Third party profitability in hdfc

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  • 8/8/2019 Third party profitability in hdfc








    SUBMITTED BY:- Shahnawaz Abdullah








    Research methodology

    The research methodology is conclusive in nature and the research deign is descriptive because of the fact that a well defined problem was given and conclusionswere being derived from it. The project report was prepared on behalf of HDFC Bank (Branch Anantnag). The aim of the project was to find the Impact of the third

    party products (TPPs) on the profitability of the HDFC Bank .The project report required the information regarding the organization as

    such , types of businesses it is dealing, basic information regarding third part

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    y products, various types of the products and besides these the financial information regarding these products so as to find their impact on the profitability of the bank.

    The information required for all these products was mainly derived from thesecondary source which include , annual reports , financial statements, companywebsites, published literature, business journals, newspapers and other relatedwebsites. Besides it, secondary source of data was also required to gather the b

    asic information about the third party products and for that reason direct interview of the staff was taken and views from customers were also taken into consideration.

    By analyzing the primary data and the secondary data conclusions were drawnfor the project.


    Banking industry in India is undergoing a rapid metamorphosis. The role of the traditional banker is replaced by a financial service provider for the clients. M

    ost of the PSU and the public sector banks in the country have started looking at their portfolio of services offered and what they should in the future for remaining competitive in the industry. The merger of Times Bank with the HDFC Bankpints the possibility of further consolidation in the industry for adding values. As a result of all these factors HDFC Bank has come up with its diverse investment avenues for the investors under one roof, helping it to attract more and more customers and generating lot of revenues for them. They term these products together as third party products, Mutual funds, Insurance and Bonds. The project,which we were assigned by the organization, was to find the impact of these third party products on the profitability of the Bank. The whole format for that purpose is organized as:-Problem undertaken:- The problem for which the whole project work was confinedwas to find out The impact of third party products on the profitability of the HD

    FC Bank.

    Approach and research design:- The research design was descriptive and the problem was approached by the way of collecting the information mainly from secondarydata and also from the primary data. Essentially financial data was collected from the secondary data while as the basic knowledge regarding the third party products was derived from the primary source by the way of interviewing the employees in the organization.

    Financial data analysis was done in the following manner:Total earnings from the third party products from all the branches for the year2008-09 were calculated from the income statement of the products. Total earnings TPP products from the Srinagar branch were calculated for the year 2008-09. Also variance between the planned and the actual earnings was taken into account in order to find whether the bank is fulfilling the planned requirements. Net profit of the year was taken from the income statement.

    Finally percentage contribution of the TPP products from the total profit figureof the bank was calculated.Recommendations were given whether there is any impact from the earnings on thetotal profitability.

    Major results:-

    The major results which came from the whole financial analysis were;The total earnings from the TPPs throughout the year from all the branches were Rs. 1,964,671,621. The total earnings from the TPPs throughout the year for the An

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    antnag were Rs.2, 235,118.

    Net profit for the bank through the year was 1, 141,45 lacks.Percentage contribution of TPP income on total profitability is 17.2% i.e. 17.2%of the total profits for the bank come from TPPs.After the analysis it was found that TPPs contribute to the total earnings of thebank by a satisfactory margin and it helps the bank in a number of ways such as

    increasing the profitability, make captivity, customer retention by way of providing number of products under one roof.

    Company backgroundWhat distinguishes HDFC Bank, the new futuristic bank, from other savvy banks isits position in the e- economy. The anywhere-anytime bank is not averse of accepting the fact that customer is the king and the bank has to tailor its products asper his requirements even if the new product has a negative NPV as its alternative strategy of doing nothing may only destroy value for HDFC Bank. Having established a massive base of customers and holding extensive information about them, HDFC Bank has already made head start. They are now all set to leverage these assets. The bankers in the new millennium therefore must attempt to make investmentin strategies and not merely remain confined to borrowing and lending. They shouldnow play a role of financial service providers for increasing their shareholders value.HDFC was incorporated in 1977 with the primary objective of meeting a social need that of promoting home ownership by providing long term finance to households for their house needs. HDFC was promoted with an initial share capital of Rs.100million. It is the first specialized Mortgage company in India providing financial assistance to individuals, corporate and developers for the purchase or construction of residential housing. It also provides property related services (e.g. property identification, sales services and valuation), training and consultancy. Of these activities, housing finance remains the dominant activity. HDFC has a client base of around 10,00,000 borrowers, 10,00,000 depositors, over 92,000 shareholders and 50,000 deposit agents, as at December 31, 2009. HDFC has raised funds from international agencies such as the World Bank, IFC (Washington), USAID, DEG, ADB and international syndicated loans, domestic term loans from bank

    s and insurance companies, bonds and deposits. HDFC has received the highest forits bonds and deposits program for the twelfth year in succession.PROMOTER:

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    HDFC is Indias premier housing finance company and enjoys an impeccable track record in India as well as in international markets. Since its inception in 1977,the corporation has maintained a consistent and healthy growth in its operationsto remain the market leader in mortgages. Its outstanding loan portfolio coverswell over a million dwelling units. HDFC has developed significant expertise inretail mortgage loans to different market segments and also has a large corporate client base or its housing related credit facilities. With its experience in

    the financial markets, a strong market reputation, large shareholder base and unique consumer franchise, HDFC was ideally positioned to promote a bank in the Indian environment.

    Business objectives:The primary objective of HDFC bank is:I. To enhance the residential housing stock in the country through the provision of housing finance in a systematic and professional manner, and to promotehome ownership.II. To increase the flow of resources to the housing sector by integrating the housing finance sector with the overall domestic financial markets.

    Organizational Goals:HDFCs main goals are to:a) Develop close relationships with individual households,b) Maintain its position as the premier housing finance institution in thecountry,c) Transform ideas into viable and creative,d) Provide consistently high returns to shareholders, ande) To grow through diversification by leveraging off the existing client base.SUBSIDIARY AND ASSOCIATE COMPANIES: HDFC Bank

    HDFC Mutual fund HDFC Standard Life Insurance Companies

    Mission, objective and values:-HDFC Banks mission is to be a world class Indian bank. The objective is to buildsound customer franchises across distinct businesses so as to be the preferred provider of banking services for target retail and wholesale customer segments, and to achieve healthy growth in profitability, consistent with the banks risk appetite. The bank is committed to maintain the highest level of ethical standards,professional integrity, corporate governance and regulatory compliance. HDFC Banks business philosophy is based on four core values:

    1) Operational excellence,2) Customer focus,3) Product leadership and4) People.

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    Capital structureThe authorized capital of HDFC Bank is Rs. 550 crore. The paid-up capital is Rs.455.3 crore.PATTERN OF CAPITAL STRUCTURE IN HDFC BANK:Name of the player Percentage contribution

    HDFC GROUP23.87%

    ADS DEPOSITORY 16.94%FIIS 27.64%SHAREHOLDERS 31.55%ADS=American depository shares, FIIs= Foreign institutional investors, No. of s

    hareholders = 455236564.

    The shares are listed on the Stock Exchange Mumbai, and the National Stock Exchange. The banks American depository shares are listed on the New York Stock Excha

    nge (NYSE) under the symbol HDB.MANAGEMENT OF HDFC BANK:Mr. Jagdish Capoor took over as the banks chairman in July 2001. Prior to this ,Mr. Capoor was a deputy governor of the reserve bank of India. The managing director , Mr. Aditya Puri , has been a professional banker for over 25 years and before joining HDFC bank in 1994 was heading Citibanks operations in Malaysia.

    BUSINESSES:-HDFC bank offers a wide range of commercial and transactional banking services and treasury products to wholesale and retail customers. The bank has following key business segments:I. Wholesale banking services:

    The banks target market ranges from large, blue-chip manufacturing compa

    nies in the Indian corporate to small and mid-sized corporate and agri-based businesses.For these customers, the bank provides a wide range of commercial and transactional banking services, including working capital finance, trade services, transactional services, cash management, etc. The bank is also a leading provider of structured solutions, which combine cash management services with vendor and distribution finance for facilitating superior supply chain management for its corporate customers. The bank has made significant inroads into the banking consortiaof a number of leading Indian corporate

    including multinationals, companies from the domestic business houses and primepublic sector companies, it is recognized as a leading provider of cash management and transactional banking solutions to corporate customers, mutual funds, stock exchange members and banks.II. Retail banking services:The objective of the retail bank is to provide its target market customers a full range of financial products and banking services, giving the customer a one-stop window for all his/her banking requirements.The products are backed by world-class service and delivered to the customers through the growing branch network, as well as through alternative delivery channels like ATMs, phone banking, net banking and mobile banking.

    The bank also has a wide array of retail loan products including auto loans, loans against marketable securities, personal loans and loans for two-wheelers. It is also a leading provider of depository participant (DP) services for retail customers, providing customers the facility to hold their investment in el

    ectronic form. HDFC bank was the first bank to launch an international debit card in association with VISA and issues the MasterCard maestro debit card as well.The bank launched its credit card business in late 2001.

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    As of march 2009, the banks distribution network had expanded to1,725 branches and 3,898 ATMs in 771 cities. The number of debit cards issued bythe bank touched 4 million while credit issued crossed the 13 million mark.

    The bank is also one of the leading players in the merchant acquiring business with over 70,000 point-of sale terminals for debit /credit cards acceptance at merchant establishments. The bank is well positioned as a leader in various net based B2C opportunities including a wide range of internet banking se

    rvices for fixed deposits, loans, bill payments, etc.III. Treasury :Within this business, the bank has three main product areas- foreign exchange and derivatives, local currency money market and debt securities, and equities. These services are provided through the banks treasury team. To comply with statutory reserve requirements, the bank is required to hold 25% of its deposits in government securities. The treasury business is responsible for managing the returns and market risk on this investment portfolio.


    Due to increasing focus on market captivity, the banking industry is witnessinga trend towards diversifying their businesses from simple borrowing and lendingto other forms of business in order to increase their market share.

    To be in consistent with the market trends, the banks offer their customers diverse avenues for investments which helps them to attract more customers and generating more revenues against offering multiple products under oneroof. For the successful survival it has become mandatory that the banks everynow and then provide their customers with new innovative products so that they become their hard core loyal and they achieve and maintain their status in the industry. Also because of the fact that todays customers are becoming more knowledge centered, they cannot be satisfied by mere words, hence banking industry is fo

    cusing on new and attractive products to their customers which they term as thethird party products. With the introduction of these products the companies areable to prevent the customer switching to a large extent.

    Keeping all these factors in view HDFC bank also offers these products to theircustomers. These are:1. Mutual funds.2. Insurance.3. Bonds.1.MUTUAL FUND

    Mutual funds are funds that pool the money of several investors to investin equity or debt markets. Mutual funds could be equity funds, debt funds or balanced funds. Funds are selected on quantitative parameters like volatility, FAMA Model , risk adjusted returns, and rolling return coupled with a qualitative analysis of fund performance and investment styles through regular interactions/due diligence processes with fund managers.History

    The mutual fund industry in India started in 1963 with the formation of Unit Trust of India, at the imitative of the government of India and reserve bank.

    The history of mutual fund in India can be broadly divided into four distinct phases.

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    First phase -1964-87(UTI established): at the end of 1988 UTI had Rs.6, 700 crores of assets under management. Second phase -1987-1993(entry of public sector fund): at the end of 1993, the mutual fund industry had assets under management of Rs.47, 004 crores. Third phase-1993-2003(entry of private sector fund): at the end of January 2003,there were 33 mutual funds with total assets of Rs.1,21,805 crores.

    Fourth phase-since February 2003: at the end of September 2004, there were 29 funds, which managed assets of Rs.1, 531, 08 corers under 421 schemes. Currently,in May 2007, 30 fund houses were managing Rs.3, 53,000 corers of investor money,out of which 80% was being managed by private fund.

    ConceptA mutual fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial goal. The money thus collected is then invested in capital market instruments such as shares, debenturs and other securities. The incomeearned through these investments and the capital appreciation relised is sharedby its units holders in proportion to the number of units owned by them.

    Mutual fund operation flow chart-

    InvestorsPassed back to pool their

    .money wit




    Generates Invest in


    Mutual fund in India is governed by SEBI (mutual fund) regulations 1996 as amended from time to time.Funds are selected on quantitative parameters like volatility, FAMA Model, ris

    k adjusted returns, and rolling returns coupled with a qualitative analisys offund performance and investment styles through regular inteaction /due diligence processes with fund manager.

    Mutual fund structure

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    there are numerous benefits of investing in mutual funds Flexibility:- mutual fund investments offers you a lot of flexibility with features such as systematic investment plans, systematic withdrawal plans and dividend reinvestment. Affordability:- they are available in units so this makes it very affordable. B

    ecause of the large corpus, even a small investor can benefit from its investment strategy.

    Liquidity:- in open ended scheme, you have the option of withdrawing or redeeming your money at any point of time at the current NAV. Diversification:- risk is lowered with mutual funds as they invest across different industries and stocks. Professional management:- expert fund managers of the mutual fund analyze all options based on experience and research. Potential of return:- the fund managers who take care of your mutual fund have access to information and statistics from leading economists and analysts aroundthe world, because of this, they are in a better position than individual invest

    ors to identify opportunities for your investments to furnish. Low costs:- the benefit of scale in brokerage, custodial and other fee translateinto lower costs for investors. Regulated for investor protection:- the mutual funds sector is regulated to safeguard the investors interest.

    Types of mutual fund scheme





    1) By investment objectiveschemes can be classified by way of their stated investment objective such as growth fund, balanced fund and index fund etc.

    a) Equity oriented schemesThese schemes, also commonly called growth schemes, seek to invest a majority

    of their funds in equities and a small portion in money market instruments. Such schemes have the potential to deliver superior returns over the long term. However, because they invest in equities, these schemes are exposed to fluctuationsin value especially in the short term.

    They are ideal for investors who have a long term investment horizon. The NAVprices of equity fund fluctuates with market value of the underlying stock which are influenced by external factors such as social, potential as well as economic. HDFC Growth fund, HDFC tax plan 2000 and HDFC i

    ndex fund are examples of equity schemes.

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    Growth fund/ tax plan

    Index fund

    Balanced fund


    Index schemes:-The primary of an index is to serve as a measure of the performance of the market as a whole, or a specific sector of the market. An index also serves as a relevant benchmark to evaluate the performance of mutual funds. Some investors are interested in investing in the market in general rather investing in any specificfund. Such investors are happy to receive the returns posted by the markets.These investors are comfortable investing in a fund that they believe is a goo

    d representative of the entire market. Index funds are launched and for such investors. An example to such a fund is the HDFC index fund.

    Tax saving scheme:

    The scheme is subject to securities and exchange board of India (mutual fund) re

    gulation, 1996 and the notifications issued by the ministry of finance (department of economics affairs), government of India regarding ELSS.subject to such conditions and limitation, as prescribed under section 88 of the income tax act,1961 subscription to the unit not exceeding Rs. 10,000 would beeligible to a deduction , from income tax , of an amount equal to 20% of the amount subscribed. HDFC tax plan 2000 is such a fund.b) Debt based schemeThese schemes, also commonly called income schemes, invest in debt securities such as corporate bond, debenture and government securities. The prices of these schemes tend to be more stable compared with equity schemes and most of the returns to the investors are generated through dividends or steady capital appreciation.These schemes are ideal for conservative investors or those not in a position totake higher equity risk, such as retired individuals. However, as compared to the money market schemes they do have a higher price fluctuation risk and compared to a gift fund they have a higher credit risk.

    c) Hybrid scheme :-These schemes are commonly known as balanced schemes. These invest in both equit

    ies as well as debt. By investing in a mix of this nature ,balanced schemes seekto attain the objective of income and moderate capital appreciation and are ideal for investors with a conservative, long term orientation, HDFC balanced fund

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    and HDFC childrens gift fund are examples of hybrid schemes. Figure.

    2) BY STRUCTURE:-Schemes can be classified as close-ended or open-ended depending upon whether they give the investor the option to redeem at any time (open-ended) or whether the investor has to wait till maturity of the scheme.

    a) open ended schemes;-The units offered by these schemes are available for sale and repurchase on anybusiness day at NAV based prices. Hence, the unit capita of the schemes keeps changing each day. Such schemes thus offer very high liquidity to investors.

    b)closed ended schemes:-The unit capital of a close-ended product is fixed as it makes a one-time sale of fixed number of units. These schemes are launched with an initial public offer(IPO) with a stated Maturity period after which the units are fully redeemed atNAV linked prices. Close-ended schemes are usually more illiquid as compared toopen-ended schemes and hence trade at a discount to the NAV.

    This discount tends towards the NAV closer to the maturity date of the scheme.c)interval schemes:-These schemes combine the features of open-ended and close-ended schemes. They may be traded on the stock exchange or may open for sale or redemption during pre-determined intervals at NAV based prices.


    a) TAX SAVING:- the scheme is subject to securities and exchange board of India(mutual funds) regulations, 1996 and the notifications issued by the ministry offinance (department of economic affairs), Government of india regarding ELSS.

    b) SPECIAL SCHEME :- these schemes restrict their investing to one or more pre-defined sectors, e.g.; technology sector since they depend upon the performanceof selected sectors only, these schemes are inherently more risky than generalpurpose scheme. They are suited for informed investors who wish to take a viewand risk on the concerned sector.

    c) INDEX SCHEME:- the primary purpose of an index is to serve as a measure of the performance of market. An index also serves as a relevant benchmark to evaluate the performance of mutual fund. Some investors are interested in investing inthe market in general rather than investing in any specific fund. Such investorsare happy to receive the returns posted by the markets.As it is not practical to invest in each and every stock in the market in proportion to its size, these investors are comfortable investing in a fund that theybelieve is a good representative of the entire market. Index fund are launchedand managed for such investors.

    Growth in assets under management:-The mutual fund industry in India started in 1963 with the formation of unit trust of India. At the initiative of the government of India and Reserve bank of India. The history of mutual funds in India can be broadly divided into distinct phases:

    1. First phase-1964-87.2. Second phase -1987-1993(entry of public sector funds)3. Third phase -1993-2003(entry of private sector funds)

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    4. Fourth phase since February 2003.figure

    Besides their own mutual fund they offer to their clients a wide variety of mutual funds as investment opportunities and in turn generate a major chunk of the revenues from these in the form of commissions, fees etc which add a significantportion to their overall profit figure rivaling the fact that they are of significant importance to overall profitability. The portfolio Comprises of RELIANCE M

    UTUAL FUND, TATA. FIDELITY, JP MORGAN, sDSP MRYLYNCH, ICICI, and so on. Thus they have an adequate impact on the overall profitability of the banks revenues.

    HDFC asset management company limited (AMC):-PLAN HDFC asset management company was incorporated under the companies act, 1956, On December 10, 1999, and was approved to act as an asset management companyfor the mutual fund by SEBI on July 3, 2000. In terms of the investment management agreement, the trustee has appointed HDFC asset management company limited tomanage the

    mutual fund. The paid up capital of the AMC is Rs.75.161 crore. The present share holding pattern of the AMC is as follows:

    HDFC 5010Standard life 4990Investments limitedThe AMC is managing 18 open-ended scheme of the mutual fund viz. HDFCGrowth fund (HGF) ,HDFC balanced fund (HBF),HDFC Income fund(HIF)HDFC LIQUID FUND(HLF),HDFC TAX PLAN2000(HTP),HDFC CHILDRENS GIFT FUND (HDFC CGF) ,HDFC GILT FUND(HGILT)HDFC SHORT TERM PLAN (HSTP)HDFC INDEX FUND


    HDFC mutual fund products/scheme

    Schemes:- Equity fund

    HDFC capital builder fundHDFC core and satellite fundHDFC equity fundHDFC growth fundHDFC long term equity fundHDFC premier multi-cap fundHDFC top 200 fundHDFC index fund

    HDFC index fund nifty planHDFC index fund SENSEX PLANHDFC index fund SENSEX plus PLAN

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    Equity linked savings schemeHDFC long term advantage fundHDFC tax saver

    Balanced fund

    HDFC balanced fundHDFC childrens gift fund investment planHDFC childrens gift fund savings planHDFC prudence fund

    Debt funds

    HDFC cash management fund savings plus plan

    HDFC floating rate income fund long term planHDFC gilt fund short term planHDFC gilt fund long term planHDFC high interested fundHDFC high interested fund short term planHDFC income fundHDFC MF monthly income plan- short term planHDFC MF monthly income plan- long term planHDFC multiple yield fundHDFC multiple yield fund plan 2005HDFC short term planHDFC quarterly interval fund-plan AHDFC quarterly interval fund-plan B

    Liquid fundsHDFC cash management fund call planHDFC cash management fund saving planHDFC floating rate income fund short term planHDFC liquid fundHDFC liquid fund PREMIUM PLANHDFC liquid fund - PREMIUM PLUS

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    HDFC Growth fundHDFC equity fundHDFC Top 200 fundHDFC capital builder fund HDFC core & satellite fund HDFC pre

    mier multi cap fund

    Nature of scheme Open ended growth scheme Open ended growth schemeOpen ended growth scheme Open ended growth scheme

    Open ended growth scheme Open ended growth scheme

    Investment objective

    Generate long term capital appreciation from a portfolio that is invested predominantly in equity and equity related instruments

    To achievecapital appreciation

    Generate long term capital appreciation from a portfolio of equity and equity linked investments primarily drawn from the companies in BSE 200 index.

    To achievecapital appreciationin long term

    Generate long term capital appreciation through equity investments in companies whose shares are quoting at prices below their true value Generatelong term capital appreciation through equity investments by investing in diversified portfolio of mid cap & large cap blue chip companies.

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    HDFC balancedFund HDFC prudenceFund HDFC long term advantageFund HDFC tax saver HDFC MF monthly income planNature of scheme Open ended balanced scheme Open ended balanced scheme Open ended linked saving scheme with a lock-in period of three yearsOpen ended equity linked savings scheme with a lock in period of three yearsOpen ended income scheme. monthly income is not assured and is subjected to availability of distributable surplusInvestment objective To generate long term capital appreciation along with cu

    rrent income from a combined portfolio of equity and equity related and debt andmoney market instruments To provide periodic returns and capital appreciation over a long period of time from a judicious mix of equity and debt investments with an aim to prevent / minimize any capital erosion Generate long term capital appreciation from a portfolio that is invested predominantly in equity and equity related instruments To achieve long term growth of capitalThe primary objective of scheme is to generate regular returns through investment primarily in debt and money market instruments. The secondary objective is togenerate long term capital appreciation by investing a portion of the schemes assets in equity and equity related schemes

    2.INSURANCEInsurance may be described as a social device, used to reduce or eliminate risk

    of loss to life and property. It is collective bearing of the risk as it spreadsthe risk and losses of few among a large number. Insurance is a scheme of economic cooperation by which members of the community share the unavoidable risks.HDFC bank offers a world of choice in insurance and you can avail life insuranceplan from HDFC standard life insurance and non-life insurance plan from HDFC and Bajaj Allianz (general insurance).

    HDFC standard life insurance company limited, promoted by HDFC was the first life insurance company in the private sector to be granted a certificate of registration (on October 23, 2000) by the insurance regulatory and development authority to transact life insurance business in India,

    HDFC standard life insurance co. ltd. is a joint venture between HDFC, Indias largest housing finance institution and standard life assurance company, Europes largest mutual life company.HDFC manages over Rs. 28,000 Crores in assets and standard life manages over US$100 billion in assets both the promotes are well known for their ethical dealings, and their financial strength.HDFC insurance plan includes:-



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    Plan today to ensure a bright future for your child. Start saving today with HDFC UNIT LINKED YOUNG STAR, so that your child is able to lead a life of respect and dignity with a secured financial future.Use HDFC standard lifes excellent investment options to maximize your savings andmaximize your childs achievements. The policy will provide security for your child and make those savings on your behalf, in your absence.

    FEATURES:-The HDEC unit linked young star gives you an outstanding investment opportunityby providing a choice of thoroughly researched and selected investments. Valuable protection in case of the insured parents unfortunate demise.very flexible benefit combinations and payment options . Flexible additional benefit options such as critical illness cover .

    BENIFITS: - The HDFC unit linked young star gives you DOUBLE BENIFIT:In case of unfortunate demise of the parent, HDFC standard life will pay the sum assured you had chosen to your child

    at the time of maturity, your child will receive the accumulated value of your fund.

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    This is an insurance policy that is designed to provide a retirement income for life with the freedom to maximize your investment returns. Stride into your golden years of retirement with dignity and pride.Use HDFC standard lifes excellent investment options to maximize your savings andsecure your golden years.Dont compromise on self-respect, ever. Go ahead, hold your head high and enjoylife with HDFC unit linked pension.

    FEATURS:-The HDFC UNIT LINKED PENSION gives you: an outstanding investment opportunity by providing a choice of thoroughly researched and selected investment. Low fund management charges designed to give you great maturity value. Flexibility to plan your retirement date. Freedom to invest premiums as per your preferences .

    BENIFITS:-The HDFC unit linked pension benefits you in the following ways : in the event of policy holders unfortunate demise before the end of the policy term , HDFC standard life will pay the unitized fund value to the nominee. On the chosen vesting date , the policy holder will get the value of the units in policy.As per prevailing government regulations: Policyholder can take 1/3rd of the fund value as tax-free cash lump sum and purchase annuity with the balance amount. Policyholder can purchase annuity with the entire fund value under the policy from HDFC standard life or any other insurer.

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    HDFC MONEY BACK POLICY:-With HDFC MONEY BACK Plan you can fulfill your short-term financial goals and even plan for the long-term.

    FEATURS:-The HDFC MONEY BACK Plan gives you : Invaluable financial support to achieve long-term as well as short-term financial goals. A wide range of terms and cash benefits schedules to choose from.

    A choice of taking the plan on a single life basis or a joint life ( first claim) basis. opportunity to live life on your own terms. choice of four optional benefits

    BENEFIT:-THE HDFC MONEY BACK Plan is a with profits Plan that gives you: a proportion of the basic sum assured in form of cash lump sums at regular 5 year intervals within the policy term of an ideal way to secure your short-term aswell as long-term financial goals( see the table given below ). A lump sum payment on survival up to maturity date. valuable protection to your family by way of lump sum payment in case of your unfortunate death within the policy term. This is over and above the earlier payo

    uts. Thereafter the policy will terminate.

    Term of policy

    Number of years from policy date

    Death bebefit

    5 1015202530With in policy term



    60% attaching bonus

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    100% sum assured + attaching bonus (over and above the earlier payment)




    40% +attaching bonus


    25%25%25%25% + attaching bonus

    2520% 20% 20% 20% 20%+ attaching bonus

    30 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 25% + attaching bonus

    (As a % of basic sum assured)The plan receives simple reversionary bonuses, which are usually added annually.

    At the end of the term as additional terminal bonus may be paid.

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    HDFC CHILDREN PLAN:-Today, providing a good education, establishing a professional career or even amodest wedding is quite expensive. This plan gives an opportunity to parents togive their children a life of dignity and respect with secured financial future.


    the HDFC CHILDREN PLAN gives valuable protection and invaluable financial support to the child. Works on beneficiary concept , where beneficiary is the sole person to receive the benefit under the policy. Provides you multiple options for multiple benefits. Helps you customize an ideal plan for your child.

    BENIFITS:-The HDFC CHILDREN PLAN gives you choice of three plan options : accelerated sum assured + bonuses declared. Sum assured + bonuses benefit plan the policy terminates immediately. Declared

    Maturity your family need not pay any further sum assured + bonuses benefit planpremiums and the policy continues. DeclaredDouble sum assured. Sum assured + bonuses benefit plan your family need not payany further declared premiums and the policy continues.the plan receives simple reversionary bonuses, which are usually added annually. at the end of the terms as additional terminal bonus may be paid.

    HDFC UNIT LINKED ENDOWMENT PLAN:-The HDFC unit linked endowment is a long term savings vehicle with a life will ensure that your family remains financially independent even if you arenot around . use HDFC standard life and excellent investment options to maximize your savings and secure you and your familys future.

    FEATURES:-The HDFC unit linked endowment gives you:

    An outstanding investment opportunity by providing a choice of thoroughly researched and selected investments. valuable protection to your family in case you are not around.

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    Low fund management charges designed to give you great maturity values. Flexible benefit combinations and payment options. Flexible additional benefit options such as critical illness cover. Access to your accumulated fund before maturity. You can choose your premium and the investment fund or funds. HDFC standard lifewill then, invest your premium allocation charges, in your chosen funds in theproportion you specify.

    BENIFITS:-The HDFC UNIT LINKED ENDOWMENT benefits you in the following ways: in the event of policyholders unfortunate demise before the end of the policy term, HDFC standard life will pay the greater of the sum assured(less any withdrawals made during the two year period immediately preceding the intimation of death) and the total fund value to policyholders family. the policy will terminate thereafter. on the chosen maturity date, the policyholders will get the value of the unitsin policy and the death and other risk cover will cease. However, you also havethe option to take your fund in periodical installments over the period, whichmay extend up to 5 years. This is called settlement option. At the end of this 5 y

    ear period, you will be redeemed the balance units at the prevailing unit price.Your policy will terminate the moment the balance of your units in all the funds reaches zero.

    b) HDFC savings assurance plan:-

    the HDFC savings assurance plan is an ideal plan to help you save and invest money regularly and build up a long term lump sum for your future needs. the premiums you pay are invested by HDFCstandard life to give you good long term lump sum for your future needs. the premiums you pay are invested by HDFC standard life to give you good long term returns in the form of bonuses.

    FEATURES:-the HDFC savings assurance plan gives you: opportunity to save and invest regularly. an ideal way to secure long term financial goals. hassle free no medical policy with minimal documentation. very flexible optional benefits and payment options. tax benefits on premiums paid and on the lump sum you recieve.

    BENEFITS:- on death during the first year, a sum equal to 80% of premiums received is payable . on death after the first year and during the policy term, all premiums paid to date will be returned with compound interest

    calculated at 6% per annum, subject to a maximum of sum assured plus reversionary bonuses declared to date. At the end of the term, you get basic sum assured plus bonuses declared. The plan receives simple reversionary bonuses , which are usually added annually. At the end of the term as additional terminal bonus may be paid.

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    C) HDFC term assurance plan

    As a judicious family man, your priority is to secure the well-being of those who depend on you. With this plan, you can ensure that they live a life of respectand dignity in your absence.

    FEATURS:-The HDFC term assurance plan can give you: An ideal way to secure the financial future of your loved ones. High cover at a very nominal cost plus an option of adding optional benefits tocover other eventualities . Choice of premium payment options- regular premium or a single one-time premium.Optional benefits based on your needs.

    Choice of taking the plan on a single life basis or a joint life (first claim) basis.


    In the case of your unfortunate demise or critical illness during the policy term, your nominies will receive the sum asured + any optional benefit due. Since this non-participating (with out profit) plan is pure risk cover plan, nobenefits are payable on survival of the insured life to the end of the term of the policy.

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    BENIFITSIn case of your unfortunate demise or critical illness during the policy terms,your nominee will receive the sum assured + any optional benefits due.Since this non-participating (without profit) plan is a pure risk cover plan, nobenefits are payable on survival of the insured life to the end of the term of the policy.


    It is a unique policy which cover fire accidents, burglary, theft , repairs of equipment , personal insurance for family member, jewellery etc., House hold packages Fire insurance Burglary insurance

    HOUSEHOLDERS PACKAGE :-ADVANTAGES:- Single proposal from. complete coverage at reduced premium. client needs being addressed. simple and quick documentation. related items got covered under respective sections .

    BENIFITSNo strain on pockets of insured saving on cost customized cover can be opted bythe insured save on time while proposing.

    FIRE INSURANCE:-Standard Fire And Special Perils Policy Scope Of cover

    It compensates for damages caused due to:- Fire , lightening, explosion/impulsion, aircraft damage,

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    riot, strike, malicious, terrorism, damage, storm tempest , flood, inundation, subsidence and landslide (including rockslide). Bursting and overflowing of water tanks; apparatus and pipes. Missile testing operations leakage from automatic sprinkler installation bush fire

    architects free not exceeding 3% of claim amount cost removal of debris not exceeding 1% of claim amount temporary removal of plant and machinery up to 60 days unoccupied building/property exceeding 30 days

    RobberyIn respect of contents of offices, warehouses, shops, etc. and cash in safe or strong room and also damage caused to the premises Extensions.

    It is possible to extend the policy to include loss of the insured property to cover burglary as a result of riot & strike risks.

    It is possible to extend the cover to include theft and larceny not accompaniedby violent ingress or exit. The extension does not cover losses detected duringroutine stock taking/checking.

    Exclusions The Policy does not cover loss or damage arising from War and warlike operation, Riot & strike, civil commotion, Terrorist activitiesconclusion of nature and / or Consequential loss by use of the keys to the safeunless obtained by force or threat.

    Any inmate or member of tie Insureds household or his business staff or any otherperson lawfully in the premises. Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity. Nuclear weapons material.

    HEALTH INSURANCE:It protects you from costly medical bills in case of any emergency. Our range ofhealth plans covers you and your family against expensive medical cares... Health guard Hospital cash Critical illness Personal guard

    HEALTH GUARD: -Health core costs are high and getting higher. Who will pay your bills if you have a serious accident or major illness? Most of the times we are unprepared forthese difficult times, emotionally, as well as financially. Bajaj Allianzs HealthGuard Policy, protect you and your family in case you need expensive medical care. It also offers you cashless benefit & medical reimbursement for hospitalization expenses.


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    Cashless Facility:- With Health Guard, the member has access to the cashless facility at various hospitals across India (Subject to exclusion and conditions). The member can opt for hospitals besides the empanelled ones, in which case theexpenses incurred by him shall be reimbursed within 14 working days from submission of the entire document.

    Pre and post hospitalization expenses: Covers relevant medical expenses incurred 60 days prior to and 90 days after hospitalization. Cumulative bonus of 5 % to your sum assured for every Claim free year. Family discount of 10 % is applicable. Covers ambulance charges in an emergency subject to limit of Rs. 1000 Health Check up for maximum amount of Rs. 1000 at the end of continuous four claim free year. Income tax benefit on the premium paid as per section 80-D of the income Tax Act.

    Advantages:- Option of treatment witnout making payments, across several hospitals. Existing disease can also be covered. Expenses covered for a longer period. Covers other expenses too.Benefits No strain on pockets of insured. Complete health coverage. Extended financial support. Comprehensive coverage.

    Easy and less time consuming.

    CRITICAL ILLNESS:A Critical Illness plan means you can insure yourself against the risk of serious illness in much the same way as you insure your car and your house. It will give you the same security of knowing that a guaranteed cash sum will be paid if the unexpected happens and you are diagnosed with a critical illness.

    The purpose of a critical illness plan is to let you put aside a small regular amount now, as an insurance against this entire happening. The statistics speak for themselves and if you become a part of them at least you will be sure that lack of money wont add to your problems.Bajaj Allianz, in its efforts to provide a customer centric solution is offeringan insurance policy to cover to some of these critical illnesses like

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    cancer Coronary artery by pass surgery First heart attack Kidney failureMultiple sclerosis Major organ transplantation stroke Arota GraftSurgeoryparalysis Primary pulmonary arterial hypertention

    Features Very competitive premium rates. Insured can opt for Sum Assured from 1,00,000 to Rs. 50,00,000. Premium paid is exempt under the Income Tax section 80 D. The product is offered from 6 to 59 years. Medical examination may be required in some cases based on the age and the benef

    it amount opted by the proposer.

    Advantages The benefit amount is payable once the disease is diagnosed meeting specific criteria and the insured survives 30 days after the diagnosis. The insured Expenses like donor expenses in a transplant surgery, which are notcovered under normal health insurance policy, can be paid out of the amount received under this cover both in India & abroad.

    Claims procedure; The insured needs to submit the claim from along with certificate from the specialist-confirming occurrence of the critical illness.BENEFITS:-

    Easy availability of money to take care of the medical expenses. All related expenses for treatment are covered. Most in the family can be covered. Frees insured of mental anxiety/stress during difficult times. Comprehensive coverage with nominal expense.

    HOSIPITAL CASH: -The Worst nightmare that anyone can have is the one when a family member is hospitalized. Today, when everything is uncertain nobody can be sure what will happen. A seemingly small ailment can turn into a major one. And what happens when the earning member of your family is hospitalized? The family goes through the trauma of a loved one being hospitalized as well as an increased financial burden.

    There are hospitalization expenses, doctors fees and various tests to be carriedout.. Meanwhile the patient loses out on his earning for being away from work,and a dismayed arid worried family begins to feel the anxiety of the financial i

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    mplications. But with a policy from Bajaj Allianz you and your family can be rest assured! It provides cash benefits for each and every completed day of hospitalization, Day for this purpose shall be every completed (24 hours) of hospitalization. However, period less than 24 hours shall be considered as a day if it isa period of 12 hours but includes 0300 hours.

    Features The Policy can be taken along with any other health insurance schemes, ESIS, CGHS etc. The Benefits payable are for each day of hospitalization. The benefit is doubled in case of ICU admission (for maximum 7 days). Photocopy of discharge card, along with copies of reports, bills and prescriptions corresponding required for claims processing. Premium amount paid up to Rs. 15000/- p.a. is eligible for tax exemption under SEC 80 D of the Income Tax Act.

    ADVANTAGES Can be taken along with other health products - Health guard & Critical illness. Additional financial support. Simple and quick claims processing. Acceptable age group for insured is 90 days till 60 years. Suitable at very lowpremium.

    BENEFITS Extended financial support. Extra support when desired most. Frees insured of mental anxiety / stress during difficult times. Most in the family can be covered under the policy. Comprehensive coverage with nominal expense.

    PERSONAL GUARD: -Life is full of uncertainties and unexpected events. Accidents can happen at home, at work, even at play. The death or injury of a breadwinner can create serious financial problems for any family. It is in situation like these, that you need to be prepared. To help you soften the blow Bajaj Allianz offers the PersonalGuard cover. The Personal Guard Policy offers these additional benefits

    FEATURES Comprehensive cover including death, permanent disability. Childrens educational bonus. Comprehensive package. Single Proposal form. Daily allowance: Hospital cash.

    ADVANTAGES Covers accident & accidental injuries. Additional sum at disposal for your childrens education.

    Single Proposal form. Simple documentation requirement.

    Takes care of the ailments leading to hospitalization.


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    Highest compensation in general insurance for cases of Permanent Total Disability - 125% of sum insured. Childrens education is not hampered due to your accidental death or injury. All the insurance requirements are addressed by a single policy. Less time spent in fulfilling procedural requirement. Reduces the financial burden on the family.


    while traveling you are exposed to many travel related risks, for which you should be insured. Travel companion Travel elite


    Traveling Overseas?Travel companion is specially designed to help you deal with situations while overseas travel.

    Features Covers medical expenses and repatriation. Covers for any delay or loss in baggage. Provides student package for students traveling abroad for abroad for studies. Family floater available

    Advantages Provides financial support outside the country. Can take care of any emergency purchases in case of loss / delay in baggage. Covers for accident of sponsor travel of family visit in case of hospitalizationof insured. Entire family can be covered under one policy.

    BENEFITS Spend for medical bills in foreign currency. Takes care of sudden and unforeseen expenditure. Takes care of expenditures in foreign land away from home. Convenient and hassle free trip for the family.

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    TRAVEL ELITE: -An exclusive policy for high-end travelers called Travel Elite- a cluster of benefits policy made for the specific customer group.Travel Elite is a plan for high end travelers who have various plans and packages to choose from; Travel Elite, Travel Age Elite, Travel Corporate Elite, Student Elite, Travel Asia Elite, Travel Elite Family.


    Covers personal accident and disability, medical expenses and repatriation. Compensation in addition to sum insured under personal accident during the course of journey. Covers for loss or delay of checked baggage and loss of passport Compensates for trip delay, curtailment and cancellation and pays when aircraftis hijacked. Direct settlement for in-hospital medical expenses abroad. Covers for home burglary. Reimburses expenses during Golfers Hole-in-one celebration.

    ADVANTAGES Covers cost of emergency purchase of replacement items during delay in checked b

    aggage. Can take care of any emergency purchases in case of loss / delay in baggage. Customized to the needs of high-end customers. Provides financial support outside the country.

    BENEFITS Take care of expenditure in foreign lands currency. Ensures convenient and hassle free trip f or the family. Help in sudden and unforeseen expenditure. Speed for medical bills in foreign currency.


    Technology has made our daily life simpler in various ways. Motor vehicle is aninvention which has made daily commuting easy. It is convenient and fast and sav

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    Loss arising out of the infidelity of the insured or employees. Loss of money from the insured premises where the money is not kept in a safe orstrong room after business hours money carried under a contract of affreightment. Loss of money from an unattended vehicle. Loss in any way contributed to by the insured. Loss caused by AOG perils.



    (in lacs)Title


    Profit After Tax(Cr.) 1141.5


    Deposits(Cr.) 68298100768.6142811.58

    Investment(Cr.) 30564.849393.5458817.54

    Loans(Cr.) 522247332885198


    Div. P/S 7.08.510.0

    Net Revenues(Cr.) 13328.7020741,6032680.89

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    Revenue from TPPS 412.081279.422146.04

    Revenues From Different Segments For The Financial Year 2009


    Anantnag Branch Profitability and CII Ratio (in lakhs)

    The branch has been able to earn 145 lakhs as against the planned 81 lakhs thusshowing an achievement of 179%. This indicates that the branch performance is very good. Comparing with the overall bank profitability, the branch contribution to it isonly 0.06%.The banks C/I ratio also shows a promising trend, thus overall the Branch has been able to meet the expectations of the Bank.


    (in lacs)Description


    Core Liabilities NIl168.28145.53111%

    Other NII8.165.12159%

    Total NII169.44150.65112%

    Total Fee and Commission Income 270.92232.33117%.

    Total Costs 124.93


    Contribution 145.99

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    Extra ordinary income (EOI) 0 0Extra ordinary expenses (EOE) 0.18


    Contribution after adjusting EOE 146.17


    CII ratio of the Branch46.05%64.91%

    Interpretation of the trend analysis:Financial Performance:

    The financial performance during the fiscal year 2008-09 remained healthy with t

    otal net revenues (net interest income plus other income) increasing by 42.4% toRs. 32680.89 crores from Rs.20741.60 crores in 2007-08. There is a continuous increase in case of Profit After Tax, Deposits, Revenues,EP5, and Dividend per share, and loans etc depicting that the Bank has been ableto meet the demand from its clientele and also create value for its shareholders. The Anantnag branch also witnessed an excellent profitability of about 146 lakhsduring the year 2008-09, thereby contributing 0.06% towards the total profitability of the bank, which is 225213 lakhs. The branch achieved the healthy growth which can be observed below.

    Plan Actual %81.51 lakhs 145.99 lakhs 179%

    The branch was able to achieve this level of profit because of the increase in Net Interest Income, Fee and Commission Income, and because of the reduction in Costs.The branch has achieved C/I ratio of 46.05% as against the planned 64.91%, whichis a good sign for the branch.

    EARNINGS FROM TPP BY THE BANK FOR THE YEAR 2008-9months Planned (in lakhs) achieved (in lakhs)June 08 1939 1232July 08 1625 1230August 08 1625 1436September 08 1626 1630October 08 2264 1160November 08 2264 1685December 08 2264 2553January 09 2267 1717February 09 2297 2004March 09 2299 1628Total 20470 16275


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    The above figure shows that the bank has not been able to achieve the planned target in certain months that resulted in the negative variance, which can be depicted, from the pie chart. Over all performance of the bank in case of earnings from Third Party Products is good because of the fact that the bank was able to earn 16275 lakhs from themthroughout the year.


    MONTH PLANNED ACHIEVED %APRIL 09 134400 304264 226%MAY 09 134400 182014 135%JUNE 09 134400 182017 135%JULY 09 112000 12013 10.75%AUGUST 09 112000 74510 66.50%SEPTEMBER 09 112000 109396 97.60%

    OCTOBER 09 156800 95739 61%NOVEMBER 09 156800 218695 139%DECEMBER 09 156800 827489 527%JANUARY 10 156800 41228 26%FEBERUARY 10 156800 412931 263%MARCH 10 156800 223992 142%TOTAL 1680000 2684288 160%



    The branch has shown a remarkable outcome in the TPP segment during the financial year 06-07 thus resulting in positive variance for the branch. It has been able to overshoot the planned target which was Rs.16.8 lakhs to Rs.26.84 lakhs with the month of December alone contributing to Rs. 8.27 lakhs thusenhancing the performance of the branch in the TPP earnings. The branch has achieved 160% of its target on the whole.


    Following conclusions were drawn from the analysis: The third party products form an integral part of the Banks Business in additionto its normal Business.The Banks third party distribution business continued to be a key revenue earnerwith income from sales of mutual funds and life insurance policies contributingover 6.56% of net revenue. In 2008-09 revenue from TPPs increase from 1279.42Cr. to 2146.04Cr. with the maindrivers being commission from distribution of third party mutual funds and insurance, fees on debit/credit cards and transactional charges/fees. The banks netprofit for the year was Rs. 32680.89 Cr. including the earnings from third partyproducts.

    In Anantnag branch TPPs contribute about 11.20% towards the total profitabilityof the Bank and is a good sign for the overall functioning of the bank. Providing the customers with the various avenues for investment helps the Bank i

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    n attracting more and more customers, customer retention and market captivity and which helps them to increase their earnings in the long run. The bank was not able to come up with the planned investments in third party products as was supposed to be, thus showing the variance -4195 despite it was ableto earn 1627 lacks as can be depicted below.

    Total earnings Plan Variance16275 20470 (4195)

    By providing these avenues to the customers the bank is able to create a good image in the market. This can be treated to be one of the important business strategies, which the organization has adopted for maintaining its status in the market.

    HDFC business strategy emphasizes the following:

    Increase the market share in Indias expanding banking and financial services industry by following a disciplined growth strategy focusing on balancing quality an

    d volume growth while delivering high quality customer service: Leverage our technology platform and open scalable systems to deliver more products to more customers and to control operating costs. Maintain high standards for asset quality through disciplined credit risk management. Develop innovative products and services that attract our targeted customers andaddress inefficiencies in the Indian financial sector. Continue to develop products and services that reduce our cost of funds. Focus on healthy earnings growth with low volatility.


    As far as recommendations are concerned1. HDFC Bank should not kept the AQB(Average Quarterly Balance) which is Rs5000/month as the locals who could not understand this, faces the problems as they are charged if this is not maintained.2. The procedure for any process (a/c opening, etc) should not be hectic and lengthy.3. As the HDFC anantnag is at off location, it should be somewhere near main town.4. ATM facility is very poor, as this is only attached with branch, so HDFCBank Anantnag should increase the number of ATMs in Anantnag.5. As the transitions per month in a saving a/c are limited which is 5/month should be increased as customers have to pay charges for more transitions permonth that is why they cant operate freely.6. HDFC has not started giving loans; they can help people by giving business loans etc.7. HDFC can increase number of branches thereby increasing employment opportunity.8. HDFC can lower a/c opening initial payment from Rs 6000/= to Rs1000 to 2000/= so that every local feels free to open their a/c in HDFC bank.



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