Debden Parish Pump December 2015 REMEMBRANCE IN DEBDEN December 2015 Appointment at Debden School Fundraising for Refugees and Injured Soldiers Village Hall updates and letters Christmas Fairs and Services Debden Football results

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Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 




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Appointment at Debden School

Fundraising for Refugees and Injured Soldiers

Village Hall updates and letters

Christmas Fairs and Services

Debden Football results


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

T he Parish Pump was founded in 1979, bringing together the Church and Village magazines into a single publication to reflect the life and news of

Debden. It is financially supported jointly by the Parish Council and the Parochial Church Council and is distributed free to each home in the village by volunteers. Each published edition can also be viewed online at www.debden.org .

The magazine has two editors but no official reporters. Consequently, an interesting magazine depends on articles coming from people in the village. The closing date for submitting content for publication is the 12th of each month.

The editors reserve the right to refuse, postpone or edit any material received for publication. Views expressed by contributors are not those of the editors.


Advertising rates per issue  

Full payment in advance and an electronic copy of the ad should be sent to

the Editors or Treasurer by email. Cheques payable to “The Parish Pump”.

Editors Jan Crawley Tony Vernon

[email protected]

Distribution Caroline Burchall [email protected]

Treasurer Alastair Donald [email protected]

Secretary Marion Bamfield [email protected]

Chairman Jane Pearce [email protected]

Full page £10.00 Half page £8.00 Quarter page £6.00

Cover picture: Class 5 from Debden School with their teacher Hazel Patterson (Back to camera), Jim Watson and Richard Cawte at the Armistice day Remembrance ceremony in front of Yuva


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

From the Editor


There is much to celebrate in Debden. The school has a new head. Over £7000 has been raised by residents for Syrian refugees and injured soldiers. Remembrance events were well attended and respect was shown to those who gave their lives, and continue to give their lives, so we may live in peace and freedom. We can look forward to celebrating the birth of Christ with our families. Our churches will be filled with residents enjoying the traditional carols and readings. We also have a major area of contention regarding the location of a new village hall. Two reports are included with this magazine, based on speeches given at the village meeting. The Recreation Ground trustees have included a paper, which suggests that an exchange of land between the Village Hall trustees and the Recreation Ground trustees may not be legally possible. The Village Hall trustees have also ienclosed a paper setting out their case for building the new hall on a new location. They have received a communication from the Charity Commission, which suggests an exchange of land should be possible, subject to a number of conditions. The discussions which took place at the recent meeting on the proposed new hall and the eight letters we have received can be found from page 22 onwards. I apologise for the small size of the type, but space has been limited! Finally I would like to thank Mike and Stuart for being so helpful in training Jan and me in the various tasks of the Pump editor. Mike will continue to produce articles for the Pump and his photographs have made an important contribution to this edition. Don’t forget to come and enjoy the two Christmas Fairs (See pages 6 and 7). The exhibition about Debden Hall will tell you more about its history and, if you have never been into the vaults under the chancel of Debden Church, you should take the opportunity on Saturday 12th December between 12noon and 2.30pm. Happy Christmas to you all Tony


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 




The governors are delighted to announce that they have appointed Mrs Louise Gurney as head teacher for Debden Church of England School. Mrs Gurney is, at present, deputy head at Great Yeldham Church of England School and will be taking up her new post in January 2016.


Paula and Richard Winter organised a talk and supper in Debden Church to raise funds for Syrian refugees. Paula writes:

Over many years, Richard and I have travelled in countries that most people don’t think of as holiday destinations, particularly the Middle East. The people have always been most welcoming and we love the art and architecture, the difference in life style from our own and particularly, the desert. Now that disaster has struck many of these countries, particularly Syria, I felt we must try and help, so decided on a fund raising evening with an illustrated talk on some of our travels, with supper to follow. We were able to show photos of buildings in Syria, Libya and Yemen that can never be seen again and also of the Yazidis in Iraqi Kurdistan, who have suffered so badly under the so-called Islamic State. Save the Children seemed the best charity to support, and the charity agreed the funds raised would go to the refugee camps in Turkey/Lebanon/Jordan. After a glass of wine and an hour long talk - we had great difficulty going through thousands of photos and fining them down to one hour! - 80+ people had a chicken dish followed by meringue nests with cream and blackberries. Lots of people who were unable to come sent donation. All cheques were made out to the charity, so that, in many cases, the Charity will be able to claim Gift Aid, adding

another 25% to the total. So far we have raised £5143.10p. Thanks to everyone who supported the event. We can still send more to Save the Children if anyone feels inspired! Temple of Bel at Palmyra now destroyed


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 


The Village Hall Trustees wish to appoint a new booking clerk to replace Tony Hudson who has decided to call it a day. Tony has done a fabulous job for us, for which are so grateful and, whilst we are sorry to lose him, we accept his decision to retire from the role.

The role of the booking clerk is, like most roles connected with the Village Hall, entirely voluntary. It is difficult to assess accurately how much time is needed for the role, with some busy and some less busy periods, but it averages out to around an hour each week. The role involves - liaising with regular users at least annually to determine their expected usage for the coming year and calculating the amount they need to pay by Standing Order and working with them to amend their hours/ days of hire throughout the year - managing the ad hoc bookings including liaising with clients, ensuring paperwork is complete, deposits taken, fees paid in full and making arrangements for collection and return of keys. - taking cheques and cash to the bank. If you are interested and would like to learn more, please contact me in the first instance. I will be happy to provide more detail - Stephanie Watson, Chair of Trustees, Debden Village Hall 01799 540721 email [email protected]


Enjoying ‘Trick or Treat’ in Debden


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 


DEBDEN CHURCH CHRISTMAS FAIR In the Church Saturday 12th December 12 noon to 2.30pm Light lunches will be available - soup, cheese roll, mince pies, teas and coffees, plus mulled wine Exhibition of the history of Debden Hall by the History Recorders (See page 27 for more information) Vaults under the Chancel will be open and guides will be on hand to explain who occupies the coffins -entry £1.50 Tombola, Stalls, Raffle, Games and activities for the Children

DONATIONS FOR CHURCH FAIR PLEASE! We are looking for donations – Cakes and Christmas Produce (sweets, fudge, biscuits, puddings, mince pies, chutney, jam, mincemeat), Bottles (anything in a bottle or jar), Anything for the Pound Stall and the tombola (unwanted gifts, toiletries or dry goods) but NO BRIC-A-BRAC PLEASE -

Please take any offerings to the Village Shop or bring along to the Church on the morning of the Fayre


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 


The debt of gratitude we owe to soldiers of 33 and 101 Engineer Regiments EOD was marked at Debden’s Remembrance Day service in the Parish Church. The Rev Hilary Davey asked the congregation to remember those who lost their lives in two World Wars and in other conflicts and made special mention of the role of the two regiments of Royal Engineers based at Carver Barracks.

After the names were read out of the Fallen in two World Wars, engraved on the memorial plaque in the church, the names of seven men and women of 33 and 101 Regiments killed in action in Iraq and Afghanistan between 2000 and 2013 where also read out. A contingent from 101 Regiment attended the Debden service whilst members of 33 Regiment attended similar services in neighbouring churches.

During the service wreaths were laid on behalf of the Army, Royal Air Force, Royal British Legion and Debden Parish Council. Singer and songwriter Lisa Peretti performed two songs that she composed: My heart goes with you and By the farthest sea – based on Psalm 139.

In the afternoon the band of 56 (Woolwich) Sqn Royal Air Force Cadets led a march of villagers from Rook End to the village hall, pausing en route to play outside The Plough. Since the squadron’s last appearance in Debden, under the guidance of Flt Lt Mark Bird they have been awarded the Sir Alan Lees cup, beating nearly 1,000 other RAF cadet squadrons to be voted the best in the country. The cadets were served tea and cakes in the village hall..

The Fallen 33 and 101 Engineer Regiments EOD

Iraq Spr Luke Allsopp

SSgt Simon Cullingworth Afghanistan

Cpl Loren Marlton-Thomas Spr David Watson

Cpl Jamie Kirkpatrick Cpl David Barnsdale

Spr Connor Ray


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

Top Left: Cpl Jack Simson lays at wreath on behalf of 1824 Squadron RAF Cadets. Top Right: Flight Sergeant George Serbuca lays a wreath on Armistices Day. Below: The standards of the Debden Branch of the Royal British Legion and Saffron Walden Army Cadets leave the Church in front of representatives from Carver Barracks. Bottom: After playing outside the Plough, the band marched to the Memorial Hall


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

CYCLING AND FUND RAISING FOR ARMY CHARITIES Brian Lindsell reports The 2015 Debdencycle raised £1800 for the troops at Carver Barracks; well done again to all who made it possible. Next year’s event will take place on Saturday 3rd September. I organised another little fund raiser in October for the national soldiers charity, The Army Benevolent Fund (ABF). The ABF used to run the Royal Tournament, but attendance fell and the event stopped. The ABF’s follow up idea was a big curry night. Groups of friends get together for a meal and donate the same amount of money that they have spent on their food. The guys at Yuva did me a deal and twelve of us raised £120 for the ABF. The following day Amanda, Hannah and I were off to St Paul's for the Royal Engineers BD75 Ceremony. I had been a bit shocked when we had received the invite and my DWR outfit (i.e my Death, Wedding and Remembrance suit) had to be brought out.. What a fabulous event it was, hundreds of current and former soldiers and officers (1500 in total) dressed to perfection, an informative, touching service and a rousing set of hymns including Thaxted set to Jupiter by Holst, lovely. Towards the end of the month I've been tweaking the route of the Debdencycle 2016 ride, mapping it and posting links to the SAT NAV files on our Facebook page, plus registering the 2016 event with British Cycling.The date has been set so please make a mark in your 2016 diaries.. As with 2015, we need people from the village to help out with what is turning out to be a very popular and fast growing ride. No fundraising, no organising, just a bit of time on the day to stand at junctions to reassure the riders. 2016 will be the fourth year of the ride and numbers have increased as follows: 12, 85, 170. Obviously it is very early but for 2016 we could be looking at rider numbers anywhere between 150 and 500. Please note the date, Saturday September the 3rd. Brian Lindsell 01799 542569 Debdencycle.co.uk [email protected] FB: Debdencycle Lindsell & Debdencycle Community

Brian Lindsell and family following the service at St Pauls with Will and Sheila MacDonald from Carver Barracks


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

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Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

New Year’s Eve at the Plough will be

FANCY DRESS! The theme is currently to be decided but will be announced by the time the Pump goes to press – check our Facebook page or pop into the pub to find out so you can get your costume ready, as there will be a prize for the best


There’s still time to book a Christmas meal – available up to and including Christmas Eve (excluding Sundays).

Call us to book or request a copy of our Christmas Party Menu!

Join us for drinks on Christmas Day from 12pm-3pm and on Boxing Day for our Boxing Day Breakfast!

(booking required, subject to availability)

Tel: (01799) 541899

E-mail: [email protected]

Twitter: @debdenplough

Search “The Plough at Debden” on Facebook


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

01763 852561


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

Open Every Day except Thursday

Debden Pre-School

For 2 ½ to 5 years old Debden Memorial Hall

www.debdenpreschool.com Email: [email protected]

Registered charity No 1059433


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

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Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 



Your  long  winter evenings  need  not  be  all  bad!  To brighten  up  your  Thursdays  you could  come  to  the  village hall  from 8pm  for  a  game  or  two  of  table tennis.  

It would be good to see some more people  joining  in  so  why  not  just turn up and give it a go.  You will be most  welcome  and  will  find  it excellent exercise and good fun.  

Jim Watson  

Richard P Cawte F IDM, FGPT Professional Toastmaster & Master of Ceremonies

“for your special occasion”

My presence and friendly style at your event will make all the

difference to your special day. Let me make your occasion complete. Tel: 01799 543 048 -- Mob: 07899 700 894 e-Mail: [email protected] Web: professionaltoastmasteressex.co.uk

Fellow of the Guild of Professional Toastmasters


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

Debden and Debden Green

18th Annual Progressive Supper

Saturday 23rd January 2016

Have you booked your place for the first major event social event of 2016? All are welcome and the cost is likely to work

out at about £15 a head.

For more information or to register your interest contact Marion Bamfield, 11 Highfields 01799 540783 or by email

[email protected]


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

Debden Parish Council - October meeting Public participation

Residents raised the following issues:

1. It was reported that one of the runners taking part in the Trailscape running event on Saturday, 31st October was running with a dog which savaged a dog that was being taken for a walk in the village by the owner. It was a really nasty attack and the Police and Animal Warden are now involved. The PC received notification of the event the day before and circulated to as many people as possible. The PC confirmed that they would write to Trailscape concerning this incident and request that if they should do this again adequate warning is given so the event can be advertised.

2. It was disappointing to note that Sampson's Lane will not be closed as part of the winter Byway closure

Report from Cty Cllr Simon Walsh

A copy of the report from Cllr Walsh is included in the November minutes and will be placed on the notice boards.

Recreation Ground Trust meeting held on 22nd October 2015

It was reported that the Trustees discussed two matters at their meeting on 22nd October - the advice from the solicitor and a request from the Village Hall Trustees for a land exchange.

1. The advice from the solicitor was discussed at great length. The non conflicted Trustees all agreed with the solicitors advice, but it was agreed (three in favour, two against) that a letter should be sent to the Charity Commission regarding the reply to question 1 (Is there anything in the Trust Deed that prevents the Trustees from voting for a land exchange to build a new village hall?) which stated “from an initial consideration of the facts, I would advise that the Trustees do not have the necessary power to enter into the proposed land exchange. In order to enter into a land exchange the Trustees would need to seek the Charity Commission's consent, which may not be forthcoming.”

2. The request from the Trustees of the Village Hall for a land swap was discussed but the Trustees had not specified how much land was needed and the Recreation Ground Trustees made it clear that they would definitely not agree to a land swap until all the funds have been raised.

Village Hall public meeting held on 26th October 2015

A report from the Recreation Ground Trustees was given at the meeting organised by the VH Trustees and the NVHG. This was based on the solicitor's advice received on 13th October. For the benefit of residents who were unable to attend the public meeting a copy of the report is enclosed with this edition of the Parish Pump.


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

Defibrillator - The Defibrillator cabinet has been fitted on the outside wall of the Village Shop. The PC expressed their thanks to the Village Shop for agreeing to this. A further training session will be held early next year. Residents interested in attending this should contact Stewart Luck (540866) or Chris Griffin (540587)

Road realignment works in Newport Road -It is understood the works have been suspended.

Drain problems -ECC have confirmed that the drains in Thaxted Road and Debden Green (at crossroads) have been inspected, and registered as defective, but are unable to give a date as to when they will be rectified.

Tennis Courts - ROSPA have carried out an inspection and the Tennis Court Committee will now discuss and agree the works which need to be carried out before the public liability insurance can be reinstated.

Uttlesford Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation-Dist Cllr Knight will be contacted regarding some guidance on responding.

15/126 To discuss planning applications received -The following have been received and no comments submitted:

UTT/15/3076/FUL Lovecotes Farm, Debden Green UTT/15/3122/FUL Debden Antiques, Elder Street UTT/15/3280/HHF 1, Rose Cottages, Henham Road, Debden Green Parish Council notes are continued on page34

Three users of the Village Hall gave presentations including the dance class, pre-school and the history recorders. The dance class and pre-school stressed the importance of keeping the current hall open while the new hall is built, the history recorders pointed out that several venues were available for use by these groups should the existing hall be pulled down and rebuilt on the same location. They listed various possible alternative venues in the village that could be used instead such as the New Room at the Church, the Church itself, the School and the Pentecostal Church who are willing to offer their facilities for the various groups to use.

Issues were raised regarding the content of the report because it was believed by members involved with the Village Hall that several matters were incorrect. One member said that the School and the Pentecostal Church are unable to offer their premises. Enquiries had been made with the Pentecostal Church and they will only give permission for religious meetings not others, and the School are unable to hire their premises as their insurance policy would not cover this.(The representative of the R.G. Trust who gave the report felt this was incorrect and the School and Pentecostal Church would be available for hire)

Another member also mentioned incorrect information had been given previously when it was stated that the pre-school could move to the Barracks. Children cannot be accommodated at the Barracks. These are the facts and it would be appreciated if people would not state facts which are incorrect.


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

NEW VILLAGE HALL MEETING Last month’s Parish Pump included a brief report of the village meeting on October 26 at which an update was provided on the new village hall. Steph Watson, chairman of the Village Hall Trust (VHT), urged the Recreation Ground Trust (RGT) to agree an exchange of land to enable the new hall to be built. Elisabeth Blackie, for the RGT, said a solicitor had advised that the RGT did not have the necessary authority to agree the exchange. Those presentations are contained in separate inserts in this edition. Presentations by other speakers and the discussion afterwards are summarised here. Mike Fairchild Asa Clark for the New Village Hall Group (NVHG) said at two open days last year, 134 questionnaires were completed, representing approximately 25 % of households. They were analysed by the independent Rural Community Council of Essex. In a further examination by the NVHG of 250 separate comments, out of 126 who mentioned size, 70 wanted the hall smaller than the one displayed and 46 wanted it bigger. Only seven people thought the hall in its chosen site would block the view. Parking was not a big issue: only 22 people made any comment on parking, some in favour of what was proposed, some against. Results were fed into the final design brief, resulting in a smaller and lower hall. Phil Bannister, a chartered surveyor and adviser to the NVHG, explained the chosen design and the fact that the VHT required the existing hall to function whilst the new one was built, ruling out use of the present site. The new hall would occupy a 350m2 gross footprint, 42 per cent larger than the existing hall but smaller than the original plan. The roof had been lowered by approximately 1m to 8 metres. The estimated cost was £590,000 but this was subject to the standard of fit-out, the larger part of total cost. Building costs would rise the longer delays continued.


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

Jilly Rewse-Davies, chair of Debden Pre-School, said it provided employment for eight people and offered a fine educational start for more than 20 local children. Pre-School’s “outstanding” Ofsted rating was achieved by only seven per cent of pre-schools in the country. If the new hall were built on the present site, pre-school would need to find a new home. There were no obvious alternatives in Debden and, given the upheaval, it was unlikely it would return, with the risk of losing some of the “amazing” staff. Pre-school was the largest contributor to hall income. Some residents were apparently unhappy with pre-school’s “dominance” of the village hall but the new design would enable space to be shared with other community groups. Pre-school had pledged to donate half of all fundraising efforts to the new hall fund and currently had almost £3,000 available. She added that the toddler group, in existence for 25 years, would also be affected in a similar way to pre-school if it had to relocate. In a statement read by Asa Clark, the dance schools welcomed the prospect of a new hall – especially without splinters from the floor! – and would also find it difficult to relocate.

Ursula Lyons, for the History Recorders Group, said that the Group would very much welcome a new Village Hall. However, moving it to the new site had covenant implications for both the Village Hall Trust and the Recreation Ground Trust charities. The present site had been chosen by Lady Strathcona who bequeathed the building and the land it sits on to the memory of the son who died in WWI. It would be a pity to restrict the view that we all enjoy now to users of the Village Hall only. Alternative venues could be found for current hall users during construction: the Pentecostal Church, the Church and its New Room, and possibly the School Hall. The village shop was freestanding and could be left in situ while a new hall was built on the present site. If possible the group would welcome storage space for its archives in the new Hall. It would be a pity if they had to be transferred to the Essex Records Office in Chelmsford if the Group was unable to store them in the future.


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 


April Gardner, who heads the fundraising group, said that more than £300,000 had been raised to date – more than half the cost of the new hall – including £236,400 from the MoD. In the last few days, The Searle Trust had awarded the project £23,800 on top of an earlier £10,000 in 2014 and agreed that, subject to availability, up to £30,000 could be granted over the next two years. Conditions attached to some larger grants required 20-100% of funding to be in place, legalities such as the land exchange resolved, planning finalised and the project out to tender. “The land swap issue is putting the last phase of funding on hold,” she said. If further applications to major grant providers were successful and with continuing support from The Searle Trust as well as community fundraising schemes, a further amount to complete the project would be in the region of £332,000.

Lively Q&A In the question session, chaired by Richard Cawte who also chaired the meeting, district councillor Tina Knight said legalities over the covenant on the present village hall site should have been resolved earlier. Fundraising was for a new hall, not for where it would be located and the MoD would “not care” which site was chosen. It was disingenuous to say building could start in 2016: at a NVHG meeting it was stated building could not start until the full cost had been raised. In response to statements that alternative accommodation was available for the pre-school, Jilly Rewse-Davies said that was not true and the Pentecostal church had turned down pre-school’s request to use their hall. Roger Burgess, former chairman of Debden Branch RBL, said supporters of the proposed scheme should not be put off by the fact that a number of individuals, outnumbered by the majority, were determined to stop it. Points from other speakers: 1.The underlying problem was a lack of willingness to overcome obstacles to get the new hall built 2.The land exchange was simply a matter of swapping one piece of car park for another 3.The requirement for a like-for-like value over the two pieces of land should be judged on how the land would be used, not its cash value 4.Indemnity insurance could be taken out to protect all parties against legal comeback 5.The debate over the new hall had created “vindictiveness” and “nastiness” in the village The Rev Hillary Davey appealed for an end to dissension over the village hall. A new hall was needed and the process of building it should be done properly. She welcomed the fact that the RGT had approached the Charity Commission to facilitate.


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

LETTERS From Jane Pearce, Chairman, Parish Pump Group re ‘Editorial Spin’

I wish to take issue with Gillian Lee whose letter, which despite its length we agreed to publish in full, accuses the Pump of being partial and its editors of being ‘spin doctors’.

Mrs Lee’s views and opinions are her own and I wish to stress they are not the views of The Parish Pump. I apologise to our readers who will have been rightly offended by Mrs Lee’s description of residents who expressed support for the current village hall project at public meetings as a ‘mob’. Those who attended the October parish council meeting, where Mrs Lee repeated many of the points in her letter, and the 26th October Village Hall public meeting will note the irony when she writes about unacceptable behaviour in meetings as Mrs Lee herself shouted.

The Parish Pump is the voice of the village. It is, and has always been, impartial. It offers an opportunity for the whole village to voice issues and concerns. Mrs Lee has never, until now, complained to the editors or to the Pump committee about the accuracy of our reporting but now wishes to ‘take you to task over your reporting and stance on these [village hall] matters’. Apart from Mrs Lee's letter, the Pump has not received any other letters complaining about lack of impartiality and this I believe vindicates the Pump and its editors.

It is easy to accuse the Pump of bias and inaccuracy, as Mrs Lee has done in public and now in writing, without providing evidence. If she would substantiate her accusations I will respond to them. I’m saddened that Mrs Lee feels the need to attack the editors, who volunteer a huge amount of time to produce the Pump to a very high standard, merely because she does not like what she reads.

From Stephanie Watson re plans for New Village Hall

Gillian Lee, who purports to represent the true feelings of Debden, is vociferous in her objection to the current plans for a new village hall. Gillian is entitled to her opinion but what she fails to acknowledge is that she is in the minority, with a much larger group of people in favour of the plan.

The NVHG and the Village Hall Trustees have examined, in detail, the pros and cons of the proposal and took on board the views of hall users and the wider community before coming to their conclusion that this is a good plan which will benefit the village.

I am not ashamed to admit that I am part of a group of people, a very large group of people, which wholeheartedly supports the plan and wants it to come to fruition.

The indisputable facts are that this community needs a new village hall and the current design and site chosen are representative of the majority view.

The very small group of objectors, albeit with their strong and acknowledged views, must not be allowed to stall or derail this project now that we are so very close to success.


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

LETTERS continued From Jilly Rewse-Davies for Debden Pre-School Committee Debden Pre-School would like to set the record straight regarding false and unhelpful allegations made by Cllr Tina Knight at the New Village Hall meeting. 1.We are NOT a 'commercial enterprise' but a registered charity (no. 1120907) that ploughs any surplus revenue back into the outstanding education of some 20 local children who begin their early school careers here. 2.Sadly, we do NOT have anything like the alleged '£54k' stashed away in a bank account although we do strive to maintain a small reserve to honour our staff costs for a short period should Pre-School fees not be forthcoming for any reason. 3.We have NOT been 'offered the Pentecostal church' as a new home, nor can we move to a new venue at will - any premises must be inspected by Ofsted and are subject to stringent legal, health and safety requirements. Debden Pre-School is a wonderful community resource staffed by dedicated locals and managed by hardworking volunteers. We would welcome a new village hall and derive greater benefit from better facilities. However, it is not in the best interests of our parents and children to involve ourselves deeply in local politics - other than to pledge half our fundraising to the new hall. So, we were saddened to find ourselves under attack. We therefore ask the Councillor to correct her facts, to cease spreading false information and to publicly apologise for the damage her unfounded and inaccurate allegations may have caused this outstanding community asset. From Stewart Luck, Chairman, New Village Hall Group, re Location of proposed New Village Hall As chairman of the New Village Hall Group (NVHG) I feel I should reply to Gillian Lee’s letter in the November Pump. But first, let me explain why we’ve chosen to build this particular village hall. Three years ago there were two proposals for updating the hall, one to renovate the present hall, the other to build a new one. When it came to comparing proposals, advocates of renovation came up with nothing. Just as well because our research shows clearly that most residents want a new hall and not on the present site. So a new hall got the go ahead. Since then feedback from our consultation has fed into our business plan and design brief and we are in a position to start building a new hall in 2016 subject to sorting out the land swap between the Recreation Ground Trust and the Village Hall Trust. On that point, a fair question at the public meeting was, why is it so difficult to swap one bit of car park for another? I don’t have an answer. Nor can I explain why a small group of people complain and object whilst offering no help towards the project. (Continued on next page) .    


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

From Stewart Luck (Continued)

Which brings me to Gill’s letter. Gill should understand that the new hall project is totally open and accountable. In particular, that anyone can volunteer, including Gill, to help us get this hall built.

We are not a “mob”. The NVHG is a hard-working bunch of volunteers, advisers, and fundraisers, working with the Village Hall Trust, the PC, the Village Shop and user groups to build the hall the village says it wants. If there were a few raised voices at a recent council meeting that Gill attended , it was probably just frustration that the project is not moving faster – and right now we’re haggling over two pieces of car park!

I was encouraged by the show of hands at the public meeting, which underlined our mandate to continue with a new hall project that belongs to the whole village 

From Mike Fairchild, New Village Hall Group re Village Hall Fundraising

 At the new village hall meeting, Gillian Lee seemed dismissive of fundraising efforts, asking where were the “hog roasts”? In the November Pump she said there would be a “massive shortfall” without the Army’s contribution. The implication in both interventions is that the MoD grant was a flook and our volunteer fundraisers ineffectual.

The MoD’s cheque didn’t miraculously appear on the doormat. It resulted from handwork that would make some people blush: building on the slenderest of initial leads, developing relationships with Carver Barracks, refining the business plan, endless meetings, 15-hour days, then assembling a professional submission, resulting in the biggest-ever MoD grant of its kind. The same dedication has raised more than £300,000 – the equivalent of £10,000 every month since we began in 2013. That’s a lot of hog roasts.

Most of the community are behind the chosen village hall solution. Whilst most formal bids target the 'big ones', our funds have been swelled by many events and fundraising initiatives by individuals and village groups, although enthusiasm is waning because new volunteers are not coming forward. And, oddly, a hog roast is something we haven't tried.

From Margaret Andrews re History Recorders’ views on proposed location of New Village Hall

I just wanted to put in writing that as a member of the Committee of the History Recorders Group, I was not consulted on my views regarding the Village Hall prior to the recent public meeting when it was stated the Group’s preference was for a new hall on the site of the existing one. I have always been totally behind the New Village Hall Group and feel that the new site would be actually perfect, opening on to the field in the warmer weather. As a result of this, I have stood down from the Committee but was told that they made the decision by 'going with the majority', which I think rather amusing all things considered.

Further letters appear on pages 35 and 36


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 


The History Recorders’ autumn talks have been very popular with an average of 50 people attending on each evening. The first talk on Debden Hall traced the history of the Hall from early 18th Century to when it was pulled down in the 1930s. The impact of various owners during that period was illustrated with slides and extracts from a number of documents. There will be an exhibition based on the talk during the Christmas Fair in the Parish Church on Saturday 12th December from 12noon to 3pm when many documents and photographs of Debden Hall will be displayed. So, if you were unable to attend the talk, here is another chance to learn about the rise and fall of Debden Hall. Also, the vault under the Chiswell Chapel will be opened to the public.

Henry Blackie’s talk on Place Names was also very informative and shed some light on mysteries surrounding names of seemingly defunct farms, fields and houses which, in fact, have changed name over the years e.g.: Griggs Farm that became Dicks Farm and is now called Fellowes Farm. The fields that were part of Brick House, Weildbarns and Danes Farms were discussed in some detail. A lively discussion ensued about various different names of houses and streets.


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

There will not be a Social Evening in January as in previous years. It has been decided to have a change and hold it in the summer, possibly in June 2016. Our last talk, planned for the spring of 2016, probably sometime in March, will be in two parts: “Debden Families” and “Debden Charities”.

Finally, we want to share with you a very exciting piece of news for our Group. In the summer we applied for a grant to purchase a very sophisticated magnifying reading tablet to help those members who transcribe old documents to make them easier to read. In particular, we are soon going to undertake the transcription of the inventory of the contents of Debden Hall. This is a major project as the inventory, written in the 19th century probably by the then housekeeper for the Cely-Trevilian family just before they moved to London, had become quite faint and the copy we have is also not very easy to read with the naked eye. The Debden Local History Recorders Group is very grateful to the Stansted Airport Community Trust that awarded us the grant of £995 to enable the purchase of the magnifying reading tablet. In addition, we plan to loan the equipment, subject to availability and for short periods of time, to any residents of Debden/Debden Green who may have problems in reading documents/letters in their possession. For details please email: [email protected] or contact me on 01799 540528.

With Best Wishes for a Very Happy Christmas and New Year. Elisabeth Blackie


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 


Dear Friends

As I begin to think about Christmas and the birth of the Christ child in the poverty of a lowly stable in Bethlehem, I can’t help but remember the Syrian refugees, now scattered through Europe, endeavouring to find a new home, new opportunities to earn a living and above all freedom. Those of us who attended Richard and Paula Winter’s fund raising evening enjoyed the photographs of the beautiful smiling Syrian people, taken some 8 or 9 years ago. Perhaps Jesus looked like one of the boys or young men in the photos; perhaps his parents looked like the men and women. It was very moving and poignant to learn that many of the villages, towns and historic sites have been completely destroyed and many of the people are dead. The world of the Middle East, into which Jesus was born hasn’t changed much in the intervening 2000 years. War, violence, killing of innocent men, women and children and profound poverty are still rife. It is easy to lose hope that eventually there will be a good outcome.

Yet, it is our very faith and belief that the child, born 2000 years ago in Bethlehem, is in fact God’s son that brings us hope. He is the one who shows us how to live – with love, care and concern for each other, for the world in which we live and for God, the father who loves us beyond our wildest dreams. Can we commit to living in this way? If we can and it starts with us, we can make a huge difference to life in our families and communities. We can become bringers of peace. What better way to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.

Arthur and I wish you all a very happy and blessed Christmas and peace and joy in the New Year.

With my love Hilary


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

From the Registers

Our sincere and deep sympathy to Julie Gibbons and family following the death of Rachael, a dearly loved daughter and sister.

Also to Carol and Maureen, following the death of their mother Ivy Fearon, a much loved mother, grandmother, great grandmother and friend, who had lived in Debden for most of her life.

I am always happy to visit, whether at home or in hospital. If you, or someone you know, would appreciate a visit, please don’t hesitate to ring me on 01799


Christmas Services 

Christingle Service – Sunday 13th December at 4pm 

Carol Service – Sunday 20th December at 6.30pm 

Nativity Service – Christmas Eve at 5pm – adults and children please come in nativity clothes! 

‘Midnight Mass’ Christmas Eve at 11pm 

Christmas Day Family Communion at 9.30am 


The Church Mice …. will be going to Bethlehem on

Monday 7th December at 10.30am – 12noon

And will be searching for Jesus on

Monday 11th January at 10.30am – 12 noon

Come and join them in Debden Church New Room

For children 0 – 4 years old with a parent


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

News from Debden Pentecostal Church

Dear Friends,

Angels announced the birth of Jesus to shepherds looking after their sheep on the hills around Bethlehem. Wise men followed the distant star from a far country to come and worship him. All these years later on we again celebrate in Debden the most amazing gift when God sent his son to the world to save all who will trust in him.

He came down to earth from heaven who is God and Lord of all; and his shelter was a stable, and his cradle was a stall: with the poor, and meek, and lowly lived on earth our Saviour holy.

We at the Debden Pentecostal Church wish everyone a very happy Christmas and peaceful new year. You will be most welcome to come and join with us in our Christmas celebrations.

God bless, Simon Gale


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

Debden Pentecostal Church Thaxted Road, Debden

Debden Pentecostal Church


Weekly Programme

Sunday 11.00 am Morning Worship There will be a Sunday Evening service at 6.30 pm on the 6th December, but no further evening services until advertised later in the new year


Coffee Mornings are every Wednesday at 10.30 to 12 noon, everyone welcome!

Special note

Please contact Paul Baker on 01440 710416 if you need information about the church.

Christmas Events Our Carol Service is at 4pm on Sunday, 20th December, followed by mince pies and other refreshments. We always look forward to hearing Albert Gunter and he will be giving a

short talk at this service.


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 


Parish Council Notes continued from page 29 

Review of 2015/16 Budget and Budget & Precept for 2016/17 - A preliminary review has been done and a further review will be carried out at the December meeting.

Parish Pump - The PC were pleased to hear that there are now two new Editors for the Parish Pump Thanks were expressed to Mike Fairchild, who has been Editor of the Parish Pump for almost four years, for all the hard work he has done.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 2nd December at 8.00pm in the Village Hall.

LETTERS (Continued from page 25)

From Karen Howarth re School of Dance

I have taught dance classes in Debden for over 18 years and with only basic maintenance being carried out to keep the hall going this has resulted in some challenging conditions for users. The wooden floor is worn out, regularly producing splinters which find their way in to hands and sometimes through ballet shoes. In winter the toilets are cold and damp and in the carpeted room the heaters are ineffective, and it is often necessary to keep ones coat on to keep warm.

The new Village Hall will provide us with a larger main hall, extra storage, clean and warm kitchen and lavatory areas, and NO SPLINTERS. An improved area for dancers and parents to wait will make visiting the hall a better experience and can only encourage those from other villages to consider hiring the new amenities.

We have used the Church meeting room when the hall has not been available, but the space can only accommodate small groups. I have approached the Pentecostal Church and School to hire for dance classes but both have refused my request. If the current hall is closed I will have no alternative but to relocate classes to another village. Once I have left Debden I would not further disrupt classes to make the move back.

I very much hope the work to build a new Village Hall will begin soon, with the current hall remaining open until the project is complete.

From Alan Hynes re ‘Mob’

I refer to Gillian Lee’s letter in the November issue of the pump. I must be one of ‘the mob’ she refers to although I don’t remember bullying or swearing at anyone. I noticed with interest her own bravura performance at the recent new village hall meeting.

I’m sure that Debden residents have the capability and awareness to decide what is fact and what is not for themselves. There has been around two years of consultation and a ballot. The majority who voted are happy with the new plan. As in any election if you do not vote then you do not have a voice


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 




DEBDEN’S FOOTBALL TEAM STRUGGLES AGAINST RED LODGE Michael Pearce In spite of winning the title last year and being promoted to the NMC 1A division, Debden’s 2015-16 campaign has not started in the way that the team had hoped,. The only result they can be proud of is the 5-1 thrashing of rivals Cherry Hinton in the cup. Debden’s league form was truly worrying.

On Saturday, 7th November, Debden hosted Red Lodge, a team they had narrowly lost to in last season’s play-off final between the 2A champions and 2B. Now in the same league, Debden knew they had a tricky opposition to deal with. The weather was dreadful and 90 minutes of solid rainfall throughout the match meant conditions deteriorated. Debden had to come strong and set the right tempo for the game early but the complete opposite happened, the tale of Debden’s season so far.

Red Lodge had their striker brought down in the host’s penalty area within the first five minutes of the game. Red Lodge converted the penalty to make it 1-0. However, this seemed to finally wake Debden up and their counter attacking pace was a huge threat. It wasn’t long before Adam Porter played a lobbed- through ball over the Red Lodge defence; the quickest to the ball was Alex Turner who kept the defenders in his mirrors and smashed home the equalising goal. A more level game followed with some big tackles coming in due to the slippery conditions. Both sides found opportunities hard to come by. Red Lodge were the next to find the net after Debden’s lack of communication at the back. Debden saw the visitors score far too easily and again were on the back foot.

It didn’t take too long for Debden to reply. An almost identical goal to his first saw Alex Turner outrun the defence and calmly smash home the ball for Debden and level the game.

As the conditions now made the pitch almost a swamp, players were finding it very hard to time their tackles; Debden were about to pay the biggest price for this. A poorly timed tackle saw Red Lodge have a free kick 20 yards from goal and the taker struck the ball into the top corner of the net and put Debden 3-2 down. Opportunities came quickly now for Debden with Alex Turner coming close to his first ever hat trick after hitting the woodwork; then Zak Rayner and Adam Porter both came agonisingly close to scoring. The match just wasn’t meant to be for Debden and they conceded a fourth goal.

Debden will be hoping to bounce back from this 4-2 loss when they face Red Lodge for the second time in a week, this time in the next round of the cup!


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

DEBDEN ROYAL BRITISH LEGION WANTS NEW MEMBERS Michael Clarke I have the honour of taking over from Roger Burgess as Chairman for the Debden Branch of the Royal British Legion. I am looking to increase the numbers of members especially those of a younger generation that can help support the great work the British Legion does remembering and supporting the members of our Armed forces.

We owe these brave men and women our acknowledgement and gratitude for carrying out their duties without complaint and without question. Some have paid with their lives and many with loss of their limbs, and some their minds. From the fields of Flanders to the arid countryside of Afghanistan, and too many wars and conflicts in between.

Becoming a member is only £17.00 per person per annum, and during my term of office I am looking to organise social and fund raising and events to help raise funds to help provide some financial support. I would really appreciate if you would consider becoming a member and helping us to help keep the promise…’We will remember them’.

Please contact Michael at [email protected] or by phone on 07711123602 for an application form. You don’t have to have served in the forces to be a member


Debden Branch Royal British Legion were “awash with fireworks” on Guy Fawkes Night as their formal affiliation with the Sea Cadet Corps and Royal Marine Cadets at TS Upholder was sealed with the presentation of the Affiliation Certificate.

The Presentation ceremony was attended by Colonel (Retd) Roger Burgess OBE, Essex County RBL Chairman (designate) and Mr Gordon Roach, County RBL Youth Liaison Officer. .


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 



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Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

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Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

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Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

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Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 



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Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

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Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 


Recently retired Maths teacher

offering extra tuition for

GCSE and A levels


Lucy Chapman

Sharon, Thaxted Road, Debden

Tel:01799 543864


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

Hearing Help Uttlesford

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Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

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Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

The Parish Pump is printed by Copycats

"Providing Vocational Opportunities to Adults with

Learning Difficulties"

For printing needs call Owen Bryant.

Call 01799 522145 to obtain a quote.

Thursdays: Mothers and Toddlers 9 - 11 Memorial Hall Term Time only 2nd Friday of each month: 2nd Friday Club for newcomers to the village to ‘meet and greet’ — 8pm onwards at The Plough

If you planning to hold an event in the village in 2015, please check

against dates above to avoid clashes and give your dates (even provisional) to the editors who will post on the website calendar.

EVENTS Date  Time  Place 

Parish Council  Weds 2 Dec  8pm  Village Hall p34 

Christmas Fairs 

Friends of Debden School 

Church including Debden Hall Exhibition 


Friday 4 Dec 

Sat 12th Dec 



12 noon ‐ 2.30pm 


Debden School p6 

Parish Church p7 


Church Mice  Mon 7 Dec and  10.30am ‐ 12 noon 

Church New Room 

Carol Services  Sunday 20 Dec  4pm 


Pentecostal Church 

Parish Church 

Nativity Service—you may dress as nativity characters 

Christmas Eve  5pm  Parish Church p31 

Progressive Supper  Sat 23 Jan 2016  From 7pm  Start Plough p9 

Debdencycle  Sat 3 Sept 2016     To be decided p10 


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 

Essex Police  101 NEW  non emergency  (15p per call) Neighbourhood Police    07779 037084 Hospitals  Addenbrooke’s, Cambridge             01223 245151   Princess Alexandra, Harlow   01279 444455                                                                                                                   Doctors Newport  01799 540696                  Thaxted  01371 830213                  Saffron Walden:                                                      Borough Lane  01799 524224        Gold Street  01799 525325  Rectory Practice  01799 522327 TEDS (out of hours)   Dial 111  Dentists (Saffron Walden)                                     Church Street……..01799 528555                                                          High Street……..… 01799 521357    Hill Street……...…  01799 528209     London Road……   01799 523194  New Road………….01799 521265   NHS Radwinter Road Hospital 0800 7833396 Churches St Mary the Virgin & All Saints       Rev Hilary Davey  01799 542717 Pentecostal Church  Paul Baker  01440 710416 Debden Shop            01799  541348                                               Karen Roper               01799 541634  Footpaths     Nicola McCahill            01799 541411 Village Hall Hire Tony Hudson ……….  01799 541577 Email:  [email protected] Schools Debden Primary……   01799 540302 Pre school   07845 101809 Newport Free Grammar.. 01799 540237 

SW County High ….   01799  513030 Friends …………  …  01799 525351 Transport Train times …………….08457 84950 Ticket booking………… 0800  66566 Stansted Airport………  01279 80500 Noise Complaints………0800  43788 Village link buses 5 & 3..0845700333 Debden Clubs  Football (Eddie Minet)…07766 70296                                                                Tennis (Roger Forster)  01799541409 Table tennis (Jim Watson)   “     540721   Badminton (Roger Forster)   “    541409  Karen Howarth School of Dancing    01279 651535  Neighbour Watch ……..01376 556232 County Councillor  Simon Walsh … email:[email protected] District Councillor Tina Knight ……………..01799 540881  Parish Council Members Andrew Tetlow …………01799 541502 (Chairman. Finance, Planning) Roger Forster …………..01799 541409 (Vice Chairman. Open Spaces, Children’s Playground, Allotments) Stephanie Watson ……  01799 540721 (Pavilion) Stewart Luck ………….  01799 540866 (Stansted Airport, Best Kept Village, Footpaths) Elisabeth Blackie ………. 01799 540528 (Parish Pump PC representative) Amie Roper ……………… 01799 541634 (website update, publicity) Alicia Tetlow ……………. 01799 541897 (To be decided) Chris Griffin (Parish Clerk) 01799 540587 

Contact Numbers (please inform us if any of the details below are incorrect.)


Debden Parish Pump    December 2015 


ber 2015





6th December : Second Sunday of Advent

9.30am Family Communion 3pm Christingle Service

13th December : Third Sunday of Advent 4pm Christingle Service 11am Holy Communion

20th December : Fourth Sunday of Advent


24th December : CHRISTMAS EVE



25th December : CHRISTMAS DAY


27th December : St John the Evangelist

Joint Service at Wimbish 9.30am Holy Communion

3rd January : Epiphany

9.30am Family Communion 11am Family Service

10th January : Baptism of Christ

9.30am Family Service 11am Holy Communion

17th January : 2nd Sunday of Epiphany

9.30am Family Communion 11am Matins

24th January : 3rd Sunday of Epiphany

9.30am Matins 11am Holy Communion

31st January : Candlemas

Joint Service at Wimbish 9.30am Holy Communion

PRIEST-IN-CHARGE : Rev. Hilary Davey (01799) 542717