THIS IS CENTRAL 2011 A look at the life of Central Church seen through the eyes of the many groups which make up this Christian Family.

This is Central 2011

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Annual Report on the life and witness of Central Church

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A look at the life of Central Church

seen through the eyes of the many

groups which make up this

Christian Family.


THE MINISTER The past six months have provided an opportunity to discover the extent of the opportunity ministry here at Central presents. Immediately there are a number of things that seem apparent.

1. There is a genuine and warm welcome at the heart of Central. We have been deeply blessed by the extent of that welcome, which has extended beyond Angela and me to our family and friends who have visited here. Moreover, I believe that welcome continues to touch many others in different shapes and forms as they have crossed the threshold of Central.

2. This is a busy church with many different things going on. From our weekly worship and weekday activities to the various events we either organise or host from time to time there is a great deal happening at Central.

3. There is an amazing army of willing workers, each beavering away, often in the background, ensuring that the various aspects of our church life, currently in place, keep moving along.

4. Along with the usual we are also engaged in some unusual endeavours to share the Gospel message such as Messy Church which draws around 50 adults and children each month for worship, fellowship and fun.

5. There is a strong pastoral heart beating in the life of Central. Through our various groups such as the Choir, Guild, Women's Fellowship etc. and the Pastoral Visitors there is a ministry of care being exercised that is fundamental to what it means to be the Church.

6. The Worship life of Central is a strong focus of our life together with a significant degree of participation on the part of Local Preachers, Worship Leaders, Choir and Worship Groups.

7. The church is well served by a group of dedicated leaders in the Church Council. As I reflect on all this I am also immediately drawn to the challenges that face us. Notwithstanding all of the above we find ourselves confronted by a significant degree of uncertainty. We find ourselves unable to sustain this life with the resources at our disposal, both human and material. At Circuit level we are finding it increasingly difficult to support four presbyters. Beyond these challenges, we live, we are told, in a post-modern and post-Christian age. Both those statements require a great deal more attention than this short report can give. Suffice to say that it basically means we live in a changing world. Now that fact isn't news, I shouldn't imagine, for us all. What it does mean is that we need to be earnestly reflecting on just what it means to be a Christian Faith Community in a new and ever changing context. What is it about our message that is indeed timeless? What is it about our life that is indeed for all to share in? What is about our being disciples of Jesus that is the reason for being for all to embrace? I am reminded of a quote that I heard given at mission seminar in the Southern Synod. 'If we always do what we've always done, we'll always get what we've always got.' Therein lays our challenge. We cannot assume to always exist the way we always have existed. In order for us to go forward we need to be brave enough to push beyond our present comfort zones, engage the Scriptures with a new openness, listen for the voice of God with a revived expectancy and be prepared to give ourselves in joyful obedience to the Word God will shape in our midst. How do we do this? In order to enable us to reflect more imminently on these questions we are reshaping certain aspects of our life at Central. The Church Council realises that, as it is presently shaped, it cannot give significant attention to these questions. In order therefore to create some space we are in the process of establishing the following Mission Groups: Caring; Discipleship; Finance & Property; Witnessing and Worship. The intention is that each of these groups will be delegated responsibility for managing their respective area of the Central's life. This, in turn, will mean that the Church Council can give itself to reflecting more earnestly on the questions above and begin to shape a new destiny for the church here at Central. I therefore commend these reflections to your careful and prayerful attention asking that as opportunity arises you will wholeheartedly join the process that together we may give shape to this new destiny to the glory of God and the Gospel. Gavin


CHURCH SECRETARY 2011 has been another momentous year for Central - the main thing of course, being the arrival of a new Minister. In July we said goodbye to Glyn, Reka, Peter and Anna as they left us for pastures new in Henley-on-Thames. For seven years Glyn had been 'at the helm' and I am sure during that time we all gained more understanding of the Bible from his sermons and Bible Studies. Also I don't think any of us will forget the spontaneity of Glyn's prayers. In September over 30 friends travelled to Henley for Glyn's Induction Service, a very moving service with the address delivered by Paul Ellis. We were also able to renew acquaintances with Paul's wife Gill, and Margaret from Chelmsford who worshipped with us when she came to visit the Millington family. I don't think we have seen the last of Glyn!! Already some people have seen him around Torquay and I know he has been fishing at Hope's Nose! We also in July, said farewell to Su Field who had been our Family Worker, Leader of Sunday Club and Central Tots, also the F.R.O.Gs besides working in the community and we thank her for the time and commitment she gave to leading these groups. Su is still around working in Torbay and we look forward to seeing her at Central when possible. In September we welcomed Gavin and Angela and on the 4th held the Induction Service for Gavin. It must be a difficult time for any new Minister - new faces and names to learn and also new surroundings. Of course, driving around is made much easier these days with 'sat nav'! And of course, changes which people sometimes find hard to accept. It is inevitable that a 'new broom' will have new ideas and we as the people of Central should try to be supportive and accept that there will be changes along the way during Gavin's ministry. Central has seen another busy year with many social activities taking place. Many of our annual events have taken place along with some new ideas. Table-Top Sales have proved very popular also the 'Silent Auction'. A concert by Paul Zaple & Friends was a sell-out and the Antiques 'Call My Bluff evening was enjoyed by all who attended. An unexpected request to accommodate the Caldicott Male Voice Choir for a concert gave us an evening of outstanding music - what else would one expect from 60 Welshmen!! These events encouraged people to attend from outside Central. During the year many visitors have come through Central's doors - some to Sunday services, others to use our premises for various activities. On Mothering Sunday our Festival Choir presented Stainer's 'Crucifixion' and once again on Palm Sunday we hosted the Christians Together in Torquay United Service when Rev David Coffey was the Speaker. We are always pleased to welcome our Scottish friends when they join us for worship at the end of November to celebrate St. Andrew's Day. Mike Griffiths along with the Royal British Legion organised a Festival of Remembrance Service and at the beginning of December we hosted Rowcroft's 'Light Up A Life' Service. Our Outreach continues with visits to the hotels by our Carol Singers, our Belleplate Group visiting Residential Homes, Messy Church welcoming families once a month and our Tots Group who meet on a Thursday morning. Sadly I have to report the passing during the year of 6 faithful members. They will be sadly missed. However, on a brighter note we have welcomed 3 new members and also several adherents who are regularly worshipping with us and joining in the life of Central. There have been 4 Baptisms and several 'special' birthdays and anniversaries and it was a joy on the 6lh March to support Lucy Clark, her family and friends when she received her first communion. Circuit Services have taken place during the year and we at Central were asked to host the visit of Sid Little. Although a Circuit event it wasn't well-attended but the entertainment and Sid's personal story were well-worth hearing. More and more Courses and Training Days have been undertaken by members and one wonders just how long willing volunteers will continue to offer their services. OUTREACH still plays a big part in the life of Central. We continue to give generously to regular appeals such as Christian Aid. Tearfund. Easter Offerings, Methodist Homes and whenever there is an unexpected disaster in the world. Also with our annual Shoebox Appeal. These a just a few of the Charities we support -1 know there are more. So, we enter the New Year with eager anticipation for a great time ahead. We have a new Minister to lead us. Let us support him in what he wants to achieve for Central. It will only happen if everyone joins in. Thank you to everyone who helps to keep the wheels turning at Central. Many jobs get done and nobody knows


who has done them but God does and we thank them for their dedication and faithful service. Barbara Lawton ACTION FOR CHILDREN 2011 This year Central has once again helped to support Action For Children in its work with vulnerable children, young people and their families. Members have continued to make good use of their home-collecting boxes and Linda would be pleased to hear from anyone who needs a good home for their spare coppers!! Christmas is the focal time for our own Action For Children. The Carol Singers continue to perform at local hotels before Christmas but mainly on Christmas Eve when their entertainment is very well received as the generous donations show. Many thanks to the trusty band of all-weather Carollers. A share of the Christmas Day collection also benefits the Charity. The local representative for Action For Children has also asked me to let all the groups within Central Church know that he would be very willing to come and talk at one of their meetings. Do let me know if you are interested. Please keep the work of Action For Children in your prayers. Tessa Goodwin THE BELLEPLATE CLUB (Known as The Clangers') The name 'BELLEPLATE' is the name of the instrument and chosen by the man who created them. The group of 'Belleplate' ringers continues to meet weekly on Fridays at 11.00am - 12noon. It is with great sadness that we have lost two of our faithful, founder members, Betty and David. They will not be forgotten, but leave us with happy memories of their time with us. I am delighted to say that Christine became another willing volunteer, and Judith returned after her short absence, which helped to fill the gaps, so enabling us to use the complete set of Belleplates again, whenever the need arises. We have continued to play a range of different musical pieces to include music from the shows as well, as folk music, traditional songs, well known hymn tunes. We have not had as many dates booked with outside groups this year, but have had invitations from two groups of The Friendship Group, our own Guild, and an afternoon of Christmas entertainment at Walmer House. Our weekly time together is an hour of'concentration' and fun. while at the same time producing a pleasant musical sound. (Well most of the time!!) My sincere thanks go to all those who rum up so faithfully every week for rehearsals, and who help to make the time so enjoyable and productive. Thank you. Without your regular attendance the group would not be able to exist. If you would like to join the group NO MUSICAL EXPERIENCE NECESSARY, just a sense of fun, then please contact me or talk to any member of the group. Barbara Gissinger BOOKINGS SECRETARY Nothing new from the Bookings Secretary except that no replacement is forthcoming so I have decided to do it for another year as I have been able to shed some other appointments. Donations for the use of the premises are about the same as last year with the biggest donation from the Riviera English School and we are grateful to our regular customers for staying with us. Donations from room hire will not be increased this year as we try to keep in line with other churches but we will have to increase the cost of providing food. Please book the rooms/hall/church you require in writing or by email as soon as possible as I cannot guess your requirements no matter how regular a user you are. Many thanks to our Caretakers, Dan-ell and Brian, who do a great job in many differing circumstances. Jean Baker


BUSY BEES The year has been a busy one with the Bees preparing for our major bi-annual event - the Craft and Coffee Morning. A beautiful scaled down bus (in full working order) designed and made by Ken Bryan was placed outside the Church. This encouraged many visitors to talk to Ken and then come inside. An exhibition of Ken's work including many vehicles was enjoyed by everyone. The work of the Bees including a quilt display was greatly appreciated. Our steward for this section was David Bolt who gave information to our visitors. There were many stalls selling a variety of goodies and this helped us achieve a grand total of £880.00. Probably the most popular of all were the Easter chickens. Over 150 were knitted by the Bees with each chick carrying an Easter egg. The idea with a pattern came from Sue Rider - a very busy Bee! A wall hanging to cover one of the green screens in Church is almost ready and should soon be in use. This was stitched by several Bees each making a square which were then sewn together and quilted. The team also knitted a great number of hats, scarves and gloves for the Christmas shoeboxes. Our stall at the Christmas Fayre raised £80.00. We were happy to welcome two new members - Lynn Gay and Ann Williams who now come regularly for fellowship and crafts. It was good to have Peggy Douglas back with us after a long spell of ill-health. The Bees were deeply moved by the death of Lynette Brown who had been a member since we started. She was one of the busiest buzzing bees with a smile and greeting for everyone; we will miss her. The Bees enjoyed a summer break followed by a visit to Westpoint for the craft show. Everyone spent their pocket money to stock up their card making requirements, and wool for the endless hats and scarves they make. Some even indulged themselves buying gadgets to develop new skills! A big thank you to the Bees for all their hard work and their generosity. Our Tuesday mornings are noisy but good fun and are open to anyone who wishes to join. We do have one or two Bees who are not 'crafty' but come for the fellowship, coffee and cake! Joy Emerson CATERING During the past year the Catering Committee has continued to provide refreshments for Church functions, support the Special Events Committee and help with fund-raising events which, this year, included the extension to the Contact Centre. We began the year with a Christmas Celidh followed by a supper of Beef Stew and Mincemeat Tart. At the end of January we invited church members to join us for a Burns Lunch. This is always a popular event and tickets were sold out very quickly. Fifty sat down to Haggis (or Forfar Bridies) with Neaps and Tattie s followed by Scottish Trifle. The Haggis was carried in to the sound of the bagpipes and addressed in true Scottish fashion. Since these events we have catered for the Gala Concert in aid of the Contact Centre Building Fund, Lent Lunch, Hot Cross Bun Coffee Morning and breakfast on Easter morning following early communion. During the Summer we provided refreshments for a variety of events; the Silent Auction, Family Treasure Trail, Gift Day, Table Top Sales and a Victorian Tea Party at the home of Sue and John Coatham. In July we held a farewell lunch after the morning service to say 'goodbye' to Rev Glyn Millington, Reka, Peter and Anna also Su Field, our Family Worker. Two social events were held at the beginning of September to welcome our new Minister Rev Gavin Hancocks and his wife Angela. On September 4th everyone was invited to a Cream Tea and on the Sunday to a buffet lunch following his Induction Service. Later in the month we catered for the annual Harvest Supper and during the Autumn provided buffets for the URC Quiz. Radio Ha! Ha! and the Antiques 'Call My Bluff. These were followed by light lunches at the Christmas Fayre and finally the Women's Fellowship Christmas Lunch. Three special Coffee Mornings - (Hot Cross Bun, Bacon Butties and Mince Pie) have been held for church funds and interval refreshments provided for twelve concerts and tea and cakes for two Table Top Sales. Refreshments were provided following the funerals of three Church members; Mervyn Arscott, Elaine


Brooks and David Blackler. A big thank you to all those on the Catering Committee who have put in many hours and much hard work during the year to make these events such a success. Also 'thank you' to other Church members who have provided food when asked and given extra help when needed. Finally our thanks to Darrell and Brian for all their help. Rachel Evans CENTRAL CHURCH FLOWER ARRANGERS Last December plans were made to decorate the church for Giristmas by interpreting carols; unfortunately not all the designs could be arranged due to the bad weather preventing some of the arrangers coming into church. Those that made it though put on a much admired display; we will be repeating this theme for Christmas 2011 when we hope that the weather will be better. The church was also decorated for the Easter and Harvest Festivals, Marion created a special display for Remembrance Sunday, small crosses were provided for members unable to attend a cenotaph service, to place by this display, we have also enjoyed doing displays for members who have celebrated special anniversaries this year. Sadly this year we lost Betty Glanfield - although Betty had retired as an arranger some years ago she always took an interest in the flowers and continued to give generous donations. We also lost Pam Woods, Pam had recently reduced her commitment as an airanger but had been part of the team for many years, previously supervising the flowers at Belgrave Road URC. She brought a wealth of experience with her and both Pam and Betty will be greatly missed. We have a new arranger on the team, Angela Hancocks, we welcome Angela to our group and look forward to working with her. Our financial situation is not too bad, we are grateful to the church members who regularly give donations toward the cost of flowers. The sum of £200 was donated by church members and friends for the Easter flowers, and we thank the church for their annual donation of £250 to help towards the cost of Christmas, Easter and Harvest. The rota for 2012 is now on the notice-board, there are a number of dates where donations are required, if any member feels they would like to give a donation towards the cost of flowers for a particular date it would be appreciated, the total cost of the arrangement does not have to be given, just a token amount towards it would suffice. We thank Darrell and Brian for all the help they give helping to move the pedestals when required and clearing up when necessary, also Monica who usually looks after the flowers for funerals, posies for christenings and oversees the distribution of flowers to those who are unable to attend church. New arrangers are always welcome, the duties are usually about 3 times a year plus any special services, help and guidance will always be given if required. We all now look forward to another year of flower arranging at Central Church. Christine Downes CENTRAL TOTS On Thursday mornings during term-time, Central is busy with children enjoying play-time and grown-ups relaxing and chatting. We even have Chris and John who 'pop in' for a coffee and chat even though their grandson has started at nursery school. This year has seen 24 children on the register with an average of 12 attending each session. Included in the numbers are two sets of twins and 7 babies bom during the year. This year Eleanor, Noah and Christopher have moved on to pre-school nursery prior to full-time education and it is always sad to say goodbye. However. Eleanor's sister Lauren and Christopher's brother Andrew attend regularly so we still have a contact with the families. Hopefully Noah's new baby sister will join us in 2012. We also have 3 families who attend our Messy Church meetings. During the year we have been very concerned about one of our little ones, Niamh, and are pleased that she is now improving and getting back to normal. We celebrate


birthdays and are grateful to Tessa who is our 'Birthday Cake Maker'! Thank you Tessa. In July we ended our meetings for the Summer with a visit to the Indoor Play Area in Higher Union Street. This was a new venture which some children enjoyed but others would rather have been at Central with our large array of toys, prams and bikes etc. Also in July we had to say goodbye to Su Field who had been in charge of Tots for a number of years. It was a sad day and the first question asked by the parents and grandparents was "Can we carry on?" Nobody wanted to disband. Offers of help came from the adults with Barbara and Peggy carrying on the organising. We have also been able to enlist Mary, Paula and Tessa to join the rota. We do thank Su for setting up our Tots years ago, another way of Central's Outreach in the community, and wish her well in her new ventures. Our sincere thanks to anyone who has helped us especially Darrell and Brian who prepare the hall for our weekly activities. Barbara Lawton. THE CHOIR Members of the Choir continue to meet on Friday evenings to prepare for their contribution to Sunday worship. Recently we have been pleased to welcome Angela Hancocks to the soprano section of the Choir. We are grateful to Barbara Lawton for so willingly moving between soprano and alto sections as the need arises to cover absence. We have been very saddened by the deaths of three of our members: Mervyn Arscott, Betty Glanfield and Elaine Brooks. They were all so supportive of the Choir and found it an honour and joy to be 'in their seats' on Fridays and Sundays. They are greatly missed. A number of other members have been unwell this year and several have undergone surgery. It is good that Peggy has regained a measure of health enabling her to be back in the Choir when possible. In addition to Sunday services, the Choir has supported a number of funerals. The Festival Choir presented The Crucifixion' by John Stainer on Mothering Sunday and on Good Friday the Choir sang at Kingskerswell Methodist Church at their special service. In August, the Choir were invited to take part in a special service at Kingskerswell Methodist Church to mark the centenary of their chapel building. Supported by people from other churches, we plan to present 'Olivet to Calvary' by John Maunder at the evening service of 25th March 2012. Linda Duckworth CONTACT CENTRE The Contact Centre has gone from strength to strength during 2011. We currently have 22 dedicated volunteers and are strongly supported by our Management Committee. I would like to thank all volunteers for their hard work and we sincerely thank those volunteers who have left us this year for their years of service. We are shortly looking forward to welcoming two new volunteers to our committee and we would be very glad to hear from anyone who would like to join us in this very rewarding work. I would like particularly to thank Sheila Nelson for her help this year, our Deputy Co-ordinator Sue Lees and Peggy Douglas our outgoing Health and Safety Officer. We are grateful to Rachel Evans for taking on this task. We also greatly appreciate the help of Caretakers Darrell Sanderson and Brian Bamford. Since 1 April this year we have supported 64 children aged between 0 and 18 years, from 49 different families. This has involved more than 250 visits, being 210 visits by fathers, 10 by mothers and visits by other family members, such as grandparents. A few years after the Centre began it became apparent that the number of families was exceeding the space available, culminating in a waiting list of up to 3 months over the last two years. Therefore for some years volunteers have been working extremely hard to raise funds for a much needed extension to the Centre and we thank all members of Central who have supported us. Plans were approved some time ago and we were thrilled this year to reach our fundraising target and find ourselves in the position of instructing the builders. The work began in December and is presently ongoing. We are looking


forward to a Grand Opening in 2012. We will require more volunteers to help run the sessions in our extended Centre. Our volunteers have been busy this year maintaining their training, fundraising and also attending social events. We held our Annual Lunch at the English Riviera Centre on 30 January 2011 and all volunteers, Management Committee and guests enjoyed the occasion. 2011 has also been the year when we proudly celebrated our 20th Anniversary with a dinner at the English Riviera Centre. This was very well attended by our volunteers (present and past), Magistrates, and Solicitors and we welcomed our National Association Regional manager who gave an excellent after dinner speech and presented Long Service Awards to many of our volunteers, ranging from 20 years to 5 years. Two members of our Management Committee attended the National Conference at the Royal Courts of Justice in October, finding the information extremely useful, particularly with regard to forthcoming changes to our regulations. Our Centre is still much in demand from the Courts Service, Solicitors, Cafcass and Social Services and we are looking forward to providing a service for families who need us in 2012. We are aware we are facing new criteria involving changes to our whole referral system and are looking forward to meeting the challenges ahead. Susan Norman, Co-ordinator, Torquay Child Contact Centre tel: 07597 958185 CHRISTIAN AID/TEARFUND Through donations given during Christian Aid Week in May we were able to send £301.57 to Headquarters. The Tearfund collection which coincided with our Harvest was slightly down this year raising £269.46 but we also sent to Tearfund £341.00 following the East African Famine Appeal. We also took up a special collection following the Japenese tsunami and earthquake - £325.00 was sent to Shelterbox. Thank you to all those who contribute to these special collections. Barbara Lawton FINANCE Whilst the Church's budget for the financial year 2011 assumed that income would be sufficient to cover planned expenditure this could only be achieved if numerous additional fundraising events delivered additional income to meet the shortfall after making the usual assumptions about the level of giving and income from donations for the use of the building and other sources. Some of the additional fundraising events were successful others not so. Overall giving (including tax recovered through the Gift Aid Scheme) as at the end of September was more or less as forecast. On the expenditure side urgent repair work to the fabric of the building and the sound system has meant that the small sum allocated for repairs and renewals has been exceeded. In addition, following the departure of our Minister Glyn Millington in August a program of work was put in hand to enable the manse to be let on a commercial basis. In order to refresh the internal decorative condition of the building and to meet legal standards for the plumbing and electrical installations including the fitting of fire alarms we have had to spend in excess of £4k. The Manse was let from 1" December 2011. The income we will receive from the letting in the future should make a helpful contribution to our finances but will not eradicate our underlying problem. At the time of preparing this report the end of year financial position is not known. However all the indications are that the Church will end the year having incurred another deficit. The Finance and Property committee at its meeting in January will consider the draft budget for the financial year 2012 and decide on what measures need to be taken to recommend to the Church Council in order to ensure that we are able to balance our budget for the financial year. Paul Sherriff& John Coatham


FLEXERCISE-FUN The group has continued to meet weekly on Mondays at 6.30pm for about an hour. It is an evening where we try to add to a healthy lifestyle by increasing our heart rate and improving our blood flow, by the use of gentle exercise, We combine the evening with flexing and stretching exercises on our feet, followed by mat/floor exercises, ending with a sociable cup of tea, all STILL for the continued low cost of £1. Great value for money! Our membership dropped slightly at the beginning of the year due to a variety of minor accidents or illnesses, but I am pleased to say that it has now increased with the addition of four new members. We are delighted that our friends from Furrough Cross still continue to support us regularly. The weather in the summer months, was not as good as we had hoped, so we were unable to get as many evening walks around our beautiful bay, enjoying the magnificent scenery and each other's company, as we would have liked. However we met when we could and enjoyed a sociable cup of coffee in the open air by the sea If you have a sense of fun and a desire to tone-up and exercise, please feel free to join us on a Monday. You would be very welcome. Barbara Gissinger FROGs (Friends Of God) FROGs has continued throughout the year on a Thursday morning with worship for the pre-school children and their parents and sometimes grandparents. Following the worship a 'picnic' style lunch is enjoyed. Up until July Su Field was leading this activity but not wanting to renew her contract as our Family Worker we had to say goodbye and in September Vicki Bryan took over. Following the summer break we didn't have a very good start in September but October saw the children enjoying time with Vicki and her puppets. Unfortunately, due to circumstances FROGs couldn't meet in November and December. We hope for a better start in 2012. Barbara Lawton THE GARDENS Once again this year our gardens have given great pleasure not only to Church members but to many people who pass Central. It is always good when we are gardening to have people stop for a chat and admire the gardens. We were delighted to receive a cup and medal for gaining first place in the 'Bay Blooms' competition. We are placed in the Large Public Buildings Category. Our thanks go to all the people who have made generous donations towards plants or have given plants or shrubs. We hope to keep going for another year! Special thanks to Trevor for doing most of the purchasing and for the use of his greenhouses to prepare plants for planting in the gardens. Thanks too to Venna Milsom and David Bolt for all their help. New helpers very welcome. Monica M.Lansley 11th TORQUAY GUIDES The Guide Company has 5 Leaders, 5 Young Leaders and 18 Guides. We started the year off in January with Badge Work and a Beetle Drive. February, the month when we think about Guiding all over the world saw us taking part in International Celebrations and we also held a Coffee Morning at Central, hi March we got down to some more Badge work. In April we had a 'Royal Wedding Weekend' staying at Bowermans, Manaton. One Guider gained her weekend licence. The weather was kind to us in May when we did out-door cooking and held a fun evening at Watcombe Scout Campsite. Feeling energetic in June we went canoeing and hiking. In July, before we finished for the Summer we held a


Barbeque and went swimming. Returning after the break we took part in our Night at the Museum Badge and also found time for Craft Activities. Once again in October we held a Coffee Morning and celebrated 100 years of Guiding with a Badge. We also found time to make bath salts and perfume. November saw us making marmalade to sell at the Christmas Fayre, also card making. In December we manned our stall at the Christmas Fayre, went Bowling and raised funds through bag packing at Sainsbury's in Paignton. Ursula Purdy

J.M.A. (JUNIOR MISSION FOR ALL) JMA has continued to be popular with the children and they are grateful to die congregation for their support. This year Elsie May Taylor has won die Circuit award for the best collector. Congratulations Elsie! I think she has something of a fan club. As from October Julie Smith has taken over the supervision of JMA Central. I am most grateful to her and wish her all the best in the job which I found restored my faith in human nature! Jean Baker

THE GUILD We have had a very good year in the Guild with some challenging evenings as various speakers bring their talents to share with us each week. The Devotional evenings have given us much food for thought and always a message to take away. It is always a joy to have Clive Bastin with his musical evenings at the organ and piano. The holiday videos and slides given to us by some of our members were very interesting taking us to various parts of the world. Barbara Gissinger is much appreciated bringing along her Belleplates to entertain us with a selection of musical items. All are very welcome to join us each Tuesday evening at 7.30pm in Room 1 with a welcome cuppa and chat. Margaret Dustan

LYDWELL PARK HOUSEGROUP The women in the New Testament are often names as followers of their Lord and Saviour, and we at Lydwell Park Road are a small fellowship of ladies sharing our faith and discerning what God is saying to us to-day through prayer and bible study. We have been using the KYB studies (Know Your Bible). We have been studying the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testament and how the Holy Spirit is working in our lives. The Spirit of God hovered over the waters and by God's word the heavens and earth were created. The Spirit may seem hidden but He is not, we noted the profound and powerful ways that God's purposes are made known through the work of the Holy Spirit. Similarly in the New Testament in the life of Jesus and his disciples we see more fully the work of the Spirit, and then in our lives to-day. The Holy Spirit is firstly the communicator and then puts into effect God's plan of salvation through Jesus. He is holy, trustworthy and faithful to His promises. We have also studied the letters of John, which we found most challenging. Jesus had died and rose again and stated that he would be back soon. The gospel had faithfully been preached and many believed, and still Jesus hadn't returned. Many Christians were struggling and discouraged, they were being persecuted for believing in Jesus. John had lived with Jesus, he was a special friend, and had listened to his teaching and was a witness to the miracles. John wrote these letters to encourage and strengthen the believers. To keep trusting in Jesus as the only way to truly know God and to remind them that Jesus will come again. Jesus did come in human form and died for our salvation. John focuses on the love of God and for us to love one another which arises out of our relationship with God. In believing that Jesus is the Son of God and being really sorry and confessing our sins we are forgiven and saved through the death and blood of Jesus and can be confident that in God's great love for us we will move towards the glorious future prepared for us. New members are most welcome, both ladies and gentlemen. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays in the month 7.30 - 9pm. Christine Sherriff


MESSY CHURCH It's hard to believe it, but we have now completed our fourth year. We are pleased to report the enthusiasm for running Messy Church has not waned. We have a dedicated band of helpers - and some new 'assistant helpers' have recently come forward, which is appreciated. The number of children attending can vary considerably - the first ever was just four! However, on average we get around mid-twenties. We have board games available until everyone arrives, up to five craft tables the children can get involved in, a period of lively worship and then a cooked meal. In 2011, our themes included Jesus in the Temple/in the Wilderness, in Jerusalem for Palm Sunday. Moses as a baby/in Egypt/in the desert. And we had a look at David, as well as covering Easter, Harvest, Advent and Christmas. Philip Kay METHODIST HOMES Two events have yet again this year raised funds for this worthwhile Charity. In January Jean Baker once more volunteered to organise the Burns Lunch. She had around her a dedicated band of helpers, and together they put on a truly lovely meal. Keith Metcalfe played the bagpipes and Sandy Oribine gave that (to most of us, indecipherable) Grace. Everyone enjoyed themselves, and it was a very pleasant occasion. Thank you Jean, and everyone who helped, and all who came. £200 was raised! Then there was MHA Sunday on 12lh June, and despite times becoming very difficult, the congregation donated £100. My grateful thanks to all those who supported Methodist Homes this year. Philip Kay METHODIST HOME MISSIONS Contributions this year have been seriously reduced. For various reasons the annual Coffee Morning which is generally so successful was unable to take place, on top of which the contributions from the M.H.M. boxes was very much reduced. The total amount this year was £187.02 a reduction of £308.12 on last year. We must thank all the members who support the work of the M.H.M. in the U.K., and make a request for more people to hold collecting boxes for those few spare pennies, they all count, and I do have some spare boxes. Peggy Douglas METHODIST OVERSEAS MISSIONS The total collected in Overseas Missions collecting boxes was £105.22. Thank you to the few generous people who support this worthwhile fund so loyally. If anyone would like to share in this work do let me know. Linda Duckworth MOORS HOUSEGROUP Our Housegroup has lost two members this year, but gained three. Marcia Byrne moved away at the beginning of the year to be nearer her son and daughter-in-law. We miss her cheery face and her comments when we have our discussions. Then Betty Glanfield's seat was empty following her stay in hospital in February, and her subsequent move to live in Walmer House. We were sorry when she finally passed into the presence of her Lord in late August. Both Marcia and Betty are missed. This year, for our meetings, we have used one of the York Courses called 'A Rich Inheritance - Jesus' Legacy of Love@, written by Stephen Cotrrell. and featuring Archbishop Vincent Nichols. Dr. Paula Gooder. Jim Wallis. Rev Inderjit Bhogal (a former President of the Methodist Conference), and Dr. David Hope (one time Archbishop of York). We looked at Jesus'Empty Tomb, The Disciples. The Wonderful Good News of the Gospel, The Holy Spirit, and Holy Communion. All these audio tapes prompted lively discussion. It is good to delve into these important parts of our Christian heritage. For our Summer Outing, we took an open-top bus from Paignton to Broadsands, and sat in glorious sunshine


eating ice creams, and watching holiday- makers on the sand and in the water. Then it was back on the bus to Paignton, via Goodrington, to enjoy a cream tea at Harold and Margaret's. During the year we have been very pleased to welcome Alan and Diane Murray-Smith to our group, and then, in October. Judith Holm wood joined us. It is good to have their company and to have them join in our discussions. From 2011 to 2012 we are studying 'Faith@ with the help of a DVD led by Rick Warren, and are finding it very stimulating. If you would like to be part of the Moors Housegroup, let me know. We meet monthly on a Thursday evening at 22 Winsu Avenue in Preston. Margaret Newman NETWORK/WORLD MISSIONS In July 2011, was officially launched into the 'Methodist Women in Britain' incorporated Women's Network and the British Unit of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women into a stronger women's meeting, operating through the Circuit Missions Committee meeting which meets twice a year and will still be responsible for the Easter Offerings, in aid of Methodist Overseas Missions. Central's Representatives are; 'Magnet' Distributor and Treasurer - Mrs Enia Dunn Prayer Handbook Manuals and Easter Offerings - Mrs May Grace Women's Fellowship Representative - Mrs Sheila Lawrence May Grace NEW LIFE HOUSEGROUP From January to July we continued meeting in my flat in 'Homequay' Falkland Road at 6.30pm. At the end of July, I moved to 'Abbeyfield' Sandford Court, St. Marychurch, and with the kind permission of the Manageress, we now hold the Housegroup in the lounge from 7.00 -8.15pm. We relax with a cup of tea and biscuits, sharing our experiences from the past week. We enjoy good fellowship, and find the time spent in studying the Bible, both rewarding and revealing. We celebrate each member's birthday with a special cake, remembering with thankfulness all the blessings we receive. We have two outings a year, Christmas Party and a Cream Tea at Cockington. We close our evenings with prayer-time, remembering our Church Friends who are sick, and the wider world with so much hunger, early deaths and violence. Two of the residents have now joined our group which consists of Leyla, Claire, Heidi, Heather, Elizabeth, Nema, Jean, Francis and myself. May Grace OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD For the last 7 years Central Church has hosted the checking and despatch of the Shoeboxes from the Bay and South Hams. This year a total of 5,450 boxes were sent to BELARUS on Friday 9th December. This is only 225 boxes less than last year, which is a wonderful achievement when you consider the current situation of many people at this time. Once again we have received an amazing quantity of knitted hats, scarves, mittens and puppets from many people in the church and around the Bay. Thank you so much to all the knitters! I have lots of patterns if anyone would like to knit for next year. The current 'team' feel they need a break so are hoping others will take up the challenge of organising the collection and checking of boxes next year. If you know of anyone (or another Church) interested in taking up the challenge - ideally a team of 4-6 people - please speak to Sue or John Coatham and we will pass on their names.


Thank you also to everyone who helped to collect boxes, check boxes (some from other churches and friends) and load the lorry. Please pray for their safe delivery, the children who will receive them and the teams distributing them - local Christians just like us. Thank you to everyone whatever you gave, it will have a lasting effect on a needy child in BELARUS. Sue & John Coatham Christine & Paul Sherriff Linda Duckworth & Clive Bastin OPEN DOORS Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide The work of Open Doors to support and provide for our persecuted sisters and brothers in Christ in many parts of the world continues. Bible and training materials have been distributed as well as food and basic needs for those made homeless by civil disturbance or natural disasters. Open Doors workers have been there to support bereaving families following the murder of loved ones, often the family breadwinner. This past year Open Doors has emphasised the plight of the children of Christian parents. Many have been orphaned and many have watched as their parents were slaughtered. Some young ones have been caught up in the mayhem and lost friends and playmates. These little ones are often forgotten in the bigger picture. The Open Doors monthly magazine is available in the church vestibule and the article in 'Enquire Within' each month keeps members aware of the needs, especially prayer, of our Christian family worldwide. Thanks must be extended to those who continue to contribute monetary gifts for this vital work. Peggy Douglas PASTORAL CARE We have over twenty pastoral visitors who help care for members, especially those who can no longer attend Central. Each month the 'Enquire Within' magazines are distributed and we hope pastoral workers visit members in their homes and keep in touch and let us know if people are in hospital, unwell at home or are in need of help in any way. Please remember in your prayers those who help in this way and let them know if there is anyone in need in any way. Monica M.Lansley PRAYERS FOR HEALING Everyone is welcome to join us each Wednesday at 1,00pm in the vestry when we have a short service of Prayer and Thanksgiving. We receive many requests, both locally and across the country and also from abroad. At this time, each person is held in prayer, personally, by name as we pray for healing and wholeness. We pray for those who have been bereaved, understanding their need for comfort and strength. We appreciate your support and encouragement and thank those, unable to be with us who, "pray alongside us", at that time. There is a time for news, all details are confidential, and prayerful thanks are given for the many prayers answered. Please update us with the progress of loved one, so that those who no longer need prayer may be taken off the list. We know that this time of prayer is both a privilege and a responsibility, we need your support and hope that now the meeting is in the day-time it will be more convenient for you to join us whenever possible. Please ask any of us if you would like us to pray for a loved one. All we do, we ask in Jesus Christ's name and thank God that prayers are answered, far beyond our understanding. Miracles happen. Jeanne Sherington PROPERTY BUILDING WORKS DURING 12MONTHS 1st SEPTEMBER 2010 to 31st AUGUST 2011 GENERAL WORKS

Improved lighting over the Choir and the two lecterns

New wooden padded chairs for the Choir


Created drain points to discharge ponding on two flat roofs

New quarter turn lever taps fitted on wash-basins in toilet areas

(these were fitted to comply with the Disability Act)

Sewer inspected by camera to ensure no blockages

New flushing toilet unit installed to replace a damaged unit in the gent's toilet facility

Annual checks for heating, lighting and power and general maintenance CAPITAL WORKS

None done this year QUINQUENIAL

Room 3/4 re-decorated and new carpet fitted

Drainage improvement lower ground floor

Christmas Tree power cable for illumination removed QUINQUENIAL 2004

60 items of work 41 major items completed QUINQUENL4L 2009

15 items of work 4 items completed Other items of work may have been done, instigated by others and not reported to me. so they are missing from the report. Clive Brooks ROSEMARY GARDENS HOUSEGROUP Still meeting at Warmer House, with the kind permission of the helpful staff We meet on Monday mornings in Eve Finlinson's private room for Bible Study and Prayers. From January to September, we studied the life of Joseph in Genesis, marvelling at his wonderful depth of forgiveness, and utter reliance on the guidance of God. We celebrate every member's birthday with a special cake and flowers. One of our members, Edna Thornton passed away after a short illness, and a new member Betty Glanfield also passed away in August. We end our meetings with discussion and prayers. We celebrated Eve's 90"1 birthday in October and our present group includes Eve, Mary Fradley, Joan Hughes, Peggy Douglas, Marion Powell, May Grace, Jennifer Counter and Margaret Pemberton. May Grace SOUTHFIELD AVENUE HOUSEGROUP We continue to meet alternatively at Jean Baker's and the Bolt's homes. There are 10 of us in the group but attendances have been varied due to illness and holidays. However, we enjoy the discussions and each other’s company. In the Spring we studied the parables and found the experience uplifting and were surprised at how many parables there are in the Old and New Testaments. After the Summer break we started looking at women in the Old Testament using a book by Nell W. Mohney 'From Eve to Esther'. Do you know who Keturah was? Neither did we! Jean Baker SPECIAL EVENTS The Special Events Committee have been especially busy this year as we tried to help the church finances. We have had the usual round of Tea Dances which bring in new people as well as always raising funds. We are especially grateful to John Lawrence and his team for these events. We are always keen to welcome new choirs and this year was no exception with the Lisskerit from Cornwall and the Caldicot from Wales while Mike Griffiths and his Riviera Brass have again performed four concerts


including a Remembrance Service which was much appreciated. Two new events appeared on our calendar this year Table Top sales and "Call My Bluff' with Beanies, Hampton & Littlewood who brought antiques for us and them to value. The Table Top sales have been very successful and will be continued while "Call My Bluff' was a resounding success though we were worried about ticket sales right up to the night of the event. These two events drew in non-church people as did the Silent Auction which raised £1,000 thus targetting them instead of always asking our own people for support. The talented people in the church again gave us "Radio Ha! Ha!" and raised the roof as well as raising much needed finance. It was good to see our new Minister and his wife taking part. The Treasure Trail and The Victorian Tea Party were disappointing because of the weather and we will look at whether we should continue with those events. Thank you to all who work so hard on Committee and to all who loyally support us. Finally I would like to pay tribute to our late Chairman David Blackler. David was respected and admired by all the Committee and also by our visiting artists. We miss his subtle humour and his sound advice. Committee meetings are not the same without him. Jean Baker SUNDAY CLUB The past year has seen some significant changes to the life of Central Church and to the Junior Church. Our numbers, however, remain steady and we have some positive events to report. We said our goodbyes to Glyn, Reka, Peter and Anna in July. Their departure has had a large impact on Sunday Club as we have lost one of our key leaders and two of our most regular and loyal Sunday Club members. We thank the whole family for their dedication and support over the past years and give them our very best wishes as they move onto a new chapter in their lives at Henley. In July we also said goodbye to Su Field as our Junior Church Leader. We shall still be seeing Su around but she has had to take an essential break from helping in Sunday Club as her work contract came to an end. We thank Su for all her hard work and dedication and wish her all the best in her new ventures. On a more positive note, we welcome Gavin and Angela to Central and look forward to Gavin's help and guidance as we move forward to new challenges in Sunday Club. Jenny Price has, with some reservations, agreed to take on the role of Junior Church Leader and began her duties in September. With the help and support of a strong leadership team she will do her best to take the Sunday Club forward. The number of children regularly attending Sunday Club has remained fairly constant since September. We have 21 children and young people who attend regularly on Sundays, a further 4 who attend less regularly and 6 more who attend occasionally or maintain contact with church through family or other church activities. Their ages range from 0 to 15. Our challenge is to try to meet the needs of such a wide age range as these numbers mean that it is only practical to run two main teaching groups plus the crèche. We need to ensure that we maintain the interest and enthusiasm of all the young people as they mature. We have had to re-shuffle our staffing arrangements due to the loss of Reka and Su and we have slightly altered the structure of some sessions to try to meet the needs of our older Sunday Club members. Our current staffing arrangements are as follows; Eagles (ages 9-15) Leaders - Sue Julyan, Celia Bolt, Christine Sherriff, Sue Coatham

Helpers - Christine Sherriff, Philip Kay, Alison Minty, Sue Norman. On the 3rf Sunday of every month Sue Coatham leads the secondary school aged children only. The remaining younger Eagles join with the Ravens on these days. Ravens (ages 3-8) Leaders - Jenny Price, Julie Smith

Helpers - Di Clark, Leyla Clark, Monica Lansley, Claire Mortimore (when returned from maternity leave) Sparrows (under 3) Leaders - Margaret Dustan. Hilda Bowden

Otber Roles: Treasurer - Margaret Dustan


Secretary — Christine Sherriff JMA & Website - Julie Smith Jean Baker has recently handed over responsibility for JMA to Julie. We would like to thank Jean for the many years she has spent organising the collecting tins, counting and recording the money and reporting to JMA. A lot of funds have been raised for this good cause. We also thank Julie for agreeing to take over the role. We welcome Leyla and the return of Monica to our team but do still need more volunteers, particularly those willing to take on the responsibility for planning and leading sessions. This is quite demanding when having to do it repeatedly within a term but becomes less of a challenge when there are more people to share the load! Even if you feel you could just offer your service once a month it would be a great help. Throughout the year we have had various events and activities which have generally been well supported and enjoyed by those attending. In April Glyn led a Passover meal which was a new event and proved to be a great success. The children (and adults) found it both enjoyable and fascinating trying the different foods and participating in the rituals surrounding this traditional religious festival. During June we planned a picnic. The weather tried its best to prevent this event from taking place but our spirits couldn't be dampened (even if everything else was!) so we held it in the church and had plenty of fun, fellowship and games. July saw another new, but popular, event taking place when we hired the Riviera Centre pool. This proved to be a hit with all ages and saw a good attendance. During August our regular helpers were, once again, relieved by a team of volunteers to cover the summer period. Numbers of children fluctuated from week to week but all ran smoothly. We would like to thank all those who helped, especially Di for organising the rota. This is an essential service to offer as we do sometimes get quite large numbers attending, often boosted by holiday makers. Thank you. Our presentation of books was delayed until November this year but all the children received books and they seem to have been pitched correctly from the responses we have had. December has been a busy month with the performance of our own Nativity and a trip to the Nativity at Pennywell Farm. It was difficult trying to get all the young people together to practice this year but our Nativity came together on the day and, according to the responses we have had, was very well received by the congregation. It was lovely to see so many of our members and their parents getting involved. We would like to thank Julie for finding the script and directing it, John Lawrence for his help and guidance and Sheila Lawrence for her help with the costumes. Pennywell Farm proved to be very popular, with our original reservation of 30 having to be extended to 41. It was a very enjoyable afternoon, although some of the younger children found it quite exhausting being on the same day as our own performance. This was the only day that was possible this year but is something to bear in mind for the future. This brings us to the end of an eventful year. I would like to thank all the staff for their continued time, hard work and dedication and pray that the Lord will guide us as we continue to strive to serve Him as we approach a new year and new challenges ahead. Jenny Price WORSHIP GROUPS This last year has seen our four Worship Groups preparing and leading worship twice a month at evening services. Quite a few times this last year services have had to be re-arranged or cancelled due to special services being held. If a service coincides with a special time in the church calendar we try to prepare appropriate material for that service. Our time working with Glyn. who always managed to produce a message relevant to our themes, ended in July when he moved to Henley-on-Thames. Gavin arrived in September and was initiated into the way we had been preparing Worship Groups for many years but - watch this space - changes are on the way!! Already some Worship Group members have taken part in other services and visiting Preachers


have been involved. This new venture I'm sure will be of benefit to Central. We are always very grateful to Clive Bastin for his willingness to provide the music, but during this last year he has been able, on one or two occasions, to join the congregation when Ted Kassell (piano/keyboard) and Gavin on his guitar with Angela at the piano accompanied the hymns and songs. We do appreciate the support we get from YOU, the contributions from members who do not normally take part in services, all helping to spread the Good News of the Gospel. Barbara Lawton WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP Our meetings on a Monday afternoon are a time when we can enjoy each other's company, hear stories, visit foreign parts, tap our feet and have a 'sing-a-long' when Speakers entertain us with their musical talents. And then a good chit-chat with friends over a cup of tea before we go home. Meetings have been well-attended with new members joining us but sadly we have to report that Betty Glanfield and Lynette Brown have passed away. We are pleased that some ladies who have been suffering illness during the year are now able to attend Monday afternoon meetings and we were all glad that Dorothy Lawton was able to attend our Christmas lunch. Once again in November we welcomed ladies from five churches in the Torquay area to our Rally when the Rev Valerie Price spoke about four women we read of in the Bible. Following the service there was a time for fellowship, food and a chat. Some of our ladies have also attended Rallies at Furrough Cross and Victoria Park. We continue supporting our annual events - Harvest, 'Shoe Box' Appeal, knitters with garments for The Gambia (many produced by ladies who do not attend our meetings), and the Christmas Fayre. As a result of our own Harvest and the collection taken at our Rally we have been able to send £170 to the BBC Devon Air Ambulance Appeal. Although support was shown for a Summer outing to Sidmouth when it came to filling the coach we had to rely on outside help and so we don't feel it is feasible to organise another one for next year. However, there will be two social events that the ladies can attend. Thank you to all those who support us throughout the year. Barbara Lawton YOUNG PEOPLE (Figures for 2010 are shown in brackets) Leaders Children Sunday Club 8 (9)

(Helpers on a rota basis) 8 (8) 30 (30)

Brownies 2 (3) 13 Guides 5 (4)

Young Leaders 5 18 (30)

ATTENDANCE AT COUNCIL MEETINGS (Eight meetings held this year) 8 (maximum) Barbara Gissinger, Philip Kay, Monica Lansley, Margaret Newman. Marion Powell 7 Barbara Lawton. John Coatham, Jean Baker. Lesley Hewitt, Roy Richards 6 Paul Sherriff, Celia Bolt, Vicki Bryan, Tessa Goodwin 5 Venna Milsom, Margaret Pemberton, Glyn Millington 4 Christine Sherriff, Sue Field, Clive Brooks 3 Sue Coatham, Gavin Hancocks (from September) 2 Jenny Price (from September)


Directory/ Membership Changes 2011

Name Date Add / delete reason Members -

Increase Adherents -

Increase Members -Decrease

Adherents -Decrease

Arscott Mr Mervyn 10/1/11 Deceased 1 Scott Vlrs Pamela 15/1/11 Deceased 1 Perry Mr Alan 10/3/11 Deceased 1 Pearce VIrs Pauline 11/3/11 moved 1 Jervis VIr Eric 11/3/11 moved 1 Jervis VIrs Joyce 11/3/11 moved 1 Kassell Mr Ted 24/4/11 New Member 1 Kassell Mrs Gwen 24/4/11 New Member 1 Tanton Mrs Marie 24/4/11 New Member 1 Bale Mr Ron 31/5/11 Deceased 1 Glanfield Mrs Betty 29/8/11 Deceased 1 Brooks Mrs Elaine 10/11/11 Deceased 1 Blackler Mr David 12/11/11 Deceased 1 TOTALS 3 10 MEMBERS ADHERENTS TOTALS 2010 177 66 243 2011 170 66 236