Shrine Herald Shrine Herald www.shrinechurch.com “We proclaim Jesus as Lord and ourselves as servants for His sake.” April 17, 2011 Palm Sunday of the Lord‟s Passion Royal Oak, MI This is Jesus, the King of the Jews. - Matthew 27:37B PALM SUNDAY PALM SUNDAY

This is Jesus, the King of the Jews. until the Easter Vigil proclaims the Resurrection. I encourage everyone who can, to attend this sacred liturgy on Thursday evening at 7 pm in the

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Shrine Herald Shrine Herald www.shrinechurch.com

“We proclaim Jesus as Lord and ourselves as servants for His sake.”

April 17, 2011 Palm Sunday of the Lord‟s Passion

Royal Oak, MI

This is Jesus,

the King of the Jews. - Matthew 27:37B





Page 2 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Please pray for the sick

of our parish

George Alther

Jack Brady

Iva Carroll

Elsa Castagnato

Sr. Michael Clare, SC

Kathy Cobbledick

Jim Colling

Robert Cory

Lenord D'Aoust

Ethel Dixon

Fr. Beto Espinoza

Sabrina Fodera

Robert Gallagher

Gene Haderlein

Jeremy Harmon

Jean Haubert

Kay Houston

Carol Jordan

Bill Journeau

Kathy Kohlstrand

Jerry Mansfield

Shaun Marynik

Michael McCourt

Rose Marie McWilliams

Larry New

Carol Opperman

Hallie Osborn

Yukie Ota

Robert Perry

Jason Porath

Charles Preston

Grant Quade

Lew Renshaw

Jenny Rodenhurst

Siobhan Rutherford

Tristan Ryan

Erika Soeding

Betty Jean Switzer

Al Tenbusch

Grace Weidman

Steve Wettstein

Marietta Wilson

Karl Wolfe

Please pray

for the repose

of the soul of

Victoria Davie

Michael Huber

Michael Neville

Bearings Notes from Monsignor Easton

Holy Week

Holy Thursday

This Thursday, Holy Thursday, we again celebrate

the Mass of the Lord‘s Supper. We remember how the

Lord of all became the servant and washed the feet

of the disciples. In celebrating this liturgy we do not try

to reenact or recreate the Last Supper. Rather, we

remember and enter into the mystery of the reality of

Jesus Christ present among us calling us to service.

We experience the very presence of Christ in the

Eucharist giving himself to us Body Blood Soul and


The action of the Church on this night also

witnesses to the Church's esteem for Christ's Body

present in the consecrated Host in the Adoration of

the Blessed Sacrament, carried in solemn procession

to the flower-bedecked Altar of Repose, where it will remain 'entombed' until the

communion service on Good Friday. No Mass will be celebrated again in the

Church until the Easter Vigil proclaims the Resurrection.

I encourage everyone who can, to attend this sacred liturgy on Thursday

evening at 7 pm in the church.

Good Friday

On Good Friday, the entire Church fixes her gaze on the Cross at Calvary. Each

member of the Church tries to understand at what cost Christ has won our

redemption. In the solemn ceremonies of Good Friday, in the Adoration of the Cross,

in the chanting of the 'Reproaches', in the reading of the

Passion, and in receiving the pre-consecrated Host, we

unite ourselves to our Savior, and we contemplate our

own death to sin in the Death of our Lord.

Here at the National Shrine of the Little Flower,

services begin at Noon with the Stations of the Cross

enacted by the youth of the parish.

Following the Stations, the Solemn Liturgy of Good

Friday begins with the Liturgy of the Word and the

reading of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ from the

Gospel of John. The Prayer of the Faithful is longer and

more formal on this day as we pray for the redemption

of the world through the Cross of Christ.

After the Liturgy of the Word, we have the Solemn

Adoration of the Cross. This is a time to reflect on the

mystery of Christ‘s love for us. Then there is a

communion service when we receive the Body of Christ

consecrated at the Mass of the Lord‘s Supper from the night before.

Again I encourage everyone who can to attend this sacred liturgy beginning at

Noon on Friday in the church.

www.shrinechurch.com April 17, 2011 Page 3

Baptized in Christ

Addison Mary daughter

of Brian and Kristina

(Perna) Kross

Ethan Michael son of

Edward and Suzanne

(Branoff) VanDerWal

Francesco Julian son of

Anthony and Marlene

(Tabone) Mercieca

Marco James son of

James and Angela

(Zanotti) Fleming

Divine Life

Banns of Marriage

First Bann

Mary Neighbors and

Andrew Boyle Jacqui Ward and

Douglas Anter

continued from page 2

Bearings ...

Holy Saturday

On Saturday, we celebrate the

Great Vigil of Easter. At this vigil, the

new fire is lit in the darkness. The great

Easter Candle is blessed, lit, and carried

in procession into the Church. The

Church rejoices and the Resurrection of

the Lord Jesus is proclaimed.

After the Liturgy of the Word, the

water of the Baptismal Font is

consecrated. The elect are baptized. We all renew out baptismal promises, and

then the elect and the candidates receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

The liturgy concludes with the joyous celebration of Holy Mass and those newly

received into the Church receive the Eucharist for the first time.

This is the most important liturgy of the entire Church year. Every Sunday

celebration is the remembering and echo of this Great Liturgy of the Resurrection.

Easter continues for an Octave of days and a season of 50 days. If at all possible, I

encourage you to participate in this great liturgy of the Easter Vigil.

Rosie, Carlito and Kodiak Kodi had a little blue prayer bear. It was only about 4 inches tall. He would carry

it around, play with it, sleep with it, and guard it. Rosie got a hold of it one day when

Kodi was not around. She ripped it to shreds. Can we say ―jealous‖?

Notice To All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Located at the Extraordinary Minister Sign In Table are EARLY SIGN UP

SHEETS for the Easter Weekend Services.

Please, as you are attending mass, select a location to serve while

attending your service of choice.

Mass Coordinators: Please sign as a Coordinator for the service of your

choice on the upper left side of the sheet.

Also, whether or not you have signed up early, please check with the

Coordinator at the service you attend to either let the Coordinator know you

are present or to volunteer to serve at that Service.

We always have many visitors during this season; therefore we will need

more Ministers at each Service than normal.

So, please come forward to serve.

New Items in the National Shrine Gift Shop The National Shrine Gift Shop just received a limited supply of new ―Blessed John

Paul II‖ Christmas bulbs. These bulbs were made special for John Paul‘s beatification

on May 1. We also received St. Michael and Max. Kolbe bulbs. There are a few of the

Last Supper ($60) sculptures left. We just stocked 16 different inspiring Lighthouse

CD‘s that are in Spanish. If you have any questions, please contact Jack Hoolehan

on 248.541.4122, ext. 418.

Page 4 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Mass Information

Monday, April 18 6:30 am Mass Msgr. Easton Servers George Vidosh, Ben Vidosh 8:30 am Mass Fr. Camilleri Servers Joe Wagner, Greg Golias

Tuesday, April 19 6:30 am Mass Fr. Lang Servers Niklas Jenkins, Blake Smith 8:30 am Mass Msgr. Easton Servers Maureen Luddy, Olivia Zardus

Wednesday, April 20 6:30 am Mass Fr. Espinoza Servers Dmitri Krick, Michael Niehaus 8:30 am Mass Fr. Lang Servers Asher Smith, Brennan Smith Thursday, April 21—Holy Thursday

8:30 am Morning Prayers

7:00 pm Mass of the Lord‘s Supper

Servers Chris Mastantuono, Miles Ploucha

Sam Ploucha, Robby Zink Emcee Scott Ruhle

Friday, April 22—Good Friday of the Lord‟s Passion

8:30 am Morning Prayers

12:00 pm Stations of the Cross

Servers Madeline Rozanski, Lily Queen

Lucy Queen 1:00 pm Liturgy of the Passion

Saturday, April 23—Holy Saturday Holy Saturday

8:30 am Morning Prayers

11:00 am Blessing of the Baskets

Sunday, April 24

Easter Sunday: The Resurrection of the Lord

Vigil Mass (on Saturday)

9:00 pm Easter Vigil Mass

Servers Dmitri Krick, Ken Miller, Michael Miller

Anthony Fisher, Christopher McCloskey

Mark Ruhle, Sean Ruhle Emcee Scott Ruhle

Sunday Masses

7:30 am Mass Fr. Espinoza Lectors Phil Clark, Marlene Kowalewski Servers Claire Baumhardt, Madelyne Luddy

Maureen Luddy, Colleen Hull Hospitality MaryAnn Skaggs, Team

9:00 am Mass Fr. Lang Lectors Carlos Carpenter, Philip DeVoe

Thomas DeVoe Servers Michael Zobl, David Zobl, Dmitri Krick

Anthony Segvich Hospitality Tony Recchia, Team

10:45 am Mass Msgr. Easton Lectors Mark Mason, Ed Sulak Servers George Vidosh, Ben Vidosh, Jess Moon

Andre Moon, Blake Smith Emcee Donald York Hospitality Wayne Friedman, Team

12:30 pm Mass Fr. Camilleri Lectors Frank Mills, Frank Lepkowski Servers Kaleigh Sonntag, Bailey Haran

Isabel Aklestad, Mary Sier Hospitality Hugh Brennan, Team

No 6:00 pm Mass Scheduled

Monday, April 18

Is 42:1-7

Jn 12:1-11

Tuesday, April 19

Is 49:1-6

Jn 13:21-33, 36-38

Wednesday, April 20

Is 50:4-9a

Mt 26:14-25

Thursday, April 21

Ex 12:1-8, 11-14

1 Cor 11:23-26

Jn 13:1-15

Friday, April 22

Is 52:13—53:12

Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9

Jn 18:1—19:42

Readings of The Week

Saturday, April 23

Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1:1,


Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a,

10-13, 15-18

Ex 14:15—15:1

Is 54:5-14

Is 55:1-11

Bar 3:9-15, 32C4:48

Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28

Rom 6:3-11

Mt 28:1-10

Sunday, April 24

Acts 10:34a, 37-43

Col 3:1-4 or Cor 5:6b-8

Jn 20:1-9 or Mt 28:1-10

www.shrinechurch.com April 17, 2011 Page 5

Monday, April 18 Monday of Holy Week

6:30 am Intentions of

Karen and Jim Branden 8:30 am †Barbara Crowe

Tuesday, April 19 Tuesday of Holy Week

6:30 am †Theresa Smith

8:30 am †Deceased members of the

Fedewa, and Doman Family

Wednesday, April 20 Wednesday of Holy Week

6:30 am †Myron and Grace Grant 8:30 am †Alfred H. Markus Thursday, April 21 Holy Thursday—No Mass Intentions

8:30 am Morning Prayers

7:00 pm Mass of the Lord‘s Supper Friday, April 22—No Mass Intentions Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion

8:30 am Morning Prayers

12:00 pm Stations of the Cross

1:00 pm Liturgy of the Passion

Saturday, April 23—No Mass Intentions Holy Saturday

8:30 am Morning Prayers

11:00 am Blessing of the Baskets Sunday, April 24 Easter Sunday: The Resurrection of the Lord

Vigil Masses (on Saturday)

9:00 pm—Easter Vigil Intentions of the

Parishioners of NSLF Sunday Masses

7:30 am †Deceased Members of the

Cruz-Tandoc Family 9:00 am †Vergine and Yousif Aghajoun 10:45 am Intentions of the

Parishioners of NSLF

12:30 pm †Veronica Agnes Zinger No 6:00 pm Mass Scheduled

Mass Intentions Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration "...But you did not want to come to Me to have

life." -taken from John 5:31-47

"Who would dare refuse You honor, or the glory

due Your name, O Lord? Since You alone are

holy, all nations shall come and worship in Your Presence.

Your mighty deeds are clearly seen.”

Open Holy Hours: Sunday, 10 am ( arrive at 9:45 for 9 am

adorer); Monday, 1 and 4 am; Tuesday, 9 am; Thursday,

noon; and Friday, 11 am. Partners are desired for the

following Holy Hours: Sunday, 9 and 10 am and 2 and 6 pm;

Monday, 1, 5, 10 am; Wednesday, 9 and 11 am, 3, 4, 6, 11

pm; Thursday, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11 am and 2 pm; Friday, 4 and 11

am and the 1 pm hour on Tuesday and Friday. Call Marie

Lama at 248.655.0309 if you are interested in a Holy Hour,

being a partner for a Holy Hour, or are interested in subbing

for Holy Hours.

Reminder: The Adoration Chapel will be closed for the

Triduum. Watch for postings for the specific time of

closing. The Adoration Chapel will reopen after the Easter

Vigil Mass.

Chapel angels needed to help with the annual Holy

Saturday chapel cleaning! This is the time when we more

thoroughly clean the chapel woodwork, bookcases, altar,

and so on. Call Marie if you are able to help! Thanks in


Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray for us!

Watch Live Coverage of the

Beatification of Pope John Paul II Join EWTN on Mercy

Sunday, May 1, as Pope

Benedict XVI presides over

the much anticipated

b e a t i f i c a t i o n o f h i s

predecessor, Pope John Paul

II, live from St. Peter's Square.

Beatification is the last major

s t ep before poss ib le

sainthood! See it all on EWTN

(local channel information).

Visit www.ewtn.com for more

information or to watch coverage live online!

Page 6 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Sgt. Daniel J. Allen, US Army

Maj. Eric Ansorge PhD, US Army

Patrick Paul Atallah, USMC

Christopher Babcock, USAF

Maj. Louis M. Berra, USAF Envin E. Billings, US Army

Pvt. Sean Brady, U.S. Army

Capt. Matthew Cain, US Army

Pat Carroll, USAF, Shrine ‗61, MIA

Crisanto R. Delos, USCG

Lt. Joseph W. Doman, US Navy

Col. Thomas M. Doman, USMC

Specialist Raymond Dorierty

PV2-E2 Melissa Ducastel, US Army

Lt. Jason D. Everts, US Army

Thomas Fern, USAF

LCpl. Sarah Fitzpatrick, USMC

Sean Gillion, US Army

Lt. Cmdr. Troy Perry Glendye, USCG

Cpl. Gary R. Gmeiner, USMC

Joseph Haddad, USMC

Capt. Richard Holt, USAF

SSgt. Philip Huber, USMC

Jacob Kindl, USMC

Andrew Kostrzewa, US Navy

2nd Lt. Nicholas Robert Langan, US Army

Peter Laperriere, US Navy

Matthew W. Lewandowski US Army

Brian MacKenzie, USAF

GS13 Dan Marem MI BN

Spec. Ryan McWilliams, US Army Rangers

Capt. Christopher Mellon, USMC

Sgt. Eric Michael Mihelcich, USMC

LCpl. Troy Alan Mihelcich, USMC Aaron Mingle, US Navy

1st Capt. Johnny Pruitt, ASAF

Spec. Kevin C. Oldani, F.A.S.T. USMC

Capt. Daniel P. Palmer, US Army

Lt. John F. Palmer, US Army

Lt. Martin J. Palmer, US Army

Maj. Loren D. Penney, US Army

Sgt. Brock Redpath, US Army

Anthony Reynolds, USAF

Capt. David N. Roberts, USMC

Andrew Schulte, US Army

Lt. Col. Eric J. Simpson, FA

Capt. Michael Szalma, US Army

PV2 Christopher M. Villerot, US Army

Spec. David Wittla, US Army

Please pray for our Military


Just a reminder, please notify us when you

have additions to the Military prayer list, or

when one of our Military members can be

taken off the prayer list.

Thank you!

Life Matters During this upcoming Holy Week, it is most appropriate to spend

some time contemplating Christ‘s suffering for us; why we are called

to at times to suffer and how this speaks specifically to the Church‘s

teaching on euthanasia and assisted suicide.

“The answer to the question of the meaning of suffering has been

“given by God to man in the Cross of Jesus Christ”. Suffering, a

consequence of original sin, takes on a new meaning; it becomes a

sharing in the saving work of Jesus Christ. Through his suffering on the

Cross, Christ has prevailed over evil and enables us too to overcome

it. Our sufferings become meaningful and precious when united with

his. As God and man, Christ has taken upon himself the sufferings of

humanity, and in him human suffering itself takes on a redemptive

meaning. In this union between the human and the divine, suffering

brings forth good and overcomes evil… Faith teaches us to seek the

ultimate meaning of suffering in Christ’s Passion, Death and

Resurrection.” (Pope John II, Tenth World Day of the Sick, February

11, 2002)

United with our Lady of Sorrows, let us pray this week for all those

that suffer; that they may be lifted from despair and come to know in

faith the redemptive meaning of their suffering.

Uniforms Needed! This is a Great way to help out families in our school!

Looking to organize your kid's closets and drawers and make

some extra CASH!


Thursday, June 9 For information on how you can donate please e-mail:

[email protected]

Let‟s Talk … Family Planning Spring is in the air. New life is budding. These signs give us the insight

to know when it is time to plant or not. Our body gives us signs when

pregnancy is possible. Natural Family Planning teaches couples how to

interpret these signs.

For more information about NFP, our regular classes, or the confer-

ence, email [email protected] or call 313.237.4679.

www.shrinechurch.com April 17, 2011 Page 7

Events Calendar

Sunday, April 17—Palm Sunday

Masses 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am;

12:30 and 6:00 pm

Religious Formation Preschool

YR 9 am

Palm Sunday Banner Procession

HH-MF 9 am

Lending Library

CC-C 10 am


CC-SH 10:30 am

Youth Ministry Good Friday


YR 7 pm

Monday, April 18

Masses 6:30, 8:30 am

Brownie Troop #75027

YR 3:30 pm

Religious Ed K - 6

GS-CR 4:30, 6 pm

Religious Ed 7 – 8

HS/Academy 6:15 pm

Penance Service/Taize Evening

Prayer Service

Church 7 pm

Boy Scout Troop #1634 Committee


GS Café 7 pm

Saint Vincent de Paul Meeting

HH-BR 7 pm

Legion of Mary Meeting

CC-B 7:30 pm

Tuesday, April 19

Masses 6:30, 8:30 am

Mission Ladies Sewing/Quilting


CC-A 10 am

Hand Bell Choir

CR 1 pm


STC 6:45 pm

ENDOW Lumen Gentium Light of


CC-A 7 pm

Shrine Moms‘ Tuesday Night Bridge

CC-SH 7 pm

Boy Scout Troop #1634

YR 7:30 pm

Love of God Prayer Group

STC 8 pm

Wednesday, April 20

Masses 6:30, 8:30 am

Men‘s Bible Study

CC-B 6:15 am

Lending Library

CC-C 9:15 am

Thursday, April 21—Holy Thursday

Morning Prayer

Church 8:30 am

K of C Challenge Girls

YR 4 pm

Hispanic Group

YR 6 pm

FOCCUS Testing

HH-B 6:30 pm

Mass of the Lord‘s Supper

Church 7 pm

Boy Scout Troop #1634 Committee


CC-A 7:30 pm

Friday, April 22—Good Friday

Morning Prayer

Church 8:30 am


CC-SH, A, B 9:30 am

Stations of the Cross

Church 12 pm

Liturgy of the Passion

Church 1 pm

Girl Scout Troop #3068

CC-B 7 pm

Saturday, April 23—Holy Saturday

Morning Prayer

Church 8:30 am

Light Weigh Catholic Weight Loss

CC-A 9:30 am

Blessing of the Baskets

Church 11 am

Easter Vigil 9 pm

Sunday, April 24—Easter Sunday

Masses 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am and


Events Calendar Location Guide

A Academy

AC Adoration Chapel,

Coughlin Building

CC-SH Conference Center, Seton


CC-A Conference Center, Room A

CC-B Conference Center, Room B

CC-C Conference Center, Room C

CL Choir Loft

CR Choir Room

GS Grade School

HH-BR Heritage Hall Board Room

HH-B Heritage Hall Mtg. Rm. B

HH-EW Heritage Hall East Wing

HH-WW Heritage Hall West Wing

HH-MF Heritage Hall Main Floor

HS High School

STC St. Thérèse Chapel

YR Youth Room

Lending Library Did you ever wonder

what happened to the Apostles after

Calvary? The Twelve: The Lives of the

Apostles After Calvary by C. Bernard

Ruffin re-creates and outlines the lives of

each of Christ‘s closest followers. The

author uses Scripture, Tradition, and

historical documents to paint a picture of

each of the Apostles, where they

preached the Gospel and where most

were martyred for their Faith.

Lending Library hours are Sundays from

10 am to 2 pm, and Wednesdays and

Fridays from 9:15 am to Noon, in

the National Shrine Conference Center,

Room C (across the alley from the

Northwood parking lot). For information

call Kathy McGuire at 248.541.6834 or

JoAn Gilleran at 248.629.4045.

Crisis Pregnancy?

Mother and Unborn Baby Care can

help! Call 248.559.7576 Hurting from an abortion


Call Silent No More 800.395.HELP Miscarriage Help?

Call Colleen at 248.677.3094 or email: [email protected]

Word of Life This is not a Church issue; this is

a civil rights issue, the premier

civil rights issue of our day!

All we are asking is that the equal

protection of the law promised by our

beloved constitution be applied to the

pre-born baby. All we‘re promoting is the

noble right to life assured in our nation‘s

foundational documents, which list the

right to life first among those inalienable

rights no one has the power to take away.

~Most Rev. Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New

York and USCCB President, Speech at the

Fourth Annual Respect Life Week, Yonkers, NY,

Jan. 9, 2011

Page 8 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Family Activities

Pancakes and Banners It was a full house last weekend as families enjoyed

pancakes and made banners to bring to 9 am Mass on

Palm Sunday. Thirty nine children with the help of their

parents participated. They look forward to joining in the

procession with Fr. Anthony! See pictures of our creative kids

on page 10.

PandaMania Vacation Bible School

June 20 – 24, 9 am – Noon

Shrine Catholic Grade School UPDATE! The elementary program is full.

Call 248.541.5133 to be added to the waiting

list. Only a few spots remain for Panda Preschool!

It‘s PandaMania this year for the always popular, always

full, Vacation Bible School.

PandaMania is for children registered this fall for grades

kindergarten through 6. Panda Preschool is for children who

are at least 3 years old by June 1, 2011 AND potty-trained.

The cost per child is $40 and includes crafts, snacks, and

Bible Memory Buddies!

Please visit www.shrinechurch.com for registration forms.

Preschool Religious Formation

Easter Break There is no Preschool Religious Formation class on Easter

Sunday (April 24). Our last class of this formation year is the

following Sunday, May 1.

Elementary Religious Formation and

Sacramental Preparation

Registration starts April 18 for the 2011-2012

Religious Formation Year Registration forms are available for pickup to all

currently enrolled grades Preschool – Grade 8 after-school

Religious Formation families. Please return completed

registrations by May 13. If you are new to the program or

would like to register a new sibling, please contact our office

at [email protected] or 248.541.5133 to get a

registration form.

Programs meet on the following days and times:

Preschool (ages 3 & 4), Sundays during 9 am Mass in the

Church Youth Room.

Elementary (K-6), Mondays from 4:30 - 5:30 pm or 6 - 7

pm at Shrine Catholic Grade School.

Grades 7 & 8, Mondays 6:15 – 7:30 pm at Shrine Catholic


High School Youth Ministry (9-12), Sundays from 7 – 9 pm

in the Church Youth Room.

New students older than grade 2 who have not

attended a Catholic school or Religious Formation program

for the 2010-2011 year may be placed in the RCIA adapted

for Children program, also held on Monday evenings. The Preschool Religious Formation and High School

Youth Ministry programs are designed for all parish families

while the K-8 programs are geared specifically to public

school or home-schooled children.

Attention Parents of incoming First and Second

Graders! Sacramental Preparation Children ages 6-16 who wish to receive Baptism,

Reconciliation, Eucharist or Confirmation must receive

religious formation for a minimum of two consecutive

years in a Catholic School or after-school formation


Children who attend Shrine Catholic Schools or our

after-school programs will automatically receive

sacrament registration materials to complete before

starting grades 2 and 7.

All others must contact the Religious Formation Office

at 248.541.5133. Examples of children in this group include

students at other Catholic schools, children who are older

than the typical age/grade, or non-Catholics wishing to

become Catholic.

Grades 7/8

Coming up this month, in addition to regular classes,

students will walk with Jesus and pray the Stations of the

Cross as well as celebrate a special Mass together in the

high school Chapel.

It won‘t be long and the 2010-2011 school year will

come to a close. The final class is May 2. Please make

every effort to attend the remaining Monday evening

sessions. Also, please continue working to complete the

service project opportunities. Have a wonderful week!

Stations of the Cross Sunday, April 17, 7:30 to 9 pm Each year the teens of National Shrine Parish reenact

the Living Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. We are

looking for all teens in grades 7 through 12 to help us as

actors and readers. Please meet in the Church following

the 6 pm Mass to start rehearsals. If you are interested in

participating, please contact Christine Wist at

[email protected].

Youth Service Team Opportunities

Service Summaries Last week, all Confirmation Candidates should have

received a summary of all of the service projects that

have been completed through March 15. If you have not

received it, please contact Mrs. Cerone as soon as

possible and let her know. We are very proud of

wonderful work our teens are doing! They are making a

tremendous difference in our parish and our community!

Please continue to watch the Herald for more

opportunities to get involved.

Stations of the Cross Sunday, April 17, 7:30 to 9 pm Each year the teens of National Shrine Parish reenact

the Living Stations of the Cross at noon on Good Friday.

We are looking for all teens in grades 7 through 12 to help

us as actors and readers. Please meet in the Church

Religious Formation

www.shrinechurch.com April 17, 2011 Page 9

following the 6 pm Mass to start rehearsals. If you are

interested in participating, please contact Christine Wist at

[email protected].

Audio Video Assistants Saturday April 23, 8 pm Two audio visual assistants are needed to help run and set

up video equipment for the Easter Vigil Mass. Students are

needed from approximately 8 to 9:30 pm. Students are then

welcome to either stay for the rest of Mass, or leave with a

parent. If you are interested, please email Mr. Gallucci at

[email protected].

Pancake Breakfast Sunday, May 15

Shrine Catholic Grade School Gym Volunteers are needed to help the Dad‘s Club with the

Pancake Breakfast. There will be two shifts of workers

available, either 7-9 am or 9-11 am. Responsibilities include:

setting up/taking down tables and chairs, rolling silverware,

carrying trays for patrons, wiping tables, etc. Please note:

Confirmation candidates may only use TWO Pancake

Breakfasts to count toward the service requirement. To

register, please contact Mrs. Cerone at 248.541.5133 or

[email protected] with the words ―Pancake

Breakfast‖ in the subject line.

C.R.E.W. High School Youth Ministry

All events listed in this section are for high school teens

in grades 9 through 12 and will take place in the Youth

Room unless otherwise noted. C.R.E.W. (Catholic, Relationships, Evangelization, Worship)

is Shrine‘s high school youth group for teens in grades 9 thru 12.

Our group name embodies everything that we represent and

strive to be. Our goal is to give all of the high school teens in

National Shrine Parish a place to learn more about their

Catholic faith, how to live it every day, and meet other

Catholic teens in the Parish. Join us on Sunday nights from 7:30

to 9 pm in the Youth Room. Contact our Youth Minister,

Christine Wist, with any questions at [email protected].

Attention Eighth Graders! Are you an eighth grader that wants to get involved in

National Shrine Parish? Join us for our C.R.E.W. nights! This is a

great way to get to know other teens in the Parish and have a

great time on Sunday nights before starting off the school


Stations of the Cross Sunday, April 17, 7:30 to 9 pm

Friday, April 22 10:30 am Each year the teens of National Shrine Parish reenact the

Living Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. We are looking for

all teens in grades 7 through 12 to help us as actors and

readers. Please meet in the Church following the 6 pm Mass

to start rehearsals. If you are interested in participating, please

contact Christine Wist at [email protected] or show up

for rehearsal this Sunday, April 17.

No C.R.E.W.—Sunday, April 24

Adult Religious Formation

Young Adults 18-35

Potluck Dinner Tuesday, April 26, 6 pm, Location TBD Please bring a dish to pass and enjoy the company

of other Young Adults in the Parish. We will be reflecting

on Lent and how to carry our Lenten reflections

throughout the rest of the year.

Religious Art Tour at the Detroit Institute of Art Friday, June 17 at 7:30 pm P l e a s e c o n t a c t C h r i s t i n e Wi s t a t

[email protected] by April 15 to register for the


Slow Pitch Softball Sunday, May 1, 12 pm, Starr-Jaycee Park There is a slow pitch softball group forming here at

the National Shrine! Please contact Christine Wist at

[email protected] if you are interested in


Catholicism 101 7 to 9 pm; dates and topics listed below All sessions will be held in the National Shrine

Conference Center from 7 to 9 pm. Cost is $10 per

session; there is no cost to current National Shrine

Catechists and teachers. All Catechists in attendance

will receive credit towards the Archdiocese of Detroit's

Catechist Certification. Registration at least one week in

advance of the class is required so enough handouts

are prepared. To register, email Renee Cramer at

[email protected] or call 248.541.5133. Date: Topic

(Catechist Certification Topic Number):

May 3 Foundations in Sacred Scripture, #4

National Shrine of the Little Flower

Perpetual Mass Enrollment Cards

The National Shrine of the Little Flower now

has a beautiful six page perpetual Mass card

available at the Parish rectory office and the

National Shrine gift shop. With

this enrollment, the person or

persons, living or deceased,

will be remembered in a Mass

once a month at the National

Shrine on or near the first Friday

of each month.

The Masses will be celebrated every month

in perpetuity. The suggested offering for the

enrollment card and a card suitable to be

given to family or individuals is $25 per card.

Page 10 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Religious Formation

Pancakes and Banners

National Shrine Career Network Presents:

Want Different Results in Your Job Search?

April 25, 2011, 6:45 to 9 pm, National Shrine Conference Center Presented by: Jen Todd

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right." — Henry Ford

Whether you are looking for a specific job, want to start some kind of business, or are soul searching to

uncover your ideal career, the mindset you have is critical to your success. Explore how your beliefs and

attitudes create your reality and drive your results, in any endeavor, but especially in our current job market. If

you feel frustrated, stuck or impatient and want to transform your job search experience, then this is the

session for you.

Jennifer (Jen) Todd, founder and CEO of breakthrough partners, inc., is an experienced coach and

consultant. She supports people in developing the attitudes and behaviors needed for high performance and

achievement of results. Jen‘s consulting clients over the years where she develops leadership and shifts the

culture include: CEOs, business leaders in large and small organizations, large corporations, consulting and

venture capital firms, non-profits and small law firms. Jen also coaches executives and individuals one-on-one

supporting them in making powerful shifts in their mindsets and behaviors to transform their lives and work. Jen

holds a Master‘s of Science in Organization Development from Pepperdine University and a Bachelor‘s degree

in Psychology from Michigan State University. She is a trained as a coach and in various assessment and

leadership tools. Jen recently published a client case study in the 3rd edition of ―Practicing Organization

Development‖ book.

Would you like to offer your expertise to this group? Is your company looking for new employees? Attend

our meeting or forward requests to [email protected].

www.shrinechurch.com April 17, 2011 Page 11

Penance Services April 18, 7 pm Taize Evening Prayer and Penance Services Holy Thursday, April 21 8:30 am Morning Prayer 7 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday, April 22 8:30 am Morning Prayer 12 Noon Stations of the Cross 1 pm Liturgy of the Passion Holy Saturday, April 23 8:30 am Morning Prayer 11 am Blessing of the Baskets Easter Vigil, 9 pm Easter Sunday, April 24 7:30, 9 and 10:45 am and 12:30 pm Masses

Holy Week Schedule 2011

Make Your World a More Beautiful Place this Spring! Shrine Catholic High School & Academy Mother‘s Club Annual Spring Fundraiser

Come to Telly‘s Greenhouse in Troy

10% of your entire purchase comes back to the Mother‘s Club

Page 12 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Palm Sunday—The Hidden Miracles Of Jerusalem

Passover is the highest holyday for the Jewish people. It recounts an earlier time during the dark days of

captivity in Egypt when Yahweh sent angels of death to destroy the firstborn throughout the land in response

to Pharaoh‘s hardened heart. However, the messengers of death passed over those whose door posts were

marked with the blood of a sacrificial lamb.

The triumphal entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem to celebrate the memory of the Passover was to be the

highpoint in his public life. This would be the closest the chosen people would come to recognizing their

Messiah. It would be his shining hour, a time of excitement when for a fleeting moment crowds would

welcome him as their King and Savior. All four gospels contain this account of Jesus‘ triumphal entrance into

Jerusalem. Clearly, it had been a major event, a powerful moment of decision. The Jewish people were

celebrating the memory of a great miracle, but missed truly the greatest miracle ever promised – the coming

of the Messiah. This tragic mistake was not an isolated moment frozen in time. It was a tragic lost opportunity

to recognize Jesus then, and even after he rose from the dead. They would not ask for faith, so they could not

see the fulfillment of their dreams. Unfortunately, such lost opportunities to recognize the presence and

miracles of Jesus continue in our lives and in our times, as well.

Not all of Jesus‘ miracles are immediately evident. We too must pray for the eyes of faith to see them. Take

the hidden miracle that occurred right in front of everyone at the triumphal entrance into the holy city. Did

you notice it? St. Mark and St. Luke did and recorded it in their gospel narratives. “… He (Jesus) sent two of his

disciples on an errand with these instructions: „Go to the village facing you, and just as you enter it, you will

find tied a foal on which no man has ever sat. Unhitch it and bring it here.‟ … They brought the foal to Jesus

and threw their cloaks over it; and he seated himself on it.”

Could another person have ridden this foal, never before ridden, in such a noisy and hectic setting? No! It

was the Lord of Creation, the Prince of Peace, the King of Israel, the Messiah, the Son of God who did. This was

the culmination of the greatest promise foretold throughout the ages of the Old Testament, and for most

everyone in the crowd that day they missed him and another miracle. Why? They lost the opportunity

because they did not listen nor see with the eyes and ears of faith.

Inevitably and inescapably, each of us also moves steadily closer to death on our personal journey to

Jerusalem and the Cross. As we do, we pray for the grace to recognize the miracles of Jesus in our own lives

and times, for this too is a world filled with moments of great expectation, opportunity and promise.

The people we serve in our area, and the ministries, program and services we provide are what

make National Shrine of the Little Flower truly special!

Your financial support makes all of this work possible. Please consider enrolling in our electronic

giving program, Faith Direct. Using Faith Direct is a simple way that your financial support can further

benefit not only our parish, but your family and the beautiful world God has given us.

Why should you consider Faith Direct for your weekly offertory support?

1. For you and your family, Faith Direct offers efficiency and simplicity: you can make all of your

contributions to National Shrine of the Little Flower via automatic payment from your checking

account or credit card.

2. For National Shrine of the Little Flower, electronic giving brings consistency to our budget and

helps our parish use our financial resources more efficiently.

3. For our world, electronic giving eliminates the need and expense of mailing thousands of

envelopes to our parish families every year. Many of those envelopes are not used. Through

electronic giving, you will not only help strengthen our Church but you'll help preserve God's

green earth!

Please visit www.faithdirect.net to securely enroll online by using our church code: MI16.

www.shrinechurch.com April 17, 2011 Page 13

Attention All Parishioners Holy Thursday, the night of the Last Supper, holds special meaning for all priests as it is considered to

be the inception of the priesthood in the Catholic Church. The National Shrine Vocations Committee

invites you to show your appreciation for the priests in our parish for all they do in supporting our faith

community by sending them a kind note, a card, or a letter of thanks to arrive on Holy Thursday. Please,

no gifts. As we all know, the demands on the clergy are always increasing and their numbers are

decreasing. We encourage you to affirm their hard work and dedication with a simple thank you. We

wish you a blessed and joyous Easter, and we ask you to continue to pray for religious vocations. Please

let our priests know you care.

The National Shrine Vocations Committee

Page 14 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower

Roamin’ with Rosie Greetings to all people of the humanoid persuasion!

Happy Palm Sunday! Today marks the beginning of the Holy Week. Palm leaves are

blessed and we relive Jesus coming into Jerusalem. After Mass, we can take the palm

branches home. Where does your family put their palm branches once they are

brought home? Please let me know at: [email protected].

Last week, I asked about the three jars of oil that are in the glass case near the

Baptismal Font. They are the Oils of Sick, of Catechumens, and the Holy Chrism. They will be given to the

parish at a Chrism Mass this Thursday down at the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral. The oils will then be received

into the parish on Holy Thursday at the Feast of the Lord‘s Supper. (Foot washing will also take place at this

Mass.) The oils will be used at the Baptism, Communion and Confirmations on Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil.

While a bit long, the Easter Vigil is probably the most beautiful Mass of the year. It starts in darkness and then

slowly the church fills up with light as candles are lit celebrating Christ‘s rising from the dead. It is awesome!

Speaking of awesome, has everyone seen my new hair style? I went to the groomer‘s last week and dog,

did I smell pretty and look great! (Kodi just rolled in the mud after he saw me groomed!- What a dog!) Next

Sunday, I think everyone will look pretty awesome in their Easter clothes. I can‘t wait to see.

I also want to mention that the Shrine High School and Academy Mother‘s Club Fashion Show is on Saturday,

April 30 from 1-5 pm. You can get more information and tickets by contacting Karen Krease for tickets at

[email protected] or 248.790.6560. I think I am going to talk Monsignor into another trip to the beauty

parlor before then!

Well that‘s it for now. Have a Blessed Holy Week and we‘ll see you during the many services and Mass


www.shrinechurch.com April 17, 2011 Page 15


Grade School Happenings


Each month in gym we run a ―marathon‖ and April has us working on the 9 Minute Marathon. Our kids are getting in


Children in kindergarten through grade 2 are finishing up our jump rope unit and have started our soccer unit, focusing

on kicking, trapping, dribbling and passing skills.

Our upper grade students have been working on basketball dribbling, shooting, guarding and passing. Beachball

volleyball follows and prepares us for the summer months.

A favorite end of the year activity is the ―Go for the Dough‖ run. In the ―Go for the Dough‖ competition, one boy and

one girl in each grade level wins an ice cream for running further than any other student in their grade. This activity always

create a lot of excitement.

- Mrs. Love

Spring Open House and Tour

We are hosting a Preschool, Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten Open House on Tuesday, April 26 from 9:30 to 10:30

am. Join us!

We‘ll also be providing a school tour for any interested families on Thursday, April 28 at 1:30 pm. If interested in seeing

―our kids‖ in action, call 248.541.4622 or email [email protected].

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www.shrinechurch.com April 17, 2011 Page 17

Ward Memorial Scholarship and Knights of Columbus Scholarship for

Shrine Catholic Academy Students The Frank and Mary Ward Memorial Scholarship is a $500 award to a deserving student entering eighth

grade as a new or continuing student at Shrine Catholic Academy. The scholarship is administered on behalf

of the Ward family by the National Shrine of the Little Flower Council #12408, Knights of Columbus, through the

Development Office at the Academy. The late Frank and Mary Ward were National Shrine parishioners for

more than 50 years. Mr. Ward was a member of the Knights of Columbus, and Mrs. Ward worked for many

years as the rectory office manager. The Wards‘ devotion to the parish and Catholic education is carried on

by this scholarship funded by their daughters, who both attended Shrine Catholic Schools.

National Shrine K of C Council #12408 is additionally supporting the Frank and Mary Ward Memorial

Scholarship with a $250 award for a second student from among the applicants.

Please contact the Shrine Catholic Academy office (248.549.2928) or Matt York in the Development Office

([email protected]; 248.541.4122, ext. 455) to obtain the application packet for the Ward Memorial

Scholarship for 2011-2012. The application deadline is May 6, 2011.

A Reminder …

Whenever your address, phone number, email, or family status changes, please be sure

to contact the parish office and update your information with us. It is critical that we keep

our parishioner records up-to-date! Thank you!

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Parish Office

2100 W. 12 Mile Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073-3910

Pastoral Staff

Parish Main Number .......................................................................................... 248.541.4122

Rev. Msgr. William H. Easton, Pastor .................................................................... ext 415

Rev. Joseph Lang, Assoc ...................................................................................... ext 412

Rev. Anthony Camilleri, Assoc ............................................................................. ext 419

Rev. Adalberto Espinoza, Assoc .......................................................................... ext 416

Rev. Mr. Thomas R. Avery, Deacon ..................................................................... ext 422

Christian Service, Sister Noreen Ellison, SC .......................................................... ext 411

Director of Liturgical Music, Mr. Rob Abbott ...................................................... ext 442

Parish Education & Religious Formation Staff

Shrine Catholic High School & Academy, 3500 W 13 Mile Rd. R.O. 48073

Principal, Mrs. Gabrielle Erken ..................................................................... 248.549.2925

Shrine Catholic Grade School, 1621 Linwood R.O. 48067

Principal, Mrs. Sharon Dixon ......................................................................... 248.541.4622

Director of Recruiting, Mrs. Meg Armstrong .................................................. 248.549.2925

Religious Education

Office Coordinator, Renee Cramer ........................................................... 248.541.5133

Preschool & Elementary Coordinator, Janie Lynch ................................. 248.541.5133

Youth Minister (9-12 grades), Christine Wist ............................................... 248.541.5133

Grades 7/8 Religious Formation, Michael Reece ..................................... 248.541.5133

Director of RCIA and Adult Formation, Mr. John LaCroix ....................... 248.543.6955

Development Staff

Director of Development, Mr. Matthew York..................................................... ext 455

Parish Support Staff

Executive Assistant, Mrs. Anne Knapik ................................................................ ext 413

Parish Receptionist, Mrs. Charlene Lewandowski ............................................. ext 410

Financial Supervisor, Mr. Jim Skaggs ................................................................... ext 423

Parish Bookkeeper, Mrs. Mary Ellen Wassenberg .............................................. ext 421

Building and Grounds, Mr. Kevin Sutherland ..................................................... ext 414

National Shrine Director/Church Tours, Mr. Jack Hoolehan ............................ ext 418

Tuition Manager/Herald Editor, Mrs. Vicki Holtyn .............................................. ext 448

Office Hours

Monday - Friday ........................................................................ 9 am-5 pm, 6:30 pm-9 pm

Saturday ........................................................................................................... 9 am-2:30 pm

Emergencies handled at any time.

Please limit other visits or phone calls to the above times.

Church Hours

Monday - Friday .............................................................................................. 5:30 am-5 pm

Saturday .................................................................................. 7:30 am-after 6:30 pm Mass

Sunday ..................................................................................... 6:30 am-after 6:00 pm Mass

Gift Shop Hours

Monday - Friday ................................................................................................... 1 pm-4 pm

Second Saturday of the Month ................................................................ 5:30 pm-6:30 pm

Second Sunday of the Month ....................................................................... 9:30 am-2 pm


Sunday ........................................................................ 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am, 12:30, 6:00 pm

Saturday ..................................................................................... 8:30 am, 4:30 pm, 6:30 pm

Weekday ........................................................................................................... 6:30, 8:30 am

Holy Day ...................................................................... 6:30, 8:30 am, 12:00 noon, 7:30 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation

After 6:30 am Mass; Saturdays 3-4 pm and 5:30-6 pm.

Sacrament of Baptism

Sunday at 2 pm. Please contact Charlene Lewandowski in the Parish Office at ext 410.

Sacrament of Marriage

Parish members, please contact Anne Knapik in the Parish Office at ext 413 at least six

months in advance.

Spiritual Care for the Sick and Homebound Please notify the Parish Office or Sister Noreen at extension 411 if there is an illness,

hospitalization or need for homebound ministry. We will do our best to provide spiritual

support for our parishioners.

Parish Tours

Docents are on duty from 10 am-4 pm Monday-Saturday except during services. Groups of

10 or more call Jack Hoolehan at 248.541.4122, ext. 418 to schedule a time.

Shrine Herald

Submissions are due Monday by 1 pm. Articles should be emailed to

[email protected] to be considered for publication. For questions and/or

comments, please contact the Shrine Herald Editor.

While we urge our readers to consider patronizing our advertisers, we cannot and do not

endorse their conduct or performance. For information on advertising in the

Shrine Herald, please call 586.979.4241, ext. 326.

NATIONAL SHRINE of the Little Flower

April 2011

General Intention: That the Church may

offer new generations, through the

believable proclamation of

the Gospel, ever-new

reasons of life and hope. Missionary Intention: That

miss ionaries, with the

proclamation of the Gospel

and their witness of life, may

bring Christ to all those who

do not yet know Him.

Holy Father‟s Prayer Intentions

National Shrine Career


Are you an unemployed or

underemployed National Shrine

parishioner? Send a note to

[email protected].

We can help.


―Blessed is he who comes

in the name of the

Lord!‖ (Matthew 27: 11–54).

Is God calling you to come in His name to

others as a priest? Contact Fr. Tim Birney,

Director of Priestly Vocations, at

313.237.5875 or visit


A Family Perspective

The cruel death of Jesus tells us that bad

things can and do happen to very good

people. It also tells us God is

present during the suffering.

Bad things happen, but

God does not abandon us. - Bud Ozar