THK GALONS FARMRR, WEDNESDAY MARCH 16 Uttl County Letters ST. KKt.IS a.—r. ve I ia* nd l^iniily Move to Hiunsdell tuid Fani \iy 1 >. 4ars tlw P A. iiank «Mk list the Mra J. A. Bella, spent r «p*nt <i at .V.rth U w r e n o * vlgflt- pa.rvnts. Charlotte Mutter spent several friends. riday at North- L*w: Undoi) Faa-UK r and Joseph Bu«h- W .--ame from Ht-rkinwr to attend emn mew-tin* last Tuesday. Mi** Chan. K. rhaffw ap*-.nt sev- w»J days th-e past w«ek at North hwrenc*- risitirm relatives and Rev. Cha igftp.k in town. *»m S.upt. Weary teus mm Jfcwm to this Mrs ,T<>*.«!> %KX*i ap«ndinK per Utk*-, ret A. 1 x« <i his fam . of Pii-e-rce- the past s at Tup- last Kri- Mn Paul Prospere. of j Hchoul hit* ve-optwd in th^.Palm~r i T for thf sprine tsrm, with I Gi<a4y« W i n e r s , r.t this village. \ Miss Bridget Kern, of BrushUm. Mr. n<1 Mrs day. whe ir future as! 1 >avid,son Jr. Co virurton at week in towc nd Mrs. W B. new hom« A. Ramsdell L Center, &n> and will ore The and family, of DK'k moving back to the upy tho M. M. Pihil- r many friends wtill tit pleased to m-kome them. Mrs. Demise K rapist-toer. of Ran- flsjr. wttose husband rv>e«-nt1y died. «stf **©r mother. Mrs. P-jotsy P l u m b . •ier residents of this villas, have tHuo.k tn fovi-Ti. j {>uV<ih-ased th-»? F8*efs bousf^ (fo.J^uth .Maim St. i already begun improve th-e huild'ine. and Mrs. M. r >. Hint, of No. as-* 1 «apend in? »fv<*raJ days viartin^ refctivt-s ;ind friends. ROYAL Baking Powder Economy The ipmufacturers of Royal Bak- ing Powder have always declined to produce a cheap baking powder at the sacrifice of quality. Royal Baking Powder is made from pure grape cream of tartar,**and is the anbodiment of all the excellence possible to be attained in the high- est class baking powder. Royal Baking Powder costs only a fair price, and is more economical at its price than any other leavening agent, because of the superlative quality and absolute wholesomeness of the food it makes. $ Mixtures made in imitation of baking powders, but containing alum, are frequently distributed from door to door, or given away in grocery stores. Such mixtures are dangerous to use in food. Jttfc. England, France, Germany and some sections of the United States their saie is prohibited by law. Alum is a dangerous mineral acid, and all physicians condemn baking powders containing it. thm imbol of ahun baking J»okv«ter» mumt BRITSHTON Mar. 11—Mr. ajid Mrs. Carl Ross, of Lawrenceville, were visitor* in Bruahrton, Sunday. Bradley Milter, of Bangoar, has ranted the- Conner farm and move's onto the same this week. Mrs. George GaUivan, of West Bangor. is visiting m town this W,eek. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Crooks, of West Bangor, v r isited in. Brushton recently. Afr.'Tand Mrs. Ernest H&akeil visit- ed th«dr daughter, Mrs. Rupert Toar- bell Sunday at West Rangor. Miae Lizzie Thompson, wfrio ha» sepent the> past three months in Potsdam, re-turned to Bniahton on Wednesday evening:. Mrs. Mary Ann Smith, who has been visiting in Burlington, Vt., re- turned home Saturday evening. MISB Neva Allen has returned to Gdle to commence her scihool there this wx>ek. Mrs. H. C. Brush viaited friends in C r hiaiea«K(&y recently. Miss Ndta Dustin. ^'ho was called home from B&tavia on account of ttve servere IllnesB of her mother, Mr» Duatin, returi>ed Sunday evening. Ftred Snyder returned from O^ densburg Saturday evening and re- ports his brother, Daniel, wiho mas so seriously hurt on Wednesday im- proving very fast and thitika he will be home in about two weeks. Arthur Quinn, of Maione, spoilt j Sunday in ttm-n.- the guest of his I parame. Mr. ftnd Mrs. Peter Quinn ! John Hourihan. .xf Tja-wTe/Tjeevine S wias a visitor in Bru.shton Sunday. i WeWb We»cott h^is- move<l into l^n [ feye,tte Bowen's house on West Wash j in^rton gtrt^et. Mr. Bo wen will board i with them. ! {*"Ved RoKon hsaa moved into his ! honsf which Mr. Wescott has vactt- |ed. 1 Mrs. A. B. Allen vvias calling. <>n friends at So. Bancror. Thursday. JiMson Row ell a^d son, Raymond visited on Wednesday evening at th« hom« of his father, Wallace Rowell The latter returned home with them to Weetville on TThursday. Th« remriifts of Mrs. Samuel J. Dibble. ot'yAV'oi'C-ester, Mass., arri\ ed in Bruamon Tuesday-. Mar. 7. Tht funera/ waa held from St. Peters Church. Thursday mo.rnirLg, Rex Fkntrin officiating. She leaves hti husband, father and mother, Mr. and i Mrs. P<eter Tounjt, and. also one.si*- I ter and two brothers to mourn \H r (death. j H. P. Steeitberge was called to ! the home of the late^Oiiver Smith i in Ban#or Thursday to make arrange merits for the funeral, it being- un- der the ausrpices of -the G. A. R. Post of Brushton.. L»evi Peck, w.ho h a s been very ack wjisth lagrippe-, is improving-. Fred Allen is moving from Ceme- t«*ry-*>t. to the Mr«. McGowan honse on <!2hTistifi.n Hill, east of the vtil- «?. Mr. and Mrs. James Quinn a r e i-m- proving-, -hiLvinK been seriously ill with lagrippe. READ THE LABEL Mra;> Sidney Sarirent is vo with •lajgrAptfJe and fears ar» t;drwed of p Jackson ill Witti PrHMim»>niH Mra. EBoraee Dre>w ia very sick. The train from the south, due here a-t 8:06 left the truck near March 13th.—Mr aud Mrs Wedivesd&y w&th their sister, Mrs. L. M. Stowe. Mrs. Stowe also enter- tained Mr. mid Mrs. Greeley Hah. -.{" P'-o-bHkun OH rn-ursday. Msu-y Chambers, of Nkhol- the gmest of her sister, L*. Ootey, several days the The basket ball uanie be»twjeen A. team of Malone and the B ton hiigh - school team, resulted victory for Brushton: score 38 15 The Brighton High Sfrhool J hostess, M eturned *o Ms w»ork M m , Sunday A. M. .lulia Barlow Brtaks .\irfde.— Artbor Jjanglois C^its l\iot. of last ids of Mrs. hftr u sur- lier played PROMINENT SCHOOL _TEACBER red of a ,Severe Case of Nervousness by Periina. sick Mst at present. HiUd^e Reynolds spent last Wed- nesday in Malone. b\ H. Wilcox is in«pecUng some of the schools in Brandon and Ban- gor thi* week. NOTICE OF Notice is .hereby given that the firm of Doud & Hadley <has been dle- solived by mutual consent. Mr. Had- iey has retired from the fir-m, and the undersigned have bonghit out his interest Ln the businaas, including the accounts, iuid will continue the mme in theii % own name. AflJ aoooun-ta owlnsr.tjo the firm, of Doud & Had- ley must be i>aid «t"once. AFaroh 1st, 1911. I iW3 H. I. DOUD & Co. CARD OP THANKS. We wiiah to express our thanks to the friends who assisted us in the illness and death or* our beloved wife and mother, Luceam E. Red- wood , and for their kindness during the. funeral. THOMAS F. REDWOOD law^l JOHN L. REDWOOD. NOTOCE OP SAL.E OF BONDS. N.o<fefee of sale of Town Hail Bonds, of the^ Town of- Cha.tea.ugay, "county of Franklin, -state of NewrYferk, pur- ! d e b t,_U_isuant to section 340 of the Town , ..nut'Law of the State of-New York. Notice is'hereby given that the Su- .1 visor of the Towm of Chaxeaaigray, , . .vunty of Frantolin, stale of New 3" * - | Ylork, invites sealed bids for the p-ur- i < ir«d Whose of bonds of said TSo-wn, to be ji t issued .pursuant to section 340 of TrnuM,. ! th * Tk > Wn *La>w of the State of I*ew rouble. | Yoj . k vmich bondg h&ye hQiiU l^g&]_ i/ied itnd authorized by am aot of the j legislature of the state of Newi York to be known as Town Hall Bonds, Seiies of 1911, of said Towa, and fha£ ib4ds will be opened on the 28th dav of March, 1911> ait the Town Clerk's office in the Village of Chat- eaueay. N. Y., at 10 o'clock tn the toren-oon of that day. Said bonds ahail be dated the first day of April, 19.11, and wtill consist ot thirty bonds of the denomination bottles of Peruna J months mu (,TO time." was down for towai meeting. iM^ Ellen T. Savage, wftio has been conducting a restaurant at Mo- ira, htas sold out and moved back to BruShton. Mrs. H. A. Adams, of Paul Smith*, is at the home of her parents, Mr. by the aiek'ness of her mother- and sister, Mrs. A.- L». DonaMson, Th-e is considered much better. Miss EHsi* Colvin was home from /s recently; id Kavaimugh $500.00 each, bearing the serial numbers from J to 30 respectively. Sa d bonds shall become due a>nd payable as follows: Twjo bonds, be- nife serial numbers 1 and 2, shall be- come due and payable Ftehruairy 1st,: 1915, and two bands of the succeed- ing serial numbers eacih year there-, j alter up to and kveiudteg 1 the year 1 I 1929, an.d the rate of iTOterest shall i be five per centt. .payable on the first iday of Pe>b!ruary, 1912, sand eaoh year WhatweGivewithEyery^ Pair if QissesPirdostfUf Us. ^ A Scientific Exaniioatiou A Correct-fitting Frame or Moootiug; of these are necessary to health, comfort and look" . We also give yon a good "Leather Case," a "Magic Leme Cleaner' 1 and Our Service in keeping your glasses properly adjusted in the future. All of this at pri<»,ew that are satisfactory. B. A. Soper, Optometrist and Optician, 81 Elm StreetT Malone, N, Y. Across the R. R. track from Howard House. In office every day but Tuesdays. Feel lanyuid, weak, rundow5r£ H^tdache? StomscJa "off?"—Just «. plain oaae ot lazy Uver.Burdock Bloa Bittere itones liver-a^d stomach. pjx>- tn^tes digeetmh. purifier the blood. THE PBOPIiE OF THE STATE OF New Ytork, by th* Grace of God, Free amd Independent, to Martin Mc- Gowan, Bayonne, New Jersey; Cath- erine McGowsan, Fort Co\1ngfeon, New York; Ajunie McGowan, Fk>rt Coving- ton, New York; Mary Gannon, RJ-- verstown, County Sligo, Ireland; Ow* en McGowan, Dongela, Bariyfarnon, County B»«o, Ireland; James McGow- an ^rowfUle, New Tork, send , ^ greeting: Y j thereafter during l time aald bonds g 8ha.ll run, the in.te.res4 aind the face of sakl bands w.hea they aha© mature sh.all IK> paid at the First National Bank, .of ChiateiUigiay, N. T, Said bonds shall be g*>id to the bidder, each bid to be ac- and Mrs. Sidney Sargent, called here | c-ompanied by a certified check pay- by the aacknese of her motiher and j ab i e to t n e or ^ er ,of W. D. Thayer, supervisor f>f th-e Town of Chateau- i guy, in the amount of five per cent. | of the amount Mdii-e-i), said amount tt>__bf; given a,q sfcurMv t>r forfeit. '.•:. •#• Marlm. ; party in honor t birthday. Cards ^ mmdmdUmerntfl served. Mrs. Delta Mallette, of Maion-e, is ner daughrter, Mrs. P-eter N-e- Mr. end Mrs. Guy I>ep&roiie, of s Ijake, are visiting relative* i 3 place. HI I Benware af Owls Head, eall- lt on oid h-ere one day last WDm Edith Liamay, of North Bfaji- r, is ttie g-uest of h«r tester, Mrs. B. Wilson. HJTB. F. L. Carpenter, of Owls , «pe»t Sunday with, lier sister, Ftrack Chdlde. r-ticthool closed last wfeek for a vacation. ad Mrs. Albert Prermo and of Owls Head, spent at the home of P«fter Rey- A number of th* ladies of this K havie b«en attendfaig th^ oook- •cfaool hflJd at <3<rangie^Haaa, Ma- Shova has recently purchased and oiitfit for driving hac-k, expecte to open up a stand in «oid wil move -to that place * the oear future. We "W^h Mm swe- Skincihe Carpenter apemtt Sunday |Bh friends an Oonatabfle. Mrs. Lillian Rose has returned to ^ N. Y.. after nber of wieeks h.er«, called i>y tlte of her father, R. R, atanoliff. Theren P«ters, of Malohe, called « i frieaids hen? last Saturday. •kidte Leturno has re<turned home 4*MOI Saranca L<ak-e, w^iere he haa 9w employed for some time. ABwrt Deparols and littlie damgii- »m. Rotrici&T of 8aranac Lake, apent r at the_home of WIL ltarlowv and Mrs. Charles Burnap,. of Aloirj, \-Uit«Ml Mrs. FeLnicia George, on Thursday. MrA Burna.p remained tor a tew days 1 visit. Mise? h»;bel Fialayson opened her *-h^>>! n the Parr district last Mon- day. Mr. <in<i Mrs Rmi& j . ^ ^ ^m^ gwtAa ot t/heir daugliter, Mrs. P. M. Orcutt Wedn^es- day. Mrs. L<. IJ. Samson and children spent the week-end wjith her par- nts, Mr. ami Mrs. A. B. Chamdjer in ihlili Oharlie PAlmer has rented a farm in BJoomingdale and movea theire th4a w&elc Mr. ana Mrs. Sylvester Planty are to occu/py the house vacated by Mr. Palmer, known as the Lewis Kings- ley place. Mr. and Mrs. Columbus F^arrar are visiting in Vermont. Mrs, J. IX Smith entertained her sister. Miss Ida Kangsley, and a n-eph &w. and aiieoe, of Knappe, the past week. James Bean, ^o has been otn- jy^ in Scienecbkclyjliaa returtn- e4 home. ^-c^ Mrs. Herbert Root and two chil- Mr«. Herbert Boot and two chil- dren,i£ffanita and E3dyth«, of Utica, are spending several weeks with he parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Irish. Ezra Pianty and Waiter Smith hav* Fone to Solienectady where they ex- pect employment. ,. Misses Joaie and Suate Orcutt and Pearle Aldrloh wtere callers in St. Be- gis Falls on Saturday. Mrs. Arthur Erwin and Mttle daughter, Carmen, and Mrs. Bert ^SKarelvestfer and little datughtaa*, Ber-~ nice, visited Mrs. H. B. Smith recent- ly. Mra W. T. Bugfbee is numbered wJrth the ack. Raymond Nile» is enter*aintog the mumps. •, Miae CeciJ POaraty of Canton, Has been yisitingr h«r parents, Mr. and JM S l t P l Julia liarlow. ...no p i t e d laxiies, had fall and break her kk- bust \\wk while iv turning n-om neiichfWor?. Mrs. Bfivlow is doin-^f /ery nicely n«w, thougii 69 years of age. The ankle was broken tn two Mrs. Barlow was walking in road w^heai she slipped on the ice and feM. Mrs, Douisa Duetin is very poor- ly at this writing. Arthur Langloia, white chopping wood one day last week, cut his foot quite badly so he is unable to walk any distance. Roy Jones is ill wiith la^rippe at present. Wm, Wrlgrht, of Ogdensburg-, and Orla Rhoades, of Malone, wtere in wn one day last wetek. Samuel Blackstock, w?ho has spent the past year in the Ea»t, has re- turned to w»ork on his farm. N. Dustin and family are moving onto John Mahtar's farm. A party was given It. Russell last Friday night as he intends to re-turn to Long laland to re- sume has poedtion as a farm hand on Monday of this week. The young people of the Center spent Saturday even-ing at Guy Mann's, where they g > tobogganing. Mrs Alma Jonea is in town caring for her son, Roy Jones. JBrrt-st Hoadley, of Masseiia, spent Saturday and Sunday in liowm visit- ing his father, Amos Hoaddey, and other relatives. » Mr. and Mrs. Otis WyUe and chil- dr^r- spent Sunday wiith Mrs. Wy- lie's fe-ther, Amos HJdl : iors .played th-e Ju!iio*rs ! the same evening. The st' tf» 21 in, favor of BriKsht< ! Mrs. -Viola ^rnhyu'tori | her son, ftj'ndon Farrinjr' 1 Hangor. tJfSa week. I John Connelly, of L.ake I WORD XfF SCANDAL tnarred the call of a neighbor Strs. W. P. Spanjph, of Manville, Wyo., who said: "She told me Dr. King's New life Pills had cured her it obstinate-'kidney trouble, and mad her fee} Mke a new women." Elasy, bait sore remedy for stomach, liver and kidney toublea. Only 86c. at all A tood Digestion meana a man or woman ^rood for something—"IXH! \sprk or pleasant tifidTes. WJio<n-f.'-r h'as distress after eating, sick headaches, nausea, bad taste, unpleasant breath, can- not find jroml in anythinir, or be of much use in the work]. But these sytnpii>n>.s are only signs that the stomach needs a little care and attention and the aid that %eecAam2 can give. Safe, reliable, thoroughly triedr this family remedy has won- derful reviving power. They tone the stomaeH, liver and bowels—alL organs of digestion. With these organs in good order, the whole system is better and stronger. Try a Few closes for yourseif what a and splendid bodily condition Beecham's Pills Can Cre< Alre. JDfexvid Kavanaugh entertained her sister from Burke recently. Mrs. Zeb Snyder went to Ogdens- burg Saturday to spend Sunday with her son, Daniel. Miss Kitty Wesco-tt. returned to Canton Tuesday morning, after hav- You and each of you are hereby cited and Required personally to be and appear before our surrogate o f the county of Franklin, at a Surro- gate's court of said ootnrtsv to be - held at the surrogate's office; in thft- Countv Court House, In the village of Malone, Franklin County, New Tork, on the first day of May, 1911, at ten o'clock- in the forenoon of that day, then and ther-e to ahexw 1 causfr wby the probate of the alleged last wfilS and testaanent of James MeGow- an, late of Pbrt Oovington, New York, dteceased, admitted to probate by a decree recorded in the office of the surrogate in the county -of lifranklin, New York, on the 28th day of March, 1916, should not be re- vokied; and such of you who are- hereby cited as? are under the a.g:e- of 21' years are required to aippear •by your jruartlian, H y«ou have o n e ; - . and if you have none, to app«ear and " * roiit reject any and \'j:__ spent the week-end at home. Misses Rena and Lizzie McDonald are home from Saranac T^ake for a I un<i ' T .'"• counie of week*. I se ' rve9 tYu *- r ^ ht T. T. Club has secured the 1 a11 tod! *- Amateurs to present the ! Ali Md* should be delivered to the laughaihle farce- comedy, entitled, i Supervisor or 'Pow^i iAvrk of tfhe "i^acang the Music," on Friday nlgrh*. | Tow,n of Chu^siug*Ly, personally, or March 17,th. Give them a full house. ! mailed to either-of them at the Vil- air. and Mrs. John Amlott have ! laig^-of Chat-e^uga-y, ooum<ty of Prank- retnrned fro>m New Bromswilc>k wfcerey he went to investigate a position of- fered Mm. ; Mrs. C. H. Totman of Maione, was visitor in town Friday. I John Aubrey, wflio suffered a se- cond shock last week, does not gain as fast as his friends would like to have shim. Miss Bessie Green© is vLsttln^ her sister at Winthrop. Mrs. C. H. Smith is visiting in Wes Stockholm this wjeek. t h e -perso-n to whom said bonda are case of your failure or tte^lect t o ' d o sold Wiill receive and -pay for the I so, a g-uardian will be appointed by same. Tihe bonds ape to be deliver-j the surnogate to represent and act ed to the successful bidder or bid- [ for you in the proceeding', ders a,nd paid for by him a* the First! in testimony Whereof we hav«- National Bank of Oha£ea.i%gsay, N. Y. | on, th*e fivat clay of Aipril. 1911, at 10 I o'-rjock of the afternoon of ttiat day. ; REYNOIiDSTON. 13—Mrs. J. N. Reynolds and son, George, <spenfc several days re- cently viisting- reJatiives In Malone. F. H. Wiloox was In Osrdeaisbnrg last TThuraday to see hia wife wfco hag heen 4n the City Hospital for tour wieeks. ^Mr. and Mrs. [Dennis Martin have moved from their ptace here to some place up South. Mr. and Mrs. C. Macy, who lived wfith them, have moved to Baeonville wSiere Mr. Macy has engaged to wtork on a farm for Fred Orton. Mr. and Mns. B T Bordeau will occupy the house vacated by Mr. MAT tin. . V-i. ! Edwteird Lincoln and family have moved into the house or Al&en Tru- cheon. William L^hare w^nt to ithe Og- _ City Hospital for an oper- ation on his foot which has given him considerable trouble for two years. All hope for a perfect recov- ery. Orrie Smith, wfeo w»a in th© Og- denabury City Hospital for two weeks on tueoount of an operation; return*. Saturday. 4% ..- _ 4% A Habit That Leads to Independence Maybe you do not know the rub of poverty, but you have felt at times tbe'need of some financial rcserye * force—something for the "rainy day'' when it comes—something to tide you over. You have intended to save something for this purpose, but it seemed hard to get the start made. NOTE THIS: The start is the hardest part; the weekly laying away is easy—aJoy in fact. START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT NOW! and you will thank yourself ever afterward- and those depending upon you wil! thank you. JtYtfie sensible thing to do. It's surprising wiiat a little money saved each week will grow to in a lew years. A dollar will start an account with us, and we have exceptional arrangements for the quick handling of mail business. Men and Women in Eyery Walk of Life Should Know the Advantages of Our Savings Department. Write Us Now! 4% WELDON NATIONAL BANK, ST. ALBANS, VT. and all bids sfrtouM be_ enclosed iii a securely closed seal- ed wira.pper, marked on. the outside thereof "Bids for Towta HaJl Bands, Series of Id 11." information given upon ap- plication to the undersigned. Iteted March 14th, 1911. W. T. THATBR, Supervdeor of the Town of CShsaifceou gay, coumty of Franklin, N. Y. .„, THOMAS D. MOOKEY, Clerk of the town of Chat- eaugay, County of Ffcianklln, N. Y. Financial statement of thie Town of Chja-teauga-y: Assessed vaiuaition of prop- erty in the Towto of Ohiat- eawgay $778835 00 Bo>nd«d d-eftt, lreeluding this 138000 00 Tax rate per thousand $1 80 population of the 3500 caused the seal of the said surrog*ate's court of said county of Frank- lin to be hereunto affix- ed. Witnesa Hon. Fred- {I.. S] erlck G. Paddock', surro- gate of our said county of Franklin, at the vtl- lago of Makine. th«e third day of March, in the year one thou nm& fmtOrm aaa en. PL.QRENCB BOYCE BRYANT. C3erk of the Surrogate's Oourt. JOHN E. JUDGE, Atty. for Petitioner, Plattsbur^h, N. Y. 13w7 BREAD thatea-n be relied upon at all tim«8 for eicellencp and good- new. Notonly isitof delicious flavor, but it is fall of health giving qualities, that make lot* of brain and bi*wn, Tbe highest praiae^hat can k» giT«n to any bread can with equal justice be bestowed on Halter's L. G. Halier Pay Statioa for Kew York Telephone t8I E Main gt Home HMW» 166 L gg mu j <m you by publioatior paa«ian.t-te order* of Hon.. Frederick Q. Pad- dock; PrtJokUn ooimty Judre, dat«d the 9th and 24th day» of Fisbnary, t9tlt nsspocttrely, and CU4 with tb« Ji* la th* office Of thm eiertc Ml N T of ttnrtklto oouirty a«t M«lone, N. Doted March 4tH, ltll. or State -of ISfew York, office of Ui-e- Secretary' *& &t&tv, m.; TThis certificate issued in duplicate, hereby certifies that the Malono Land Improvement Company, a do- mestic stock corporation, has filed in this office on tWs seventh day of March, 1911, papers for the * volun- tary dissolution of such oorporatioa under section 221 of the Genera! Cor- poration Law, and that it appears therefrom that such corporation Txsm comolied -with said section in order to be diewolved. Witreess my hand and tfce seal of office of the Secretary of State, at tk City of Albany, tMs 7«h day of rch, one thousand nine hundred and eleven. —^. _ JOSE E. PID9EON, Second Dies|yuty Secretary of State. 1S2 DISSOLUTION NOTICE. te lwrftT>y given that Mm firm of Bowen & Kenney, located at Skerry. N. Y., has £his day been dissolved .by mutual consent, Mr, hsaitig the business. ali accounts owing- said pay all the outstanding ob- 4,-mi. U C. BOWEN, H. H. KENKEY STATE OF NEW YORK, Count, county of Franktm. Jobs Delbert Watkins, and Com Wotktao, 6is, *ile, plaintiffs, ^L FVank E. Watkins, AlHe J. W«tkl nils wife, and Dent Walkins and Wattama, defendant*. V To th« aiwve named dofendaata:^ You are hereby summoned to aav- ww *he complatet in this action and to asrve a copy of your a a n w on ttve plain-tiff^ attorweye wUhin twen- ty days after tbe cervfee of tbS» summone, exclusive of the day of ser- vice; and, In casa of your, &llure to appear or answer, judgment win b# taken agaioat you by defaulttorth» relief demanded in tbe complaint. Trial to be hetd^p. the county of ltll. TwJ day of BADGER 4 SON, Pliiff t R 4 Plaintiff*' A Office *nd P. O. Address, N. Y. To the aJbove named The foregoing summou b b

THK GALONS FARMRR, WEDNESDAY MARCH 16 …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031968/1911-03-15/ed...THK GALONS FARMRR, WEDNESDAY MARCH 16 Uttl County Letters ST. KKt.IS a.—r. ve I

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Page 1: THK GALONS FARMRR, WEDNESDAY MARCH 16 …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031968/1911-03-15/ed...THK GALONS FARMRR, WEDNESDAY MARCH 16 Uttl County Letters ST. KKt.IS a.—r. ve I


County LettersST. KKt.IS

a.—r.ve I ia*

nd l^iniily Move toHiunsdell tuid Fani

\ iy 1 > .

4a r s tlw i»

P A. i i ank«Mk list the

Mra J. A.Bella, spent

r «p*nt<i at .V.rth Uwreno* vlgflt-• pa.rvnts.Charlotte Mutter spent several


riday at North- L*w :

Undoi) Faa-UK r and Joseph Bu«h-W .--ame from Ht-rkinwr to attendemn mew-tin* last Tuesday.

Mi** Chan. K. rhaf fw ap*-.nt sev-w»J days th-e past w«ek at Northhwrenc*- risitirm relatives and

Rev. Cha

igftp.k in town.* » m S.upt.

Weary teus mmJfcwm to this

Mrs ,T<>*..«!>%KX*i ap«ndinKper Utk*-, ret

A. 1 x«

<i his fam

. of Pii-e-rce-the past

s at Tup-last Kri-

Mn Paul Prospere. of j

Hchoul hit* ve-optwd in th^.Palm~r iT for thf sprine tsrm, with I

Gi<a4y« Winers, r.t this village. \Miss Bridget Kern, of BrushUm.

Mr. n<1 Mrs

day. wheir future

as! 1 >avid,son Jr.Co virurtonat week in towcnd Mrs. W B.

new hom«A. Ramsdell

L Center, &n>and will ore


and family, of DK'kmoving back to theupy tho M. M. Pihil-r many friends wtill

tit pleased to m-kome them.Mrs. Demise K rapist-toer. of Ran-

flsjr. wttose husband rv>e«-nt1y died.«stf **©r mother. Mrs. P-jotsy Plumb.

•ier residents of this v i l l a s , havetHuo.k tn fovi-Ti. j

{>uV<ih-ased th-»?F8*efs bousf^ (fo.J^uth .Maim St.

i already begun improveth-e huild'ine.

and Mrs. M. r>. Hint , of No.as-*1 «apend in? »fv<*raJ days

viartin^ refctivt-s ;ind friends.

ROYALBaking PowderEconomy

The ipmufacturers of Royal Bak-ing Powder have always declinedto produce a cheap baking powderat the sacrifice of quality.

Royal Baking Powder is made frompure grape cream of tartar,**and isthe anbodiment of all the excellencepossible to be attained in the high-est class baking powder.

Royal Baking Powder costs only afair price, and is more economicalat its price than any other leaveningagent, because of the superlativequality and absolute wholesomenessof the food it makes.

$Mixtures made in imitation of baking powders, but containing alum,are frequently distributed from door to door, or given away in grocerystores. Such mixtures are dangerous to use in food. Jttfc. England,France, Germany and some sections of the United States their saie isprohibited by law. Alum is a dangerous mineral acid, and allphysicians condemn baking powders containing it.

thm imbol of ahun baking J»okv«ter» mumt


Mar. 11—Mr. ajid Mrs. Carl Ross,of Lawrenceville, were visitor* inBruahrton, Sunday.

Bradley Milter, of Bangoar, hasranted the- Conner farm and move'sonto the same this week.

Mrs. George GaUivan, ofWest Bangor. is visiting m townthis W,eek.

Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Crooks, ofWest Bangor, vrisited in. Brushtonrecently.

Afr.'Tand Mrs. Ernest H&akeil visit-ed th«dr daughter, Mrs. Rupert Toar-bell Sunday at West Rangor.

Miae Lizzie Thompson, wfrio ha»sepent the> past three months inPotsdam, re-turned to Bniahton onWednesday evening:.

Mrs. Mary Ann Smith, who hasbeen visiting in Burlington, Vt., re-turned home Saturday evening.

MISB Neva Allen has returned toGdle to commence her scihool therethis wx>ek.

Mrs. H. C. Brush viaited friends inCrhiaiea«K(&y recently.

Miss Ndta Dustin. ^'ho was calledhome from B&tavia on account ofttve servere IllnesB of her mother, Mr»Duatin, returi>ed Sunday evening.

Ftred Snyder returned from O^densburg Saturday evening and re-ports his brother, Daniel, wiho masso seriously hurt on Wednesday im-proving very fast and thitika he willbe home in about two weeks.

Arthur Quinn, of Maione, spoiltj Sunday in ttm-n.- the guest of hisI parame. Mr. ftnd Mrs. Peter Quinn! John Hourihan. .xf Tja-wTe/TjeevineS wias a visitor in Bru.shton Sunday.i WeWb We»cott h is- move<l into l n[ feye,tte Bowen's house on West Washj in^rton gtrt^et. Mr. Bo wen will boardi with them.! {*"Ved RoKon hsaa moved into his! honsf which Mr. Wescott has vactt-|ed.1 Mrs. A. B. Allen vvias calling. <>nfriends at So. Bancror. Thursday.

JiMson Row ell a^d son, Raymondvisited on Wednesday evening a t th«hom« of his father, Wallace RowellThe latter returned home with themto Weetville on TThursday.

Th« remriifts of Mrs. Samuel J.Dibble. ot'yAV'oi'C-ester, Mass., arri\ edin Bruamon Tuesday-. Mar. 7. Thtf u n e r a / waa held from St. Pe te r sChurch. Thursday mo.rnirLg, RexFkntrin officiating. She leaves htihusband, father and mother, Mr. and

i Mrs. P<eter Tounjt, and. also one.si*-I ter and two brothers to mourn \H r(death.j H. P. Steeitberge was called to! the home of the late^Oiiver Smithi in Ban#or Thursday to make arrangemerits for the funeral, it being- un-der the ausrpices of -the G. A. R. Postof Brushton..

L»evi Peck, w.ho has been very a ckwjisth lagrippe-, is improving-.

Fred Allen is moving from Ceme-t«*ry-*>t. to the Mr«. McGowan honseon <!2hTistifi.n Hill, east of the vtil-


Mr. and Mrs. James Quinn are i-m-proving-, -hiLvinK been seriously illwith lagrippe.


Mra;> Sidney Sarirent is vowith •lajgrAptfJe and fears ar»t;drwed of p


ill Witti PrHMim»>niH Mra. EBoraee Dre>w ia very sick.The train from the south, due here

a-t 8:06 left the truck nearMarch 13th.—Mr aud Mrs

Wedivesd&y w&th their sister, Mrs. L.M. Stowe. Mrs. Stowe also enter-tained Mr. mid Mrs. Greeley Hah .-.{" P'-o-bHkun OH rn-ursday.

Msu-y Chambers, of Nkho l -the gmest of her sister,

L*. Ootey, several days the

The basket ball uanie be»twjeenA. team of Malone and the B

ton hiigh - school team, resultedvictory for Brushton: score 3815 The Brighton High Sfrhool Jhostess, M

eturned *o Ms w»orkM m , Sunday A. M. .lulia Barlow Brtaks .\irfde.—

Artbor Jjanglois C^its l\iot.

of lastids of Mrs.hftr u sur-



red of a ,Severe Case ofNervousness by Periina.

sick Mst a t present.HiUd^e Reynolds spent last Wed-

nesday in Malone.b\ H. Wilcox is in«pecUng some

of the schools in Brandon and Ban-gor thi* week.


Notice is .hereby given that thefirm of Doud & Hadley <has been dle-solived by mutual consent. Mr. Had-iey has retired from the fir-m, andthe undersigned have bonghit out hisinterest Ln the businaas, includingthe accounts, iuid will continue themme in theii% own name. AflJ aoooun-taowlnsr.tjo the firm, of Doud & Had-ley must be i>aid «t"once.

AFaroh 1st, 1911.I iW3 H. I. DOUD & Co.


We wiiah to express our thanksto the friends who assisted us in theillness and death or* our belovedwife and mother, Luceam E. Red-wood , and for their kindness duringthe. funeral.



N.o<fefee of sale of Town Hail Bonds,of the^ Town of- Cha.tea.ugay, "countyof Franklin, -state of NewrYferk, pur-

! d e b t,_U_isuant to section 340 of the T o w n, . . n u t ' L a w of the State of-New York.

Notice is 'hereby given tha t t he Su-.1 visor of the Towm of Chaxeaaigray,

, . .vunty of Frantolin, stale of New3 " * - | Ylork, invites sealed bids for the p-ur-

i • < ir«d Whose of bonds of said TSo-wn, to beji t issued .pursuant to section 340 of

TrnuM,. ! t h* T k>W n *La>w of t h e State of I*ewrouble. | Y o j . k vmich b o n d g h&ye hQiiU l^g&]_

i/ied itnd authorized by am aot of thej legislature of the state of Newi Yorkto be known as Town Hall Bonds,Seiies of 1911, of said Towa, andfha£ ib4ds will be opened on the 28thdav of March, 1911> ait the TownClerk's office in the Village of Chat-eaueay. N. Y., at 10 o'clock tn thetoren-oon of that day.

Said bonds ahail be dated the firstday of April, 19.11, and wtill consistot thirty bonds of the denomination

bottles of Peruna Jmonths mu (,TOtime."

was down for towai meeting.i M ^ Ellen T. Savage, wftio has

been conducting a restaurant at Mo-ira, htas sold out and moved backto BruShton.

Mrs. H. A. Adams, of Paul Smith*,is at the home of her parents, Mr.

by the aiek'ness of her mother- andsister, Mrs. A.- L». DonaMson, Th-e

is considered much better.Miss EHsi* Colvin was home from

/ s recently;id Kavaimugh

$500.00 each, bearing the serialnumbers from J to 30 respectively.Sa d bonds shall become due a>ndpayable as follows: Twjo bonds, be-nife serial numbers 1 and 2, shall be-come due and payable Ftehruairy 1st,:1915, and two bands of the succeed-ing serial numbers eacih year there- ,

j alter up to and kveiudteg1 the year 1I 1929, an.d the rate of iTOterest shalli be five per centt. .payable on the firstiday of Pe>b!ruary, 1912, sand eaoh year

WhatweGivewithEyery^Pair i f QissesPirdostfUf Us. ^

A Scientific Exaniioatiou

A Correct-fitting Frame or Moootiug;

of these are necessary tohealth, comfort and look" .

We also give yon a good"Leather Case," a "Magic LemeCleaner'1 and Our Service inkeeping your glasses properlyadjusted in the future.

All of this at pri<»,ew that aresatisfactory.

B. A. Soper,Optometrist and Optician,

81 Elm StreetT Malone, N, Y.Across the R. R. track fromHoward House. In officeevery day but Tuesdays.

Feel lanyuid, weak, rundow5r£H^tdache? StomscJa "off?"—Just «.plain oaae ot lazy Uver.Burdock BloaBittere itones liver-a^d stomach. pjx>-tn^tes digeetmh. purifier the blood.

THE PBOPIiE OF THE STATE OFNew Ytork, by th* Grace of God,

Free amd Independent, to Martin Mc-Gowan, Bayonne, New Jersey; Cath-erine McGowsan, Fort Co\1ngfeon, NewYork; Ajunie McGowan, Fk>rt Coving-ton, New York; Mary Gannon, RJ--verstown, County Sligo, Ireland; Ow*en McGowan, Dongela, Bariyfarnon,County B»«o, Ireland; James McGow-an ^ r o w f U l e , New Tork, send, ^greeting:


j thereafter during l time aald bondsg8ha.ll run, the in.te.res4 aind the faceof sakl bands w.hea they aha© maturesh.all IK> paid a t the First NationalBank, .of ChiateiUigiay, N. T,

Said bonds shall be g*>id to thebidder, each bid to be ac-

and Mrs. Sidney Sargent, called here | c-ompanied by a certified check pay-by the aacknese of her motiher and j a b i e to t n e o r ^ e r ,of W. D. Thayer,

supervisor f>f th-e Town of Chateau-i guy, in the amount of five per cent.| of the amount Mdii-e-i), said amounttt>__bf; given a,q sfcurMv t>r forfeit.'.•:.

•#• Marlm. ;party in honor

t birthday. Cards mmdmdUmerntfl served.

Mrs. Delta Mallette, of Maion-e, isner daughrter, Mrs. P-eter N-e-

Mr. end Mrs. Guy I>ep&roiie, ofs Ijake, are visiting relative* i

3 place.HI I Benware af Owls Head, eall-

l ton oid h-ere one day last

WDm Edith Liamay, of North Bfaji-r, is ttie g-uest of h«r tester, Mrs.B. Wilson.HJTB. F . L. Carpenter, of Owls

, «pe»t Sunday with, lier sister,Ftrack Chdlde.r-ticthool closed last wfeek for a

vacation.ad Mrs. Albert Prermo and

of Owls Head, spentat the home of P«fter Rey-

A number of th* ladies of thisK havie b«en attendfaig th^ oook-•cfaool hflJd at <3<rangie^Haaa, Ma-

Shova has recently purchasedand oiitfit for driving hac-k,

expecte to open up a stand in«oid wil move -to that place

* the oear future. We "W^h Mm swe-

Skincihe Carpenter apemtt Sunday|Bh friends an Oonatabfle.

Mrs. Lillian Rose has returned to^ N. Y.. after

nber of wieeks h.er«, called i>y tlteof her father, R. R, atanoliff.

Theren P«ters, of Malohe, called« i frieaids hen? last Saturday.

•kidte Leturno has re<turned home4*MOI Saranca L<ak-e, w^iere he haa9 w employed for some time.

ABwrt Deparols and littlie damgii-»m. Rotrici&T of 8aranac Lake, apent

r at the_home of WIL ltarlowv

and Mrs. Charles Burnap,. ofAloirj, \-Uit«Ml Mrs. FeLnicia George,on Thursday. MrA Burna.p remainedtor a tew days1 visit.

Mise? h»;bel Fialayson opened her*-h^>>! n the Parr district last Mon-day.

Mr. <in<i MrsRmi& j . ^ ^ ^m^ gwtAa ot t / h e i r

daugliter, Mrs. P. M. Orcutt Wedn^es-day.

Mrs. L<. IJ. Samson and childrenspent the week-end wjith her par-

nts, Mr. ami Mrs. A. B. Chamdjer ini h l i l iOharlie PAlmer has rented a farm

in BJoomingdale and movea theireth4a w&elc

Mr. ana Mrs. Sylvester Planty areto occu/py the house vacated by Mr.Palmer, known as the Lewis Kings-ley place.

Mr. and Mrs. Columbus F^arrar arevisiting in Vermont.

Mrs, J . IX Smith entertained hersister. Miss Ida Kangsley, and a n-eph&w. and aiieoe, of Knappe, the pastweek.

James Bean, ^ o has been otn-j y ^ in Scienecbkclyjliaa returtn-

e4 home. ^ - c ^Mrs. Herbert Root and two chil-Mr«. Herbert Boot and two chil-

dren,i£ffanita and E3dyth«, of Utica,are spending several weeks with heparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Irish.

Ezra Pianty and Waiter Smith hav*Fone to Solienectady where they ex-pect employment. ,.

Misses Joaie and Suate Orcutt andPearle Aldrloh wtere callers in St. Be-gis Falls on Saturday.

Mrs. Arthur Erwin and Mttledaughter, Carmen, and Mrs. Bert^SKarelvestfer and little datughtaa*, Ber-~nice, visited Mrs. H. B. Smith recent-ly.

Mra W. T. Bugfbee is numberedwJrth the ack .

Raymond Nile» is enter*aintog themumps. •,

Miae CeciJ POaraty of Canton, Hasbeen yisitingr h«r parents, Mr. and

JM S l t P l

Julia liarlow. ...nop i t e d laxiies, hadfall and break her

kk- bust \ \wk while iv turning n-omneiichfWor?. Mrs. Bfivlow is doin- f

/ery nicely n«w, thougii 69 years ofage. The ankle was broken tn two

Mrs. Barlow was walking inroad w heai she slipped on the ice

and feM.Mrs, Douisa Duetin is very poor-

ly at this writing.Arthur Langloia, white chopping

wood one day last week, cut his footquite badly so he is unable to walkany distance.

Roy Jones is ill wiith la^rippe atpresent.

Wm, Wrlgrht, of Ogdensburg-, andOrla Rhoades, of Malone, wtere in

wn one day last wetek.Samuel Blackstock, w?ho has spent

the past year in the Ea»t, has re-turned to w»ork on his farm.

N. Dustin and family are movingonto John Mahtar's farm.

A party was given It. Russelllast Friday night as he intends tore-turn t o Long laland to re-sume has poedtion as a farmhand on Monday of this week.

The young people of the Centerspent Saturday even-ing at GuyMann's, where they g > tobogganing.

Mrs Alma Jonea is in town caringfor her son, Roy Jones.

JBrrt-st Hoadley, of Masseiia, spentSaturday and Sunday in liowm visit-ing his father, Amos Hoaddey, andother relatives.» Mr. and Mrs. Otis WyUe and chil-dr^r- spent Sunday wiith Mrs. Wy-lie's fe-ther, Amos H J d l

: iors .played th-e Ju!iio*rs! the same evening. The st'tf» 21 in, favor of BriKsht<

! Mrs. -Viola ^rnhyu'tori| her son, ftj'ndon Farrinjr'1 Hangor. tJfSa week.I John Connelly, of L.ake I

WORD XfF SCANDALtnarred the call of a neighborStrs. W. P. Spanjph, of Manville,Wyo., who said: "She told me Dr.King's New l i fe Pills had cured herit obstinate-'kidney trouble, and madher fee} Mke a new women." Elasy,bait sore remedy for stomach, liverand kidney toublea. Only 86c. at all

A tood Digestionmeana a man or woman rood forsomething—"IXH! \sprk or pleasanttifidTes. WJio<n-f.'-r h'as distress aftereating, sick headaches, nausea,bad taste, unpleasant breath, can-not find jroml in anythinir, or be ofmuch use in the work].

But these sytnpii>n>.s are onlysigns that the stomach needs a littlecare and attention and the aid that


can give. Safe, reliable, thoroughlytriedr this family remedy has won-derful reviving power. They tonethe stomaeH, liver and bowels—alLorgans of digestion. With theseorgans in good order, the wholesystem is better and stronger.

Try a Few closesfor yourseif what a


bodily condition Beecham's Pills

Can Cre<

Alre. JDfexvid Kavanaugh entertainedher sister from Burke recently.

Mrs. Zeb Snyder went to Ogdens-burg Saturday to spend Sunday withher son, Daniel.

Miss Kitty Wesco-tt. returned toCanton Tuesday morning, after hav-

You and each of you are herebycited and Required personally to beand appear before our surrogate o ft h e county of Franklin, at a Surro-gate's court of said ootnrtsv to b e -held at the surrogate's office; in thft-Countv Court House, In the villageof Malone, Franklin County, NewTork, on the first day of May, 1911,at ten o'clock- in the forenoon of tha tday, then and ther-e to ahexw1 causfrwby the probate of the alleged lastwfilS and testaanent of James MeGow-an, late of Pbrt Oovington, NewYork, dteceased, admitted to probateby a decree recorded in the officeof the surrogate in the county -oflifranklin, New York, on the 28th dayof March, 1916, should not be re-vokied; and such of you who are-hereby cited as? are under the a.g:e-of 21' years are required to aippear•by your jruartlian, H y«ou have o n e ; - .and if you have none, to app«ear and

" * roiit

reject any and \'j:__

spent the week-end at home.Misses Rena and Lizzie McDonald

are home from Saranac T^ake for a I u n < i ' T .'"•counie of week*. I s e ' r v e 9 tYu*- r ^ h t

T. T. Club has secured the 1 a 1 1 tod!*-Amateurs to present the ! Ali Md* should be delivered to the

laughaihle farce- comedy, entitled, i Supervisor or 'Pow^i iAvrk of tfhe"i^acang the Music," on Friday nlgrh*. | Tow,n of Chu^siug*Ly, personally, orMarch 17,th. Give them a full house. ! mailed to either-of them at the Vil-

air. and Mrs. John Amlott have ! laig^-of Chat-e^uga-y, ooum<ty of Prank-retnrned fro>m New Bromswilc>k wfcereyhe went to investigate a position of-fered Mm. ;

Mrs. C. H. Totman of Maione, wasvisitor in town Friday. IJohn Aubrey, wflio suffered a se-

cond shock last week, does not gainas fast as his friends would like tohave shim.

Miss Bessie Green© is vLsttln^ hersister a t Winthrop.

Mrs. C. H. Smith is visiting in WesStockholm this wjeek.

the -perso-n to whom said bonda are case of your failure or tte^lect t o ' d osold Wiill receive and -pay for the I so, a g-uardian will be appointed bysame. Tihe bonds ape to be deliver-j the surnogate to represent and acted to the successful bidder or bid- [ for you in the proceeding',ders a,nd paid for by him a* the First! in testimony Whereof we hav«-National Bank of Oha£ea.i%gsay, N. Y. |on, th*e fivat clay of Aipril. 1911, at 10 Io'-rjock of the afternoon of ttiat day. ;


13—Mrs. J . N. Reynolds andson, George, <spenfc several days re-cently viisting- reJatiives In Malone.

F. H. Wiloox was In Osrdeaisbnrglast TThuraday to see hia wife wfcohag heen 4n the City Hospital fortour wieeks.^Mr. and Mrs. [Dennis Martin have

moved from their ptace here to someplace up South. Mr. and Mrs. C.Macy, who lived wfith them, havemoved to Baeonville wSiere Mr. Macyhas engaged to wtork on a farm forFred Orton.

Mr. and Mns. B T Bordeau willoccupy the house vacated by Mr. MATtin. . V-i. !

Edwteird Lincoln and family havemoved into the house or Al&en Tru-cheon.

William L^hare w^nt to i the Og-_ City Hospital for an oper-

ation on his foot which has givenhim considerable trouble for twoyears. All hope for a perfect recov-ery.

Orrie Smith, wfeo w»a in th© Og-denabury City Hospital for two weekson tueoount of an operation; return*.


4% . . - _ 4%A Habit That Leads to Independence

Maybe you do not know the rub of poverty, but you have felt at times tbe'need of some financial rcserye *force—something for the "rainy day'' when it comes—something to tide you over. You have intended to savesomething for this purpose, but it seemed hard to get the start made. NOTE THIS: The start is thehardest part; the weekly laying away is easy—a Joy in fact.

START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT NOW!and you will thank yourself ever afterward- and those depending upon you wil! thank you. JtYtfie sensiblething to do. It's surprising wiiat a little money saved each week will grow to in a lew years. A dollar will startan account with us, and we have exceptional arrangements for the quick handling of mail business.

Men and Women in Eyery Walk of Life Should Know the Advantagesof Our Savings Department. Write Us Now!


and all bids sfrtouM be_enclosed iii a securely closed seal-ed wira.pper, marked on. the outsidethereof "Bids for Towta HaJl Bands,Series of Id 11."

information given upon ap-plication to the undersigned.

Iteted March 14th, 1911.W. T. THATBR,

Supervdeor of the Town of CShsaifceougay, coumty of Franklin, N. Y. . „ ,

THOMAS D. MOOKEY,Clerk of the town of Chat-

eaugay, County of Ffcianklln, N. Y.Financial statement of thie Town

of Chja-teauga-y:Assessed vaiuaition of prop-

erty in the Towto of Ohiat-eawgay $778835 00

Bo>nd«d d-eftt, lreeluding this138000 00

Tax rate per thousand $1 80population of the


caused the seal of thesaid surrog*ate's courtof said county of F r a n k -lin to be hereunto affix-ed. Witnesa Hon. Fred-

{I.. S ] erlck G. Paddock', sur ro-gate of our said countyof Franklin, a t the vtl-lago of Makine. th«ethird day of March, inthe year one thounm& fmtOrm aaaen.

PL.QRENCB BOYCE BRYANT.C3erk of the Surrogate's Oourt.

JOHN E. JUDGE,Atty. for Petitioner,Plattsbur^h, N. Y. 13w7

BREADthatea-n be relied upon at alltim«8 for eicellencp and good-new. Notonly is i tof deliciousflavor, but it is fall of healthgiving qualities, that makelot* of brain and bi*wn, Tbehighest praiae^hat can k»giT«n to any bread can withequal justice be bestowed onHalter's

L. G. HalierPay Statioa for Kew York Telephone

t8I E Main gt Home H M W » 166 L

g g mu j<m you by publioatior paa«ian.t-teorder* of Hon.. Frederick Q. Pad-dock; PrtJokUn ooimty Judre, dat«dthe 9th and 24th day» of Fisbnary,t9tlt nsspocttrely, and CU4 with tb«

J i * la th* office Of thm eiertcM l N Tof ttnrtklto oouirty a«t M«lone, N.

Doted March 4tH, l t l l .

orState -of ISfew York, office of Ui-e-

Secretary' *& &t&tv, m.;TThis certificate issued in duplicate,

hereby certifies that the MalonoLand Improvement Company, a do-mestic stock corporation, has filed inthis office on tWs seventh day o fMarch, 1911, papers for the * volun-tary dissolution of such oorporatioaunder section 221 of t he Genera! Cor-poration Law, and that it appearstherefrom that such corporation Txsmcomolied -with said section in ordert o be diewolved.

Witreess my hand and tfce seal ofoffice of t h e Secretary of State, a ttk City of Albany, tMs 7«h day of

rch, one thousand nine hundredand eleven. —^. _

JOSE E. PID9EON,Second Dies|yuty Secretary of State.



te lwrftT>y given that Mmfirm of Bowen & Kenney, located atSkerry. N. Y., has £his day beendissolved .by mutual consent, Mr,

hsaitig the business. H»ali accounts owing- said

pay all the outstanding ob-

4,-mi .U C. BOWEN,H. H. KENKEY

STATE OF NEW YORK,Count, county of Franktm.Jobs Delbert Watkins, and Com

Wotktao, 6is, *ile, plaintiffs, ^ LFVank E. Watkins, AlHe J. W«tklnils wife, and Dent Walkins andWattama, defendant*. V

To th« aiwve named dofendaata:^You are hereby summoned to aav-w w *he complatet in this action andto asrve a copy of your a a n w onttve plain-tiff^ attorweye wUhin twen-ty days after tbe cervfee of tbS»summone, exclusive of the day of ser-vice; and, In casa of your, &llure toappear or answer, judgment win b#taken agaioat you by default tor th»relief demanded in tbe complaint.

Trial to be hetd^p. the county of

ltll.TwJ day of

BADGER 4 SON,Pliiff t

R 4Plaintiff*' A

Office *nd P. O. Address,N. Y.To the aJbove named

The foregoing summoub b