia wa* raaaauy eaia-hrai«4. Tbeaa mtsainaariaa war* from D M -• a r t , m l oat by fradarict IV. «ba bad give* tbaaa ora«iaatitia aad aadartabaa to aaawart tb*ai. So great wad tba oppoaitloa la ibea? toadbajftbat ibay wava a»Hgad to

la Utaar attar**

3 A R A N A C .

H. J . Thompson and wife visited Piat ts ­burgh last Saturday.

Mra. Frank Lobdell vis ited her brother Percy Lord last week.

"Opposi'ion in business ia the life of trade," and a splendid thing when it does not ariect us, but when it does it is an abom­inable outrage and should not be tolerated. "It makes lots of diberence whose o x is gored," What 8 peculiar wot Id it is.

Richard and Fred P'ckett are home to spend lbe holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pickett .

Roy Beydell transacted business in Platts-burj.ii Saturday.

There will be a ChiHtmas tree and service at tbe M E. cbc icb next Monday evening .

Mrs. Frank Clark of Ma'ooe, ia v is i t irg ber sister Mrs. C A . Tobey.

E. M. H a m m o n d went to Plat ts turgb Mon­day.

If tbe Dannemora correspondent will kind­ly strike out the word popular from one of bis i tems In laat week'* Republican we will cheerfully concede all be claims, even thai tbev have ibe better bear buutore, but w e tbiok that word ia an Imposition on our young men and not at all appropriate iu lbe acne* i t ia umtd.

T b e "Brorklvn" and "Corners" schools will b a v e a C b i i i t m a i tree in each of their schools prior to Cnristma) wilb appropriate entertainments.

Farmers are feelirt; rather discouraged in regard to tba potato maikeu Buyer* do not care to boy at any price, in fact will not boy only an occasional load tor wh'ch tbey pay ool) So eaoia par bushel, so that «ie out­look ia anything bat favorable. Some of oar Republican femora biame Hears', o'hert Bryan, wfula many ar* in favor of petition I tg Omigraas fur mora doty oa tha tnbera. aad will aot baliava ibat aapply and demand bava aayibaw ta da wilb tba •tarket. Tba ••wtaad rattan" any Ibat •*Tedd>H ia la Mama far tba lav wrlca, aiaim ba bas aa-ataetad tbaaa la bio treat aailety aver tba

aad bia aaar baaia. aad clai* baa aa tea aanoi-

Ar Ixirdsbnrsr. C.liffirnia. Nfivem^r 8 i. lKli, Sarah N<-ble Peck, widow of Dr. William C. Peck.

Mra Peck was Vorn en l iecemter 14. i n t . She wa^ the daughter of the late Daniel Noble of Tort Cov ngton. (once a resident of this plac ). and was a cousin to tbe late llarmt-n and Bilden Noble of Essex, the late Henry Ran­som Noble of Slizabethtown. and e"barles Noble of Xa « York City. Mrs. Peek ia survived by a daughter. Sa-ah Frances, wife of Thomas A. Klohs of Lords-burc, Corme iy of Malone. N V.,) and grandchi'dren, Ethel Jean Klohs aud Paul Noble Peck and Laura Ed th Peck of VTESMIJK t in , D. G, the children of her son. the late William Noble Peck, wbo was for thirty-seven years an employe and Chief of Division of the Adjutant General's office. War Departmen', t j S . A .

At Mooe-s. N Y . D^e. 20. lOOfi after a w o m-intbs' illness. Muss Ethel Wood. Funeral on Sunday.

At Bnrlinirton. V t . Dec 14,1'jo-S. Erhel X . wile of Lonia F. Seith. hospital steward at Plaits burgh Barracks.

Atherbomein Plutbrnirgb, Dec. 13 luofl Mis. Frank Frechette, aged 20 j ears.

At Cleveland. Ohio. Dea 12. JUuti. Mrs II. A. Lez'.er. wife of the late Henry A . L zler who waa organ z=r and former pr<ss.dent of the Loz cr MO'or Co. of Plattaburgn.

AtSp-ingfi-ld. V t , Dai. S VMi at the home of h»r daugbter. Mrs. B. K. P, rdy. Mrs. Sanih ^el ls . The remains were taken to St, albrn!=, V l . her former home.

The deceased Is survived by oue son, F H Wel la o f SC A l b a u a . a n d t h r e e d a u g h t e r s . Fl,>r euce Guyette of Plaiteburgh. Oattie Firtlu of St. Albans and Carrie * urdy of Springfield, Vt.

Students at Canton recently united In a

remarkable ami-optum demuts 'rat iun. Fi..r

two days procej-jimi of t ' l e m wu k e l Lli *

Streeta bearing banners inscri ' .dl with mot­

toes in denunciatioa of the, J ug\ F o r e u a

acd Chinese band3 aceomuan.e 1 the paraiern

w i o were led by a C u u e s e ooy carry a i a


»-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • « • • • •


• Prof. F. B. Sanborn • » v v f v * v v t * « * * * « » * « * * * v v * * «

D . - c c i u b c r D i > i s i y n o f l l y T i m e .

FIK.-.T V E t S .

P.ansbnrg^i, Cutriber'aEl Hua-'e, 3 1-17 13 SaraLar L i a e , Ujl,ert> B ocK j <> Luke P . J C . J , Dr. R i t . . i s l ' ! . - 7, \>. in.,

^, a. m.

s t r x o \Vtj.lv. K.-'eSeWile, C !Uiuuer..i>l 11 -a-t P^ru, Daveru II u - e - U . Cnaaoplaip, Ctau ipa .1 . t i j i ^ e Rmse-J P - ' , M.l itg.rl ierj II .. Port Henry, Lee House— I t .

I d

A w L e F J i . . D- M r » . - r J i . M t K-ene , O t . ' j l l

T l . I R D W i . E S .

A ^ l -r . a n H i

- 2 1 , p . '!i we 1 ' .

J . LU.


The anrual meet ing of the stockholders of tbe Schuyler Falls Grange Co., No. 1021, Morrisonrltle, N. Y , will be held tn the City Hall, Wednesday December 20, 1905, a' 8 o'ch ck p. in., for the election of effiaera for the ensuing year and transaction of such other busicees aa may properly come before aaid meet iog .

Dated Dde. 18, 1906. H. L. t CRIBSEK, S e c

Of the dtzz'Ktr eii*cr of g i l l ' a - e and bu'.'.ona a little incident is *o!d. O i the or-caaion of a certain roya' iwrs n a i e ' a v.stt 11 an Eo' l i sh man-i-f-war, on a o ' the m e x b e r -of the suite inadvertently lost his foo ' icg Tae sailor who witcessed the disaster was very properly appai le l , and rusued to ht< auptrior • tlijsr with the alarming lateUiger.c-that ' ' one ot them kings had fallen dowi, the hatchway."

CHU \ O U Bel ieve Vour Senses?

When two of I hem, taste and smell , h a v i i g been impaired if not utterly oeatroyed, try nasal catarrh, are fatly restored by Elj 's Cream Balm, can you doubt that this remedy dete ivea all that haa been said of it by the thousands whom i' has cored ! I' i s applied directly the the s t t -wed air-paasage* aud beicius its |»>aliOK work »t once. Why tr>t —>• l» io-d»y 7 Ail drugglats or mi l l ed by E y B o a . , 56 Warren Street, Mtsw York, e n receipt of Ml oeuta.

A n n u a l M e e t i n g .

Tbaaaaa«laMatiac of tfce uiock1 o lden nf tha CUalua Caa»»» Aarieoltural » ,,-kKir will bo held taihatiNraM/ary IfMMa. Ctiauw rvmm» Court . . oa T l t t i U f . Ja'tuarr 10, lfl T »• 2 a. ta . tor tare ataa ioa «|t^8o»r« o ( t w t < i M M | for th* ' aaaataa f a a r . a a d tba t r a a a a ^ k i a <>r aavb otUar

JMmialalld, atMary.

Citiition Tor J in l i c i i i l S^tt l^iuenu ("Plia PEoPr E OF THE H t'ATK OF NE*T YOPtC L - T o Winifred bh-.-h:in, Et eiitursh. N«-.v

York; Patrick Kyu.i. f i a n u i ' i v . New Yi.rK Micta«l Hjui . e'hat^itu^tty. No.v- Y<.rl: ler, m uU Hyau ChaieHUesy. N«w li.rk. Phi. P l£\ at.. Gok'Scld. Mevada, John lt \an. rrM.Vni-f M , k- own- W illiain (lark —- Sew XUxt. <, Jan.™ Clark. Ellei bur^li. New York; John Bi rk»\ E lenhnrgh. Kew York, attd to all twrsuna tr.lcr-ested in the estate -f Mary l i irk. late ••* t i . . i . lurgh. Ciiu^on County. decta-e«l M-< • ri-dlt.-ts leirattfes, next ol km, or ou.rrw.-c M-M- ii. .ti . i l ^ < J :

\ o u a n t e a c h ,»f y o n art* h e r e b y c t r - i a v i r e u i u r e d p e r t o i . a ' l y t o I c a u i l a p p - u r i i l - r e . - u r feurr,iga,e ^ f tht- C o u n ' y . f i l l r . t .m N - \ \ \ . r » a t h i s office in P J m i s M i r s a , o o i h v 1 h d a y .•( F o b r u > i r y . 1U«7 a t l . i . A 1. c k !u t h e f. r « i o , , n ,.f t h a t d a y , t u c n an»l t h ^ r t - t o a t t « n d t h e j . a l r , . l

s^- t t temt-nt e<f tl,*, a e t , i J , o * of J . i h u Cli,.»k, a a j d m i r - t - t r a ' o r of i l . e a a l d M a r y C l a i k , <]<• r a s e d

A n d If a n y of t h u K M U I J l n ' c r ^ - i e i b e us.-Uc tKe a g e of u v u i y on t . y e a i s . t h e y a r ^ r,--i -i.rcd t*. a p p r a r by t h e i r g i . a r . l l a u . if Uic) Lave. >.. r . o r ,f clit-y b a w n o n e , l u a i p a - a n d ja.ro'1> o r *>n- t ^ b e a p p o i u t c d ; o r . iu lb*- t - w i . t • f t h e i r iie*;t,^'l »-r f a . l u - e u> d o s o a ; ; u a r a i a i i '.vtll W a*. I - » . I *e-l '•> t h e S u r r o g a t e , t o r c p i e a c t i t a n d a c t fo r liu.Mii iu t h e p roc -eea ' .u j .

i n t e a t t m -uy w h e r e o f , w e h a v e i -auscd t h e M a t of o u r -^ai-1 M i l n-ea t t* s t ' . - u r t t o t t ; t r i e u n t o a ihx i -d W m e s s . l '».u D v l d 11

I I , a ] A g n e w . » u n o t « i t e o r t h e C o u n t y ,-f e'i • t o n , a t t h e c t y o£ P l a t i j - b u r g h . i n ta.>l c j u s t y , t h e a i l U d a y of 5»o\ e m b e r , n l n teen hundred and six

DAVID H. i t i S t W , turr.'gu'e

Ma-is ai BKiai-r. Altjrneja for Admluis'rut'-r,

Mai. u». Sow York u « ;

1 - i t . >-%«"'_ - i l p. .fl,

F l A l l l W t r l L

K P ^ C ^ V_ *-\, N -ruia-- 1 rr*-i..-p—22 «. »» Kt i i t i K K .*!•, Ma-" wood 1 M » — 2 1 . Wi. 4.1 or.., >• f^ard U.iude—i', . E ^ - P X I-iti - 27 . Wfs:p,irt, Huo i f U;!l;- 11. i t

l'jt.-7 C.L >-i ar i i it- L_'

¥«.-'JJ for it A ti >: r e c v.- *.

pti'.t i. r >-us^

J)o Not Fores t the Dates.

BUliLlNGTOuN S a v i n g s H a n k .

/J\. ••hl-.HAl-ED IS :• .-.

D,vositsJuio l, VMh. $,\o,o$ i.li'HS jv:i

M-plua, OtiO.ilOO !>t>

Total AsseiB, - § 1 ( ) , 7 i l , 1 3 7 . - l t 3

' . ' H i - . I" M l TH. ' \ \ l l_ ' J . ! . '> « .-».>!!. H l . . a l HuJEfJt*. | H t S ^ I A* U S. L. Bi«.-r..w. I K %\ .\xm>.

AUUSEKT t j WUiTTSX, KS. b e t - w i t ^ n ? i . V .-ii «-".l.»r vl t _ - t jrst f- . - . - ' -

^^•sa Uiiya -f tiixy iii< 1.1U < t r au t ^ t t m t i r . : . i 1 s t I t m a i l e J t e r » . a r J a 'uU-r«*.» vs.«, •.-. - j . _ e ,j u - o c r a t .-f th.* f - . ; . .w u^ n*. ~.M

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.-ui-'ia n;»y t-o tdur by t.^ui , J e - A , r draft r p.K>t i ic -u*y vrd«r uuid aoj.K.«»1t book « i „ t-o ^vturuou by uia,U.

l - U \ H i a C M 1* > M l T H , l - r > ) , ' l , r t iUi tDJ i l i i i - . -C ,\ \ \ . \ b ; T , * - ^ r « r , K », 1 s t ! W Asa X T r e » s . «•«

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i *» n l m ( r w k . Mow oaw w t i « l a g «h*U|r.