This document is intended only for the use of Client personnel under the terms of the NDA on file. It may not be distributed outside the client organization without previous authorization from e-Builder. ©Copyright 2021, e-Builder, Inc 1

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This document is intended only for the use of Client personnel under the terms of the NDA on file. It may not be distributedoutside the client organization without previous authorization from e-Builder.

©Copyright 2021, e-Builder, Inc


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Table of Contents

What’s New 3

Processes 3

DocuSign Updates 3

Configuration Updates for Administrators - New option on Step Action 3

Document Preparation 5

Assigning an order 6

Access Delegation - Process Instance History 9

Business Intelligence (BI) Reporting 10

Nomenclature Changes 10

Express Report Conversion 10

Updated Save Report Dialog Box 11

Updated ExpressViews Interface 12

Updated Advanced Reports - Removal of Wizard and New Layout 13

Updated Dashboards 14

Security Changes 15

Disable Public Folders and Files at the Account level 15

Password Control 16

Email Notifications 17

API 18

Updated API Documentation 18

Other API Improvements 19

Resolved Cases 20

Bidder Portal 20

Cost 20

Custom Development 20

Documents 20

Forms 21

Reports 21

Schedules 21

User Setup 21

Your Opinion Matters 22


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What’s New

The following is a list of enhancements included in the release. If you have any questionsregarding this release, please contact e-Builder Technical Support.


DocuSign Updates

When multiple signatures are required in multiple places on a document, signing or initialing everyrequired place is sometimes missed - these omissions are sometimes not discovered until after theDocuSign download has been completed.

To ensure that these documents are properly signed, e-Builder has enhanced the eSignature process:

● Staff will now be able to precisely tag locations on documents for eSignature by each recipient,eliminating any missed areas.

● Project stakeholders who only interact with the construction program on rare occasions can betagged as external recipients so that no e-Builder license or user training is necessary in order toperform e-signatures.

Important: If you are an existing DocuSign client and would like to enable this enhancement, please haveyour e-Builder Administrator contact Technical Support to discuss the specifics of your DocuSign usecases before they enable the enhancement.

Configuration Updates for Administrators - New option on Step Action

Once a new document preparation step has been added to the workflow, administrators can nowprovide staff with the ability to prepare documents for eSignature by enabling this feature for the stepwhile designing the workflow.

Note: This action is not currently available in the Start step but can be added to subsequent steps in theworkflow. The capability to prepare documents for eSignature from the Start Step "Submit" action usingDocuSign, will be updated in an upcoming release.

Sample workflow step to upload and prepare documents for eSignature

On the Edit Action page, selecting the Prepare Document(s) for eSignature check box will allow theuser(s) in document preparation roles to open DocuSign and tag documents for eSignature by internaland external recipients.


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Note: The Require eSignature(s) check box will still be available on the Edit Action page. However, onlythe Prepare Document(s) for eSignature check box or the Require eSignature(s) check box can beenabled on a step action at a time. Once either check box has been selected, the other one will begreyed out and cannot be enabled.

New Prepare Document(s) for eSignature check box on the Edit Action page

Additional Information: For a list of additional troubleshooting steps you can take to check if youreSignature workflow is valid, see the Configure the eSignature Process topic in the Online Help.


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Document Preparation

When the workflow reaches a step with the document preparation feature enabled, the documentpreparer can take this action on it.

Taking Action to Prepare the Document

The document preparer will be required to first upload and prepare the document to be signed beforebeing able to move the process on to the next step.

Link on Instance Details page to prepare the document(s) for eSignature


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In the DocuSign recipient drop-down list, the names of every user in a Project Level Role that is an actoron steps that require eSignatures will be displayed.

Recipients list on DocuSign window

Using the Edit Recipients option from the recipients drop-down list, external recipients can be added by

entering their names and email addresses.

Assigning an order

To prevent inadvertent changes to the signing order as per the workflow, document recipients from

e-Builder are locked and the signing order is set to 1 by default. Any external recipients added using the

Edit Recipients window will be set to a default signing order of 2.

Note: It is important that you change the order to 1 for these recipients as well so that they receive the

documents at the same time as the e-Builder users. If the order is unchanged and remains as 2, the

document will be sent to these external recipients only after the document has been signed by the last

e-Builder user in a given workflow instance.


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Editing Recipients Window with locked Signing Order check box


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In the DocuSign window, the Documents pane on the right displays the current document being

prepared for eSignature. If there are multiple documents being sent in the same envelope, each

document can be selected from this right pane.

The left pane displays all the standard signature fields that can be added to the document.

The Signature control can be dragged and dropped from the left pane onto the document at the

appropriate place on the page to insert a signature field for the selected user.

Adding Standard Signature Fields to the document(s) for eSignature

This process can be repeated to add other eSignature options like Initials or Date Signed onto the page.

Once you have prepared the document, you can send it and move the workflow to the next step.

Advanced Options

Depending upon your DocuSign permissions profile, you may be able to upload additional documentsthat are external to e-Builder in this step. If you need further assistance, contact your DocuSignAdministrator.


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Access Delegation - Process Instance History

e-Builder’s Access Delegation feature allows you to delegate your work to another user. In this release,we have enhanced the Process Instance History to accurately track every action taken by the user thatyou delegated work to.

The Data Fields tab and Dynamic Grid tabs will now display when the logged in user enters datacommenting on behalf of the delegator. The access delegation audit trail was added to the Commentstab in a previous release.

Access delegation history on Data Fields tab and Dynamic Grid tabs

Upcoming enhancements: Access delegation history details will be expanded further within the RoutingHistory and History grids, and BI Reporting in upcoming releases.


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Business Intelligence (BI) Reporting

Nomenclature Changes

The nomenclature used for the BI report types has been changed to standardize them.

Previous Report Types NomenclatureUpdated Report Types Nomenclature

Express View Express View

Standard Report Advanced Report

Dashboard Dashboard

Express Report (Express Reports are to be discontinued)

Matrix Report Crosstab Report

Chained Report Chained Report

Express Report Conversion (Express Reports to be discontinued in November 2021)

Express Reports will be discontinued in November 2021. Once this update occurs, you will no longer beable to add or edit new Express reports.

Existing Express Reports will continue to run as intended but they cannot be edited without firstconverting them to Advanced Reports.


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Converting Express Reports to Advanced Reports before editing them


● Before this report type is discontinued, existing Express reports can be converted to Advancedreports by editing them (Edit> Options tab> Advanced). This action cannot be undone.

● A new Convert Report menu option will be available to convert existing express reports toadvanced reports after the Express Reports are discontinued. (Available in October)

Updated Save Report Dialog Box

The layout of the Save Report dialog box has been updated to improve usability and resolve sizing issues.

More field options will be displayed depending upon the option you select in the Report Permissionsfield. The options are:

● This report is available only to me (My Personal Reports) - this option allows you to save thereport as a personal report.

● This report is available in the following folder and to all users - allows you to select a reportfolder.

● This report is available in the following folder and roles - allows you to select a report folder androles that can access this report.

Save Report Dialog Box - New Interface


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Updated ExpressViews Interface

The Express Views interface has been revamped completely for cleaner data presentation and ease ofuse. The features previously available in ExpressViews will still be available in the new interface.

Previously, a circle icon control (next to the column header) was used for grouping and sorting. Now, theadditional options symbol beside the column header can be used to access a menu with all the samegrouping and sorting functionalities in the new interface.

Updated controls for grouping and sorting

The new interface also displays only one line item or row of sample data as opposed to the 10 rows ofsample data in the old interface.


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Updated ExpressViews interface with sample data

Updated Advanced Reports - Removal of Wizard and New Layout

Previously, users had to go through the 4-step Advanced Reports wizard (formerly the Standard ReportsWizard with the Categories, Sorts, Filters, Layout steps) when creating a new advanced report. Once thisWizard was closed, users could not easily navigate back to the wizard steps and change functions/ filtersor access the same functionality.

In this update, when creating a new Advanced report, this Wizard will no longer be available but itsfunctionality will be available in the new interface.

Updated Advanced Reports interface with Add Section menu


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The Manage Data Objects button is used to access the Add Data Objects dialog box and specify dataobjects (formerly referred to as categories) to include in the report.

The filtering and sorting controls are grouped at the top of the toolbar in the new interface. In the newtoolbar section, the report level options are available at the top and the cell formatting options areavailable below it.

A formula may be added to cells by directly entering it into the formula bar. Existing formulae may alsobe edited in this section.

The Add Section button can now be used to access a drop-down menu with additional report sectionsthat can be added. The report header and footer can also be added and formatted here.

Updated Dashboards

In this update, a new tile on the dashboard will first appear as a placeholder and will not interface withthe database until the refresh button is clicked. This will prevent excessive performance lags due toconstant refreshing of data.

Updated Dashboard Tiles with Refresh button

Performance improvements in the dashboards and chained report sections are also currently beingworked on to improve responsiveness in BI reports.


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Security Changes

Disable Public Folders and Files at the Account level

Administrators can now disable public folders and files at the account level. A new check box has beenadded to the Security settings page (Setup> Administration Tools> Settings> Security).

Note: The Enable Public Access to document folders for all projects check box will be enabled bydefault.

New Public Access setting for document folders in the Security page

When the Enable Public Access to document folders for all projects setting is unchecked, files andfolders across the projects in the account will no longer be made publicly available. The public folder URLwill be removed from the Folder Properties page and the public file URL will be removed from the FileProperties page.


● When pre-existing public folder access is disabled, the previously public links will continue towork. However, the user will receive a warning message that the access has changed and thatthe file or folder has become private. Users will be redirected to log into the main applicationpage. (Not the public registration page.)

● If an Administrator turns off public access, previously public users will need a licensed e-Builderuser account and appropriate roles and permissions to the document folders.

● This setting is reversible. If the Administrator subsequently re-enables public access, all publicURLs are usable as they were previously.


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Password Control

A new list of security questions based on cybersecurity industry recommendations has been added toe-Builder. This new selection list is less vulnerable to social engineering techniques and hackingattempts.

On the next password expiration or password reset, the user will be required to select three new securityquestions and provide answers for them.

Note: This change does not apply to users who operate under Single Sign On (SSO).

New security questions for tighter password control


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Email Notifications

Email notifications sent by e-Builder when a new user is created or when a password is reset will nolonger contain a temporary password. This also applies to bidders on the Bid Portal.

The password reset email will now contain a Change your password button which lets the user resettheir password. Email messages to new users or bidders will contain a similar Get started button foractivating the new account.

New password reset button in password reset email notification

Note: This email button contains a link that will expire after 24 hours. If the user clicks the link after 24hours, an error message will be displayed and they will have the opportunity to reset their passwordagain.


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Updated API Documentation

e-Builder’s API documentation has been revamped to be more comprehensive and easier to use.

The published documentation will now be available at the following URL:


Some of the updates made to the documentation are:

● New layout and look with navigation on the left pane

Updated API Documentation

● Introduction and Getting Started sections for an overview of e-Builder APIs○ The Introduction section contains information about the usage of APIs in e-Builder○ The Getting Started section contains information about pre-requisites, environments,

URI parameters, pagination, filtering, and limits.● Folders with the different API endpoints that are available. Users can expand each folder and

select an endpoint to view additional details such as:○ Full URL path based on the currently selected environment○ Authorization information○ Parameters defined○ Output example code available in approximately 25 languages○ Response examples within the documentation

○ Endpoint descriptions


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Additional Details for API Endpoints

Other API Improvements● Payment Application (Pay App) information is now available for Commitment Item Invoice details

under the following URLs:

○ {{baseURL}}/api/v2/CommitmentInvoices/:invoiceId/items

○ {{baseURL}}/api/v2/CommitmentInvoiceItems/:invoiceItemId

○ The information returned is Total Materials Presently stored, Amt & Qty this period, and

some Retainage Information.

● The Last Modified Date query parameter has been added for the Schedules collection.


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Resolved Cases

The following is a list of resolved cases for the past month. If you have any questions regarding thismaintenance release, please contact e-Builder Technical Support.

Bidder Portal

Case # Resolution Notes

427625 Resolved an issue where the bid template MS Excel sheet export was not being re-importedcorrectly for unit cost items.


Case # Resolution Notes

429875 Resolved the calculation of a budget item's Unallocated Reserve in the following uniquescenario. A 0.00 budget is created and approved via a budget line item import, then a budgetchange is approved against any of the line items that were created via the import.

435533 Updated the code for commitment imports to ignore any null or empty cells in the import fileand only evaluate rows with data.

Custom Development

Case # Resolution Notes

439956 Resolved an error that occurred when downloading a template file from a custom process.

439997 Resolved a file format mismatch error that occurred while generating an MS Excel file duringan automation step.


Case # Resolution Notes

402746 Optimized the system's performance to improve speed while downloading documents fromthe Documents module to a ZIP file.

434121 Attached files to comments on a Master Cost process instance did not show the correct viewpermission for the user. Now, the actions available for the file will accurately reflect the user'spermissions.


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Case # Resolution Notes

441040 Resolved an issue where the user was unable to open any closed forms that they closed andcreated without errors.


Case # Resolution Notes

411371 Standard reports that contained groups and sorts on the same field were generating a badquery when run as scheduled report and then exported to MS Excel. This problem has beenresolved.

430883 Resolved a reporting error where formulas containing the same date field more than oncecaused invalid queries.

433047 Resolved an error that prevented a user from viewing all the process instances in the reportfor which they have viewing access permissions.


Case # Resolution Notes

428470 Resolved schedule templates that were not displaying through the Template button on theSchedule page.

User Setup

Case # Resolution Notes

434099 For the logged-in user, only the active accounts that they belong to will be displayed.


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Your Opinion Matters

We rely on your feedback to better serve you. If you have ideas about improving our product or service,

please don’t hesitate to let us know. Below are four ways to reach us.

● Like/Dislike – Located in the banner of e-Builder Enterprise™ are like and dislike

buttons. Click these to express your opinion of a particular page. This feedback is used to help

prioritize upcoming product enhancements.

● e-Builder Product Ideas – The Product Ideas portal gives you a platform to share your thoughts

on how to make e-Builder better. You can read and vote on the ideas of fellow e-Builder users or

post your own. The number of votes is one of the factors considered when forming e-Builder’s

roadmap. To access the Product Ideas portal, click the arrow next to your username within the

banner of e-Builder Enterprise, and then click Product Ideas.

● Support – Our Support staff is always available to meet your needs. To speak to a live customer

service representative, call us within the U.S. at 888-288-5717 and outside of the U.S. at

800-580-9322, or email us at [email protected].