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Tree above-ground biomass allometries for carbon stocks estimationin the natural forests of Colombia

Esteban Alvarez a, Alvaro Duque b,!, Juan Saldarriaga a, Kenneth Cabrera c, Gonzalo de las Salas d,Ignacio del Valle b, Alvaro Lema b, Flavio Moreno b, Sergio Orrego b, Leonidas Rodríguez e

a Jardín Botánico de Medellín, Calle 73 No. 51D-14, Medellín, ColombiabUniversidad Nacional de Colombia, Departamento de Ciencias Forestales, Calle 59A No. 63-20, Medellín, ColombiacUniversidad Nacional de Colombia, Escuela de Geociencias, Calle 59A No. 63-20, Medellín, ColombiadUniversidad Javeriana, Departamento de Ecología y Territorio, Carrera 7 No. 40-62, Bogotá DC, Colombiae Ecointegral Ltda, Avenida Jiménez No. 4-49, Bogotá DC, Colombia

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 29 June 2011Received in revised form 6 December 2011Accepted 8 December 2011

Keywords:Carbon balanceClimate changeConservationHigh landsForest classificationUncertainty

a b s t r a c t

In this study, we analyzed the above-ground biomass data for 631 trees with a diameter P10 cm fromdifferent biogeographical regions in Colombia. The aims of this research were (1) to evaluate the accuracyof the most commonly employed pantropical allometric models for the estimation of above-ground bio-mass of natural forests in different sites located along a complex environmental gradient, (2) to developnew models that enable more precise estimations of current carbon stores in the above-ground biomassof natural forest ecosystems in Colombia, and (3) to evaluate the effect on allometric models of foresttype classifications as determinants of above-ground biomass variation. The Brown et al. (1989) modelfor moist forests, which includes diameter, height, and wood density, showed the overall best perfor-mance in Colombian sites. The Type II models of Chave et al. (2005; hereafter Chave II), which includediameter and wood density but not height, tended to strikingly overestimate the above-ground biomass(54.7 ± 135.7%) in the studied Colombian sites. The use of forest classification based on the life zone sys-tem systematically led to better statistical models to estimate AGB at the individual scale and site scalethan the use of Chave’s classification. Our results propose that Chave II models should be evaluated priorto their use for a given ecosystem. For Colombia, the new allometric models developed, which employeddiameter, wood density, and height, could help improving our understanding of the carbon cycle. Foresttype classification was found to be an important determinant of the above-ground biomass estimationwhen altitudinal and other complex environmental gradients are included. The new models presentedhere can be considered as an alternative option for assessing carbon stocks in the above-ground biomassof natural forests in neotropical countries.

! 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Allometric equations are an essential tool for understanding thestorage and flux of carbon in tropical forests (Brown, 1997; Chaveet al., 2005; IPCC, 2007). A large number of allometric models forestimating above-ground biomass (AGB) have been published dur-ing the last decades (Brown et al., 1989; Brown, 1997; West et al.,1999; Baker et al., 2004; Chave et al., 2004, 2005; Sierra et al.,2007; Zianis, 2008; Navar, 2009). However, the pantropical modelsdeveloped by Chave et al. (2005) are widely considered to be thebest current approximation for sites for which local equationsare not available (Clark, 2007). Chave et al. (2005) showed thatthe predictive power of their global model differs among sites;

for some regions, the relative error could be low, while for others,it could be high. For this reason, the evaluation of the accuracy ofthese models with new data and in different geographic locationsis needed.

At a local scale, the simplest models are based only upon treediameter at breast height (D). When these models exist, they arethe most practical options for assessing AGB (Sierra et al., 2007;Litton and Kauffman, 2008; Basuki et al., 2009). At regional or glo-bal scales, models based only upon D (West et al., 1999; Zianis,2008) may have a greater associated uncertainty than more com-plex models, a finding that could negatively affect project develop-ers interested in assessing carbon and biomass contents in sitesand regions for which local equations are not available (IPCC,2007). In fact, tree biomass estimation can be significantly im-proved by including wood density (Brown et al., 1989; Bakeret al., 2004; Chave et al., 2006; Ter Steege et al., 2006; Patiñoet al., 2009) and tree height (Brown, 1997; Wang et al., 2006;

0378-1127/$ - see front matter ! 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2011.12.013

! Corresponding author. Tel.: +57 4 4309089; fax: +57 4 4309079.E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (A. Duque).

Forest Ecology and Management 267 (2012) 297–308

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Nogueira et al., 2008) in the allometric models in addition to treediameter. For example, in the Amazonian watershed, the inclusionof wood density (Baker et al., 2004) and tree height (Nogueira et al.,2008) has revealed spatial biomass patterns and carbon contents inthese forests that were not previously reported. However, measur-ing height (H) and wood density (q) requires additional work,increasing project time and costs.

Pantropical models based only upon D can be divided into twotypes: theoretical and empirical. Metabolic ecology theory has pro-posed theoretical allometric models derived frommetabolic princi-ples (West et al., 1999; Brown et al., 2004). According to metabolictheory, AGB should be proportional to D8/3. However, studies basedon compilations of both empirical data and models have shown asystematic AGB overestimation when this idealized exponent isemployed (Zianis and Mencuccini, 2004; Muller-Landau et al.,2006). In fact, mature trees can be shorter than predicted fromdiameter alone due to climatic and environmental variation alongwith other factors. Architectural differences in branches, roots orcrowns along with tree damage could also explain the failure ofthe idealized predictions using either theoretical or empirical uni-versal scaling exponent models.

To solve this inconvenience, Chave et al. (2005) included wooddensity and H (or its equivalent allometric model based on D) with-in their models and proposed a global forest classification systemthat contains three climatic categories (dry, moist, and wet) to ac-count for climatic constraints determining the AGB variation. How-ever, this climatic classification, currently accepted at a global scale(e.g., Feldpausch et al., 2010), could lead to a very weak differenti-ation of forest types at both regional and local scales. In altitudinalgradients, for example, variations in temperature and solar radia-tion are expected to cause changes in the degree of humidity,affecting both productivity rates and AGB distribution patterns(Aiba and Kitayama, 1999; Girardin et al., 2010). Thus, other forestclassifications that include a greater number of forest types, at a re-gional scale, could provide additional information to improve ourknowledge of biomass distribution in the presence of complexenvironmental gradients.

In this study, we analyzed new AGB data for 631 trees(DP 10 cm) representing different biogeographical regions inColombia to evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of the most pop-ular pantropical AGB models for these regions (Brown et al., 1989;Chave et al., 2005; Zianis, 2008). Colombia, a tropical countrywith acontinental surface area of 1.1 million km2 and which still containsa good portion of forests in climatically and geological diverse re-gions (IDEAM et al., 2007), provides a test bed for the applicabilityof pantropical allometric models. Therefore, the aims of this re-search are the following: (1) to evaluate the accuracy of the mostcommonly employed pantropical allometric models to estimateAGB in different sites located along a complex environmental gradi-ent; (2) to develop new models that enable more precise estima-tions of the current carbon stores in the AGB of natural forestecosystems in Colombia; and (3) to evaluate the effect on allometricmodels of forest type classifications as determinants of AGB varia-tion. This study is expected to contribute to the implementationof efficient conservation mechanisms and policies based on abetter quantification of the environmental services provided by for-ests in the carbon cycle at national and regional scales (e.g., REDD).

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Study sites

This study took place in Colombia in natural forests locatedalong a complex environmental gradient that includes differentgeological, biogeographical and climatic regions (Table 1; Fig-

ure S1). The AGB information used for the study was obtained frompublished and unpublished works, including data from 15 sites (14in Colombia and one in Puerto Rico), one of which (Overman et al.,1994) was included in the Chave et al. (2005) dataset. The PuertoRico site corresponds to a subtropical dry forest (STd) of the Carib-bean region (Brandeis et al., 2006) and was included due to the lownumber of individuals available for the tropical dry forest region,the ecosystem type considered to be the most threatened inColombia (Chaves and Santamaría 2006). Although it would havebeen desirable to include them, no tree biomass data were foundfor other neotropical high mountain forests (>2000 masl) from re-gions other than Colombia. From this point onwards, we will referto the AGB in Colombia, even though this study includes the onesite outside of the country.

All of the sites where trees were harvested were selected in situon the principle of being in a mature and well-preserved forest, ex-cept for the SCRion site, which included trees from fallows be-tween 10 and 35 years old. However, in Colombia, some regionshave been strongly deforested, and we cannot be sure that forestdegradation has not occurred in the past. In particular, dry forestscovers are currently represented by only 5% of the original cover,making it difficult to expect a completely undisturbed patch of for-est, at least in the sampled regions. Likewise, deforestation in theAndean mountains has already destroyed approximately 75% ofthe original forest cover (Armenteras et al. 2003). Further, approx-imately 80% of the 45 million people inhabiting the country live inthe Colombian Andean region, and this anthropogenic influencehas left its fingerprint on the current stage of the natural forests,again making it difficult to be sure that the studied sites havenot been disturbed in the past. Therefore, it is expected that thelikely degradation to which these forests may have been submittedmust in principle have reduced the average wood density com-pared to completely undisturbed forests. However, it is importantto realize that the studied sites are a very representative sample ofthe forests existing in Colombia today.

2.2. Tree harvesting

A total of 631 trees with DP 10 cm, measured at 1.3 m or abovebuttresses (FAO, 2004), harvested from Colombian forests were in-cluded in this study. A total of 185 of the trees were already in-cluded in other publications (Saldarriaga et al., 1988; Overmanet al., 1994; Brandeis et al., 2006; Sierra et al., 2007), while datafrom 446 of the trees are newly presented in this study (Table 1).In most cases, the selected harvest trees came from a previous plotcensus, in which the dominant species and number of sample treeswere selected according to the diameter distribution in each loca-tion (see details in Electronic Supplementary Material S1). Afterbeing felled, the total height (H) of the trees was measured onthe ground using a measuring tape from the base towards the apexof the crown. The majority of trees (69%; D 6 30 cm) were felled,and all of their components were separated into pools (trunk,branches and foliage) that were directly weighed in the field usingscales with a 200-kg capacity. The remaining trees (31%;DP 30 cm) were felled, and the branches and foliage wereweighed in the field as before, but the trunks were cut into sections(logs) to estimate their volume. The volume (V) of each section wasestimated employing the Smalian approach, which is defined byV = (p/8)⁄L⁄(d12 + d22), where d1 and d2 are the diameter of thelog at each extreme. The total volume of the trunk was calculatedas the sum of the volume of all of the sections or logs. Two to sixsamples of wood from the transverse section of the trunk andbranches were taken from each tree to determine the moisturecontent (CH%) and specific wood density (q = dry weight/greenvolume in g cm!3) of each pool. Likewise, three foliage samplesof each tree were taken to determine their moisture content (CH%).

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Author's personal copy

The fresh volume of the wood samples collected in the field wasdetermined using geometrical methods. The height of the samplewas calculated as the average of 4–6 measurements of differentparts of the sample, while its area was obtained after tracing theexact shape of the sample on a piece of paper. All of the sampleswere dried at temperatures between 102–105 "C until theyreached a constant weight and were subsequently weighed usingprecision scales to 0.001 g. In this way, the dry weight of the treeswith D 6 30 cm was obtained by multiplying the fresh weight ofeach pool (obtained in the field) by 1 – CH% of the samples. Inthe case of trees with D > 30 cm, the biomass was obtained by mul-tiplying the trunk volume by the wood density of the trunk andsubsequently adding the dry weight of the branches and foliage.However, for trees collected in the Bcal and Rmelc locations, therewere not wood density measurements, but there were botanicalidentifications. For these trees from South and Central America hu-mid forests, a wood density value was assigned to each individualat the species, genus or family level according to Chave et al. (2009)and Zanne et al. (2009). In contrast, for the AraT site, trees did nothave vouchers or botanical identifications, but the wood densityfor each individual was available from field observations (i.e., Over-man et al., 1994). Bearing these restrictions in mind, a databasewas created with botanical identification information, D (cm), H(m), q (gr cm!3), and dry weight or biomass (dry mass; kg).

2.3. Evaluation of existing models

We evaluated the accuracy of the pantropical allometric modelsdeveloped by Brown et al. (1989), Chave et al. (2005), and Zianis

(2008) (Table 2) by calculating the relative error in the total bio-mass for each site. The relative error (RE) was calculated usingthe following equation:

RE " #AGBpredicted ! AGBmeasured$=AGBmeasured:

Following Chave et al. (2005), the overall biases were evaluatedby examining the mean relative error (%), and the accuracy wasevaluated by examining the standard deviation of relative error(%) across sites, which represented the overall predictive powerof the regression (Chave et al., 2005).

2.4. Allometric models for the estimation of above-ground biomass inColombia

To develop new allometric models for Colombia, the methodol-ogy and nomenclature of Chave et al. (2005) were applied. Sixregression models based on D, H, and q (Type I models) as wellas six models that only consider D and q (Type II models) (seeChave et al. 2005 for details) were generated and tested. This anal-ysis was performed using two forest type classifications:

1. The forest type classification proposed by Chave et al. (2005),which delineates wet, moist, and dry forests. Wet forests aredefined as aseasonal forests in which evapotranspirationexceeds precipitation for less than one month of the year. Thisforest category corresponds to aseasonal lowland forests witha mean annual precipitation >3500 mm and cloud forests. Moistforests are defined as those in which evapotranspirationexceeds precipitation between one and five months, according

Table 1Descriptions of the sites where harvested trees were sampled for assessing AGB in this study. Life zones sensu Holdridge et al. (1971): Tm = Tropical moist, Tw = Tropical wet,STd = Subtropical dry, Td = Tropical dry, LMm = Lower montane moist, PMw = Premontane wet, LMw = Lower montane wet, PMm = Premontane moist and Mw = Montane wet.n = number of trees harvested in each site.

Site Region Latitude Longitude LifeZone


Rainfall(mm yr!1)

n D (cm) q (g cm!3) H (m) AGB-tree (kg)

CariSa Caribecoast

10"3704500N 75"1305500O Td 30 1030 20 27.2 ± 11.8(10.4–51.0)

0.53 ± 0.19(0.31–0.84)

13.2 ± 3.5(8.2–18.4)

304.9 ± 294.0(21.6–933.7)

BPRicob Puerto Rico 17"5803700N 66"4001800O STd 100 800 17 20.9 ± 8.5(10.3–45.0)

0.54 ± 0.25(0.31–0.79)

10.5 ± 2.9(5.9–15.3)

238.1 ± 282.2(20.3–1104.6)

AraLa Amazonia 0"3702800S 72"602400O Tm 100 3060 84 30.6 ± 25.2(10.0–130.0)

0.70 ± 0.15(0.38–0.97)

20.0 ± 8.6(7.5–44.3)

1612.6 ± 3128.6(17.9–17994.9)

AraPa Amazonia 0"3401700S 72"602100O Tm 100 3060 22 22.6 ± 13.3(10.2–55.0)

0.78 ± 0.04(0.71–0.85)

20.8 ± 4.7(12.4–31.5)

644.6 ± 946.2(43.1–3668.7)

AraTc Amazonia 0"3800100S 72"220700O Tm 100 3060 53 43.4 ± 24.3(10.2–97.9)

0.63 ± 0.14(0.32–0.89)

27.2 ± 6.4(14.9–39.3)

2638.0 ± 3129.9(26.9–12643.4)

CarOpa Magdalenavalley

6"350200N 73"5502800O Tm 300 3000 22 37.1 ± 25.6(10.0–84.3)

0.54 ± 0.11(0.35–0.75)

18.6 ± 8.6(6.7–36.2)

1538.9 ± 2159.9(43.1–7125.3)

Rmelca Magdalenavalley

6"2704100N 75"1005800O Tm 500 3000 161 25.0 ± 12.8(10.1–84.4)

0.57 ± 0.12(0.22–0.86)

18.2 ± 5.1(8.9–39.0)

590.8 ± 905.9(34.2–8181.0)

SCRiond Amazonia 1"5201100N 67"305500O Tm 100 3565 28 39.0 ± 32.7(11.6–136.8)

0.61 ± 0.12(0.30–0.77)

25.2 ± 5.0(17.4–37.9)

1447.7 ± 2233.3(61.5–9816.2)

Capiroa Choco 67" Tw 100 7000 53 51.7 ± 28.9(10.7–126.7)

0.51 ± 0.14(0.27–0.78)

29.7 ± 8.4(15.0–48.0)

3015.8 ± 3052.1(42.4–12006.0)

Bcala Choco 3"5905500N 76"5703100O Tw 97 8000 14 15.4 ± 8.1(10.5–37.5)

0.60 ± 0.09(0.51–0.78)

13.3 ± 6.8(6.0–30.0)

188.3 ± 413.5(15.3–1597.2)

Porcee CentralAndes C

6"4605100N 75"604600O PMm 1000 3050 87 41.9 ± 38.8(10.1–198.9)

0.52 ± 0.15(0.23–0.80)

22.0 ± 9.9(7.0–46.7)

2597.8 ± 4984.2(13.1–27504.8)

Svica East Andes 6"540500N 73"180400O PMm 1300 2000 14 30.7 ± 13.8(14.3–59.5)

0.64 ± 0.13(0.40–0.84)

16.8 ± 4.7(9.2–26.7)

693.6 ± 793.4(60.2–2487.3)

Pieda East Andes 7"204800N 73"00900O LMw 2350 2100 13 27.7 ± 19.6(10.4–62.7)

0.65 ± 0.10(0.50–0.84)

15.5 ± 6.2(9.3–26.7)

949.9 ± 1334.0(40.6–3948.3)

Shela CentralAndes

6"1605200N 75"3001000O LMw 2500 2500 31 18.1 ± 6.3(10.4–38.3)

0.57 ± 0.07(0.43–0.68)

11.2 ± 3.2(6.0–17.8)

201.6 ± 203.2(39.7–1115.0)

Tonaa East Andes 7"405100N 2"5505800O Mw 3100 1069 12 17.7 ± 4.1(10.9–26.5)

0.48 ± 0.05(0.39–0.62)

8.5 ± 2.4(5.2–13)

68.7 ± 48.0 (27.6–194.1)

a This study.b Brandeis et al. (2006).c Overman et al. (1994).d Saldarriaga et al. (1988).e Sierra et al. (2007).

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to climate averages over several years. This forest type corre-sponds to semi-deciduous lowland forests, which have a precip-itation of approximately 1550–3500 mm yr!1. Finally, dryforests are defined as those for which evapotranspirationexceeds precipitation for more than 5 months and overall pre-cipitation is less than 1500 mm yr!1.

2. The life zones system of Holdridge et al. (1971), which describesforest types based on altitudinal ranges (0–1000, 1000–2000,2000–2500, and 2500–3000 masl) according to their potentialevapotranspiration. This classification was used in another sim-ilar study but in a wider context (Brown et al. 1989). The treedata comes from the following life zones: tropical and subtrop-ical dry forest (Td & STd, both considered as dry), tropical moistforest (Tm), tropical wet forest (Tw), premontane moist forest(PMm), lower mountain wet forest (LMw), and montane wetforest (Mw).

For the selection of the best statistical model to estimate theindividual tree AGB, the Akaike information criterion (AIC) wasused, which penalizes according to the number of parameters(Burnham and Anderson, 2002; Chave et al., 2005). Better modelshave lower AIC values. For each of the models, the residual stan-dard error (RSE) was presented as an alternative criterion. Finally,for the selection of the overall best model according to the lowestbias and accuracy in each site, the estimated relative error wasused (Chave et al., 2005). A correction factor required for the backlogarithmic transformations was applied to generate predictionsusing all of the models, defined by the following equation: correc-tion factor = exp(RSE2/2) (Chave et al., 2005). All of the analyseswere performed using the program R 2.13.1 (R Development CoreTeam, 2011).

3. Results

3.1. Wood specific gravity and size patterns

The wood specific gravity (q in g cm!3), or wood density distri-bution, followed a bimodal pattern with maxima approximately5.5 g cm!3 and 7.5 g cm!3 (Fig. 1). The humped shape with an aver-age q of 7.5 g cm!3 was largely determined by the sampled trees inthe Araracuara region, Colombian Amazon, which were mainly lo-cated on nutrient-poor sandy soils (one of them on a white sandstransition zone). These three sites contained 51% of all of the indi-viduals with a qP 0.7. The SCRion site had the lowest mean q(0.61) in the Colombian Amazon. This site included a large portionof secondary species (S1). The lowest average q (0.48) was found inthe Tona site, located at the highest elevation (Table 1). Catego-rized by forest type, the q distribution under the Chave’s foresttype classification remained bimodal in the three forest categories,but showed a striking decrease of mean q in the dry forest. Underthe life zones classification, the q distribution in Tw, LMw, and Mw

were skewed but unimodal in shape, while the distribution in Td,Tm and PMm remained bimodal (Figure S2).

There were significant differences in the average q among foresttypesusingboth theChave’s forest type (one-wayANOVA;P < 0.001,DF = 628) and life zones classifications (P < 0.001, DF = 625)(Fig. 2). According to the Tukey honestly significant difference test,under the Chave’s forest type, the average q was significantlyhigher in wet (0.604 g cm!3) than in moist (0.535 g cm!3) anddry (0.534 g cm!3) forest types. According to the life zones,Tw forests had a higher average q (0.622 g cm!3) than all of theother forest types (mean 0.519 g cm!3) except for LMw(0.592 g cm!3).

Diameter (D) showed an inverse J-shaped distribution for bothall of the data and the data arranged by forest type. There were sig-nificant differences in the arithmetic mean D among forest typesunder both Chave’s forest type (P 6 0.001, DF = 628) and life zones(P 6 0.001, DF = 625) (Fig. 3). According to the life zones, Tw andPMm forests had a higher mean D (44.2 and 40.3 cm, respectively)than the other forest types. The lowest mean D was found in theMw forest (17.7 cm) (Table 1). Regarding mean height (H), therewere significant differences among forest types (life zones,P < 0.001 ⁄⁄⁄, DF = 625). H showed an inverse pattern with altitude,except in Td and STd forests (Table 1).

3.2. Estimation of the AGB of trees in Colombia using pantropicalmodels

Overall, the Zianis (2008) model had the lowest bias for esti-mating the total average AGB in different Colombian sites(-5.9%). However, this model was quite unstable at the site scale(39.1%). The Type I models of Chave et al. (2005; hereafter ChaveI) at the site scale underestimated the average AGB of the forestswithin acceptable limits (!10.6%) and had the lowest uncertainty(22.1%). The model of Brown et al. (1989; hereafter Brown) had asimilar but positive bias in magnitude at the site scale (10.7%)when compared to the Chave I but a slightly higher uncertainty(25.6%). However, except for the higher overestimation of the

Table 2Evaluated pantropical models for estimating the above-ground biomass (dry mass) of tropical trees from their diameter (cm), height (m), and wood density (g cm!3).

Model code Climate Model – Tree biomass (kg) Source

Chave Type I Dry exp (!2.187 + 0.916 ln(q D2 H)) = 0.112 (q D2 H)0.916 Chave et al. (2005)Chave Type I Moist exp (!2.977 + 0.916 % ln(q D2 H)) = 0.0509 (q D2 H) Chave et al. (2005)Chave Type I Wet exp (!2.557 + 0.940 ln(q D2 H))) = 0.0776 (q D2 H))0.940 Chave et al. (2005)Chave Type II Dry q exp (!0.667 + 1.784 ln(D) + 0.207 (ln(D))2 – 0.0281 (ln(D))3) Chave et al. (2005)Chave Type II Moist q exp (!1.499 + 2.148 ln(D) + 0.207 (ln(D))2 – 0.0281 (ln(D))3) Chave et al. (2005)Chave Type II Wet q exp (!1.239 + 1.980 ln(D) + 0.207 (ln(D))2 – 0.0281 (ln(D))3) Chave et al. (2005)Brown All exp (!2.4090 + 0.9522 In (q D2 H)) Brown et al. (1989)Zianis All 0.1424 D2.3679 Zianis (2008)


ity0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0





Wood density (g cm-3)Fig. 1. Wood density distribution for 631 trees (DP 10 cm) sampled in differentforest types in Colombia.

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Brown model at the CariS, SCRion, and Tona locations, it performedequally as well as or better than Chave I at all of other sites (Ta-ble 3). In contrast, Chave II overestimated by three- to fourfoldthe AGB in dry forests but underestimated the AGB in three ofthe four Amazonian sites (!13.9% to 31.1%) and had a tendencyto overestimate the AGB in the high mountain ecosystems(!10.3% to 83.9%). All of the pantropical models evaluated overes-timated the AGB in the SCRion (12.9% to 90.9%) and CariS sites(15.1% to 414%). Likewise, all of the pantropical models underesti-mated the AGB in the two highland (>2000 masl) sites of Pied(!10.7% to !32.3%) and Shel (!10.3% to 36.2%) (Table 3).

3.3. Models for estimating the above-ground biomass of forests inColombia

Of the Type I models at the individual scale, the Type I.1 modelthat used the life zones classification system was statistically thebest of all of the models evaluated (AIC = 369) (Table 4). ModelType I.1 also showed the best performance at the individual sitescale (Table 5). Model Type II.1 using the life zones classificationwas in turn the best statistical model of all of those evaluated atthe individual scale that did not include H (Table 4). Furthermore,at the site level, this model also had the best performance of all ofthe evaluated models in terms of both bias and accuracy(6 ± 19.6%) (Fig. 4).

The Chave’s forest type classification systematically led to mod-els for estimating individual tree AGB with higher AIC values(Table S1) and higher bias and accuracy than those employing thelife zones at the site scale. According to the AIC values of theType I models employing Chave’s forest type classification, the bestmodel was again Type I.1 (Table S1). However, the model with thelowest individual site-level error and uncertainty (8.3 ± 24.0%) wasmodel I.3 (Table 5); from a statistical point of view, this is a simplermodel and would be preferred. The inclusion of the three foresttypes defined by the Chave’s forest type classification as factors into

the general models did not substantially improve the model fit ateither individual or site scales (Table S1; Table 6). Similarly, the TypeII models incorporating the Chave’s forest type classification gener-ally developed into individual tree AGBmodels with higher AIC val-ues (Table 4), greater bias and lower accuracy at the site scale(Table 6) than themodels that used life zones as the forest classifica-tion system. Equally, for Type II models, the inclusion of Chave’s for-est type classification slightly improved the statistical performance(Table S1) and bias rather than accuracy (Table 6) in comparisonwith general Type II models that did not include it.

4. Discussion

4.1. Evaluation and accuracy of pantropical models

The allometric model developed by Zianis (2008), which onlyincluded D as explanatory variable, had the lowest net bias for esti-mating AGB in Colombia at the national scale. This model outper-formed other empirical models, such as those that included H, qand forest type (Brown et al., 1989; Chave et al., 2005). However,due to the high uncertainty associated with the Zianis model (Zian-is, 2008), one could also expect a high average deviation stemmingfrom chance, which would reduce its reliability for indiscriminateapplication at national or regional scales. To obtain reliable andprecise estimations of C and AGB based upon simple dendrometricvariables, such as D or basal area, model validation and construc-tion using regional or local data are required (Chambers et al.,2001; Baker et al., 2004; Sierra et al., 2007; Litton and Kauffman,2008; Basuki et al., 2009). In contrast, the generalized allometricmodels that included D, H, and q (Brown et al., 1989; Chaveet al., 2005), which had a slightly higher bias than the Zianis model,presented more stability and less uncertainty, confirming theirusefulness for the estimation of stored C in tropical forests on re-gional and global scales. Of all of the pantropical models evaluated

Fig. 2. Wood density among forest types. In the upper panel, the variation is based on the Chave’s forest type classification. In the lower panel, the variation is based on thelife zones classification.

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at the site scale, both the Chave I and Brown allometric models formixed species (Brown et al. 1989; Chave et al., 2005) appear as themost appropriate for estimating AGB in Colombian natural forests

when either regional or local allometric equations do not exist.Nonetheless, when the SCRion data taken mostly from secondaryforests were not taken into account for assessing the performance

Fig. 3. Diameter among forest types. In the upper panel, it is the Chave’s forest type classification. In the lower panel, it is the life zones classification.

Table 3Relative percent error of the total biomass (assessed as the sum of all trees weighed in each site) across 15 sites in Colombia for the allometric modelscommonly employed to assess AGB in tropical forests. The relative percent error was calculated as (AGBpredicted – AGBmeasured)/AGBmeasured % 100%. Chave’sforest type: forest type defined by Chave et al. (2005). SD: Standard deviation. The sites are as defined in Tables 1 and S1.

Site Total AGB (Mg) Chave’s forest type Relative error (%)

Chave I Chave II Brown Zianis

CariS 6.10 Dry 15.1 414 28.6 50.7BPRico 4.05 Dry !10.4 335.8 !0.8 1.1AraL 135.46 Wet !30.7 !31.1 !7.9 !35.1AraP 14.18 Wet !12.1 !13.9 15.4 !44.2AraT 139.82 Wet !22.3 !22.8 3.6 !38.5CarOp 33.86 Wet !24.5 !11.9 0.3 !15.0Rmelc 95.12 Wet !27.8 !21.3 !5.5 !28.4SCRion 40.54 Wet 42.4 53.9 90.9 27.4Capiro 159.84 Wet !18.2 !23.9 9.3 !18.6Bcal 2.64 Wet !15.8 !18.6 9.0 !28.5Porce 226.01 Moist 21.7 47.5 18.9 !1.7Svic 9.71 Moist !4.2 52.8 5.3 !10.2Pied 12.35 Wet !32.3 !13.9 !10.7 !30.1Shel 6.25 Wet !36.2 !10.3 !18.1 !19.0Tona 0.82 Wet !4.0 83.9 21.7 102

Mean (%) !10.6 54.7 10.7 !5.9SD (%) 22.1 135.7 25.6 39.1

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of all of the AGB pantropical models at the site scale (see details be-low), the Brown model’s bias decreased and accuracy increased to4.9 + 13.3%, while the Chave I model’s bias increased to !14.4% andaccuracy increased to 17.2%. Therefore, in this particular case forColombian forests, the Brown model might be recommended overthe most commonly employed Chave I. This finding is a striking re-sult, considering that most of data sources in Brown et al. (1989)came from other continents rather than America (Table 1, page884) and that the model tested was developed only for moist for-ests (Brown et al. 1989).

The Chave I model underestimated the AGB in 12 out of the 15sites studied. This result contrasts with other studies that havefound a systematic AGB overestimation using these models (Littonand Kauffman, 2008; Basuki et al., 2009). In these studies, theChave I AGB overestimation was mainly explained by the inclusionof very large trees from Asia. Asian trees have been shown to havea greater H:D rate of change than Amazonian trees (Feldpausch

et al., 2010), i.e., trees in Asia are taller at the same diameter thanthose in the Amazon. For this reason, and opposite to the results ofthis study, we might also expect an overestimation of the AGB oftrees from northwest Amazonia when employing the Chave Imodel. Therefore, it can be concluded that H:D relationships acrossdifferent forest types in Colombia were well-captured and well-modeled using Chave I, except in the SCRion site, suggesting thatmodel underestimation may be explained by changes in other fac-tors, such as wood density. This tendency of the Chave I model tounderestimate the AGB was confirmed at the stand level employ-ing plot data from the 25-ha Amacayacu plot in the ColombianAmazon. In this forest, we tested the AGB estimations using theChave I model against the Overman et al. (1994) model and a localbole biomass model under construction that does not includeeither branches or leaves. In the first case, we found that the Over-man model yielded 22% more AGB than that estimated by theChave I model. In the second case, we did not find significant

Table 4Tree biomass allometric models for Colombian forests following the life zones forest type classification of Holdridge et al. (1971) and according to Chave et al. (2005) approach butbased on life zones. Model coefficients: a, b1, b2, b3, c, and d. DF: degrees of freedom. RSE: Residual Standard Error. R2: Squared R. Life zones as in Table 1. AIC: Akaike’s InformationCriterion.

Forest type a b1 b2 b3 c d DF RSE R2 AICModels type Iln(AGB) = a + b1 ln(D) + c ln(H) + d ln(q)I.1 Mw !2.294 2.081 0.587 1.016

LMw !3.670 2.081 0.587 !0.360PMm !2.221 2.081 0.587 1.089 617 0.320 0.961 369Tm !2.919 2.081 0.587 0.391Tw !2.857 2.081 0.587 0.453Td & Std !2.217 2.081 0.587 1.092

I.2 All types !2.277 2.017 0.715 0.718 627 0.347 0.954 462

ln(AGB) = a + cln(D2 H q)I.3 Mw !2.485 – 0.937 !

LMw !2.032 – 0.937 –PMm !2.332 – 0.937 – 624 0.353 0.953 485Tm !2.261 – 0.937 –Tw !2.289 – 0.937 –Td & Std !2.328 – 0.937 –

I.4 All types !2.231 – 0.933 – 629 0.359 0.945 503ln(AGB) = a + ln(D2 H q)I.5 Mw !2.927 – – –

LMw !2.520 – – –PMm !2.904 – – – 625 0.367 0.954 533Tm !2.820 – – –Tw !2.889 – – –Td & Std !2.825 – – –

I.6 All types !2.818 – – – 630 0.376 – 561Models type IIln(AGB) = a + b1 ln(D)+b2(ln(D))2 + b3(ln(D))3 + d ln(q)II.1 Mw 3.130 !1.536 1.169 !0.122 1.767

LMw 1.836 !1.255 1.169 !0.122 !0.222PMm 1.960 !1.098 1.169 !0.122 1.061 611 0.336 0.958 436Tm 2.406 !1.289 1.169 !0.122 0.445Tw 1.662 !1.114 1.169 !0.122 0.331Td & Std 3.652 !1.697 1.169 !0.122 1.285

II.2 All types 3.103 !1.794 1.290 !0.128 0.819 626 0.393 0.941 619ln(AGB) = a + b1 ln(D)+b2(ln(D))2 + b3(ln(D))3 + ln(q)II.3 Mw 1.665 !0.633 0.892 !0.097 1

LMw 1.442 !0.295 0.892 !0.097 1PMm 0.780 !0.108 0.892 !0.097 1 617 0.360 0.952 515Tm 1.516 !0.289 0.892 !0.097 1Tw 0.921 !0.108 0.892 !0.097 1Td & Std 2.183 !0.665 0.892 !0.097 1

II.4 All types 2.789 !1.414 1.178 !0.118 1 627 0.396 0.940 626ln(AGB) = a + b1 ln(D)+ln(q)II.5 Mw !1.053 2.079 1

LMw !1.200 2.391 1PMm !1.410 2.431 1 619 0.364 0.951 530Tm !0.983 2.350 1Tw !1.482 2.499 1Td & Std !0.496 2.036 1

II.6 All types !1.218 2.404 1 629 0.399 0.939 634

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differences between the bole biomass local model and the AGBestimated using the Chave I model (A. Duque personal observation).These values are in line with the observed AGB differences (%) inthe Colombian sites assessed with the Chave I model.

Some fundamental differences in the way q was assessed andincluded in either the present study or the study by Chave et al.(2005) could explain the observed AGB underestimation usingthe Chave I model for the Colombian sites. First, the harvested treesampling schemes could affect comparisons among studies. Inmost of the study sites, we followed a sampling scheme for har-vesting trees based on the local species dominance, and thisscheme could drive the sampling to bias the typical average q ofeach forest as a whole. For example, the four sites from the Amazonbasin (AraL, AraP, AraT, and SCRion) had a higher average q (0.61 to0.78 g cm!3) than the 0.58 g cm!3 reported for the whole Amazonbasin (Ter Steege et al., 2006). These Colombian Amazon sites werelocated on poor, sandy soils largely dominated by the Legumino-sae, Lecythidaceae, and Sapotaceae families, which usually have ahigh wood density. This trend could have led to higher average val-ues in this dataset than in those obtained under a random sam-pling scheme. Because dominant species usually representapproximately 70% of the total individuals (Pitman et al., 2001),this assertion may be considered as a hypothesis that would needto be tested. Second, measured versus inferred wood density val-ues could create different model outcomes. The inferred q valuesfrom the literature have several disadvantages in comparison tofield measurement values because they add an additional amountof uncertainty to the models. For example, when a comparison wasmade between observed and inferred q values, according to thePearson correlation coefficient, the inferred data explained 79%(n = 266; P 6 0.001) of the variation at the species level, 67%(n = 456; P 6 0.001) at the genus level, and 51% (n = 456;P 6 0.001) at the family level. Furthermore, the inferred q data as-sumed a unique value for each species even under different envi-ronmental conditions, in contrast to what would be found in

nature (Patiño et al. 2009). Third, the use of datasets constructedby different research teams at different times brings to the models(both the models used by Chave and in this study) an unknownamount of uncertainty due to the impossibility of ensuring stan-dard procedures in both field and laboratory conditions. This chal-lenge is particularly true for the Chave et al. (2005) study, whichincorporated a significant amount of raw information from figuresin the literature. Therefore, additional studies following standardtree-harvesting sampling methods at large scales and using stan-dardized procedures will help to improve the estimation of theAGB in natural tropical ecosystems.

The Chave II model (without H) showed very high bias anduncertainty in estimating the AGB figures for the Colombian for-ests. In addition to the concerns related to q measurement dis-cussed above, the results showed that changes in the H:Drelationship determined by the environmental variation includedin this study were not detected by this model; this lack of detectionappears to be the most likely explanation for the observed 55%mean overestimation. A similar result was found at the stand levelalong an altitudinal gradient in Peru, where the Chave II modeloverestimated the AGB by 52% (±10%) (Girardin et al., 2010). Theseauthors claimed that the trees become more squat and stuntedwith increasing elevation. The lack of fit using the Chave II modelfor the H:D relationship caused a systematic AGB overestimation.However, the average q of all of the sites located over 2000 maslwas 28% (±36%), a finding that did not support the hypothesis ofa systematic overestimation caused only by the variation in treeform with increasing elevation. The AGB overestimation in theTona site (83%) by the Chave II model likely did not result onlyfrom the effect of tree form variation. The overestimation mayrather be a combined effect of tree form and a lower mean q, whichwas found in this site. Indeed, the high bias and accuracy associ-ated with the Chave II model was largely based on the AGB overes-timation by approximately 300% to 400% of the two dry forestsincluded in this work. A high portion of pioneer species represent-ing dry forests and the Tona site, as shown by the average q, seemsto promote a systematic AGB overestimation of the Chave II model.Typical secondary species could also alter the H:D relationship be-cause they are expected to be taller at a given diameter than slow-growing or shade-tolerant species. This allometric change does notseem to be properly assessed by the Chave II model. Indeed, theChave II model developed for dry forests (Chave et al., 2005) ap-pears to have been built based on dry forests different from thoseexisting in Colombia, which correspond to one of the most threa-tened ecosystems in this country that is currently represented byonly 5% of its original cover (Chaves and Santamaría, 2006). In spiteof the fact that the Chave II model is the most widely used modelfor estimating AGB data coming from forestry inventories (seeChave et al., 2008), this study suggests that the use of that modelwill require an assessment with external data prior toimplementation.

4.2. Allometric models for the estimation of AGB in Colombia

The Type I.1 models developed in this study using the life zonesclassification was the best model for assessing the AGB of individ-ual trees, yet this model showed an overall higher bias (8.1%) andlower accuracy (22.5%) at the site scale than that obtained employ-ing the Type II.1 model (6.0 and 19.6%, respectively). Such a resultis quite controversial because it means that H:D allometry is bettermodeled by a D cubic log-transformed polynomial than by H itself.However, when analyzing the goodness-of-fit test employed at thesite scale (Table 5), it is clear that the SCRion site data were sys-tematically and significantly overestimated using all of the models(including the Type II, see Table 6). It seems that the SCRion sitedoes not belong to the same population of individual trees as the

Table 5Evaluation of the Type I models developed for assessing above-ground biomass inColombian forests with forest type according to the life zones classification.The values are percentages (%) of the total error, as explained in the methodssection. The bias and uncertainty for the same models but excluding the SCRionsite from the mean and SD calculations are shown. The details at the site scale for theevaluation of the Type I models developed following the Chave’s forest typeclassification are presented in Table S2.

Site AGB (Mg) Total relative error per site (%)

I.1 I.2 I.3 I.4 I.5 I.6

CariS 6.1 21.2 41.3 20.8 28.5 31.8 32.7BPRico 4.0 !0.9 4.4 !6.5 !0.4 0.6 1.3AraL 135.5 !6.4 !10.6 !10.3 !11.5 4.8 5.0AraP 14.2 !4.1 2.8 14.2 13.2 24.5 24.7AraT 139.8 !4.2 !3.4 0.5 !0.9 18.9 19.0CarOp 33.9 10.5 2.1 !2.2 !3.4 13.1 13.3Rmelc 95.1 !1.4 !6.6 !6.1 !6.8 0.7 0.8SCRion 40.5 84.8 83.7 84.0 81.0 123.9 124.2Capiro 159.8 3.9 7.6 2.9 4.2 17.9 26.6Bcal 2.6 !2.8 4.6 6.8 9.3 3.8 11.4Porce 226.0 11.4 19.7 6.0 11.8 31.0 42.6Svic 9.7 5.2 7.7 !2.5 3.9 3.1 12.3Pied 12.3 !3.0 !10.7 10.5 !13.0 32.1 !2.0Shel 6.2 7.2 !12.9 4.9 !16.7 9.0 !19.1Tona 0.8 0.0 46.3 0.7 26.1 2.9 14.6

Mean (%) 8.1 11.7 8.3 8.3 21.2 20.5SD (%) 22.5 26.5 22.5 24.0 24.0 32.5

Models Type I life zones classification excluding the SCRion siteMean (%) 2.6 6.6 2.8 3.1 13.9 13.1SD (%) 7.8 18.1 8.5 13.7 12.1 15.8

Models Type I Chave’s forest type classificationMean (%) 10.6 11.7 8.3 8.3 20.5 20.5SD (%) 26.8 26.5 24.0 24.0 24.0 32.5

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other remaining sites because 78% of the harvested trees at theSCRion site came from fallows with ages between 10 to 35 years(Saldarriaga et al., 1988). However, the main differences of theSCRion site may come from particular H:D relationships in this site,supported by the fact that the mean q (0.61 g cm!3) was similar tothat expected in mature forests. This high mean q for forestsincluding pioneer species is due to in very poor sandy soils, themean q of mature forest may be higher than 0.7 g cm!3 as wasshown in the AraP site. Indeed, Type I models were shown to besensitive to the inclusion of secondary forests, such as those sam-pled in the SCRion site, leading the general performance of themodels to a higher bias and inaccuracy than that found in otherstudies also carried out at large scales (Chave et al., 2005).

In fact, when we evaluated the overall bias by examining themean relative error and the accuracy by examining the standarddeviation of relative error across all of the sites excluding the

SCRion site, the Type I.1 model reached an overall performanceof 2.6 ± 7.8% in the remaining sites (Table 5). The accuracy of thesefindings was even better than that obtained with model Type II.1,which still showed the lowest bias of all of the tested models(1.8 ± 11.3%), after excluding the SCRion site (Table 6). We alsodeveloped alternative (A) new models and selected the best ones,Type IA and Type IIA, following the same criteria as before butwithout including the 28 trees from the SCRion site (Table S4).However, these models did not perform better at the site scale thanthe two models selected above (Table S5). Therefore, the two bestmodels already presented here both with and without including H(Type I.3 and Type II.1), based on all 631 trees instead of 603 (notincluding the SCRion site), appear to be the best option for estimat-ing the carbon stored in the AGB of individual trees and foreststands in Colombian natural forests. This assertion will remain trueonly if there are not local AGB equations.





4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10

4 6 8 10









4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10

Tropical moist

4 6 8 10





Observed biomass

Tropical moist

Tropical wet

Tropical wet

Tropical dry

Tropical dry

Montane wet Lower montane wet Premontane moist

Premontane moistLower montane wetMontane wet

Fig. 4. Observed versus predicted values of above-ground biomass for 631 trees in different forest types, according to the life zones classification. The values are based on theType I.1 (upper panel) or Type II.1 model (lower panel) developed for Colombian forests. Each dot represents an individually weighed tree.

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4.3. Forest type classification as a determinant of the AGB distribution

At the site scale, the use of Type I models based on the Chave’sforest type classification did not result in a significant reduction inthe bias or uncertainty of the AGB estimation in Colombia. Theseresults demonstrate that the Chave’s forest type classificationwas not able to differentiate the expected variation in tree formamong forest types along the altitudinal gradient, which largelycauses the variation in AGB (Aiba and Kitayama, 1999; Girardinet al., 2010). In the case of Type II models, the models constructedusing the Chave’s forest type classification produced more impre-cise and uncertain estimations than when the life zones classifica-tion was employed. For example, the Type II.1 model resulted in abias of 6.0% to 19.2%% and an accuracy of 19.2% to 42.4% when thelife zones and Chave’s forest type classifications were employed,respectively. These results emphasize that the forest categoriesused by Chave et al. (2005) on a global scale (see also Feldpauschet al., 2010) would not be ideal for measurement studies of C atnational or subnational scales in highly environmentally heteroge-neous countries, such as the Andean regions.

4.4. Sampling and model representativeness

Despite the fact that this work has possibly the best dataset everpublished of harvested trees for AGB studies from any neotropicalmountainous country, all of the models based on a small dataset ofsampled trees need to be considered as preliminary. For the partic-ular case of Colombia, a better understanding of the AGB variationin high lands as well as in dry forests will require additional datafrom newly harvested trees. However, we may consider that theChave models could also bring some unaccounted source of uncer-tainty from secondary information. Likewise, the basic informationincluded by Brown et al. (1989) also lacks q data from wet forests,has a lower sample size than this study, and is primarily based ondata from Asia, India, and Africa. Therefore, the new modelspresented here can be considered as an alternative option for

assessing carbon stocks in the AGB of natural forests in neotropicalcountries.

The mean q found in this study (0.58 ± 0.15 g cm!3) was similarto the one reported as expected for mature tropical forests (0.58 or0.6 g cm!3) in other studies (Chave et al., 2005; Ter Steege et al.,2006). However, we found a high variation in the mean q amongthe sites, which has surely been caused by forest degradation. InColombia, an assumption of an idealized mean q of 0.58 or0.6 g cm!3 in regions other than the Amazon basin is not supportedby empirical results and could result in a systematic overestima-tion of the AGB. The lower true mean q is due to significant ecosys-tem degradation caused by an annual deforestation rate ofapproximately 330,000 ha (IDEAM, 2010). As shown in this study,most of the sites from the Choco and Andean region had a lowermean q than the expected value for pristine forests. In high lands,however, many of the forest remnants in Colombia are dominatedby Quercus humboldtii (Fagaceae), a species with a mean q close to0.7 g cm!3 that can reach up to 35 m in height. This species, whichcan in many cases be considered as a pioneer species, shares itsnatural habitat with other families also with high q values (Lecyt-hidaceae, Juglandaceae, Lauraceae, and others). This species com-position explains why in high mountains, carbon stocks can inmany cases equal or surpass those reported for low lands (Phillipset al., 2011). Unfortunately, the site features where the data for thisstudy was taken may be considered as representative of a high por-tion of actual Colombian forests.

Thus, an additional question about the representativeness ofour q sample for each forest type cannot be resolved yet. It isimpossible, with a sample of 631 individuals, to attempt to repre-sent all of the forest types of a country with thousands of species.In an ideal distribution of q, we would expect a symmetrical uni-modal distribution of q in very diverse forests if the sample werelarge enough to capture it. However, we may not expect such a dis-tribution in forests dominated by very few species, such as the casein high lands, where skewed or bimodal distributions might ariseas well. To assess the q representativeness of our dataset, we

Table 6Evaluation of the Type II models developed for assessing AGB in Colombian forests with forest type according to the life zones classification. The values are percentages of the totalerror, as explained in the methods section. The bias and uncertainty for the same models but excluding the SCRion site from the mean and SD calculations are shown. The detailsat the site scale for the evaluation of the Type II models developed following the Chave’s forest type classification are presented in Table S3.

Site AGB (Mg) Total relative error per site (%)

I.1 I.2 I.3 I.4 I.5 I.6

CariS 6.1 3.6 92.7 2.7 90.5 2.9 84.0BPRico 4.0 !3.3 49.5 !10.2 54.7 !10.0 51.4AraL 135.5 !15.4 !12.8 !15.3 !11.9 !9.6 !10.5AraP 14.2 !4.5 2.0 11.9 8.2 8.7 4.5AraT 139.8 !10.6 !3.4 !4.3 !0.1 !0.1 !0.8CarOp 33.9 13.8 14.4 9.5 14.2 13.8 12.8Rmelc 95.1 3.8 !1.5 1.7 !1.3 !0.3 !3.9SCRion 40.5 65.0 87.2 79.5 94.9 109.9 111.3Capiro 159.8 7.6 !1.2 10.3 !2.3 17.4 1.1Bcal 2.6 !5.5 !0.9 5.1 0.1 2.2 !1.5Porce 226.0 2.1 3.4 3.2 5.0 22.4 30.5Svic 9.7 30.0 32.1 29.0 33.8 17.5 28.7Pied 12.3 !6.1 8.6 0.2 10.8 2.7 6.1Shel 6.2 8.5 7.7 6.8 8.3 6.0 8.3Tona 0.8 1.2 125.7 0.5 119.5 0.6 123.0

Mean (%) 6.0 26.9 8.7 28.3 12.3 29.7SD (%) 19.6 42.4 22.0 41.6 41.6 43.3

Models Type II life zones classification excluding the SCRion siteMean (%) 1.8 22.6 3.7 23.5 5.3 23.8SD (%) 11.3 40.4 10.5 38.7 9.7 38.3

Models Type II Chave’s forest type classificationMean (%) 19.2 26.9 20.2 28.3 23.1 29.7SD (%) 42.4 42.4 39.2 41.6 41.6 43.3

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compared our q dataset to an external dataset composed of 65,535tree individuals to which we assigned a q value from the literature.The trees were sampled in 121 plots ranging in size from 0.25 to1 ha that were each assigned to the life zones available for our data.First, we found that the q distribution of the whole plot datasetwas bimodal (Figure S3), similar to the main dataset used in thisstudy. Second, there were significant differences in the mean q be-tween the plot data and our data in the montane wet (0.63 vs. 0.48,respectively), premontane moist (0.57 vs. 0.54), and tropical wetzones (0.60 vs. 0.62). Thus, assuming that the 121 1-ha plots rep-resent Colombian forests, the dataset of q collected in this studywould be representative of only 50% of all of the mature foresttypes expected to occur in Colombia. According to this result, themodels developed in this study could be underestimating treeAGB in montane wet and premontane moist forests, but overesti-mating it in tropical wet forests. In the remaining three forest typesevaluated, we do not expect to have introduced any bias in theallometric models by differences in q between collected andplot-based datasets.

5. Conclusions

After the seminal work published by Chave et al. (2005), thisstudy appears as the first attempt to evaluate the overall perfor-mance of these widely employed models for estimating the AGBof tropical forests. The way we assess AGB has major implicationsfor understanding terrestrial carbon cycling and its role on climatechange. Our results mainly emphasized that Chave II models,which are the most widely employed models to estimate treeAGB in sites where local models do not exist, should be evaluatedbefore their use. Finally, forest type classification was shown to bean important determinant of AGB estimation when altitudinal andcomplex environmental gradients were included. The developmentand improvement of the existing models, perhaps by pooling exist-ing data, may help to foster new strategies to diminish forests lossand degradation along with their expected negative effects on cli-mate change.


E. Alvarez received funding from the Project ‘‘Capacidad Insti-tucional Técnica Científica para apoyar Proyectos REDD: Reducciónde Emisiones por Deforestación en Colombia’’, IDEAM, FundaciónNatura and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. A. Duquewas supported by Convocatoria Nacional de Investigación y decreación artística de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia 2010–2012. We thank two anonymous reviewers as well as Joe Mascaroand Helene Muller-Landau, who kindly helped us improve thequality of this manuscript.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, inthe online version, at doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2011.12.013.


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